Geography Test 11/2/18

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How do traditional Mexican families live?

Most Mexican families live with three or four generations in the house.

Although one-third of Mexico is covered in large forests, two main problems there are forest _____ and loss of ________

destruction biodiversity

How do Mexico's climate and landforms affect where people live and how they earn a living?

A part of Mexico's land forms that affect where people live has to do with the Ring of Fire, not a lot of people are going to want to live where it is so dangerous (also near volcanoes). The three mountain ranges that in close the interior plateau also affect where people live. Some of these land forms such as plateaus and highlands house a lot of people. Most people obviously want to live where there is a good climate, in Mexico's case this is the Central Plateau. They have a variety of climates that affect where people can live ranging from too much rain to not enough water.

How do human activities impact Mexico's environment?

As the population inceases so does the accumulation of waste and pollution is growing. Car pollution is also becoming a major problem in mexico city causing health problems

A program called ___________ addresses environmental and public health problems along the US Mexicna border

Border 2020

_______ is a growing problem in the northern part of the country because of the high demand for water resources


Write a paragraph that discusses the geography of vertical climate zones.

Geography is what makes up vertical climate zones. Vertical climate zones are climate zones that occur as elevation increases. So, as you go higher up in elevation the vertical climate cones will change. They will change as in have to go with how high up in elevation you are which will change the temperature and vegetation.

A wide stretch of land east of the Sierra Madre Oriental is the _____________

Gulf Coastal Plain

The ________ divides the Baja Peninsula from the northern coast of Mexico on the western side of the country

Gulf of California

What were missions, presidios, and haciendas?

Haciendas are people who harvest cash crops but got paid very little. Missions were used as religious outposts. Presidious protected missions.

Who was Hernan Cortes, what did he do, and what did he bring back to Europe

He conquered the Aztec. He was a conquistador for the Spanish. Him and his men took Mexico's gold, silver, and food resources back to Europe.

The _________ begins on the Central Plateau and feeds into ________ the largest natural lake in Mexico

Lerma River; Lake Chapala

Why does Mexico have few major rivers and natural lakes?

It has few because Mexico is generally a dry climate, where waters are not commonly found.

In what ways is Mexico City both a megacity and a primate city?

It is a mega city because it is so big and incorporates a lot of other towns and cities into it, but it is also a primate city because it is the capital of Mexico, it is where most of the population lives and there is a wealth of Mexican culture located within it.

Why is the Mexican Plateau considered the heartland of Mexico?

It is considered the "heartland" because it is the largest and most densely populated part of Mexico.

Most people live in an inland flatland region called the __________

Mexican Plateau

In what ways have Mexicans affected and been affected by other nations beginning in Mayan times until the present?

Mexico is always being influenced by other countries. It started first when the Mayan and Aztec civilizations where around, when the Spanish came they wiped out those native population and took over Mexico. The Spanish ruled Mexico for a long time until they finally became independent. Now during present days due to NAFTA the Mexican economy now heavily relies on the United States and Canada if they want there economy to continue to be strong.

Using your graphic organizer, write a paragraph discussing how Mexico manages its resources.

Mexico is using a system called systaniable development in order to manage its resources. It works by still using them but not to the extent that they are in danger of running out

What political change happened in 1821?

Mexico won its independence from Spain. It was ruled by a small group of wealthy landowners, army officers, and Catholic clergy. Eventually had to almost do to being led by military dictators.

What population shift has taken place in present day Mexico and where is this most apparent?

Most people moved form rural to urban areas. This is most apparent in Mexico City.

Whcih indigenous art form still finds expression in modern Mexican art?


What is NAFTA, and what are some of its effects?

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement. One of its major affects is that it has caused Mexico to become more reliant on the US economy then its own.

Use your graphic organizer from the lesson to describe three of Mexico's water systems.

One of Mexico's water systems is the Gulf of Mexico. It is famous in the fishing industry so is a big part of the United States and Mexico's fishing industry. The second one of Mexico's water ways is the Gulf of California which is what divides the Baja Peninsula from Mexico, but provides very diverse sea life. Another Mexico system is the Rio Bravo, which forms the border between the United States and Mexico.

How has Mexico's place in the global economy changed over time?

Recently due to there involvement in NAFTA Mexico has increased there trade with other countries. Mexico went from being ruled by other countries to becoming very independent.

The ______ is known as the _____ in the United States and forms part of the border between two countries.

Rio Bravo; Rio Grande

The two mountain ranges are the _______________ the ________________

Sierra Madre Occidental Sierra Madre Oriental

What nongovernment groups control regions of Mexico today?

Some drug cartels are starting to control Mexico.

Define sustainable development and provide at least one example of how it pertains to Mexico.

Sustaniable development is technological and economic growth that does not deplete the human and naturla resources of a given area. This pertains to Mexico's natural resources. Even when they ise resources they have such an abundant supply ost of the time there is no affect

How does climate affect human activities in Mexico?

The climate in Mexico provides jobs for a lot of people. Such as some people are always awaiting rain for there crops. The climates due to the vertical climate zone also decide where most people can live when elevation increases.

Why are Mexico's resources in jeopardy?

