Final Exam Review

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The moral model of substance abuse is the view that chemical dependency is a symptom of problems in the development or operation of the system of needs and attitudes with an individual.


The repeal of the 18th Amendment meant that alcohol became illegal.


The sedating effect of antihistamines is always an undesired side effect of these drugs.


The word drug use is derived from the Latin verb addicere, refers to the process of binding to things.


Trend data show that between the years 2010 through 2011, illicit drug use has been steadily decreasing.


Typically, heroin addicts are very violent.


Women who are treated for alcohol abuse usually do not have a history of prior sexual abuse, as do abusers of other types of drugs.


The belief that almost all abusers of more powerfully addictive drugs have first experimented with alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana, is also known as __________ theory.


An essential feature of risky use is continued use despite significant substance-related problems known to the user.


As a general rule, females experience more effects from a given dose of alcohol than do males.


Behavior that is largely dictated by custom or tradition is known as "conventional" behavior.


By 1928, doctors made an estimated $40 million per year writing prescriptions for whiskey.


Children who have tried drugs before the age of 12 usually have a history of poor school performance and classroom disobedience.


Coffee is NOT effective in "sobering up" the individual with a hangover.


Dependence or abuse rarely develops when using antihistamines.


Drug effects can be altered by the drug's interaction with food.


During colonial times, the tavern was seen as a key institution and the center of social and political life.


During the 1970s and 1980s, approximately twice as many women took depressants as men.


Employees who engage in drug use are more likely to be absent from their job.


Everyone does not respond the same to a given dose of a drug.


Females from divorced families whose parent(s) have remarried often have higher rates of drug use.


High doses of testosterone have been proven to increase muscle size and strength.


Hormones are regulatory chemicals released by endocrine systems.


If tolerance develops to the effects of one drug, often tolerance also develops to other similar drugs.


In 2011, approximately 41.9 percent of U.S. residents have used marijuana sometime during their lifetime.


Individuals with a history of cardiovascular disease take a greater risk with OTC decongestants than other users.


It costs U.S. taxpayers $75 to $1500 per day to keep one person incarcerated, while methadone outpatient programs cost as little as $8 to $12 per person per day.


Learning to perceive the effects of the drug is a major outcome in the process of becoming a regular user.


Many drugs influence the actions of the other drugs.


Marijuana is the most widely used illicit drug in the United States.


More than 400,000 EAPs (employee assistance programs) have been established in the United States.


Most drugs are distributed throughout the body in the blood.


Most functioning alcoholics appear to be the same as nonalcoholics except for the fact that their excessive drinking is secret and hidden.


Naloxone is used as an antidote for narcotic overdoses.


On rare occasions, benzodiazepines can produce paradoxical effects such as anxiety or bizarre behavior.


Overall, as both men and women age, wine becomes the favorite beverage.


Pain is often relieved by a placebo medication.


Prevention and demand reduction are less costly strategies than interdiction or penalties administered via the criminal justice system.


Prolonged use of hypnotic doses of benzodiazepines can cause insomnia when the drug is stopped.


Psychological dependence typically instills a feeling of satisfaction that requires periodic or continual use of the drug.


Research has shown that laboratory animals would prefer to deliver direct stimulation to the pleasure center of the brain in place of eating, drinking, and engaging in sex.


Since 1960, drug use has steadily increased to a widespread phenomenon.


Social learning theory explains how people are taught the motivation for using a particular type of drug.


Socialization refers to the internalization of attitudes, values, and behaviors that are needed in order to become participating members in conventional society.


Some natural chemicals, produced by the body, have the same effect as narcotic drugs.


Teenagers tend to consume alcohol in a binging fashion.


Thalidomide was used in Europe to reduce morning sickness in pregnant women.


The Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act divided substances with abuse potential into categories based on the degree of their abuse potential and their clinical usefulness.


The Pure Food and Drug Act did not allow the government to stop the distribution of dangerous preparations.


The acetylcholine receptor sites have been divided into two main subtypes called muscarinic and nicotinic.


