Gmetrix PowerPoint

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Apply the Zoom animation to the title of Slide 1.

1. Go to Slide 1, and select the title Dance Around the World. In the Animations tab, go to the Animation group and in the drop down and under the Entrance section click Zoom.

Change the current Presentation Theme to Retrospect.

1. In the Design tab, go to the Themes group and click the Themes drop down and select Retrospect.

Apply a swivel entrance animation to the MARKETING BUDGET PLAN textbox.

1. Click the Marketing Budget Plan textbox. 2. In the Animations tab, Animations group, click the dropdown for more animations. 3. Choose Swivel.

Disable the Slide Show options for narrations, timings, and media controls.

1. Click the Slide Show tab. 2. In the Set Up group, click to clear the boxes and disable the following options: Play Narrations, Use Timings, and Show Media Controls.

Change the 1st animation on slide 2 to have a 0.5 second duration.

1. Click the Animations tab. 2. On Slide 2 find and highlight the 1 on the presentation. 3. Go to the Timing group and change the Duration to 0.5.

Change the handout settings to print 3 slides per page.

1. Click the File tab. 2. In the left pane, select Print. 3. Beneath the Settings section, click the second dropdown arrow. Beneath Handouts, select 3 Slides.

Create a custom slide show named Discounted Bikes using slides 1, 2, 4, and 6.

1. Click the Slide Show tab. 2. In the Start Slide Show group, select the Custom Slide Show down arrow and click Custom Shows... 3. In the Custom Shows pop-up window, click the New button. 4. In the field Slide show name: type Discounted Bikes. 5. In the Slides in presentation window, click the boxes for slides 1, 2, 4, and 6 to select them. 6. Click the Add button. The slides should be copied into the Slides in custom show window. 7. Click OK. 8. In the Custom Shows window, click Close.

On Slide 3 format the Competition Chart to show the Data Labels at Best Fit.

1. Go to Slide 3, and select the Competition Chart. In the Chart Design contextual tab, go to the Chart Layouts group. 2. Click the Add Chart Element dropdown. Select Data Labels and then Best Fit.

Delete Slides 4 to 8 at the same time.

1. Highlight Slide 4 to 8. Right click on any of the highlighted slides and select Delete Slide.

Change the theme of the slideshow to Slice, and change the slide orientation to Portrait.

1. In the Design tab, Themes group, choose the Slice theme. 2. In the Design tab, Customize group, select the drop down for Slide Size, and choose Custom Slide Size. 3. Under Orientation, choose Portrait. 4. In the next pop-up choose Maximize.

Change the Page Setup to have a Custom size of 7.5 (19.05 cm) width x 10 (25.4 cm) height and an orientation of the notes, handouts & outline to be Landscape. Ensure the content fits the new slide size.

1. In the Design tab, go to the Customize group and click the dropdown for Slide Size. Select the Custom Slide Size... 2. In the Slide Size dialog box, enter 7.5"(19.05 cm) for the Width, enter 10"(25.4 cm) for the Height, and in the Notes, handouts & outline check the Landscape button and click OK. 3. When prompted, "You are scaling to a new slide size...", click Ensure Fit.

Mark the presentation as final.

1. In the File tab, go to the Info tab. Click the Protect Presentation button, and in the drop down select Mark as Final. 2. In the pop up window click Ok.

Duplicate the slide titled Most Popular.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 3. 2. Right-click it and select Duplicate Slide.

Apply Style 9 to the IEEE Wireless Network Standards chart on Slide 4.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 4. 2. Click on the IEEE Wireless Network Standards chart to select it (the chart on the right). 3. Click on the Chart Tools Design tab. 4. In the Chart Styles group, click the More dropdown arrow to open the gallery. 5. Select Style 9.

Change the view of the 3D Model on slide 4 to Above Front Left.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 4. 2. Click on the graphic to select it. 3. Click on the 3D Model Tools Format tab. 4. In the 3D Model Views group, click the More down arrow to open the gallery. 5. In the 3D Model Views gallery, select Above Front Left.

Find all of the occurrences of the word Readig and correct them to Reading.

1. In the Review tab, go to the Proofing group and click Spelling. 2. In the Spelling pane on the right of the document make sure you select Reading and then click Change All.

Set up a slide show for this presentation so that it can be browsed by an individual, and will Loop continuously until the ESC key is hit. Accept all other default settings.

1. In the Slide Show tab, go to the Set Up group and click Set Up Slide Show. 2. In the Set Up Show dialog box, under the Show Type section click Browsed by an individual. Under the Show Options section check Loop continuously until 'Esc' and click OK.

Clear the timing on All the Slides.

1. In the Slide Show tab, go to the Set Up group, and select the Record Slide Show drop down menu. Highlight Clear and click Clear Timings on All Slides.

On Slide 1, add the Cash Register sound to the first animation.

1. On Slide 1, click the Animations tab. Find and select the 1 on the Slide. In the Animations tab, go to the Advanced Animation group and click Animation Pane. 2. In the Animation Pane select the first animation drop down menu and click Effect Options... 3. In the dialog box, in the Sound drop down menu click Cash Register and click OK.

On Slide 1, format the text box containing the title Training Day to be Center aligned and with Italic text.

1. On Slide 1, highlight the text box containing Training Day. 2. In the Home tab, go to the Paragraph group, and click the Center aligned button. 3. With the text box still highlighted, in the Home tab, go to the Font group, and click the Italic button.

On Slide 2 change the Chart Layout to Layout 4.

1. On Slide 2, select the chart. 2. In the Chart Design contextual tab, locate the Chart Layouts group, then select Quick Layout and select Layout 4.

On Slide 2, select the words Fusion Tomo in the title and add a comment that says Delete Fusion Tomo so that the title is SWOT Video.

1. On Slide 2, select the words Fusion Tomo in the title. In the Review tab, go to the Comments group and click New Comment, then in the comment type: Delete Fusion Tomo so that the title is SWOT Video.

Modify the Text Box on slide 3 with the Quote from Dr. Seuss by adding the Shape Fill Gradient, Linear Down.

1. On slide 3 select the text box with the Quote from Dr. Seuss. In the Shape Format contextual tab, go to the Shape Styles group, click the Shape Fill drop down, select Gradient and click Linear Down.

On Slide 3 apply the Shape Style Colored Outline - Orange, Accent 1 to the Chart.

1. On slide 3, select the chart (note that only the outside border will be highlighted). In the Format contextual tab. Locate the Shape Styles group. Click the More down-arrow to open the Shape Styles gallery. Select Colored Outline - Orange, Accent 1.

Inspect this presentation and remove only Document Properties and Personal Information.

1. On the File tab, in the Info pane, click Check for Issues and select Inspect Document. 2. When prompted to save your changes, click Yes. 3. On the Document Inspector pop-up window, accept the default settings and click the Inspect button. 4. Review the inspection results, but only click the Remove All button associated with Document Properties and Personal Information. 5. Click the Close button.

Add a section above Slide 1 named Introduction and a section above Slide 3 named SWOT.

1. Select Slide 1. In the Home tab, go to the Slides group, select the Section dropdown menu, and click Add Section. Rename the section Introduction. Click Rename. 2. Select Slide 3. In the Home tab, go to the Slides group, select the Section dropdown menu, and click Add Section. Rename the section SWOT. Click Rename.

On slide 5, modify the animation so the list items appear in the order Theory, Skills, Ocean Dive.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 5. 2. Click the Animations tab. 3. In the Advanced Animation group, click Animation Pane to open it. 4. In the Animation pane, click on the Ocean Dive item to select it. 5. At the top of the Animation pane, click the down arrow twice to move the Ocean Dive item into position 3. 6. Click the X in the upper-right corner of the Animation pane to close it.

Apply the transition on Slide 1 to all of the slides in the presentation.

1. Select Slide 1. In the Transitions tab, go to the Timing group and click Apply To All.

Remove all animations from Slide 2.

1. Select Slide 2. In the Animations tab, Advanced Animations group, select Animation Pane. 2. In the Animation Pane dialogue window, click on 1. Select the drop down, and choose Remove. 3. Repeat step 2 for all animations on the page.

Delete the Annotation on Slide 2 under the heading Estimated Expenses.

1. Click the White Annotation on Slide 2 under the heading Estimated Expenses and press Delete.

In Slide 4, set the text box with the bulleted list to have Two Columns.

1. Go to Slide 4, and select the text box containing the bulleted paragraphs. In the Home tab, go to the Paragraph group, click the Add or Remove Columns drop down and select Two Columns.

On slide 4, Convert the Smart Art graphic under the title Viral Marketing into Text.

