Group 2 (Updated 12/26)

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lickety-split (adv.)

: at great speed

still (v)

: to become motionless or silent : QUIET 1a : ALLAY, CALM stilled their nerves b : to put an end to : SETTLE 2 : to arrest the motion of 3 : SILENCE : DISTILL stilled; stilling; stills

dive-bomb (v)

: to bomb from an airplane by making a steep dive toward the target before releasing the bomb

long (v)

: to feel a strong desire or craving especially for something not likely to be attained they long for peace longing to return home archaic : to be suitable or fitting longed; longing

surmise (v)

: to form a notion of from scanty evidence : IMAGINE, INFER surmised; surmising

redesign (v)

: to revise in appearance, function, or content redesigned; redesigning; redesigns

skirmish (n)

1 : a minor fight in war usually incidental to larger movements 2a : a brisk preliminary verbal conflict b : a minor dispute or contest between opposing parties the debate touched off a skirmish

potpourri (n)

1 : a mixture of flowers, herbs, and spices that is usually kept in a jar and used for scent 2 : a miscellaneous collection : MEDLEY a potpourri of the best songs and sketches — Current Biography

lockstep (n)

1 : a mode of marching in step by a body of persons going one after another as closely as possible 2 : a standard method or procedure that is mindlessly adhered to or that minimizes individuality — in lockstep : in perfect or rigid often mindless conformity or unison politicians marching in lockstep with the party line

mort (n)

1 : a note sounded on a hunting horn when a deer is killed 2 : KILLING sense 1 : a great quantity or number

rut (n)

1 : a periodic and often annually recurring state of certain male animals (such as deer or elk) during which behavior associated with the urge to breed is displayed 2 : the period of time during which rut occurs : breeding season

dereliction (n)

1a : an intentional abandonment b : the state of being abandoned 2 : a recession of water leaving permanently dry land 3a : intentional or conscious neglect : DELINQUENCY dereliction of duty b : FAULT, SHORTCOMING

regicide (n)

1 : a person who kills a king 2 : the killing of a king

probative (adj)

1 : serving to test or try : EXPLORATORY 2 : serving to prove : SUBSTANTIATING

millionairess (n)

1 : a woman who is a millionaire 2 : the wife of a millionaire

hyperactive (adj)

1 : affected with or exhibiting hyperactivity broadly : more active than is usual or desirable 2 : intricately or elaborately designed or detailed

blatant (adj)

1 : noisy especially in a vulgar or offensive manner : CLAMOROUS 2 : completely obvious, conspicuous, or obtrusive especially in a crass or offensive manner : BRAZEN blatant disregard for the rules

locker-room (adj)

: of, relating to, or suitable for use in a locker room especially : of a coarse or sexual nature locker-room talk

productivity (n)

1 : the quality or state of being productive 2 : the rate per unit area or per unit volume at which biomass consumable as food by other organisms is made by producers

price-earnings ratio (n)

: a measure of the value of a common stock determined as the ratio of its market price to its annual earnings per share and usually expressed as a simple numeral

motorcade (n)

: a procession of motor vehicles

animal spirits (n)

: a room for changing clothes and for storing clothing and equipment in lockers especially : one for use by sports players

hellion (n)

: a troublesome or mischievous person

living trust (n)

: a trust that becomes effective during the lifetime of the settlor — called also inter vivos trust

chairwoman (n)

: a woman who serves as chairman chairwomen

leisurely (adj)

: characterized by leisure : UNHURRIED a leisurely pace

masturbation (n)

: erotic stimulation especially of one's own genital (see GENITAL sense 2) organs commonly resulting in orgasm and achieved by manual (see MANUAL entry 1 sense 1) or other bodily contact exclusive of sexual intercourse, by instrumental manipulation (see MANIPULATE sense 1), occasionally by sexual fantasies, or by various combinations of these agencies

apodictic (adj)

: expressing or of the nature of necessary truth or absolute certainty

dewy-eyed (adj)

: naively innocent and trusting a dewy-eyed optimist

suttee (n)

: the act or custom of a Hindu widow burning herself to death or being burned to death on the funeral pyre of her husband also : a woman burned to death in this way

mixology (n)

: the art or skill of preparing mixed drinks

caterpillar (n)

: the elongated wormlike larva of a butterfly or moth also : any of various similar larvae

bifurcate (v)

: to cause to divide into two branches or parts bifurcate a beam of light intransitive verb : to divide into two branches or parts The stream bifurcates into two narrow channels. bifurcated; bifurcating

luminesce (v)

: to exhibit luminescence luminesced; luminescing

hang in (v)

: to refuse to be discouraged or intimidated : show pluck hang in there

placate (v)

: to soothe or mollify especially by concessions : APPEASE placated; placating

budding (adj)

a budding romance/friendship. being in an early stage of development budding novelists

Damocles (n)

a courtier of ancient Syracuse held to have been seated at a banquet beneath a sword hung by a single hair

levity (n)

1 : excessive or unseemly frivolity She would tolerate no levity in the classroom. 2 : lack of steadiness : changeableness the levity ... of the brisk fire —Charles Dickens

hunker (v)

1 : CROUCH, SQUAT —usually used with down 2 : to settle in or dig in for a sustained period —used with down hunker down for a good long wait — New Yorker hunkered; hunkering

prospect (n)

1 : EXPOSURE sense 3b 2a(1) : an extensive view (2) : a mental consideration : SURVEY b : a place that commands an extensive view : LOOKOUT c : something extended to the view : SCENE d archaic : a sketch or picture of a scene 3 obsolete : ASPECT 4a : the act of looking forward : ANTICIPATION b : a mental picture of something to come : VISION c : something that is awaited or expected : POSSIBILITY d prospects plural (1) : financial expectations (2) : CHANCES 5 : a place showing signs of containing a mineral deposit 6a : a potential buyer or customer b : a likely candidate for a job or position in prospect : possible or likely for the future

heterodox (adj)

1 : contrary to or different from an acknowledged standard, a traditional form, or an established religion : unorthodox, unconventional heterodox ideas 2 : holding unorthodox opinions or doctrines a heterodox religious sect

powerless (adj)

1 : devoid of strength or resources powerless victims 2 : lacking the authority or capacity to act was powerless to help

minutia (n)

: a minute or minor detail —usually used in plural He was bewildered by the contract's minutiae. minutiae

celestial hierarchy (n)

: a traditional hierarchy of angels ranked from lowest to highest into the following nine orders: angels, archangels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim

all hours (n)

: a very late time stayed up until all hours

microscale (n)

: a very small scale

effulgence (n)

radiant splendor : brilliance

reliable (adj)

1 : suitable or fit to be relied on : DEPENDABLE 2 : giving the same result on successive trials

homogenization (n)

1 : the act or process of homogenizing 2 : the quality or state of being homogenized

discrepancy (n)

1 : the quality or state of disagreeing or being at variance 2 : an instance of disagreeing or being at variance discrepancies

do (v)

1 : to bring to pass : CARRY OUT do another's wishes it is my earnest desire to know the will of Providence ... and if I can learn what it is I will do it — Abraham Lincoln 2 : PUT —used chiefly in do to death had been hounded down and done to death as heretics — Stringfellow Barr 3a : PERFORM, EXECUTE do some work did his duty b : COMMIT crimes done deliberately 4a : BRING ABOUT, EFFECT trying to do good do violence b : to give freely : PAY do honor to her memory 5 : to bring to an end : FINISH —used in the past participle the job is finally done 6 : to put forth : EXERT did her best to win the race 7a : to wear out especially by physical exertion : EXHAUST at the end of the race they were pretty well done b : to attack physically : BEAT also : KILL 8 : to bring into existence : PRODUCE do a biography on the general has done some beautiful landscapes 9 —used as a substitute verb especially to avoid repetition if you must make such a racket, do it somewhere else 10a : to play the role or character of He did Hamlet on Broadway. b : MIMIC also : to behave like do a Houdini and disappear c : to perform in or serve as producer of do a play 11 : to treat unfairly especially : CHEAT did him out of his inheritance 12 : to treat or deal with in any way typically with the sense of preparation or with that of care or attention: a(1) : to put in order : CLEAN was doing the kitchen (2) : WASH did the dishes after supper b : to prepare for use or consumption especially : COOK like my steak done rare c : SET, ARRANGE had her hair done d : to apply cosmetics to wanted to do her face before the party e : DECORATE, FURNISH did the living room in Early American do over the kitchen 13 : to be engaged in the study or practice of do science especially : to work at as a vocation what to do after college 14a : to pass over : TRAVERSE did 20 miles yesterday b : to travel at a speed of doing 55 on the turnpike 15 : TOUR doing 12 countries in 30 days 16a : to spend (time) in prison has been doing time in a federal penitentiary b : to serve out (a period of imprisonment) did ten years for armed robbery 17 : to serve the needs of : SUIT, SUFFICE worms will do us for bait 18 : to approve especially by custom, opinion, or propriety you oughtn't to say a thing like that ... it's not done — Dorothy Sayers 19 : to treat with respect to physical comforts did themselves well 20 : USE sense 3 doesn't do drugs 21 : to have sexual intercourse with I'd do him. 22 : to partake of Let's do lunch. 1 : ACT, BEHAVE do as I say 2a : GET ALONG, FARE do well in school b : to carry on business or affairs : MANAGE we can do without your help 3 : to take place : HAPPEN what's doing across the street 4 : to come to or make an end : FINISH —used in the past participle he had done with speech for that evening and gave us no reply — Arnold Bennett 5 : to be active or busy let us then be up and doing — H. W. Longfellow 6 : to be adequate or sufficient : SERVE half of that will do 7 : to be fitting : conform to custom or propriety won't do to be late 8 —used as a substitute verb to avoid repetition wanted to run and play as children do —used especially in British English following a modal auxiliary or perfective have a great many people had died, or would do — Bruce Chatwin 9 —used in the imperative after an imperative to add emphasis be quiet do 1a —used with the infinitive without to to form present and past tenses in legal and parliamentary language do hereby bequeath and in poetry give what she did crave — Shakespeare b —used with the infinitive without to to form present and past tenses in declarative sentences with inverted word order fervently do we pray — Abraham Lincoln , in interrogative sentences did you hear that? , and in negative sentences we don't know don't go 2 —used with the infinitive without to to form present and past tenses expressing emphasis I do say do be careful did done doing does

respective (adj)

1 obsolete : PARTIAL, DISCRIMINATIVE 2 : PARTICULAR, SEPARATE their respective homes

hard (adj)

1a : not easily penetrated : not easily yielding to pressure hard surfaces an uncomfortably hard chair b of cheese : not capable of being spread : very firm 2a of liquor (1) : having a harsh or acid taste (2) : strongly alcoholic b : characterized by the presence of salts (as of calcium or magnesium) that prevent lathering with soap hard water 3a : of or relating to radiation of relatively high penetrating power : having high energy hard X-rays b : having or producing relatively great photographic contrast a hard negative 4a : metallic as distinct from paper hard money b of currency : convertible into gold : stable in value c : usable as currency paid in hard cash d of currency : readily acceptable in international trade e : being high and unlikely to change hard prices 5a : firmly and closely twisted hard yarns b of fabrics : having a smooth close napless finish a hard worsted 6a : physically fit in good hard condition b : resistant to stress or disease : HARDY a hard plant c : free of weakness : UNYIELDING a man of hard unbending will 7a(1) : FIRM, DEFINITE reached a hard agreement (2) : not speculative or conjectural : FACTUAL hard evidence (3) : important or informative rather than sensational or entertaining hard news b : CLOSE, SEARCHING gave a hard look c : free from sentimentality or illusion : REALISTIC good hard sense d : unlikely to respond in a kind or sympathetic way : UNFEELING a hard heart 8a(1) : difficult to bear or endure hard luck hard times (2) : OPPRESSIVE, INEQUITABLE sales taxes are hard on the poor a hard restriction b(1) : lacking consideration, compassion, or gentleness : CALLOUS a hard greedy landlord (2) : incapable of being corrected or disciplined : TOUGH, UNRULY a hard gang c(1) : harsh, severe, or offensive in tendency or effect said some hard things (2) : marked by resentment hard feelings (3) : STRICT, UNRELENTING drives a hard bargain d : inflicting physical discomfort or hardship : INCLEMENT hard winter e(1) : intense in force, manner, or degree hard blows (2) : demanding the exertion of energy : calling for stamina and endurance hard work (3) : performing or carrying on with great energy, intensity, or persistence a hard worker f : most unyielding or thoroughgoing the hard political right 9a : characterized by sharp or harsh outline, rigid execution, and stiff drawing hard forms b : sharply defined : STARK hard shadows c : lacking in shading, delicacy, or resonance hard singing tones d : sounding as in candy and geese respectively —used of c and g the word arc is pronounced with a hard c e : suggestive of toughness or insensitivity hard eyes 10a(1) : difficult to accomplish or resolve : TROUBLESOME hard problems the true story was hard to come by (2) : difficult to comprehend or explain a hard concept b : having difficulty in doing something hard of hearing c : difficult to magnetize or demagnetize 11 : being at once addictive and gravely detrimental to health such hard drugs as heroin 12 : resistant to biodegradation hard detergents hard pesticides such as DDT 13 : being, schooled in, or using the methods of the natural sciences and especially of the physical sciences a hard scientist 14 of money : contributed (as by individuals or political action committees) directly to a particular candidate or campaign

sinuous (adj)

1a : of a serpentine or wavy form : WINDING b : marked by strong lithe movements 2 : INTRICATE, COMPLEX

transient (adj)

1a : passing especially quickly into and out of existence : TRANSITORY transient beauty b : passing through or by a place with only a brief stay or sojourn transient visitors 2 : affecting something or producing results beyond itself

minor party (n)

: a political party whose electoral strength is so small as to prevent its gaining control of a government except in rare and exceptional circumstances

magnet school (n)

: a school with superior facilities and staff and often a specialized curriculum designed to attract pupils from throughout a city or school district

backstory (n)

: a story that tells what led up to the main story or plot (as of a film)

double-dealing (n)

: action contradictory to a professed attitude : DUPLICITY

stenotopic (adj)

: having a narrow range of adaptability to changes in environmental conditions

linguistics (n)

: the study of human speech including the units, nature, structure, and modification of language

cerebrate (v)

: to use the mind : THINK cerebrated; cerebrating

misanthrope (n)

a person who hates or distrusts humankind

moola (n)

slang : MONEY

nape (n)

nape of the neck. the back of the neck

castigate (v)

to subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism castigation, castigator (n)

hormone (n)

1 : a product of living cells that circulates in body fluids (such as blood) or sap and produces a specific often stimulatory effect on the activity of cells usually remote from its point of origin also : a synthetic substance that acts like a hormone 2 : SEX HORMONE

mercy (n)

1a : compassion or forbearance (see FORBEARANCE sense 1) shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one's power also : lenient or compassionate treatment begged for mercy b : imprisonment rather than death imposed as penalty for first-degree murder 2a : a blessing that is an act of divine favor or compassion May God have mercy on us. b : a fortunate circumstance it was a mercy they found her before she froze 3 : compassionate treatment of those in distress works of mercy among the poor at the mercy of : wholly in the power of : with no way to protect oneself against mercies

momentary (adj)

1a : continuing only a moment : FLEETING b : having a very brief life 2 : operative or recurring at every moment

ruck (n)

1a : the usual run of persons or things : GENERALITY trying to rise above the ruck — Richard Holt b : an indistinguishable gathering : JUMBLE 2 : the persons or things following the vanguard finished the race in the ruck

biocentric (adj)

: considering all forms of life as having intrinsic value biocentrism

monster (adj)

: enormous or impressive especially in size, extent, or numbers

moreover (adv)

: in addition to what has been said : BESIDES Moreover, this brew appears to kill insects faster than either of its ingredients does alone. — Tina Adler

disbelief (n)

: the act of disbelieving : mental rejection of something as untrue

prosperity (n)

: the condition of being successful or thriving especially : economic well-being

minority leader (n)

: the leader of the minority party in a legislative body

grueling (adj)

: trying or taxing to the point of exhaustion : PUNISHING a grueling race

growth industry (n)

a business that has become increasingly popular or profitable; also : an interest or activity that is increasingly popular or trendy

dead-on (adj)

a dead-on understanding. exactly correct or accurate a dead-on analysis his impersonations were dead-on

deceitful (adj)

a deceitful proposal. having a tendency or disposition to deceive or give false impressions: a : not honest a deceitful child left her deceitful husband b : deceptive, misleading deceitful advertising — deceitfully play \-fə-lē\ adverb — deceitfulness noun

howling (adj)

a howling success 1 : producing or marked by a sound resembling a howl a howling storm 2 : desolate, wild a howling wilderness 3 : very great : pronounced a howling success — howlingly adverb

setback (n)

a major setback. 1 : a checking of progress 2 : defeat, reverse 3 : 4pitch 7 4 : a placing of a face of a building on a line some distance to the rear of the building line or of the wall below; also : the area produced by a setback 5 : automatic scheduled adjustment to a lower temperature setting of a thermostat 6 : the distance of a structure or other feature (such as a well or septic system) from the property line or other feature

high brow (n)

a person who possesses or has pretensions to superior learning or culture — highbrow adjective — highbrowed adjective — highbrowism

pillar (n)

a pillar of... 1a : a firm upright support for a superstructure : POST b : a usually ornamental column or shaft especially : one standing alone for a monument 2a : a supporting, integral, or upstanding member or part a pillar of society b : a fundamental precept the five pillars of Islam 3 : a solid mass of coal, rock, or ore left standing to support a mine roof 4 : a body part that resembles a column from pillar to post : from one place or one predicament to another

limber (adj)

a two-wheeled vehicle to which a gun or caisson may be attached

across-the-board (adj)

across-the-board changes. 1 : placed to win if a competitor wins, places, or shows an across-the-board racing bet 2 : embracing or affecting all classes or categories : blanket an across-the-board price increase

madding (adj)

acting in a frenzied manner —usually used in the phrase madding crowd to denote especially the crowded world of human activity and strife built his home far from the madding crowd

upscale (adj)

an upscale establishment. : relating to, being, or appealing to affluent consumers also : of a superior quality

guarded (adj)

being guarded. 1 : cautious, circumspect 2 : being an extremely serious condition with uncertain outcome was in guarded condition after the crash — guardedly adverb — guardedness noun

conjecture (n)

but that's just conjecture. 1 a : inference formed without proof or sufficient evidence b : a conclusion deduced by surmise or guesswork The criminal's motive remains a matter of conjecture. c : a proposition (as in mathematics) before it has been proved or disproved 2 obsolete a : interpretation of omens b : supposition

depreciate (v)

depreciating in value. 1 : to lower in honor or esteem often depreciates the importance of her work 2a : to lower the price or estimated value of depreciate property b : to deduct from taxable income a portion of the original cost of (a business asset) over several years as the value of the asset decreases intransitive verb : to fall in value advised us to sell the stock before it depreciates

activation energy (n)

high/low activation energy. the minimum amount of energy required to convert a normal stable molecule into a reactive molecule

nefarious (adj)

nefarious purposes. flagrantly wicked or impious : evil — nefariously adverb

moonshine (n)

1 : MOONLIGHT 2 : empty talk : NONSENSE 3 : intoxicating liquor especially : illegally distilled corn whiskey

hypercube (n)

1 : a geometric figure (such as a tesseract) in Euclidean space of n dimensions that is analogous to a cube in three dimensions 2 : a computer architecture in which each processor is connected to n others based on analogy to a hypercube of n dimensions

hepatotoxicity (n)

1 : a state of toxic damage to the liver 2 : a tendency or capacity to cause hepatotoxicity

moneymaker (n)

1 : one that accumulates wealth 2 : one (such as a plan or product) that produces profit

music hall (n)

: a vaudeville theater also : vaudeville

lunate (adj)

: shaped like a crescent

oligopsony (n)

a market situation in which each of a few buyers exerts a disproportionate influence on the market — oligopsonistic

ergo (adv)

for that reason : because of that : therefore, hence ... there is no sound, ergo, no speed of sound, in the vacuum of space. —Stephan Wilkinson

revelry (n)

noisy partying or merrymaking

naught (pron)

nothing Their efforts came to naught. It was all for naught.

magic realism (n)

1 : painting in a meticulously realistic style of imaginary or fantastic scenes or images 2 : a literary genre or style associated especially with Latin America that incorporates fantastic or mythical elements into otherwise realistic fiction — called also magical realism

mystic (adj)

1 : MYSTICAL sense 1a 2 : of or relating to mysteries or esoteric rites : OCCULT 3 : of or relating to mysticism or mystics 4a : MYSTERIOUS b : OBSCURE, ENIGMATIC c : inducing a feeling of awe or wonder d : having magical properties

dollar (n)

1 : TALER 2 : any of numerous coins patterned after the taler (such as a Spanish peso) 3a : any of various basic monetary units (as in the U.S. and Canada) — see MONEY TABLE b : a coin, note, or token representing one dollar 4 : RINGGIT 5 : money obtained from a specific source the tourism dollar

meteorology (n)

1 : a science that deals with the atmosphere and its phenomena and especially with weather and weather forecasting studied the principles of meteorology 2 : the atmospheric phenomena and weather of a region the meteorology of the Gulf of Mexico

heartbeat (n)

1 : one complete pulsation of the heart 2 : the vital center or driving impulse 3 : a brief space of time : FLASH —used chiefly in the phrase in a heartbeat

moss-trooper (n)

1 : one of a class of 17th century raiders in the marshy border country between England and Scotland 2 : pirate

mush (n)

1 : a thick porridge made with cornmeal boiled in water or milk 2 : something soft and spongy or shapeless 3a : weak sentimentality : DRIVEL b : mawkish amorousness : a trip especially across snow with a dog team

mantelet (n)

1 : a very short cape or cloak 2 or mantlet \ˈmant-​lət \ : a movable shelter formerly used by besiegers as a protection when attacking

rickety (adj)

1 : affected with rickets 2a : lacking stability or firmness : SHAKY sense 2a a rickety coalition b : in unsound physical condition rickety veterans rickety stairs

ludicrous (adj)

1 : amusing or laughable through obvious absurdity, incongruity, exaggeration, or eccentricity 2 : meriting derisive laughter or scorn as absurdly inept, false, or foolish

Matthew (n)

1 : an apostle traditionally identified as the author of the first Gospel in the New Testament 2 : the first Gospel in the New Testament — see BIBLE TABLE

kudos (n)

1 : praise given for achievement 2 : fame and renown resulting from an act or achievement : prestige

premonition (n)

1 : previous notice or warning : FOREWARNING 2 : anticipation of an event without conscious reason : PRESENTIMENT

velleity (n)

1 : the lowest degree of volition 2 : a slight wish or tendency : INCLINATION

mystify (v)

1 : to perplex the mind of : BEWILDER 2 : to make mysterious or obscure mystify an interpretation of a prophecy mystified; mystifying

microsecond (n)

: one millionth of a second

daunting (adj)

a daunting task. tending to overwhelm or intimidate a daunting task — dauntingly

fair-weather (adj)

a fair-weather friend. 1 : loyal only during a time of success a fair-weather friend 2 : suitable for or done during fair weather a fair-weather sail

loq (abbr)

he speaks; she speaks

afoot (adv or adj)

the game is afoot. 1 : on foot 2 : in the process of development : underway a plan is afoot to build a new school

lowest common denominator (n)

1 : LEAST COMMON DENOMINATOR 2 : something of small intellectual content designed to appeal to a lowbrow audience also : such an audience

shenanigan (n)

1 : a devious trick used especially for an underhand purpose 2a : tricky or questionable practices or conduct —usually used in plural b : high-spirited or mischievous activity —usually used in plural

handsel (n)

1 : a gift made as a token of good wishes or luck especially at the beginning of a new year 2 : something received first (as in a day of trading) and taken to be a token of good luck 3a : a first installment : earnest money b : earnest, foretaste

DOn Juan (n)

1 : a legendary Spaniard proverbial for his seduction of women 2 : a captivating man known as a great lover or seducer of women

baseline (n)

1 : a line serving as a basis especially : one of known measure or position used (as in surveying or navigation) to calculate or locate something 2a : either of the lines on a baseball field that lead from home plate to first base and third base and are extended into the outfield as foul lines b : BASEPATH 3 : a boundary line at either end of a court (as in tennis or basketball) 4 : a usually initial set of critical observations or data used for comparison or a control 5 : a starting point the baseline of this discussion

madrigal (n)

1 : a medieval short lyrical poem in a strict poetic form 2a : a complex polyphonic unaccompanied vocal piece on a secular text developed especially in the 16th and 17th centuries b : part-song especially : glee

conjunction (n)

1 : an uninflected linguistic form that joins together sentences, clauses, phrases, or words Some common conjunctions are and, but, and although. 2 : the act or an instance of conjoining : the state of being conjoined : COMBINATION working in conjunction with state and local authorities 3 : occurrence together in time or space : CONCURRENCE a conjunction of events 4a : the apparent meeting or passing of two or more celestial bodies in the same degree of the zodiac b : a configuration in which two celestial bodies have their least apparent separation a conjunction of Mars and Jupiter 5 : a complex sentence in logic true if and only if each of its components is true — see TRUTH TABLE

tracery (n)

1 : architectural ornamental work with branching lines especially : decorative openwork in a Gothic window 2 : a decorative interlacing of lines suggestive of Gothic tracery

cruel (adj)

1 : disposed to inflict pain or suffering : devoid of humane feelings a cruel tyrant has a cruel heart 2a : causing or conducive to injury, grief, or pain a cruel joke a cruel twist of fate b : unrelieved by leniency cruel punishment Other Words from crue crueler or crueller; cruelest or cruellest

sleep in (v)

1 : to sleep where one is employed 2a : OVERSLEEP b : to sleep late intentionally

mandrake (n)

1a : a Mediterranean herb (Mandragora officinarum) of the nightshade family with large ovate leaves, greenish-yellow or purple flowers, and a large usually forked root resembling a human in form and formerly credited with magical properties b : the root of a mandrake formerly used especially to promote conception, as a cathartic, or as a narcotic and soporific 2 : mayapple

lavender (n)

1a : a Mediterranean mint (Lavandula angustifolia synonym L. officinalis) widely cultivated for its narrow aromatic leaves and spikes of lilac-purple flowers which are dried and used in sachets and from which is extracted an aromatic oil used chiefly in perfumery b : any of several plants congeneric with true lavender and used similarly but often considered inferior 2 : a pale purple

superstition (n)

1a : a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation b : an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition 2 : a notion maintained despite evidence to the contrary

stone-cold (adv)

: ABSOLUTELY stone-cold sober

never mind (conj)

: MUCH LESS, LET ALONE —used especially in negative contexts to add to one term another denoting something less likely with this knee I can hardly walk, never mind run

spitfire (n)

: a quick-tempered or highly emotional person

hip-hop (n)

Eminem. 1 : a subculture especially of inner-city youths who are typically devotees of rap music 2 : the stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rap; also : rap together with this music — hip-hop adjective

hamartia (n)

TRAGIC FLAW (a flaw in character that brings about the downfall of the hero of a tragedy)

screw-up (n)

a colossal screw-up. 1 : to tighten, fasten, or lock by or as if by a screw 2a : BUNGLE, BOTCH b : to cause to act or function in a crazy or confused way : CONFOUND, DISTURB intransitive verb : to botch an activity or undertaking

manageable (adj)

a manageable amount. capable of being managed — manageability noun — manageableness noun — manageably

nightmare (n)

a nightmare scenario. 1 : an evil spirit formerly thought to oppress people during sleep 2 : a frightening dream that usually awakens the sleeper 3 : something (such as an experience, situation, or object) having the monstrous character of a nightmare or producing a feeling of anxiety or terror — nightmare adjective — nightmarish play \ˈnīt-ˌmer-ish\ adjective — nightmarishly adverb

adaptogen (n)

a nontoxic substance and especially a plant extract that is held to increase the body's ability to resist the damaging effects of stress and promote or restore normal physiological functioning — adaptogenic adjective

pacify (v)

a pacifying nature. pacified; pacifying transitive verb 1 a : to allay the anger or agitation of : soothe pacify a crying child b : appease, propitiate tried to pacify the enemy with compromises 2 a : to restore to a tranquil state : settle made an attempt to pacify the commotion b : to reduce to a submissive state : subdue forces moved in to pacify the country — pacifiable

defeat (n)

accepting defeat. transitive verb 1 obsolete : destroy his unkindness may defeat my life —Shakespeare 2 a law : nullify defeat an estate b : frustrate 2a(1) defeat a hope 3 : to win victory over : beat defeated their archrivals in the championship game The bill was defeated in the Senate. — defeatable

adept (adj)

adept employee. thoroughly proficient : expert an adept negotiator He's adept at fixing computers. — adeptly play \ə-ˈdep-(t)lē, a-\ adverb She dealt with the changes adeptly. — adeptness

elementary (adj)

an elementary knowledge of... 1 a : of, relating to, or dealing with the simplest elements or principles of something b : of or relating to an elementary school 2 : elemental 1a 3 : elemental 2 — elementarily play \ˌe-lə-ˌmen-ˈter-ə-lē, -ˈmen-trə-lē\ adverb — elementariness

minefield (n)

an emotional minefield. 1 : an area (as of water or land) set with mines 2 : something resembling a minefield especially in having many dangers or requiring extreme caution a political minefield

as for (prep)

and as for the rest... with regard to : concerning as for the others, they'll arrive later

multiverse (n)

cosmology : a theoretical reality that includes a possibly infinite number of parallel universes

hold back (v)

don't hold back. 1a : to hinder the progress or achievement of : RESTRAIN b : to keep from advancing to the next stage, grade, or level 2 : to refrain from revealing or parting with held back important information intransitive verb 1 : to keep oneself in check 2 : to refrain from revealing or parting with something

etch (v)

etched in stone. etched; etching; etches transitive verb 1 a : to produce (something, such as a pattern or design) on a hard material by eating into the material's surface (as by acid or laser beam) b : to subject to such etching 2 : to delineate or impress clearly scenes etched in our minds pain was etched on his features intransitive verb : to practice etching — etcher noun

eviscerate (v)

eviscerated; eviscerating transitive verb 1 a : to take out the entrails of : disembowel b : to deprive of vital content or force 2 : to remove an organ from (a patient) or the contents of (an organ) intransitive verb : to protrude through a surgical incision or suffer protrusion of a part through an incision — evisceration

overconfident (adj)

excessively or unjustifiably confident : having too much confidence (as in one's abilities or judgment) an overconfident driver wasn't overconfident about their chances of winning ... he often starts cold, missing a few shots, allowing his opponent to get on a roll, to get overconfident. —Brett Forrest — overconfidently adverb overconfidently predicted the team would win

incendiary (adj)

incendiary remarks. 1 : of, relating to, or involving arson : arsonous 2 : tending to excite or inflame : inflammatory incendiary speeches 3 a : igniting combustible materials spontaneously b : of, relating to, or being a weapon (such as a bomb) designed to start fires 4 : extremely hot incendiary chili peppers

industrious (adj)

industrious and hard-working. 1 obsolete : skillful, ingenious 2 : constantly, regularly, or habitually active or occupied : diligent an industrious worker — industriously adverb — industriousness noun

oversaturate (v)

oversaturated market. oversaturated; oversaturating transitive verb : to saturate to an excessive degree ... since the company went public, it's been opening so many stores that it's at risk of oversaturating its own market ... —Angela Mulholland ... the Pfieffer Canyon Bridge ... slipped several feet in February when storms oversaturated the underlying soil. —Kurtis Alexander ... settings that don't oversaturate colors or look too dim. —Dieter Bohn also : supersaturate oversaturated the water with salt — oversaturated adjective ... delivers impressive image quality. Colors are bright and realistic without being oversaturated. —Luisa Simone Perhaps you remember a chemistry experiment from high school: You dissolve a salt in hot water, let the solution cool down, put a small crystal in the now oversaturated solution—then all of a sudden crystals form. —Bert J. M. de Vries — oversaturation play \ˌō-vər-ˌsa-chə-ˈrā-shən\ adjective oversaturation of the market with too many action films ... colors usually struck a nice balance between accurate and pleasant oversaturation. —Mitt Jones

novelty (n)

plural novelties 1 : something new or unusual the novelty of a self-driving car 2 : the quality or state of being novel : newness an uncritical acceptance of novelty as advance —H. M. Jones A toy's novelty soon wears off. 3 : a small manufactured article intended mainly for personal or household adornment —usually used in plural Disney novelties filled the shelves. 4 : something (such as a song or food item) that provides often fleeting amusement and is often based on a theme —often used attributively The movie included a few novelty songs.

yoga (n)

practice yoga. 1 capitalized : a Hindu theistic philosophy teaching the suppression of all activity of body, mind, and will in order that the self may realize its distinction from them and attain liberation 2 : a system of physical postures, breathing techniques, and sometimes meditation derived from Yoga but often practiced independently especially in Western cultures to promote physical and emotional well-being — yogic

scarcely (adv)

scarcely do I hear of... 1a : by a narrow margin : only just had scarcely rung the bell when the door flew open —Agnes S. Turnbull b : almost not could scarcely see for the fog 2a : certainly not could scarcely interfere b : probably not there could scarcely have been found a leader better equipped —V. L. Parrington

aghast (adj)

struck with terror, amazement, or horror : shocked and upset was aghast when she heard the news

oath (n)

take an oath to... plural oaths play \ˈōt͟hz, ˈōths\ 1 a (1) : a solemn usually formal calling upon God or a god to witness to the truth of what one says or to witness that one sincerely intends to do what one says (2) : a solemn attestation of the truth or inviolability of one's words The witness took an oath to tell the truth in court. b : something (such as a promise) corroborated by an oath They were required to swear an oath of loyalty. took the oath of office 2 : an irreverent or careless use of a sacred name; broadly : swear word He uttered an oath and stormed away.

Gaia (n)

the hypothesis that the living and nonliving components of earth function as a single system in such a way that the living component regulates and maintains conditions (such as the temperature of the ocean or composition of the atmosphere) so as to be suitable for life; also : this system regarded as a single organism

habit (n)

turning into a habit. 1 : a settled tendency or usual manner of behavior her habit of taking a morning walk 2a : an acquired mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely involuntary got up early from force of habit b : ADDICTION a drug habit c : a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiologic exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance the daily bowel habit 3a : a costume characteristic of a calling, rank, or function a nun's habit b : a costume worn for horseback riding 4 archaic : CLOTHING 5 : manner of conducting oneself : BEARING 6 : bodily appearance or makeup a man of fleshy habit 7 : the prevailing disposition or character of a person's thoughts and feelings : mental makeup a philosophical habit 8 of an organism : characteristic mode of growth or occurrence a grass similar to Indian corn in habit 9 of a crystal : characteristic assemblage of forms at crystallization leading to a usual appearance : SHAPE

godforsaken (adj)

1 : remote, desolate 2 : neglected and miserable in appearance or circumstances

sheepish (adj)

1 : resembling a sheep: such as a : MEEK, TIMID b : STUPID 2 : affected by or showing embarrassment caused by consciousness of a fault a sheepish grin

magnetize (v)

1 : to induce magnetic properties in 2 : to attract like a magnet : charm magnetized; magnetizing

loving (adj)


full-court press (n)

1 : a press employed in basketball on both halves of the court 2 : an all-out effort or offensive

hands down (adv)

1 : without much effort : EASILY 2 : without question

dimple (n)

1 anatomy : a slight natural indentation in the surface of some part of the human body noticed his dimples when he smiled 2 : a depression or indentation on a surface (as of a golf ball)

get (v)

1a : to gain possession of (got a bike) b : to receive as a return : EARN (got a bad reputation) 2a : to obtain by concession or entreaty (get permission) b : to become affected by (a disease or bodily condition) : CATCH (got sick) 3a : to seek out and obtain (got dinner) b : to obtain and bring where wanted or needed (get a pencil from the desk) 4 : BEGET 5a : to cause to come or go (quickly got his luggage through customs) b : to cause to move (get it out of the house) c : to cause to be in a certain position or condition (got his feet wet) d : to make ready : PREPARE (get breakfast) 6a : to be subjected to (got a bad fall) b : to receive by way of punishment c : to suffer a specified injury to (got my nose broken) 7a : to achieve as a result of military activity b : to obtain or receive by way of benefit or advantage (he got little for his trouble) get the better of an enemy 8a : SEIZE (The dog got the thief by the leg.) b : OVERCOME (Such practices will surely get you in the end.) c : to have an emotional effect on (the final scene always gets me) d : IRRITATE (the delays were starting to get her) e : PUZZLE (This problem really gets me.) f : to take vengeance on (specifically : KILL) g : HIT 9 : to prevail on : CAUSE (finally got them to tidy up their room) 10a : HAVE —used in the present perfect tense form with present meaning (I've got no money) b : to have as an obligation or necessity —used in the present perfect tense form with present meaning (you have got to come) 11a : to find out by calculation (get the answer to a problem) b : MEMORIZE )got the verse by heart) c : HEAR (Sorry, but I didn't get your name.) d : UNDERSTAND (he got the joke) 12 : to establish communication with 13 : to put out in baseball 14 : DELIVER sense 6b (the car gets 20 miles to the gallon) intransitive verb 1a : to succeed in coming or going : to bring or move oneself (get away to the into the car) b : to reach or enter into a certain condition (got to sleep after midnight) c : to make progress (hasn't gotten far with the essay) 2 : to acquire wealth 3a : to be able (never got to go to college) b : to come to be —often used with following present participle (got talking about old times) 4a : to succeed in becoming : BECOME (how to get clear of all the debts I owe) —William Shakespeare b : to become involved (people who get into trouble with the law) 5 : to leave immediately (told them to get) auxiliary verb —used with the past participle of transitive verbs as a passive voice auxiliary (they got caught in the act; get after : to pursue with exhortation, reprimand, or attack The coach really got after the players at halftime. get ahead : to achieve success determined to get ahead in life get a life : to stop wasting time on trivial or hopeless matters get a move on : HURRY get at 1 : to reach effectively The valve is hard to get at unless you have a special tool. 2 : to influence corruptly : BRIBE 3 : to turn one's attention to (The committee finally got at the main issue.) 4 : to try to prove or make clear I don't understand what he's getting at. get away with : to avoid criticism or punishment for or the consequences of (such as a reprehensible act) get cracking : to make a start : get going ought to get cracking on that assignment get even : to get revenge get even with : to repay in kind get going : to make a start time to get going on that assignment get into : to become strongly involved with or deeply interested in got into gymnastics at an early age get it : to receive a scolding or punishment get it on 1 : to become enthusiastic, energetic, or excited 2 : to engage in sexual intercourse get on 1 : to produce an unfortunate effect on : UPSET the noise got on my nerves 2 : to criticize insistently the fans got on him for losing the game get one's act together 1 : to put one's life, thoughts, or emotions in order : cease to be confused or misdirected 2 : to begin to function in a skillful or efficient manner the company finally got its act together get one's goat : to make one angry or annoyed get over 1a : OVERCOME, SURMOUNT get over your fear of being lied to b : to recover from still trying to get over a bad cold c : to reconcile oneself to : become accustomed to was very disappointed, but he'll get over it 2 : to move or travel across get real : to stop deceiving oneself or fooling around : face reality get religion 1 : to undergo religious conversion 2 : to turn to or adopt an enlightened course of action or point of view get somewhere : to be successful After a difficult start we're finally getting somewhere. get there : to be successful get through : to reach the end of : COMPLETE got through the ordeal unhurt get to 1a : BEGIN gets to worrying over nothing at all b : to be ready to begin or deal with I'll get to the accounts as soon as I can 2 : to have an effect on: such as a : INFLUENCE b : BOTHER All these delays are starting to get to me. get together 1 : to bring together : ACCUMULATE 2 : to come together : ASSEMBLE, MEET often gets together with his friends after work 3 : to reach agreement were unable to get together on the new contract get wind of : to become aware of got wind of our plans for the party get with it : to become alert or aware : show sophisticated consciousness

silver lining (n)

: a consoling or hopeful prospect

limbo (n)

: a dance or contest that involves bending over backwards and passing under a horizontal pole lowered slightly for each successive pass limbos

subreption (n)

: a deliberate misrepresentation also : an inference drawn from it

thunderbird (n)

: a bird that causes lightning and thunder in American Indian myth

admit (v)

I hate/have to admit... admitted; admitting transitive verb 1 a : to allow scope for : permit admits no possibility of misunderstanding b : to concede as true or valid admitted making a mistake 2 a : to allow entry (as to a place, fellowship, or privilege) an open window had admitted rain admitted to the club b : to accept into a hospital as an inpatient he was admitted last night for chest pains intransitive verb 1 : to give entrance or access 2 a : allow, permit admits of two interpretations b : to make acknowledgment —used with to admitted to having doubts

doch=an=dorris (n)

Scotland and Ireland : a parting drink : STIRRUP CUP

Occam's razor (n)

a scientific and philosophical rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities

senseless (adj)

a senseless act. : destitute of, deficient in, or contrary to sense: such as a : UNCONSCIOUS knocked senseless b : FOOLISH, STUPID it was some senseless practical joke —A. Conan Doyle c : MEANINGLESS a senseless murder

great divide (n)

a significant point of division; especially : death

gulf (n)

a wide gulf between. 1 : a part of an ocean or sea extending into the land 2 : a deep chasm : abyss 3 : whirlpool 4 : a wide gap the gulf between generations

Krishnaism (n)

a widespread form of Hindu religion characterized by the worship of Krishna

direct action (n)

action that seeks to achieve an end directly and by the most immediately effective means (such as a boycott or strike)

antiquated (adj)

antiquated software. 1 : outmoded or discredited by reason of age : old and no longer useful, popular, or accepted antiquated ideas antiquated methods of farming antiquated machinery antiquated slang 2 : obsolete an antiquated calendar 3 : advanced in age

horned owl (n)

any of various owls having conspicuous tufts of feathers on the head especially : GREAT HORNED OWL

leman (n)

archaic : SWEETHEART, LOVER especially : MISTRESS

affright (n)

archaic : sudden and great fear : terror

as it were (phrase)

as if it were so : in a manner of speaking His retirement was, as it were, the beginning of his real career.

hermit (n)

being a hermit. 1 a : one that retires from society and lives in solitude especially for religious reasons : recluse b obsolete : beadsman 2 : a spiced molasses cookie — hermitism

best-case (adj)

best-case scenario. being, relating to, or based on a projection of future events that assumes only the best possible circumstances a best-case scenario

cagey (adj)

cagier; cagiest 1 : hesitant about committing oneself officials are cagey about giving out details 2 a : wary of being trapped or deceived : shrewd a cagey consumer b : marked by cleverness a cagey reply — cagily adverb — caginess or less commonly cageyness

careful (adj)

carefuller; carefullest 1 archaic a : solicitous, anxious b : filling with care or solicitude 2 : exercising or taking care careful of a child's welfare 3 a : marked by attentive concern and solicitude careful farm management b : marked by wary caution or prudence be very careful with knives c : marked by painstaking effort to avoid errors or omissions —often used with of or an infinitive careful of moneycareful to adjust the machine — carefully play \-f(ə-)lē\ adverb — carefulness

larrikin (n)

chiefly Australia : HOODLUM, ROWDY

dog's breakfast (n)

chiefly British : a confused mess or mixture

haruspication (n)

chiefly British : an act or instance of foretelling something

mazard (n)

chiefly dialectal : head, face

clear-cut (adj)

clear-cut roles. 1 : sharply outlined : distinct 2 : free from ambiguity or uncertainty : unambiguous a clear-cut decision

savvy (adj)

computer savvy. : having or showing perception, comprehension, or shrewdness especially in practical matters

crib death (n)

death of a baby while sleeping that occurs for no known reason : sudden infant death syndrome ... in the conditions of early modern Europe, crib death was all too real. —Simon Schama

readership (n)

declining readership. 1 a : the office or position of a reader b : the quality or state of being a reader 2 : the mass or a particular group of readers a magazine's readership

diverge (v)

diverge from the usual. diverged; diverging intransitive verb 1 a : to move or extend in different directions from a common point : draw apart diverging roads b : to become or be different in character or form The friends' lives diverged after graduation. : differ in opinion This is where our views diverge. 2 : to turn aside from a path or course : deviate diverge from a direct path 3 mathematics : to be divergent (see divergent 2) transitive verb : deflect diverge a compass needle

evasive (adj)

evasive answers. tending or intended to evade : equivocal evasive answers — evasively adverb — evasiveness noun

facilitate (adj)

facilitating change. facilitated; facilitating transitive verb : to make easier : help bring about facilitate growth — facilitative

isolated (adj)

feeling isolated from... 1 : occurring alone or once : unique 2 : sporadic

flounce (v)

flounced; flouncing intransitive verb 1 a : to move with exaggerated jerky or bouncy motions flounced about the room, jerking her shoulders, gesticulating —Agatha Christie also : to move so as to draw attention to oneself flounced into the lobby b : to go with sudden determination flounced out in a huff 2 : flounder, struggle

fraught (adj)

fraught with errors. 1 : full of or accompanied by something specified —used with with a situation fraught with dangerThe paper was poorly researched and is fraught with errors. 2 : causing or characterized by emotional distress or tension : uneasy a fraught relationship 3 archaic a : laden b : well supplied or provided

glimpse (n)

get a glimpse of... 1 archaic : GLIMMER 2 : a fleeting view or look caught only a glimpse of the mugger

given (n)

given the ____ nature of... something given; especially : something taken for granted : a basic condition or assumption It is a given that we are in an age of relentless competition.

college try (n)

giving it the good-ol college try. a zealous all-out effort

glaze (v)

glazing over (the terms and conditions). glazed; glazing transitive verb 1 : to furnish or fit with glass 2 a : to coat with or as if with a glaze the storm glazed trees with ice b : to apply a glaze to glaze doughnuts 3 : to give a smooth glossy surface to intransitive verb 1 : to become glazed or glassy my eyes glazed over 2 : to form a glaze — glazer noun

glimmering (n)

glimmer of hope. glimmer

greenwashing (n)

greenwashing tactics. expressions of environmentalist concerns especially as a cover for products, policies, or activities

groundbreaking (adj)

groundbreaking discovery. : introducing new ideas or methods has written a groundbreaking work

semblance (n)

hardly any semblance of the original product. 1a : outward and often specious appearance or show : FORM wrapped in a semblance of composure —Harry Hervey b : MODICUM has been struggling to get some semblance of justice for his people —Bayard Rustin 2 : ASPECT, COUNTENANCE 3a : a phantasmal form : APPARITION b : IMAGE, LIKENESS 4 : actual or apparent resemblance her story bears some semblance to the truth

aery (adj)

having an aerial quality : ethereal aery visions

hoof (v)

hoofing it 1 : to walk especially with haste hoofed it to the lecture hall 2 : KICK, TRAMPLE intransitive verb : to move on the feet especially : DANCE

indifferentism (n)

indifference; specifically : belief that all religions are equally valid — indifferentist

burdensome (adj)

imposing or constituting a burden : oppressive burdensome restrictions

guesswork (n)

it's all just guesswork. : work performed or results obtained by guess : CONJECTURE [Calculating the drug's long-term effects is pure guesswork.]

kick around (v)

kick around an idea. intransitive verb 1 : to wander or pass time aimlessly 2 a : to lie about mostly unnoticed or forgotten b : to undergo consideration usually intermittently over a period of time ideas that have been kicking around for years transitive verb 1 : to treat in an inconsiderate or high-handed fashion 2 : to consider, examine, or discuss from various angles

nescience (n)

lack of knowledge or awareness : ignorance

like-minded (adj)

like-minded individuals. having a like disposition or purpose : of the same mind or habit of thought — like-mindedly adverb — like-mindedness noun

tough love (n)

love or affectionate concern expressed in a stern or unsentimental manner (as through discipline) especially to promote responsible behavior

lurch (v)

lurched; lurching; lurches intransitive verb dialectal, chiefly England : to loiter about a place furtively : prowl transitive verb 1 obsolete : steal 2 archaic : cheat

malicious (adj)

malicious intent. having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone : given to, marked by, or arising from malice malicious gossip — maliciously adverb — maliciousness noun

high-minded (adj)

marked by elevated principles and feelings; also : pretentious too high-minded to read any fiction —Alfred Kazin — high-mindedly adverb — high-mindedness noun

disciplined (adj)

marked by or possessing discipline a disciplined mind

meager (adj)

meager wages. 1 : having little flesh : thin meager were his looks, sharp misery had worn him to the bones —William Shakespeare 2 a : lacking desirable qualities (such as richness or strength) leading a meager life b : deficient in quality or quantity a meager diet — meagerly adverb — meagerness noun

melanize (v)

melanized; melanizing transitive verb 1 : to convert into or infiltrate with melanin 2 : to make dark or black — melanization

M&A (abbr)

milliampere million years ago 1 [ Medieval Latin magister artium ] master of arts 2 Massachusetts 3 mental age 4 Middle Ages mergers and acquisitions

rub in (v)

no need to rub it in. :to harp on (as something unpleasant) :emphasize

micromanage (v)

nobody likes a micromanager. micromanaged; micromanaging; micromanages transitive verb : to manage especially with excessive control or attention to details intransitive verb : to direct or conduct the activities of a group or an enterprise by micromanaging them — micromanagement play \-mənt\ noun — micromanager

semiprecious (adj)

of a gemstone : of less commercial value than a precious stone

good-for-nothing (adj)

of no use or value — good-for-nothing noun

Pandora's Box (n)

opening Pandora's Box. a prolific source of troubles

can of worms (phrase)

opening up a can of worms. : PANDORA'S BOX afraid of what we would find if we opened up the can of worms that is the CIA —Richard Snider

album (n)

recording an album. 1a : a book with blank pages used for making a collection (as of autographs, stamps, coins, or photographs) b : a cardboard container for a phonograph record : JACKET c : one or more recordings (as on tape or disc) produced as a single unit a 2-CD album 2 : a collection usually in book form of literary selections, musical compositions, or pictures : ANTHOLOGY

revitalize (v)

revitalized passion for... revitalized; revitalizing transitive verb : to give new life or vigor to — revitalization

ripe (adj)

ripe for... riper; ripest 1 : fully grown and developed : mature ripe fruit ripe wheat 2 : having mature knowledge, understanding, or judgment 3 : of advanced years : late a ripe old age 4 a : suitable, appropriate the time was ripe for the attempt b : fully prepared : ready the colonies were ripe for revolution 5 a : brought by aging to full flavor or the best state : mellow ripe cheese b : smelly, stinking 6 : ruddy, plump, or full like ripened fruit a ripe figure 7 : indecent ripe language — ripely adverb — ripeness noun

autopilot (n)

running on autopilot. 1 : a device for automatically steering ships, aircraft, and spacecraft also : the automatic control provided by such a device 2 : AUTOMATIC PILOT sense 2

sage (adj)

sage wisdom. 1a : wise through reflection and experience b archaic : GRAVE, SOLEMN 2 : proceeding from or characterized by wisdom, prudence, and good judgment sage advice

scamper (v)

scamper off. to run nimbly and usually playfully about

STEM (abbr)

science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

treatment (n)

silent treatment. 1a : the act or manner or an instance of treating someone or something : HANDLING, USAGE the star requires careful treatment b : the techniques or actions customarily applied in a specified situation 2a : a substance or technique used in treating b : an experimental condition

sick day (n)

taking a sick day. a paid day of sick leave


skip, and jump (n),a _____ away. a short distance

interrupt (v)

sorry to interrupt. interrupted; interrupting; interrupts transitive verb 1 : to stop or hinder by breaking in interrupted the speaker with frequent questions 2 : to break the uniformity or continuity of a hot spell occasionally interrupted by a period of cool weather intransitive verb : to break in upon an action; especially : to break in with questions or remarks while another is speaking — interruptible play \ˌin-tə-ˈrəp-tə-bəl\ adjective — interruption play \ˌin-tə-ˈrəp-shən\ noun — interruptive

spruce (v)

spruce up a bit : to make spruce —often used with up intransitive verb : to make oneself spruce spruce up a bit spruced; sprucing

stringent (adj)

stringent rules. 1 : tight, constricted 2 : marked by rigor, strictness, or severity especially with regard to rule or standard stringent decontamination procedures 3 : marked by money scarcity and credit strictness a stringent budget — stringently adverb

median (adj)

the median price of... 1 : being in the middle or in an intermediate position : medial 2 : lying in the plane dividing a bilateral animal into right and left halves 3 : relating to or constituting a statistical median 4 : produced without occlusion along the lengthwise middle line of the tongue — medianly adverb

thrive (v)

thriving in a career. 1 : to grow vigorously : FLOURISH 2 : to gain in wealth or possessions : PROSPER 3 : to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances —often used with on thrives on conflict

degree (n)

to a certain degree.. 1 : a step or stage in a process, course, or order of classification advanced by degrees We all know that you're only three degrees away from all sorts of interesting and even famous people on social media. —Alex Proud 2 a : a rank or grade of official, ecclesiastical, or social position people of low degree b archaic : a particular standing especially as to dignity or worth c : the civil (see civil 4) condition or status of a person 3 genealogy : a step in a direct line of descent or in the line of ascent to a common ancestor 4 a obsolete : step, stair b archaic : a member of a series arranged in steps (as of parts of a structure) 5 medical : a measure of damage to tissue caused by injury or disease — compare first-degree burn, second-degree burn, third-degree burn 6 a : the extent, measure, or scope of an action, condition, or relation different in degree but not in kind requiring a high degree of skill b : relative intensity a high degree of stress c grammar : one of the forms or sets of forms used in the comparison of an adjective or adverb d law : a legal measure of guilt or negligence found guilty of murder in the first degree 7 a education : a title conferred on students by a college, university, or professional school on completion of a program of study earned her four-year degree associate's degrees has a degree in psychology b : a grade of membership attained in a ritualistic order or society received his first degree in the Knights of Columbus c : an academic title conferred to honor distinguished achievement or service The actor was presented with an honorary degree. d : the formal ceremonies observed in the conferral of such a distinction 8 mathematics : a unit of measure for angles equal to an angle with its vertex at the center of a circle and its sides cutting off ¹/₃₆₀ of the circumference a fifteen degree angle 47 degrees Latitude; also : a unit of measure for arcs of a circle equal to the amount of arc that subtends a central angle of one degree 9 archaic : a position or space on the earth or in the heavens as measured by degrees of latitude 10 music a : a step, note, or tone of a scale b : a line or space of the musical staff 11 : one of the divisions or intervals marked on a scale of a measuring instrument; specifically : any of various units for measuring temperature 350 degrees Fahrenheit 12 mathematics a : the sum of the exponents of the variables in the term of highest degree in a polynomial, polynomial function, or polynomial equation b : the sum of the exponents of the variable factors of a monomial c : the greatest power of the derivative of highest order in a differential equation after the equation has been rationalized (see rationalize 2) and cleared of fractions with respect to the derivative — degreed play \-ˈgrēd\ adjective — to a degree 1 : to a remarkable extent : exceedingly I felt desolate to a degree —Charlotte Brontë 2 : in a small way to a degree he succeeded

delimit (v)

to fix or define the limits of guidelines delimiting his responsibilities an area delimited by woods — delimitation

bloviate (v)

to speak or write verbosely and windily

no-nonsense (adj)

tolerating no nonsense : serious, businesslike a no-nonsense manager

tucker (v)

tucker out. exhaust —often used with out was all tuckered out after a long day's work

ghost town (n)

turned into a ghost town. a once-flourishing town wholly or nearly deserted usually as a result of the exhaustion of some natural resource

untimely (adj)

untimely death. 1 : at an inopportune time : unseasonably 2 : before the due, natural, or proper time : prematurely went untimely to the grave

cowlick (n)

uncooperative cowlick. a lock or tuft of hair growing in a different direction from the rest of the hair

ante (n)

up the ante 1 : a poker stake usually put up before the deal to build the pot The dealer called for a dollar ante. 2 a : cost, price These improvements would raise the ante. b : risk, stakes The new law ups the ante on tax cheats. c : a level (as of achievement or intensity) regarded especially as a goal or standard a film that ups the ante on special effects

vehement (adj)

vehemently disagree. : marked by forceful energy : POWERFUL a vehement wind : such as a : intensely emotional : IMPASSIONED, FERVID vehement patriotism b(1) : deeply felt a vehement suspicion (2) : forcibly expressed vehement denunciations c : bitterly antagonistic a vehement debate

figure out (v)

we will figure it out. transitive verb 1 : discover, determine try to figure out a way to do it 2 : solve, fathom figure out a problem

right brain (n)

: the right cerebral hemisphere of the human brain especially when viewed in terms of its predominant thought processes (such as creativity and intuitive thinking)

polyrhythm (n)

