genetics exam 3

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In plants, spore production occurs by spermatogenesis


Who originally identified a highly condensed structure in the interphase of nuclei? A pollen grain in a plant represents the ________. Correct Answer male gametophyte female gametophyte male sporophyte female sporophyte UnansweredQuestion 30 / 0 pts In a Punnett square diagram, the outside of the box represents the _________. diploid offspring haploid offspring diploid gametes Correct Answer haploid gametes UnansweredQuestion 40 / 0 pts The coat color of calico cats is a result of _____. maternal inheritance Correct Answer X-inactivation imprinting extra nuclear inheritance UnansweredQuestion 50 / 0 pts The likelihood that the variation of observed data from expectations is due to random chance is called the _________. Correct Answer P value goodness of fit degrees of freedom empirical approach UnansweredQuestion 60 / 0 pts Mendel's work on inheritance had an immediate influence on the scientific community and theories of inheritance. true Correct Answer false UnansweredQuestion 70 / 0 pts A coin is flipped 100 times, with a result of 53 heads and 47 tails. The deviation between the observed numbers and the expected 50-50 results is called _________. probability degrees of freedom goodness of fit Correct Answer random sampling error standard error UnansweredQuestion 80 / 0 pts X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is an X-linked dominant disease that results in weak or soft bones. A girl with XLH has a dad with XLH. Her mother does not have XLH. What is the probability that her sisters will have XLH? What about her brothers? Correct Answer All of her sisters and none of her brothers will have XLH. All of her brothers and none of her sisters will have XLH. 50% of her brothers and sisters will have XLH. None of her brothers or sisters will have XLH. All of her brothers and sisters will have XLH. If we call the allele for XLHXH, this girl received theXH allele from her father, who is genotypeXHY. Her mother is genotypeXhXh. All of her brothers will receive a Y chromosome from their father and anXh allele from their mother, so none of them will have XLH. All of her sisters will receive anXH allele from their father, so they will all have XLH. If we call the allele for XLHXH, this girl received theXH allele from her father, who is genotypeXHY. Her mother is genotypeXhXh. All of her brothers will receive a Y chromosome from their father and anXh allele from their mother, so none of them will have XLH. All of her sisters will receive anXH allele from their father, so they will all have XLH. UnansweredQuestion 90 / 0 pts Which of the following uses a genetic cross to determine patterns of inheritance? population genetics Correct Answer transmission genetics molecular genetics evolutionary genetics UnansweredQuestion 100 / 0 pts If a Punnett square is used to visualize a three-factor cross between two parents that are both heterozygous for all three genes involved, how many boxes would be inside of the square? 3 8 48 Correct Answer 64 can't be determined The number of boxes inside the Punnett square is the number of unique female gametes multiplied by the number of unique male gametes (columns times rows). For a two-factor cross between parents that are heterozygous for both genes involved, the number of unique gametes is 2 x 2 = 4. ( AB, Ab, aB, and ab.) Thus, there are 4 x 4 = 16 boxes inside the square. For a three-factor cross between parents that are heterozygous for all three genes involved, the number of unique gametes is 2 x 2 x 2 = 8. ( ABC, ABc, AbC, Abc, aBC, aBc, aBC, and abc.) Thus, there are 8 x 8 = 64 boxes inside the square. The number of boxes inside the Punnett square is the number of unique female gametes multiplied by the number of unique male gametes (columns times rows). For a two-factor cross between parents that are heterozygous for both genes involved, the number of unique gametes is 2 x 2 = 4. ( AB, Ab, aB, and ab.) Thus, there are 4 x 4 = 16 boxes inside the square. For a three-factor cross between parents that are heterozygous for all three genes involved, the number of unique gametes is 2 x 2 x 2 = 8. ( ABC, ABc, AbC, Abc, aBC, aBc, aBC, and abc.) Thus, there are 8 x 8 = 64 boxes inside the square. UnansweredQuestion 110 / 0 pts A species that contains two copies of each chromosome is called _______. a genetic mutation a morph haploid Correct Answer diploid alleles UnansweredQuestion 120 / 0 pts The genetic composition of an individual is called its _____________. phenotype Correct Answer genotype hybrid dominance None of these choices are correct. UnansweredQuestion 130 / 0 pts Brown spotting of the teeth in humans is caused by a dominant X-linked gene. If a man with normal teeth marries a woman with brown teeth who had a father with normal teeth, then _______ of their daughters will have brown teeth. 100% Correct Answer 50% 25% 0% We can call the dominant gene for brown spottingXB. The man with normal teeth has genotype XbY and his wife has genotypeXBXb (she received theXb from unaffected father). When these two individuals have children they will have children with the following genotypes in a 1:1:1:1 ratio:XBXb, XBY, XbY, XbXb. Of the female progeny, half will have brown spotting on their teeth and half will have normal teeth. We can call the dominant gene for brown spottingXB. The man with normal teeth has genotype XbY and his wife has genotypeXBXb (she received theXb from unaffected father). When these two individuals have children they will have children with the following genotypes in a 1:1:1:1 ratio:XBXb, XBY, XbY, XbXb. Of the female progeny, half will have brown spotting on their teeth and half will have normal teeth. UnansweredQuestion 140 / 0 pts A couple would like to know what the probability is that out of five children, three will be girls. This is solved using which of the following? sum rule product rule chi square test Correct Answer binomial expansion random sampling error UnansweredQuestion 150 / 0 pts In a two-factor cross using Mendelian inheritance, if both parents are heterozygous for both traits, what will be the phenotypic ratio of their offspring? 3:1 1:2:1 1:1 Correct Answer 9:3:3:1 UnansweredQuestion 160 / 0 pts What aspect of meiosis best explains Mendel's law of independent assortment? selective removal of genetic information to create haploid gametes separation of homologous chromosomes during Meiosis I Correct Answer random alignment of different bivalents during Meiosis I transmission of genes together when they lie nearby on the same chromosome separation of identical alleles during Meiosis II The random alignment of bivalents (pairs of duplicated chromosomes) with respect to each other during Meiosis I accounts for Mendel's observation that two different genes randomly assort their alleles during the formation of haploid cells. The movement of the allele for seed color will not affect the movement of the allele for seed shape on another chromosome, because the pairs of homologs line up independently from each other. The random alignment of bivalents (pairs of duplicated chromosomes) with respect to each other during Meiosis I accounts for Mendel's observation that two different genes randomly assort their alleles during the formation of haploid cells. The movement of the allele for seed color will not affect the movement of the allele for seed shape on another chromosome, because the pairs of homologs line up independently from each other. UnansweredQuestion 170 / 0 pts How many Barr bodies would an individual with a XXY genotype possess? 0 Correct Answer 1 2 UnansweredQuestion 180 / 0 pts In humans, patterns of inheritance are often studied using which of the following? two-factor crosses production of true-breeding lines Correct Answer pedigree analysis self-fertilization UnansweredQuestion 190 / 0 pts Red-green colorblindness is a X-linked recessive trait in humans. If a woman who is a carrier for red-green colorblindness marries a normal male, what percent of their sons will be colorblind? 