Geo final notes

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Indus River

- 1 of the 3 greatest rivers in South Asia - Drains into the Arabian Sea forming the Alluvial Plains

Myanmar (Burmar)

- 100 languages w/ multiple ethnic groups. (therefore leading to conflict) - Aung San Suu Kyi: fighting for democracy, leader who got nobel peace prize for fighting for democracy in Myanmar


- A volcanic island and part of the ring of fire

Long march (China)

- Communist in Jiangxi pushed out going on long march - ended up in Yan' an - Moa Zedong (communist leader)

South Asia's economy:

- Dominated by agriculture but becoming more industrialized (software development and customer help centers)


- Han empire - Birthplace of confucianism and Doaism (religions) - Communism and Chinese were originally nationalists then communism took over -Himalayas are also in china -Spheres of influence -European powers divided China into Spheres of influence. Chinese nationalist party grew out of dislike -Nationalists had to defeat warlords to take over china -Nationalists party then had a division (part wanted communism and other did not) -Chiang Kai- Shek (leader of nationalist party that was not in favor of communism) He also tried to kill communist in Nationalist party - Group of communist escaped to Jiangxi. They went to this area and developed a communist strong hold - Gobi desert is in china -2/3 of chinas population is rural - communists increased agriculture -Mao Zedong implemented the great lead forward, by doing this he formed little groups of farms, hope was for increased population leading to opposite. - Mao then implemented the "Great cultural revolution" had four goals. 1. get rid of old ideology 2. get rid of old thought 3. get rid of old habit 4. get rid of old customs These were all enforced by the red guard, Ultimately a Big failure -Mao Zedong died and Deng Xiaoping took over - He implemented "four modernizations" 1. Economic reform 2. Agricultural reform 3. Industrial development 4. Improve defense These were ultimately a great success Deng also implemented special economic zones (specific areas focus on specific things) some benefited more than others -Huge population that is hard to feed - Deng established one family one child policy -If you obeyed this rule you got better lifestyle -policy widely criticized -Communism is atheists china did not encourage religion


- Indonesia (250 languages) - Made of many languages and islands -strong military government and ruler is General Suharto Oil and had devastating Tsunami


- lots of ethnic conflict -mostly dry, relies on irrigation -National language Urdu but most people speak Punjabi (leads to conflict)


-85% speak some languages = strong national identity -King mong kut signed treats W/ US and Europe -Like Bamboo, bends in the winds (politically) -Originally agriculture rice, exporter, but has began diversify its economy (cement, textiles, food, electronic equipment, tourism) - Bangkok- Capital city and major transportation cub for all of southeast asia


-A divided peninsula -North and South -North communist -south democratic _When WWII ended it was like Germany divided in (North) communism and (South) Democracy. -Proxy war -North Korea less populated, cold winters, Short summers, greater resources -South Korea: heavily populated, subtropical climate, allied w/ US, rapid industrialization North korea: less populated, rugged and mountainous, fastly moving rivers and natural resources South Korea: Densly populated, Surrounded by ocean, Ocean moderates climate, Mostly rolling hills and fertile soil, Climate and soil gives south korea advantage over. north korea

Hong kong

-British rule for 99 years. -Location as a port city w access to trade routes, huge economic boom. -Manufacturing, textiles, clothing, appliances -Exodus- lots of people left Asia to go to Hong Kong (mostly Chinese people) -Took off and became a major economic power in the region without Chinese influence. - 99 year lease up, New 50 year agreement. Hong Kong no Chinese influence not necessarily happening, conflict on the hurrizon Hong Kong want democracy china wants communism


-Caste system, believes in reincarnation, most Indian people live in village or farm. -Hindus do not eat beef -Hindus live in joint family systems -extreme overcrowding in cities (people live there for education and jobs) -Gold quadrilateral- Road infrastructure to encourage migration from cities to improve transportation of goods but unfortunately increases urbanization -advanced farming, surprisingly leading industrial nation -16% of Indians can read and write - focusing on health care

Tarbela Dam

-Embankment dam that holds back water from the Indus river -important for hydroelectric power and irrigation

Nepal and Bhutan

-Himalayan countries (mountains) -Nepal 90% Hindu and Bhutan 75% Buddist -Bhutan discourages tourism (wants to preserve their culture) -Nepal encourages tourism


-Hindu Kush- Mountains in middle of country "Kush" means death. These mountains form a barrier. -Became buffer state (Russia and Britain left alone) -Taliban- religious group that took over - now Afghanistan is run by democracy

Most people in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bengali speak

-Languages from Indo-European family of languages.

