Health Midterm

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communicable disease

Illnesses caused by infectious agents or their toxins that people can acquire from other humans, animals, and the environment (contaminated food, air, water, soil, etc.). Illnesses such as infectious diarrhea, malaria, tuberculosis, and AIDS prematurely end lives.

Dynamic stretching

involves moving a joint through its range of motion in a slow and controlled fashion—no bouncing or jerking motions. You're doing a dynamic stretch when you swing your leg or circle your arms.

glycemic index (GI)

is a measurement of food's effect on blood glucose. Foods that cause a rapid rise in glucose are referred to as having a high ___. Examples of such foods include table sugar, corn and maple syrup, candy, white bread, other baked goods, sodas, juices, and other sweetened drinks. most contain few nutrients, hence the term "empty calories." An occasional dessert is fine. However, if you're eating a lot of energy-dense (high-calorie), nutritionally poor foods, you can become malnourished and overweight. Two, a spike in blood glucose is often followed by a crash that leaves you feeling fatigued. Three, repeated spikes in glucose eventually tax the ability of insulin to move glucose into cells.


is any type of physical activity designed to improve health and physical fitness. More regimented and planned than physical activity, exercise usually involves repetitive actions. For instance, vacuuming your room is a physical activity, but you probably wouldn't vacuum daily to keep fit.


is the ability of joints to move through their full range of motion. It helps overcome the stiffness inherent in exercises such as running. It also helps counteract the declining range of motion that often accompanies advancing age. You'll have better balance and agility.


moves glucose inside cells, where it's either burned for energy or stored as glycogen or fat.


provide energy—specifically, 4 calories per gram

cardiorespiratory fitness

the ability of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to deliver oxygen and nutrients to muscles during sustained activity.

hydrogenated fats

A man made process called hydrogenation forces hydrogen atoms to saturate or partially saturate the carbon atoms in PUFAs. The end result is hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fatty acids. Hydrogenation makes PUFAs more solid at room temperature and extends shelf life. Many processed foods (cookies, crackers, cakes, etc.) contain hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fatty acids (also called partially hydrogenated oils). Trans and saturated fatty acids indirectly raise LDL cholesterol (associated with heart disease risk). In addition, trans fatty acids oxidize LDL cholesterol (making them more dangerous), lower HDL cholesterol, and make platelets stickier (and therefore more likely to clot within a blood vessel).


Behavior shifts. Positive actions continue for six months. The individual goes from smoking a pack to half a pack a day, eats an apple instead of a donut, drinks seltzer water rather than beer, or laces up his or her sneakers and heads out the door

resistance training

Activity that voluntarily recruits motor units in order to enhance muscular strength and/or endurance


Anything that, by perturbing or threatening to perturb homeostasis, activates the stress response.


At this stage, an individual has no intention of changing. He or she may be ignorant of or in denial of a problem. If the individual is conscious of a health threat, he or she may feel changing isn't worth the effort ("Everyone in my family is overweight").


At this stage, the behavioral change has lasted over six months. The person figures out ways to resist temptation and otherwise prevent relapse.


At which stage of the Transtheoretical Model does an individual gain awareness, believe he/she ought to make a change, and intends to take action within 6 months?

Visceral Fat

Fat stored around the organs in the abdomen is called what?

bulimia nervosa

Frequent binging and purging characterize this condition. Binge eating involves consuming huge quantities of food in a discrete period of time (usually within two hours). Purging refers to compensating for overeating by self-induced vomiting or abusing laxative or diuretics. People with bulimia nervosa may also follow binging with fasting, exercising, and taking diuretics. Binging and purging can occur from once a week to several times in a day.

Monounsaturated fatty acids

Has only one double bond liquid at room temperature but become solid or semisolid in the refrigerator. Sources include olives, avocados, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, and peanuts. Avocados, nuts, nut butters, and olive oil are good sources of MUFAs. demonstrates a reduction of LDL cholesterol reduce inflammation, blood pressure, and blood clotting—all of which protect against heart disease. Olive oil also improves blood sugar control, which reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes.


a favorable challenge—for example, you enroll in college, fall in love, land a new job, win the lottery, or move to Paris for the year. Such changes are generally exciting and stimulating.

sleep debt

Normally you need one hour of sleep for every 2 hours you're awake. Sleep debt is the difference between the hours of sleep you get and the amount of sleep you need to feel alert during the day. Like the national deficit, it accumulates over time. Most Americans run a debt during the workweek and partially pay it back on weekends.

Factors that influence health

Personal Behaviors 40% Family History and Genetics 30% Environmental and Social Factors 20% Medical Care 10%


The individual gains awareness, believes he or she ought to make a change, and intends to take action within six months. He or she may gather information and weigh the pros and cons of the new behavior—without necessarily doing anything.


The individual makes plans and intends to take action within a month. He or she has now decided that the pros of making a positive change outweigh any inconvenience. The person takes initial steps in the right direction. For instance, someone vowing to begin an exercise program may investigate gym memberships, shop for athletic shoes, or read a book about running.


The person has gained complete confidence in this new lifestyle and feels no temptation to relapse. The positive behavior now starts to feel routine and necessary. You're probably already at this stage for a number of behaviors—buckling your seatbelt, brushing your teeth, consistently using a condom.

foodborne illnesses

These conditions are caused by contamination of food and beverages with microorganisms or toxins produced by bacteria. Examples of bacteria include Salmonella, Shigella, toxin-forming Escherichia coli (E. coli), Listeria, Vibrio, and Campylobacter.