100% Correct Answer 50% 25% 0% We can call the recessive gene for colorblindnessXc. The woman who is a carrier for colorblindness has genotypeXCXc. The normal male has genotypeXCY, and all of his sons will get a Y chromosome from him. They have a 50% chance of getting the X chromosome with the colorblindness gene from their mother. We can call the recessive gene for colorblindnessXc. The woman who is a carrier for colorblindness has genotypeXCXc. The normal male has genotypeXCY, and all of his sons will get a Y chromosome from him. They have a 50% chance of getting the X chromosome with the colorblindness gene from their mother. UnansweredQuestion 200 / 0 pts Cytokinesis in animals occurs through the formation of a ______, whereas in plants a ______ forms. Correct Answer cleavage furrow; cell plate cell plate; cleavage furrow cleavage furrow; kinetochore kinetochore; cell plate UnansweredQuestion 210 / 0 pts What aspect of meiosis best explains Mendel's law of segregation? selective removal of genetic information to create haploid gametes Correct Answer separation of homologous chromosomes during Meiosis I random alignment of different bivalents during Meiosis I transmission of genes together when they lie nearby on the same chromosome separation of identical alleles during Meiosis II The separation of homologs during Meiosis I accounts for Mendel's observation that two copies of a gene segregate (or separate) from each other during transmission from parent to offspring. The separation of homologs during Meiosis I accounts for Mendel's observation that two copies of a gene segregate (or separate) from each other during transmission from parent to offspring. UnansweredQuestion 220 / 0 pts A cellular structure that contains genetic information is called a ___________. nucleotide genetic code Correct Answer chromosome nucleic acid UnansweredQuestion 230 / 0 pts Select the phase when the chromosomes line up in the center of the cell. Correct Answer Metaphase Prometaphase Telophase Anaphase Prophase UnansweredQuestion 240 / 0 pts If a geneticist is studying the prevalence of a trait in a species, they are at the _________ level of study. Correct Answer population organismal cellular molecular UnansweredQuestion 250 / 0 pts Which situation below would violate the law of independent assortment, as understood by Mendel? A plant breeder is able to create a true-breeding line that combines the alleles for white flowers and wrinkled peas. A mutant gene can prevent pod formation altogether, thus preventing expression of the round or wrinkled pea alleles. A gene for petal color does not affect the expression of a gene for petal number. Correct Answer A gene for leaf shape is linked to a gene for petal number nearby on the same chromosome, so their alleles usually segregate together. Combining certain alleles of different genes results in a plant that grows poorly. The law of independent assortment states that two different genes randomly assort their alleles during the formation of haploid cells. Two genes that lie near each other on a chromosome are said to be linked, since their alleles will tend to segregate together. Mendel did not know about this phenomenon, as genetic linkage was not discovered until after the rediscovery of Mendel's laws. The law of independent assortment states that two different genes randomly assort their alleles during the formation of haploid cells. Two genes that lie near each other on a chromosome are said to be linked, since their alleles will tend to segregate together. Mendel did not know about this phenomenon, as genetic linkage was not discovered until after the rediscovery of Mendel's laws. UnansweredQuestion 260 / 0 pts Mice have 20 chromosomes in their sperm cells. How many chromosomes does a somatic cell from a mouse contain? 20 Correct Answer 40 10 80 Sperm cells are haploid gamete cells. That means they contain half the number of chromosomes of the somatic cells, which are the cells that make up most of the body. Somatic cells are diploid. Therefore, if sperm in mice contain 20 chromosomes, somatic cells in mice will contain 40 chromosomes. Sperm cells are haploid gamete cells. That means they contain half the number of chromosomes of the somatic cells, which are the cells that make up most of the body. Somatic cells are diploid. Therefore, if sperm in mice contain 20 chromosomes, somatic cells in mice will contain 40 chromosomes. UnansweredQuestion 270 / 0 pts During sexual reproduction, each parent contributes one set of chromosomes. Similar chromosomes from each parent are called __________. karyotypes sister chromatids Correct Answer homologs sex chromosomes UnansweredQuestion 280 / 0 pts RNA is formed by the process of _____________. Correct Answer transcription translation both transcription and translation UnansweredQuestion 290 / 0 pts The differences in inherited traits among individuals in a population are called _______. species variation genetic mutations Correct Answer genetic variation natural selection UnansweredQuestion 300 / 0 pts During sexual reproduction, gametes are made that contain ______ amount of genetic material as a somatic cell in the organism. twice the Correct Answer half the the same a quarter of the UnansweredQuestion 310 / 0 pts Which of the following characteristics made the pea plant Pisum sativum an ideal organism for Mendel's studies? It has the ability to self-fertilize. It was possible to cross-fertilize one plant with another. It has easily identifiable traits. Correct Answer All of these choices are correct. UnansweredQuestion 320 / 0 pts In a Z-W system, which is considered to be the homogametic sex? Correct Answer males females UnansweredQuestion 330 / 0 pts The process of meiosis II is similar to that of __________. Correct Answer mitosis binary fission meiosis I UnansweredQuestion 340 / 0 pts A male that is produced from an unfertilized haploid egg is an example of what type of sex determination system? X-Y Z-W X-O Correct Answer haplo-diploid UnansweredQuestion 350 / 0 pts What is the arrangement of chromosomes in an oocyte in a female mammal at birth if the species has a diploid number of 20? Hint: Recall which phase of the cell cycle oocytes are arrested at in a female animal prior to birth. Correct Answer 20 chromosomes, each with two sister chromatids 10 chromosomes, each with two sister chromatids 20 unduplicated chromosomes 10 unduplicated chromosomes At birth, females contain oocytes arrested in prophase I. Prior to prophase, the chromosomes have been duplicated and are composed of 2 sister chromatids each. Since it is prophase I, no division has taken place, and there are 20 chromosomes, each with two sister chromatids. At birth, females contain oocytes arrested in prophase I. Prior to prophase, the chromosomes have been duplicated and are composed of 2 sister chromatids each. Since it is prophase I, no division has taken place, and there are 20 chromosomes, each with two sister chromatids. UnansweredQuestion 360 / 0 pts You are a geneticist trying to understand why Tay-Sachs disease is more prevalent in Ashkenazi Jews compared to other groups of people. What level of biological organization are you studying? Molecular level Cellular level Organism level Correct Answer Population level Understanding how a trait occurs within a species is studying that trait at the population level. Population geneticists study why traits are prevalent within a population. Understanding how a trait occurs within a species is studying that trait at the population level. Population geneticists study why traits are prevalent within a population. UnansweredQuestion 370 / 0 pts Which of the following occurs during leptotene of prophase I? The homologous chromosomes recognize one another by synapsis. Crossing over occurs. Correct Answer The replicated chromosomes condense. The synaptonemal complex dissociates. UnansweredQuestion 380 / 0 pts A diploid cell within an organism's body that is not a reproductive cell is _______. a gamete Correct Answer a somatic cell an allele rare a sperm cell UnansweredQuestion 390 / 0 pts Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PDD) is an X-linked recessive disease. What is the probability that the brother of a girl with G6PDD will also have G6PDD if their mother is unaffected. 0% 25% Correct Answer 50% 100% If we call the recessive alleleXg, the affected girl has genotypeXgXg. This means her father has genotypeXgY and her mother has genotypeXGXg. Her brother will inherit a Y chromosome from his dad, and has a 50% chance of receiving theXG allele from his mother and being unaffected, and a 50% chance of receiving theXg allele from his mother and being affected. If we call the recessive alleleXg, the affected girl has genotypeXgXg. This means her father has genotypeXgY and her mother has genotypeXGXg. Her brother will inherit a Y chromosome from his dad, and has a 50% chance of receiving theXG allele from his mother and being unaffected, and a 50% chance of receiving theXg allele from his mother and being affected. UnansweredQuestion 400 / 0 pts When does crossing over occur? During diplotene Prior to leptotene, when synapsis is complete Correct Answer Prior to pachytene, when synapsis is complete Prior to pachytene, before synapsis is complete Prior to leptotene, before synapsis is complete UnansweredQuestion 410 / 0 pts The chance that a future event will occur is called ____________. Correct Answer probability goodness of fit degrees of freedom random selection All of these choices are correct. UnansweredQuestion 420 / 0 pts If two individuals with different distinct characteristics are mated, their offspring is called a _______. strain true-breeding line gamete cross Correct Answer hybrid UnansweredQuestion 430 / 0 pts Mendel's data from single-factor crosses did not support a blending mechanism of inheritance. Which of the following is correct regarding the blending theory of inheritance? It theorized that hereditary traits blended from one generation to the next. It was possible for the blending to change the trait from one generation to the next. It was supported by early research of tobacco plants by Joseph Kölreuter. It was the prevailing theory of inheritance prior to Mendel. Correct Answer All of these choices are correct. UnansweredQuestion 440 / 0 pts In humans, gametes are different than other cells of the body in that they are _________. diploid Correct Answer haploid genetic mutations morphs UnansweredQuestion 450 / 0 pts The end result of meiosis in animals is ______. two diploid cells two haploid cells four diploid cells Correct Answer four haploid cells UnansweredQuestion 