History 101 MidTerm Pt. 1

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Who were the Magi? A. A priestly class among the Medes who officiated at sacrifices and tended the sacred flame B. The ruling class among the Persians who held control over water resources C. The priestly caste among the Persians who sustained the nomadic traditions as society became more urbanized D. A mystery cult among the Jews that merged Judaism and local religious shrines

A. A priestly class among the Medes who officiated at sacrifices and tended the sacred flame

The Hebrews were initially a pastoral society, but they would develop an urban society that created what new economic opportunities? A. Crafts and trades B. Military expansion and imperialism C. Foreign commerce and trade D. Agriculture and domesticated animals

A. Crafts and trades

What is the name of the Greek form of government that translates as "the power of the people"? A. Democracy B. Oligarchy C. Monarchy D. Plutocracy

A. Democracy

How did Augustus seek to promote childbearing? A. Free women were released from male guardianship if they gave birth to a certain number of children. B. A cash reward was paid to the husband for every child born to his wife. C. After the birth of a fourth child, a husband was released from all military service.

A. Free women were released from male guardianship if they gave birth to a certain number of children.

What type of slave was most likely to be given freedom? A. Household slaves B. Slaves trained in skilled crafts C. Gladiatorial slaves D. Military slaves

A. Household slaves

Which of the following characterizes the Hellenistic city? A. In addition to its economic role, the Hellenistic city served as a cultural and educational center. B. As a result of its large Greek population, the Hellenistic city had little contact with the local population, and the two cultures remained largely independent. C. As a consequence of its isolation, the Hellenistic city had to be completely self-supporting. D. Despite its political importance, the Hellenistic city had been artificially created and often lacked an economic foundation on which to thrive

A. In addition to its economic role, the Hellenistic city served as a cultural and educational center.

What was the result of each Greek polis having its own minor deities and cults? A. It became a source of civic pride and solidarity. B. It gave the priesthood a strong political position. C. It made the inhabitants more religious. D. It confused the people about whom to worship.

A. It became a source of civic pride and solidarity.

What is the premise of the Aeneid by the Roman poet Virgil? A. It provides a mythological account of the founding of Rome. B. It documents the defeat of Roman legions in Teutoburger Forest. C. It describes Julius Caesar's conquest of Gaul.

A. It provides a mythological account of the founding of Rome.

What deity is an example of the assimilation of religion that occurred under most Hellenistic monarchies developed by Egyptian and Greek priests? A. Serapis B. Osiris C. Hades D. Jupiter

A. Serapis

How did slavery affect the Hellenistic world? A. Slavery was vitally important to the economy. B. Slavery was crucial for maintaining the army. C. Slavery was strictly an urban phenomenon. D. Slavery was the basis for agriculture.

A. Slavery was vitally important to the economy.

What was the most attractive feature of the Greek religious cults? A. The rituals and festivals with bright, lively entertainment B. The body of cohesive doctrine that believers embraced C. Their ability to satisfy deep spiritual yearnings D. Their ability to address issues of sin and redemption

A. The rituals and festivals with bright, lively entertainment

How did Euclid influence Western civilization? A. With his text The Elements of Geometry B. With his study of geography C. By refining the design of the Hellenistic merchant ship D. By developing the heliocentric theory

A. With his text The Elements of Geometry

The most important difference between Yahweh and Mesopotamian gods was Yahweh's A. promise to protect the Hebrews if they obeyed his commandments. B. immortality. C. lack of clarity regarding his wishes and needs. D. indifference.

A. promise to protect the Hebrews if they obeyed his commandments.

The greatest weakness of the Greek city-states was A. their difficulty in cooperating with one another. B. the loose requirements of citizenship. C. the poor quality of soil for agriculture. D. the rigidity of their political constitutions.

A. their difficulty in cooperating with one another.

What did Greek city-states rely on for protection? A. Large, professional standing armies B. A militia of citizens C. Slave armies D. Persian mercenaries

B. A militia of citizens

What emperor established colonies of Roman military veterans? A. Caligula B. Augustus C. Hadrian D. Trajan

B. Augustus

What was the most important source of information on the life of Jesus? A. A biography written by Paul of Tarsus B. Four Gospels of the New Testament C. Roman census records D. Oral tradition of early Christianity

B. Four Gospels of the New Testament

How was Alexander the Great's empire divided? A. His generals negotiated a division of his empire in order to avoid bloodshed. B. His strongest generals divided it among themselves in warfare that lasted for forty years. C. On his death, his leading generals drew lots to determine which general would receive what territory. D. Before his death, he assigned his leading generals various territories as rewards for their service.

