Florida Pharmacy Technician

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Of the following drug classes, which one would be used to treat headache? A. Anti-epileptic B. Antibiotic C. Analgesic D. Anti-tussive


At the pre-quality check, the employee stationed at Production must validate that the NDC on the medication label matches the NDC on the prescription bottle label. Which numbers are most critical to match? A. The first 5 numbers B. The middle 4 numbers C. The last 2 numbers D. DEA number


At the production workstation, a pharmacy technician performs a necessary quality control check by: A. Verifying prescription directions B. Performing an Accuracy scan C. Confirming the patient address D. Announcing all waiting customer prescriptions


If you are unable to confirm if a patient has allergies or not, you should: A. indicate No Known Allergies in the pharmacy computer system but ensure the patient is asked as soon as possible B. leave the allergy field in the patient profile blank C. wait to process the prescription until the patient's allergies can be verified D. refuse to process the prescription


Verifying a patient's date of birth when entering prescription information is an important quality assurance step as it allows you to: A. know which medications would be appropriate for a patient of their age B. ensure you are accessing the correct patient profile in the pharmacy system C. know how old the patient is D. validate what conditions they might have


Printing no more than 3 prescription labels at a time when at the Production workstation is important because: A. it allows you to prepare prescriptions quickly B. locating three medications at a time is most efficient C. it enables you to focus on quality and accuracy before moving on D. the printer can only print 3 labels at a time


What does AWP mean? A. Average weight person B. Average wait time percentage C. Average wholesale price D. Average weight product


If a medication stock bottle contains an expiration date of 3/11, what day does it expire? A. The first day of March B. The 10th day of March C. The 15th day of March D. The last day of March


Interpret the following medication order/Prescription sig: Insert i gtt od qhs A. Insert 1 drop into the right ear at bedtime B. Insert 2 drops into the right eye at hour of sleep C. Insert 1 drop into both ears at bedtime D. Insert 1 drop into the right eye at bedtime


For the following prescription, what is the day's supply? Vicodin Disp #60 SIG: 1-2 t q 8h prn pain A. Day Supply 10 B. Day Supply 60 C. Day Supply 30 D. Day Supply 20


In scenarios where a patient has two or more Third Party Plans that may be billed for the same claim, it is referred to as: A. Coordination of Benefits B. Private Insurance C. HealthSavings Pass D. Medicaid


It's tax season and a woman asks you to print out her husband's medical record. What do you say? A. I'm sorry, but HIPAA prevents me from giving you this information. I can mail him the printout B. Sure thing, I will be right back with the print out. C. I can only give you the print out if I call your husband and confirm he is ok with me giving it to you. D. Alright, but I must check your identification.


Refills are not allowed on ___________ prescriptions. A. CII B. CIII C. CIV D. CV


The Prescriber's ________________ number is required on all prescriptions for controlled medications. (Select all that apply) A. DEA B. Phone C. NPI D. State ID


The Technician's role in the Quality Assurance includes: (Select all that apply) A. Completing the Accuracy Scan at Production B. Using the appropriate shelf dividers to identify high-risk medications C. Validating the customer's address prior to ringing up prescriptions at Drive-Thru and Pick-Up D. Informing customers that the medication they are taking is high-risk


The actual or relative potential for abuse; its history and current pattern of abuse; and the scope, duration and significance of the abuse are examples of criteria used: A. to classify drugs as controlled B. to determine if a Third Party Plan will cover the cost of medication C. for drug selection when processing a prescription D. to determine when counseling is required


The main purpose of the Third Party Consultation log is to record: A. patients' response to the offer to counsel B. how many prescriptions a patient is picking up C. who is picking up each prescription D. which medications each patient is taking.


Those prescriptions that include multiple packages (such as a 3 pack of oral contraceptives) must: A. be taped together and labeled with one prescription label B. include a label on each package C. be processed as three separate prescriptions and labeled accordingly D. be repackaged to all be included in one packaged and labeled with one label.


