General Science (5435) Praxis II Study Guide

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Uncoiled DNA present in Interphase

Displacement, velocity, acceleration

Understanding motion requires understanding of three basic quantities. What are they?

John Dalton

Used the concept of atoms to explain why elements always react in ratios of small whole numbers (the law of multiple proportions) and why certain gases dissolve better in water than others. He proposed that each element consists of atoms of a single, unique type, and that these atoms can join together to form chemical compounds. He is considered the originator of modern atomic theory.

Ionic compound

Usually composed of metal cations and nonmetal anions, are electrically neutral, usually solid crystals at room temp, high melting point. *not named with prefixes

Ohm's law

V= IR. ,The direct current flowing in an electric circuit is directly proportional to the voltage applied to the circuit.

Destructive interference

Wave amplitude decreases

Constructive interference

Wave amplitude increases


Wavelength changes frequency remains constant

Glucose and oxygen

What are the products of photosynthesis?

Making a determination based on the results of a controlled experiment

What describes the process skill of concluding?

b. They use tube feet for locomotion and feeding.

What do all animals belonging to the Echinodermata phylum have in common? a. They use multiple appendages for locomotion. b. They use tube feet for locomotion and feeding. c. They have an exoskeleton made of chitin. d. They must shed their outer layer of skin to grow.

Potential of Hydrogen

What does pH stand for?

a. The prevailing westerlies

What drives weather systems to move west to east in the mid-latitudes? a. The prevailing westerlies b. The prevailing easterlies c. The trade winds d. The doldrums

Group 2

What group of the periodic table makes up the alkaline earth metals?

d. Its temperature remains the same due to the latent heat of fusion.

What happens to the temperature of a substance as it is changing phase from a liquid to a solid? a. Its temperature increases due to the absorption of latent heat. b. Its temperature decrease due to the heat of vaporization. c. Its temperature decreases due to the latent heat of fusion. d. Its temperature remains the same due to the latent heat of fusion.

6.022 x 10^23

What is Avogadro's number?

b. Medical advances have drastically increased the human lifespan, placing stress on the environment and the economy.

What is a potential drawback of medical advances on human life? a. Medical advances require humas to constantly re-examine their moral beliefs. b. Medical advances have drastically increased the human lifespan, placing stress on the environment and the economy. c. While medical advances have cured many diseases, new diseases may still arise and threaten lives. d. Medical advances have given people many more opportunities for treatments and drugs depending on what they can afford.

0.30 A

What is the current through a resistor of 20.0 ohms if the voltage is 6.0 volts? (V = IR)

d. The first implies that the Earth was shaped by a series of quick, violent events, while the second implies that it changed slowly and incrementally.

What is the major difference between the two paradigms of Earth's geologic past: catastrophism and uniformitarianism? a. The first implies that the Earth was shaped by destructive processes, while the second implies it was shaped by constructive processes. b. The first implies that the Earth has changed shape drastically several times, while the second implies it has not changed much over time. c. The first implies that the same natural catastrophes occur on Earth today that occurred in the past, while the second implies that catastrophes did not occur in the past like they do today. d. The first implies that the Earth was shaped by a series of quick, violent events, while the second implies that it changed slowly and incrementally.

c. Solar radiation

What is the major driving force that controls Earth's heat budget? a. Advection - the transfer of heat or matter by the flow of a fluid, especially horizontally in the atmosphere or the sea. b. Evaporation - the process of turning from liquid into vapor. c. Solar radiation - radiant energy emitted by the sun from a nuclear fusion reaction that creates electromagnetic energy. d. Tilt of the Earth

1, acid

What is the pH of vinegar? Is it an acid or a base?

a. New species due to geographic isolation.

What is the result of allopatric speciation? a. New species due to geographic isolation. b. New species due to geographic overlap. c. Hybrid species due to geographic overlap. d. Loss of diversity of a species due to geographic divergence.

143 cm cubed

What is the volume of a 378 gram block of quartz that has a density of 2.65 g/cm cubed?


What part of a plant system responds to stimuli by releasing water via transpiration except during adverse conditions like a drought when it closes up to prevent the plant from dehydration?

d. Destructive interference

What term is used to describe two waves that are out of phase as they come together to produce a new wave? a. Incomplete interference b. Distorted interference c. Constructive interference d. Destructive interference

a. Acceleration and centripetal force.

What two things are required for circlar motion to occur? a. Acceleration and centripetal force. b. Acceleration and gravitational force. c. Constant speed and centripetal force. d. Constant speed and gravitational force.

c. Covalent

What type of bond is formed by the combination of two or more non-metallic elements with one another? a. Organic b. Ionic c. Covalent d. Chemical

Double concave lens

What type of lens does the following correctly describe? Reduced, upright, virtual image

Inversion, original 123456

What type of mutation is represented by the following sequence and what was the original sequence? 154326

Open, closed, isolated

What types of systems does thermodynamics take place in?

a. They will be refracted and converge.

What would happen to light waves if they hit a convex lens? a. They will be refracted and converge. b. They will be refracted and diverge. c. They will be reflected and converge. d. They will be reflected and diverge.


When a gas at constant volume is cooled, the kinetic energy of the gas molecules has ____________ (increased/decreased).

d. Energy and matter are both conserved.

When a log burns in a fireplace, producing ash and smoke, which of the following is true? a. Energy is created but matter is conserved. b. Energy is created and matter is destroyed. c. Energy is conserved but matter is destroyed. d. Energy and matter are both conserved.

D. Entropy

When a substance undergoes a phase change from a gas to liquid at its boiling point, which of the following properties of the substance always decreases? A. Density B. Mass C. Temperature D. Entropy

Chemical properties

When changes in composition occur: *Toxicity *Flammability *Oxidation state *Acidity/basicity *Enthalpy *Electronegativity May release or consume energy. Ex: effervescence when combining sodium bicarbonate and acetic acid, or rust forming on a cast iron pan - oxidation.

Covalent bond

When electrons are shared to form an octet between atoms with same electronegativity, nonpolar. Between atoms with differing electronegativity, polar.

Light diffraction

When light bends around a barrier


When light of different wavelengths is refracted by different amounts, it results in the separation of the spectrum(rainbow)


When longitudinal wave molecules are close together

Doppler Shift

When object is moving away: red shift When object is moving towards: blue shift

c. Decaying specimens are never permitted but unknown specimens are sometimes permitted.

When performing a dissection in class, which of the following procedures is incorrect? a. Rinse the specimen before handling. b. Dispose of harmful chemicals according to district regulations. c. Decaying specimens are never permitted but unknown specimens are sometimes permitted. d. Students with open sores on their hands that cannot be covered should be excused from the dissection.


When something moves from one place to another.


When the molecules of a longitudinal wave are separated apart.


Where are the reproductive organs of a plant?


Where is the type of RNA that carries and positions amino acids for further assembly located in the cell?

Anaphase two

Where the centromeres are cleaved, allowing microtubules attached to the kinetochores to pull the sister chromatids apart. The sister chromatids by convention are now called sister chromosomes as they move toward opposing poles.

Transverse wave

Where the particles oscillate perpendicular to the movement of energy

a. Decreasing the temperature of the water, c. Increasing the pressure of carbon dioxide above the water

Which TWO choices would increase the solubility of carbon dioxide in water? a. Decreasing the temperature of the water b. Increasing the temperature of the water c. Increasing the pressure of carbon dioxide above the water d. Stirring the water while adding carbon dioxide

b. Cool the liquid.

Which action will help dissolve a gas in a liquid if the gas and liquid are placed in a sealed container? a. Heat the liquid. b. Cool the liquid. c. Shake the container. d. Increase the pressure on the lid.

Redox reaction

Which atoms have their oxidation number (oxidation state) changed. This can be either a simple redox process, such as the oxidation of carbon to yield carbon dioxide (CO₂) or the reduction of carbon by hydrogen to yield methane (CH₄), or a complex process such as the oxidation of sugar(C₆H₁₂O₆) in the human body through a series of complex electron transfer processes.


Which color of light has the highest frequency?

a. Anthophyta

Which division of plants produces seeds for reproduction? a. Anthophyta b. Lycophyta c. Sphenophyta d. Pterophyta

Resistors in parallel

Which has the least amount of resistance? Resistors in parallel (R = ohms = 1/R =1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3... Ex: 1/R = 1/2, then R = 2 ohms) Resistors in series (R = ohms = R1 + R2 + R3...)

d. Spectroscope

Which instrument would be best to use to study the pressure and temperature change of a star? a. Reflecting telescope b. Refracting telescope c. Radio telescope d. Spectroscope


Which kinds of plants are most likely to perform CAM photosynthesis?

b. The total population of the top five largest U.S. cities.

Which of the data sets could be plotted on a pie chart? a. The distribution of weight among players of a football team. b. The total population of the top five largest U.S. cities. c. The percent of vegetation cover and precipitation rates in different national parks. d. The incubation period of a penguin colony as it relates to hours of daylight.

c. Moose

Which of the following animals would most likely be found in the taiga? a. Antelope b. Snake c. Moose d. Polar Bear

(B) Anaerobic cyanobacteria

Which of the following aquatic organisms would be LEAST affected by decreased levels of dissolved oxygen due to thermal pollution? (A) Aerobic green algae (B) Anaerobic cyanobacteria (c) Trout (D) Crayfish

c. Valence electrons are delocalized in a crystal lattice of positive ions

Which of the following best accounts for the fact that metals are good conductors of electricity? a. Valence electrons are transferred from one atom to another to form positive and negative ions b. Valence electrons are shared between neighboring atoms only c. Valence electrons are delocalized in a crystal lattice of positive ions d. Polar covalent bonds form between the atoms

D. It provides an explanation for the results of many experiments.

Which of the following characteristics is most important in demonstrating that a hypothesis should be called a theory? A. It interprets an observation. B. It states a conclusion supported by an experiment. C. It summarizes the most recent work of a scientist. D. It provides an explanation for the results of many experiments.

b. Cold water dissolves atmospheric carbon dioxide, stores it, and releases it back out to the atmosphere as needed.

Which of the following describes the physical or non-biological part of the carbon cycle? a. Phytoplankton use carbon dioxide and other nutrients to produce carbohydrates and oxygen. b. Cold water dissolves atmospheric carbon dioxide, stores it, and releases it back out to the atmosphere as needed. c. Carbon dioxide is dissolved in sea water, and is broken up to free carbon for use by marine life. d. Warm, surface water dissolves carbon dioxide where it is converted to nitrogen and phosphorus for use by marine life.

b. They show all the electrons of each atom of a molecule.

Which of the following descriptions of Lewis dot structures is not correct? a. They show the bonding between atoms of a molecule. b. They show all the electrons of each atom of a molecule. c. The total number of electrons is equal to the sum of the number of valence electrons on each atom. d. They show any lone pairs of electrons that may exist in a molecule that are not bonded to another atom.

d. Phase of the Moon

Which of the following does not control the movement of ocean currents? a. Wind b. Landmasses c. Earth's rotation d. Phase of the Moon

d. A carbon atom attached to a hydrogen atom by a double bond and to an oxygen atom by a double bond.

Which of the following does not describe a carboxyl group correctly? a. A carbon atom attached to an oxygen atom by a double bond and to a hydroxyl group by a single bond. b. A carbonyl group bonded to a hydroxyl group. c. A set of four atoms bonded together and abbreviated as CO₂H. d. A carbon atom attached to a hydrogen atom by a double bond and to an oxygen atom by a double bond.

c. Astatine

Which of the following elements is not a noble gas? a. Neon b. Argon c. Astatine d. Krypton

a. Should the packaging of meat products that come from cloned animals be labeled?

Which of the following ethical questions regarding biotechnology would be answered and regulated by the FDA? a. Should the packaging of meat products that come from cloned animals be labeled? b. Should nitrate or sulfate fertilizers be added to oil spills to assist the decomposition of crude oil by bacteria? c. Should parents be allowed to genetically alter an embryo by choosing its physical characteristics? d. Should cells or components of cells be used to create industrially useful products?

a. Vary only one factor at a time when studying how a system responds.

Which of the following guidelines should be used when collecting data during an experiment? a. Vary only one factor at a time when studying how a system responds. b. Take all measurements at the same time. c. Make sure that the measurements agree with the hypothesis that motivated the experiment. d. Make sure the measurements form a straight line when plotted on a graph.

(c) Gibberellin

Which of the following is a plant hormone that is responsible for stem elongation? (A) Adrenaline (B) Epinephrine (c) Gibberellin (D) Melatonin

A. Species will be destroyed before having been evaluated for potential medical and agricultural use.

Which of the following is a possible outcome of the destruction of a rain forest? A. Species will be destroyed before having been evaluated for potential medical and agricultural use. B. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will be reduced as a result of the deforestation. C. Biodiversity will increase. D. Acid rain will increase in the region.

d. Sugar

Which of the following is a product of the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis? a. Oxygen b. ATP c. NADPH d. Sugar

A.Preparing a dilute acid solution by adding a small amount of concentrated acid to water in a flask

Which of the following is a safe laboratory procedure? A.Preparing a dilute acid solution by adding a small amount of concentrated acid to water in a flask B.Using a flame to heat an open beaker of alcohol C.Storing volatile liquids in containers with loose lids D.Flushing all waste chemicals down the laboratory sink with large amounts of water

b. Genes used in genetically modified foods may be released into natural plants and create new species that are herbicide-resistant.