460 / 0 pts Chronic myelogenous leukemia cells are characterized by the so-called Philadelphia chromosome, which contains part of chromosome 22 fused with chromosome 9. The Philadelphia chromosome is the result of a translocation, in which two chromosomes exchange material. The genetic variation found in chronic myelogenous leukemia is therefore due to gene mutations. Correct Answer major alterations in the structure of a chromosome. variation in the total number of chromosomes. The genetic variation found in chronic myelogenous leukemia is due to a chromosome that contains portions of two different chromosomes. This is the result of a major alteration in the structure of the chromosome, joining two chromosomal pieces together that are normally not found together. The genetic variation found in chronic myelogenous leukemia is due to a chromosome that contains portions of two different chromosomes. This is the result of a major alteration in the structure of the chromosome, joining two chromosomal pieces together that are normally not found together. UnansweredQuestion 470 / 0 pts An example of a mechanism in which sex is determined by environmental factors is females are produced from fertilized eggs, whereas males are produced from unfertilized eggs. when the male cares for the eggs, all of the offspring will be male, whereas if the female cares for the eggs, all of the offspring will be female. Correct Answer fertilized eggs incubated at one temperature produce males, whereas eggs incubated at a different temperature produce females. males will have a Y chromosome, whereas females will not have a Y chromosome. UnansweredQuestion 480 / 0 pts Mendel's work was rediscovered in 1900 by which of the following individual(s)? Carl Correns Erich von Tschermak Hugo de Vries Correct Answer All of these choices are correct. UnansweredQuestion 490 / 0 pts If a carbohydrate is going to be broken down for energy, which of the following molecules would be directly involved in the breakdown? Correct Answer enzymes nucleotides microtubules lipids chromosomes UnansweredQuestion 500 / 0 pts A true-breeding line of green pod pea plants is crossed with a true-breeding line of yellow pod plants. All of their offspring have green pods. From this information, it can be stated that the green color is _____ to the yellow color. recessive Correct Answer dominant subservient blended None of these choices are correct. UnansweredQuestion 510 / 0 pts Which one of the following is NOT one of the general classes of macromolecules that are necessary for cellular function? nucleic acids proteins Correct Answer ions carbohydrates lipids UnansweredQuestion 520 / 0 pts Genetics is an experimental, as opposed to theoretical, science because ______. Correct Answer hypotheses are tested by performing experiments hypotheses are tested by reviewing the literature to see what others have found no hypotheses are accepted or rejected unless they are voted on by a council of scientists it does not rely on observations but only hypothesis testing experiments UnansweredQuestion 530 / 0 pts The study of family trees in humans is called a _______ analysis. Correct Answer pedigree monohybrid factorial statistical probability UnansweredQuestion 540 / 0 pts In plants, spore production occurs by spermatogenesis Correct Answer meiosis mitosis binary fission oogenesis UnansweredQuestion 550 / 0 pts During this phase of the cell cycle, the sister chromatids are formed in eukaryotes. G1 phase G2 phase Correct Answer S phase Prophase Cytokinesis UnansweredQuestion 560 / 0 pts In certain birds, feather color is Z-linked, and green coloring is dominant to purple coloring. A purple feathered male mates with a green feathered female. Predict the phenotypic ratios in their offspring. Half of the offspring will be green females and the other half will be purple males. Correct Answer Half of the offspring will be purple females and the other half will be green males. 1/4 of the progeny will be green females, 1/4 green males, 1/4 purple females, and 1/4 purple males. All of the progeny will be green. Recall that in birds, males have ZZ sex chromosomes and females have ZW sex chromosomes. The male bird in this question has genotypeZgZg and the female has genotypeZGW. Therefore the progeny from mating these two birds will be green feathered males with genotypeZGZg, and purple feathered females with genotypeZgW. Recall that in birds, males have ZZ sex chromosomes and females have ZW sex chromosomes. The male bird in this question has genotypeZgZg and the female has genotypeZGW. Therefore the progeny from mating these two birds will be green feathered males with genotypeZGZg, and purple feathered females with genotypeZgW. UnansweredQuestion 570 / 0 pts Which of the following represents the correct order of events during prophase I? Pachytene - diplotene - diakinesis - leptotene - zygotene Correct Answer Leptotene - zygotene - pachytene - diplotene - diakinesis Zygotene - leptotene - pachytene - diakinesis - diplotene Diplotene - pachytene - leptotene - diakinesis - zygotene UnansweredQuestion 580 / 0 pts Which of the following acts to accelerate chemical reactions in a cell? nucleic acids lipids carbohydrates Correct Answer enzymes UnansweredQuestion 590 / 0 pts You work in a lab. You engineer a mutant mouse that doesn't synthesize a protein important for breakdown of the sugar galactose and study the results. What type of geneticist are you? Transmission geneticist Correct Answer Molecular geneticist Population geneticist Proteome geneticist The three major fields of genetics are transmission, molecular, and population genetics. Molecular geneticists often analyze the effect of a mutation that eliminates the function of a gene, which allows them to deduce the function of that gene. In this case, by eliminating the function of a gene in a mouse and studying the results, you are conducting a molecular genetics experiment. The three major fields of genetics are transmission, molecular, and population genetics. Molecular geneticists often analyze the effect of a mutation that eliminates the function of a gene, which allows them to deduce the function of that gene. In this case, by eliminating the function of a gene in a mouse and studying the results, you are conducting a molecular genetics experiment. UnansweredQuestion 600 / 0 pts Mendel's law of independent assortment states that ______ randomly assort their ______ during the formation of haploid cells. Correct Answer genes; alleles alleles; versions cells; mitochondria genes; nucleotides The law of independent assortment states that genes randomly assort their alleles during the formation of haploid cells. In other words, the allele of one gene does not affect the distribution of alleles of a separate gene. The law of independent assortment states that genes randomly assort their alleles during the formation of haploid cells. In other words, the allele of one gene does not affect the distribution of alleles of a separate gene. UnansweredQuestion 610 / 0 pts A characteristic that an organism displays is called __________. a gene a chromosome DNA gene expression Correct Answer a trait UnansweredQuestion 620 / 0 pts If over several generations a character does not vary in a group of organisms, that group can be called a _______. heterozygote hybrid Correct Answer true-breeding line variant cross-fertilized line UnansweredQuestion 630 / 0 pts What is the first step that both scientists and students perform to answer questions in genetics? Correct Answer Gathering background information Reaching a conclusion Analyzing data Performing an experiment UnansweredQuestion 640 / 0 pts Recall that in pea plants, purple flower color is dominant and white is recessive. If two heterozygous plants are crossed, what is the probability that the first two offspring will have purple flowers? 1/2 1/4 6/4 Correct Answer 9/16 1/16 The probability that two heterozygous plants with purple flowers crossed together will make a plant with purple flowers is 3/4. To find the probability that the first two offspring have purple flowers, we use the product rule: 3/4 x 3/4 = 9/16. The probability that two heterozygous plants with purple flowers crossed together will make a plant with purple flowers is 3/4. To find the probability that the first two offspring have purple flowers, we use the product rule: 3/4 x 3/4 = 9/16. UnansweredQuestion 650 / 0 pts The building blocks of DNA are _____________. amino acids carbohydrates enzymes Correct Answer nucleotides lipids UnansweredQuestion 660 / 0 pts Organelles are __________. structures that contain the genetic material Correct Answer membrane-bound compartments of eukaryotic cells the region that contains the DNA in prokaryotic cells the outer, rigid covering of a prokaryotic cell UnansweredQuestion 670 / 0 pts Which of the following could be used to study the effects of drugs on gene expression? population genetics transmission genetics Correct Answer molecular genetics quantitative genetics UnansweredQuestion 680 / 0 pts Differences in plant characteristics such as flower color or height are called variants or traits. Correct Answer true false UnansweredQuestion 690 / 0 pts The changes in the genetic makeup of a population over time is called _______. homologous recombination model organisms studies genetic crosses Correct Answer biological evolution hypothesis testing UnansweredQuestion 700 / 0 pts Genes are physically located within ______. Correct Answer chromosomes centrosomes kinetochores microtubules UnansweredQuestion 710 / 0 pts The observable characteristics of an organism are called its ___________. Correct Answer phenotype genotype dominance genes None of these choices are correct. UnansweredQuestion 720 / 0 pts Dosage compensation offsets the problems associated with differences in the number of _______ chromosomes in many species. Correct Answer sex autosome somatic nuclear UnansweredQuestion 730 / 0 pts If an organism has five pairs of chromosomes, how many chromosomal combinations are possible at metaphase I of meiosis? 