Health and Wellness Chapter Sixteen

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Unintentional injuries are the fifth leading cause of death for the US population overall, and the leading cause of death for children and adults between the ages of

1 and 35

Overall, about ____ people drown every day in the United States and 80% are male


At what point do internal organs shut down

104 Fahrenheit

In the next 24 hours in the United States, ___ pedestrians will be killed in about 460 people will be treated in emergency rooms for pedestrian related injuries


Intentional poisoning to commit suicide account for about

19% of poisoning incidents

Title 6 Anti Semitic hate incidents have significantly increased in recent years, more than ______ in 2018


By the time you text "R u home yet" on your smart phone, you have increase your risk of potential fatal accident by


In about ___ of completed and attempted rapes in the United States, the is male.


Between ____ and ____% of victims contract and STI from rape, and many worried that they may have been infected with HIV


Many states are now using software that enables survivors to track the rape evidence kits. By law these kits are preserved for

55 years

To help prevent injury from fire, your home should have at least one smoke detector on every level, placed on the ceiling or on a wall

6 to 12 inches from the ceiling

Bicycle helmets reduce the risk of brain trauma from accident by


A 2010 study that was one of very few to analyze false rape allegations concluded, however, that more than ___% of rape allegations are not false


In the general US population, someone is actually assaulted every

92 seconds

Defined as a sudden event resulting in loss of life, severe injury, or property damage

A disaster

__________________ rape survivors are more likely to have consumed alcohol or drugs before the assault, possibly reducing their awareness of signs of aggression in the rapist or lowering their ability to respond to violence


At least 30 children die each year, one every 9 days, from vehicular heat stroke, more than half of them under two years of age. They may have been forgotten or unintentionally left in the vehicle by an adult, or they may have been playing in an unintended vehicle. About 10% of these deaths occur in situations involving

Alcohol, drugs, or neglect

First responder training includes

Assessing a medical emergency, making sure the injured victim has sufficient airway and ventilation to breathe, monitoring vital signs, and safely moving the injured person from an unsafe environment.

The most commonly reported campus crimes are

Burglary, motor vehicle theft, and aggravated assault

More than 400 people die and 20,000 go to the emergency room each year in the United States due to

Carbon monoxide poisoning

Broken axons release a cascade of proteins and chemicals that damage nearby brain cells. Blood vessels break on or near the surface of the brain. In recovery, the brain adapts by developing work around connections and new connections.


Brain cells may react by adding more sodium channels along the brain cell membranes. Although adding new sodium channels effectively turns the electrical grid back on, if you're hit in the head again, the additional access to sodium may have devastating health impacts. This is why it is vital to assure that you do not expose yourself to head jolts again until fully recovered.

Concussion and second concussion

Any drugs that induce dizziness lightheadedness, nausea, drowsiness, fatigue, nervousness, or fuzzy thinking make driving


The national Highway traffic safety administration estimates that at least 9 people are killed and more than 1060 are injured every day in crashes involving

Distracted drivers

Ringing or buzzing in the ears; difficulty understanding speech, especially in noisy settings; and a slight muffling of sounds.

Early symptoms of hearing loss

How often should batteries and battery power detectors be replaced

Every 6 to 12 months

Wearing seatbelts in cars, keeping medication's in log cabin it's out of the reach of children, and maintaining working smoke detectors in the home

Examples of safety promoting behaviors

91 to 119, chainsaw

Extremely loud

30 to 39 dB, a whisper


True or false If you are not trained in CPR you should not attempt it

False : The AHA states that come on average any attempt to perform CPR is better than no attempt

True or false You should stay awake after a concussion

False, a short sleep may actually help the brain recover

True or false Still, nearly 1 in 7 adults does not wear a seatbelt on every trip. However, 97% of college students don't wear a belt most of the time

False: 97% of college students do wear a belt

True or false People not wearing a seatbelt aren't more likely to be thrown from the vehicle

False: They are 30 times more likely

True or false Bicycles are considered pedestrians, and do not have to follow all traffic laws

False: bicycles are considered vehicles, and riders must follow all traffic laws that apply to cars, including stopping at traffic lights and stop signs and signaling before turning.