Which of the following is an example of a negative impact technology can have on the environment? a. Sewage treatment plants use microbes to break down organic compounds. b. Genes used in genetically modified foods may be released into natural plants and create new species that are herbicide-resistant. c. Genetically modified crops are given a viral gene that vaccinates the plant from a virus attack. d. Livestock are given growth hormones to optimize growth and production.

c. Vinegar fizzing when poured on a rock.

Which of the following is an example of chemical weathering? a. Rain freezing on the roadway. b. Ivy growing on the side of a wooden house. c. Vinegar fizzing when poured on a rock. d. A river carrying sediment downstream.

a. Glass

Which of the following is considered a non-renewable resource? a. Glass b. Wood c. Cattle d. Soil

c. 1 milligram

Which of the following is equivalent to 1 × 10ˉ³? a. 0.0001 b. 1 kilogram c. 1 milligram d. 100 micrograms

d. There are a different number of atoms for the products and the reactants.

Which of the following is never true of a chemical reaction? a. Matter is neither gained nor lost. b. Heat is absorbed or released. c. The rate of the reaction increases with temperature. d. There are a different number of atoms for the products and the reactants.

d. Lower seed dispersal

Which of the following is not an advantage angiosperms show over other types of plants? a. Larger leaves b. Double fertilization c. Dormant seeds d. Lower seed dispersal

B. Copper(II) nitrate

Which of the following is the correct name for Cu(NO₃)₂? A. Copper dinitrate B. Copper(II) nitrate C. Copper nitrogen trioxide D. Cuprous nitrogen trioxide

d. 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶ 4s² 3d²

Which of the following is the ground state electron configuration for Ti? a. 1s² 2s² 2p² 3s² 3p⁶ 4s² b. 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶ 4s² 4p² c. 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶ 3d⁴ d. 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁶ 4s² 3d²

d. It has a different number of neutrons than its element.

Which of the following is true of an isotope? a. It has a different number of protons than its element. b. It has a different number of electrons than its element. c. It has a different charge as compared to its element. d. It has a different number of neutrons than its element.

b. Water plus salt

Which of the following liquids will have the highest electrical conductivity? a. Pure water b. Water plus salt c. Water plus vinegar d. Water plus carbonated soda

d. Building new systems of public transportation

Which of the following practices would most likely reduce the chances of a human-induced natural disaster? a. Building new coal-fired power plants b. Clear-cutting an entire forested area c. Dumping hazardous waste into a river d. Building new systems of public transportation

c. Malleability

Which of the following properties of matter refers to the ability to be hammered into thin sheets? a. Density b. Tensile strength c. Malleability d. Ductility

b. Beta

Which of the following radioactive emissions results in an increase in atomic number? a. Alpha b. Beta c. Gamma d. All of the above

b. A spoiling apple

Which of the following represents a chemical change? a. Sublimation of water b. A spoiling apple c. Dissolution of salt in water d. A pulverized rock

C. 0.1 M HC₂H₃O₂ and 0.1 M NaC₂H₃O₂

Which of the following solutions is most resistant to a change in pH when a small amount of an acid or a base is added? A. 0.1 M HNO₃ and 0.1 M NaNO₃ B. 0.1 M HNO₃ and 0.1 M NaOH C. 0.1 M HC₂H₃O₂ and 0.1 M NaC₂H₃O₂ D. 0.1 M Na₂CO₃

d. Glaciers

Which of the following sources of fresh water is unavailable for human use? a. Rivers b. Estuaries c. Aquifers d. Glaciers

(D) Calm surface winds

Which of the following statements best describes the global wind pattern at the equator? (A) Strong, steady winds moving toward the North Pole (B) Strong, steady winds moving toward the South Pole (C) Strong, steady winds moving from east to west (D) Calm surface winds

c. It is the surface layer where wave action is present due to interaction with winds at the surface.

Which of the following statements best describes the mixed layer of the ocean? a. It is the layer between the warm, surface layer and the cold, deeper layer below. b. It is the transition zone where it becomes increasingly cold with depth due to loss of sunlight. c. It is the surface layer where wave action is present due to interaction with winds at the surface. d. It is the layer where upwelling and downwelling currents form due to density differences between the warm surface layer and the cold deeper layer.

C. The lit side of the Moon faces away from Earth, causing the Moon to appear totally dark.

Which of the following statements best describes the view of the Moon as seen from Earth during the new moon phase? A. The right half of the Moon appears lit, with the lit part growing larger on successive days. B. The left half of the Moon appears lit, with the lit part growing smaller on successive days. C. The lit side of the Moon faces away from Earth, causing the Moon to appear totally dark. D. The light reflecting off Earth's surface illuminates the entire surface of the Moon.

Nitrogen 78% and oxygen 21%

Which of the following states the correct atmospheric percentages of the major gases?

a. Propanol, CH₃CH₂CH₂OH

Which of the following substances is highly soluble in water? a. Propanol, CH₃CH₂CH₂OH b. Benzene, C₆H₆ c. Chloroform, CHCl₃ d. Hexane, C₆H₁₄

c. Laccolith

Which of the following terms describes an intrusion of magma injected between two layers of sedimentary rock, forcing the overlying strata upward to create a dome-like form? a. Sill b. Dike c. Laccolith d. Caldera

B. Lipids

Which of the following types of biological molecules contain the most energy per gram? A. Nucleic acids B. Lipids C. Carbohydrates D. Protein

c. Cold and high salinity

Which of the following types of ocean currents would be the densest? a. Warm and High salinity b. Warm and low salinity c. Cold and high salinity d. Cold and low salinity

a. 250 mL of 2.0 M HCl added to 750 mL H₂O

Which of the following will result in a solution of 0.50M HCl? Hint: C1V1=C2V2 a. 250 mL of 2.0 M HCl added to 750 mL H₂O b. 500 mL of 1.0 M HCl added to 1,000 mL H₂O c. 100 mL of 0.50 M HCl added to 900 mL H₂O d. 200 mL of 0.10 M HCl added to 1,000 mL H₂O

c. Transform

Which of the following words is not connected to the process of mountain building? a. Folding b. Faulting c. Transform d. Convergent

a. A high angle of incidence of the wave

Which of the following would cause a high angle of reflection of a light wave? a. A high angle of incidence of the wave b. A low angle of incidence of the wave c. A wave that travels through a medium of higher density d. A wave with a very short wavelength

c. High concentration

Which of the following would increase the reaction rate of a chemical reaction? a. Low kinetic energy b. Low temperature c. High concentration d. High activation energy

d. Reproductive habits

Which of the following would not be used as evidence for evolution? a. Fossil record b. DNA sequences c. Anatomical structures d. Reproductive habits


Which of the plant cell organelles contain(s) pigment that give leaves their color?

d. Electrophoresis

Which process uses electrical charges to separate substances? a. Spectrophotometry b. Chromatography c. Centrifugation d. Electrophoresis

a. The molecular arrangement is random in some directions and regular in others.

Which statement best describes the molecular arrangement of a liquid crystal? a. The molecular arrangement is random in some directions and regular in others. b. The molecular arrangement is a regularly, repeating pattern in all directions. c. The molecular arrangement is random in all directions. d. The molecular arrangement is reduced to one layer with a random pattern.

a. It compares the amount of radioactive material in a rock to the amount that has decayed into another element.

Which statement best describes the process of absolute dating? a. It compares the amount of radioactive material in a rock to the amount that has decayed into another element. b. It measures the age of a rock by comparing it to fossils found in the same stratigraphic layer as the rock. c. It measures the amount of daughter elements that have broken down by half. d. It measures the mass loss of a rock by estimating the amount of material that has eroded due to catastrophic events.

b. It states that the status of species is based on the reproductive isolation of populations.

Which statement best explains the Biological Species Concept (BSC)? a. It states that the status of species is based on the ability to pass on the most successful traits to their offspring. b. It states that the status of species is based on the reproductive isolation of populations. c. It states that the status of species is based on the ability of populations to mix and produce fertile hybrids. d. It states that the status of a species is due to the theory of natural selection.

b. It will ensure the health and safety of populations and the long-term sustainability of the environment.

Which statement best explains the importance of recycling and using alternative sources of energy? a. It will lead to greater production of goods and consumer spending in the future. b. It will ensure the health and safety of populations and the long-term sustainability of the environment. c. It will get rid of human disease and end economic warfare in the future. d. It will allow fossil fuel supplies to be replenished for their continued use in the future.

b. Na

Which substance is most likely to be a solid at STP? a. Hg b. Na c. Cl d. Ne

Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen

Which three elements combine to form the metabolic compound glycogen?


Which type of bonding does the molecule NaCl represent?


Which type of nuclear process features atomic nuclei splitting apart to form smaller nuclei?

Potential difference

Work per unit charge required to move a charge between the points. V=work/charge


Write out the Hydroxyl group structure

5.5 × 10^-3

Write this term in scientific notation: 0.0055

2.6 x 10^10

Write this term in scientific notation: 25,877,569,823 using two significant figures.

A. Zn

Zn + CuCl₂ → Cu + ZnCl₂ Which of the following species is oxidized in the reaction shown above? A. Zn B. Zn²⁺ C. Cu D. Cu²⁺

Heat & work

_____&____are energy in transition.


_______ are older soils produced by many years of weathering. They are common in warmer climates where the yearly precipitation is relatively high.


________ are newer soils.


________ are prairie soils; because of the activity of organisms, like prairie dogs, they have a thick A-horizon dense in organic matter.


________ clouds are usually thin and wisp-like, almost to the point of forming a veil-like covering called cirrostratus.

El Nino

_________, is a seasonal fluctuation in the air pressure difference in the mid-Southern Pacific Ocean caused by the warming of surface water that occurs every three to eight years. It can have significant effects all the way up the the coast of Peru to the Western United States.


___________ is a measurement of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a substance in terms of the number of moles of H+ per liter of solution.

Carbon, tetravalence

___________ often completes its valence shell by sharing electrons with other atoms in four covalent bonds, which is also known as _______________.


____________ is the study of matter and motion, and the topics related to matter and motion, such as force, energy, and work.


____________ is used to convert alternating current to direct current.


_____________ is the change in location of an object, and is the result of the unbalanced net force acting on the object.


______________ is a closed path along which electrons can travel with minimal resistance except at particular locations.


______________ is a measure of heat content in a system.


_______________ are the columns numbered 1 through 18 that group elements with similar outer electron shell configurations. Elements with the same group have similar chemical properties.

Centripetal acceleration

a = v²/r a = r ω²


f = 1/T f = ω/2π

Fusion vs fission

fission splits a massive element into fragments, releasing energy in the process. Fusion joins two light elements, forming a more massive element, and releasing energy in the process They both release energy because of the binding energy per nucleon curve


n = number of chromosomes in gametes (sperm and eggs) humans = 23


p = mv

Meiosis 1 phases

prophase 1, metaphase 1, anaphase 1, telophase 1 and cytokinesis

Organization of matter

pure substance: no separation by physical means chemical element: pure chemical substance consisting of one type of atom distinguished by its atomic number, which is the number of protons in its nucleus chemical compound: pure chemical substance consisting of two or more different chemical elements that can be separated into simpler substances by chemical reactions Solutions: molecules that are mixed up in a completely even distribution, homogenous systems mixture: substances held together by physical forces, not chemical, can be homogeneous and heterogeneous A homogeneous mixture is called a solution


sperm + egg 2n

Electric force

the attractive force between the electrons and the nucleus is called the _________ _________.

Atomic radius

the radii generally decrease along each period (row) of the table, from the alkali metals to the noble gases increase down each group (column). They increases sharply between the noble gas at the end of each period and the alkali metal at the beginning of the next period. These trends (and of various other chemical and physical properties of the elements) can be explained by the electron shell theory of the atom; they provided important evidence for the development and confirmation of quantum theory.


the rate of change of displacement (position). It is a vector quantity; both magnitude and direction are required to define it. The scalar absolute value (magnitude) of velocity is speed v = Δx / Δt (distance /time)


the speed of an object is the magnitude of its velocity (the rate of change of its position); it is thus a scalar quantity.

Spring Oscillation

x(t)= Acos(wt + phi) w=√(k/m) =2π/T

Conversion of °C to °F

°F = (9/5 × °C) + 32

c.It is spontaneous at temperatures above 200 K.

ΔG = ΔH − TΔS The change in Gibbs energy for a reaction at constant temperature is given by the equation above. For an endothermic reaction with ΔH = +20,000 J and ΔS = +100 J/K, which of the following is true about the reaction? a. It is never spontaneous. b. It is always spontaneous at any temperature. c.It is spontaneous at temperatures above 200 K. d. It is spontaneous at temperatures below 200 K.

c. It is spontaneous at temperatures above 200K only.

ΔG = ΔH − TΔS An equation is shown as follows: Change in Gibbs energy equals change in enthalpy minus temperature times change in entropy The change in Gibbs energy for a reaction at constant temperature is given by the equation above. For an endothermic reaction with ΔH = +20,000 J and ΔS = +100 J/K, which of the following is true about the reaction? a. It is never spontaneous. b. It is always spontaneous at any temperature. c. It is spontaneous at temperatures above 200K only. d. It is spontaneous at temperatures below 200K only.