: the simultaneous combination of contrasting rhythms in music

snarky (adj)

1 : CROTCHETY, SNAPPISH 2 : sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner snarky lyrics

apathy (n)

1 : lack of feeling or emotion : impassiveness drug abuse leading to apathy and depression 2 : lack of interest or concern : indifference political apathy

placeless (adj)

1 : lacking a fixed location 2 : indistinguishable from other such places in appearance or character a placeless parking complex — T. J. Jablonsky

all-out (adj)

1 : made with maximum effort : THOROUGHGOING an all-out effort to win the contest 2 : FULL-BLOWN sense 2

null hypothesis (n)

rejecting the null hypothesis. a statistical hypothesis to be tested and accepted or rejected in favor of an alternative; specifically : the hypothesis that an observed difference (as between the means of two samples) is due to chance alone and not due to a systematic cause

veldt (n)

: a grassland especially of southern Africa usually with scattered shrubs or trees

supremacy (n)

: the quality or state of being supreme also : supreme authority or power supremacies

downswing (n)

1 : a downward swing 2 : DOWNTURN

chapman (n)

1 archaic : MERCHANT, TRADER 2 British : PEDDLER

moneyman (n)


man-o'-war bird (n)


long and short (phrase)

Definition of the long and (the) short of it (Entry 3 of 3) —used when making a statement that is brief and that tells someone only the most important parts of something I could give you a lot of reasons for my decision, but the long and short of it is that I just don't want to go.

inclusive disjunction (n)

a complex sentence in logic that is true when either or both of its constituent propositions are true — see truth table

honorable mention (n)

a distinction conferred (as in a contest or exhibition) on works or persons of exceptional merit but not deserving of top honors

fortunate (adj)

a fortunate outcome. 1 : bringing some good thing not foreseen as certain : AUSPICIOUS made a fortunate investment 2 : receiving some unexpected good How fortunate we are to get such a nice room!

mishear (v)

I'm sorry, I misheard you. : to hear wrongly intransitive verb : to misunderstand what is heard

hack (adj)

a hack job. 1 : working for hire especially with mediocre professional standards a hack journalist 2 : performed by or suited to a person who works or writes purely for the purpose of earning money : characteristic of a hack : MEDIOCRE hack writing 3 : HACKNEYED, TRITE hack dramatic scenes

demeanor (n)

a positive demeanor. : behavior toward others : outward manner

horny (adj)

being horny. 1a : of or made of horn (see HORN sense 1d) a horny growth b : having a hard calloused surface or texture horny skin horny-handed c of a mineral : compact and homogeneous with a dull luster 2 : having horns (see HORN sense 1) 3 [ horn erect penis ] a : desiring sexual gratification horny teenagers b : excited sexually

eccentric (adj)

an exccentric personality. 1 a : deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways an eccentric millionaire b : deviating from an established or usual pattern or style eccentric products 2 a : deviating from a circular path; especially : elliptical 1 an eccentric orbit b : located elsewhere than at the geometric center; also : having the axis or support so located an eccentric wheel — eccentrically

oncology (n)

a branch of medicine concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and study of cancer — oncological play \ˌäŋ-kə-ˈlä-ji-kəl\ or oncologic play \ˌäŋ-kə-ˈlä-jik\ adjective — oncologist

conic section (n)

1 : a plane curve, line, pair of intersecting lines, or point that is the intersection of or bounds the intersection of a plane and a cone with two nappes 2 : a curve generated by a point which always moves so that the ratio of its distance from a fixed point to its distance from a fixed line is constant

soft spot (n)

1 : a sentimental weakness has a soft spot for him 2 : a vulnerable point a soft spot in the defense system

mawkish (adj)

1 : lacking flavor or having an unpleasant taste 2 : exaggeratedly or childishly emotional a mawkish love story mawkish poetry

restless (adj)

1 : lacking or denying rest : UNEASY a restless night 2 : continuously moving : UNQUIET the restless sea 3 : characterized by or manifesting unrest especially of mind restless pacing also : CHANGEFUL, DISCONTENTED

distressful (adj)

: causing distress : full of distress

manipulatives (n)

: objects (such as blocks) that a student is instructed to use in a way that teaches or reinforces a lesson

spur-of-the-moment (adj)

: occurring or developing without premeditation : hastily extemporized a spur-of-the-moment decision

muscle (v)

: to move or force by or as if by muscular effort muscled him out of office : to make one's way by brute strength or by force muscled; muscling

legislate (v)

: to perform the function of legislation specifically : to make or enact laws : to mandate, establish, or regulate by or as if by legislation legislated; legislating

double-stop (v)

: to produce two or more tones simultaneously on (an instrument, such as a violin)

motivate (v)

: to provide with a motive : impel questions that excite and motivate youth She was motivated by a desire to help children. motivated; motivating

let alone (conj)

: to say nothing of : not to mention —used especially to emphasize the improbability of a contrasting example he would never walk again let alone play golf — Sports Illus. how many ever see an Ambassador or Minister, let alone a President — Robert Lacville

wear down (v)

: to weary and overcome by persistent resistance or pressure

self-important (adj)

: having or showing self-importance

leper (n)

1 : a person affected with leprosy 2 : a person shunned for moral or social reasons

muddle (n)

1 : a state of especially mental confusion 2 : a confused mess

LA (abbr)

1 law agent 2 legislative assistant 3 Los Angeles 4 Louisiana

mainly (adv)

1 obsolete : in a forceful manner 2 : for the most part : CHIEFLY

chanteuse (n)

: SONGSTRESS especially : a woman who is a concert or nightclub singer chanteuses

malnourished (adj)


forgotten man (n)

a person or category of persons that receives less attention than is merited

adulation (n)

excessive or slavish admiration or flattery enjoys the adulation of his fans

McMansion (n)

: a very large house built in usually a suburban neighborhood or development especially : one regarded critically as oversized and ostentatious

megalith (n)

: a very large usually rough stone used in prehistoric cultures as a monument or building block

limited war (n)

: a war whose objective is less than the total defeat of the enemy

appease (v)

1 : PACIFY, CONCILIATE especially : to make concessions to (someone, such as an aggressor or a critic) often at the sacrifice of principles appeased the dictator by accepting his demands Placaters, who try hard to appease others so as to keep the peace, fear getting hurt in some way. — Mike Cote 2 : to cause to subside : ALLAY appeased my hunger trying to appease her guilty conscience 3 : to bring to a state of peace or quiet : CALM appease a quarrel appeased; appeasing

marigold (n)

1 : POT MARIGOLD 2 : any of a genus (Tagetes) of composite herbs with showy usually yellow, orange, or maroon flower heads

lubber (n)

1 : a big clumsy fellow 2 : a clumsy seaman

martyrology (n)

1 : a catalog of Roman Catholic martyrs and saints arranged by the dates of their feasts 2 : ecclesiastical history treating the lives and sufferings of martyrs

man-child (n)

1 : a male child : SON ... it came to her what a glory it would be to be the mother of a man-child like this. — Jack London 2 : a man who has the qualities of a child : a childlike man ... a largely likable tale about a 38-year-old man-child trying finally to grow up. — Manohla Dargis men-children

requiem (n)

1 : a mass for the dead 2a : a solemn chant (such as a dirge) for the repose of the dead b : something that resembles such a solemn chant 3a : a musical setting of the mass for the dead b : a musical composition in honor of the dead

monomial (n)

1 : a mathematical expression consisting of a single term 2 : a taxonomic name consisting of a single word or term

dragoon (n)

1 : a member of a European military unit formerly composed of heavily armed mounted troops 2 : CAVALRYMAN

Philistine (n)

1 : a native or inhabitant of ancient Philistia 2 often not capitalized a : a person who is guided by materialism and is usually disdainful of intellectual or artistic values b : one uninformed in a special area of knowledge

McCarthyism (n)

1 : a native or inhabitant of ancient Sparta 2 : a person of great courage and self-discipline

cave (n)

1 : a natural chamber or series of chambers in the earth or in the side of a hill or cliff 2 : a usually underground chamber for storage a wine cave also : the articles stored there 3 : a place providing privacy or seclusion from others When a friend dragged her out of her cave to go salsa dancing for the first time, the rhythms ... stepped into her soul ... — Leslie Guttman — see also MAN CAVE caves

lifer (n)

1 : a person sentenced to imprisonment for life 2 : a person who makes a career of one of the armed forces 3 : a person who has made a lifelong commitment (as to a way of life)

nepenthe (n)

1 : a potion used by the ancients to induce forgetfulness of pain or sorrow 2 : something capable of causing oblivion of grief or suffering — nepenthean

maelstrom (n)

1 : a powerful often violent whirlpool sucking in objects within a given radius tried to shoot the canoe across a stretch of treacherous maelstrom — Harper's 2 : something resembling a maelstrom in turbulence the maelstrom enveloping the country a maelstrom of emotions

sanctum (n)

1 : a sacred place 2 : a place where one is free from intrusion an editor's sanctum the inner sanctums of research

doldrums (n)

1 : a spell of listlessness or despondency fighting off the winter doldrums 2 often capitalized, oceanography : a part of the ocean near the equator abounding in calms (see CALM entry 1 sense 1b), squalls, and light shifting winds 3 : a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or slump out of the economic doldrums

crystal ball (n)

1 : a sphere especially of quartz crystal traditionally used by fortune-tellers 2 : a means or method of predicting future events

mix (n)

1 : an act or process of mixing 2 : a product of mixing: such as a : a commercially prepared mixture of food ingredients a cake mix b : a combination of different kinds the right mix of jobs, people and amenities — London Times 3 : MIXER sense 2b

miracle (n)

1 : an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs the healing miracles described in the Gospels 2 : an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment The bridge is a miracle of engineering. 3 Christian Science : a divinely natural phenomenon experienced humanly as the fulfillment of spiritual law

afterthought (n)

1 : an idea occurring later 2 : something (such as a part or feature) not thought of originally : something secondary

package deal (n)

1 : an offer or agreement involving a number of related items or one making acceptance of one item dependent on the acceptance of another 2 : the items offered in a package deal

ambassador (n)

1 : an official envoy especially : a diplomatic agent of the highest rank accredited to a foreign government or sovereign as the resident representative of his or her own government or sovereign or appointed for a special and often temporary diplomatic assignment She's the American ambassador to Italy. 2a : an authorized representative or messenger b : an unofficial representative traveling abroad as ambassadors of goodwill

bittersweet (adj)

1 : being at once bitter and sweet especially : pleasant but including or marked by elements of suffering or regret a bittersweet ballad bittersweet memories 2 : of or relating to a prepared chocolate containing little sugar bittersweet chocolate chips

moribund (adj)

1 : being in the state of dying : approaching death in the moribund patient deepening stupor and coma are the usual preludes to death — Norman Cameron 2 : being in a state of inactivity or obsolescence a moribund virus a moribund volcano prune the moribund files from your disk forever — D. S. Janal

movable (adj)

1 : capable of being moved 2 : changing date from year to year movable holidays moveable

rigmarole (n)

1 : confused or meaningless talk 2 : a complex and sometimes ritualistic procedure

many (adj)

1 : consisting of or amounting to a large but indefinite number worked for many years the many advantages of an education 2 : being one of a large but indefinite number many a man many another student more most

sophisticated (adj)

1 : deprived of native or original simplicity: such as a : highly complicated or developed : COMPLEX sophisticated electronic devices b : having a refined knowledge of the ways of the world cultivated especially through wide experience a sophisticated lady 2 : devoid of grossness: such as a : finely experienced and aware a sophisticated columnist b : intellectually appealing a sophisticated novel

terminus (n)

1 : either end of a transportation line or travel route also : the station, town, or city at such a place : TERMINAL 2 : an extreme point or element : TIP the terminus of a glacier 3 : a final goal : a finishing point 4 : a post or stone marking a boundary

bleak (adj)

1 : exposed and barren and often windswept a bleak landscape bleak soils 2 : COLD, RAW a bleak November evening 3a : lacking in warmth, life, or kindliness : GRIM a bleak prison documentary b : not hopeful or encouraging : DEPRESSING a bleak prognosis a bleak outlook the future looks bleak c : severely simple or austere a bleak hotel room

momentarily (adv)

1 : for a moment 2 archaic : INSTANTLY 3 : at any moment : in a moment

ruthful (adj)

1 : full of ruth : TENDER 2 : full of sorrow : WOEFUL 3 : causing sorrow

loot (n)

1 : goods usually of considerable value taken in war : SPOILS The soldiers helped themselves to any loot that they could find. 2 : something held to resemble goods of value seized in war: such as a : something appropriated illegally often by force or violence the thieves' loot b : illicit gains by public officials c : MONEY would not ... spend all that loot on her — Langston Hughes 3 : the action of looting general loot of church land — Hilaire Belloc

aristocracy (n)

1 : government by the best individuals or by a small privileged class 2a : a government in which power is vested (see VEST entry 2 sense 1a) in a minority consisting of those believed to be best qualified b : a state with such a government 3 : a governing body or upper class usually made up of a hereditary nobility a member of the British aristocracy 4 : a class or group of people believed to be superior (as in rank, wealth, or intellect) an intellectual aristocracy aristocracies

malefic (adj)

1 : having malignant influence : baleful 2 : malicious

clearheaded (adj)

1 : having or showing a clear understanding : PERCEPTIVE clearheaded comments 2 : able to think clearly stay calm and clearheaded

multipronged (adj)

1 : having several distinct aspects or elements a multipronged attack 2 : having several prongs

misty-eyed (adj)

1 : having tearful eyes 2 : dreamy, sentimental misty-eyed recollections

extensive (adj)

1 : having wide or considerable extent extensive reading 2 : EXTENSIONAL 3 : of, relating to, or constituting farming in which large areas of land are utilized with minimum outlay and labor

smug (adj)

1 : highly self-satisfied 2 : trim or smart in dress : SPRUCE 3 : scrupulously clean, neat, or correct : TIDY smugger; smuggest

madly (adv)

1 : in a mad manner 2 : to an extreme or excessive degree madly in love

ostensibly (adv)

1 : in an ostensible manner 2 : to all outward appearances

belligerent (adj)

1 : inclined to or exhibiting assertiveness, hostility, or combativeness 2 : waging war specifically : belonging to or recognized as a state at war and protected by and subject to the laws of war

detriment (n)

1 : injury, damage did hard work without detriment to his health 2 : a cause of injury or damage a detriment to progress

minutely (adv)

1 : into very small pieces 2 : in a minute manner or degree a minutely detailed analysis

merriment (n)

1 : lighthearted gaiety or fun-making : hilarity 2 : a lively celebration or party : festivity

live-in (adj)

1 : living in one's place of employment a live-in maid 2 : involving or involved with cohabitation a live-in relationship a live-in partner

showy (adj)

1 : making an attractive show : STRIKING a showy orchid 2 : given to or marked by a flashy often tasteless display showier; showiest

covetous (adj)

1 : marked by inordinate desire for wealth or possessions or for another's possessions He looked at his boss's new car with covetous eyes. 2 : having a craving for possession covetous of power

tortuous (adj)

1 : marked by repeated twists, bends, or turns : WINDING a tortuous path 2a : marked by devious or indirect tactics : CROOKED, TRICKY a tortuous conspiracy b : CIRCUITOUS, INVOLVED the tortuous jargon of legal forms

ceremonial (adj)

1 : marked by, involved in, or belonging to ceremony : stressing careful attention to form and detail ceremonial rites 2 : having no real power or influence his new position is largely ceremonial

somatic (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or affecting the body especially as distinguished from the germplasm 2 : of or relating to the wall of the body : PARIETAL

modular (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or based on a module or a modulus 2 : constructed with standardized units or dimensions for flexibility and variety in use modular furniture

maritime (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or bordering on the sea a maritime province 2 : of or relating to navigation or commerce on the sea 3 : having the characteristics of a mariner

orchidaceous (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or resembling the orchids 2 : showy, ostentatious

loner (n)

1 : one that avoids others: such as a : a person who is often alone or likes to be alone : someone who usually avoids the company of others He is a moody loner who doesn't become chummy with anyone. — Sam Moses Many rowers will agree that sculling is a sport for loners who relish the more quixotic elements of the sport. — D. C. Churbuck ... she found that the image of the scientist as an antisocial loner is a myth ... — Warren E. Leary b : a typically solitary animal Black bears are loners and usually wander by themselves in search of food. — Mark Carwardine Despite the fact they are loners, cats do have a well-organized social system based on scent marks and mutual avoidance. — Fiona Sunquist 2 : INDIVIDUALIST sense 1

honeypot (n)

1 : one that is attractive or desirable 2 : a substantial source of money

masterly (n)

1 : suitable to or resembling that of a master especially : indicating thorough knowledge or superior skill and power a masterly performance 2 : having the power and skill of a master she's masterly at description — Caroline Knapp

abject (adj)

1 : sunk to or existing in a low state or condition : very bad or severe living in abject poverty to lowest pitch of abject fortune thou art fallen —John Milton abject failure 2 a : cast down in spirit : servile, spiritless a man made abject by suffering an abject coward b : showing hopelessness or resignation abject surrender 3 : expressing or offered in a humble and often ingratiating spirit abject flattery an abject apology — abjectly adverb — abjectness

livability (n)

1 : survival expectancy : VIABILITY —used especially of poultry and livestock 2 : suitability for human living

modernization (n)

1 : the act of modernizing : the state of being modernized 2 : something modernized : a modernized version

pressure (v)

1 : to apply pressure to 2 : PRESSURIZE 3 : to cook in a pressure cooker pressured; pressuring

appeal (v)

1 : to arouse a sympathetic response an idea that appeals to him 2 : to make an earnest request We appealed to them for help. 3 law : to take a lower court's decision to a higher court for review 4 : to call upon another for corroboration, vindication, or decision 1 law : to take proceedings to have (a lower court's decision) reviewed in a higher court 2 law : to charge with a crime : ACCUSE appealed; appealing; appeals

coexist (v)

1 : to exist together or at the same time 2 : to live in peace with each other especially as a matter of policy coexisted; coexisting; coexists

announce (v)

1 : to make known publicly : PROCLAIM announce a deal 2a : to give notice of the arrival, presence, or readiness of (something) announce dinner b : to indicate beforehand : FORETELL an invention that announced a new era 3 US : to serve as an announcer of announce a football game 1 : to serve as an announcer 2 US a : to declare one's candidacy announce for president b : to declare oneself politically announce against a nominee announced; announcing

blazon (v)

1 : to publish widely : PROCLAIM 2a : to describe (heraldic or armorial bearings) in technical terms b : to represent (armorial bearings) in drawing or engraving 3a : DISPLAY b : DECK, ADORN the town was blazoned with flags blazoned; blazoning

redact (v)

1 : to put in writing : FRAME 2 : to select or adapt (as by obscuring or removing sensitive information) for publication or release broadly : EDIT 3 : to obscure or remove (text) from a document prior to publication or release redacted; redacting; redacts

reset (v)

1 : to set again or anew reset type reset a diamond reset a circuit breaker 2 : to change the reading of often to zero reset an odometer reset; resetting

anoint (v)

1 : to smear or rub with oil or an oily substance 2a : to apply oil to as part of a religious ceremony The priest anointed the sick. b : to choose by or as if by divine election anoint him as his successor also : to designate as if by a ritual anointment Critics have anointed her as an important new literary figure. anointed; anointing; anoints

Mickey Mouse (adj)

1 : too easy, small, ineffective, or unimportant to be taken seriously Mickey Mouse courses a Mickey Mouse operation 2 : being or performing insipid or corny popular music 3 : annoyingly petty Mickey Mouse regulations

run-in (n)

1 British : the final part of a race or racetrack 2 : ALTERCATION, QUARREL 3 : something inserted as a substantial addition in copy or typeset matter

laager (n)

1 South Africa : CAMP especially : an encampment protected by a circle of wagons or armored vehicles 2 : a defensive position, policy, or attitude

billion (n)

1 US : a number equal to 1,000 million — see TABLE OF NUMBERS also, British : a number equal to 1,000 milliard — see TABLE OF NUMBERS 2 : a very large number

literature (n)

1 archaic : literary culture 2 : the production of literary work especially as an occupation Literature is his profession. 3a(1) : writings in prose or verse especially : writings having excellence of form or expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest literature stands related to man as science stands to nature — J. H. Newman (2) : an example of such writings what came out, though rarely literature, was always a roaring good story — People b : the body of written works produced in a particular language, country, or age French literature Renaissance literature c : the body of writings on a particular subject scientific literature d : printed matter (such as leaflets or circulars) campaign literature 4 : the aggregate of a usually specified type of musical compositions the Brahms piano literature

logarithm (n)

: the exponent that indicates the power to which a base number is raised to produce a given number the logarithm of 100 to the base 10 is 2

monogamy (n)

1 archaic : the practice of marrying only once during a lifetime 2a : the state or custom of being married to only one person at a time b : the state or practice of having only one sexual partner at a time young couples who practice monogamy c zoology : the condition or practice of having a single mate during a period of time Monogamy is common among birds.

demiurge (n)

1 capitalized a : a Platonic subordinate deity who fashions the sensible world in the light of eternal ideas b : a Gnostic subordinate deity who is the creator of the material world 2 : one that is an autonomous creative force or decisive power

heartstring (n)

1 obsolete : a nerve once believed to sustain the heart 2 : the deepest emotions or affections —usually used in plural That movie really pulls at your heartstrings.

comical (adj)

1 obsolete : of or relating to comedy 2 : causing laughter especially because of a startlingly or unexpectedly humorous impact wearing a comical expression

devil (n)

1 often capitalized : the personal supreme spirit of evil often represented in Christian belief as the tempter of humankind, the leader of all apostate angels, and the ruler of hell —usually used with the —often used as an interjection, an intensive, or a generalized term of abuse what the devil is this? the devil you say! 2 : an evil spirit : DEMON 3a : an extremely wicked person : FIEND b archaic : a great evil 4 : a person of notable energy, recklessness, and dashing spirit also : one who is mischievous those kids are little devils today 5 : FELLOW —usually used in the phrases poor devil, lucky devil 6a : something very trying or provoking having a devil of a time with this problem b : severe criticism or rebuke : HELL —used with the I'll probably catch the devil for this c : the difficult, deceptive, or problematic part of something the devil is in the details 7 : DUST DEVIL 8 Christian Science : the opposite of Truth : a belief in sin, sickness, and death : EVIL, ERROR between the devil and the deep blue sea : faced with two equally objectionable alternatives devil to pay : severe consequences —used with the there'll be the devil to pay if we're late

harass (v)

1a : EXHAUST, FATIGUE I have been harassed with the toil of verse — William Wordsworth b(1) : to annoy persistently was harassing his younger brother (2) : to create an unpleasant or hostile situation for especially by uninvited and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct was being harassed by her classmates claims that the police were unfairly harassing him 2 : to worry and impede by repeated raids harassed the enemy harassed; harassing; harasses

made (adj)

1a : FICTITIOUS, INVENTED a made excuse b : artificially produced c : put together of various ingredients a made dish 2 : assured of success a made man —usually used in the phrase have it made

lineage (n)

1a : descent in a line from a common progenitor b : derivation the gun's direct lineage is in the 1960s— Erik Larson 2 : a group of individuals tracing descent from a common ancestor especially : such a group of persons whose common ancestor is regarded as its founder : the number of lines of printed or written matter

coltish (adj)

1a : not subjected to discipline b : FRISKY, PLAYFUL coltish antics 2 : of, relating to, or resembling a colt coltish legs

homestead (n)

1a : the home and adjoining land occupied by a family b : an ancestral home c : HOUSE 2 : a tract of land acquired from U.S. public lands by filing a record and living on and cultivating the tract

dose (n)

1a : the measured quantity of a therapeutic agent to be taken at one time b : the quantity of radiation administered or absorbed 2 : a portion of a substance added during a process 3 : an amount of something likened to a prescribed or measured quantity of medicine a daily dose of hard work a dose of scandal 4 : a gonorrheal infection

midterm (n)

1a : the middle of an academic term b : an examination at midterm 2 : the approximate middle of a term of office

difference (n)

1a : the quality or state of being dissimilar or different the difference between right and wrong b : an instance of being unlike or distinct in nature, form, or quality noted the differences in color and texture c archaic : a characteristic that distinguishes one from another or from the average ... an absolute gentleman, full of the most excellent differences ... — William Shakespeare d : the element or factor that separates or distinguishes contrasting situations Timing is often the difference between success and failure. 2 : distinction or discrimination in preference 3a : disagreement in opinion : DISSENSION b : an instance or cause of disagreement unable to settle their differences 4 mathematics : the degree or amount by which things differ in quantity or measure specifically : REMAINDER sense 2b(1) 5 : a significant change in or effect on a situation it makes no difference to me

do in (v)

1a : to bring about the defeat or destruction of a businessman done in by greed also : KILL b : EXHAUST, WEAR OUT 2 : CHEAT

Rubicon (n)

: a bounding or limiting line especially : one that when crossed commits a person irrevocably

recompense (v)

1a : to give something to by way of compensation (as for a service rendered or damage incurred) b : to pay for 2 : to return in kind : REQUITE recompensed; recompensing

pollute (v)

1a : to make ceremonially or morally impure : DEFILE b : DEBASE sense 1 using language to deceive or mislead pollutes language — Linda C. Lederman 2a : to make physically impure or unclean : BEFOUL, DIRTY b : to contaminate (an environment) especially with man-made waste polluted; polluting

big cheese (n)


full-on (adj)


malediction (n)

: CURSE, EXECRATION I taunted him, ridiculed him, and loaded him with maledictions — Sir Walter Scott

morn (n)


disaffiliate (v)

: DISASSOCIATE : to terminate an affiliation

Moirai (n)

: FATE sense 4

manifest destiny (n)

: a future event accepted as inevitable in the mid-19th century expansion to the Pacific was regarded as the Manifest Destiny of the United States broadly : an ostensibly benevolent or necessary policy of imperialistic expansion

limited edition (n)

: an issue of something collectible (such as books, prints, or medals) that is advertised to be limited to a relatively small number of copies

propensity (n)

: an often intense natural inclination or preference propensities

telos (n)

: an ultimate end

Midas touch (n)

: an uncanny ability for making money in every venture

plight (n)

: an unfortunate, difficult, or precarious situation

hyperintelligent (adj)

: extremely intelligent But Weinstein's cast is more than up to the task of playing hyperintelligent kids without turning them into cloying nerd cartoons. — Chris Jones ... my column seems to be popular with a certain breed of hyper-intelligent, easily outraged, deeply ironical funsters ... — Jonah Goldberg

multisense (adj)

: having several meanings

helo (n)

: helicopter helos

apposite (adj)

: highly pertinent or appropriate : APT apposite remarks apposite examples

analgesia (n)

: insensibility to pain without loss of consciousness

prurient (adj)

: marked by or arousing an immoderate or unwholesome interest or desire especially : marked by, arousing, or appealing to sexual desire

dogged (adj)

: marked by stubborn determination a dogged competitor dogged devotion

Aristotelian (adj)

: of or relating to the Greek philosopher Aristotle or his philosophy

catlike (adj or adv)

: resembling a cat especially : STEALTHY with catlike tread, upon our prey we steal — W. S. Gilbert

mock-heroic (adj)

: ridiculing or burlesquing heroic style, character, or action a mock-heroic poem

animal rights (n)

: rights (as to fair and humane treatment) regarded as belonging fundamentally to all animals

directory (adj)

: serving to direct specifically : providing advisory but not compulsory guidance

resplendent (adj)

: shining brilliantly : characterized by a glowing splendor meadows resplendent with wildflowers — Outdoor World Other Words from resplendent

toe-to-toe (adj or adv)

: slugging it out at or as if at close range a toe-to-toe confrontation over the new policy

subminimal (adj)

: smaller than the minimum that is required for a particular result a subminimal stimulus

bedside manner (n)

: the manner that a physician assumes toward patients a doctor with a soothing bedside manner broadly : a person's manner in dealing with others The good news for Coelho is that his problem is largely a matter of style, not substance. With a smoother bedside manner, friends and opponents agree, he could probably get the job done. — Dana Milbank

mind's eye (n)

: the mental faculty of conceiving imaginary or recollected scenes used her mind's eye to create the story's setting also : the mental picture so conceived

aesthetic (adj)

a clean aesthetic. 1 a : of, relating to, or dealing with aesthetics or the beautiful aesthetic theories b : artistic a work of aesthetic value c : pleasing in appearance : attractive ... easy-to-use keyboards, clear graphics, and other ergonomic and aesthetic features ... —Mark Mehler 2 : appreciative of, responsive to, or zealous about the beautiful; also : responsive to or appreciative of what is pleasurable to the senses his aesthetic sensibility 3 : done or made to improve a person's appearance or to correct defects in a person's appearance aesthetic plastic surgery — aesthetically

penetrating (adj)

a penetrating gaze. 1 : having the power of entering, piercing, or pervading a penetrating shriek 2 : acute, discerning penetrating insights into life — penetratingly

gold mine (n)

a rich source of something desired

minibar (n)

a small refrigerator in a hotel room that is stocked with especially alcoholic beverages and snacks for guests

adhere (v)

adhering to principles. adhered; adhering intransitive verb 1 : to hold fast or stick by or as if by gluing, suction, grasping, or fusing The stamp failed to adhere to the envelope. 2 : to give support or maintain loyalty adhere to traditional values 3 : to bind oneself to observance adhere to the rules 4 obsolete : accord intransitive 1 transitive verb : to cause to stick fast The paper had been adhered to the wall.

advance (v)

advancing your career. 1 : to accelerate the growth or progress of advance a cause 2 : to bring or move forward advance a pawn 3 : to raise to a higher rank was advanced from clerk to assistant manager 4 archaic : to lift up : raise 5 : to bring forward in time; especially : to make earlier advance the date of the meeting 6 : to bring forward for notice, consideration, or acceptance : propose advance an idea 7 : to supply or furnish in expectation of repayment advance a loan 8 : to raise in rate : increase advance the rent 1 : to move forward : proceed an advancing army 2 : to make progress : increase advance in age 3 : to rise in rank, position, or importance advance through the ranks 4 : to rise in rate or price advancing wages — advancer noun

meeting of minds (n)

agreement, concord

ethnocentric (adj)

characterized by or based on the attitude that one's own group is superior — ethnocentricity play \ˌeth-nō-sen-ˈtri-sə-tē\ noun — ethnocentrism

sherlock (n)


lown (adj)

dialect : CALM, QUIET

self-esteem (n)

high self-esteem. 1 : a confidence and satisfaction in oneself : SELF-RESPECT 2 : SELF-CONCEIT

supersubtlety (n)

noun form of: extremely subtle a supersubtle fragrance a supersubtle tinge of pink

ineptitude (n)

the quality or state of being inept; especially : incompetence

troubleshoot (v)

to operate or serve as a troubleshooter is troubleshooting for an electronics firm

grid (n)

1 : GRATING 2a(1) : a perforated or ridged metal plate used as a conductor in a storage battery (2) : an electrode consisting of a mesh or a spiral of fine wire in an electron tube (3) : a network of conductors for distribution of electric power also : a network of radio or television stations b : a network of uniformly spaced horizontal and perpendicular lines (as for locating points on a map) also : something resembling such a network a road grid c : GRIDIRON sense 3 broadly : FOOTBALL 3 : the starting positions of cars on a racecourse 4 : a device in a photocomposer on which are located the characters to be exposed as the text is composed

mimetic (adj)

1 : IMITATIVE 2 : relating to, characterized by, or exhibiting mimicry mimetic coloring of a butterfly

myriad (adj)

1 : INNUMERABLE those myriad problems also : both numerous and diverse myriad topics 2 : having innumerable aspects or elements the myriad activity of the new land — Meridel Le Sueur

like (n)

1 : LIKING, PREFERENCE 2 : something that one likes 3 : the act or an instance of liking (see LIKE entry 1 sense 4) an online comment, post, etc. Her post got thousands of likes. 1a : one that is similar : COUNTERPART, EQUAL have ... never seen the like before — Sir Winston Churchill b : KIND sense 1a —usually used with a preceding possessive put him and his like to some job — J. R. R. Tolkien 2 : one of many that are similar to each other —used chiefly in proverbial expressions like breeds like and the like : ET CETERA the likes of or less commonly the like of 1 : such people as : such things as reads the likes of Austen and Browning 2 : such a one as and perhaps others similar to —usually used with disparaging overtones have no use for the likes of you 3 : the kind or sort of a fantastic celebration the likes of which had never been seen before — Joseph Heller

ministry (n)

1 : MINISTRATION the ingenuity of destruction ... had outrun the ministry of healing — Dixon Wecter 2 : the office, duties, or functions of a minister was well prepared for the ministry 3 : the body of ministers of religion : CLERGY joined the Presbyterian ministry 4 : a person or thing through which something is accomplished : AGENCY, INSTRUMENTALITY heroic believers become such by the ministry of heroic pain — Austin Phelps 5 : the period of service or office of a minister or ministry Many reforms were enacted during his ministry. 6 often capitalized a : the body of ministers governing a nation or state from which a smaller cabinet (see CABINET entry 1 sense 3b) is sometimes selected b : the group of ministers constituting a cabinet 7a : a government department presided over by a minister the Ministry of Foreign Affairs b : the building in which the business of a ministry is transacted ministries

mudslide (n)

1 : MUDFLOW 2 : a cocktail made with coffee liqueur, vodka, and cream

resign (v)

1 : RELEGATE, CONSIGN especially : to give (oneself) over without resistance resigned herself to her fate 2 : to give up deliberately especially : to renounce (something, such as a right or position) by a formal act intransitive verb 1 : to give up one's office or position : QUIT 2 : to accept something as inevitable : SUBMIT resigned; resigning; resigns

man of letters (phrase)


varied (adj)

1 : VARIOUS, DIVERSE many and varied comments 2 : VARIEGATED sense 1

Taoism (n)

1 : a Chinese mystical philosophy traditionally founded by Lao-tzu in the sixth century b.c. that teaches conformity to the Tao by unassertive action and simplicity 2 : a religion developed from Taoist philosophy and folk and Buddhist religion and concerned with obtaining long life and good fortune often by magical means Other Words from Taoism Taoist \ˈdau̇-ist, ˈtau̇- \ adjective or noun Taoistic \dau̇-ˈi-stik, tau̇- \ adjective

postern (n)

1 : a back door or gate 2 : a private or side entrance or way

swathe (n)

1 : a band used in swathing 2 : an enveloping medium

boomerang (n)

1 : a bent or angular throwing club typically flat on one side and rounded on the other so that it soars or curves in flight especially : one designed to return near the thrower 2 : an act or utterance that backfires on its originator

liaison (n)

1 : a binding or thickening agent used in cooking a butter and flour liaison 2 a : a close bond or connection : interrelationship b : an illicit sexual relationship : affair 3a 3 a : communication for establishing and maintaining mutual understanding and cooperation (as between parts of an armed force) b : a person who establishes and maintains communication for mutual understanding and cooperation a press liaison 4 : the pronunciation of an otherwise absent consonant sound at the end of the first of two consecutive words the second of which begins with a vowel sound and follows without pause

methodology (n)

1 : a body of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline : a particular procedure or set of procedures demonstrating library research methodology the issue is massive revision of teaching methodology — Bob Samples 2 : the analysis of the principles or procedures of inquiry in a particular field methodologies

manual (n)

1 : a book that is conveniently handled especially : HANDBOOK an instruction manual 2 : the prescribed movements in the handling of a weapon or other military item during a drill or ceremony the manual of arms 3a : a keyboard for the hands specifically : one of the several keyboards of an organ or harpsichord that controls a separate division of the instrument b : a device or apparatus intended for manual operation c : an automobile with a manual transmission Is your car a manual or an automatic? — called also standard

Lazarus (n)

1 : a brother of Mary and Martha raised by Jesus from the dead according to the account in John 11 2 : the diseased beggar in the parable of the rich man and the beggar found in Luke 16

mill (n)

1 : a building provided with machinery for grinding grain into flour 2a : a machine or apparatus (such as a quern) for grinding grain b : a machine for crushing or comminuting 3 : a machine that manufactures by the continuous repetition of some simple action 4 : a building or collection of buildings with machinery for manufacturing 5a : a machine formerly used for stamping coins b : a machine for expelling juice from vegetable tissues by pressure or grinding 6 : MILLING MACHINE, MILLING CUTTER 7a : a slow, laborious, or mechanical process or routine b : one that produces or processes people or things mechanically or in large numbers a diploma mill a rumor mill 8 : a difficult and often educational experience —used in the phrase through the mill 9 : the engine of an automobile or boat

look-in (n)

1 : a chance of success 2 : a quick pass in football to a receiver running diagonally toward the center of the field

ring (n)

1 : a circular band for holding, connecting, hanging, pulling, packing, or sealing a key ring a towel ring 2 : a circlet usually of precious metal worn especially on the finger 3a : a circular line, figure, or object smoke ring b : an encircling arrangement a ring of suburbs c : a circular or spiral course —often used figuratively in plural in the phrase run rings around to describe surpassing an opponent decisively 4a(1) : an often circular space especially for exhibitions or competitions especially : such a space at a circus (2) : a structure containing such a ring b : a square enclosure in which a fighting contest (such as a boxing or wrestling match) takes place 5 : a band of small objects revolving around a planet (such as Saturn) and composed of dust and icy or rocky fragments 6 : ANNUAL RING 7a : an exclusive combination of persons for a selfish and often corrupt purpose (as to control a market) a wheat ring b : GANG 8 : the field of a political contest : RACE 9 : food in the shape of a circle 10 : an arrangement of atoms represented in formulas or models in a cyclic manner — called also cycle 11 : a set of mathematical elements that is closed under two binary operations of which the first forms a commutative group with the set and the second is associative over the set and is distributive with respect to the first operation 12 rings plural a : a pair of usually rubber-covered metal rings suspended from a ceiling or crossbar to a height of approximately eight feet above the floor and used for hanging, swinging, and balancing feats in gymnastics b : an event in gymnastics competition in which the rings are used 13 : BOXING entry 1 ended his ring career

velvet (n)

1 : a clothing and upholstery fabric (as of silk, rayon, or wool) characterized by a short soft dense warp pile 2a : something suggesting velvet b : a characteristic (such as softness or smoothness) of velvet 3 : the soft vascular skin that envelops and nourishes the developing antlers of deer 4a : the winnings of a player in a gambling game b : a profit or gain beyond ordinary expectation

microwave (n)

1 : a comparatively short electromagnetic wave especially : one between about one millimeter and one meter in wavelength 2 : MICROWAVE OVEN

foregone conclusion (n)

1 : a conclusion that has preceded argument or examination 2 : an inevitable result : certainty the victory was a foregone conclusion

mood (n)

1 : a conscious state of mind or predominant emotion : FEELING He's been in a good mood all week. also : the expression of mood especially in art or literature 2 archaic : a fit of anger : RAGE 3a : a prevailing attitude the kind of mood that fostered the Salem witch trials — Nat Hentoff b : a receptive state of mind predisposing to action was not in a giving mood at the time c : a distinctive atmosphere or context : AURA the weary city's sullen mood — Marilyn Stasio the mood is quiet and sleepy, as guests pick blueberries and read by the pond — J. O. Nixon 1 : the form of a syllogism as determined by the quantity and quality of its constituent propositions 2 : distinction of form or a particular set of inflectional forms of a verb to express whether the action or state it denotes is conceived as fact or in some other manner (such as command, possibility, or wish) 3 : MODE sense 1b

mortgage (n)

1 : a conveyance (see CONVEYANCE sense 2a) of or lien against property (as for securing a loan) that becomes void upon payment or performance according to stipulated terms took out a mortgage in order to buy the house 2a : the instrument evidencing the mortgage b : the state of the property so mortgaged c : the interest of the mortgagee in such property

laser (n)

1 : a device that utilizes the natural oscillations of atoms or molecules between energy levels for generating a beam of coherent electromagnetic radiation usually in the ultraviolet, visible, or infrared regions of the spectrum also : the beam of coherent radiation itself The cesium fluoresced. This told them they had the necessary population of excited atoms to produce a laser. — Nick Taylor 2 : something resembling a laser beam in accuracy, speed, or intensity threw a laser into the end zone a laser stare

amorist (n)

1 : a devotee of love and especially sexual love : GALLANT 2 : one who writes about romantic love

helter-skelter (n)

1 : a disorderly confusion : TURMOIL 2 British : a spiral slide around a tower at an amusement park

sister (n)

1 : a female who has one or both parents in common with another 2 often capitalized a : a member of a women's religious order (as of nuns or deaconesses) especially : one of a Roman Catholic congregation under simple vows b : a girl or woman who is a member of a Christian church 3a : a girl or woman regarded as a comrade b : a girl or woman who shares with another a common national or racial origin especially : a black girl or woman 4 : one that is closely similar to or associated with another sister cities 5 chiefly British : NURSE 6a : GIRL, WOMAN b : PERSON —usually used in the phrase weak sister 7 : a member of a sorority

paroxysm (n)

1 : a fit, attack, or sudden increase or recurrence of symptoms (as of a disease) : convulsion a paroxysm of coughing convulsed ... in the paroxysms of an epileptic seizure —Thomas Hardy 2 : a sudden violent emotion or action : outburst a paroxysm of rage a paroxysm of laughter — paroxysmal

celadon (n)

1 : a grayish-yellow green 2 : a ceramic glaze originated in China that is greenish in color also : an article with a celadon glaze

don (n)

1 : a head (see HEAD entry 1 sense 6a), tutor, or fellow (see FELLOW sense 5) in a college of Oxford or Cambridge University she didn't want to be a don's wife and live in Oxford forever — Virginia Woolf broadly : a college or university professor 2 [ Italian, title of respect, from donno, literally, lord, from Latin dominus ] : a powerful Mafia leader 3 : a Spanish nobleman or gentleman —used as a title prefixed to the Christian name 4 archaic : a person of consequence : GRANDEE the great dons of wit — John Dryden

red herring (n)

1 : a herring cured by salting and slow smoking to a dark brown color 2 [ from the practice of drawing a red herring across a trail to confuse hunting dogs ] : something that distracts attention from the real issue

foothold (n)

1 : a hold for the feet : footing 2 : a position usable as a base for further advance

stalking horse (n)

1 : a horse or a figure like a horse behind which a hunter stalks game 2 : something used to mask a purpose 3 : a candidate put forward to divide the opposition or to conceal someone's real candidacy

rencontre (n)

1 : a hostile meeting or a contest between forces or individuals : COMBAT 2 : a casual meeting

Argus (n)

1 : a hundred-eyed monster of Greek mythology 2 : a watchful guardian

rock (n)

1 : a large mass of stone forming a cliff, promontory, or peak 2 : a concreted mass of stony material also : broken pieces of such masses 3 : consolidated or unconsolidated solid mineral matter also : a particular mass of it 4a : something like a rock in firmness: (1) : FOUNDATION, SUPPORT (2) : REFUGE a rock of independent thought ... in an ocean of parochialism — Thomas Molnar b : something that threatens or causes disaster —often used in plural 5a : a flavored stick candy with color running through b : ROCK CANDY sense 1 6 slang a : GEM b : DIAMOND 7a : a small crystallized mass of crack cocaine b : CRACK sense 9 8 : the ball used in basketball between a rock and a hard place or less commonly between the rock and the hard place : in a difficult or uncomfortable position with no attractive way out on the rocks 1 : in or into a state of destruction or wreckage their marriage is on the rocks 2 : on ice cubes bourbon on the rocks

medallion (n)

1 : a large medal 2 : something resembling a large medal especially : a tablet or panel in a wall or window bearing a figure in relief, a portrait, or an ornament 3 or less commonly medaillon \mā-​dä-​ˈyōⁿ \ : a small, round or oval serving (as of meat or fish)

vaudeville (n)

1 : a light often comic theatrical piece frequently combining pantomime, dialogue, dancing, and song 2 : stage entertainment consisting of various acts (such as performing animals, comedians, or singers)

leg (n)

1 : a limb of an animal used especially for supporting the body and for walking: such as a(1) : one of the paired vertebrate limbs that in bipeds extend from the top of the thigh to the foot (2) : the part of such a limb between the knee and foot b : the back half of a hindquarter of a meat animal c : one of the rather generalized segmental appendages of an arthropod used in walking and crawling 2a : a pole or bar serving as a support or prop the legs of a tripod b : a branch of a forked or jointed object the legs of a compass 3a : the part of an article of clothing that covers the leg b : the part of the upper (as of a boot) that extends above the ankle 4 : OBEISANCE, BOW —used chiefly in the phrase to make a leg 5 : a side of a right triangle that is not the hypotenuse also : a side of an isosceles triangle that is not the base 6a : the course and distance sailed by a boat on a single tack b : a portion of a trip : STAGE c : one section of a relay race d : one of several events or games necessary to be won to decide a competition won the first two legs of horse racing's Triple Crown 7 : a branch or part of an object or system 8 legs plural : long-term appeal or interest a news story with legs

microculture (n)

1 : a microscopic culture of cells or organisms 2 : the culture of a small group of human beings with limited perspective

middle (n)

1 : a middle part, point, or position 2 : the central portion of the human body : WAIST 3 : the position of being among or in the midst of something in the middle of the crowd 4 : something intermediate between extremes : MEAN 5 : the center of an offensive or defensive formation especially : the area between the second baseman and the shortstop

lid (n)

1 : a movable cover for the opening of a hollow container (such as a vessel or box) 2 : EYELID 3 : the operculum in mosses 4 slang : HAT 5 : something that confines, limits, or suppresses : CHECK, RESTRAINT 6 : an ounce of marijuana

mummery (n)

1 : a performance by mummers 2 : a ridiculous, hypocritical, or pretentious ceremony or performance mummeries

chaperon (n)

1 : a person (such as a matron) who for propriety (see PROPRIETY sense 4) accompanies one or more young unmarried women in public or in mixed company 2 : an older person who accompanies young people at a social gathering to ensure proper behavior broadly : one delegated to ensure proper behavior I was a chaperone on one of my son's class trips. 3 : any of a class of proteins (such as heat-shock proteins) that facilitate the proper folding of proteins by binding to and stabilizing unfolded or partially folded proteins — called also molecular chaperone

dilettante (n)

1 : a person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge : DABBLER 2 : an admirer or lover of the arts dilettantes dilettanti

master of ceremonies (n)

1 : a person who determines the forms to be observed on a public occasion 2 : a person who acts as host at a formal event 3 : a person who acts as host for a program of entertainment (as on television)

arbiter (n)

1 : a person with power to decide a dispute : judge The mayor will act as the final arbiter in any dispute between board members. 2 : a person or agency whose judgment or opinion is considered authoritative arbiters of taste

hot spot (n)

1 : a place of more than usual interest, activity, or popularity birding hot spots 2 : a place in the upper mantle of the earth at which hot magma from the lower mantle upwells to melt through the crust usually in the interior of a tectonic plate to form a volcanic feature also : a place in the crust overlying a hot spot 3 : an area of political, military, or civil unrest usually considered dangerous global hot spots 4 : a place where a wireless Internet connection is available 5 : an inflamed patch of moist infected skin on a domestic animal and especially a dog

run-down (adj)

1 : a play in baseball in which a base runner who is caught off base is chased by two or more opposing players who throw the ball from one to another in an attempt to tag the runner out 2 : an item-by-item report or review : SUMMARY

kingdom (n)

1 : a politically organized community or major territorial unit having a monarchical form of government headed by a king or queen 2 often capitalized a : the eternal kingship of God b : the realm in which God's will is fulfilled 3 a : a realm or region in which something is dominant a cattle kingdom b : an area or sphere in which one holds a preeminent position The office was his own private kingdom. 4 a : one of the three primary divisions into which natural objects are commonly classified — compare animal kingdom, mineral kingdom, plant kingdom b : a major category (such as Plantae or Protista) in biological taxonomy that ranks above the phylum and below the domain 5 archaic : kingship

SWAT (n)

1 : a powerful or crushing blow 2 : a long hit in baseball especially : HOME RUN : a police or military unit specially trained and equipped to handle unusually hazardous situations or missions

diminishing returns (n)

1 : a rate of yield that beyond a certain point fails to increase in proportion to additional investments of labor or capital 2 : benefits that beyond a certain point fail to increase in proportion to extended efforts

diary (n)

1 : a record of events, transactions, or observations kept daily or at frequent intervals : JOURNAL especially : a daily record of personal activities, reflections, or feelings 2 : a book intended or used for a diary diaries

antidote (n)

1 : a remedy to counteract the effects of poison needed the antidote for the snake's venom 2 : something that relieves, prevents, or counteracts an antidote to boredom

legman (n)

1 : a reporter assigned usually to gather information 2 : an assistant who performs various subordinate tasks (such as gathering information or running errands)

profile (n)

1 : a representation of something in outline especially : a human head or face represented or seen in a side view 2 : an outline seen or represented in sharp relief : CONTOUR 3 : a side or sectional elevation: such as a : a drawing showing a vertical section of the ground b : a vertical section of a soil from the ground surface to the underlying unweathered material 4 : a set of data often in graphic form portraying the significant features of something a corporation's earnings profile especially : a graph representing the extent to which an individual exhibits traits or abilities as determined by tests or ratings 5 : a concise biographical sketch 6 : degree or level of public exposure trying to keep a low profile a job with a high profile

hump (n)

1 : a rounded protuberance: such as a : humpback sense 1 b : a fleshy protuberance on the back of an animal (such as a camel, bison, or whale) c(1) : mound, hummock (2) : mountain, range the Himalayan hump 2 British : a fit of depression or sulking 3 : a difficult, trying, or critical phase or obstacle —often used in the phrase over the hump

carnival (n)

1 : a season or festival of merrymaking before Lent 2a : an instance of merrymaking, feasting, or masquerading b : an instance of riotous excess a carnival of violence 3a : a traveling enterprise offering amusements b : an organized program of entertainment or exhibition : FESTIVAL a winter carnival

monolith (n)

1 : a single great stone often in the form of an obelisk or column A granite monolith stands at the center of the park. 2 : a massive structure The 70-story monolith is one of Europe's tallest buildings. 3 : an organized whole that acts as a single unified powerful or influential force The movie company grew into a monolith of the entertainment industry.

wand (n)

1 : a slender staff carried in a procession : VERGE 2 : a slender rod used by conjurers and magicians 3 : a slat six feet by two inches used as a target in archery also : a narrow strip of paper pasted vertically on a target face 4 : any of various pipelike devices especially : the rigid tube between the hose and the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner 5 : a handheld device used to enter information (as from a bar code) into a computer

mud (n)

1 : a slimy sticky mixture of solid material with a liquid and especially water especially : soft wet earth 2 : abusive and malicious remarks or charges political campaigners slinging mud at each other 3 : ANATHEMA sense 1b —usually used in the phrase one's name is mud 4 : a mixture of water, clay, and chemicals used in oil-well drilling and having various functions (such as lubrication and cooling of the bit and flushing of rock particles to the surface)

microcomputer (n)

1 : a small computer usually equipped with a microprocessor especially : PERSONAL COMPUTER 2 : MICROPROCESSOR

petri dish (n)

1 : a small shallow dish of thin glass or plastic with a loose cover used especially for cultures in bacteriology 2 : something (such as a place or situation) that fosters development or innovation the college was a petri dish for radical views

musketeer (n)

1 : a soldier armed with a musket 2 [ from the musketeers' friendship in the novel Les Trois Mousquetaires (1844) by Alexandre Dumas ] : a good friend : BUDDY

study (n)

1 : a state of contemplation : REVERIE 2a : application of the mental faculties to the acquisition of knowledge years of study b : such application in a particular field or to a specific subject the study of Latin c : careful or extended consideration the proposal is under study d(1) : a careful examination or analysis of a phenomenon, development, or question (2) : the published report of such a study 3 : a building or room devoted to study or literary pursuits 4 : PURPOSE, INTENT it has been the study of my life to avoid those weaknesses — Jane Austen 5a : a branch or department of learning : SUBJECT —often used in plural American studies b : the activity or work of a student returning to her studies after vacation c : an object of study or deliberation every gesture a careful study — Marcia Davenport d : something attracting close attention or examination 6 : a person who learns or memorizes something (such as a part in a play) —usually used with a qualifying adjective he's a quick study 7 : a literary or artistic production intended as a preliminary outline, an experimental interpretation, or an exploratory analysis of specific features or characteristics 8 : a musical composition for the practice of a point of technique studies

mortar (n)

1 : a sturdy vessel in which material is pounded or rubbed with a pestle crushed the seeds in a mortar 2 [ Middle French mortier ] a : a portable muzzle-loading weapon having a tube short in relation to its caliber (see CALIBER sense 2b) that is used to throw bombs at high angles mortars fired at the enemy positions b : any of several similar firing devices : a plastic building material (such as a mixture of cement, lime, or gypsum plaster with sand and water) that hardens and is used in masonry or plastering

catacomb (n)

1 : a subterranean cemetery of galleries with recesses for tombs —usually used in plural 2 : something resembling a catacomb: such as a : an underground passageway or group of passageways b : a complex set of interrelated things the endless catacombs of formal education— Kingman Brewster †1988

superman (n)

1 : a superior man that according to Nietzsche has learned to forgo fleeting pleasures and attain happiness and dominance through the exercise of creative power 2 : a person of extraordinary or superhuman power or achievements

mudsill (n)

1 : a supporting sill (as of a building or bridge) resting directly on a base and especially the earth 2 : a person of the lowest social level

song and dance (n)

1 : a theatrical performance (such as a vaudeville performance) combining singing and dancing 2 : a long and often familiar statement or explanation that is usually not true or pertinent

environmentalism (n)

1 : a theory that views environment rather than heredity as the important factor in the development and especially the cultural and intellectual development of an individual or group 2 : advocacy of the preservation, restoration, or improvement of the natural environment; especially : the movement to control pollution

hurricane (n)

1 : a tropical cyclone with winds of 74 miles (119 kilometers) per hour or greater that occurs especially in the western Atlantic, that is usually accompanied by rain, thunder, and lightning, and that sometimes moves into temperate latitudes — see BEAUFORT SCALE TABLE 2 : something resembling a hurricane especially in its turmoil a rushing hurricane of blows struck him as he stood up — Donn Byrne

front end (n)

1 : a unit in a computer system devoted to controlling the data communications link between terminals and the main computer and often to the preliminary processing of data 2 : a software interface (such as a graphical user interface) designed to enable user-friendly interaction with a computer

lunch (n)

1 : a usually light meal especially : one taken in the middle of the day 2 : the food prepared for a lunch out to lunch slang : out of touch with reality

dementia (n)

1 : a usually progressive condition (such as Alzheimer's disease) marked by the development of multiple cognitive deficits (such as memory impairment, aphasia, and the inability to plan and initiate complex behavior) ... dementia is diagnosed only when both memory and another cognitive function are each affected severely enough to interfere with a person's ability to carry out routine daily activities. —The Journal of the American Medical Association 2 : MADNESS, INSANITY a fanaticism bordering on dementia

specter (n)

1 : a visible disembodied spirit : GHOST 2 : something that haunts or perturbs the mind : PHANTASM the specter of hunger

downer (n)

1 : a weak, sick, or crippled animal in shipment that is down and cannot get up —often used attributively a downer cow 2 : a depressant drug especially : BARBITURATE 3 : someone or something depressing, disagreeable, or unsatisfactory

beachcomber (n)

1 : a white man living as a drifter or loafer especially on the islands of the South Pacific 2 : a person who searches along a shore (as for salable refuse or for seashells)

stab (n)

1 : a wound produced by a pointed object or weapon 2a : a thrust of a pointed weapon b : a jerky thrust 3 : EFFORT, TRY 4 : a sudden sharp feeling stabs of regret

monkey wrench (n)

1 : a wrench with one fixed and one adjustable jaw at right angles to a straight handle 2 : something that disrupts threw a monkey wrench into the peace negotiations

manuscript (n)

1 : a written or typewritten composition or document as distinguished from a printed copy also : a document submitted for publication The library owns the author's original manuscript. 2 : writing as opposed to print

cold turkey (n)

1 : abrupt complete cessation of the use of an addictive drug also : the symptoms experienced by a person undergoing withdrawal from a drug 2 : unrelieved blunt language or procedure 3 : a cold aloof person

chance-medley (n)

1 : accidental homicide not entirely without fault of the killer but without evil intent 2 : haphazard action : CONFUSION

mien (n)

1 : air (see AIR entry 1 sense 4c) or bearing especially as expressive of attitude or personality : DEMEANOR of aristocratic mien of somber mien the mien of a choirboy 2 : APPEARANCE, ASPECT dresses of formal mien

reservation (n)

