Geography and History 3

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This city's Christian residents were spared thanks to a Nestorian Kerait princess named Dokuz Khatun.

Buenos Aires

This city's Federal District is bounded by the Riachuelo River


This city's Museum of (*) Pop Culture, once known as Experience Music Project, was designed by Frank Gehry


This city's Shilshole Marina lies of the coast of the Ballard neighborhood


This city's Tredegar Iron Works was one of the main production centers of the Confederacy

San Francisco

This city's city hall was the location of a double murder by Dan White, who killed this city's mayor George Moscone


This city's population shot up after the (*) Mariel boatlift


This city's second king added two months to its calendar; one was named for an object used on (*) Lupercalia, the Februa, and the other was named for a two-faced god of beginnings.


This country's monarchy was overthrown in a coup led by Deodoro da Fonseca, who became its first president.

South Africa

This country's most populous province, Gauteng, contains this country's administrative capital (*) and its largest city.


This country's national hero resisted control by the Ottoman Empire at the Battle of Torvioll, though he did not participate in the battle of Kosovo Field.


This country's north was ruled by a Mutawakelite (moo-tah-WOK-ah-lite) Kingdom until 1962, and it remained separate from the south of this country until a (*)) 1990 unification


This country's policy of isolation, or sakoku, ended with the Convention of Kanagawa.


This country's president Gustavo Rojas was ousted during a civil war sparked by the assassination of Jorge Eliecer Gaitan


This country's third largest city, Erdenet, was built to exploit Asia's largest copper mine, and lies in a valley between the Selenge and Orkhon Rivers


This country's twentieth-century politics were dominated by the Golkar Party, led by men such as Jusuf Habibie (JOO-suff huh-BEE-bee).


This county's alphabet, Hangul, was created by Sejong the Great,


This desert is home to the Dragon's Breath Cave


This dictator came to power after the death of his predecessor, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej (GAY-or-gay GAY-or-gay-OO-DAY).

Treaty of Versailles

This document leased out the coal-rich Saarland for fifteen years.

First Amendment

This document was interpreted in an 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptists


This dynasty saw the restoration of the Grand Canal and construction of the Forbidden City by the Yongle Emperor


This dynasty was replaced by the House of Orleans during the July Revolution that deposed Charles X.

Council of Trent

This ecumenical council moved to Bologna under Pope Paul III.


This empire captured Fort St. Elmo but failed to capture Fort St. Angelo despite a four-to-one numerical advantage during its invasion of Malta.


This empire collapsed after a battle where this empire tried to send a stampede of cattle to crush invaders, but the resulting sound of gunfire caused the cattle to stampede back at them.


This empire employed a silent trade system with foreign merchants near the Wangara mines


This empire expanded by using a new weapon, the assegai, and used impi to defeat its neighbors during the Mfecane


This empire fought the War of 27 Years against the Maratha Empire


This empire gifted an elephant named Abul-Abbas and a water clock to Charlemagne.


This empire lost a battle that began after its leader threw a Bible given to him on the ground.


This empire moved north of the Tugela River after losing a devastating battle to forces commanded by Andries Pretorius.

British Empire

This empire ruled a nation that became independent due to Kwame Nkrumah's activism.


This empire's army was crushed by the Turks at the Battle of Manzikert.


This empire's merchants were the Dyula

Sepoy Mutiny

This event began in the northern city of Meerut.

California Gold Rush

This event came to the attention of the public after the publisher of The Star, Samuel Brannon, ran through the street yelling about a discovery made by James(*) Marshall.


This event caused the formation of the "Elephant Foot," from cooled black corium


This event created the Red Forest in the Zone of Alienation.

Wounded Knee

This event largely ended the Ghost Dance movement, which was founded to resist white expansionism.

Teapot Dome

This event led to the Supreme Court ruling in McGrain v. Daugherty, which stated that Congress had the power to compel witness testimony.

Gaspee Affair

This event occurred in 1772 when a British vessel that had been enforcing the Navigation Acts ran aground near Newport, Rhode Island. Abraham Whipple subsequently led a group of colonists who boarded and burned the namesake vessel in this event.

Peterloo Massacre

This event prompted the passage of the Six Acts.


This event started at 137 DeKoven Street, where folklore has blamed this incident on Catherine O'Leary's cow kicking over a lantern.

The Spanish Inquisition

This event targeted groups known as Marranos and Moriscos, both of whom were forced to become Conversos

Assassination of Mckinley

This event took place in spite of George Cortelyou's request for extra security at the Temple of Music.

Great Fire of London

This event was fueled by the failure of Lord Mayor Thomas Bloodworth to authorize proper demolition methods.

Glorious Revolution

This event was sparked after Mary of Modena gave birth to a son

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

This event was sparked by the outrage stemming from the assassination of Admiral Gaspard de Coligny

Congress of Vienna

This event was the subject of The World Restored, Henry Kissinger's doctoral dissertation.


This family was overthrown by the risorgimento in Naples, where they lost to Garibaldi's men

Yahya Jammeh

This former Gambian president's 22-year reign came to an end after losing a 2015 election to Adama Barrow. He claimed he could cure AIDS in three days using medicinal herbs.

The Grand Canyon

This geological feature has a Vishnu Group that consists of the Vishnu, Brahma, and Rama Schists.


This good gives the alternate name of the War of the Bavarian Succession.


This good was mined in modern-day Bolivia at Potosí.

Weimar Republic

This government's foreign minister Walther Rathenau was assassinated,

British Raj

This government's mismanagement of the Orissa famine led to nearly one-third of its population dying.

Second Triumvirate

This group ended up fighting the internal "Perusine War" with each other


This leader issued the Milan Decree in a failed attempt to enforce the Berlin Decree

Philip II

This leader married the daughter of Henry II through the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis.


This leader once defeated his former father-in-law, Desiderius, and his biographer was Einhard


This leader organized his country's states into four categories in the States Reorganisation Commission.


This leader reversed the expulsion of the Jews after the Whitehall Conference.


This onetime governor of New Jersey signed the Clayton Anti-Trust Act and the Federal Reserve Act

Booker T. Washington

This orator of the "Atlanta Compromise" provided vocational training to poor blacks at the Tuskegee Institute.

Boko Haram

This organization freed 105 of its members from a prison in Maiduguri

Labour Party

This organization grew from Keir Hardie's independent group.


This river passes near the city of Kettle Falls, although the rapids that give the city its name no longer exist.


This river receives a (*) river-lake that flows backwards during the monsoon season.


This river rises in Yellowstone National Park and receives the Salmon and Clearwater Rivers in Idaho

Jordan River

This river runs through the Hula Valley, where a swamp was drained in 1951 by diverting this river upstream.


This river's "Middle" section starts at Devin Gate


This river's d Isis Lock was built at a canal here in 1796

Mississippi River

This river's headwaters come from Lake (*)) Itasca in Minnesota

Ohio River

This river's main tributary is spanned by the Fort Duquesne Bridge and its secondary tributary is spanned by the Fort Pitt Bridge


This river's source is near the village of Kemble

New mexico

This state uses a red and gold state flag with the sun symbol of the Zia people.


This state was first reached by a European by the French explorer Jean Nicolet.


This state was home to violent labor leader Dennis Kearney, whose nativism inspired the Alien Land Act and an ordinance later overturned in Yick Wo v. Hopkins.


This state was long represented by isolationist Senator William Borah, who had earlier prosecuted Big Bill Haywood for the assassination of this state's governor Frank Steunenberg


This state was once dominated by the appropriately-named Anaconda Copper Mining Company.

Rhode Island

This state was the site of the Great Swamp Fight, and later saw the death of the Wampanoag leader Metacomet in King Philip's War.


This state's "panhandle" contains the cities of Amarillo and Lubbock


This state's 54th infantry regiment was led by Robert Shaw and composed mainly of African-Americans.


This state's Danica Roem is the first openly transgender state legislator to be elected and serve.


This state's Door Peninsula separates (*)) Green Bay from Lake Michigan.


This state's Edwards Plateau is located in its Hill Country


This state's Hill Country is located east of the Big Bend.

Louisiana Purchase

This state's Vermilion Bay contains Marsh Island and Avery Island, formerly the main site of tabasco pepper production.

new Mexico

This state's Wheeler Peak lies in the Sangre de Christo Mountains


Until 1941, the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea was based in this city


Uprisings in this city led to the Praga and Wola Massacres.


Urho Kekkonen developed this nation's neutral stance during the Cold War.

Hanseatic League

V. Ivan III expelled this group from Novgorod

Fourteenth Amendment

Via the 14th Amendment's due process clause, the Supreme Court found in Mapp v. Ohio that this amendment's exclusionary rule applies to state courts.

Ming Dynasty

Vietnamese national hero Le Loi defended his country against this dynasty's forces


Violent tactics were employed by segregationist (*) Bull Connor in this state

Great Fire of London

Watchmaker Robert Hubert was killed after claiming to have started this event.

Slobodan Milosevic

" He was overthrown shortly after a disgruntled citizen charged a bulldozer at a radio television building

Labour Party

" In 1924, Ramsay MacDonald became the first prime minister from this part

Rwandan Genocide

" Roméo Dallaire led a failed peace-keeping mission to stop this event


. Due to a surveying error, the only point in the US outside of Alaska (*) above the 49th parallel is this state's Northwest Angle.

George Wallace

. Due to term limits, this man had to be succeeded as governor by his wife, Lurleen.

New York City

. During an 1863 event instigated by Irish immigrants, many African Americans fled this city.

Mauryan Empire

. The last ruler of this empire, Brihadratha, was overthrown and killed by the founder of the Sunga Dynasty

California Gold Rush

. The location of this event was the land where the former Swiss colony of New Helvetia was located


. This ruler paid tribute to Khosrow I to establish an "Eternal Peace" and much of his policy was created by Tribonian.


. This ruler's body may have been found in KV55, also called the (*) Amarna cache after the city that he established as his capital


. This ruler's troops defeated Kavadh I at the Battle of Dara


. This state also contains Broken Top, which is near the Three Sisters and contains Bend Glacie


. This state contains the ski town of Coeur d'Alene ["kor duh-LANE"]


. This state's Fort Peck Lake was formed by damming the Musselshell and Missouri Rivers, and is located south of Glasgow

Mayflower Compact

. This work was signed in Provincetown Harbor

Bacon's Rebellion

. Thomas Mathew was targeted by a raid led by the (*) Doeg people that sparked this event


. Thousands of this country's citizens in Sudan and Ethiopia were repatriated due to famine in Operation Moses,

Lake Michigan

. Traverse City is on this lake's coast.


. Two Organic Acts helped move this territory towards home rule, with the second being heavily pushed by James Wickersham.


. Two of the five longest pontoon bridges in the world carry an interstate across a lake from this city to its suburbs of Mercer Island and (*) Bellevue


. Until the early 1800s, Mexico held a monopoly on a dye of this color made from the cochineal ["KOTCH-ih-NEEL"] insect.

San Francisco

. Visitors can hike up the Filbert Steps to that landmark, the Coit Tower, on this city's Telegraph Hill.


. Volcanoes in this nation include Pichincha, Illiniza, Cotopaxi, and Chimborazo.


: This ruler aided plots to overthrow and assassinate Romulo Betancourt, the President of Venezuela


: This state's Shelby County won a 2013 Supreme Court case that invalidated the formula to calculate preclearance in the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Bacon's Rebellion

During this event, the "Declaration of the People" was issued to criticize the actions of Governor William Berkeley.

Black Death

During this event, the Zorn and Müllenheim families led a coup against Peter Swarber, prompting the killing of hundreds of people in Strasbourg

Salem Witch Trials

During this event, the concept of "effluvia" inspired the baking of cakes made of rye and urine, which were then fed to dogs.


During this man's government, the auto company SEAT's success led to a so-called "economic miracle" in his country.

Ivan IV

During this man's reign, the cossack Yermak won the Battle of Kalshiq, helping conquer Siberia for the Stroganovs.


During this man's time in office, riots erupted in response to the actions of John Porteous, who was lynched in Edinburgh.

Congress of Vienna

During this meeting Switzerland had its (*) neutrality guaranteed.

Great flood of 1993

For 10 points, name this 1993 disaster that left much of the Upper Mississippi River and Missouri River basins underwater.

OJ simpson trial

For 10 points, name this 1995 "Trial of the Century," which saw a former NFL running back acquitted of murder.

The Killing of osama bin laden

For 10 points, name this 2011 action of Navy SEAL Team Six in Abbottabad, Pakistan against a former leader of al-Qaeda.

10th Amendment

For 10 points, name this Constitutional amendment which enshrines American federalism, the last in the Bill of Rights.

Pope Benedict XVI

For 10 points, name this German Pope, born Joseph Ratzinger, who succeeded John Paul II and whose 2013 resignation led to the election of Francis.

National recovery administration

For 10 points, name this New Deal agency set up to promote fair practice in business.

Pierre Soule

For 10 points, name this Senator from Louisiana and principal writer of the "Ostend Manifesto."

Vlad The Impaler

For 10 points, name this famously vicious ruler of Wallachia


For 10 points, name this mid-nineteenth-century social movement in Great Britain, which wrote a petition known as the People's Charter.


For this city's 1929 International Exposition, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe designed a namesake pavilion


In a show of independence, this man was the only leader in the Warsaw pact who criticized the invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968


In a special 1.3-square-mile section of this city established by Hans Frank and led by an Ältester, the ZOB and ZZW resisted Jürgen Stroop's attempt to deport Jews

Council of Trent

In addition to affirming the Vulgate, this church council condemned Protestant heresies.


In his book Six Crises, he discussed being attacked in Venezuela and engaging in the Kitchen Debate.


In his essay "South Carolina Exposition and Protest", he advanced the doctrine of nullification.


In one battle, this leader's troops made ropes of vine and rappelled down a cliff to surprise the forces of Gaius Glaber.

Seven Years War

In one theater of this war, forces under Robert Clive ousted Nawab Siraj ud-Daulah from power after the Battle of Plassey


In this modern country, a thoroughfare running from Rutupiae to Viroconium names a battle that saw the defeat of the Trinovantes.


In this modern-day nation, the murder of James Scobie set off a rebellion led by Peter Lalor that came to a head at Ballarat's Eureka Stockade


In this nation, a political party ended its "rath yaga" chariot journey in Ayodhya, where soon after a mob destroyed the Babri Masjid.


In this region, the confluence of the Sengge and Gar rivers gives rise to the Indus river.


In this state's Arrowhead region, iron ore is mined in the Mesabi Range and shipped to cities such as Hibbing.


In this state's northeast, Wilkes-Barre sits down Route 81 from (*)) Scranton


In this state, Kennedy Space Center is located northwest of Cape Canaveral.


In this state, a riot occurred in response to allegations that Neal S. Dow was keeping crates of rum in a city hall basement

sOUTH carolina

In this state, the white supremacist Red Shirts used violence to help elect governor Wade Hampton.

Franco-Prussian War

In this war, Marshal Achille-Francois Bazaine lost the battles of Mars-la-Tour and Gravelotte and was surrounded at the fortress of Metz.

Henry IV HRE

In what is known as the Walk to Canossa, this leader supposedly traveled barefoot as penance towards Pope Gregory the Seventh


Special Friday noon prayers, or jumu'ah [juh-MAH], can be found in the Friday Mosque in this country's city of Herat

Scott Walker

The Republican governor of Wisconsin has ranked highly in most recent polls thanks to his agenda of union-busting and slashing public university funding. In 2012, his budget repair legislation led to significant protests.

Buenos Aires

The Riachuelo flows along this city


The Sea Venture sank in Bermuda en route to this colony.

Abbasid Caliphate

The Buyids had effective control of the empire in the 10th and 11th centuries, much like the Seljuk Turks later.

San Francisco

The Carquinez Strait connects San Pablo Bay, an inlet of this body of water, with Suisun Bay.

Niagara Falls

The Cave of the Winds was behind the (*) Bridal Veil, which was separated by Luna and Goat Islands from the two major portions of this location


The Celilo Canal was flooded by this river's "The Dalles Dam," which lies near the entrance of its namesake gorge.

Atlas Mountains

The Chaoui people inhabit the Aurés Mountains, the easternmost subrange of these mountains.


The Chech and Issaouane are examples of ergs located in this geographical feature.

Atlas Mountains

The Chelif River rises in this mountain range


The Chi and Mun Rivers flow through the Khorat Plateau before emptying into this river.


The Council of Constance resolved the issue of who held this post and thus ended the Western Schism.

Pike's Peak

The Cripple Creek gold mining camp was located near its base.


The Cullen-Harrison Act weakened this policy

Isabella I

The Dominican Friar Tomás de Torquemada was for many years the personal advisor to this ruler

Black Sea

The Don and Kuban rivers drain into this sea


The Drexel Mission Fight preceded an attack on members of this tribe, whose leaders included (*) Red Cloud and Gall.


The Durham Report urged for the union of this modern-day country's two parts

Elizabeth I

The Second Act of Supremacy and an Act of Uniformity were passed early in the reign of this monarch,

San Francisco

The Farallon Islands, though lying thirty miles to the west of this city, are still officially part of it.

2nd Boer War

The Fawcett Commission was created during this conflict to monitor prison conditions.


The Paxton Boys marched in this city to protest the government's policy towards Native Americans


The Pisonian Conspiracy against this ruler resulted in his execution of Lucan and Seneca

South Carolina

The Queen Anne's Revenge blocked a port in this modern-day state at the request of(*) Blackbeard.


The Redoutable and the Bucentaure were captured during this battle


The Shaksgam Valley in this region borders the Siachen Glacier, which is just northeast of the point where the Line of Control ends.


The Sierra Maestra mountain range is located in the southern part of this country, near which is a shrine dedicated to this country's patron saint, the Virgin of Charity

Lake Superior

The St. Mary's River connects this lake's Whitefish Bay to a smaller lake and separates two cities both called Sault Ste. Marie ["soo saint marie"].

New York

The Stamp Act Congress met in this city in 1765


The Stennis Compromise failed to end this crisis

South Carolina

The Stono Rebellion was a slave revolt in this state

Hong Kong

The aftermath of the MTR shutdown in this place was widely compared to the evacuation at Dunkirk

Black Sea

The ancient cities of Tomis and Histria were established on this body of water.

Mansa Musa

The architect Es-Saheli built (*) Sankoré University and Djin·gue·re·ber Mosque for this ruler,


The area around this city was the intended site of Gabriel Prosser's abortive slave rebellion.


The artificial Harbor Island sits at the point where this city's Duwamish Waterway empties into Elliott Bay. I

Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius

The author of the encyclopedic Natural History died trying to rescue a friend during this event

Chinese Peasant Rebellion

The bandit Li Zicheng lea\d one of these events that overthrew the Ming Dynasty.

Applachian Mountains

The highest point in this range is Mount Mitchell in North Carolina


The highest point in this state is Humphrey's Peak

Mapp V. Ohio

The holding in this case established that the exclusionary rule applied to the states via the 14th Amendment

Richard the Lionhearted

The imprisonment of this ruler's sister Joan led to his intervention in Sicily, which was then being ruled by Tancred I


The islands of Ushkani and Olkhon are located in this lake


The kings of this country traditionally wore a crown with a crooked cross called St Stephen's Crown.

Kim John Un

The text of the hymn "Onwards Toward the Final Victory" was taken from a speech by this person


The time during which this office is vacant is termed sede vacante (SEE-day vah-KAHN-tay).


This city was central to the development of Prairie school of architecture, and many of Frank Lloyd Wright's works are located in its suburb of Oak Par


This city negotiated the Pactum Warmundi, granting them autonomous communities in the Levant


This city offers the tallest public viewing area from a building west of the Mississippi at its Columbia Center.


This city saw the Markale market massacre carried out by the Army of Republika (*) Srpska.


This city was home to a "Translation Movement" that preserved many ancient (*) Greek texts.


This city was home to the Taborite and Utraquist factions.


This city was home to the suspicious death of Jan Masaryk.


This city was originally designed with three circular walls, leading it to be called the "round city."


This city was taken over by Turkic bodyguards in the later 9th century, leading to its rule by the Buyid dynasty.


This city was the inspiration for Ernest Burgess's concentric zone model of city growth.

New York City

This city was the site of an offshoot of a 1689 revolt in which Francis Nicholson was overthrown. That was (*) Leisler's Rebellion.

San Francisco

This city was the site of the 1945 conference that created the United Nations.


This city will host the 2020 expo

San Francisco

This city's "White Night Riot" occurred following a trial which saw the use of the "Twinkie defense."


Large reserves of natural gas are found in the Barnett Shale


Lava flows are found in Craters of the Moon National Monument in this state,


Lavrentiy Beria planned the killing of this country's officer corps by the NKVD in the Katyn Massacre.


Leaders of these people include Pakal (pah-KAHL) the Great and HunacCeel (HOO-nahk KEEL)


Leaders of this party included Kentucky governor James Greene Hardy and gangster William Pool.


Lewis and Clark passed by this river in what is now Tri-Cities

James ii

Like his older brother, this ruler issued a Declaration of Indulgence that eased religious restrictions.


Lip readers caught a mayor of this city swearing at Abraham Ribicoff, who criticized that mayor for using "Gestapo Tactics."


Rose Mary Woods claimed that she pushed the wrong pedal while answering a phone call to explain an (*) 18 and a half minute gap in tapes used as evidence during this event.


Sacco and Vanzetti were executed in this state

California Gold Rush

Samuel Brannan became wealthy because of his widespread publicizing of this event.

Bunker Hill

Samuel Graves provided artillery support during this battle


Samuel Walker ordered 1,000 of these commodities and co-names one variant of them.

Rhode Island

Samuel Ward King opposed electoral reform in this state, leading to the Dorr Rebellion,


Sandstone landforms such as the Fiery Furnace and the Organ can be found in this state's Arches National Park


Senator Henry M. Teller created a political (*) party as part of a "Free" movement in support of this commodity.


Serving as the chief of the New York Customs House under the Grant administration with the support of Stalwart leader Roscoe Conkling


Serzh Sargsyan led this country after its independence from the USSR.

Lake Huron

The Bruce Peninsula extends into this body of water,


This city lies northeast of Vashon Island and southeast of Admiralty Inlet


This river can now be crossed via the Széchenyi [seh-CHEN-yee] Chain Bridge.

Snake River

This river drains the Palouse Hills before joining another river at Kennewick.

Missouri River

This river flows past Great Falls, (*) Council Bluffs, and Sioux City before meeting with the Platte River.


This river flows through Natchez and Vicksburg before meeting Lake Ponchartrain on its southern course


This river has a tributary Tisza River in Serbia, the latter of which forms the border of Hungary and Slovakia.

Hudson River

This river is actually a tidal estuary below the Federal Dam at Troy


This river is divided in half by the Khone Falls

Colorado River

This river is fed by the Green River soon after flowing past Moab.


This river lies to the west of a bridge built on it by Trajan.

Rio Grande

This river meanders through, and inspires the name of, Big Bend National Park


This river passes near the city of Kettle Falls


this woman guided an 1863 raid at Combahee Ferry.


" He gave a speech in the Mason Temple in Memphis titled "I've Been to the Mountaintop."


. Legend holds that during the Battle of Lyndanisse against Estonia, this country's flag fell down from heaven


: This politician defeated Coke Stevenson by eighty-seven votes in an election for the U.S. Senate


: This province's town of Moose Factory is located south of James Bay


" An affluent neighborhood in this city is named after Queen Anne and contains its highest hill.


" An outlaw in this country designed and wore his own plate armor before dying under siege at Glenrowan

Democratic Conventions

" Barbara Jordan gave keynote speeches at these events in 1976 and 1992

Chief Joseph

" A major conflict surrounding this man concerned the village of Lapwai and the Wallowa Valley.


" Several boat accidents near a rock in this river have given rise to legends of a Siren-like maiden who leads sailors to their death, known as the "Loreley."


" The Coushatta and Colfax massacres occurred in this state


"Lighthorse Harry" Lee led troops into this state's west to end the Whiskey Rebellion

White House

. Designed by James Hoban, this building underwent major renovations commissioned by (*) Theodore Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy.