B. His strongest generals divided it among themselves in warfare that lasted for forty years.

The heavily armored Greek infantry who fought in a phalanx—a close rectangular formation—were called what? A. Helots B. Hoplites C. Tyrants D. Argonauts

B. Hoplites

How were Greek women affected by the emergence of the Hellenized cities? A. In Hellenized cities, few Greek women were present, and those who were served usually as concubines and prostitutes. B. In Hellenized cities, women, especially those who were literate, had greater opportunity to engage in professions and participate in commercial affairs. C. In Hellenized cities, Greek women were strictly required to obey local customs, usually forcing greater restrictions on their personal freedoms. D. In Hellenized cities, Greek women were permitted rights equal with Greek men in order to demonstrate Greek superiority to the local population.

B. In Hellenized cities, women, especially those who were literate, had greater opportunity to engage in professions and participate in commercial affairs.

Which philosophical school established the concept of "natural law"? A. Epicureanism B. Stoicism C. Aristotelianism D. Hellenism

B. Stoicism

How did Hellenistic culture influence the Jewish religion? A. The Jews integrated many Greek rituals into their worship. B. The Hebrew Bible and synagogue services were both translated into Greek as many Jews assimilated into Greek life. C. Many Jews came to worship the Greek pantheon. D. Persecution by Hellenistic monarchs drove Judaism underground

B. The Hebrew Bible and synagogue services were both translated into Greek as many Jews assimilated into Greek life.

Which mystery religion became the most widespread in the Hellenistic world? A. The cult of Zeus B. The cult of Isis C. The cult of Serapis D. The cult of Dionysus

B. The cult of Isis

How did the Ptolemies affect the local Egyptian population? A. They turned the local population into a slave class forced into continuous labor. B. They tied locals more firmly to the land, cutting off traditional avenues of social and economic advancement. C. They provided a model of wise administration, offering security to the local population with ample food supplies. D. They paid for the sons of local elites to be educated in Greece in preparation for careers in the bureaucracy.

B. They tied locals more firmly to the land, cutting off traditional avenues of social and economic advancement.

What was the main goal of Athenian dramatists? A. To adopt nationalist themes in order to show unquestioning loyalty to Athens during the Persian and Peloponnesian wars B. To examine questions such as the rights of the individual and the nature of good and evil C. To focus on the lives of the gods and their conflicts on Mount Olympus D. To develop fine dramas and to stamp out comedy as a theatrical genre

B. To examine questions such as the rights of the individual and the nature of good and evil

How did women's role in religion change as Jewish society developed settled agriculture? A. As property came under family control, women gained greater power over family decision-making and a more public presence in religious life. B. Women found their religious roles increasingly centered on the home. C. When the Temple of Solomon was built, women gained control over the care of the religious artifacts and ritual life within the temple. D. As symbols of fertility, women's role within religious rites grew in order to secure Yahweh's favor for a good harvest.

B. Women found their religious roles increasingly centered on the home.

Zoroaster taught that A. there is only one god. B. it was the individual's responsibility to choose between good and evil. C. priests should have power over political leaders. D. humans are mere pawns, manipulated by the gods.

B. it was the individual's responsibility to choose between good and evil.

Solomon transformed the kingdom of Israel by A. rejecting all local religious cults and destroying all worship except that dedicated to Yahweh. B. launching a widespread building program. C. allying it with the Assyrians in order to secure peace for Israel on its northern border. D. creating a Jewish law code that was the foundation of the Jewish covenant system of religion.

B. launching a widespread building program.

Persia sought to strengthen its empire by A. demanding little in terms of tribute or taxes from conquered peoples but providing peace and security. B. respecting conquered peoples and permitting them to practice their native customs and religions. C. installing military regiments throughout the empire for rapid responses to rebellions. D. establishing governors for each province who had full authority to act on behalf of the emperor.