1 : an act of reserving something: such as a(1) : the act or fact of a grantor's reserving some newly created thing out of the thing granted (2) : the right or interest so reserved b : the setting of limiting conditions or withholding from complete exposition answered without reservation c : an arrangement to have something (such as a hotel room) held for one's use also : a promise, guarantee, or record of such engagement 2a : a limiting condition agreed, but with reservations b : DOUBT, MISGIVING had serious reservations about marriage 3 : something reserved: such as a : a tract of public land set aside (as for use by American Indians) b : an area in which hunting is not permitted especially : one set aside as a secure breeding place

mime (n)

1 : an ancient dramatic entertainment representing scenes from life usually in a ridiculous manner 2a : an actor in a mime b : one that practices mime 3 : MIMIC sense 2 4 : PANTOMIME sense 3

antic (n)

1 : an attention-drawing, often wildly playful or funny act or action : CAPER —usually plural childish antics 2 archaic : a performer of a grotesque or ludicrous part : BUFFOON

vacuity (n)

1 : an empty space 2 : the state, fact, or quality of being vacuous 3 : something (such as an idea) that is vacuous or inane

malaise (n)

1 : an indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health often indicative of or accompanying the onset of an illness An infected person will feel a general malaise. 2 : a vague sense of mental or moral ill-being a malaise of cynicism and despair —Malcolm Boyd

kaleidoscope (n)

1 : an instrument containing loose bits of colored material (such as glass or plastic) between two flat plates and two plane mirrors so placed that changes of position of the bits of material are reflected in an endless variety of patterns 2 : something resembling a kaleidoscope: such as a : a variegated changing pattern or scene a kaleidoscope of colors b : a succession of changing phases or actions a kaleidoscope of changing fashions c : a diverse collection — kaleidoscopic play \kə-ˌlī-də-ˈskä-pik\ adjective — kaleidoscopically play \kə-ˌlī-də-ˈskä-pi-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

Lot (n)

1 : an object used as a counter in determining a question by chance 2a : the use of lots as a means of deciding something One was chosen by lot to represent the group. b : the resulting choice 3a : something that comes to one upon whom a lot has fallen : SHARE The will provided for equal lots for all the children. b : one's way of life or worldly fate : FORTUNE the lot of man, to suffer and to die — Alexander Pope 4a : a portion of land b : a measured parcel of land having fixed boundaries and designated on a plot or survey built his home on a half-acre lot c : a motion-picture studio and its adjoining property d : an establishment for the storage or sale of motor vehicles a used car lot 5a : a number of units of an article, a single article, or a parcel of articles offered as one item (as in an auction sale) Lot 45 is a dining room set. b : all the members of a present group, kind, or quantity —usually used with the sampled the whole lot of desserts 6a : a number of associated persons : SET fell in with a rough lot b : KIND, SORT The recruits were a sorry lot. 7 : a considerable quantity or extent a lot of money lots of friends: a nephew of Abraham who according to the account in Genesis escaped from the doomed city of Sodom with his wife who turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back

devaluation (n)

1 : an official reduction in the exchange value of a currency by a lowering of its gold equivalency or its value relative to another currency 2 : a lessening especially of status or stature : DECLINE

loo (n)

1 : an old card game in which the winner of each trick or a majority of tricks takes a portion of the pool while losing players are obligated to contribute to the next pool 2 : money staked at loo

big brother (n)

1 : an older brother 2 : a man who serves as a companion, father figure, and role model for a boy 3 capitalized both Bs [ Big Brother, personification of the power of the state in 1984 (1949) by George Orwell ] a : the leader of an authoritarian state or movement b : an all-powerful government or organization monitoring and directing people's actions

mimosa (n)

1 : any of a genus (Mimosa) of trees, shrubs, and herbs of the legume family that occur in tropical and warm regions and have usually bipinnate often prickly leaves and globular heads of small white or pink flowers 2 : SILK TREE 3 : a mixed drink consisting of champagne and orange juice

praecipe (n)

1 : any of various legal writs commanding a person to do something or to appear and show cause why he or she should not 2 : a written order requesting a clerk or prothonotary of a court to issue a writ and specifying the contents of the writ

salacious (adj)

1 : arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination salacious headlines salacious lyrics 2 : LECHEROUS, LUSTFUL ... have fiercely denounced the book's sketches of melodramatic lovers and salacious partygoers ... —Casey Greenfield

skin-deep (adj)

1 : as deep as the skin 2 : not thorough or lasting in impression : SUPERFICIAL

marvelous (adj)

1 : causing wonder : astonishing the marvelous directional sense of migrating birds 2 : miraculous, supernatural Gothic tales of marvelous and bizarre happenings 3 : of the highest kind or quality : notably superior has a marvelous way with children

moralistic (adj)

1 : characterized by or expressive of a concern with morality 2 : characterized by or expressive of a narrow moral attitude

canny (adj)

1 : clever, shrewd a canny lawyer; also : prudent canny investments 2 chiefly Scotland a : careful, steady; also : restrained b : quiet, snug then canny, in some cozy place, they close the day —Robert Burns — cannily adverb — canniness noun

mixed (adj)

1 : combining characteristics of more than one kind specifically : combining features of two or more systems of government a mixed constitution 2 : made up of or involving individuals or items of more than one kind: such as a : made up of or involving persons differing in race, national origin, religion, or class b : made up of or involving individuals of both sexes mixed company 3 : including or accompanied by inconsistent, incompatible, or contrary elements mixed emotions received mixed reviews a mixed blessing 4 : deriving from two or more races or breeds a stallion of mixed blood

mountainous (adj)

1 : containing many mountains 2 : resembling a mountain : HUGE

hung up (adj)

1 : delayed or detained for a time 2 : anxiously nervous 3 : having great or excessive interest in or preoccupation with someone or something —usually used with on they broke up but he's still hung up on her hung up on winning

desolate (adj)

1 : devoid of inhabitants and visitors : DESERTED a desolate abandoned town 2 : joyless, disconsolate, and sorrowful through or as if through separation from a loved one a desolate widow 3a : showing the effects of abandonment and neglect : DILAPIDATED a desolate old house b : BARREN, LIFELESS a desolate landscape c : devoid of warmth, comfort, or hope : GLOOMY desolate memories

laborious (adj)

1 : devoted to labor : industrious as men of research ... they are magnificently laborious and accurate —Aldous Huxley 2 : involving or characterized by hard or toilsome effort : labored The climb to the summit was slow and laborious. — laboriously adverb — laboriousness noun

self-directed (adj)

1 : directed for or by oneself self-directed retirement plans self-directed classroom activities a self-directed performance 2 : directed at oneself self-directed anger 3 : directing oneself or capable of directing oneself empowering students to become self-directed learners

postconsumer (adj)

1 : discarded by an end consumer postconsumer waste 2 : having been used and recycled for reuse in another consumer product postconsumer plastics

linkup (n)

1 : establishment of contact : MEETING the linkup of two spacecraft 2a : something that serves as a linking device or factor b : a functional whole resulting from the linking up of separate elements an instructional TV linkup

precise (adj)

1 : exactly or sharply defined or stated 2 : minutely exact 3 : strictly conforming to a pattern, standard, or convention 4 : distinguished from every other at just that precise moment

superpower (n)

1 : excessive or superior power 2a : an extremely powerful nation specifically : one of a very few dominant states in an era when the world is divided politically into these states and their satellites b : an international governing body able to enforce its will upon the most powerful states

monopoly (n)

1 : exclusive ownership through legal privilege, command of supply, or concerted action 2 : exclusive possession or control no country has a monopoly on morality or truth— Helen M. Lynd 3 : a commodity controlled by one party had a monopoly on flint from their quarries— Barbara A. Leitch 4 : one that has a monopoly The government passed laws intended to break up monopolies. monopolies

static (adj)

1 : exerting force by reason of weight alone without motion 2 : of or relating to bodies at rest or forces in equilibrium 3 : showing little change a static population 4a : characterized by a lack of movement, animation, or progression b : producing an effect of repose or quiescence a static design 5a : standing or fixed in one place : STATIONARY b of water : stored in a tank but not under pressure 6 : of, relating to, or producing stationary charges of electricity : ELECTROSTATIC 7 : of, relating to, or caused by radio static

dilated (adj)

1 : expanded laterally especially : being flat and widened dilated leaves 2 : expanded normally or abnormally in all dimensions

deep (adj)

1 : extending far from some surface or area: such as a : extending far downward a deep well a deep chasm b (1) : extending well inward from an outer surface a deep gash a deep-chested animal (2) : not located superficially within the body deep pressure receptors in muscles c : extending well back from a surface accepted as front a deep closet d : extending far laterally from the center deep borders of lace e sports : occurring or located near the outer limits of the playing area hit to deep right field f sports : thrown or hit for a considerable distance : thrown or hit deep (see 2deep 3b) a deep pass a deep fly ball 2 : having a specified extension in an implied direction usually downward or backward a shelf 20 inches deep cars parked three-deep 3 a : difficult to penetrate or comprehend : recondite deep mathematical problems deep discussions on the meaning of life b : mysterious, obscure a deep dark secret c : grave or lamentable in nature or effect in deepest disgrace d : of penetrating intellect : wise a deep thinker e : intensely engrossed or immersed she was deep in her book f : characterized by profundity of feeling or quality a deep sleep; also : deep-seated deep religious beliefs 4 a of color : high in saturation and low in lightness a deep red b : having a low musical pitch (see 4pitch 4b) or pitch range a deep voice 5 a : situated well within the boundaries a house deep in the woods b : remote in time or space found deep in rural England c : being below the level of consciousness deep neuroses d : covered, enclosed, or filled to a specified degree —usually used in combination ankle-deep in mud 6 : large deep discounts 7 : having many good players a deep bull pen — deeply adverb — deepness noun — in deep water : in difficulty or distress

argumentative (adj)

1 : given to argument : tending to argue : having or showing a tendency to disagree or argue with other people in an angry way : DISPUTATIOUS He became argumentative when confronted with the allegation. an argumentative temperament ... had been a pigheaded, argumentative, irascible, and unlikable man ... — Colleen McCullough 2 : consisting of or characterized by argument argumentative discourse aired their opinions in an argumentative way

lucent (adj)

1 : glowing with light : LUMINOUS 2 : marked by clarity or translucence : CLEAR

timocracy (n)

1 : government in which a certain amount of property is necessary for office 2 : government in which love of honor is the ruling principle

malt (n)

1 : grain (such as barley) softened by steeping in water, allowed to germinate, and used especially in brewing and distilling 2 : malt liquor 3 : malted milk

major (adj)

1 : greater in dignity, rank, importance, or interest one of the major poets 2 : greater in number, quantity, or extent the major part of his work 3 : of full legal age major children 4a : notable or conspicuous in effect or scope : CONSIDERABLE a major improvement b : prominent or significant in size, amount, or degree earned some major cash 5 : involving grave risk : SERIOUS a major illness 6 : of or relating to a subject of academic study chosen as a field of specialization The student's major field is geology. 7a : having half steps between the third and fourth and the seventh and eighth degrees major scale b : based on a major scale major key c : equivalent to the distance between the keynote and another tone (except the fourth and fifth) of a major scale major third d : having a major third above the root major triad

dependent (adj)

1 : hanging down dependent lamps 2 a : determined or conditioned by another : contingent plans that are dependent on the weather b (1) : relying on another for support dependent children Their youngest daughter is still dependent on them. (2) : affected with a drug dependence (see dependence 4) alcohol dependent c : subject to another's jurisdiction a dependent territory d grammar : subordinate 3a dependent clauses 3 mathematics a : not mathematically or statistically independent (see 1independent 1e) a dependent set of vectors dependent events b : equivalent 6a dependent equations — dependently adverb

hearted (adj)

1 : having a heart especially of a specified kind —usually used in combination a fainthearted leader a lighthearted wanderer 2 : seated in the heart

situated (adj)

1 : having a site, situation, or location : LOCATED 2 : provided with money or possessions comfortably situated

double (adj)

1 : having a twofold relation or character : DUAL 2 : consisting of two usually combined members or parts an egg with a double yolk 3a : being twice as great or as many double the number of expected applicants b of a coin : worth two of the specified amount a double eagle a double crown 4 : marked by duplicity : DECEITFUL 5 : folded in two 6 : of extra size, strength, or value a double martini 7 : having more than the normal number of floral leaves often at the expense of the sporophylls 8 of rhyme : involving correspondence of two syllables (as in exciting and inviting) 9 : designed for the use of two persons a double room a double bed

macabre (adj)

1 : having death as a subject : comprising or including a personalized representation of death The macabre dance included a procession of skeletons. 2 : dwelling on the gruesome a macabre presentation of a tragic story 3 : tending to produce horror in a beholder this macabre procession of starving peasants

hipped (adj)

1 : having hips especially of a specified kind —often used in combination a broad-hipped person 2 : constructed with hips a hipped roof

apolitical (adj)

1 : having no interest or involvement in political affairs also : having an aversion to politics or political affairs 2 : having no political significance

single-track (adj)

1 : having only one track 2 : lacking intellectual range, receptiveness, or flexibility : ONE-TRACK had a single-track mind incapable of adjusting to changes

substantive (adj)

1 : having substance : involving matters of major or practical importance to all concerned substantive discussions among world leaders 2 : considerable in amount or numbers : SUBSTANTIAL made substantive progress 3a : real rather than apparent : FIRM need substantive evidence to prove her guilt also : PERMANENT, ENDURING b : belonging to the substance of a thing : ESSENTIAL c : expressing existence the substantive verb is the verb to be 4a : having the nature or function of a noun a substantive phrase b : relating to or having the character of a noun or pronominal term in logic 5 : creating and defining rights and duties substantive law — compare PROCEDURAL 6 : requiring or involving no mordant a substantive dyeing process 7 : being a totally independent entity

historically (adv)

1 : in accordance with or with respect to history an historically accurate account 2 : in the past historically, stagnant cities seldom have recovered —Jane Jacobs

downstream (adv or adj)

1 : in the direction of or nearer to the mouth of a stream floating downstream located two miles downstream 2 : in or toward the latter stages of a usually industrial process or the stages (such as marketing) after manufacture improving profits downstream downstream products 3 biochemistry : toward the end of a series of cellular processes : following a linked molecular event occurring in a sequence But by looking downstream of the tumor suppressors [genes] at the proteins they influence, drug developers hope to find good targets. — Marcia Barinaga

verily (adv)


physicality (n)

1 : intensely physical orientation : predominance of the physical usually at the expense of the mental, spiritual, or social 2 : a physical aspect or quality

metronomic (adj)

1 : mechanically regular (as in action or tempo) ... the swimmer's arms lift and glide under the surface in a reliable metronomic cadence ... — Diana Nyad 2 medical : of, relating to, or being a drug or regimen of drugs administered in low doses at regular intervals over an extended period of time metronomic chemotherapy

dexterous (adj)

1 : mentally adroit and skillful : CLEVER her dexterous handling of the crisis 2 : done with mental or physical skill, quickness, or grace : done with dexterity : ARTFUL a dexterous maneuver 3 : skillful and competent with the hands a dexterous surgeon

thereabouts (adv)

1 : near that place or time 2 : near that number, degree, or quantity a boy of 18 or thereabouts

dowdy (adj)

1 : not neat or becoming in appearance : SHABBY a dowdy old hat 2a : lacking smartness or taste a dowdy room b : OLD-FASHIONED a dowdy institution dowdier; dowdiest

humble (adj)

1 : not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive 2 : reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission a humble apology 3a : ranking low in a hierarchy or scale : INSIGNIFICANT, UNPRETENTIOUS b : not costly or luxurious a humble contraption humbler humblest

macroscopic (adj)

1 : observable by the naked eye 2 : involving large units or elements

recalcitrant (adj)

1 : obstinately defiant of authority or restraint 2a : difficult to manage or operate b : not responsive to treatment c : RESISTANT this subject is recalcitrant both to observation and to experiment — G. G. Simpson

mediate (adj)

1 : occupying a middle position 2a : acting through an intervening agency b : exhibiting indirect causation, connection, or relation the disease spreads by mediate as well as direct contact — Veterinary Record

split-second (adj)

1 : occurring in a split second a split-second decision 2 : extremely precise split-second timing

long-term (adj)

1 : occurring over or involving a relatively long period of time seeking long-term solutions 2a : of, relating to, or constituting a financial operation or obligation based on a considerable term and especially one of more than 10 years long-term bonds b : generated by assets held for longer than six months a long-term capital gain

Olympian (n)

1 : of or relating to Mount Olympus in Thessaly 2 : befitting or characteristic of an Olympian; especially : lofty his ... formula of glib simplicity and Olympian arrogance —Richard Pollak

supernatural (adj)

1 : of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe especially : of or relating to God or a god, demigod, spirit, or devil 2a : departing from what is usual or normal especially so as to appear to transcend the laws of nature b : attributed to an invisible agent (such as a ghost or spirit)

lumpen (adj)

1 : of or relating to dispossessed and uprooted individuals cut off from the economic and social class with which they might normally be identified lumpen proletariat lumpen intellectuals 2 : PLEBEIAN sense 2

expressive (adj)

1 : of or relating to expression the expressive function of language 2 : serving to express, utter, or represent foul and novel terms expressive of rage — H. G. Wells 3 : effectively conveying meaning or feeling an expressive silence expressive line drawings

probabilistic (adj)

1 : of or relating to probabilism 2 : of, relating to, or based on probability

primeval (adj)

1 : of or relating to the earliest ages (as of the world or human history) : ANCIENT, PRIMITIVE 100 acres of primeval forest which has never felt an ax — Mary R. Zimmer 2 : PRIMORDIAL sense 1b

lay (adj)

1 : of or relating to the laity : not ecclesiastical 2 : of or relating to members of a religious house occupied with domestic or manual work a lay brother 3 : not of a particular profession the lay public also : lacking extensive knowledge of a particular subject

protean (adj)

1 : of or resembling Proteus in having a varied nature or ability to assume different forms 2 : displaying great diversity or variety : VERSATILE

slim (adj)

1 : of small diameter or thickness in proportion to the height or length : SLENDER 2a : MEAN, WORTHLESS b : ADROIT, CRAFTY 3a : inferior in quality or amount : SLIGHT b : SCANTY, SMALL a slim chance slimmer; slimmest

fictitious (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of fiction : imaginary fictitious events described in his novel 2 a : conventionally or hypothetically assumed or accepted a fictitious concept b of a name : false, assumed 3 : not genuinely felt — fictitiously adverb — fictitiousness noun

portentous (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or constituting a portent suspense, portentous foreshadowing, hints of sinister and violent mysteries — Francine Prose 2 : eliciting amazement or wonder : PRODIGIOUS 3a : being a grave or serious matter portentous decisions b : self-consciously solemn or important : POMPOUS portentous declamation unsalted by the least trace of humor — W. H. Pritchard c : ponderously excessive that discipline's overwrought, portentous phrases — R. M. Coles

possessive (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or constituting a word, a word group, or a grammatical case that denotes ownership or a relation analogous to ownership 2 : manifesting possession or the desire to own or dominate

pop-up (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or having a component or device that pops up a pop-up book 2 : appearing suddenly on a computer screen a pop-up window 3 of a business : set up quickly for short-term operation in a temporary location pop-up stores/shops pop-up retail The front lawn of nearly every home becomes either a parking lot or a pop-up market, perfect for hungry, thirsty fans held captive by the conga lines of traffic. — Juliet Macur

three-dimensional (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or having three dimensions 2 : giving the illusion of depth or varying distances —used especially of an image or a pictorial representation on a two-dimensional medium when this illusion is enhanced by stereoscopic means 3 : describing or being described in well-rounded completeness a three-dimensional analysis of multiple historical processes —L. L. Snyder 4 : true to life : LIFELIKE

monkish (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or resembling a monk also : resembling that of a monk 2 : inclined to disciplinary self-denial

melancholic (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or subject to melancholy : DEPRESSED 2 : of or relating to melancholia 3 : tending to depress the spirits : SADDENING

rustic (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or suitable for the country : RURAL rustic rolling farmland 2a : made of the rough limbs of trees rustic furniture b : finished by rusticating a rustic joint in masonry 3a : characteristic of or resembling country people b : lacking in social graces or polish 4 : appropriate to the country (as in plainness or sturdiness) heavy rustic boots rustical

Mosaic (adj)

1 : of, relating to, produced by, or resembling a mosaic 2 : exhibiting mosaicism 3 : DETERMINATE sense 5 : of or relating to Moses or the institutions or writings attributed to him lived under the Mosaic Law

ex parte (adv or adj)

1 : on or from one side or party only —used of legal proceedings 2 : from a one-sided or partisan point of view

visionary (n)

1 : one having unusual foresight and imagination a visionary in the computer industry 2 : one whose ideas or projects are impractical : DREAMER 3 : one who sees visions : SEER

lightweight (n)

1 : one of less than average weight specifically : a boxer in a weight division having a maximum limit of 135 pounds for professionals and 132 pounds for amateurs — compare FEATHERWEIGHT, WELTERWEIGHT 2 : one of little consequence or ability a political lightweight

apostle (n)

1 : one sent on a mission: such as a : one of an authoritative New Testament group sent out to preach the gospel and made up especially of Christ's 12 original disciples and Paul b : the first prominent Christian missionary to a region or group St. Boniface, the Apostle of Germany 2a : a person who initiates a great moral reform or who first advocates an important belief or system b : an ardent supporter : adherent apostles of high technology 3 : the highest ecclesiastical official in some church organizations 4 : one of a Mormon administrative council of 12 men

lame duck (n)

1 : one that is weak or that falls behind in ability or achievement especially, chiefly British : an ailing company 2 : an elected official or group continuing to hold political office during the period between the election and the inauguration of a successor 3 : one whose position or term of office will soon end

mixer (n)

1 : one that mixes: such as a(1) : one whose work is mixing the ingredients of a product (2) : one who balances and controls the dialogue, music, and sound effects to be recorded for or with a motion picture or television b : a container, device, or machine for mixing c : a game, stunt, or dance used at a get-together to give members of the group an opportunity to meet one another in a friendly and informal atmosphere also : the get-together itself 2 : one that mixes with others: such as a : a person considered in regard to casual sociability was shy and a poor mixer b : a nonalcoholic beverage (such as ginger ale) used in a mixed drink

modifier (n)

1 : one that modifies 2 : a word or phrase that makes specific the meaning of another word or phrase 3 : a gene that modifies the effect of another

moderator (n)

1 : one who arbitrates : MEDIATOR 2 : one who presides over an assembly, meeting, or discussion: such as a : the presiding officer of a Presbyterian governing body b : the nonpartisan presiding officer of a town meeting c : the chairman of a discussion group 3 : a substance (such as graphite) used for slowing neutrons in a nuclear reactor

mystagogue (n)

1 : one who initiates another into a mystery cult 2 : one who understands or teaches mystical doctrines

obscurantism (n)

1 : opposition to the spread of knowledge : a policy of withholding knowledge from the general public 2 a : a style (as in literature or art) characterized by deliberate vagueness or abstruseness b : an act or instance of obscurantism — obscurantist

tactile (adj)

1 : perceptible by touch : TANGIBLE 2 : of, relating to, or being the sense of touch -tactilely (adv)

lambent (adj)

1 : playing lightly on or over a surface : flickering 2 : softly bright or radiant 3 : marked by lightness or brilliance especially of expression — lambently adverb

agreeable (adj)

1 : pleasing to the mind or senses especially as according well with one's tastes or needs an agreeable companion an agreeable change 2 : ready or willing to agree or consent was agreeable to the plan 3 : being in harmony : CONSONANT 4 : able to be accepted : ACCEPTABLE —used with to a plan that is agreeable to everyone

delicate (adj)

1 : pleasing to the senses: a : generally pleasant the climate's delicate, the air most sweet —William Shakespeare b : pleasing to the sense of taste or smell especially in a mild or subtle way a delicate aroma a robust wine will dominate delicate dishes c : marked by daintiness or charm of color, lines, or proportions a delicate floral print an ample tear trilled down her delicate cheek —William Shakespeare d : marked by fineness of structure, workmanship, or texture a delicate tracery a delicate lace 2 a : marked by keen sensitivity or fine discrimination delicate insights a more delicate syntactic analysis —R. H. Robins b : fastidious, squeamish a person of delicate tastes 3 a : not robust in health or constitution : weak, sickly had been considered a delicate child b : easily torn or damaged : fragile delicate wine glasses a delicate flower the delicate chain of life 4 a : requiring careful handling: (1) : easily unsettled or upset a delicate balance the delicate relationships defined by the Constitution —New Yorker (2) : requiring skill or tact in a delicate position delicate negotiations a delicate operation (3) : involving matters of a deeply personal nature : sensitive this is a delicate matter. Could I possibly speak to you alone —Daphne Du Maurier b : marked by care, skill, or tact her delicate handling of a difficult situation 5 : marked by great precision or sensitivity a delicate instrument — delicately adverb

down-to-earth (adj)

1 : practical down-to-earth traveling tips 2 : unpretentious surprised to find the movie star so down-to-earth

sane (adj)

1 : proceeding from a sound mind : RATIONAL 2 : mentally sound especially : able to anticipate and appraise the effect of one's actions 3 : healthy in body

resounding (adj)

1 : producing or characterized by resonant sound : RESONATING 2a : impressively sonorous b : EMPHATIC, UNEQUIVOCAL a resounding success

mutable (adj)

1 : prone to change : INCONSTANT mutable opinions 2a : capable of change or of being changed mutable laws b : capable of or liable to mutation mutable vowels a mutable gene

real estate (n)

1 : property in buildings and land 2 : SPACE, CAPACITY her desktop real estate the limited real estate on hard drives — Leonard Wiener

lengthy (adj)

1 : protracted excessively : OVERLONG 2 : EXTENDED, LONG

dexterity (n)

1 : readiness and grace in physical activity especially : skill and ease in using the hands manual dexterity 2 : mental skill or quickness : adroitness

lightless (adj)

1 : receiving no light : dark 2 : giving no light

tame (adj)

1 : reduced from a state of native wildness especially so as to be tractable and useful to humans : DOMESTICATED tame animals 2 : made docile and submissive : SUBDUED 3 : lacking spirit, zest, interest, or the capacity to excite : INSIPID a tame campaign

pragmatic (adj)

1 : relating to matters of fact or practical affairs often to the exclusion of intellectual or artistic matters : practical as opposed to idealistic pragmatic men of power have had no time or inclination to deal with ... social morality — K. B. Clark 2 : relating to or being in accordance with philosophical pragmatism 3 archaic a(1) : BUSY (2) : OFFICIOUS b : OPINIONATED

long-range (adj)

1 : relating to or fit for long distances long-range rockets 2 : involving or taking into account a long period of time long-range planning

devilish (adj)

1 : resembling or befitting a devil: such as a : EVIL, SINISTER b : MISCHIEVOUS, ROGUISH a devilish grin 2 : EXTREME in a devilish hurry

hari-kari (n)

1 : ritual suicide by disembowelment practiced by the Japanese samurai or formerly decreed by a court in lieu of the death penalty 2 : SUICIDE sense 1b

mobocracy (n)

1 : rule by the mob 2 : the mob as a ruling class — mobocratic

superior (adj)

1 : situated higher up : UPPER 2 : of higher rank, quality, or importance 3 : courageously or serenely indifferent (as to something painful or disheartening) 4a : greater in quantity or numbers escaped by superior speed b : excellent of its kind : BETTER her superior memory 5 : being a superscript 6a of an animal structure : situated above or anterior or dorsal to another and especially a corresponding part a superior artery b of a plant structure : situated above or near the top of another part: such as (1) of a calyx : attached to and apparently arising from the ovary (2) of an ovary : free from the calyx or other floral envelope 7 : more comprehensive a genus is superior to a species 8 : affecting or assuming an air of superiority : SUPERCILIOUS

somber (adj)

1 : so shaded as to be dark and gloomy 2a : of a serious mien : GRAVE somber dignitaries b : of a dismal or depressing character : MELANCHOLY c : conveying gloomy suggestions or ideas 3 : of a dull or heavy cast or shade : dark colored

statement (n)

1 : something stated: such as a : a single declaration or remark : ASSERTION b : a report of facts or opinions 2 : the act or process of stating or presenting orally or on paper 3 : PROPOSITION sense 2a 4 : the presentation of a theme in a musical composition 5 : a summary of activity in a financial account over a particular period of time 6 : an opinion, comment, or message conveyed indirectly usually by nonverbal means monuments are statements in form and space — O. B. Hardison, Jr. 7 : an instruction in a computer program

let (n)

1 : something that impedes : OBSTRUCTION ruled his little world without hindrance or let — B. F. Reilly 2 : a shot or point in racket games that does not count and must be replayed

memorial (n)

1 : something that keeps remembrance alive: such as a : MONUMENT b : something (such as a speech or ceremony) that commemorates c : KEEPSAKE, MEMENTO 2a : RECORD, MEMOIR language and literature ... the memorials of another age — J. H. Fisher b : MEMORANDUM, NOTE specifically : a legal abstract c : a statement of facts addressed to a government and often accompanied by a petition or remonstrance

dilatory (adj)

1 : tending or intended to cause delay dilatory tactics 2 : characterized by procrastination : TARDY dilatory in paying bills

hunting (n)

1 : the act of one that hunts specifically : the pursuit of game 2 : the process of hunting 3a : a periodic variation in speed of a synchronous electrical machine b : a self-induced and undesirable oscillation of a variable above and below the desired value in an automatic control system c : a continuous attempt by an automatically controlled system to find a desired equilibrium condition

mourning (n)

1 : the act of sorrowing She is still in mourning for her dead husband. 2a : an outward sign (such as black clothes or an armband) of grief for a person's death lots of people there, and only one man in full mourning — Arnold Bennett b : a period of time during which signs of grief are shown after a long mourning, resume their ordinary dresses — Henry Reed

consolation (n)

1 : the act or an instance of consoling : the state of being consoled : COMFORT She found great consolation in all the cards and letters she received. 2 : something that consoles specifically : a contest held for those who have lost early in a tournament

digression (n)

1 : the act or an instance of leaving the main subject in an extended written or verbal expression of thought : the act or an instance of digressing in a discourse or other usually organized literary work Every place Hamilton, his parents, or his wife visited over a century's time is described at length; everyone he met merits at least a minor biographical digression. — Willard Sterne Randall 2 archaic : a going aside

alteration (n)

1 : the act or process of altering something The dress needs alteration for a proper fit. : the state of being altered 2 : the result of changing or altering something: such as a : a change made in fitting a garment no charge for alterations b : a change in a legal instrument that alters its legal effect She made some alterations to her will. c : a mineral that has been altered by a chemical process : metasomatism alterations

multiplication (n)

1 : the act or process of multiplying : the state of being multiplied 2a : a mathematical operation that at its simplest is an abbreviated process of adding an integer to zero a specified number of times and that is extended to other numbers in accordance with laws that are valid for integers b : any of various mathematical operations that are analogous in some way to multiplication of the real numbers but are defined for other or larger sets of elements (such as complex numbers, vectors, matrices, or functions)

culmination (n)

1 : the action of culminating 2 : culminating position : CLIMAX the culmination of a brilliant career the culmination of years of research

preparation (n)

1 : the action or process of making something ready for use or service or of getting ready for some occasion, test, or duty 2 : a state of being prepared 3 : a preparatory act or measure 4 : something that is prepared specifically : a medicinal substance made ready for use

hoi polloi (n)

1 : the general populace : masses 2 : people of distinction or wealth or elevated social status : elite

proletariat (n)

1 : the laboring class especially : the class of industrial workers who lack their own means of production and hence sell their labor to live 2 : the lowest social or economic class of a community

headliner (n)

1 : the principal performer in a show : STAR broadly : PERSONALITY sense 4b 2 : fabric covering the inside of the roof of an automobile

montage (n)

1 : the production of a rapid succession of images in a motion picture to illustrate an association of ideas 2a : a literary, musical, or artistic composite (see COMPOSITE entry 2 sense 1) of juxtaposed more or less heterogeneous elements b : a composite picture made by combining several separate pictures 3 : a heterogeneous mixture : JUMBLE a montage of emotions a montage of sounds

muzzle (n)

1 : the projecting jaws and nose of an animal : snout 2a : a fastening or covering for the mouth of an animal used to prevent eating or biting b : something (such as censorship) that restrains normal expression 3 : the open end of an implement especially : the discharging end of a weapon

prognosis (n)

1 : the prospect of recovery as anticipated from the usual course of disease or peculiarities of the case 2 : FORECAST, PROGNOSTICATION prognoses

mortality (adv)

1 : the quality or state of being mortal Her husband's death reminded her of her own mortality. 2 : the death of large numbers (as of people or animals) trying to reduce infant mortality 3 archaic : DEATH 4 : the human race that natural extinction to which all mortality is subject — Thomas Paine 5a : the number of deaths in a given time or place The mortality among the infected mounted daily. b : the proportion of deaths to population a brain infection with a mortality rate of about 30 percent — Jane E. Brody c : the number lost or the rate of loss or failure the mortality rate of small businesses

responsibility (n)

1 : the quality or state of being responsible: such as a : moral, legal, or mental accountability b : RELIABILITY, TRUSTWORTHINESS 2 : something for which one is responsible : BURDEN has neglected his responsibilities

moonrise (n)

1 : the rising of the moon above the horizon 2 : the time of the moon's rising

multitude (n)

1 : the state of being many ... the mind falters, confused by the multitude and yet the harmony of the detail ... — Theodore Dreiser 2 : a great number : HOST a multitude of choices a multitude of complaints 3 : a great number of people A multitude gathered to hear the governor's speech. 4 : POPULACE, PUBLIC a candidate trying to appeal to the multitude

diffusion (n)

1 : the state of being spread out or transmitted especially by contact : the action of diffusing the diffusion of knowledge 2 : PROLIXITY, DIFFUSENESS 3a chemistry : the process whereby particles of liquids, gases, or solids intermingle as the result of their spontaneous movement caused by thermal (see THERMAL entry 1 sense 1b) agitation and in dissolved substances move from a region of higher to one of lower concentration b physics (1) : reflection of light by a rough reflecting surface (2) : transmission of light through a translucent material : SCATTERING 4 : the spread of cultural elements from one area or group of people to others by contact 5 photography : the softening of sharp outlines in an image

mortification (n)

1 : the subjection and denial of bodily passions and appetites by abstinence or self-inflicted pain or discomfort was customary to practice mortification during Lent 2 : NECROSIS, GANGRENE 3a : a sense of humiliation and shame caused by something that wounds one's pride or self-respect the mortification of being jilted by a little boarding-school girl — Washington Irving b : the cause of such humiliation or shame

psychedelia (n)

1 : the world of people, phenomena, or items associated with psychedelic drugs 2 : psychedelic music

maquis (n)

1 : thick scrubby evergreen underbrush of Mediterranean shores also : an area of such underbrush 2 often capitalized a : a guerrilla fighter in the French underground during World War II b : a band of maquis maquis

castaway (adj)

1 : thrown away : REJECTED 2a : cast adrift or ashore as a survivor of a shipwreck b : thrown out or left without friends or resources

temporize (v)

1 : to act to suit the time or occasion : yield to current or dominant opinion 2 : to draw out discussions or negotiations so as to gain time you'd have to temporize until you found out how she wanted to be advised —Mary Austin temporized; temporizing

hallucinate (v)

1 : to affect with visions or imaginary perceptions 2 : to perceive or experience as a hallucination : to have hallucinations hallucinated; hallucinating

limit (v)

1 : to assign certain limits to : PRESCRIBE reserved the right to limit use of the land 2a : to restrict the bounds or limits of the specialist can no longer limit himself to his specialty b : to curtail or reduce in quantity or extent we must limit the power of aggressors limited; limiting; limits

get off (v)

1 : to avoid the most serious consequences of a dangerous situation or punishment got off with a light sentence 2 : START, LEAVE got off on the trip early 3 : to leave work with permission or as scheduled 4 : to get high on a drug 5 : to experience orgasm 6 : to experience great pleasure —often used with on transitive verb 1 : to secure the release of or procure a modified penalty for his lawyers got him off 2a : UTTER get off a joke b : to write and send 3 : to succeed in doing, making, or delivering 4 : to cause to get off

live (v)

1 : to be alive : have the life of an animal or plant one of the greatest writers who ever lived 2 : to continue alive lived to a ripe and vigorous old age 3 : to maintain oneself : SUBSIST lived on rice and peas 4a : to occupy a home : DWELL living in a shabby room they had always lived in the country b : to be located or stored the silverware lives here 5 : to attain eternal life though he die, yet shall he live — John 11:25 (Revised Standard Version) 6 : to conduct or pass one's life lived only for his work 7 : to remain in human memory or record the past lives in us all — W. R. Inge 8 : to have a life rich in experience the boy who is mentally alert lives more in a day than a dull boy does in a month — Boy Scout Handbook 9 : COHABIT She lived with that actor for over a year. 1 : to pass through or spend the duration of lived their lives alone 2 : ACT OUT, PRACTICE —often used with out to live out their fantasies 3 : to exhibit vigor, gusto, or enthusiasm in lived life to the fullest 4a : to experience firsthand living a dream b : to be thoroughly absorbed by or involved with she lives her work live it up : to live with gusto and usually fast and loose lived it up with wine and song — Newsweek live up to : to act or be in accordance with had no intention of living up to his promise live with : to put up with : ACCEPT, TOLERATE had to live with their decision lived; living

abound (v)

1 : to be present in large numbers or in great quantity : to be prevalent a business in which opportunities abound errors and inconsistencies abound 2 : to be copiously supplied —used with in or with life abounded in mysteries —Norman Mailer institutions abound with evidence of his success —Johns Hopkins Magazine

strut (v)

1 : to become turgid : SWELL 2a : to walk with a proud gait b : to walk with a pompous and affected air : to parade (something, such as clothes) with a show of pride : to provide, stiffen, support, or hold apart with or as if with a strut strutted; strutting

moan (v)

1 : to bewail audibly : LAMENT 2 : to utter with moans 1 : LAMENT, COMPLAIN 2a : to make a moan : GROAN b : to emit a sound resembling a moan the wind moaned in the trees moaned; moaning; moans

leech (v)

1 : to bleed by the use of leeches 2 : to drain the substance of : EXHAUST bankers who had always leeched them white — D. A. Munro : to attach oneself to a person as a leech she would leech on to him and drain the life out of him — W. L. Gresham leeched; leeching; leeches

discontinue (v)

1 : to break the continuity of : cease to operate, administer, use, produce, or take 2 : to abandon or terminate by a legal discontinuance : to come to an end

expire (v)

1 : to breathe one's last breath : DIE 2 : to come to an end 3 : to emit the breath transitive verb 1 obsolete : CONCLUDE 2 : to breathe out from or as if from the lungs 3 archaic : EMIT expired; expiring

convince (v)

1 : to bring (as by argument) to belief, consent, or a course of action : PERSUADE convinced himself that she was all right — William Faulkner something I could never convince him to read — John Lahr 2 obsolete a : to overcome by argument b : OVERPOWER, OVERCOME 3 obsolete : DEMONSTRATE, PROVE convinced; convincing

align (v)

1 : to bring into line or alignment aligned the books on the shelf 2 : to array on the side of or against a party or cause He aligned himself with the protesters. 1 : to get or fall into line He aligned with his friends against a common enemy. 2 : to be in or come into precise adjustment or correct relative position Negative ends of molecules align with positive ends of other molecules. aligned also alined; aligning also alining; aligns also alines

domesticate (v)

1 : to bring into use in one's own country : to bring into domestic use : ADOPT started to domesticate European customs 2 : to adapt (an animal or plant) over time from a wild or natural state especially by selective breeding to life in close association with and to the benefit of humans The Asian equids, including the now-endangered Przewalski's horse, apparently provided the stock from which the horse was domesticated five to six thousand years ago. — Bruce J. MacFadden But every reader addicted to coffee can thank ancient Ethiopian farmers for domesticating the coffee plant. — Jared Diamond 3 : to cause to become adapted to life in a household : to make fit for domestic life wasn't interested in becoming domesticated 4 : to bring to the level of ordinary people domesticated; domesticating

devistate (v)

1 : to bring to ruin or desolation by violent action a country devastated by war The typhoon devastated the island. 2 : to reduce to chaos, disorder, or helplessness : OVERWHELM devastated by grief Her wisecrack devastated the class. devastated; devastating

down (v)

1 : to cause to go or come down (see DOWN entry 1) : such as a : to cause to fall by or as if by shooting : BRING DOWN sense 1 downed the enemy helicopter b : CONSUME sense 3 downing slices of pizza 2 football : to cause (a ball) to be out of play downed the ball at the five-yard line 3 : DEFEAT down a proposal : to go down

chime in (v)

1 : to combine harmoniously the artist's illustrations chime in perfectly with the text —Book Production 2 : to break into a conversation or discussion especially to express an opinion transitive verb : to remark while chiming in

last (v)

1 : to continue in time The movie lasted about two hours. 2a : to remain fresh or unimpaired : ENDURE That paint job should last a long time. b : to manage to continue (as in a course of action) He won't last; he'll quit before the week's out. c : to continue to live he will not last very much longer — James Dennis 1 : to continue in existence or action as long as or longer than —often used with out couldn't last out the training program 2 : to be enough for the needs of the supplies will last them a week : to shape with a last lasted; lasting; lasts

scowl (v)

1 : to contract the brow in an expression of displeasure 2 : to exhibit a threatening aspect transitive verb : to express with a scowl

demise (v)

1 : to convey by will or lease demise an estate 2 : to transmit by succession or inheritance 3 obsolete : CONVEY, GIVE intransitive verb 1 : DIE, DECEASE 2 : to pass by descent or bequest the property has demised to the king's heirs

drape (v)

1 : to cover or adorn with or as if with folds of cloth 2 : to cause to hang or stretch out loosely or carelessly 3 : to arrange in flowing lines or folds : to become arranged in folds this silk drapes beautifully draped; draping

design (v)

1 : to create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan : DEVISE, CONTRIVE design a system for tracking inventory 2a : to conceive and plan out in the mind he designed the perfect crime b : to have as a purpose : INTEND she designed to excel in her studies c : to devise for a specific function or end a book designed primarily as a college textbook a suitcase designed to hold a laptop computer 3 archaic : to indicate with a distinctive mark, sign, or name 4a : to make a drawing, pattern, or sketch of ... a curious woman whose dresses always looked as if they had been designed in a rage ... — Oscar Wilde b : to draw the plans for design a building designing a new bike 1 : to conceive or execute a plan 2 : to draw, lay out, or prepare a design was trained to design for homes and offices

disavow (v)

1 : to deny responsibility for : REPUDIATE disavowed the actions of his subordinates 2 : to refuse to acknowledge or accept : DISCLAIM party leaders disavowed him ... have publicly disavowed any claim on the Graceland estate. — Dan Chu

discourage (v)

1 : to deprive of courage or confidence : DISHEARTEN was discouraged by repeated failure 2a : to hinder by disfavoring trying to discourage absenteeism b : to dissuade or attempt to dissuade from doing something tried to discourage her from going discouraged; discouraging

hang back (v)

1 : to drag behind others 2 : to be reluctant

support (v)

1 : to endure bravely or quietly : BEAR 2a(1) : to promote the interests or cause of (2) : to uphold or defend as valid or right : ADVOCATE supports fair play (3) : to argue or vote for supported the motion to lower taxes b(1) : ASSIST, HELP bombers supported the ground troops (2) : to act with (a star actor) (3) : to bid in bridge so as to show support for c : to provide with substantiation : CORROBORATE support an alibi 3a : to pay the costs of : MAINTAIN support a family b : to provide a basis for the existence or subsistence of the island could probably support three — A. B. C. Whipple support a habit 4a : to hold up or serve as a foundation or prop for b : to maintain (a price) at a desired level by purchases or loans also : to maintain the price of by purchases or loans 5 : to keep from fainting, yielding, or losing courage : COMFORT 6 : to keep (something) going supported; supporting; supports

misinterpret (v)

1 : to explain wrongly His comment on the speech misinterprets the speaker's meaning. 2 : to understand wrongly Her silence should not be misinterpreted as consent. misinterpreted; misinterpreting; misinterprets

coalesce (v)

1 : to grow together The edges of the wound coalesced. 2a : to unite into a whole : FUSE separate townships have coalesced into a single, sprawling colony —Donald Gould b : to unite for a common end : join forces people with different points of view coalesce into opposing factions —I. L. Horowitz 3 : to arise from the combination of distinct elements an organized and a popular resistance immediately coalesced —C. C. Menges transitive verb : to cause to unite sometimes a book coalesces a public into a mass market —Walter Meade coalesced; coalescing

funnel (v)

1 : to have or take the shape of a funnel 2 : to pass through or as if through a funnel or conduit the crowd funnels through the doors 1 : to form in the shape of a funnel funneled his hands and shouted through them 2 : to move to a focal point or into a conduit or central channel contributions were funneled into one account funneled also funnelled; funneling also funnelling

love (v)

1 : to hold dear : CHERISH 2a : to feel a lover's passion, devotion, or tenderness for b(1) : CARESS (2) : to fondle amorously (3) : to copulate with 3 : to like or desire actively : take pleasure in loved to play the violin 4 : to thrive in the rose loves sunlight : to feel affection or experience desire loved; loving

hypnotize (v)

1 : to induce hypnosis in 2 : to dazzle or overcome by or as if by suggestion a voice that hypnotizes its hearers drivers hypnotized by speed hypnotized; hypnotizing

coax (v)

1 : to influence or gently urge by caressing or flattering : WHEEDLE coaxed him into going 2 : to draw, gain, or persuade by means of gentle urging or flattery unable to coax an answer out of him coaxing consumers to buy new cars 3 : to manipulate with great perseverance and usually with considerable effort toward a desired state or activity coax a fire to burn is optimistic that stem cells can be coaxed into growing into replacement tissue for failing organs 4 obsolete : FONDLE, PET coaxed; coaxing; coaxes

mangle (v)

1 : to injure with deep disfiguring wounds by cutting, tearing, or crushing people ... mangled by sharks — V. G. Heiser 2 : to spoil, injure, or make incoherent especially through ineptitude a story mangled beyond recognition : to press or smooth (something, such as damp linen) with a mangle mangled; mangling

prolong (v)

1 : to lengthen in time : CONTINUE 2 : to lengthen in extent, scope, or range prolonged; prolonging; prolongs

desire (v)

1 : to long or hope for : exhibit or feel desire for desire success knew that men still desired her 2a : to express a wish for : request they desire an immediate answer b archaic : to express a wish to : ask desired them to reconsider 3 obsolete : invite 4 archaic : to feel the loss of intransitive verb : to have or feel desire They may come if they so desire. desired; desiring

desensitize (v)

1 : to make (a sensitized or hypersensitive individual) insensitive or nonreactive to a sensitizing agent 2 : to make emotionally insensitive or callous specifically : to extinguish an emotional response (as of fear, anxiety, or guilt) to stimuli that formerly induced it

donate (v)

1 : to make a gift of especially : to contribute to a public or charitable cause 2 : to transfer (a particle, such as an electron) to another atom or molecule intransitive verb : to make a donation donated; donating

splurge (v)

1 : to make a splurge 2 : to indulge oneself extravagantly —often used with on splurge on a new dress : to spend extravagantly or ostentatiously splurged; splurging

line (v)

1 : to mark or cover with a line or lines lined paper 2 : to depict with lines : DRAW 3 : to place or form a line along pedestrians line the walks 4 : to form into a line or lines : ALIGN line up troops 5 : to hit (something, such as a baseball) hard and in a usually straight line 1 : to hit a line drive in baseball 2 : to come into the correct relative position : ALIGN 1 : to cover the inner surface of line a cloak with silk 2 : to put something in the inside of : FILL 3 : to serve as the lining of tapestries lined the walls 4 obsolete : FORTIFY lined; lining

go (v)

1 : to move on a course : PROCEED go slow went by train — compare STOP 2 : to move out of or away from a place expressed or implied : LEAVE, DEPART went from school to the party going away for vacation 3a : to take a certain course or follow a certain procedure reports go through channels to the president b : to pass by means of a process like journeying the message went by wire c : to proceed without delay and often in a thoughtless or reckless manner —used especially to intensify a complementary verb why did you go and spoil it go jump in a lake d(1) : to extend from point to point or in a certain direction the road goes to the lake (2) : to give access : LEAD that door goes to the cellar 4 obsolete : WALK 5 : to be habitually in a certain state or condition go bareheaded 6a : to become lost, consumed, or spent our time has gone b : DIE c : to slip away : ELAPSE the evening went quickly d : to come to be given up or discarded these slums have to go e : to pass by sale went for a good price f : to become impaired or weakened his hearing started to go g : to give way especially under great force or pressure : BREAK the roof went 7a : to move along in a specified manner : FARE everything was going well b : to be in general or on an average cheap, as yachts go c : to be or become especially as the result of a contest the election went in her favor d : to turn out well : SUCCEED worked hard to make the party go 8a : to apply oneself went to work on the problem b : to put or subject oneself went to unnecessary expense c chiefly Southern US and Midland US : INTEND I didn't go to do it 9 : to have recourse to another for corroboration, vindication, or decision : RESORT go to court to recover damages 10a : to begin an action or motion here goes b : to maintain or perform a certain action or motion still going strong c : to function in the proper or expected manner : RUN the motor won't go 11 : to be known goes by an alias 12a : to act in accordance or harmony a good rule to go by b : to come to be determined dreams go by contraries c : to come to be applied or appropriated all proceeds go to charity d : to pass by award, assignment, or lot the prize went to a sophomore e(1) : to contribute to an end or result qualities that go to make a hero (2) : to be of advantage has a lot going for her 13 : to be about, intending, or expecting something —used in a progressive tense before an infinitive is going to leave town 14a : EXTEND his knowledge fails to go very deep b : to come or arrive at a certain state or condition go to sleep c : to come to be : BECOME the tire went flat —often used to express conversion to specified values or a specified state gone Hollywood go condo d : to undergo a change leaves go from green to red 15a : to be in phrasing or expression : READ as the story goes b : to be capable of being sung or played the tune goes like this 16 : to be compatible, suitable, or becoming : HARMONIZE the tie goes with his suit 17a : to be capable of passing, extending, or being contained or inserted will these clothes go in your suitcase b : to have a usual or proper place or position : BELONG these books go on the top shelf 18 : to have a tendency : CONDUCE it goes to show 19a(1) : to carry authority what she said went (2) : to be acceptable, satisfactory, or adequate anything goes here b : to hold true : be valid the rule goes for you, too 20 : to empty the bladder or bowels transitive verb 1 : to proceed along or according to : FOLLOW if I were going his way went the conventional route 2 : to travel through or along : TRAVERSE went the length of the street 3a : to make a wager of : BET go a dollar on the outcome b : to make an offer of : BID willing to go $50 for the clock 4a : to assume the function or obligation of promised to go bail for his friend b : to participate to the extent of decided to go halves on the winnings 5 : YIELD, WEIGH this fish goes ten pounds 6a : to put up with : TOLERATE couldn't go the noise b : AFFORD can't go the price c : ENJOY I could go a soda 7a : to cause (a characteristic sound) to occur the gun went bang b : SAY —used chiefly in oral narration of speech 8 : to engage in don't go telling everyone 9 of a sports team or player : to have a record of went 11-0 last season go about : to set about : to begin to do go after : to try to get : SEEK go all the way 1 : to enter into complete agreement 2 : to engage in sexual intercourse go at 1a : to make an attack on b : to make an approach to went at the problem from different angles 2 : UNDERTAKE go back on 1 : ABANDON She went back on her word. 2 : BETRAY 3 : FAIL was afraid that his mind might go back on him go begging : to be in little demand go by the board 1 : to be carried over a ship's side 2 : to be discarded Budget cuts meant that some projects had to go by the board. go easy : to be sparing go easy with the sugar go easy on the kid go fly a kite : to stop being an annoyance or disturbance told him to go fly a kite go for 1 : to pass for or serve as Silvered glass once went for mirrors. 2 : to try to secure or attain (something, such as a goal) go for the prize 3a : FAVOR, ACCEPT cannot go for your idea b : to have an interest in or liking for she went for him in a big way —Chandler Brossard 4 : ATTACK, ASSAIL my dog went for the intruder go for broke : to put forth all one's strength or resources went for broke to qualify for the Olympics go great guns : to achieve great success The movie was going great guns worldwide. go hang : to cease to be of interest or concern go into : to be contained in 5 goes into 60 12 times go it 1 : to behave in a reckless, excited, or impromptu manner 2 : to proceed in a rapid or furious manner 3 : to conduct one's affairs : ACT insists on going it alone go missing chiefly British : to become lost : DISAPPEAR go one better : OUTDO, SURPASS go over 1 : EXAMINE went over the test results 2a : REPEAT b : STUDY, REVIEW went over his notes before taking the test go places : to be on the way to success go public : to make a public disclosure go steady : to date one person exclusively and frequently go through 1 : to subject to thorough examination, consideration, or study went through the list of items one by one 2 : EXPERIENCE, UNDERGO had to go through quite an ordeal 3 : CARRY OUT, PERFORM went through his work in a daze go to bat for : to give active support or assistance to : DEFEND, CHAMPION go to bed with : to have sexual intercourse with go to one's head 1 : to cause one to become confused, excited, or dizzy The wine went to his head. 2 : to cause one to become conceited or overconfident Fame went to her head. go to pieces : to become shattered (as in nerves or health) go to the mat : to make an all-out combative effort (as in support of a position) go to town 1 : to work or act rapidly or efficiently They went to town on decorating the building. 2 : to be markedly successful The team really went to town, winning 14-0. 3 : to indulge oneself excessively He went to town on a big platter of beef and potatoes. go with 1 : DATE 2 : CHOOSE sense 2 went with an iron off the tee go without saying : to be self-evident go with the flow : CONFORM sense 2b to go 1 : still remaining ten minutes to go 2 of prepared food : sold for consumption off the premises

model (v)

1 : to plan or form after a pattern : SHAPE legislative institutions primarily modeled on the English pattern 2 archaic : to make into an organization (such as an army, government, or parish) 3a : to shape or fashion in a plastic material modeling figures from clay b : to produce a representation or simulation (see SIMULATION sense 3a) of using a computer to model a problem 4 : to construct or fashion in imitation of a particular model modeled its constitution on that of the U.S. 5 : to display by wearing, using, or posing with modeled gowns 1 : to design or imitate forms : make a pattern enjoys modeling in clay 2 : to work or act as a fashion or art model Each contestant modeled in front of the judges. modeled or modelled; modeling or modelling

shoulder (v)

1 : to push or thrust with or as if with the shoulder : JOSTLE shouldered his way through the crowd 2a : to place or bear on the shoulder shouldered her knapsack b : to assume the burden or responsibility of shoulder the blame intransitive verb : to push with or as if with the shoulders aggressively shouldered; shouldering

amend (v)

1 : to put right especially : to make emendations in (something, such as a text) amended the manuscript 2a : to change or modify (something) for the better : improve amend the situation b : to alter especially in phraseology especially : to alter formally by modification, deletion, or addition amend a constitution : to reform oneself amended; amending; amends

minimize (v)

1 : to reduce or keep to a minimum minimize costs minimize delays 2 : to underestimate intentionally : play down, soft-pedal minimizing losses in our own forces while maximizing those of the enemy 3 : to replace (a window) on a computer display with a small button or icon which will restore the window when selected minimized; minimizing

decelerate (v)

1 : to reduce the speed of : slow down decelerate a car 2 : to decrease the rate of progress of decelerate growth decelerate soil erosion intransitive verb : to move at decreasing speed

speak up (v)

1 : to speak loudly and distinctly 2 : to express an opinion freely speak up for truth and justice— Clive Bell

rescind (v)

1 : to take away : REMOVE 2a : TAKE BACK, CANCEL refused to rescind the order b : to abrogate (a contract) and restore the parties to the positions they would have occupied had there been no contract 3 : to make void by action of the enacting authority or a superior authority : REPEAL rescind an act rescinded; rescinding; rescinds

mask (v)

1 : to take part in a masquerade 2a : to assume a mask b : to disguise one's true character or intentions 1 : to provide or conceal with a mask: such as a : to conceal from view mask a gun battery b : to make indistinct or imperceptible masks undesirable flavors c : to cover up masked his real purpose 2 : to cover for protection 3 : to modify the size or shape of (something, such as a photograph) by means of an opaque border masked; masking; masks

confess (v)