True or false The alleged perpetrator cannot be expelled if he refuses to answer questions, but whatever he says can be turned over to law enforcement authorities for criminal prosecution

False: he can be expelled if he refuses to answer questions

True or false More than 10% of injuries involved E scooter collisions with cars

False: less than

True or false Docking stations, headsets, and wrist guards are not effective mobile support devices

False: they are

Three sources are largely responsible for the increase in anti-Semitic hate incidents

Far left Israel haters, far right ethnic supremists, and militant Islam

Victims of rape often experience

Fear, anxiety, phobias, guilt, nightmares, depression, substance abuse, sleep disorders, sexual dysfunctions, and social withdrawal.

_________ ________ ________require private operators to fly UAVs below 400 feet, only during daylight, at speeds less than 100 mph, and to fly the drone within the operator site. Drones must not be heavier than 55 pounds and must avoid airline traffic patterns.

Federal aviation administration laws

The primary causes of home injuries and deaths are

Fires, poisonings, and choking

Involves confusion lasting less than 15 minutes

Grade 1 concussion

Confusion and amnesia lasting longer than 15 minutes

Grade 2 concussion

Brief unconsciousness and more serious amnesia

Grade 3 concussion

Many convertible car seats and combination car seats set forward facing weight limits of 65 to 85 pounds when used with

Harness straps

Defined as verbal, written, or symbolic ask that convey a grossly negative view of particular persons or groups based on their gender, ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.

Hate speech

Epithets, slurs, taunts, insults, and intimidations are common modes of

Hate speech

Any action taken or situation created intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, or ridicule


True or false About one of every six pedestrian deaths occurs in a

Hit and run incident

Would mandate all new vehicles to be installed with rear seat child and pet reminder system. This reminder system would be for visual and audio

Hot cars act

Food accounts for 50% of choking deaths for children 4 years and younger; the top three culprits are

Hot dogs, candy, and whole grapes

Safe accommodations that ensure the victim never has to encounter the alleged perpetrator

Interim measures

According to the national collegiate athletic association four of every five students are subjected to some form of hazing in their college years. Hazing activities have included

Kidnapping, alcohol chugging, for swallowing the food and nonfood items, sleep deprivation, beatings, and calisthenics to the point of exhaustion.

What you as an individual can do about violence falls into two categories

Knowing how to reduce your own risk of encountering violence, and working to create safer communities and to prevent violence in society

And about 80% of rapes and sexual assaults, the victim

Knows the perpetrators

Common sources of excessive environmental noise

Machinery, power tools, traffic, airplanes, and construction

Three important considerations in bike safety are

Making sure your bicycle fits you properly, wearing helmet, and employing safe cycling practices.

_______ _______ victims require the same level of medical treatment, counseling, and support as female victims.

Male rape

Driving safely requires

Mental alertness, clear vision, physical coordination, and the ability to react quickly

In 2019 there were several carbon monoxide deaths of US tourist visiting international resorts and at US rented homes. If you are staying in a resort hotel or rented home, it's recommended that you take a

Mobile carbon monoxide alarm with you

40 to 60 dB, clothes dryer


The five point harness system should be used until the child weighs

More than 85 pounds

Deleting cause of unintentional injury death for people of all ages in the United States is

Motor vehicle crashes, followed by poisoning, falls, choking, and drowning

Cities implementing vision zero include

New York City, Boston, San Francisco, and San Diego

Alcohol poisoning accounts for a small percentage of poisoning deaths, but some poisoning deaths are caused by alcohol in combination with

Other drugs

120 or higher, siren


Is any substance harmful to the body that is ingested, inhaled, injected, or absorbed through the skin


Moodiness, anxiety, and sleep disturbance symptoms can be warning signs of

Post concussive syndrome

Victims of rape may develop rape related

Post traumatic stress disorder, experiencing flashbacks and impaired functioning

The reasons behind the severity of second impaction cushions are not fully know, but scientists conjecture that disruption in the brain balance of

Potassium and sodium may be a factor

About half of all unintentional poisoning deaths are from drug overdoses. ____________ _____ overdose is now account for as many deaths as cocaine and heroin combined.

Prescription drug

True or false About 3% of US men have been raped or experienced rape in their lifetime.


______________ laws allow tickets to be issued only if the vehicle operator has been pulled over for violating another law.