1. On slide 4, select the Smart Art graphic under the title Viral Marketing. 2. In the SmartArt Design contextual tab, go to the Reset group, select the Convert drop down menu and click Convert to Text.

Delete all the slides except for the title slide in the presentation.

1. Select Slide 2. Right click on the slide and choose Delete Slide. 2. Repeat step 1 for slides 3 and 4.

On Slide 4, format the chart gridlines on the Primary Horizontal axis to show Major & Minor Gridlines.

1. Select the Chart on slide 4. 2. In the Chart Design contextual tab, Chart Layouts group, select the drop down for Add Chart Element. 3. Hover over Gridlines. 4. Select Primary Major Horizontal. 5. Repeat steps 2-3. 6. Select Primary Minor Horizontal.

Insert additional slides to the end of the current slideshow using the outline file Outline.docx.

1. Select the last slide in the presentation. On the Home tab, locate the Slides group, click the New Slide drop down, and select Slides from Outline. 2. In your /GMetrixTemplates folder, select the file Outline.docx, and click Insert.

On the last slide, use the list to create a Basic process SmartArt diagram.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 6. 2. Select all of the list items, Book an Adventure ... Catch a Fish! 3. On the Home tab, in the paragraph group, click Convert to SmartArt and select Basic Process.

Apply a Blue, Solid Fill background to slide 2.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select slide 2. 2. On the Design tab, in the Customize group, click Format Background. 3. In the Format Background pane, beneath Fill, click Solid fill to select it. 4. Click the Color down arrow and select Blue. 5. Click the X in the upper-right corner of the pane to close it.

Change this presentation to be viewed in Widescreen (16:9) and ensure the fit.

1. On the Design tab, in the Customize group, click Slide Size. 2. Select Widescreen. 3. Click Ensure Fit.

Restrict editing by marking this presentation as Final.

1. On the File tab, in the Info area, click Protect Presentation. 2. Select Mark as Final. 3. Click OK. 4. Click OK.

Assign the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ALT + 5 to the LinkedText macro, located in Oranges.docm.

1. On the File tab, select Options. 2. In the left pane of Word Options, select the Customize Ribbon category. To the right of Keyboard Shortcuts, click the Customize button. 3. In the Customize Keyboard dialog box, change the Save Changes in to Oranges.docm. 4. Make the following changes: - Categories: scroll to the bottom and select Macros. - Macros: select LinkedText - Place your cursor in the press new shortcut key field and then simultaneously press the keys CTRL + ALT + 5. Click the Assign button. 5. Click Close. Click OK.

Navigate to the comment by Thor Christensen that reads Should we show price ranges? and delete the comment.

1. On the Review tab, in the Comments group, click Show Comments. 2. In the Comments group, click Next. If you see a message pop-up asking if you want to continue searching from the beginning, click Continue. 3. Keep clicking Next until you locate the comment by Thor Christensen that reads Should we show price ranges? (Hint: It is on slide 6.) 4. After you've located the comment, navigate to the Comment group and click Delete. (Hint: You can also click the X in the upper-right corner of the comment.)

Break the link between the two text boxes.

1. Select the body of the first text box. 2. On the Shape Format contextual tab, in the Text group, click Break Link.

Change the character spacing of the table on page 1 to an 80% scale that is condensed by 0.3 pt.

1. Select the table on page 1 by clicking the Table Selection box that appears in the upper-left corner of the table when you hover your mouse over it. 2. On the Home tab, click the dialog box launcher located in the lower-right corner of the Font group. Select the Advanced tab. 3. In the Font dialog box, in the Character Spacing section, use the dropdown menus to change the following: Scale: 80%; Spacing: Condensed; By: 0.3 pt. 4. Click OK.

Make the slide titled Other Activities visible.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the slide titled Other Activities. 2. Right-click it and select Hide Slide.

On slide 5, crop the image to an Oval shape.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 5. 2. Click the photo to select it and reveal the Picture Tools contextual tab. 3. Click the Picture Tools Format tab. 4. In the Size group, click the Crop down arrow to open the menu. 5. Select Crop to Shape, and in the Basic Shapes section, select Oval.

On slide 3, change the second animation to Grow & Turn, and the duration of the second animation to 3.00 seconds.

1. Click Slide 3. Click the Animations tab, so that the numbers show up for animations. 2. Click 2. In the Animations tab, Animations group, select Grow and Turn. 3. In the Animations tab, Timing group, set the duration to 3.00.

Add First Time to the Combo Box control and list it as the first option.

1. At the end of the first question on the survey, select Choose an item. 2. On the Developer tab, in the Controls group, click Properties. (Note: If you don't have the Developer tab on your ribbon, you can add it by going to File > Options > Customize Ribbon and then checking the box next to Developer.) 3. In the Content Control Properties dialog box, click Add. Type First Time in the Display Name box. Click OK. 4. Select First Time. Click the Move Up button 4 times until First Time appears above Second Time. 5. Click OK.

On slide 2, modify the body textbox to have 3 columns, and apply the Colored Outline - Yellow, Accent 3 style.

1. Click Slide 2. Select the text box in the slide. 2. In the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, select the drop down for Add or Remove Columns. 3. Choose 3 columns. 4. In the Shape Format contextual tab, Shape Styles group, select the drop down for Shape Styles. 5. Choose Colored Outline - Yellow, Accent 3.

Configure printing options to print slides 1, 3, and 4 as full-page slides.

1. Click the File tab to select it. 2. On the left, click Print. 3. Beneath Settings, click the first down arrow to change Print All Slides to Custom Range. 4. In the Slides: box, type 1,3-4 (or 1,3,4). 5. Click the second down arrow to ensure that Full Pages Slides is selected. 6. Click the encircled left arrow in the upper-left corner to return to the slide presentation.

Embed only the font characters used in this presentation. Save the presentation.

1. Click the File tab. 2. At the bottom of the left pane, click Options. 3. In the PowerPoint Options pop-up window, in the left pane, select Save. 4. Scroll to the bottom of the Save window and click the box Embed fonts in the file to enable it. 5. In the options below Embed fonts in the file, select Embed only the characters used in the presentation. 6. Click OK. 7. Save the presentation.

Add the text Summer Success to the Subject property of this file.

1. Click the File tab. 2. On the right, at the bottom of the Properties pane, click Show All Properties. 3. Click the Subject field and type Summer Success. 4. Press the Enter key to commit the value. 5. In the upper-left corner of the Info pane, click the back arrow icon to return to the slides.

Prepare this presentation to be printed in Grayscale.

1. Click the File tab. 2. Select Print. 3. Beneath Settings, click the down arrow on the last option to change Color to Grayscale. 4. Click the encircled left arrow in the upper-left corner to return to the slide presentation.

On Slide 3 format the chart Legend to be positioned at the Bottom with a Solid Fill of Rose, Accent 2.

1. Go to Slide 3, and select the Competition Chart. In the Chart Design contextual tab, go to the Chart Layouts group. 2. Click the dropdown for Add Chart Element select Legend and click More Legend Options. 3. In the Format Legend pane under Legend Options and Legend Position, select Bottom. 4. In the same pane click on the Fill and Line icon (looks like a bucket of paint). Click the expand arrow to the left of Fill to open the options list. Leave Automatic selected and go to color. Select Rose, Accent 2.

On Slide 4, apply the Loops motion path to the image.

1. Go to Slide 4, and select the dancing shoes image. In the Animations tab, go to the Advanced Animation group, and click the Add Animation drop down, under Motion Paths select Loops.

On Slide 5 format the chart to have a shape style of Moderate Effect - Purple, Accent 6 with a weight of 6 pt.

1. Go to Slide 5, and click to select the entire chart (not just the interior graph). In the Format tab go to the Shape Styles group, select the More drop down and click Moderate Effect - Purple, Accent 6. Click in the Shape Outline drop down, highlight weight and click 6 pt.

Convert the question list in Slide 5 to the Vertical Bullet List Smart Art.

1. Go to Slide 5, select the text box containing the 5 questions. In the Home tab, go to the Paragraph group click Convert to SmartArt drop down and click Vertical Bullet List.

Set the Orientation of the current presentation to be Portrait with Ensure Fit selected.

1. In the Design tab, go to the Customize group. 2. Select the Slide Size drop down. 3. Select Custom Slide Size... 4. Under Orientation for Slides, select Portrait. 5. Click Ok. 6. When asked about scaling to a new slide size, select Ensure Fit.

Change the theme colors of the presentation to Grayscale and set the zoom level to 60%.

1. In the Design tab, in the Variants group, click on the Variants dropdown button. 2. Hover over the Colors option and select Grayscale from the popup menu. 3. In the View tab, Zoom group, click Zoom. Under Percent, type in 60. Click OK.