1 : to tell or make known (something, such as something wrong or damaging to oneself) : ADMIT he confessed his guilt 2a : to acknowledge (sin) to God or to a priest b : to receive the confession of (a penitent) 3 : to declare faith in or adherence to : PROFESS 4 : to give evidence of Breeze, bird, and flower confess the hour ... — Sir Walter Scott intransitive verb 1a : to disclose one's faults specifically : to unburden one's sins or the state of one's conscience to God or to a priest b : to hear a confession 2 : ADMIT, OWN confess to a crime confessed; confessing; confesses

mop (v)

1 : to use a mop on specifically : to clean or clear away by mopping mop the floors —often used with up mop up the spillage 2 : to wipe as if with a mop mopped his brow with a handkerchief : to clean a surface (such as a floor) with a mop mopped; mopping

groan (v)

1 : to utter a deep moan indicative of pain, grief, or annoyance groaned when she saw the bill 2 : to make a harsh sound (as of creaking) under sudden or prolonged strain The chair groaned under his weight. transitive verb : to utter or express with groaning groaned their despair

monarchy (n)

1 : undivided rule or absolute sovereignty by a single person Saudi Arabia is governed by a monarchy. 2 : a nation or state having a monarchical government Britain is a monarchy. 3 : a government having a hereditary chief of state with life tenure and powers varying from nominal to absolute The country's hereditary monarchy survived for centuries. monarchies

monotonous (adj)

1 : uttered or sounded in one unvarying tone : marked by a sameness of pitch and intensity 2 : tediously uniform or unvarying

self-validating (adj)

1 : validating itself : needing no guarantee or judgment of its validity outside of itself An emotion is self-validating when it communicates information to the self ... (e.g., one feels angry because the situation is unjust and, therefore, one has good reason to be angry). —Robert L. Leahy et al. ... the Pulitzer business ... is a self-validating ritual whereby journalists give each other prizes and then boast to the public about them. —Alexander Cockburn also : of, relating to, or involving something that is self-validating a self-validating cycle 2 : tending or serving to recognize, confirm, or establish one's own worthiness or legitimacy : providing self-validation a self-validating experience Earning that win can also feel self-validating. —Ritika Trikha How we choose to interpret what happens in our lives—the stories we tell to ourselves and others—color how we experience life. It's time to tell a new, more accepting and self-validating story. —Kathy Caprino

searing (adj)

1 : very hot 2 : marked by extreme intensity, harshness, or emotional power searing pain a searing review a searing portrayal

munificent (adj)

1 : very liberal in giving or bestowing (see BESTOW sense 4) : LAVISH munificent donors 2 : characterized by great liberality or generosity a munificent gift

apprehensive (adj)

1 : viewing the future with anxiety or alarm : feeling or showing fear or apprehension about the future ... many adults who do not think twice about the risks of driving an automobile are apprehensive about flying. — Henry Petroski 2 : capable of understanding or quick to do so : DISCERNING 3 : having awareness or knowledge of something : COGNIZANT

RIP (abbr)

1 [ Latin requiescat in pace ] may he rest in peace, may she rest in peace 2 [ Latin requiescant in pace ] may they rest in peace

grouch (n)

1 a : a fit of bad temper b : grudge, complaint 2 : a habitually irritable or complaining person : grumbler — grouch intransitive verb

forlorn (adj)

1 a : bereft, forsaken left quite forlorn of hope b : sad and lonely because of isolation or desertion : desolate a forlorn landscape 2 : being in poor condition : miserable, wretched forlorn tumbledown buildings 3 : nearly hopeless a forlorn attempt — forlornly adverb — forlornness

high-energy (adj)

1 a : having such speed and kinetic energy as to exhibit relativistic departure from classical laws of motion —used especially of elementary particles whose velocity has been imparted by an accelerator b : of or relating to high-energy particles 2 : yielding a relatively large amount of energy when undergoing hydrolysis

gray / grey (adj)

1 a : of the color gray b : tending toward gray blue-gray eyes c : dull in color 2 : having the hair gray : hoary 3 : clothed in gray 4 a : lacking cheer or brightness in mood, outlook, style, or flavor; also : dismal, gloomy a gray day b : prosaically ordinary : dull, uninteresting the boring, gray dullness of government —P. J. O'Rourke 5 : having an intermediate and often vaguely defined position, condition, or character an ethically gray area

Gothic (adj)

1 a : of, relating to, or resembling the Goths, their civilization, or their language b : teutonic, germanic c : medieval 1 d : uncouth, barbarous 2 a : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a style of architecture developed in northern France and spreading through western Europe from the middle of the 12th century to the early 16th century that is characterized by the converging of weights and strains at isolated points upon slender vertical piers and counterbalancing buttresses and by pointed arches and vaulting Gothic cathedrals b : of or relating to an architectural style reflecting the influence of the medieval Gothic 3 often not capitalized : of or relating to a style of fiction characterized by the use of desolate or remote settings and macabre, mysterious, or violent incidents Gothic novels — gothically adverb — Gothicness noun

generic (adj)

1 a : relating to or characteristic of a whole group or class : general Romantic comedy is the generic term for such films. b : not being or having a particular brand name generic drugs c : having no particularly distinctive quality or application generic restaurants 2 : relating to or having the rank of a biological genus — generically adverb — genericness

aggressive (adj)

1 a : tending toward or exhibiting aggression aggressive behavior b : marked by combative readiness an aggressive fighter 2 a : marked by obtrusive energy and self-assertiveness a rude, aggressive personality b : marked by driving forceful energy or initiative : enterprising an aggressive salesman 3 : strong or emphatic in effect or intent aggressive colors aggressive flavors 4 : growing, developing, or spreading rapidly aggressive bone tumors 5 : more severe, intensive, or comprehensive than usual especially in dosage or extent aggressive chemotherapy — aggressively adverb — aggressiveness noun — aggressivity

palace (n)

1 a : the official residence of a chief of state (such as a monarch or a president) b chiefly British : the official residence of an archbishop or bishop 2 a : a large stately house b : a large public building c : a highly decorated place for public amusement or refreshment a movie palace

all (adj)

1 a : the whole amount, quantity, or extent of needed all the courage they had sat up all night b : as much as possible spoke in all seriousness 2 : every member or individual component of all men will go all five children were present 3 : the whole number or sum of all the angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles 4 : every all manner of hardship 5 : any whatever beyond all doubt 6 : nothing but : only all work and no play : a : completely taken up with, given to, or absorbed by became all attention b : having or seeming to have (some physical feature) in conspicuous excess or prominence all legs c : paying full attention with all ears 7 dialect : used up : entirely consumed —used especially of food and drink 8 : being more than one person or thing I don't know who all is coming. — all the : as much of ... as : as much of a ... as all the home I ever had

succinct (adj)

1 archaic a : being girded b : close-fitting 2 : marked by compact precise expression without wasted words a succinct description Other Words from s

gesture (n)

1 archaic : CARRIAGE, BEARING 2 : a movement usually of the body or limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea, sentiment, or attitude raised his hand overhead in a gesture of triumph 3 : the use of motions of the limbs or body as a means of expression 4 : something said or done by way of formality or courtesy, as a symbol or token, or for its effect on the attitudes of others a political gesture to draw popular support —V. L. Parrington

reflect (v)

1 archaic : to turn into or away from a course : DEFLECT 2 : to prevent passage of and cause to change direction a mirror reflects light 3 : to bend or fold back 4 : to give back or exhibit as an image, likeness, or outline : MIRROR the clouds were reflected in the water 5 : to bring or cast as a result his attitude reflects little credit on his judgment 6 : to make manifest or apparent : SHOW the painting reflects his artistic vision the pulse reflects the condition of the heart 7 : REALIZE, CONSIDER intransitive verb 1 : to throw back light or sound 2a : to think quietly and calmly b : to express a thought or opinion resulting from reflection 3a : to tend to bring reproach or discredit an investigation that reflects on all the members of the department b : to bring about a specified appearance or characterization an act which reflects well on her c : to have a bearing or influence reflected; reflecting; reflects

renaissance (n)

1 capitalized a : the transitional movement in Europe between medieval and modern times beginning in the 14th century in Italy, lasting into the 17th century, and marked by a humanistic revival of classical influence expressed in a flowering of the arts and literature and by the beginnings of modern science b : the period of the Renaissance c : the neoclassical style of architecture prevailing during the Renaissance 2 often capitalized : a movement or period of vigorous artistic and intellectual activity 3 : REBIRTH, REVIVAL

platonic (adj)

1 capitalized : of, relating to, or characteristic of Plato or Platonism 2a : relating to or based on platonic love also : experiencing or professing platonic love b : of, relating to, or being a relationship marked by the absence of romance or sex 3 : NOMINAL, THEORETICAL

lie (n)

1 chiefly British : lay sense 6 2 : the position or situation in which something lies (see lie entry 1) a golf ball in a difficult lie 3 : the haunt of an animal (such as a fish) : covert 4 British : an act or instance of lying or resting

antsy (adj)

1 informal : RESTLESS, FIDGETY antsy children also : IMPATIENT, EAGER antsy for a new challenge 2 informal : NERVOUS, APPREHENSIVE antsy investors

microelectronics (n)

1 singular in construction : a branch of electronics that deals with the miniaturization of electronic circuits and components 2 : devices, equipment, or circuits produced using the methods of microelectronics

loaded (adj)

1 slang : HIGH sense 12b 2 : having a large amount of money 3a : equipped with an abundance of options bought a fully loaded car b : staffed with excellent players a loaded basketball team

should (verbal auxillary)

1 —used in auxiliary function to express condition if he should leave his father, his father would die —Genesis 44:22 (Revised Standard Version) 2 —used in auxiliary function to express obligation, propriety, or expediency 'tis commanded I should do so —William Shakespeare this is as it should be —H. L. Savage you should brush your teeth after each meal 3 —used in auxiliary function to express futurity from a point of view in the past realized that she should have to do most of her farm work before sunrise —Ellen Glasgow 4 —used in auxiliary function to express what is probable or expected with an early start, they should be here by noon 5 —used in auxiliary function to express a request in a polite manner or to soften direct statement I should suggest that a guide ... is the first essential —L. D. Reddick

stand-up (adj)

1a : ERECT, UPRIGHT b : stiffened to stay upright without folding over a stand-up collar 2 : performed in, performing in, or requiring a standing position a stand-up bar especially : of, relating to, performing, or being a monologue of jokes, gags, or satirical comments delivered usually while standing alone on a stage or in front of a camera stand-up comedy a stand-up comedian 3 : marked by a high degree of personal integrity or loyalty a stand-up guy

mythos (n)

1a : MYTH sense 1a b : MYTHOLOGY sense 2a 2 : a pattern of beliefs expressing often symbolically the characteristic or prevalent attitudes in a group or culture 3 : THEME, PLOT the starving artist mythos mythoi

monologue (n)

1a : SOLILOQUY sense 2 the monologue at the beginning of the scene b : a dramatic sketch performed by one actor c : the routine of a stand-up comic The comedian's monologue about his family was hilarious. 2 : a literary composition written in the form of a soliloquy Her poems were monologues about unrequited love. 3 : a long speech monopolizing conversation I stifled a yawn as she continued her monologue about her vacation experiences.

demolish (v)

1a : TEAR DOWN, RAZE demolish a building b : to break to pieces : SMASH His car was demolished in the accident. 2a : to do away with : DESTROY a filibuster which would effectively demolish the issue —Current Biography ... a performance so awkward and apathetic it instantly appeared to demolish any chance of restoring her declining career ... —Dave Itzkoff b : to strip of any pretense of merit or credence demolished her debate opponents demolish a stereotype

barbarous (adj)

1a : UNCIVILIZED b : lacking culture or refinement : PHILISTINE 2 : characterized by the occurrence of barbarisms barbarous language 3 : mercilessly harsh or cruel barbarous crimes

mother (n)

1a : a female parent She's the mother of three small children. b(1) : a woman in authority specifically : the superior of a religious community of women Mother Teresa (2) : an old or elderly woman Mother Hubbard 2 : SOURCE, ORIGIN necessity is the mother of invention 3 : maternal tenderness or affection all my mother came into mine eyes and gave me up to tears — William Shakespeare 4 [ short for mother****er ] sometimes vulgar : MOTHER****ER 5 : something that is an extreme or ultimate example of its kind especially in terms of scale the mother of all construction projects the mother of all ocean liners : MOTHER OF VINEGAR

milk (n)

1a : a fluid secreted by the mammary glands of females for the nourishment of their young b(1) : milk from an animal and especially a cow used as food by people (2) : a food product produced from seeds or fruit that resembles and is used similarly to cow's milk coconut milk soy milk 2 : a liquid resembling milk in appearance: such as a : the latex of a plant b : the contents of an unripe kernel of grain 3 : lactation cows in milk

congé (n)

1a : a formal permission to depart b : DISMISSAL 2 : a ceremonious bow 3 : FAREWELL 4 : an architectural molding of concave profile — see MOLDING ILLUSTRATION

beast (n)

1a : a four-footed mammal as distinguished from a human being, a lower vertebrate, and an invertebrate b : a lower animal as distinguished from a human being c : an animal as distinguished from a plant d : an animal under human control 2 : a contemptible person 3 : something formidably difficult to control or deal with

moratorium (n)

1a : a legally authorized period of delay in the performance of a legal obligation or the payment of a debt b : a waiting period set by an authority 2 : a suspension of activity moratoriums or moratoria

Mexican (n)

1a : a native or inhabitant of Mexico b : a person of Mexican descent c Southwest : a person of mixed Spanish and Indian descent 2 : NAHUATL

match (n)

1a : a person or thing equal or similar to another b : one able to cope with another He was no match for his opponent. c : an exact counterpart a lake that was almost the match of one he remembered from Switzerland 2 : a pair suitably associated carpet and curtains are a match 3a : a contest between two or more parties a golf match a soccer match a shouting match b : a contest (as in tennis or volleyball) completed when one player or side wins a specified number of sets or games 4a : a marriage union b : a prospective (see PROSPECTIVE sense 2b) partner in marriage would make a good match for any man

mandarin (n)

1a : a public official in the Chinese Empire of any of nine superior grades b(1) : a pedantic official (2) : BUREAUCRAT c : a person of position and influence often in intellectual or literary circles especially : an elder and often traditionalist or reactionary member of such a circle 2 capitalized a : a form of spoken Chinese used by the court and the official classes of the Empire b : the group of closely related Chinese dialects that are spoken in about four fifths of the country and have a standard variety centering about Beijing 3 [ Swedish mandarin (apelsin) mandarin (orange), ultimately from Portuguese mandarim mandarin; perhaps from the color of a mandarin's robes ] a : a small spiny orange tree (Citrus reticulata) of southeastern Asia with yellow to reddish-orange loose-rinded fruits also : a tree (such as the satsuma) developed in cultivation from the mandarin by selective breeding or hybridization b : the fruit of a mandarin

comeback (n)

1a : a sharp or witty reply : RETORT b : a cause for complaint 2 : a return to a former position or condition (as of success or prosperity) : RECOVERY, REVIVAL staging his ultimate comeback from self-imposed exile —Howard Mandel

moccasin (n)

1a : a soft leather heelless shoe or boot with the sole brought up the sides of the foot and over the toes where it is joined with a puckered seam to a U-shaped piece lying on top of the foot b : a regular shoe having a seam on the forepart of the vamp imitating the seam of a moccasin 2a : water moccasin b : a snake (as of the genus Natrix) resembling a water moccasin

spell (n)

1a : a spoken word or form of words held to have magic power b : a state of enchantment 2 : a strong compelling influence or attraction 1a archaic : a shift of workers b : one's turn at work 2a : a period spent in a job or occupation b chiefly Australia : a period of rest from work, activity, or use 3a : an indeterminate period of time waited a spell before advancing also : a continuous period of time did a spell in prison b : a stretch of a specified type of weather 4 : a period of bodily or mental distress or disorder a spell of coughing fainting spells

snag (n)

1a : a tree or branch embedded in a lake or stream bed and constituting a hazard to navigation b : a standing dead tree 2 : a rough sharp or jagged projecting part : PROTUBERANCE: such as a : a projecting tooth also : a stump of a tooth b : one of the secondary branches of an antler 3 : a concealed or unexpected difficulty or obstacle 4a : a jagged tear made by or as if by catching on a snag b : an irregularity that suggests the result of tearing especially : a pulled thread in fabric a snag in her stocking

myth (n)

1a : a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon creation myths b : PARABLE, ALLEGORY Moral responsibility is the motif of Plato's myths. 2a : a popular belief or tradition that has grown up around something or someone especially : one embodying the ideals and institutions of a society or segment of society seduced by the American myth of individualism — Orde Coombs the utopian myth of a perfect society b : an unfounded or false notion the myth of racial superiority 3 : a person or thing having only an imaginary or unverifiable existence the Superman myth The unicorn is a myth. 4 : the whole body of myths a student of Greek myth

caveat (n)

1a : a warning enjoining one from certain acts or practices a caveat against unfair practices b : an explanation to prevent misinterpretation c : a modifying or cautionary detail to be considered when evaluating, interpreting, or doing something The driving instructor gave his students this caveat: if you are driving under the speed limit, stay in the far right lane. 2 : a legal warning to a judicial officer to suspend a proceeding until the opposition has a hearing

machinist (n)

1a : a worker who fabricates, assembles, or repairs machinery b : a craftsman skilled in the use of machine tools c : one who operates a machine 2 archaic : a person in charge of the mechanical aspects of a theatrical production 3 : a warrant officer who supervises machinery and engine operation

lemon (n)

1a : an acid fruit that is botanically a many-seeded pale yellow oblong berry produced by a small thorny citrus tree (Citrus limon) and that has a rind from which an aromatic oil is extracted b : a tree that bears lemons 2 : something (such as an automobile) that is unsatisfactory or defective

libation (n)

1a : an act of pouring a liquid as a sacrifice (as to a deity) They offered a libation at the temple. b : a liquid (such as wine) used in a libation 2a : an act or instance of drinking often ceremoniously a libation to celebrate their anniversary b : BEVERAGE especially : a drink containing alcohol His favorite libation is scotch on the rocks.

approach (n)

1a : an act or instance of approaching the approach of summer b : APPROXIMATION In this book he makes his closest approach to greatness. 2a : the taking of preliminary steps toward a particular purpose experimenting with new lines of approach b : a particular manner of taking such steps a highly individual approach to language 3 : a means of access : AVENUE 4a or approach shot : a golf shot from the fairway toward the green b : the steps taken by a bowler before delivering the ball also : the part of the alley behind the foul line from which the bowler delivers the ball 5 : the descent of an aircraft toward a landing place The plane was on final approach. 6 : the surgical procedure or path by which access is gained to a bodily part A lateral approach was used to direct a 25-gauge, 10-cm spinal needle onto the articular pillar adjacent to the target joint. — Leslie Barnsley et al. approaches

superstructure (n)

1a : an entity, concept, or complex based on a more fundamental one b : social institutions (such as the law or politics) that are in Marxist theory erected upon the economic base 2 : a structure built as a vertical extension of something else: such as a : all of a building above the basement b : the structural part of a ship above the main deck

midyear (n)

1a : an examination at the middle of an academic year b midyears plural : the set of examinations at the middle of an academic year also : the period of such examinations 2a : the middle or middle portion of a calendar year b : the middle of an academic year

shekel (n)

1a : any of various ancient units of weight especially : a Hebrew unit equal to about 252 grains troy b : a unit of value based on a shekel weight of gold or silver 2 : a coin weighing one shekel 3 shekels plural, informal : MONEY ... making boxing history in the ring in New York, Chicago and wherever else fans ... were willing to unburden themselves of substantial sums of shekels for the pleasure of seeing two guys vent their nastiness on each other. —Pete Coutros 4 the basic monetary unit of Israel — see MONEY TABLE

dolphin (n)

1a : any of various small marine toothed whales (family Delphinidae) with the snout more or less elongated into a beak and the neck vertebrae partially fused NOTE: While not closely related, dolphins and porpoises share a physical resemblance that often leads to misidentification. Dolphins typically have cone-shaped teeth, curved dorsal fins, and elongated beaks with large mouths, while porpoises have flat, spade-shaped teeth, triangular dorsal fins, and shortened beaks with smaller mouths. b : any of several related chiefly freshwater toothed whales (as of the families Platanistidae and Iniidae) : RIVER DOLPHIN 2 : DOLPHINFISH 3 capitalized : DELPHINUS 4 : a spar or buoy for mooring boats also : a cluster of closely driven piles used as a fender for a dock or as a mooring or guide for boats

frosty (adj)

1a : attended with or producing frost : FREEZING b : briskly cold : CHILLY 2 : covered or appearing as if covered with frost : HOARY a man of 65, with frosty eyebrows and hair — Nan Robertson 3 : marked by coolness or extreme reserve in manner his smile was distinctly frosty — Erle Stanley Gardner

reasonable (adj)

1a : being in accordance with reason a reasonable theory b : not extreme or excessive reasonable requests c : MODERATE, FAIR a reasonable chance a reasonable price d : INEXPENSIVE 2a : having the faculty of reason b : possessing sound judgment a reasonable man

alien (adj)

1a : belonging or relating to another person, place, or thing : strange an alien environment b : relating, belonging, or owing allegiance to another country or government : foreign alien residents c : exotic sense 1 alien plants d : coming from another world : extraterrestrial alien beings an alien spaceship When it comes to knowing what alien life forms might be like, we don't have any idea.— Kate Shuster 2 : differing in nature or character typically to the point of incompatibility ideas alien to democracy

rubble (n)

1a : broken fragments (as of rock) resulting from the decay or destruction of a building fortifications knocked into rubble — C. S. Forester b : a miscellaneous confused mass or group of usually broken or worthless things 2 : waterworn or rough broken stones or bricks used in coarse masonry or in filling courses of walls 3 : rough stone as it comes from the quarry

luminous (adj)

1a : emitting or reflecting usually steady, suffused, or glowing light luminous objects—the nebula, the stars, the planets — Lincoln La Paz b : of or relating to light or to luminous flux 2 : bathed in or exposed to steady light luminous with sunlight 3 : CLEAR, ENLIGHTENING a luminous explanation 4 : SHINING, ILLUSTRIOUS a luminous film star a luminous performance

labor (n)

1a : expenditure of physical or mental effort especially when difficult or compulsory was sentenced to six months at hard labor b(1) : human activity that provides the goods or services in an economy Industry needs labor for production. (2) : the services performed by workers for wages as distinguished from those rendered by entrepreneurs for profits c : the physical activities (such as dilation of the cervix and contraction of the uterus) involved in giving birth also : the period of such labor 2 : an act or process requiring labor : TASK The three-month project evolved into a year-long labor. 3 : a product of labor The flood destroyed the labor of years. 4a : an economic group comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages wants the vote of labor in the elections b(1) : workers employed in an establishment (2) : workers available for employment Immigrants provided a source of cheap labor. c : the organizations or officials representing groups of workers negotiations between labor and management 5 usually Labour : the Labour party of the United Kingdom or of another part of the Commonwealth of Nations

long (adj)

1a : extending for a considerable distance a long coastline b : having greater length than usual a long corridor c : having greater height than usual : TALL d : having a greater length than breadth : ELONGATED e : having a greater length than desirable or necessary the column is one line too long f : FULL-LENGTH long pants 2a : having a specified length six feet long b : forming the chief linear dimension the long side of the room 3a : extending over a considerable time a long friendship b : having a specified duration two hours long c : prolonged beyond the usual time a long look d : lasting too long : TEDIOUS a long explanation 4a : containing many items in a series a long list b : having a specified number of units 300 pages long c : consisting of a greater number or amount than usual : LARGE was married, and had a long family — A. T. Quiller-Couch 5a of a speech sound : having a relatively long duration b : being the member of a pair of similarly spelled vowel or vowel-containing sounds that is descended from a vowel long in duration long a in fate long i in sign c of a syllable in prosody (1) : of relatively extended duration (2) : bearing a stress or accent a long syllable 6 : having the capacity to reach, extend, or travel a considerable distance a long left jab tried to hit the long ball 7 : larger or longer than the standard a long count by the referee 8a : extending far into the future the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts — H. W. Longfellow b : extending beyond what is known a long guess c : payable after a considerable period a long note 9 : possessing a high degree or a great deal of something specified : STRONG long on common sense 10a : of an unusual degree of difference between the amounts wagered on each side long odds b : of or relating to the larger amount wagered take the long end of the bet 11 : subject to great odds take a long chance for a large reward — W. P. Webb 12 : owning or accumulating securities or goods especially in anticipation of an advance in prices they are now long on wheat take a long position in steel longer longest

primordial (adj)

1a : first created or developed : PRIMEVAL sense 1 b : existing in or persisting from the beginning (as of a solar system or universe) a primordial gas cloud c : earliest formed in the growth of an individual or organ : PRIMITIVE primordial cells 2 : FUNDAMENTAL, PRIMARY primordial human joys — Sir Winston Churchill

last (adj)

1a : following all the rest he was the last one out b : being the only remaining our last dollar 2 : belonging to the final stage (as of life) his last hours on earth 3a : next before the present : most recent last week his last book was a failure b : most up-to-date : latest it's the last thing in fashion 4a : lowest in rank or standing also : worst b : farthest from a specified quality, attitude, or likelihood would be the last person to fall for flattery 5a : conclusive there is no last answer to the problem b : highest in degree : supreme, ultimate c : distinct, separate —used as an intensive ate every last piece of food

formative (adj)

1a : giving or capable of giving form : CONSTRUCTIVE a formative influence b : used in word formation or inflection 2 : capable of alteration by growth and development also : producing new cells and tissues 3 : of, relating to, or characterized by formative effects or formation formative years

much (adj)

1a : great in quantity, amount, extent, or degree there is much truth in what you say taken too much time b : great in importance or significance nothing much happened 2 obsolete : many in number 3 : more than is expected or acceptable : more than enough the large pizza is a bit much for one person too much 1 : WONDERFUL, EXCITING That rock concert was too much! 2 : TERRIBLE, AWFUL more;most

arduous (adj)

1a : hard to accomplish or achieve : DIFFICULT an arduous task years of arduous training b : marked by great labor or effort : STRENUOUS ... a life of arduous toil. — A. C. Cole 2 : hard to climb : STEEP an arduous path

slick (adj)

1a : having a smooth surface : SLIPPERY slick wet leaves b : having surface plausibility or appeal : GLOSSY slick advertising c : based on stereotype : TRITE slick stories soon forgotten 2a : characterized by subtlety or nimble wit : CLEVER especially : WILY a slick swindler b : DEFT, SKILLFUL a slick ballplayer 3 : extremely good : FIRST-RATE 4 archaic : SLEEK sense 1

heavy (adj)

1a : having great weight also : characterized by mass or weight how heavy is it? b : having a high specific gravity : having great weight in proportion to bulk Lead and gold are heavy metals. c(1) of an isotope : having or being atoms of greater than normal mass for that element heavy carbons (2) of a chemical compound : containing heavy isotopes heavy ammonia 2 : difficult to bear specifically : causing or characterized by severe pain or suffering a heavy sorrow 3 : of weighty import : SERIOUS heavy consequences 4 : characterized by depth or intensity : PROFOUND a heavy silence 5a : borne down by something oppressive : BURDENED returned with heavy spirit b : PREGNANT especially : approaching parturition She is heavy with child. 6a : slow or dull from loss of vitality or resiliency : SLUGGISH a tired heavy step b : lacking sparkle or vivacity : DRAB a heavy writing style c : lacking mirth or gaiety : CHEERLESS d : characterized by declining prices The market is heavy. 7 : dulled with weariness : DROWSY eyes were growing heavy 8 : greater in quantity or quality than the average of its kind or class: such as a : of unusually large size or amount a heavy turnout b : of great force heavy seas c : threatening to rain or snow a heavy sky heavy clouds d(1) : impeding motion heavy traffic (2) : full of clay and inclined to hold water heavy soil e : coming as if from a depth : LOUD heavy breathing f : THICK, DENSE a heavy beard a heavy growth of timber heavy syrup g : OPPRESSIVE, OVERWHELMING heavy perfume heavy weather rule with a heavy hand h : STEEP, ACUTE on a heavy grade i : LABORIOUS, DIFFICULT heavy going j : IMMODERATE a heavy smoker k : more powerful than usual for its kind a heavy cavalry a heavy cruiser l : of large capacity or output a heavy pump 9a : very rich and hard to digest heavy desserts b : not properly raised or leavened heavy bread 10 : producing goods (such as coal, steel, or chemicals) used in the production of other goods heavy industry 11a : having stress (see STRESS entry 1 sense 5a) a heavy rhythm —used especially of syllables in accentual verse b : being the strongest degree of stress in speech the heavy stress on the first syllable of basketball 12 : relating to theatrical parts of a grave or somber nature playing heavy roles 13 : possessing a high degree or a great deal of something specified : LONG heavy on ideas 14 : IMPORTANT, PROMINENT a heavy politician heavier; heaviest

robust (adj)

1a : having or exhibiting strength or vigorous health b : having or showing vigor, strength, or firmness a robust debate a robust faith c : strongly formed or constructed : STURDY a robust plastic d : capable of performing without failure under a wide range of conditions robust software 2 : ROUGH, RUDE stories ... laden with robust, down-home imagery — Playboy 3 : requiring strength or vigor robust work 4 : FULL-BODIED robust coffee also : HEARTY a robust dinner 5 : relating to, resembling, or being a specialized group of australopithecines characterized especially by heavy molars and small incisors adapted to a vegetarian diet NOTE: Robust australopithecines are included in the genus Australopithecus along with gracile forms or placed in the separate genus Paranthropus. — compare GRACILE sense 3

discretion (n)

1a : individual choice or judgment left the decision to his discretion b : power of free decision or latitude of choice within certain legal bounds reached the age of discretion 2 : the quality of having or showing discernment or good judgment : the quality of being discreet : circumspection especially : cautious reserve in speech 3 : ability to make responsible decisions 4 : the result of separating or distinguishing

poor (adj)

1a : lacking material possessions b : of, relating to, or characterized by poverty 2a : less than adequate : MEAGER b : small in worth 3 : exciting pity you poor thing 4a : inferior in quality or value b : HUMBLE, UNPRETENTIOUS c : MEAN, PETTY 5 : LEAN, EMACIATED 6 : BARREN, UNPRODUCTIVE —used of land 7 : INDIFFERENT, UNFAVORABLE 8 : lacking a normal or adequate supply of something specified —often used in combination oil-poor countries

lean (adj)

1a : lacking or deficient in flesh b : containing little or no fat lean meat 2 : lacking richness, sufficiency, or productiveness lean profits the lean years 3 : deficient in an essential or important quality or ingredient: such as a of ore : containing little valuable mineral b : low in combustible component —used especially of fuel mixtures 4 : characterized by economy (as of style, expression, or operation)

sublime (adj)

1a : lofty, grand, or exalted in thought, expression, or manner b : of outstanding spiritual, intellectual, or moral worth c : tending to inspire awe usually because of elevated quality (as of beauty, nobility, or grandeur) or transcendent excellence 2a archaic : high in place b obsolete : lofty of mien : haughty c capitalized : supreme —used in a style of address d : complete, utter sublime ignorance sublimer; sublimest

primitive (adj)

1a : not derived : ORIGINAL, PRIMARY b : assumed as a basis especially : AXIOMATIC primitive concepts 2a : of or relating to the earliest age or period : PRIMEVAL the primitive church b : closely approximating an early ancestral type : little evolved primitive mammals c : belonging to or characteristic of an early stage of development : CRUDE, RUDIMENTARY primitive technology d : of, relating to, or constituting the assumed parent speech of related languages primitive Germanic 3a : ELEMENTAL, NATURAL our primitive feelings of vengeance — John Mackwood b now sometimes offensive : of, relating to, or produced by a people or culture that is nonindustrial and often nonliterate and tribal primitive art c : NAIVE d(1) : SELF-TAUGHT, UNTUTORED primitive craftsmen (2) : produced by a self-taught artist a primitive painting

stiff (adj)

1a : not easily bent : RIGID a stiff collar b : lacking in suppleness or flexibility stiff muscles c : impeded in movement —used of a mechanism a truck's stiff suspension d : DRUNK sense 1a 2a : FIRM, RESOLUTE b : STUBBORN, UNYIELDING c : PROUD d(1) : marked by reserve or decorum (2) : lacking in ease or grace : STILTED 3 : hard fought stiff competition 4a(1) : exerting great force a stiff wind (2) : FORCEFUL, VIGOROUS b : POTENT poured her a stiff drink 5 : of a dense or glutinous consistency : THICK 6a : HARSH, SEVERE a stiff penalty b : ARDUOUS, RUGGED stiff terrain 7 : not easily heeled over by an external force (such as the wind) a stiff ship 8 : EXPENSIVE, STEEP paid a stiff price

civil (adj)

1a : of or relating to citizens civil duties b : of or relating to the state or its citizenry civil strife 2a : CIVILIZED civil society b : adequate in courtesy and politeness : MANNERLY a civil question It was hard to be civil when I felt so angry. 3a : of, relating to, or based on civil law b : relating to private rights and to remedies sought by action or suit distinct from criminal proceedings c : established by law civil freedoms 4 : of, relating to, or involving the general public, their activities, needs, or ways, or civic affairs as distinguished from special (such as military or religious) affairs got married in a civil ceremony 5 of time : based on the mean sun and legally recognized for use in ordinary affairs the civil calendar

political (adj)

1a : of or relating to government, a government, or the conduct of government b : of, relating to, or concerned with the making as distinguished from the administration of governmental policy 2 : of, relating to, involving, or involved in politics and especially party politics 3 : organized in governmental terms political units 4 : involving or charged or concerned with acts against a government or a political system political prisoners

cerebral (adj)

1a : of or relating to the brain or the intellect b : of, relating to, affecting, or being the cerebrum cerebral edema cerebral arteries 2a : appealing to intellectual appreciation cerebral drama b : primarily intellectual in nature a cerebral society books for cerebral readers

stellar (adj)

1a : of or relating to the stars : ASTRAL b : composed of stars 2 : of or relating to a theatrical or film star stellar names 3a : PRINCIPAL, LEADING a stellar role b : OUTSTANDING a stellar performance

functional (adj)

1a : of, connected with, or being a function the functional differences between the departments b : affecting physiological or psychological functions but not organic structure functional heart disease 2 : used to contribute to the development or maintenance of a larger whole functional and practical school courses also : designed or developed chiefly from the point of view of use The design of the building is not only functional but also beautiful. 3 : performing or able to perform a regular function The flashlight was still functional after I had dropped it.

liberal (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or based on the liberal arts liberal education b archaic : of or befitting a man of free birth 2a : marked by generosity : OPENHANDED a liberal giver b : given or provided in a generous and openhanded way a liberal meal c : AMPLE, FULL 3 obsolete : lacking moral restraint : LICENTIOUS 4 : not literal or strict : LOOSE a liberal translation 5 : BROAD-MINDED especially : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms 6a : of, favoring, or based upon the principles of liberalism b capitalized : of or constituting a political party advocating or associated with the principles of political liberalism especially : of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives

morbid (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or characteristic of disease morbid anatomy b : affected with or induced by disease a morbid condition c : productive of disease morbid substances 2 : abnormally susceptible to or characterized by gloomy or unwholesome feelings 3 : GRISLY, GRUESOME morbid details morbid curiosity

revolutionary (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or constituting a revolution revolutionary war b : tending to or promoting revolution c : constituting or bringing about a major or fundamental change a revolutionary new product 2 capitalized : of or relating to the American Revolution or to the period in which it occurred

ancestor (n)

1a : one from whom a person is descended and who is usually more remote in the line of descent than a grandparent Her ancestors came to America in the 1880s. b : forefather sense 2 2 : forerunner, prototype an exhibit of the ancestors of the modern computer 3 : a progenitor (see progenitor sense 1b) of a more recent or existing species or group the ancestor of the modern horse

antagonism (n)

1a : opposition of a conflicting force, tendency, or principle the antagonism of democracy to dictatorship b : actively expressed opposition or hostility antagonism between factions personal antagonism 2 : opposition in physiological action especially : interaction of two or more substances such that the action of any one of them on living cells or tissues is lessened

horror (n)

1a : painful and intense fear, dread, or dismay astonishment giving place to horror on the faces of the people about me — H. G. Wells b : intense aversion or repugnance 2a : the quality of inspiring horror : repulsive, horrible, or dismal quality or character contemplating the horror of their lives — Liam O'Flaherty b : something that inspires horror 3 horrors plural : a state of extreme depression or apprehension

problematic (adj)

1a : posing a problem : difficult to solve or decide b : not definite or settled : UNCERTAIN their future remains problematic c : open to question or debate : QUESTIONABLE 2 : expressing or supporting a possibility problematical

direct (adj)

1a : proceeding from one point to another in time or space without deviation or interruption : STRAIGHT a direct line b : proceeding by the shortest way the direct route 2a : stemming immediately from a source direct result b : being or passing in a straight line of descent from parent to offspring : LINEAL direct ancestor c : having no compromising or impairing element a direct insult 3 : NATURAL, STRAIGHTFORWARD a direct manner asked him to be more direct was direct in her criticism 4a : marked by absence of an intervening agency, instrumentality, or influence making direct observations of nature b : effected or brought about by the action of the people or the electorate and not by representatives direct democracy c : consisting of or reproducing the exact words of a speaker or writer a direct quotation 5 : characterized by close logical, causal, or consequential relationship direct evidence 6 astronomy : having or being motion in the general planetary direction from west to east : not retrograde (see RETROGRADE entry 1 sense 1a(1)) 7 : capable of dyeing without the aid of a mordant

torpid (adj)

1a : sluggish in functioning or acting a torpid mind b : having lost motion or the power of exertion or feeling : NUMB c : exhibiting or characterized by torpor : DORMANT a torpid bird 2 : lacking in energy or vigor : APATHETIC, DULL

light (n)

1a : something that makes vision possible b : the sensation aroused by stimulation of the visual receptors c : electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength that travels in a vacuum with a speed of 299,792,458 meters (about 186,000 miles) per second specifically : such radiation that is visible to the human eye 2a : DAYLIGHT was up each morning at the first light — Frank O'Connor b : DAWN 3 : a source of light: such as a : a celestial body As night fell the lights in the sky multiplied. b : CANDLE put a light in the window c : an electric light 4a : a color of notable lightness : a light or pale color —usually plural Bartlett allows his preliminary wash or grisaille to dry and then applies transparent layers of broken color. Into this wash he adds the lights and darks as they have been mapped out underneath. — Harley Bartlett b lights plural : clothing that is light in color always washed his lights separately from his darks 5 archaic : SIGHT sense 4a 6a : spiritual illumination the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it — John 1:5 (Revised Standard Version) b : INNER LIGHT c : ENLIGHTENMENT reaching out and groping for a pathway to the light — B. N. Cardozo d : TRUTH 7a : public knowledge facts brought to light b : a particular aspect or appearance presented to view saw the matter in a different light 8 : a particular illumination 9 : something that enlightens or informs shed some light on the problem 10 : a medium (such as a window) through which light is admitted 11 lights plural : a set of principles, standards, or opinions worship according to one's lights — Adrienne Koch 12 : a noteworthy person in a particular place or field a literary light among current writers — see also LEADING LIGHT 13 : a particular expression of the eye listened with a fiery light burning in her eyes — Sherwood Anderson 14a : LIGHTHOUSE, BEACON b : TRAFFIC LIGHT 15 : the representation of light in art 16 : a flame for lighting something (such as a cigarette) in the light of 1 : from the point of view of 2 or in light of : in view of In light of their findings, new procedures were established.

hypostasis (n)

1a : something that settles at the bottom of a fluid b : the settling of blood in the dependent parts of an organ or body 2 : person sense 3 3a : the substance or essential nature of an individual b : something that is hypostatized 4 [ New Latin, from Late Latin ] : failure of a gene to produce its usual effect when coupled with another gene that is epistatic toward it hypostases

exercise (n)

1a : the act of bringing into play or realizing in action : USE the exercise of self-control b : the discharge of an official function or professional occupation exercise of his judicial duties c : the act or an instance of carrying out the terms of an agreement (such as an option) —often used attributively an option's exercise price 2a : regular or repeated use of a faculty or bodily organ b : bodily exertion for the sake of developing and maintaining physical fitness trying to get more exercise 3 : something performed or practiced in order to develop, improve, or display a specific capability or skill arithmetic exercises vocal exercises 4 : a performance or activity having a strongly marked secondary or ulterior aspect party politics has always been an exercise in compromise — H. S. Ashmore 5a : a maneuver, operation, or drill carried out for training and discipline naval exercises b exercises plural : a program including speeches, announcements of awards and honors, and various traditional practices of secular or religious character commencement exercises

channel (n)

1a : the bed where a natural stream of water runs b : the deeper part of a river, harbor, or strait c : a strait or narrow sea between two close landmasses crossed the English Channel d : a means of communication or expression: such as (1) : a path along which information (such as data or music) in the form of an electrical signal passes (2) channels plural : a fixed or official course of communication went through established military channels with his grievances e : a way, course, or direction of thought or action new channels of exploration f : a band of frequencies of sufficient width for a single radio or television communication g : CHANNELER 2a : a usually tubular enclosed passage : CONDUIT the poison channel in a snake's fangs b : a passage created in a selectively permeable cell membrane by a conformational change in membrane proteins also : the proteins of such a passage — compare ION CHANNEL 3 : a long gutter, groove, or furrow a road channel 4 : a metal bar of flattened U-shaped section : one of the flat ledges of heavy plank or metal bolted edgewise to the outside of a ship to increase the spread of the shrouds (see SHROUD entry 1 sense 4a)

proof (n)

1a : the cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or a fact b : the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning 2 obsolete : EXPERIENCE 3 : something that induces certainty or establishes validity 4 archaic : the quality or state of having been tested or tried especially : unyielding hardness 5 : evidence operating to determine the finding or judgment of a tribunal 6a plural proofs or proof : a copy (as of typeset text) made for examination or correction b : a test impression of an engraving, etching, or lithograph c : a coin that is struck from a highly polished die on a polished planchet, is not intended for circulation, and sometimes differs in metallic content from coins of identical design struck for circulation d : a test photographic print made from a negative 7 : a test applied to articles or substances to determine whether they are of standard or satisfactory quality 8a : the minimum alcoholic strength of proof spirit b : strength with reference to the standard for proof spirit specifically : alcoholic strength indicated by a number that is twice the percent by volume of alcohol present whiskey of 90 proof is 45 percent alcohol

sable (adj)

1a : the color black b : black clothing worn in mourning —usually used in plural 2a or plural sable (1) : a carnivorous mammal (Martes zibellina) of the weasel family that occurs chiefly in northern Asia (2) : any of various animals related to the sable b : the fur or pelt of a sable 3 : the usually dark brown color of the fur of the sable

mouth (n)

1a : the natural opening through which food passes into the body of an animal and which in vertebrates is typically bounded externally by the lips and internally by the pharynx and encloses the tongue, gums, and teeth b : GRIMACE made a mouth c : an individual requiring food had too many mouths to feed 2a : VOICE, SPEECH finally gave mouth to her feelings b : MOUTHPIECE sense 3a he is the mouth ... of the House in its relations with the Crown — T. E. May c(1) : a tendency to excessive talk he is not all mouth ... he gets results — Time (2) : saucy or disrespectful language : IMPUDENCE just don't take any mouth from him — Jackson Burgess 3 : something that resembles a mouth especially in affording entrance or exit: such as a : the place where a stream enters a larger body of water b : the surface opening of an underground cavity (see CAVITY sense 1) the mouth of a well the mouth of a volcano c : the opening of a container the mouth of a bottle d : an opening in the side of an organ flue pipe mouths

presidency (n)

1a : the office of president b(1) : the office of president of the U.S. (2) : the American governmental institution comprising the office of president and various associated administrative and policy-making agencies 2 : the term during which a president holds office 3 : the action or function of one that presides : superintendence 4 : a Mormon executive council of the church or a stake consisting of a president and two counselors presidencies

hull (n)

1a : the outer covering of a fruit or seed b : the persistent calyx or involucre that subtends some fruits (such as a strawberry) 2a : the frame or body of a ship or boat exclusive of masts, yards, sails, and rigging b : the main body of a usually large or heavy craft or vehicle (such as an airship or tank) 3 : COVERING, CASING

locus (n)

1a : the place where something is situated or occurs : SITE, LOCATION was the culture of medicine in the beginning dispersed from a single focus or did it arise in several loci? — S. C. Harvey b : a center of activity, attention, or concentration in democracy the locus of power is in the people — H. G. Rickover 2 : the set of all points whose location is determined by stated conditions 3 : the position in a chromosome of a particular gene or allele loci

chairman (n)

1a : the presiding officer of a meeting, organization, committee, or event b : the administrative officer of a department of instruction (as in a college) 2 : a carrier of a sedan chair chairmen

lordship (n)

1a : the rank or dignity of a lord —used as a title b : the authority or power of a lord : DOMINION 2 : the territory under the jurisdiction of a lord : SEIGNIORY

lay on (v)

1a : to apply by or as if by spreading on a surface laying it on thick b : PROVIDE, ARRANGE food laid on in abundance c : HAND OUT laid on awards 2 chiefly British : HIRE : ATTACK, BEAT

program (v)

1a : to arrange or furnish a program of or for : BILL b : to enter in a program 2 : to work out a sequence of operations to be performed by (a mechanism, such as a computer) : to provide with a program 3a : to insert a program for (a particular action) into or as if into a mechanism (such as a computer) b : to control by or as if by a program c(1) : to code in an organism's program (2) : to provide with a biological program cells programmed to synthesize hemoglobin 4 : to predetermine the thinking, behavior, or operations of as if by computer programming children are programmed into violence — Lisa A. Richette programmed or programed; programming or programing

appear (v)

1a : to be or come in sight when the sun appears on the horizon b : to show up He appears promptly at eight each day. 2 : to come formally before an authoritative body must appear in court today 3 : to have an outward aspect : SEEM She appears (to be) happy enough. 4 : to become evident or manifest There appears to be evidence to the contrary. 5 : to come into public view a performer who first appeared on a television variety show The book appeared in print a few years ago. 6 : to come into existence Hominids appeared late in the evolutionary chain. appeared; appearing; appears

dig (v)

1a : to break up, turn, or loosen (earth) with an implement digging dirt with a shovel machines digging up the road b : to prepare the soil of dig a garden 2a : to bring to the surface by digging : unearth dig potatoes b : to bring to light or out of hiding dig up facts 3 : to hollow out or form by removing earth : excavate dig a hole dig a tunnel 4 : to drive down so as to penetrate : thrust dug her toes into the sand The hawk dug its claws into its prey. 5 : poke, prod dug me in the ribs with his elbow 6 slang a : to pay attention to : notice dig that fancy hat b : understand, appreciate couldn't dig the medical jargon c : like, admire High school students dig short poetry.— David Burmester 1 : to turn up, loosen, or remove earth digging in the garden dig for buried treasure 2 : to work hard or laboriously 3 : to advance by or as if by removing or pushing aside material digging into the history of the company dug digging

mediate (v)

1a : to bring accord out of by action as an intermediary (see intermediary entry 2 sense 1a) endeavored to mediate East-West differences on several important issues — Collier's Year Book b : to effect by action as an intermediary (see intermediary entry 2 sense 1a) mediated a settlement that was satisfactory to both sides 2a : to act as intermediary (see intermediary entry 1 sense 2) agent in bringing, effecting, or communicating : convey individuals ... mediate the culture to the child— Margaret Mead b : to transmit as intermediate mechanism or agency 1 : to interpose between parties in order to reconcile (see reconcile sense 1a) them 2 : to reconcile (see reconcile sense 1b) differences mediated; mediating

stir (v)

1a : to cause an especially slight movement or change of position of tied so tightly he could scarcely stir a finger b : to disturb the quiet of : AGITATE —often used with up the bear stirred up the bees 2a : to disturb the relative position of the particles or parts of especially by a continued circular movement stirred the paint with a paddle stir the fire —often used with up stirred up mud from the lake bottom b : to mix by or as if by stirring stir one's coffee —often used with in stir in the spices 3 : BESTIR, EXERT 4 : to bring into notice or debate : RAISE —often used with up stir up sensitive issues 5a : to rouse to activity : evoke strong feelings in music that stirs the emotions b : to call forth (something, such as a memory) : EVOKE stir happy remembrances c : PROVOKE stir a storm of controversy —often used with up stir up trouble 1a : to make a slight movement The leaves were barely stirring. b : to begin to move (as in rousing) She heard him stirring in bed. c : to shift to another location : BUDGE haven't stirred since I arrived 2 : to begin to be active The factory stirred to life. 3 : to be active or busy Not a creature was stirring ... — Clement Moore 4 : to pass an implement through a substance with a circular movement washed the spoon she was stirring with 5 : to be able to be stirred Add water until the mixture stirs easily. stirred; stirring

annihilate (v)

1a : to cause to cease to exist : to do away with entirely so that nothing remains b : to destroy a considerable part of Bombs annihilated the city. The enemy troops were annihilated. c : to defeat overwhelmingly : rout annihilated the visitors 56-0 2a : to cause to be of no effect : nullify a right to freedom that cannot be annihilated b : to destroy the substance or force of Fear can annihilate one's confidence. 3 : to regard as of no consequence 4 : to cause (something, such as a particle and its antiparticle) to vanish or cease to exist by coming together and changing into other forms of energy (such as photons) matter and antimatter annihilate each other of a particle and its antiparticle : to vanish or cease to exist by coming together and changing into other forms of energy (such as photons) annihilated; annihilating

cast (v)

1a : to cause to move or send forth by throwing cast a fishing lure cast dice b : DIRECT cast a glance c(1) : to put forth the fire casts a warm glow cast light on the subject cast a shadow (2) : to place as if by throwing cast doubt on their reliability d : to deposit (a ballot) formally cast her vote e(1) : to throw off or away the horse cast a shoe (2) : to get rid of : DISCARD cast off all restraint soda cans and fast-food boxes cast aside on the beach (3) : SHED, MOLT cast feathers (4) : to bring forth especially : to give birth to prematurely f : to throw to the ground especially in wrestling The cow was cast and her legs tied. g : to build by throwing up earth cast a mound 2a(1) : to perform arithmetical operations on : ADD (2) : to calculate by means of astrology cast a person's horoscope b archaic : DECIDE, INTEND 3a : to dispose or arrange into parts or into a suitable form or order I shall cast what I have to say under two principal heads — Tatler b(1) : to assign the parts of (a dramatic production) to actors cast a movie (2) : to assign (someone, such as an actor) to a role or part was cast in the leading role 4a : to give a shape to (a substance) by pouring in liquid or plastic form into a mold and letting harden without pressure cast steel b : to form by this process toys cast from plastic 5 : TURN cast the scale slightly 6 : to make (a knot or stitch) by looping or catching up cast a square knot 7 : TWIST, WARP a beam cast by age 8 : to transmit the sound and images of (something happening) in real time via the Internet The event is cast live over the Internet and broadcast later on National Public Radio's Science Friday. — Lynn Teo Simarski The webinar will be cast live over Skype on a large screen at the church. — Cheril Vernon 1 : to throw something specifically : to throw out a lure with a fishing rod 2 dialectal British : VOMIT 3 dialectal, England : to bear fruit : YIELD 4a : to perform addition b obsolete : ESTIMATE, CONJECTURE 5 : WARP lumber casts 6 : to range over land in search of a trail —used of hunting dogs or trackers 7 : VEER cast; casting

muck (v)

1a : to clean up especially : to clear of manure or filth —usually used with out b : to clear of muck 2 : to dress (something, such as soil) with muck 3 : to dirty with or as if with muck : soil 1 : to move or load muck (as in a mine) 2a : to engage in aimless activity —usually used with about or around b : putter, tinker —usually used with about or around mucking around with his computer c : interfere, meddle —usually used with about or around mucked; mucking; mucks

stop (v)

1a : to close by filling or obstructing b : to hinder or prevent the passage of c : to get in the way of : be wounded or killed by easy to stop a bullet along a lonely ... road — Harvey Fergusson 2a : to close up or block off (an opening) : PLUG b : to make impassable : CHOKE, OBSTRUCT c : to cover over or fill in (a hole or crevice) 3a : to cause to give up or change a course of action b : to keep from carrying out a proposed action : RESTRAIN, PREVENT stopped them from leaving 4a : to cause to cease : CHECK, SUPPRESS b : DISCONTINUE 5a : to deduct or withhold (a sum due) b : to instruct one's bank to refuse (payment) or refuse payment of (something, such as a check) 6a : to arrest the progress or motion of : cause to halt stopped the car b : PARRY c : to check by means of a weapon : BRING DOWN, KILL d : to beat in a boxing match by a knockout broadly : DEFEAT e : BAFFLE, NONPLUS 7a : to change the pitch of (something, such as a violin string) by pressing with the finger b : to change the pitch of (a wind instrument) by closing one or more finger holes or by thrusting the hand or a mute into the bell 8 : to hold an honor card and enough protecting cards to be able to block (a bridge suit) before an opponent can run many tricks 1a : to cease activity or operation his heart stopped the motor stopped b : to come to an end especially suddenly : CLOSE, FINISH The talking stopped when she entered the room. 2a : to cease to move on : HALT b : PAUSE, HESITATE 3a : to break one's journey : STAY b chiefly British : REMAIN c : to make a brief call : drop in 4 : to become choked : CLOG the sink often stops up stopped; stopping

bluff (v)

1a : to deter or frighten by pretense or a mere show of strength bluffed them into surrendering b : DECEIVE bluff her way in without a ticket c : FEIGN The catcher bluffed a throw to first. 2 card games : to deceive (an opponent) by a bold bet on an inferior hand was bluffed out of a winning hand intransitive verb : to bluff someone : act deceptively You can tell when he is bluffing. bluffed; bluffing; bluffs

pull (v)

1a : to exert force upon so as to cause or tend to cause motion toward the force b : to stretch (cooling candy) repeatedly pull taffy c : to strain abnormally pull a tendon d : to hold back (a racehorse) from winning e : to work (an oar) by drawing back strongly 2a : to draw out from the skin pull feathers from a rooster's tail b : to pluck from a plant or by the roots pull flowers pull turnips c : EXTRACT pull a tooth 3 : to hit (a ball) toward the left from a right-handed swing or toward the right from a left-handed swing — compare PUSH 4 : to draw apart : REND, TEAR 5 : to print (something, such as a proof) by impression 6a : to remove from a place or situation pull the engine pulled the pitcher in the third inning pulled the show b : REVOKE If they're caught dumping, they'll get their license pulled. — Alexandra Alger 7 : to bring (a weapon) into the open pulled a knife 8a : PERFORM, CARRY OUT pull an all-nighter pull guard duty b : COMMIT, PERPETRATE pull a robbery pull a prank 9a : PUT ON, ASSUME pull a grin b : to act or behave in the manner of pulled a Horace Greely and went west — Steve Rushin 10a : to draw the support or attention of : ATTRACT pull votes —often used with in b : OBTAIN, SECURE pulled a B in the course 11 : to demand or obtain an advantage over someone by the assertion of pull rank 1a : to use force in drawing, dragging, or tugging b : to move especially through the exercise of mechanical energy the car pulled clear of the rut c(1) : to take a drink (2) : to draw hard in smoking pulled at a pipe d : to strain against the bit 2 : to draw a gun 3 : to admit of being pulled 4 : to feel or express strong sympathy : ROOT pulling for my team to win 5 of an offensive lineman in football : to move back from the line of scrimmage and toward one flank to provide blocking for a ballcarrier pull a face : to make a face : GRIMACE pull a fast one : to perpetrate a trick or fraud pull oneself together : to regain one's composure pull one's leg : to deceive someone playfully : HOAX pull one's weight : to do one's full share of the work pull punches or less commonly pull a punch : to refrain from using all the force at one's disposal pull stakes or pull up stakes : to move out : LEAVE pull strings or less commonly pull wires : to exert hidden influence or control pull the plug 1 : to disconnect a medical life-support system 2 : to withdraw essential and especially financial support pull the rug from under : to weaken or unsettle especially by removing support or assistance from pull the string : to throw a changeup pull the trigger : to make a decisive move or action pull the wool over one's eyes : to blind to the true situation : HOODWINK pull together : to work in harmony : COOPERATE pulled; pulling; pulls

stumble (v)

1a : to fall into sin or waywardness b : to make an error : BLUNDER c : to come to an obstacle to belief 2 : to trip in walking or running 3a : to walk unsteadily or clumsily b : to speak or act in a hesitant or faltering manner 4a : to come unexpectedly or by chance stumble onto the truth b : to fall or move carelessly transitive verb 1 : to cause to stumble : TRIP 2 : BEWILDER, CONFOUND stumbled; stumbling

determine (v)