Newton's first law of motion

"An object at rest will remain at rest, and an object moving at a constant velocity will continue moving at a constant velocity, unless it is acted upon by an unbalanced force." Another name is Law of Inertia


"Cellular power plants" they generate most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through respiration, used as a source of chemical energy- citric acid cycle, or the Krebs Cycle this organelle has its own independent genome. Its DNA shows substantial similarity to bacteria genomes.

Mitosis prophase

(Normally, the genetic material in the nucleus is in a loosely bundled coil called chromatin) *chromatin condenses together into a highly ordered structure called a chromosome. *genetic material has already been duplicated earlier in S phase *replicated chromosomes have two sister chromatids, bound together at the centromere by the cohesion complex


(kg·m/s, or N·s) is the product of the mass and velocity of an object (p = mv)

Chemical change

* Decomposition * Neutralization (Mixing acid+base=water and a salt). * Photosynthesis -CO₂ and water are changed into sugars. * Cooking examples: cake, pancakes, and eggs/bacon * Oxidation examples: rust or tarnishing * Ripening examples: bananas, tomatoes or potatoes Evidence * Change of odor * Change of color * Change in temp or energy, such as the production (exothermic) or loss (endothermic) of heat. * Change of form (for example, burning paper). * Light, heat, or sound is given off. * Formation of gases, often appearing as bubbles. * Formation of precipitate (insoluble particles). * The decomposition of organic matter (for ex rotting food).


* Is any substance containing free ions that make the substance electrically conductive. * Most typical is an ionic solution * Commonly exist as solutions of acids, bases or salts *Normally formed when a salt is placed into a solvent such as water and the individual components dissociate due to the thermodynamic interactions between solvent and solute molecules, in a process called solvation

6 simple machines

* Lever * Wheel and axle * Pulley * Inclined plane * Wedge * Screw They fall into two classes; those dependent on the vector resolution of forces (inclined plane, wedge, screw) and those in which there is an equilibrium of torques (lever, pulley, wheel).

metaphase two

* The chromosomes line up at the metaphase II plate at the cell's center. * The kinetochores of the sister chromatids point toward opposite poles. the centromeres contain two kinetochores that attach to spindle fibers from the centrosomes (centrioles) at each pole. The new equatorial metaphase plate is rotated by 90 degrees when compared to meiosis I, perpendicular to the previous plate

IUPAC nomenclature: alkenes and alkynes

*Alkenes are unsaturated compound containing at least one carbon to carbon double bond Alkenes are named for their parent alkane chain with the suffix "-ene" and an infixed number indicating the position of the double-bonded carbon in the chain, *Alkynes have a tripple bond between two carbons are named using the same system, with the suffix "-yne" indicating a triple bond.

Three domains

*Archaea- prokaryotic, no nuclear membrane, possess unique ancient evolutionary history for which they are considered some of the oldest species of organisms on Earth; traditionally classified as archaebacteria; often characterized by living in extreme environments *Bacteria - prokaryotic, no nuclear membrane, traditionally classified as bacteria, contain most known pathogenic prokaryotic organisms *Eukarya - eukaryotes, nuclear membrane

Prophase one

*Chromosomes condense and attach to the nuclear envelope. *Synapsis occurs (pair of homologous chromosomes lines up closely together), tetrad is formed, tetrad is composed of four chromatids. *Crossing over may occur. *Chromosomes thicken and detach from the nuclear envelope *centrioles migrate away from one another and both the nuclear envelope and nucleoli break down *chromosomes begin their migration to the metaphase plate

Anaphase one

*Chromosomes move to the opposite cell poles. Similar to mitosis, the microtubules and the kinetochore fibers interact to cause the movement. Unlike in mitosis, the homologous chromosomes move to opposite poles yet the sister chromatids remain together.

A polyatomic ion compound

*Name ends with -ite or -ate *First element in group A, name the ions (Li₂CO₃ lithium carbonate) *Not in group A, name the ions use roman numerals with the cation (CuSO₄ copper (II) sulfate)

Chemical reactivity: same period

*metal atoms tend to transfer electrons to nonmetals *nonmetal atoms tend to gain or share electrons In the same period: smaller the number of electrons transferred, more vigorous reaction

A binary compound

*name ends in -ide *if nonmetallic it is binary molecular; use prefix (N₂O₃ dinitrogen trioxide) *If metallic and in group A name ions (BaS barium sulfide) *if metallic not group A name ions and use roman numeral with cation (FeCl₂ iron (II) chloride)


- Pure chemical substance, one type of atom, distinguished by atomic number (Z), the number of protons in its nucleus - # of protons determines chemical properties - Mass number (A) is the number of nucleons (Z+N) in nucleus - Atomic numbers 83 or higher are inherently unstable, and undergo radioactive decay - The abundance of the lightest is well predicted by the standard cosmological model, since they were produced shortly after the Big Bang, in a process known as Big Bang nucleosynthesis. - Heavier were mostly produced much later, inside stars.

Specific heat of water

1 calorie/gram °C = 4.186 joule/gram °C

Scientific method

1) make observations 2) form a question 3) formulate a hypothesis 4) experiment 5) analyze results 6) draw conclusion

Sources of variation

1. Gamete success 2. Crossing over 3. Independent Assortment

Phases of the Cell Cycle

1. Interphase (G1, S, G2) 2. Mitosis (PMAT) 3. Cytokinesis (cell division)

Characteristics of a convex mirror

1. Smaller; 2. virtual, 3. upright, 4. behind mirror

a. 0.5 mol

2H₂O(l) → 2H₂(g) + O₂(g) If 9 g of H₂O decomposes according to the reaction shown above, how many moles of hydrogen gas are produced? (hint: 9g H₂O x (1 mol H₂O/18g H₂O) = .5 mol H₂O) a. 0.5 mol b. 1 mol c. 2 mol d. 4 mol


2n = number of chromosomes in body cells. humans = 46

Combination or synthesis reaction

A + B ----> AB

Substitution or single replacement reaction

A + BC ----> B + AC

d. 400 joules

A 10 kg cart is rolling along the surface and has to roll uphill 4 m. What is the minimum kinetic energy of the cart at the base of the hill if it is going to be able to roll to the top of the upper level? (Assume g = 10 m/s².) a. 4 joules b. 10 joules c. 40 joules d. 400 joules


A _______ is the unit used to measure power.


A _____________ mutation is most likely to have a dramatic effect on the sequence of a protein.


A _______________ is a solution whose pH remains relatively constant when a small amount of acid or a base is added.

c. The ball will move forward.

A ball is resting on the front end of a boat. The boat is moving straight forward toward a dock. According to Newton's first law of motion, when the front of the boat hits the dock, how will the ball's motion change with respect to the boat? a. The ball will remain at rest. b. The ball will move backward. c. The ball will move forward. d. The ball will move sideways.

d. Both balls will hit the ground at the same time.

A ball is thrown in a horizontal direction. The ball is released at a vertical height of 6 feet and with an initial speed along the horizontal direction only, as shown in figure I. At the same time, an identical ball is dropped from rest from a vertical height of 6 feet, as shown in figure II. Which of the following best describes what happens subsequently? (Assume that air friction is negligible) a. The thrown ball will hit the ground first because it is moving with a greater speed. b. The thrown ball will hit the ground first because it has a greater acceleration. c. The dropped ball will hit the ground first because it has a shorter distance to travel. d. Both balls will hit the ground at the same time.

Cathode ray tube

A beam of electrons emitted from the cathode of a high-vacuum tube. In 1897, J.J. Thomson, through cathode research discovered the electron, and concluded that they were a component of every atom. Thus he overturned the belief that atoms are the indivisible.

Newton's second law of motion

A body of mass m subject to a force F undergoes an acceleration a that has the same direction as the force and a magnitude that is directly proportional to the force and inversely proportional to the mass, i.e., F = ma

Cell cycle

A cell grows (G1), continues to grow as it duplicates its chromosomes (S), grows more and prepares for mitosis (G2), and finally it divides (M) before restarting the cycle.


A characteristic of enzymes is that they are always active on more than one kind of substrate. True or False


A class of relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits but the other is unaffected cattle egrets foraging in fields among cattle or other livestock. As cattle, horses, and other livestock graze on the field, they cause movements that stir up various insects. As the insects are stirred up, the cattle egrets following the livestock catch and feed upon them. The egrets benefit from this relationship because the livestock have helped them find their meals, while the livestock are typically unaffected by it.

(A) The alpha source

A classroom contains three radioactive sources: an alpha source, a beta source, and a gamma source. Suppose that each source must be stored separately but the only containers available are two lead boxes and one aluminum can. In order to minimize the total radiation exposure from all three stored sources, which source should be put in the aluminum can? (A) The alpha source (B) The beta source C) The gamma source (D) It makes no difference which source is placed in the aluminum can.

Elastic collision

A collision in which colliding objects rebound without the loss of kinetic energy.

Inelastic collision

A collision in which objects stick together, some kinetic energy is lost, momentum is conserved.


A complex protein structure that is analogous to a ring for the microtubule hook; it is the point where microtubules attach themselves to the chromosome. When a microtubule connects, the motor activates, using energy from ATP to "crawl" up the tube toward the originating centrosome. This motor activity provides the pulling force necessary to later separate the chromosomes two chromatids. In the fishing pole analogy, it would be the "hook" that catches a sister chromatid or "fish". The centrosome acts as the "reel" that draws in the spindle fibers or "fishing line".


A compound unable to ionize and does not conduct electricity

Static equilibrium

A condition where there are no net external forces acting upon a particle or rigid body and the body remains at rest or continues at a constant velocity.

d. Transformer

A device has an input voltage of 25.0 V and an output voltage of 50.0 V. The device is which of the following? a. Resistor b. Capacitor c. Battery d. Transformer


A device made of semiconductive material that can amplify or switch an electric charge.

4 of 16

A dihybrid cross is made between the dominant genes for Brown eyes (B) and Blond hair (S), and the recessive genes for blue eyes (b) and red hair (s). What fraction of offspring would have the genotype BbSs in the F2 generation? (Use a punnett square 2 times; BbSs for each parent, and the possible gametes for the next generation)


A footprint, a burrow, root traces, petrified dung, nests, eggs are all types of _________ fossils.

Restoring force

A force that always acts to pull a system back toward equilibrium.

Normal force

A force that is directed perpendicularly to a surface when two objects are in contact.

Frictional Force

A force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact.


A force's ability to cause an object to rotate, measured in mN.


A form of biosynthesis. It uses smaller molecules to build macromolecules; carbohydrates, nucleic acids (DNA, RNA & ATP), amino acids, proteins and lipids. Energy is used and stored during this process.

Electric charge

A fundamental property of matter that can be either positive or negative

c. The pressure decreases to one third.

A gas is held in a closed container and held at constant temperature. What is the effect of increasing the volume of the container by 3 times? (P₁V₁ = P₂V₂) a. The pressure is tripled. b. The pressure increases to one third. c. The pressure decreases to one third. d. The pressure remains constant.


A homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances. In such a mixture, a solute is dissolved in another substance, known as a solvent. ratio of solute to solvent stays the same, won't settle out. Substance present in larger amount is solvent. Solvents can be gases, liquids, or solids. This mixture has the same physical state as the solvent.

Hydrogen bond

A hydrogen atom bonded to a very electronegative atom is also weakly bonded to an unshared electron pair of another electronegative atom, strong relative to other dipole interactions

Scientific theory

A hypothesis which has been verified and accepted

Ozone layer

A layer in Earth's atmosphere which contains relatively high concentrations of ozone (O₃). This layer absorbs 97-99% of the sun's high frequency ultraviolet light, which is potentially damaging to life on earth. It is located in the lower portion of the stratosphere Ozone concentrations are greatest between about 20 and 40 km, where they range from about 2 to 8 parts per million. If all of the ozone were compressed to the pressure of the air at sea level, it would be only a few millimeters thick.


A liquid is held at its freezing point and slowly allowed to solidify. While freezing, heat is given off by the material. True or False

Higher, lower

A lower pH indicates a ____________ H+ concentration, while a higher pH indicates _________________ H+ concentration.


A macroscopic property of a system that is a measure of the microscopic disorder within the system

c. spin unpaired

A material becomes magnetic when the individual electrons of an atom ___________, allowing their magnetic fields to add together. a. spin in pairs in opposite directions b. spin in pairs in the same direction c. spin unpaired d. stop spinning


A material with conductivity between an insulator and a conductor.


A measure of the amount of space occupied. Can be measured l x w x h; or irregular shape, placed in water, measure amount of water displaced (units, ml or cm³).

Simple machine

A mechanical device that changes the direction or magnitude of a force. In general, they are simple and use mechanical advantage (also called leverage) to multiply force.


A membrane bound organelle which is present in all plant and fungal cells and some protist, animal and bacterial cells. Are essentially enclosed compartments filled with water containing inorganic and organic molecules, isolating harmful material, waste products, maintain turgor.

