Geo Bee Questions: Bodies of Water

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Pilcomayo River

Rivers as Borders (World): With its headwaters in the Andes Cordillera in Bolivia, what river forms the border between Argentina and Paraguay before it joins the Paraguay River?


Bodies of Water: The waters of Lake Peipus are shared between . Russia and what Baltic state?

Ubangi River

Rivers and Nearby Cities: Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, is on the banks of what river that is a chief tributary of the Congo River?

Cumberland River

Rivers and Nearby Cities: In May 2010, what river caused tremendous floods in Nashville, Tennessee, resulting in extreme damage to property?


Rivers and Nearby Cities: Name the Italian city located on the Arno River, known as the Cradle of the Renaissance, and filled with architectural jewels including the domed cathedral, Santa Maria del Fiore?

Vientiane, Phnom Penh

Rivers and Nearby Cities: The Mekong River, the most important river in southeastern Asia, has two capital cities on its banks. Name them.

Tennessee River

Rivers and Nearby Cities: The cities of Knoxville and Chattanooga in Tennessee and Huntsville in Alabama are on what river?


Rivers and Nearby Cities: The city of Dresden, capital of the German state of Saxony, is on the banks of what river?

Brahmaputra River

Rivers and Nearby Cities: The city of Guwahati in the northeast Indian state of Assam is on the banks of what major river that joins the Ganges River in Bangladesh?

Columbia, Willamette

Rivers and Nearby Cities: The city of Portland Oregon, lies at the confluence of what two rivers?

Ganges River

Rivers and Nearby Cities: Varanasi, a holy place for Hindus, is on what river?

Danube River

Rivers and Nearby Cities: What European river has the most capital cities on it?


Rivers and Nearby Cities: What city in the state of Ohio is located at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River?

Ho Chi Minh City

Rivers and Nearby Cities: Which former capital city - Vietnam's largest city and financial hub - is in the delta of the Mekong River?

Columbia River

Rivers as Borders (US): The Astoria Bridge, connecting the towns of Astoria, Oregon, to Megler, Washington, spans what river?

Georgia, Florida

Rivers as Borders (US): The St. Marys River in the southeastern U.S. drains Okefenokee Swamp to the Atlantic Ocean. The St. Marys River forms part of the boundary between which two states?

South Africa

Rivers as Borders (World): People trying to escape hyperinflation and unemployment in Zimbabwe are seen crossing Limpopo River to enter which country?


Rivers as Borders (World): The 700-mile-long Harirud River, which disappears in the steppe region south of the Garagum Desert, forms part of the boundary between Turmenistan and what other country?

Cote d'Ivoire

Rivers as Borders (World): The Cavally River flowing south from its source in Guinea forms much of the border between Liberia and what country to its east?


Rivers as Borders (World): The Cuando River forms part of Zambia's western border with which other country?

Shatt al Arab River

Rivers as Borders (World): The Karun River, the only navigable river in Iran, is a tributary of what river that forms part of the border between Iran and Iraq?


Rivers as Borders (World): The Morava River which starts near the border between Poland and the Czech Republic, forms much of the border between Austria and what other country before joining the Danube River?

Kaliningrad Oblast

Rivers as Borders (World): The Neman or Nieman RIver is a major Eastern European river arising in Belarus and flowing through Lithuania before draining into the Baltic Sea. The Neman River forms the border between Lithuania and a Russian exclave to its west. Name this Russian exclave.

Gulf of Martaban

Rivers as Borders (World): The Salween River, which forms part of the border between China and Myanmar as well as part of the border between Thailand and Myanmar, empties into what arm of the Andaman Sea?


Rivers as Borders (World): The Sarstun River which flows into the Gulf of Honduras forms Belize's southern border with what country?


Rivers as Borders (World): The Senegal River, which flows into the Atlantic Ocean, forms the entire border between Senegal and what country to its north?


Rivers as Borders (World): The Ubangi River, the longest tributary of the Congo River, forms part of the border between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and what landlocked country?


Rivers as Borders (World): The Unity Bridge, being built across the Ruvuma River in East Africa will connect Tanzania and what other country?

Orange River

Rivers as Borders (World): What river forms part of the international border between Namibia and South Africa?

Yellow Sea

Bodies of Water: The Han River of South Korea generally flows westward and joins the Imjin River before emptying into which body of water?


Bodies of Water: The Isham River, a tributary of the Irtysh River, has its source in the northeast parts of what country?

Irish Sea

Bodies of Water: The Isle of Man, an island belonging to the U.K., is in what sea?

Laptev Sea

Bodies of Water: The Lena River flows into which sea that is separated from the East Siberian Sea by the New Siberian Islands?