1a : to fix conclusively or authoritatively determine national policy b law : to decide by judicial sentence determine a plea c : to settle or decide by choice of alternatives or possibilities trying to determine the best time to go d : resolve she determined to do better 2a : to fix the form, position, or character of beforehand : ordain two points determine a straight line the extent to which genetics determines one's personality b : to bring about as a result : regulate demand determines the price 3a : to fix the boundaries of b : to limit in extent or scope c : to put or set an end to : terminate determine an estate 4 : to find out or come to a decision about by investigation, reasoning, or calculation determine the answer to the problem determine a position at sea 5 biology : to bring about the determination (see determination sense 7) of determine the fate of a cell 1 : to come to a decision had determined on becoming a doctor 2 : to come to an end or become void determined; determining

soar (v)

1a : to fly aloft or about b(1) : to sail or hover in the air often at a great height : GLIDE (2) of a glider : to fly without engine power and without loss of altitude 2 : to rise or increase dramatically (as in position, value, or price) stocks soared 3 : to ascend to a higher or more exalted level makes my spirits soar 4 : to rise to majestic stature soared; soaring; soars

devise (v)

1a : to form in the mind by new combinations or applications of ideas or principles : invent devise a new strategy b archaic : conceive, imagine c : to plan to obtain or bring about : plot devise one's death 2 law : to give (real estate) by will (see will entry 2 sense 1) — compare bequeath devised; devising

smother (v)

1a : to kill by depriving of air b : to suppress (a fire) by excluding oxygen c : to overcome or discomfit through or as if through lack of air 2a : to suppress expression or knowledge of smothered his rage b : to stop or prevent the growth or activity of smother a child with too much care also : OVERWHELM c : to cover thickly : BLANKET snow smothered the trails d : to overcome or vanquish quickly or decisively e : to cause to smolder 3 : to overcome or kill with smoke or fumes 4 : to cook in a covered pan or pot with little liquid over low heat intransitive verb : to be overcome or killed through or as if through lack of air smothered; smothering

map (v)

1a : to make a map of map the surface of the moon b : to delineate as if on a map sorrow was mapped on her face c : to make a survey of for or as if for the purpose of making a map d : to assign (something, such as a set or an element) in a mathematical or exact correspondence map picture elements to video memory 2 : to plan in detail —often used with out map out a program 3 : to locate (a gene) on a chromosome 1 of a gene : to be located 2 : to be assigned in a relation or connection the major problems confronting humankind ... do not map well onto the traditional disciplines — P. W. Porter mapped; mapping

disable (v)

1a : to make ineffective or inoperative disable a bomb For victims of smartphone theft, the ultimate justice is hitting a button that disables the device, turning it into a worthless rectangular paperweight. — Heather Kelley ... gene editing makes it possible to change or disable a single gene without changing the meaning of the rest of the genome. — Kat McGowan b : to impair physically or mentally : to cause disability in Automobile accidents kill nearly 50,000 people each year. ... Accidents maim or disable another 80,000. — Matt Clark and Mary Hager Diet-related Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease disable and kill people ... — Mark Bittman 2 : to deprive of legal right, qualification, or capacity ... the injured party was released from the bonds of marriage; but the offender, during life, or a term of years, was disabled from the repetition of nuptials. — Edward Gibbon disabled; disabling

dodge (v)

1a : to move to and fro or from place to place usually in an irregular course dodged through the crowd b : to make a sudden movement in a new direction (as to evade a blow) dodged behind the door 2 : to evade a responsibility or duty especially by trickery or deceit 1a : to evade by a sudden or repeated shift of position dodge tacklers b : to avoid an encounter with celebrities dodging the media 2 : to evade (something, such as a duty) usually indirectly or by trickery dodged the draft by leaving the country dodged questions dodge a bullet or less commonly dodge the bullet : to narrowly avoid an unwelcome, harmful, or disastrous outcome or occurrence coastal towns dodged a bullet when the hurricane veered out to sea dodged; dodging

back (v)

1a : to support by material or moral assistance backing a candidate for governor —often used with up back up a friend in a fight b : SUBSTANTIATE —often used with up needs to back up her argument with evidence c : to assume financial responsibility for back a new company d : to provide musical accompaniment for —often used with up a singer backed up by a guitarist 2a : to cause to go back (see BACK entry 2 sense 1a) or in reverse back the car into the garage b : to articulate (a speech sound) with the tongue farther back : to form deeper within the mouth 3a : to furnish with a rear part : to furnish with a back (see BACK entry 1 sense 2) back a skirt with stiff material b : to be at the rear part of : to be at the back (see BACK entry 1 sense 2) of a row of garages back the building backed; backing; backs

capture (v)

1a : to take captive also : to gain control of especially by force capture a city b : to gain or win especially through effort captured 60 percent of the vote 2a : to emphasize, represent, or preserve (something, such as a scene, mood, or quality) in a more or less permanent form ... at any such moment as a photograph might capture ... —C. E. Montague b : to record in a permanent file (as in a computer) The system is used to capture data relating to the buying habits of young people. 3 : to captivate and hold the interest of The performer captured our attention. 4 : to take according to the rules of a game A knight captured his pawn. 5 : to bring about the capture of (a subatomic particle) 6 astronomy : to draw into the gravitational influence of a larger body Asteroids were thought to be too small to capture a moon, but the moon might be a fragment that broke off. —Kenneth Chang

hum (v)

1a : to utter a sound like that of the speech sound \m\ prolonged humming along with the music b : to make the natural noise of an insect in motion or a similar sound : DRONE listening to the bees hum in the garden c : to give forth a low continuous blend of sound the sound of children's voices with which the house was always humming — J. M. Brinnin 2a : to be busily active the museum hummed with visitors b : to run smoothly the business started to hum 1 : to sing with the lips closed and without uttering speech sounds distinctly hum a tune 2 : to express by making a vocal sound with the lips pressed together : to affect by humming hummed his displeasure hummed; humming

haunt (v)

1a : to visit often : FREQUENT spends a lot of time haunting bookstores b : to continually seek the company of haunting celebrities impostors that haunt the official in foreign ports — Van Wyck Brooks 2a : to have a disquieting or harmful effect on : TROUBLE problems we ignore now will come back to haunt us b : to recur constantly and spontaneously to the tune haunted her c : to reappear continually in a sense of tension that haunts his writing 3 : to visit or inhabit as a ghost believed that the house was haunted Spirits are supposed to haunt the places where their bodies most resorted ... — Charles Dickens 1 : to stay around or persist : LINGER a haunting fragrance 2 : to appear habitually as a ghost not far from ... where she haunted appeared for a short time a much more remarkable spirit — W. B. Yeats haunted; haunting; haunts

limp (v)

1a : to walk lamely especially : to walk favoring one leg The injured player limped off the field. b : to go unsteadily : FALTER the conversation limped for some time — Henry Green 2 : to proceed slowly or with difficulty the ship limped back to port

colloquial (adj)

1a : used in or characteristic of familiar and informal conversation In colloquial English, kind of is often used for somewhat or rather. also : unacceptably informal b : using conversational style a colloquial writer 2 : of or relating to conversation : CONVERSATIONAL colloquial expressions

sultry (adj)

1a : very hot and humid : SWELTERING a sultry day b : burning hot : TORRID a sultry sun 2a : hot with passion or anger b : exciting or capable of exciting strong sexual desire sultry glances sultrier; sultriest

reflex (n)

1a archaic : reflected heat, light, or color b : a mirrored image c : a copy exact in essential or peculiar features 2a : an automatic and often inborn response to a stimulus that typically involves a nerve impulse passing inward from a receptor to the spinal cord and then passing outward from the spinal cord to an effector (such as a muscle or gland) without reaching the level of consciousness and often without passing to the brain the knee-jerk reflex b : the process that culminates in a reflex and comprises reception, transmission, and reaction — called also reflex action c reflexes plural : the power of acting or responding with adequate speed d : a way of thinking or behaving 3 : a linguistic element (such as a word or sound) or system (such as writing) that is derived from a prior and especially an older element or system boat is the reflex of Old English bāt

grave (adj)

1a obsolete : AUTHORITATIVE, WEIGHTY b : meriting serious consideration : IMPORTANT grave problems c : likely to produce great harm or danger a grave mistake d : significantly serious : CONSIDERABLE, GREAT grave importance 2 : having a serious and dignified quality or demeanor a grave and thoughtful look 3 : drab in color : SOMBER 4 : low-pitched in sound 5a of an accent mark : having the form ` b : marked with a grave accent c : of the variety indicated by a grave accent

malignant (adj)

1a obsolete : MALCONTENT, DISAFFECTED b : evil in nature, influence, or effect : INJURIOUS a powerful and malignant influence c : passionately and relentlessly malevolent : aggressively malicious the malignant tongues of gossipers 2 : tending to produce death or deterioration malignant malaria especially : tending to infiltrate, metastasize, and terminate fatally a malignant tumor

moon (n)

1a often capitalized : the earth's natural satellite (see SATELLITE sense 2a) that shines by the sun's reflected light, revolves about the earth from west to east in about 29¹/₂ days with reference to the sun or about 27¹/₃ days with reference to the stars, and has a diameter of 2160 miles (3475 kilometers), a mean distance from the earth of about 238,900 miles (384,400 kilometers), and a mass about one eightieth that of the earth —usually used with the b : one complete moon cycle consisting of four phases (see PHASE entry 1 sense 1) c : SATELLITE sense 2 specifically : a natural satellite of a planet the moons of Jupiter 2 : an indefinite usually extended period of time a labor of many moons 3 : MOONLIGHT keep out of the moon or it may turn your head — H. R. Haggard 4 : something that resembles a moon: such as a : a highly translucent (see TRANSLUCENT sense 1) spot on old porcelain b : LUNULE c slang : naked buttocks 5 : something impossible or inaccessible reach for the moon

misbehave (v)

1a transitive : to conduct (oneself) badly or improperly students who frequently misbehave themselves in class b intransitive : to behave with poor manners or a lack of courtesy He worried about the decline of family discipline, about the fact that local youth went out walking after dark, wasted time in levity, misbehaved in church. — Tracy Kidder c intransitive : to behave with disregard for accepted moral standards especially in sexual matters known for misbehaving with numerous women d intransitive of a member of the armed forces : to behave before or in the presence of the enemy in a way that does not conform to military standards or practice ... has been charged with desertion and misbehaving before the enemy ... — Dan Lamothe 2 intransitive : to behave in an unexpected or unwelcome way After five floods in four years, people in Liberty County are used to seeing the Trinity River misbehave. — Adam Nossiter misbehaved; misbehaving

leave (v)

1a(1) : BEQUEATH, DEVISE left a fortune to his son (2) : to have remaining after one's death leaves a widow and two children b : to cause to remain as a trace or aftereffect oil leaves a stain the wound left an ugly scar 2a : to cause or allow to be or remain in a specified condition leave the door open his manner left me cold b : to fail to include or take along left the notes at home the movie leaves a lot out c : to have as a remainder 4 from 7 leaves 3 d : to permit to be or remain subject to another's action or control just leave everything to me e : LET f : to cause or allow to be or remain available leave room for expansion left myself an out 3a : to go away from : DEPART leave the room b : DESERT, ABANDON left his wife c : to terminate association with : withdraw from left school before graduation 4 : to put, deposit, or deliver before or in the process of departing I left a package for you leave a message : SET OUT, DEPART left for the office at eight sharp left leaving

spring (v)

1a(1) : DART, SHOOT sparks sprang out from the fire (2) : to be resilient or elastic also : to move by elastic force the lid sprang shut b : to become warped 2 : to issue with speed and force or as a stream tears spring from our eyes 3a : to grow as a plant b : to issue by birth or descent sprang from the upper class c : to come into being : ARISE towns sprang up across the plains d archaic : DAWN e : to begin to blow —used with up a breeze quickly sprang up 4a : to make a leap or series of leaps springing across the lawn b : to leap or jump up suddenly sprang from their seats 5 : to stretch out in height : RISE 6 : PAY —used with for I'll spring for the drinks 1 : to cause to spring 2a : to undergo or bring about the splitting or cracking of wind sprang the mast b : to undergo the opening of (a leak) 3a : to cause to operate suddenly spring a trap b : to apply or insert by bending c : to bend by force 4 : to leap over 5 : to produce or disclose suddenly or unexpectedly 6 : to make lame 7 : to release or cause to be released from confinement or custody sprung them from jail sprang sprung sprung; springing

manner (n)

1a(1) : a characteristic or customary mode of acting : custom stopped to speak, after the manner of the country— Ellen Glasgow (2) : a mode of procedure or way of acting : fashion responded in a lively manner (3) : method of artistic execution (see execution sense 1) or mode of presentation : style offers plenty of room for many jazz manners Wilder Hobson b manners plural : social conduct or rules of conduct as shown in the prevalent customs Victorian manners c : characteristic or distinctive bearing (see bearing sense 1), air, or deportment his poised gracious manner d manners plural (1) : habitual conduct or deportment : behavior mind your manners (2) : good manners Someone should teach you some manners. e : a distinguished or stylish air taught to acquire a manner suitable to her station 2a : kind, sort what manner of man is he b : kinds, sorts all manner of problems

mask (n)

1a(1) : a cover or partial cover for the face used for disguise (2) : a person wearing a mask : MASKER b(1) : a figure of a head worn on the stage in antiquity to identify the character and project the voice (2) : a grotesque false face worn at carnivals or in rituals c : an often grotesque carved head or face used as an ornament (as on a keystone) d : a sculptured face or a copy of a face made by means of a mold 2a : something that serves to conceal or disguise : PRETENSE, CLOAK aware of the masks, facades and defenses people erect to protect themselves — Kenneth Keniston b : something that conceals from view c : a translucent or opaque screen to cover part of the sensitive surface in taking or printing a photograph d : a pattern of opaque material used to shield selected areas of a surface (as of a semiconductor) in deposition or etching (as in producing an integrated circuit) 3a : a protective covering for the face b : GAS MASK c : a device covering the mouth and nose to facilitate inhalation d : a comparable device to prevent exhalation of infective material e : a cosmetic preparation for the skin of the face that produces a tightening effect as it dries 4a : the head or face of an animal (such as a fox or dog) b : an area (such as the one around the eyes) of an animal's face that is distinguished by usually darker coloring

market (n)

1a(1) : a meeting together of people for the purpose of trade by private purchase and sale and usually not by auction (2) : the people assembled at such a meeting b(1) : a public place where a market is held especially : a place where provisions are sold at wholesale a farmers' market (2) : a retail establishment usually of a specified kind a fish market 2 archaic : the act or an instance of buying and selling 3 : the rate or price offered for a commodity or security 4a(1) : a geographic area of demand for commodities or services sell in the southern market (2) : a specified category of potential buyers the youth market b : the course of commercial activity by which the exchange of commodities is effected : extent of demand the market is dull c(1) : an opportunity for selling a good market for used cars (2) : the available supply of or potential demand for specified goods or services the labor market d : the area of economic activity in which buyers and sellers come together and the forces of supply and demand affect prices producing goods for market rather than for consumption

hell (n)

1a(1) : a nether world in which the dead continue to exist : HADES (2) : the nether realm of the devil and the demons in which condemned people suffer everlasting punishment —often used in curses go to hell or as a generalized term of abuse the hell with it b Christian Science : ERROR sense 2b, SIN 2a : a place or state of misery, torment, or wickedness war is hell — W. T. Sherman b : a place or state of turmoil or destruction all hell broke loose c : a severe scolding also : FLAK, GRIEF gave me hell for coming in late d : unrestrained fun or sportiveness the kids were full of hell —often used in the phrase for the hell of it especially to suggest action on impulse or without a serious motive decided to go for the hell of it e : an extremely unpleasant and often inescapable situation rush-hour hell 3 archaic : a tailor's receptacle 4 —used as an interjection hell, I don't know! or as an intensive hurts like hell funny as hell —often used in the phrase hell of a it was one hell of a good fight or hell out of scared the hell out of him or with the or in moved way the hell up north what in hell is wrong, now?

progress (n)

1a(1) : a royal journey marked by pomp and pageant (2) : a state procession b : a tour or circuit made by an official (such as a judge) c : an expedition, journey, or march through a region 2 : a forward or onward movement (as to an objective or to a goal) : ADVANCE 3 : gradual betterment especially : the progressive development of humankind in progress : going on : OCCURRING

rigor (n)

1a(1) : harsh inflexibility in opinion, temper, or judgment : SEVERITY The least one might observe is that this muddle of moralism and laxity, extreme rigor and casual permissiveness, arduous altruism and nonchalant selfishness, has consequences. — Peter Berkowitz (2) : the quality of being unyielding or inflexible : STRICTNESS Their abandonment of this terminology is part of an effort to soften the rigor of some of the rigid consequences thought to flow from the mechanical application of this dichotomy. — John D. Calamari and Joseph M. Perillo (3) : severity of life : AUSTERITY ... a moral rigor and growth that might help this country. — Stanley Kauffmann b : an act or instance of strictness, severity, or cruelty ... the humanist must recognize the normality, the practical necessity of the very rigors he is trying to soften and correct. — Hermann J. Muller 2 : a tremor caused by a chill This young woman presented at the hospital with severe abdominal pain and signs of infection, including fever, rigor, and leukocytosis. — Robert E. Scully et al. 3 : a condition that makes life difficult, challenging, or uncomfortable especially : extremity of cold the rigors of a New England winter 4 : strict precision : EXACTNESS logical rigor Tentatively one might suggest that what characterizes science is the rigor of its methodology ... — Ernst Mayr 5a obsolete : RIGIDITY, STIFFNESS b : rigidness or torpor of organs or tissue that prevents response to stimuli c : RIGOR MORTIS A fish has its best flavor and texture when cooked while just coming out of rigor. — Jane Daniels Lear

longhand (n)

: HANDWRITING: such as a : characters or words written out fully by hand b : cursive writing

microchip (n)


mujahideen (n)

: Islamic guerrilla fighters especially in the Middle East

looker-on (n)

: ONLOOKER lookers-on

stand-alone (adj)

: SELF-CONTAINED especially : operating or capable of operating independently of a computer system a stand-alone word processor

self-sustained (adj)

: SELF-SUSTAINING a self-sustained nuclear chain reaction self-sustained farms self-sustained economic growth

hot key (n)

: SHORTCUT sense 3

M16 (n)

: a .223 caliber (5.56 millimeter) gas-operated magazine-fed rifle for semiautomatic or automatic operation used by U.S. troops since the mid 1960s

Maclaurin series (n)

: a Taylor series that is expanded about the reference point zero and that takes the form {latex}f(x) = f(0) + \frac{f'(0)}{1!}x + \frac{f''(0)}{2!}x^{2} + \dots + \frac{f^{[n]}(0)}{n!}x^{n}{/latex} subject to the conditions holding for a Taylor series — called also Maclaurin's series

military police (n)

: a branch of an army that exercises guard and police functions

microbiology (n)

: a branch of biology dealing with microscopic forms of life

transient ischemic attack (n)

: a brief episode of cerebral ischemia that is usually characterized by temporary blurring of vision, slurring of speech, numbness, paralysis, or syncope and is often predictive of a serious stroke —abbreviation TIA — called also ministroke

pheromone (n)

: a chemical substance that is usually produced by an animal and serves especially as a stimulus to other individuals of the same species for one or more behavioral responses

bon mot (n)

: a clever remark : WITTICISM his bons mots were being repeated ... from coast to coast — W. J. Fisher

man-of-war (n)

: a combatant warship of a recognized navy men-of-war men-o'-war

rook (n)

: a common Old World gregarious crow (Corvus frugilegus) that nests and roosts in usually treetop colonies

Maid Marian (n)

: a companion of Robin Hood in some forms of his legend

business cycle (n)

: a cycle of economic activity usually consisting of recession, recovery, growth, and decline

meat market (n)

: a depersonalizing environment in which people are treated as sexual or economic resources

maser (n)

: a device or object that emits coherent microwave radiation produced by the natural oscillations of atoms or molecules between energy levels

myasthenia gravis (n)

: a disease that is characterized by progressive weakness and exhaustibility of voluntary muscles without atrophy and is caused by an autoimmune attack on muscle cell receptors which normally bind to acetylcholine released at nerve endings NOTE: Symptoms of myasthenia gravis may include double vision, drooping of the eyelids, difficult swallowing, impaired speech, and weakness in the arms, legs, and neck. ... in myasthenia gravis, antibodies destroy the muscle's receptor proteins that serve as docks for this signal, a chemical called acetylcholine. — Science News

hylozoism (n)

: a doctrine held especially by early Greek philosophers that all matter has life

caryatid (n)

: a draped female figure supporting an entablature caryatids or caryatides

miracle drug (n)

: a drug usually newly discovered that elicits a dramatic response in a patient's condition : WONDER DRUG

last hurrah (n)

: a final often valedictory effort, production, or appearance his unsuccessful Senate run was his last hurrah — R. W. Daly

semiotics (n)

: a general philosophical theory of signs and symbols that deals especially with their function in both artificially constructed and natural languages and comprises syntactics, semantics, and pragmatics

Maecenas (n)

: a generous patron especially of literature or art

red carpet (n)

: a greeting or reception marked by ceremonial courtesy —usually used in the phrase roll out the red carpet

blunder (n)

: a gross error or mistake resulting usually from stupidity, ignorance, or carelessness a costly tactical blunder

motor pool (n)

: a group of motor vehicles centrally controlled (as by a governmental agency) and dispatched for use as needed

value judgment (n)

: a judgment assigning a value (such as good or bad) to something

master key (n)

: a key designed to open several different locks

monarch butterfly (n)

: a large migratory American butterfly (Danaus plexippus) that has orange-brown wings with black veins and borders and a larva that feeds on milkweed

lettre de cachet (n)

: a letter bearing an official seal and usually authorizing imprisonment without trial of a named person lettres de cachet

chain letter (n)

: a letter sent to several persons with a request that each send copies of the letter to an equal number of persons

litterateur (n)

: a literary person especially : a professional writer

country mile (n)

: a long distance

magneto (n)

: a magnetoelectric machine especially : an alternator with permanent magnets used to generate current for the ignition in an internal combustion engine magnetos

Mr. Right (n)

: a man who would make the perfect husband

apostrophe (n)

: a mark ' used to indicate the omission of letters or figures, the possessive case (as in John's book), or the plural of letters or figures (as in the 1960's) In the contraction can't, the apostrophe replaces two of the letters in the word cannot.. : the addressing of a usually absent person or a usually personified thing rhetorically Carlyle's O Liberty, what things are done in thy name! is an example of apostrophe.

diacritic (n)

: a mark near or through an orthographic or phonetic character or combination of characters indicating a phonetic value different from that given the unmarked or otherwise marked element diacritic table

maestro (n)

: a master usually in an art especially : an eminent composer, conductor, or teacher of music maestros or maestri

miser (n)

: a mean grasping person a miser cackling over unexpected treasure — R. T. Peterson especially : one who is extremely stingy with money a miser who inherited a fortune but lives in a shanty

moment of inertia (n)

: a measure of the resistance of a body to angular acceleration about a given axis that is equal to the sum of the products of each element of mass in the body and the square of the element's distance from the axis

mental age (n)

: a measure used in psychological testing that expresses an individual's mental attainment in terms of the number of years it takes an average child to reach the same level

minuteman (n)

: a member of a group of men pledged to take up arms at a minute's notice during and immediately before the American Revolution

melancholia (n)

: a mental condition and especially a manic-depressive condition characterized by extreme depression, bodily complaints, and often hallucinations and delusions

armament (n)

: a military or naval force 2a : the aggregate of a nation's military strength b : WEAPONS, ARMS 3 : the process of preparing for war

major depressive disorder (n)

: a mood disorder having a clinical course involving one or more episodes of serious psychological depression lasting two or more weeks each with no intervening episodes of mania

matinee (n)

: a musical or dramatic performance or social or public event held in the daytime and especially the afternoon The Saturday matinee was so crowded that we had to sit in the second row.

master race (n)

: a people held to be racially preeminent and hence fitted to rule or enslave other peoples

millennial (n)

: a person born in the 1980s or 1990s —usually plural

locksmith (n)

: a person who makes or repairs locks

hyphenate (n)

: a person who performs more than one function (such as a producer-director in filmmaking)

applecart (n)

: a plan, system, situation, or undertaking that may be disrupted or terminated upset the applecart

toxin (n)

: a poisonous substance that is a specific product of the metabolic activities of a living organism and is usually very unstable, notably toxic when introduced into the tissues, and typically capable of inducing antibody formation

major party (n)

: a political party having electoral strength sufficient to permit it to win control of a government usually with comparative regularity and when defeated to constitute the principal opposition to the party in power

mind game (n)

: a psychological tactic used to manipulate or intimidate —usually used in plural played mind games with his opponent

housing project (n)

: a publicly supported and administered housing development planned usually for low-income families

lapis lazuli (n)

: a semiprecious stone that is usually rich azure blue and is essentially a complex silicate often with spangles of pyrites — called also lapis

chantey (n)

: a song sung by sailors in rhythm with their work chanty or shanty;chanteys or chanties or shanties

lunar module (n)

: a space vehicle module designed to carry astronauts from the command module to the surface of the moon and back — called also lunar excursion module

Monroe Doctrine (n)

: a statement of U.S. foreign policy expressing opposition to extension of European control or influence in the western hemisphere

Markov process (n)

: a stochastic process (such as Brownian motion) that resembles a Markov chain except that the states are continuous also : MARKOV CHAIN — called also Markoff process

mum (n)

: a strong ale or beer chiefly British spelling of mom : chrysanthemum

luminism (n)

: a theory or practice of realist landscape and seascape painting developed in the U.S. in the mid-19th century and concerned with the study and depiction of effects of light and atmosphere

hundred-percenter (n)

: a thoroughgoing nationalist

minesweeper (n)

: a warship for removing or neutralizing mines by dragging

Hyacinthus (n)

: a youth loved and accidentally killed by Apollo who memorializes him with a hyacinth growing from the youth's blood

chandelle (n)

: an abrupt climbing turn of an airplane in which the momentum of the plane is used to attain a higher rate of climb

silent treatment (n)

: an act of completely ignoring a person or thing by resort to silence especially as a means of expressing contempt or disapproval

headphone (n)

: an earphone held over the ear by a band worn on the head —usually plural So for the gamer to gain that edge, he must have the best mouse, the smoothest mouse pad or the most sensitive headphones. — Chris Yong Strapping on cushy headphones the size of loaves of bread, I'd repeatedly listen to Mingus' Goodbye Pork Pie Hat and the music of artists such as Jelly Roll Morton and Billie Holiday. — Robert Wilder also : a small earphone inserted into the ear : EARBUD in-ear headphones headphones

fuse (n)

: an electrical safety device consisting of or including a wire or strip of fusible metal that melts and interrupts the circuit when the current exceeds a particular amperage 1 : a continuous train of a combustible substance enclosed in a cord or cable for setting off an explosive charge by transmitting fire to it 2 or less commonly fuze : a mechanical or electrical detonating device for setting off the bursting charge of a projectile, bomb, or torpedo

superwoman (n)

: an exceptional woman especially : a woman who succeeds in having a career and raising a family

superorgasm (n)

: an exceptionally powerful or pleasurable orgasm an article with tips on achieving the elusive superorgasm Not only is there a desperate search for orgasm, but more—superorgasm, ecstasy, peak experiences.— Richard Farson superorgasms

proclivity (n)

: an inclination or predisposition toward something especially : a strong inherent inclination toward something objectionable

anima (n)

: an individual's true inner self that in the analytic psychology of C. G. Jung reflects archetypal ideals of conduct also : an inner feminine part of the male personality — compare ANIMUS, PERSONA

Proteus (n)

: any of a genus (Proteus) of aerobic usually motile enterobacteria that include saprophytes in decaying organic matter and a common causative agent (P. mirabilis) of urinary tract infections : a Greek sea god capable of assuming different forms protei

mynah (n)

: any of various Asian starlings (especially genera Acridotheres, Gracula, and Sturnus) especially : a dark brown slightly crested bird (A. tristis) of southeastern Asia with a white tail tip and wing markings and bright yellow bill and feet — compare HILL MYNAH

long division (n)

: arithmetical division in which the several steps involved in the division are indicated in detail

anti-art (n)

: art based on premises antithetical to traditional or popular art forms specifically : DADA

hypnopompic (adj)

: associated with the semiconsciousness preceding waking hypnopompic illusions

microblogging (n)

: blogging done with severe space or size constraints typically by posting frequent brief messages about personal activities

monounsaturated (adj)

: containing one double or triple bond per molecule —used especially of an oil, fat, or fatty acid — compare POLYUNSATURATED

dilapidated (adj)

: decayed, deteriorated, or fallen into partial ruin especially through neglect or misuse a dilapidated old house

secretive (adj)

: disposed to secrecy : not open or outgoing in speech, activity, or purposes

motile (adj)

: exhibiting or capable of movement

mean-spirited (adj)

: exhibiting or characterized by meanness of spirit

hyperbole (n)

: extravagant exaggeration (such as mile-high ice-cream cones)

sumptuous (adj)

: extremely costly, rich, luxurious, or magnificent sumptuous banquets a sumptuous residence also : MAGNIFICENT sense 4

ultracompetitive (adj)

: extremely or extraordinarily competitive : SUPERCOMPETITIVE ultracompetitive siblings an ultracompetitive profession/market ultracompetitive prices

hyperrationality (n)

: extremely rational Would a secular, hyperrational country facing this same array of threats have acted differently? — Fareed Zakaria Work was supposed to be a hyperrational realm of logic, filled with timetables, organizational charts and returns on investment. — Anne Kreamer hyper-rational

metafiction (n)

: fiction which refers to or takes as its subject fictional writing and its conventions

meddlesome (adj)

: given to meddling

supersized (adj)

: greatly increased in size beyond what is usual : extremely large in size or amount a supersized portion/drink ... hopes to show kids that there's an alternative to the nutritional wasteland of supersized fries and 32-ounce sodas. — Cynthia Graber ... the highly lucrative practice of seeking supersized commissions from IPO customers ... — Peter Elkind et al.

hard-pressed (adj)

: hard put also : being under financial strain

heinous (adj)

: hatefully or shockingly evil : ABOMINABLE

self-hate (n)

: hatred directed toward oneself rather than toward others : SELF-HATRED Humans need self-love, not self-hate, but when you have a disorder which makes you anti-social, it's hard to be kind to yourself. —Jo Challacombe

vallate (adj)

: having a raised edge surrounding a depression vallate papillae of the tongue

musky (adj)

: having an odor of or resembling musk muskier; muskiest

multilayered (adj)

: having or involving several distinct layers, strata, or levels

multimodal (adj)

: having or involving several modes, modalities, or maxima multimodal distributions multimodal therapy

lightning (adj)

: having or moving with or as if with the speed and suddenness of lightning a lightning assault

poised (adj)

: having poise: a : marked by balance or equilibrium b : marked by easy composure of manner or bearing

self-hypnosis (n)

: hypnosis of oneself : AUTOHYPNOSIS performed self-hypnosis for relaxation —often used before another noun self-hypnosis techniques a self-hypnosis class/recording

lightly (adv.)

: in a light manner: such as a : with little weight or force : GENTLY b : with indifference or carelessness : UNCONCERNEDLY the problem should not be passed over lightly — Shelly Halpern c : with little difficulty : EASILY d : GAILY, CHEERFULLY e : in an agile manner : NIMBLY, SWIFTLY the cat leapt lightly onto the table f : in a small degree or amount lightly salted food

head over heels (adv)

: in or as if in a somersault : HELTER-SKELTER b : UPSIDE DOWN 2 : very much : DEEPLY head over heels in love

despite (prep)

: in spite of played despite an injury

thataway (adv)

: in that direction

appalling (adj)

: inspiring horror, dismay, or disgust living under appalling conditions appalling savagery

transracial (adj)

: involving, encompassing, or extending across two or more races transracial adoption

discontent (n)

: lack of satisfaction with one's possessions, status, or situation : lack of contentment: a : a sense of grievance : dissatisfaction the winter of our discontent— William Shakespeare b : restless aspiration (see aspiration sense 1a) for improvement

halfhearted (adj)

: lacking heart, spirit, or interest a half-hearted effort halfhearted applause

suboptimal (adj)

: less than optimal : not at the best possible level suboptimal performance suboptimal conditions/results/solutions received suboptimal care ... such is life at the sharp end of evolution, where the pursuit of self-interest frequently leads to suboptimal outcomes for all concerned. — The Economist Training at sub-optimal levels fatigues you and wastes time you could have spent at the high levels you hope to achieve.— Rick Crawford

vagarious (adj)

: marked by vagaries : CAPRICIOUS, WHIMSICAL

loco (adj)

: mentally disordered : crazy, frenzied

morning sickness (n)

: nausea and vomiting that occurs typically in the morning especially during the earlier months of pregnancy

picayune (adj)

: of little value : PALTRY also : PETTY, SMALL-MINDED

draconic (adj)

: of or relating to a dragon : DRACONIAN

hard-edge (adj)

: of or relating to abstract painting characterized by geometric forms with clearly defined boundaries

prompt (adj)

: of or relating to prompting actors

referential (adj)

: of, containing, or constituting a reference especially : pointing to or involving a referent referential language referential meaning

Wagnerian (adj)

: of, relating to, characteristic, or suggestive of Wagner or his music, stage operas, or theories

rubber-chicken (adj)

: of, relating to, or being a series of social gatherings (such as fund-raising dinners) at which speeches are given the rubber-chicken circuit

double-blind (adj)

: of, relating to, or being an experimental procedure in which neither the subjects nor the experimenters know which subjects are in the test and control groups during the actual course of the experiments — compare OPEN-LABEL, SINGLE-BLIND

Markovian (adj)

: of, relating to, or resembling a Markov process or Markov chain especially by having probabilities defined in terms of transition from the possible existing states to other states

mousy (adj)

: of, relating to, or resembling a mouse: such as a : QUIET, STEALTHY b : TIMID, RETIRING c : grayish brown mousier; mousiest

marmoreal (adj)

: of, relating to, or suggestive of marble or a marble statue especially in coldness or aloofness

costar (n)

: one of two or more main performers who star in a motion picture, play, etc. ... the star seems more relaxed and confident, and there's a bracing snap to the byplay between him and his costars. —Mark Harris

sleeping giant (n)

: one that has great but unrealized or newly emerging power

centenarian (n)

: one that is 100 years old or older

subsidiary (n)

: one that is subsidiary especially : a company wholly controlled by another subsidiaries

marcher (n)

: one who inhabits a border region : one that marches especially : one that marches for a specific cause a peace marcher

loan shark (n)

: one who lends money to individuals at exorbitant rates of interest

self-confession (n)

: open acknowledgment : AVOWAL

semiempirical (adj)

: partly empirical especially : involving assumptions, approximations, or generalizations designed to simplify calculation or to yield a result in accord with observation

downbeat (adj)

: pessimistic, gloomy a downbeat assessment

Legionnaires' disease (n)

: pneumonia that is caused by a bacterium (Legionella pneumophila), is characterized initially by symptoms resembling influenza (as malaise, headache, and muscular aches) followed by high fever, cough, diarrhea, severe pneumonia, and mental confusion, and that may be fatal especially in elderly and immunocompromised individuals Legionnaire's disease

basipetal (adj)

: proceeding from the apex toward the base or from above downward basipetal maturation of an inflorescence

telesis (n)

: progress that is intelligently planned and directed : the attainment of desired ends by the application of intelligent human effort to the means

suspect (adj)

: regarded or deserving to be regarded with suspicion : suspected investigates suspect employees 2 : doubtful, questionable whose skills are suspect— Peter Vecsey

crapshoot (n)

: something (such as a business venture) that has an unpredictable outcome

closed book (n)

: something beyond comprehension : ENIGMA

smoke and mirrors (n)

: something intended to disguise or draw attention away from an often embarrassing or unpleasant issue —usually hyphenated when used attributively

deviant (adj)

: straying or deviating especially from an accepted norm (see NORM sense 2) deviant behavior

subaudition (n)

: the act of understanding or supplying something not expressed : a reading between the lines

vérité (n)

: the art or technique of filming something (such as a motion picture) so as to convey candid realism

digital divide (n)

: the economic, educational, and social inequalities between those who have computers and online access and those who do not

lifework (n)

: the entire or principal work of one's lifetime also : a work extending over a lifetime

Montague (n)

: the family of Romeo in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

spelunking (n)

: the hobby or practice of exploring caves

downtown (n)

: the lower part of a city or town also : the main business district or central part of a city or town

mora (n)

: the minimal unit of measure in quantitative verse equivalent to the time of an average short syllable morae moras

local color (n)

: the presentation of the features and peculiarities of a particular locality and its inhabitants in writing

sobriety (n)

: the quality or state of being sober

standard error (n)

: the standard deviation of the probability function or probability density function of a random variable and especially of a statistic specifically : the standard error of the mean of a sample from a population with a normal distribution that is equal to the standard deviation of the normal distribution divided by the square root of the sample size

Hawthorne effect (n)

: the stimulation to output or accomplishment that results from the mere fact of being under observation also : such an increase in output or accomplishment

relatively (adv)

: to a relative degree or extent : SOMEWHAT a relatively small group of people relatively cool weather The house is relatively new. relatively speaking 1 : when compared to others that are similar The procedure was quick, relatively speaking. Relatively speaking, the movie wasn't bad.> 2 —used to say that something is true or correct as a general statement even if it is not entirely true or correct The trip was, relatively speaking, a disaster.

muddle through (v)

: to achieve a degree of success without much planning or effort

sulk (v)

: to be moodily silent sulked; sulking; sulks

stew (v)

: to boil slowly or with simmering heat intransitive verb 1 : to become cooked by stewing 2 : to swelter especially from confinement in a hot or stuffy atmosphere 3 : to be in a state of suppressed agitation, worry, or resentment stewed; stewing; stews

hyperventilate (v)

: to breathe rapidly and deeply : undergo hyperventilation hyperventilated; hyperventilating; hyperventilates

leer (v)

: to cast a sidelong glance especially : to give a leer Some female employees complained that they were being leered at by male employees. leered; leering; leers

posture (v)

: to cause to assume a given posture : POSE intransitive verb 1 : to assume a posture especially : to strike a pose for effect 2 : to assume an artificial or pretended attitude : ATTITUDINIZE postured; posturing

derogate (v)

: to cause to seem inferior : disparage derogating another's achievements 1 : to take away a part so as to impair : detract ... a few instances of inaccuracy or mediocrity can never derogate from the superlative merit of Homer and Vergil ...— Oliver Goldsmith 2 : to act beneath one's position or character derogated; derogating

link (v)

: to couple or connect by or as if by a link intransitive verb : to become connected by or as if by a link —often used with up the band linked up with a new record label linked; linking; links

propel (v)

: to drive forward or onward by or as if by means of a force that imparts motion propelled; propelling

horse around (v)

: to engage in horseplay horse around together, joking and laughing and pushing each other — D. K. Shipler also : FOOL AROUND sense 1

matriculate (v)

: to enroll as a member of a body and especially of a college or university : to be enrolled at a college or university She matriculated at the state university. matriculated; matriculating

resist (v)

: to exert force in opposition transitive verb 1 : to exert oneself so as to counteract or defeat he resisted temptation 2 : to withstand the force or effect of material that resists heat resisted; resisting; resists

conglomerate (v)

: to gather into a mass or coherent whole Infinite numbers of dull people conglomerated round her ... — Virginia Woolf transitive verb : ACCUMULATE conglomerated; conglomerating

roll out (v)

: to get out of bed : to introduce (something, such as a new product) especially for widespread sale to the public

hand it to (phrase)

: to give credit to : concede the excellence of I have to hand it to him. He did a wonderful job.

hanker (v)

: to have a strong or persistent desire : YEARN —often used with for or after hankered; hankering

lust (v)

: to have an intense desire or need : CRAVE specifically : to have a sexual urge lusted; lusting; lusts

misidentify (v)

: to identify (someone or something) incorrectly ... a coroner apparently misidentified the bullet he removed from the victim, stating that its caliber differed from that of the bullet entered as evidence against the known shooter. — David Fisher While examining the American Museum's collection, I came across a mongoose specimen that was clearly misidentified. — W. Chris Wozencraft misidentified; misidentifying

meddle (v)

: to interest oneself in what is not one's concern : interfere without right or propriety (see PROPRIETY sense 3) I never meddle in other people's private affairs — G. B. Shaw meddled; meddling

refrain (v)

: to keep oneself from doing, feeling, or indulging in something and especially from following a passing impulse refrained from having dessert refrained; refraining; refrains

vaunt (v)

: to make a vain display of one's own worth or attainments : BRAG transitive verb : to call attention to pridefully and often boastfully people who vaunt their ingenuity vaunted; vaunting; vaunts

mark down (v)

: to put a lower price on

retaliate (v)

: to repay in kind retaliate an injury intransitive verb : to return like for like especially : to get revenge retaliated; retaliating

revive (v)

: to return to consciousness or life : become active or flourishing again transitive verb 1 : to restore to consciousness or life 2 : to restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state : bring back 3 : to renew in the mind or memory revived; reviving

hydroplane (v)

: to skim on water especially, of a vehicle : to skid on a wet surface (such as pavement) because a film of water on the surface causes the tires to lose contact with it hydroplaned; hydroplaning; hydroplanes

á outrance (adv)

: to the limit : UNSPARINGLY

roughhouse (v)

: to treat in a boisterously rough manner : to engage in roughhouse roughhoused; roughhousing

head off (v)

: to turn back or turn aside : block, prevent head them off at the pass attempts to head off the imminent crisis

medicalize (v)

: to view or treat as a medical concern, problem, or disorder those who seek to dispose of social problems by medicalizing them — Liam Hudson medicalized; medicalizing

hyperurbanism (n)

: use of hypercorrect forms in language also : such a form

laudable (adj)

: worthy of praise : COMMENDABLE She has shown a laudable devotion to her children.

bare bones (n)

a bare bones version. including only what is most basic or necessary a bare-bones e-mail program Skyscrapers of steel hung with curtain walls of glass, these sleek buildings were impressive monuments to bare-bones architectural integrity. —C. A. Mills

perfectionism (n)

a bit of a perfectionist. 1 a : the doctrine that the perfection of moral character constitutes a person's highest good b : the theological doctrine that a state of freedom from sin is attainable on earth 2 : a disposition to regard anything short of perfection as unacceptable — perfectionist noun or adjective — perfectionistic

flashy (adj)

a flashy display. flashier; flashiest 1 chiefly dialectal : lacking in substance or flavor : insipid 2 : momentarily dazzling 3 a : superficially attractive or impressive b : ostentatious or showy often beyond the bounds of good taste; especially : marked by gaudy brightness — flashily play \ˈfla-shə-lē\ adverb — flashiness

radio galaxy (n)

a galaxy that is a powerful source of radio waves

Paul Bunyan (n)

a giant lumberjack of American folklore

gigantic (adj)

a gigantic impact. exceeding the usual or expected (as in size, force, or prominence) — gigantically

godlike (adj)

a godlike presence. : resembling or having the qualities of God or a god : DIVINE

grab bag (n)

a grab bag of... 1 : a receptacle (such as a bag) containing small articles which are to be drawn (as at a party or fair) without being seen 2 : a miscellaneous collection : potpourri

gratify (v)

a gratifying outcome. 1 archaic : remunerate, reward 2 : to be a source of or give pleasure or satisfaction to it gratified him to have his wife wear jewels —Willa Cather 3 : to give in to : indulge, satisfy gratify a whim

grouchy (adj)

a grouchy mood. : given to grumbling : PEEVISH

hard-hitting (adj)

a hard-hitting truth. strikingly effective in force or result a hard-hitting exposé plain hard-hitting English

hierarchical (adj)

a hierarchical corporate structure. of, relating to, or arranged in a hierarchy a hierarchical society a hierarchical order in the church — hierarchically

history (n)

a historical perspective. 1 : TALE, STORY 2a : a chronological record of significant events (such as those affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of their causes a history of Japan b : a treatise presenting systematically related natural phenomena (as of geography, animals, or plants) an illustrated history of North American birds c : an account of a patient's medical background reviewing her medical history d : an established record a prisoner with a history of violence 3 : a branch of knowledge that records and explains past events medieval history 4a : events that form the subject matter of a history the history of space exploration b : events of the past History has shown that such efforts rarely succeed. c : one that is finished or done for the winning streak was history you're history d : previous treatment, handling, or experience (as of a metal) a history of repeated exposure to freezing temperatures

abode (n)

a humble abode. 1 : the place where one lives : home were reluctant to leave their lifelong abode Welcome to my humble abode. 2 : a temporary stay : sojourn ... if any such dares to continue his abode in a family where his coming was an unauthorized intrusion ... —Walter Scott 3 obsolete : wait, delay

knee-jerk (adj)

a knee-jerk reaction. readily predictable : automatic knee-jerk reactions; also, disapproving : reacting in a readily predictable way The man was such a bleeding-heart knee-jerk liberal that you could predict the rest of the column after reading the first sentence. —Andrew M. Greeley

landmark (n)

a landmark achievement. 1 : an object (such as a stone or tree) that marks the boundary of land 2 a : a conspicuous object on land that marks a locality b : an anatomical structure used as a point of orientation in locating other structures 3 : an event or development that marks a turning point or a stage 4 : a structure (such as a building) of unusual historical and usually aesthetic interest; especially : one that is officially designated and set aside for preservation

lateral (adj)

a lateral move. 1 : of or relating to the side a lateral view 2 : situated on, directed toward, or coming from the side the lateral branches of a tree 3 : extending from side to side the lateral axis of an airplane 4 phonetics : produced with passage of breath around the side of a constriction formed with the tongue \l\ is lateral — laterally adverb

lofty (adj)

a lofty goal/ambition. loftier; loftiest 1 a : elevated in character and spirit : noble lofty ideals b : elevated in status : superior the less lofty customers of the bar 2 : having a haughty overbearing manner : supercilious She showed a lofty disregard for their objections. 3 a : rising to a great height : impressively high lofty mountains b : remote, esoteric basic precepts are not lofty abstractions far removed from matters of daily living —D. D. Eisenhower 4 : having full-bodied, firm, and resilient textile fibers lofty flannel — loftily play \ˈlȯf-tə-lē\ adverb — loftiness

threshold (n)

a low threshold. 1 : the plank, stone, or piece of timber that lies under a door : SILL 2a : GATE, DOOR b(1) : END, BOUNDARY specifically : the end of a runway (2) : the place or point of entering or beginning : OUTSET on the threshold of a new age 3a : the point at which a physiological or psychological effect begins to be produced has a high threshold for pain b : a level, point, or value above which something is true or will take place and below which it is not or will not

manipulate (v)

a manipulative personality. manipulated; manipulating transitive verb 1 : to treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner manipulate a pencil manipulate a machine 2 a : to manage or utilize skillfully quantify our data and manipulate it statistically —S. L. Payne b : to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage being used and manipulated by the knowing men around him —New Republic 3 : to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one's purpose : doctor suspected that the police reports were manipulated —Evelyn G. Cruickshanks — manipulatable adjective — manipulation noun — manipulative adjective — manipulatively adverb — manipulativeness noun — manipulator noun — manipulatory

meaningful (adj)

a meaningful way. 1 a : having a meaning or purpose The tests did not produce any meaningful results. b : full of meaning : significant a meaningful life a meaningful relationship 2 : having an assigned function in a language system meaningful propositions — meaningfully play \-fə-lē\ adverb — meaningfulness noun

myriad (n)

a myriad of... 1 : ten thousand 2 : a great number a myriad of ideas

nervous (adj)

a nervous wreck. 1 archaic : SINEWY, STRONG 2 : marked by strength of thought, feeling, or style : SPIRITED a vibrant tight-packed nervous style of writing 3 : of, relating to, or composed of neurons 4a : of or relating to the nerves also : originating in or affected by the nerves nervous energy a nervous twitch b : easily excited or irritated : JUMPY ... so nervous that he had to be escorted outside court to vomit ... —Kevin Johnson and Andrea Stone c : TIMID, APPREHENSIVE a nervous smile nervous of strangers 5a : tending to produce nervousness or agitation : UNEASY a nervous situation His face was twisted in nervous anticipation. —Dagoberto Gilb b : appearing or acting unsteady, erratic, or irregular —used of inanimate things ... climbed carefully into his nervous kayak ... —Farley Mowat

lease (n)

a new lease on life. 1 : a contract by which one conveys real estate, equipment, or facilities for a specified term and for a specified rent took out a five-year lease on the house; also : the act of such conveyance or the term for which it is made 2 : a piece of land or property that is leased 3 : a continuance or opportunity for continuance a new lease on life

page (n)

a page out of ____'s book. 1 a : one of the leaves of a publication or manuscript; also : a single side of one of these leaves b : the material printed or written on a page 2 a : the block of information found at a single World Wide Web address b : a sizable subdivision of computer memory; also : a block of information that fills a page and can be transferred as a unit between the internal and external storage of a computer 3 a : a noteworthy event or period b : a written record

paltry (adj)

a paltry offering. paltrier; paltriest 1 : inferior, trashy built paltry houses unfit for occupancy 2 : mean, despicable a paltry trick 3 : trivial a paltry excuse they in their greatness don't have to bother with such paltry restrictions —Vanessa Feltz 4 : meager, measly made a paltry donation Sales have increased by a paltry two percent. — paltriness noun

passion (n)

a passion for... 1 often capitalized a : the sufferings of Christ between the night of the Last Supper and his death b : an oratorio based on a gospel narrative of the Passion Bach's St. Matthew Passion 2 obsolete : suffering 3 : the state or capacity of being acted on by external agents or forces moldable and not moldable ... and many other passions of matter —Francis Bacon 4 a (1) : emotion his ruling passion is greed (2) passions plural : the emotions as distinguished from reason a study of the passions b : intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction with enough passion to make a great poet —W. B. Yeats c : an outbreak of anger a crime of passion 5 a : ardent affection : love He had never felt such passion for any woman but her. b : a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept a passion for chess a passion for opera c : sexual desire a look of passion in her face d : an object of desire or deep interest

bottleneck (n)

a productivity bottleneck. : NARROW bottleneck harbors

take off (v)

about to take off. 1 : REMOVE take your shoes off 2a : to take or allow as a discount : DEDUCT took 10 percent off b : to spend (a period of time) away from a usual occupation or activity took two weeks off c : RELEASE take the brake off d : DISCONTINUE, WITHDRAW took off the morning train 3 slang : ROB intransitive verb 1a : to start off or away often suddenly : SET OUT, DEPART took off for her trip b : to leave the surface : begin flight c : to spring into wide use or popularity d(1) : to branch off (as from a main stream or stem) (2) : to take a point of origin e : to begin a leap or spring f : to embark on rapid activity, development, or growth 2 : to take away : DETRACT

absent (adj)

absent minded. 1 : not present at a usual or expected place : missing was absent from class today sharing memories of absent friends She was conspicously absent [=her absence was very noticeable] at the meeting. 2 : not existing : lacking ... danger in a situation where power is absent ... —M. H. Trytten a gene that occurs in mammals but is absent in birds 3 : showing a lack of attention to what is happening or being said : not attentive had an absent look on her face an absent reply — absently adverb He replied absently to her question.

afflict (v)

afflict with... afflicted; afflicting; afflicts transitive verb 1 a : to cause pain or suffering to : to distress so severely as to cause persistent suffering or anguish people afflicted with arthritis a region afflicted by hunger and poverty b : trouble, injure 2 obsolete a : humble b : overthrow

ironclad (adj)

an ironclad argument. 1 : sheathed in iron armor —used especially of naval vessels 2 : so firm or secure as to be unbreakable: such as a : binding an ironclad oath b : having no obvious weakness an ironclad case against the defendant

generalization (n)

broad generalizations. 1 : the act or process of generalizing 2 : a general statement, law, principle, or proposition made broad generalizations about women 3 : the act or process whereby a learned response is made to a stimulus similar to but not identical with the conditioned stimulus

boring (adj)

causing weariness and restlessness through lack of interest : causing boredom : tiresome a boring lecture — boringly adverb — boringness noun

channel (v)

channel energy. channeled or channelled; channeling or channelling transitive verb 1 a : to form, cut, or wear a channel in The river channeled a new course. b : to make a groove in channel a chair leg 2 : to convey or direct into or through a channel channel his energy into useful work 3 : to serve as a channeler or intermediary for a 35,000-year-old female channeled by a 40-year-old housewife

listless (adj)

characterized by lack of interest, energy, or spirit a listless melancholy attitude — listlessly adverb — listlessness noun

faze (v)

doesn't faze me. : to disturb the composure of : DISCONCERT, DAUNT Nothing fazed her. Criticism did not seem to faze the writer

depressed (adj)

feeling depressed. 1 : low in spirits : SAD especially : affected by psychological depression 2a : vertically flattened a depressed cactus b : having the central part lower than the margin c : lying flat or prostrate d : dorsoventrally flattened 3 : suffering from economic depression especially : UNDERPRIVILEGED 4 : being below the standard

indignant (adj)

feeling or showing anger because of something unjust or unworthy : filled with or marked by indignation became indignant at the accusation — indignantly adverb

finality (n)

finality of death. plural finalities 1 a : the character or condition of being final, settled, irrevocable, or complete b : the condition of being at an ultimate point especially of development or authority 2 : something final; especially : a fundamental fact, action, or belief

get-go (n)

from the get-go. : the very beginning —used in the phrase from the get-go didn't like me from the get-go

gear up (v)

gearing up for... to get ready are gearing up for the big game

adventure (n)

go on an adventure. 1 a : an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks a book recounting his many bold adventures b : the encountering of risks the spirit of adventure 2 : an exciting or remarkable experience an adventure in exotic dining They were looking for adventure. 3 : an enterprise involving financial risk wanted to pay off her debts before embarking on any new financial adventures

holding pattern (n)

in a holding pattern. 1 : the usually oval course flown (as over an airport) by aircraft awaiting clearance especially to land 2 : a state of waiting or suspended activity or progress

nutshell (n)

in a nutshell... 1 : the hard external covering in which the kernel of a nut is enclosed 2 : something of small size, amount, or scope in a nutshell : in a very brief statement

indurate (v)

indurate resolve. physically or morally hardened

interconnected (adj)

interconnected issues. 1 : mutually joined or related interconnected highways interconnected political issues 2 : having internal connections between the parts or elements

lionize (v)

lionized; lionizing transitive verb : to treat as an object of great interest or importance — lionization play \ˌlī-ə-nə-ˈzā-shən\ noun — lionizer

microscopic (adj)

microscopic changes. 1 : resembling a microscope especially in perception 2 a : invisible or indistinguishable without the use of a microscope b : very small or fine or precise 3 : of, relating to, or conducted with the microscope or microscopy — microscopically

misread (v)

misread the situation. misread play \-ˈred\; misreading play \-ˈrē-diŋ\ transitive verb 1 : to read incorrectly 2 : to misinterpret in or as if in reading totally misread the lesson of history —Christopher Hollis

naysayer (n)

one who denies, refuses, opposes, or is skeptical or cynical about something There are always naysayers who say it can't be done. — nay-saying

maven (n)

one who is experienced or knowledgeable : expert a language maven policy mavens computer mavens; also : freak 4a

Micawber (n)

one who is poor but lives in optimistic expectation of better fortune — Micawberish

orchestrate (v)

orchestrate a plan. orchestrated; orchestrating transitive verb 1 a : to compose or arrange (music) for an orchestra The composer orchestrated the music for the symphony orchestra. b : to provide with orchestration orchestrate a ballet 2 : to arrange or combine so as to achieve a desired or maximum effect orchestrated preparations for the banquet a carefully orchestrated stunt — orchestrator or less commonly orchestrater play \ˈȯr-kə-ˌstrā-tər\ noun

palmary (adj)

outstanding, best

perfect (v)

perfecting a skill. 1 a : being entirely without fault or defect : flawless a perfect diamond b : satisfying all requirements : accurate c : corresponding to an ideal standard or abstract concept a perfect gentleman d : faithfully reproducing the original; specifically : letter-perfect e : legally valid 2 : expert, proficient practice makes perfect 3 a : pure, total b : lacking in no essential detail : complete c obsolete : sane d : absolute, unequivocal enjoys perfect happiness e : of an extreme kind : unmitigated a perfect brat an act of perfect foolishness 4 obsolete : mature 5 : of, relating to, or constituting a verb form or verbal that expresses an action or state completed at the time of speaking or at a time spoken of 6 obsolete a : certain, sure b : contented, satisfied 7 of a musical interval : belonging to the consonances unison, fourth, fifth, and octave which become augmented or diminished when raised or lowered by a half step 8 a : sexually mature and fully differentiated a perfect insect b : having both stamens and pistils in the same flower a perfect flower — perfectness noun

sandwich (v)

sandwiched between two extremes. 1 : to make into or as if into a sandwich especially : to insert or enclose between usually two things of another quality or character 2 : to make a place for —often used with in or between

high and low (adv)

searching high and low. everywhere

cognitive (adj)

strong cognitive skills. 1 : of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity (such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering) cognitive impairment 2 : based on or capable of being reduced to empirical factual knowledge — cognitively adverb

mere (adj)

superlative merest 1 : being nothing more than a mere mortal a mere hint of spice 2 : having no admixture (see admixture 2) : pure 3 obsolete : being nothing less than : absolute — merely adverb

least (adv.)