Infants should ride in carriers in which they are in a

Semi reclining position facing the rear of the car

Although marketed as toys, motorized scooters can reach 30 mph. 45% of the scooter accidents cause closed head injuries. Arm fractures, leg fractures, and organ damage we're also common. Half these injuries were


Any sexual behavior that is forced on someone without his or her consent. At the least, the victim is made to feel uncomfortable and intimidated; at the worst he or she is physically and emotionally harmed.

Sexual assault

Defined as imposing sexual activity on someone through the threat of non-physical punishment, promise of reward, or verbal pressure rather than through force or threat of force

Sexual coercion

Sexual assault includes

Sexual intercourse, forced sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempts to commit any of these acts

Although violent acts are committed by individuals the causes of violence are rooted in

Social and cultural conditions

Lawmakers in New York proposed providing law-enforcement with an electronic digital roadside test called a


______________ can tap into the operating system of smart phones to detect recent texting and email activity. Drivers who refused to turn over their phones would be subject to suspension of their drivers license.


This 1992 amendment to the Cleary act, Requires college administrators to provide justice, medical treatment, and psychological counseling for crime victims and survivors. They must inform victims of the outcomes of disciplinary action and of their options to notify law-enforcement and change their academic and living situations. This law also requires colleges to promote educational awareness programs about sexual assault and to facilitate reporting of sexual assault.

The campus sexual assault victims bill of rights

Children age 1 to 4

The leading cause of accidental death is drowning

Infants under 1 year of age

The leading cause of injury death is suffocation

Individuals aged 15 to 24

The third leading cause is vehicle crashes

True or False Mouth to mouth breathing should still be used for children and for adults who suffer a lack of oxygen caused by near drowning, carbon monoxide poisoning, or drug overdose


True or false One and six women will be the victim of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime


True or false The surge and electric or E scooter injuries let the CDC to investigate the risk of riding them


True or false 63% of people exposed to loud or very loud recreational noise never use ear protection, 29% sometimes do, and only 8% is it all the time


True or false 90% of natural disasters in the United States include flooding


True or false 95% of hazed students do not report the incident to college officials


True or false A few times every year, a bicyclist strikes and kills a pedestrian


True or false A second impact concussion, before the brain has healed fully can cause life-threatening brain swelling


True or false About 18% of rape and sexual assault are committed by the victims intimate partner or husband


True or false About 45% of pedestrian deaths occur when pedestrians enter or cross streets, and 10% occur when pedestrians are walking in the roadway


True or false About 50% of the homes in which a fire fatality occurred did not have smoke detectors or had an operable fire alarm


True or false About 85% of motor vehicle crashes are believed to be caused by improper driving, or driving behaviors such as speeding, failing to yield the right away, disregarding signals and stop signs, making improper terms, passing on a yellow line, and following too closely


True or false About 90% of campus assault are committed by someone the victim knows


True or false About half of drownings occur in natural water settings, such as lakes, rivers, in the ocean, or in boating incidents


True or false According to court rulings, hate speech must be proven to inflict real , not trivial, harm before it can be regulated


True or false According to various studies, 25 to 60% of men have engaged in sexual assault and coercive sexual behavior


True or false An estimated 20% of college women experience rape or attempted rape during their college years; for College men, the rate is about 6%.


True or false And 40% of rape cases, the perpetrator is a friend or acquaintance


True or false Bending your neck and punching your shoulders can also reduce your lung capacity by 30%


True or false Children should not be placed in regular seatbelts until they are old enough and large enough, usually at least 4'9" tall and between ages eight and 12.


True or false Children under age 13 should always sit in the backseat, using the age recommended restraint


True or false Colleges and universities that violate title nine may face loss of federal support funds


True or false Concussion forces twist and break the long, slender axons of brain cells


True or false Drivers under age 20 are the most likely to be involved in distraction related crashes


True or false Driving tests estimate that 66% of all traffic fatalities are associated with overly aggressive driving behavior


True or false Environmental hazards account for less than 5% of vehicle crashes, but when combined with human error, the account for 27%


True or false Forensic rape kids may collect sexual assault information, but less than 14% of emergency rooms have trained professionals to collect forensic evidence


True or false Four and five college women who are sexually assaulted do not report their attacks to campus police, and as few as 5% reported to local law enforcement . About 26% of college students feel the incident was a personal matter, 20% are afraid of reprisal, about half feel the university would not conduct a fair investigation, and a significant number are concerned that the college would not protect confidentiality, and a significant number feel embarrassed by the sexual assault


True or false Generally, sensing devices in the dashboard inflate airbags at impacts of 12 mph or more


True or false Hazing is illegal in most states and it may be either a misdemeanor or a felony


True or false In 2008, the American heart association announced that hands on is CPR with chest compression only is just as effective for sudden cardiac arrest at standard CPR with mouth-to-mouth breathing


True or false In Europe, vehicle manufacturers have designed vehicles with softer bumpers, raised hoods, and repositioned engine components to help prevent pedestrian leg and head injuries from collision impact.