Mohandas Gandhi

-Lead India to independence -non violent protests -boycott British clothing -made own cloths -Because of him India became independent. -Once India became independent Muslims and Hindu's fought.

Chinese culture:

-Many ethnic diversities (influence by ancient philosophers) -Numerous languages -ideograms -3 main philosophies: Buddism, Daoism, Confucianism. Daoism: is based on teaching of laozi (true happiness is living in harmony with the natural world) Once happiness is achieved that is called Dao Confucianism: Most widely practiced religion in china. Based on Confucius. He taught respect for where you are in society and to honor your ancestors.

Sri Lanka

-Means Magnificent island -They also call it a tear drop off the subcontinent of India. -tropical climate -Grows crops like "coconut, rubber, and tea" -deforestation of rain forests -Sinhalese people and Tamils -Have ethnic and religious differences therefore they fight

Southeast Asia (Historical influence)

-Migration- people inhabited from china and south asia -India has influence because of trade -India religion and culture blends w/ southeast asia -rejected caste system -trade brought muslim religion as well -Chinese people came but did not bring culture. Foreigners were barbarians. Silk, spices and precious medals -in 1500's Europe started trading w/ southeast asia by 1700s to 1800s 1. Europe liked produces from there (coffee) 2. Europes population grew more people for the products. 3. Industrial revolution,, Europe require more raw materials. - Because Europe required all that they took most of southeast asia - drastic changes Europe brought w/ colonization 1. Clear cutting and establishing plantations 2. Forced economies to be dependent on industrialized. 3. Europe build roads increasing trade and migration 4. ethnic conflict making own boundaries

Western Ghats

-Mountains in the South of India (There are western and eastern Ghats w/ Deccan plateau in between)

Greatest migration in history:

-Muslims going to Pakistan (12 millions people) and Hindus going to India -Pakistan and India fought three wars one resulted in Bangladesh.

New Zealand

-Pacific Islands (two islands) -North island narrow and hilly with volcanoes and geysers as tourist attractions -South island mountain known as Southern Alps -Aotearoa- land of the long white cloud. What Maori people call New Zealand -Maori people- original inhabitants, accepted British rule in 1840 -Mana Motuhake- self determination -Maori people want to preserve culture -agriuclture economy w/ live stock and kiwi Most people live along the coast


-Steppe vegetation -Genghiz Khan: Major ruler, expanded Mongolian empire, under Chinese rule starting in 1921 Between China and Russia (Buffer State) -Joined Russia but break up of Russia lead Mongolia to become democratic -Nomadic herders live in yurts in Mongolia -Modernizing with cell phones.


-Used to be east Pakistan, Has very fertile soil but floods frequently -delicate climate (can have droughts or floods) Tend to have more floods. -over populated -lots of hunger and malnutrition -travel by boat

Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia

-Vietnam and Cambodia (khmer ethnic group) Not very diverse -Laos very diverse -all are influenced by India (Buddihst) -French colony (French Indochina) , When they ruled. -WWII japan invaded all 3. Japan lost and France tried to take over -Ho chin Minh- Vietnam declared independence - Cambodia-Khmer Rouge - group that was pro communist and killed millions against communism


-Where Chinese nationalists fled - Chiang Kai- Shek- nationalist who established a provisional government in Taiwan -China communist + Taiwan nationalists= fight -Industrial -modernization -foreign investment -extreme growth

caste system:

1. Brahmas: Priests, Judges, and teachers 2. Kshatriyas: warriors 3. vaisyas: farmers and merchants 4. sudras: Craft workers, laborers 5. untouchables: street sweepers, garbage collectors, hide tanners