superlative of LITTLE ENTRY 2 : in the smallest or lowest degree

aftershock (n)

the aftershock of... 1 : an aftereffect of a distressing or traumatic event 2 : a minor shock following the main shock of an earthquake

eurythmics (n)

the art of harmonious bodily movement especially through expressive timed movements in response to improvised music

matrix (n)

the matrix. plural matrices play \ˈmā-trə-ˌsēz, ˈma-\ or matrixes play \ˈmā-trik-səz\ 1 : something within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form an atmosphere of understanding and friendliness that is the matrix of peace 2 a : a mold from which a relief (see 1relief 6) surface (such as a piece of type) is made b : die 3a(1) c : an engraved or inscribed die (see 2die 3) or stamp d : an electroformed impression of a phonograph record used for mass-producing duplicates of the original 3 a : the natural material (such as soil or rock) in which something (such as a fossil or crystal) is embedded b : material in which something is enclosed or embedded (as for protection or study) 4 a : the extracellular substance in which tissue cells (as of connective tissue) are embedded b : the thickened epithelium at the base of a fingernail or toenail from which new nail substance develops 5 a : a rectangular array (see 2array 5) of mathematical elements (such as the coefficients (see coefficient 1) of simultaneous (see simultaneous 2) linear equations) that can be combined to form sums and products with similar arrays having an appropriate number of rows and columns b : something resembling a mathematical matrix especially in rectangular arrangement of elements into rows and columns c : an array of circuit elements (such as diodes and transistors) for performing a specific function 6 : a main (see 2main 5) clause that contains a subordinate (see 1subordinate) clause

essence (n)

which, in essence... 1a : the permanent as contrasted with the accidental element of being b : the individual, real, or ultimate nature of a thing especially as opposed to its existence a painting that captures the essence of the land c : the properties or attributes by means of which something can be placed in its proper class or identified as being what it is 2 : the most significant element, quality, or aspect of a thing or person the essence of the issue 3 : one that possesses or exhibits a quality in abundance as if in concentrated form she was the essence of punctuality 4a(1) : a constituent or derivative possessing the special qualities (as of a plant or drug) in concentrated form also : a preparation of such an essence or a synthetic substitute (2) : a volatile substance or constituent (as of perfume) b : ODOR, PERFUME 5 : something that exists : ENTITY in essence : in or by its very nature : ESSENTIALLY, BASICALLY was in essence an honest person of the essence : of the utmost importance time is of the essence

halo (n)

1 : a circle of light appearing to surround the sun or moon and resulting from refraction or reflection of light by ice particles in the atmosphere 2 : something resembling a halo: such as a : NIMBUS b : a region of space surrounding a galaxy that is sparsely populated with luminous objects (such as globular clusters) but is believed to contain a great deal of dark matter c : a differentiated zone surrounding a central zone or object d or halo brace : an orthopedic device used to immobilize the head and neck (as to treat fracture of neck vertebrae) that consists of a metal band placed around the head and fastened to the skull usually with metal pins and that is attached by extensions to an inflexible vest 3 : the aura of glory, veneration, or sentiment surrounding an idealized person or thing halos or haloes

alley (n)

1 : a garden or park walk bordered by trees or bushes 2a(1) : a grassed enclosure for bowling or skittles (2) : a hardwood lane for bowling also : a room or building housing a group of such lanes b : the space on each side of a tennis doubles court between the sideline and the service sideline c : an area in a baseball outfield between two outfielders when they are in normal positions hit a line drive into the alley 3 : a narrow street especially : a thoroughfare through the middle of a block giving access to the rear of lots or buildings 4 : an extensive region where destructive natural phenomena of a specified type (such as tornadoes) occur often or are likely to occur The most obvious tornado alley extends from the plains of northwest Texas eastward into north Texas and then northward across Oklahoma, Kansas, and eastern Nebraska. — Tom Konvicka : a playing marble especially : one of superior quality alleys

pilgrimage (n)

1 : a journey of a pilgrim especially : one to a shrine or a sacred place 2 : the course of life on earth

lane (n)

1 : a narrow passageway between fences or hedges 2 : a relatively narrow way or track: such as a : an ocean route used by or prescribed for ships b : a strip of roadway for a single line of vehicles c : AIR LANE d : any of several parallel courses on a track or swimming pool in which a competitor must stay during a race e : an unmarked lengthwise division of a playing area which defines the playing zone of a particular player f : a narrow hardwood surface having pins at one end and a gutter along each side that is used in bowling g : FREE THROW LANE

conduit (n)

1 : a natural or artificial channel through which something (such as a fluid) is conveyed a conduit for rainwater 2 : a pipe, tube, or tile for protecting electric wires or cables 3 : a means of transmitting or distributing a conduit for illicit payments a conduit of information 4 archaic : FOUNTAIN

alimony (n)

1 : an allowance made to one spouse by the other for support pending or after legal separation or divorce 2 : the means of living : MAINTENANCE

protocol (n)

1 : an original draft, minute, or record of a document or transaction 2a : a preliminary memorandum often formulated and signed by diplomatic negotiators as a basis for a final convention or treaty b : the records or minutes of a diplomatic conference or congress that show officially the agreements arrived at by the negotiators 3a : a code prescribing strict adherence to correct etiquette and precedence (as in diplomatic exchange and in the military services) a breach of protocol b : a set of conventions governing the treatment and especially the formatting of data in an electronic communications system network protocols c : CONVENTION sense 3a,b 4 : a detailed plan of a scientific or medical experiment, treatment, or procedure

apropos (adv)

1 : at an opportune time : SEASONABLY Your letter arrived apropos. 2 : by way of interjection or further comment : with regard to the present topic

mold (n)

1 : crumbling soft friable earth suited to plant growth : SOIL especially : soil rich in humus — compare LEAF MOLD 2 dialectal British a : the surface of the earth : GROUND b : the earth of the burying ground 3 archaic : earth that is the substance of the human body be merciful great Duke to men of mold — William Shakespeare 1 : distinctive nature or character : TYPE 2 : the frame on or around which an object is constructed 3a: a cavity in which a substance is shaped: such as (1) : a matrix for casting metal a bullet mold (2) : a form in which food is given a decorative shape b : a molded object 4 : MOLDING 5a obsolete : an example to be followed b : PROTOTYPE c : a fixed pattern : DESIGN

baleful (adj)

1 : deadly or pernicious in influence baleful effects 2 : foreboding or threatening evil gave him a baleful look

minus (prep)

1 : diminished by : LESS seven minus four is three 2 : deprived of : WITHOUT minus his hat

circuitous (adj)

1 : having a circular or winding course a circuitous route a circuitous journey by snowmobile 2 : not being forthright or direct in language or action a circuitous explanation His circuitous form of logic was mind-boggling.

mannered (adj)

1 : having manners of a specified kind well-mannered 2a : having or displaying a particular manner b : having an artificial or stilted character passages ... so mannered as to be unintelligible— R. G. G. Price

multilateral (adj)

1 : having many sides 2 : involving or participated in by more than two nations or parties multilateral agreements

multistage (adj)

1 : having successive operating stages especially : having propulsion units that operate in turn multistage rockets 2 : conducted by or occurring in stages a multistage investigation

discretionary (adj)

1 : left to individual choice or judgment : exercised at one's own discretion discretionary powers 2 : available for discretionary use discretionary income

amenable (adj)

1 : liable to be brought to account : ANSWERABLE citizens amenable to the law 2a : capable of submission (as to judgment or test) : SUITED The data is amenable to analysis. b : readily brought to yield, submit, or cooperate a government not amenable to change c : WILLING sense 1 was amenable to spending more time at home

infernal (adj)

1 : of or relating to a nether world of the dead 2 a : of or relating to hell b : hellish, diabolical 3 : damnable an infernal nuisance — infernally

proprietary (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of an owner or title holder proprietary rights 2 : used, made, or marketed by one having the exclusive legal right a proprietary process proprietary software 3 : privately owned and managed and run as a profit-making organization a proprietary clinic

repellent (adj)

1 : serving or tending to drive away or ward off —often used in combination a mosquito-repellent spray 2 : arousing aversion or disgust : REPULSIVE

craft (n)

1 : skill in planning, making, or executing : DEXTERITY We have not the strength with which to fight this man; we must ... win, if win we can, by craft. — Jack London 2a : an occupation or trade requiring manual dexterity or artistic skill the carpenter's craft the craft of writing plays crafts such as pottery, carpentry, and sewing He learned the craft as an apprentice. b crafts plural : articles made by craftspeople a store selling crafts a crafts fair 3 : skill in deceiving to gain an end used craft and guile to close the deal 4 : the members of a trade or trade association 5 plural usually craft a : a boat especially of small size b : AIRCRAFT c : SPACECRAFT

anomaly (n)

1 : something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified : something anomalous They regarded the test results as an anomaly. 2 : deviation from the common rule : IRREGULARITY 3 : the angular distance of a planet from its perihelion as seen from the sun anomalies

hypnotic (adj)

1 : tending to produce sleep : soporific 2a : of or relating to hypnosis or hypnotism b : readily holding the attention a hypnotic personality a simple hypnotic beat

annulment (n)

1 : the act of annulling something : the state of being annulled 2 : a judicial or ecclesiastical pronouncement declaring a marriage invalid

living (n)

1 : the condition of being alive 2a : means of subsistence : LIVELIHOOD earning a living b archaic : ESTATE, PROPERTY c British : BENEFICE sense 1 3 : conduct or manner of life the collegiate way of living — J. B. Conant

representationalism (n)

1 : the doctrine that the immediate object of knowledge is an idea in the mind distinct from the external object which is the occasion of perception 2 : the theory or practice of realistic representation in art

muniment (n)

1 : the evidence (such as documents) that enables one to defend the title to an estate or a claim to rights and privileges —usually used in plural 2 archaic : a means of defense

midnight (n)

1 : the middle of the night specifically : 12 o'clock at night 2 : deep or extended darkness or gloom

leadership (n)

1 : the office or position of a leader recently assumed the leadership of the company 2 : capacity to lead a politician who lacks leadership 3 : the act or an instance of leading leadership molds individuals into a team — Harold Koontz & Cyril O'Donnell 4 : LEADERS the party leadership

resort (v)

1 : to go especially frequently or habitually : REPAIR 2 : to have recourse resort to force resorted; resorting; resorts

lump (v)

1 : to group indiscriminately 2 : to make into lumps also : to make lumps on or in 3 : to move noisily and clumsily 1 : to become formed into lumps 2 : to move oneself noisily and clumsily lumped; lumping; lumps

mistrust (v)

1 : to have no trust or confidence in : suspect mistrusted his neighbors 2 : to doubt the truth, validity, or effectiveness of mistrusted his own judgment 3 : surmise your mind mistrusted there was something wrong— Robert Frost : to be suspicious mistrusted; mistrusting; mistrusts

glamorize (v)

1 : to look upon or depict as glamorous : ROMANTICIZE the novel glamorizes war 2 : to make glamorous glamorize the living room

proactive (adj)

1 [ 1pro- ] : relating to, caused by, or being interference between previous learning and the recall or performance of later learning proactive inhibition of memory 2 [ 2pro- + reactive ] : acting in anticipation of future problems, needs, or changes

cell phone (n)

: a portable usually cordless telephone for use in a cellular system

story (n)

1 archaic a : HISTORY sense 1 b : HISTORY sense 3 2a : an account of incidents or events b : a statement regarding the facts pertinent to a situation in question c : ANECDOTE especially : an amusing one 3a : a fictional narrative shorter than a novel specifically : SHORT STORY b : the intrigue or plot of a narrative or dramatic work 4 : a widely circulated rumor 5 : LIE, FALSEHOOD 6 : LEGEND, ROMANCE 7 : a news article or broadcast 8 : MATTER, SITUATION stories

detract (v)

1 archaic : to speak ill of 2 archaic : to take away 3 : DIVERT didn't mean to detract attention from the guest of honor : to diminish the importance, value, or effectiveness of something —often used with from small errors that do not seriously detract from the book

maroon (n)

1 capitalized : a fugitive black slave of the West Indies and Guiana in the 17th and 18th centuries also : a descendant of such a slave 2 : a person who is marooned : a dark red

anything (pron)

: any thing whatever : any such thing

merger (n)

1 law : the absorption of an estate, a contract, or an interest in another, of a minor offense in a greater, or of a cause of action into a judgment 2a : the act or process of merging b : absorption by a corporation of one or more others also : any of various methods of combining two or more organizations (such as business concerns)

derivative (adj)

1 linguistics : formed from another word or base : formed by derivation a derivative word 2 : having parts that originate from another source : made up of or marked by derived elements a derivative philosophy 3 : lacking originality : BANAL a derivative performance a film using a derivative plot device

vagabond (n)

: a person who wanders from place to place without a fixed home : one leading a vagabond life especially : VAGRANT, TRAMP

principle (n)

1a : a comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption b(1) : a rule or code of conduct (2) : habitual devotion to right principles a man of principle c : the laws or facts of nature underlying the working of an artificial device 2 : a primary source : origin 3a : an underlying faculty or endowment such principles of human nature as greed and curiosity b : an ingredient (such as a chemical) that exhibits or imparts a characteristic quality 4 capitalized, Christian Science : a divine principle : god

varnish (n)

1a : a liquid preparation that when applied to a surface dries to form a hard lustrous typically transparent coating b : the covering or glaze given by the application of varnish c(1) : something that suggests varnish by its gloss (2) : a coating (as of deposits in an internal combustion engine) comparable to varnish 2 : outside show : GLOSS entry 1 3 chiefly British : a liquid nail polish

materialism (n)

1a : a theory that physical matter is the only or fundamental reality and that all being and processes and phenomena can be explained as manifestations or results of matter (see matter entry 1 sense 2) scientific materialism b : a doctrine that the only or the highest values or objectives lie in material well-being and in the furtherance of material progress c : a doctrine that economic or social change is materially caused — compare historical materialism 2 : a preoccupation with or stress upon material rather than intellectual or spiritual things materialism, hedonism, and the overriding quest for personal gratification— A. M. Schlesinger, Jr.

must (v)

1a : be commanded or requested to you must stop b : be urged to : ought by all means to you must read that book 2 : be compelled by physical necessity to one must eat to live : be required by immediate or future need or purpose to we must hurry to catch the bus 3a : be obliged to : be compelled by social considerations to I must say you're looking well b : be required by law, custom, or moral conscience (see CONSCIENCE sense 1) to we must obey the rules c : be determined to if you must go at least wait for me d : be unreasonably or perversely compelled to why must you argue 4 : be logically inferred (see INFER sense 1) or supposed to it must be time 5 : be compelled by fate or by natural law to what must be will be 6 : was or were presumably certain to : was or were bound to if he did it she must have known 7 dialect : MAY, SHALL —used chiefly in questions archaic : to be obliged to go I must to Coventry — William Shakespeare must

halcyon (adj)

1a : characterized by happiness, great success, and prosperity : GOLDEN —often used to describe an idyllic time in the past that is remembered as better than today the halcyon days of youth Classics Illustrated have become pricey nostalgia items for those who grew up in the supposedly halcyon years after World War II. —Donna Richardson In those halcyon days of the free trade, the fixed price for carrying a box of tea or bale of tobacco from the coast of Galloway to Edinburgh was fifteen shillings ... —Sir Walter Scott b : CALM, PEACEFUL a halcyon atmosphere c : PROSPEROUS, AFFLUENT 2 : of or relating to the halcyon (see HALCYON entry 2) or its nesting period

muzzy (adj)

1a : deficient in brightness : DULL, GLOOMY a muzzy day b : lacking in clarity and precision his conclusions can be muzzy and naive — The Times Literary Supplement (London) 2 : muddled or confused in mind muzzier; muzziest

moral (adj)

1a : of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior : ETHICAL moral judgments b : expressing or teaching a conception of right behavior a moral poem c : conforming to a standard of right behavior took a moral position on the issue though it cost him the nomination d : sanctioned by or operative on one's conscience or ethical judgment a moral obligation e : capable of right and wrong action a moral agent 2 : probable though not proved : VIRTUAL a moral certainty 3 : perceptual or psychological rather than tangible or practical in nature or effect a moral victory moral support

profound (adj)

1a : having intellectual depth and insight b : difficult to fathom or understand 2a : extending far below the surface b : coming from, reaching to, or situated at a depth : DEEP-SEATED a profound sigh 3a : characterized by intensity of feeling or quality b : all encompassing : COMPLETE profound sleep profound deafness

living (adj)

1a : having life b : ACTIVE, FUNCTIONING living languages 2a : exhibiting the life or motion of nature : NATURAL the wilderness is a living museum ... of natural history — NEA Jour. b : LIVE entry 2 sense 2a 3a : full of life or vigor b : true to life : VIVID televised in living color c : suited for living the living area 4 : involving living persons 5 : VERY —used as an intensive scared the living daylights out of me

meta- (prefix)

1a : occurring later than or in succession to : after metestrus b : situated behind or beyond metencephalon metacarpus c : later or more highly organized or specialized form of metaxylem 2 : change : transformation metaplasia 3 [ metaphysics ] : more comprehensive : transcending metapsychological —usually used with the name of a discipline to designate a new but related discipline designed to deal critically with the original one metamathematics 4a : involving substitution at or characterized by two positions in the benzene ring that are separated by one carbon atom meta-xylene b : derived from by loss of water metaphosphoric acid

polar (adj)

1a : of or relating to a geographic pole or the region around it b : coming from or having the characteristics of such a region c(1) : passing over a celestial body's north and south poles a satellite in a polar orbit (2) : traveling in a polar orbit a polar satellite 2 : of or relating to one or more poles (as of a magnet) 3 : serving as a guide a polar principle a polar theory 4 : diametrically opposite polar positions on the issue 5 : exhibiting polarity especially : having a dipole or characterized by molecules having dipoles a polar solvent 6 : resembling a pole or axis around which all else revolves : PIVOTAL polar events 7 : of, relating to, or expressed in polar coordinates polar equations also : of or relating to a polar coordinate system

executive (adj)

1a : of or relating to the execution of the laws and the conduct of public and national affairs b : belonging to the branch of government that is charged with such powers as diplomatic representation, superintendence of the execution of the laws, and appointment of officials and that usually has some power over legislation (as through veto) — compare JUDICIAL, LEGISLATIVE 2a : designed for or relating to execution or carrying into effect executive board b : having administrative or managerial responsibility executive director 3 : of or relating to an executive the executive offices

shadowy (adj)

1a : of the nature of or resembling a shadow b : faintly perceptible : INDISTINCT 2 : being in or obscured by shadow deep shadowy interiors 3a : SHADY sense 1 b : SHADY sense 3

luxuriant (adj)

1a : yielding abundantly : FERTILE, FRUITFUL b : characterized by abundant growth : LUSH luxuriant vegetation 2 : abundantly and often extravagantly rich and varied : PROLIFIC 3 : characterized by luxury : LUXURIOUS a luxuriant fabric

poignant (adj)

1a(1) : painfully affecting the feelings : PIERCING (2) : deeply affecting : TOUCHING b : designed to make an impression : CUTTING poignant satire 2a : pleasurably stimulating b : being to the point : APT 3 : pungently pervasive a poignant perfume

extinguish (v)

1a(1) : to bring to an end : make an end of hope for their safety was slowly extinguished (2) : to reduce to silence or ineffectiveness b : to cause to cease burning : QUENCH c : to cause extinction of (a conditioned response) d : to dim the brightness of : ECLIPSE 2a : to cause to be void : NULLIFY extinguish a claim b : to get rid of usually by payment extinguish a debt extinguished; extinguishing; extinguishes

moral philosophy (n)

: ETHICS also : the study of human conduct and value

graphic equalizer (n)

: an electronic device for adjusting the frequency response of an audio system by means of a number of controls each of which adjusts the response for a band centered on a particular frequency

banal (adj)

: lacking originality, freshness, or novelty : TRITE

yearlong (adj)

: lasting through a year

heated (adj)

: marked by anger or passion a heated argument

mixed-up (adj)

: marked by bewilderment, perplexity, or disorder : CONFUSED

combative (adj)

: marked by eagerness to fight or contend

cataplexy (n)

: sudden loss of muscle power following a strong emotional stimulus cataplexies

hysterectomy (n)

: surgical removal of the uterus hysterectomies

Morpheus (n)

: the Greek god of dreams

characterization (n)

: the act of characterizing especially : the artistic representation (as in fiction or drama) of human character or motives the author's characterization of the boy as someone who wanted to be accepted by others

angle of attack (phrase)

: the acute angle between the direction of the relative wind and the chord of an airfoil

misperception (n)

a common misperception. plural misperceptions : a false or inaccurate perception ... a host of misperceptions about the '50s, including the skewed notion that women didn't work in the 1950s, especially if they were mothers. Even in the '50s, one-fifth of mothers had paying jobs. —Jeff Reid

fallow (adj)

a fellow musician. of a light yellowish-brown color a fallow greyhound

formidable (adj)

a formidable opponent. 1 : causing fear, dread, or apprehension a formidable prospect 2 : having qualities that discourage approach or attack a formidable opponent 3 : tending to inspire awe or wonder : impressive a formidable accomplishment — formidability play \ˌfȯr-mə-də-ˈbi-lə-tē; fȯr-ˌmi-, fər-ˌmi-\ noun — formidableness play \ˈfȯr-mə-də-bəl-nəs; fȯr-ˈmi-, fər-ˈmi-\ noun — formidably

Gawain (n)

a knight of the Round Table and nephew of King Arthur

tantalizing (adj)

a tantalizing light at the end of the tunnel. : possessing a quality that arouses or stimulates desire or interest also : mockingly or teasingly out of reach

turbulent (adj)

a turbulent romance. 1a : exhibiting physical turbulence turbulent air b : characterized by agitation or tumult : TEMPESTUOUS a turbulent marriage 2 : causing unrest, violence, or disturbance a set of mischievous, turbulent rebels —Anne Brönte

accurate (adj)

accurate representation. 1 : free from error especially as the result of care an accurate diagnosis 2 : conforming exactly to truth or to a standard : exact providing accurate color 3 : able to give an accurate result an accurate gauge 4 : going to, reaching, or hitting the intended target : not missing the target an accurate shot/kick The next play, Johnson fielded a sharp grounder and made an accurate throw to first. —Joe Smith 5 : tending to hit the intended target an accurate free-throw shooter

adamant (adj)

adamant about. unshakable or insistent especially in maintaining a position or opinion : unyielding an adamant insistence on doing things his own way was adamant about making the change — adamantly adverb

absurd (adj)

an absurd request. 1 : ridiculously unreasonable, unsound, or incongruous an absurd argument : extremely silly or ridiculous absurd humor 2 : having no rational or orderly relationship to human life : meaningless an absurd universe; also : lacking order or value an absurd existence 3 : dealing with the absurd (see 2absurd) or with absurdism absurd theater — absurdly adverb — absurdness noun

groove (v)

feeling the groove. grooved; grooving transitive verb 1 a : to make a groove in b : to join by a groove 2 : to perfect by repeated practice grooved her golf swing 3 : to throw (a pitch) in the groove intransitive verb 1 : to become joined or fitted by a groove 2 : to form a groove 3 : to enjoy oneself intensely 4 : to interact harmoniously contemporary minds and rock groove together —Benjamin DeMott — groover noun

alongside (prep)

fighting alongside... 1 a : along the side of the boat docked alongside the pier b : beside 1 standing alongside me 2 a : in company with men she has been working alongside —Richard Halloran b : in addition to a special category alongside the awards it annually presents —Horizon

golden rule (n)

following the golden rule. 1 capitalized G&R : a rule of ethical conduct referring to Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31: do to others as you would have them do to you 2 : a guiding principle

leverage (n)

having leverage. 1 : the action of a lever or the mechanical advantage gained by it 2 : power, effectiveness trying to gain more political leverage 3 : the use of credit to enhance one's speculative capacity

first off (adv)

in the first place : before anything else

inconspicuous (adj)

inconspicuous behavior. not readily noticeable — inconspicuously adverb — inconspicuousness noun

misbelieve (v)

obsolete : to hold a false or unorthodox belief misbelieved; misbelieving; misbelieves

genocide (n)

the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group — genocidal

genesis (n)

the genesis of... the origin or coming into being of something the genesis of a new political movement

nuance (n)

the nuances of... 1 : a subtle distinction or variation Nuances of flavor and fragrance cannot be described accurately ... —Scott Seegers ... these terms have certain nuances of meaning ... —Ben F. Nelms 2 : a subtle quality : nicety ... the nuances of an individual's voice ... —Michael Swaine 3 : sensibility to, awareness of, or ability to express delicate shadings (as of meaning, feeling, or value) ... a performance of remarkable pliability and nuance. —Irvine Kolodin — nuanced

hang-up (n)

what's the hang-up? : a source of mental or emotional difficulty broadly : PROBLEM

hold up (n)

what's the hold up? 1 : DELAY 2 : a robbery carried out at gunpoint

reductio ad absurdum (n)

1 : disproof of a proposition by showing an absurdity to which it leads when carried to its logical conclusion 2 : the carrying of something to an absurd extreme

acid (n)

taking acid. 1 : a sour substance; specifically : any of various typically water-soluble and sour compounds that in solution are capable of reacting with a base (see 1base 7a) to form a salt, redden litmus, and have a pH less than 7, that are hydrogen-containing molecules or ions able to give up a proton to a base, or that are substances able to accept an unshared pair of electrons from a base 2 : something incisive, biting, or sarcastic a social satire dripping with acid 3 : lsd — acidy \ˈa-sə-dē\ adjective

fissiparous (adj)

tending to break or split up into parts : divisive fissiparous tendencies within a political party — fissiparousness noun

mixed metaphor (n)

tending to mix metaphors. a figure of speech combining inconsistent or incongruous metaphors

restore (v)

1 : GIVE BACK, RETURN 2 : to put or bring back into existence or use 3 : to bring back to or put back into a former or original state : RENEW 4 : to put again in possession of something restored; restoring

crisp (adj)

1 : CURLY, WAVY also : having close stiff or wiry curls or waves 2a : easily crumbled : BRITTLE a crisp cracker b : desirably firm and crunchy crisp lettuce 3a : notably sharp, clean-cut, and clear a crisp illustration also : concise and to the point a crisp reply b : noticeably neat crisp new clothes c : BRISK, LIVELY a crisp tale of intrigue crisp musical tempi d : briskly cold crisp winter weather also : FRESH, INVIGORATING crisp autumn air a crisp white wine e : deftly and powerfully executed a crisp tennis serve crisper; crispest

microprocessor (n)

: a computer processor contained on an integrated-circuit chip also : such a processor with memory and associated circuits

Taylorism (n)

: a factory management system developed in the late 19th century to increase efficiency by evaluating every step in a manufacturing process and breaking down production into specialized repetitive tasks

mooncalf (n)

: a foolish or absentminded person : SIMPLETON he was a helpless mooncalf of a man, poorly equipped for a grueling life — Peter Schjeldahl

Tibetan Buddhism (n)

: a form of Mahayana Buddhism that evolved in Tibet and is dominated by the sect of the Dalai Lama

hebephrenia (n)

: a form of schizophrenia characterized especially by incoherence, delusions lacking an underlying theme, and affect that is usually flat, inappropriate, or silly

look-see (n)

: a general survey : EVALUATION, INSPECTION

Modred (n)

: a knight of the Round Table and nephew of King Arthur

mass driver (n)

: a large electromagnetic catapult designed to hurl material (as from an asteroid) into space

limerick (n)

: a light or humorous verse form of five chiefly anapestic verses of which lines 1, 2, and 5 are of three feet and lines 3 and 4 are of two feet with a rhyme scheme of aabba

miniature golf (n)

: a novelty golf game played with a putter on a miniature course usually having tunnels, bridges, sharp corners, and obstacles

Möbius strip (n)

: a one-sided surface that is constructed from a rectangle by holding one end fixed, rotating the opposite end through 180 degrees, and joining it to the first end

mother hen (n)

: a person who assumes an overly protective maternal attitude

coconspirator (n)

: a person who conspires with one or more others : a fellow conspirator ... he was named as an unindicted coconspirator ... —Trans-Action Five of his co-conspirators were also jailed for their roles in the plot. —Tom Powell ... was one of four alleged co-conspirators indicted following what officials called one of the largest data breaches in history ... —Stewart Bell and Adrian Humphreys

cellar master (n)

: a person who supervises the making of wine in a winery

algolagnia (n)

: a perversion (such as sadism or masochism) characterized by pleasure and especially sexual gratification in inflicting or suffering pain

mug shot (n)

: a photograph of usually a person's head and especially face specifically : a police photograph of a suspect's face or profile

alehouse (n)

: a place where ale is sold to be drunk on the premises

hyperbola (n)

: a plane curve generated by a point so moving that the difference of the distances from two fixed points is a constant : a curve formed by the intersection of a double right circular cone with a plane that cuts both halves of the cone hyperbolas or hyperbolae

midpoint (n)

: a point at or near the center or middle

vantage point (n)

: a position or standpoint from which something is viewed or considered especially : POINT OF VIEW

subproblem (n)

: a problem that is contingent on or forms a part of another more inclusive problem

antihero (n)

: a protagonist or notable figure who is conspicuously lacking in heroic qualities

Munchausen syndrome (n)

: a psychological disorder characterized by the feigning of the symptoms of a disease or injury in order to undergo diagnostic tests, hospitalization, or medical or surgical treatment


: a read-only memory that can be erased (as by exposure to ultraviolet radiation) and usually reprogrammed

life list (n)

: a record kept of all birds sighted and identified by a birder

case history (n)

: a record of history, environment, and relevant details of a case especially for use in analysis or illustration

memento mori (n)

: a reminder of mortality especially : DEATH'S-HEAD memento mori

roof garden (n)

: a restaurant or nightclub at the top of a building often in connection with or decorated to suggest an outdoor garden

water right (n)

: a right to the use of water (as for irrigation) especially : RIPARIAN RIGHT

mountain goat (n)

: a ruminant mammal (Oreamnos americanus) of mountainous northwestern North America that has a thick yellowish-white coat and slightly curved horns and resembles a goat

middle school (n)

: a school usually including grades five to eight or six to eight

monogram (n)

: a sign of identity usually formed of the combined initials of a name

changeup (n)

: a slow pitch in baseball thrown with the same motion as a fastball in order to deceive the batter

microenvironment (n)

: a small or relatively small usually distinctly specialized and effectively isolated habitat (such as a forest canopy) or environment (as of a neuron)

luncheonette (n)

: a small restaurant serving light lunches

microworld (n)

: a small universe specifically : the natural universe observed at the microscopic or submicroscopic level

librarian (n)

: a specialist in the care or management of a library

lifeboat (n)

: a sturdy buoyant boat (such as one carried by a ship) for use in an emergency and especially in saving lives at sea

methadone (n)

: a synthetic addictive narcotic drug C21H27NO used especially in the form of its hydrochloride for the relief of pain and as a substitute narcotic in the treatment of heroin addiction methadon

cessation (n)

: a temporary or final ceasing (as of action) : stop mutually agreed to a cessation of fighting

Draize test (n)

: a test for harmfulness of chemicals to the human eye that involves dropping the test substance into one eye of a rabbit without anesthesia using the other eye as a control — called also Draize eye test

expressionism (n)

: a theory or practice in art of seeking to depict the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist

milquetoast (n)

: a timid, meek, or unassertive person

man-year (n)

: a unit of the work done by one person in a year composed of a standard number of working days

mama's boy (n)

: a usually polite or timid boy or man who is extremely or excessively close to and solicitous of his mother

maquette (n)

: a usually small preliminary model (as of a sculpture or a building)

market basket (n)

: a variety of consumer goods and services used to calculate a consumer price index

lentil (n)

: a widely cultivated Eurasian annual leguminous plant (Lens culinaris) with flattened edible seeds and leafy stalks used as fodder 2 : the seed of the lentil

logogriph (n)

: a word puzzle (such as an anagram)

metonym (n)

: a word used in metonymy

boomerang child (n)

: a young adult who returns to live at his or her family home especially for financial reasons

law-abiding (adj)

: abiding by or obedient to the law law-abiding citizens

hyperphagia (n)

: abnormally increased appetite for consumption of food frequently associated with injury to the hypothalamus

lit (adj)

: affected by alcohol : DRUNK

ex post facto (adv)

: after the fact : RETROACTIVELY

revealing (adj)

: allowing a look at or an understanding of something inner or hidden a revealing confession also : tending to expose more typically hidden parts of the body a revealing halter top

double-digit (adj)

: amounting to 10 percent or more double-digit inflation double-digit price increases

life coach (n)

: an advisor who helps people make decisions, set and reach goals, or deal with problems

vasoconstrictor (n)

: an agent (such as a sympathetic nerve fiber or a drug) that induces or initiates vasoconstriction

stress test (n)

: an electrocardiographic test of heart function before, during, and after a controlled period of increasingly strenuous exercise (as on a treadmill)

malaprop (n)

: an example of malapropism was famed for malaprops: he always said polo bears and Remember Pearl Island and neon stockings — Time

supermom (n)

: an exemplary mother also : a woman who performs the traditional duties of housekeeping and child-rearing while also having a full-time job

case in point (phrase)

: an illustrative, relevant, or pertinent case

hummingbird (n)

: any of a family (Trochilidae) of tiny brightly colored nonpasserine American birds related to the swifts that have a very slender bill and an extensible tongue for sipping nectar and that usually hover rather than perch when feeding

lettuce (n)

: any of a genus (Lactuca) of composite plants especially : a common garden vegetable (L. sativa) whose succulent leaves are used especially in salads

marsupial (n)

: any of an order (Marsupialia) of mammals comprising kangaroos, wombats, bandicoots, opossums, and related animals that do not develop a true placenta and that usually have a pouch on the abdomen of the female which covers the teats and serves to carry the young

meerkat (n)

: any of several African mongooses especially : a burrowing highly social primarily insectivorous mammal (Suricata suricatta) of southern Africa that is chiefly grayish with faint black markings and lives in usually large colonies

consequently (adv)

: as a result : in view of the foregoing : ACCORDINGLY The words are often confused and are consequently misused.

cat and mouse (n)

: behavior like that of a cat with a mouse: such as a : the act of toying with or tormenting something before destroying it b : a contrived action involving constant pursuit, near captures, and repeated escapes played a game of cat and mouse with the police broadly : an evasive action

aplenty (adj)

: being in plenty or abundance —used postpositively money aplenty for all their needs

devoid (adj)

: being without a usual, typical, or expected attribute or accompaniment —used with of an argument devoid of sense a landscape devoid of life

harried (adj)

: beset by problems : HARASSED a harried waiter who forgets your order

head and shoulders (adv)

: beyond comparison : by far head and shoulders above the competition

close-knit (adj)

: bound together by intimate social or cultural ties or by close economic or political ties close-knit families

approachable (adj)

: capable of being approached : ACCESSIBLE specifically : easy to meet or deal with friendly and approachable people

circumspect (adj)

: careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences : PRUDENT diplomacy required a circumspect response They are circumspect in all their business dealings.

strident (adj)

: characterized by harsh, insistent, and discordant sound a strident voice also : commanding attention by a loud or obtrusive quality strident slogans

tight-knit (adj)

: closely integrated and bound in love or friendship a tight-knit family

multiphase (adj)

: consisting of or involving more than one phase a multiphase project multiphase chemical reactions I present here a steady flow model for the blast dynamics and propose that through much of the devastated area the blast was a supersonic flow of a complex multiphase (solid, liquid, vapour) mixture. — Susan Werner Kieffer

preposterous (adj)

: contrary to nature, reason, or common sense : ABSURD

self-righteous (adj)

: convinced of one's own righteousness especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others : narrow-mindedly moralistic

letter-perfect (adj)

: correct to the smallest detail especially : VERBATIM

self-discipline (n)

: correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement

divisive (adj)

: creating disunity or dissension a divisive issue divisive rhetoric

heartbreak (n)

: crushing grief, anguish, or distress

monozygotic (adj)

: derived from a single egg monozygotic twins

do-good (adj)

: designed or disposed sometimes impracticably and too zealously toward bettering the conditions under which others live

discontented (adj)

: dissatisfied, malcontent

bloodthirsty (adj)

: eager for or marked by the shedding of blood, violence, or killing

anthropic principle (n)

: either of two principles in cosmology: a : conditions that are observed in the universe must allow the observer to exist — called also weak anthropic principle b : the universe must have properties that make inevitable the existence of intelligent life — called also strong anthropic principle

excessive (adj)

: exceeding what is usual, proper, necessary, or normal

pregame (n)

: existing or occurring before a game a pregame party the athlete's usual pregame meal/warm-up The Bulls had finished their pregame shooting and were returning for the regular pregame meeting to go over the scouting report ... — Sam Smith

derisive (adj)

: expressing or causing contemptuous ridicule or scorn : expressing or causing derision derisive laughter Given such follies ..., it's easy to be derisive of Jerry Lewis ... — James Wolcott

plaintive (adj)

: expressive of suffering or woe : MELANCHOLY a plaintive sigh

supercolossal (adj)

: extremely colossal : of extraordinarily large or astonishing size or degree Eventually, a similar fate may await most monster galaxies. At one point in the distant future, the cluster members will slowly merge together into only a few supercolossal galaxies that will end up dominating the cosmos. — Andrew Fazekas An undertaking this enormous requires help on the production end, though, and the coffee giant has found just the appropriately supercolossal bottling conglomerate to lend a hand ... — Clint Rainey ... those too young to understand the supercolossal charisma and appeal of the tragic Marilyn herself ... — Rex Reed

subsequent (adj)

: following in time, order, or place subsequent events a subsequent clause in the treaty

prescience (n)

: foreknowledge of events: a : divine omniscience b : human anticipation of the course of events : foresight

spick-and-span (adj)

: fresh, brand-new 2 : spotlessly clean

persiflage (n)

: frivolous bantering talk : light raillery

longtime (adj)

: having been so for a long time : LONG-STANDING a longtime friend a longtime friendship

superstrength (n)

: having extremely great strength superstrength metal alloys a superstrength painkiller superstrength adhesive

sui juris (adj)

: having full legal rights or capacity

multifaceted (adj)

: having many facets (see FACET sense 1) or aspects a multifaceted approach to health care

multivariate (adj)

: having or involving a number of independent mathematical or statistical variables multivariate calculus multivariate data analysis

social engineering (n)

: management of human beings in accordance with their place and function in society : applied social science

martian (adj)

: of or relating to the planet Mars or its hypothetical inhabitants

larger-than-life (adj)

: of the sort legends are made of larger-than-life heroes

exploratory (adj)

: of, relating to, or being exploration exploratory surgery exploratory drilling for oil

postbellum (adj)

: of, relating to, or characteristic of the period following a war and especially following the American Civil War

distressed (adj)

: of, relating to, or experiencing economic decline or difficulty federal grants for distressed cities

diamond in the rough (phrase)

: one having exceptional qualities or potential but lacking refinement or polish

confidant (n)

: one to whom secrets are entrusted especially : INTIMATE He is a trusted confidant of the president.

proponent (n)

: one who argues in favor of something : ADVOCATE

lunker (n)

: something large of its kind —used especially of a game fish

struggle for existence (phrase)

: the automatic competition of members of a natural population for limited vital resources (such as food, space, or light) that results in natural selection

mean free path (n)

: the average distance traversed between collisions by particles (such as molecules of a gas or free electrons in metal) in a system of agitated particles

list price (n)

: the basic price of an item as published in a catalog, price list, or advertisement before any discounts are taken

Roche limit (n)

: the distance from a planet's center within which a satellite can neither approach nor reside without being disrupted by tidal forces

double bass (n)

: the largest and lowest-pitched of the stringed instruments that is tuned in fourths

mesosphere (n)

: the part of the earth's atmosphere between the stratosphere and the thermosphere in which temperature decreases with altitude to the atmosphere's absolute minimum

line-item veto (n)

: the power of a government executive to veto specific items in an appropriations bill without vetoing the bill altogether

teetotalism (n)

: the principle or practice of complete abstinence from alcoholic drinks

high fidelity (n)

: the reproduction of an effect (such as sound or an image) that is very faithful to the original

monogyny (n)

: the state or custom of having only one wife at a time

summum bonum (n)

: the supreme good from which all others are derived

money supply (n)

: the total amount of money available in an economy for spending as calculated by any of various methods (as by adding total currency to funds available in private checking accounts)

Helen of Troy (person)

: the wife of Menelaus whose abduction by Paris brings about the Trojan War

more and more (adv)

: to a progressively increasing extent

supplement (v)

: to add or serve as a supplement to does odd jobs to supplement his income supplemented; supplementing; supplements

hypostatize (v)

: to attribute real identity to (a concept) hypostatized; hypostatizing

deserve (v)

: to be worthy of : MERIT deserves another chance : to be worthy, fit, or suitable for some reward or requital ... have become recognized as they deserve. — T. S. Eliot a worse punishment than he deserved deserved; deserving

mature (v)

: to bring to maturity or completion 1 : to become fully developed or ripe 2 : to become due matured; maturing

disassociate (v)

: to detach from association : DISSOCIATE

desegregate (v)

: to eliminate segregation in specifically : to free of any law, provision, or practice requiring isolation of the members of a particular race in separate units : to become desegregated

propitiate (v)

: to gain or regain the favor or goodwill of : APPEASE propitiated; propitiating

moonlight (v)

: to hold a second job in addition to a regular one moonlighted; moonlighting

hasten (v)

: to move or act quickly She hastened up the stairs. 1 : to encourage to move or act quickly : to urge on hastened her to the door — A. J. Cronin 2 : to cause to happen more quickly : ACCELERATE His death was hastened by alcoholism. hasten the coming of a new order — D. W. Brogan hastened; hastening

cherry-pick (v)

: to select the best or most desirable transitive verb : to select as being the best or most desirable also : to select the best or most desirable from cherry-picked the art collection cherry-picked; cherry-picking; cherry-picks

lessen (v)

: to shrink in size, number, or degree : DECREASE The pain will lessen over time. 1 : to reduce in size, extent, or degree lessen tensions between nations 2a archaic : to represent as of little value b : to lower in status or dignity : DEGRADE lessened; lessening

ally (n)

: to unite or form a connection or relation between : associate He allied himself with a wealthy family by marriage. : to form or enter into an alliance two factions allying with each other allied; allying

luminiferous (adj)

: transmitting, producing, or yielding light

mulish (adj)

: unreasonably and inflexibly obstinate

proficient (adj)

: well advanced in an art, occupation, or branch of knowledge

malicious mischief (n)

: willful, wanton, or reckless damage to or destruction of another's property

sine die (adv)

: without any future date being designated (as for resumption) : INDEFINITELY the meeting adjourned sine die

right away (adv)

: without delay or hesitation : IMMEDIATELY

millinery (n)

: women's apparel for the head 2 : the business or work of a milliner

make-work (n)

: work assigned or done chiefly to keep one busy

maleficent (adj)

: working or productive of harm or evil : BALEFUL

loose cannon (n)

(person) is a bit of a loose cannon : a dangerously uncontrollable person or thing

plus (conj)

1 : AND eats alone, a hot beef sandwich plus a BLT plus apple pie — Garrison Keillor 2 : in addition to which it's also pretty on my open shelves, plus it smells good — Nikki Giovanni

blossom (v)

1 : BLOOM 2a : to come into one's own : DEVELOP a blossoming talent b : to become evident c : to make an appearance

muddy (v)

1 : CONFUSE 2 : to soil or stain with or as if with mud 3 : to make turbid 4 : to make cloudy or dull muddied; muddying

postulate (v)

1 : DEMAND, CLAIM 2a : to assume or claim as true, existent, or necessary : depend upon or start from the postulate of b : to assume as a postulate or axiom (as in logic or mathematics) postulated; postulating

month (n)

1 : a measure of time corresponding nearly to the period of the moon's revolution and amounting to approximately 4 weeks or 30 days or ¹/₁₂ of a year 2 months plural : an indefinite usually extended period of time he has been gone for months 3 : one ninth of the typical duration of human pregnancy she was in her eighth month months

chancery (n)

1 : a record office for public archives or those of ecclesiastical, legal, or diplomatic proceedings 2a capitalized : a high court of equity in England and Wales with common-law functions and jurisdiction over causes in equity b : a court of equity in the American judicial system c : the principles and practice of judicial equity 3a : a chancellor's court or office or the building in which it is located b : the office in which the business of a Roman Catholic diocese is transacted and recorded c : the office of an embassy : CHANCELLERY sense 3 in chancery 1 : in litigation in a court of chancery also : under the superintendence of the lord chancellor a ward in chancery 2 : in a hopeless predicament chanceries

smoke screen (n)

1 : a screen of smoke to hinder enemy observation of a military force, area, or activity 2 : something designed to obscure, confuse, or mislead

subset (n)

1 : a set each of whose elements is an element of an inclusive set 2 : DIVISION, PORTION a subset of our community

softball (n)

1 : a sport similiar to baseball played on a small diamond with a ball that is larger than a baseball and that is pitched underhand also : the ball used in this game 2 : a question requiring only an easy or simple response

criterion (n)

1 : a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based the university's criteria for admission 2 : a characterizing mark or trait criteria criterions

veneer (n)

1 : a thin sheet of a material: such as a : a layer of wood of superior value or excellent grain to be glued to an inferior wood b : any of the thin layers bonded together to form plywood c : a plastic or porcelain coating bonded to the surface of a cosmetically imperfect tooth 2 : a protective or ornamental facing (as of brick or stone) 3 : a superficial or deceptively attractive appearance, display, or effect : FACADE, GLOSS a veneer of tolerance

plagiarism (n)

1 : an act or instance of plagiarizing 2 : something plagiarized plagiarist \ˈplā-jə-rist also -jē-ə \ noun plagiaristic \ˌplā-jə-ˈri-stik also -jē-ə- \ adjective

sally (n)

1 : an action of rushing or bursting forth especially : a sortie of troops from a defensive position to attack the enemy 2a : a brief outbreak : OUTBURST b : a witty or imaginative saying : QUIP 3 : a venture or excursion usually off the beaten track : JAUNT

morality play (n)

1 : an allegorical play popular especially in the 15th and 16th centuries in which the characters personify abstract qualities or concepts (such as virtues, vices, or death) 2 : something (such as a court trial) which involves a direct conflict between right and wrong or good and evil and from which a moral lesson may be drawn

ablaze (adj or adv)

1 : being on fire 2 : radiant with light or emotion his face all ablaze with excitement —Bram Stoker

mid (adj)

1 : being the part in the middle or midst in mid ocean —often used in combination mid-August 2 : occupying a middle position 3 of a vowel : articulated with the arch of the tongue midway between its highest and its lowest elevation

humanity (n)

1 : compassionate, sympathetic, or generous behavior or disposition : the quality or state of being humane bespeaking humanity for the enemy in the midst of a bloody struggle — C. G. Bowers 2a : the quality or state of being human joined together by their common humanity b humanities plural : human attributes or qualities his work has the ripeness of the 18th century, and its rough humanities — Pamela H. Johnson 3 humanities plural : the branches of learning (such as philosophy, arts, or languages) that investigate human constructs (see CONSTRUCT entry 2 sense 1a) and concerns as opposed to natural processes (as in physics or chemistry) and social relations (as in anthropology or economics) 4 : the totality of human beings : the human race : HUMANKIND a fierce compassion for the woes of humanity — Maurice Bowra humanities

distinct (adj)

1 : distinguishable to the eye or mind as being discrete (see DISCRETE sense 1) or not the same : SEPARATE a distinct cultural group teaching as distinct from research 2 : presenting a clear unmistakable impression a neat distinct handwriting 3 archaic : notably decorated 4a : NOTABLE a distinct contribution to scholarship b : readily and unmistakably apprehended (see APPREHEND sense 2a) a distinct possibility of snow a distinct British accent the distinct odor of sulfur

medivac (n)

1 : emergency evacuation of the sick or wounded (as from a combat area) 2 : a helicopter used for medevac

harsh (adj)

1 : having a coarse uneven surface that is rough or unpleasant to the touch granite stones harsh with lichen — Nancy Hale 2a : causing a disagreeable or painful sensory reaction : IRRITATING harsh colors harsh lighting her harsh high-pitched voice The horseradish was too harsh for the children. : overly intense or powerful harsh chemicals b : physically discomforting The climate there is very harsh. a harsh winter : unpleasant and difficult to accept or experience the harsh realities of poverty a harsh reminder of the importance of wearing a seat belt 3 : excessively critical or negative had some harsh words for her opponent a harsh critic : unduly severe in making demands harsh discipline 4 : lacking in aesthetic appeal or refinement : CRUDE a harsh and sometimes unpleasant book, barren of pretty touches — Brendan Gill

measureless (adj)

1 : having no observable limit : IMMEASURABLE the measureless universe 2 : very great had measureless energy

gestural (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or consisting of gestures 2 : of, relating to, or characterized by vigorous application of paint and expressive brushwork gestural expressionism

pivotal (adj)

1 : of, relating to, or constituting a pivot 2 : vitally important : CRITICAL

thaumaturgic (adj)

1 : performing miracles 2 : of, relating to, or dependent on thaumaturgy

man power (n)

1 : power available from or supplied by the physical effort of human beings 2 usually manpower : the total supply of persons available and fitted for service

ho-hum (adj)

1 : routine, dull a ho-hum existence 2 : bored, indifferent a ho-hum reaction

fodder (n)

1 : something fed to domestic animals; especially : coarse food for cattle, horses, or sheep 2 : inferior or readily available material used to supply a heavy demand fodder for tabloids This sort of breezy plot line has become cheap fodder for novelists and screenwriters ... —Sally Bedell — fodder transitive verb

cup of tea (phrase)

1 : something one likes or excels in I see already that storytelling isn't my cup of tea — John Barth also : a person suited to one's taste 2 : a thing to be reckoned with : MATTER poltergeists are a different cup of tea — D. B. W. Lewis

lebensraum (n)

1 : territory believed especially by Nazis to be necessary for national existence or economic self-sufficiency 2 : space required for life, growth, or activity

Mormon (n)

1 : the ancient redactor and compiler of the Book of Mormon presented as divine revelation by Joseph Smith 2 : LATTER-DAY SAINT especially : a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

discount rate (n)

1 : the interest on an annual basis deducted in advance on a loan 2 : the charge levied by a central bank for advances and rediscounts

macerate (v)

1 : to cause to waste away by or as if by excessive fasting 2 : to cause to become soft or separated into constituent elements by or as if by steeping in fluid broadly : STEEP, SOAK : to soften and wear away especially as a result of being wetted or steeped macerated; macerating

veer (v)

1 : to change direction or course the economy veered sharply downward 2 of the wind : to shift in a clockwise direction — compare BACK entry 4 sense 2 3 of a ship : to change course by turning the stern to the wind transitive verb : to direct to a different course specifically : WEAR sense 7 veered; veering; veers

derange (v)

1 : to disturb the operation or functions of deranged by even the slightest damage 2 : DISARRANGE hatless, with tie deranged — G. W. Stonier 3 : to make mentally unsound or insane stalked by a deranged fan deranged; deranging

poach (v)

1 : to encroach upon especially for the purpose of taking something 2 : to trespass for the purpose of stealing game also : to take game or fish illegally transitive verb 1 : to trespass on a field poached too frequently by the amateur — The Times Literary Supplement (London) 2a : to take (game or fish) by illegal methods b : to appropriate (something) as one's own c : to attract (someone, such as an employee or customer) away from a competitor poached; poaching; poaches

weather (v)

1 : to expose to the open air : subject to the action of the elements 2 : to bear up against and come safely through weather a storm weather a crisis intransitive verb : to undergo or endure the action of the elements weathered; weathering

praise (v)

1 : to express a favorable judgment of : COMMEND 2 : to glorify (a god or saint) especially by the attribution of perfections intransitive verb : to express praise praised; praising

stratify (v)

1 : to form, deposit, or arrange in strata 2a : to divide or arrange into classes, castes, or social strata b : to divide into a series of graded statuses : to become arranged in strata stratified; stratifying

slog (v)

1 : to hit hard : BEAT 2 : to plod (one's way) perseveringly especially against difficulty intransitive verb 1 : to plod heavily : TRAMP slogged through the snow 2 : to work hard and steadily : PLUG slogged; slogging

misconstrue (v)

1 : to interpret (something, such as a statement or action) wrongly : MISINTERPRET misconstrued her words/meaning/silence He does not want his real name used in the newspaper because even the most innocent statement could be misconstrued here and lead to trouble, he says. — Lynne Duke I instantly turned away, lest he should see and misconstrue my emotion. — Anne Brontë 2 : to misinterpret the meaning, intention, or character of (someone) ... it is the post-Vietnam revisionists who have most ironically misconstrued [Herman] Melville. — Frederick Crews ... a sad sack whom no one would misconstrue as charming. — Karen Karbo misconstrued; misconstruing

prescribe (v)

1 : to lay down a rule : DICTATE 2 [ Middle English, from Medieval Latin praescribere, from Latin, to write at the beginning ] : to claim a title to something by right of prescription 3 : to write or give medical prescriptions 4 : to become by prescription invalid or unenforceable 1a : to lay down as a guide, direction, or rule of action : ORDAIN b : to specify with authority 2 : to designate or order the use of as a remedy prescribed a painkiller a prescribed burn to restore natural forest conditions prescribed; prescribing

let on (v)

1 : to make acknowledgment : ADMIT knows more than he lets on 2 : to reveal a secret nobody let on about the surprise party 3 : PRETEND let on to being a stranger

exhilarate (v)

1 : to make cheerful and excited : ENLIVEN, ELATE was exhilarated by her success 2 : REFRESH, STIMULATE exhilarated; exhilarating

melodramatize (v)

1 : to make melodramatic melodramatize a situation 2 : to make a melodrama of (something, such as a novel) melodramatized; melodramatizing; melodramatizes

destabilize (v)

1 : to make unstable 2 : to cause (something, such as a government) to be incapable of functioning or surviving

lay off (v)

1 : to mark or measure off 2 : to cease to employ (a worker) often temporarily 3 of a bookie : to place all or part of (an accepted bet) with another bookie to reduce the risk 4a : to leave undisturbed b : AVOID, QUIT was advised to lay off smoking and alcohol c : to refrain from swinging at (a pitch) 1 : to stop doing or taking something 2 : to leave one alone wish you'd just lay off

happen (v)

1 : to occur by chance —often used with it it so happens I'm going your way 2 : to come into being or occur as an event, process, or result mistakes will happen 3 : to do, encounter, or attain something by or as if by chance I happen to know the answer 4a : to meet or discover something by chance happened upon a system that worked — Richard Corbin b : to come or go casually : make a chance appearance he might happen by at any time 5 : to come especially by way of injury or harm I promise nothing will happen to you happened; happening

amortize (v)

1 : to pay off (an obligation, such as a mortgage) gradually usually by periodic payments of principal and interest or by payments to a sinking fund amortize a loan 2 : to gradually reduce or write off the cost or value of (something, such as an asset) amortize goodwill amortize machinery amortized; amortizing

mainstream (v)

1 : to place (a student, such as a disabled child) in regular school classes 2 : to incorporate in the mainstream mainstreamed; mainstreaming; mainstreams

discipline (v)

1 : to punish or penalize for the sake of enforcing obedience and perfecting moral character 2 : to train or develop by instruction and exercise especially in self-control 3a : to bring (a group) under control discipline troops b : to impose order upon serious writers discipline and refine their writing styles disciplined; disciplining

destroy (v)

1 : to ruin the structure, organic existence, or condition of destroyed the files also : to ruin as if by tearing to shreds their reputation was destroyed a disease that destroys the body's ability to fight off illness ... destroyed any hope of a return to past crackdowns ... — George Brock 2a : to put out of existence : KILL destroy an injured horse b : NEUTRALIZE the moon destroys the light of the stars c : ANNIHILATE, VANQUISH armies had been crippled but not destroyed — W. L. Shirer : to cause ruin or destruction it is proverbially easier to destroy than to construct — T. S. Eliot

restart (v)

