Global english

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What detention or prison facility has been recognized as controversial, due to the questionable strategies that were used by US officials?

. Grini Detention Camp b. Hoeryong Concentration Camp c. Kerestinec Prison d. Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Correct

________changing the way people live their lives nowadays.

. Smartphones are b. The Internet is c. Computers are d. Information technology is Correct

Investment has the power to alter the way of production, via ________, and can, therefore, create more change than just the trading of materials.

Energy, economic, and cultural styles b. Knowledge, technology, and management techniques Correct c. Agricultural, management, and political moves d. None of the above

A report from 2009 discovered it is highly likely that all of the Millennial Development Goals would be met by the target date of 2015.


According to this week's readings, by the end of 2008, there were reportedly more than two billion personal computers being used. By the year 2015, four billion personal computers were expected to be in use.


Campaigners for fairness claim that the overall lack of social and developmental outlook, is due to political decisions supported by the public.


Concentrating solely on domestic productions of goods and limiting the amount of foreign investment that goes on, is beneficial to a country's economy.


Globalization is currently widely celebrated as a new birth of freedom.


In the past, the United States imposed sanctions on countries for having democratic elections take place.


Less than 20 million people left Europe to new settlements in North and South America.


One of the key principles of the Marshall Plan was that it was immoral to assist those struggling for their lives.


Portuguese is the least spoken language in the world.


The Bretton Woods Conference mapped out seven goals for the International Monetary Foundation through a document called the Articles of Achievement.


The Green Revolution that was introduced in India in 1965 was a movement toward more sustainable and organic farming practices.


The IMF has various lending programs available, of which are called facilities. One of those facilities is named: The Poverty Reduction and Growing Facility.


The International Monetary Foundation is consulting with the government of Kenya on competition regulations intended to break cartels in core business functions.


The Responsibility to Protect initiative has 5 pillars of focus, concerning human rights issues.


Unmanned devices, such as autonomous cars and unmanned drones, are not changing the transportation industry, nor is it changing the behavior of societies on a global level.


Two examples of "structural constraints" to development are geography and "poverty traps."


World culture theory of globalization focuses on the way in which participants in the process become conscious of and give meaning to living in the world as a single place.


A lot of analysts strongly believe that international investment cannot bring us to a closer, more economically integrated society.


Advocates of GMOs believe that genetically modifying food can help produce a higher quantity of food with a lower quality of nutrition.


Dead capital is considered to be property that is informally owned, however there is no legal document recognizing this ownership formally exists.


Globalization is currently widely celebrated as a new birth of freedom.


In her interview, Dr. Vandana Shiva states that a society of peace comes from staying committed to nonviolent actions.


In many African countries in particular, the most skilled and wealthiest segments of the population are often the most likely to become affected by the HIV virus.


Over the past decades, the successful expansion of international trade has been a dominant cause and effect of globalization.


Pop culture can be illustrated through fast food, music, TV, newspapers, fashion, and much more.


Remembering to take prescription medicines on a consistent basis can hard task to accomplish for forgetful patients. Though, with mobile technology, new applications can help assist patients by sending them reminders when medicine needs to be taken.


The concept of genocide as a distinct crime did not exist prior to World War II.


The pure intent to eliminate (usually through violent and unjust means) an entire group of people, solely based on identity, is defined as genocide.


The right to leisure and to rest is part of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


What Internet-based communication platforms have made it much simpler for people to connect with others that have the same personal or professional interests?

Websites and blogs b. Emailing and instant messaging systems c. Social networking websites d. All of the above Correct

According to Unit 4 readings, as of 2010 alone, there were approximately ___________.

a. 152 million blogs Correct b. 152 billion websites c. 100 thousand Internet service providers worldwide d. Both A and C

In what year did the World Bank create the International Development Association?

a. 1966 b. 1960 Correct c. 1961 d. 1970

What year did the UN General Assembly accept the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

a. 1984 b. 1949 c. 1948 Correct d. 1951

Approximately ______ of aid is tied down to conditions, from the countries who provide the funds.

a. 48% b. 55% c. 77% d. 58% Correct

Just half a decade after the 2008 global financial crisis, an estimated _________individuals were, from a statistical point of view, categorized as hungry in the United States.

a. 550 thousand b. 50 million Correct c. 60 billion d. 55 million

A complete violation of the laws and customs of war is defined as:

a. A battle crime b. An international war crime c. A war crime Correct d. A crime against humanity