, he survived an attempt on his life by Puerto Rican nationalists Griselio Torresola and Oscar Collazo.

Frederick the Great

, this man authored Anti-Machiavel with Voltaire.

Election of 1876

. David Davis was intended to help investigate this election as a member of the Electoral Commission, but he refused the appointment to take a Senate seat.


. A Chinese embassy in this modern-day country was accidentally bombed during Operation Allied Force.


. A banquet house in this city has a Peter Paul Rubens-painted ceiling and was designed by Inigo Jones.

Shah Jahan

. A civil war over the succession was fought by this man's four sons after he fell ill in 1657.

Magna Carta

. A clause of this document mandated the removal of fish (*) weirs from all rivers.


. A company in this country was found to have paid over $40 million in kickbacks to bribe officials such as Eduardo Cunha and Edison Neto.


. A court case from this state was the origin of Potter Stewart's comment "I know it when I see it" with respect to pornography.


. A future president of this country campaigned against the KLA, and that president was toppled in the Bulldozer Revolution


. A general got the epithet "Unconditional Surrender" from Simon Bolivar Buckner's surrender of Fort Donelson in this state

Caspian Sea

. A lagoon that is thirty times saltier than this body of water is separated from its western portion and is called Garabogazköl


. A mythical pope with this first name was stoned to death after giving birth during a procession.

Death Valley

. A natural oasis in this area is called Furnace Creek and shares a name with a river that flows into this place.


. A park called Maidan surrounds Fort William in this city

Charles De Gaulle

. A planned military coup called Operation Resurrection was intended to restore this leader to power following an invasion of Corsica.


. A popular artistic motif on this island was the "snake goddess," which is a bare-breasted woman depicted holding up a snake in each hand.


. A religious reformer from this country opposed the Anabaptist Felix Manz and debated Martin Luther at the Marburg Colloquy


. A rival kingdom in this modern-day country was Bunyoro


. A ruler of this empire built the Coricancha temple complex and conquered the Chanka peopleq

Mississippi River

. A series of control structures and spillways prevent it from mostly flowing into the Atchafalaya.

Julius Cesare

. After losing at Gergovia, this general successfully staged a siege by outward and inward facing walls around a fort

Tammany Hall

. After this organization shut off the gaslights to silence their opposition, a group that opposed this organization started meeting under matchlight and became known as the locofocos.

Hanseatic League

. Albrecht von Mecklenburg hired the Victual Brothers to conduct raids against this group


. Alexander Selkirk was mutinied on this country's Juan Fernandez Islands


. Along with Jews and Roma, this was the main ethnic group targeted by the Ustashe.


. Along with John Mason and Pierre Soule, he signed the (*)) Ostend Manifesto.

George Washington

. Along with Lighthorse Harry Lee, this man was one of the commanders of the Watermelon Army.

George Washington

. Along with Tanacharison, this man once ambushed some soldiers led by Joseph Coulon de Jumonville.


. Alongside his brother, this man arranged the Treaty of Margus with Romans involving the return of nobles who disagreed with his rule


. An underwater restaurant serves a hotel designed by Tom Wright in this city, which connects to Jumeirah ["Joo-MAY-rah"] Beach.

George Wallace

. Another man with this last name and Curtis LeMay ran on the (*) third-party ticket in the 1968 presidential election.

Edward the Confessor

. Another monarch of this name appointed Stigand as the Archbishop of Canterbury, causing conflict with several popes


. Another president was overthrown in a coup while at a conference in Singapore


. At the battle of Pavia, King Francis I was captured by Imperial Habsburg troops just after seizing control of this city


. Bernard Barker was one of the five men arrested at this place.


. Bill Clinton sent troops to overthrow one leader of this country in Operation Uphold Democracy

South Dakota

. Calamity Jane and Wild Bill Hickok are buried in the former boom town of (*) Deadwood


. Challis National Forest contains this state's highest point, Borah Peak, which is located in this state's Lost River Range

Weimar Republic

. Chancellors of this short-lived state included Friedrich Ebert

council of trent

. Charles Borromeo wrote the catechism of this meeting and supposedly convinced the Pope not to ban polyphony after hearing Palestrina's Missa Papae Marcelli.

Rio Grande

. Cities on it include Brownsville, Laredo


. Dams on it include the Ataturk, and it forms Lake al-Asad in Syria

Easter Rising

. During this event, James Connolly and Patrick Pearse issued the Proclamation of the Republic from the rebel headquarters at the General Post Office


. Early in this man's reign, the government was directed by Burrus and Seneca.


. Edward Johnson's forces were destroyed in the attempt to take Culp's Hill during this engagement,

Dunkirk Evacuation

. Eight hundred fifty "little ships" sailed from Ramsgate during this event.


. Either Monte Hacho in Ceuta or Jebel Musa in Morocco is paired with this place as the site of the Pillars of Hercules.

Napoleon III

. Felice Orsini tried to kill this man for preventing Italian unification.

Coal Mine

. Flooding in these places was lessened by Thomas Newcomen's steam engine, which extractions from here often (*) fueled.

Dien Bien Phu

. Following several days of trench warfare, a final all-out assault was ordered by Vo Nguyen Giap, leading to the capture of over 10,000 prisoners.


. Following this country's 1924 proclamation of a Communist state, its capital received a new name meaning "Red Hero."

Rio Grande

. For 10 points, name this river on which lie Ciudad Juarez and El Paso


. Forces sent by this ruler defeated the Ostrogoths at the 552 Battle of Taginae, resulting in a successful conquest of Italy.


. George McGovern won only Washington, D.C. and this state in the 1972 presidential election


. George Stigler, Ronald Coase, and Milton Friedman are associated with city's namesake school of economics.


. He advocated for "permanent revolution," as opposed to a rival's theory of "socialism in one country."

Patrick henry

. He argued in favor of the Two Penny Act and against James Maury in the Parson's Cause.


. He put down the Bar Kokhba (bar COKE-buh) revolt in Judea after succeeding Trajan as emperor.

South Africa

. Hendrik Verwoerd engineered a series of oppressive laws in this country.

Atilla the Hun

. Honoria sent him a ring asking him to save her from an arranged marriage,


. In 1836 John Kirby and Augustus Chapman Allen settled here at (*) Buffalo Bayou, which is now connected Galveston by a ship channel.


. In 1967, 43 people died in the 12th Street Riot in this city

Angela Merkel

. In 2010, this leader said that multiculturalism had "utterly failed" in her nation.

Rhode Island

. In a case originating from this state, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on the meaning of the "Guarantee Clause" of Article Four of the Constitution.

aAROn burr

. In order to supply water to New York, this politician founded the Manhattan Company, which became involved in banking.

Elizabeth I

. In the Treaty of Nonsuch, this ruler received "Cautionary Towns" in exchange for providing troops to aid the Dutch revolt.


. In the essay Deep Play, Clifford Geertz describes a cockfight he saw here.


. In the middle ages, this nation was ruled by the (*) Piast Dynasty, whose kings included Boleslaw the Brave and Casimir the Great


. In this city, the Z.O.B. and the Z.Z.W. fought a losing battle against troops under the command of Jürgen (*) Stroop.


. In this state, James Longstreet was wounded while fighting against the White League during a Reconstruction-era insurrection called the "Battle of Liberty Place."


. In(*) 1956, Imre Nagy attempted to leave this alliance, leading to its removal of the Hungarian government.

Teapot Dome

. Investigation into this event was begun by John Kendrick, supported by Robert M. La Follette, and led by Senator Thomas Walsh.

Colorado River

. It is fed near its origin by the Gunnison River


. It is located on the south shore of Port Jackson, which is spanned by a namesakeHarbour Bridge

Palace of Versailles

. It was designed by Le Nôtre, Le (*)) Brun, and Le Vau.


. Its Canvey Island was flooded in 1953.


. Its highest point, Kings Peak, is located in this state's Uinta Mountains.


. James (*) Otis railed against "writs of assistance" in this city's State House.

Battle of Vicksburg

. John Pemberton's forces retreated from Big Black River to the site of this battle, which culminated in isolating the western part of the Confederacy.


. John Simcoe's governorship preceded the "Family Compact" that ruled it from York

George III

. John Wilkes criticized one of this man's speeches in The North Briton.

Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

. Kingdoms which benefited from this economic activity included Oyo and Dahomey.

South Dakota

. Lakes Oahe, Sharpe, and Francis Case are located on the Missouri River in this state,


. Lakes Taneycomo and Table Rock were formed by damming up a waterway which begins in this range, the White River


. Many of these structures were built at the city of Meroë during a revival in the building of these structures by the (*) Kingdom of Kush

King Philip's War

. Mary Rowlandson wrote her slave narrative during this war


. Morgan City lies in this state's Atchafalaya Basin

Battle of Vicksburg

. One battle near here saw the gunboats (+)Choctaw and Lexington support troops of Hermann Lieb's African Brigade at Milliken's Bend

Justinian I

. One of this man's generals won the Battle of Tricamarum, thereby forcing Gelimer and the Vandals out of northern Africa

Spanish Inquisition

. One prominent leader of this event, who supported the Alhambra Decree calling for the expulsion of (*)) Jews in 1492, was Tomas de Torquemada.

Vietnam War

. Over four thousand pages of documents leaked by Daniel Ellsberg regarding this conflict were read on the floor of the Senate by Mike Gravel

Peasant's Revolt

. Participants were inspired by the teachings of John Ball at Blackheath, resulting in his imprisonment by Simon Sudbury

Public Schools

. People wearing black armbands in one of these places to protest the Vietnam War were protected in the case Tinker v. Des Moines


. Pope Pius II granted control over the Tolfa alum mines to an organization involved in this activity.


. Power was moved away from this city to Samarra after the Mu'tazilite controversy.


. Reinforcements for this battle led by Thomas(*) Graves were blocked by the Comte de Grasse from entering the Chesapeake Bay.


. Robert Walpole came to power in the aftermath of one of these events

Founding of Rome

. Several kings of Alba Longa ruled southeast of where it occurred


. Soon after this leader's death, the Pact of Forgetting was created to avoid dealing with the actions of his regime

mARTIn Luther

. Subsequently, he confronted Archbishop Albert Albrecht and Cardinal Thomas Cajetan about of the sale of (*) indulgences.


. Thanks to Gregory the Illuminator, these people had the world's first official Christian state starting in 301.


. That murdered leader of this empire caused many groups to scatter in the chaotic period known as Mfecane

RHode island

. The (*) Portsmouth Compact for a location in this colony was set up by people who were exiled from another colony due to the Antinomian Controversy.


. The (*))transcontinental railroad was officially completed in Promontory Summit in this state.


. The Blount Report and Morgan Report both investigated John L. Stevens, the U.S. Minister to this country.


. The Bonfire of the Vanities occurred in this city under the Dominican friar Girolamo Savonarol

Columbia River

. The Celilo Canal and the city ofKettle Falls were built along it

Black Sea

. The Don River flows south into this body of water


. The Duke of Orléans ["or-lay-ah"] was a nobleman taken prisoner at this battle


. The Dukes of Gloucester and York were injured at this battle


. The Fortress of Luxembourg was known as this place "of the North" for its fortifications.


. The French Revolution abolished the unpopular centuries-long gabelle tax on this resource.


. The Garden of the Gods is located outside a city in this state that is home to the U.S. Air Force Academy,

Hong KOng

. The International Commerce Centre and many other major landmarks can be found within this territory's Kowloon Peninsula,

Frederick Barbarossa

. The Italian Ghibellines first fought the Guelphs in support of this holder of the duchy of Swabia


. The Lapua Movement pushed for a coup following this nation's Civil War, which was won by the Whites

New mexico

. The McDonald Ranch House outside Alamogordo was acquired by the US Army for the Trinity nuclear tests in what would become this state's White Sands Missile Range

Fall of the Berlin Wall

. The Monday demonstrations started two months before this event


. The Sufyanid leader Muawiyah I founded this dynast

Paris Commune

. The Tuileries Palace was destroyed during this event


. The US ambassador Dwight Morrow helped end a conflict in this country that began after an attempt to enforce the anti-clerical elements of this country's Constitution of 1917.


. The alternating triglyphs and metopes above the architrave are elements of the (*) Ionic order


. The capture of this city was the "only success" of the Christian army during the Second Crusade


. The commander of the winning side of this battle denied the losing side the customary Honors of War in revenge for similar dishonor at the Siege of Charleston


. The film The Gods Must Be Crazy is set in this desert


. The largest earthquake ever recorded was off this country's city of Valdivia

Indian-Pakistan Wars

. The loss of the third of these events by one side led to the Chagai-I ("Chagai One") operation and the rise of the (*) PPP to powers


. The name of the Gaspé Peninsula in this country derives from a word in Mi'kmaq, and the Slavey people are the namesakes of its deepest lake.


. The nomadic Khoikhoi people and the San (*) bushmen native to this region are linguistically distinct


. The peak Sleeping Giant overlooks a polling center at this state's Quinnipiac University in Hamden.


. The sarcophagus of another of their rulers, Ahiram, contains the first inscriptions found in this people's language.

Fourth Amendment

. This amendment is described in the "fruit of the poisonous tree" metaphor, an extension of this amendment's exclusionary rule


. This battle was preceded by a landing at Pevensey.

Anglican Church

. This church's Thirty-Nine Articles were derived from the work of Thomas Cranmer, who also wrote the Book of Common Prayer


. This country's "dark ages" saw its capital at Longvek captured by Ayutthaya.


. This country's lowest point, the Bodélé Depression, is the source of dust which is blown by the wind to fertilize the Amazon Rainforest.


. This country's period of "Dutch Learning" lasted until 1854


. This figure divorced Pulchra before marrying Scribonia


. This good was produced with the aid of a different material found at Huancavelica.

Council of Trent

. This last church council before the First Vatican was convoked by Pope Paul III in 1545. I


. This leader discovered several species of hydrozoa while studying marine biology

Idi amin

. This leader gave a state funeral to the exiled first president of his country, the kabaka Mutesa II

Kaiser Wilhelm Ii

. This leader inadvertently insulted England in an interview with the Daily Telegraph

The Grand Canyon

. This location also houses most of the Kaibab ("KYE- bob") Plateau to the north, from which the Bright Angel Point Trail is accessible.


. This man advanced into the Balkans after the defeat of magister militum Arnegisclus at the Battle of the Utus


. This man attacked the positions of Samuel Seabury in early writings


. This man authored the "April Theses" during his return from exile in Switzerland in a sealed train car.


. This man originally joined the court as an associate in (*) 1971 before becoming Chief Justice under Reagan


. This man thrice served as Chancellor of the Exchequer under Lord Derby's minority governments, the third of which eliminated rotten boroughs and gave workers the right to vote by passing the (*) Second Reform Act that this man championed

Jose San Martin

. This man was appointed governor of Cuyo, and replaced Manuel Belgrano as general of the Army of the North


. This man was inspired by Mao Zedong to declare a "cultural revolution" in his (*) July Theses.

Philip of macedon

. This man was killed by his lover Pausanias.


. This man wrote his Books of Privileges and Prophecies before leaving on his fourth (*) voyage.


. This man's criticism of the Earl of Manchester's lackluster motivation led to the passage of the Self-Denying Ordinance, which prevented members of Parliament from holding military posts.


. This nation's capital is home to the Grameen Bank, which gives out microloans


. This national park contains a (*)) geyser known for a very predictable eruption pattern

Saddam Hussein

. This non-sarin weapon is believed to have been used in the 1988 Halabja attacks by forces loyal to Saddam Hussein.


. This party arose from organizations including Charles Allen's Order of the Star Spangled Banner.


. This people's major trade good, a brominated compound obtained from the spiny murex shell

James polk

. This president's Secretary of the Navy, George Bancroft, was responsible for founding the Naval Academy.


. This product names the main kontor, or trading base, of the Hanseatic League in London

Queen isabella

. This queen's private confessor forced Marranos (mah-RAHN-os) and Moriscos (more-EES-cos) to undergo an auto-da-fe (auto-dah-fey).

Rocky Mountains

. This range is part of the delineator known as the Continental Divide,

Mississippi River

. This river's 1927 flood led to the passage of the 1928 Flood Control Act


. This ruler agreed to pay 11,000 pounds of gold to Khosrau I's empire in the Treaty of Eternal Peace

Genghis Khan

. This ruler created the Yassa law code and adopted (*) Uyghur script for his empire.

Ramses II

. This ruler established a capital named after himself at the site of the older city of Avaris, a cult center of Seth.


. When this river floods, it can feed Lake Faguibine, which is located near where the Bani meets this river to form a namesake "internal delta."


. William Howard Taft was once Governor-General of this home of the Aquino family


. William Le Baron Jenney designed the Home Insurance building in this city


. With Francisco Santander, he won a battle at the Vargas Swamp


. With its northeast neighbor, this state shares Ashley National Forest, which contains Kings Peak and Flaming Gorge.


. Yang Guifei was a concubine reluctantly executed by Emperor Xuanzong in this dynasty


." Another speech by this man mentioned the "red hills of Georgia" and differentiates between (*) skin color and character

War of Austrian Succession

." During a battle in this war, Count Kurt von Schwerin won a victory after his king had fled from the battlefield; that battle was the Battle of Mollwitz


." This organization experienced a surge in membership after 13 demonstrators were killed in Bogside on Bloody Sunday.


1. An early leader of these people won the Battle of Gqokli [COCK-lee] Hill, defeating forces led by Zwide


1. The Maya Mountains are a large intrusive block of granite in this country, which is a scuba-diving haven because its namesake reef is the second-longest (*)) barrier reef in the world.


1. The laws of this belief system are compiled in a book about "Rejecting the Daevas,


1. This artistically minded king was the grandfather of the historian Nithard, raised his own court historian Einhard in his palace school, and patronized the Anglo-Saxon scholar Alcuin of York.


12 bronze animal sculptures were among the few artifacts that survived the destruction of the Old (*) Summer Palace in this city

Julius Cesare

3. This man called the Luca Conference to prevent civil war in the territory he governed.


7. During this event, Joseph de Montfort's troops prematurely destroyed a bridge, leading to the death of Jozef Poniatowski in the Elster River

James II

8. This ruler improved religious toleration in his country through the Declaration of Indulgence

Third Estate

9. A document written about this group declared that it was nothing, wanted to be something, and was everything. That document, asking "what is" this group, was written by the Abbé Sieyes. T


: A religion integrating traditional Bantu, Fon, and Yoruba beliefs known as Candomblé was brought to this country by slaves

Lurleen Wallace

: A woman with this last name won a 1968 gubernatorial election while suffering from uterine cancer, but died soon after being elected


: After launching a second invasion against this empire, Ahmad Al-Mansur displayed a skull he claimed was from this empire's leader


: An area in this country is known for its frequent flashes of lightning, and is located at the mouth of the Catatumbo River

Wounded Knee

: An incident at this location was followed by the Drexel Mission Fight. In 1973, a group led by Dennis Banks and Russell Means was besieged by FBI Agents and U. S. Marshals at its location


: Buildings of this civilization often featured relief sculptures of lamassu, the winged-bull protector deity.


: Devadatta plotted to kill this figure by releasing a drunken elephant


: Disagreements over the administration of Thurgau contributed to the Kappel Wars in this country.


: During one riot in this city, a group of hippies nominated a pig named Pigasus the Immortal for President

South Carolina

: During the Revolutionary War, this US state was led by John Rutledge, who would later be appointed Chief Justice by George Washington, but rejected by the Senate because of fears he was insane

Palace of Versailles

: Europe's largest orangery, housing nearly 3,000 orange trees, was built at this location.

Yom Kippur War

: Events in this conflict included Operation Doogman 5 and Operation Nickel Grass.


: Features along the upper section of this river include Kinbasket Lake


: Forces loyal to this empire attempted in vain to use a cattle stampede to stop Judar Pasha's arquebus-armed forces at a 1591 battle that would led to this historical empire's collapse.


: He received a diplomatic and military education from Epaminondas while held hostage in Thebes.


: In 1892, revolutionaries in what is now this country named the exiled Jose Rizal its president.


: In 1892, revolutionaries in what is now this country named the exiled Jose Rizal its president.


: In 2009, the Kokang incident in this country caused the displacement of thousands of refugees.


: In this present-day state, John Coode led four Protestant rebellions following the Glorious Revolution.


: In this region, the German king Ariovistus was invited to become king of a certain group in order to make war against the Aedui (EYE-doo-ee).


: It was in this city that Mary Dyer was hanged for being a Quaker

Henry Clay

: John Randolph refused to fire at this person during a duel that both men survived.


: Nobakht Ahvazi and Mashallah ibn Atharī decided when this city's construction would begin, to coincide with favorable star alignments.


: One candidate in this election pledged to campaign in all 50 states despite injuring his knee on a car door.

Sepoy Mutiny

: One early action during this event resulted from the murder of Ishwari Prasad for refusing to arrest Mangal Pandey

English Civil War

: One phase of this war saw the Duke of Ormonde routed at the Battle of Rathmines.

De Gaulle

: Opposition to this person's policies was organized by the Secret Army Organization


: Raiders led by William Quantrill responded to a jail collapse by sacking a city in this state.

California Gold Rush

: Samuel Brannan became wealthy because of his widespread publicizing of this event

The Church of England

: Several members of this institution were included in a book by John Foxe.

Vlad The Impaler

: Several years before this man targeted the Ottomans in the Night Attack, his brother Radu the Handsome converted to Islam at the Ottoman court.


: Sugar Island is located in a lake in this state that is drained by the Kennebec River; that body of water is Moosehead Lake.


: The "Letter of the Six" was written to one leader of this country before he was replaced by the National Salvation Front


: The Muslim Kansu Braves wreaked havoc in this city after being transferred here in 1898

Gulf of Mexico

: The Sigsbee Deep is the lowest point in this body of water,


: The Tanami Desert in this country borders its Kimberley Region

Pope John paul ii

: The first phase of the Bojinka plot consisted of assassinating this figure

Children's Crusade

: The second wave involved in this event was led by Stephen of Cloyes


: This man created a confederation of Greek states called the Panhellenion

Huey Long

: This man feuded with Paul Cyr over who should succeed him in one role, leading to his follower Alvin O. King winning an election.


: This man introduced the first sinking fund in his country to help recover from the South Sea Bubble,


: This man survived an assassination attempt by Lee Bong Chang, known as the Sakuradamon Incident


: This man was excommunicated from the Catholic Church after he issued a harsh prison sentence to Archbishop Aloysius Stepinac (ALL-oh-ish-uss steh-PEE-notch).


: This nation lost a significant part of its south after an embarrassing defeat at the battle of Maritsa

Palace of Versailles

: This place is home to sculptures like Winter and Apollo Tended by the Nymphs of Thetis, as well as the Latona Basin.


: This state's colonial governor William Stone was defeated by a puritan army at the Battle of the Severn after a period of instability called "the plundering time."

Frederick Barbarossa

: This winner of the Battle of Carcano exiled his cousin Henry the Lion, who this man had previously made a duke, and tried and hanged the monk Arnold of Brescia.


: Three Hawaiians who died while exploring this present-day state are the namesake of this state's Owyhee County.

North Carolina

: Two senators from this state who led the opposition to the creation of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day were John Porter East and Jesse Helms.


: When this man was asked whether he was ready to lead his country, he answered "I have climbed to the top of the greasy pole."

St. Louis

; that Courthouse is now part of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, as is this city's tallest building, an (*)) Eero Saarinen-designed monument in the shape of an inverted catenary on the Mississippi River.


A 1610 eruption of the Momotombo stratovolcano in this country caused inhabitants of its city of Leon to relocate.


A 1963 bombing in this state killed four girls in the 16th Street (*)) Baptist Church.


A 1971 hostage crisis at one of these places ended when state police were used by (*) Nelson Rockefeller.

San Francisco

A 19th century mayor of this city, Henry Perrin Coon, was supported by a militia called the Committee of Vigilance.


A 2018 election in this state saw former Governor Tim Pawlenty lose a primary to succeed Mark Dayton. T


A British withdrawal from this city, an event commemorated by Evacuation Day, occurred after cannons were transported to Dorchester Heights by Henry Knox.