The anabolic steroids often abused by athletes are chemically related to male hormones.


The analgesic effects of aspirin and Tylenol are additive when the two drugs are combined.


The autonomic nervous system is divided into two functional components, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems.


The central nervous system consists of the brain and the spinal cord.


The drug use patterns of many people are strongly influenced by their peers.


The liver is the major organ that metabolizes drugs and hormones in the body.


The parasympathetic nervous system uses acetylcholine as a transmitter.


The plateau effect is the maximum effect of a drug, regardless of its dose.


The psychoactive effects of a drug refer to how the substance alters and affects the brain's mental functions.


The tolerance developed to alcohol is comparable to that of barbiturates.


The two principal systems that help human beings maintain homeostasis are the nervous system and the endocrine system.


Tolerance is the need for increased amounts of drugs or diminished effect of the same amount.


Used in high doses, narcotics can relieve the intense pain associated with some types of cancer.


Zeta alcoholics are moderate drinkers but become abusive and violent when intoxicated.


Narcotics are often combined with aspirin to treat pain.


Floaters are characterized as a type of drug user that vacillate between abusing over-the- counter drugs to abusing illicit types of drugs.


Generally, the more food in the stomach the greater the absorption rate of alcohol.


Hormones tend to have a faster onset of action than do the neurotransmitters.


Long-term effects that occur after multiple drug doses are classified as acute.


Men are more easily affected by alcohol and its effects than are women.


Methaqualone (Quaalude) is classified as a Schedule IV Controlled Substance.


Most alcohol use starts during early adulthood.


Most people that become dependent on the benzodiazepines get them illegally.


Over 80% of state and federal prison inmates reported being under the influence of drugs at the time of their offense in 2004.


People that are at the highest risk for addiction and drug abuse are those who are preoccupied with their jobs or occupations


Pregnant women are more likely to use drugs than similar-age women who are not pregnant.


Psychological dependence rarely leads to drug abuse.


Reverse tolerance is when tolerance to one drug causes tolerance to other similar drugs.


Selective legalization is an approach that would legalize those drugs of abuse that are the most likely to cause addiction.


Short-acting benzodiazepines are best suited to treating persistent problems such as anxiety and stress.


Smoking narcotics has only been popular since the 1980s.


Students who live off campus are more likely to binge drink than those who live on campus.


Sympathomimetics are usually the active ingredient included in OTC sleep aids.


The Drug Addiction Treatment Act allowed qualified physicians to prescribe specially approved Schedule III narcotics for the treatment of opioid addiction in medical treatment settings.


The least addictive and least regulated of the substances are classified as Schedule I.


The liver metabolizes alcohol at a rate directly proportional to the amount ingested.


Approximately __________ benzodiazepine compounds are currently available in the United States.


The Gallop Poll indicates that "_____ percent of male drinkers say they most often drink beer, followed by liquor at 26%, while ____ percent of female drinkers prefer wine."

48%; 51%

With the passage of the __________, the decline of patent medicines began. A. Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 B. Harrison Act of 1914 C. Narcotics Control Act of 1956 D. Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988

A) Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906

__________ is a form of withdrawal or a paradoxical effect that occurs when a drug has been eliminated from the body of a person who has become physically dependent. A) Rebound effect B) Reverse tolerance C) Physical dependence D) Mental set

A) Rebound effect

__________ drugs have high abuse potential but are approved for medical purposes. A. Schedule II B. Schedule III C. Schedule V D. Schedule I

A) Schedule II

Which of the following is NOT classified as a narcotic drug? A. coldone B. opium C. morphine D. codeine

A) coldone

The prevailing concept or model of addiction in the United States is the __________. A. disease model B. social learning model C. moral model D. deviant model

A) disease model

In a marriage, alcohol is a primary predictor of __________. A) marital violence B) marital infidelity C) divorce D) None of the Above

A) marital violence

Which of the following risk factors especially applies to adolescent drug use? A. misperception of peer norms B. loss of positive body image C. loss of parents D. All of the above E. None of the above

