Head, Face, and Neck

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How many bones compose the skull?



A: Assist to depress the mandible, tighten facia of neck, draw down corner or neck O: Facia covering superior part of pec major I: Base or mandible, skin and lower part of face


A: Depress mandible, elevate hyoid bone, retract mandible O: Mastoid process I: Inferior border of the mandible


Constricts the nostril and draws down tip of the nose, flares nostrils during forced respiration (flare nose)

Depressor Labii Inferioris

Depresses the corner of the mouth while protruding and drawing the lower lip laterally (essential for flossing lower teeth)

Zygomaticus Major

Draws corner of the mouth upward and laterally (shows upper teeth, smile)


Draws down skin between eyebrows (concerned look)

Corrugator Supercilii

Draws eyebrows medially and inferiorly (anger face, "face or difficulty")

Levator Labii Superioris

Elevate and protrude the upper lip (show your upper teeth)

Levator Anguli Oris

Elevate the corner of the mouth (smirk)


Elevate the skin of the chin and protrude the lower lip (pout with lip curl)

Zygomaticus Minor

Elevates and protrudes upper lip (deepen nasolabial furrow and puff out top of cheek)

Obicularis Oculi

Encircles eye and closes eyelid

Obicularis Oris

Encirlcles the mouth and closes the mouth (kisses)

Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi

Flare nose and and elevate and protrude upper lip (scrunch nose)

Depressor Anguli Oris

Pulls the corner of the mouth inferiorly and laterally (sad face)


Retracts the corner of the mouth laterally (fake smile)

The anterior scalene lies partially deep to the lateral edge of each muscle?


What 3 landmarks create the borders of the neck's anterior triangle?

SCM, base of mandible, trachea


Tightens the corner of the lip and presses the cheek firmly against the teeth (Blow trumpet, suck straw)

The brachial plexus and subclavian artery pass through a small gap between which 2 muscles on the anterior, lateral neck?

anterior scalene, middle scalene

Which muscle originates at the mastoid process, loops through a tendinous sling at the end of the hyoid bone and inserts to the inferior border of the mandible?


The 4 muscles that comprise the suprahyoids.

digastric, geniohyoid, mylohyoid, stylohyoid

To discern the posterior scalene from the levator scapula, what action could you ask your parter to perform that would contract the levator but the scalene?

elevate the scapula

The _______ bone forms the forehead and upper rim of the eye sockets.


What 2 muscles attach from the anterior surface of the cervical vertebrae to the occiput and atlas?

longus capitis, longus colli

The ________ is the strongest muscle in the body relative to its size.


Which muscle runs from the hyoid bone to the superior border of the scapula and is mostly inaccessible?


To access the insertion of the temporalis, you must ask your partner to perform what action?

open mouth to access coronoid process

The ______ bones merge at the body's midline to form the sagittal suture.


To create and even more visible contraction of the sternocleidomastoid, ask your partner to flex her neck after making what adjustment?

rotate head slightly to opposite side

Which muscles are located between the SCM and the anterior flap of the trapezius?


You might ask your partner to "breathe deeply into your upper chest" when palpating which muscle group?


The 2 heads of the sternocleidomastoid originate at the ________ and the ________.

top of manubrium, medial 1/3 of clavicle


A: Depress the hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage O: Top of manubrium, thyroid cartilage, superior border of scapula I: Hyoid bone, thyroid cartilage


A: Elevate hyoid and tounge, depress mandible O: Underside of mandible, styloid process I: Hyoid bone


A: Elevate the mandible, assist to protract mandible O: Zygomatic arch I: Angle and ramus of mandible


A: Elevate the mandible, retract the mandible O: Temporal fossa and facia I: Coronoid process and anterior edge of ramus of the madible

Lateral Pterygoid

A: Laterally deviate the mandible to opposite side, protract the mandible O: Infratemporal surface and crest of greater wing of sphenoid bone, lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate of shenoid bone I: Articular disc and capsule of TMJ, neck of mandible