52 105 510 Correct Answer 25 The possible number of different random alignments of chromosomes equals 2n where n is the number of chromosomes per set. Therefore, this organism could have 25 alignments of chromosomes. The possible number of different random alignments of chromosomes equals 2n where n is the number of chromosomes per set. Therefore, this organism could have 25 alignments of chromosomes. UnansweredQuestion 740 / 0 pts The product of theXist gene is a(n) ______. protein Correct Answer RNA small molecule DNA UnansweredQuestion 750 / 0 pts Mendel's work with two-factor crosses led directly to which of the following? chromosomal theory of inheritance particulate theory of inheritance law of segregation Correct Answer law of independent assortment theory of biological evolution UnansweredQuestion 760 / 0 pts A karyotype is a(n) __________. organelle of eukaryotic cells stage of prophase I in meiosis division of the cytoplasmic material following mitosis Correct Answer photographic representation of the chromosomes of a cell UnansweredQuestion 770 / 0 pts If a gene is located on the X chromosome, but not the Y, it is said to be an example of ________. autosomal inheritance Correct Answer sex-linkage reciprocal cross pseudoautosomal inheritance holandric UnansweredQuestion 780 / 0 pts Select the phase when chromosomes start to condense. Metaphase Prometaphase Telophase Anaphase Correct Answer Prophase UnansweredQuestion 790 / 0 pts In a genetic cross, the _______ represent offspring with genetic combinations that were not found in the parental lines. P generation nonrecombinants parentals Correct Answer nonparentals UnansweredQuestion 800 / 0 pts Mendel's data and the study of chromosomes and meiosis did not support the idea of _______, which is the belief that seeds are produced by all parts of the body and transmitted to the next generation. the chromosome theory of inheritance Correct Answer pangenesis the blending theory of inheritance the law of segregation the law of independent assortment UnansweredQuestion 810 / 0 pts Select the phase when the separated sister chromatids are considered independent chromosomes. Metaphase Prometaphase Telophase Correct Answer Anaphase Prophase UnansweredQuestion 820 / 0 pts What resulted from Mendel's work with single-factor crosses? Correct Answer law of segregation law of independent assortment theory of natural selection law of biological evolution UnansweredQuestion 830 / 0 pts With rare exceptions, a calico cat is likely to be female. Correct Answer true false UnansweredQuestion 840 / 0 pts Select the phase when the microtubules of the mitotic spindle attach to the kinetochores. Metaphase Correct Answer Prometaphase Telophase Anaphase Prophase UnansweredQuestion 850 / 0 pts What is natural selection? When nongenetically based traits are passed from one generation to the next A process that allows traits to remain the same over many generations Correct Answer A process in which environmental constraints enable some phenotypes to be more successful than others When one phenotype is as successful as all other phenotypes UnansweredQuestion 860 / 0 pts When Mendel crossed two plants that were heterozygous for a single trait, what was the phenotypic ratio of their offspring? 1:2:1 9:3:3:1 Correct Answer 3:1 7:4 Varied depending on the trait UnansweredQuestion 870 / 0 pts The genetic control of X-inactivation is governed by a short region on the X chromosome called the _______. Y-inactivation center (Yic) condensation center Correct Answer X-inactivation center (Xic) X-initiation center UnansweredQuestion 880 / 0 pts An individual who has two different alleles for a trait is called ____________. haploid homozygous Correct Answer heterozygous isozygous true-breeding UnansweredQuestion 890 / 0 pts Consider the pedigree shown. What can best explain the expression of the trait in individual IV-1? ©McGraw-Hill Education Correct Answer The trait is recessive, and both II-2 and III-3 were heterozygous carriers. The trait is dominant, and both III-3 and III-4 were heterozygous. The trait is dominant, and IV-1 received the allele from III-4. The trait is recessive but only expressed in males. The trait is recessive, and both II-1 and II-2 were heterozygous carriers. II-4 and II-5 lack the trait, yet some of their children exhibit it. This suggests that the trait is due to a recessive allele. II-2 and III-3 must be heterozygous carriers who do not exhibit the trait but can pass on the allele. II-4 and II-5 lack the trait, yet some of their children exhibit it. This suggests that the trait is due to a recessive allele. II-2 and III-3 must be heterozygous carriers who do not exhibit the trait but can pass on the allele. UnansweredQuestion 900 / 0 pts Consider a tree in which in thick trunk ( T) is dominant to a skinny trunk ( t), back bark (B) is dominant to brown bark (b) and round leaves ( R) are dominant to oval leaves ( r). You cross a tree that is heterozygous for all three traits to a tree that is homozygous recessive for all three traits. Using the forked line method or the multiplication method, calculate what fraction of the offspring will have a thick trunk, black bark, and round leaves. 1/4 1/2 Correct Answer 1/8 1/16 The tree that is heterozygous for all three traits has genotype TtBbRr. The tree that is homozygous recessive for all three traits has genotype ttbbrr. To calculate the fraction of the offspring that will have a thick trunk, black bark, and round leaves, we consider each gene separately. When crossing Tt to tt, the progeny will be 1/2 Tt (thick trunk) and 1/2 tt (skinny trunk). When crossing Bb to bb, the progeny will be 1/2 Bb (black bark) and 1/2 bb (brown bark). When crossing Rr to rr, the progeny will be 1/2 Rr (round leaves) and 1/2 rr (oval leaves). We then multiply the proportion of the progeny with a thick trunk (1/2) to the progeny with black bark (1/2) to the progeny with round leaves (1/2). 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/8. The tree that is heterozygous for all three traits has genotype TtBbRr. The tree that is homozygous recessive for all three traits has genotype ttbbrr. To calculate the fraction of the offspring that will have a thick trunk, black bark, and round leaves, we consider each gene separately. When crossing Tt to tt, the progeny will be 1/2 Tt (thick trunk) and 1/2 tt (skinny trunk). When crossing Bb to bb, the progeny will be 1/2 Bb (black bark) and 1/2 bb (brown bark). When crossing Rr to rr, the progeny will be 1/2 Rr (round leaves) and 1/2 rr (oval leaves). We then multiply the proportion of the progeny with a thick trunk (1/2) to the progeny with black bark (1/2) to the progeny with round leaves (1/2). 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/8. UnansweredQuestion 910 / 0 pts The use of crosses between different strains of pea plants was not the first attempt to explain heredity. The theory of pangenesis was first proposed by ________. Aristotle Galen Mendel Correct Answer Hippocrates None of these choices are correct. UnansweredQuestion 920 / 0 pts Genetic variation is ultimately based upon which of the following? morphological differences Correct Answer variations in nucleotide sequence of the DNA carbohydrate content of the cell translation UnansweredQuestion 930 / 0 pts Which of the following indicates the correct order of these events? Anaphase - Telophase - Prophase - Prometaphase - Metaphase Telophase - Prometaphase - Prophase - Metaphase - Anaphase Metaphase - Prometaphase - Prophase - Anaphase - Telophase Correct Answer Prophase - Prometaphase - Metaphase - Anaphase - Telophase UnansweredQuestion 940 / 0 pts A diploid cell in G1 contains 5 pairs of chromosomes. During mitosis, how many chromosomes will be lined up on the metaphase plate in this cell? 5 Correct Answer 10 15 20 A diploid cell with 5 pairs of chromosomes contains 10 total chromosomes. Therefore 10 chromosomes will be lined up on the metaphase plate in mitosis. A diploid cell with 5 pairs of chromosomes contains 10 total chromosomes. Therefore 10 chromosomes will be lined up on the metaphase plate in mitosis. UnansweredQuestion 950 / 0 pts Ball pythons of the same species can look very different from one another. In fact, there are at least 26 types of ball pythons, characterized by their color, eyes, and markings. The blue-eyed leucistic ball python has blue eyes and white scales. The bumblebee ball python has black and yellow scales. The coral glow ball python has purple and orange scales. What term best describes these different types of pythons? Correct Answer Morphs Alleles Homologs Model organisms Since these snakes of the same species exhibit very