New Mexico

A Confederate attempt to seize control of this modern-day state led by General Henry Hopkins Sibley was thwarted at the Battle of Glorieta Pass

Hong Kong

A Confederation of Trade Unions and political group Demosistō have staged multiple sit-ins outside this place's Legislative Council.

South Carolina

A Congressman from this state (*) beat up a rival with a cane in 1856.


A Georgetown Law Review article suggests this national park could be the site of a "perfect crime,"


A National Scenic Byway, the Great River Road, accompanies the full length of this river


A Paiute Indian Reserve surrounds this state's Pyramid Lake

Cesare Borgia

A Patriarch of this family ordered the likely fictional Banquet of the Chestnuts, a debauched party in the papal palace.


A Scottish man named William Wilson attempted to blackmail this leader after he was seen with a prostitute as part of this man's campaign to rescue "fallen women.

South Carolina

A Senator from this state, (+) Robert Hayne, was involved in a famous debate with Daniel Webster.

Oregon Trail

A book about a journey on this route was the first bestseller for popular historian Francis Parkman.


A caldera in this location formed after a series of eruptions at Mesa Falls and Huckleberry Ridge, and contains a supervolcano named after this North American park

The Grand Canyon

A cantilevered bridge over one site at the west end of this location is managed by the Hualapai Tribe and is known as the Skywalk.


A church in this city has a naturalistic Nativity facade and an angular Passion façade

San Francisco

A classically styled rotunda sits atop the Palace of Fine Arts in this city's (*) Marina District


A concrete sarcophagus was built over Unit 4, the site of this event, to contain cesium-137 and other contaminants.

Wounded Knee Massacre

A contributing factor to this event was the prophet Wovoka and his visions of the end of white expansionism


A country home to the headquarters of the BIMSTEC organization filed a complaint to the UN on its larger neighbor on water diversion of the Farakka Barrage of this river.


A dam on the river created the Rybinsk Reservoir,

Colorado River

A desalination plant on the southern end of this body of water opened 14 years late and at five times the planned cost in 1992.


A dictator of this country committed suicide after he failed to assassinate Carlos Lacerda


A different leader of this country, whose first prime minister was Edmund Barton, expanded its role in Vietnam with the slogan, "All the way with LBJ." That shortest-serving leader of this country, Harold Holt, mysteriously disappeared while(*) swimming.


A distillery holding tank in this state's largest city burst in 1919, causing a flood of molasses that killed 21 people

Peloponnesian War

A failure during this war was blamed on defaced statues called hermai


A family descended from Buddhist priests, the Barmakids, heldpower in this city.


A famous location that produced this substance in medieval times is located in Wieliczka, Poland

Washington DC

A fresco located in this city by Constantino Brumidi shows Victory holding a fasces ["FASH-ees"] and the Apotheosis of its purple-robed namesake.


A general known as the "Beast," Benjamin Butler, captured this state's largest city during the Civil War


A governor of this state was criticized for granting furlough to convicted murderer (*) Willie Horton

New York

A governor of this state who advocated a policy of "pay-as-you-go-liberalism" was the early head of an "Eastern Establishment" in the Republican Party. (This man was Nelson Rockefeller)

19th Amendment

A group called the "Silent Sentinels" had pressured the President to pass this legislation by keeping vigil in front of the White House, often holding signs relating him to Kaiser Wilhelm.


A group called the Righteous Army attempted to overthrow this leader from Taiwan, an event known as the February 26th Incident.


A group of these people defeated Gaius Claudius Glaber after rappelling down Mount Vesuvius on vines


A group of these people led by La Renaudie failed to capture the king in the Conspiracy of Amboise

Brasilian Independence

A group that supported this cause used a white flag with a green triangle and the latin inscription "libertas quae sera tamen." That group, the Inconfidencia, supported this cause and was opposed by the short-lived Confederation of the Equator.

PM of Canada

A holder of this office reportedly told his wife "it's a relief to be out of [that]" after resigning due to a scandal in which his re-election accepted money from railway tycoon Hugh Allan.


A holder of this position condemned Nazi ideology in a work titled Mit brennender Sorge.

Mississippi River

A huge flour milling operation was once based at this river's only waterfall, Saint Anthony Falls


A king of this country married Madeleine of Valois and Marie of Guise, and died after this country's loss at the Battle of Solway Moss.

Edward I

A king of this name issued the Hundred Rolls census, which led him to establish quo warranto proceedings.


A kingdom of this name lost the battle of Opis under its final ruler Nabonidus.


A lake in this country names the Turkana Boy fossil skeleton found here by Richard (*) Leakey.

Colorado River

A lake near La Poudre Pass is considered to be the source of this river

Maria Theresa

A land tax on peasants called the Robot Patent, and other reforms


A leader of this colony hired a fast walker to help acquire land from the Lenape Indians as part of a scheme called the Walking Purchase


A leader of this country declared "we will eat grass for a thousand years" and called the Multan meeting to begin its nuclear weapons program.

Labour PArty

A leader of this party ceded direct rule in the Good Friday Agreement to help end the Troubles in Northern Ireland


A long serpentine bench and a mosaic-covered salamander sculpture are located in this city's (*) Park Güell (gwell


A major river in this country is the Marañón, a tributary of the Ucayali


A man with this surname became the military governor of Tennessee through executive appointment in 1862

Pope John Paul II

A member of the Grey Wolves named Mehmet Ali Ağca shot this man in the abdomen

BLack sea

A merchant ship found buried in this body of water is named for one of its coastal cities, Sinop.


A movement to secede from this country was led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the Awami League to form Bangladesh


A museum in this city owns Grant Wood's American Gothic, Edward Hopper's Nighthawks, and Georges Seurat's La Grande Jatte.

Commerce Clause

A namesake clause of the Constitution gives Congress the power to regulate this activity "with foreign nations,...states, and Indian tribes."


A national park in this country contains a "forest" of huge limestone spikes called Tsingy de Beharama,


A national park in this state contains Cadillac Mountain, the highest point on Mt. Desert Island.

New Mexico

A national park in this state has notable features like "The Big Room" and "Chocolate High,"


A national park near the Everglades that contains the northernmost of the Florida Keys is named for this bay that separates Miami from Miami Beach. Stiltsville was built on this bay's Safety Valve tidal flats.


A park in this city houses a (*) bean-shaped, highly polished stainless steel sculpture called Cloud Gate by Anish Kapoor.


A place where this substance was procured for centuries in Mali is called Taoudenni.


A plaza known as the "birthplace" of this city was the setting of a photograph featuring a so-called "umbrella man."

Second Bank

A political cartoon about this organization depicted it as a many-headed dragon being attacked by an old man with a sword.


A political coalition named for this good used the slogan "16 to 1" and dubbed a law regulating this commodity as the "Crime of '73."


A politician from this state wrote "Kind regards to Mrs. Fisher. Burn this letter" in one of the Mulligan letters


A ponytail called the queue was made compulsory during this dynasty


A proposed building in this city, which would have independently rotating floors, is called the Dynamic Tower.


A royal residence and monastery 30 miles north of this city is named El Escorial


A ruler from this city tried to impose the doctrine of Mu'tazila by using courts called mihna (MIKH-nuh).


A ruler of this name got a thirty-year contract to supply slaves to New Spain called the asiento.

Black Panthers

A schism developed in this group when David Hilliard was criticized by Soul on Ice author Eldridge Cleaver.


A sculpture named for this city consists of a concrete base topped with a vaguely fork-like shape, and is an abstract feminine figure originally named The Sun, the Moon, and One Star.

Atlas Mountains

A series of saltwater lakes including Chott Ech Chergui ("shot-etch-sher-goo-EE") in the Hodna region of this mountain range separates its Amour subrange from its coastal Tell subrange.

San Francisco

A series of this city's Victorian houses were the first designated "Painted Ladies."

Atilla the Hun

A shepherd is legendarily said to have discovered this man's sword, which he claimed belonged to Mars.


A ship named after this city was burned in Tripoli harbor by Stephen Decatur after the Barbary pirates captured it.

Operation Barbarossa

A smaller force in this event attacked from the North in the Continuation War

Salem Witch Trials

A special court featuring Sam Sewall, John Hathorne, and William Stoughton heard cases stemming from it

Seven Year's War

A string of British victories in this war led one year to be termed the Annus Mirabilis.


A temple in Ankara contains a near-complete text of this man's record of his deeds, the Res Gestae.

Hundred Year's War

A temporary peace during this war was the Treaty of Bretigny.

Roger Williams

A text by this author of A Key Into the Language of America was "washed, and made white in the blood of the lamb" by John Cotton.

The Grand Canyon

A trail that can be followed in this site travels along the Bright Angel Fault.

Taj Mahal

A tree-lined reflecting pool is in front of this structure surrounded by (*) four minarets


A very small number of these people can be found on Sakhalin and the Kuril islands. For 10 points each: [10] Name this ethnic group largely found on an island with capital Sapporo.


A war including the Battle of Caudine Forks, the Samnite wars, took place in this mountain range.

Partitioning India

A.K. Fazlul Huq called for this action in a 1940 resolution

Black Sea

Abkhazia, a territory at the center of the 2008 South Ossetia War, is located on the eastern boundary of this sea.

Mansa Musa

Abraham Cresques' Catalan Atlas depicts a ruler of this empire holding a disc and a sceptre topped with a fleur-de-lys


After Chickamauga, Ulysses S. Grant fought at Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge in this state to relieve the Army of the (*) Cumberland

Vasco Da Gama

On his first two voyages, this man encountered a ruler with the title of Zamorin.V

Alfred The Great

According to legend, this man was scolded for letting cakes burn following his defeat at the Battle of Chippenham

War of Spanish Succession

Admiral George Rooke fought the Battle of Málaga in this war after successfully taking Gibraltar.


Admiral John Sloat occupied cities in this state during the Mexican War.

PAris Commune

Adolphe Thiers oversaw the quelling of this uprising


Aethelred ordered the St. Brice's Day Massacre in 1002 against these people, who lived in their namesake "law."


African-American sharecroppers in the Tuskegee experiment were unknowingly denied treatment of, for 10 points, which sexually transmitted infection that can cause patients to go


After Cecile Renault attempted to stab this man with two small knives, Georges Couthon enacted the Law of 22 Prairial


After Hilderic was replaced as leader of this group by Gelimer, this group was defeated by the Byzantines under the leadership of Belisarius.

California Gold Rush

After James Polk confirmed this event to Congress, 300,000 people immigrated, which greatly increased towns such as San Francisco


After Lajos Kossuth gave a speech during the Hungarian revolution of 1848, this man was overthrown by a mob.


After Pope Vigilius refused to acknowledge this ruler's edict condemning the Three Chapters, he ordered Vigilius's arrest.


After a series of defeats including Dyrrachium and Ilerda, this leader of the Populares fled to Egypt

Ohio River

After being fed by the Wabash River, this ends near Cairo [KAIR-oh], Illinois, where it feeds the Mississippi.


After conquering the Avars, he started a Drang nach Osten to expand Christianity to the east

Lewis and Clark Expedition

After constructing Fort Mandan, the captains of this journey hired (*) Toussaint Charbonneau


After draining the Pannonian Basin, it travels through a gorge called the Iron Gates

Rio Grande

After flowing eastward past the San Juan and Sangre de Cristo Mountains, this river turns southward through such features as the White Rock Canyon.

Booker T. Washington

After he was freed, this man studied at the Hampton Institute and the Wayland Seminary before ascending to his most well-known position.


After it was taken by the British in 1788, a siege to retake this city was led by Benjamin Lincoln and saw the death of Casimir Pulaski.

Charles Ii

After losing the Battle of Worcester, he spent nine years in (*) exile


After murdering twenty-one Susquehannock in the Conestoga Massacre, the Paxton Boys marched to this city.


After one event in this city, a river supposedly ran (*) black with ink and its ruler was trampled in a carpet.

Council of Trent

After presiding over this council, Pope(*) Pius IV summarized its teachings in the Tridentine Creed.


After rejecting the Madagascar Plan, this country decided at the Wannsee Conference on a policy termed the (*) Final Solution

Chief Joseph

After surrendering to Nelson Miles and Oliver Howard, he was eventually relocated to Washington.


After the 1859 Battle of Cepeda two portions of this country were united.


After this battle, one leader declared that a metaphorical "Father of Waters once again goes unvexed."

The Assassination of Osama Bin Laden

After this event, American Indian groups protested that one figure was code named "Geronimo

Glorious Revolution

After this event, William Sancroft and other Nonjurors refused to take oaths of allegiance.

Rwandan Genocide

After this event, a system of Gacaca courts was introduced to try its perpetrators, many of whom were part of a militia called "Those Who Attack Together.


After this leader suffered a vote of no confidence and was imprisoned, Otto Skorzeny led a daring rescue of him in the Gran Sasso Raid


After writing the Cartagena Manifesto, he led the Admirable Campaign, during which he issued the (*) Decree of War to the Death.


Al-Mansur founded this city

Printing Press

Aldus Manutius established one of these objects in Venice


Alexander Spotswood sent the sloops that killed him off Ocracoke Island

Black Death

Alfonso XI of Castille died during this event

Edward the elder

Alfred the Great's son and successor was dubbed the (*) "Elder" king of this name.

council of trent

All decrees of this event were ratified in the bull Benedictus Deus.

Tian Shan

Almaty lies at the foot of the Ile Alatau, a mountain range in this larger system of ranges that lie north of the Tarim Basin in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and China's Xinjiang region.

Battle of Trenton

Along with Nathaniel Greene and John Sullivan, George Washington was able to secure victory against three regiments of Hessian mercenaries via a surprise attack after crossing the Delaware.


Along with the Volta, this river flows into the Gulf of Guinea.

John Cabot

Although born in Genoa, this explorer set out on his journeys from Bristol, England.


Among the notable buildings in this city include a Central Library designed by Rem Koolhaas

Niagara Falls

Amos Durfee was killed at this location during the Caroline Affair.


An "International Settlement" in this city was a British-American enclave established after the Unequal Treaties


An 1122 agreement named for this city ended the investiture controversy and is known as this city's "concordat."


An 1886 Supreme Court decision that created the Interstate Commerce Commission involved this state and (*) Wabash County.


An 1893 World's Exposition gave this city the nickname the "White City"


An alliance between this country and Poland was defeated at the 1444 Battle of Varna

Baltic Sea

An order of pirates known as the Victual Brothers constantly opposed a military alliance of cities on this body of water.

Lend-Lease Act

An amendment to the bill which legalized this program was added by Everett Dirksen while other members of Congress were at a luncheon.

Pazzi Plot

An archbishop named Francesco Salviati was hanged from the window of the Sala dei Duecento at the aftermath of this event.


An army of these people was defeated when they charged at a circle of ox wagons set up by Andries Pretorius at the Battle of Blood River.

Zhou Enlai

An assassination attempt against this person failed when he did not take the plane named the Kashmir Princess to the Bandung Conference, where he stated "The population of Asia will never forget that the first atom bomb exploded on Asian soil.


An attack on workers in this industry was ordered by John D. Rockefeller Jr. in the Ludlow Massacre.


An attempt to invade this state was stopped by men like Noble Jones at the Battle of Bloody Marsh, which occurred during the War of Jenkins' Ear.


An early ruler of this dynasty defeated the Roman official Syagrius and was the first to unite all of his peoples.


An early settlement here was destroyed by the Potawatomi, and was called Fort Dearborn

Treaty of Versailles

An eight point plan failed to be presented by Ho Chi Minh during the negotiations of this treaty.

Roman Baths

An enlarged copy of the Farnese Hercules was discovered in one of these locations


An event in this city was inspired by the passage of the anti-smuggling Indemnity Act by Thomas Hutchinson

Colorado River

An irrigation canal connected to this body of water overflowed for two years into a brackish sinkhole and created a now-abandoned tourist trap called the Salton Sea


An ongoing cholera epidemic in this country is the most severe in recorded history.

Vasco Da Gama

On his second voyage, he led an armada which bombarded Calicut.


Andre Rigaud lost the War of Knives in the south of this modern-day country

San Francisco

Angel Island, in this body of water, was the Pacific counterpart to Ellis Island

Treaty of Versailles

Anger over the fate of Shandong in this treaty led to the May 4th movement in China


Anger over the fate of Shandong in this treaty led to the May 4th movement in China.

Spanish Succession

Another battle in this war was lost by the Duke of Tallard in the town of (*)) Blenheim (BLEN-um).

Red River

Another body of water with this name flows through Grand Forks and joins the Assiniboine River at a place called "The Forks."


Another figure with this surname promised no "bottlenecks" in a speech comparing his nation to the "arsenal of democracy".

PM of Canada

Another holder of this office endured a constitutional crisis when Lord Byng refused to dissolve parliament at his request.


Another holder of this position forced Henry IV to make a barefoot pilgrimage to Canossa as punishment for his actions during the Investiture Controversy.

Booker T. Washington

Another man with this surname was the first African American to be invited by a president to the White House; that man famously said, "cast down your bucket where you are".

Great Scism

Another of these was ended when the Council of Constance removed both Gregory XII and Benedict XIII and elected Martin V

The Church of England

Another of this institution's texts was started at the Hampton Court Conference in 1604 and was partly designed to replace an earlier one from Geneva.


Another person who held this office waged war on Catholics during the Cristero War

Death Valley

Another point of interest located in this desert can be found in the Badwater Basin


Another ruler of this empire invited Jesuit missionaries to discussions at a "House of Worship"


Another ruler of this empire threw a Bible that had been presented to him by Vincente de Valverde to the ground, sparking the Battle of (*) Cajamarca


Another ruler of this name briefly ruled as king of Poland before returning to his home country and being killed by Jacques Clement.


Another ruler of this name was advised by Pytor Stolypin, who was assassinated while attending an opera with this ruler

South Carolina

Another segregationist senator from this state fathered Essie May Washington Williams with a black woman and founded the splinter Dixiecrat Party.

Night of the Long Knives

Another victim of this event was Kurt von Schleicher, the last Chancellor of the Weimar Republic.


Anthony Burns was a slave who was tried in this city after he was captured due to the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.


Antoine Parmentier promoted this commodity in France, where he surrounded it with guards only to let it be stolen at night.

Penal Colonies

Antonio Salazar converted the Cape Verde Islands into one of these entities, known as Tarrafal.

Easter Rising

Arms shipments from Germany for this event never arrived following the arrest of Roger Casement.

Treaty of Versailles

Article 10, a guarantee against future aggression, caused Henry Cabot Lodge to oppose it.

Treaty of Versailles

Article 231 of this treaty is commonly known as the "War Guilt Clause."


Article 9 of this document renounces (*) war "as a sovereign right of the nation", while Article 2 calls for hereditary transfer of the Chrysanthemum Throne.


Arturo Alessandri was president of this country during the drafting of its 1925 constitution


As Chancellor of the Exchequer, this man returned Britain to the Gold Standard.


As President, this man signed the Dingley Tariff.


As Prime Minister, heguaranteed workers the right to protest with the Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act


As Secretary of War, he created the Bureau of Indian Affairs while serving under James Monroe.

Andrew johnson

As a Senator representing Tennessee, he was the only member of Congress to remain upon Confederate secession.

Huey Long

As a member of his state's Public Service Commission, this politician successfully sued the Cumberland Telephone Company for unfair rate increases.


As a result of the American Civil War, this city at the mouth of the Ulhas River became the world's chief cotton trading market


Asiatic cheetahs are found in this country on a plateau bounded by Khorasan and the Elburz and Zagros mountains.

Colorado River

At Glenwood Canyon, the Hanging Lake flows into this river,

Democratic Conventions

At another of these events, Ann Richards said, "Poor George. He can't help it. He was born with a (*) silver foot in his mouth," and Ted Kennedy asked, "Where was George?"

Richard the Lionhearted

At one point during his reign, he transferred power to his advisor William Longchamp.

War of the Spanish Succession

At the Battle of Malplaquet, Prince Eugene of Savoy and the Duke of Marlborough won a narrow Pyrrhic victory

Julius ceasars' enemies assassinated him because

At the Lucca Conference, this man directed his allies to run for the consulship and, in return, extend his governorship by another five years.


At the battle of Marignano, Francis I of France defeated a mercenary army of this country's (*) pikemen.

Second Boer War

At the beginning of this war, Kaiser Wilhelm II sent the Kruger telegram to congratulate defeating the Uitlanders


At this battle, Cuthbert Collingwood commanded the Royal Sovereign and attacked the opponent's rear


At this city's St. John's Church, Patrick Henry allegedly shouted "Give me liberty or give me Death!"

Council of Trent

At this event, participants agreed to decrease the number of leap years and created a list of banned (*) books

Marcus Aurelius

Avidius Cassius organized a revolt after believing this man had died of illness.

South Carolina

Banastre Tarleton fled this state after his British were crushed at Cowpens.


Battle Abbey was founded to commemorate this engagement.


Baxter State Park is the site of its highest peak, Mt. Katahdin

Fidel Castro

Before his success, this man retreated into the Sierra Maestra following the failure of the Granma expedition.


Benjamin Prentiss surrendered the Hornet's Nest during this battle, after being raided by (*) Albert Sidney Johnston, who died in this battle

Hanseatic league

Bergen contains the only surviving example of (*) trading posts called kontors established by this organization.


Bernal Diaz wrote that this city was divided into 20 districts called calpulli (cuhl-poo-yee)


Berry Gordy founded a company in this city in a building nicknamed (*) "Hitsville U.S.A."

Noah Webster

Best known for his Americanization of spelling, for 10 points, name this author of An American Dictionary of the English Language.


Bishop Richard Allen founded the African Methodist Episcopal Church in this city.

Second Bank

Both Louis McClane and William Duane were removed from their offices for refusing to act against this organization, although Roger Taney (TAH-nee) had no such qualms


Both the predecessor and successor of Seti I bore this name.

Brown v. Board

Briggs v. Elliot was one of five cases combined with this court case.


Callimachus was killed during this battle, but his men saved (*) Miltiades' Athenian forces after their center line buckled.


Carlo Silvestri put up a strong case for the innocence of this political enemy during the Matteotti crisis.


Carpenter Hall and the Liberty Bell Center lie in this city's Independence National Historical Park

Hong Kong

Carrie Lam serves as chief executive of this region often symbolized with the Bauhinia orchid. T

Council of Trent

Charles Borromeo wrote the catechism of this meeting and supposedly convinced the Pope not to ban polyphony after hearing Palestrina's Missa Papae Marcelli.T


Charles Mangin recaptured Fort Vaux and Douaument in the First Offensive Battle at this location.


Charles O'Hara presented the sword of the losing commander at this battle to the winner, who gave it to Benjamin Lincoln.


Cheddar Gorge on this island is the site of its oldest human fossil, which was found next to continental animals such as the brown bear.


Chief Cornstalk was defeated in this colony at the Battle of Point Pleasant


Chitral and Gilgit are major cities in this country's north

Colorado River

Cities along this river include Moab and Yuma,

Ohio River

Cities on this river include Evansville, and this river is formed from the confluence of the (*) Monongahela and Allegheny rivers.


Clemens von Ketteler was killed in this city, marking the beginning of a siege in this city that included the burning of the Hanlin Academy.

Beveridge Report

Clement Attlee remains one of modern Britain's most popular prime ministers due to his creation of the National Health Service, which was advocated for in this 1942 report on the "great evils" of British society.


Climactic fighting in this battle took place at Champion Hill, which forced John C. Pemberton to retreat to his fortifications.

Battle of the Alamo

Colonel James Fannin's troops were to reinforce the losing side's position, but turned back after traveling less than one mile


Colonists in what became this state settled its first capital after sailing on a fleet commanded by Christopher Newport

Bacon's Rebellion

During this event, the "Declaration of the People" was issued to criticize the actions of Governor William Berkeley


Comodoro Rivadavia is a center for oil production in this country,




Coronet was the codename for an abandoned plan to invade this location as part of Operation Downfall.