Regression analysis

A method of analyzing sets of data and sets of variables that involves studying how the typical value of the dependent variable changes when any one of the independent variables is varied and the other independent variables remain fixed.

Beta decay

A nucleus emits an electron and an antineutrino daughter is A, Z-1 mass number A and atomic number Z


A piece of metal, such as iron, steel, or magnetite that can affect another substance within its field of force that has like characteristics.

A very arid environment

A plant undergoes C4 photosynthesis. What type of environment would the plant most likely live in?


A plating process that uses electrical current to reduce cations of a desired material from a solution and coat a conductive object with a thin layer of the material, such as a metal. The part to be plated is the cathode of the circuit. The anode is made of the metal to be plated on the part. Both components are immersed in a solution electrolyte containing one or more dissolved metal salts that permit the flow of electricity. A power supply supplies a direct current to the anode, oxidizing its metal atoms, dissolving in the solution. At the cathode, the dissolved metal ions in the electrolyte solution are reduced at the interface between the solution and the cathode, such that they "plate out" onto the cathode.

Adiabatic process

A process in which no heat is allowed to flow into or out of the system (Q = 0 and ∆U = -W) ~ this can occur if the system is completely insulated or if the process occurs very quickly


A process or reaction that absorbs energy in the form of heat.


A process or reaction that releases energy usually in the form of heat, but also in the form of light (e.g. a spark, flame, or explosion), electricity (e.g. a battery), or sound(e.g. burning hydrogen).

Isothermal process

A process where the temperature does not change (so ∆U = 0) ~ if carried out on the ideal gas, PV = nRT becomes PV = constant


A quality of sound determined by frequency.


A quantity that includes both magnitude and direction.


A quantity that includes magnitude only.


A quantity that is often understood as the ability to perform work. This quantity can be assigned to any particle, object, or system of objects as a consequence of its physical state. Different forms include kinetic, potential, thermal, gravitational, sound, elastic and electromagnetic.

Magnetic field

A region surrounding a magnet in which ferrous materials or charged particles experience a force.

c. Medulla oblongata

A respiratory control center is located in which of the following structures? a. Heart b. Pulmonary artery c. Medulla oblongata d. Spinal cord

Mitosis telophase

A reversal of prophase events. It "cleans up" the after effects of mitosis. The nonkinetochore microtubules continue to lengthen, elongating the cell even more. Corresponding sister chromosomes attach at opposite ends of the cell. A new nuclear envelope forms around each set of separated sister chromosomes. Both sets of chromosomes, now surrounded by new nuclei, unfold back into chromatin. Mitosis is complete, but cell division is not yet complete.

b. High temperature and humidity

A rock concert is taking place outdoors. In which of the following conditions will the sound travel the farthest? a. High temperature and low humidity b. High temperature and humidity c. Low temperature and humidity d. Low temperature and high humidity

C. 1,027 mL

A sample of liquid water of a certain mass at 20°C and 1 atm has a volume of 1,000 mL. Which of the following is the most likely volume of a water sample with the same mass at 80°C and 1 atm? A. 970 mL B. 1,000 mL C. 1,027 mL D. 4,000 mL

H is positive, S is positive

A solid is heated until it melts. When a solid is melting, considering ΔG = ΔH - T ΔS, are enthalpy (H) and entropy (S) positive or negative?

Super saturation

A solution that contains more of the dissolved material than could be dissolved by the solvent under normal circumstances. Are prepared or result when some condition of a saturated solution is changed, for example temperature, volume (as by evaporation), or pressure. Carbonated water is a particular solution of carbon dioxide gas in water. At the elevated pressure in the bottle, more carbon dioxide can dissolve in water than at atmospheric pressure. At atmospheric pressure, the carbon dioxide gas escapes very slowly from a liquid in this state. This process may be accelerated by the presence of nucleation sites within the solution, such as small bubbles, caused by shaking the bottle, or another solute, such as sugar powder or a widget. A Diet Coke and Mentos eruption is a rather extreme example.

A scatter plot with the width on the y-axis and the precipitation rates on the x-axis

A student has collected data on the with of tree trunks and average precipitation rates for different locations. The student wants to show the relationship between these two variables. What type of graph should be used, and on which axes should the width measurements precipitation rates be placed?

c. A second dish with a dry, rather than damp, paper towel should have been used.

A student placed 20 radish seeds on a damp paper towel in a petri dish and placed the dish under a fluorescent light. After 48 hours, all the seeds had germinated. In order for the student to draw a valid conclusion about the effect of water on seed germination, which of the following should also have been included in the investigation? a. A second dish should have been placed in the dark. b. A second dish should have been placed in a refrigerator. c. A second dish with a dry, rather than damp, paper towel should have been used. d. A second dish with a dry, rather than damp, paper towel should have been placed in direct sunlight on a windowsill.

Open system

A system in which both energy and matter can enter or exit

Closed system

A system in which energy can enter or exit, but matter cannot.

Isolated system

A system in which neither energy nor matter can enter or exit.

Millon's test

A test used to detect the presence of proteins.

(C) 22.44

A thermometer inserted into a solution has a mercury level of just a bit less than halfway between the markings for 22.4°C and 22.5°C. To represent the correct number of significant figures, the temperature of the solution should be recorded as: (A) 22 (B) 22.4 (C) 22.44 (D) 22.5


A time interval in which particular plants and animals were dominant or present in great abundance is defined as a(n) ________.

B. equal in magnitude to the force that the tractor exerts on the wagon

A tractor is pulling a wagon full of hay. The mass of the wagon and hay is two times the mass of the tractor. When the tractor accelerates forward, the force that the wagon exerts on the tractor is A. two times greater in magnitude than the force that the tractor exerts on the wagon B. equal in magnitude to the force that the tractor exerts on the wagon C. one-half the magnitude of the force that the tractor exerts on the wagon D. zero, since the tractor is pulling the wagon forward

Gravitational force

A universal force that causes every object to exert a force on every other object.

Electrical force

A universal force that exists between any two electrically charged objects. Opposite charges attract one another and like charges repel.

Controlled variable

A variable that you keep the same for all the conditions of your experiment. Example: to get reliable results for a plant experiment, both the plant near the window and the plant in the closet need to receive the same amount of water so that testers would know that it was the differences in light and not the differences in water that made one plant grow more than the other.

Longitudinal Wave

A wave in which energy transfers parallel to the oscillation of molecules

(D) the addition of a catalyst

A(s) + B(g)^± C(aq) + heat ---> For the reaction shown above, all of the following changes will affect the quantities of reactants and products at equilibrium in a closed vessel EXCEPT: (A) an increase in the volume of the reaction vessel (B) an increase in pressure (C) an increase in temperature (D) the addition of a catalyst

Metathesis or double replacement reaction

AB + CD ----> AD + CB

Decomposition reaction

AB ----> A + B


APART! Centromeres divide.

b. Where the pipe is narrowest

According to Bernoulli's Principle, where will a gas flowing through a pipe exert the least amount of pressure? a. Where the pipe is widest b. Where the pipe is narrowest c. Where its velocity is lowest d. Where its kinetic energy is lowest


According to Coulomb's Law, the force between two charged objects is inversely related to the square of the distance between them. True or False

b. Voltage and current are directly proportional to one another.

According to Ohm's Law, how are voltage and current related in an electrical circuit? a. Voltage and current are inversely proportional to one another. b. Voltage and current are directly proportional to one another. c. Voltage acts to oppose the current along an electrical circuit. d. Voltage acts to decrease the current along an electrical circuit.

John Dalton

According to his atomic theory, which helped to support the law of conservation of mass : 1. All matter is made up of atoms 2. ATOMS CAN NEITHER BE CREATED NOR DESTROYED 3. Atoms of the same element are identical 4. Atoms of different elements have different properties 5. compounds consisted of atoms of different elements combined together in a particular ratio


According to the Dana classification system, minerals that contain the anion SO(4)(2-) are part of which chemical class?

Significant figures

Addition/subtraction: the least amount of figures; multiplication/division: the least figures before zero in a whole number, after the decimal point including trailing zeros, or after precluding zeros after a decimal point. (Ex: 1235, 123.5, 0.001235)

a. Dispose of the solutions according to local disposal procedures.

After a science laboratory exercise, some solutions remain unused and are left over. What should be done with these solutions? a. Dispose of the solutions according to local disposal procedures. b. Empty the solutions into the sink and rinse with warm water and soap. c. Ensure the solutions are secured in closed containers and throw away. d. Store the solutions in a secured, dry place for later use.


After the stratosphere, before thermosphere. where most meteors burn up upon entering the atmosphere. Temperature decreases with height. The mesopause, the temperature minimum that marks the top of the mesosphere, is the coldest place on Earth and has an average temperature around −85 °C (−121 °F; 188.1 K). Due to the cold temperature, water vapor is frozen, forming ice clouds (or Noctilucent clouds). A type of lightning referred to as either sprites or ELVES, form many miles above thunderclouds in the troposphere.

IUPAC nomenclature: alcohols

Alcohols (R-OH) take the suffix "-ol" with an infix numerical bonding position prefix hydroxy-

The Continental Drift Theory

Alfred Wegener is famous for which geological theory?


All of the chemical reactions that take place within a living organism, which convert nutrients to energy and macromolecules.

(C) There are small attractive forces between the molecules or atoms in a gas.

All of the following are assumptions of the kinetic theory of gases EXCEPT: (A) A gas consists of a collection of molecules or atoms in random motion. (B) The molecules or atoms in a gas move in straight lines until they collide. (C) There are small attractive forces between the molecules or atoms in a gas. (D) The volume of individual molecules or atoms in a gas is assumed to be zero.

Single or double pulley

Allows for easier direction of force.

Wheels and pulleys

Allows for movement with less resistance.


Allows the flow of electrons. Metals such as copper is said to be a good one.

Types of radiation charges

Alpha rays carry a positive charge Beta rays carry a negative charge Gamma rays are neutral

IUPAC nomenclature: amines

Amines (R-NH₂) organic compounds and functional groups that contain a basic nitrogen atom with a lone pair. are named for the attached alkane chain with the suffix "-amine" (e.g. CH₃NH₂ Methyl Amine) ex: amino acids


Amount of energy transferred by a force acting through a distance. Like energy, it is a scalar quantity, with SI units of joules.

Unbalance equation

An _______ _______ is one that does not follow the law of conservation of mass, which states that matter can only be changed, not created. The numbers of atoms indicated by the stoichiometric coefficients on each side of the arrow will not be equal.


An atom with a positive or negative charge - when the number of protons and electrons are not equal.

20 N

An electromagnet has a lifting force of 5 N. If the current through the coil is doubled, what is the lifting force? (F₂ = F₁ (I₂/I₁)²)


An electronic device used to conduct electric current in one direction.

Second law of thermodynamics

An expression of the universal principle of decay observable in nature. It is measured and expressed in terms of entropy, stating that the entropy of an isolated system which is not in equilibrium will tend to increase over time or (equivalently) that perpetual motion machines are impossible.

Fixed action pattern

An instinctive behavioral sequence that is indivisible and runs to completion. These patterns are invariant and are produced by a neural network known as the innate releasing mechanism in response to an external sensory stimulus known as a sign stimulus or releaser (a signal from one individual to another).

Free fall

An object that is falling under the sole influence of gravity. These objects (on Earth) accelerate downwards at a rate of 9.8 m/s².


An organelle that serves as the main microtubule organizing center of the animal cell as well as a regulator of cell-cycle progression. Although the centrosome has a key role in efficient mitosis in animal cells, it is not necessary.


An organism that obtains energy from sunlight (in the case of green plants) or inorganic compounds (in the case of sulfur bacteria)


An organism that use organic materials as a source of energy.

Energy transformations

Any form of energy can be transformed into another form. When energy is in a form other than thermal energy, it may be transformed with good or even perfect efficiency, to any other type of energy. With thermal energy, however, there are often limits to the efficiency of the conversion to other forms of energy, due to the second law of thermodynamics.

Kepler's Second Law

Any line connecting a planet to the sun will sweep out equal areas in equal times, regardless of where the planet is in its orbit


Anything with a pH higher than water is considered a __________.

Water (7)

Anything with a pH lower than _____________(___) is considered acidic.

Naming acids

Are named according to their anions. That ionic suffix is dropped and replaced with a new suffix (and sometimes prefix). For example, HCl has chloride as its anion, so the -ide suffix makes it take the form hydrochloric acid.


Are the characteristics of the reaction between zinc to produce hydrogen gas consistent with an acid. True or False


As the mass of a pendulum increases, the period increases. True or False

Same group: electronegativity

As you move down a group, the radius increases as more electrons shells are added. Since the outer electrons (those involved in bonding) are farther from the nucleus, they will feel the "pull" of the nucleus less. Larger atoms have lower electronegativity.

Oxidation state

Assigned by computing the difference between the number of valence electrons that a neutral atom of that element would have and the number of electrons that "belong" to it in the Lewis structure. Electrons in a bond between atoms of different elements belong to the most electronegative atom; electrons in a bond between atoms of the same element are split equally, and electrons in a lone pair belong only to the atom with the lone pair. While in ions the algebraic sum of these states of the constituent atoms must be equal to the charge on the ion.

