FTCE Educational Media Specialist PK-12

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In selecting new books for an elementary school library's collection, which of the following would be the librarian's best resource?

a. *Journals such as "The Horn Book" b. Magazines such as "Atlantic Monthly", "Books & Critics" c. Newspapers such as "The New York Times Book Review" d. Online resources such as MAA Reviews

Which of the following would NOT be an effective way to communicate information to parents?

a. A Power Point presentation to the parents' association meeting *b. A telephone call to each family c. A newsletter sent to each family d. Teleconferencing with groups of parents at a time

Which of the following activities encourages students to read and enjoy reading?

a. A school book fair b. Reading contests such as Battle of the Books c. School book clubs *d. All of the above

The library has been granted funding for a paid media clerk to assist the librarian. Hiring and supervising this clerk will be the librarian's responsibility. What is the first action the librarian should take?

a. Advertise the position in the local newspaper b. Draw up a complete job description of the position c. Call up friends who might want to take the job *d. Research how other librarians use media clerks

Which of the following is NOT a professional association for librarians?

*a. Arizona Library Association b. American Library Association c. American Association of School Librarians d. American Union of Library Employees

A student comes to the library and you observe him wandering confusedly in the library's section of science books. What is the first thing you should do to help him?

*a. Ask the student what his assignment is and what kind of books he is looking for b. Tell the student that books are shelved by the author's last name and let him have the opportunity to use this information to find the books he is looking for c. Find an opportunity later on to ask his teacher what the assignment is so that if he has difficulty locating materials the next time he comes to the library, you can help him d. Send another student from his class over to help him, as they both have the same assignment

Several parents have volunteered to work in the library. The librarian wants to talk to all of them to find out what hours and days they have free and what kind of volunteer work they want to do. What is the most efficient way to gather this information and cause the least disruption to the potential volunteers?

*a. Call each volunteer individually on the phone b. Send each volunteer an email and ask for email response c. Use teleconferencing so that they all can exchange information at the same time d. Ask the volunteers to attend an after-school volunteers' meeting

A librarian has just purchased new software for the library's computers that will make research easier and more effective. After the software is installed and she has become familiar with it, what should she do next?

*a. Hold a brief staff meeting to instruct teachers and library staff in using the new software b. Circulate a memo explaining the changes and how to use the new software c. Instruct each class that comes to the library about how to use the new software d. As students enter the library to do research on the computer, instruct them individually about how to use the new software

A weekly block of library time is assigned to a seventh grade class in a middle school. The librarian could best use this time with students by:

*a. Instructing them in effective ways to do research on the Internet and in efficient use of library reference materials and books on the library bookshelves b. Allowing this time to be a "free" period for students when they can return books, select others, and ask the librarian for help and guidance when they see a need for it c. Introducing them to new materials in the library's collection by reading short passages from new books and showing brief previews of new DVDs and audio books d. Asking them to be "library aides" during this period so that they can assist younger students who are looking for materials and also reshelf books

A school district is forming a committee of teachers to create a new curriculum guide for the teaching of middle school Language Arts. What is the strongest argument for including the school librarian on that committee?

*a. Knowing about changes to the curriculum and participating in making those changes will enable the librarian to acquire materials that support the new curriculum b. As a professional educator, the librarian should be a member of all school committees c. The librarian may have more knowledge than teachers about state curriculum requirements in the area of Language Arts d. Librarians have a more global approach to curriculum than teachers

Which of the following is the LEAST effective way to involve parents in library programs?

*a. Put a notice in the school newsletter asking for parent volunteers to help in the library b. Write about what is going on in the library in your school newsletter and invite parents to visit the library on both a drop-in basis and at a scheduled parents' night c. Send a note home with students inviting parents to a "parents' night" at the library d. Put a notice on the school website that parents are invited to "parents' night" at the library

The Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) is a technological improvement of and a replacement for:

*a. The MARC system b. The card catalog c. The Dewey Decimal system d. The Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature

A teacher is having his class research the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. He wants his students to perform an Internet search, but as librarian, you know that some of the sites that would help the students have been blocked by the school district's filter that prevents students from going to inappropriate sites. You arrange for the technology department to remove the block on the sites the history class will use, make a list of those sites, and give the list to the teacher. Which of the following reasons would you cite as justification for what you have done?