Marie Antoinette

Count Axel von Fersen and the Baron de Breteuil ["breh-TOY"] helped this person's family flee their home, but their escape was halted at Varennes ["vah-REN"].


Daniel Sickles lost his leg while defending the Peach Orchard during this battle.


David Hale claimed that a holder of this position had pressured him into providing loans to Jim and Susan (*) McDougal

Wounded Knee

Dee Brown wrote a 1970 book titled (*) Bury My Heart at [this location].

New Jersey

Deputy Chief of Staff Bridget Anne Kelly was indicted and fired after a politician from this state created traffic jams on Fort Lee lane and the George Washington (*) Bridge.

South Afrika

Despite the Gleneagles Agreement condemning this country, their Springboks rugby team were allowed to tour New Zealand and the United States in 1981

National Parks

Despite the name, one of these places named "Capitol Reef" is not near an ocean in Utah

Spanish Civil War

Despite winning the Battle of Teruel, the losing side in this war surrendered soon after the flight of Juan Negrin

OJ Simpson Trial

Detective Mark Fuhrman perjured himself during this trial


Dietrich Nieheim wrote that this ruler would have spared Smyrna had its defenders, the Knights Hospitallers, displayed this man's banners on the castle walls.


Diriyah became the center of this family's first state when its founder formed a religious alliance with Muhammad ibn Abdul (*) Wahhab.

Battle of New Orleans

Disaster hit the losing side of this battle when Thomas Mullins forgot ladders to cross the Rodriguez Canal

Lake Superior

Disasters that occurred here include 1975 sinking of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald.

Great Schism

Disputes over whether leavened or unleavened bread should be used in the Eucharist and the supremacy of the(*) Pope led to this event.

Atlas Mountains

Due to their Alleghenian Orogeny these mountains are actually distinct from the Baetic system that spawned the (*) Rif to their north.

Lake Superior

Duluth, Marquette, and Thunder Bay are all port cities on this body of water

Mayaguez Incident

During Ford's presidency, Cambodia seized this U.S. merchant ship. The 41 marines killed during the rescue operation of this ship are the last to appear on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.


During World War II, this country was led by Risto Ryti


During World War Two, its islands of Attu and Kiska were invaded by the Japanese.


During a 1076 synod held in this city, Henry IV demanded the abdication of Pope Gregory VII.

Saddam Hussein

During a war against Iran, this man used sarin gas and mustard gas on a Kurdish community in Halabja.

New York City

During the Civil War, the mayor of this city, Fernando Wood, suggested seceding to become the "Free City of Tri-Insula."


During the English Civil War, opposing factions fought the Battle of Severn in this state which was the site of the "Plundering Time."

South Carolina

During the Revolution, Nathanael Greene faced Alexander Stewart at Eutaw Springs in this state

New York

During the Second Great Awakening, one part of this state was known as the "Burned-Over District."

Labour Party

During the Winter of Discontent in the late 1970's, trade unions insisted on higher pay in response to actions of the James Callaghan-led government of this party.


During the early middle ages, this modern-day country was ruled by the Zagwe Dynasty.


During the previous invasion, this empire lost to forces under Judar Pasha at the Battle of Tondibi

John Adams

During this President's time in office, the Treaty of Mortefontaine ended his undeclared war with France


During this battle, a division marched along Shunpike Road instead of participating in this battle due to vague orders given to Major General Lew Wallace.


During this battle, one commander failed to reinforce the success of Michel Ney.


During this battle, the commander of Lauzun's Legion unhorsed cavalry commander Banastre Tarleton


During this battle, the smaller Battle of Milliken's Bend secured Union control.

Dien Bien Phu

During this battle, the victorious side's artillery used direct fire to knock out an airfield, followed by assaults on hills such as Beatrice and Gabrielle.

Third Crusade

During this campaign, Guy de Lusignan was one the main commanders at the Battle of Acre

Sepoy Mutiny

During this conflict, Colin Campbell relieved troops whose commander, Henry Lawrence, had died defending a Residency during the Siege of Lucknow.

Spanish Succession

During this conflict, the Battle of Friedlingen ended up being a costly victory for Marshal Villars.

Ming Dynasty

During this dynasty, Matteo Ricci founded a Jesuit mission

Yuan Dynasty

During this dynasty, Ni Zan and Huang Gongwang were among the masters who established the tradition of "literati painting."


During this election, James A. Bayard and some of his political allies decided to abstain in a key vote.

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

During this event one man tried to drown himself in the mijacka river, after vomiting from poisoning himself with Cyanide

Great Schism

During this event, Leo IX died before his excommunication decree was delivered to Michael Cerularius in the Hagia Sophia.

Prague Spring

During this event, an economic emphasis on consumer goods and increased freedom of speech were part of a leader's "Action Programme."

Spanish American War

During this war, a scandal involving the poor quality of the "embalmed" beef given to soldiers was potentially responsible for the passing of the Pure Food and Drug Act

Spanish Civil War

During this war, a small group of Irish republican socialists became known as the "Connolly Column."


Early in his career this man gained power when Lord Godolphin promoted him to Secretary of War, in which he succeeded longtime Tory rival Lord Bolingbroke.

Alexander II

Early in his reign, this man declared, "Gentlemen, let us have no dreams," thus sparking the January Uprising in Poland.

Henry Vii

Early in this man's reign, John de la Pole revolted, trying to pass off Lambert Simnel as the Earl of Warwick.

Ivan IV

Early in this ruler's reign, he often relied on the "Chosen Council" to advise him, and one of its members, Andrey Kurbsky, defected to the enemy during a war with such leaders as Stephen Bathory and Sigismund II, the Livonian War.

Magna Carta

Edward Coke wrote that this document "is such a fellow, that he will have no sovereign."


Edward Stettinius served as the first head of the this program.

Battle of Najera

Edward and his brother John helped Pedro the Cruel win this decisive battle in the Castilian Civil War.

Pike's Peak

Edwin James completed the first recorded ascent of this mountain.q

William The Conqueror

Edwin and Morcar started a rebellion against this man, who responded with a campaign called the (*) Harrying of the North.


Efrain Rios Montt was indicted for participation in one of these events in Guatemala.


Eighteen years prior, this country's Legitimist faction was defeated during the Three Glorious Days of the (*)) July Revolution,

Bay of Pigs Invasion

Eleanor Roosevelt founded the Tractors for Freedom Committee to ransom the hostages captured during this event.

Council of Trent

Elector Maurice of Saxony's victory over Charles V in 1552 temporarily broke up this meeting.


For 10 points, name this 1900 hurricane, the deadliest in American history, which wrecked a Texas town.


Emi Koussi is the highest peak in the (*) Tibesti Mountains in this geographical region.


Emile Driant died defending the Bois des Caures during the initial stage of this battle

Spanish Civil War

Emilio Mola died in a plane crash during this war after his statements about civilian support coined the phrase "fifth column.

San Francisco

Emperor Norton once reigned in this city


Epaminondas ["Ep-ah-min-on-das"] used an overloaded left side, where he placed the Sacred Band, to outflank and crush this city at the Battle of Leuctra.

Rape of Nanking

Episcopal missionary John Magee filmed this event


Ernest Cherrington and Wayne Wheeler were leaders of one lobbying organization in favor of this concept.

Lake Superior

Eruption of lava in this lake formed the Michipicoten and St. Ignace islands.

Hanseatic League

Heinrich Sudermann was elected to the post of Syndic in this organization.


Ethnomusicologists love this country's (*) gamelan ensemble

Dry Tortugas

Even further west from Key West is this group of islands at the very end of the Florida Keys. Its namesake national park features the unfinished coastal fortress of Fort Jefferson.


Every major candidate in this country's recent election supported the Bolsa Familia

Ruby Ridge

FBI agents at the Waco siege included sniper Lon Horiuchi, who shot Vicki Weaver at this armed standoff the year before. It arose from U.S. Marshals' attempts to arrest Vicki's husband, Randy, at their home in northern Idaho.


Fan Noli's attempts to liberalize this country after World War I by bringing it into the League of Nations were opposed by the conservative bajraktars (bay-ROCK-tars).

The Grand Canyon

Ferde Grofé's [gro-FAYS] orchestral suite titled for this locale has (*) "Painted Desert" and "On the Trail" movements.


Fighting in this battle occurred at Miller Cornfield and Dunker Church

Alexander II

Finland began to use the markka as currency thanks to his encouragement,


Fires killed 140,000 people during a 1923 earthquake in this city.


Following a near-death experience, John Newton, the author of the hymn "Amazing Grace," began advocating for this policy

Long MArch

Following the destruction of the (*)) Jiangxi (jang-SHEE) Soviet, this event allowed the survivors to set up a base at Yanan, which was separated from Jiangxi by eighteen mountain ranges, twenty-four rivers, and a total of six thousand miles.


Following the issuance of the Unam Sanctam by one holder of this title and the urging of Philip the Fair, a holder of this title moved to France, beginning a (*) "Babylonian Captivity" as this title resided instead in Avignon.

Glorious Revolution

Following this event, the Nonjurors refused to take an oath of loyalty

Puget Sound

For 10 points, Tacoma and Seattle are the largest cities on what sound in Washington state?

Mapp V. Ohio

For 10 points, identify this case that effectively "nationalized" the 4th Amendment and overturned a conviction for possessing obscene materials

Operation Market Garden

For 10 points, identify this failed World War II operation that saw the largest airborne assault in history, though notably didn't see the seizure of the bridge at Arnhem, despite the securing of several other bridges in the Netherlands by the British.


Forces from this country lost the Battle of Maritsa despite overwhelming odds.

Dunkirk Evacuation

Forces on the ground during this operation were commanded by Lord Gort,

Italian Unification

France agreed to support this cause after the signing the Plombières agreement with a prime minister who resigned due to the Treaty of Villafranca.


France partially withdrew from this agreement under Charles de Gaulle


Frances Willard headed an organization which supported this policy, the (*) WCTU.


Francis Drake claimed land in this present-day state for England as New Albion, though it was never colonized by the British.

War of the Triple Alliance

Francisco Barroso won the most major naval battle of this war at Riachuelo.


Frank Costello claimed to have worked with Joe Kennedy during it


Frank Gehry designed a building with a monorail through it for the Experience Music Project in this city.


Frank Gehry designed this city's recently completed Millennium Park

John Brown

Franklin Sanborn was one of the "Secret Six" who funded this man's actions.


Frederick the Great was known as the "king" of this good for encouraging its cultivation.

Thirty Year War

French intervention in this conflict resulted in victory at Rocroi.

omar bradley

From D-Day to the end of World War II, this general led 1.3 million men, the largest number of soldiers to ever serve under an American commander. He was the first ever Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Applachian Mountains

Further south, mines in this range are the largest source in the Americas for anthracite coal.


Galleons named for this modern-day country's capital city traded with Acapulco in New Spain

New orleans

General James Wilkinson took military control of this city after informing President Jefferson about a conspiracy led by Aaron Burr centered here.


General Mariano Vallejo was imprisoned in Sutter's Fort following a rebellion here


General William Howe captured this city, but did not leave it to assist at Saratoga.


Genseric led these people from Spain to North Africa, where they set up a kingdom near Carthage


George Remus made his fortune by manipulating loopholes in this policy.

National Park

Georgetown Law Review article suggests that an area inside one of these places could be the site of a "perfect crime,"


Giuliano, a member of this city's ruling family, died as part of an assassination attempt by the (*) Pazzi family.


Golomyankas are species of fish endemic to this body of water


Gorham's Cave in this territory is believed to be have been one of the last known habitations of Neanderthals, due to its relatively mild climate.

King Philip's War

Governor Josiah Bartlett commissioned Benjamin Church to form a company of rangers in this war, who won a crucial battle called the (*)) Great Swamp Fight.


Grand Isle is one of this state's largest barrier islands.

Iranian Revolution

Groups which participated in this event included the Communist Tudeh Party.

Dunkirk Evacuation

Gustave Mesny and Jean-Baptiste Molinie defended the city of Lille during this event to ensure its success

Pierre Trudeau

He added the Charter of Rights and Freedoms while repatriating one document

Marcus Aurelius

He and his adoptive brother Lucius Verus ruled together after the death of his predecessor (*) Antoninus Pius.

James I

He attempted to marry his son Charles to Maria Anna in the failed Spanish Match


He borrowed a phrase from playwright Robert Sherwood in giving the "Arsenal of Democracy" speech.


He built the Temple of Mars Ultor to house the standards he regained from the Parthians


He captured a French slave ship called the Concorde and renamed it the Queen Anne's Revenge.


He commissioned the sculptor Phidias ["fih-dee-us"] as part of his renovation of the Acropolis

Constantine I

He convened the Council of (*) Nicaea and co-issued the Edict of Milan with Licinius before defeating him at the Battle of Chrysopolis.

Henry VII

He defeated a rebellion led by the Earl of Lincoln at the Battle of Stoke

Joseph Stalin

He dissolved the Comintern under the ideal of self-contained (*) Communism

Santa Anna

He duped Isidro Barradas into abandoning Tampico without a fight in Spain's last attempt to retake his country

William The Conqueror

He faced the "Revolt of the Earls" that was squelched by the warrior bishop Odo


He founded the Progressive newspaper The Commoner

George Washington

He led the retreat back from the Battle of Monongahela after the disastrous Braddock Expedition.


He maintained a system of missi dominici to keep subordinate rulers from getting too powerful.

Henry II

He married the divorced wife of Louis VII, and he succeeded King Stephen.V


He names a tariff that contributed to the Panic of 1893

oTTO von bismarck

He negotiated the Convention of Gastein after a brief war with Denmark that was partially used to gain support for an army bill

Roger Williams

He pleaded for a "wall of separation" in The Bloody Tenent of Persecution.


He sent a military force to aid the Republicans in the North Yemen Civil War


He served in the New York State Senate from 1830 to 1834 as part of the Anti-Masonic Party


He signed with Lucius' brother the Treaties of Tarentum and of Brundisium.

Franklin Roosevelt

He was James M. Cox's running mate in 1920


He was a hero to Petrarch

Napoleon III

He was elected to president with the help of the Party of Order, but then abandoned that party and former supporters like Adolphe Thiers.

Gustavus Adolphus II

He was victorious at a battle near Gniew over his cousin Sigismund III in a war that ended with the Treaties of Stzumska Wies and Altmark


He won a Nobel Prize in Literature in part for his A History of the English-Speaking Peoples,

John Quincy Adams

He worked for eight years to repeal the Gag Rule in Congress.

South Afrika

Hendrik Verwoerd engineered a series of oppressive laws in this country.


Henrich Kramer published a book centering on these people titled (*) Malleus Maleficarum


Henry Flagler was instrumental in establishing railways in this state and making it a (*)) tourist destination


Henry Morgan served as lieutenant governor of this island, where former slaves in this country, led by Cudjoe and Nanny, fought against colonial rule during its Maroon Wars.


High pollution levels in this body of water have occurred partially because of the dumping of ashes at sites such as Haridwar and Rishikesh.

George Wallace

His campaign against Albert Brewer is often viewed as one of the dirtiest in American history.


His father was a successful Colonial Secretary who vigorously waged the "Khaki Election."


His father was notorious for having replaced the traditional polytheistic religion with a (*) monotheistic one


His fellow nationalist colleagues and rivals Emilio Mola and Jose Sanjurjo both died in mysterious plane crashes


His general Mundus helped put down a rebellion led by Hypatius that began at the (*)) Hippodrome.


His policies of dekulakization and agricultural collectivization cost hundreds of thousands of lives in disasters such as the Holodomor famine in the Ukraine.

Henry II

His predecessor was forced to sign the Treaty of Wallingford, which assured that this man would become king.


His wife Floride (pronounced like "Florida") initiated the social boycott of Peggy Eaton during the Petticoat Affair.


Historic regions within this country include (*)) Bessarabia and Wallachia


Hoodoos are found in a national park in this state


Horace Mann reformed the public schools of this state


Horemheb and the rulers of the 19th dynasty destroyed much of the culture from this man's reign, although one surviving artwork is Thutmose's bust of his wife

Mansa Musa

Ibn Battuta met this ruler's brother and successor.

Genghis Khan

In 1219, his army conquered the Khwarezmid Empire

Invading Rome

In 1527, Duke Charles III of Bourbon was forced by his as-of-yet unpaid troops to perform this action.


In 1786, this state passed a Statute for Religious Freedom that its drafter prominently mentioned on his tombstone

Peter II

In November 1945, another exiled king with this name was removed from the Yugoslav throne by the Communist Constituent Congress.


In Varanasi, one of these places is surrounded by (*) steps called ghats.


In 1844 John Tyler nominated this man for Secretary of State;

Manhattan Island

In 1858, land on this island was developed according to the Greensward Plan, called Central park

Wall Street

In 1920, this location saw a horse-drawn carriage explode, killing 38 people

Empire State Building

In 1945, a B-25 bomber crashed into this building,


In 1964, the Freedom Summer campaign was initiated in this state to register African-American voters


In 1967, forces from this country attacked the USS Liberty.


In 1969, Richard Nixon implemented a plan named after this city that mandated federal employment quotas for minorities that was the precursor to Affirmative Action


In 1969, a statute in this state was held to violate the free speech rights of a KKK leader named Clarence (*) Brandenburg.

George Wallace

In 1972, this Southern politician was shot by Arthur Bremer in Laurel, Maryland

New York

In 1976 and 1977, six murders by the "Son of Sam" terrorized this city

New York

In 1984, Bernard Goetz shot four black teenagers on this city's subway, claiming self-defense.


In 1995, one of these actions at (*) Srebrenica (sreh-breh-NEET-sah) resulted in Operation Deliberate Force, a bombing campaign that targeted Bosnian Serb forces.

United States embassies

In 1998, Al-Qaeda simultaneously attacked two of these locations in Kenya and Tanzania.


In 2000, Janet Reno ordered that a seven-year old boy living in this city be returned to his father.


In 2007, an unrecognized "Republic" named for this people was declared by Russell Means.

Aung San Suu Kyi

In 2016, this woman's country invented the new position of State Counsellor for her to occupy.

The Draft

In Cohen v. California, an obscene message about this practice was protected by the First Amendment.


In England, Matthew Hopkins attempted to find these people by poking at skin deformities


In Fall 2017, this company launched a request for proposal to build a $5 billion (*) headquarters dubbed HQ2, receiving bids from over 200 different cities

Sixth Amendment

In Gideon v. Wainwright, the Supreme Court guaranteed one of this Amendment's rights in case of poverty.


In January 8th, 2011, Jared Lee Loughner shot a Congresswoman from this state.

Kim John-Un

In May 2017, it was alleged that a "lumberjack" had been paid $40,000 to assassinate this leader with "biochemical substances."


In response to the (*) Tariffs of 1828 and 1832, he formed a political party known as the "Nullifiers."


In the "Race to Messina", forces under this man arrived at the tip of Sicily before those of Bernard Montgomery


In the 17th century this country was explored by Bandeirantes [ban-DARE-ee-RAHN-tays], who were gold-seeking adventurers including Domingos Jorge Velho.

Charles II

In the Treaty of Dover, signed after the War of Devolution, this man promised to convert to Catholicism for money, which he did on his deathbed.

Ohio River

In the late 1700's, this river was the southern boundary of the Northwest Territory.


In the second of these conflicts, Hasdrubal met defeat at Metaurus River.


In the second year of his reign, this king defeated the Sherden pirates, who are one possible identity of the "Sea Peoples."


In the year 1500, this man demanded that a local ruler expel all peacefully cohabiting Muslims, leading one of this man's subordinates to fight the Zamorin of Calicut off the Malabar Coast in the Battle of Cochin.

Cross of Gold Speech

In this address, its orator likens the zeal of certain politicians to that of Crusaders following Peter the Hermit, and argues that the definition of a "business man" should be expanded


In this city's Crown Fountain, water pours out between sets of lips projected on two towering LED screens.

New York

In this city, a looting spree followed a 1977 blackout

New York

In this city, two weeks after the Battle of Gettysburg, riots broke out against a new draft law.

New York

In this colony, attacks printed against governor William Cosby were defended by lawyer Andrew Hamilton


In this colony, the servant John Punch was sentenced to a lifetime of slavery after trying to escape his master

War of the Austrian Succession

In this conflict, Maurice de Saxe conquered a portion of the Netherlands after winning the Battle of Fontenoy.

Franco-Prussian War

In this conflict, the losing side primarily used a Chassepot ("SHAS-po") rifle which was actually superior to the famous Dreyse needle gun used by the other side.


In this country Pompey took over Lucullus's fight against this country's ruler Tigranes the Great


In this country, Henri Dufour crushed a Catholic separatist movement during the Sonderbund War.


In this country, Tiradentes was hanged for leading the Minas Gerais Conspiracy


In this country, a man nicknamed "Comrade Duch" was promoted to head of the Santebal in 1975.


In this country, the shooting-down of Juvenal Habyarimana's plane sparked a bloody period ended when Paul Kagame launched a rebel force from neighboring Uganda.

Long March

In this event Otto Braun's terrible planning led to the destruction of the First Front Army


Ingrid Betancourt was recaptured after being held hostage for over six years in this country

Third Crusade

Isaac II Angelus made a secret treaty to impede the attacking side of this conflict, which William II was the first to join

Lake Huron

Islands in it include the historic Mackinac (MACK-in-AW) Island and (*)) Manitoulin Island, which bounds this lake's Georgian Bay and is the largest freshwater island in the world.

Lake SUperior

Islands in this lake include Madeline Island, the largest of the Apostle Islands

Baltic Sea

It can be entered by traveling south through the Little Belt, and the Archipelago Sea is a northern portion of it.


It contains Lake McDonald, next to which runs Going-to-the-Sun Road, also named Route 1 of its namesake national park.


It contains such rivers as the Ontonagon, and its non-Minnesota "Twin Cities" are St. Joseph and Benton Harbor.

Sierra Nevada

It contains the highest point in the contiguous United States and a site that contains (*) Half Dome.


It contains the limestone-rich greywacke zone


It contains the western shore of the largest alpine lake in North America

Missouri River

It forms near Three Forks where the (*)) Gallatin, Jefferson, and Madison rivers meet


It had its first capital at Byblos.

Palace of Versailles

It includes seven apartments corresponding to Roman deities and planets, all centering on the Sun or Apollo


It is home to Mount Elbert and the Western Slope, which is the location of (*)) Telluride, Vail, Aspen, and other ski resorts.


It is home to the cities of Pasco, Richland, and Kennewick, which make up its "Tri-Cities.

Hanseatic League

It lost ground with the Peace of Wordingborg in Denmark

Missouri River

It receives the Milk and Musselshell Rivers near the Fort Peck Dam


It suffered conscription crises in 1917 and 1941.


It was bombed in Operations Menu and Freedom Deal in a continuation of nearby Operation Rolling Thunder.


It was captured by Oleg, the ruler of a neighboring city, which began its rise as a regional power.

Philip of Macedon

It was during this time that he invented the use of the sarissa pike and formed the core of the army that would fight at the seige of Methone, where an arrow penetrated his right eye.

Great Fire of London

It was exacerbated by Thomas Bloodworth's indecisiveness and the fact that due to an ongoing war


It was precipitated by Herschel Grynszpan's (GRIN-shpahn) shooting of the diplomat Ernst vom Rath.


It's home to the massive 9th-century temples of (*) Prambanan and Borobudur.


It's not Charleston, but what are often considered the first deaths of the Civil War occurred in this city during the Pratt Street Riots.


It's not France, but Frederic de La Harpe served on the Directory of this country after France established a republic here with a constitution written by Peter Ochs.


It's not Israel or Madagascar, but the Slattery Report suggested that European Jews be moved to Baranof Island in this region, which had earlier been home to a provincial administration at New Archangel.


It's not London, but this city is home to a cucumber-shaped skyscraper with LEDs on its windows, designed by Jean Nouvel.


It's not Rome, but the Queen Anne neighborhood is located on one of this city's "seven hills.


It's not lead, but ancient Greeks extracted this material from galena.