Kara Sea, Barents Sea

Bodies of Water: The Matochkin Strait, which is covered by ice most of the year, connects which two seas?

India, Sri Lanka

Bodies of Water: The Palk Strait, incompletely separated from the Gulf of Manmar by a group of small limestone shoals collectively known as Adams Bridge, separates which two countries?

Barents Sea

Bodies of Water: The Pechora Sea, into which its namesake river flows, is an arm of what sea?

Tigris, Euphrates

Bodies of Water: The Shatt al Arab River flows from the confluence of what two major rivers?

Gulf of Tonkin

Bodies of Water: The Song Hong River, also known as the Red River, flows through the city of Hanoi and empties into what body of water?

Saudi Arabia, Egypt

Bodies of Water: The Strait of Tiran, connecting the Gulf of Aqaba with the Red Sea, is controlled by which two countries?

The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Bodies of Water: The Uele River, a tributary flowing west into the Ubangi River, is in what country?


Bodies of Water: The gulf of Iskenderun, an inlet of the Mediterranean Sea borders the Adana and Hatay provinces of which country?

Ganges River

Bodies of Water: The Bhagirathi and Alaknanda Rivers are the two important headstreams of what holy river in northern India?


Bodies of Water: The Chu (Shu or Chui, Chuy) River, startingat the confluence of the Dzhuvanaryk and Kochkar Rivers in the Tian Shan mountains, spans Kyrgyzstan and what other country to its . northwest?

Sri Lanka

Bodies of Water: The Gulf of Mannar separates India from what country?

Aral Sea

Bodies of Water: Before they were heavily dammed and water diverted for agricultural use, the Amu Darya and Syr Darya Rivers used to provide a constant supply of fresh water to what inland sea?

Indian Ocean

Bodies of Water: Diego Garcia, a coral island administered b the UK is a site of a US naval facility. Diego Garcia Island is in which ocean?

Lake Erie

Bodies of Water: During the summer of 2014, nearly half a million residents of Toledo, Ohio, had to shut off tap water because of a massive algae bloom in the nearby lake that is the source of drinking water. What Great Lake is the source of drinking water for the residents of Toledo?

Tsugaru Strait

Bodies of Water: Honshu and Hokkaido, the two largest islands in the Japanese Archipelago, are separated by what strait that directly connects the Sea of Japan to the Pacific Ocean?


Bodies of Water: Issyk Kul, located in the Tian Shu Mountains, is the second largest saltwater lake in the world. Issyk Kul i sin the northeastern part of which country?

Timor Sea

Bodies of Water: Joseph Bonaparte Gulf,bordering the Australian state of Western Australia and the Northern Territory of Australia, is an arm of what sea?


Bodies of Water: Khamsin, Lodos, Bora, and Marin are winds that blow over what sea?

Sea of Okhotsk, Sea of Japan

Bodies of Water: La Pérouse Strait, or Sōya Strait, separating the Russian Sakhalin Island from the Japanese Hokkaido Island, connects which two bodies of water?


Bodies of Water: Lake Albert, part of the Nile River system, is sandwiched between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and what other country?

Zambezi River

Bodies of Water: Lake Kariba, created by the Kariba Dam, is the world's largest manmade lake by volume of water. Lake Kariba was created by damming which African River?

Greece, Albania

Bodies of Water: Lake Prespa in southwestern Macedonia borders which two other countries in the Balkan Peninsula?


Bodies of Water: Lake Saimaa, the fourth largest lake in Europe, is in what country that fought the Winter War against Russia during 1939-1940?


Bodies of Water: Lake Scutari, the largest lake in the Balkan Peninsula, is shared between Albania and which country to its northwest?

South Australia

Bodies of Water: Located between Yorke and Eyre Peninsulas, Spencer Gulf is off the coast of which Australian state?

Congo River

Bodies of Water: Malebo Pool, formerly known as Stanley Pool, contains the Île Mbabou. Malebo Pool is a shallow lake-like widening in the lower reaches of what river?


Bodies of Water: Mamadou Tandja was elected president after a coup in 1999 in what landlocked West African country that is 95% Muslim and has a border on Lake Chad

Gulf of Aqaba

Bodies of Water: Name the gulf on which Israel, Egypt and Jordan have coastlines

Strait of Tiran

Bodies of Water: Name the strait between the Sinai and Arabian Peninsulas that links the Gulf of Aqaba to the Red Sea.

Aral Sea

Bodies of Water: Qoraqalpoghiston or Karakalpakstan, an autonomous republic constituting the western third of Uzbekistan, has what large body of water as part of its northern border?

Tartar Strait

Bodies of Water: Sakhalin Island is separated from mainland Russia by which strait that also connects the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk?

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