different markings, they are an example of morphs. Morphs are contrasting forms within the same species. Since these snakes of the same species exhibit very different markings, they are an example of morphs. Morphs are contrasting forms within the same species. UnansweredQuestion 960 / 0 pts A specific version of a gene is called a(n) ______. trait character gamete Correct Answer allele variant UnansweredQuestion 970 / 0 pts Select the phase when the nuclear membrane re-forms around the chromosomes. Metaphase Prometaphase Correct Answer Telophase Anaphase Prophase UnansweredQuestion 980 / 0 pts Which type of microtubule is paired to its correct function? polar microtubules - attach to the kinetochore Correct Answer aster microtubules - position the spindle apparatus kinetochore microtubules - separate the poles UnansweredQuestion 990 / 0 pts In which of the following organisms is the level of X chromosome expression altered in males? mammals Correct Answer Drosophila C. elegans humans UnansweredQuestion 1000 / 0 pts Consider a bird in which a high-pitched song (H) is dominant to a low-pitched song (h). You cross two birds that are heterozygous for the gene for song pitch. Predict the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring. Correct Answer 1/4 HH: 1/2 Hh: 1/4 hh; 3/4 high-pitched song: 1/4 low-pitched song 1/2 HH: 1/2 hh; 1/2 high-pitched song: 1/2 low-pitched song 1/4 HH: 1/2 Hh: 1/4 hh; 1/2 high-pitched song: 1/2 low-pitched song All Hh; All high-pitched song The genotype of both birds isHh. When you crossHh withHh, you get a ratio of 1/4HH: 1/2Hh: 1/4hh. All of the birds with a dominantH allele will have a high-pitched song, so 3/4 of the birds will have a high-pitched song, and 1/4 will have a low-pitched song. The genotype of both birds isHh. When you crossHh withHh, you get a ratio of 1/4HH: 1/2Hh: 1/4hh. All of the birds with a dominantH allele will have a high-pitched song, so 3/4 of the birds will have a high-pitched song, and 1/4 will have a low-pitched song. UnansweredQuestion 1010 / 0 pts A species has a diploid number of 36. If meiosis didn't occur, and gametes were produced by mitosis, each gamete would contain ______ chromosomes, and a fertilized egg would contain ______ chromosome. Correct Answer 36; 72 36; 36 18; 36 72; 144 Without meiosis, each gamete would contain 36 chromosomes. When two gametes unite, this would create a fertilized egg with 72 chromosomes. Without meiosis, each gamete would contain 36 chromosomes. When two gametes unite, this would create a fertilized egg with 72 chromosomes. UnansweredQuestion 1020 / 0 pts Three populations of an organism, each with drastically different external markings, but still members of the same species, would be called _______. homologs mutants communities alleles Correct Answer morphs UnansweredQuestion 1030 / 0 pts The basic unit of heredity is the ___________. individual Correct Answer gene macromolecule trait UnansweredQuestion 1040 / 0 pts Which of the following would be used to determine the probability of three independent events in order? sum rule Correct Answer product rule chi square test binomial expansion random sampling error UnansweredQuestion 1050 / 0 pts A cytogeneticist would primarily do which of the following? study the distribution of traits in a population study the evolutionary changes in a specific trait Correct Answer examine chromosomes using a karyotype determine the genetic sequence of a specific gene UnansweredQuestion 1060 / 0 pts A variation of a gene is called a(n) _______. species morph genome Correct Answer allele proteome UnansweredQuestion 1070 / 0 pts Most cellular characteristics, such as structure and function, are the result of the synthesis and activity of different ______. DNA carbohydrates lipids Correct Answer proteins UnansweredQuestion 1080 / 0 pts The first person to experimentally determine that a trait is located on a specific chromosome was ____________. Mendel Boveri and Sutton Weissman Correct Answer Morgan UnansweredQuestion 1090 / 0 pts If the gametes of an organism are different morphologically, they are said to be __________. isogamous Correct Answer heterogamous diploid haploid UnansweredQuestion 1100 / 0 pts Flowering plants will produce flowers that are dioecious, meaning that the male and female parts are contained within the same flower. true Correct Answer false UnansweredQuestion 1110 / 0 pts Cell division in prokaryotic cells is called ________, while in eukaryotic cells it is called ________. binary fission; binary fission Correct Answer binary fission; mitosis mitosis; mitosis mitosis; binary fission UnansweredQuestion 1120 / 0 pts The traits of an individual organism can be influenced by both genes and the ______. genome Correct Answer environment population size genetic variation within a population UnansweredQuestion 1130 / 0 pts _______ is the use of the information in gene sequences to synthesize functional proteins that affect cellular characteristics. Loss-of-function mutation Correct Answer Gene expression The human genome project Proteomics UnansweredQuestion 1140 / 0 pts In many organisms, one set of chromosomes comes from the maternal parent, while the other set comes from the paternal parent. Similar chromosomes in these sets are said to be _________. morphs alleles haploid Correct Answer homologs physiological traits UnansweredQuestion 1150 / 0 pts What gene is most responsible for X-inactivation? Xic Correct Answer Xist TsiX Xce UnansweredQuestion 1160 / 0 pts When studying a genetic cross, the second generation following the initial cross is identified by which of the following? P generation F1 generation Correct Answer F2 generation F3 generation P3 generation UnansweredQuestion 1170 / 0 pts Select the phase when sister chromatids separate and move towards opposite poles of the cell. Metaphase Prometaphase Telophase Correct Answer Anaphase Prophase UnansweredQuestion 1180 / 0 pts In animals, somatic cells are ________ and gametes are __________. diploid; diploid Correct Answer diploid; haploid haploid; diploid haploid; haploid UnansweredQuestion 1190 / 0 pts A cell from an organism that has a diploid number of 6 chromosomes has 3 chromosomes lined up in the center the cell, each chromosome containing two joined sister chromatids. What phase of the cell cycle is this cell in? metaphase I of meiosis Correct Answer metaphase II of meiosis metaphase of mitosis telophase I of meiosis Since the chromosomes are lined up in the center of the cell, we know that this cell is in metaphase. How can we tell if it is metaphase of meiosis I, meiosis II, or mitosis? If it were mitosis, 6 chromosomes would be lined up in the center of the cell, each with two sister chromatids. If it were meiosis I, homologous chromosomes would line up in pairs in the center of the cell. Since there are 3 chromosomes lined up, we know that homologous chromosomes have already been separated in meiosis I, and that this cell is in meiosis II. Since the chromosomes are lined up in the center of the cell, we know that this cell is in metaphase. How can we tell if it is metaphase of meiosis I, meiosis II, or mitosis? If it were mitosis, 6 chromosomes would be lined up in the center of the cell, each with two sister chromatids. If it were meiosis I, homologous chromosomes would line up in pairs in the center of the cell. Since there are 3 chromosomes lined up, we know that homologous chromosomes have already been separated in meiosis I, and that this cell is in meiosis II. UnansweredQuestion 1200 / 0 pts A cross in which a researcher investigates the patterns of inheritance of a single trait is called a _______. Correct Answer monohybrid cross multi-factor cross two-factor cross cross-fertilization self-fertilization UnansweredQuestion 1210 / 0 pts The chi square test is used to prove that a hypothesis is correct. true Correct Answer false The chi square test is used to determine goodness of fit between the observed data and the data that are predicted from a hypothesis. If the observed and predicted data are very similar, we can conclude that the hypothesis is consistent with the observed outcome. In this case, it is reasonable to accept the hypothesis. However, it should be emphasized that this does not prove a hypothesis is correct. Statistical methods can never prove that a hypothesis is correct. They can provide insight about whether or not the observed data seem reasonably consistent with the hypothesis. Alternative hypotheses, perhaps even ones that the experimenter has failed to realize, may also be consistent with the data. The chi square test is used to determine goodness of fit between the observed data and the data that are predicted from a hypothesis. If the observed and predicted data are very similar, we can conclude that the hypothesis is consistent with the observed outcome. In this case, it is reasonable to accept the hypothesis. However, it should be emphasized that this does not prove a hypothesis is correct. Statistical methods can never prove that a hypothesis is correct. They can provide insight about whether or not the observed data seem reasonably consistent with the hypothesis. Alternative hypotheses, perhaps even ones that the experimenter has failed to realize, may also be consistent with the data. UnansweredQuestion 1220 / 0 pts A primary spermatocyte contains 8 total chromosomes. What will be the composition of the chromosomes in one of the secondary spermatocytes that results from this primary spermatocyte? 