It's not the United States, but a large number of immigrants were airlifted from Yemen to this country under Operation Magic Carpet

Applachian Mountains

Its Blue Ridge province is home to the Great Smoky Mountains

San Francisco

Its Haight-Ashbury district was a center ofhippie culture in the (*)) 1960's,


Its Orange Line connects Midway Airport with "the Loop," and it holds the tallest building in the U.S.

Night of the Long Knives

Its aim was to eliminate supporters of (*)) Franz von Papen and other critics of the Nazi regime

Lake Michigan

Its east coast includes the towns of Manitowoc and Sheboygan on lake Michigan


Its ex-military dictator Efraín Ríos Montt is on trial for crimes against humanity.

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Its first governor compared it to a "city on a hill;" that man was John Winthrop


Its first holder ordered the abduction of the Sabine women to populate his new city.


Its first president in independence was Gregoire Kayibanda, whose successor died in a plane crash while traveling with Cyprien Ntaryamira

Palace of Versailles

Its gardens include two smaller palaces or "Trianons," and its main building includes a Hall of Mirrors


Its headwaters are the Karasu and Murat rivers


Its highest peak is often listed as Turner Ward Knob


Its presidents have included Bernardino Rivadavia


Its regions include Boston Mountains, Springfield Pla- teau, Salem Plateau, and the Saint Francois Mountains.


John Rockefeller helped open a university in this city which was later home to Pile-1, the first nuclear reactor.


John Sirica became more involved in this event after receiving a letter from James McCord

Great Schism

John VIII of the Palaiologos dynasty attempted to end the disputes caused by this event by calling the Council of Florence.


Jacques Carrey created numerous detailed sketches of this building before much of it was ruined in a 1687 bombardment.

Massacres of Native Americans

James Forsyth was removed from command after one of these events occurred at Pine Ridge

South Carolina

Jemmy began a slave revolt along this state's Stono River.

Martin Luther

Job Shattuck and Luke Day were both prominent leaders of this event, which was one of the main causes of James Bowdoin's loss to John Hancock as governor.


Joe Arpaio is a sheriff in this state's Maricopa County


John Aubrey discovered fifty-six namesake "holes" at this location

William jennings bryan

John Kern


John Marshall's ruling forbade states from taxing this body in McCulloch v. Maryland.


John Mason, a military leader from this colony, massacred Native Americans at Mystic during the Pequot War

Treaty of Versailles

John Maynard Keynes criticized it in The Economic Consequences of the Peace, predicting hyperinflation that plagued the (*)) Weimar Republic

Battle of Vicksburg

Joseph E. Johnston's orders to evacuate this place were overridden by Jefferson Davis

Bunker Hill

Joseph Warren was killed during this battle

Confederate States of America

Judah P. Benjamin served as Secretary of War in this country

Chief Joseph

Just 30 miles from Canada, this man's troops lost the Battle of Bear Paw after a long trek through (*) Yellowstone National Park.

Congress of Vienna

Just after this event, one of its participants created the monarchist, conservative Holy Alliance.

Second Amendment

Justice John Paul Stevens has said he would add the words "when serving in the (*) Militia" to the Constitution to clarify this topic some consider a matter of self-defense and sportsmanship


Karl von Hardenberg and Viscount Castlereagh were among ministers present at an (*) assembly led by this man, in which he denounced the Holy Alliance proposed by Alexander I.


Kartarpur was a haven for members of this faith.


Kashmir lies between the Pir Panjal range and this range, which contains the second highest peak on Earth, K2.

George W. Bush

Katherine Harris intervened in favor of this politician.

Fourt Amendment

Katz v. U.S. saw the Court extend this amendment to include an individual "reasonable expectation of (*)) privacy,"

Fourteenth Amendment

Katz v. U.S. saw the Court extend this amendment to include an individual "reasonable expectation of (*)) privacy,"

Peasant's Revolt

Kentish fighters destroyed (*) Savoy Palace before killing Sudbury and Robert Hales, who were found hiding in the Tower of London.

Sierra Nevada

Kern Canyon and the Hetch Hetchy Valley are located within this mountain range


Keweenaw Peninsula in this state was the site of the first copper boom in American history.

OJ Simpson Trial

Key figures in this event included Ron Goldman, Lance Ito, Marcia Clark, and Rob Kardashian.

Rocky Mountains

Kicking Horse Pass houses a railroad in Yoho National Park in this range that straddles the (*) Continental Divide


Kurt (*)) Schuschnigg succeeded an assassinated ruler of this nation.


L'Anse aux Meadows on this island was found to have been settled by the Vikings, who called this island Vinland.


Lake Shore Drive runs along this country's lakefront.


Lake Washington borders this city to the east,


Lake Winnebago is located in this state near the cities of Fond du Lac and Oshkosh


Land support at this battle was given by the Comte de Rochambeau ["Roh-sham-bo"] and the Marquis de Lafayette.

San Francisco

Landmarks in this city include the De Young museum


Landmarks on this route included Fort Bridger, Fort Hall, and Soda Springs.

Hanseatic League

London's Cannon Street Station was once the site of a steelyard owned by this group.


Lord John Russell formed a disastrous ministry that contributed to the demise of another party with this name.

Paris Commune

Louise Michel, known as the "Red Virgin of Montmartre," was exiled for conspiring with this group

Berlin Wall

Lucius Clay sent tanks to this structure to enforce the rights of U.S. diplomats


Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe designed their modernist "Barcelona" one of these objects with chrome on a steel frame.


Mafia Island is part of an archipelago off this country's eastern coast, which contains a component of this country that lost a 45-minute-long "war"

Know Nothing Party

Major victories for this group included Robert Conrad winning the Philadelphia mayoral election and a sweep of Massachusetts state elections in 1854.

Spanish Civil War

Manuel Azaña was president of one faction at the outbreak of this conflict


Many climbers of this mountain use the West Buttress Route.

Paris Commune

Many members of this group were deported to New Caledonia in the South Pacific after it was dissolved.


Many of the Exodusters settled in this state


Many people who live along this river worship a giant catfish found in it.

Oregon Trail

Marcus Whitman led the "great migration" along this route.

Catalonian Independence

Mariano Rajoy opposes Carles Puigdemont, a leader of this movement

Sierra Nevada

Mariposa Grove can be found in this mountain range


Mark Herring was recently reelected Attorney General in this state


Mike Castle lost the Republican primary in this state to a woman who was revealed to have briefly dabbled in witchcraft in high school.

Paris Commune

Marshal de Macmahon brutally put down this movement during the Bloody Week

Gibbons V. Ogden

Marshall presided over this notable 1824 case in which the Commerce Clause was expanded to include laws relating to navigation. This case arose because of a dispute involving steamship licensing.

John Calvin

Martin Bucer invited this thinker to (*) Strasbourg


Mary Leakey discovered the "Nutcracker Man" in this country's Olduvai Gorge, which helped demonstrate the evolution of humans in Africa

New York

Mary Mallon, the first known asymptomatic carrier of typhoid fever in the United States, spent most of her career in or around this city.


Matthias Corvinus led a Hungarian military force named for this color.


Members of a religion in this country were compared to their Moroccan counterparts in(*) Islam Observed


Members of this country's nobility formed the Confederation of Targowica (TAR-go-VEET-sah). That confederation opposed this country's May Third Constitution.


Members of this movement rioted after learning that some of their leaders, such as Henry Vincent, were imprisoned in the Westgate Hotel in Newport.


Montrose County in this state is home to the Black Canyon, which is carved by the Gunnison River


Morgan City lies in this state's Atchafalaya Basin, and this state's eastern boundary is defined by the Pearl River.


Most of this city was demolished following an action by the Home Army, or AK.


Most tourists to this country drive around it on the Ring Road, although the smaller Golden Circle can be used to visit Thingvellir, the site of the world's (*) oldest parliament

Applachian Mountains

Mount Katahdin is the northern terminus of its namesake trail


Mount Lucania is in this country's portion of the Saint Elias range, which were seen by Vitus Bering.

Adirondack Mountains

Mount Marcy, the highest point in New York, is located in this mountain range. It was formed due to glaciation and lends its name to a type of chair.


Mount Princeton and Mount Harvard are among this state's Collegiate Peaks, a part of the Sawatch Range

Atlas Mountains

Mount Siroua links this chain's High and Anti ranges.


Mountain ranges located in this park include the Absaroka Range which contains the park's highest point at Eagle Peak.

Rio Grande

Much farther south, this river is joined by its largest tributary, the Conchos River.


Much of Pontiac's Rebellion took place in this state including a siege of its Fort Pitt


Much of the border between this state and its nieghbor formed by the (*) Red River.


Mungo Park was the first modern European to reach the inland portion of this river


Name this 1314 battle in which Edward II failed to relieve a siege on Stirling Castle, losing to the troops of Robert the Bruce.

Stono Rebellion

Name this 1739 campaign, led by a man named either Jemmy or Cato with the intended goal of reaching Spanish Florida.

Boko Haram

Name this Islamist terrorist group led by Abubakar Shekau [shay-COW] that is active in Nigeria and other West African nations.


Name this Southeast Asian country whose current president, Htin Kyaw, replaced Thein Sein in March 2016


Name this city that was besieged for 292 days following the Overland Campaign.

Charles Cornwallis

Name this general who led Britain through the Southern Campaign of the Revolutionary War, leading to victories at Camden and Guilford Courthouse.


Name this island, whose tourist attractions include the royal 'Iolani Palace and the probably-dormant volcano Diamond Head.


Name this large coastal city in Washington State whose Century 21 Exposition in 1962 saw the construction of the Space Needle

Tibesti Mountains

Name this mountain range in the central Sahara desert, which is located in the far north of Chad and extends into Libya.


Name this northeasternmost state in the United States that contains the cities of Bangor

Delmarva Peninsula

Name this peninsula formed by the three states that lend its name. Salisbury, Maryland serves as the commercial hub for this peninsula that contains the Eastern Shores of two different states.

Stax Record

Name this pioneering record label based in Memphis which produced many of the leading soul musicians of the 1960s.


New Year's Eve tradition in this city is to eat twelve grapes at the Puerta del Sol.


Notable "Red" and (*) "Bent" structures of this type were built by a king known to Manetho as Soris, but more commonly known as Sneferu.


Notable features of this state include Petrified Forest, Monument Valley, the Painted Desert, and the Sonoran Desert, while its longest river is the Gila [HEE-lah] and its second-most populous city is Tucson.


Off the northern coast of this island lies Lipari, which is part of the archipelago of the Aeolian Islands

Vasco Da Gama

On his first two voyages, this man encountered a ruler with the title of Zamorin.


On of these structures in Ceyhan was moved because of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict; that one goes through Tbilisi after beginning from Baku, Azerbaijan.

Bay of Pigs Invasion

Once this operation's location was selected, it was known as Operation Zapata

Gulf of mexico

One Site in this body of water Macondo Prospect, ceased production in August 2010


One Supreme Court case started in this state when the Committee of Citizens tested the Separate Car Act.

Sri Lanka

One World Heritage Site in this country is the Sigiriya fortress, which has been inhabited by monks since the fifth century

Eighteenth Amendment

One act passed in support of this amendment was formulated by Wayne Wheeler, though that act was not named for Wheeler but instead for a congressman from Minnesota.

Spanish Succession

One battle during this war occurred near the village of Offus and resulted in a loss for the Duke of Villeroi (VEE-leh-WAH) at Ramillies (RAH-mee-yay).


One battle fought by this city saw it lose when the opposing side defeated the cavalry of Cleombrotus and then swept in with its strong left flank

Spanish American War

One battle in this conflict saw Antero Rubin's forces come close to defeating "Fighting Joe" Wheeler at Las Guasimas (gwah-SEE-mahs).

War of the ROses

One battle of this conflict began after the appearance of a complete parhelion, resulting in victory for the Earl of March.

French and Indian War

One battle of this war was the Battle of the Monongahela, where Edward (*)) Braddock died


One battle that took place near this city saw Yar Lutuf and Mir Jafar betray one side

Red River

One body of water of this name flows through Hanoi before flowing into the Gulf of Tonkin.

First Amendment

One case involving this amendment, Minersville School District v. Gobitis, was overturned in the Barnett case.

Black Sea

One city on this body of water holds a necropolis where the oldest golden treasure in the world was discovered.


One colorfully named successor state of these people was alternatively known as the Hephthalites and overthrew the Gupta Empire.

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

One conspirator in this event, having failed at his task, attempted suicide with cyanide, but the expired poison only made him puke.

Mayflower Compact

One copy of this document was preserved in Mourt's Relation


One dictator from this country used the Sigurimi police to control his populationand built seven hundred thousand bunkers in case of invasion.


One dictator of this country established a paramilitary force called the Dignity Battalions and may have been involved in the death of his predecessor, Omar Torrijos.


One dictator of this nation kept a paramilitary force that abducted dissidents during the night known as the Tonton Macoutes

Applachian Mountains

One end of this range contains the Shickshocks and Baxter State Park.


One era of this country's history ended after eight "black ships" opened up trade.

Los Angeles

One event in this city started after Marquette Frye was pulled over for drunk driving.

First Amendment

One exception to a right in this amendment was established in Oliver Wendell Holmes' opinion in the (*) Schenck case, which established the "clear and present danger" doctrine.


One famous, no longer extant chryselephantine statue housed in this building depicted a goddess wearing a Sphinx helmet holding a smaller statue of Victory in her right hand.


One government of this city was led by twenty-four Captains and Defenders of Liberty and was called the Ambrosian Republic

Tiananmen Square Massace

One group during this event rallied around a papier-mache statue of the "Goddess of Democracy,"


One group of these people carried out the Grattan massacre after the murder of their leader, Conquering Bear


One holder of this position had the Donation of (*) Constantine forged to negotiate with Pepin the Short.

Vatican City

One holder of this position survived an attack by Mehmet Ali Agca in 1981.

Emperor of Rome

One holder of this title was persuaded to pursue it by his wife Tanaquil after an eagle took off his hat and then put it back on his head.


One hundred and twenty of this city's full citizens were captured at the Battle of Sphacteria.


One incident in this battle saw forces under Lew Wallace march to and from the wrong location

New Zealand

One island in this country contains the city of Dunedin and the Southern Alps.


One king of this name joined Conrad III to fight the Second Crusade.


One king of this region drowned the defeated followers of Onomarchos after winning the Battle of Crocus Field

South Dakota

One lake in this state is formed by the Fort Randall Dam and is called Francis Case Lake.


One lawyer with this last name successfully defended his client from William Cosby's accusations of libel, assuring free speech for the publisher of New York Weekly Journal, John Peter Zenger


One leader of this country denounced the Cohen Plan, a purported communist coup attempt, before seizing dictatorial powers


One leader of this country organized the Blue Division,


One leader of this nation and its Muscovite faction was Ana Pauker.


One leader of this nation, Klement Gottwald, achieved power by driving Eduard Benes (BEN-esh) from the political scene in 1948.

PM of India

One man who held this post dismissed riots by comparing it to "when a mighty tree falls."


One member of this family lost to Dale Bumpers in his 1970 re-election bid as governor of Arkansas, and earlier succeeded Orval Faubus.


One member of this family narrowly lost the Republican presidential nomination to Barry Goldwater, whom that man refused to endorse


One movement named after this city attempted to implement the reforms of Ota Sik;

Boko Haram

One nation launched Operation Flush against this group in 2009, killing its founder, (*) Mohammad Yusuf.

Erie Canal

One obstacle to the completion of this project was the traversal of Montezuma Marsh, where at least a thousand workers died from swamp fever.

Ferdinand of Aragon

One of his children married Philip the Handsome

Idi Amin

One of his first actions after taking power was to give Kabaka Mutesa a state burial

Northern Ireland

One of its population centers, located on the River Foyle, is often called Londonderry.

Indian Ocean

One of the Chagos Islands in this body of water contains joint US and UK military bases.

French and Indian War

One of the events that caused this conflict took place when a general unknowingly admitted to the murder of a foreign ambassador, in the Jumonville affair


One of the last major portions of interstate highway to be completed has cantilevered portions and passes through Hanging Lake Tunnel in this state's Glenwood Canyon

The Reichstag Fire

One of the people put on trial for complicity in this event was the future dictator of Bulgaria, Georgi Dimitrov.

Indian-Pakistan Wars

One of these events started with Operation Gibraltar and ended with the Tashkent Declaration.


One of these events started with the issuing of a document called the Vernichtungsbefehl after Lothar von Trotha won the Battle of Waterberg

Chinese Peasant Rebellion

One of these events was started when a former salt smuggler repeatedly failed his civil service exams. That salt smuggler, Huang Chao, split with Wang Xianzhi during one of these events during the Tang dynasty

Nuclear Reactors

One of these facilities known as "Osirak" was attacked in Operation Scorch Sword


One of these systems runs eight hundred miles from Prudhoe Bay to the port town of Valdez, and its revenue is used in a Permanent Fund that gives an annual dividend to residents of (*) Alaska.


One of this city's political factions broke into "white" and (*)) "black" groups after defeating the Ghibellines.

Labour Party

One of this party's platforms was termed the (*) "longest suicide note in history," and came in an election in which Michael Foot and allies were trounced


One of this ruler's prime ministers was assassinated by the ultra right-wing League of Blood in the May 15 Incident.

Mayor of Chicago

One person to hold this position lived at the Cabrini-Green housing projects; that was also the only female holder of this office, Jane Byrne


One person with this name was the first Windsor monarch, a house he renamed from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

Secretary of State

One person with this position used his "necessary art" of Brinkmanship in the 1950's


One rebellion in this country saw the execution of Thomas Scott, which led this country's leader to dispatch the Wolseley Expedition.


One regime in this country was overthrown after the Battle of Caseros.


One result of this battle was Mardonius taking over the conquest of Greece


One ruler of this country made it illegal to throw away ballots with his face on it and created the FUNK party.


One ruler of this country rejected a gift of 50 camels from the Khitan Empire by exiling them to an island and starving them to death


One ruler of this dynasty took the title Alamgir, or Conqueror of the Universe after fighting the Deccan Wars against Shivaji and the Marathas.

Mughal Empire

One ruler of this empire was heavily influenced by the Sayyid brothers before being succeeded by Rafi Ul-Darjat


One ruler of this name suppressed a revolt nominally led by Sergey Trubetskoy that called for "Constantine and Constitution."


One ruler of this name was killed by Gabriel Montgomery shortly after signing the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis.

South Carolina

One senator from this state was nicknamed "Pitchfork Ben" for his advocacy of lynch mobs; that senator was Ben Tillman

Hundred Years' War

One side in this conflict lost most of their fleet after tying their ships together at the Battle of Sluys


One side in this engagement retreated through the Corinth Road;

Crimean War

One side in this war defended Home Hill during the Battle of Inkerman.

War of Austrian Succession

One side in this war won the battles of Kesselsdorf and Hohenfriedberg to ensure a peace at Dresden.

Peloponnesian War

One side's commander in this conflict gave his Funeral Oration speech after his successful invasion of Megara.


One version of this legislation was modified by the "Hayden Rider" to appease critics, though it still failed to pass in the House

Meiji Restoration

One war during this period included the Battle of Toba-Fushimi, after which ex-ruler Yoshinobu lost all power.

United States Embassies

Operation (*) Eagle Claw failed to rescue hostages trapped in one of these locations, but those hostages in one of these locations in Iran were released soon after the inauguration of Ronald Reagan.

Catalonian Independence

Operation Anubis targeted supporters of this cause.


Operation Anvil and a massacre at Lari were part of one uprising in this country that ended after the death of Dedan Kimathi.

The Killing of Osama Bin Laden

Operation Neptune Spear was this event's codename, while the codeword "Geronimo" stood forits main objective.

The NEtherlands

Operations Manna and Chowhound sought to relieve a famine in this country called the Hunger Winter

South Dakota

Other attractions in this state include the Black Hills National Forest

San Francisco

Other notable neighborhoods in this city include the Castro, home to a large LGBT community


Other strategies he developed included "shuttle diplomacy" to settle the (*)) Yom Kippur War and "detente" (day-TONT) with the Soviet Union.

Gulf of Mexico

Padre Island lies in this body of water, and its lowest point lies in Sigsbee Deep


Part of this state's international border runs through Lake St. Clair, which lies northeast of this state's largest city


Part of this state's northern border is along the St. Mary's River.


Parts of this city can be accessed by this city's public transportation system, the T.


Passes through this mountain range include the Brenner and Great St. Bernard


Peter Benenson founded Amnesty International after reading about two imprisoned men from this nation


Philippe Pétain managed to secure a supply line for his forces during this battle known as La Voie Sacreé, or the Sacred Way.


Point Pelee and the Golden Horseshoe are located in this province, which contains Lake Simcoe, Rainy Lake, and Lake Nipigon.


Politicians from this state include Mo Cowan and Martha Coakley


Pope Leo I persuaded these people not to kill or burn and only pillage during their (*) 455 CE sack of Rome


Pope Paul V placed this city under interdict in 1606.

Victor Emmanuel II

Pope Pius IX excommunicated this man for his incursions into the (*) Papal States


Port Harcourt is the center of this nation's petroleum industry

Constantine I

Possibly as a response to rumors of their illicit relationship, this man put his son Crispus and wife Fausta to death.


Potato Harbor is located on one of this state's eight Channel Islands


Prince Bagration died during an invasion of this country


Prince William of Orange successfully defended the crossroads of Quatre-Bras (KWAT-ruh-brah) in this battle.

J.E.B. Stuart

Prior to one battle, this man's forces were cut off from the main army due to a surprise attack at Brandy Station.

Marbury v. Madison

Prior to this case, Attorney General Levi Lincoln was instructed to withhold certain documents from their intended recipients

7 years war

Prussia and Austria negotiated a separate peace deal in this conflict, the Treaty of Hubertusburg.


Ralph Nader's The Company State describes the heavy influence Du Pont has in this state's politics


Rather than counties, this state is organized into parishes


Recent people in this position include Karol Wojtyla [woy-TILL-uh], Joseph Ratzinger, and (*) Jorge Bergoglio.

Salt march

Reginald Reynolds delivered a letter announcing to Lord Irwin the intent to stage this event.


Residents of cities like Sault Ste. Marie [soo saint ma-REE] and Marquette in the Upper Peninsula of this state are affectionately known as Yoopers.

New Zealand

Residents of this country massacred the Moriori people while settling the nearby Chatham Islands

South Carolina

Revolutionary War heroes from this state include a man nicknamed the "Swamp Fox", Francis Marion


Richard Haag converted an abandoned coal gasification plant into this city's Gas Works Park.


Richard Rogers designed the Millennium (*) Dome in this city.

Gulf Of mexico

Rivers that empty into this body of water include the Coosa, Pearl, and Sabine,

Lake Superior

Rivers that feed into this lake include the Kaministiquia, the Brule, and the Nipigon.

Crimean War

Roger Fenton depicted this war in a photograph whose title quotes from Psalm 23.

Louis XIV

Seven fiscal edicts sparked the first popular uprising against this ruler, which is called the Fronde (frond).

Lee harvey oswald

Seven months before a more successful act, this man tried to assassinate Edwin Walker.


Several hundred died in its city of Ghouta during an August 2013 (*) chemical weapons attacxk

Sepoy Mutiny

Shortly after this event, the Doctrine of Lapse was rescinded


Sidon, the birthplace of Jezebel, was the center of this civilization's glassmaking industry.

Mapp V. Ohio

Silverthorne Lumber Co. v. U.S. established the "fruit of the poisonous tree" doctrine, an extension of the exclusionary rule used in this case


Simon Bradstreet led a rebellion which forced governor Edmund Andros out of this city

Henry III

Simon de Montfort led the Second Barons' War against this ruler

Indus River Civilization

Sir Mortimer Wheeler proposed a now-discredited theory that this civilization collapsed due to an invasion of Aryans.


Soldiers from this country caused the Pidjiguiti Massacre, beginning this nation's struggle against the PAIGC in its colony of Guinea-Bissau

The Reichstag Fire

Some historians say this event was accomplished by Karl Ernst's use of a tunnel from Hermann (*)) Goring's house

Sepoy Mutiny

Some of the successful British leaders in this event were Hugh Rose, Henry Havelock, and William Hodson, though the latter two eventually died at Lucknow

Treaty of Versailles

Some of this treaty's terms were set by Lords Sumner and Cunliffe, nicknamed the "Heavenly Twins."

