General Psychology Chapters 11 and 14

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10. Although Jeff frequently exceeds the speed limit by at least I 0 mph, he justifies his behavior by erroneously thinking that most other drivers do the same. This belief best illustrates ____. A. the false consensus effect B. the self-serving bias C. deindividuation D. social loafing


11. Despite evidence to the contrary, Denise thinks she is smarter than most of the people in her class. Denise's unfounded attitude about herself is an example of a(n) ____. A. positive illusion B. hallucination C. reactive illusion D. an ideal self


14. ____ is an individual's fast-acting, self-fulfilling fear of being judged based on a negative idea about his or her group. A. Stereotype threat B. The self-serving bias C. The false uniqueness effect D. Stereotype consensus effect


15. Based on Claude Steele and Eliot Aronson's research on stereotype threat, we should be especially concerned about instructions for standardized tests if they ____. A. ask for race/ethnic information before the test starts B. ask for names before the test starts C. are administered by men and women from different racial/ethnic backgrounds D. are culturally/racially sensitive


24. Alex regularly gives donations of blood to the Red Cross because he received a life-saving transfusion when he was in a car accident two years ago. His helping behavior is best explained by ____. A. the concept of reciprocity B. reciprocal determinism C. social exchange theory D. self-perception theory


25. The bystander effect is most likely to occur ____. A. when someone is witnessing an emergency and there are several other people present B. when someone is witnessing an emergency and no one else is present C. in emergencies involving racial minorities where there are a large number of bystanders present D. in memory studies in which bystanders did not remember as much about an emergency as the individual who was the victim


28. Robert, a 9-year-old boy, loves watching wrestling on TV. Last night he imitated several of the aggressive moves he saw on TV by acting them out with his little brother. Which of the following theories best explains William's behavior? A. Observational learning B. Frustration aggression theory C. Identity crisis D. Cognitive dissonance


29. Behavior that is meant to harm the social standing of another person through activities such as gossiping and spreading rumors is known as ____. A. relational aggression B. institutional aggression C. overt aggression D. physical aggression


3. Parents warn a new babysitter that their son, Dennis, is very aggressive and mischievous. As a result of this initial expectation, the babysitter starts calling Dennis "Dennis the Menace," and he behaves in ways that elicit aggressive and mischievous behaviors from Dennis. This example best demonstrates the phenomenon called ____. A. the self-fulfilling prophecy B. the self-serving bias C. the fundamental attribution error D. social conditioning


33. The Stanford prison experiment provides a dramatic example of how social situations and the roles we take on in life can influence ____. A. deindividuation B. the self-serving bias C. the false consensus effect D. social loafing


38. Tom has left home and is attending college in a city far away from home where he doesn't know anybody. According to the principle of proximity, Tom will be most likely to make friends with ____. A. Bill, his roommate B. John, who lives across campus C. Michael, who lives in the same dorm but two floors below Tom D. Stuart, who lives in the adjacent room


40. According to social exchange theory, the most important predictor of relationship success is ____. A. equity B. physical attractiveness C. the availability of attractive alternative partners D. passionate love


42. Although the concerns of behavioral medicine and health psychology overlap, behavioral medicine primarily focuses on ____ factors, whereas health psychology primarily focuses on ____ factors. A. behavioral and biomedical f behavioral and cognitive B. behavioral and cognitive I behavioral and biomedical C. conscious I unconscious D. unconscious I conscious


43. During the ____ stage individuals acknowledge the problem but may not be ready to commit change. A. preparation/ determination B. maintenance C. action/willpower D. contemplation


47. ____ is associated with high levels of emotional well-being, successful coping, and good health. A. An external locus of control B. A sense of personal control C. Strong extrinsic motivation D. Type-A behavior


5. According to attribution theory, attributions vary along which of the following dimensions? A. Internal/external causes B. Known/unknown causes C. Regular/irregular causes D. Consistent/inconsistent causes


52. Cancer patients show ____ activity in the blood. A diminished B lymphocytes B. increased cardiomyocyte C. diminished natural killer cell (NK-cell) D. increased red blood cells (RBCs)