A) misperception of peer norms

Which of the following is an accepted therapeutic use of androgens? A. replacement in males with abnormally functioning testes B. enhancing muscle growth in athletes C. relief of headaches and anxiety D. All of the above

A) replacement in males with abnormally functioning testes

Which of the following effects is LEAST LIKELY to be caused by a sympathomimetic drug? A. slowed heart rate B. enlarged pupils of the eye C. increased blood pressure D. reduced muscle contraction in the stomach

A) slowed heart rate

The nervous system is composed of all but which of the following? A. the blood vessels B. the neurons C. the brain D. the spinal cord

A) the blood vessels

Which of the following perfected the hypodermic syringe?

Alexander Wood

The distillation device or "still" was developed by the __________.


Select the incorrect statement. A) The prescribing of depressants has declined over the last 10 years. B) Barbiturates are prescribed for the relief of anxiety more than the benzodiazepines. C) Benzodiazepines are relatively safe when used for short periods of time. D) Doses of barbiturates that are required to relieve anxiety can also suppress respiration.

B) Barbiturates are prescribed for the relief of anxiety more than the benzodiazepines.

__________ are known to view their drug use as necessary in order to have fun and they often use drugs in order to escape and postpone personal problems, and relieve stress and anxieties. A. Chippers B. Compulsive users C. Regulars D. Experimenters

B) Compulsive users

__________ generally focus on using other people's drug supplies without maintaining a supply of their own and often waver between the characteristics of chronic types of drug users and experimenter types. A. Regulars B. Floaters C. Experimenters D. Compulsive users

B) Floaters

The __________ allowed the manufacturer to determine whether a drug was to be labeled prescription or nonprescription. A. Drug Abuse Control Amendment Act of 1965 B. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 C. Harrison Act of 1914 D. Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988

B) Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938

__________ aims to protect drug users by teaching them responsibility. A. Interdiction strategy B. Inoculation strategy C. Educational strategy D. Treatment strategy

B) Inoculation strategy

Which of the following phases generally involves a few patients with a medical problem a drug is intended to treat and is designed to determine both safety and efficacy of a drug? A. Phase IV B. Phase II C. Phase I D. Phase III

B) Phase II

__________ is from the Greek words for flippers, or "seal-shaped limbs." A. Hermaphrodite B. Phocomelia C. Sinsemilla D. Thalidomide

B) Phocomelia

The ______ policy of the FDA allows it to review prescription drugs and evaluate their suitability as OTC products. A. OTC B. Switching C. Orphan Drug Law D. Fast Track

B) Switching

Which area of the cortex is the most developed in man? A. receiving areas B. association areas C. sensory areas D. output areas

B) association areas ???

Alcoholic beverages contain large amounts of __________. A) fats B) carbohydrates C) proteins D) minerals

B) carbohydrates

The phase that is synonymous with addiction, where more of the drug is sought despite the presence of negative physical symptoms, is __________. A. withdrawal B. dependency C. relief D. preoccupation

B) dependency

Which of the following is not a major characteristic of substance dependence? A. craving B. deviant behavior C. withdrawal D. tolerance

B) deviant behavior

Which structure has been found to be important in maintaining nicotine dependence? A. hypothalamus B. insula C. pituitary gland D. basal ganglia

B) insula

A cause of all ills is often referred to as __________. A. disease B. pan-pathogen C. a black-box effect D. panacea

B) pan-pathogen

Drug use is a societal issue that dates to __________. A. 500 BC B. the beginning of recorded time C. 2240 BC D. the early 1960s

C) 2240 BC

Which of the following describes a neuronal axon? A. Part of the neuron's cell body B. A short, tree-like branch that picks up information from surrounding neurons C. A small fiber that conducts electric-like impulses from dendrites to terminal D. A protein site on a cell that reacts to endogenous chemical messengers such as neurotransmitters

C) A small fiber that conducts electric-like impulses from dendrites to terminal

Which of the following is NOT a major reason why people use drugs? A. Searching for pleasure B. Users believe it improves work performance C. Drugs are less costly today than ever before D. To relieve stress and escape

C) Drugs are less costly today than ever before

__________ drugs refer to types of drugs that lead to the use of other more addictive types of drugs. A. Addictive B. Predisposition C. Gateway D. High pressure

C) Gateway

Select the incorrect statement. A. Diabetes is usually due to a lack of insulin secreted by the pancreas. B. Sex hormones can affect emotional states. C. Testosterone is released from the ovaries and causes female sex changes. D. Most drugs used to treat endocrine problems are given to replace deficient hormones.