When retrieving medications to prepare at Production, if you see a high-risk shelf label and divider you should know that these identify medications: A. that may have look alike and sound alike drugs B. that have low quantities in-stock C. about to expire D. stored in locations outside of the bays, including the refrigerator.


When stocking products, you must match the National Drug Code (NDC) number on the stock bottle to the NDC number on the: A. Reconciliation (Recon) Log B. Brand/generic book C. Shelf tag D. Pricing schedule


You are working with one customer when another customer approaches the Drop-off workstation. How should you respond to the new customer? A. Welcome to CVS. I'll be with you in a moment B. Excuse me. Let me find another Team Member to help you C. Welcome to CVS. What is your name and how many prescriptions are you dropping off today? D. Hang on a second. I'm in the middle of something.


Which of the following are appropriate actions when a customer provides you with an old prescription vial for a refill? (Select all that apply) A. Use it again to package the refill prescription B. Give it back to the patient and let them dispose of it C. Toss it away with the confidential waste D. Never accept an old prescription vial


Drug storage requirements can be located: (Select all that apply) A. on RxNet B. on the Drug Profile in the pharmacy computer system C. on the stock bottle label D. on the prescription vial label


Examples of Protected Health Information, or PHI, include: (Select all that apply) A. prescription hardcopies B. patient profiles C. patient counseling conversations D. phone calls


The activities of the Pharmacy Technician assigned to the Production workstation include: (Select all that apply) A. Acquiring the prescription label B. Obtaining the medication C. Affixing label and auxiliary stickers to the prescription package D. Completing final verification


A new customer, Eugene Loh, has dropped off two prescriptions. You receive the rejection message Patient/Cardholder ID Mismatch. What steps should you take to resolve this? (Select all that apply) A. Ask Mr. Loh if he has another Third Party Card B. Verify the spelling of his name on the card C. Verify the Cardholder ID number D. If the information matches, contact the Third Party Plan to verify eligibility


Which of the following reactions would be appropriate when responding to an upset customer? (Select all that apply) A. Let customers finish speaking B. Inform the customer what you are doing to help C. Do not argue D. Apologize to the customer


A patient drops off a new prescription and has two similar Third Party Plans. When processing the claim, there is a tie between the two plans. How would you resolve this? A. Ask the patient which plan he/she would like to use B. Choose between the two plans C. Call the CVS Contact Support Center D. Verify that you entered the plan information correctly


A prescriber with a "DDS" designation after his/her name may prescribe medication used to treat: A. Back pain B. A toothache C. Athlete's foot D. Eye Infections


Any additional information that may have printed with a prescription label receipt must be: A. discarded B. included with the prepared prescription C. reviewed with the patient by the Pharmacist D. attached to an Action Note


At CVS, Schedule II drugs are stored: A. On the shelves, arranged alphabetically, with all other medications B. In a locked safe, to which only the Pharmacist has access C. In a locked safe in the store manager's office D. In a separate section of the pharmacy, arranged alphabetically


C-III, IV, and V prescriptions may not be filled or refilled more than 5 times within a ___ month period from the original date written on the prescription. A. five (5) B. six (6) C. nine (9) D. twelve (12)


Controlled substances are classified into ____ schedules by federal law. A. two (2) B. five (5) C. seven (7) D. eleven (11)


For the following prescription, what is the quantity to dispense? Augmentin 500mg SIG: 1t po bid with food x10d A. 24 B. 20 C. 30 D. 60


In the state of FL, each written prescription for a controlled substance listed in _______________________________ must include both a written and a numerical notation of the quantity prescribed on the face of the prescription and a notation of the date, A. Schedule I, Schedule II, or Schedule III B. Schedule II, Schedule III, or Schedule IV C. Schedule III, Schedule IV, or Schedule V D. Schedule I, Schedule III, or Schedule V


Properly managing your store's supply items ensures your Pharmacy Team can effectively fill all prescriptions and meet the needs of customers. At CVS, it is recommended you maintain at least a _______ supply of all store supply items. A. one week's B. two week's C. three week's D. one month's