8 unduplicated chromosomes Correct Answer 4 chromosomes, each containing 2 sister chromatids joined at the centromere 8 chromosomes, each containing 2 sister chromatids joined at the centromere 4 unduplicated chromosomes A primary spermatocyte is a diploid cell. It undergoes meiosis I to form 2 secondary spermatocytes. During meiosis I homologous chromosomes are separated. If the initial cell had 8 chromosomes, this means it had 4 pairs of homologous chromosomes. After meiosis I it would contain 4 chromosomes, each containing 2 sister chromatids joined at the centromere. A primary spermatocyte is a diploid cell. It undergoes meiosis I to form 2 secondary spermatocytes. During meiosis I homologous chromosomes are separated. If the initial cell had 8 chromosomes, this means it had 4 pairs of homologous chromosomes. After meiosis I it would contain 4 chromosomes, each containing 2 sister chromatids joined at the centromere. UnansweredQuestion 1230 / 0 pts In plants, the haploid generation is called the ______ and the diploid generation is called the __________. sporophyte; spermatogenesis Correct Answer gametophyte; sporophyte sporophyte; gametophyte oogenesis; gametophyte UnansweredQuestion 1240 / 0 pts The study of the processes of transcription and translation is at the _____ level of biological organization. population organismal cellular Correct Answer molecular UnansweredQuestion 1250 / 0 pts A human individual has a karyotype that is XY but is phenotypically female. An explanation for this could be Correct Answer a deletion of theSRY gene on the Y chromosome, thus resulting in an female phenotype. a translocation of theSRY gene to one of the X chromosomes has occurred, thus resulting in a female phenotype. theSRY gene has been amplified 10 fold on the Y chromosome. sex is determined by genes located on autosomes, not sex chromosomes. TheySRY gene in mammals causes maleness. If an individual has X and Y chromosomes, but is missing theSRY gene, the individual would be phenotypically female. TheySRY gene in mammals causes maleness. If an individual has X and Y chromosomes, but is missing theSRY gene, the individual would be phenotypically female. UnansweredQuestion 1260 / 0 pts Pseudoautosomal inheritance occurs when a gene on an autosome is silenced by inactivation. a gene on a Y chromosome has the same inheritance pattern as a gene on an X chromosome. a gene on an autosome has the same inheritance pattern as a gene on a sex chromosome. Correct Answer a gene on a sex chromosome has the same inheritance pattern as a gene on an autosome. UnansweredQuestion 1270 / 0 pts Statistical analysis determines the _______ between observed data and what was expected from the original hypothesis. testcross degrees of freedom P values complete hypothesis Correct Answer goodness of fit UnansweredQuestion 1280 / 0 pts In the biological sciences, the hypothesis is usually rejected if the P value is _____. greater than 1 less than 0.30 less than 0.95 Correct Answer less than 0.05 less than 1 UnansweredQuestion 1290 / 0 pts In a certain species of plants, red flowers (R) are dominant to pink flowers (r) and round leaves (L) are dominant to oval leaves (l). A plant with red flowers and round leaves is crossed to a plant with pink flowers and oval leaves. In the F1 generation, all of the plants have red flowers, but half of the plants have round leaves and half have oval leaves. What can we conclude about the parental plant with red flowers and round leaves? The genotype of the plant with red flowers and round leaves isRRll. The genotype of the plant with red flowers and round leaves isRRLL. The genotype of the plant with red flowers and round leaves isRrLl. Correct Answer The genotype of the plant with red flowers and round leaves isRRLl. The genotype of the plant with red flowers and round leaves isRrLL. A plant with red flowers and round leaves has one of the following genotypes:RRLL,RrLL,RRLl, orRrLl. A plant with pink flowers and oval leaves has the genotyperrll. When these plants are crossed, in the F1 all the plants have red flowers. This means the first parent likely had genotypeRR, such that all the F1 plants areRr. In contrast, the F1 plants have half round leaves and half oval leaves. This means the first parent likely had genotype Ll, such that half of the progeny have genotypeLl, and half have genotypell. Therefore the first parent likely had genotypeRRLl. A plant with red flowers and round leaves has one of the following genotypes:RRLL,RrLL,RRLl, orRrLl. A plant with pink flowers and oval leaves has the genotyperrll. When these plants are crossed, in the F1 all the plants have red flowers. This means the first parent likely had genotypeRR, such that all the F1 plants areRr. In contrast, the F1 plants have half round leaves and half oval leaves. This means the first parent likely had genotype Ll, such that half of the progeny have genotypeLl, and half have genotypell. Therefore the first parent likely had genotypeRRLl. UnansweredQuestion 1300 / 0 pts What theory did Mendel's work with monohybrid crosses support? blending theory of inheritance Correct Answer particulate theory of inheritance chromosomal theory of inheritance pangenesis UnansweredQuestion 1310 / 0 pts Select the phase when the nuclear membrane starts to disassociate. Metaphase Prometaphase Telophase Anaphase Correct Answer Prophase UnansweredQuestion 1320 / 0 pts Sex determination in humans and Drosophila is similar in the fact that the ratio of X chromosomes to sets of autosomes determines maleness or femaleness in both. males in both will always have one Y chromosome, whereas females will not have a Y chromosome. females lack X chromosomes. Correct Answer males have one X chromosome and females have two X chromosomes. Humans follow the X-Y system in which the Y chromosome determines maleness.Drosophila follow the X-O system that relies on the ratio of X chromosomes to autosomes.Drosophila become male even if they do not receive a Y chromosome. Therefore the similarity is in the fact that males have one X chromosome and females have two X chromosomes. Humans follow the X-Y system in which the Y chromosome determines maleness.Drosophila follow the X-O system that relies on the ratio of X chromosomes to autosomes.Drosophila become male even if they do not receive a Y chromosome. Therefore the similarity is in the fact that males have one X chromosome and females have two X chromosomes. UnansweredQuestion 1330 / 0 pts Oogenesis is a gametogenic process in which cells undergo ________ to produce _______. binary fission; sperm cells mitosis; egg cells Correct Answer meiosis; egg cells meiosis; sperm cells mitosis; sperm cells UnansweredQuestion 1340 / 0 pts The physical structure that is formed when two chromatids cross over is called a(n) _______. synaptonemal complex bivalent karyotype Correct Answer chiasma UnansweredQuestion 1350 / 0 pts An individual who has two identical alleles for a trait is said to be ___________. Correct Answer homozygous heterozygous isozygous a variant UnansweredQuestion 1360 / 0 pts The location of a gene on a chromosome is called its _____________. karyotype allele Correct Answer locus homolog UnansweredQuestion 1370 / 0 pts A bivalent contains how many sister chromatids? 2 Correct Answer 4 8 depends on the cell UnansweredQuestion 1380 / 0 pts When Mendel crossed two plants that were heterozygous for a single trait, what was the genotypic ratio of their offspring? Correct Answer 1:2:1 9:3:3:1 3:1 1:1 Varied depending on the trait UnansweredQuestion 1390 / 0 pts The Lyon hypothesis attempts to explain the molecular mechanism of _____. Correct Answer X-inactivation genomic imprinting maternal inheritance extra nuclear inheritance UnansweredQuestion 1400 / 0 pts To determine the genotype of a pea plant with purple flowers it was crossed with a pea plant with white flowers. Half of the offspring exhibited the dominant purple flower while the other half had white flowers. What was the genotype of the parental pea plant with the purple flowers? Correct Answer heterozygous homozygous dominant homozygous recessive can't be determined Purple flowers are dominant to white flowers. The genotype of the plant with purple flowers is eitherPP orPp and the genotype of the plant with white flowers ispp. Because half of the offspring expressed the homozygous recessive trait ( pp - white flowers), the parental pea plant with purple flowers must have been heterozygous ( Pp). Purple flowers are dominant to white flowers. The genotype of the plant with purple flowers is eitherPP orPp and the genotype of the plant with white flowers ispp. Because half of the offspring expressed the homozygous recessive trait ( pp - white flowers), the parental pea plant with purple flowers must have been heterozygous ( Pp). UnansweredQuestion 1410 / 0 pts In a certain family pedigree, you observe that 7 of a couple's 12 children display a disease trait. In the subsequent generation, some of the children of affected individuals have the disease, but none of the children of two unaffected parents do. You conclude that the disease is caused by a ______ allele. recessive Correct Answer dominant redundant wild-type Dominant alleles are expressed even when paired with another wild-type