C) Testosterone is released from the ovaries and causes female sex changes.

Which of the following is not a neurotransmitter? A. dopamine B. acetylcholine C. androgen D. serotonin

C) androgen

Substance-related mental disorders and primary psychiatric disorders are often __________. A. incongruent B. progressive C. co-existent D. unrelated

C) co-existent

According to Becker, individuals come to experience the effects and pleasures of a drug through __________. A. imitation B. experimentation C. learned expectations and motivations from peers D. the initial biological changes

C) learned expectations and motivations from peers

The Pure Food and Drug Act required: A. that drugs be proven safe and effective prior to marketing. B. manufacturers to submit all new drugs for Food and Drug Administration approval prior to marketing. C. manufacturers to indicate the amounts of addicting substances found in each drug product. D. that drugs be proven safe prior to marketing.

C) manufacturers to indicate the amounts of addicting substances found in each drug product.

Substances that affect the central nervous system and alter consciousness and/or perception are pharmacologically known as __________. A. drugs B. affective drugs C. psychoactive drugs D. licit drugs

C) psychoactive drugs

Which of the following is NOT one of the phases of addiction? A. experimentation B. ex-addict C. relapsing D. escalation E. maintaining or "taking care of business"

C) relapsing

A sales clerk in a large grocery store would represent a(n) __________ relationship. A. influential B. primary C. secondary D. tertiary

C) secondary

What factors, besides alcohol content, have direct effects on the onset of intoxication? A) age and intelligence level B) set and time C) set and setting D) setting and age

C) set and setting

This theory explains drug use as largely peer-generated activity. A. social influence theory B. structural influence theory C. subculture theory D. labeling theory

C) subculture theory

A minute gap between the neuron and target cell across which neurotransmitters travel is called a __________. A. receptor B. dendrite C. synaptic cleft D. neuron

C) synaptic cleft

An over-the-counter drug ingredient NOT generally recognized as safe or effective for the claimed therapeutic indication is classified as __________.

Category II

Fifty percent of American children are exposed to at least one person in the family who is either an alcoholic or an alcohol abuser before their 18th birthday.


Delirium tremens that can occur during withdrawal is not harmful and should probably be allowed to run its course.


Diethyleneglycol is a drug that causes phocomelia in children of mothers who received the drug.


Drug courts are designed to deal with violent, drug-abusing offenders.


Drug tolerance causes an increased response to a given dose of a drug.


Alcohol withdrawal is one of the most severe withdrawals experienced.


What age group has the highest concentration of drug users and experimenters? A. 12-17 B. 26-35 C. 46-60 D. 18-25

D) 18-25

A CNS depressant can __________. A) relieve anxiety B) be used as a sleep aid C) cause severe physical dependence D) All of the Above

D) All of the Above

Being __________ has also been associated with non-acceptance of heavy drinking. A) church affiliated B) older C) married D) All of the Above

D) All of the Above

Frequent use of benzodiazepines can lead to __________. A) withdrawal B) dependence C) tolerance D) All of the Above

D) All of the Above

At various times, drug dependence has been considered a(n) __________. A. illness B. moral violation C. very bad habit D. All of the above E. Only A and B

D) All of the above

Which of the following most often occur(s) with extensive use of drugs? A. legal defense costs B. unlawful behavior C. a violation of school policies D. All of the above