*a. The Patriot Act of 2001 b. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 *c. An Acceptable Use Policy d. MARC records

The school librarian has been invited to address a luncheon meeting of the local Kiwanis Club, an organization of business people. In order to do this, she will need to get the principal's permission. She will also need to arrange for release time, since the luncheon lasts much longer than school lunch period. She will have to prepare her talk, and to design and make copies of a handout about the media center to give the Kiwanis members. Will the media center or the school benefit if the librarian accepts this invitation, or should she politely reject it?

*a. The librarian should accept the invitation because business people can support the media center in several ways, including donating computers, giving money for library projects, and supporting the goals and visions of the librarian and her school. By attending the luncheon, the librarian will create good will for the school and the library. b. There is really no point in the librarian going to this much trouble to speak to a small group of business people. There is no way they can provide direct help to the library or to the school, and her time is precious. She should politely turn down the invitation or have her principal reject the invitation for her. This kind of activity is not within the job description of a school librarian. c. She should attend the meeting and speak out of a sense of community obligation but should not expect anything productive from giving a speech at a luncheon meeting of business people. They invite a speaker every month and probably do not pay careful attention to whatever the speaker discusses. They will most likely be focused more on the food than on the content of her speech. d. The librarian should not speak to this group because they may have a political agenda she is unaware of. For example, they may want to ban some books from the library or may feel that the library is over-funded. When these businesspeople were in school, the library had a card catalogue and no computers. They will be likely to think that what was good enough then should be good enough now. Their minds may be made up, and her speech is not likely to change their attitudes.

The librarian is aware of students' different learning styles and addresses them in his/her instruction by:

*a. Using a variety of instructional techniques that actively involve students in listening, working with various media and materials, reading, and writing b. Dividing students into groups based on their learning styles and instructing each group separately c. Devoting more time to those students who have trouble grasping ideas or reading different kinds of material while the rest of the group waits d. None of the above

A librarian observes that a teacher has made 35 copies of the first page of a 7-page science article in a magazine, one copy for each of his students. He states that he has cleared this with the principal. Are the teacher's actions allowable under copyright law?

*a. Yes, under the Fair Usage provision of the copyright law. b. No, because only a single copy may be made of copyrighted material. c. Yes, because the teacher obtained permission from the principal to make these copies. d. No, because by copying the article, the teacher denies the author financial gain from his or her work.

What are the advantages of getting to know public librarians and academic librarians in your area?

*a. You can send students to these libraries to check out books they need b. You may exchange information from each other's databases c. These librarians may have children in your school d. The public and academic libraries may have collections you want to own

A new librarian discovers that her predecessor had a fixed-schedule program that allowed classes to visit the library at assigned times every week, leaving little time open for other activities. The library did not host specials events such as book fairs, Battle of the Books, student reading clubs, etc. The new librarian's vision for her media center includes all these activities, as well as flexible scheduling to allow students more individual library time. What is the FIRST step she should take to accomplish these goals?

a. Announce her plans for flexible scheduling at the next staff meeting and implement them immediately. Time should not be wasted on outdated kinds of schedules *b. Discuss her plans for change with the principal and get his/her input about the concept and affordability of flexible scheduling, as well as potential costs to the library in hosting special events c. Do nothing at the present because the staff and principal seem very content with the way the library functioned in the past and postpone the idea until next year d. Discuss with teachers, either at a staff meeting or individually, the advantages of flexible scheduling and plan to begin a flexible program with a few classes from each grade

A librarian wants to have a fundraising book fair. Which of the following should be her first course of action?

a. Announce the book fair in the school newsletter b. Survey teachers for the types of books they would like to see at the book fair *c. Check with the principal to be sure of the school calendar and any school or district guidelines for fundraising activities d. Ask students what kind of books they would like to buy at a book fair

All of the following are good ways that a librarian can raise funds for the library EXCEPT:

a. Applying for a grant b. Having a book fair c. Asking for funds from the Parents Association *d. Soliciting paid advertising to run on the library's website

Before creating a statement of standards for her media center, a librarian should first:

a. Ask the principal what standards to use. b. Ask librarians in other districts what standards they have used. *c. Research all applicable national, state, and district standards. d. Call the superintendent's office and ask permission to create a library standards statement.