6. Jack and John were recently dumped by their girlfriends. Jack believes that his girlfriend broke up with him because she is a selfish and unhappy person, whereas John believes that his girlfriend broke up with him because she had to attend to a family emergency and could not make commitment right now. Jack is making a(n) ____ about his girlfriend's behavior, whereas John is making a(n) ____. A. internal attribution I external attribution B. external attribution I internal attribution C. downward social comparison I upward social comparison D. upward social comparison I downward social comparison


8. Your new roommate leaves dirty laundry all over her room and you assume she must be a slob. You ignore the fact that she is currently taking finals and working 40 hours per week You are demonstrating the ____. A. fundamental attribution error B. universality mistake C. self-serving bias D. availability heuristic


17. ____ is the tension that arises when people realize that their behavior is inconsistent with their attitudes. A. Consensual validation B. Cognitive dissonance C. Risky shift D. Deindividuation


18. When people try to confront Alfred about drinking too much alcohol, he replies, "Drinking may be harmful to my health, but I'll die having a good time." This statement, which is an example of self-justification, illustrates Alan's attempt to reduce ____. A. stereotype threat B. cognitive dissonance C. the self-serving bias D. the fundamental attribution error


21. Central route persuasion ____· A. involves the use of non-message factors, such as the source's credibility and attractiveness B. involves engaging someone thoughtfully with a sound, logical argument C. involves emotional appeals D. involves altruism


23. The advertising committee for a politician is going door to door and asking people to put a big ugly election sign on their lawn. If the people refuse, they ask them if they would consider putting a smaller sign on the lawn. The staff is using ____. A. the foot-in-the-door technique R the door-in-the-face technique C. the elaboration likelihood model D. a negative appearance


27. The hormone that is typically implicated in aggressive behavior is ____. A. estrogen B. testosterone C. epinephrine D. norepinephrine


30. ____ is based on a person's desire to be accepted by the group. A. Informational social influence B. Normative social influence C. Social loafing D. Social facilitation


35. Dr. McCall found that class projects were of poorer quality when students worked in groups compared to when each student did an individual project. This difference can be explained by the phenomenon of ____. A. cognitive dissonance B. social loafing C. the sleeper effect D. polarization


37. is an unjustified negative attitude toward an individual based on the individual's membership in a group while __ is an unjustified negative or harmful action toward a member of a group simply because the person belongs to that _group. A. Ethnocentrism I stereotype threat B. Prejudice J discrimination C. Discrimination I ethnocentrism D. Stereotype threat I prejudice


39. When individuals desire to have another person near and have a deep, caring affection for the person, they are disp1aying ____. A. romantic love B. affectionate love C. the mere exposure effect D. passionate love


41. Health psychology reflects the belief that ____. A. health is predetermined by genetics and biology B. lifestyle choices, behaviors, and psychological characteristics can play important roles in health C. the body has a tremendous impact on the mind, but the mind has very little impact on the body D. health has very little to do with psychology, so research should focus more on an exclusively physiologic al model of health


44. Which of the following is the strongest predictor of mortality rates? A. Cigarette smoking B. Social isolation C. Optimism D. Intelligence


46. Pauline is responsible and reliable. She likes structure and always sees a task through until it is completed. She exercises, eats healthy foods, and always wears her seatbelt. Pauline would score high on which of the following personality traits? A. Extraversion B. Conscientiousness C. Agreeableness D. Openness to new experiences


49. According to Seligman, optimists explain the causes of bad events as ____, whereas pessimists explain them as ____. A. internal, stable, and global / external, unstable, and specific B. external, unstable, and specific / internal, stable, and global C. internal, unstable, and global / external, stable, and specific D. external, stable, and global / internal, unstable, and specific


50. According to the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS), once resistance to a persisting stressor collapses, individuals enter the ____. A. resistance-coping stage B. exhaustion stage C. alarm and mobilization stage D. irritability phase


7. The tendency for observers to underestimate the impact of the situation and overestimate the impact of inner dispositions upon another's behavior is called ____. A. the self-serving bias B. the fundamental attribution error C. the false consensus bias D. cognitive dissonance