In the document properties, add the title Staff Training.

1. In the File tab, Info group, select the drop down for Properties. 2. Choose Advanced Properties. In the dialogue window, select the Summary tab. 3. After Title: type Staff Training. 4. Click OK.

Encrypt the document with the password GMetrix. Mark the document as final.

1. In the File tab, Info group, select the drop down for Protect Presentation. Choose Encrypt with Password. 2. Type GMetrix and hit OK. Repeat this step. 3. In the File tab, Info group, select the drop down for Protect Presentation. Choose Mark as Final.

Change the PowerPoint AutoCorrect Options to not show the Auto Correct Options buttons.

1. In the File tab, go to the Options menu. In the dialog box, select the Proofing section and click the AutoCorrect Options button. 2. In the Auto Correct tab, uncheck the Show AutoCorrect Options buttons checkbox. 3. Click OK twice to close all dialog boxes.

Change the print settings of the document to Uncollated, and Grayscale.

1. In the File tab, go to the Print tab. Under the Settings section click the Collated drop down and select Uncollated. Click the Color drop down and select Grayscale.

Create a handout of the presentation with blank lines below the slides. Save the word document that opens as MyHandout.docx in your \GMetrixTemplates folder. Close the Word document after saving.

1. In the File tab, select Export. 2. Select Create Handouts, and click the Create Handouts button. 3. In the Send to Microsoft Word dialog box, select the Blank lines below slides option, and click OK. 4. Wait for the conversion to be complete, and then Save the word document as MyHandout.docx. Save in the /GMetrixTemplates folder. 5. Close the word document after saving.

Save the entire presentation as a PDF named Powerpoint01.pdf in the \GMetrixTemplates folder. Make sure the Open File After Publishing option is unchecked.

1. In the File tab, select Save As. Click the Browse button. 2. In the dialog box, in the Save as type dropdown select PDF. 3. Browse to the GMetrixTemplates folder inside of your documents folder. 4. Make sure the name of the file is Powerpoint01.pdf 5. Clear the checkbox, Open File After Publishing. 6. Click Save. 7. If Powerpoint asks which slide you want to export select Just This One.

Save the presentation as OlderVersion.ppt, formatted for PowerPoint 97-2003.

1. In the File tab, select the Export tab. Click Change File Type. 2. Choose PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation. 3. Click Save As. 4. Title the document OlderVersion.ppt and click Save.

Modify the current photo album so that the pictures are displayed in black and white. Reorder the pictures so that the first picture is last, and apply the Facet theme to the slideshow.

1. In the Insert tab, Images group, select the drop down for Photo Album. Choose Edit photo album... 2. In the new dialogue window, put a check next to ALL pictures black and white. 3. Under Pictures in album: highlight the first image to place a checkmark in the box to the left. Using the down button, move that image down two places, so that it is last. 4. Under Album layout Theme: click Browse. Choose the Facet theme and click Select. 5. Click Update.

Apply a footer to all of the slides in the presentation except the title slide. The footer should include the date and time set to update automatically, the slide number, and a footer that reads: All Rights Reserved. Accept all other defaults.

1. In the Insert tab, Text group, select Header & Footer. 2. Under Include on slide: put a check in Date and Time, and make sure that Update automatically is selected. 3. Put a check in the boxes for Slide number and Footer. Under Footer, type: All Rights Reserved. 4. Click Don't show on title slide. 5. Click Apply to all.

Insert a Summary Zoom slide between slides 1 and 2. Include all of the slides except the title slide. Accept all other default settings.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, click in the space immediately below slide 1 just before the section name above slide 2. 2. On the Insert tab, in the Links group, click Zoom. 3. On the Zoom dropdown menu, click Summary Zoom. 4. Click to clear the checkbox for 1: Backcountry Tours. 5. If needed, click to enable the checkboxes for all of the other slides. 6. Accept all other defaults. 7. Click Insert.

Center align the equal (=) shapes on slide 5 to the top shape and then group the shapes.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, click on slide 5. 2. Simultaneously select all of the equal (=) shapes. (Hint: Hold the CTRL key on your keyboard while clicking on each of the equal shapes.) 3. On the Drawing Tools Format tab, in the Arrange group, click Align to open the dropdown menu. 4. In the Align dropdown menu, ensure that Align Selected Objects is enabled. If it is not, click to enable it. 5. In the Align dropdown menu, select Align Center. 6. While the shapes are still selected, in the Arrange group, click Group, and then click Group again.

Rename the Untitled Section to Intro.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, just below the title slide, click the section named Untitled Section. 2. Right-click it and select Rename Section. 3. Type the name Intro. 4. Click the Rename button.

Reorder the presentation so the last slide titled Adventurous Trails is slide 3.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the last slide. 2. Click and drag the slide into position between slides 2 and 3. 3. Release the mouse.

On the last slide, change the animation path for the MOS Certificate to Square.

1. In the Navigation pane on the left, select the last slide. 2. Click on the image of the MOS Certificate to select it 3. On the Animations tab, in the Animation group, click the More down arrow to open the gallery. 4. Beneath Motion Paths, ensure that Shapes is selected. 5. To the right of the gallery, click Effect Options and select Square.

Start Recording from Beginning of the current Slideshow. Click through to the end of the slideshow.

1. In the Slide Show tab, go to the Set Up group and click Record Slide Show dropdown. 2. In the dropdown, select Start Recording from Beginning. 3. In the top-left corner, press the red button to start recording. If the Record Slide Show windows comes up, ensure that Slide and animation timings is checked and click Start Recording. (Note: If the GMetrix testing window is docked on the left or top of the screen, it might cover up the Record button. You can change the docking to the bottom or make the recording screen not full-size.) 4. Click through the slideshow until the slide show closes, showing a black screen. If prompted, save the recording.

Start the slide show from the beginning. On Slide 5 use the highlighter with Red ink and underline the first question. Save all annotations.

1. In the Slide Show tab, go to the Start Slide Show group and click From Beginning. 2. When the presentation starts, click until you reach Slide 5 then right click, go to the Pointer Options and click Highlighter. 3. Right click again, go to Pointer Options, go to Ink Color and select Red. 4. Underline the first question using the Red Highlighter. Press Esc until it prompts you to Keep the annotations and click Keep.

Create a Custom Slide Show with only the slide Practice Reading and the slide Practice Reading Questions.

1. In the Slide Show tab, go to the Start Slide Show group, click the Custom Slide Show button and in the drop down click Custom Shows... 2. In the Custom Shows dialog box, click New, in the Define Custom Show dialog box select slide 4. Practice Reading and click Add >>. 3. Select slide 5. Practice Reading Questions and click Add >>, click OK and click Close.

Create a slideshow to only show slides 2, 3, and 4. Set up the show to be browsed by an individual.

1. In the Slideshow tab, Setup group, select Set up Slideshow. 2. In the Set up Show dialogue window, choose Browsed by Individual (Window) under Show Type: 3. Under Show Slides, select From: choose 2 in the first number field and 4 in the second. 4. Click OK.

Change the view of the slideshow to Grayscale, and show Gridlines.

1. In the View tab, Color/Grayscale group, select Grayscale. 2. In the Grayscale tab, Change Selected Object group, select Grayscale. 3. In the View tab, Show group, select Gridlines, so that a check mark appears in the box.

Use the New Window to open the current presentation in a new window, and use the Arrange All tool to see all the open presentations.

1. In the View tab, go to the Window group and click New Window. 2. Go back to the View tab, go to the Window group and click Arrange All.

Display the date in the upper-right corner of handouts created from this presentation.

1. In the View tab, in the Master Views group, click Handout Master. 2. In the Handout Master tab, in the Placeholders group, click the Date box to enable it. 3. In the Close group, click Close Master View.

Change the view to Slider Sorter and change the Zoom to 200%.

1. In the View tab, locate the Presentation Views group, and click Slide Sorter. 2. In the same tab, locate the Zoom group, and click Zoom. Select 200% and click Ok.

Set your Timings to Advance Each Slide After 2 seconds.

1. On Slide 1 In the Transitions tab, go to the Timing group and check After. Set the timer to 00:02.00 seconds. 2. In the Timing group, click Apply to All.

Modify the transition on Slide 1 to Advance After 5 seconds, and not on click.

1. On Slide 1, in the Transitions tab, go to the Timing group, under the Advance Slide section uncheck On Mouse Click. Check the After button and add 5 (00:05:00) seconds to it.