1 : to start anew 2 : to resume (something, such as an activity) after interruption intransitive verb : to resume operation restarted; restarting; restarts

revel (v)

1 : to take part in a revel : CAROUSE 2 : to take intense pleasure or satisfaction reveled in the quiet after everyone had gone reveled or revelled; reveling or revelling

mock (v)

1 : to treat with contempt or ridicule : DERIDE he has been mocked as a mama's boy — C. P. Pierce 2 : to disappoint the hopes of for any government to mock men's hopes with mere words and promises and gestures — D. D. Eisenhower 3 : DEFY, CHALLENGE the unstable, strange new world of subatomic particles that mock all attempts at understanding — Philip Howard 4a : to imitate (someone or something) closely : MIMIC a mockingbird was mocking a cardinal — Nelson Hayes b : to mimic in sport or derision followed the old man along the street mocking his gait intransitive verb : JEER, SCOFF she ... mocked at his piety as affectation — Ferdinand Schevill mocked; mocking; mocks

recant (v)

1 : to withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly : RENOUNCE 2 : REVOKE intransitive verb : to make an open confession of error recanted; recanting; recants

collaboration (n)

1 : to work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor An international team of scientists collaborated on the study. 2 : to cooperate with or willingly assist an enemy of one's country and especially an occupying force suspected of collaborating with the enemy 3 : to cooperate with an agency or instrumentality with which one is not immediately connected The two schools collaborate on library services. — collaboration noun — collaborative adjective or noun — collaboratively adverb — collaborator noun

muffle (v)

1 : to wrap up so as to conceal or protect : ENVELOP 2 obsolete : BLINDFOLD 3a : to wrap or pad with something to dull the sound muffle the oarlocks b : to deaden the sound of 4 : KEEP DOWN, SUPPRESS muffled her anger muffled; muffling

downhill (adj)

1 : toward the bottom of a hill 2 : toward a worsened or inferior state or level —used especially in the phrase go downhill

cheapen (v)

1 [ obsolete English cheap to price, bid for ] archaic a : to ask the price of b : to bid or bargain for 2a : to make cheap in price or value b : to lower in general esteem c : to make tawdry, vulgar, or inferior intransitive verb : to become cheap cheapened; cheapening

palaver (n)

1 a : a long parley usually between persons of different cultures or levels of sophistication a palaver between foreign ministers b : conference, discussion a palaver between union leaders 2 a : idle talk Cut the palaver and get down to business. b : misleading or beguiling speech Don't get taken in by the candidate's palaver.

masquerade (v)

1 a : a social gathering of persons wearing masks and often fantastic costumes b : a costume for wear at such a gathering 2 : an action or appearance that is mere disguise or show

luscious (adj)

1 a : having a delicious taste or smell : sweet chocolate cake with a luscious whipped cream topping b archaic : excessively sweet : cloying 2 : sexually attractive : seductive, sexy a luscious actress 3 a : richly luxurious or appealing to the senses her luscious voice swelling and decaying with total control, her low notes booming sonorously —Gary Giddins b : excessively ornate rich and luscious phrases, thick with imagery —Ruth Park — lusciously adverb — lusciousness noun

daily (adj)

1 a : occurring, made, or acted upon every day daily needs b : issued every day or every weekday a daily newspaper c : of or providing for every day a daily schedule 2 a : reckoned by the day average daily wage b : covering the period of or based on a day daily statistics

lonesome (adj)

1 a : sad or dejected as a result of lack of companionship or separation from others don't be lonesome while we are gone b : causing a feeling of loneliness the empty house seemed so lonesome 2 a : remote, unfrequented look down, look down that lonesome road —Gene Austin b : lone — lonesomely adverb — lonesomeness noun

obdurate (adj)

1 a : stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing an unrepentant, obdurate sinner b : hardened in feelings The obdurate enemy was merciless. 2 : resistant to persuasion or softening influences obdurate in his determination remaining obdurate to her husband's advances —Edith Wharton — obdurately adverb — obdurateness noun

dragon (n)

1 archaic : a huge serpent 2 : a mythical animal usually represented as a monstrous winged and scaly serpent or saurian with a crested head and enormous claws 3 : a violent, combative, or very strict person 4 capitalized : draco 5 : something or someone formidable or baneful

grate (v)

1 archaic : abrade 2 : to reduce to small particles by rubbing on something rough grate cheese 3 : fret, irritate 4 a : to gnash or grind noisily b : to cause to make a rasping sound c : to utter in a harsh voice intransitive verb 1 : to rub or rasp noisily metal grating against metal 2 : to cause irritation : jar a voice that grates on the nerves — grater noun — gratingly adverb

scant (adj)

1 dialect a : excessively frugal b : not prodigal : chary 2 a : barely or scarcely sufficient; especially : not quite coming up to a stated measure a scant teaspoon b : lacking in amplitude or quantity scant growth 3 : having a small or insufficient supply he's fat, and scant of breath —William Shakespeare — scantly adverb — scantness noun

Mr. (n)

1 —used as a conventional title of courtesy except when usage requires the substitution of a title of rank or an honorific or professional title before a man's surname spoke to Mr. Doe 2 —used in direct address as a conventional title of respect before a man's title of office May I ask one more question, Mr. President? 3 —used before the name of a place, profession, or activity or before an epithet (such as clever) to form a title applied to a male viewed as representative of the thing indicated Mr. Baseball Messrs.

dice (n)

1a : DIE sense 1 b : a gambling game played with dice 2 plural also dices : a small cubical piece (as of food) 3 : a close contest between two racing-car drivers for position during a race

wall (n)

1a : a high thick masonry structure forming a long rampart or an enclosure chiefly for defense —often used in plural b : a masonry fence around a garden, park, or estate c : a structure that serves to hold back pressure (as of water or sliding earth) 2 : one of the sides of a room or building connecting floor and ceiling or foundation and roof 3 : the side of a footpath next to buildings 4 : an extreme or desperate position or a state of defeat, failure, or ruin the surrounded troops had their backs against the wall 5 : a material layer enclosing space the wall of a container heart walls 6 : something resembling a wall (as in appearance, function, or effect) especially : something that acts as a barrier or defense a wall of reserve tariff wall off the wall slang : CRAZY the plan was off the wall up the wall slang : into a state of intense agitation, annoyance, or frustration the noise drove me up the wall

perspective (n)

1a : a mental view or prospect to gain a broader perspective on the international scene —Current Biography b : a visible scene especially : one giving a distinctive impression of distance : VISTA 2a : the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed places the issues in proper perspective also : POINT OF VIEW b : the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance trying to maintain my perspective 3 : the appearance to the eye of objects in respect to their relative distance and positions 4a : the technique or process of representing on a plane or curved surface the spatial relation of objects as they might appear to the eye specifically : representation in a drawing or painting of parallel lines as converging in order to give the illusion of depth and distance b : a picture in perspective

spirituality (n)

1a : a moderate purple, violet, or lilac color b : a strong purple 2 : a dyestuff (see DYE entry 1 sense 2) that produces a mauve color

dictator (n)

1a : a person granted absolute emergency power especially, history : one appointed by the senate (see SENATE sense 1a) of ancient Rome b : one holding complete autocratic control : a person with unlimited governmental power c : one ruling in an absolute (see ABSOLUTE sense 2) and often oppressive way fascist dictators 2 : one who says or reads something for a person to transcribe or for a machine to record : one that dictates (see DICTATE entry 1 sense 1)

chair (n)

1a : a seat typically having four legs and a back for one person b : ELECTRIC CHAIR —used with the 2a : an official seat or a seat of authority, state, or dignity b : an office or position of authority or dignity c : PROFESSORSHIP holds a university chair d : CHAIRMAN sense 1 3 : a sedan chair 4 : a position of employment usually of one occupying a chair or desk specifically : the position of a player in an orchestra or band 5 : any of various devices that hold up or support

going-over (n)

1a : a severe scolding b : BEATING 2 : a thorough examination

subjectivism (n)

1a : a theory that limits knowledge to subjective experience b : a theory that stresses the subjective elements in experience 2a : a doctrine that the supreme good is the realization of a subjective experience or feeling (such as pleasure) b : a doctrine that indivi

mystification (n)

1a : an act or instance of mystifying b : an obscuring especially of capitalist or social dynamics (as by making them equivalent to natural laws) that is seen in Marxist thought as an impediment to critical consciousness the mystification of the sources of wealth — Henry Staten 2 : the quality or state of being mystified 3 : something designed to mystify

cavalry (n)

1a : an army component mounted on horseback b : an army component moving in motor vehicles or helicopters and assigned to combat missions that require great mobility 2 : HORSEMEN a thousand cavalry in flight cavalries

marketplace (n)

1a : an open square or place in a town where markets or public sales are held b : MARKET the marketplace is the interpreter of supply and demand 2 : the world of trade or economic activity : the everyday world 3 : a sphere in which intangible values compete for acceptance the marketplace of ideas

longitude (n)

1a : angular distance measured on a great circle of reference from the intersection of the adopted zero meridian with this reference circle to the similar intersection of the meridian passing through the object b : the arc or portion of the earth's equator intersected between the meridian of a given place and the prime meridian and expressed either in degrees or in time 2 archaic : long duration

mouthful (n)

1a : as much as a mouth will hold b : the quantity usually taken into the mouth at one time 2 : a small quantity 3a : a very long word or phrase b : a comment or a statement rich in meaning or substance

mutual (adj)

1a : directed by each toward the other or the others mutual affection b : having the same feelings one for the other they had long been mutual enemies c : shared in common enjoying their mutual hobby d : JOINT to their mutual advantage 2 : characterized by intimacy mutual contacts 3 : of or relating to a plan whereby the members of an organization share in the profits and expenses specifically : of, relating to, or taking the form of an insurance method in which the policyholders constitute the members of the insuring company

bile (n)

1a : either of two humors associated in old physiology with irascibility and melancholy b : a yellow or greenish viscid alkaline fluid secreted by the liver and passed into the duodenum where it aids especially in the emulsification and absorption of fats 2a : inclination to anger b : ACRIMONY, VITRIOL

animated (adj)

1a : endowed with life or the qualities of life : ALIVE animated creatures b : full of movement and activity an animated crowd c : full of vigor and spirit : LIVELY an animated discussion 2 : having the appearance of something alive an unusually animated piece of sculpture 3 : made in the form of an animated cartoon an animated film

extra (adj)

1a : more than is due, usual, or necessary : ADDITIONAL extra work b : subject to an additional charge dessert is extra 2 : SUPERIOR extra quality

preemptive (adj)

1a : of or relating to preemption b : having power to preempt 2 of a bid in bridge : higher than necessary and intended to shut out bids by the opponents 3 : giving a stockholder first option to purchase new stock in an amount proportionate to his existing holdings 4 : marked by the seizing of the initiative : initiated by oneself a preemptive attack

poetic (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or characteristic of poets or poetry b : given to writing poetry 2 : written in verse 3 : having or expressing the qualities of poetry (as though aesthetic or emotional impact) her poetic beauty

diagnosis (n)

1a : the art or act of identifying a disease from its signs and symptoms b : the decision reached by diagnosis the doctor's diagnosis 2a : investigation or analysis of the cause or nature of a condition, situation, or problem diagnosis of engine trouble b : a statement or conclusion from such an analysis 3 biology : a concise technical description of a taxon diagnoses

ambrosia (n)

1a : the food of the Greek and Roman gods b : the ointment or perfume of the gods 2 : something extremely pleasing to taste or smell 3 : a dessert made of oranges and shredded coconut

ammunition (n)

1a : the projectiles with their fuses, propelling charges, or primers fired from guns b : CARTRIDGES c : explosive military items (such as grenades or bombs) 2 : material for use in attacking or defending a position ammunition for the defense lawyers

like (adj)

1a : the same or nearly the same (as in appearance, character, or quantity) suits of like design —formerly used with as, unto, of it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren — Hebrews 2:17 (King James Version) b chiefly British : closely resembling the subject or original the portrait is very like 2 : LIKELY the importance of statistics as the one discipline like to give accuracy of mind — H. J. Laski

chancellor (n)

1a : the secretary of a nobleman, prince, or king b : the lord chancellor of Great Britain c British : the chief secretary of an embassy d : a Roman Catholic priest heading the office in which diocesan business is transacted and recorded 2a : the titular head of a British university b(1) : a university president (2) : the chief executive officer in some state systems of higher education 3a : a lay legal officer or adviser of an Anglican diocese b : a judge in a court of chancery or equity in various states of the U.S. 4 : the chief minister of state in some European countries

divest (v)

1a : to deprive or dispossess especially of property, authority, or title divesting assets to raise capital was divested of his rights divesting herself of all her worldly possessions encouraged the university to divest itself from fossil fuels b : to undress or strip especially of clothing, ornament, or equipment Christmas trees divested of their ornaments c : rid, free 2 : to take away from a person

anneal (v)

1a : to heat and then cool (a material, such as steel or glass) usually for softening and making less brittle Each bar, with its intricate twists, bevels and turns, had to be shaped individually. This shaping made some parts of the bars brittle ... . To restore their flexibility, all the bars had to be annealed by heating, and then rapidly cooling them. — Ivars Peterson also : to cool slowly usually in a furnace b : to cause two complementary strands of nucleic acid (such as DNA or RNA) to join by hydrogen bonding During repair of DNA double-strand breaks, cells must accurately anneal broken strands ... — Seiji N. Sugiman-Marangos et al. also : to induce the binding of a genetic primer (see PRIMER entry 2 sense 3) to a complementary single-stranded nucleic acid by slowly cooling single strands obtained from the heating and separation of double-stranded DNA or RNA The primers are annealed to the single strands when the local temperature is reduced to between 50 and 65 C. — Andrew J. DeMello During PCR, fragments are heated so they will separate into single strands. A short nucleotide sequence called a primer is then annealed to each original template. — George M. Church 2 : STRENGTHEN, TOUGHEN 1 : to pair with a complementary strand of nucleic acid A microRNA molecule can anneal to a messenger RNA (mRNA) containing a nucleotide sequence that complements the sequence of the microRNA ... — Carlo M. Croce also : to bind to a complementary single-stranded nucleic acid during a process of heating and cooling Site-specific primers, designed to complement the base pairs of the DNA region flanking the target, anneal to these regions. — Norman Arnhelm and Corey H. Levenson 2 : STRENGTHEN, TOUGHEN Mildred at least, is capable of love. In Veda, love has been annealed to a hard diamond of ambition. — Stephen King annealed; annealing; anneals

reconcile (v)

1a : to restore to friendship or harmony reconciled the factions b : SETTLE, RESOLVE reconcile differences 2 : to make consistent or congruous reconcile an ideal with reality 3 : to cause to submit to or accept something unpleasant was reconciled to hardship 4a : to check (a financial account) against another for accuracy b : to account for intransitive verb : to become reconciled reconciled; reconciling

pose (v)

1a : to set forth or offer for attention or consideration let me pose a question b : to come to attention as : PRESENT smoking poses a health risk 2a : to put or set in place b : to place (somone, such as a model) in a studied attitude intransitive verb 1 : to assume a posture or attitude usually for artistic purposes 2 : to affect an attitude or character usually to deceive or impress posed as a doctor to gain access to the ward posed; posing

handle (v)

1a : to try or examine (as by touching, feeling, or moving) with the hand handle silk to judge its weight b : to manage with the hands handle a horse 2a : to deal with in writing or speaking or in the plastic arts He handles the topic briefly in his book. b : to have overall responsibility for supervising or directing : MANAGE a lawyer handles all my affairs c : to train and act as the assistant for (a boxer) handles featherweight boxers d : to put up with : STAND can't handle the heat 3 : to act on or perform a required function with regard to handle the day's mail 4 : to engage in the buying, selling, or distributing of (a commodity) : to act, behave, or respond in a certain way when handled or directed a car that handles well handled; handling

furious (adj)

1a(1) : exhibiting or goaded by anger She was furious with them for printing the story. (2) : indicative of or proceeding from anger b : giving a stormy or turbulent appearance furious bursts of flame c : marked by noise, excitement, activity, or rapidity worked at a furious pace 2 : INTENSE sense 1a the furious growth of tropical vegetation

superficial (adj)

1a(1) : of, relating to, or located near a surface (2) : lying on, not penetrating below, or affecting only the surface superficial wounds b British, of a unit of measure : SQUARE superficial foot 2a : concerned only with the obvious or apparent : SHALLOW b : seen on the surface : EXTERNAL c : presenting only an appearance without substance or significance

mean (n)

1a(1) : something intervening or intermediate (2) : a middle point between extremes b: a value that lies within a range of values and is computed according to a prescribed law: such as (1) : ARITHMETIC MEAN (2) : EXPECTED VALUE c : either of the middle two terms of a proportion 2 means plural in form but singular or plural in construction : something useful or helpful to a desired end 3 means plural : resources available for disposal especially : material resources affording a secure life

replicate (v)

: DUPLICATE, REPEAT replicate a statistical experiment replicated his mentor's writing style intransitive verb : to undergo replication : produce a replica of itself virus particles replicating in cells replicated; replicating

muley (adj)

: POLLED, HORNLESS especially : naturally hornless

Heisenberg uncertainty principle (n)

: UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE — called also Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

monsieur (n)

: a Frenchman of high rank or station —used as a title equivalent to Mister and prefixed to the name of a Frenchman messieurs

Priapus (n)

: a Greek and Roman god of gardens and male generative power


Dick, and Harry (n), often disparaging : the common man : ANYONE —often used with every helps every Tom, Dick, and Harry in need

admire (v)

I admire your.... 1 : to feel respect and approval for (someone or something) : to regard with admiration They all admired her courage. 2 archaic : to marvel at

Odysseus (n)

Odysseus in The Odyssey. a king of Ithaca and Greek leader in the Trojan War who after the war wanders 10 years before reaching home

oriflamme (n)

a banner, symbol, or ideal inspiring devotion or courage

hippocampus (n)

a curved elongated ridge that extends over the floor of the descending horn of each lateral ventricle of the brain, that consists of gray matter covered on the ventricular surface with white matter, and that is involved in forming, storing, and processing memory — hippocampal

daring (adj)

a daring escape. venturesomely bold in action or thought — daringly play \-iŋ-lē\ adverb — daringness

fissure (n)

a fissure between. 1 : a narrow opening or crack of considerable length and depth usually occurring from some breaking or parting a fissure in the earth's crust 2 a : a natural cleft between body parts or in the substance of an organ b : a break or slit in tissue usually at the junction of skin and mucous membrane 3 : a separation or disagreement in thought or viewpoint : schism fissures in a political party

gnarly (adj)

a gnarly cut. 1 : GNARLED gnarly branches 2 slang a : DIFFICULT, HAIRY skidded around gnarly hairpin turns —Austin Murphy b : BAD, NASTY has some pretty gnarly karma coming —Drew Barrymore c : COOL, GOOD some gnarly guitar playing

good deal (n)

a good deal more. a considerable quantity or extent : lot knows a good deal about disease a good deal faster

latent (adj)

a latent skill. present and capable of emerging or developing but not now visible, obvious, active, or symptomatic a latent infection — latently adverb

laughable (adj)

a laughable counteroffer. of a kind to provoke laughter or sometimes derision : amusingly ridiculous — laughableness noun — laughably

long-standing (adj)

a long-standing tradition. of long duration a long-standing dispute

loveless (adj)

a loveless marriage. 1 : having no love a loveless relationship 2 : not loved — lovelessly adverb — lovelessness noun

chef d'oeuvre (n)

a masterpiece esp. in art or literature

Dada (n)

a movement in art and literature based on deliberate irrationality and negation of traditional artistic values; also : the art and literature produced by this movement

eucatastrophe (n)

a sudden and favorable resolution of events in a story; a happy ending

delirium tremens (n)

a violent delirium with tremors that is induced by excessive and prolonged use of alcoholic liquors — called also d.t.'s

grin (v)

a wide grin. grinned; grinning intransitive verb : to draw back the lips so as to show the teeth especially in amusement or laughter; broadly : smile grinning from ear to ear — grinner noun — grinningly adverb

winsome (adj)

a winsome smile. 1 : generally pleasing and engaging often because of a childlike charm and innocence a winsome smile 2 : cheerful, lighthearted

mercurial (adj)

a witty, mercurial nature. 1 : of, relating to, or born under the planet Mercury 2 : having qualities of eloquence, ingenuity, or thievishness attributed to the god Mercury or to the influence of the planet Mercury 3 : characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood a mercurial temper 4 : of, relating to, containing, or caused by mercury — mercurially adverb — mercurialness noun

Griselda (n)

a woman of humble origins in medieval legend who endures tests of wifely patience laid on her by her wellborn husband

abate (v)

abated; abating intransitive verb 1 : to decrease in force or intensity waiting for the storm to abate 2 a : to become defeated or become null or void (as of a writ or appeal) b : to decrease in amount or value The legacies abated proportionately. transitive verb 1 a : to put an end to abate a nuisance b : nullify 1 abate a writ 2 a : to reduce in degree or intensity : moderate may abate their rancor to win peace b : to reduce in value or amount : to make less especially by way of relief abate a tax 3 : deduct, omit abate part of the price 4 a : to beat down or cut away so as to leave a figure in relief b obsolete : blunt 5 : deprive 2 — abater noun

affirm (v)

affirming encouragement. 1a : VALIDATE, CONFIRM He was affirmed as a candidate. b : to state positively He affirmed his innocence. 2 : to assert (something, such as a judgment or decree) as valid or confirmed The court affirmed his conviction. 3 : to show or express a strong belief in or dedication to (something, such as an important idea) laws affirming the racial equality of all people intransitive verb 1 : to testify or declare by affirmation (see AFFIRMATION sense 2) as distinguished from swearing an oath 2 : to uphold a judgment or decree of a lower court

aim (v)

aim high. 1 : to direct a course specifically : to point a weapon at an object Aim carefully before shooting. 2 : ASPIRE, INTEND She aims to win. transitive verb 1a : POINT aim a gun b : to direct toward a specified object or goal a story aimed at children 2 obsolete : GUESS, CONJECTURE

akin (adj)

akin to... 1 : related by blood : descended from a common ancestor or prototype The dog and fox are closely akin. 2 : essentially similar, related, or compatible His interests are akin to mine.

abundance (n)

an (over)abundance of... 1 : an ample quantity : an abundant amount : profusion a city that has an abundance of fine restaurants 2 : affluence, wealth a life of abundance 3 : relative degree of plentifulness low abundances of uranium and thorium —H. C. Urey

accusative (adj)

an accusative tone. 1 : of, relating to, or being the grammatical case that marks the direct object of a verb or the object of any of several prepositions 2 : accusatory an accusative tone

admirable (adj)

an admirable cause. 1 : deserving the highest esteem : excellent an admirable achievement 2 obsolete : exciting wonder : surprising — admirability play \ˌad-m(ə-)rə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ noun — admirableness play \ˈad-m(ə-)rə-bəl-nəs\ noun — admirably

adroit (adj)

an adroit problem solver. having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations an adroit leader adroit maneuvers

consuming (adj)

an all-consuming.... deeply felt : ardent a consuming interest; also : engrossing

defensible (adj)

an indenfensible position. capable of being defended defensible theories a defensible hill — defensibility noun — defensibly

inflexible (adj)

an inflexible personality. 1 : rigidly firm in will or purpose : unyielding 2 : not readily bent : lacking or deficient in suppleness 3 : incapable of change : unalterable — inflexibility noun — inflexibleness noun — inflexibly

heartless (adj)

archaic : SPIRITLESS 2 : lacking feeling : CRUEL

calm (adj)

be calm. 1 : marked by calm : STILL a calm sea 2 : free from agitation, excitement, or disturbance

mindful (adj)

be mindful of... 1 : bearing in mind : AWARE be mindful of how you use your power —Ayesha Grice 2 : inclined to be aware a stirring and important book for all mindful Americans —New Republic

deadweight (n)

carrying deadweight. 1 : the unrelieved weight of an inert mass 2 : dead load 3 : a ship's load including the total weight of cargo, fuel, stores, crew, and passengers

defer (v)

defer to your judgment. 1 : put off, delay 2 : to postpone induction of (a person) into military service — deferrer noun

depict (v)

depicted in... 1 : to represent by or as if by a picture a mural depicting a famous battle 2 : describe 1 the way the novelist depicts his female characters — depicter noun — depiction

deploy (v)

deploying additional resources. 1 a : to extend (a military unit) especially in width b : to place in battle formation or appropriate positions deploying troops to the region 2 : to spread out, utilize, or arrange for a deliberate purpose deploy a sales force deploy a parachute intransitive verb : to move, spread out, or function while being deployed the troops deployed along the front the parachute failed to deploy — deployable adjective — deployment

adventurous (adj)

feeling rather adventurous. 1 a : disposed to seek adventure or to cope with the new and unknown an adventurous explorer b : innovative an adventurous artistic style 2 : characterized by unknown dangers and risks an adventurous journey — adventurously adverb — adventurousness noun

flourish (v)

flourishing in a positive environment. 1 : to grow luxuriantly : thrive 2 a : to achieve success : prosper a flourishing business b : to be in a state of activity or production flourished around 1850 c : to reach a height of development or influence The company flourished with record profits under the new owner. 3 : to make bold and sweeping gestures transitive verb : to wield with dramatic gestures : brandish Dressed as a pirate, he entered the stage flourishing his sword. — flourisher noun

ground up (adj)

from the ground up. (not online) 1 : entirely new or afresh 2 : from top to bottom: THOROUGHLY -into the ground : beyond what is necessary or tolerable : to exhaustion <labored an issue into the ground - newsweek> -off the ground : in or as if in flight : off to a good start <the program never got off the ground> -on the ground : at the scene of action - to ground 1: into a burrow <the fox went to ground> 2: into hiding <might need to make a run for it and go to ground someplace> - Edward Hoagland

gauge (v)

gauge the situation. gauged also gaged; gauging also gaging transitive verb 1 a : to measure precisely the size, dimensions, or other measurable quantity of b : to determine the capacity or contents of c : estimate, judge hard to gauge his moods 2 a : to check for conformity to specifications or limits b : to measure off or set out

graduate (v)

graduating to the big leagues. graduated; graduating transitive verb 1 a : to grant an academic degree or diploma to b : to be graduated from joined the navy after graduating high school 2 a : to mark with degrees of measurement b : to divide into grades or intervals 3 : to admit to a particular standing or grade intransitive verb 1 : to receive an academic degree or diploma graduated with honors 2 : to pass from one stage of experience, proficiency, or prestige to a usually higher one graduated to team leader 3 : to change gradually — graduator

grandiose (adj)

grandiose ideas. 1 : characterized by affectation of grandeur or splendor or by absurd exaggeration They did not believe his grandiose claims. 2 : impressive because of uncommon largeness, scope, effect, or grandeur had grandiose plans for the city — grandiosely adverb — grandioseness noun — grandiosity

gripe (v)

gripe about... griped; griping transitive verb 1 archaic : seize, grasp 2 a : afflict, distress b : irritate, vex griped by the new regulations 3 : to cause pinching and spasmodic pain in the bowels of intransitive verb 1 : to experience gripes 2 : to complain with grumbling Students griped about having too much homework. — griper noun

ground zero (n)

ground zero for... 1 : the point directly above, below, or at which a nuclear explosion occurs 2 : the center or origin of rapid, intense, or violent activity or change broadly : CENTER sense 2a the party town that served as ground zero for those corporate ... bashes —Rich Eisen 3 : the very beginning : SQUARE ONE

groundless (adj)

groundless claims. having no ground or foundation groundless fears — groundlessly adverb — groundlessness noun

grubby (adj)

grubby hands... 1 : infested with fly maggots 2 a : dirty, grimy grubby hands b : slovenly, sloppy 3 : worthy of contempt : base grubby political motives — grubbily adverb — grubbiness noun

gruesome (adj)

gruesome details. inspiring horror or repulsion : grisly gruesome stories of wounded comrades — gruesomely adverb — gruesomeness noun

guard (v)

guarding against... 1 : to protect an edge of with an ornamental border 2a : to protect from danger especially by watchful attention : make secure police guarding our cities b : to stand at the entrance of as if on guard or as a barrier c : to tend to carefully : PRESERVE, PROTECT guarded their privacy 3 archaic : ESCORT 4a : to watch over so as to prevent escape, disclosure, or indiscretion guarded the prisoners. b : to attempt to prevent (an opponent) from playing effectively or scoring intransitive verb : to watch by way of caution or defense : stand guard guard against mistakes

second wind (n)

having a second wind. : renewed energy or endurance

hope (n)

having hope for... 1 archaic : TRUST, RELIANCE 2a : desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment came in hopes of seeing you also : expectation of fulfillment or success no hope of a cure when they were young and full of hope b : someone or something on which hopes are centered our only hope for victory c : something desired or hoped (see HOPE entry 1) for great hopes for the coming year

pejorative (adj)

having negative connotations (see connotation 1); especially : tending to disparage or belittle : depreciatory — pejoratively adverb

high-level (adj)

high-level negotiations. 1 : occurring, done, or placed at a high level 2 : being of high importance or rank high-level diplomats 3 : of, relating to, or being a computer programming language (such as BASIC or Pascal) which is similar to a natural language (such as English) and in which each statement is translated by a compiler usually into several machine language instructions 4 : relating to or being nuclear waste that contains highly concentrated radioactive components which are environmentally hazardous

hike (v)

hiking up prices. hiked; hiking intransitive verb 1 a : to go on a hike b : to travel by any means 2 : to rise up; especially : to work upward out of place skirt had hiked up in back transitive verb 1 a : to move, pull, or raise with a sudden motion hiked himself onto the top bunk b : snap transitive 6b c : to raise in amount sharply or suddenly hike rents 2 : to take on a hike 3 : to traverse on a hike hike a trail — hiker noun

home run (n)

hit a home-run. 1 : a hit in baseball that enables the batter to make a complete circuit of the bases and score a run 2 : an impressive success the president's speech was a home run

hoist (v)

hoist up. 1 : LIFT, RAISE especially : to raise into position by or as if by means of tackle hoist a flag hoist the sails Cargo was hoisted up into the ship. 2 : DRINK sense 1 hoist a few beers intransitive verb : to become hoisted : RISE let it hoist to the upper deck

here and now (n)

in the here and now. the present time —used with the man's obligation is in the here and now —W. H. Whyte

girlfriend (n)

introducing a girlfriend. 1 : a female friend 2 : a frequent or regular female companion in a romantic or sexual relationship

jaunty (adj)

jauntier; jauntiest 1 : sprightly in manner or appearance : lively sporting a jaunty red beret a jaunty stroll a jaunty tune 2 archaic a : stylish b : genteel — jauntily adverb — jauntiness

magnify (v)

magnified; magnifying transitive verb 1 a : extol, laud while they magnified the art, they often belittled the artist —Havelock Ellis b : to cause to be held in greater esteem or respect 2 a : to increase in significance : intensify real drama ... will use ugliness to magnify beauty —Alan Mickle b : exaggerate magnifies every minor issue to crisis proportions 3 : to enlarge in fact or in appearance The lens magnified the image 100 times. intransitive verb : to have the power of causing objects to appear larger than they are a glass that magnifies greatly

guardian angel (n)

my guardian angel. an angel believed to have special care of a particular individual; broadly : savior 1, protector

interpretation (n)

my interpretation of... 1 : the act or the result of interpreting : explanation 2 : a particular adaptation or version of a work, method, or style 3 : a teaching technique that combines factual with stimulating explanatory information natural history interpretation program — interpretational adjective — interpretative adjective — interpretatively adverb — interpretive adjective — interpretively adverb

Grammy (service mark)

nominated for a Grammy. —used for the annual presentation of a statuette for notable achievement in the recording industry

low-end (adj)

of, relating to, or being the lowest priced merchandise in a manufacturer's line; broadly : inexpensive

go (n)

on the go. 1 : the act or manner of going 2 : the height of fashion : RAGE elegant shawls labeled ... quite the go —R. S. Surtees 3 : an often unexpected turn of affairs : OCCURRENCE 4 : the quantity used or furnished at one time you can obtain a go of brandy for sixpence —C. B. Fairbanks 5 : ENERGY, VIGOR 6a : a turn in an activity (such as a game) it's your go b : ATTEMPT, TRY have a go at painting 7 : a spell of activity finished the job at one go 8 : SUCCESS made a go of the business 9 : permission to proceed : GO-AHEAD gave the astronauts a go for another orbit no go : to no avail : USELESS Attempts to get the computer running have been no go. on the go : constantly or restlessly active a housewife and mother who's always on the go

radar (n)

on your radar. 1 : a device or system consisting usually of a synchronized radio transmitter and receiver that emits radio waves and processes their reflections for display and is used especially for detecting and locating objects (such as aircraft) or surface features (as of a planet) 2 : range of notice fell off the radar after losing their first three games

ooze (v)

oozing with creativity. oozed; oozing intransitive verb 1 : to pass or flow slowly through or as if through small openings or interstices 2 : to move slowly or imperceptibly the crowd began to ooze forward —Bruce Marshall 3 a : to exude moisture b : to exude something often in a faintly repellent manner ooze with sympathy transitive verb 1 : to emit slowly 2 : exude 2 ooze confidence

spat (n)

past tense and past participle of SPIT

nonverbal (adj)

paying attention to nonverbals. : not verbal: such as a : being other than verbal nonverbal factors b : involving minimal use of language nonverbal tests c : ranking low in verbal skill a nonverbal child

envy (n)

plural envies 1 : painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage 2 obsolete : malice 3 : an object of envious notice or feeling his new car made him the envy of his friends

fait accompli (n)

plural faits accomplis play \ˈfā-tə-ˌkäm-ˈplē(z), ˈfe-, ˈfe-ˌta-, -ˌkōⁿ(m)-, British usually -ˈkäm-(ˌ)plē(z)\ : a thing accomplished and presumably irreversible he charged that the members were presented with a fait accompli instead of being called to a meeting to discuss the policy change —Daniel Thomases

lothario (n)

plural lotharios : a man whose chief interest is seducing women

peculiar (adj)

rather peculiar. 1 : characteristic of only one person, group, or thing : distinctive ... a drowsy fervour of manner and tone which was quite peculiar to her. —Thomas Hardy 2 : different from the usual or normal: a : special, particular a matter of peculiar interest b : odd, curious It seems peculiar that she would leave town without telling anybody. c : eccentric, queer The play had a zany plot and very peculiar characters. — peculiarly adverb

rate (v)

rating content. rated; rating transitive verb 1 : to rebuke angrily or violently 2 obsolete : to drive away by scolding intransitive verb : to voice angry reprimands

self-lacerating (adj)

self-lacerating tone. : the act or an instance of lacerating oneself: such as a : the act or action of cutting or tearing one's own flesh ... the self-laceration often results in sustained or permanent visible disfigurements to the body ... —Armando Favazza b : the act or action of rebuking or tormenting oneself Here his self-laceration finds expression in a series of adjectives that come tumbling out ... —Harold Bloom

roscoe (n)

slang : HANDGUN

significance (n)

something of significance. 1a : something that is conveyed as a meaning often obscurely or indirectly b : the quality of conveying or implying 2a : the quality of being important : MOMENT b : the quality of being statistically significant

carpe diem (n)

the enjoyment of the pleasures of the moment without concern for the future The multimillionaire said that he owed his success in life to his belief in carpe diem.

grind (n)

the grind. 1 a : an act of grinding b : the sound of grinding 2 a : dreary, monotonous, or difficult labor, study, or routine the dull grind of office work b : one who works or studies excessively a grind who never goes to parties 3 : the result of grinding; also : material ground to a particular degree of fineness a drip grind of coffee 4 : an action of rotating the hips in an erotic manner (as in a dance or in a burlesque striptease act) — compare 1bump 3

Fourier analysis (n)

the process of using the terms of a Fourier series to find a function that approximates periodic data

canonical form (n)

the simplest form of something; specifically : the form of a square matrix that has zero elements everywhere except along the principal diagonal

glisten (v)

to give off a sparkling or lustrous reflection of or as if of a moist or polished surface

human (adj)

we're all human. 1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of humans (see HUMAN entry 2) the human brain human voices problems that have occurred throughout human history 2 : consisting of humans everyone held hands and made a human chain 3a : having human form or attributes the statue is more human than the beings at his feet — Clifton Fadiman b : representative of or susceptible to the sympathies and frailties of human nature human kindness a human weakness such an inconsistency is very human — P. E. More

ah (interj)

—used to express delight, relief, regret, or contempt Ah, finished at last!

altruism (n)

1 : unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others charitable acts motivated purely by altruism 2 : behavior by an animal that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to itself but that benefits others of its species

catachresis (n)

1 : use of the wrong word for the context 2 : use of a forced and especially paradoxical figure of speech (such as blind mouths) catachreses

outline (v)

1 a : a line that marks the outer limits of an object or figure : boundary the jagged outline of the mountains b : shape the sharpening outline of her face —Willa Cather 2 a : a style of drawing in which contours are marked without shading drew a dog in outline b : a sketch in outline prepared several outlines of the suggested mural 3 a : a condensed treatment of a particular subject an outline of world history b : a summary of a written work : synopsis Students were required to give an outline for each assigned paper. 4 : a preliminary account of a project : plan gave the class an outline of the points he intended to cover 5 : a fishing line set out overnight

eternal (adj)

1 a : having infinite duration : everlasting eternal damnation b : of or relating to eternity c : characterized by abiding fellowship with God good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? —Mark 10:17 (Revised Standard Version) 2 a : continued without intermission : perpetual an eternal flame b : seemingly endless eternal delays 3 archaic : infernal some eternal villain ... devised this slander —William Shakespeare 4 : valid or existing at all times : timeless eternal verities — eternalize play \i-ˈtər-nə-ˌlīz\ transitive verb — eternally play \i-ˈtər-nᵊl-ē\ adverb — eternalness noun

myrmidon (n)

1 capitalized : a member of a legendary Thessalian people who accompanied their king Achilles in the Trojan War 2 : a loyal follower especially : a subordinate who executes orders unquestioningly or unscrupulously

sly (adj)

1 chiefly dialectal a : wise in practical affairs b : displaying cleverness : INGENIOUS 2a : clever in concealing one's aims or ends : FURTIVE b : lacking in straightforwardness and candor : DISSEMBLING 3 : lightly mischievous : ROGUISH a sly jest on the sly : in a manner intended to avoid notice slyest

mind (v)

1 chiefly dialectal : REMIND 2 chiefly dialectal : REMEMBER 3 : to attend to closely 4a(1) : to become aware of : NOTICE (2) : to regard with attention : consider important —often used in the imperative with following you for emphasis I'm not against inspiration, mind you; I simply refuse to sit and stare at a blank page waiting for it — Dennis Whitcomb b chiefly dialectal : INTEND, PURPOSE 5a : to give heed to attentively in order to obey b : to follow the orders or instructions of 6a : to be concerned about b : DISLIKE I don't mind going 7a : to be careful : SEE mind you finish it b : to be cautious about mind the broken rung 8 : to give protective care to : TEND 1 : to be attentive or wary 2 : to become concerned : CARE 3 : to pay obedient heed or attention minded; minding; minds

majority (n)

1 obsolete : the quality or state of being greater 2a : the age at which full civil rights are accorded The age of majority in the U.S. is 18. b : the status of one who has attained this age graduated ... before he had attained his majority — W. L. Burrage 3a : a number or percentage equaling more than half of a total a majority of voters a two-thirds majority b : the excess of a majority over the remainder of the total : MARGIN won by a majority of 10 votes c : the greater quantity or share the majority of the time 4 : the group or political party having the greater number of votes (as in a legislature) 5 : the military office, rank, or commission of a major majorities and colonelcies were thick as June blackberries — Dixon Wecter majorities

annals (n)

1 : a record of events arranged in yearly sequence the annals of the twentieth century 2 : historical records : CHRONICLES the annals of Tacitus in the annals of sports 3 : records of the activities of an organization quoted from the Annals of the Association of American Geographers

powder keg (n)

1 : a small usually metal cask for holding gunpowder or blasting powder 2 : something liable to explode

skeleton (n)

1 : a usually rigid supportive or protective structure or framework of an organism especially : the bony or more or less cartilaginous framework supporting the soft tissues and protecting the internal organs of a vertebrate 2 : something reduced to its minimum form or essential parts 3 : an emaciated person or animal 4a : something forming a structural framework b : the straight or branched chain or ring of atoms that forms the basic structure of an organic molecule 5 : something shameful and kept secret (as in a family) —often used in the phrase skeleton in the closet 6 : a small sled that is ridden in a prone position and used especially in competition also : the competition itself

precipice (n)

1 : a very steep or overhanging place 2 : a hazardous situation broadly : BRINK

straw man (n)

1 : a weak or imaginary opposition (such as an argument or adversary) set up only to be easily confuted 2 : a person set up to serve as a cover for a usually questionable transaction

naturalism (n)

1 : action, inclination, or thought based only on natural desires and instincts 2 : a theory denying that an event or object has a supernatural significance; specifically : the doctrine that scientific laws are adequate to account for all phenomena 3 : realism in art or literature; specifically : a theory or practice in literature emphasizing scientific observation of life without idealization and often including elements of determinism

heathen (n)

1 : an unconverted member of a people or nation who does not acknowledge the God of the Bible 2 : an uncivilized or irreligious person heathens or heathen

local (adj)

1 : characterized by or relating to position in space : having a definite spatial form or location 2a : of, relating to, or characteristic of a particular place : not general or widespread b : of, relating to, or applicable to part of a whole 3a : primarily serving the needs of a particular limited district b of a public conveyance : making all the stops on a route 4 : involving or affecting only a restricted part of the organism : TOPICAL a local anesthetic 5 : of or relating to telephone communication within a specified area

prodigal (adj)

1 : characterized by profuse or wasteful expenditure : LAVISH a prodigal feast prodigal outlays for her clothes 2 : recklessly spendthrift the prodigal prince 3 : yielding abundantly : LUXURIANT —often used with of nature has been so prodigal of her bounty — H. T. Buckle

versatile (adj)

1 : embracing a variety of subjects, fields, or skills also : turning with ease from one thing to another 2 : having many uses or applications versatile building material 3 : changing or fluctuating readily : VARIABLE a versatile disposition 4a(1) : capable of turning forward or backward : REVERSIBLE a versatile toe of a bird (2) : capable of moving laterally and up and down versatile antennae b of an anther : having the filaments attached at or near the middle so as to swing freely

meek (adj)

1 : enduring injury with patience and without resentment : MILD a meek child dominated by his brothers 2 : deficient in spirit and courage : SUBMISSIVE I don't care, came the meek reply — Annetta Miller 3 : not violent or strong : MODERATE his delivery varied from a meek, melodic patter to rapid-fire scriptural allusions — Bob Trebilcock

preclude (v)

1 : exceptionally early in development or occurrence precocious puberty 2 : exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age a precocious child

helix (n)

1 : something spiral in form: such as a : an ornamental volute b : a coil formed by winding wire around a uniform tube 2 : the incurved rim of the external ear 3 : a curve traced on a cylinder or cone by the rotation of a point crossing its right sections at a constant oblique angle broadly : SPIRAL sense 1b helices;helixes

corrosive (adj)

1 : tending or having the power to corrode corrosive acids corrosive action the corrosive effects of alcoholism 2 : bitingly sarcastic corrosive satire

multiplicative (adj)

1 : tending or having the power to multiply 2 : of, relating to, or associated with a mathematical operation of multiplication the multiplicative property of 0 requires that a × 0 = 0 and 0 × a = 0

maintenance (n)

1 : the act of maintaining : the state of being maintained : SUPPORT The building has suffered from years of poor maintenance. 2 : something that maintains at least half of them are living parasitically on the other half instead of producing maintenance for themselves — G. B. Shaw 3 : the upkeep of property or equipment the maintenance of the school 4 : an officious or unlawful intermeddling in a legal suit by assisting either party with means to carry it on

vampire (n)

1 : the reanimated body of a dead person believed to come from the grave at night and suck the blood of persons asleep 2a : one who lives by preying on others b : a woman who exploits and ruins her lover 3 : VAMPIRE BAT

molecule (n)

1 : the smallest particle of a substance that retains all the properties (see PROPERTY sense 1a) of the substance and is composed of one or more atoms (see ATOM sense 1a) a molecule of water a molecule of oxygen 2 : a tiny bit : PARTICLE a molecule of political honesty — Time

mercantilism (n)

1 : the theory or practice of mercantile pursuits : COMMERCIALISM 2 : an economic system developing during the decay of feudalism to unify and increase the power and especially the monetary wealth of a nation by a strict governmental regulation of the entire national economy usually through policies designed to secure an accumulation of bullion (see BULLION sense 1), a favorable balance of trade, the development of agriculture and manufactures, and the establishment of foreign trading monopolies (see MONOPOLY sense 1)

classify (v)

1 : to arrange in classes (see CLASS entry 1 sense 3) classifying books according to subject matter 2 : to consider (someone or something) as belonging to a particular group The movie is classified as a comedy. The vehicle is classified as a truck. classified; classifying

crave (v)

1 : to ask for earnestly : BEG, DEMAND crave a pardon for neglect 2a : to want greatly : NEED craves drugs craves attention b : to yearn for crave a vanished youth : to have a strong or inward desire craves after affection craved; craving

melt (v)

1 : to become altered from a solid to a liquid state usually by heat 2a : DISSOLVE, DISINTEGRATE the sugar melted in the coffee b : to disappear as if by dissolving her anger melted at his kind words 3 obsolete : to become subdued or crushed (as by sorrow) 4 : to become mild, tender, or gentle 5 : to lose outline or distinctness : BLEND 1 : to reduce from a solid to a liquid state usually by heat 2 : to cause to disappear or disperse 3 : to make tender or gentle : SOFTEN melted; melting; melts

horrify (v)

1 : to cause to feel horror 2 : to fill with distaste : SHOCK horrified; horrifying

tongue-tied (adj)

1 : unable or disinclined to speak freely (as from shyness) 2 : affected with tongue-tie

hound (n)

1a : DOG b : a dog of any of numerous hunting breeds including both scent hounds (such as the bloodhound and beagle) and sight hounds (such as the greyhound and Afghan hound) 2 : a mean or despicable person 3 : DOGFISH 4 : a person who pursues like a hound especially : one who avidly seeks or collects something autograph hounds

map (n)

1a : a representation usually on a flat surface of the whole or a part of an area b : a representation of the celestial sphere or a part of it c : a diagram or other visual representation that shows the relative position of the parts of something Doctors use the images to construct a detailed three-dimensional map of the patient's brain ... — Discover 2 : something that represents with a clarity suggestive of a map the Freudian map of the mind — Harold Bloom 3 : the arrangement of genes on a chromosome — called also genetic map 4 : FUNCTION sense 5a all over the map : marked by a high degree of variation on the map : in a position of prominence or fame had put the fledgling university on the map — Lon Tinkle

self-conscious (adj)

1a : conscious of one's own acts or states as belonging to or originating in oneself : aware of oneself as an individual b : intensely aware of oneself : CONSCIOUS a rising and self-conscious social class also : produced or done with such awareness self-conscious art 2 : uncomfortably conscious of oneself as an object of the observation of others : ILL AT EASE

discipline (n)

1a : control gained by enforcing obedience or order b : orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior c : SELF-CONTROL 2 : PUNISHMENT 3 : training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character 4 : a field of study 5 : a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity 6 obsolete : INSTRUCTION

rigid (adj)

1a : deficient in or devoid of flexibility rigid price controls a rigid bar of metal b : appearing stiff and unyielding his face rigid with pain 2a : inflexibly set in opinion b : strictly observed adheres to a rigid schedule 3 : firmly inflexible rather than lax or indulgent a rigid disciplinarian 4 : precise and accurate in procedure rigid control of the manufacturing process 5 of an airship : having the outer shape maintained by a fixed framework

masterful (adj)

1a : inclined and usually competent to act as master b : suggestive of a domineering nature 2 : having or reflecting the power and skill of a master

manual (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or involving the hands manual dexterity b : worked or done by hand and not by machine a manual transmission manual computation manual indexing 2 : requiring or using physical skill and energy manual labor manual workers

lie (v)

1a : to be or to stay at rest in a horizontal position : be prostrate : REST, RECLINE lie motionless lie asleep b : to assume a horizontal position —often used with down c archaic : to reside temporarily : stay for the night : LODGE d : to have sexual intercourse —used with with e : to remain inactive (as in concealment) lie in wait 2 : to be in a helpless or defenseless state the town lay at the mercy of the invaders 3 of an inanimate thing : to be or remain in a flat or horizontal position upon a broad support books lying on the table 4 : to have direction : EXTEND the route lay to the west 5a : to occupy a certain relative place or position hills lie behind us b : to have a place in relation to something else the real reason lies deeper c : to have an effect through mere presence, weight, or relative position remorse lay heavily on him d : to be sustainable or admissible 6 : to remain at anchor or becalmed 7a : to have place : EXIST the choice lay between fighting or surrendering b : CONSIST, BELONG the success of the book lies in its direct style responsibility lay with the adults 8 : REMAIN especially : to remain unused, unsought, or uncared for 1 : to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive She was lying when she said she didn't break the vase. He lied about his past experience. 2 : to create a false or misleading impression Statistics sometimes lie. The mirror never lies. : to bring about by telling lies He lied his way out of trouble. lay lain lying

arise (v)

1a : to begin to occur or to exist : to come into being or to attention Problems arise when people try to avoid responsibility. A conflict arose because of a misunderstanding. Questions have arisen concerning the company's financial records. He can defend himself should the need arise. [=if it becomes necessary to do so] b : to originate from a source arteries that arise from the aorta a river that arises from two main sources 2 : to get up or stand up : rise He arose from his chair. especially : to get up from sleep or after lying down He arose (from bed) refreshed after a good night's sleep. 3 : to move upward : ascend A mist arose from the valley. Synonyms & Antonyms arose arisen arising

proclaim (v)

1a : to declare publicly, typically insistently, proudly, or defiantly and in either speech or writing : ANNOUNCE b : to give outward indication of : SHOW his manner proclaimed his genteel upbringing 2 : to declare or declare to be solemnly, officially, or formally proclaim an amnesty proclaim the country a republic 3 : to praise or glorify openly or publicly : EXTOL proclaimed the rescue workers' efforts proclaimed; proclaiming; proclaims

pigeonhole (v)

1a : to place in or as if in the pigeonhole of a desk b : to lay aside : SHELVE his reports continued to be pigeonholed and his advice not taken —Walter Mills 2 : to assign to an often restrictive category : CLASSIFY pigeonholed; pigeonholing; pigeonholes

laundry list (n)

: a usually long list of items the laundry list of new consumer-protection bills — N. C. Miller

coordinated (adj)

: able to use more than one set of muscle movements to a single end a well-coordinated athlete

aplastic anemia (n)

: anemia that is characterized by defective function of the blood-forming organs (such as the bone marrow) and is caused by toxic agents (such as chemicals or X-rays) or is idiopathic in origin

mammal (n)

: any of a class (Mammalia) of warm-blooded higher vertebrates (such as placentals, marsupials, or monotremes) that nourish their young with milk secreted by mammary glands, have the skin usually more or less covered with hair, and include humans

muscle car (n)

: any of a group of American-made 2-door sports coupes with powerful engines designed for high-performance driving

amoeba (n)

: any of a large genus (Amoeba) of naked rhizopod protozoans with lobed and never anastomosing pseudopodia, without permanent organelles or supporting structures, and of wide distribution in fresh and salt water and moist terrestrial environments broadly : a naked rhizopod or other amoeboid protozoan amoebas amoebae

mollusk (n)

: any of a large phylum (Mollusca) of invertebrate animals (such as snails, clams, or squids) with a soft unsegmented body usually enclosed in a calcareous shell broadly : SHELLFISH mollusc

Irish confetti (n)

a rock or brick used as a missile

aficionada (n)

a woman who is an aficionado

alleviate (v)

alleviating pain. relieve, lessen: such as a : to make (something, such as suffering) more bearable Her sympathy alleviated his distress. b : to partially remove or correct (something undesirable) measures taken to alleviate a labor shortage — alleviation noun — alleviator noun

deify (v)

deifying popular CEO's. deified; deifying transitive verb 1 a : to make a god of b : to take as an object of worship 2 : to glorify as of supreme worth

self-indulgence (n)

excessive or unrestrained gratification of one's own appetites, desires, or whims — self-indulgent play \ˌself-in-ˈdəl-jənt\ adjective — self-indulgently adverb

date (n)

go on a date. 1 a : the time at which an event occurs the date of his birth on this date in history b : a statement of the time of execution (see execution 1) or making the date on the letter 2 : duration the short date of all things sweet —Rebecca P. Parkin 3 : the period of time to which something belongs a style from a later date 4 a : an appointment to meet at a specified time set up a date with her lawyer; especially : a social engagement (see engagement 1a) between two persons that often has a romantic character asked her out on a date b : a person with whom one has a usually romantic date bringing a date to the dance 5 : an engagement for a professional performance (as of a dance band) concert dates — to date : up to the present moment her best album to date

sabbatical (n)

going on sabbatical. 1 : SABBATICAL YEAR sense 2 2 : LEAVE sense 1b 3 : a break or change from a normal routine (as of employment)

home (v)

homing in on... 1 : to go or return to one's place of residence or origin : to go or return home (see HOME entry 1) let us home 2 of an animal : to return accurately to one's native area of place of birth or origin from a distance : to return home The salmon will home to spawn. 3 : to move to or toward an objective by following a signal or landmark —usually used with on or in missiles homing in on a target mariners ... sought the dark spires of Oakland's redwoods to home on —J. W. Noble 4 : to proceed or direct attention toward an objective science is homing in on the mysterious human process —Sam Glucksberg transitive verb : to send to or provide with a home hidden pools and much wider creeks each of which homed its cranes —I. L. Idriess

radix (n)

plural radices play \ˈrā-də-ˌsēz, ˈra-\ or radixes play \ˈrā-dik-səz\ 1 : the base of a number system or of logarithms 2 : the primary source

landscape (n)

political/competitive landscape. 1 a : a picture representing a view of natural inland scenery Her hobby was painting landscapes. b : the art of depicting such scenery 2 a : the landforms of a region in the aggregate a landscape of rolling hills b : a portion of territory that can be viewed at one time from one place enjoyed the landscape from the mountain's summit c : a particular area of activity : scene the political landscape her new book which charts the landscape of her life during the last ten years —Elizabeth Mavor 3 obsolete : vista, prospect

nacreous (adj)

possessing the qualities of, consisting of, or abounding in nacre; also : iridescent

prevaricate (v)

prevaricated; prevaricating intransitive verb : to deviate from the truth : equivocate — prevarication noun — prevaricator noun

least (adj)

superlative of LITTLE ENTRY 1 1 : lowest in importance or position the least of my worries 2a : smallest in size or degree The least noise would startle her. b : being a member of a kind distinguished by diminutive size the least bittern c : smallest possible : SLIGHTEST believed that the least government was the best government — Irving Stone

globalization (n)

the act or process of globalizing : the state of being globalized; especially : the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets

North Star (n)

the star of the northern hemisphere toward which the axis of the earth points — called also polestar

parenthood (n)

the state of being a parent; specifically : the position, function, or standing of a parent

misogamy (n)

: a hatred of marriage

misogyny (n)

: a hatred of women lyrics that promote violence and misogyny

repercussion (n)

1 : REFLECTION, REVERBERATION 2a : an action or effect given or exerted in return : a reciprocal action or effect b : a widespread, indirect, or unforeseen effect of an act, action, or event —usually used in plural

doing (n)

1 : the act of performing or executing : ACTION that will take a great deal of doing 2 doings plural a : things that are done or that occur : GOINGS-ON everyday doings b : social activities

reveal (v)

1 : to make known through divine inspiration 2 : to make (something secret or hidden) publicly or generally known reveal a secret 3 : to open up to view : DISPLAY the uncurtained window revealed a cluttered room revealed; revealing; reveals

luck (v)

1 : to prosper or succeed especially through chance or good fortune —usually used with out the hero lucks out and is able to escape 2 : to come upon something desirable by chance —usually used with out, on, onto, or into lucked into a wonderful opportunity lucked; lucking; lucks

lymphatic (adj)

1a : of, relating to, or produced by lymph, lymphoid tissue, or lymphocytes b : conveying lymph 2 : lacking physical or mental energy : SLUGGISH

grade (v)