Pacific islands

3 main groups: Micronesia, Melanesia and Polynesia -Formed from under water volcanic activity or as atolls which is a coral reef -Melanesia was first to be inhabited -economy of subsistance farming, fishing and tourism -became important during WWII -Japan and US fought battle here -When Japan lost they became trust territories


70 languages Spanish rule until Spanish American war 1898 then it became US, then Independent in 1946 Spanish influence, Roman catholic Philippino and english are official languages high birth rate and poor economy

How did a "Fifth Modernization" differ from the previous four? (2 points)

A fifth modernization was demanded by the people, political freedom. Attempts at modernizing China's political system were met with military resistance. The four modernizations were successful but the fifth was a failure.


A large landmass that forms a distinct part of a continent. South Asia is a subcontinent

How has Afghanistan been involved in international conflict? Describe both past events and more recent history

Afghanistan has been attempted to be controlled by Britain and Russia in the 1800's. Unsuccessful, these countries agreed to make it a buffer state. This agreement existed until 1979 when soviet troops invaded at the request of the Afghan government. Pakistan and the US joined forces to support the Afghan resistance. Ten years later the Soviets withdrew leading to civil war. The Taliban would gain power and support muslim extremists. One of these extremist would organize an attack on the US (Al-Qaida). This would lead to an international coalition of forces to invade Afghanistan. This military presence remains today.

Southeast Asia

Association of southeast asian nations (Asean)

Pacific World:

Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Soloman islands, Vanuatu

French Indochina

Became Vietnam, cambodia and laos

regions of china:

Beijing (Northeast) New York of China Northwest region of china: ~ Loess- wind carries fertile soil to a region (good for agriculture) -Huang He River- carries loess, major transportation route, Chinas sorrow: because of flooding, destroyed homes and killed people Southeast china: - Extends from North China plain to the Southern border and the east coast to the western highlands - has warmer and wetter climate than northeast -focuses on agriculture (double cropping) Major river: Yangzi (Ch'ang) river, most fertile region of china, also the east west highway of china. -They demand river to control the flooding. because of this water will backup on peoples homes forcing them to move. Southeast China: Special economic zones ~After Mao Zedong died Deng took over. Deng made changes to china that were successful. Deng established 4 modernizations one of which are special economic zones. With this Deng said a specific area will be in control of specific economic activity. Because of this it enticed foreign investment. Foreign investment lead to huge economic boom. Great success. Northwest china: -Hard to live in, mostly desert -Gobi desert (most of northwest) - Silk road crosses northwest china -silk road- ancient trade route which brings tourism(in later years) -Prominent nomadic herding (major economic activity) Southwest China: -Tibet- Plateau, dominates southwest (cold, dry and high elevation). -Buddism is major religion -Tibet was once independent from China, Now chinas influences it since 1950. -Tibet had Theocrat ruler (religious leader) -Dalai lama- religious leader of Tibet -In 1965 china declared Tibet as an autonomous region. (china said we are in power but we will give you some power)

Thar Desert (The Great Indian Desert)

Between India and Pakistan

17.Fill in the organisms that form a possible four-layer food chain that might be found near a convergence zone. One layer has been done for you

Bottom (primary producer): (found in nutrient-rich deep waters) Plankton b. Middle (primary consumer): Krill. Middle (secondary consumer): Wales and fish eat krill. 4d. Top (tertiary consumer): The fish become food for seals and penguins


Broken up into 7 regions -Western Australia, Northern territory, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania -Original inhabitants: aborigines from southeast Asia -1770: Captan James Cook claimed it for Great Britain. Great Britain sent prisoners when Great Britain settled it devastated aborigines by disease and killing Hot dry climate and is mostly sparsely populated desert most cities along the coast 7 regions= 7 cities Western Australia: Perth- most remote city in the world and very sparesly populated New South Wales: -Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra- Urban rim of New South Wales. -gets lots of moisture, rain and cool sea air= fertile agriculture -major port -Camberra is the capital of Australia -British style government but constitution dividing federal and state government -Tasmania: is an island very mountainous and heavily forested Queesland: -Capital is Brisbane -Very wet - most rain of all Australia -known as sunshine coast -good climate and beaches = tourism -Great Barrier reef: largest coral reef in the world New Territory: Darwin is the capital leveled by cyclones boomed by Japan in WWII Very hot and difficult to live in. Aborigines believe to protect the land and nature for all of Australia. -Australia has lots of gold, other minerals and worlds leading producer in Bauxite Raise cattle and sheep in the outback Call sheep "Jumbucks" Maori original inhabitants. European descent make rest of population. Largely agricultural