True or false Investigators found that current or former relationships between the perpetrator and victim was the predominant trigger for violent acts, followed by retaliation for specific actions among university crime


True or false Is thrown during a 30 mph crash, an 80 pound labrador retriever will exert 2400 pounds of force on whatever it strikes.


True or false It is projected that almost all vehicles by 2025 will have child reminder systems


True or false It takes only 10 minutes for temperatures inside car to rise by 20°


True or false Law-enforcement officers, healthcare providers, and social service agencies maybe less supportive of male rape victims than a female rape victims because of similar misperceptions and miss information.


True or false Many colleges and universities opposed the Trump administration revisions on the ground they shift too much legal right to the accused student and create a direct confrontation between the accused and the accusers


True or false Many victims blame themselves for the rape, and our society tends to foster self blame. Myths about rape include the false beliefs that women or men who are raped did something to provoke it, put themselves in danger situation and so deserved it, or could have fought off their attacker.


True or false Men are responsible for 80% of alcohol impaired driving


True or false More than half of all drowning victims are white non-Hispanic males, but black males have the highest running rate per 100,000 persons


True or false More than half of rape and sexual assault victims are under the age of 18, and one and five is under the age of 12


True or false Most choking emergencies occur when a piece of food or a swallowed object becomes lodged in the throat, blocking the tracheal opening and cutting the oxygen supply to the lungs. Muscles in the trachea may go into spasm and wrap tightly around the object


True or false Native Americans have the highest unintentional poisoning death rate, followed by whites and blacks


True or false Natural gas is usually odorless


True or false Noise is considered very loud if you have to shout to be heard over it from 3 feet away


True or false Non-Hispanic whites account for 75% of preventable deaths


True or false On average in the United States, one civilian person dies in a fire every 145 minutes, and someone is injured in a fire every 33 minutes.


True or false One study found that even one season of youth football cause explosion ahead and pack could cause changes in the brains white matter


True or false Only 40% of sexual assaults are reported to law enforcement , only 10% of those reported result in a felony conviction, and only 3% of sexual assault offenders spend even a single day in jail


True or false Outdoor climbing is relatively safe, with 72. One injuries per 100,000 climbing events


True or false People who rested for five days after a concussion had more long-term concussion related health issues than those resume daily activities after only two days.


True or false President Trump signed an executive order to ensure the protection of free speech on college campuses. The order will be inforced by denying or cutting federal research funds to public colleges and universities that do not enact transparent policies that promote free speech on campus


True or false Primary laws allow law enforcement officers to pull vehicles over and then she take it slowly because drivers and passengers are not wearing seatbelts


True or false Prospective or habitual memory, another type of memory, is remembering to perform a planned action or habitual task at some point, and it is very vulnerable to forgetting


True or false Rates of cycling fatalities and serious injuries are much higher in the United States than in most Western European countries.


True or false Rates of death by choking are highest in children under four years of age and adults over 65 and especially over 75 years of age


True or false Research indicates that young children are not easily roused from deep sleep by the sound of a smoke alarm, but they are roused by the sound of their mothers voice calling their names


True or false Some noise induced hearing loss is inevitable and irreversible as we age


True or false Some state bills prohibit finite areas of college campuses being designated as free speech sounds


True or false Some states laws now mandate HIV testing of an alleged rapist if the victim requested


True or false State and local governments are now requiring registration of recreational drones


True or false States with primary enforcement laws have higher seatbelt usage and states with secondary enforcement laws or no laws


True or false Talking on a cell phone increases your risk fourfold; putting on make up, threefold; and eating or drinking, two fold.