D) All of the above

Which of the following occurred because of Prohibition? A) Alcohol use diminished the first 2 or 3 years. B) Enforcement of laws was thwarted by corrupt law enforcement officials. C) Immigrants perceived the Prohibition as unnecessary and an infringement of their cultural beliefs and practices. D) All of the above

D) All of the above

Which of the two popular views best reflect the long established relationship between drug use and crime? A. Criminal behavior develops as a means to support addiction. B. Criminality is inherently linked to the personality of the user and occurs independently from drug use. C. Criminal and/or violent behavior generally result from addiction to a drug. D. Both A and B

D) Both A and B

Select the correct statement concerning antihistamines. A) Tolerance to antihistamine-induced sedation develops slowly. B) OTC antihistamines are frequently abused. C) They do not significantly interact with other CNS depressants. D) Many antihistamines can cause annoying anticholinergic side effects.

D) Many antihistamines can cause annoying anticholinergic side effects.

__________ are chemical messengers released by neurons. A. Hormones B. Receptors C. Dendrites D. Neurotransmitters

D) Neurotransmitters

__________ refer to the chemical messengers released by the neurons for communicating with other cells. A. Synapses B. Neuromessengers C. Dopamine sensors D. Neurotransmitters

D) Neurotransmitters

Which of the following is/are primary factor(s) responsible for drug use? A. amount of exposure to drug using peers B. availability of drugs in the community C. age of initial use D. Only A and C

D) Only A and C

Select the incorrect statement. A) Physical dependence is a physiological state of adaptation to a drug. B)Physical dependence can result in withdrawal symptoms when the use of the drug is abruptly stopped. C) Rebound effects are a form of withdrawal. D) Rebound effects usually mimic the effects of the drugs themselves.

D) Rebound effects usually mimic the effects of the drugs themselves.

Select the incorrect statement. A) A very potent drug often is effective at low doses B) Potency is determined by the amount of drug necessary to cause a given effect. C) Toxicity is not always related to dosage in a simple linear relationship D) Toxicity of a drug is unrelated to its potency

D) Toxicity of a drug is unrelated to its potency

Patent medicines during Prohibition often contained all of the following except __________. A) cocaine B) colored water C) alcohol D) antibiotics

D) antibiotics

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can include all except __________. A) anxiousness B) disorientation C) whole-body tremors D) constipation

D) constipation

Fetal alcohol syndrome is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT __________. A) facial deformities B) growth retardation before and/or after birth C) mental retardation D) excessive weight gain

D) excessive weight gain

The trait associated with turning ones feelings inward rather than directing emotions outward is known as __________. A. antisocial behavior B. ignorance C. extroversion D. introversion

D) introversion

During the last half of the 20th century, individual alcohol consumption stayed constant, within the 20- to 30-gallon range.


According to Erich Goode, ___________refers to using licit drugs such as alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine to achieve a certain mental or psychic state. A. legal instrumental B. illegal instrumental C. illegal recreational D. legal recreational

D) legal recreational

In contrast to the primary group, __________ relationships involve mostly segmented relationships that are role specific. A. influential B. immediate social C. tertiary D. secondary

D) secondary

A CNS depressant often used to relieve anxiety is a(n) __________. A) valium B) amnesiac C) hypnotic D) sedative

D) sedative

__________ is the process by which alcohol concentrations are increased.


Alcohol tends to correlate with rape because __________. A) intoxicated people are often unable to perceive multiple cues B) alcohol increases the level of poor judgement C) men are likely to interpret friendly cues as sexual advancements D) Only A & C E) All of the above

E) All of the above

In which way(s) can genetic factors directly or indirectly contribute to drug abuse vulnerability? A. psychiatric disorders that are genetically determined may be relieved by taking drugs of abuse B. reward centers in the brain are genetically determined to be sensitive to addictive drugs C. rational thought processes in the brain are reduced in the prefrontal cortex D. A and C E. All of the above

E) All of the above

A college student who attends a party and binges uncontrollably for the night, but then abstains from alcohol for 3 weeks until the next party where binging reoccurs is classified by Jellinek as a(n) __________ alcoholic.