mongolia forms a buffer between

China and russia

How did the Communists gain control of China? Write a brief paragraph of explanation.

China was divided between the Nationalists and Communists. Japan took advantage of this division and attacked China. During this attack Communists in China carried out major social reform. This reform lead to many joining the Communist party. This lead, ultimately, to the defeat of the Nationalists.

Indian at one point was controlled by

Great Britain

South asia (religions)

Hinduism, Buddism and Muslim (mixed religions)

Most common religions in south asia are

Hinduism, Buddism, and Muslim

samoa is part of


extra information

Mekong river is in laos Australia is mostly desert 90% of Australians live in cities.

Southeast asia

Myanmar( Burma), Thiland, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papa New Guinea, East Timor, Singapore, Bruner

The experience of Australia's indigenous people is most similar to that of what group in the United States?

Native Americans

In terms of physical characteristics, how are North Korea and South Korea different from each other? Write a brief paragraph contrasting the two countries.

North Korea is less populated than South Korea and is closer to the Asian mainland. It has short, cool summers and very cold winters. Its land is rugged and mountainous with fast moving rivers as well as many other natural resources. South Korea is densely populated and completely surrounded by seas which affect its climate. Its terrain is mostly rolling plains. Its climate and terrain allow for improved agricultural opportunities compared to North Korea.


Northern border of south asia

Indus river and the Ganges river flow through

Pakistan, India and Bangladesh


Sumatra, Jakarta, Bali, Flores, Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas, Jaba

Southwest china and tibet are ruled by a



Tiny island, bog political and economic power, central location and major trade routes set policy to attract high tech companies

Malaysia and BRunel

Wealthy and oil and natural gas economy


Where all the movies come from in India. (like Hollywood from American)


archipelago- chain of islands isolated from invasion but able to trade ( on Pacific Ocean) Formed by under water volcanoes ring of fire (lots of earthquakes and volcanoes) monsoons, Typhoons (Tropical hurricanes) climate effected by ocean current given long growing season Major urbanization/ crowded cities uniformity- most people have similar ancestry, leading to a strong national identity, downside is prejudice against non Japanese 2 groups of Japanese people: Ainu and Burakrmin ainu- first people to live in Japan Burakrmin- Japanese but social outcasts Similar religion: Shinto and Buddists Was part of loosing team in WWII WWII US brought democracy to Japan Huge economic boom post WWII Educated their work force and government planning Japan's economy remained isolated Mountainous terrain, ring of fire, archipelago, homogeneous, Mattthew perry 1853, japan was forced into a trade agreement


became Myanmar


became Thailand

papa new guinea

ethnically diverse mostly agricultural, poorly developed prominent mining of gold and copper ore Straddles two regions Oceania and Southeast Asia Mixed with traditional culture and attempts at industrialization


frozen continent last of worlds continents to be discovered and explored uninhabited many nations claimed ownership greatest resource is scientific information

Sri lanka is a


Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as parts of India are


North Korea and South Korea are divided by a __Demilitarized zone______, a strip of land where troops and weapons are not allowed.

no answer

Himalayan mountains

norther border of south Asia

What are three major changes that Europeans brought to Southeast Asia?

~ Europeans expanded trade with the region after developing a preference for Southeast Asian goods (coffee and tea). This, combined with a rapidly growing population and increased demand, would lead to increased trade. Expanding European industrialization would lead to exploitation of Southeast Asian raw materials and markets. This would lead to extensive colonization which resulted in deforestation, large farm formation and eventual economic dependence on European countries. Economic advancement lead to increased infrastructure development and increase migration. Failure to adhere to ethnic boundaries when forming colonies also resulted in ethnic conflict.