A librarian observes a student working at a computer who moves rapidly from on website to another, apparently having difficulty locating material. The best way for the librarian to help this student would be to:

a. Ask the student what she is looking for and then locate the proper information for her b. Wait for the student to become frustrated and ask for the librarian's help c. *Ask the student if he or she would like some help and abide by the student's response d. Step forward and demonstrate to the student how to find an appropriate website

A librarian is aware that students in one of her classes come from several different cultural backgrounds, and some do not speak or understand English well. She wants to have this group do some research on the Internet under her guidance. To be sure that the ESL students understand and are able to complete this assignment successfully, what is the librarian's best course of action?

a. Ask the teacher not to bring these students with the rest of the class. Arrange another time to instruct them individually or in small groups *b. Have students work on the assignment in pairs or small groups. Assign students to groups in which each struggling ESL student will have a partner to help him or her understand and complete the assignment. Encourage groups or pairs to ask for help as needed c. Explain the assignment to the whole class in simple words, speaking slowly so that everyone can understand. Have students work independently d. Write the directions for the assignment and give them to students. Include diagrams that demonstrate what students are expected to do

A teacher approaches the school librarian with a lesson plan in Language Arts that will involve student research use several types of sources, including encyclopedias, biographies, and the Internet. How can the librarian best help the teacher achieve the goals of the lesson plan?

a. Ask the teacher to give students the assignment and then schedule a time to bring the class to the library. Directly teach students research techniques for print materials and for the Internet. Show them how to locate internet databases that will meet their needs and how to coordinate information from several sources b. Give the teacher a list of appropriate databases, show her where biographies and encyclopedias are shelved in the library, and ask her to schedule a time for her class to come in and do their research under her supervision c. Schedule a time to visit the teacher's classroom and answer any questions students may have about doing this type of research *d. All of the above

Which would be the most appropriate way for a librarian to instruct students in Internet research skills?

a. Assign classes that come for their library period to choose a topic, locate information on the Internet and write down the website where they located it. When time is up, the librarian should call classes together to share b. Prepare a Power Point presentation that demonstrates the process of locating information on the Internet and present this program to all classes that come to the library *c. After conferring with each classroom teacher about his or her current curriculum, demonstrate separately to different classes how to use the Internet to find information on the topic each class is presently studying d. Prepare a display of books about using the Internet and use class time to show these books to students, urging them to check out the books and read for themselves about ways to find information online

A librarian wants to weed the library's book collection. How should she go about doing this?

a. Cancel classes and spend a school day alone weeding the materials b. After library hours are over, stay late and weed the materials *c. Form a committee of interested teachers to help weed the collection at a time that is convenient for everyone d. Invite students to select the books they use and like the least and weed those first

What kind of statistics should be included in the librarian's monthly report to the principal?

a. Circulation statistics b. The number of individual and class visits to the library c. Usage of technology, including computers, data bases, printers, copiers *d. All of the above

When a school librarian is deciding to add to the library's collection, what is the first step she should take?

a. Create a written five-year collection plan b. Study the catalogs of the library's usual providers *c. Evaluate the current collection and note any areas that lack materials d. Discuss adding to the collection with the principal

A school librarian wants to keep families and the community informed about what is happening in the school media center. A good way to accomplish this is by:

a. Creating a web page where students, families, and community members can find information about the library's current activities and upcoming events b. Emailing parents periodically to keep them updated c. Publishing a monthly newsletter that students can take home and that can also be sent electronically to local media outlets *d. All of the above

A lesson given by the librarian to staff and/or students on creating Power Point presentations should include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Design b. Content Delivery c. Audience *d. Bibliography

A new librarian in an elementary school wants to move the library schedule from fixed to flexible. How should she go about doing this in order to obtain the greatest cooperation from staff members?

a. Discuss with the principal the educational advantages and also the financial aspects of a flexible schedule. Flexible scheduling may require the hiring of a library assistant, for example. Offer to make the transition gradually so that the school budget for flexible library scheduling can be increased little by little b. Involve teachers in planning for the change. Ask about their curricular and library needs. While the schedule is still fixed, ask teachers to stay when they bring their classes and help teach a coordinated lesson c. Begin with a mixed schedule, where some classes, such as kindergartners, come for their weekly "story time," while classes from higher grades visit the library as needed *d. All of the above

Which of the following would be an effective way for a librarian to share her goals for the media center with district officials and the school administration?