allele. Therefore they are expressed in every generation in individuals that received the disease allele. Only children of affected individuals can receive the disease allele, because unaffected individuals must lack the disease allele completely. Dominant alleles are expressed even when paired with another wild-type allele. Therefore they are expressed in every generation in individuals that received the disease allele. Only children of affected individuals can receive the disease allele, because unaffected individuals must lack the disease allele completely. UnansweredQuestion 1420 / 0 pts The bivalent structure forms during which of the following? leptotene Correct Answer zygotene pachytene diplotene diakinesis UnansweredQuestion 1430 / 0 pts The general purpose of the synaptonemal complex is to __________. Correct Answer provide a link between homologous chromosomes in meiosis enable the reformation of the cell wall during cytokinesis separate the sister chromatids during anaphase independently assort the chromosomes during metaphase of meiosis UnansweredQuestion 1440 / 0 pts Performing a mating of two plants, one with a known genotype and the other with an unknown genotype, to determine the genotype of the individual with the unknown genotype would be an example what type of science? discovery-based science Correct Answer hypothesis testing unethical experimentation an impossible experiment UnansweredQuestion 1450 / 0 pts The anthers represent the _____ portion of the plant; the ovules represent the ____ portion of the plant. female; male Correct Answer male; female female; female male; male UnansweredQuestion 1460 / 0 pts The process of binary fission is primarily used for asexual reproduction in ___________. Correct Answer prokaryotes eukaryotes UnansweredQuestion 1470 / 0 pts In humans, which sex is considered to be the heterogametic sex? Correct Answer male female UnansweredQuestion 1480 / 0 pts In a genetic cross, there are n classes of data. What would the degrees of freedom be for a chi square test on this data? n n + 1 Correct Answer n - 1 2n + 1 x(n) wherex equals the number of individuals in the cross UnansweredQuestion 1490 / 0 pts Which of the following would contain genetic material that is 100% identical? homologous chromosomes Correct Answer sister chromatids X and Y chromosomes All of these choices are identical. UnansweredQuestion 1500 / 0 pts A testcross is used to determine if an organism that is displaying a recessive trait is heterozygous or homozygous for that trait. results in the F2 generation having a phenotypic ratio of 1/2 dominant to 1/2 recessive. Correct Answer is used when an individual with a dominant phenotype and unknown genotype is crossed to an individual with a recessive phenotype. results in offspring that always display the recessive phenotype. UnansweredQuestion 1510 / 0 pts Select the phase during which the centrosomes move to opposite poles of the cell. Metaphase Correct Answer Prometaphase Telophase Anaphase Prophase UnansweredQuestion 1520 / 0 pts A characteristic that an organism displays is called __________. a gene a chromosome DNA gene expression Correct Answer a trait UnansweredQuestion 1530 / 0 pts When Mendel crossed two plants that were heterozygous for a single trait, what was the phenotypic ratio of their offspring? 1:2:1 9:3:3:1 Correct Answer 3:1 7:4 Varied depending on the trait UnansweredQuestion 1540 / 0 pts In a genetic cross, there are n classes of data. What would the degrees of freedom be for a chi square test on this data? n n + 1 Correct Answer n - 1 2n + 1 x(n) wherex equals the number of individuals in the cross UnansweredQuestion 1550 / 0 pts In certain birds, feather color is Z-linked, and green coloring is dominant to purple coloring. A purple feathered male mates with a green feathered female. Predict the phenotypic ratios in their offspring. Half of the offspring will be green females and the other half will be purple males. Correct Answer Half of the offspring will be purple females and the other half will be green males. 1/4 of the progeny will be green females, 1/4 green males, 1/4 purple females, and 1/4 purple males. All of the progeny will be green. Recall that in birds, males have ZZ sex chromosomes and females have ZW sex chromosomes. The male bird in this question has genotypeZgZg and the female has genotypeZGW. Therefore the progeny from mating these two birds will be green feathered males with genotypeZGZg, and purple feathered females with genotypeZgW. Recall that in birds, males have ZZ sex chromosomes and females have ZW sex chromosomes. The male bird in this question has genotypeZgZg and the female has genotypeZGW. Therefore the progeny from mating these two birds will be green feathered males with genotypeZGZg, and purple feathered females with genotypeZgW. UnansweredQuestion 1560 / 0 pts The study of the processes of transcription and translation is at the _____ level of biological organization. population organismal cellular Correct Answer molecular UnansweredQuestion 1570 / 0 pts In a genetic cross, the _______ represent offspring with genetic combinations that were not found in the parental lines. P generation nonrecombinants parentals Correct Answer nonparentals UnansweredQuestion 1580 / 0 pts A diploid cell within an organism's body that is not a reproductive cell is _______. a gamete Correct Answer a somatic cell an allele rare a sperm cell UnansweredQuestion 1590 / 0 pts A true-breeding line of green pod pea plants is crossed with a true-breeding line of yellow pod plants. All of their offspring have green pods. From this information, it can be stated that the green color is _____ to the yellow color. recessive Correct Answer dominant subservient blended None of these choices are correct. UnansweredQuestion 1600 / 0 pts When studying a genetic cross, the second generation following the initial cross is identified by which of the following? P generation F1 generation Correct Answer F2 generation F3 generation P3 generation UnansweredQuestion 1610 / 0 pts If a gene is located on the X chromosome, but not the Y, it is said to be an example of ________. autosomal inheritance Correct Answer sex-linkage reciprocal cross pseudoautosomal inheritance holandric UnansweredQuestion 1620 / 0 pts When Mendel crossed two plants that were heterozygous for a single trait, what was the genotypic ratio of their offspring? Correct Answer 1:2:1 9:3:3:1 3:1 1:1 Varied depending on the trait UnansweredQuestion 1630 / 0 pts A cell from an organism that has a diploid number of 6 chromosomes has 3 chromosomes lined up in the center the cell, each chromosome containing two joined sister chromatids. What phase of the cell cycle is this cell in? metaphase I of meiosis Correct Answer metaphase II of meiosis metaphase of mitosis telophase I of meiosis Since the chromosomes are lined up in the center of the cell, we know that this cell is in metaphase. How can we tell if it is metaphase of meiosis I, meiosis II, or mitosis? If it were mitosis, 6 chromosomes would be lined up in the center of the cell, each with two sister chromatids. If it were meiosis I, homologous chromosomes would line up in pairs in the center of the cell. Since there are 3 chromosomes lined up, we know that homologous chromosomes have already been separated in meiosis I, and that this cell is in meiosis II. Since the chromosomes are lined up in the center of the cell, we know that this cell is in metaphase. How can we tell if it is metaphase of meiosis I, meiosis II, or mitosis? If it were mitosis, 6 chromosomes would be lined up in the center of the cell, each with two sister chromatids. If it were meiosis I, homologous chromosomes would line up in pairs in the center of the cell. Since there are 3 chromosomes lined up, we know that homologous chromosomes have already been separated in meiosis I, and that this cell is in meiosis II. UnansweredQuestion 1640 / 0 pts If two individuals with different distinct characteristics are mated, their offspring is called a _______. strain true-breeding line gamete cross Correct Answer hybrid UnansweredQuestion 1650 / 0 pts Consider a bird in which a high-pitched song (H) is dominant to a low-pitched song (h). You cross two birds that are heterozygous for the gene for song pitch. Predict the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring. Correct Answer 1/4 HH: 1/2 Hh: 1/4 hh; 3/4 high-pitched song: 1/4 low-pitched song 1/2 HH: 1/2 hh; 1/2 high-pitched song: 1/2 low-pitched song 1/4 HH: 1/2 Hh: 1/4 hh; 1/2 high-pitched song: 1/2 low-pitched song All Hh; All high-pitched song The genotype of both birds isHh. When you crossHh withHh, you get a ratio of 1/4HH: 1/2Hh: 1/4hh. All of the birds with a dominantH allele will have a high-pitched song, so 3/4 of the birds will have a high-pitched song, and 1/4 will have a low-pitched song. The genotype of both birds isHh. When you crossHh withHh, you get a ratio of 1/4HH: 1/2Hh: 1/4hh. All of the birds with a dominantH allele will have a high-pitched song, so 3/4 of the birds will have a high-pitched song, and 1/4 will have a low-pitched song. UnansweredQuestion 1660 / 0 pts Select the phase when the separated sister chromatids are considered independent chromosomes. Metaphase Prometaphase Telophase Correct Answer Anaphase Prophase UnansweredQuestion 1670 / 0 pts Three populations of an organism, each with drastically