International trade is known to bring the following disruptions:

a. Agricultural, political, and business b. Economic, political, and social Correct c. Social, business, and cultural d. None of the above

An "inalienable right" means:

a. An individual cannot make the decision to give up their own human rights that they are entitled to Correct b. Whether or not an individual moves across national boundaries, he or she maintains certain rights c. Even if a given human right is protected in one nation, it may not be in another one d. All of the above

A criticism of loans from the IMF and World Bank is that they:

a. Are conditional b. Have excessive administrative costs c. Do not provide enough money in aid d. All of the above Correct

What frameworks are necessary for the African continent to take on and develop, so an increased amount of genetically engineered crops can be grown?

a. Biotransformative and anticorruption regulatory frameworks. b. Social-economic and cultural regulatory frameworks. c. Biosafety and biotechnology regulatory frameworks. Correct d. Knowledge sharing and information frameworks

The World Bank looks into issues like:

a. Building roads and dams b. Long-term development c. Education d. All of the above Correct

Information technology advancements have increased expansion in financial markets in which of the following ways?

a. By allowing international transactions to be conducted quickly and securely b. By enhancing data storage and analysis within financial institutions c. By providing market "players" of all sizes access to information regarding investment and borrowing opportunities, performance of companies and financial institutions, and economic trends d. All of the above Correct

What factor might have influenced the vast spread of HIV/AIDS into our global society?

a. Decrease in local trading b. Political changes c. Rise in global travel Correct d. Industrialization

Lack of, or even limited freedom, whether that freedom be related to knowledge, religion, and culture, has been a common theme in the following areas of the word:

a. Eastern Europe b. Some parts of Asia, and Latin America c. the Arab world and Africa d. All of the above Correct

Standards that regulate or fail to regulate foreign flows of investment, can have a powerful and lasting impact on issues regarding:

a. Economic development and environmental protection b. Labor regulations c. Political and economic stability d. All of the above Correct

Statistics show a strong link between the lack of women's ________________and poverty.

a. Employment b. Education c. Rights Correct d. Health

Samir Moussa is fluent in the following three languages:

a. English, Spanish, and Arabic b. English, Arabic, and German c. English, Spanish, and French Correct d. English, French, and Arabic

The _______financial market offers a wide array of opportunities to invest and borrow money. Such activity is beneficial for investors, various companies, and economies.

a. European b. global Correct c. Asian d. National

What clearly dominates the school-level textbooks in the Arabic language, as per evidence stated in a working paper regarding Jordan?

a. Female centered words and images. b. Male centered words and images Correct c. Words and images that are not gender based d. None of the above

What countries have been noted as protecting their language, by limiting the number of foreign words in use?

a. France b. China c. Australia d. Both A and B Correct

In a globalized world, having a competitive edge is key to dominating an industry. To stay competitive, this oftentimes means business owners outsource _________from different countries.

a. Goods b. Labor Correct c. Both A and B d. None of the Above

From this week's readings, Reich suggests that a new type of globalized professionals have some of the following qualities:

a. Have obtained some form of higher education. b. Are known to travel internationally. c. Can speak foreign languages. d. All of the above Correct

In terms of development, what two factors are key in helping nations grow?

a. Having development on the agenda and average international cooperation. b. Having development be a top priority and having excellent international cooperation. Correct c. Developing businesses on a national level, without the support of international cooperation. d. None of the above

Mobile applications can help users around the world by:

a. Help break their cigarette habit. b. Help monitor outbreaks of dengue fever. c. Both A and B Correct d. None of the Above

International public health officials believe that which of the following are necessary for improving public health:

a. Increased restrictions on food exports b. Research and quarantine practices c. Surveillance and immunization Correct d. None of the above

The World Bank Group has helped put in place reform, in the Philippines, that cuts the registration time for new vessels down quite drastically. This measure has resulted in:

a. Incumbent operators unable to prevent brand new companies in serving specific paths

What type of technology allows for data to be transformed into small pulsations of light, and then sent to glass fibers, which are wrapped in large telecommunication wires, at a high speed?

a. Interactive technology b. Convergent technology c. Fiber optics technology Correct d. High-Speed technology

One of the main concerns about the new globalization of culture that is taking place is that:

a. It mostly involves "Americanization" of world cultures Correct b. It takes away the rights of women c. It encourages laziness d. It disrupts national political structures

What is the concept of sustainable development?

a. Keep current development firmly intact, no matter if harm is done to the environment. b. Allowing for development to take place now, but at the same time not jeopardize future generations' development needs. Correct c. Use the resources needed, to meet the goals of today, even if these are scarce. d. Both A and B