a. Draw up a comprehensive statement of goals and visions for the media center b. Speak at a meeting of the school board and explain the goals for the media center c. Schedule a meeting with the principal to discuss implementing those goals *d. All of the above

Which of the following is the best way for a librarian to demonstrate respect for diversity in a school with a large population of Hispanic and Asian students?

a. During library instruction, the librarian should repeatedly ask students if they understand her to make sure that students for whom English is a second language are receiving instruction that they understand *b. Create a display of books and other materials on ethnic topics and invite students and parents to visit one evening and browse the display. Then, have a discussion period during which parents and children are invited to share special aspects of their heritages and customs c. Budget for books and media materials in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Japanese at a variety of reading levels and on a variety of subjects d. When classes come for their assigned library time, ask students of various heritages to identify themselves and tell the class (in English) about their customs and languages

Inviting a writer into the library for a day or a week to work with children on their own writing and encourage them in their reading should have all the following direct outcomes EXCEPT:

a. Encourage student interest in reading and writing *b. Raise money for library needs and projects. c. Increase the number of books checked out by students d. Demonstrate through a successful role model that being a reader/writer is desirable

Which of the following best explains the difference between hardware and software?

a. Hardware is a program like Adobe Acrobat installed on the computer using a CD or DVD. Software refers to programs already on the computer when it is purchased *b. Hardware is a physical component of a computer, such as a monitor, RAM, CPU, hard drive, or motherboard. Software is a series of coded instructions that direct the computer to perform certain operations c. Hardware includes the basic operating system of a computer, such as Windows Vista. Software refers to components of that system such as RAM and ROM d. Hardware is the security system of a computer, such as a firewall or virus protection. Software consists of programs on the computer that are vulnerable to viruses

A teacher is concerned that some students in his class who were researching a topic on the Internet found some biased, incorrect information and unknowingly included it in their reports. What is the first action the librarian should take to prevent this from happening again?

a. Have a staff meeting to discuss the problem of unreliable resources that may be biased. Ask teachers to help solve this problem b. Obtain a list of suspect databases from the concerned teacher and evaluate each one carefully to see if the information is accurate, reliable, and unbiased. Remove these sources from the library's collection c. Ask the concerned teacher to visit the websites himself and report to the librarian his opinion of the information he finds there *d. In your next period with this class, explain how to examine information obtained from the Internet for accuracy

Which of the following technological duties would NOT be part of the librarian's job description?

a. Housing and maintaining computer labs b. Producing the daily televised school announcements c. *Monitoring student use of cell phones d. Maintaining the school's website

Early in the school year, a school librarian sends a survey to classroom teachers asking for topics and tentative dates they plan to teach those topics in their curriculum this year. What should be the librarian's response to the information received in the survey?

a. In a school with a fixed schedule, the librarian will plan instruction in ways to research these topics on the appropriate dates when she meets with those classes b. In a school with flexible scheduling, the librarian will suggest that teachers sign up to bring classes to the library when they begin a new topic c. The librarian will pull material from the collection and loan the teacher a cart of appropriate research materials to use in the classroom at the time of each project *d. All of the above

Which of the following is a good way to ensure that library use extends beyond the school day and involves families and the community?

a. Invite one or two classes for an hour-long after-school activity related to their area of study b. Have an open house in the library once a month and invite families to browse the library's collection and get to know the librarian *c. Announce a plan to keep the library open one day a week for an hour after school so that students can do research d. Email parents with a schedule that offers time in the library after school for certain families on certain dates

Why is it a good educational idea for the librarian to have a "story time" for younger students in elementary school?

a. It frees the classroom teacher for a prep period b. The librarian can model proper library behavior c. During story time, the librarian can teach students word recognition skills *d. Hearing stories read aloud contributes to students' interest in reading

You interview the student and he tells you that he has been assigned to write a paper on the annual migration of Monarch butterflies from North America to Mexico. Which of the following would you suggest that the student do first?

a. Look for books in the Dewey Decimal System with the number 590, Zoology b. Put "butterflies" into an Internet search engine *c. Use OPAC to find MARC entries about Monarch butterfly migration d. Consult the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature for articles on the topic

A Boolean library search involves...

a. Mathematical input to narrow the search area *b. Using keywords with "or," "but," or "and" c. Accessing a special information database d. Using the Dewey Decimal System