Charles law

At constant pressure, the volume of a given mass of an ideal gas increases or decreases by the same factor as its temperature on the absolute temperature scale (i.e. the gas expands as the temperature increases). V₁/T₁=V₂/T₂

Element symbol, atomic number

At minimum, the cells in the periodic table contain the ___________ and its ___________.


Bacteria that derive their carbon from organic molecules (not carbon dioxide), and use light as a source of energy are known as


Based on his experiments _____ concluded that all mechanical experiments done inside a ship moving at a constant speed in a constant direction would give precisely the same results as similar experiments done on shore. Example: an astronaut inside a spaceship far from the solar system. Could NOT determine that the ship is moving without looking out a porthole.


Bending of a wave around/through an obstacle


Bending of a wave due to change in medium (thus speed)


Body cells other than reproductive cells.


Breakdown of large molecules (e.g., proteins + polysaccharides).


CCl4 would most likely dissolve in a nonpolar solvent. True or False


Cardiac and smooth muscle is _________ muscle.


Cell divides into two. Cell plate forms in plant cells.

Periods, groups

Cells in the periodic table are arranged in rows aka __________ and columns or ______________.

Anaphase II

Centromeres split. Single chromosomes move apart.

Physical properties

Changes in form not composition occur: *Color *Elasticity *Mass *Volume *Temperature Ex: Water becomes ice


Chromatin coils up into chromosomes. Centrioles move to poles. Spindle fibres and asters form. Nucleus and nucleolus disappear.

Sex chromosomes

Chromosome #23. Females = XX Males = XY

Homologous chromosome

Chromosome pairs of the same length, centromere position, and staining pattern with genes for the same characteristics at corresponding loci. One homologous chromosome is inherited from the organism's mother, the other from the organism's father.


Chromosomes # 1-22. (Not sex chromosomes)

Prophase II

Chromosomes can be seen. Cells are haploid (n).


Chromosomes line up at the metaphase plate. MIDDLE

Metaphase II

Chromosomes line up on the cell's equatorial plane [at 90˚ angle].

Telophase II

Cleavage furrow forms in preparation for cytokinesis to produce 4 haploid cells.


Cleavage furrow forms.

Telophase I

Cleavage furrow. Replicated chromosomes reach the poles.


Clouds form when the atmospheric temperature reaches the dew point. True or False


Coal is a renewable resource. (True/False)


Coiled up DNA

Ideal gas law

Combination of Boyle's law and Charles's law. It can also be derived from kinetic theory. The state of an amount of gas is determined by its pressure, volume, and temperature. The modern form of the equation is: PV = nRT where P is the absolute pressure of the gas; V is the volume; n is the amount of substance; R is the gas constant; and T is the absolute temperature.


Compared to fresh water, the freezing point of sea water is _________.

IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds: alkanes

Compounds that consist only of the elements carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) (i.e., hydrocarbons), wherein these atoms are linked together exclusively by single bonds (i.e., they are saturated compounds). Take the suffix "-ane" and are prefixed depending on the number of carbon atoms in the chain 1=meth, 2=eth, 3=prop ex:methane propane butane


Compounds that produce hydrogen ions when dissolved in water, combination of anions connected to as many hydrogen ions as are needed to make the molecule electrically neutral.

Diverging lens

Concave lens


Consists of protons and neutrons, positively charged, and heavier and denser than the surrounding electrons.

Charles Darwin

Contributed to survival of the fittest through natural selection theory of evolution by observing different species of birds, more specifically finches, on the Galapagos Islands during a geological exploration.

Converging lens

Convex lens

Single replacement

Copper is added to silver nitrate, which reacts to form copper nitrate and silver. What type of reaction has occurred?

Linnaeus - Linnaeus taxonomy

Created a method to classify plants and animals into smaller and more organized groups


Creation of sperm and eggs.


DNA is chromatin G1- growth/protein synthesis S- DNA replication G2- growth/protein synthesis

Seismic waves

Deflections in the paths of ______ ______ from earthquakes and man-made explosions can tell the most about the unseen regions below the Earth's surface. Harder materials deflect waves differently than softer materials.

Freezing point of a solution

Depends on the concentration of ions in solution as well as other factors. For a solution with a liquid as solvent, the temperature at which it freezes to a solid is slightly lower than the freezing point of the pure solvent. This phenomenon is known as freezing point depression and is related in a simple manner to the concentration of the solute.

A reaction that uses electricity to drive it.

Describe a electrolysis reaction.

Dilute 16.7 ml of 18.0 M HCl to a total volume of 100.0 ml.

Describe the correct procedure to prepare 100.0 ml of 3.00 M HCl solution from an 18.0 M HCl stock solution.

Anabolism, condensation reactions; catabolism; hydrolysis reactions.

Describe the difference between an anabolism reaction and a catabolism reaction.


Different form of the same gene.

Antoine Levoisier

Discovered the law of conservation of mass and defined an element as a basic substance that could not be further broken down by the methods of chemistry

Watson and Crick

Discoverers of the double helix shape structure and code for genetic information of DNA.


Distance between two particles that are in phase


Don't allow electricity to flow through it easily. non-metallic solids are said to be good examples.

b. +3.6 kJ

During a chemical process, a system absorbs 4.8 kJ of heat while doing 1.2 kJ of work on the surroundings. The change in internal energy of the system is a. +4.8 kJ b. +3.6 kJ c. -1.2 kJ d. -6.0 kJ


During chemiosmosis in mitochondria, energy from ATP is used to transport protons to the intermembrane space. True or False


Dynamics = __________

Paleozoic Era

Early life (570-286 million years ago); single cell organisms, shells, mollusks, brachiopods, rise of first vertebrates, rise of land plants, amphibians, insects, seed plants, and trees, and reptiles.

b. farther from

Electrons with greater amounts of energy are found ___________ the nucleus than electrons with less energy. a. closer to b. farther from c. more often inside d. more randomly around

d. all of the above

Elements of the periodic table are arranged into groups and periods and ordered according to a. atomic number. b. number of protons. c. reactivity. d. all of the above

Inclined plane

Enables a force less than the object's weight to be used to push an object to a greater height.


Enables multiplication of force.

Kinetic energy

Energy in motion; *Radiant Energy is electromagnetic energy that travels in transverse waves *Thermal Energy, or heat, is the vibration and movement of the atoms and molecules within substances. *Motion Energy is energy stored in the movement of objects. The faster they move, the more energy is stored *Sound is the movement of energy through substances in longitudinal (compression/rarefaction) waves

Kinetic Energy

Energy of motion. Measured in Joules. K=½mv²

Gravitational Potential Energy

Energy stored by virtue of an object's position within a gravitational field. Measured in Joules. Ug=mgh

Spring Potential Energy

Energy stored in a stretched or compressed spring. Measured in Joules. Us=½kx²

Third law of thermodynamics

Entropy for a perfect crystal at 0 K is Zero. Molecular vibrations from KE at temperature above zero Kelvin lead to disorder and an imperfect crystal


Enzymes catalyze biochemical reactions by ________ the activation energy of the reaction.

c. A + BC

Examine the following reaction. Which of the answer choices is a possible set of products? AB + C -> a. 2AB + C b. AB + CD c. A + BC d. B + C

Crossing over

Exchange of sections of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during prophase I of meiosis.

Gamma decay

Excited nucleus releases a high-energy photon daughter is the same A,Z


Extremely small, consisting of a central nucleus surrounded by electrons, can have an equal number of protons and electrons, can bond together to make molecules, one of the most basic units of matter.

Hooke's Law

F = -kx, The stress applied to an elastic material is directly proportional to the strain produced.

Gregor Mendel

Father of genetics, experimented with pea plants to observe occurence of inherited traits

Force due to gravity between two objects

Fg = G (m1 x m2) / r² Fg - is the force due to gravity G - is the universal gravitational constant m1 - is the mass of the first object m2 - is the mass of the second object r - is the distance between the centres of the two objects When using the SI units, G is 6.67 x 10ˉ¹¹ Nm²/kg²

Weight (N)

Fg = mg

Mitosis anaphase

First: proteins that bind sister chromatids are cleaved, separating into distinct sister chromosomes. They are pulled apart by shortening kinetochore microtubules and move toward the respective centrosomes to which they are attached. Next, the nonkinetochore microtubules elongate, pulling the centrosomes (and the set of chromosomes to which they are attached) apart to opposite ends of the cell. These two stages are sometimes called early and late.

Determine the empirical formula

For a compound which is 54.09% Ca, 43.18% O, and 2.73% H Divide each percent by that element's atomic weight. To get the answers to whole numbers, divide through by the smallest one. Ca = 54.09/40 = 1.352 1.352/1.352 = 1 O = 43.18/16 = 2.699 2.699/1.352 = 2 H = 2.73/1 = 2.73 2.73/1.352 = 2 CaO₂H₂ = Ca(OH)₂

Boyles law

For a fixed amount of an ideal gas kept at a fixed temperature, P [pressure] and V [volume] are inversely proportional (while one increases, the other decreases) P₁V₁=P₂V₂

Archimedes principle

For a sunken object the volume of displaced fluid is the volume of the object, and for a floating object on a liquid, the weight of the displaced liquid is the weight of the object. Buoyancy = weight of displaced fluid

Electrostatic force

Force between electrically charged objects.

Electric field

Force that a source charge would exert on a positive test charge q₀ within its proximity divided by that test charge; E = F/q₀


Force that causes two particles to pull towards each other

c. igneous rock.

Fossils are least likely to be found in a. sedimentary rock. b. metamorphic rock. c. igneous rock. d. Fossils are commonly found in all types of rock.

Interphase I

G1 - growth, protein synthesis S - DNA replicates G2 - growth, protein synthesis

Greater volume, lesser volume

Gas will occupy a ________ ________ as temperature is increase and a ________ ________ as temperature is decreased.


Given the chemical reaction 4Al(s) + 3O2(g) 2Al2O3(s), how many moles of O2(g) are needed to produce 100.0 moles of 2Al2O3(s)?

Periodic table

Groups elements with similar chemical properties together.


Happens when particles are doing the same thing at the same time.

Resistors in parallel

Have the same potential difference V1=V2=V3 etc.. power dissipated by a resistor is equal to current times the potential difference p=IV


Having greater than 2n chromosomes. (in plants)

Antoine Lavoisier

He discovered the law of conservation of mass and defined an element as a basic substance that could not be further broken down by the methods of chemistry

J. J. Thomson

He postulated that the low mass, negatively charged electrons were distributed throughout the atom, possibly rotating in rings, with their charge balanced by the presence of a uniform sea of positive charge, and was responsible for the plum pudding model.

Jean Baptiste Lamarck

He proposed an alternative to Darwin's theory of evolution, stating that favorable traits developed due to environmental conditions and the desire and needs of the organisms.

First law of thermodynamics

Heat flows out of the water & into the ice, lowering the water's internal energy, human metabolism, heat flows into water from the burner, increasing the water's internal energy.


Heat transfer that occurs through the emission of electromagnetic waves, which carry energy away from the emitting object.

Forms of energy

Heat, light, sound, electrical, chemical, nuclear and mechanical. Work is the amount of energy transferred during an interaction. amount of energy before a transformation = amount of energy after. In most energy transformations, some energy is converted to thermal energy.

Robert Millikan

His oil drop experiment helped to quantify the charge of an electron, which contributed greatly to our understanding of the structure of the atom and atomic theory.

Characteristics of all living things

Homeostasis, organization, metabolism, growth, adaptation, response to stimuli, reproduction.


Homologous chromosomes pair up (snap together) in Prophase I to form a tetrad (4 chromatids).

Metaphase I

Homologous pairs line up in the middle on the metaphase plate.

Independent vs dependent variable

Hours of light affecting plant growth, temperature affecting solubility, amount of fertilizer affecting plant growth,

a. Through gills

How are animals of the Mollusca phylum able to respire? a. Through gills b. Through a trachea c. Through lungs d. Through muscle contraction

c. The vapor pressure decreases by an amount proportional to the amount of solute.

How does adding a solute to a liquid solvent affect the vapor pressure of the liquid? a. The vapor pressure increases by an amount proportional to the amount of solute. b. The vapor pressure increases by an amount proportional to the amount of solvent. c. The vapor pressure decreases by an amount proportional to the amount of solute. d. The amount of solute present in a liquid solvent does not have any effect on vapor pressure.

Haploid number (n)

Human germ cells (sperm and egg) have one complete set of chromosomes from the male or female parent. Germ cells, also called gametes, combine to produce somatic cells. Somatic cells therefore have twice as many chromosomes. This is the number (n) of chromosomes in a gamete. A somatic cell has twice that many chromosomes (2n).

Zeroth law of thermodynamics (nickname)

If A and B are the same temperature and B and C are the same temperature then A and C are the same temperature. Thermal equilibrium.