Due to the Rwandan Genocide, and the many atrocities that happened, the United Nations established a tribunal called International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. The tribunal was based in__________.

a. Kigali, Rwanda b. Arsuha, Tanzania Correct c. Nairobi, Kenya d. Rumphi, Malawi

The World Bank advises that countries take on certain policies, to develop in an effective way. These policies do not include:

a. Making improvements to the roads b. Investing in the health and education sector c. Decreasing the overall productivity of small-sized farming areas Correct d. Encouraging human rights

__________child mortality is just one of the______ Millennium Development Goals.

a. Monitoring, 10 b. Promoting, 8 c. Reducing, 8 Correct d. Understanding, 10

Why have culture and globalization related matters received less attention than other topics up for debate?

a. Partly because cultural topics are often taboo to discuss openly. b. Partly due to the fact that cultural matters are subtle, sensitive, and confusing. Correct c. Mostly because cultural subjects are too long to discuss in a public debate environment. d. Both A and C

Information technology improved has improved healthcare in which of the following ways:

a. Prevention and control of newly emerging diseases b. Patient to health care provider interaction c. Improved responses to outbreak situations d. All of the above Correct

Which of the following is a theory for why development has been slower in some nations:

a. Property rights b. Lack of freedom c. Culture d. All of the above Correct

What is not noted as an important aspect in which infectious diseases are impacted by the process of globalization?

a. Rise in Global Travel b. Climate Enforcement Correct c. Various Environmental Matters d. Both A and C

What advancements have revolutionized the using and sharing of information amongst people, for personal, commercial, and even political reasons?

a. Social networking websites b. Web 2.0 applications c. Both A and B Correct d. None of the above

Various violent confrontations have taken place during certain time periods, when globalization was growing and then flourishing. What war, which took place in the early 1970s, helped trigger oil prices to increase?

a. The Balkan War b. The Vietnam War c. The Yom Kippur War Correct d. The Greek Civil War

What was the Marshall plan also known as?

a. The European Recovery Package b. The European Recovery Program Correct c. The EurAsian Recovery Package d. The Indo-European Recovery Pact

From this week's readings, the ICC is an abbreviation for what organization?

a. The International Children's Court b. The International Criminal Court Correct c. The International Code Council d. The Interstate Commerce Commission

In what ways has Americanism shaped the behaviors of different countries?

a. The expansion of McDonalds worldwide, thus influencing the eating behaviors of many. b. The way Starbucks has influenced Italy's way of coffee habits. c. The concern of fast food in France, where some think it should not be a part of French society. d. All of the above Correct

The World-Polity Theory of globalization is explained by:

a. The pursuit of establishment of a common "world culture" Correct b. A desire for stricter environmental regulations c. Economic greed d. A desire to learn from indigenous cultures

Worries that critics have, in regards to genetically engineered crops in Africa are as follows:

a. The significant impact the genetically engineered crops could have on trade in the region. b. Dependency on foreign private sector businesses for technology needs. c. The concern over how compatible the genetically engineered crops will be with local farming standards. d. All of the Above Correct

What do critics say about Asian values?

a. The values help promote independent thinking, while keeping authoritarians in power. b. The values smother independent and creative thinking, while promoting authoritarianism. Correct c. The values encourage the open discussion and importance of creative thinking. d. None of the Above.

What is one major complaint that is mentioned about both the International Monetary Foundation and the World Bank?

a. These organizations cause high infant mortality rates in underdeveloped and developing countries. b. These organizations cause high debt rates in developing countries. Correct c. These organizations cause high unemployment in developing countries. d. These organization disrupt the education process in developing countries.

What was the purpose of the Conference at Bretton Woods?

a. To develop and establish the Charter of the United Nations b. To plan for the development of human rights NGOs c. To establish a political strategy for international tourism d. To work towards the stabilization of global economic markets Correct

What is the purpose of microbanks?

a. To help the wealthy invest in small businesses. b. To develop a region, by encouraging big businesses to invest in smaller ones. c. To offer small-sized loans, to the impoverished, to try and help them earn a living. Correct d. None of the above.