The Notice of Privacy Practices tells patients: (Select all that apply) A. the store hours B. what rights they have C. how the pharmacy uses and discloses PHI D. who to contact with HIPAA questions


The agency that oversees the Poison Prevention Packaging Act is the: A. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) B. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) C. State Boards of Pharmacy D. Drug Manufacturer


The approximate size container for the dispensing of 240ml of liquid medication would be? A. 6 ounces B. 8 ounces C. 10 ounces D. 12 ounces


The middle set of digits on the national drug code number describes the: A. Manufacturer B. Product name/strength C. Package size D. Expiration date


What do we do at CVS Caremark to make sure that we don't hire a new employee that has gotten into trouble with government programs in the past? A. Ask during the new hire's interview B. Lawful background checks C. License validation D. Employee attestation


What is a Corporate Integrity Agreement? A. An agreement between corporations by which they agree to compete fairly against one another B. An agreement between the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services and a healthcare provider or other entity as part of a settlement for alleged civil wrongdoing related to federal healthcare laws. C. The certification form employees must sign every year to acknowledge that they received, understand, and will abide by the Company's Code of Conduct. D. A document all companies must sign before they are allowed to sell products or services.


When calling customers regarding prescription information: A. Always tell the individual on the phone what medication you are calling about B. Verify customer information, (e.g., name/address/DOB) prior to giving any information to any individual over the phone C. If leaving a message on a machine, indicate patient name, medication name, how long prescription has been at pharmacy as well as when it will be returned to shelves D. Use the phone closest to register so that you can talk to the customer and help the customer at the register at the same time


When packaging each prescription, you must select an appropriate-sized container and refer to the prescription label to check the customer's preference for __________. A. Brand or generic drugs B. Safety or non-safety caps C. Vial color D. Contact number


When the "Offer to Counsel" is made and a patient indicates that he/she has a question for the Pharmacist, a Pharmacy Technician should: A. Make every effort to answer the question for them instead of bothering the Pharmacist B. Direct the customer to the Consultation Area and let the Pharmacist know there is a customer waiting C. Let the Lead Pharmacy Technician know a customer has a question for the Pharmacist D. Ask the Pharmacist to come to the register area to answer the customer's question


Which auxiliary label would you use for Cortisporin otic suspension? A. For the eye B. Shake well C. Take on an empty stomach D. Do not take within 2 hours of antacids or vitamins


Which of the following best describes the term "minimum necessary" as it applies to HIPAA? (Select all that apply) A. Only that information needed to accomplish a specific task related to treatment, payment or operations B. Only that information that can be attributed to an individual C. Only that information specific to filling a patient's prescription D. Only that information that is allowed by a patient's written authorization


A customer calls the pharmacy indicating the medication they received does not look like the medication they received last month. As a Pharmacy Technician, you should: A. Tell the customer we probably gave them a different manufacturer this time B. Write down the necessary information, and have the Pharmacist immediately speak to the customer regarding the situation C. Tell the customer it's best to discard the medication D. Write down the necessary information, ask the customer to hold, get the stock bottle that contains the medication the customer should have received and explain to the customer what the medication should look like, you don't really need to involve the PharMACIST


A patient presents a prescription with the following directions "AAA HS". What directions should be printed on the label? A. Apply to ankles at bedtime B. Apply to affected area every morning C. Apply to affected area at bedtime D. Apply to affected area every 8 hours


A patient provides you a prescription for Percocet, a medication he has never taken before, and his insurance company is requiring Prior Authorization. What steps should you take in this situation? (Select all that apply) A. Initiate the Prior Authorization process B. Advise the patient of the precautions he needs to take with this medication C. Explain to the patient that you will reprocess the claim once the medication has been approved D. Try to resolve the situation before the patient leaves the store


A prescription calls for 180ml of Promethazine with Codeine. How many ounces will be dispensed? A. 3 ounces B. 9 ounces C. 6 ounces D. 4 ounces