On Slide 2 insert a Clustered Column Chart inside the empty text box. Resize the Chart Data Range to include only 2 categories and 2 series. Rename the Categories: Students and Adults. Name the Series: Can Read and Can't Read. Insert the Data from the text box on Slide 2 called Reading Statistics.

1. On Slide 2, inside the text box below the text click Insert Chart and in the dialog box select Clustered Column and click Ok. 2. In the Excel Spreadsheet select the fill-handle located in the lower-right corner of the blue boxed area and drag it up 2 cells and then drag it left 1 cell until you have the blue boxed area around 2 categories and 2 series. 3. In the Excel Spreadsheet, change the cell A2 Category 1 to Students and cell A3 Category 2 to Adults and change the cell B1 Series 1 to Can Read and the cell C1 Series 2 Can't Read. 4. Change the cell B2 to 80% and cell C2 to 20%. Change cell B3 to 65% and cell C3 to 35% then close the spreadsheet by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the spreadsheet window.

On slide 2, change the shape of the video placeholder to the Rectangle: Rounded Corners type.

1. On slide 2, under the title Fusion Tomo, select the video box (note: it's just a placeholder with no loaded video). In the Video Tools/Format tab, go to the Video Styles group, select the Video Shape dropdown menu, and select the Rectangle: Rounded Corners option.

At the end of the last paragraph, add a web site source with the following settings: Author = Stronin, Craig; Year = 2011; Tag name = Str11Web.

1. Place your cursor at the end of the last paragraph, after the phrase "from 19th century Wales." 2. On the References tab, click the Insert Citation button and select Add New Source... 3. In the Create Source dialog box, make the following changes: Type of Source: Web Site:; Author: Stronin, Craig; Year: 2011; Tag Name: Str11Web. 4. Click OK.

Insert a clustered column chart below the third table on the first page (fruit table). Display the Fruits column as Categories and the Percent column as the data Series. Change the chart layout to Layout 11.

1. Place your cursor immediately below the Fruit table on page 1. 2. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click the Chart button. 3. Select the Chart Type, Clustered Column. Click OK. You now have two documents open: The Word Document and the supporting spreadsheet called Chart in Microsoft Word. 4. On the Chart in Microsoft Word datasheet, drag the lower-right corner of the datasheet range to expand it to include row 7. 5. On the Word Document, copy the Fruits column from the table. 6. Paste the data copied from the Fruits column into the first column of the datasheet. Adjust the column width to fit the contents. 7. On the Word Document, copy the Percent column from the table and paste the data into the second column of the datasheet. 8. Delete the remaining columns in the datasheet. 9. Click the new chart to select it. On the Chart Design contextual tab, expand the Chart Layouts gallery and select Layout 11. 10. Close the datasheet.

Save Slide 2 in the presentation as a JPEG image named Slide2.jpg.

1. Select Slide 2. In the File tab go to the Export tab, select Change File Type and in the menu that shows up under the Image File Types click JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpg) and click Save As. 2. In the Save As dialog box, under the File name text box enter Slide2.jpg and click Save. When prompted "Which slides do you want to export?", click Just This One.

Convert the bulleted list on slide 2 to a Vertical Block List SmartArt.

1. Select Slide 2. Right click the bulleted list. 2. Choose Convert to SmartArt > and from the menu that comes out, choose More SmartArt Graphics... 3. Select List on the left panel, then in the center panel select Vertical Block List SmartArt.

Select Slide 3 and Start Recording from Current Slide. Record to the end of the presentation.

1. Select Slide 3. In the Slide Show tab, go to the Set Up group, click the Record Slide Show drop down and select Record from Current Slide... 2. Click the red button (top left) Start Recording. If the Record Slide Show windows appears, ensure that Slide and animation timings is checked and click Start Recording. 3. Click through the slides until the slide show reaches the end and closes. If prompted, save the recording.

Select Slide 3. Change the view of the presentation to Notes Page. Below Slide 3 add the note: Take reading with you through technology.

1. Select Slide 3. In the View tab, locate the Presentation Views group, and select Notes Page. 2. In the notes section below slide 3, insert the note: Take reading with you through technology.

On slide 5, add a row above the top row of the table. Merge the cells, and enter the text Yearly Spending.

1. Select slide 5. Select a cell from the top row. 2. In the Layout contextual tab, Rows & Columns group, select Insert Above. 3. In the Layout contextual tab, Merge group, select Merge Cells. 4. Type Yearly Spending in the new merged cells.

On the Slide Master, change the theme colors to Blue.

1. Select the Design tab. 2. In the Variants group, click the More down arrow and select Colors. 3. Below the Office section of colors, select Blue OR 1. Click on the View tab. 2. In the Master Views group, click Slide Master. 3. In the Background group, select Colors. 4. Below the Office section of colors, select Blue. (Hint: When you apply a theme or modify theme elements (e.g., Colors, Fonts, or Effects), the Slide Master is automatically modified, so it is not necessary to open the Slide Master view to apply these types of changes.)

On slide 4, modify the chart type to b3 a 3-D Pie.

1. Select the chart on Slide 4. 2. In the Chart Design contextual tab, Type group, select Change Chart Type. 3. Choose 3-D Pie and click OK.

Create a link between the two text boxes, cut the list from the bottom of the page, and paste it into the text boxes.

1. Select the first text box. 2. On the Shape Format contextual tab, in the Text group, click Create Link. 3. Select the second text box to complete the link. 4. Select the list at the bottom of the page, right-click it, and select Cut. 5. Select the first text box, right-click it, and select Paste (Keep Source Formatting).

Format the first two paragraphs below the heading The Ocean Is A Water World so the first line is indented 0.4 (1.0 cm) and the line spacing is set to exactly 12 pt.

1. Select the first two paragraphs below the heading The Ocean Is A Water World. 2. On the Home tab, click the dialog box launcher located in the lower-right corner of the Paragraph group. 3. In the Paragraph dialog box, in the Indentation section, use the dropdown menus to change the following: Special: First line; By: 0.4" (1.0 cm). 4. In the Spacing section, use the dropdown menus to change the following: Line Spacing: Exactly; At: 12 pt. 5. Click OK.

Save the Rain Cloud graphic on page 2 as a building block. Name the building block Rain Cloud. Create a new category named Graphics, save in Building Blocks, and configure the option to insert content in its own paragraph.

1. Select the graphic on page 2. 2. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click the Quick Parts button and select Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery. 3. In the Create New Building Block dialog box, enter Rain Cloud in the Name box. 4. Save in Building Blocks. 5. From the Category: dropdown, select Create New Category and enter Graphics. Click OK. 6. In the Options: dropdown, select Insert content in its own paragraph. 7. Click OK.

Change the Text Form Field so that the field accepts a maximum of 400 characters.

1. Select the text box containing the prompt Enter Feedback Here. 2. On the Developer tab, in the Controls group, click the Properties button and make the following changes: Maximum Length: 400. 3. Click OK.

In Slide 2, apply the Fill - Orange, Accent 2, Outline - Accent 2 style to the word art Introduction.

1. Select the title Introduction on Slide 2. In the Shape Format contextual tab, go to the WordArt Styles, click the styles drop down and click Fill - Orange, Accent 2, Outline - Accent 2.

Insert a new slide 3 using the slide titled Board of Directors from FT_Draft.pptx located in the GMetrixTemplates folder.

1. In the Navigation Pane, select Slide 2. (Hint: Select the slide that appears before the location where you want to insert the new slide.) 2. In the Insert tab, Slides group, click New Slide and select Reuse Slides... 3. The Reuse Slides pane will appear on the right. Click Browse then Browse File... and locate the GMetrix Documents folder. Select FT_Draft.pptx and click Open. All of the slides contained in the presentation will list in the Reuse Slides pane. 4. At the bottom of the list, make sure the box next to Keep source formatting is disabled (clear). 5. Right-click Board of Directors (Slide 3) and select Insert Slide. (Hint: Alternatively, you can also click on the slide to insert it.) 6. Close the Reuse Slides pane by clicking the X in the upper-right corner of the pane.

Delete the comment in slide 1. Add a comment to the heading of slide 9 that reads Cite your sources.

1. In the Review tab, Comments section, click Next to view the comment. Click Delete in the same group. 2. Select Slide 9. Select the text box for the heading, titled Different Methods. 3. In the Review tab, Comment group, select New Comment. 4. In the comment area, type Cite your sources.

Configure the print settings to print Notes Pages for the presentation.

1. Click the File tab. 2. Select Print. 3. Beneath Settings, click the second down arrow to change Full Page Slides to Notes Pages. (Hint: Notice that Notes Pages are now displayed in the print preview window.) 4. Click the encircled left arrow in the upper-left corner to return to the slide presentation.