What is the best way a librarian can assist a classroom teacher who has assigned a history research project to his class?

a. Offer to visit the classroom and teach part of the lesson b. Offer students a small reward for the best completed research project c. Demonstrate to the class how to use the library's computers for research *d. Direct students to areas of the library that deal with history

As books and supplies are received by the library, what is the first step the librarian should take?

a. Paste labels giving required information on the spines of the books b. Decide where on the library shelves the new materials should be placed c. Stamp them with the name of the library/media center *d. Check the items received against the purchase orders

Which of the following is an advantage of the OPAC system?

a. Patrons can find materials easily b. Libraries can track what materials are checked out c. OPAC is an aid to purchasing and cataloging material *d. All of the above

A teacher has brought his class to the library for instruction and book exchange. The teacher participates in the instructional session with the librarian, but when students are excused to look for books and disperse to different areas in the library, the teacher ignores their behavior. Two boys are chasing each other around a shelf of books. The teacher does not correct them. What should the librarian do?

a. Point out the behavior to the teacher b. Ignore the behavior *c. Speak to the boys firmly about proper library behavior d. Call for the principal to handle the problem

According to state guidelines, the walls of the school library should display:

a. Posters reminding students to be quiet b. The school calendar for the year *c. Student-produced work d. Materials created by the librarian

You observe a student at the computer cutting and pasting material from an online article into his own report. What is the best way to handle this situation?

a. Pretend you did not notice, but notify the teacher who assigned the report *b. Quietly discuss with the student the rules about plagiarism, show him ways to put the information in his own words, and ask to see his report when he has rewritten it c. Send the student to the principal for a serious infraction of library and school rules d. Arrange a meeting between the student, the teacher who assigned the report, and the student's parents to discuss the student's plagiarism

In a library media center that follows a flexible schedule, it is important for the librarian's monthly report to include what other kinds of information besides statistics?

a. Problems with staff and students *b. Collaborative projects with teachers c. Future plans for library growth d. Budget requests

A new librarian discovers that her predecessor shelved all the "easy-to-read" books for younger children on the lowest shelves near the floor. What should she do about this, if anything?

a. Provide comfortable pillows on the floor for students to sit or kneel on as they search for books b. Remind primary students where these books are located so that they can easily access them c. Inventory these books to determine if they are age-appropriate *d. Move the collection to higher shelves

A school librarian is preparing her first monthly report to the principal. She is new to both this school and to her job. Before beginning her report, the librarian should do all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Review monthly library reports from the previous year. b. Check with her administrator to find out if there is a required format for monthly reports. *c. Consider ways to make the report more meaningful and design a new format. d. Collect statistics on circulation, library classes, and computer and copier usage.

Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of a school librarian?

a. Scheduling classes b. Reporting statistics to administrators c. Circulating library materials *d. Critiquing books

Before the first day of school, a librarian organizes her library. Which of these concepts of library design is most important?

a. Seating students apart from each other and facing a blank wall so that nothing around them is distracting b. Providing small chairs and tables for younger students and larger furniture for older students *c. Organizing space into areas that can be flexibly arranged to accommodate different sizes of groups as well as community activities held after school d. Arranging groups of chairs and computer stations so that no one is out of the librarian's sight while she is checking out books

A librarian is drawing up a plan for a lesson on creating a Power Point presentation. The class she is going to instruct contains several students for whom English is a second language. What is the best way for the librarian to handle the potential difficulties these students may have in understanding her?

a. She should inform these students that if they feel they will not understand what she is saying, they are excused from the lesson and may spend the time browsing the library's collection *b. Since Power Point is a visual medium, she should take advantage of that and show what to do rather than lecturing about it. She can invite students to try some of the techniques she is teaching and make the lesson as hands-on as possible so that its content will cross the language barrier c. She should assign each ESL student a student partner who will sit with them and help explain what she is saying d. When she gives her lecture, she should speak very slowly and clearly and periodically stop to ask for anyone who does not understand the lesson to raise his or her hand

A school librarian has an opportunity to help promote a proposed state law which would increase funding for school libraries, specifically in the area of granting funds for more technology in those libraries. She would have to make phone calls to voters and appear on TV to promote the library's technological needs. What should she do?