Why was trade reopened in 1853?

~ In 1853 the United States government sent Matthew Perry to Japan with a fleet of worships backing him up and a request to form a trade agreement. This show of force ultimately lead to reopening trade with Japan.

How does Chinese rule violate the political rights of Tibetans?

~ In 1911, Tibet gained independence from China. This independence lasted until 1950, when the Chinese government invaded and took over control of Tibet. Tibet was ruled by a religious leader when independent. Upon Chinese invasion, traditional Buddhist practice was restricted, limiting the rights of its people. China also encouraged significant migration to the area, resulting in Tibetans becoming a minority group in their own homelands. While improving infrastructure and economic advancements, this has been carried out at the cost of Tibetan's religious freedom.

1.Summarize Japan's participation in World War II. Describe this participation in a brief paragraph

~ Japan's involvement in WWII was important to the United States. Siding with Nazi Germany, Japan would seize control of French and Dutch colonizes in Southeast Asia. ON December 7, 1941 Japan would attach Pearl Harbor leading to US involvement in WWII. This ultimately would lead to the first, and hopefully last, atomic bomb use.

What geographic obstacles did Mao Zedong and his troops face during the Long March?

~ Mao Zedong faced challenging terrain in the form of hot, dry climate and mountains. Also crossed several rivers

What problems do the citizens of Myanmar face that the citizens of Thailand do not? Write a brief paragraph of explanation.

~ Myanmar, despite its small size, is made up of a country with more than 100 languages and multiple ethnic groups. When the British took control of the region in the 1800s Myanmar (Burma) was combined into a single political entity. No attempt at cultural unification resulted and the British control provided for significant autonomy. Upon gaining independence in 1948 the country lack unity. The new government would see multiple ethnic insurgents attempt to gain control as well as slow economic growth. Thailand is a country with cultural unity, a strong national identity and a majority dialect, all aspects that are lacking in Myanmar.

How has Tibet, in the Southwest region, been affected by Communist rule? Write a brief paragraph of explanation.

~ Tibet is a distinct traditional society in China based on Buddhists religion. China's control of this region has greatly influenced Tibet. China has attempted to control this theocratic area. In 1965 China declared Tibet and autonomous region and implemented many changes. Among these changes, China attempted to change Tibetan culture and way of life. These changes were resisted but recently migration to the region has further threatened Tibetan culture. Despite all these changes tibetans have consistently resisted change.

How did Taiwan become an economic power in Asia? Write a brief paragraph of explanation.

~ With the Nationalist party defeat, many of it's leaders would escape China and settle in Taiwan. This would see many high functioning people leaving China for Taiwan (military leaders, government leaders, business people). With the Nationalist ideal, many economic reforms would sweep across Taiwan. Industrial modernization, agricultural advancements, and foreign investment would see the economy of Taiwan grow rapidly. These advances combined with foreign support providing large access to trade would spark an intense growth of the Taiwan economy.

In a brief paragraph, describe and compare the two large islands that make up New Zealand.

~New Zealand is made up of two islands that formed from volcanic activity between the Australian and Pacific tectonic plates. North island is a narrow and highly region with a central plateau. It also contains active geothermal activity. Volcanoes and geysers are abundant and lead to an active tourist industry. The South island contains the highest mountains in New Zealand. These mountains are snow covered with fast moving rivers running through them. On the leeward side of the mountainous South Island dense heavy forests are found with lush green vegetation.

Why would a farmer terrace his land?

~Terracing land is a form of intensive farming, it allows for maximum use in production based on limited space.

Why was the northeast region considered the center of China?

~The Northeast region of China is the largest population an oldest part of China. Major industrial center of China exists in Beijing, located in the Northeast. With a large population and industrial complex the Northeast has been viewed as the center of China.

.Why might coastal locations show less seasonal variation in temperature than other locations

~The ocean provides a moderating effect on climate due to the temperature of water influencing the temperature of land. This is seen in my home town as well. The heat retained in the water is given back to the land.

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