Treaty of Versailles

Some opponents of this agreement denounced the "November Criminals" and propagated the "Stab-in-the-back legend."


Songtsen Gampo founded an empire that contained what is now Gansu and Yunnan in this region

Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, was killed in this event by a member of the Black Hand.

Atlas Mountains

South of this range lies the Great Western(*) Erg, and the Rif is a northwest offshoot of this range.


Southeast of this city lies the Safety Valve, a series of shoals on which is built a group of raised buildings called Stiltsville.


Spelman, Morehouse, and Emory Universities are all found in this city

Applachian Mountains

Springer Mountain is the southern end of an important entity in these mountains


Stonecrest, Georgia offered to rename 345 acres of its territory after this company,

Hong Kong

Stonecutter's Island and many of this region's "new towns" are now peninsulas.


Subranges of this mountain system include the Albula, the Bernina and the Jura.

New Orleans

Suburbs of this city include Gretna and Kenner.

Hanseatic League

Swedish fighting against this group began when it helped Gustavus Vasa rebel against Christian II of Denmark


Systems for controlling this river include the Old River Control Structure, which helps fight against this river's tendency to redirect into a neighbor, the (*) Atchafalaya

Fort Sumter

THis site was reinforced by the steamship The Star of the West


Ten percent of this city's residents died in a 1793 yellow fever epidemic


Textile workers revolted against this city's nobles in the Revolt of the (*) Ciompi


Thalers from what is now Jáchymov were once made out of this material.

Henry III

That king of this name was forced to sign the Provisions of Oxford and Westminster.

Urban II

That meeting convened by this man was the (*)) Council of Clermont

Edward the Confessor

That monarch of this name had married Edith, daughter of a powerful earl of Wessex


That rebellion, which was a protest against the Family Compact, was one of two rebellions in this country which took place in 1837.


That ruler of this name was responsible for the (*) October Manifesto and came under the influence of Rasputin


That ruler with this name sent victorious troops to Malplaquet under the Duke of Marlborough.

Gulf of Mexico

The Bay of Campeche forms an arm of it

Lake Michigan

The Beaver Island archipelago lies at the northern end of this lake


The Bitterroot Range forms part of this state's western border

James II

The Bloody Assizes were held during the rule of this king following a plot to overthrow him known as the Monmouth Rebellion.


The British pushed opium after finding it hard to buy tea due to Chinese hoarding of this good.

Treaty of Versailles

The "Big Four" negotiators of this treaty included Vittorio Orlando and Georges Clemenceau ["kluh-mawn-SOH"], who argued for a "war guilt clause" and supposedly overwhelming reparations.

Empress Elizabeth of Russia

The "Miracle in the House of Brandenburg" occurred after the death of a (*) Russian ruler with this name, who refused to execute a single person during her reign


The "Provisional" faction of this organization followed a strategy called the "Long War,"

Roman Republic

The "tribune" acted as the voice of lower-class interests in this government,

War of Austrian Succession

The 1745 capture of Louisbourg occurred in the North American theatre of this war, which was called (*) King George's War.

Meiji Restoration

The 1889 Constitution was instituted following this event, whose principles were laid out in the Charter Oath.


The 1937 bombing of a town located in these people's "country" was depicted in (*) Pablo Picasso's Guernica.


The 2022 iteration of this event will reuse older venues built for it like the Bird's Nest stadium.

Lake Tanganyika

The 704 foot Kalambo Falls are located at the southeastern shore of this lake

Postal Service

The Achaemenid empire established the Chapar Khaneh to perform this service along the Royal Road.


The Agiad and Eurypontid Dynasties provided this polity's kings.

Colorado River

The All-American Canal, which replaced the original Alamo Canal, provides irrigated water from this river to the Imperial Valley


The American journalist Amy Goodman was beaten by soldiers of this country while attempting to protect protesters during the Santa Cruz Massacre.


The American merchant ship General Sherman was destroyed by this country after attempting to (*) trade with it


The Anacostia River, called forgotten owing to its high levels of pollution, is a tributary of this river.


The Apostle Islands are in the northern part of this state

Roman Baths

The Aqua Antoniniana aqueduct was built to provide water to one of these buildings named for (*) Caracalla.

Atlas Mountains

The Argan plant, which produces a nut-scented fruit, is endemic to this mountain range's Sous Valley.

Lake Superior

The Au Sable lighthouse oversees this body of water from its location inside Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore


The Barlow Road was built to circumvent this range's Lolo Pass

First Crusade

The Battle of Ascalon occurred at the end of this campaign.


The Battle of Vitkov Hill occurred near this city during a war that was partly set in motion due to Utraquist beliefs developed here.

Invading Rome

The Battle of the Allia in the late 4th century led to one instance of this event


The First and Second (*)) Banks of the United States were located in this city

New Zealand

The Fox and Franz Joseph Glaciers in this country descend from its Southern Alps.


The French king Charles VIII was prophesied to invade this city by a Dominican friar who established democracy after the overthrow of this city's ruling family.

War of Austrian Succession

The French were invited to fire first by Charles Hay in this war's Battle of Fontenoy

Rocky mOuntains

The Front Range and Clark Range are branches of this larger mountain range.

Missouri River

The Garrison Dam forms Lake Sakakawea on this river


The Gortyn code governed part of this region, which produced Vasiliki and Kamares pottery.

Colorado River

The Grand Ditch diverts water from the headwaters of this river in the Never Summer Mountains to the Front Range Urban Corridor.


The Grand Trianon in this city was built by Jules Mansart,

Alhambra palace

The Hall of the Ambassadors is the largest room in this structure

Joseph McCarthy

The Hennings report questioned various aspects of this man's finances.


The High Tauern is a subset of the central part of this mountain range

New Zealand

The Hundalee Hills mark the northern extent of this country's Canterbury Plains

San Francisco

The Hunter's Point Naval Shipyard is located in the southeast of this city.


The Irgun, without the approval of the Haganah paramilitary, bombed this city's (*) King David Hotel.

Lake Superior

The Kakabeka Falls are located on a tributary of this body of water, the Kaministiquia River,

Genghis Khan

The Kievan Rus were defeated at the Battle of the Kalka River by this man's armies,

mental asylum

The Kirkbride Plan governed the architecture of these places


The Lieutenant Governor of this state, Justin Fairfax, is the second African American to be elected statewide there.


The Limay and Neuquen rivers are located near this country's city of Bariloche,

Salween River

The Nu River, one of China's last undammed major rivers and the third of the Three Parallel Rivers, is more commonly known by this name. The Nu also forms part of the border between Myanmar and Thailand before flowing into the Andaman Sea

Lake Superior

The Ojibwe called this lake "big water,"


The Olive Branch Petition was drafted in this city


The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires are collectively named for this material, which joined paper, printing, and the compass as the Four Great Inventions of China.


The PIDE was a repressive police force in this country, utilized by such leaders as Marcelo Caetano


The Maderas and Conception volcanoes form the petroglyph-filled island of Ometepe within this country.


The Makgadikgadi [mack-gah-deek-gah-DEE] Salt Pan covers nearly 2,000 miles of this country

Kalahari Desert

The Makgadikgadi [mack-gah-deek-gah-DEE] Salt Pan covers nearly 2,000 miles of this desert


The Makgadikgadi [mack-gah-deek-gah-DEE] Salt Pan covers nearly 2,000 miles of this desert, which takes its name from a Tswana word meaning "great thirst."


The Mason-Dixon Line forms this state's (*) southern border


The Matewan Massacre, which targeted workers in this industry, led to the Battle of Blair Mountain

Ohio River

The McAlpine Locks and Dam were built on this river


The Mohegan Sun casino is close to its towns of Mystic and New London


The Mona Passage separates this island and Puerto Rico.


The Moose's Tooth is located 15 miles southeast of this landmark


The Movement for Democratic Change opposes a one-party rule in this country.

WEB Dubois

The NAACP originated from this man's Niagara Movement.


The National Salvation Front came to power in this country after a revolution was started by people who were listening to Laszlo Tokes ("las-lo tu-cas") preach

Mississippi River

The New Madrid earthquake briefly made this river run backwards.

Atlas Mountain

The Noor Solar Power Station outside Ouarzazate will provide energy to this range's Draa Valley.


The adorable fennec fox is native to this desert

Northern Ireland

The Stormont government of this place attempts to strike a balance between the interests of the (*)) Orange Order and the "provisional" wing of another group


The Strait of Belle Isle in this location was first discovered in 1497 by John Cabot

Black Sea

The Strait of Kerch separates the Sea of Azov from this sea

Lake Michigan

The Straits of (*)) Mackinac (MACK-kuh-naw) connect this lake to the rest of the Great Lakes

Nineteenth Amendment

The Supreme Court case Leser v. Garnett upheld the ratification of this Constitutional amendment


The Tanezrouft region lies in this location,


The Three Kingdoms of Korea period was ended by a war between the Goguryeo and this dynasty.


The Trachenberg Plan was carried out in this battle

Ohio River

The Treaty of Fort Stanwix involved acquisition of land south of this river


The Treaty of Payne's Landing forced one Native American tribe to relinquish holdings in this state.


The Treaty of Utrecht granted Britain the asiento, or monopoly, on this practice within the Spanish Empire.

YOm kippur war

The UN Security Council Resolution 338 called for an immediate end to this conflict


The Villa Vizcaya is a historic mansion in the Coconut Grove neighborhood of this seat of Dade County.


The Wakarusa War occurred here during a time that also saw John Brown lead a massacre at Pottawatomie.


The Wallowa Mountains lie in the eastern part of this state, near Hells Canyon.


The Westfield River meets up with this river near a non-Illinois Springfield in Massachusates


The White Highlands in what is now this country were set aside exclusively for European settlement.

Viking Longboat

The best-preserved one of these objects was discovered at Oseberg in 1906.

Black Sea

The book Noah's Flood, written by William Ryan and Walter Pitman, proposed the "deluge" hypothesis about this body of water.

Abraham Lincoln

The capture of James Mason and John Slidell from the RMS Trent took place during this man's term in office

Ohio River

The cities of Parkersburg and Wheeling lie on this river.

Black sea

The cities of Varna and (*) Odessa are located on this sea.


The city of Gwadar in this country was once an Omani colony,


The city of San Carlos lies on the San Juan river and the edge of this country's namesake lake,

Cyrus The Great

The city of Sardis was besieged by this ruler after an unsuccessful invasion by the Lydian king Croesus.


The confluence of this river and the Siret is at the port city of Galati,

Dreyfus Affair

The controversy surrounding this event was intensified when Georges Picquart found evidence that (*)) Ferdinand Walsin-Esterhazy was engaged in espionage.

New Jersey

The current governor of this state underwent Lap-Band stomach surgery in 2013

Great Chicago fire 1871

The date on which this event took place saw a similar and more deadly catastrophe in Peshtigo, Wisconsin.

WOunded Knee

The day following this event, the 9th Cavalry "Buffalo soldiers," had to rescue the 7th Cavalry


The death of a nine-year old resident of this city is described in the preface to Samantha Power's A Problem from Hell.


The destruction of a statue in Firdos Square of this city was broadcast live on television.


The doomsday cult now called Aleph panicked this city in 1995 by releasing sarin gas in its subways


The drowning death of this man's favorite, Antinous, prompted a cult in Antinous' honor.

The Church of England

The early development of this institution, which is partly based on the Thirty-Nine (*)) Articles, was overseen by Thomas Cranmer, who, along with many of its leaders, was martyred by Bloody Mary


The eastern part of this island is home to many members of the Madurese ethnic group, who migrated from the island of Madura to the northeast


The eleventh king of this name annexed Burgundy after the death of Charles the Bold


The eunuch Pothinus convinced Ptolemy XIII to behead this man


The favoritism of Concubine (*) Yáng helped spur the rebellion of a Sogdian warlord during this dynasty.


The first European in this region was greeted as the god Lono but was killed after his return

Mayor of Chicago

The first and only female holder of this position was Jane Byrne, who moved into the housing project Cabrini-Green for three weeks.

North Carolina

The first armed American resistance to the Stamp Act took place in this state at Wilmington in November, 1765.

Mayor of Chicago

The first black holder of this position, Harold Washington, defeated Jane Byrne and the son of a prior man to have this job, who later would join with Rod Blagojevich to ban semi-automatic assault weapons and appoint (*) Arne Duncan as head of its public school district.

North Carolina

The first incorporated town in this state was Bath, which was the headquarters for (+) Edward Teach


The first law code of this city was formed by two decemviri and was known as the Law of the (*) Twelve Tables.

Partitions of Poland

The first of these events was precipitated by the Bar Confederation's attempt to kidnap Stanislaw II August.


The first paper mill was supposedly founded in this city by members of the Barmakid family.


The first postcolonial President of this country was Mutesa II thanks to its monarchist party Kabaka Yekka,


The flight of the Nez Perce began and ended in this state


The former Turkish exclave of Ada Kaleh was lost to this river following a dam building project in 1972

Vietnam War

The founder of the Plowshares movement, Daniel Berrigan, was arrested for protesting this event as a member of the Catonsville Nine.


The founder of this empire achieved a major victory in a battle in which he used cannons to scare war elephants

Philip IV

The fourth French king of this name had the Knights Templar leader Jacques de Molay burned at the stake


The governor of this state just defeated a challenge from its Attorney General Terry Goddard

St. Louis

The original Dred Scott trials were held in this city's Old Courthouse


The kiwano or horned melon is native to this climatic region, which contrary to what its name suggests, is actually mostly semi-arid steppe


The last holder of this title twice refused to buy the Sibylline Books

Mount Fuji

The last known eruption of this volcano started in 1707 and created a second peak on its southeastern side


The last ruler of this empire abdicated after the Bamana sacked the capital of Niani.


The last wild herd of bison in the United States was located in this park, where today they are huntedby grizzly bears and wolves reintroduced in the 1990s.

Taiping Rebellion

The leaders of this movement derived from the Hakka,


The limestone façade of that building by this architect inspired its nickname of "The Quarry."

Mayflower Compact

The list of signees has survived thanks to Nathaniel Morton,


The longest glacier on the slopes of this mountain is the Kahiltna


The longest siege of any capital city in recent warfare was of this city and lasted from 1992 to 1996 during the Bosnian War

Battle of Lake Erie

The losing commander at this battle was Robert Heriot Barclay

Gallic Wars

The losing commander of this conflict, a member of the Arverni tribe, was strangled after winning at (*) Gergovia

Battle of Vicksburg

The losing side of this battle endured bombardment by gunboats commanded by David Porter,


The main river that passes through this area is the Loa River

Atacama Desert

The main river that passes through this area is the Loa River.


The marriage of one leader of this empire to Roxelana marked the beginning of a hundred-year period during which women held significant political influence over this empire


The most famous attack on this city, which involved the Star of the West, was recorded by Mary Boykin Chesnut.


The murder of the writer August von Kotzebue led this man to call a conference at Carlsbad


The name "Brazil" came from a tree that produced a dye of this color.


The nomadic Tuaregs live in this desert and sometimes transport salt across it from Taoudenni to Timbuktu on camels.

Rocky Mountains

The northern border of this mountain range is marked by the Liard river


The northern boundary of this state was established in Pinckney's Treaty.

Black Sea

The northern edge of this sea borders the Pontic Steppe.


The northern part of this nation features the (*) Tsaratanana Massif


The northern part of this state is home to Suisun Bay, which is located at the confluence of this state's longest river and the San Joaquin river.


The northwest portion of this island features the large rain forest named the Tarkine.


The only fighting in this state during the Civil War occurred at the Battle of Corydon during an event known as Morgan's Raid


The opening skirmishes in this battle saw John Buford hold against A.P. Hill before being overrun by Richard Ewell

Rwandan Genocide

The radio station RTLM urged its listeners to begin this event with the command (*) "cut down the tall trees."


The regular burning of scrub by these people was called "fire-stick farming" by Rhys Jones.


The rivers that drain into this lake include the Selenga and Barguzin Rivers, while the Angara River is this lake's sole outlet

Secretary of State

The second one proposed the Virginia Plan but resigned and was replaced by Timothy Pickering.


The second ruler of this city, who disbanded the Celeres and initiated the "leaping priests," was Numa


The shield volcano Emi Koussi is the highest point in this country's Tibesti Mountains.


The son of Muhammad Ali of Egypt, Ibrahim Pasha, successfully besieged the city of (*) Missolonghi (miss-o-lo-nyee) in this country,


The son of one man with this title hosted the lewd Banquet of Chestnuts and was the sister of Lucrezia.

Hudson River

The source of this river is commonly held to be Lake Tear of the Clouds, but Henderson Lake is its cartographic beginning.


The south wall of this building depicts scenes from the Lapith Wedding.


The southern part of this river contains Teddington Lock


The southern terminus of this mountain range is Lassen, which was the site of a 1921 volcanic eruption.


The southwestern part of this state is the location of the Ten Thousand Islands and the Caloosahatchee River.


The start of this event was signaled via telegram by Heinrich Muller.

Grover Cleveland

The support of the (*) Mugwumps led to his first national victory.


The tanegashima was a Japanese variant of this commodity popular during the Sengoku period

Lake Superior

The town of La Pointe contains this lake's Apostle Islands,

Salem Witch Trials

The tract Wonders of the Invisible World was written to defend its author, Cotton Mather, for his participation in these events.

Hanseatic League

The treaty of Stralsund was signed after this organization took Visby in a war against Valdemar IV of (*) Denmark.


The two main branches of these people were the Hasdingi and the Salingi.

Northwest Territory

The two people who served as governor of this area were Arthur St. Clair and Charles Willing Byrd.

Chinese Civil War

The two sides of this conflict temporarily allied to create the Second United Front.

Weimar Republic

The ultranationalist group Organisation Consul assassinated an official of this country who'd signed the Treaty of Rapallo.


The victors of this battle took Redoubts 9 and 10, an effort in part led by Alexander Hamilton.

Battle of Trenton

The victory at this battle was greatly aided by John Honeyman, a spy who gave the opposing commander Johann Rall misleading information


The western portion of this state was once disputed over and became known as the Neutral Ground or Sabine Free State

Black Sea

The western shore of this large body of water contains the resorts of Burgas


The words "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere" were written here after its commissioner of public safety, Bull Connor, set fire hoses and dogs on marching black children.


The world's longest non-metro land tunnel, or (*) Lötschberg Base Tunnel, cuts beneath the Bernese subrange of these mountains.

Lake Michigan

The world's oldest planetarium, Adler Planetarium, is on a manmade island in this body of water, which also houses the Shedd Aquarium

Viking Longboat

These objects often included a square sail and a carving of a (*)) dragon at the bow

Aboriginal Canadians

These people rose up in the North-West and Red River Rebellions, after which their leader Louis (*) Riel was executed by John A. Macdonald


These people signed the Peace of Anatolius with Theodosius II after the death of their leader Rugila


These people signed the Treaty of Moultrie Creek


These people were declared rebels after they put up seditious posters in the Affair of the Placards


These people's terrorist group, the ETA, was wrongly blamed for the 2004 Madrid train bombings.

Hanseatic League

These states formed such alliances as the Tohopesate and the Confederation of Cologne against a rival country.


These structures supplanted earlier "houses of eternity," or mastabas.

Russia and Japan

These two countries currently dispute ownership of the Kuril Islands


They believed that their civilization was founded by Mama Ocllo and Manco Capac, a descendent, through Inti, of their creator deity, (*)) Viracocha.


They fought over the Powder River area in a conflict that included the Fetterman Fight

Edgar SNow

This American journalist tagged along with the Communists on the Long March, using interviews with Mao and other Communist leaders as the basis for his book Red Star Over China.


This city led a coalition against Pope Gregory XI in the War of the Eight Saints, which helped to end the residency of the Popes in Avignon.

Robert Byrd

This Democrat and one time KKK member achieved fame for his fourteen hour speech filibustering the Civil Rights Act of 1964. He served in the Senate for fifty-one years, from 1959 until 2010, making him the longest tenured member of the U.S. Senate in history.

Lady Bird Johnson

This First Lady led the effort to pass the Highway Beautification Act.


This President ordered his Secretary of the Treasury, Levi Woodbury, to pass an act that forced the purchasing of public lands to be made with hard currency; that act was called the (*) Specie Circular.


This U.S. state contains the entirety of the Apalachicola River, which is formed at Jim Woodruff Dam from the Flint and Chattahoochee Rivers.


This amendment confirmed the validity of the United State's public debt and made it difficult for rebels to hold public office.

Fourth Amendment

This amendment was held not to apply formally to students in New Jersey v. TLO,


This amendment was ruled to have extended provisions of the First Amendment to the states in Gitlow v. New York

Fourteenth Amendment

This amendment was ruled to have extended provisions of the First Amendment to the states in Gitlow v. New York


This battle concluded when a squall prevented the movement of troops across to Gloucester Point.

Battle of Lake Erie

This battle stemmed from the blockades of Amherstburg and Presque Isle

Battle of Vicksburg

This battle was immediately followed by the fall of Port Hudson


This battle was immediately followed by the fall of Port Hudson

Battle of Waterloo

This battle was immediately preceded by one at Ligny, where the troops under Friedrich von Bulow were not used.


This battle was preceded by one side taking Fort Henry and Fort Donelson.


This battle was preceded by the defeat at the Garonne River of Odo the Great.

San Francisco

This body of water is bounded to the northwest by Marin County

Great Salt Lake

This body of water is crossed by the railroad line Lucin Cutoff

Great Salt Lake

This body of water is home to Antelope Island, which becomes Antelope Peninsula when the water level dips too low.


This body of water was the focus of a planned debate that was cancelled after John Speke died in a mysterious hunting accident


This building has a curved-in ceiling and floor to negate the optical illusion of them bowing outwards.


This capital city was established after Marwan II lost the Battle of the Zab.

Brown V. Board

This case was a companion case to Bolling v Sharpe.


This city city contains a bright red (*) Flamingo sculpture by Alexander Calder, appear in this city.


This city contained a council of elders known as the Gerousia


This city contains a state capitol building on top of its richest neighborhood, Beacon Hill,

New Orleans

This city fell to Union forces under the command of David Farragut in the Battle of Forts Jackson and St. Philip


This city had metro station entrances designed by Hector Guimard (ghee-MARD).


This city home to the Bridge of Sighs


This city is also the site of the Robie House, an exemplar of the Prairie Style


This city is connected to Bremerton and Bainbridge Island by ferry,

San Francisco

This city is home to Pier 39 in its Fisherman's Wharf district.

Washington DC

This city is home to the cylindrically-shaped Hirshhorn Art Museum, just west of the National Museum of the American Indian on Independence Avenue


This city is known as the "Gateway to the West" because it is the starting point of the Union Pacific Railroad, which was supposed to begin in the nearby Iowa city of Council Bluffs.


This city is located on the Chickasaw Bluffs and serves as the seat of Shelby County.


This city is located where the Menomonee and Kinnickinnic Rivers join with its namesake river to form a bay on Lake Michigan.


This city is on the southwestern shore of the IJsselmeer (A-sell-mere), a freshwater remnant of the (*)) Zuider Zee (ZI-der ZAY)


This city is overlooked by Montjuic


This city is separated from its wealthy suburbs by 8 Mile Road.


This city is served by the Atocha train station, which contains a memorial to a 2004 terrorist attack


This city is the home of Sassetti [sah-SEH-tee] Chapel, which contains works by Domenico Ghirlandaio [gehr-lahn-DIE-oh] and which is in a church that used to hold the Santa Trinita Maesta [my-STAH] by city resident Cimabue [chim-ah-bway].


This city led a coalition against Pope Gregory XI in the War of the Eight Saints, which helped to end the residency of the Popes in Avignon


This city lies north of the Rouge River

San Francisco

This city's skyline features the nearly thousand-foot-tall Sutro Tower, which is an antenna tower located next to the Twin Peaks vista point.

