Graft and Corruption - CONTEMP 10

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This system of government is the reason why corruption is worsened due to employment of more people even when gov. could not provide a competitive or decent salary


True or False During the presidency of Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III, there was a DECREASE in percentage of bribery, as compared to the term of Gloria MacapagalxArroyo

Abuse of the Filipino values of Pakikisama and Pakikipagkapwa-tao Bureaucracy/Red tape

Two reasons why corruption exists in the Philippines

Grand and Petty

Two types of Corruption

Transparency International

an international organization that is committed to working with different gov. businesses and citizens to put a stop to the abuse of power, bribery, graft, and corruption

Presidential Decree No. 1486 (revised to No. 1606)

existing anticorruption law that created the special court known as the Sandiganbayan

Land Transportation Office (Bad) Bureau of Customs (Very Bad)

government agencies rated with Bad and Very Bad


more concerned with the misdirection of public funds

A writ of mandamus

this pertains to... an order from a court to an inferior gov. official to properly fulfill his/her official duties and correct an abuse of discretion

Habeas corpus

this pertains to... an order requiring a detained person to appear in court serves as a protection from illegal confinement without going through due process


this pertains to... the discrete production of a certified record of a case the superior court tried for, in order to review and see irregularities or errors

Que warranto

this pertains to... the legal procedure taken to stop a person or organization from doing something for which it may not have the legal authority to do

Social Weather Stations (SWS)

this private, non stock, non profit, research institution is known for conducting surveys in the social sciences

Local Government Unit Philippine National Police Armed Forces of the Philippines

top 3 in the list of most corrupt gov. agencies

Petty Corruption

type of corruption that... involves exchange of small amounts of money/minor favors by low-mid level government officials

Grand Corruption

type of corruption that... involves the highest levels of government has the capacity to severely affect many different sectors of society within the country distorts moral values of those involved

Survey of Enterprises on Corruption on October 5, 2016

SWS and Department of Trade and Industry released what survey and when?

Annual assesments

These are conducted to determine levels of corruption

C= M+D-A or C= (M+D) - (A+I+T) M (monopoly) D (discretion) A (absence of accountability) I (absence of integrity) T (absence of transparency)

2 formulas of how corruption happen

Integrity, Transparency and Accountability in Public Service (ITAPS) Graft and Corruption Prevention Education Teaching Exemplars (GCPE) Campus Integrity Crusaders (CIC)

3 anticorruption Programs

Public-sector corruption Private-sector corruption Bureaucratic corruption Political corruption

4 settings of corruption

Investigation Prevention of graft Public assistance Prosecution Administrative adjudication

5 major roles of the office of Ombudsman

Unitary Government

A centralized government in which all government powers belong to a single, central agency.

Evita Jimenez

A study on the experiences of Metro Manila jeepney drivers was conducted by who?

tong-pats or patong (padded budget) areglo (deal) lakad (fix) padulas (fee given to expedite illegal transactions) pampagana (incentives) cash gift raket lagay (bribe) bukol (a booty not shared)

According to Evita Jimenez, what words sprouted as a result to corruption practices?

$47 million

According to World Bank, how much of our budget is lost every year due to corruption?

Regularly covered in the media

An evidence that majority of the population can observe corruption in the country?

Guinness Book of World Records— for being the biggest in corruption

By the late 1980s, Philippines got an award for what?

Articles Newspapers Documentaries

Citizens can report abuses of power through what?

Financial Stability Investment Human Capital Accumulation Productivity

Determinants for economics that may suffer due to corruption

Unitary Form of Government Domination of Filipino elite class

During the American occupation, what systems came into practice?

Feudalism Collecting tax Inheritance of government position

During the Spanish occupation, what systems came into practice?

Creation of penalties punishing corrupt practices Push for transparency and good governance

Give 2 other ways of addressing corruption

Spanish era

Graft and corruption have existed since what era?


In what years did officials start using government funds for election campaigns?

Graft and Corruption

It refers to the dishonest and unethical use of power made by a person with authority, mostly for personal gain.


The act of giving money or goods to influence a certain action or decision in favor of the one giving

Lesser efficiency of government in providing goods and services Overall less trust in institutions Fewer foreign investors Lost public money Widened gap between the rich and poor

What are the different effects of corruption?

Ombudsman and Sandiganbayan

What are the different special offices that are dedicated to anti-corruption

hiya or shame utang na loob or debt of gratitude

What are the two Filipino values that cultivate a patron-client relationship?

Graft and Corruption

What are the two terms that normally go together

Securities and Exchange Commission

What is the only agency what is rated Very Good

Top 10 Most Corrupt Government Agencies

What list was released on January 2016 through the Office of the Ombudsman?

Anti-corruption policies

What was implemented in order to measure and address corruption?

Marcos' Administration

What was the most corrupt administration in the Philippines?

kleptocracy and plunder

What words became the political vocabulary in the 1980s

95th (out of 167)

Whats the rank of the Philippines in the Corruption Perception Index?

95th (out of 186)

Whats the rank of the Philippines in the Global Corruption Index?

American Occupation in the early 1990's

When did corruption in the Philippines start?

Social Weather Station (SWS), Transparency International, and World Bank

Who determines the levels of corruption?

Stanislva Andreski (sociologist)

Who said this? "Corruption is the practice of using power of office for making private gain in breach of laws and regulations nominally in force."

Samuel Huntington (economist)

Who said this? "Graft pertains to the irregularity in obtaining money or favor through illegal or anomalous means, while corruption, pertains to the behavior of public officials which deviates from the accepted norms in order to serve private ends."

Governance Indicators-Control of Corruption (WGI-CC)

World bank assesses the state of governance through what survey?

Public-sector corruption

a setting of corruption where... corruption involves the government

Bureaucratic corruption

a setting of corruption where... involved people are those within the gov. coming from the lowest rank to the highest includes making gov. procedures easy and fast for those offering bribe

Political corruption

a setting of corruption where... people involved are higher elected officials whose influence is used to gain incentives, favor and tax incentives/cuts

Private-sector corruption

a setting of corruption where... private individuals, groups, business or NGO's are involved


the more general description of abuse of power

Cultural Norms

these norms are... dependent on the values of obligation toward family members and kinship, as well as values of pakikisama and pakikipagkapwa-tao

Legal Norms

these norms are... grounded on the rationality and universal principles of actions

Kotong cops

this means corrupt traffic enforcers


this pertains to... a court order restraining a person from beginning or continuing an act that invades the rights of another person

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