a. She should turn down the opportunity because public school employees are not supposed to get involved in politics b. She should limit her support activities to handing out flyers to her students to take home to their families, urging them to vote for the measure *c. She should accept the opportunity but make phone calls to voters and give television interviews on her own time d. She should campaign only to her own school staff, urging them to vote for the measure

A new school librarian is having difficulty getting everything done on time. Which of the following would be the BEST first step for her to take to solve her problem?

a. Supervise the media clerk more closely and assign that person more tasks b. Ask the principal to hire more help in the library than the library has traditionally had *c. Make comprehensive daily, weekly, and monthly plans listing what needs to be done, the deadline for completing each task, and the person responsible for handling the task d. Put in overtime hours as necessary to complete all tasks on time

Which of the following criteria should be used when "weeding" books from a library's collection?

a. The book contains material that is outdated or inaccurate b. The book contains subject matter that is controversial *c. Students do not check out the book very often d. Parent organizations have requested that the book be removed

A school librarian is cooperating with other librarians in the district to write a Fair Use Policy for the district that will be applied to all schools. Which of the following should NOT be included in that policy?

a. The conditions under which copies may be made of published material *b. The length of time any one student may be allowed to spend on the Internet c. Guidelines for student access to the Internet, including whether or not students may have email accounts d. Penalties for violations of the Fair Use Policy, especially as it pertains to plagiarism

The librarian creates a computer "scavenger hunt." Students work at computers to find items on a list of computer resources. The first student to successfully find all the items and write down the websites where they are located is declared the winner, the "Champion Computer Researcher." This activity promotes which of the following state goals for library media centers?

a. The ethical use of information resources b. The appreciation of diversity within a student group c. Effective oral and written communication *d. Integrating technology into the library program

A teacher wants to display the maps and models her students created during a geography unit. She approaches the librarian and asks if it would be appropriate to display them in the library. How should the librarian respond?

a. The librarian should say that geography is not related to English, reading, or literature, which are the library's primary goals and therefore not appropriate for library display b. The librarian should say that she has decorated the walls the way she wants them to remain during the school year, and it would be too much trouble to take them down for the teacher's display c. The librarian should say that children in other classes might become jealous if one class's material is on display and their own work is not *d. The librarian should say that she will be happy to help organize a display of students' geography projects. After all, they did their geography research in the library. Other students will be inspired when they see the results of classroom work and library research

A librarian sees that a third grade student's checked-out book is two months overdue. Several overdue notices have already been given to the student's teacher to give to him. Which of the following would be the best action for the librarian to take now?

a. The next time the class comes in for its library period, call that student's name and ask him in front of his classmates where the book is, why he has not returned it, and when he plans to do so *b. Call the parents and ask them to help the student return the book c. Inform the principal that disciplinary action is called for because the student has ignored the overdue notices d. Give the student a "lost book" bill for the entire value of the book

You have an opportunity to invite a published author of children's books to spend a day in your school library visiting with students. What is the best reason to give for this visit when discussing this idea with your principal?

a. The visit will be good PR for the school. The media can be advised of the visit *b. The visit will contribute to literature appreciation for all students c. Opportunities will be provided to sell the author's books so that he can autograph them. This can be a fundraising activity for the library d. Students may check out some of his books, adding to the circulation statistics for the month

Why should the librarian periodically review online databases?

a. To make sure students are not plagiarizing from them *b. To verify that the subject matter is accurate and covers student needs c. To make sure nothing inappropriate for students is on the database d. To assess the difficulty of the reading levels on the database

A teacher asks the school librarian to find a specific book she needs for a lesson she is preparing. After consulting MARC records, the librarian determines that this particular book is not in her collection. What is the best choice she can make under these circumstances?

a. Use her budget and immediately buy a copy of the book b. Suggest an alternate resource to the teacher *c. Obtain the book through interlibrary loan d. Apologize and suggest that the teacher consult the local public library

Which activities below would it be best for a beginning librarian NOT to engage in right after arriving at a new school?

a. Weeding and schedule changing *b. Staff meetings on preventing plagiarism c. Fund raising activities such as book fairs d. Reorganizing the library furniture

A librarian would use the MARC system when:

a. When deciding what outdated or damaged books need to be weeded from the collection *b. When cataloging new books for the library collection c. When deciding the best arrangement for books on the library shelves d. When creating a library budget for the following year

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