Apply a transition effect duration of 1.50 to all of the slides in the presentation.

1. Click the Transitions tab. 2. In the Timing group, click the Duration spinner down arrow to change it to 1.50. (Hint: You can also type the value into the window.) 3. In the same group, click Apply To All.

Insert a legend above the chart on slide 6.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, click on slide 6. 2. Click the chart to select it and reveal the contextual tabs for Charts. 3. On the Chart Tools Design contextual tab, in the Chart Layouts group, click Add Chart Element. 4. Select Legend and click Top.

Convert the text on slide 7 to a Target List graphic.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, click on slide 7. 2. Select all three of the list items. 3. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Convert to SmartArt. Then from the top row, select Target List.

Apply the Ripple transition to all of the slides.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 1. 2. Click the Transitions tab. 3. In the Transition to This Slide group, click the More button to open the gallery. 4. In the Exciting section, select the Ripple transition. 5. In the Timing group, click Apply To All.

Locate the center of the slide by displaying the alignment guides.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 1. 2. Click the View tab. 3. In the Show group, click the Guides box to enable it. (Hint: By default, the Guides should be positioned at 0 on both the top and side rulers so that their intersection marks the center of the slide.)

Add Alt Text that reads Sick Compute to the graphic on slide 2.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 2. 2. Click the Center of the image to select it and reveal the contextual tab. 3. On the Picture Tools Format contextual tab, in the Accessibility group, click Alt Text. (Hint: Alternatively, you can right-click the image and select Edit Alt Text...) 4. In the Alt Text pane on the right, type Sick Computer into the text box.

On slide 2, apply the color Yellow to the text 10%, 12%, and 60% and equalize the character height. Leave all other text unchanged.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 2. 2. Click the Home tab. 3. Hold the CTRL key and select only the terms, 10%, 12%, and 60%. 4. With all three terms selected, click the dialog box launcher located in the lower-right corner of the Font group. 5. In the Font pop-up window, on the Font tab, click the Font Color down arrow. In the Standard Colors section, select yellow. 6. In the Effects section, click the Equalize Character Height box to enable it. 7. Click OK.

On slide 2, apply the Inside: Bottom Right shadow effect to the illustration of the sun.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 2. 2. Click the sun image to select it and reveal the Drawing Tools contextual tab. 3. Click the Drawing Tools Format tab. 4. In the Shape Styles group, click Shape Effects. 5. Select Shadow, and in the Inner section, click Inside: Bottom Right.

On slide 2, modify the animation so all of the list items enter From Bottom-Right.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 2. 2. On the slide, select all of the list items Learn the Basics . . . Underwater World. 3. Click the Animations tab. 4. In the Animation group, click Effect Options, and select From Bottom-Right.

Change the chart on slide 3 to a Clustered bar.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 3. 2. Click the chart to select it and reveal the Chart Tools contextual tabs. 3. Click the Chart Tools Design tab. 4. On the far right of the ribbon, in the Type group, click Change Chart Type. 5. In the Change Chart Type pop-up window, in the left pane, select Bar. 6. At the top of the right pane, click the Clustered Bar icon. 7. Click OK.

On slide 3, create a table in the right placeholder with 3 columns and 6 rows. Accept the default style.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 3. 2. In the right pane, click the Insert Table icon. 3. Configure the Insert Table pop-up window for Columns: 3 and Rows: 6. 4. Click OK.

On slide 3, next to the list item Pay $75, insert a comment that reads Update the fee to $90.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 3. 2. On the slide, select the list item Pay $75. 3. Click the Review tab. 4. In the Comments group, click New Comment. 5. In the Comment pane on the right, type Update the fee to $90. 6. Press the Enter key to commit the comment. 7. Click the X in the upper-right corner of the Comment pane to close it.

On slide 4, crop the image to an Oval shape and resize it to a Height of 3.5" (8.9 cm) and a Width of 4.5" (11.43 cm).

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 4. 2. Click on the photo to select it. 3. Click on the Picture Tools Format tab. 4. In the Size group, click the Crop down arrow and select Crop to Shape. 5. In the Basic Shapes section, click Oval. 6. Change the Size values to Height: 3.5" (8.9 cm) and Width: 4.5" (11.43 cm). (Hint: Enter either inches or centimeters, not both.) 7. Click anywhere outside the image to deselect it.

On the last slide, reorder the shapes so the diagram reads Quality Ingredients + Exciting Flavors --> Amazing ice Cream.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 6. 2. Click anywhere in the SmartArt diagram to reveal the SmartArt Tools contextual tabs. 3. Click the SmartArt Tools Design tab. 4. In the border of the SmartArt diagram, click the arrow on the right border to open the Text pane. 5. In the Text pane, click the item Amazing Ice Cream to select it. 6. In the SmartArt Tools Design tab, in the Create Graphic group, click Move Down once. (Hint: The diagram should display the shapes Quality Ingredients in the top left, Exciting Flavors in the bottom left, and Amazing Ice Cream on the right.) 7. Click the X in the upper-right corner of the Text pane to close it.

Import Marketing.rtf located in the GmetrixTemplates folder to create two new slides immediately following the title slide.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select slide 1. 2. On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click New Slide and select Slides from Outline... 3. In the GMetrixTemplates folder, select Marketing.rtf. 4. Click Insert. (Hint: Two new slides should be created titled Interesting Statistics and Best Ways to Start.)

Change the layout of slide 3 to Two Content. Apply an Intense Effect - Blue-Gray, Accent 1 style to the shape.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select slide 3. 2. On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click Layout and select Two Content. 3. Click on the heart shape to select it and reveal the Drawing Tools Format contextual tab. 4. On the Drawing Tools Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click on the gallery to open it. 5. Hover your mouse over each style to view its name. Click Intense Effect - Blue-Gray, Accent 1. (Hint: It's at the bottom of the second column.)

Format the text on slide 4 into two columns with 0.5" (1.27 cm) spacing between the columns.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select slide 4. 2. Select the content placeholder. 3. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Add or Remove Columns and select More Columns... 4. In the Columns pop-up window, configure the following: Number: 2 Spacing: 0.5" (1.27 cm) 5. Click OK.

Add a Turntable animation to the 3D Model on slide 5. Configure it to play after the previous animation.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select slide 5. 2. Click on the 3D Model to select it. 3. On the Animation tab, in the Advanced Animation group, click Add Animation. In the 3D section, select Turntable. 4. In the Timing group, click the Start: dropdown and select After Previous.

On slide 5, add a Pareto Histogram chart using default settings and data.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select slide 5. 2. In the slide placeholder, click the Insert Chart icon. 3. In the Insert Chart pop-up window, in the left pane, select Histogram. 4. In the list of available Histogram charts, click Pareto. 5. Click OK.

On slide 5, add a new shape to the SmartArt graphic between Invite Students from Course and Get Accepted to Camp. Insert the text Enroll Students into the new shape.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select slide 5. 2. Select the shape containing the text Invite Students from Course. 3. On the SmartArt Tools Design tab, in the Create Graphic group, click the Add Shape down arrow and select Add Shape After. 4. Click inside the shape and type Enroll Students.

On the last slide, insert a text box in the lower-right quarter of the slide. Resize the width of the textbox to 2.5" (6.35 cm) and insert the text Questions? Feel free to contact us.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select slide 7. 2. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Text Box. Hold down the left mouse button and drag to draw a text box in the empty space located in the lower-right quarter of the slide. 3. Click on the Drawing Tools Format tab to select it. 4. In the Size group, change the Shape Width value to 2.5" (6.35 cm). 5. Inside the text box, type the text Questions? Feel free to contact us.

On the last slide, link the text to

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select slide 7. 2. Select the text 3. On the Insert tab, in the Links group, click Link. (Hint: You can also right-click and select Hyperlink...) 4. Type the Address: 5. Click OK. 6. Click anywhere on the slide to deselect the text.

Apply the Bevel Rectangle style to the image on the Backpacking Trips slide.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the Backpacking Trips slide. 2. Click the image located on the right to select it and reveal the contextual tab. 3. On the Picture Tools Format contextual tab, in the Picture Styles group, click Bevel Rectangle.

Reposition the center image on the Our Rock Crawling adventures... slide to Align Middle and place it in front of the other two images.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the Our Rock Crawling adventures... slide. 2. Click the center image to select it and reveal the contextual tab. 3. On the Picture Tools Format contextual tab, in the Arrange group, click Align. 4. Select Align Middle. 5. Then in the Arrange group, select Bring Forward and click Bring to Front.

