Final BIO Exam (Assignments)

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The cuticle limits growth and must be periodically shed to allow a new larger cuticle to be formed


The arthropods are the most successful group of animals; several key features explain their success:

growth through ecdysis; rigid exoskeleton made of chitin; jointed appendages; segments specialized into tagmata (morphologically distinct body sections)

An acoelomate is an animal that

has neither a coelom nor a pseudocoelom

If a mutation occurred in a flatworm such that the flame cells no longer functioned, what do you predict would be the consequence?

impaired excretory system function

In earthworms, what do the nerve cord, the setae, the circular muscles, and the metanephridia have in common?

repeated throughout body segments

The cuticle is a non-living cover that serves to both support and protect the animal.


What is special about the shell of the polyplacophora? (chiton)


Many insects make larvae that are very different from the adults. What do you think are advantages of this system?

Adults and offspring would not compete for food sources; Adults and offspring would not be vulnerable to the same predators; Adults and offspring would not be vulnerable to the same predators

The invertebrate group most closely related to the vertebrates is the


A disadvantage in possessing a cuticle is that it forces fertilization to be external.


T or F: All non-radiate animals, including the sponges, display bilateral symmetry.


T or F: Cnidarians can detect and react to prey using a centralized nervous system


T or F: Excretion is accomplished by paired protonephridia with flame cells in every segment of the body.


T or F: The circulatory system found in annelids is usually open


T or F: The epidermis, mesoglea, and gastrodermis represent the triploblastic condition found in all cnidarians


T or F: The swim bladder is an organ in primitive fish from which the lungs of terrestrial vertebrates developed


The cuticle is porous and the diffusion of respiratory gases, even through the thickest areas, is not a problem.


T or F: A jellyfish displaying radial symmetry can be divided into no more than 3 lines of symmetry

F (infinite times)

Bivalves are what kind of feeders?


Imagine a Poriferan that has lost its ability to produce spicules. What do you predict would happen to this sponge?

It would be less able to avoid predatory attacks and Its canals would be more vulnerable to collapse.

Your lab group is charged with the identification of an unknown creature. Your lab partners believe that is a small annelid because of its worm-like appearance. You argue it is a nematode. To convince your lab partners, you point out certain distinguishing characteristics. What are the characteristics that are associated with the nematodes?

Nematodes secrete a cuticle, which is made primarily of collagen; Internal fertilization; Their pseudocoelom functions both as a circulatory system and a hydrostatic skeleton

Adult echinoderms display __________ symmetry; however, their larvae display ____________ symmetry.

Pentaradial; bilateral

The hinged jaw seen in the gnathostome vertebrates developed from the ___________________ that help support the ______________ tissues.

Pharyngeal arches; respiratory

A previously unknown animal is being studied so that it can be classified. It is an invertebrate, triploblastic, dorsoventrally flattened, acoelomate, and has flame cells. Which phylum would you place it in?


Molecular data suggests that the Lophotrochozoa is a new clade of bilaterally symmetric animals that originally included phyla separated by differences in body plan (those lacking a coelom, possessing a pseudocoelom, or possessing a true coelom). What are all of the phyla that are included under this new taxonomic classification?

Platyhelminthes, Annelids, Mollusca

If you conducted an experiment in which you took a complete animal that had no germ layers and strained it through a fine-mesh cloth so that all its cells separated, then you placed all the cells together and they reunited to form a new animal, to which phylum would that animal likely belong? (This was an actual experiment.)


How would an animal compensate for a nonfunctional lateral line?

Pressure waves in the water would have to be detected by other sensory structures

You are a teaching assistant for an introductory biology laboratory. You would like your students to see connections between admittedly very different looking and functioning creatures that make up the major groups of vertebrates. What structures could you point to in fish that have connections in the evolutionary framework to higher vertebrates?

Skeletal developments leading to the amphibian movement onto land probably evolved from lobe-finned fishes; The anterior gill arch formed the basis for the evolution of the vertebrate jaw

Nematodes and arthropods utilize similar hormones in the molting process, suggesting that these two phyla are closely related within the Ecdysozoa


T or F: Annelids possess both circular and longitudinal muscles that produce waves of contraction that are propagated down through the series of segments


T or F: Cnidarians are able to capture prey by stinging them with microscopic harpoon-like projectiles released by special cells called nematocytes


T or F: Cnidarians can exhibit one of two life forms: a sessile polyp and/or a free-swimming medusa form


T or F: Cnidarians consume food brought inside the gastrovascular cavity using extracellular digestion


T or F: Hagfish are classified as vertebrates, but they do not have a vertebral column


T or F: If the organs in one segment fail, the organs of another segment will still function


T or F: Metazoans displaying bilateral symmetry can be divided into no more than one vertical plane at midline, where each half creates a mirror image of the other.


T or F: Segmentation has allowed for specialization in the anterior of the annelid body, which has provided for a more sophisticated nervous system


T or F: Tagmata are segments of the body that represent two or more previous body segments fused together


T or F: The Radiata include the phyla Cnidaria and Ctenophora


T or F: The diversification of insects is related to the diversification of food sources in the environment


T or F: The fins of lobe-finned fish are supported by extensions of the skeleton and are moved by muscles within the fin whereas the fins of ray-finned fish are supported by flexible, nonskeletal elements and are moved by muscles from within the fish's body.