(D) Same in both/Greater in bathtub

If a beaker and a bathtub are each filled with pure boiling water, which of the following indicates the relative temperatures and heat content of the water in each? Temperature/Heat Content (A) Higher in bathtub/Greater in bathtub (B) Higher in beaker/Greater in beaker (C) Same in both/Same in both (D) Same in both/Greater in bathtub

b. 3 meters behind the surface of the mirror

If a flat object is placed 3 meters in front of a plane mirror, the image will be formed a. On the surface of the mirror b. 3 meters behind the surface of the mirror c. Greater than 3 meters behind the surface of the mirror d. Less than 3 meters behind the surface of the mirror

a. +charge on glass rod, -charge on cloth

If a glass rod is rubbed with a cloth made of polyester, what will the resulting charge be on each material? a. +charge on glass rod, -charge on cloth b. -charge on glass rod, +charge on cloth c. neutral charge on glass rod, + on cloth d. neutral charge on both glass rod and cloth

c. at carrying capacity.

If a population reaches a maximum size and ceases to grow due to a limited availability of resources the population is a. unstable. b. shrinking exponentially. c. at carrying capacity. d. moving towards extinction.

b. 2 coulombs Q=A x time (seconds)

If a wire carries a steady current of 0.1 amp for 20 seconds, which of the following gives the total charge passing through the wire during this time interval? Q=A x time (seconds) a. 0.005 coulomb b. 2 coulombs c. 20 coulombs d. 200 coulombs

b. The star is moving closer or toward him.

If an astronomer observing the stars detects a blue shift, what could he conclude? a. The star is moving farther away from him. b. The star is moving closer or toward him. c. The star is cooling down and becoming smaller. d. The star is heating up and becoming larger.

d. The atomic number is equal to the number of electrons.

If an atom has a neutral charge, what must be true of the atom? a. The nucleus contains only neutrons and no protons. b. The atomic mass is equal to the number of neutrons. c. The atomic number is equal to the number of neutrons. d. The atomic number is equal to the number of electrons.

d. It is a stable atom.

If an atom's outer shell is filled, what must be true? a. It reacts with other atoms through chemical reactions. b. It exchanges electrons to form bonds with other atoms. c. It has 32 electrons in its outer shell. d. It is a stable atom.

It will be smaller (ALWAYS smaller for convex mirrors!)

If an object is in front of a convex mirror at the same distance from it as its radius of curvature, then

Terminal velocity

If an object's speed is constant due to the restraining force exerted by the air, water or other fluid through which it is moving. A free-falling object achieves its type of velocity when the downward force of gravity (Fg) equals the upward force of drag (Fd). This causes the net force on the object to be zero, resulting in an acceleration of zero- continues falling at a constant speed. More drag means a lower values for this velocity, increased weight means a higher values.

b. Land breeze

If land cools off rapidly at night and the ocean water stays relatively warm, what type of winds is created? a. Sea breeze b. Land breeze c. Monsoon d. Trade wind

d. 90%

If the current air temperature is 65˚F and the current dew point is 62˚F, what is most likely the current relative humidity? a. 3% b. 10% c. 50% d. 90%

b. Increase by a factor of √2

If the length of a simple pendulum is doubled, the period of the pendulum will (hint: T = 2ᴫ√L/g , where g is acceleration due to gravity) a. Increase by a factor of 2 b. Increase by a factor of √2 c. Remain the same d. Decrease by a factor of 2


If/then statement, an "educated guess" based on prior knowledge

Dmitri Mendeleev

In 1869, building upon earlier discoveries by such scientists as Lavoisier, he published the first functional periodic table. The table itself is a visual representation of the periodic law, which states that certain chemical properties of elements repeat periodically when arranged by atomic number

Rutherford's gold foil experiment

In 1909, he bombarded a sheet of gold foil with alpha rays—by then known to be positively charged helium atoms—and discovered that a small percentage of these particles were deflected through much larger angles than was predicted using Thomson's proposal, suggesting that the positive charge of a heavy gold atom and most of its mass was concentrated in a nucleus at the center of the atom.

Niels Bohr orbitals

In 1913, this physicist suggested that the electrons were confined into clearly defined, quantized orbits, and could jump between these, but could not freely spiral inward or outward in intermediate states.An electron must absorb or emit specific amounts of energy to transition between these fixed orbits. When the light from a heated material was passed through a prism, it produced a multi-colored spectrum. The appearance of fixed lines in this spectrum was successfully explained by these orbital transitions.


In DNA replication, the enzyme, __________ is required for separating the DNA molecule into two strands.


In _______ selection, a trend develops based on survival advantages created by a certain trait or traits. Example: if a longer neck confers a survival advantage in that it allows an organism more feeding opportunities, it would be expected that longer-necked individuals would have better survival rates and more would live to reproduce. In this case, more long-necked offspring would result. Over generations, you would expect to see that the population as a whole would shift in the direction of longer necks.

D.Adaptive radiation

In a chain of islands, closely related bird species occupy different islands. The species share a common ancestor that inhabits the mainland. Which of the following was the most likely mechanism of speciation? A.Coevolution B.Gene flow C.Spatial isolation D.Adaptive radiation

d. Voltage is the same for each path and current is greatest in path C.

In a parallel circuit, there are three paths: A, B, and C. Path A has a resistance of 10 ohms, path B a resistance of 5 ohms and part C a resistance of 2 ohms. How do the voltage and current change for each path? (V=IR) a. Voltage and current are kept the same in each path. b. Voltage is greatest in path A and current is greatest in path C. c. Voltage is lowest in path C and current is greatest in path C. d. Voltage is the same for each path and current is greatest in path C.

c. Al₂O₃ + 2Fe

In a single replacement reaction, what products could result from these reactants in the following chemical equation? 2Al + Fe₂O₃ ---> a. AlO₃ + Fe₂ b. 2Fe₂ + 2AlO₃ c. Al₂O₃ + 2Fe d. 2AlFeO₃

solute, sugar; solvent, water

In a solution of sugar and water identify the solute and the solvent.

Lactic acid fermentation

In a strenuously exercising muscle, NADH begins to accumulate in high concentration. Which metabolic process will be activated to reduce the concentration of NADH?

D.Mitochondria use the energy in sugars to synthesize ATP.

In eukaryotic cells, which of the following provides energy for the active transport of ions across the plasma membrane? A.Nuclei produce mRNA to provide energy for active transport. B.Vacuoles store fat to provide energy for active transport. C.Chloroplasts fix nitrogen to synthesize ATP. D.Mitochondria use the energy in sugars to synthesize ATP.

Bottom left corner

In general, where in the periodic table of elements are the elements with the largest atomic radii located?

A. directing blood vessels of the skin to dilate

In order for endothermic animals to maintain homeostasis of body temperature, the body will prevent above-normal body temperatures by: A. directing blood vessels of the skin to dilate B. directing blood vessels of the skin to constrict C. directing the erector pili muscles in the skin to contract and raise the hair D. sending nerve impulses to skeletal muscles to cause shivering


In photosynthesis, high-energy electrons move through electron transport chains to produce ATP and NADPH. __________ provides the energy to create high energy electrons.


In plant cells only. In highly vacuolated plant cells, the nucleus has to migrate into the center of the cell before mitosis can begin. This is achieved through the formation of a phragmosome, a transverse sheet of cytoplasm that bisects the cell along the future plane of cell division. the formation of a ring of microtubules and actin filaments (called preprophase band) underneath the plasma membrane around the equatorial plane of the future mitotic spindle.


In the human body which gland produces the enzyme amylase or ptyalin?


In the periodic table, there are seven ________ or rows, and within each period there are blocks that group elements with the same outer electron subshell.

(D) osmosis

In the root system of a vascular plant, the movement of water from the soil into the plant's root cells occurs by (A) capillarity (B) translocation (C) turgor pressure (D) osmosis

Chemical reactivity: same group

In the same group: elements have the same # of outershell electrons, the atomic radius largely determines reactivity. *larger metals loose outer shell electrons more easily *smaller nonmetals are more likely to take electrons away/share w metals

Conversion of mass to energy

In the special theory of relativity Einstein demonstrated that neither mass nor energy were conserved separately, but that they could be traded one for the other and only the total "mass-energy" was conserved. The relationship between the mass and the energy is e=mc² the speed of light squared is a very large number, a small amount of mass corresponds to a huge amount of energy

meiosis generates genetic diversity

In two ways: (1) independent alignment and subsequent separation of homologous chromosome pairs during the first meiotic division allows a random and independent selection of each chromosome segregates into each gamete; and (2) physical exchange of homologous chromosomal regions by homologous recombination during prophase I results in new combinations of DNA within chromosomes.

b. Infrared < visible < ultraviolet < gamma rays

In which of the following are the types of electromagnetic radiation listed in order of increasing energy? a. Visible < infrared < gamma rays < ultraviolet b. Infrared < visible < ultraviolet < gamma rays c. Gamma rays < visible < infrared < ultraviolet d. Ultraviolet < visible < infrared < gamma rays

d. Mario balances a book on his head.

In which of the following scenarios is work not applied to the object? a. Mario moves a book from the floor to the top shelf. b. A book drops off the shelf and falls to the floor. c. Mario pushes a box of books across the room. d. Mario balances a book on his head.


In which taxonomic group are organisms most alike? Kingdom, Phylum, Class , Order, Family


Increasing temperature increases the solubility of a gas in a liquid. True or False


Indicates a binary compound - two nonmetallic elements, prefixes are used to indicate how many atoms of each are present.


Intrinsic property of a conductor denoted by ρ used to measure its resistance in the equation R = ρ L/A. L = length of the conductor, A = cross-sectional area.

Coulomb's law

Inverse square law, Electric Force = F = k (q₁q₂)/r² = 1/(4πε₀) (q₁q₂)/r


Involved in the organization of the mitotic spindle and in the completion of cytokinesis.

Ionic bond

Involves a metal and a nonmetal ion (or polyatomic ions such as ammonium) through electrostatic attraction. In short, it is a bond formed by the attraction between two oppositely charged ions.

Ionic nature of matter

Ions are formed when atoms, or groups of atoms, lose or gain electrons. Metals lose some of their electrons to form positively charged ions, e.g. Fe⁺², Al⁺³, Cu⁺², etc. Nonmetals gain electrons and form negatively charged ions, e.g. Clˉ, Oˉ², Sˉ², etc.


Is the gain of electrons or a decrease in oxidation state by a molecule, atom, or ion.


Is the loss of electrons or an increase in oxidation state by a molecule, atom, or ion.

A. 1 only

Jar 1: Open to air Jar 2: Opening of jar tightly closed Jar 3: Opening of jar covered with fine mesh In an attempt to disprove the belief that living things, such as maggots, can originate spontaneously from decaying meat, fresh meat was placed in jars as shown above. The hypothesis that flies are the source of maggots that appear on decaying meat would best be supported if maggots are later found in which jar? A. 1 only B. 2 only C. 3 only D. 1 and 3

Conversion of °C to K

K = 273.15 + °C

Linneaun classification system

Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species (Kings Play Chess On Fine Glass Surfaces; King Phillip Came Over For Good Spaghetti).

Diverging lens

Lenses used for nearsightedness

Toward the normal

Light traveling at an angle from a less dense a into a denser medium is refracted (direction)

Forms of energy

Light, heat, chemical, and motion. They are either potential or kinetic.

Kekule diagram

Like Lewis dot diagrams, these are two-dimensional representations of chemical compounds. Covalent bonds are shown as lines between elements. Double and triple bonds are shown as two or three lines and unbonded valence electrons are shown as dots.

Three-domain system

Loosely based on the traditional five-kingdom system but divides the kingdom Monera into two "domains," leaving the remaining eukaryotic kingdoms in the third domain. On the basis of differences in 16S rRNA genes, these two groups and the eukaryotes each arose separately from an ancestor with poorly developed genetic machinery, often called a progenote. To reflect these primary lines of descent, he treated each as a domain, divided into several different kingdoms.


Loudness describes the way the human ear perceives the amplitude of a sound wave. True or False

Loudness vs pitch

Loudness is a function of the sound wave's amplitude. The greater the amplitude, the greater the volume. Pitch is related to its frequency. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch.

Molecular compound

Made up of molecules, nonmetallic, solid liquid or gas, low melting point ex: carbon monoxide, water *only compound named with prefixes.

Convex lens

Magnifying lens

Vestigial structure

Many people have their wisdom teeth removed because they no longer serve a function in humans and may cause problems if left in. What are wisdom teeth an example of?

Molar mass

Mass in grams of one mole of the substance *multiply the number of moles of a substance by the molar mass to get the mass of the substance *divide mass of substance by molar mass to get number of moles

Alpha decay

Mass number A and atomic number Z A particle (A=4, Z=2) emitted from nucleus daughter is A-4 (top number) and Z-2 (bottom number)

Gram atomic mass

Mass of one mole (6.02x10²³ atoms) of an element.

Gram molecular mass

Mass of one mole of a molecular compound.

Gram formula mass

Mass of one mole of an ionic compound

Electric power

Measured in watts, ______________ refers to the rate at which electrical energy is transferred by an electric circuit.

Standard deviation

Measures the variability of a data set and determines the amount of confidence one can have in the conclusions.


Meiosis in ovaries to create an egg(ovum).


Meiosis in testes to create sperm.


Membrane-enclosed organelle found in eukaryotic cells. It contains most of the cell's genetic material, organized as multiple long linear DNA molecules in complex with a large variety of proteins to form chromosomes. Maintains the integrity of these genes and controls the activities of the cell by regulating gene expression.