On the Summary slide, insert a Screen Recording of the video on the Investing in Internet Technologies slide. Exclude Record Pointer and Audio. Select only the video area without the black borders. Begin the screen recording anywhere between 00:06:30 and 00:07:00 seconds and end between 00:13:30 and 00:14:00.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the Summary slide. 2. Click the Insert tab. 3. In the Media group, click Screen Recording. The Screen Recording panel will automatically pop up at the top of the screen, and the PowerPoint slides will minimize to reveal the computer desktop. 4. Hold Alt on your keyboard and press Tab one or more times to toggle to the PowerPoint presentation. 5. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the Investing in Internet Technologies slide. (Hint: You may need to click it more than once.) 6. On the Screen Recording panel located at the top of the screen, click to disable Audio and Record Pointer. 7. Click to enable Select Area and drag to select the video area. Do not include the black areas. 8. Click just below the video area to reveal the video playback control bar. 9. Click the Forward Advance button several times until it reads a value between 00:06:30 and 00:07:00 seconds. 10. On the Screen Recording panel, click the Record button. A countdown will begin. 11. When the 3-2-1 countdown completes, click the Play button on the video playback control bar. 12. Allow the video to play until it reaches a value between 00:13:30 and 00:14:00 seconds, then click the Pause button on the video playback control bar. 13. On the Screen Recording panel located at the top of the screen, click the Stop button. (Hint: The Screen Recording should automatically be inserted onto the Summary slide.)

Animate the entrance of the list items on the last slide using the Fly In effect.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the last slide. 2. Click anywhere on the list to select it. 3. On the Animation tab, in the Animation group, in the gallery, select Fly In.

Create an Upward Arrow Process SmartArt graphic on the last slide.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the last slide. 2. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click SmartArt. 3. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic pop-up window, in the left pane, select Process. 4. In the list of Process graphics, click Upward Arrow. 5. Click OK.

On the slide Investing in Internet Technologies, edit the video End Time to stop exactly 14 seconds into the video.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the slide called Investing in Internet Technologies. 2. Click inside the video window to select it and reveal the video contextual tabs. 3. On the Video Tools Playback tab, in the Editing group, click Trim Video. 4. In the Trim Video pop-up window, change the End Time to 00:14. 5. Click OK.

On the slide Investing in Internet Technologies, adjust the media window size to be 4.7" (11.9 cm) high. Accept the default adjusted width.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the slide containing the video titled Investing in Internet Technologies. 2. Click inside the video window to select it and reveal the video contextual tabs. 3. On the Video Tools Format tab, in the Size group, change the value for Height: to 4.7" (11.9 cm). 4. Accept the default adjusted width.

Delete the Word of Mouth row from the table on the Generating Income slide.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the slide with the table titled Generating Income. 2. Select the row by clicking anywhere inside the cell containing the text Word of Mouth. 3. On the Table Tools Layout tab, in the Rows & Columns group, click the Delete dropdown and select Delete Rows.

On Slide 3 format the image to have a Picture Effect Shadow of Inner with Inside Left effect.

1. On Slide 3 highlight the picture on the right. 2. In the Home tab go to the Drawing group and select the Shape Effects drop-down. 3. In the drop-down select Shadow and click the Inner with Inside Left effect.

Copy the NewMacros, located in Oranges.docm, to the Apples.docx, located in the GMetrixTemplates folder. Save Apples.docx as a macro-enabled document.

1. On the Developer tab, click the Macros button. In the Macros dialog box, click the Organizer button. 2. In the Organizer dialog box, on the Macro Project Items tab, on the right side, close the Normal.dotm file. Click the Open File button. 3. Browse to the GMetrixTemplates folder. To the right of the File Name field, change the file type to All Files. 4. Select Apples.docx and click Open. 5. In the Organizer dialog box, copy NewMacros from the Oranges.docm pane to the Apples.docx pane by selecting NewMacros and click the Copy button. 6. Click Close. When prompted whether to save changes to Apples.docx, click Save. 7. When prompted to save the document as macro free, answer No. 8. In the Save As dialog box, change the file type of Apples.docx to a Word Macro-Enabled Document (*.docm). Click Save.

Apply the styles from the template CompanyDescription.docx, located in the Documents folder, to the document currently open.

1. On the Developer tab, in the Template group, click the Document Template button. 2. On the Templates tab, click the Attach button. 3. Browse to the Documents folder and select the CompanyDescription.docx file. Click Open. 4. Enable Automatically update document styles. 5. Click OK.

Create a PDF by using a feature in PowerPoint. Name the document Backcountry.pdf and save it into the GMetrixTemplates folder. Do not open the file after publishing.

1. On the File tab, select Export. 2. In the Export pane, click Create PDF/XPS Document. In the pane on the right, click the Create PDF/XPS button. 3. Browse to the GMetrixTemplates folder. 4. Name the file Backcountry.pdf. 5. Uncheck the box next to Open file after publishing. 6. Click Publish.

Remove the Contact Info style from the template CompanyDescription.docx, located in the GMetrixTemplates folder. Save the file.

1. On the File tab, select Open. 2. Browse to the GMetrixTemplates folder and select the CompanyDescription.docx file. Click Open. 3. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click the dialog box launcher. 4. In the Styles pane, right-click Contact Info and select Delete Contact Info. 5. When prompted if you want to delete the style from the document, click Yes.

Disable the Paste Options button so that it does not display when content is pasted.

1. On the File tab, select Options. 2. In the left pane of the Word Options dialog box, select Advanced. 3. In the Cut, copy, and paste section, clear the box Show Paste Options button when content is pasted. 4. Click OK.

Configure Word ActiveX Settings to enable all controls without restrictions and without prompting.

1. On the File tab, select Options. 2. In the left pane of the Word Options dialog box, select Trust Center. 3. In the Microsoft Word Trust Center section, click the Trust Center Settings button. 4. In the left pane of the Trust Center dialog box, select ActiveX Settings. 5. Select Enable all controls without restrictions. 6. Click OK. Click OK again.

Enable all macros for this document.

1. On the File tab, select Options. 2. In the left pane, select the Trust Center category. In the right pane, click the Trust Center Settings button. 3. Under the Macro Settings section, select Enable all macros. 4. Click OK. Click OK again.

Mark all instances of State v. Salter, 2008J230, 758 N.W.2d 702 as a citation in the Cases category of the Table of Authorities. Update the Table of Authorities.

1. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the Find button. 2. In the Search field of the Navigation pane, enter the text State v. Salter. 3. In the document, select the entire citation State v. Salter, 2008J230, 758 N.W.2d 702. 4. On the References tab, in the Table of Authorities group, click the Mark Citation button. 5. In the Category field, use the dropdown menu to select Cases. 6. Click the Mark All button. Click Close. 7. In the document, select the entire Table of Authorities. 8. In the Table of Authorities group, click the Update Table button.

Mark all occurrences of cyclones, typhoons, and hurricanes as Index Citations. Update the index at the end of the document. (Note: Accept all other default settings.)

1. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the Find button. 2. In the Search field of the Navigation pane, enter the text cyclones. 3. In the document, select the text cyclones. 4. On the References tab, in the Index group, click the Mark Entry button. 5. Click the Mark All button. Click Close. 6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for typhoons and hurricanes. 7. In the document, select the entire Index. 8. In the Index group, click the Update Index button.

Remove the citation associated with State v. Avila and then update the Table of Authorities.

1. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Show/Hide button. 2. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the Find button. 3. In the Search field of the Navigation pane, enter the text State v. Avila. 4. In the document, select the entire citation including the TA field with the braces. Click the Delete key. 5. Select the Table of Authorities. 6. On the References tab, in the Table of Authorities group, click the Update Table button.

In the Header of the document, replace [Type text] with the Author Document Property.

1. On the Insert tab, in the Header & Footer group, click the Header dropdown and select Edit Header. 2. On page 2, select the placeholder Type text. 3. On the Header & Footer Tools Design tab, in the Insert group, click the Quick Parts button and select Document Property>Author. 4. Click the Close Header and Footer button.

Create a Letter Merge using the current document. Use Participants.xlsx, located in the GMetrixTemplates folder, to populate the recipients list. Add a First_Name field so that it replaces the note Insert First Name Here. (Note: Accept all other default settings.) Create a rule that inserts the text Supporter wherever the First_Name field is blank. Finish the merge by editing the individual documents.

1. On the Mailings tab, click the Select Recipients button and select Use Existing List. 2. Browse to the GMetrixTempaltes folder, select Participants.xlsx, and click Open. When prompted to Select Table, accept the defaults and click OK. 3. On the Newsletter, delete the placeholder Insert First Name Here. 4. On the Mailings tab, click the Insert Merge Field button and select First_Name. 5. Click the Rules button and select If... Then... Else... 6. Configure the rule as follows: Field name dropdown select: First_Name; Comparison Field dropdown select: Is blank; and in the Insert this text field enter: Supporter. Click OK. 7. On the Mailings tab, click the Finish & Merge button and then select Edit Individual Documents. When prompted to Merge to New Document, click OK.

