Guilding social and emotional behavior

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Which of the following is NOT a method supported in the guidance tradition for use in solution-orientation with children?

Guilt and shame for mistaken behavior

Which of the following is NOT a source of physiological difficulty that has been shown to make children vulnerable for level Three mistaken behavior according to kaiser and sklar-raminisky?

Heredity personality

Teachers should guide children to progress from

High-level mediation to low-level mediation to child negotiation

Young children do NOT tend to see problems

In abstract terms

Which of the following regarding learning centers is manifest in guidance classrooms?

They are the physical embodiment of developmentally appropriate practice.

Which of the following is the teacher's primary role in the guidance classroom?

To show children how to solve their problems often using conflict management.

A recommended minimum length of time for children to engage in a center activity is approximately 45 minutes.


A roadblock to the involvement of families in the school program may occur when staff members are doubtful about the value of using parents as volunteers to the program.


According to Brazelton and Greenspan, the important factor in the child's development is the importance of the role of the child's caregiver.


According to Vygotsky, as children develop, their private speech evolves into a mechanism for building self-control.


According to Vygotsky, his "Zone of Proximal development" is best bridged by the teacher through the use of scaffolding.


According to brain research, the brains of children develop best in enriched environments


Although there is a mix of qualities that comprise a child's developing personality, the professional teacher learns to respond positively to each child.


As a mediator, the teacher should share power with the children involved in the conflict.


Before children grow into piaget's "concrete operations" stage, their social understanding is limited.


Dewey used the concept of integrated curriculum at the beginning of the 20th century


Educational accountability has made its way into the early childhood classrooms.


Firmness without harshness is essential in guidance


Guidance talks can occur either in the last steps of conflict management, or in some cases, in place of conflict management.


Humor is not always an appropriate tool for dealing with a conflict


Maria montessori recognized that young children need a sense of order and continuity to the program.


Mistaken behavior in children may occur when the child's development needs do not match the programs offerings.


No matter what a teacher does, conflicts are inevitable.


Not all problem-solving methods utilize peace props.


Parents may think that the teacher will be unreceptive to efforts at communication


Self-fulfilling prophecy means that an individual acts in accordance with the expectations or the label others give to them.


Teachers should encourage children to suggest their own solutions.


Teachers should include children in the solution process


The cardinal principle calls for firm but friendly communication with children to maintain limits and support their self-concepts


The classroom climate has an effect on how children learn social problem-solving skills.


Theme-based instruction promotes developmentally appropriate primary grade curriculum.


Traffic patterns and noise levels within the classroom are important considerations when one designs center locations.


Two possible devices that enable the teacher to visually track the daily schedule for children include the circular day clock and the horizontal day chart.


Unconditional positive regard is the positive personal affirmation of the child by the teacher.


When children disagree, the immediate resolution of differences is not assured?


Which of the following are useful guidance techniques that should be used by teachers?

Use of rewards for positive behaviors and punishments for negative behaviors

Teachers in the guidance classroom may avoid the use of which of the following approaches?

Use punishment to shame only children who manifest severe and negative behaviors

Which of the following is a circumstance for a child considered to be "at-risk"?

Violence against family members occurs

Which of the following questions does NOT help empower children to work things out?

Which of you is at fault here?

According to kourin, which of the following characteristics does an effective teacher demonstrate?


Which of the following did Vygotsky identify in children as the distance between the actual developmental level determined by problem solving and the potential development?

Zone of proximal development

Which of the following is NOT a level for understanding and addressing mistaken behavior as identified by the author?

Educational deficiencies

Which of the following best engages young children to learn?

All of these answers Frequent small-group activities, many independent activities, limited large-group activities.

The emphasis on academic performance has resulted in which of the following within the field of education today?

Guaranteed student achievement

Which of the following is a possible consideration for various names given to the time children may spend at centers?

All of these answers Work time, free time, playtime

Which of the following is NOT one of the stages Piaget identifies in his development theory?


What is the first step of the nonverbal strategy for addressing mistaken behavior?

Eye contact with gestures

A challenge many teachers in high-level mediation is how to impose a solution.


Which of the following is NOT a reason that a teacher would want a child-report?

A child did not wash his/her hands before snack time.

Which of the following does NOT involve family members in the preschool/primary grade program?

Administrative program planning

Solution orientation in guidance includes which of the following?

All of the above, Crises intervention strategies, teachers as a responsive leader, conflict management.

Which of the following will help children to transition well from one activity to another?

All of these answers, giving children a five-minute notice before the transition, modeling enthusiasm for the cleanup process, singing a cleanup song with the children

Which of the following best describes authentic assessment?

Assessment based on the actual observation of the child's day-to-day performance

According to Greenberg, the partnership that exists between family members and teachers is insignificant to the teacher's use in the guidance classroom.


Which is not a common peace prop?

