HAP: Exam 4

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Umami & examples:

"savory" Ex. glutamates - meats, nuts, and beans

What do hair root plexus conduct? What triggers it?

- Conducts every hair follicle - Triggers with movement of hair

What can Pacinian corpuscle's detect? Encapsulated or Free?

- Deep pressure - Encapsulated

Filiform: About how many taste buds/papilla? What is the purpose of it?

- Does not contain any taste buds - Increase friction for tongue for food movement

Vallate: Forms what shape where? About how many taste buds/papilla?

- Forms a V-shape at the back of the tongue - 100-300 taste buds/papilla

Foliate: When do you have these? Shape? Where are they found?

- Have them as a chid only - Leafy shaped - Found on lateral margins

Where are Meisner corpuscles found? Are they encapsulated? What can they detect?

- Only on hairless skin - Yes, they are encapsulated - Can detect fine touch

Salty: Where does it penetrate? Mostly what chemical?

- Penetrates into cell of taste bud - Mostly Na

Warm receptors: - Responds to what? - And in comparison to cold receptors are there the same amount of receptors, more, or less?

- Responds to 32-48 degrees Celsius - Not as many

Fungiform: Where? About how many taste buds/papilla?

- Scattered all over tongue - 5 taste buds/papilla

Threshold: 1. Based on what? 2. Variable or non variable? 3. What does a generally low threshold mean?

1. Odorants 2. Quite variable 3. More danger

The five types of sensory receptors

1. mechanoreceptors 2. thermoreceptors 3. photoreceptors 4. chemoreceptors 5. nociceptors

Adaptation: 1.Desensitivity to what? 2. Initial stages are quite what? 3. Starts in as little as _______? 4. Full in how long?

1. odor over time 2. Quite rapid 3. 1 second 4. 1 minute

Pain: Referred:

A superficial part of the body where pain is perceived, even if it's occurring somewhere else

Sour: Acids or base?


Where are papilla found on the tongue?

All over the tongue, on top of taste buuds


Anterior 1/6 of outer eye

Is the cornea vascular or avascular?


Bitter: Acid or base?


Which is the lowest threshold of tastants?



Bony sockets of eye

How does the cornea get nourished?

By other fluids

What can Ruffini corpuscles detect?

Can detect course touch and stretching of the skin

Mucus What does it capture and dissolve, and trigger?

Capture and dissolve odorants which bind to receptors and trigger action potentials then brain


Chemical that nose can detect (1000s)

Which sensory receptor detects chemicals?


Olfactory hairs What binds to it?

Cilia that odorants can bind to


Colored portion of eye-controlled by smooth muscles, adjusts amount of light entering eye

What are supporting cells made from?

Columnar epithelium


Deficiency in one or more types of cone cells

Night-blindness Deficiency of what?

Deficiency of rod cells' trait

What is the sclera made of?

Dense CT


Detect chemicals in mouth, nose, and body fluids

Cone Cells what does it detect?

Detect different ranges of visible light spectrum


Detect heat and cold

Rod Cells What do they detect?

Detect subtle differences in light intensity


Detects changes in touch, pressure, position, or acceleration

Pain receptors: What does it detect?

Detects intense heat, cold, mechanical, or chemical trauma


Detects light

What do thermoreceptors detect?

Detects ranges of temperature

Does skin have the same or different receptors for cold and warm?


Merkel disc Encapsulated or Free?


Tactile Receptor: Free Has exposed what?

Exposed dendrites

What does the orbit contain?

Eye, extrinsic eye muscle, and large pad of fat

Anterior Chamber

Filled with aqueous humor

Are hair root plexus's free or encapsulated?


What is the fancy name for taste?



Groups of chemicals your taste buds can perceive

Which cells are the ones that gets stimulated when different classes of taste molecules bind or are absorbed by it?

Gustatory receptor cells

What do supporting cells protect?

Gustatory receptors

Ciliary Muscles

Hold lens in place with tiny ligaments

Do fast receptors gradually increase or decrease?


Tactile Receptor: Touch

Insulated receptors - pad of CT surrounding dendrites

Posterior Chamber

Large, hollowed out back of the eye

Do rod cells have a low or high threshold?

Low threshold

What does the lacrimal gland do for eye movement? (2)

Lubricates it for easier eye movement and washes away foreign material

Lens What is it made out of?

Made of a unique, very long CT

Vitreous Humor What does it maintain and what does it push something against?

Maintains eye shape and pushes retina against choroid

Which sensory receptor detects changes in touch, pressure, position, or acceleration?


Gustatory hairs:

Microvillus found on receptors


Misshaped corneas, affects sharpness of vision

Sweet: __________ and __________ have receptors on taste bud

Mono- and disaccharides

Basal cells: What do they produce?

More supporting cells

What sensory receptor is known as the "pain receptor"?


Which sensory receptor detect tissue damage?


Which sensory receptor detects tissue damage


What gland is known as the mucus secreting cell?

Olfactory gland

Where are Merkel discs found?

On very superficial skin

Taste pore:

Opening in taste bud

Which sensory receptor detects changes in solute concentration in surrounding fluid?


Which sensory receptor detects energy of visible light?


Lactimal glands What does it produce?

Produces tears which nourish exterior cornea


Protects eye and spreads tears over eye

What do supporting cells provide for? And for what part of the body/face?

Provides support, insulation, and detoxification for nose

Cold receptors What does it respond to (degree)

Responds to 10-40 degree Celsius

What are the five tastants?

Salty, sweet, sour, bitter, and umami

Olfactory receptors

Sensory neurons that contain external axons and dendrites projecting into sinuses

What senses does taste work with?

Smell and touch

Basal cells

Stem cells that will become new olfactory receptors

Supporting cells:

Surround receptor cells

What is the chemical sense?


What bends light more than the lens?

The cornea


The elevations on the tongue where most taste buds are found

Receptors in the nose cover what two parts?

The inferior portion of cribiform and superior nasal concha

What gives the eye its shape and what protects the inside?

The sclera

What is the largest structure of the eye?

The sclera

Which sensory receptor detects heat or cold?


Retina Covers what?

Thin membrane that covers majority of inside eye

What do thermoreceptors tell the hypothalamus?

To cause shivers or sweating

What are the two types of tactile receptors?

Touch and Free

What can Merkel discs detect?

Very fine touch and pressure

What is the posterior chamber filled with?

Vitreous humor


Where focal point of light should be

Optic disc

Where optic nerve merges with retina


White part of eye


farsightedness (seeing far away fine)


nearsightedness (seeing fine up close)

Choroid Membrane between what two things?

thin membrane between sclera and retina

Conjuctiva What does it cover?

thin membrane that covers inside of eyelid and portions of sclera- prone to infection

About how many taste buds are on the surface of the tongue?

~ 10,000

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