True or false The answer may not be removing campus tribunals for sexual assault cases but instead designing transparent investigations, hearings, and sanctions that maintain fair due process and equal protection for the accuser and the accused


True or false The assumed ease of riding an E scooter lies behind its popularity, but inexperience is a major factor in high injury rates


True or false The fundamental right to avoid self-incrimination does not apply to the alleged perpetrator during the campus sexual assault investigation and hearing


True or false The harness can be used in booster mode until the child exceeds 120 pounds


True or false The leading cause of injury death vary by age and by ethnicity and race


True or false The pedestrian annual death rate is 1.5-100000. In communities with an average per capita income below 36,000, however, the death rate is two.5-100000.


True or false The pictures at 107 Fahrenheit


True or false There is no one way to respond to rape that works at all cases


True or false There's also a significant backlog of untested rape kits. This problem is particularly acute in rural hospitals


True or false Wearing a helmet reduces a motorcyclist risk of both fatal injury and traumatic brain injury by 37%.


true or false The national Highway traffic safety administration found the injury rate of the scooters to be 2.2 per 10,000 miles traveled, in contrast to 0.5 for motorcycles and 0.1 for cars


Colleges can decide whether to provide an appeal process, mediation can be used to resolve complaints between accuser and he accused, cross-examination can't be used for both accuser and the accused, the single investigator model is eliminated, and the college must have actual knowledge of a sexual assault allegation made to administrative official with authority to dispense corrective action before it can be held legally responsible for failing to investigate the allegation.

Trump administrations revisions to title nine

Although bicycle injuries overall have been reduced by more than 50% since 1999, head injuries from bike accidents have increased in cities that have bike share programs. The likely culprits are

Unfamiliarity with the operation of the bike and failure to wear a safety helmet

_________ ________________ ________ Have come under scrutiny by the US Department of transportation. Studies indicate the systems operate at the high end of the mental workload scale, which means they shift drivers attention away from the task of driving

Vehicle infotainment systems

61 to 90 dB, blow dryer

Very loud

The three main types of distraction are

Visual, taking eyes off the road. Manual, taking hands off the wheel. Cognitive, taking the mind off the task at hand.

Hazing prevention efforts include

Zero tolerance policies, education about hazing dangers, and programs designed to confront the campus hazing culture.

Vision zero is a collaborative community campaign that works with police, health departments, and traffic engineers to emphasize that traffic crashes should not be considered inevitable or excepted risk of travel. The campaign school is

Zero traffic fatalities or serious injuries.

Only one and six people use __________ _________ such as harnesses, pet vehicle seats, or pet carriers. Unrestrained pets can distract a driver and cause serious injury to the driver and passengers in the event of an accident.

animal restraints

A 2017 Cato Institute study found that current college students were more likely than the general population to believe _________________ people should lose their free speech rights and government should be more active in policing hate speech. A slight majority of students wanted a campus void of intolerant ideas.


Rape is a crime about ________, _________, and __________. For many victims, the effects of rape can be profoundly traumatic and long lasting. Physical injuries usually heal quickly, but physiological pain calendar.

dominance, power, control

To reduce the number and lethality of injuries that occur as a result of ___________________ ________ states and local communities use such measures as ice melting chemicals, crash cushions, breakaway signs and light poles, and median barriers and guard rails

environmental factors,

First year college women are at highest risk for sexual assault during the ____ _____ _______ of their first semester

first six weeks

Loud noise destroys _____ ______ at the nerve endings in the inner ear that translate sound vibrations into electrical current going to the brain. The exposure to loud noise can damage hearing and lead to permanent hearing loss

hair cells

Amsterdam is using LED light strips on sidewalks, synchronize with traffic signals, to alleviate the problem of _______ ______ ____________ who are looking down as they walk

smart phone zombies

Despite the safety benefits of a helmet, however, most motorcyclist choose not to wear one unless ______ __________ requires it. Only 11% of college students report wearing a helmet all the time.

state law

When you listen to loud music for prolonged period., You experience a " __________ ___________ ______" that makes you less sensitive to high volumes. In effect, the ears adapt to the environment by anesthetizing themselves

temporary threshold shift

The pedestrian fatality rate for men is about _____ that for women, and the rate of non-fatal pedestrian injuries is also higher for men


College students sometimes prefer to call it __________ _____ and not sexual assault, perhaps because the victim is often acquainted with her assailant

unwanted sex

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