Metals, positive, name is same as element like sodium cation Na+ and atomic sodium Na

Mesozoic Era

Middle life (245-144 million years ago); rise of mammals and dinosaurs; the rise of birds; extinction of dinosaurs, rise of flowering plants.


Millon's test is given by any compound containing a phenolic _______ group. Millon's test is used to detect the presence of proteins.

Mitotic m phase

Mitosis separates the chromosomes in its cell nucleus into two identical sets in two nuclei. It is followed by cytokinesis, which divides the nuclei, cytoplasm, organelles and cell membrane into two cells. Mitosis and cytokinesis together define the mitotic (M) phase of the cell cycle - the division of the mother cell into two daughter cells, genetically identical to each other and to their parent cell.

a. high solubility in water.

Most organic molecules have all of the following properties except a. high solubility in water. b. a tendency to melt. c. covalently bonded. d. high flammability.

Orbital motion

Motion that results from the combination of the objects forward inertia and the downward pull of gravity on the object

Periodicity: electronegativity

Moving left to right, the radius of the atom decreases as more protons pull on more electrons. When an atom is smaller, the electrons are closer to the nucleus, and therefore feel the pull more strongly. Smaller atoms will have a higher electronegativity.


Negatively charged particles which orbit around the nucleus, their weight is so small it does not contribute to the atomic mass


Non membrane bounded organelles responsible for protein synthesis from all amino acids The DNA sequence in genes is copied into a messenger RNA (mRNA). These organelles then read the information in this RNA and use it to create proteins. This process is known as translation.


Non-membrane bound structure composed of proteins and nucleic acids found within the nucleus mainly involved in the assembly of ribosomes. After being produced in the nucleolus, ribosomes are exported to the cytoplasm where they translate mRNA.


Nonmetals, negative, name typically ends in -ide like sulfide

One mole of any gas at STP

Occupies a volume of 22.4 L (STP= 1 atm pressure, 0˚C) *density of any gas at STP is its molar mass divided by 22.4 L


Occurring without gain or loss of heat.

Simple harmonic motion (SHM)

Occurs where there is a restoring force on an object that is proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium.

D. Grasshoppers

Of the following organisms, which are primary consumers in an ecosystem? A. Algae B. Cyanobacteria C. Frogs D. Grasshoppers

a. H₂ H₂<NH₃<H₂O<I₂

Of the following, which has the lowest normal boiling point? a. H₂ b. I₂ c. H₂O d. NH₃

c. the slope is very steep.

On a topographic map, an area where the contour lines are very close together indicates that a. a stream is present. b. the slope is very gentle. c. the slope is very steep. d. the area surrounds a depression.


On what does the energy of a photon depend?


Once a hypothesis has been verified and accepted, it becomes a


One half of a replicated chromosome


One mole of oxygen gas and two moles of hydrogen are combined in a sealed container at STP, the partial pressure of hydrogen is ________ (greater/lesser) than the partial pressure of oxygen.

Periodicity: atomic radius

One periodic property of atoms is that they tend to decrease in size from left to right across a period of the table. the atomic radii increases top to bottom and right to left in the periodic table.

C. are only in certain allowed energy states

One similarity between the Bohr and quantum mechanical models of the atom is that electrons A. are embedded in the nucleus B. revolve around the nucleus in circular orbits C. are only in certain allowed energy states D. behave as particles and not as waves


Outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere extends from the exobase upward. Here the particles are so far apart that they can travel hundreds of km without colliding with one another. Since the particles rarely collide, the atmosphere no longer behaves like a fluid. These free-moving particles follow ballistic trajectories and may migrate into and out of the magnetosphere or the solar wind. The exosphere is mainly composed of hydrogen and helium.

Power (in terms of force)

P = F v

Precambrian Eon

Period of time from the formation of the Earth (4.6 billion years ago) to the rise of life forms.


Phase of the cell cycle in which the cell spends the majority of its time and performs the majority of its purposes including preparation for cell division, increases its size and makes a copy of its DNA. gets itself ready for mitosis or meiosis.


Plane mirrors produce _____ images

Kepler's First Law

Planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun at their center


Point at which a solution of a substance can dissolve no more of that substance and additional amounts of it will appear as a precipitate. This point of maximum concentration, depends on the temperature of the liquid, pressure, contaminates, as well as the chemical nature of the substances involved.The solubility of liquids in liquids is generally less temperature-sensitive than that of solids or gases.

-ite or -ate

Polyatomic ion that included oxygen in the formula.


Positively charged particles in the nucleus of an atom, the number of which determines the atomic number of the element, which is represented as "Z".

Metallic bond

Preferable to use the term metallic bonding, because this type of bonding is collective in nature and a single "metallic bond" does not exist, electrons are shared over many nuclei allows for electrical conductivity.

Meiosis vs mitosis

Produces genetically unique haploid cells. Produces genetically identical diploid cells.

Meiosis 2 phases

Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II

Dmitri Mendeleev

Published the first functional periodic table. The table itself is a visual representation of the periodic law, which states that certain chemical properties of elements repeat periodically when arranged by atomic number.

b. Distillation

Pure water must be prepared from a sodium chloride solution. Which of the following purification methods will most effectively remove the sodium chloride? a. Chlorination b. Distillation c. Filtration d. Irradiation


Rapid chemical combination of a substance with oxygen, involving the production of heat and light.


Reacts with metals and carbonates, turns blue litmus paper red, and has a pH less than 7.0 in its standard state. These can occur in solid, liquid or gaseous form, depending on the temperature. They can exist as pure substances or in solution Reactions of these substances are often generalized in the form HA <--> H⁺ + Aˉ where HA represents the substance and A− is the conjugate base. Acid-base conjugate pairs differ by one proton, and can be interconverted by the addition or removal of a proton the stronger of two acids will have a higher disassociation constant (k suba) pKa = -log10 Ka. Stronger acids have a smaller pKa than weaker acids

Meiosis one

Refers to "reduction division" because homologues chromosomes separate and the 2 haploid daughter cells have only half the chromosome number

Strong vs weak acid

Refers to its ability or tendency to lose a proton. A strong acid is one that completely dissociates in water; in other words, one mole of a strong acid HA dissolves in water yielding one mole of H+ and one mole of the conjugate base, A−, and none of the protonated acid HA

Sister chromatids

Replicated forms of a chromosome joined together by the centromere and eventually separated during mitosis or meiosis II.

c. A cation from a base and an anion from an acid

Salts are made from a combination of what two types of elements? a. A metal and a nonmetal b. A nonmetal and an alkaline earth metal c. A cation from a base and an anion from an acid d. A metal and a halogen


Segment of DNA that codes for a specific trait.

Anaphase I

Segregation - Homologous pairs separate to opposite poles.

Cell cycle

Series of events that takes place in a cell leading to its division and duplication (replication). In cells with a nucleus (eukaryotes), the cell cycle can be divided in two periods: interphase—during which the cell grows, accumulating nutrients needed for mitosis and duplicating its DNA—and the mitosis (M) phase, during which the cell splits itself into two distinct cells, often called "daughter cells".

telophase two

Similar to telophase I, and is marked by uncoiling and lengthening of the chromosomes and the disappearance of the spindle. Nuclear envelopes reform and cleavage or cell wall formation eventually produces a total of four daughter cells, each with a haploid set of chromosomes. Meiosis is now complete and ends up with four new daughter cells.

Mechanical advantage

Simple machines provide a force known as a ______________ _____________ and make it easier to accomplish a task.

Conservation of momentum

Since this is always conserved, the sum of the momenta before the collision must equal the sum of the momenta after the collision There are two types of collisions that conserve momentum: elastic collisions, which also conserve kinetic energy, and inelastic collisions, which do not.


Single-celled organism with nuclei (algae, protozoans).


Single-celled organism without nuclei (bacteria).


Skeletal muscle, which is responsible for all skeletal movement such as locomotion, is ________ muscle.

Golgi apparatus

Sorting and modification of proteins, single membrane compartment, all eukaryotes.


Sperm or eggs. Created by meiosis. Haploid (n)


Stages are interphase, prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. During the process the pairs of chromosomes condense and attach to fibers that pull the sister chromatids to opposite sides of the cell. The cell then divides in cytokinesis, to produce two identical daughter cells.

Compound is an acid

Starts with "H" (HNO₃ nitric acid)

First law of thermodynamics

States that energy can be transformed (changed from one form to another), but cannot be created or destroyed. Change in energy (U) = heat added (Q) - work (W)

Newton's law of universal gravitation

States that every object in the universe attracts every other object

Bernoulli's principle

States that for an inviscid flow, an increase in the speed of the fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure or a decrease in the fluid's potential energy **as the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure exerted by that fluid decreases why planes fly

Potential energy

Stored energy and the energy of position — gravitational energy *Chemical Energy is energy stored in the bonds of atoms and molecules *Mechanical Energy is energy stored in objects by tension. *Nuclear Energy is energy stored in the nucleus of an atom — the energy that holds the nucleus together. *Gravitational Energy is energy stored in an object's height. Electrical Energy is what is stored in a battery


Substances that have mass and occupy space (or volume) and consists of atoms; exists in three states: solid, liquid or gas.

Prophase I

Synapsis - homologous chromosomes (tetrads) pair up. Crossing over may occur - exchange of genetic material.


Synonym of saccharide, organic compound with the empirical formula Cn(H₂O)n, that is, consists only of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, with the last two in the 2:1 atom ratio. Divided into four chemical groupings: monosaccharides & disaccharides (sugars end in -ose), oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides (starch glycogen cellulose).

Pendulum period

T=2π √(L)/(g)


Taxonomic rank below Kingdom and above Class. Is equivalent to the botanical term division, Informally, can be thought of as grouping organisms based on general body plan, as well as developmental or internal organizations. ex: Chordata, where humans belong, along with all other vertebrate species, as well as some invertebrates such as the lamprey

Metaphase one

Tetrads align at the metaphase plate. The centromeres of homologous chromosomes are oriented toward the opposite cell poles.


The SI unit of force

Kinetic theory of gases

The _______ ______ __ _____ assumes that gas molecules are small compared to the distances between them and that they are in constant random motion.


The ability or tendency to float in water or air or some other fluid.

Centripetal acceleration

The acceleration of mass moving uniformly in a circle at a constant speed directed radially inward toward the center of the circular path.


The amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of a gram of water by one degree Celsius.

d. temperature

The amount of potential energy an object has depends on all of the following except its: a. mass b. height above ground c. gravitational attraction d. temperature

Periodicity: electron affinity

The attraction of an atom for an electron. Metals have low values while nonmetals have high values. The general trend as you go down a column is a decreasing tendency to gain electrons. As you go across a row there is also a trend for a greater attraction for electrons.


The average salinity in sea water is 35%. True or False

Average velocity

The average speed of an object in an interval of time is the distance traveled by the object divided by the duration of the interval.


The average: the sum of a list of numbers divided by the number of numbers.


The basis of the chemistry of all known life. Although certain living things may contain helium, sodium and copper, _______ is the underlying element in all living things.


The biggest of all the layers of the earth's atmosphere directly above the mesosphere and directly below the exosphere. Within this layer, ultraviolet radiation causes ionization. The International Space Station has a stable orbit within the middle of the thermosphere, between 320 and 380 kilometres (200 and 240 mi). Auroras also occur in the thermosphere.


The biosynthetic process by which macromolecules are broken down into smaller molecules, during which energy and molecules used in these processes are produced. Ex: hydrolysis, produce nucleotides, break down carbohydrates into sugars or glucose.

Exothermic reaction

The breakdown of a disaccharide releases energy which is stored as ATP. This is an example of a(n)...

Mitosis metaphase

The centromeres of the chromosomes convene along the equatorial plane, an imaginary line that is equidistant from the two centrosome poles.

Electric current

The continuous flow of electric charges through a material.

Alternating current (AC)

The current that periodically reverses direction. AC is typically used in houses and other buildings.e

Centripetal force

The deflecting force, directed radially inward toward a given point, that causes an object to follow a circular path.


The difference between the highest and lowest numbers, which can be used to determine how spread out data is.

Prophase two

The disappearance of the nucleoli and the nuclear envelope again as well as the shortening and thickening of the chromatids. Centrioles move to the polar regions and arrange spindle fibers for the second meiotic division.

c. 100.0 m/s

The distance between the adjacent nodes of a one-dimensional standing wave is 0.500 m. If the frequency of the wave is 100.0 Hz, then the speed of the wave is (hint: standing wave v = 2distance x f) a. 25.0 m/s b. 50.0 m/s c. 100.0 m/s d. 200.0 m/s

left to right, top to bottom

The elements in the periodic table are ordered by atomic number from _____ __ ______ and ____ __ ______.

60 kilocalories per square meter per year

The energy flow through an ecosystem is represented by an energy pyramid. In the energy pyramid for a terrestrial ecosystem, the producers utilize 6,000 kilocalories per square meter per year. What approximate amount of energy is transferred to the third trophic level of this ecosystem?

Periodicity: ionization energy

The energy needed to remove the most loosely held electron from an atom, they are periodic, and tend to increase as atomic numbers increase in any horizontal row or period. In any column or group, there is a gradual decrease as the atomic number increases. Metals typically have a lower values. Nonmetals typically have a high values.