For the following prescription, what is the quantity to dispense? Imitrex 25mg SIG: 1 t q 4-6h pm headache for 3 days A. 3 B. 12 C. 18 D. 30


If a drug contains 25 mg of an expectorant per tablespoon, how much expectorant would be in a quart of this medication? A. 1500 mg B. 1550 mg C. 1600 mg D. 1650 mg


Mr. White arrives at the Drive Thru and would like to wait for his prescription instead of coming back another time. What should you tell him? A. Tell him that in order to pick up his prescription immediately, he must drop off his prescription inside at the drop-off counter B. Tell him that he is welcome to wait while you process his prescription C. Tell him that he can wait in the parking lot and obtain his cell phone number so you can contact him when the prescription is ready D. Tell him he will need to pick up his prescription inside at Pick-up


The 11-digit _____________ number is assigned by the manufacturer and placed on all prescription stock packages. A. Order number B. ISBN C. NDC (National Drug Code) D. Warehouse


The Metric Measurement equivalent to 4 oz. is: A. 60 ml B. 90 ml C. 120 ml D. 180 ml


The SIG code '1 cap qid, pc & hs' translates to: A. Take one capsule two times a day, morning and evening B. Take one capsule, morning, noon and evening C. Take one capsule four times a day, after meals and at bedtime D. Take one capsule every four hours for seven days


The organization that manages prescription drug benefits for clients and plan participants is: A. Specialty Pharmacy B. Mail Order Pharmacy C. Pharmacy Benefit Management (PBM) D. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


What should the last digit be of this DEA number? AB431762__ A. One B. Three C. Five D. Seven


When a customer gives the name of the person they are picking up a prescription for you should: (select all that apply) A. Look for all other prescriptions in the bin that include the same last name B. Acknowledge all other family members prescriptions C. Only look for that customer's prescription D. Verify the customer's address prior to ringing up the prescription order


When selecting a container to package each prescription it is important to ensure it is large enough to accommodate the medication, the medication label, and the____________. A. HIPAA notice of privacy practices B. Pick up log sticker C. auxiliary stickers D. No Pill Image sticker


When you receive a new prescription at Drop-off, you should review it for completeness and legibility. If you have any questions, you should: A. enter the information as best you can B. set the prescription aside until you can call the prescriber C. ask the pharmacist D. leave it for the next team member who will be assigned to the Drop-off workstation


You are working at Production when a customer drives up to the Drive-thru window. What is an appropriate way to respond to the customer? A. Welcome to CVS. I'm busy right now, wait a second and I'll be right with you B. Excuse me. Let me find another Team Member to help you C. It is better to have them wait and help them when you are done with your task so you are not distracted D. Welcome to CVS. How can I help you?


What is required from the patient to transfer a prescription previously filled at another pharmacy? A. Health Insurance Card Information B. Doctor's DEA C. Prescription Number D. Patient Address


Which of the following is a function that a Pharmacy Technician would be allowed to perform: (Select all that apply) A. Handling Schedule II (Narcotic) drugs B. Counseling patients regarding the proper usage of their medication C. Receiving refill requests from patients over the phone D. Receiving oral prescriptions from prescribers


Which of the following statements is true about greeting a customer? (Select all that apply) A. Customers should never be greeted by name B. Always wait 30 seconds to greet a customer C. Greetings should be friendly but professional D. If you cannot help a customer immediately, acknowledge the customer, and let him or her know you will be available shortly.