12. Individuals who have positive illusions about the self ____. A. are judged less positively by others B. are psychologically less healthy C. tend to show high levels of psychological well-being D. display self views that are rooted in reality


13. ____ refers to the tendency to take credit for one's own successes and to deny responsibility for one's own failures. A. Positive illusion B. Learned helplessness C. Self-serving bias D. Stereotyping


2. Which of the following statements about research on the "beautiful is good" stereotype is false? A. Infants as young as 3 to 6 months of age prefer attractive faces over unattractive faces. B. Attractive people are assumed to have a variety of positive characteristics, including being better adjusted, socially skilled, friendly, likeable, extraverted, and likely to achieve superior job performance. C. There is little truth to the "beautiful is good stereotype." Attractive people do not really possess the positive characteristics of the stereotype. D. The "beautiful is good stereotype" can influence how we treat others, as in the concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy.


22. John is selling magazine subscriptions and chocolates. He asks you whether you are interested in buying some chocolates for $1 and you say yes. When you go to get the money to pay for the chocolates and return to the door, John asks you if you would also like to buy a $25 subscription to a variety of magazines. You feel obligated and agree to buy a magazine subscription. This is an example of ____. A. social loafing B. the door-in-the-face technique C. the foot-in-the-door technique D. the bystander effect


31. Approximately ____ of the participants in Milgram's obedience experiment administered the maximum 450-volt shock to the victim. A. one-fourth B. one-third C. two-thirds D. three-fourths


34. Ralph just started taking guitar lessons last week. Jimmie has been playing guitar for almost 20 years. According to the concept of social facilitation, performing in front of an audience of strangers and friends tonight is likely to ____ Ralph's performance and ____ Jimmie's performance. A. decrease I decrease B. increase I enhance C. decrease I enhance D. increase I decrease


45. In the long run, writing about traumatic life events ____. A. is harmful because one relives the trauma over and over again B. increases distress among men but not among women C. is associated with physical and psychological health benefits D. has no impact on reducing stress


51. Rosemary is interested in studying the relationships between emotion, the nervous system, and the immune system. Given these interests, she will probably want to pursue future study in the field of ____. A. cognitive psychology B. sychopharma. cology C. psychoneuroimmunology D. anatomy and physiology


1. ____ is the study of how people think about, influence, and relate to other people. A. Social Darwinism B. Social analytics C. Socialism D. Social psychology


16. "Am I as popular as Cathy?" This question is an example of gaining self-knowledge through the process of ____. A. peer-review B. peripheral evaluation C. peer recognition D. social comparison


19. According to self-perception theory, if you're not sure how you feel about something, how can you find out? A. Compare yourself to others B. Look to your emotions C. Ask a friend D. Look at your behavior


20. The elaboration likelihood model ____. A. views people as motivated to discover the underlying causes of behavior as part of their effort to make sense of the behavior B. explains the effects of deindividuation C. refers to the processes by which we use social stimuli to form impressions of others D. identifies two ways to persuade: a central route and a peripheral route


26. Deficits in the functioning of the ____ are associated with aggression. A. hippocampus B. hypothalamus C. parietal lobes D. frontal lobes


32. The reduction in personal identity and erosion of the sense of personal responsibility when one is part of a group is known as ____. A. social contagion B. the self-serving bias C. the false consensus effect D. deindividuation


36. ____ refers to the impaired decision making that occurs in a team when making the right decision is less important than maintaining harmony in a team. A. Group "polarization B. Minority influence C. Risky Shift D. Groupthink


4. The process by which we come to understand the causes of others' behavior and form an impression of them as individuals is known as ____. A. deindividuation B. validation C. perception D. attribution


48. Self-efficacy is the belief that you can ____. A. teach others to be self-reliant B. show unconditional positive regard for others C. be empathetic to your own problems D. master a situation and produce positive outcomes


53. Health experts recommend that adults engage in at least ____. minutes of moderate physical activity on most, preferably all, days of the week and that children exercise for ____ minutes. A 60/120 B. 45/90 C. 15/30 D. 30/60


9. The ____ is the overestimation of the degree to which everybody else thinks or acts the way we do. A. fundamental attribution error B. self-serving bias C. stereotype threat D. false consensus effect


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