Without starting a new merge, add the appropriate fields to replace the text First Name and Company. Use Attendees.docx, located in the GMetrixTemplates folder, to populate the recipients list. Finish the merge by Editing Individual Documents. (Note: Do not print or email the merge.)

1. On the Mailings tab, click the Select Recipients button and select Use Existing List. 2. Browse to the GMetrixTemplates folder, select Attendees.docx, and click Open. 3. Select the text First Name. 4. On the Mailings tab, click the Insert Merge Field button and select First_Name. 5. Select the text Company. 6. On the Mailings tab, click the Insert Merge Field button and select Company. 7. On the Mailings tab, click the Finish & Merge button, and then select Edit Individual Documents. When prompted to Merge to New Document, select All and then click OK.

Use the Source Manager to import NewSources.xml, located in the Documents folder, as available sources.

1. On the References tab, click Manage Sources. 2. Click the Browse button and browse to the Documents folder. Select NewSources.xml and click OK. 3. The list of new sources should appear in the left pane of the Source Manager. 4. Close the Source Manager.

Perform a comparison of StyleGuide.docx and StyleGuide_Revised.docx located in the GMetrixTemplates folder. Use StyleGuide.docx as the original document. Display the changes at the Character Level in a new document. Accept all of the changes and save the new document to the GMetrixTemplates folder as Final.docx.

1. On the Review tab, click the Compare button and select Compare. 2. In the Compare Documents dialog box, click the down arrow in the Original Document field and browse to select StyleGuide.docx. Click the down arrow in the Revised Document field and browse to select StyleGuide_Revised.docx. 3. Click the More button and make the following changes: Show Changes at: Character level; Show changes in: New document. 4. Click OK. 5. When prompted to accept the changes and continue with the comparison, answer Yes. 6. On the File tab, select Save As... and name the file Final.docx. Click Save.

Restrict editing on this document to limit formatting to the Recommended Minimum styles. Remove formatting and styles that are not allowed. Enforce protection without a password. (Note: Accept all other default settings.)

1. On the Review tab, in the Protect group, click the Restrict Editing button. 2. In the Restrict Editing and Formatting pane, in the 1. Formatting Restrictions section, enable the box Limit formatting to a selection of styles. Click the Settings link. 3. Click the Recommended Minimum button. Accept all other default settings. Click OK. 4. When prompted to remove formatting and styles that are not allowed, click Yes. 5. In the 3. Start Enforcement section, click the Yes, Start Enforcing Protection button. 6. Leave both password fields blank. Click OK.

Restrict editing on this document to allow only comments. Enter 7788 as the password. (Note: Accept all other default settings.)

1. On the Review tab, in the Protect group, click the Restrict Editing button. 2. In the Restrict Editing and Formatting pane, in the 2. Editing Restrictions section, enable the box Allow only this type of editing in the document. Click the dropdown menu and select Comments. 3. In the 3.Start Enforcement section, click the Yes, Start Enforcing Protection button. 4. Enter the password 7788. Confirm the password 7788. 5. Click OK.

Change the duration of the transition to .75 and apply it to all the slides in this presentation.

1. On the Transitions tab, in the Timing group, change the Duration to .75. 2. Click Apply To All.

Apply the Smoothly transition effect to all of the slides in this presentation.

1. On the Transitions tab, in the Transitions to This Slide group, click Effect Options. 2. Click Smoothly. 3. In the Timing group, select Apply to All.

Remove the Header and Footer from the Notes Master.

1. On the View tab, in the Master Views group, click Notes Master. 2. On the Notes Master tab, in the Placeholders group, click the Header box and the Footer box to disable those two features. 3. In the Close group, click Close Master View.

Add the image Badge.png located in the GMetrixTemplates folder to the bottom-right corner of the slide master.

1. On the View tab, in the Master Views group, click Slide Master. 2. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select the slide master. (Hint: You may need to scroll up to see the slide master.) 3. On the Insert tab, in the Images group, click Pictures. 4. Browse to the GMetrix Templates folder and select Badge.png. 5. Click the Insert button. 6. Drag the image to the lower-right corner of the slide master. 7. Select the Slide Master tab and click Close Master View.

Insert a Microsoft Graph Chart below the third table on the first page (fruit table). Display the Fruits column as a legend and the Percent column as the data series.

1. Place your cursor immediately below the fruit table. 2. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click the Object dropdown and then click Object... 3. On the Create New tab, select the object type Microsoft Graph Chart. Click OK. 4. Copy the Fruits column from the table. 5. Double-click the chart to open the Datasheet. 6. Paste the data copied from the Fruits column into the first column of the Datasheet. Adjust the column width to fit the contents by dragging. 7. Copy the Percent column from the table and paste the data into the second column of the data sheet. 8. Remove the remaining columns in the Datasheet. Close the Datasheet.

In the current presentation Delete the second Comment in the document.

1. Select Slide 1. In the Review tab, go to the Comments group and click Next two times then click the Delete button or press Delete.

Add Help Key text to the Text Form Field that displays the following text in the Status Bar: Type in your feedback up to 400 characters. Restrict editing without a password to allow only filling in forms so you can test your help.

1. Select the Text Form Field containing the prompt Enter Feedback Here. 2. On the Developer tab, in the Controls group, click the Properties button. 3. At the bottom of the dialog box, click Add Help Text. 4. Select the Status Bar tab. 5. Select Type your own and then type the following: Type in your feedback up to 400 characters. 6. Click OK. Click OK. 7. In the Protect group, click Restrict Editing. 8. Under section 2. Editing restrictions, enable the box Allow only this type of editing in the documents. Then in the dropdown menu, select Filling in forms. 9. Under section 3. Start Enforcement, click Yes, Start Enforcing Protection. Do not enter a password. Click OK. 10. Select the Text Form Field to see your Help Key text displayed in the lower-left corner of the status bar.

Add the title Fruit Analysis of the Midwest as Alt Text to the third table on the first page (fruit table). Set the Preferred Width for the table to 97% and add a Tan, Background 2, Darker 25% colored Box border with a width of 1.5 pt. around the perimeter of the table.

1. Select the fruit table on page 1 by clicking the Table Selection box that appears in the upper-left corner of the table when you hover your mouse over it. 2. Right-click the Table Selection box and select Table Properties. 3. Select the Alt Text tab and type the following into the Title field: Fruit Analysis of the Midwest. 4. Select the Table tab. 5. In the Size section, make the following changes using the dropdown menus: Measure in: Percent; Preferred Width: 97%. 6. Click the Borders and Shading button. On the Borders tab, change the following: Width 1.5 pt; Color: Tan; Background 2, Darker 25%. 7. In the left pane, select Box. 8. Click OK. Click OK again.

On Slide 4 Reset the Picture and then Crop the picture to a Shape named Round Diagonal Corner Rectangle

1. Select the photo Slide 4, in the Picture Format contextual tab. Go to the Adjust group, and click Reset Picture. 2. In the same Format tab, go to the Size group, select the Crop drop down menu and select Crop to Shape. Select Rectangle: Diagonal Corners Rounded.

Without starting a new merge, add the appropriate field to the envelope merge to replace the text Insert Address Block Here. Use Customers.xlsx, located in the GMetrixTemplates folder, to populate the recipients list. Use the address block format Mr. Joshua Randall Jr. and accept all other defaults. Finish the merge by Editing Individual Documents, and save the merge as BatchMail to the Documents folder.

1. Select the text Insert Address Block Here and press the Delete key. 2. On the Mailings tab, click the Select Recipients button and select Use Existing List. 3. Browse to the GMetrixTemplates Folder and select Customers.xlsx. Click Open. 4. When prompted to Select Table, accept the defaults and click OK. 5. On the Mailings tab, click the Address Block button. Select the format Mr. Joshua Randall Jr. and click OK. 6. On the Mailings tab, click the Finish & Merge button and then select Edit Individual Documents. When prompted to Merge to New Document, select All and then click OK. 7. On the File tab, select Save As. Browse to the Documents folder. Name the file BatchMail, and then click Save.

On Slide 1 format the image to have a hyperlink of

1. Go to Slide 1, and select the image by the title. In the Insert tab, Links group, click the Link drop down, select Insert Link. 2. In the Hyperlink dialog box Address field type: and click OK.

In Slide 2, add Star Bullets to each point in the main textbox.

