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Traditional Indian medication

had a very extensive pharmacopoeia and varieties of herbal remedies and drugs

Islamic World

had become a civilization of colossal expansive

Roman empire

strongest political and social entity in the west

Materia Medica

made up of assorted botanica, zoological and mineralogical ingredients

Magnetic iron ore

magnetize a floating needle to indicate direction

India (Indus-Hindu civilization)

mainly in the northwestern regions of south Asia

Start of middle ages

marked by massive invasions and irrigations

Flexible bamboo pole

speedily enchanted transport of heavy loads


stage for individual gladiatorial contest which held 50,000 spectators

Gunpowder and cannons

-appeared around the 9th century A.D


-gazzettes -contribution of ancient Greeks -contained announcements of the Roman Empire

Code of Ur-Nammu (Sumer)

-oldest surviving law in the world -earliest existing legal text


A form of writing developed by the Sumerians using a wedge shaped stylus and clay tablets.

-arabic system of numbers -arabs interest in pseudo-science of alchemy -first use glass lenses for magnification -first to manufacture black powder -produce the first gun

Contributions of Arab

Small stones/sand, water

Greeks used ____________, ________ to sound the alarm

large complicated mechanisms

Greeks used _______________ to time the alarm

Printing press

Invented by Johann Gutenberg -utilized wooden machines that extracted juices from fruits


Is a numeral system the people of Sumer used that has a numeral base of 60


King of Babylon who ordered the construction of Hanging Gardens of Babylon and Ishtar Gate


One of the most powerful cities of the ancient world under Hammurabi


The dominant people in the earliest Chinese dynasty for which we have written records (ca. 1750-1027 B.C.E.). Ancestor worship, divination by means of oracle bones, and the use of bronze vessels for ritual purposes were major elements of this culture.


a civilization known for innovations in language, governance, architecture


a desert country thriving on an agricultural economy

Medieval times

age of exploration

beginning of the 12th century A.D

all barrier guns and cannons are constructed at the beginning of __________________


an archipelago in the southeastern part of Europe

taxation system

an important component of the achaemenid state administration


ancient civilization founded in the Mesopotamia region of fertile crescent situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers


ancient region bordering the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (Southern Iraq)

Neo-babylonian empire

babylon became a beautiful architecture

First gun in Arab civilization

bamboo tube reinforced with iron that used a charge of black powder to shoot an arrow

Wheeled vehicle made of solid wooden wheels

greatest mechanical invention (sumerian civilization)


birthplace of western philosophy

Chinese people

civilization that discovers the use of toilet paper, chopsticks, silk production, gun powder, use of coal fuel, water wheel, wheel barrow, Flexible bamboo pole, technology of copper coinage, artistry of wallpaper porcelain, tea production

-Construction layout of its cities which feature water wells, bathrooms, wastepipe/drains in nearly every house -medicines in mathemetics -traditional indian medication -positive and negative quantities, square and cube roots, mathematical implication of zero and infinity, value of pi upto 9 decimals -indian surgeons success in various operations -iron pillar of delhi -Stupa -Great technology

contributions of Indus-hindu civilization

Roman empire

cradle of politics and governance


created the first books or codex and roman numeral


dedicated to the Olympian gods


designed mathematical models and mathematical systems to explain the planetary positions and movements on geometrical determinants and logical deductions

Earthquake weathercock

detects earthquake occurence


device for predicting the positions of sun, moon, planets and the stars.


device use to regulate clocks


discovery of healing drugs and herbs

Medieval times

divided into the so called dark ages and middle ages

arabs interest in pseudo-science of alchemy

encouraged the Arab to mix and manipulate chemical elements and conduct experiments to transform base metals into gold


factors that paved the way for the presence of advanced and sophisticated scientific and technological innovations today


first described the odometer

Sulfuric acid

first discovered by Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Jakarta Al-Razi

Babylonian Map of the World

first map of the world

City of Ururk

first true city in the world


gently sloping underground channel that carries water from an aquifer or water well to houses and fields

Persian Civilization (persian)

has contributed the first regular postal system in the world

Persian Civilization (persian)

has contributed the uniform style of gold and silver coinage

Chariot races and gladiator fights

held at principal stadium (circus maximus)

Islamic world

imposed a unity of religion and culture on much of southwest Asia and North Africa


individual objects or actions

Pi sheng

invented/developed the first movable type printer made from pottery


invention of Greeks, commonly used in agricultural process in the milling of grains which is a necessary form of food processing


inventor of odometer

Egyptian writing

is in symbols or hieroglyphics

Chinese Civilization

known as middle kingdom, located on the far east of asia


known as the creators of civilization


largest city in the vast Babylonian empire


located in northeastern part of African continent

synthesis of the scientific and technological knowledge

most influential muslim intellectual contribution


mountain of god of sumer

Great technology

needed in the fields of weapony, navigation, mass food and farm production and health

Chinese civilization

oldest civilization in China


one of the first pioneer of cartographers to create map of the world


oriental tableware consisting of a pair of sticks used to eat food with

Medieval times

period from 450 A.D to 1450 A.D

Medieval times

period of history between ancient and modern time

First 365-day calendar

possibly devised by IMHOTEP


precursor to the unfolding or existence of something

Circus maximus

principal stadium where chariot races and gladiatorial fights held and accommodated 300,000 people


rocky peninsula in southwest asia


sacred place of Sumer's chief god


set of word pictures depicted in symbols made of triangular marks


simple but adequate system of double-entry accounting


system of counting and a form of place notation


they also build large churches, aqueducts, amphitheaters, residential houses


they calculated time by means of waterclock

Persian Civilization (persian)

they contributed the taxation system


they invented the alarm clock

Chinese people

they practice apothecaries and acupuncture


they studied heaven (sky) to record time, forecast seasons, predict annual flooding of river nile


they wrote with the ink and brushes on paper made of papyrus reeds


used as commemorative monument associated with strong sacred relics


used to measure distance traveled


used to treat illness/pain by picking the patient's body with needles

Egyptian Calendar

was based on the phases of the moon consisting 29 1/2 days

Zodiacal map of Sumer

was used for practical mathematical and observational purposes.

Iron pillar of delhi

world's first iron pillar


world's largest domed buildings

Great wall of china

world's longest man made structure built to keep invaders from the north out of China, started by the Qin Dynasty, expanded by the Han Dynasty,

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AP Comparative Gov Unit 6 : Iran

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