New Orleans

This city's suburb of Metairie contains the southern end of the Lake (*)) Pontchartrain Causeway.

San Francisco

This city's tallest building is the glass pyramid-topped Transamerica Tower,

New Orleans

This city's the old red-light district was known as Storyville

New York

This colony experienced their first major slave revolt in 1712

Rhode Island

This colony's founder published The Bloody Tenet of Persecution in 1644 and purchased land for this colony from the Narragansett Indians

War of the Pacific

This conflict saw Miguel Grau sink the Esmerelda at the Battle of Iquique (ee-KEE-ke) before his ship, the (*)) Huascar (WAHS-kahr), was captured at Angamos.

King Philip's War

This conflict was ended by the Treaty of Casco

Crimean War

This conflict was instigated in part by concern over one side's upholding of the Treaty of Kuchuk Kainarji.

War of the Spanish Succession

This conflict was known in North America as Queen Anne's War,

Crimean War

This conflict was preceded by the London Straits Convention.

War of the Pacific

This conflict. Ended after the Battles of Tacna and Arica led to the Treaty of Ancon (ahn-SOHN


This conservative Supreme Court Justice considered both Dred Scott and Roe v. Wade to be examples of the excess of substantive due process. This recently deceased originalist was known for his scathing dissents in cases like Obergefell v. Hodges.

Council of trent

This council defined seven sacraments, and condemned the Protestant doctrine of "justification by faith alone.

South Africa

This country and Israel may have conducted a joint nuclear test in the Vela Incident


This country briefly had a female dictator named Ana Pauker,


This country defeated Spanish forces at Callao in 1866 and was later the home of the ARPA party


This country disputes the Aouzou Strip with its northern neighbor, Libya

Soviet Union

This country experienced a gap between industrial and agricultural prices during its "scissors crisis," which was caused by its New (*) Economic Policy


This country gave the United States the right to build naval bases in it through the Bryan-Chamorro Treaty;


This country had a major defeat at Kunersdorf, but was saved a few years later by the death of Empress Elizabeth


This country had a major defeat at Kunersdorf, but was saved a few years later by the death of Empress Elizabeth during the Seven years war


This country has separate churches for Catholic Dalits in its state of (*) Goa.


This country recently announced a major construction project in the village of Fordo.


This country saw conflict between the British colonizers and the native Ndebele people


This country scrapped its Avro Arrow military jet project in 1959.

Soviet Union

This country sought to expand its cultivated land through the Virgin Lands campaign.


This country subsidized its gold exports at an artificially high rate in the aptly named Goldenberg scandal


This country subsidized its gold exports at an artificially high rate in the aptly named Goldenberg scandal.


This country used motti tactics to isolate portions of the enemy's army in the Battle of Raate Road


This country used motti tactics to isolate portions of the enemy's army in the Battle of Raate Road.


This country was led by the Duke of (*) Caxias during the War of the Triple Alliance


This country was led during the 1990s by Violeta Chamorro, whose husband had been assassinated for opposing the successors of this country's dictator Anastasio Somoza.


This country was occupied by the British for five months during the Paulet (paw-let) affair.


This country was the location of the Ogaden War


This country was the only member of the Warsaw Pact to oppose the Soviet Union's invasion of Czechoslovakia.


This country's 1383 to 1385 interregnum ended with the Battle of Aljubarrota (AL-hoo-bar-AH-tah) and the rise of the House of Aviz.


This country's Millennium Bridge was closed after reports of wobbliness.


This country's Muslim minority was massacred by occuyping troops during the Moro Rebellion


This country's Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve is one of the best examples of Karst topography in the world.


This country's conversion to Lutheranism was secured after the internal Count's Feud of the 1530s.


This country's islands of Santa Cruz and Isabela, which are home to giant tortoises and Darwin's finches, are part of a wildlife-rich island group in this country.


This group fought the Black and(*) Tans during a war of independence when they were supported by a political party called "we ourselves," or Sinn Fein ["Shinn Fayn"].


This group helped remove Secretary Kania and Wojciech Jaruzelski ["voy-CHEK yuh-roo-ZEL-ski"] from power


This group published a poster using an image from the film High Noon

Paris COmmune

This group was suppressed during "the bloody week" when the National Guard was defeated by Army regulars

Paris Commune

This group was suppressed during "the bloody week" when the National Guard was defeated by Army regulars

Second Triumvirate

This group's forces won the battle of Philippi, defeating Brutus and Cassius.


This highest peak of the Andes, located in Argentina, features a route of ascent called the Polish Glacier Traverse.


This holiday celebrates Prahlada's survival after his father King Hiranyakashipu tried to burn him alive

Marcus Aurelius

This husband of Faustina the Younger co-ruled for a time with Lucius Verus

Dreyfus Affair

This incident included the suicide of Hubert Joseph Henry, who admitted to a forgery at the center of this case.

James I

This individual described himself as the "natural son and compatriot" of his predecessor, and wrote the political treatise Basilikon Doron in 1599


This island is namesake of the slower of two types of music that use the scales pelog and slendro


This island once was home to the Thylacine, now thought to be extinct


This island surrounds three quarters of the smaller Gonave Island.


This island's Kedu plain lies between Mount Sumbing and Mount Sundoro, and is home to the world's largest Buddhist temple complex, Borobudur


This island's many volcanoes include its tallest, Semeru, and Mount Merapi.


This island, which was devastated by an eruption on the nearby island of Thera, was the site of excavations by the archeologist Sir Arthur Evans, who discovered its script (*) Linear A.

Oliver Wendel Holmes Jr.

This justice argued that "the life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience" in his book The Common Law.

Phillip II

This king appointed his half-sister Margaret of Parma as governor of a certain territory


This king blocked the passage of the East India Bill, which would have nationalized the East India Company.

Phillip II

This king established a palace complex in the Guadarrama mountains called El Escorial.

Richard I

This king's coronation was marred by a massacre of Jews,

Henry VIII

This king's policies were protested by Robert Aske's followers in the Pilgrimage of Grace


This kingdom with capital Pamplona had earlier been ruled by noted jerk Charles the Bad

Lake Michigan

This lake also houses the Shedd Aquarium.

Lake Balkhash

This lake in Kazakhstan is both the source of the Ili River and Central Asia's largest freshwater lake.

The Grand Canyon

This landmark was explored 87 years earlier by the John Wesley Powell expedition

Long Island

This landmass's eastern half extends to Montauk Point and is comprised of Nassau and Suffolk counties


This largest princely state was governed semi-independently of the Raj by its fabulously wealthy Nizams. It was unlawfully annexed by the newborn India's Operation Polo in 1948.

Council of Trent

This last church council for 300 years until the (*) First Vatican reaffirmed the importance of sacred tradition against the principle of sola scriptura and upheld the Church's right to give out indulgences

Simon Bolivar

This leader and Andrés Béllo convinced Francisco de Miranda to return from exile and take power in a coup. T


This leader attempted to cultivate unused semi-arid lands during the Virgin Lands campaign.


This leader founded the French Academy

Catherine The Great

This leader gave a decree establishing the Pale of Settlement, an area of the empire in which Jews would be coerced into living safely,


This leader had to receive a special commission to lead cavalry due to a conflict with the Self-Denying Ordinance.

Nelson Mandela

This leader suggested that Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, who bombed Pan Am Flight 103, should be held in a prison closer to his home country.

Harold II

This leader was prompted by the deaths of his earls Edwin and Morcar at the Battle of Fulford to march north, where, according to folklore, a giant axeman held up his entire army.

Indira Gandhi

This leader was responsible for a mass sterilization program that sterilized 7.8 million people in under a year


This leader was sometimes advised by the English sailor William Adams.


This leader was succeeded in their highest post by a man whose short tenure earned him the nickname "Tumbledown Dick."

Marcus Aurelius

This leader went personally to the river Gran to fight against the Quadi on his frontie

Martin Luther

This leader worked closely wth Philip Melanchthon (meh-LANK-thun), who explained this man's beliefs in the (*)) Augsburg Confession.

Pierre Trudeau

This leader's government had a National Energy Program unpopular in the western half of his country


This leader's sister, Arsinoe, was controversially killed on the steps of the Temple of Artemis

War Powers Act

This legislation mandates that the president notify congress within 48 hours of the start of a conflict. It also states that all troops must be removed from combat within 60 days unless Congress grants an extension.


This location was chosen by Thomas Hardy as the place where the police arrest Tess of the d'Urbervilles

Easter Island

This location's inhabitants used the Rongorongo script, likely invented following European contact beginning in 1722 with (*) Jacob Roggeveen.


This man abandoned a plan to ride an elephant because the animal couldn't fit through an arch; he was trying to ride the elephant during a triumph for his victories in Africa,

John Rockefeller

This man acquired 22 of his business competitors in a deal known as the Cleveland Massacre

Pope John Paul II

This man advocated against euthanasia and capital punishment in the encyclical Evangelium Vitae

Atilla the Hun

This man and his elder brother negotiated a peace treaty at Margus after he razed Singidunum.

Kaiser Wilhelm II

This man angered France and Britain by sending the Panther to the port of Agadir (AG-uh-deer), precipitating the Second Moroccan Crisis.


This man befriended Alexandre Petion, the leader of a rump state this man visited in Haiti.

Bugsy Siegel

This man briefly ran the Las Vegas Flamingo, but was shot in 1947 just months after the casino opened. His nickname was from people saying he was crazier than a bedbug.


This man broke with Robert Peel and, as a leader with George Smythe of the Young England movement, he fought against the repeal of the Corn Laws

Philip II

This man caused trouble in a territory with the introduction of a Council of Troubles led by the Duke of Alba.

Henry Ford

This man chartered the Oskar II, his namesake "peace ship," to travel to Europe and negotiate an end to World War I.


This man claimed the "light has gone out of our lives and there is darkness everywhere," in response to the assassination of his mentor.

Zheng He

This man commanded troops in Zhu Di's campaign to become the Yongle Empero


This man commissioned four "Books" attacking an awful mistranslation of the Acts of the anti-Iconoclastic Second Council of Nicaea.

Slobodan Milosevic

This man condoned his general Radko Mladic's murder of thousands of (*) Bosniaks at Srebrenica

Martin Luther

This man debated Huldrych Zwingli at the Marburg Colloquy.


This man decisively won the vice presidency in the Election of 1824.

Che Guevara

This man declared Laurent-Desire Kabila to be "not the man of the hour" after attempting to aid him in the Simba Rebellion


This man ended the inconclusive Iberian War by signing the Eternal Peace with Khosrau I.

Huey Long

This man feuded with Paul Cyr over who should succeed him in one role, leading to his follower Alvin O. King winning an election.

Juan peron

This man first rose to power by backing a coup of Ramón Castillo that end his country's Infamous Decade.


This man founded Iskra with a later rival, Julius Martov


This man founded the Fourth International, which opposed the concept of "socialism in one country."


This man frequently corresponded in letters with Titus Atticus


This man gained prominence for quelling a revolt of Asturian miners before becoming commandant of the Canary Islands

Pedro Cabral

This man gave the name "Land of the (*) True Cross" to a territory whose modern name comes from its abundance of trees used to make a red dye.

Alfred The Great

This man guarded a network of fortresses known as burhs.


This man had a temple of Jupiter Capitolinus built on the site of the Temple of Jerusalem

Yuan Shikai

This man had had enough of the "century of humiliation" when he got emperor Pu Yi to abdicate and declared himself the first president of the Republic of China in 1912, over the objections of Sun Yat-Sen


This man headed the Soviet delegation in negotiating the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Benjamin Franklin

This man helped chart the Gulf Stream for the first time


This man helped uncover Christopher Layer's conspiracy to kidnap the royal family, the Atterbury Plot


This man implemented his "Forward Policy" by placing outposts across the McMahon Line, an act which angered Zhou Enlai

Aaron Burr

This man inspired the Twelfth Amendment by winning as many electoral votes as his party's presidential candidate.

Richard I

This man invaded Cyprus to rescue his betrothed, Berengaria of Navarre.

Crazy Horse

This man led the decoy forces during the Fetterman Fight and the Wagon Box Fight


This man led the forces that suppressed the Kronstadt Rebellion.


This man left Diego de Arana in charge of the settlement La Navidad

Ferdinand of Aragon

This man married his second wife in part because of the Treaty of Blois, in which this monarch received Germaine of Foix from Louis XII of France.

Charles De Gaulle

This man met with Jacques Massu at Baden-Baden after fleeing from the May 1968 student protests.

Chiang Kai Shek

This man mixed Christianity and traditional beliefs in the New Life Movement, which was supported by the Blue Shirt Society.

John Calvin

This man ordered Michael Servetus burned at the stake for heresy.

Mansa Musa

This man ordered the construction of the Hall of Audience in Niani


This man posed as a worker on Liliesleaf Farm while running operations for the (*) Spear of the Nation

Joe Biden

This man presided over Robert Bork's confirmation hearing as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, a post he held from 1987 to 1995.


This man received a presidential nomination after William Jennings Bryan supported him over "Champ" Clark


This man received help from Luis de Santangel in getting funding for one plan


This man sacked Wexford and (*) Drogheda in an almost genocidal Irish campaign.


This man sent his general Corbulo to fight the Parthian

Grover Cleveland

This man served as mayor of Buffalo

Victor Emmanuel II

This man served in battle under his father Charles Albert, who'd abdicated after losing the Battle of Novara to the Austrian-backed Joseph Radetzky.

Charles Ii

This man sold Dunkirk to France


This man stole a large cash prize from Rodrigo de Triana, who was actually the first crew member to see Guanahani.


This man studied with Alcuin of York, whom he also used to propagate learning in his kingdom.

Constantine I

This man supposedly gave land in Italy to [*] Pope Sylvester in his "Donation


This man theorized the formation of a "vanguard" in What Is to Be Done?.

Henry VII

This man through the treaty of Medina del Campo, married his son Arthur to (*)) Catherine of Aragon.

Lee Harvey Oswald

This man used the alias A.J. Hidell while posing as a leader of the New Orleans chapter of Fair Play for Cuba.

Qin Shihuangdi

This man was accused by historian Sīmǎ Qiān (sih-mah chien) of (*) burning books and executing scholars as part of his Legalist doctrine.

De Gaulle

This man was appointed Prime Minister by Rene Coty during the turbulent period of the Algerian question.


This man was appointed as Secretary of State after Abel Upshur was killed in the U.S.S. Princeton explosion

Benito Juarez

This man was chosen to preside over his country's Supreme Court during the administration of Ignacio Comonfort

John Jay

This man was defeated by George Clinton for the position of Governor of New York

Frederick Barbarossa

This man was excommunicated by Alexander III for supporting antipope Victor IV at the Synod of Pavia


This man was forced to flee to the Jinggang Mountains after the failed Autumn Harvest Uprising

Frederick the Great

This man was forced to watch the execution of his friend Hans Hermann von Katte after they tried to run away together.

Noah Webster

This man was the driving force behind the passage of the Copyright Act of 1831.

Pol Pot

This man worked with Ieng Sary, Nuon Chea, and "Comrade Duch," who operated a facility in a former high school usually known by a numerical abbreviation.


This man wrote a memoir in which he described being attacked by a mob while in a Venezuelan limousine, one of Six Crises

Noah Webster

This man's "blue-backed spellers" became a staple in (*) classrooms.

Benjamin Harrison

This man's Presidency occurred alongside the "Billion Dollar Congress," which passed the (*)) Sherman Antitrust Act, Sherman Silver Purchase Act, and McKinley Tariff for him to sign.

Pope Benedict XVI

This man's Regensburg Lecture drew outcry in the Muslim world after being mistranslated as saying that Muhammad brought "evil and inhuman" things.


This man's armies successfully drove off Antonio Barba's forces at the Battle of Bloody Marsh during the War of Jenkins' Ear.

Peter the Great

This man's country was attacked by Ahmed III in the Pruth campaign


This man's enemies mistakenly believed he had been ousted in the Day of the Dupes, which partially resulted from Marie d'Medici's dislike of him.


This man's father Xanthippus returned from being ostracized to lead the victorious forces at the Battle of Mycale ["mye-KALL"]

William Wallace

This man's feats were recorded in an epic poem by Blind Harry.


This man's final defeat at the Siler River led to the crucifixion of his troops along the Appian Way by the victorious forces led by Crassus and Pompey

Justinian I

This man's finance minister Peter Barsymes broke the Sassanid silk monopoly by establishing the silk industry for this ruler's empire.

Grover Cleveland

This man's first political office was as Sheriff of Erie County, where he personally executed criminals

Charles V

This man's forces crushed a regional rebellion at the Battle of Villalar.


This man's handling of wartime efforts was attacked by Leo Amery, who quoted Oliver Cromwell when he told this man "In the name of God, go!"

James Cook

This man's introduction of sauerkraut into his crew's diet was one reason why, over two voyages, scurvy killed none of his sailors.


This man's legate in Gaul, Julius Vindex, rebelled against him

Pol Pot

This man's orders were carried out at places like Choeung Ek.

Aaron Burr

This man's political career effectively ended after he lost a gubernatorial election to the little-known Morgan Lewis


This man's regime was satirically known as the (*) "Robinocracy,"

John Calvin

This man's religious ideas were carried to Scotland by John Knox, who founded Presbyterianism.

Henry VII

This man's son Arthur, Prince of Wales died of sweating sickness after earlier being married to Catherine of Aragon, who then married this man's (*) other son.


This man's son was sent to deal with an invasian of Friuli carried out by the Avars

Stonewall jackson

This man's victories at Front Royal, Cross Keys, and Port Republic were part of his Shenandoah Valley campaign.

Wounded knee

This massacre of Lakota by the U.S. Army began after the deaf Black Coyote refused to give up his rifle.

George III

This monarch's plans to lead the army proved unnecessary due to the Battle of Trafalgar.

Catherine II

This monarch's reign saw the final defeat of the Crimean Khanate

Rocky Mountains

This mountain range contains the sources of the Blaeberry and Athabasca Rivers.

Sierra Nevada

This mountain range is bounded by Fredonyer Pass to the north and Tehachapi Pass to the south.


This mountain's indigenous name means "the tall one" in (*) Athabaskan languages.


This mountain's name in Athabaskan means "the High One."

Populist Party

This movement adopted the Ocala Demands,


This movement advocated the (*)) secret ballot, universal male suffrage, and payment for Members of Parliament among its six demands.

Meji Restoration

This movement consulted with German academic Rudolf von Gneist to create a constitution.


This nation contains the world's longest sand beach, Cox's Bazar.


This nation controls the Lesser Sunda Islands along with an island home to separatist region of Aceh


This nation controls the Lesser Sunda Islands along with an island home to separatist region of Aceh (AH-chuh).


This nation is home to the only marine iguana species in the world


This nation permits some unrestricted immigration through its Law of Return


This nation was the aggressor in the Kargil War


This nation's highest point is the Tajumulco Volcano.


This nation's independence was recognized after a bilateral friendship treaty was signed at Wuchale.


This nation's longest river is the Draa River.


This nation's westernmost reaches constitute the historical region of Banat,


This national leader was a member of a group named after mutton pies, the Kit-Cat Club.

Indian Ocean

This ocean includes the Cocos or Keeling Islands

Teutonic Knights

This organization lost much of its power following its defeat at the (*) 1410 Battle of Grunwald, at which a combined Polish-Lithuanian force overwhelmed its Grand Master Ulrich von Jungingen ("yoon-GHIN-ghen").

National Recovery Administration

This organization under Hugh Johnson was abolished by the Supreme Court in a lawsuit by Schechter Poultry Corporation called the "sick chicken" case.

National Recovery Administration

This organization used the slogan (*) "We do our part" and adopted the Blue Eagle as its symbol.

Hanseatic League

This organization was opposed by a group calling themselves "equal sharers," or the Likedeelers ["LICK-uh-dee-lers"].

Spanish Inquisition

This organization's attempts to enforce the doctrine of limpieza de sangre, or "cleanliness of blood," contributed to its country's Black Legend.


This palace includes the (*) Court of the Lions with its characteristic arches


This palace includes the (*) Court of the Lions with its characteristic arches and served as the heart of the Nasrid Dynasty before falling to Ferdinand and Isabella


This party controlled the Who? Who? ministry.

Labour Party

This party lost one election because of the publication of the Zinoviev Letter

Labour Party

This party lost one election because of the publication of the Zinoviev Letter.

Labour Party

This party took power under Harold Wilson in 1964, after its main opponent was rocked by the Profumo scandal.

Labour Party

This party's principles are outlined in a section of its constitution called Clause Four,


This people believed in a celestial realm called the Hanan Paca and a lower realm called the Ukhu Paca

Ming Dynasty

This period ended with the revolt of Li Zicheng, during which the Chongzhen Emperor hanged himself on the Guilty Scholartree

Prague Spring

This period saw the publication of the Two Thousand Words.


This period was sparked by James Marshall, who made a discovery at Sutter's Mill.

Mansa Musa

This person was embarrassed by being forced to kiss the ground in front of Al-Nasir Muhammad.

Sahara desert

This physical feature includes the Tassili n'Ajjer (tah-SIL-ee NAW-jur), Ahaggar (ah-HAH-gur), and Tibesti (tih-BES-tee) mountain ranges, noted for cave art dating back to 4000 BCE

Wall St.

This place was the setting of the 1792 Buttonwood Agreement


This place's namesake Grand Banks enabled a booming cod industry off its shores

Fourteen Points

This plan was drafted with the help of a group led by Edward M. House called the "Inquiry."


This policy was advocated for by an organization whose second president was Frances Willard.

Abraham Lincoln

This politician gave a speech at Cooper Union which helped secure his nomination for president.

Otto Von Bismarck

This politician negotiated the Reinsurance Treaty to bolster the Three Emperors League


This politician was nicknamed the "Screen-master General" for protecting his colleagues from corruption charges.

Aaron Burr

This politician, who defeated Philip Schuyler in a Senate election, turned Tammany Hall into a political machine


This polity's eastern border includes Caddo Lake

Chairman of the Federal Reserve

This post heads a Board of Governors and the 12-member F.O.M.C., which consists in part of the leaders from certain Chicago and (*) New York institutions

George H.W. Bush

This president claimed that he would "never apologize for the United States of America" after the USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian flight

John Tyler

This president lost two cabinet members in the explosion of the (*)) Princeton.

Indira Gandhi

This prime minister's government prosecuted opponents including George Fernandes during the Baroda Dynamite case


This range has a southern portion known as the Mugodzhar Hills

Altai Mountains

This range northeast of Dzungaria contains the source of the Ob and Irtysh rivers. It contains the "Four Corners" of Asia and its name means "Golden Mountain."

Rocky Mountains

This range predominates in Banff, Glacier, and Grand Teton National Parks.


This region is also home to cities like Iquique in the Tarapacá Region


This region is bordered to the north by the Kunlun Mountains.

Atacama Desert

This region is bound on the west by the Cordillera de la (*)) Costa and on the east by the Cordillera Domeyko.


This region is often called the "roof of the world" due to its location on the highest and largest plateau in the world.


This region is often called the "roof of the world" due to its location on the highest and largest plateau in the world. (


This region was annexed under the Seventeen Points Agreement by a neighboring powerav


This resource was the larger term in a 16 to 1 ratio advocated by the Populist Party

Ivan IV

This ruler asked for assistance from Gregory XIII to intercede in an unsuccessful conflict known as the Livonian War.

Nicholas II

This ruler backtracked on that document the next year and twice dissolved a national assembly he created called the Duma.


This ruler built the Domus Aurea on the Palatine Hill

Cyrus The Great

This ruler condemned the Babylonian king Nabonidus in an inscription that was popularized as the oldest known declaration of human rights


This ruler constructed a massive gate called Buland Darwaza in his capital of Fatehpur Sikri.

Charles V

This ruler convoked and presided over the Diet of Worm

Alfred The Great

This ruler created a military defense system in which a standing militia known as a fyrd

Genghis Khan

This ruler created the Yassa law code

Cyrus The Great

This ruler defeated his grandfather, Astyages, in order to conquer the Medes

Isabella I

This ruler established the Royal and Supreme Council of the Indies.