different external markings, but still members of the same species, would be called _______. homologs mutants communities alleles Correct Answer morphs UnansweredQuestion 1680 / 0 pts If the gametes of an organism are different morphologically, they are said to be __________. isogamous Correct Answer heterogamous diploid haploid UnansweredQuestion 1690 / 0 pts Select the phase during which the centrosomes move to opposite poles of the cell. Metaphase Correct Answer Prometaphase Telophase Anaphase Prophase UnansweredQuestion 1700 / 0 pts The Lyon hypothesis attempts to explain the molecular mechanism of _____. Correct Answer X-inactivation genomic imprinting maternal inheritance extra nuclear inheritance UnansweredQuestion 1710 / 0 pts X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is an X-linked dominant disease that results in weak or soft bones. A girl with XLH has a dad with XLH. Her mother does not have XLH. What is the probability that her sisters will have XLH? What about her brothers? Correct Answer All of her sisters and none of her brothers will have XLH. All of her brothers and none of her sisters will have XLH. 50% of her brothers and sisters will have XLH. None of her brothers or sisters will have XLH. All of her brothers and sisters will have XLH. If we call the allele for XLHXH, this girl received theXH allele from her father, who is genotypeXHY. Her mother is genotypeXhXh. All of her brothers will receive a Y chromosome from their father and anXh allele from their mother, so none of them will have XLH. All of her sisters will receive anXH allele from their father, so they will all have XLH. If we call the allele for XLHXH, this girl received theXH allele from her father, who is genotypeXHY. Her mother is genotypeXhXh. All of her brothers will receive a Y chromosome from their father and anXh allele from their mother, so none of them will have XLH. All of her sisters will receive anXH allele from their father, so they will all have XLH. UnansweredQuestion 1720 / 0 pts A karyotype is a(n) __________. organelle of eukaryotic cells stage of prophase I in meiosis division of the cytoplasmic material following mitosis Correct Answer photographic representation of the chromosomes of a cell UnansweredQuestion 1730 / 0 pts Which one of the following is NOT one of the general classes of macromolecules that are necessary for cellular function? nucleic acids proteins Correct Answer ions carbohydrates lipids UnansweredQuestion 1740 / 0 pts A specific version of a gene is called a(n) ______. trait character gamete Correct Answer allele variant UnansweredQuestion 1750 / 0 pts What gene is most responsible for X-inactivation? Xic Correct Answer Xist TsiX Xce UnansweredQuestion 1760 / 0 pts The general purpose of the synaptonemal complex is to __________. Correct Answer provide a link between homologous chromosomes in meiosis enable the reformation of the cell wall during cytokinesis separate the sister chromatids during anaphase independently assort the chromosomes during metaphase of meiosis UnansweredQuestion 1770 / 0 pts In a certain species of plants, red flowers (R) are dominant to pink flowers (r) and round leaves (L) are dominant to oval leaves (l). A plant with red flowers and round leaves is crossed to a plant with pink flowers and oval leaves. In the F1 generation, all of the plants have red flowers, but half of the plants have round leaves and half have oval leaves. What can we conclude about the parental plant with red flowers and round leaves? The genotype of the plant with red flowers and round leaves isRRll. The genotype of the plant with red flowers and round leaves isRRLL. The genotype of the plant with red flowers and round leaves isRrLl. Correct Answer The genotype of the plant with red flowers and round leaves isRRLl. The genotype of the plant with red flowers and round leaves isRrLL. A plant with red flowers and round leaves has one of the following genotypes:RRLL,RrLL,RRLl, orRrLl. A plant with pink flowers and oval leaves has the genotyperrll. When these plants are crossed, in the F1 all the plants have red flowers. This means the first parent likely had genotypeRR, such that all the F1 plants areRr. In contrast, the F1 plants have half round leaves and half oval leaves. This means the first parent likely had genotype Ll, such that half of the progeny have genotypeLl, and half have genotypell. Therefore the first parent likely had genotypeRRLl. A plant with red flowers and round leaves has one of the following genotypes:RRLL,RrLL,RRLl, orRrLl. A plant with pink flowers and oval leaves has the genotyperrll. When these plants are crossed, in the F1 all the plants have red flowers. This means the first parent likely had genotypeRR, such that all the F1 plants areRr. In contrast, the F1 plants have half round leaves and half oval leaves. This means the first parent likely had genotype Ll, such that half of the progeny have genotypeLl, and half have genotypell. Therefore the first parent likely had genotypeRRLl. UnansweredQuestion 1780 / 0 pts A couple would like to know what the probability is that out of five children, three will be girls. This is solved using which of the following? sum rule product rule chi square test Correct Answer binomial expansion random sampling error UnansweredQuestion 1790 / 0 pts The location of a gene on a chromosome is called its _____________. karyotype allele Correct Answer locus homolog UnansweredQuestion 1800 / 0 pts In a Punnett square diagram, the outside of the box represents the _________. diploid offspring haploid offspring diploid gametes Correct Answer haploid gametes UnansweredQuestion 1810 / 0 pts With rare exceptions, a calico cat is likely to be female. Correct Answer true false UnansweredQuestion 1820 / 0 pts Consider a tree in which in thick trunk ( T) is dominant to a skinny trunk ( t), back bark (B) is dominant to brown bark (b) and round leaves ( R) are dominant to oval leaves ( r). You cross a tree that is heterozygous for all three traits to a tree that is homozygous recessive for all three traits. Using the forked line method or the multiplication method, calculate what fraction of the offspring will have a thick trunk, black bark, and round leaves. 1/4 1/2 Correct Answer 1/8 1/16 The tree that is heterozygous for all three traits has genotype TtBbRr. The tree that is homozygous recessive for all three traits has genotype ttbbrr. To calculate the fraction of the offspring that will have a thick trunk, black bark, and round leaves, we consider each gene separately. When crossing Tt to tt, the progeny will be 1/2 Tt (thick trunk) and 1/2 tt (skinny trunk). When crossing Bb to bb, the progeny will be 1/2 Bb (black bark) and 1/2 bb (brown bark). When crossing Rr to rr, the progeny will be 1/2 Rr (round leaves) and 1/2 rr (oval leaves). We then multiply the proportion of the progeny with a thick trunk (1/2) to the progeny with black bark (1/2) to the progeny with round leaves (1/2). 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/8. The tree that is heterozygous for all three traits has genotype TtBbRr. The tree that is homozygous recessive for all three traits has genotype ttbbrr. To calculate the fraction of the offspring that will have a thick trunk, black bark, and round leaves, we consider each gene separately. When crossing Tt to tt, the progeny will be 1/2 Tt (thick trunk) and 1/2 tt (skinny trunk). When crossing Bb to bb, the progeny will be 1/2 Bb (black bark) and 1/2 bb (brown bark). When crossing Rr to rr, the progeny will be 1/2 Rr (round leaves) and 1/2 rr (oval leaves). We then multiply the proportion of the progeny with a thick trunk (1/2) to the progeny with black bark (1/2) to the progeny with round leaves (1/2). 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 = 1/8. UnansweredQuestion 1830 / 0 pts The traits of an individual organism can be influenced by both genes and the ______. genome Correct Answer environment population size genetic variation within a population UnansweredQuestion 1840 / 0 pts Most cellular characteristics, such as structure and function, are the result of the synthesis and activity of different ______. DNA carbohydrates lipids Correct Answer proteins UnansweredQuestion 1850 / 0 pts The bivalent structure forms during which of the following? leptotene Correct Answer zygotene pachytene diplotene diakinesis UnansweredQuestion 1860 / 0 pts In a Z-W system, which is considered to be the homogametic sex? Correct Answer males females UnansweredQuestion 1870 / 0 pts A cytogeneticist would primarily do which of the following? study the distribution of traits in a population study the evolutionary changes in a specific trait Correct Answer examine chromosomes using a karyotype determine the genetic sequence of a specific gene UnansweredQuestion 1880 / 0 pts An individual who has two identical alleles for a trait is said to be ___________. Correct Answer homozygous heterozygous isozygous a variant

bar and bertram

Flowering plants will produce flowers that are dioecious, meaning that the male and female parts are contained within the same flower. true


An individual who has two identical alleles for a trait is said to be ___________. Correct Answer homozygous heterozygous isozygous a variant


What resulted from Mendel's work with single-factor crosses?

law of segregation

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