Medial Pterygoid

A: Laterally deviate the mandible to the opposite side, elevate and protract mandible O: Medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone and tuberosity of maxilla I: Medial surface of ramus of the mandible

MIddle Scalene

A: Laterally flex head and neck to the same side, rotate head and neck to opposite side O: Transverse processes of 2nd-7th cervical vertebrae I: 1st rib

ANterior Scalene

A: Laterally flex head and neck to the same side, rotate head and neck to opposite side O: Transverse processes of 3rd-6th cervical vertebrae I: 1st rib

Posterior Scalene

A: Laterally flex head and neck to the same side, rotate head and neck to opposite side O: Transverse processes of 6th and 7th cervical vertebrae I: 2nd rib


A: Laterally flex the head and neck to same side, rotate the head and neck to the opposite side, flex the neck, assist to elevate the ribcage during inhalation O: Top of manubrium, medial 1/3 of clavicle I: Mastoid process of temporal bone and the lateral portion of the superior nuchal line

Longus Colli

A: Laterally flex the head and neck to the same side, rotate the neck to the same side, flex the head and neck O: Bodies of C-5 to T-3, transverse processes of C-3 to C-5 I: Tuberacle on anterior arch of the atlas, bodies or axis, C-3 and C-4, transverse processes of C-5 and C-6

Longus Capitis

A: Laterally flex the head and neck to the same side, rotate the neck to the same side, flex the head and neck O: Transverse processes of C-3 to C-6 I: Inferior surface of occiput


A: Raise eyebrows and wrinkle forehead, anchor and retract the galea posteriorly O: Galea aponeurotica I: Skin superior to eyebrows, superior nuchal line of the occiput

Brachial Plexus

Large bundle of nerves that innervates the shoulder and upper extremity. Goes from transverse processes of C-5 to T-1, then squeezes between the anterior and middle scalenes, continues inferiorly and laterally, and ducts under the clavicle and into axillary region

Auricularis Muscles

Located above the ear and can move the ear

Located a the center of the occiput, the _______ is the superior attachment site for the ligamentum nuchae.

external occipital protuberance

The cranial bones are connected by _______ joints which form tight-fitting sutures.


Passive elevation of the hyoid bone would _______ the infrahyoids.


Passive flexion of the head and neck would ______ the SCM.


Passive protraction of the mandible would ____ the digastric.


Passive protraction of the mandible would ______ the temporalis.


Which bony landmark is located directly behind the earlobe and serves as an attachment site for te sternocleidomastoid?

mastoid process

The galea aponeurotica forms the bridge between the 2 muscles bellies?

occipitalis, frontalis

The ________ is located at the posterior and inferior aspects of the cranium.


Which muscles becomes visually distinct when your partner forms a Creature from the Black Lagoon expression?


Which scalene is difficult to distinguish from surrounding muscle bellies?


The sternocleidomastoid, clavicle, and traps form the ____________ of the neck.

posterior triangle

What direction would you give your parter in order to locate the suprahyoids?

press the tip of the tounge firmly against the roof of the mouth

The frontalis is best seen and felt by asking your partner to do what action?

raise his eyebrows

Passive depression of the mandible would ____ the suprahyoids.


Passive elevation of the mandible would ______ the masseter.


Passive flexion of the head and neck would ______ the anterior scalene.


Passive lateral flexion of the head and neck to the same side would ______ the SCM and the scalenes.


Passive rotation of the head and neck to the opposite side would ________ the scalenes.


Passively raising the eyebrows would _____ the frontalis fibers.


Tightening the fascia of the neck would _____ the platysma.


Which bony landmark is located on the underside of the mandible and acts as an attachment site for the suprahyoid muscles?

submandibular fossa

While palpating the mandible, in which area should one use extra sensitivity?

submandibular fossa

Which bony landmark of the occiput serves a an attachment site for several neck muscles?

superior nuchal line

The broad origin of which muscle attaches at the frontal, temporal, and parietal bones?


The space between the zygomatic arch and the cranium is filled by the _______ muscle.


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