Henry II

This ruler established trial by jury in the Assizes of Northampton and the Assizes of Clarendon.

Nicholas II

This ruler forced out his chief adviser Sergei Witte a year after Witte had helped him stop a revolution by producing the October Manifesto.

Marcus Aurelius

This ruler fought a tribe near the Danube in the Marcomannic Wars.

Richard III

This ruler fought at a battle in which the Duke of Norfolk perished and the Earl of Northumberland and Lord (*) Stanley deserted his side, leading to his defeat by Henry VII.

Alexander II

This ruler freed Bulgaria from Ottoman rule shortly after the April Uprising.

Kaiser Wilhelm II

This ruler gave the Hun Speech to troops deployed against the Boxer Rebellion.

Frederick the Great

This ruler had a summer residence in Potsdam built for him called Sanssouci Palace (san-SUE-see).

Xerxes I

This ruler left Mardonius in charge of an army in Greece that would be defeated at Plataea.

Louis XVI

This ruler listened to the advice of Charles-Alexandre de Calonne when calling the Assembly of Notables.


This ruler listened to the advice of Charles-Alexandre de Calonne when calling the Assembly of Notables.This ruler listened to the advice of Charles-Alexandre de Calonne when calling the Assembly of Notables.

Peter the Great

This ruler occupied Finland in a period known as the Greater Wrath,

Catherine The Great

This ruler quoted Montesquieu's The Spirit of the Laws while creating a replacement for Muscovite law codes called the (*) Nakaz.

Richard III

This ruler was brought up under the tutelage of "the Kingmaker," the Earl of Warwick, and he later married Warwick's sister Anne Neville.

Elizabeth Ii

This ruler was once awoken from her sleep when Michael Fagan illicitly entered her chambers.

Philip II

This ruler's advisor Antonio Perez murdered Juan de Escobedo, the secretary of this ruler's half-brother.


This ruler's crushing victory at the battle of Wagram led to the retirement of his opponent Archduke Charles from military duty.

Henry II

This ruler's forces captured William the Lion at the Battle of Alnwick


This ruler's powers were outlined in his country's first codified constitution, the Instrument of Government

Brown V. Board

This ruling was presaged by a case arising out of Texas four years earlier, Sweatt v. Painter.

Portland, OR

This seat of Multnomah County is located near the confluence of the Willamette and Columbia Rivers.


This settlement suffered through the Starving Time and one of its leaders


This settlement was started by colonists carried by three ships under Christopher Newport.

Sierra Nevada

This state also contains the volcanically active Lassen Peak


This state contains the Hundred-Mile Wilderness, a challenging trail in Baxter State Park


This state forced the Treaty of Karlowitz after its victory in the Battle of Zenta over the Ottomans.


This state is home to a Robert Smithson-designed earthwork sculpture titled Spiral Jetty.

South Dakota

This state is home to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

South Dakota

This state is home to the iconic Corn Palace

South Dakota

This state is home to two major cave systems, Jewel Cave and Wind Cave,

South Dakota

This state is the location of the Oahe Dam and Lake Oahe.


This state that contains Capitol Reef National Park also owns a huge expanse of canyons and plateaus in its Canyonlands National Park


This state's capitol building houses John Steuart Curry's Tragic Prelude mural, which includes a fuming depiction of an abolitionist who led a massacre to avenge the sack of Lawrence in this state.

New Mexico

This state's city of Columbus was the target of a 1916 raid that led to a retaliatory expedition led by John Pershing.


This state's current governor won a primary election against Kay Bailey Hutchison and a gubernatorial election against (*) Bill White in 2010.

new jersey

This state's first black Senator was the subject of the movie Street Fight, which featured its current governor as a U.S. Attorney investigating Mayor Sharpe James.


This state's former senator Russ Feingold was defeated in his 2016 comeback bid by Republican Ron Johnson


This state's governor Orval Faubus opposed the integration of nine students at Central High in this state's capital.


This state's governor at the beginning of the American Civil War, Claiborne F. Jackson, organized a secession convention at Neosho following the Battle of Wilson's Creek.

South Dakota

This state's highest point, Harney Peak, is located in place also home to the (*)) Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

South dakota

This state's highest point, Harney Peak, is located in place also home to the (*)) Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.


This state's namesake "Toleration Act" guaranteed religious freedom for Trinitarian Christians


This state's tallest point is at Taum Sauk Mountain, and the Ozarks plateau lies in its southern half.


This state's town of Titusville became a boomtown after a discovery by Edwin L. Drake, and was home to a certain writer for McClure's Magazine

Alhambra Palace

This structure's garden of the Generalife was built to emulate paradise.


This student of Chen Duxiu founded the Jiangxi (*) Soviet Republic, where he lost much of his military power to Zhou Enlai.

Bitterroot Range

This subrange of the Rockies lies along the border between Montana and Idaho. Containing the Lemhi pass, it takes its name from the Montana state flower.


This territory was admitted to the United States after the passage of the Wyandotte Constitution, two years after the controversial Lecompton Constitution

Martin Luther

This thinker's controversial ideas earned him excommunication in the papal bull Decet Romanum Pontificem


This town was founded by the men aboard the Susan Constant, Goodspeed, and Discovery, which was captained by John Ratcliffe.

Treaty of Versailles

This treaty was modified by the Dawes and Young plans


This tribe forced the closing of the Bozeman Trail in one war that ended with the Treaty of Fort Laramie.

Vo Nguyen Giap

This victorious commander at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu compared the battlefield to a "rice bowl." Later, he served two terms as Vietnam's Minister of Defence

Russo-Japanese War

This war's last land battle was the Battle of Mukden

Mayflower Compact

This work begins by acknowledging the sovereignty of James I

Washington's Farewell Address

This work states that "religion and morality are indispensable supports" to political prosperity, while declaring "the diffusion of knowledge" to be a primary goal of government.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

This writer coined the term "Boston Brahmin" in his novel Elsie Verner.


Thomas Carlyle coined the phrase "whiff of grapeshot" to describe this ruler's suppression of an uprising

Bacon's Rebellion

Thomas Larimore commanded a navy to help put down this event,

ohio river

Those two rivers are the (*) Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers respectively and confluence just feet from the two aforementioned bridges in Pittsburgh to form this river

Lake Huron

Thunder Bay can be found on its western shore

Pope Gregory I

Tiberius II Constantine was forced to mediate a contentious debate between this man and Eutychius of Constantinople about the palpability of Christ.

James II

Titus Oates claimed that this man was going to take the throne after assassinating his brother in the Popish Plot


To protect this country's capital during the Napoleonic Wars, the Duke of Wellington ordered the construction of the Lines of Torres Vedras


Tostig's death forced the loser to send Edwin and Morcar home before this battle, fearing their desertion.


Tradition holds Saint Peter was the first to hold—for 10 points—what position


Travelers along the Appian Way would have witnessed another of these events when Crassus applied it to the (*) 6,000 followers of Spartacus

New Orleans

Treme is a notable African-American neighborhood in this city,


Tributaries of this river include the Kanawha river and Big Sandy.

Freezing Points

Tungsten is often used as a lightbulb filament since it has the (*) highest value of this quantity among all elements. I

Mississippi River

Two bridges across this river are named for Huey P. Long in the state that houses this river's delta.

Governor of Arkansas

Two candidates for this position were supported by factions known as "Minstrels" and "Brindletails" during the Brooks-Baxter War


Two competing design systems behind these institutions in America were the Auburn and Pennsylvania, the latter being used at an "Eastern State" one of them in Philadelphia.

Marie Antoinette

Two heykal are on the Ringstone symbol of this religion

Pope John Paul II

Two of the most important initiatives during this person's rule were the establishment of (*) World Youth Day

Second Amendment

Two recent Supreme Court cases dealing with this issue are District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago; the latter decision extended a Constitutional prohibition to the states


Two tourist routes in this nation are the Golden and Diamond Circles, the latter of which leads to the powerful Dettifoss Waterfall.


U.S. William Ide was the only president of this state's Bear Flag Republic


Under Cetshwayo [ket-shwah-yoh], this empire used an overwhelming number of (*)) impi to win at Isandlwana,

First Crusade

Walter the Penniless was defeated during this conflict by Kilij Arslan.


Washington Island is separated by "Death's Door" from Door (*)) County in this state,

pope francis

When asked his opinion of homosexuals, this man responded, "Who am I to judge?"

New York

While Edmund Andros was deposed in Boston, this colony deposed Francis Nicholson in the aftermath of the Glorious Revolution

James COok

While captaining the Resolution, he was killed in (*) Hawaii, which he discovered


While in Paris, this man was inspired by his encounter with Alexander von Humboldt

Harold Hardrada

While in exile, a king with this name became the commander of the Varangian Guard; that king with this name is often considered the last Viking raider.


While not a monarch, this man welcomed in statesmen as part of a diplomatic meeting to revise the Treaty of San Stefano


While serving as First Lord of the Treasury, this person gave the power to Lord Chamberlain to approve stage plays by passing the Licensing Act of 1737.

Guy Fawkes

While serving as a mercenary in the Netherlands, this man was recruited by Robert Catesby.


While serving as governor of one of the German provinces, he was adopted by his predecessor Nerva

Abraham Lincoln

While travelling through Baltimore, this President survived an assassination plot.


While under colonial rule, this country's natives were forced into the kipande labor system


William Calley, Jr. was convicted for murders that occurred in the Quang Ngai ["kang guy"] province in this year

Printing Press

William Caxton, introduced this sort of device to England. The


William Claiborne repeatedly invaded this state in its early history in an effort to annex Kent Island.


William Claiborne repeatedly invaded this state in its early history in an effort to annex Kent Island.

Crimean War

William Howard Russell served as the first war correspondent in newspaper history while covering this conflict.

PM of Australia

William Lyne failed to become the first holder of this position during the "Hopetoun Blunder," after which Edmund Barton rose to this position.

Tammany Hall

William Mooney was the first Grand (*) Sachem of this group

Sinking of the Lusitania

William Thomas Turner managed to survive this event, w


William Tubman served as president for 27 years under a party with this name,

South Dakota

Wind Cave National Park can be found north of Hot Springs in this state

Easter Rising

Winifred Carney served as the personal secratary of one of the leaders of this event and was the only woman present at its outset.


Winthrop Rockefeller was a governor of this state that attempted to desegregate this state's schools.


With prominent peaks including Turner Ward Knob and Mount Magazine, for 10 points, name this parent range of the Boston Mountains, found in Missouri and Arkansas.

New York

With the assistance of political boss Thurlow Weed, Seward served as Governor and Senator of this state, where he was forced to deploy the militia at its capital

Mauryan Empire

With the help of Kautilya, the founder of this empire overthrew the Nanda Dynasty


With the help of llaneros ["YAN-air-ohs"] under José Antonio Páez, this man was victorious at the Battle of (*) Carabobo.


Workers in this state pioneered the moving picket line to avoid loitering laws during the 1912 Bread and Roses strike in Lawrence.


Yuan Shikai negotiated one of these events in 1912, in which the Republic of China would annually pay 4 million silver taels to Puyi

Opera House

Zaha Hadid used a "double pebble" design for one of these structures on the Pearl River in Guangzhou


Zebulon Brockway wrote about his 50 years of service in one of these institutions, and Cesare Beccaria called for their reform.

Han Dynasty

Zhang Heng

Line of Control

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto also signed the Simla Agreement with India, permanently establishing this boundary which today serves as the de facto border between the Indian and Pakistani portions of Jammu and Kashmir


[10] Both the Gupta and Mauryan empires originate in this smaller kingdom in the modern state of Bihar. Alexander the Great's army mutinied as they approached this kingdom, and Alexander was forced to turn back.

Mountain Meadows Massacre

] Name these 1857 killings that occurred on the Baker-Fancher wagon train, in which 120 to 140 people were killed during these attacks.

Yosemite National Park

] Name this preserved region of the Merced river valley photographed in Bridal Veil Fall.

Peter the Great

`He faced an early revolt by the musketeer division of his bodyguard, called the streltsy

Elizabeth I

`On the advice of William Cecil, this ruler passed a number of moderate Protestant measures, such as issuing the 39 Articles.


`The comte de Soisson led a conspiracy to the murder this man that involved this man's once protege the Marquis de Cinq-Mars.


`This philosophy was developed by such figures as Irving Kristol and Leo (*)) Strauss.

Bill Clinton

a 60 Minutes episode helped him earn the nickname the "Comeback Kid."


a defensive fortification here came to be known as Fort William


e. He and Edouard Daladier convinced the (*) Czech government to accept the Munich Pact


a river in this state runs through The Dalles and the Bonneville Dam.

Kings of Rome

a. The last man with this title lost power after the rape of Lucretia by his son Sextus.

James Cook

a. This man sailed with the scientists Daniel Solander and Joseph Banks, who classified over 1000 new species of plants.

Fidel Castro

after failing to seize Moncada barracks, his "History will absolve me" speech helped organize the 26th of July movement to depose Fulcengio Batista,

Peloponnesian War

after much debate, Melos was destroyed for refusing to join one side in this war

Franco-Prussian War

after the Battle of Gravelotte, one army in this war who had earlier lost the Battle of Wörth, was trapped at Metz.

George III

after this king passed the Papists Act, protestors dubbed him "King Mob" during the Gordon Riots.


al-Khwarizmi described a method known as (*) al-jabr during this dynasty


al. This man's close ally Saint-Just helped him to direct the trial and execution of Georges Danton

Colorado River

along with the Virgin River, this river flows into Lake Mead where it is held by the Hoover Dam

Bacon's Rebellion

d. This event saw attacks on the friendly Pamunkey tribe as well as the Susquehanock by members of the Occaneechi tribe.

Urban II

e hosted an assembly at the request of Byzantine Emperor Alexius Comnenus in which he made a speech in which he said, "God wills it."


e. A member of this ethnic group (*) committed the 1995 Srebrenica [sreh-bruh-NEET-suh] massacre of nearly 10,000 Bosniak Muslims

Qin Shihuangdi

e. Feudalism was abolished and replaced by thirty-six commanderies by this ruler's chancellor Lǐ Sī (lee sih).

Yosemite National Park

an old tradition here consisted of pushing a bonfire off a cliff in a namesake "firefall" on Glacier Point


another event in this city began after Samuel Fielden's speech to a large crowd.

Peter I

ar. Another king with this name was the last king of Serbia and led his nation through both the First and Second Balkan Wars of the 1910s


e. Following the Civil War, cattle were often driven from this state to Texas through the Chisholm Trail, which began at its city of Abilene.

Chinese Americans

at least 28 of these people died during a massacre in (*) Rock Springs, Wyoming

7 years war

d the Duke of Brunswick won a major battle of this war at Krefeld.

Northwest Territory

e. Marietta was the first permanent American settlement in this territory, part of which was previously annexed into (*) Quebec in 1774

Philip II

e. One person sent by this man to handle unrest in a territory created the Council of Blood and was the Duke of Alba

Marbury V. Madison

e. The plaintiff of this case wanted a (*) writ of mandamus to be issued

WEB Dubois

e. This longtime editor of The Crisis advocated the development of an "aristocracy of talent" called the "talented tenth."


engineer Henry Pleasants exploded a mine under enemy lines in this state at the Battle of the Crater


following the destruction of that movement, Gustav Husak ascended to power in this city.

Alexander II

g. He was inseparable from his dog, Milord.

Ming Dynasty

g. It gained power after the Battle of Lake Poyang, won by its first emperor, Hongwu, who had lead the Red Turban Rebellion.


gold rush along the South Platte River in this state led to the founding of towns like Central City and Cripple Creek, but it sparked a conflict with natives that led to the Sand Creek massacre


he Pantanal wetlands lie mainly in this country and are home to a large population of capybaras


he had previously served as Monroe's Secretary of War


he was succeeded by the Earl of Wilmington after his resignation following the Battle of Cartagena de Indias

Shaka Zulu

his ruler was succeeded by his half-brother Dingane ["Din-gah-nay"], who killed him after this man ordered for crops not to be planted to mourn his mother Nandi's death

Peloponnesian War

his war paused after the death of Brasidas for the Peace of Nicias

Italian Unification

i. One group supporting this movement lost the Battle of Novara to Joseph (*) Radetzky.


in one account this man executed Raynald of Châtillon after the latter's refusal to convert to Islam

Genghis Khan

in the year of his death he also successfully destroyed the (*) Western Xia.


it contains the longest cave system in the world, its Mammoth Cave National Park

Chesepeake Bay

it receives the James and (*) Susquehanna Rivers.

OJ simpson trial

it saw Johnny Cochran note that if a leather glove didn't fit, "you must acquit."


it's home to Belle Isle Park.


its San Luis Valley contains the tallest sand dunes in North America.


its longest river is the Gila [HEE-lah]


its main headwaters are located in Atlin Lake and Tagish Lake


its national capital is also the capital of the Analamanga Region

Vietnam War

l. Students wearing black armbands to protest this war led to the case of (*) Tinker v. Des Moines

The Reichstag Fire

many believe that Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutch Communist, actually was responsible for this event

Wounded Knee

n incident at this location was sparked after a deaf man didn't hear a soldier's orders to give up his rifle,

Wounded Knee

n, James Forsyth convened a meeting with the Minneconjou in the days before this event

War of the Spanish Succession

n: During the Siege of Turin in this war, a young soldier named Pietro Micca blew himself up to kill a contingent of French soldiers


n: One river in this province, Albany River, flows into James Bay and is used as a boundary between the Kenora District and the Cochrane District

Mapp V. Ohio

n: The majority opinion for this case overruled a key distinction set by Frankfurter in Wolf v. Colorado


n: This country was the site of the Great Lakes Refugee Crisis.

Catherine II

n: This leader promulgated a liberal legal code known as the Nakaz


n: This nation contains archipelagos such as Rocas Atoll, Saint Peter and Saint Paul Rocks, and Trindade and Martim Vaz.


nother member of this family claimed that "The Dream Shall Never Die" after unsuccessfully challenging Jimmy (*) Carter for the 1980 Democratic nomination

Kaiser Wilhelm II

o. During the Moroccan Crisis, he made a speech that called for the Algeciras Conference.

Iran-IraQ War

on: One of the first major battles of this war was fought at Khorramshahr after the breakdown of the Algiers Accord.


otassium chlorate is burned to produce white smoke when the College of Cardinals elects a person to this post.


other members of this city's (*) "Seven" were imprisoned for inciting riots against pro-war candidate Hubert Humphrey, who was nominated at this city's 1968 Democratic Convention.


q. Despite losing their king Stefan Lazar, this country won the Battle of (*)) Kosovo


q. One legendary ruler of this city conducted the Great Rhetra reforms after seeking advice from an oracle.


qThis nation's missionary work was praised in Pius XII's encyclical Saeculo exeunte, issued after it had signed the Concordat of 1940 with the Vatican.


qThis state's governor at the beginning of the American Civil War, Claiborne F. Jackson, organized a secession convention at Neosho following the Battle of Wilson's Creek.

Tokugawa ieyasu

r. Earlier, this man had defeated the forces of Ishida Mitsunari at the Battle of (*)) Sekhigahara.

Ohio River

r. Tributaries of this river include the Licking and Kanawha, as well as the Big and Little (*)) Miami Rivers.

Second Triumvirate

s. Eventually, Lepidus was expelled from this group, and the remaining members fought each other at (*) Actium


s. In supposed revenge for the death of Francis, duke of Guise, one of these people was targeted for assassination


s. Most species of baobab trees are native to this country.

Applachian Mountains

s. One end of this range contains the Shickshocks and Baxter State Park


s. One of this empire's most important rulers evicted the Tuaregs from Timbuktu

Lake Superior

s. Places along the shore of this lake include Pukaskwa National Park, the Sleeping Giant formation, and Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, the first National Lakeshore in the United States.


s. The communist front FRELIMO fought a decade-long war of independence against this country.


s. The third war this country fought against the British Empire was ended by the Treaty of Rawalpindi.

Applachian Mountains

subranges of this mountain range include the Black, Catskill, and Pocono Mountains.


t. Alberto Camago entered into a power-sharing agreement with Laureano Gomez in this nation to form the National Front


t. One of its dictators, who was toppled by forces led by Justo Jose de Urquiza at the Battle of Caseros, was Juan Manuel de (*) Rosas.


the "Great Attack" occurred at Essex along this river during the War of 1812.


the 1830 London Protocol gave power to this country's first king, Otto of Bavaria.

Great Rift Valley

the more conventional definition of this feature has its boundary at the (*) Afar Triple Junction.


the Gülen movement was accused of orchestrating one of these by Recep Tayyip Erdogan in July 2016 when the Bosphorus bridge was closed in Istanbu


the Iditarod Trail Race occurs in this state


the Kitsap Peninsula lies to the west of this city.

North Carolina

the Neuse River flows past New Bern in this state

The Grand Canyon

the border between those rocks and the Tonto group is called the Great Unconformity

Colorado River

the canal joining this river and Lake Havasu is spanned by the 1831 London Bridge.

Ohio River

the city of Paducah was a strategic locations on this river at the start of the Civil War


the city of Paducah was a strategic locations on this river at the start of the Civil War.

Jordan River

the city of Umm Qais lies on the Yarmouk River, its largest tributary


the decision in the case Somerset v. Stewart helped spark support for this policy


the fall of Qashliq ("kash-lik") occurred in this region following the Battle of Chuvash Cape, a victory for Yermak Timofeyevich, and later the Czechoslovak Legion was forced to cross it.


the first account of it was recorded by the New Hampshire-born William Dickey, who was digging for gold along the Susitna river when he spotted it

Lake Superior

the largest island in this lake is a national park named (*)) Isle Royale.


their historical presence at the 778 [*] Battle of Roncesvalles led to the defeat of Roland's army


they were defeated at the Battle of Mohi by the army of Subotai


this battle's victors were aided by the arrival of forces under (*) Don Carlos Buell

San Francisco

this body of water contains Yerba Buena Island and the artificial Treasure Island.


this country is home to the Perito Moreno glacier.

Seneca Falls

this event saw intense debate between that speaker and Frederick Douglass over the ninth resolution before its eventual inclusion in the Declaration of Sentiments

Roger Williams

this founder of Rhode Island encouraged Anne Hutchinson and the Antinomians to settle on Aquidneck Island

Lief Ericson

this leader earned the epithet "the Lucky" after saving a ship's crew.

Booker T. Washington

this man first met his longtime benefactor Henry Rogers, a president of Standard Oil

Atilla the Hun

this man murdered his brother and co-ruler Bleda.

Xerxes I

this man's murder is attributed to his bodyguard, Artabanus, after he returned from a defeat at the hands of Pausanius.

Charles V

this monarch had his mother, Joanna the Mad, confined inside the Convent of Santa Clara

Sierra Nevada

this mountain range contains Mono Lake and Devil's Postpile.


this movement took its name from a document drafted by William Lovett.


this nation's contemporary leaders include Alvaro Uribe and Juan Manuel Santo

Paris Commune

this polity elected Louis Auguste Blanqui as their leader while he was still in prison.

Zheng He

this probable Muslim later defeated and captured King Alagonakkara.


this province contains Manitoulin Island


this region would later lose its sovereignty after the (*) Battle of Chamdo

Nation of Islam

this religion believes that the scientist (*) Yakub created the "devilish" race of whites.

Louis XVI

this ruler and his family were the subject of an admonitory manifesto published by the Duke of Brunswick


this state is home to Glacier National Park


this state's special Senatorial election race is led by Chris Coons over former anti-masturbation, current Tea Party candidate (*)) Christine O'Donnell.


this territory has two different regional capitals at Muzaffarabad and Srinagar

Treaty of Versailles

this treaty created the the Free City of Danzig within the Polish Corridor

Magna Carta

uch of this work reiterated the earlier Charter of (*)) Liberties.

Pope John Paul II

y. During this figure's tenure, he garnered international attention when he visited his home country in 1979, leading to the formation of the fiercely anti-Communist Solidarity movement the following year.

Joseph Stalin

y. Later in his political career, he ousted Lev Kamenev and Grigory Zinoviev to reach his most notable post.

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