The envelope of gases surrounding any celestial body


The enzyme ___________ adds a repetitive DNA sequence to the end of chromosomes.

DNA polymerase

The enzyme in DNA replication, ___ ______________ is a potential source of new mutations

Direct Current (DC)

The flow of an electric charge in one direction. Batteries and solar cells typically use this.


The following is the anticodon sequence formed during translation. What is the original codon sequence? ACGUACGCU


The force that opposes the motion of one surface as it moves across another surface.

Air resistance

The forces that are in opposition to the relative motion of an object as it passes through the air.

Atomic structure

The grouping of elements on the periodic table is based on ________ _________.


The hydrogen bonds in a water molecule make water a good __________ for small particles and living organisms to move across.

Geologic time

The largest defined unit of time is the supereon, composed of eons. Eons are divided into eras, which are in turn divided into periods, epochs and ages.


The layer closest to Earth, where almost all weather occurs; the thinnest layer. begins at the surface and extends to between 7 km (23,000 ft) at the poles and 17 km (56,000 ft) at the equator. Is mostly heated by transfer of energy from the surface, so on average temperature decreases with altitude. This promotes vertical mixing


The layer of the atmosphere that lies between the troposphere and the mesosphere and in which temperature increases as altitude increases; contains the ozone layer. jets fly.

Inorganic compounds

The main trait of ___________ __________ is that they lack carbon.

Gram atomic mass

The mass, in grams, of one mole of atoms in a monatomic chemical element. It is relatively equal to the atomic mass.


The maximum displacement of the particles equilibrium

b. heat

The measure of energy within a system is called a. temperature b. heat c. entropy d. thermodynamics


The measure of the amount of mass per unit volume.


The measure of the amount of substance in an object.


The measure of the gravitational pull of Earth on an object.

Specific gravity

The measure of the ratio of a substance's density compared to the density of water.


The middle number in a list of numbers sorted from least to greatest. If the list has an even number of entries, it is the smaller of the two in the middle.

Cenozoic Era

The most recent of the three classic geological eras and covers the period from 65.5 million years ago to the present. Rise of mammals, homo sapiens. marked by the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction at the end of the Cretaceous, the demise of the dinosaurs and the end of the Mesozoic Era. is divided into two periods, the Tertiary and the Quaternary.

Newton's third law of motion

The mutual forces of action and reaction between two bodies are equal, opposite and collinear. This means that whenever a first body exerts a force F on a second body, the second body exerts a force −F on the first body. F and −F are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. This law is sometimes referred to as the action-reaction law, with F called the "action" and −F the "reaction".

Mitosis prometaphase

The nuclear envelope disassembles and microtubules invade the nuclear space. This is called open mitosis, and it occurs in most multicellular organisms. Each chromosome forms two kinetochores at the centromere, one attached at each chromatid.


The number of cycles an object completes in a unit of time, measured in Hz.

(B) 2

The number of moles of atoms in 48.6 g of Mg is (A) 0.5 (B) 2 (C) 6.02 x 10²³ (D) 12.04 x 10²³


The number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time. The period is the duration of one cycle in a repeating event, so the period is the reciprocal of this. ex: 1 year is the period of the Earth's orbit around the Sun, and the Earth's rotation on its axis has a (*) of 1 rotation per day.

Atomic number

The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom

D. 11

The pH of a 0.001 M KOH solution is approximately (pH = -log[OHˉ] = pOH; pH + pOH =14; 14 - pOH = pH) A. 1 B. 3 C. 7 D. 11


The paired chromosomes consisting of four chromatids.

SI base units

The preferred method for taking measurements, using units based on 10s. Examples: deci = 1/10, centi = 1/100, deka = 10 kilo = 1000, etc.; m (distance), kg (mass), s (time), K (temperature), mol (amount of molecular substance).

b. Prevents the transport of sugar to the roots

The primary reason that stripping the outer and inner park from the circumference of a tree will eventually kill the tree is that removal of the bark a. Makes the tree susceptible to desiccation b. Prevents the transport of sugar to the roots c. Compromises the structural support of the tree d. Prevents the transport of water from the roots


The process by which a eukaryotic cell separates the chromosomes in its cell nucleus into two identical sets in two nuclei.[1] It is generally followed immediately by cytokinesis, which divides the nuclei, cytoplasm, organelles and cell membrane into two cells containing roughly equal shares of these cellular components.


The process of attraction and association of molecules of a solvent with molecules or ions of a solute. As ions dissolve in a solvent they spread out and become surrounded by solvent molecules involves different types of intermolecular interactions: hydrogen bonding, ion-dipole, and dipole-dipole attractions or van der Waals forces. hydrogen bonding, ion-dipole, and dipole-dipole interactions occur only in polar solvents. Ion-ion interactions occur only in ionic solvents distinct from dissolution and solubility. Dissolution is a kinetic process, and is quantified by its rate. Solubility quantifies the dynamic equilibrium state achieved when the rate of dissolution equals the rate of precipitation.


The process of conduction in one direction is known as ____________.

a. Proteins

The process of translation uses the genetic code in messenger RNA in the synthesis of which of the following? a. Proteins b. Lipids c. DNA d. Carbohydrates

b. decay

The process whereby a radioactive element releases energy slowly over a long period of time to lower its energy and become more stable is best described as a. combustion b. decay c. fusion d. fission


The proportion of the incident light or radiation that is reflected by a surface, typically that of a planet or moon.


The pull an atom has on the electrons it shares in a bond with another atom.


The rate of change of velocity- how an object's speed or direction changes over time, and how it is changing at a particular point in time. (Δv/Δt)

Coefficient of friction

The ratio of the weight of an object being moved along a surface and the force that maintains contact between the object and the surface.


The ratio of work done to the time needed to complete the work.


The region of the chromosome that holds the two sister chromatids together during mitosis


The resistance an object has to a change in its state of motion. The tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion varies with mass. A more massive object has a greater tendency to resist changes in its state of motion.


The resistance of motion when one object rubs against another

Meiosis II

The second part of the meiotic process. Much of the process is similar to mitosis. The end result is production of four haploid cells (23 chromosomes, 1N in humans) from the two haploid cells (23 chromosomes, 1N * each of the chromosomes consisting of two sister chromatids) produced in meiosis I. The four main steps of Meiosis II are: Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, and Telophase II.


The solid part of the earth consisting of the crust and outer mantle

Oxidizing agent

The species that gains electrons is reduced and is referred to as the ____________.

Reducing agent

The species that loses electrons is oxidized and is referred to as the ______________.

a. It takes half the amount of energy to increase the temperature of a 1kg sample of ice by 1˚C than a 1kg sample of water.

The specific heat capacity of ice is half as much as that of liquid water. What is the result of this? (Q = mcΔT) a. It takes half the amount of energy to increase the temperature of a 1kg sample of ice by 1˚C than a 1kg sample of water. b. It takes twice the amount of energy to increase the temperature of a 1kg sample of ice by 1˚C than a 1kg sample of water. c. It takes a quarter the amount of energy to increase the temperature of a 1kg sample of ice by 1˚C than a 1kg sample of water. d. It takes the same amount of energy to increase the temperature of a 1kg sample of ice and a 1kg sample of water by 1˚C.

Specific heat

The specific heat is the amount of heat per unit mass required to raise the temperature by 1 ˚C. Q=mcΔT

Telophase one

The spindles continue to move the homologous chromosomes to the poles. Once movement is complete, each pole has a haploid number of chromosomes In most cases, cytokinesis occurs at the same time. At the end of telophase I and cytokinesis, two daughter cells are produced, each with one half the number of chromosomes of the original parent cell. Depending on the kind of cell, various processes occur in preparation for meiosis II. There is however a constant: The genetic material does not replicate again.

Kepler's Third Law

The square of the period of any planet is proportional to the cube of the semimajor axis of its orbit


The study of energy and energy transformations.

Mechanical energy

The sum of Kinetic and Potential energy.

Internal energy

The sum of the kinetic energies and potential energies of all the atoms and molecules in a substance. Thermal energy.

Electric current

The sustained flow of electrons that are part of an electric charge moving along a path in a circuit. They experience resistance as they travel through a circuit.

Atomic mass unit

The the sum of the number of protons and the number of neutrons in an atom, represented as "A," listed as amu and are synonymous with grams per mole. Equation: A = Z + N

Right-hand rule

The thumb is pointed in the direction of the current, your fingers in the direction of the magnetic field. your open palm is the direction of the force.

Period (T)

The time it takes for a complete oscillation(s)


The time it takes for half of the radioactive nuclei in a sample to undergo radioactive decay. Decay products, daughter nuclides make radioactive dating possible.


The time required for a repeating motion to complete one cycle of its motion, usually measured in seconds.

Phanerozoic Eon

The time since the formation of life-forms to the present day; divided into three eras: Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic.


The uncharged atomic particles contained within the nucleus. The number in a nucleus can be represented as "N."


The value that appears most frequently in a data set.

Dependent variable

The variable is the observed result of the independent variable being manipulated. It is customary to use y to represent this part of the data.

Independent variable

The variable representing the value being manipulated or changed. It is customary to use x to represent this part of the data


The volume of water in a bucket is 2.5L. When an object with an irregular shape and a mass of 40g is fully submerged in the water, the total volume becomes 4.5L. What is the density? (density=m/v)


The watery layer of the earth's surface including water vapor

Heat movement

Thermal dynamics = ____________ _____________

Lewis dot diagram

These show the bonding or nonbonding tendency or specific pairs of valence electrons; use dots to represent valence electrons. The dots are paired around an atom.

Real image

This can be produced by concave mirrors and converging lenses. This is produced on a detector in the rear of a camera, and produced on a human retina (the latter two pass light through an internal convex lens).

Autosomal recessive

This disorder means two copies of an abnormal gene must be present in order for the disease or trait to develop.


This is the opposite of a rectifier in that it converts direct current to alternating current.


This is the quantity of anything that has the same number of particles found in 12.000 grams of carbon-12. That number of particles is Avogadro's Number, which is roughly 6.02x10²³ This unit of any pure substance has a mass in grams exactly equal to that substances molecular or atomic mass; e.g., 1 mol of calcium-40 is approximately equal to 40g,

Bohr model

This model depicts the atom as a small, positively charged nucleus surrounded by electrons that travel in circular orbits around the nucleus—similar in structure to the solar system, but with electrostatic forces providing attraction, rather than gravity. The model also violates the uncertainty principle in that it considers electrons to have known orbits and definite radius, two things which can not be directly known at once.


This organelle contains digestive enzymes that break down food and unneeded substances. They are also thought to be linked to the aging process. What part of a cell does this describe?

Endocytic vesicles

This organelle is formed when the plasma membrane surrounds a particle outside of the cell

Electron configuration

This part of an atom is the particular distribution of electrons among available shells. It is described by a notation that lists the subshell symbols, one after another. Each symbol has a superscript on the right giving the number of electrons in that subshell. For example, a configuration of the lithium atom (atomic number 3) with two electrons in the 1s subshell and one electron in the 2s subshell is written 1s² 2s¹. The number of electrons in an atom of an element is given by the atomic number of that element

Low pressure

This system is generally associated with cloudy, rainy, or snowy weather. This system spins counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise south of the equator. Winds blow toward this system.

High pressure

This system is generally associated with nice, clear, hot or cold weather. This system spins clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise south of the equator. Winds blow away from this system.


To which class of minerals do opal, corundum, magnetite, and quartz belong?

r/K selection theory

Trade off between quantity or quality of offspring. where r is the growth rate of the population (N), and K is the carrying capacity of its local environmental setting. Typically, r-selected species exploit less-crowded ecological niches, and produce many offspring, each of which has a relatively low probability of surviving to adulthood. In contrast, K-selected species are strong competitors in crowded niches, and invest more heavily in fewer offspring.

Endoplasmic reticulum

Translation and folding of new proteins in rough organelle- is covered with ribosomes, expression of lipids in smooth organelle, single membrane compartment, all eukaryotes.


Tree-> Caterpillar-> Frog-> Snake-> Hawk-> Worm A simple food chain is represented above. What trophic level contains the greatest amount of energy?

a. A simple machine makes the work required to perform a task easier, c. A simple machine can change the magnitude or direction of a force, d. The mechanical advantage of a simple machine is the amount by which the machine multiplies the input force.

True statements about simple machines include which THREE of the following? a. A simple machine makes the work required to perform a task easier. b. A simple machine reduces the total amount of work required to perform a task. c. A simple machine can change the magnitude or direction of a force. d. The mechanical advantage of a simple machine is the amount by which the machine multiplies the input force.


Turns a smaller force working over a greater distance into a larger force.

9 m/s

Two astronauts, of masses 60 kg & 80 kg, are initially at rest in outer space. They push eachother apart. If the speed of the lighter astronaut is 12 m/s, what is the speed of the heavier astronaut? (m1v1 = m2v2)

Balanced force

Two forces acting in opposite direction of an object, and equal in size

Unbalanced force

Two forces acting on an object are not equal in size and therefore, cause a change in motion of the object


Two or more atoms of the same element, electrically neutral, smallest unit of a substance that retains the properties of that substance ex: O₂

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