As a final exam question in your biology course, you are asked to identify an animal that you immediately recognize as a chordate. Your instructor applauds you for your quick recognition of the phylum, but then he asks you to be more specific. You reply that the animal that you are observing is a craniate. To get an A, you must also tell your instructor how you came up with your answer. What features would you use to formulate your answer?

The anterior end of the nerve cord is elaborated to form a brain in craniates; The brain is encased in a protective bony or cartilaginous housing in craniates; A group of embryonic cells called the neural crest form on either side of the neural tube in craniates

Complete metamorphosis is

The change of a larval form of insect to a different adult form is known

If a mutation occurred in a human such that the pharyngeal slits never formed, what do you predict would be the consequence?

The eustachian tubes would not form

A frog loses its ability to undergo buccal pumping. What must happen to compensate for this loss?

The exchange of gases through the skin must increase.

What is the radula in phylum mollusca?

The protrusible rasping organ that is used to scrape food from the substrate

A sea star suffers from an infection that affects its ampullae. Due to the infection, the ampullae no long function. What do you predict will be the effect on the sea star?

The sea star will be unable to extend its tube feet.

What is the route of water in the water vascular system of a starfish?

Water enters through the madreporite into the ring canal and from thence into the radial canals to the ampullae and finally into the tube feet

The evolution of the amniotic egg: the ______ surrounds a cavity into which waste products from the embryo are excreted


The evolution of the amniotic egg: the ________ encases the developing embryo within a fluid-filled cavity


Radiate animals are diploblastic meaning they have

an endoderm and ectoderm

The evolution of the amniotic egg: starting with the outermost membrane, the _______ lies just beneath the porous shell


Cephalopoda have what kind of circulatory system?


Your lab group is presented with an unknown mollusk. Your task is to assign it to one of the major taxonomic classes. Which characteristic would allow you to say definitively that it belongs to the Class Cephalopoda?

closed circulatory system

You are presented with an animal that resembles a jellyfish. As you examine it further, which characteristic would allow you to conclude that it belongs to the Phylum Ctenophora rather than the Phylum Cnidaria?

complete digestive tract

Cephalization is

concentration of the sensory organs on the anterior end of the body

features that are lacking in amphibians but present in reptiles and that confer an advantage to reptiles for living on land?

egg with an amnion, yolk sac, allantois, chorion, and shell; skin resistant to water loss; ability to concentrate urine


fangs and pedipalps; 6 pairs appendages (8 legs total); chelicerae; malphigian tubules (waste)

Which are tetrapods?

frogs, snakes, birds, humans

Despite your best attempts to convince her otherwise, your friend is very afraid of spiders and all "bugs," which to her means insects. When you note that spiders are not insects, she claims they are the same thing. You finally convince her that spiders are not insects because, for one thing, spiders

have two body segments joined by a pedicel


head, thorax, abdomen; 3 pairs legs (6 total)


highly segmented trunk; can have fused (millipedes) segments or unfused (centipedes)

potential changes in current bird anatomy that would prevent flight from occurring?

increase in reproductive output; changes in bone structure; reduction of barbs and barbules on contour feathers

Select all of the following that are true about the chondrichthyans?

internal fertilization; first fish to have teeth; oil maintains buoyancy; teeth made of dentin and enamel

You are given an embryo with eight cells and you carefully separate them and allow them to develop in separate containers. Each of the cells forms a complete embryo that develops normally into an adult animal. How would you categorize your animal?

it has indeterminate cleavage

Cephalopoda have what kind of propulsion?


what does Parazoa mean?

lack true tissues (Porifera)

Bivalves can be what or what?

marine or freshwater


marine; chewing mouthparts; green glands (waste)

Do any parasitic crustaceans exist?


Chordates possess several distinguishing characteristics that separate them from other animal groups. What are they?

notochord; post-anal tail; dorsal hollow nerve cord; pharyngeal slits

The primates share several characteristics, which distinguish them from all other mammalian orders. Unique features?

opposable thumb; large well-developed brain; binocular vision

The osculum of a sponge is entirely blocked by a fungal infection. Predict what will happen.

outflow of water will decrease

Your colleague is studying a newly-discovered organism. She is becoming increasingly convinced that the organism is an arthropod. You find that you must respectfully disagree when you note that the organism has a set of distinctly non-arthropod characteristics. The features that cause you to exclude the organism from the arthropod grouping are

pseudocoel, closed circulatory system, and ventral heart

In your zoology class, you are given a model of a Coelacanth to study. As a lobe-finned fish, this Coelacanth is distinctly different from a ray-finned fish. Noting these differences, what do you expect a Coelacanth might be able to do that a ray finned fish could not?

support its body weight with fins; open its mouth unexpectedly wide; release oil from swim bladder; have lungs

Cephalopoda have what surrounding the mouth?


Gastropods can be either what or what? They have what kind of shell?

terrestrial or marine; coiled

The tracheae of adult terrestrial insects have been a factor in the great abundance of insects because they serve the same function in terms of the delivery of respiratory gases to the cells as do

the closed circulatory system of cephalopods

Lophotrochozoa are

triploblastic...all 3 tissue layers!

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