1a : to arrange in grades : SORT b : to arrange in a scale or series c : to assign to a grade or assign a grade to 2 : to level off to a smooth horizontal or sloping surface intransitive verb 1a : to form a series b : BLEND 2 : to be of a particular grade

prodigious (adj)

1a obsolete : being an omen : PORTENTOUS b : resembling or befitting a prodigy : STRANGE, UNUSUAL 2 : causing amazement or wonder 3 : extraordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree : ENORMOUS

life-form (n)

: the body form that characterizes a kind of organism (such as a species) at maturity also : a kind of organism

berth (n)

Wide berth. 1 a nautical : sufficient distance for maneuvering a ship Keep a clear berth of the shoals. b : an amount of distance maintained for safety give the fire a wide berth giving him a wide berth until he is in a better mood 2 a : the place where a ship lies when at anchor or at a wharf was docked at her usual berth b : a space for an automotive vehicle at rest a truck-loading berth 3 : a place to sit or sleep especially on a ship or vehicle : accommodation a comfortable cabin with a deep berth an upper berth 4 a : a billet (see 1billet 2a) on a ship waiting for a berth as a ship's surgeon —Bernard Keelan b : job, position, place a starting berth on the team

leap (v)

a bit of/quite a leap. leaped or leapt play \ˈlēpt also ˈlept\; leaping play \ˈlē-piŋ\ intransitive verb 1 : to spring free from or as if from the ground : jump leap over a fence a fish leaps out of the water 2 a : to pass abruptly from one state or topic to another the difficult leap from college to the workplace b : to act precipitately leaped at the chance transitive verb : to pass over by leaping leaped the wall — leaper

dead-end (adj)

a dead-end job. 1a : lacking opportunities especially for advancement a dead-end job b : lacking an exit a dead-end street 2 : UNRULY dead-end kids

mea culpa (n)

a formal acknowledgment of personal fault or error The mayor's public mea culpa didn't satisfy his critics.

paragon (n)

a model of excellence or perfection was a paragon of goodness a paragon of a wife

honorarium (n)

a payment for a service (such as making a speech) on which custom or propriety forbids a price to be set donated the honoraria from his speaking engagements

game changer (n)

a real game changing development. : a newly introduced element or factor that changes an existing situation or activity in a significant way

gridlock (n)

political gridlock. 1 : a traffic jam in which a grid of intersecting streets is so completely congested that no vehicular movement is possible 2 : a situation resembling gridlock (as in congestion or lack of movement) political gridlock — gridlock transitive verb

gibberish (n)

speaking pure gibberish. unintelligible or meaningless language: a : a technical or esoteric (see esoteric 1) language The doctors spoke to one another in their medical gibberish that I was unable to follow. b : pretentious or needlessly obscure language The substance of the philosopher'swork is buried in polysyllabic gibberish.

allegiance (n)

1a : the obligation of a feudal vassal to his liege lord b(1) : the fidelity owed by a subject or citizen to a sovereign or government I pledge allegiance to my country. (2) : the obligation of an alien to the government under which the alien resides 2 : devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause allegiance to a political party

publish (v)

1a : to make generally known b : to make public announcement of 2a : to disseminate to the public b : to produce or release for distribution specifically : PRINT sense 2c c : to issue the work of (an author) 1 : to put out an edition 2 : to have one's work accepted for publication published; publishing; publishes

bar (prep)

: EXCEPT the country's most popular actor, bar none

modish (adj)

: FASHIONABLE, STYLISH a modish hat a modish writer

muliebrity (n)


lenience (n)


lascivious (adj)

: LEWD, LUSTFUL arrested for lewd and lascivious assault

life vest (n)


lumberjack (n)


lysergic acid diethylamide (n)


humdrum (adj)


agree (v)

I couldn't agree more. agreed; agreeing transitive verb 1 a : to concur in (something, such as an opinion) : admit, concede They agreed that he was right. b : to consent to as a course of action She agreed to sell him the house. 2 chiefly British : to settle on by common consent : arrange ... I agreed rental terms with him ... —Eric Bennett intransitive verb 1 : to accept or concede something (such as the views or wishes of another) agree to a plan 2 a : to achieve or be in harmony (as of opinion, feeling, or purpose) We agree in our taste in music. b : to get along together c : to come to terms agree on a fair division of profits 3 a : to be similar : correspond Both copies agree. b : to be consistent The story agrees with the facts. 4 : to be fitting, pleasing, or healthful : suit This climate agrees with him. 5 grammar : to have an inflectional form denoting identity or other regular correspondence in a grammatical category (such as gender, number, case, or person)

faint (adj)

a faint presence. 1 : lacking courage and spirit : cowardly faint of heart 2 : weak, dizzy, and likely to faint sick and faint from the pain —Jack London 3 : lacking strength or vigor : performed, offered, or accomplished weakly or languidly faint praise a faint smile on her lips 4 : producing a sensation of faintness : oppressive the faint atmosphere of a tropical port 5 a : hardly perceptible : dim faint handwriting b : vague 2a haven't the faintest idea — faintish play \ˈfān-tish\ adjective — faintishness noun — faintly adverb — faintness noun

fiery (adj)

a fiery personality. fierier; fieriest 1 a : consisting of fire fiery tongues playing about the roof of the burning building b : marked by fire a fiery crash c : using or carried out with fire the fiery experiments of the ancient alchemists d : liable to catch fire or explode : flammable a fiery vapor 2 a : hot like a fire the fiery taste of red pepper b (1) : being in an inflamed state or condition a fiery boil (2) : feverish and flushed a fiery forehead 3 : of the color of fire : red a fiery sunset 4 a : full of or exuding emotion or spirit a fiery sermon b : easily provoked : irritable a fiery temper — fierily adverb — fieriness noun — fiery adverb

hallmark (n)

a hallmark of (a president). 1a : an official mark stamped on gold and silver articles in England to attest their purity b : a mark or device placed or stamped on an article of trade to indicate origin, purity, or genuineness a hallmark from the Ming dynasty 2 : a distinguishing characteristic, trait, or feature the dramatic flourishes which are the hallmark of the trial lawyer —Marion K. Sanders

hodgepodge (n)

a hodgepodge of... a heterogeneous mixture : jumble a hodgepodge of styles

tastemaker (n)

a musical tastemaker. : one who sets the standards of what is currently popular or fashionable She is one of the most powerful tastemakers in the fashion world.

neutral (adj)

a neutral position on... 1 : not engaged on either side; specifically : not aligned with a political or ideological grouping a neutral nation 2 : of or relating to a neutral state or power neutral territory 3 a : not decided or pronounced as to characteristics : indifferent b (1) : achromatic (2) : nearly achromatic c (1) : neuter 3 (2) : lacking stamens or pistils d : neither acid nor basic e : not electrically charged 4 : produced with the tongue in the position it has when at rest the neutral vowels of \ə-ˈbəv\ above — neutrally adverb — neutralness noun

metaphor (n)

a playful metaphor. 1 : a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in drowning in money); broadly : figurative language — compare simile 2 : an object, activity, or idea treated as a metaphor : symbol 2 — metaphoric play \ˌme-tə-ˈfȯr-ik, -ˈfär-\ or metaphorical play \-i-kəl\ adjective — metaphorically

lunatic (adj)

a raving lunatic. 1 dated a : affected with a severely disordered state of mind : insane b : designed for the care of mentally ill people a lunatic asylum 2 : wildly foolish a lunatic idea lunatic behavior — lunatic noun

refreshing (adj)

a refreshing take on... : serving to refresh especially : agreeably stimulating because of freshness or newness a refreshing change of pace

homeostasis (n)

a relatively stable state of equilibrium or a tendency toward such a state between the different but interdependent elements or groups of elements of an organism, population, or group striving to achieve homeostasis — homeostatic adjective

scruffy (adj)

a scruffy pup. UNKEMPT, SLOVENLY, SHAGGY a scruffy neighborhood a scruffy beard

sea (n)

a sea of possibilities. 1a : a great body of salt water that covers much of the earth broadly : the waters of the earth as distinguished from the land and air b : a body of salt water of second rank more or less landlocked the Mediterranean sea c : OCEAN d : an inland body of water —used especially for names of such bodies the Caspian Sea 2a : surface motion on a large body of water or its direction also : a large swell or wave —often used in plural heavy seas b : the disturbance of the ocean or other body of water due to the wind 3 : something likened to the sea especially in vastness a sea of faces 4 : the seafaring life 5 : MARE entry 2 at sea 1 : on the sea specifically : on a sea voyage 2 : LOST, BEWILDERED to sea : to or on the open waters of the sea

secondary (adj)

a secondary goal. 1a : of second rank, importance, or value b : of, relating to, or constituting the second strongest of the three or four degrees of stress recognized by most linguists the fourth syllable of basketball team carries secondary stress c of a tense : expressive of past time 2a : immediately derived from something original, primary, or basic b : of, relating to, or being the induced current or its circuit in an induction coil or transformer secondary voltage c : characterized by or resulting from the substitution of two atoms or groups in a molecule a secondary salt especially : being, characterized by, or attached to a carbon atom having bonds to two other carbon atoms d(1) : not first in order of occurrence or development (2) : dependent or consequent on another disease or condition secondary hypertension (3) : produced by activity of formative tissue and especially cambium other than that at a growing point secondary growth secondary phloem 3a : of, relating to, or being the second order or stage in a series b : of, relating to, or being the second segment of the wing of a bird or the quills of this segment c : of or relating to a secondary school secondary education

sedulous (adj)

a sedulous observer. 1 : involving or accomplished with careful perseverance sedulous craftsmanship 2 : diligent in application or pursuit a sedulous student

Mexican standoff (n)

a situation in which no one emerges a clear winner; also : deadlock

gradient (n)

a smooth gradient. 1a : the rate of regular or graded (see GRADE entry 2 sense transitive 2) ascent or descent : INCLINATION b : a part sloping upward or downward 2 : change in the value of a quantity (such as temperature, pressure, or concentration) with change in a given variable and especially per unit distance in a specified direction 3 : the vector sum of the partial derivatives with respect to the three coordinate variables x, y, and z of a scalar quantity whose value varies from point to point 4 : a graded difference in physiological activity along an axis (as of the body or an embryonic field)

faux pas (n)

a social faux pax. plural faux pas play \ˈfō-ˌpä(z), fō-ˈpä(z)\ : blunder Long, hot soaks in winter are a classic faux pas, since exposure to extreme heat after having been in the cold can cause small visible blood vessels to appear at the skin's surface. —Elle especially : a social blunder ... when I sauntered into the main dining room for my first breakfast, I realized I was the only person showing his legs. Careless faux pas, or was I being overly sensitive to the local culture? —David Swanson Campaigning last year seemed to convince her that she can venture out alone without making costly faux pas. —Time Magazine It was not until I'd covered about fifty kilometers that I committed my most terrible social faux pas yet: I overtook another cyclist. —Polly Evans

toolbox (n)

a social toolbox. : a chest for tools

annus horriblis (n)

a year of disaster or misfortune.

absolutely (adv)

absoltuely no pressure. 1 : in an absolute manner: such as a : completely or totally absolutely certain an absolutely clear explanation —often used as an intensive an absolutely brilliant performancean absolutely awful experienceYou're absolutely right. b : with unlimited power ruling absolutely 2 a —used in speech as a forceful way of saying yes or of expressing agreement Would you like to see a movie tonight? Absolutely!We all need to work harder. Absolutely! b —used in speech in the phrase absolutely not as a forceful way of saying no or of expressing disagreement Do you think he's right? Absolutely not! 3 mathematics : with respect to absolute values an absolutely convergent series

absolve (v)

absolved of your sins. absolved; absolving transitive verb formal 1 : to set (someone) free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt The jury absolved the defendants of their crimes. Her youth does not absolve her of responsibility for her actions. 2 : to pardon or forgive (a sin) : to remit (a sin) by absolution asked the priest to absolve his sins — absolver noun

achieve (v)

achieving your goals. achieved; achieving transitive verb 1 : to carry out successfully : accomplish achieve a gradual increase in production 2 : to get or attain as the result of exertion : reach achieved a high degree of skill achieved greatness intransitive verb : to attain a desired end or aim : become successful — achievable adjective — achiever noun

acute (adj)

acute personality disorder. acuter; acutest 1 a (1) : characterized by sharpness or severity of sudden onset acute pain (2) : having a sudden onset, sharp rise, and short course acute illness (3) : being, providing, or requiring short-term medical care (as for serious illness or traumatic injury) acute hospitals an acute patient b : lasting a short time acute experiments 2 : ending in a sharp point: such as a : being or forming an angle measuring less than 90 degrees an acute angle b : composed of acute angles an acute triangle 3 a of an accent mark : having the form ´ b : marked with an acute accent c : of the variety indicated by an acute accent 4 a : marked by keen discernment or intellectual perception especially of subtle distinctions an acute thinker b : responsive to slight impressions or stimuli acute hearing 5 : felt, perceived, or experienced intensely acute distress 6 : demanding urgent attention an acute emergency — acutely adverb — acuteness noun

latitude (n)

allowing considerable latitude. 1 archaic : extent or distance from side to side : width 2 : angular distance from some specified circle or plane of reference: such as a : angular distance north or south from the earth's equator measured through 90 degrees an island located at 40 degrees north latitude b : angular distance of a celestial body from the ecliptic c : a region or locality as marked by its latitude 3 a : scope, range b : the range of exposures within which a film or plate will produce a negative or positive of satisfactory quality 4 : freedom of action or choice students are allowed considerable latitude in choosing courses — latitudinal play \ˌla-tə-ˈtüd-nəl, -ˈtyüd-; -ˈtü-də-nəl, -ˈtyü-\ adjective — latitudinally adverb

air (n)

an air of... 1a archaic : BREATH b : the mixture of invisible odorless tasteless gases (such as nitrogen and oxygen) that surrounds the earth also : the equivalent mix of gases on another planet ... the thin, frigid air of Mars. —Stefano S. Coledan c : a light breeze 2a : empty space b : NOTHINGNESS vanished into thin air c old-fashioned : a sudden severance of relations She gave me the air. 3 [ probably translation of Italian aria ] a : TUNE, MELODY a lilting air b Elizabethan & Jacobean music : an accompanied song or melody in usually strophic form c : the chief voice part or melody in choral music 4a : outward appearance of a thing an air of luxury b : a surrounding or pervading influence : ATMOSPHERE an air of mystery c : the look, appearance, or bearing of a person especially as expressive of some personal quality or emotion : DEMEANOR an air of dignity d : an artificial or affected manner put on airs 5 : public utterance He gave air to his opinion. 6 : COMPRESSED AIR 7a(1) : AIRCRAFT traveling by air (2) : AVIATION air safety air rights (3) : AIR FORCE air headquarters b(1) : the medium of transmission of radio waves also : RADIO, TELEVISION went on the air (2) : AIRTIME 8 : a football offense utilizing primarily the forward pass Trailing by 20 points, the team took to the air. 9 : an air-conditioning system a house with central air 10 : the height achieved in performing an aerial maneuver a snowboarder catching big air also : the maneuver itself in the air : being felt or expressed by many people : in wide circulation There was a sense of anticipation in the air. up in the air : not yet settled a question that's still up in the air

airtight (adj)

an airtight case. 1 : impermeable to air or nearly so an airtight seal 2 a : having no noticeable weakness, flaw, or loophole an airtight argument b : permitting no opportunity for an opponent to score an airtight defense — airtightness noun

long view (n)

an approach to a problem or situation that emphasizes long-range factors

earth-shattering (adj)

an earth-shattering revelation. earthshaking

hired gun (n)

an expert hired to do a specific and often ethically dubious job

Graustark (n)

an imaginary land of high romance; also : a highly romantic piece of writing — Graustarkian

informed (adj)

an informed decision. 1 a : having information informed sources informed observers b : based on possession of information an informed opinion 2 : educated, knowledgeable what the informed person should know — informedly

assumption (n)

an lofty assumption. 1 : a taking to or upon oneself the assumption of a new position 2 : the act of laying claim to or taking possession of something the assumption of power 3 a : an assuming that something is true a mistaken assumption b : a fact or statement (such as a proposition, axiom (see axiom 2), postulate, or notion) taken for granted 4 a : the taking up of a person into heaven b capitalized : August 15 observed in commemoration of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary 5 : the taking over of another's debts 6 : arrogance, pretension

theme (n)

an underlying theme. 1a : a subject or topic of discourse or of artistic representation guilt and punishment is the theme of the story b : a specific and distinctive quality, characteristic, or concern the campaign has lacked a theme 2 : a melodic subject of a musical composition or movement 3 : a written exercise : COMPOSITION a research theme 4 : STEM sense 4

assemble (v)

assemble the troops/parts. : to bring together (as in a particular place or for a particular purpose) They assembled a team of experts to solve the problem. 2 : to fit together the parts of assemble a new bicycle intransitive verb : to meet together : CONVENE The club assembles once a month.

leisure (n)

at your leisure... 1 : freedom provided by the cessation of activities; especially : time free from work or duties increase of leisure, diminution of hustle are the ends to be sought —Bertrand Russell 2 : ease, leisureliness — leisure adjective — at leisure or at one's leisure : in one's leisure time : at one's convenience read the book at her leisure

diffuse (v)

diffused; diffusing transitive verb 1 a : to pour out and permit or cause to spread freely a drop of blue dye diffused in a glass of water b : extend, scatter diffusing their ideas throughout the continent c : to spread thinly or wastefully a government in which power is diffused 2 physics : to subject to diffusion (see diffusion 3); especially : to break up and distribute (incident light) by reflection put up a screen to diffuse the light intransitive verb 1 : to spread out or become transmitted especially by contact The civilization diffused westward. 2 : to undergo diffusion heat from the radiator diffusing throughout the room — diffusible adjective

guard (n)

drop your guard. 1 : one assigned to protect or oversee another: such as a : a person or a body of persons on sentinel duty Guards were posted around the camp. b guards plural : troops attached to the person of the sovereign c British : conductor b 2 a : a defensive state or attitude asked him out when his guard was down b : a defensive position (as in boxing) 3 a : the act or duty of protecting or defending b : the state of being protected : protection 4 : a protective or safety device; specifically : a device for protecting a machine part or the operator of a machine 5 archaic : precaution 6 a : a position or player next to the center in a football line b : a player stationed in the backcourt in basketball — off guard : in an unprepared or unsuspecting state Her angry response caught me off guard. — on guard : defensively watchful : alert is on guard against terrorists

elevate (v)

elevating one's existence. 1 : to lift up or make higher : RAISE elevate a patient's leg exercises that elevate the heart rate 2 : to raise in rank or status was elevated to chairman 3 : to improve morally, intellectually, or culturally great books that both entertain and elevate their readers 4 : to raise the spirits of : ELATE intransitive verb : to become elevated : RISE his voice elevated to a shout

essential (adj)

essential component/personnel. 1 : of, relating to, or constituting essence : inherent 2 a : of the utmost importance : basic, indispensable, necessary an essential requirement for admission to college b : being a substance that is not synthesized by the body in a quantity sufficient for normal health and growth and that must be obtained from the diet a vegetable oil rich in essential fatty acids — see also essential amino acid — compare nonessential 2 3 : idiopathic essential disease essential hypertension — essentially play \i-ˈsench-lē, -ˈsen(t)-shə-\ adverb — essentialness

agency (n)

exercising your agency to decide. 1: (a) the office or function of an agent (b) the relationship between a principal and that person's agent 2: the capacity, condition, or state of acting or exerting power: OPERATION 3: a person or thing thtrough which power is exertted or an end is achieved: INSTRUMENTALITY <communicated through the ~ of the ambassador> 4: an establishment engaged in doing business for another <an advertising ~> 5: an administrative division (as of a government) <the ~ for consumer protection>

awry (adv or adj)

gone awry. 1 : off the correct or expected course : amiss Their plans went awry. 2 : in a turned or twisted position or direction : askew His wig was put on all awry, with the tail straggling about his neck. —Charles Dickens

distress (n)

in distress. 1 law a : seizure and detention of the goods of another as pledge (see PLEDGE entry 1 sense 1) or to obtain satisfaction of a claim by the sale of the goods seized b : something that is distrained 2a : pain or suffering affecting the body, a bodily part, or the mind : TROUBLE gastric distress The patient showed no obvious signs of distress. severe emotional distress voiced their distress over the delays b : a painful situation : MISFORTUNE 3 : a state of danger or desperate need a ship in distress

abyss (n)

in the abyss. 1 a : an immeasurably deep gulf or great space gazed down into the gaping abyss the ocean's abysses (figurative) a widening abyss between the rich and the poor b : intellectual or moral depths an abyss of moral depravity an abyss of despair 2 : the bottomless gulf, pit, or chaos of the old cosmogonies

gutter (n)

in the gutter. 1 a : a trough along the eaves to catch and carry off rainwater b : a low area (as at the edge of a street) to carry off surface water (as to a sewer) c : a trough or groove to catch and direct something the gutters of a bowling alley 2 : a white space formed by the adjoining inside margins of two facing pages (as of a book) 3 : the lowest or most vulgar level or condition of human life

exhaustive (adj)

including all possibilities : THOROUGH conducted an exhaustive search

indicative (adj)

indicative of... 1 : of, relating to, or constituting a verb form or set of verb forms that represents the denoted act or state as an objective fact the indicative mood 2 : serving to indicate actions indicative of fear — indicatively adverb

dormant (adj)

lying dormant. 1 heraldry : represented on a coat of arms in a lying position with the head on the forepaws 2 : marked by a suspension of activity: such as a : temporarily devoid of external activity a dormant volcano b : temporarily in abeyance yet capable of being activated seeds will remain dormant until spring reawaken her dormant emotions 3 a : asleep, inactive dormant creatures b : having the faculties suspended : sluggish c : having biological activity suspended: such as (1) : being in a state of suspended animation (2) botany : not actively growing but protected (as by bud scales) from the environment —used of plant parts 4 : associated with, carried out, or applied during a period of dormancy dormant grafting

firepower (n)

need more firepower. 1 a : the capacity (as of a military unit) to deliver effective fire on a target b : effective fire 2 a : effective power or force intellectual firepower b : the scoring ability of a team or player

intervene (v)

need to intervene. 1 : to occur, fall, or come between points of time or events only six months intervened between their marriage and divorce 2 : to enter or appear as an irrelevant or extraneous feature or circumstance it's business as usual until a crisis intervenes 3a : to come in or between by way of hindrance or modification intervene to stop a fight b : to interfere with the outcome or course especially of a condition or process (as to prevent harm or improve functioning) 4 : to occur or lie between two things 5a : to become a third party to a legal proceeding begun by others for the protection of an alleged interest b : to interfere usually by force or threat of force in another nation's internal affairs especially to compel or prevent an action

obliterate (v)

obliterated; obliterating transitive verb 1 a : to remove utterly from recognition or memory ... a successful love crowned all other successes and obliterated all other failures. —J. W. Krutch b : to remove from existence : destroy utterly all trace, indication, or significance of The tide eventually obliterated all evidence of our sandcastles. c medical : to cause (something, such as a bodily part, a scar, or a duct conveying body fluid) to disappear or collapse : remove 4 a blood vessel obliterated by inflammation 2 : to make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or wearing away A dimness like a fog envelops consciousness / As mist obliterates a crag. —Emily Dickinson 3 : cancel 2 obliterate a postage stamp — obliteration play \ə-ˌbli-tə-ˈrā-shən, ō-\ noun — obliterator

guerilla (adj)

of, relating to, or suggestive of guerrillas especially in being aggressive, radical, or unconventional guerrilla warfare

overpay (v)

overpay for... overpaid play \ˌō-vər-ə-ˈpād\; overpaying transitive + intransitive : to pay too much to someone or for something ... the debate over whether organic foods are a smart choice for healthier living or a marketing tool that gulls people into overpaying. —Kenneth Chang It took my husband and me an hour with a representative to figure out we were overpaying for insurance and unlimited data plans. —Tanisha A. Sykes Be careful not to overpay state taxes. —Carl T. Hall We are not overpaying people; we are paying people what the market demands. —Renee Glover — overpaid adjective ... fuels the negative stereotype of the overpaid underworked bureaucrat. —Joann S. Lublin

per (prep)

per your request. 1 : by the means or agency of : through per bearer 2 : with respect to every member of a specified group : for each 3 : according to —often used with as per instructionsas per usual

decision tree (n)

plot out a decision tree. : a tree diagram which is used for making decisions in business or computer programming and in which the branches represent choices with associated risks, costs, results, or probabilities

beneficiary (n)

plural beneficiaries 1 : a person or thing that receives help or an advantage from something : one that benefits from something the main beneficiaries of these economic reforms 2 a law : the person designated to receive the income of an estate that is subject to a trust (see 1trust 3a) b : the person named (as in an insurance policy) to receive proceeds or benefits (see 1benefit 2b) named her husband as the sole beneficiary of her life insurance policy

hyena (n)

plural hyenas also hyena : any of several large strong nocturnal carnivorous Old World mammals (family Hyaenidae) that usually feed as scavengers — hyenic

leniency (n)

plural leniencies 1 : the quality or state of being lenient the leniency of the punishment 2 : a lenient disposition or practice The prisoner asked the judge for leniency.

rattle (v)

rattled; rattling play \ˈrat-liŋ, ˈra-tᵊl-iŋ\ intransitive verb 1 : to make a rapid succession of short sharp noises the windows rattled in the wind 2 : to chatter incessantly and aimlessly 3 : to move with a clatter or rattle; also : to be or move about in a place or station too large or grand rattled around the big old house transitive verb 1 : to say, perform, or affect in a brisk lively fashion rattled off four magnificent backhands —Kim Chapin 2 : to cause to make a rattling sound 3 : rouse; specifically : to beat (a cover) for game 4 : to upset especially to the point of loss of poise and composure : disturb

mingle (v)

ready to mingle. mingled; mingling play \-g(ə-)liŋ\ transitive verb 1 : to bring or mix together or with something else usually without fundamental loss of identity : intermix The story mingles fact with fiction. 2 archaic : to prepare by mixing : concoct intransitive verb 1 : to become mingled white and Douglas fir trees mingle with the pines —Karen Thure 2 a : to come into contact : associate he mingles only with millionaires —H. J. Laski b : to move about (as in a group) mingled with the guests

sacred (adj)

sacred rituals/texts. 1a : dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity a tree sacred to the gods b : devoted exclusively to one service or use (as of a person or purpose) a fund sacred to charity 2a : worthy of religious veneration : HOLY b : entitled to reverence and respect 3 : of or relating to religion : not secular or profane sacred music 4 archaic : ACCURSED 5a : UNASSAILABLE, INVIOLABLE b : highly valued and important a sacred responsibility

scramble (v)

scrambling at the last minute. 1a : to move with urgency or panic scrambled to his feet b : to move or climb hastily especially on all fours scramble over rocks 2a : to struggle eagerly or unceremoniously for possession of something scramble for front seats players scrambling for the ball b : to get or gather something with difficulty or in irregular ways scramble for a living 3 : to spread or grow irregularly : SPRAWL, STRAGGLE 4 of an interceptor fighter aircraft : to take off quickly in response to an alert 5 of a football quarterback : to run with the ball after the pass protection breaks down transitive verb 1 : to collect or put together hastily scramble up a dinner for unexpected guests 2a : to toss or mix together in confusion : to throw into disorder : JUMBLE Bad weather often scrambles the train schedules. scrambled the pages of the manuscript b : to prepare (eggs) by stirring during frying scramble some eggs for breakfast 3 : to cause or order (interceptor fighter aircraft) to take off quickly Keating said he ordered the fighters to be scrambled immediately after seeing information about the crash on television. —Lolita C. Baldor 4 : to disarrange the elements of a transmission (such as a telephone or television signal) in order to make unintelligible to interception

ahimsa (n)

the Hindu and Buddhist doctrine of refraining from harming any living being

biofeedback (n)

the technique of making unconscious or involuntary bodily processes (such as heartbeats or brain waves) perceptible to the senses (as by the use of an oscilloscope) in order to manipulate them by conscious mental control

mutually exclusive (adj)

the two aren't mutually exclusive. being related such that each excludes or precludes the other mutually exclusive events; also : incompatible their outlooks were not mutually exclusive

henotheism (n)

the worship of one god without denying the existence of other gods

throttle (v)

throttling forward progress. 1a(1) : to compress the throat of : CHOKE (2) : to kill by such action b : to prevent or check expression or activity of : SUPPRESS policies that throttle creativity 2a : to decrease the flow of (something, such as steam or fuel to an engine) by a valve b : to regulate and especially to reduce the speed of (something, such as an engine) by such means c : to vary the thrust of (a rocket engine) during flight intransitive verb : to throttle something (something, such as an engine) —usually used with back or down the pilot throttled back throttled; throttling

bargain (v)

to bargain with. bargained; bargaining; bargains intransitive verb 1 : to negotiate over the terms of a purchase, agreement, or contract : haggle The seller might be willing to bargain over the price. 2 : to come to terms : agree transitive verb 1 : to bring to a desired level by bargaining bargain a price down 2 : to sell or dispose of by bargaining —often used with away bargained away wage increases for other benefits — bargainer noun — bargain for : expect more work than I bargained for

deprogram (v)

to dissuade or try to dissuade from strongly held convictions (such as religious beliefs) or a firmly established or innate behavior the necessity of countering propaganda and deprogramming the indoctrinated —Toni Cade Bambara — deprogrammer noun

overthink (v)

to overthink it. overthought play \ˌō-vər-ˈthȯt\; overthinking transitive + intransitive : to think too much about (something) : to put too much time into thinking about or analyzing (something) in a way that is more harmful than helpful overthink a situation/problem someone who overthinks and worries too much I was a terrible actor when I went to New York. I was scared. I would overprepare, sometimes overthink a role. —Paul Newman For a while now, I've been finding current fiction hard to read: airlessly competent, relentlessly put-together, overthought. —David Gates — overthinker noun, plural overthinkers But the problem is I'm an overthinker. I contemplate and consider, deliberate and debate things small and large in my life. Simple things become complicated and easy decisions become complex. —Alyssa Meier

mankind (n)

1.\ˈman-​ˈkīnd, -​ˌkīnd \ : the human race : the totality of human beings 2 \-​ˌkīnd \ : men especially as distinguished from women

anticipation (n)

1a : a prior action that takes into account or forestalls a later action hired more security guards in anticipation of a large crowd b : the act of looking forward especially : pleasurable expectation looked forward with anticipation to their arrival 2 : the use of money before it is available 3a : visualization of a future event or state b : an object or form that anticipates a later type 4 : the early sounding of one or more tones of a succeeding chord to form a temporary dissonance — compare suspension

slew (n)

: a large number a slew of books

pipe dream (n)

: an illusory or fantastic plan, hope, or story

Gordian knot (n)

Cutting the Gordian knot. 1 : an intricate problem; especially : a problem insoluble in its own terms —often used in the phrase cut the Gordian knot 2 : a knot tied by Gordius, king of Phrygia, held to be capable of being untied only by the future ruler of Asia, and cut by Alexander the Great with his sword

speechless (adj)

I was speechless. 1 : unable to speak : DUMB 2 : not speaking : SILENT 3 : not capable of being expressed in words

follow through (v)

follow through with... 1 : to continue a stroke or motion to the end of its arc 2 : to press on in an activity or process especially to a conclusion

black-and-white (adj)

a black-and-white perspective. 1 : partly black and partly white in color 2 : being in writing or print 3 : executed in dark pigment on a light background or in light pigment on a dark ground a black-and-white drawing 4 : MONOCHROME sense 2 black-and-white film black-and-white television 5a : sharply divided into good and evil b : evaluating or viewing things as either all good or all bad black-and-white morality c : sharply defined : CLEAR-CUT the truth is not always black-and-white

rapport (n)

a friendly rapport. a friendly, harmonious relationship; especially : a relationship characterized by agreement, mutual understanding, or empathy that makes communication possible or easy

lone wolf (n)

a person who prefers to work, act, or live alone — lone-wolf

logistics (n)

carefully considering all of the logistics. 1 : the aspect of military science dealing with the procurement, maintenance, and transportation of military matériel, facilities, and personnel 2 : the handling of the details of an operation the logistics of a political campaign

odds and ends (n)

collecting a few odds and ends. 1 a : miscellaneous articles b : miscellaneous small matters (as of business) to be attended to 2 : miscellaneous remnants or leftovers odds and ends of food

deduce (v)

deduced; deducing transitive verb 1 : to determine by reasoning or deduction deduce the age of ancient artifacts She deduced, from the fur stuck to his clothes, that he owned a cat.; specifically, philosophy : to infer (see infer 1) from a general principle 2 : to trace the course of deduce their lineage — deducible

depression (n)

deep depression. 1 : an act of depressing or a state of being depressed: such as a (1) : a state of feeling sad : dejection anger, anxiety, and depression (2) : a mood disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies bouts of depression suffering from clinical depression b (1) : a reduction in activity, amount, quality, or force a depression in trade (2) biology : a lowering of physical or mental vitality or of functional activity c : a pressing down : lowering a depression of the tab key 2 economics : a period of low general economic activity marked especially by rising levels of unemployment heading towards a depression periods of economic depression 3 : a place or part that is lower than the surrounding area : a depressed place or part : hollow The chicken pox left several depressions in her skin. 4 meteorology : 4low 1b a tropical depression 5 a astronomy : the angular distance of a celestial object below the horizon b mathematics : the size of an angle of depression

deny (v)

denied the right... 1 : to declare untrue denied the allegation 2 : to refuse to admit or acknowledge : DISAVOW denied responsibility for the vandalism 3a : to give a negative answer to denying the petitioners b : to refuse to grant deny a request was denied a refund c : to restrain (oneself) from gratification of desires deny himself the foods that he loves 4 archaic : DECLINE 5 : to refuse to accept the existence, truth, or validity of There's no denying her expertise. You can't deny that he's a good singer.

ad nauseam (adv)

discussed the plan ad nauseam. to a sickening or excessive degree a topic that has been discussed and analyzed ad nauseam

maunder (v)

maunder about. maundered; maundering play \-d(ə-)riŋ\ intransitive verb 1 chiefly British : grumble 2 : to wander slowly and idly 3 : to speak indistinctly or disconnectedly — maunderer

hereupon (adv)

on this : immediately after this

debt (n)

paying off crippling debt. 1 : SIN, TRESPASS Forgive us our debts. 2 : something owed : OBLIGATION unable to pay off his debts owe them a debt of gratitude a criminal's debt to society 3 : a state of being under obligation to pay or repay someone or something in return for something received : a state of owing deeply in debt to creditors 4 law, business : the common-law action for the recovery of money held to be due

saxophone (n)

play the saxophone. one of a group of single-reed woodwind instruments usually ranging from soprano to bass and characterized by a conical metal tube and finger keys

fidelity (n)

plural fidelities 1 a : the quality or state of being faithful his fidelity to his wife b : accuracy in details : exactness The movie's director insisted on total fidelity to the book. 2 : the degree to which an electronic device (such as a record player, radio, or television) accurately reproduces its effect (such as sound or picture)

metamorphosis (n)

plural metamorphoses 1 a : change of physical form, structure, or substance especially by supernatural means the metamorphosis of humans into animals b : a striking alteration in appearance, character, or circumstances The company has gone through a series of metamorphoses. 2 : a typically marked and more or less abrupt developmental change in the form or structure of an animal (such as a butterfly or a frog) occurring subsequent to birth or hatching the metamorphosis of caterpillars into butterflies

milieu (n)

plural milieus or milieux play \-ˈyə(r)(z), -ˈyüz, -ˈyœ(z); -ˌyü(z)\ : the physical or social setting in which something occurs or develops : environment

carouse (n)

1 archaic : a large draft of liquor : TOAST 2 : a drunken revel

detective (n)

: one employed or engaged in detecting lawbreakers or in getting information that is not readily or publicly accessible

missileman (n)

: one engaged in designing, building, or operating guided missiles

princess (n)

1 archaic : a woman having sovereign power 2 : a female member of a royal family especially : a daughter or granddaughter of a sovereign 3 : the consort of a prince 4 : one likened to a princess especially : a woman of high rank or of high standing in her class or profession a pop music princess

svelte (adj)

1a : SLENDER, LITHE b : having clean lines : SLEEK 2 : URBANE, SUAVE svelter; sveltest

longanimity (n)

: a disposition to bear injuries patiently : FORBEARANCE

downrange (adv)

: away from a launching site

ugly duckling (n)

: one that appears very unpromising but often has great potential

exhort (v)

: to incite by argument or advice : urge strongly exhorting voters to do the right thing exhorted; exhorting; exhorts

romantic (adj)

a romantic at heart. 1 : consisting of or resembling a romance 2 : having no basis in fact : imaginary 3 : impractical in conception or plan : visionary 4 a : marked by the imaginative or emotional appeal of what is heroic, adventurous, remote, mysterious, or idealized b often capitalized : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of romanticism c : of or relating to music of the 19th century characterized by an emphasis on subjective emotional qualities and freedom of form; also : of or relating to a composer of this music 5 a : having an inclination for romance : responsive to the appeal of what is idealized, heroic, or adventurous b : marked by expressions of love or affection c : conducive to or suitable for lovemaking 6 : of, relating to, or constituting the part of the hero especially in a light comedy — romantically

holy war (n)

a war or violent campaign waged often by religious extremists for what is considered to be a holy purpose

gyroscope (n)

a wheel or disk mounted to spin rapidly about an axis and also free to rotate about one or both of two axes perpendicular to each other and to the axis of spin so that a rotation of one of the two mutually perpendicular axes results from application of torque to the other when the wheel is spinning and so that the entire apparatus offers considerable opposition depending on the angular momentum to any torque that would change the direction of the axis of spin — gyroscopic adjective — gyroscopically

gloat (v)

always gloating about... 1 obsolete : to look or glance admiringly or amorously 2 : to observe or think about something with triumphant and often malicious satisfaction, gratification, or delight gloat over an enemy's misfortune — gloater noun — gloatingly adverb

misthink (v)

archaic : to think mistakenly or unfavorably archaic : to think badly or unfavorably of misthought misthinking

beam (v)

beaming with confidence. beamed; beaming; beams transitive verb 1 : to emit in beams or as a beam (see 1beam 2) The sun beamed its light through the window. 2 : to support with beams (see 1beam 1) The house was beamed with heavy timbers. 3 a : to transmit especially by satellite : broadcast ... the 90-minute show was beamed to more than 200 countries and territories around the world. —TV Guide b : to transmit (data) electronically beaming images of the planet back to Earth The amount of data beamed over fiber-optic networks is rising exponentially every year, yet only 0.1% of fiber capacity is in use. —Leslie Cauley especially : to transmit (data) wirelessly Infrared connectivity enables users to work collaboratively on documents without having to log on to the network, and for quickly beaming data between different devices (for example, between two notebooks, or between a notebook and a printer, without a need for a cable). —Newsweek c : to direct to a particular audience a commercial beamed at middle-class voters intransitive verb 1 : to send out rays of light Sunlight beamed through the window. 2 : to smile with joy The bride was beaming.

force of habit (phrase)

behavior made involuntary or automatic by repeated practice

periodically (adv)

checking in periodically. 1 : at regular intervals of time 2 : from time to time : FREQUENTLY

concede (v)

conceding a point. conceded; conceding transitive verb 1 a (1) : to acknowledge grudgingly or hesitantly conceded that it might be a good idea (2) : to relinquish grudgingly or hesitantly concede power b : to accept as true, valid, or accurate The right of the state to tax is generally conceded. 2 : to grant as a right or privilege Britain conceded the independence of the colonies. intransitive verb : to make concession : yield — concededly play \kən-ˈsē-dəd-lē\ adverb — conceder noun

forward-looking (adj)

concerned with or planning for the future

terse (adj)

concise, yet terse. 1 : using few words : devoid of superfluity a terse summary also : SHORT, BRUSQUE dismissed me with a terse no 2 : smoothly elegant : POLISHED terser; tersest

fret (v)

don't fret. 1a : to eat or gnaw into : CORRODE also : FRAY The acid fretted the metal. b : RUB, CHAFE The harness strap was fretting the horse. c : to make by wearing away a substance the stream fretted a channel 2 : to cause to suffer emotional strain : VEX don't you fret yourself about me —J. C. Powys 3 : to pass (time) in fretting a poor player who struts and frets his hour upon the stage —William Shakespeare 4 : AGITATE, RIPPLE fret the surface of the lake intransitive verb 1a : to eat into something b : to affect something as if by gnawing or biting : GRATE the ... urgent voice fretted at his nerves —Graham Greene 2a : WEAR, CORRODE Marble frets away due to the rain. b : CHAFE His back where the harness rubbed began to fret. c : FRAY sense 1 3a : to become vexed or worried fretting over the high cost of feeding their families —Vance Packard b of running water : to become agitated a brook fretting over rocks

encumber (v)

encumbered by... encumbered; encumbering play \in-ˈkəm-b(ə-)riŋ\ transitive verb 1 : weigh down, burden tourists encumbered by heavy luggage 2 : to impede or hamper the function or activity of : hinder negotiations encumbered by a lack of trust 3 : to burden with a legal claim (such as a mortgage) encumber an estate

frame (v)

framing a situation. 1 : to construct by fitting and uniting the parts of the skeleton of (a structure) frame a house 2a : PLAN, CONTRIVE framed a new method of achieving their purpose b : SHAPE, CONSTRUCT frame a figure out of clay c : to give expression to : FORMULATE frame a rule that brings order into our perceptions —Virginia Woolf d : to draw up (something, such as a document) frame a written constitution 3a : to devise (something, such as a criminal charge) falsely frame a case against a neighbor to get rid of him b : to contrive the evidence against (an innocent person) so that a verdict of guilty is assured He claims that he was framed for the murder. c : FIX sense 7b The wrestling matches were framed. 4 : to fit or adjust especially to something or for an end : ARRANGE framed the test to evaluate students' understanding of the material 5 obsolete : PRODUCE 6 : to enclose in a frame frame a picture also : to enclose as if in a frame a face framed in a wealth of auburn hair intransitive verb 1 archaic : PROCEED, GO 2 obsolete : MANAGE

freeze (v)

freezing up. froze play \ˈfrōz\; frozen play \ˈfrō-zᵊn\; freezing intransitive verb 1 a : to become congealed into ice by cold b : to solidify as a result of abstraction of heat c : to withstand freezing the bread freezes well 2 : to become chilled with cold almost froze to death 3 : to adhere solidly by or as if by freezing pressure caused the metals to freeze 4 : to become fixed or motionless; especially : to become incapable of acting or speaking 5 : to become clogged with ice the water pipes froze transitive verb 1 a : to harden into ice b : to convert from a liquid to a solid by cold 2 : to make extremely cold : chill 3 a : to act on usually destructively by frost b : to anesthetize by cold 4 : to cause to grip tightly or remain in immovable contact 5 a : to cause to become fixed, immovable, unavailable, or unalterable freeze interest rates b : to immobilize by governmental regulation the expenditure, withdrawal, or exchange of freeze foreign assets c : to render motionless a fake froze the defender 6 : to attempt to retain continuous possession of (a ball or puck) without an attempt to score usually in order to protect a small lead

optimism (n)

generally optimistic. 1 : a doctrine that this world is the best possible world 2 : an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome expressed optimism about the future of the business the optimism of cheerleaders

glow (v)

glowing smile. 1a : to shine with or as if with an intense heat embers glowing in the darkness b(1) : to have a rich warm typically ruddy color cheeks glowing with health (2) : FLUSH, BLUSH the children glowed with excitement 2a : to experience a sensation of or as if of heat glowing with rage b : to show exuberance or elation glow with pride

depth (n)

in depth. plural depths play \ˈdepths, ˈdep(t)s\ 1 a (1) : a deep place in a body of water fish living at great depths (2) : a part that is far from the outside or surface the depths of the woods (3) : abyss 1 b (1) : a profound or intense state (as of thought or feeling) the depths of sorrow; also : a reprehensibly low condition hadn't realized that standards had fallen to such depths (2) : the middle of a time (such as a season) the depths of winter (3) : the worst part the depths of the depression 2 mathematics a : the perpendicular (see 1perpendicular 1b) measurement downward from a surface the depth of a swimming pool b : the direct linear measurement from front to back the depth of a bookshelf 3 : the quality of being deep the depth of the pass 4 : the degree of intensity depth of a color; also : the quality of being profound (as in insight) or full (as of knowledge) the depth of her experience 5 : the quality or state of being complete or thorough a study will be made in depth 6 US, sports : the quality of having many good players a team that lacks depth in the outfield — depthless play \ˈdepth-ləs\ adjective — beyond one's depth or out of one's depth : beyond the limits of one's capabilities an actor who is out of his depth in serious drama

homestretch (n)

in the homestretch. 1 : the part of a racecourse between the last turn and the winning post 2 : a final stage

decorum (n)

interesting and inspiring decorum. 1 : literary and dramatic propriety : fitness according to strict neoclassic decorum only the aristocracy had the right to appear in tragedy —Irving Babbitt 2 : propriety and good taste in conduct or appearance strict in her notions of decorum —Jane Austen 3 : orderliness the organization's decorum has rarely been shaken —W. F. Longgood 4 decorums plural : the conventions of polite behavior the established sobrieties and decorums of English life —H. G. Wells

decay (v)

intransitive verb 1 : to decline from a sound or prosperous condition a decaying empire 2 : to decrease usually gradually in size, quantity, activity, or force The three voices ... decayed and died out upon her ear. —Thomas Hardy 3 : to fall into ruin the city's decaying neighborhoods 4 : to decline in health, strength, or vigor Her mind is beginning to decay with age. believes that the moral fiber of our society is decaying 5 : to undergo decomposition decaying fruit Her teeth were decaying. ... most isotopes of copper decay quickly, but two are stable: Cu-63 and Cu-65. —David E. Thomas transitive verb 1 obsolete : to cause to decay : impair infirmity that decays the wise —William Shakespeare 2 : to destroy by decomposition wood decayed by bacteria — decayer noun

limit (n)

limitless potential. 1 a : something that bounds, restrains, or confines the age limit for junior golf b : the utmost extent pushed her body to the limit 2 a : a geographic or political boundary b limits plural : the place enclosed within a boundary : bounds into the limits of the North they came —John Milton 3 : limitation the sadness is without limit —William Shakespeare 4 : a determining feature or differentia in logic 5 : a prescribed maximum or minimum amount, quantity, or number: such as a : the maximum quantity of game or fish that may be taken legally in a specified period b : a maximum established for a gambling bet, raise, or payoff 6 a : a number whose numerical difference from a mathematical function is arbitrarily small for all values of the independent variables that are sufficiently close to but not equal to given prescribed numbers or that are sufficiently large positively or negatively b : a number that for an infinite sequence of numbers is such that ultimately each of the remaining terms of the sequence differs from this number by less than any given positive amount 7 : something that is exasperating or intolerable We've had bad weather, but this is the limit. — limitless play \ˈli-mət-ləs\ adjective — limitlessly adverb — limitlessness noun

hype (v)

live up to the hype. 1 : STIMULATE, ENLIVEN —usually used with up hyping herself up for the game 2 : INCREASE

observe (v)

observe and record. observed; observing transitive verb 1 : to conform one's action or practice to (something, such as a law, rite, or condition) : comply with failed to observe the law and as a consequence had to pay a fine 2 : to inspect or take note of as an augury, omen, or presage observed the flight of the sacred geese 3 : to celebrate or solemnize (something, such as a ceremony or festival) in a customary or accepted way observed Independence Day with a parade 4 a : to watch carefully especially with attention to details or behavior for the purpose of arriving at a judgment observed the behavior of the children b : to make a scientific observation on or of observed the mating habits of the grouse 5 : to come to realize or know especially through consideration of noted facts ... observed that the indefinite reduction of any given risk to society often brings with it an increase in other risks. —E. L. Zebroski 6 : to utter as a remark The paint, she observed, is already starting to peel. intransitive verb 1 a : to take notice When your teacher is demonstrating something, sit up and observe! b : to make observations : watch Perform your tricks, and we will observe. 2 : remark, comment In her speech she observed on the changing climate. — observingly adverb

chthonic (adj)

of or relating to the underworld : infernal chthonic deities

first-rate (adj)

of the first order of size, importance, or quality — first-rateness noun — first-rater

flip side (n)

on the flip side. 1 : the reverse and usually less popular side of a phonograph record 2 : a reverse or opposite side, aspect, or result the flip side of deficient saving ... is overconsumption —R. S. Gay

parcel (v)

parcel out the possible causes. parceled or parcelled; parceling or parcelling transitive verb 1 : to divide into parts : distribute —often used with out 2 : to make up into a parcel : wrap 3 : to cover (something, such as a rope) with strips of canvas or tape

allies (n)

plural of ALLY

monies (n)

plural of MONEY

parvenu (n)

plural parvenus play \ˈpär-və-ˌn(y)üz\ : one that has recently or suddenly risen to an unaccustomed position of wealth or power and has not yet gained the prestige, dignity, or manner associated with it — parvenu adjective

caber (n)

pole; especially : a young tree trunk used for tossing as a trial of strength in a Scottish sport

practice (v)

practiced also practised; practicing also practising transitive verb 1 a : carry out, apply practice what you preach b : to do or perform often, customarily, or habitually practice politeness c : to be professionally engaged in practice medicine 2 a : to perform or work at repeatedly so as to become proficient practice the act b : to train by repeated exercises practice pupils in penmanship 3 obsolete : plot intransitive verb 1 : to do repeated exercises for proficiency 2 : to pursue a profession actively 3 archaic : intrigue 4 : to do something customarily 5 : to take advantage of someone he practised on their credulity with huge success —The Times Literary Supplement (London) — practicer noun

barrier (n)

put up a barrier. 1a : something material that blocks or is intended to block passage highway barriers a barrier contraceptive b : a natural formation or structure that prevents or hinders movement or action geographic barriers to species dissemination barrier beaches drugs that cross the placental barrier 2 barriers or Barriers plural : a medieval war game in which combatants fight on foot with a fence or railing between them 3 : something immaterial that impedes or separates : OBSTACLE behavioral barriers trade barriers

scorched-earth (adj)

scorched-earth dating. 1 : relating to or being a military policy involving deliberate and usually widespread destruction of property and resources (such as housing and factories) so that an invading enemy cannot use them 2 : directed toward victory or supremacy at all costs : RUTHLESS scorched-earth rhetoric

second-guess (v)

second-guessing your gut instincts. 1 : to criticize or question actions or decisions of (someone) often after the results of those actions or decisions are known meet almost every morning and, over coffee, second-guess the local coach —Bruce Newman also : to engage in such criticism of (an action or decision) second-guess the general's strategy 2 : to seek to anticipate or predict lived royally by his ability to second-guess the stock market —Time

self-aware (adj)

self-aware of one's actions. : characterized by self-awareness

self-contained (adj)

self-contained ecosystem. 1a : complete in itself : INDEPENDENT a self-contained machine a self-contained program of study b : BUILT-IN a lectern with a self-contained light fixture 2a : showing self-control b : formal and reserved in manner

self-destructive (adj)

self-destructive tendencies. : acting or tending to harm or destroy oneself self-destructive behavior also : SUICIDAL a self-destructive impulse

self-sacrifice (n)

self-sacrificing comment. : sacrifice of oneself or one's interest for others or for a cause or ideal

middle-of-the-road (adj)

standing for or following a course of action midway between extremes; especially : being neither liberal nor conservative in politics — middle-of-the-roader play \-ˈrō-dər\ noun — middle-of-the-roadism

bold (adj)

that's a bold statement/move. 1a : fearless before danger : INTREPID bold settlers on some foreign shore —William Wordsworth b : showing or requiring a fearless daring spirit a bold plan 2 : IMPUDENT, PRESUMPTUOUS punishing a bold child for talking back If I may be so bold, I'd like to make a few suggestions. 3 obsolete : ASSURED, CONFIDENT 4 : SHEER, STEEP bold cliffs 5 : ADVENTUROUS, FREE a bold thinker 6 : standing out prominently bold headlines 7 : being or set in boldface bold lettering

low (n)

that's low. 1 : something that is low: such as a : depth a new low in advertising b : a region of low barometric pressure 2 : the transmission gear of an automotive vehicle giving the lowest ratio of driveshaft to crankshaft speed

ticket (n)

that's my ticket to... 1a : a certificate or token showing that a fare or admission fee has been paid b : a means of access or passage education is the ticket to a good job 2 : a summons or warning issued to a traffic-law violator 3 : a list of candidates for nomination or election : SLATE 4 : the correct or desirable thing cooperation, that's the ticket —K. E. Trombley 5 : a slip or card recording a transaction or undertaking or giving instructions a savings deposit ticket 6a : a document that serves as a certificate, license, or permit especially : a mariner's or airman's certificate b : TAG, LABEL

absurdity (n)

the absurdity of... plural absurdities 1 : the quality or state of being absurd : absurdness They laughed at the absurdity of the situation. 2 : something that is absurd the absurdities of life

osculation (n)

the act of kissing; also : kiss — osculatory

foreseeable (adj)

the foreseeable future. 1 : being such as may be reasonably anticipated foreseeable problems foreseeable consequences 2 : lying within the range for which forecasts are possible in the foreseeable future — foreseeability

deliver (v)

under promise, over deliver. delivered; delivering transitive verb 1 : to set free and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil —Matthew 6:13 (King James Version) 2 a : to take and hand over to or leave for another : convey deliver a package b : hand over, surrender delivered the prisoners to the sheriff delivered themselves over to God c : to send, provide, or make accessible to someone electronically deliver an e-mail/text message Have the information delivered to you via e-mail, cell phone, pager, instant messaging, or just on a Web page that you set up. —Irene B. McDermott When Netflix entered the European market in 2012, some national telecom companies forced it to pay tolls to deliver content to customers. —Liz Alderman and Amie Tsang 3 a (1) : to assist (a pregnant female) in giving birth The doctor delivered several women. (2) : to aid in the birth of delivered a baby b : to give birth to His wife delivered a healthy baby girl. c : to cause (oneself) to produce as if by giving birth has delivered himself of half an autobiography —H. C. Schonberg 4 : speak, sing, utter delivered a fiery sermon to the congregation deliver a song deliver a speech 5 : to send (something aimed or guided) to an intended target or destination ability to deliver nuclear warheads delivered a fastball 6 a : to bring (something, such as votes) to the support of a candidate or cause ... were counting on Mr. Cisneros to deliver the Hispanic vote for Michael Dukakis. —Alfredo Corchado b : to come through with : produce can deliver the best results the new car delivers high gas mileage intransitive verb : to produce the promised, desired, or expected results : come through can't deliver on all these promises a hitter who can deliver in the clutch — deliverability noun — deliverable adjective — deliverer noun — deliver the goods : to give results that are promised, expected, or desired

balance (n)

work, life, love balance. 1 a : physical equilibrium trouble keeping your balance on a sailboat lost his balance and fell a boxer kept off balance for a whole round b : the ability to retain one's balance Gymnasts must have a good sense of balance. 2 a : stability produced by even distribution of weight on each side of the vertical axis when the two sides of the scale are in balance tipped the statue off balance b : equipoise between contrasting, opposing, or interacting elements ... the balance we strike between security and freedom. —Earl Warren Both parties were interviewed to provide balance in the report. the right balance of diet and exercise c accounting : equality between the totals of the two sides of an account 3 a : an aesthetically pleasing integration of elements achieving balance in a work of art b grammar : the juxtaposition in writing of syntactically parallel (see 1parallel 3c) constructions containing similar or contrasting ideas (such as to err is human; to forgive, divine) 4 a accounting : an amount in excess especially on the credit side of an account has a comfortable balance in the bank You must maintain a minimum balance of $1000 in your account to avoid fees. b : weight or force of one side in excess of another The balance of the evidence lay on the side of the defendant. c : something left over : remainder answers will be given in the balance of this chapter —R. W. Murray 5 : mental and emotional steadiness I doubt that Thoreau would be thrown off balance by the fantastic sights and sounds of the 20th century. —E. B. White 6 : an instrument for weighing: such as a : a beam that is supported freely in the center and has two pans of equal weight suspended from its ends b : a device that uses the elasticity of a spiral spring for measuring weight or force 7 : a means of judging or deciding the balance of a free election 8 : a counterbalancing weight, force, or influence The comedic character serves as a balance to the serious subject matter of the play. 9 : an oscillating wheel operating with a hairspring to regulate the movement of a timepiece a watch's balance — balanced play \ˈba-lən(t)st\ adjective — in the balance or in balance : with the fate or outcome about to be determined our future hangs in the balance as we await his decision — on balance : with all things considered the meeting went well on balance

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