What are some forms of motivation for donors providing aid to various regions or countries?

a. To influence a region or country with the donor country's culture and language. b. To provide aid to societies that have been categorized by the donor country as progressive. c. To give aid to regions or countries with strong commercial ties to the donor country. d. All of the above Correct

Why is microfinancing an unsuitable concept, according to some critics?

a. Various microfinancing companies have been known to have high interest rates, which will only keep the poor in an economically disadvantaged position. b. Microfinancing can only be offered to individuals at certain times of the year, which puts a constraint on when a loan can be taken out. c. Understanding how the borrowed cash is spent in the microfinancing industry, along with how viable the industry is in general, is hard to track. d. Both A and C Correct

What kind of innovation poses a serious threat to employment in developing economies' advantage in the market, which is being able to provide cheap labor?

a. Younger people taking older people's jobs b. Animals taking people's jobs c. Machines taking people's jobs Correct d. Both A and C

What have been some emerging infectious diseases in recent years?

a. avian influenza virus b. smallpox c. cute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus d. Both A and C Correct

In terms of rights, one well-known yet controversial political move, was when France banned___________ from schools, which made many people uneasy about the policy.

a. cellphones b. headscarves Correct c. the Internet d. mini skirts

Several forces have driven global integration which include:

a. creative innovations, political elections, and strengthened economies b. global innovations, political demonstrations, and weakened economies c. technological innovations, political changes, and economic policies Correct d. None of the above

In regards to the transformative technology industry, DFS is an abbreviation for?

a. digital financial sectors b. division four securities c. digital financial services Correct d. digital fiscal sectors

The idea of positive liberty includes:

a. economic b. social and cultural c. Both A and B Correct d. None of the above

Cultural change is driven mainly by:

a. globalization b. marketing efforts c. consumer choice d. Both A and C Correct

A key lesson from history has shown us that globalization______

a. has always been a smooth procedure. b. has never been an accepted concept. c. has sometimes been a smooth procedure. d. has not been a smooth process. Correct

Since the advent of the Internet, what have traditional newspapers, which now have a strong online presence, been actively doing in the cyber world?

a. live chatting b. blogging Correct c. Both A and B d. None of the above

One noteworthy development initiative, regarding sustainable mariculture took place in Tanzania, where locals were able to harvest edible ______and _________.

a. lobster, whale b. seaweed, shrimp Correct c. fish, lobster d. kelp, crabs

Globalization has created new challenges, such as ______ companies selling their goods for _____, thus making local companies________.

a. local, high prices, gain profits b. new, a competitive price, lose customers c. foreign, cheap, suffer Correct d. None of the Above

During the time of war, an observation balloon's main purpose was for the following activities:

a. locating missing soldiers, finding the enemy's fort, and advancing in combat. b. gathering combat techniques, spotting out tanks on the ground, and finding weapons. c. gaining intelligence, locating weapons, and finding the opposition's submarines. Correct d. spotting war planes, gathering intelligence, and locating enemy targets.

When Europeans started the slave trade, by bringing African labor to the Americas, new diseases were introduced to the Americas which included:

a. malaria b. dengue fever c. yellow fever d. All of the above Correct

Microfinancing allows for _______individuals to get loans, where traditional banks would most likely deny them.

a. poor Correct b. middle-class c. wealthy d. Both B and C

When the International Monetary Foundation was founded, the organization additionally operated the international exchange system based on _________ that the IMF's member countries took a pledge to.

a. silver reserves b. copper c. gold reserves Correct d. diamonds

In numerous countries___________ have found it hard to stay in business, due to ___________.

a. small-sized farms, food imports Correct b. large-sized farms, international competition c. small-sized farms, food exports d. Both A and C

There are three central activities for the IMF and they include:

a. surveillance, financial assistance, and technical assistance. Correct b. political assistance, economic support, and logistical assistance. c. strategy, social assistance, and business support d. Both A and C

What American industry has a mix of influential, international individuals involved?

a. the Mining industry b. the Hollywood industry Correct c. the Naval industry d. the Telecommunications industry

The Nura River cleanup project in Kazakhstan is estimated to cost:

a. лв42.9 trillion b. €66.7 million c. £56.9 billion d. $67.8 million Correct

News broadcasts worldwide, reflecting solely Western interests. Also, the cultural expansion of the United States advances the flow of American symbols and popular culture throughout the globe. This statement is referring to the following debate on globalization:

b. Cultural: Sameness vs. Difference

Globalization is a process of integration of people, companies, and nations, which is driven by which of the following three influences:

b. International trade, investment, and information technology Correct

It is highly suggested that because of humans moving throughout time and resettling onto new territory, that a minimum of __________have emerged in the past __________.

c. 30 new diseases, two decades

Genetically modified organisms are controversial because:

c. They are not natural

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