1. Go to Slide 2, and select the text box with the points. Highlight the text in the box. In the Home tab, go to the Paragraph group, select the Bullet drop down and click Star Bullets.

On Slide 3 format the picture by changing the Brightness to -40% and Contrast to +20%.

1. Go to Slide 3, and highlight the image of the man and woman talking. In the Picture Format tab, go to the Adjust group, select the Corrections drop down and click Brightness to -40% and Contrast to +20%.

On Slide 3, center the title text in the textbox that says INCOME, and apply the Transform Deflate text effect. Change the text of the word art to read OUR INCOME.

1. Go to Slide 3, and highlight the textbox starting with INCOME in the Home tab. Go to the Paragraph group and click the Center button. 2. With the text box still selected, in the Shape Format contextual tab, go to the WordArt Styles. Select Text Effects drop down menu, go to the Transform section and click Deflate and rewrite the title to OUR INCOME.

On slide 4, apply the Table hierarchy layout, and the Subtle Effect style to the SmartArt.

1. Go to slide 4, and select the SmartArt graphic. 2. In the SmartArt Design contextual tab, locate the Layouts group, click on the More dropdown and select the Table Hierarchy option. 3. In the SmartArt Design contextual tab, locate the SmartArt Styles group, and select the Subtle Effect option.

Insert a footer that shows the slide number, and the text FusionTomo into every slide except the title slide.

1. In the Insert tab, Text group, select Header & Footer. 2. In the Header and Footer dialogue box, under Include on slide: click to put a check mark in Slide number. 3. Click to put a check mark in Footer, and type FusionTomo. 4. Click to put a check mark in Don't show on Title. 5. Click Apply to All.

On the title slide, insert a Colored Outline - Purple, Accent 6 oval shape that is 2"(5.08 cm) high and 3.5" (8.89 cm) wide. Position the shape behind the image of the biker.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 1. 2. Click the image of the Mountain Biker to select it. 3. Click the Insert tab. 4. In the Illustrations group, click the Shapes down arrow to open the gallery. 5. In the Basic Shapes section, select Oval. 6. Click and drag to draw an oval over the image of the Mountain Biker. 7. In the Drawing Tools Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click More down arrow to open the gallery. 8. Select Colored Outline - Purple, Accent 6. 9. In the Size group, use the spinner arrows to change Shape height to 2" (5.08 cm) and Shape Width to 3.5" (8.89 cm). (Hint: You can also type the values into the fields. Only type inches or centimeters, not both types of values.) 10. In the Arrange group, click Send Backward.

On Slide 2, create a bulleted list from the text Leading . . . recognition. For the bullet, use the picture TomoLogo.png located in the GMetrixTemplates folder.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 2. 2. Below the heading About FusionTomo, select all of the text Leading . . . recognition. 3. In the Home tab, Paragraph group, click the Bullets down arrow and select Bullets and Numbering. 4. In the Bullets and Numbering pop-up, on the Bulleted tab, click the Picture button. 5. On the Insert Pictures pop-up, click the Browse link to the right of From a file and browse to your GMetrixTemplates folder. 6. Select TomoLogo.png and click Insert.

On Slide 3, change the video playback to start automatically when the slide loads and redisplay the title screen after the playback is finished.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 3. 2. Click on the video to select it. 3. Click on the Video Tools Playback tab. 4. In the Video Options group, click the dropdown arrow next to Start: and select Automatically. 5. Click the box Rewind after Playing to enable it so that the title screen will be redisplayed after the playback is finished.

Modify the design of the table on Slide 5 to Medium Style 4 - Accent 6.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 5. 2. Click on the table to select it. 3. Click on the Table Tools Design tab. 4. In the Table Styles group, click the More dropdown arrow to open the gallery. 5. Select Medium Style 4 - Accent 6.

Change the colors of the graphic on slide 6 to Colored Fill - Accent 6.

1. In the Navigation Pane on the left, select Slide 6. 2. Click on the graphic to select it. 3. Click on the SmartArt Tools Design tab. 4. In the SmartArt Styles group, click Change Colors to open the menu. 5. In the Accent 6 section, select Colored Fill - Accent 6.

In the right pane of the slide titled FusionTomo, insert the video FusionTomo.mp4 located in the GMetrixTemplates folder.

1. In the Navigation Pane, select the slide near the bottom titled FusionTomo. 2. In the content placeholder on the right side of the slide, click the Insert Video icon. 3. In the Insert Video pop-up, next to From a file, click Browse. (Hint: Alternatively, you could click anywhere inside the placeholder, then on the Insert tab, in the Media group, click Video and select Video on My PC...) 4. Browse to your GMetirxTemplates folder and select FusionTomo.mp4. 5. Click Insert.

On Slide 3 change the Chart Type to Clustered Bar.

1. On Slide 3, select the chart. 2. In the Chart Design contextual tab, locate the Type group, and click Change Chart Type. 3. In the Change Chart Type Dialog Box, in the Bar group, select Clustered Bar, and click OK.

On Slide 5 change the Table Style of the top table to Themed Style 2 - Accent 6.

1. On Slide 5, click anywhere inside the table at the top to select it. In the Table Design contextual tab, locate the Table Styles group, click the down arrow button to see more themes and select Themed Style 2 - Accent 6.

On Slide 5, change the animation of the text box The Marketing Way to start After Previous with a 5.00 second delay.

1. On Slide 5, click the Animations tab to make the animation numbers appear. 2. Select the 2 relating to the animation of the text box The Marketing Way. In the Animations tab, locate the Timing group, and change Start: to After Previous and Delay: to 5.00 seconds.

On Slide 5 insert a new row on top of the first table, and merge the cells. Type the words Customer Orientation in the merged cell.

1. On Slide 5, select any cell in the top row of the first table. 2. In the Layout contextual tab, locate the Rows & Columns group, and click Insert Above. 3. Select the top row, and in the Layout contextual tab locate the Merge group, and click Merge Cells. 4. In the new cell, type the words, Customer Orientation.

On slide 4, change the video Playback options to Start On Click, and Rewind after Playing.

1. On slide 4, to the left of the heading Technology, highlight the video. In the Playback tab, go to the Video Options group. In the Start drop down menu select When Clicked On, and check the Rewind after Playing button.

On slide 5, reorder the animations so that the label at the bottom is first, the top table is second, and the bottom table is third.

1. On slide 5, click the Animations tab to make the animation numbering appear. Notice the 3 relates to the animation for the top table, the 1 relates to the animation for the middle table, and the 2 relates to the animation for the label at the bottom. 2. Select the 2 relating to the animation for the label at the bottom of the slide. In the Animations tab, locate the Timing group, and click Move Earlier to make the animation first. 3. Select the 2 relating to the animation for the bottom table. In the Animations tab, locate the Timing group, and click Move Later to make the animation third. The top table should be assigned to 2 automatically.

Rehearse slide show timings and allow at least one second for each slide and any transitions in the slide. Save the timings.

1. On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, click Rehearse Timings. 2. Allow at least 1 second to play, then click the Next button on the timer located in the upper-left corner of the window until the next slide appears. Allow another 1 second to play, then click Next again to advance to the next slide. Continue in this manner until you reach the end of the slide presentation. 3. When prompted, "The total time for your slide show was 00:00:06 [approximately]. Do you want to save the new slide timings?" Click Yes.

Compress all pictures in the presentation to E-mail resolution. Save the compressed presentation as compressed.pptx in your GMetrixTemplates folder.

1. Select the image on Slide 5. In the Picture Format contextual tab, Adjust group, select Compress Pictures. 2. In the Compress Pictures dialogue window, make sure that Apply only to this picture is not checked, and that Delete cropped areas of pictures is checked. 3. Make sure that E-mail is selected under Resolution:. Click Ok. 4. In the File tab, click Save as: 5. Save as compressed.pptx in the GMetrixTemplates folder.

Create a New Photo Album and insert the pictures photo1.jpg, photo2.jpg and photo3.jpg. These images can be found in your GMetrix Templates folder. Order the pictures by photo2.jpg first, photo3.jpg second, and photo1.jpg third.

1. To create a new presentation click File, and select New. Click Blank Presentation. 2. In the Insert tab, locate the Images group. Click Photo Album, and select New Photo Album. 3. In the Photo Album dialog box, click the File/Disk button to insert images. 4. Locate the 3 images in your /GMetrixTemplates folder. Hold the SHIFT key and click the first and last filename to select all 3. Then click Insert. 5. Use the Up and Down arrow buttons under the Pictures in Album section to reorder the images with photo2.jpg first, photo3.jpg second, and photo1.jpg third and click Create.

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