The forests are in jeopardy because there is a need for food resoures so they have to make room for cattle/ Also as the country grows the demand for timbver as it is a major export. They are suffering because there is too much water needed

What influenced Mexico's political and social structures?

The past rulings with the Spanish have influenced how there political system is structured. There social system is based on ancestry especially from native indigenous populations.

What factors have shaped Mexico's population patterns?

The physical geography of Mexico has affected where most of the population lives.

How does Mexican society and culture reflect the country's colonial past?

The society of Mexico runs similarly to how those of ancient civilizations did. A lot of there culture comes from people with the ancestors of ancient civilizations.

Which were the two largest indigenous civilizations that existed in mexico, and whre they were centered

The two largest were the Maya and the Aztec. The Maya was centered in Southern Mexico while the Aztec was more towards Central Mexico.

What were two main ways that the arrival of the Spanish changed the indigenous cultures?

The two main ways it changed was that it brought disease outbreaks and war. It resulted in war due to religious conflicts. The diseases they brought killed most of the native population.

Describe differences in the standard of living for different groups of people in Mexico today.

The wealthy landowners control the land that houses the natural resources

Write a paragraph describing Mexico's location along the Ring of Fire and how that creates natural hazards.

The west part of Mexico is located on the Ring of Fire. This is dangerous because several volcanoes are located along this area. Not to mention the high risk of earthquakes due to the collision of the nearby tectonic plates.

Describe the main programs Mexico has adopted to manage resources why they are important

There are three main programs Mexico has adopted to try to fix these problems. The first one is called the Border 2020 Program. This program focuses on environmental and health problems near the US and Mexican border. This is important because it works on empowering citizens to help resolve their own problems. The second program is the REDD+, it is focused on using market and financial advantages to reduce greenhouse gas admissions. This is important because once again it requires local community members to step up and help. Finally, the third program is the Muevete en Bici. It closes major highways to cars on Sundays and requires only bicycles. This is important because it helps reduce pollution and gives people exercise.

How are governments in Mexico addressing environmental issues?

They have started 3 programs called the border 2020 program the redd program and Muevete en Bici that deals with the issues in different ways

How do the United States and Mexico interact economically?

They trade with each other good on a daily basis.

Use your graphic organizer on the human geography of Mexico to write a paragraph summarizing society and culture in Mexico today.

Today the Mexican society is very dependent on each other. Most of mexico is dependent of Mexico city and the source of human jobs is based on the physical features of Mexico, (they are influences by vertical climate zones). The culture of Mexico is heavenly influenced by NAFTA because that is what the economy of Mexico is very dependent on.

the loss or destruction of forests, mainly for logging or farming


A program called Muevete en Bici encourages people to use _____ as a means of nonpolluting transportation


Mexico City is situated in a valley where _____ emissions from cars often get trapped making the air quality very bad


farm product grown to be sold or traded rather than used by the farm family

cash crop

The ________ biome in Northern Mexico has mild, rainy winters and hot dry summers


Mexico's many ecosystems are experiencing the effects of global ___________ and environmental _________

climate change destruction

Spanish for "conqueror"; Spanish soldier who participated in conquest of indigenous peoples of latin America


A program called REDD+ uses maket and financial incentives to reduce ___________ although there is concern that the program will take away indigenous lands

emissions from greenhouse gases

an area of a country in which trade restrictions do not apply

free trade zone

(GDP) the value of goods and services produced within a country in a year

gross domestic product

The effect of this probelm on humans is ______ problems relatd to air pollution

health problems

household made up of several generations of family members

household made up of several generations of family members

The Gulf of California has a diversity of sea animals, including ______, ________, ________, and _______.

whales, manta ray, leather back sea turtles, and great white sharks

a strip of land that connects two larger landmasses, enabling migration of plants and animals to new areas

land bridge

the sinking or settling of land to a lower level in response to various natural and human-caused factors

land subsidence

The variety of landforms, _____________, _____________, ___________, and _______ make it possible to support large communities.

large plateaus, valleys, long mountain ranges, and highlands

In the ________ on the _____ coast, the hot and humid climate is essentially a rain forest

lower altutides east

in Mexico, a manufacturing plant owned by a foreign company


a great city that is made up of several large and small cities


refers to people of mixed indigenous and European descent


Mexico is also a leading producer of _________


a city that dominates a country's economy,culture, and government and in which population is concentrated; usually the capital

primate city

The reason parts of Mexico city are collapsing is that the underground ____________ have been pumped dry to provide water for the people who live there

reserves of water

Western Mexico is part an area of _________ activity called the Ring of Fire.


relating to or caused by an earthquake


Mexico is a leader in production of the mineral _______


echnological and economic growth that does not deplete the human and natural resources of a given area

sustainable development

A strategy know as ___________ utilizes natural resources responsibly and can support human needs at the same time.

sustanible development

a blending of beliefs and practices from different religions into one faith


When rural resources are damaged, people migrate to ___________ for employment

urban areas

a climate zone that occurs as elevation increases, with its own natural vegetation and crops

vertical climate zone

The _____ is the result of changes in temperature and climate at different ________, or altitidues, in mountainous areas

vertical climate zones elevations

People are buying more consumer goods in Mexico, which has increased the the problem of __________ accuulation


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