A ______________ may enter or be in a pharmacy if a pharmacist is not on duty. A. Pharmacy Service Associate B. Pharmacy Technician C. Pharmacy Intern D. None of the above


A patient brings in a prescription for Lasix 40mg. The prescription does not indicate "Dispense as Written", so you should enter the prescription as: A. Lasix 40mg, with a DAW 0 B. The generic, Furosemide 40mg, with a DAW 1 C. Lasix 40mg, with a DAW 1 D. The generic Furosemide 40mg, with a DAW 0


A patient drops off a prescription for Amoxicillin 500mg, with instructions that read: "1C BID for 10 days". There is no quantity indicated on the prescription. How would you determine the correct quantity to dispense? A. Call the prescriber for clarification B. Calculate the quantity by multiplying the day supply by the number and frequency of the dosing C. Ask the patient if the doctor told them how many pills they'd be getting D. Check with the pharmacist


A prescription for ear drops specifies that the patient put 2 drops in each ear twice a day for 9 days. Approximately how many milliliters of medication would be needed for this prescription? A. 5 ml B. 15 ml C. 30 ml D. 60 ml


Alprazolam is the generic equivalent for: A. Celexa B. Diflucan C. Neurontin D. Xanax


Auxiliary stickers: A. communicate optional patient or drug information B. must be discarded in the Confidential waste basket C. should be removed from the manufacturer stock bottle D. inform customers about special instructions or side effects.


If a woman comes to the pharmacy and there are prescriptions in the bin for her mother, you: A. Ask the woman if she would like to pick up her mother's medications and save herself a trip B. make small talk to determine if she will be seeing her mother in the near future C. give her the medications without asking D. Say nothing


If the number of refills does not appear on a prescription it is assumed that refills are: A. approved for one year B. approved for up to 12 times C. approved indefinitely D. are not authorized


OTC stands for: A. Office of The Controller B. Open Time Clock C. Offer to Counsel D. Over the Counter


Pharmacy Technicians can answer the following customer questions: A. Can you recommend a cold medicine for my son; he's five? B. I forgot to take my medication this morning. What should I do? C. Can I take a calcium supplement if I am currently on prescription medications? D. Do you know where I can find the Vitamin C?


What is the "golden" rule regarding Third Party Billing? A. Always ask for the patient's card B. Only charge the customer for partial fills, not the Third Party C. Submit each prescription until it's approved D. Don't bill until you can fill


When preparing a prescription, ensure selection of the correct medication by always comparing the information on the prescription label to the stock bottle's: A. Medication name B. Medication strength C. Medication dosage form D. NDC number


Which CFRx activities must be performed consistently and correctly in order to effectively manage your store's inventory? A. Cycle Counts, Order Review, and Delivery Check in B. CII Inventories, OV Order Review, and Store Supply Orders C. Waiting Bin Maintenance, Non-saleable Returns and Shelf Label Management D. All of the above


Which of the following should not be covered when affixing auxiliary stickers? (Select all that apply) A. The medication label B. The mixing instructions on reconstitutables C. The barcode D. The patient name


Which of the following telephone calls should NOT be handled by a Pharmacy Technician? A. Patients calling in refills B. Patients who have no more refills and ask you to contact the prescriber C. Prescribers calling in a new prescription D. None of the above - Technicians can handle all of these calls


You are helping a customer when a second customer approaches the pick-up counter. When you finish with the first customer you see that the second customer appears to be in a hurry. The appropriate action is: A. Avoid eye contact so you can call out the next waiting customer's name B. Quickly glance at your cell phone to check the time; your shift is almost done C. Ask another team member to help because it's time for your break D. Promptly ask how you can help while maintaining eye contact


In the event that a customer refuses to sign the Prescription Pick-up Log you should: A. refuse to provide the prescription to the customer until they sign B. write in their name yourself, followed by your initials C. document the Log with "Patient refuses to sign" followed by your initials D. nothing; a signature is not really required


What should the last digit be of this DEA number? AJ327465__ A. One B. Two C. Five D. Eight


Interpret the following medication order/Prescription sig: i-ii tsp po q 4h prn A. Take 1 to 2 teaspoonsful by mouth every 4 hours as needed B. Take 1-2 puffs every 4 hours as needed C. Take 1-2ml by mouth every 4 hours as needed D. Take 15-30ml by mouth every 4 hours as needed


When a medication shelf location has a "Stop-Check NDC" shelf tag this indicates that the medication is a: A. High-risk medication B. Fast-mover C. Controlled Substance D. Refrigerated Medication


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