Perceived susceptibility Perceived severity Perceived benefits Perceived cost-to-benefit ratio

Understand and know the concepts of the Health Belief Model

Precontemplation. Contemplation. Preparation. Action. Maintenance. Termination.

What are the stages of the Transtheoretical Model?

Food labels

What does the FDA require that processed foods have visible for consumers to see?

Around the world, life expectancies and the burden of chronic disease have gone up. Infectious diseases have steadily come under control in the developing world. However, many people still lack access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene. The United States spends more on health care than any other nation. People in other affluent nations live longer and have generally better health than Americans. The leading causes of death in the United States could be prevented or postponed.

What has happened with health concerns in the U.S. and globally? For example, have diseases increased, death rates, life expectancies etc..)

The general adaptation syndrome is the bodies nonspecific response to stress the alarm stage, wherein the organism encounters the stressor; the resistance stage, wherein the organism copes with the stressor and the exhaustion stage, the point at which unremitting stress leads to illness and death

What is the general adaptation syndrome? Know the stages and what they mean.

heart disease. Stress elevates blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and inflammatory chemicals, which increases the risk for hypertension (abnormally high blood pressure) and atherosclerosis (deposition of fat and other materials harden and narrow the arteries).

What is the number 1# killer in the United States

Being invited to work in Italy

Which of the following is an example of eustress?

His resting heart rate decreases

Which of the following is the result if an individual's cardiorespiratory level increases?

Health is strongly influenced by personal behaviors

Which of the following is true of health?

They cause rapid rise of blood glucose

Which of the following is true of high glycemic index foods?

During dynamic stretching, movement should be smooth not jerky

Which of the following is true of stretching in exercises?

Personal behavior, family stability, financial status, and genetics

Which of the following order has the greatest impact on health?

Any type of activity designed to improve health

Which of the following statements best defines physical exercise?

They believe forces outside of them manipulate their lives

Which of the following statements is true about people with the external locus of control?

Perceived benefits

You believe that positive actions will avert and improve your risks. Here's an example: "My doctor says that even if I only lose seven pounds, my blood sugar may return to normal, and I won't need medication for diabetes."

Perceived cost-to-benefit ratio

You believe that the benefits of your action will outweigh any costs. For instance, a person might think, "If I quit smoking, I might gain weight. But with the money I'll save from not buying cigarettes, I could join a gym.

Perceived severity

You believe the consequences can be dire. Take the following example: "Alcoholism can wreck families and cause cirrhosis of the liver. My uncle was an alcoholic. He lost his job.

Perceived susceptibility

You believe you're vulnerable to diseases or other adverse consequences associated with an undesirable behavior. "All sexually active people are at risk for human papillomavirus. Some strains of the virus cause cancer. A vaccine helps prevent it."


Your body's internal balance

self efficacy

______ means you believe you have the power to achieve your goals?


a hormone that is produced by the pineal gland in animals and regulates sleep and wakefulness.

anorexia nervosa

a life-threatening condition in which people starve themselves and use other extreme measures to lose weight. A person may begin by restricting calories to lose an appropriate amount of weight, then finding she is unable to stop. Other means of achieving thinness include compulsive exercising, self-induced vomiting, taking diet pills, and abusing laxatives and diuretics.


a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease.

body composition

a term used to describe how much of the body is fat and how much isn't

external locus of control

believe that forces outside of them manipulate their lives. That's dangerous for a couple of reasons. It can lead to blaming others for all our disappointments. "I got a D in the class because the professor was inept, unfair, and downright mean." Blame leads to anger and resentment.

omega-3 fatty acids

alpha-linolenic acid essential, meaning our bodies can't manufacture them. are anti-inflammatory and have multiple health benefits essential for nervous system development, growth, and maintenance. Low levels are associated with inflammatory conditions, cardiovascular disease, reduced cognitive (mental) function, and some mental disorders (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and autism spectrum spectrum disorders).

Physical Activity

any movement of skeletal muscles requiring extra energy

Static stretching

entails slowly moving to the point of resistance, then holding the position for about twenty to sixty seconds.

Subcutaneous Fat

fat under the skin

Visceral Fat

fat within the abdomen

Stretching exercises

help maintain and improve flexibility. Stretching exercises help manage arthritis and low back pain and can reduce musculoskeletal injuries in the workplace.


means you believe you have the power to achieve your goals. You also believe that your actions make a difference to your health. Positive self-efficacy furnishes the necessary motivation, confidence, problem-solving skills, determination, and tenacity for long-term lifestyle changes


the most energy dense. Each gram packs 9 calories—more than double the caloric content of protein and carbohydrates. helps you absorb fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E) and other fat-soluble plant chemicals, adds flavor and "mouthfeel" to food, and promotes satiety. cushion bones and internal organs, fill out the face, insulate you from the cold, and lubricate your skin and hair.

muscular strength

the muscle's capacity to generate force to move against resistance. Resistance is anything that a muscle needs to overcome in order to contract. The greater your muscular strength, the less effort it takes to perform physical work. It's what allows you to jump with joy, scramble into an upper bunk, and hoist a backpack of books.


the optimal state of health (1) the realization of the fullest potential of an individual physically, psychologically, socially, spiritually and economically. (2) the fulfillment of one's role expectations in the family, community, place of worship, workplace, and other settings.

the exhaustion stage

the point at which unremitting stress leads to illness and death

the resistance stage

wherein the organism copes with the stressor

the alarm stage

wherein the organism encounters the stressor;

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