A professionally oriented women is more likely to drink heavily.


Alcoholics tend to be stronger and more emotionally secure in therapy settings due to the high acceptance of alcohol use throughout Western culture.


All drugs can enter the brain once they get into the blood.


Amnesia is a state of deep depression of the CNS, and is characterized by controlled unconsciousness.


Approximately 30% of all large companies test for drug use.


Approximately one-half of all problem drinkers are men and the other half are women.


Asians have the second highest rate of illicit drug use.


Barbiturates are safer drugs than the benzodiazepines.


Basically, there is only one belief regarding the drugs and crime connection, namely that criminal behavior develops as a means to support addiction.


Behavioral tolerance is due to changes in the manner in which alcohol affects the body.


Category II OTC products are not generally recognized as safe and effective, or have unacceptable indications.


Cigarettes are more widely used than alcohol in both lifetime use and past month use.


Codeine is frequently used to help narcotic addicts stop using heroin or another more addictive drug.


Codependency refers to behavior that alcoholics have with one another, especially when they drink together.


Crack and methamphetamine drugs offer potent effects at low cost, vastly decreasing the damage potential to one's budget.


Craving is defined as a need to continually increase the amount of alcohol consumed from the night before.


Short-acting barbiturates, such as secobarbital, are usually classified in which of the following Schedules?


Benzodiazepines are classified in which of the following Schedules?


Phenobarbital is classified in which of the following Schedules?


Which of the following best describes the concept "margin of safety"?

It is a comparison of dosage for therapeutic versus toxic effects.

Yearly, alcohol is responsible for __________ deaths (people dying because of alcohol-related abuse).

Over 100,000

If a barbiturate is combined with another CNS depressant, what likely would be the consequence?

The effect would be enhanced

__________, an ultrashort-acting barbiturate, is often used as anesthesia for minor surgery.

Thiopentol (Pentothal)

__________ refers to changes that decrease response to a set dose of a drug.


A narcotic analgesic would most likely be used to treat severe diarrhea.


A person who is physically dependent on barbiturates can experience seizures if drug use is stopped abruptly.


According to control theory, individuals with weak bonds to conventional activity are more likely to engage in drug use.


Addiction can be described as a complex disease.


Adolescents from divorced parents are more likely to use drugs than children from intact families that are not divorced.


Alcohol is a chemical structure that has a hydroxyl group attached to a carbon atom.


Alcohol is a psychoactive substance because it depresses brain activity.


Alcohol is believed to be responsible for 25% to 30% of violent crime.


__________ have the highest rate of current use (non-binge) alcohol consumption.


Which of the following is not one of the four classes of legal chemicals? a) over-the-counter drugs b) FDA-approved drugs c) social drugs d) prescription drugs

b) FDA-approved drugs

Gamma alcoholism contains the characteristics of __________.

being a true disease and progressing from a psychological to physical dependence

The lethal blood alcohol level is __________.

between 0.4% and 0.6%

The capillary membranes that filter substances moving between the cerebral blood vessels and the brain are called the __________.

blood-brain barrier

The behavior exhibited and expected while under the direct use of alcohol, determined by the norms and expectations and prevail in a particular culture, is defined as __________.

drunken comportment

As a rule, it takes __________ the number of hours as the number of drinks consumed to sober up completely.


Drugs administered using which of the following methods can enter the blood almost as quickly as intravenous injection?


When drinkers perceive themselves as drunk despite consuming little alcohol, it is known as __________.


The family therapy system developed by Jacques Moreno in which significant interpersonal issues are enacted in a focused setting using dramatic techniques is known as __________.


Regarding alcohol use, a more important factor that is most likely to exert the most influence on a person's view is __________.

socialization (upbringing)

In Jewish culture, drinking is often viewed as __________.

symbolic and ceremonial behavior

The capacity of a drug to do damage or cause adverse effects in the body is called __________.


The slave trade triangle specifically refers to the __________.

trading of rum for slaves, then the slaves for molasses, and then returning to New England to make rum

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