B. respecting conquered peoples and permitting them to practice their native customs and religions.

What was the primary military innovation of the Assyrians? A. Drill practice and training for military troops B. Making the mounted horseman central to military forces C. Applying technology to warfare and building extensive siege machinery D. The integration of naval and land forces in coordinated attacks

C. Applying technology to warfare and building extensive siege machinery

What was the most popular form of public entertainment in Rome? A. Political speeches B. Religious ceremonies C. Chariot racing D. Processions

C. Chariot racing

Paul of Tarsus believed that A. Christians should avoid contact with pagans. B. Christianity should be used to defeat Rome. C. Christ's teachings should be proclaimed to all. D. Christ's message applied only to Jews.

C. Christ's teachings should be proclaimed to all.

After Alexander's death, where did the Ptolemies found a dynasty? A. Macedonia B. Asia Minor C. Egypt D. Persia

C. Egypt

What primary advantage did Greek culture offer to non-Greeks? A. Greek literature introduced the epic poem to non-Greeks and provided them a form in which to preserve the knowledge of their ancestors. B. It introduced philosophical rationalism, which permitted non-Greeks to become self-critical of their own cultures. C. Greek became the language of commerce and politics, and learning Greek allowed non-Greeks access to a wide array of activities. D. It brought a new approach to nature, which opened nature to scientific investigation.

C. Greek became the language of commerce and politics, and learning Greek allowed non-Greeks access to a wide array of activities.

What are the Iliad and the Odyssey? A. Bronze Age Minoan cities B. City-states on the Greek mainland C. Homeric epics about the siege of Troy and its aftermath D. Platonic stories of ancient Greece

C. Homeric epics about the siege of Troy and its aftermath

The Mycenaean civilization was destroyed by which of the following? A. Increasing cold and climate change B. Plague C. Internal wars and foreign invasions D. Egyptian domination

C. Internal wars and foreign invasions

What was Pontius Pilate's main objective? A. Reforming the provincial administration B. Suppressing the Jews C. Maintaining law and order D. Crushing all religious challenges to Judaism

C. Maintaining law and order

What people of the region were identified as the "Purple People" in the text, a Greek word which identifies this society's production of purple and blue textiles? A. Kushites B. Assyrians C. Phoenicians D. Medes

C. Phoenicians

From what Latin term is the term pagan derived? A. Marsh dwellers B. City dwellers C. Rural dweller D. Gentiles

C. Rural dweller

For what reason do historians believe that the Hebrews migrated to Egypt? A. Escaping Babylonian captivity B. Seeking food during a time of famine C. Seeking fertile land in the Nile Delta D. As slaves sold by the Assyrians as compensation for military losses

C. Seeking fertile land in the Nile Delta

Which of the following characterizes the role of religion among the Greeks? A. The Greeks followed an idealized set of beliefs set out in a series of holy books known as The Oresteia. B. The Greeks followed a series of religious and ethical codes that directed the individual to lead a decent, moral life. C. The Greeks had no uniform faith or creed, even though the same gods and goddesses were worshiped in various cities. D. The Greeks gathered together every ten days in towns and villages in order to sacrifice animals to their deity.

C. The Greeks had no uniform faith or creed, even though the same gods and goddesses were worshiped in various cities.

What text covered the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, and which also contained rules about sexual actions, childbirth, animal sacrifices, and dietary laws? A. Epic of Gilgamesh B. The Book of the Dead C. The Torah D. Hammurabi's Code

C. The Torah

What was the Parthenon? A. The annual celebration in Athens of the defeat of the Persians B. An oracle in the Athenian countryside that prophesied about the future of the world C. The temple on the Acropolis dedicated to Athena D. The company of soldiers who guarded the city gates of Athens

C. The temple on the Acropolis dedicated to Athena

What was a key attribute of Greek mystery cults? A. They rejected religion in order to seek pure reason. B. They broadly proclaimed their beliefs in order to gain adherents. C. They forbade adherents to share their beliefs and practices with the uninitiated. D. They sent members across Greece to teach the beliefs of the cult.

C. They forbade adherents to share their beliefs and practices with the uninitiated.

How did the Egyptians respond to the threat of conquest by Alexander? A. They resisted but were quickly overcome. B. They offered him a large bribe. C. They greeted him as a liberator. D. They engaged in guerrilla warfare against Alexander for three years

C. They greeted him as a liberator.

The Greek polis can be characterized as A. a rural religious shrine that represented the authority of a deity. B. a marketplace in which a city's public fountains and springs provided water. C. a community of citizens whose customs comprised its laws. D. a political institution with a defined, constitutional structure.