Block area

Who argued that developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) meant the shifting away from the study of isolated academic subjects toward the study of integrated curriculum?

Bredekamp, copper, and brewer

In which is the teacher least involved?

Child negotiation

Another way to describe "misbehavior" is:


Which of the following is NOT one of Steven D. Harlow's relational patterns in his conceptual model for children's social development?


When using the five-finger formula for conflict management, start with the thumb, which stands for

Cool down

Which of the following is NOT an example of a practice used in the guidance classroom?

Corporal punishment

Occasionally the teacher needs to rescue children from their own behavior. In order to assist children in difficult situations, which of the following is best for the teacher to use?

Crisis intervention

In learning to accept their "humanness" teachers in the guidance classroom must consider all BUT which of the following?

Denying their own concerns for the benefit of the children

Which is NOT a step of problem solving with parents?

Describing the situation in terms of a problem caused by the child

Which of the following is NOT a common reason why teachers impose moralistic "solutions" that result in punishing One or more children in conflict?

Determination that punishment is preferable to conflict resolution.

The inability of young children to understand the complexity of social situations is

Developmental egocentrism

Which of the following is NOT a recommended strategy for working with custodial grandparents?

Discourage grandparents from reading children's books about family relationships to share with grandchildren.

Identify which of the following is NOT a stage of development in Erikson's developmental theory?


All child-reports should be written down and submitted to the report box, regardless of their content


Brain research has determined that the brain is fully formed and operational at birth.


Developmentally appropriate practice leads to stress and to frustration from many young children.


Erik Erickson believed that healthy personal development came from the resolution of conflicts that invaded the individual from the outside world.


Haim Ginott recommended that the teachers label children in order to better understand and teach them.


In cases where a child's parents are divorced and the father is not the primary caregiver, the teacher should always avoid involving the father in children's daily activities.


In such programs as creative curriculum and Reggio embilio, the classroom environment is taken from other than curriculum.


Piaget's stage of "formal operations" develops from around the age of two to seven.


Taking time to mediate is time "off task"


Teacher-child conflicts occur most frequently when the education program is responsive to developmental needs.


Teachers who have the ability to learn from their mistakes are reactive rather than proactive


The guidance tradition encourages the teacher to act as a technician


The professional teacher holds his or her own judgements as infallible


The professional teacher primarily uses intuition to assess situations.


The teacher should always intervene when children have a conflict?


The term "violence" refers specifically to actions that result in physics harm.


When one child hurts another, the teacher should tell him/her to apologize


With the growing diversity of families in the United States, events such as "donuts for dads" and "muffins for moms" events to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day are all that much more important


Which of the following is a possible roadblock preventing family involvement in school?

Family members not finding time for involvement

In building a positive relationship with a father who is the primary caregiver, the teacher should do all BUT which of the following?

Frequently offer unsolicited advice

When putting choices to a child, the teacher should make which one the most attractive?


When a child reacts to another child by biting or having a tantrum to get what the child wants, it is an example of which of the following types of aggression?

Instrumental aggression

As a result of brain research, we know which of the following?

Intelligence is not fixed at birth.

Which of the following is one of the intelligences identified by Howard Gardner in his theory of multiple intelligences?

Interpersonal intelligence

The first degree in putting choices to children is

Inviting choices

Who discovered that, in the process of growing and learning, each person goes through a "biologically determined sequence of stages"?

Jean piaget

How can a teacher assist the child in gaining cognitive and emotional resources necessary for appropriate behavior?

Modeling and teaching by caring adults

Which of the following is NOT a type of nonverbal technique for intervention?

Negotiation reminders

The self-talk that children engage in during play is known as

Private speech

Which tends to be the most frequent source of conflict in the preprimary years?


Which of the following is used in guidance tradition classrooms as a method of assisting children to correct mistaken behaviors?

Providing firm but friendly guidance

Which of the following is NOT a follow-up strategy?

Report box

Which of the following is NOT a technique used by teachers to encourage children's appreciation of books and stories?

Selecting books several years above the ability level of the class to challenge students to read beyond their current abilities

Which is not a situation that requires thought about whether to intervene?

Serious mistaken behaviors

Which of the following does the professional teacher utilize in the guidance classroom?

Skills to assess situations

Which of the following is the most immature and least open of the relational patterns identified by Harlow?


Which of the following is NOT one of the most important considerations when planning the environment within the guidance classroom?

Teacher planning space

Which of the following is NOT a democratic life skill taught in the encouraging classroom?

The ability to suppress emotions

Which of the following does NOT describe the actions of the professional teacher?

The professional teacher does not impose upon family members for their input regarding their children or involve family members in learning about the guidance tradition.

Which of the following is NOT an area that Vygotsky and Piaget are in agreement upon?

The role of private or egocentric speech in learning

Which of the following is NOT one of the recommended guidelines for using conflict management?

The teacher intervenes firmly as a moral authority

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