C. a community of citizens whose customs comprised its laws.

The Phoenicians' greatest cultural achievement was the A. development of a sun-based calendar. B. adoption of monotheistic religion. C. creation of an alphabet. D. invention of settled agriculture.

C. creation of an alphabet.

A fundamental concept of the Jewish religion, the Covenant A. recorded the story of creation. B. recognized that Yahweh was the chief god of the Hebrews. C. implied an agreement between the Hebrews and their god. D. recognized the diversity of the gods.

C. implied an agreement between the Hebrews and their god.

The key to the Assyrians' success in conquering and controlling their empire was their A. acceptance of other cultures. B. shrewd diplomacy. C. sophisticated military organization. D. brutality.

C. sophisticated military organization.

What was the name given to the spread of Greek culture by Alexander and his successors? A. Epicureanism B. Stoicism C. Urbanism D. Hellenism

D. Hellenism

What was the result of the growth of Athenian power following the defeat of the Persians? A. It caused Sparta to turn its efforts toward building an empire and avoiding conflict with Athens. B. It provided an opportunity for Sparta and Athens to agree to divide Greece between them. C. It caused Athenian democracy to be spread across most of Greece. D. It led Athens to increasingly force its Greek allies to become subjects of Athens, required to pay tribute.

D. It led Athens to increasingly force its Greek allies to become subjects of Athens, required to pay tribute.

The early followers of Jesus, before the conversion of Paul of Tarsus, were mostly A. Essenes. B. Phoenicians. C. Gentiles. D. Jews.

D. Jews.

How did the arrival of the Sea People affect Egypt? A. Improved sailing techniques expanded trade and allowed Egypt to prosper from its abundant agriculture. B. The Sea People provided the Egyptian army greater mobility and enough soldiers to outflank and subdue the peoples of the Near East. C. The Sea People drove Egyptians southward, away from the coast, where they established power over the Nubian kingdom. D. Long wars against the invaders weakened and impoverished Egypt, leading it to focus on its own defense.

D. Long wars against the invaders weakened and impoverished Egypt, leading it to focus on its own defense.

What items would Greek city-states and Aegean societies trade for the essential commodity of grains? A. Marble and slate stones B. Tin and copper C. Gold and silver D. Olive oil and wine

D. Olive oil and wine

Why did the Assyrians develop a fierce, warrior society? A. Their religious system placed a singular importance on acts of military bravery and strength to secure the gods' favor. B. They were a nomadic people who had been driven out of central Asia and who desperately sought greater security. C. They developed extensive trade networks that could only be supported by creating a fearsome reputation. D. They were often subjected to frequent attacks from the north, east, and south.

D. They were often subjected to frequent attacks from the north, east, and south.

What was a notable feature of Spartan society? A. The emphasis on physical strength and courage led to an identification of individualism as a primary virtue. B. Spartan boys lived pampered lives of leisure and were taught to disdain physical labor. C. The primacy of clan loyalty permitted the polis to use clans as part of the military hierarchy. D. Women enjoyed more active and public lives than most other Greek women, often managing their own financial affairs and owning land.

D. Women enjoyed more active and public lives than most other Greek women, often managing their own financial affairs and owning land.

In the Hellenistic city, Greeks represented A. a despised foreign minority. B. a hated ruling cabal. C. the lowest dregs of society. D. an elite citizen class.

D. an elite citizen class.

The Stoics' most important practical achievement was the creation of the concept of A. divine right. B. the common good. C. personal liberty. D. natural law.

D. natural law.

The system of slavery in Greece A. forbade slaves from working in households in order to segregate slaves from women and children. B. forbade masters from mistreating and neglecting their slaves. C. did not permit slaves to learn skills that could compete with the work of free men. D. permitted slaves to buy their freedom.

D. permitted slaves to buy their freedom.

The development of Athenian democracy A. was sparked by a massive slave revolt that undermined the power of the landowners. B. rejected the appointment of a representative who ruled in the name of the people. C. embraced the inclusion of women as citizens whose views should be heard by the rulers. D. was encouraged by the rise of tyrants who had support from the common people.

D. was encouraged by the rise of tyrants who had support from the common people.

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