History ch. 6 quiz

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The Board of Governors of the regional banks had the power to _______

set national interest rates and regulate the circulation of currency

How did Governor La Follette reform the political party system in Wisconsin?

He helped pass a law requiring direct selection of political candidates through a primary.

How did Woodrow Wilson gain a solid reputation as a progressive?

A.He enacted many progressive reforms as governor of New Jersey.

What was one effect progressivism had on the American public's opinion of government?

Americans expected government to regulate the economy and deal with social issues directly.

Square Deal

Belif by Theodore Roosevelt that the government should balance the needs of competing groups in American society on behalf of the public interest.

In order to provide security for bank customers and oversight of U.S. banks, Wilson supported the creation of the __________

Federal Reserve

19th Amendment

Gave women the right to vote

How did Roosevelt try to ensure that trusts were both fair to the public and allowed to operate efficiently?

He created the Department of Commerce and Labor to investigate their practices.

During the 1902 coal strike, how did Roosevelt end the dispute between the union and coal mine owners?

He invited both groups to work together in arbitration.

How did Wilson attempt to prompt American businesses to become more efficient and competitive in the global market?

He lowered the tariff on imported goods by 30 percent

How did President Roosevelt deal with what he saw as the creation of a monopoly by J. P. Morgan's Northern Securities?

He ordered the attorney general to file a lawsuit, which eventually reached the Supreme Court.

What was one of the great failures of progressivism as a social and political movement?

It failed to address racial, ethnic, and religious discrimination in the country.

What was the progressive stance toward municipal government

It needed to be run more efficiently using business principles


Journalists who investigated social conditions and political corruption

What was the significance of Taft signing the Payne-Aldrich Tariff into law?

Many progressives felt betrayed and turned against him

Who were the Progressives?

People that believed that industrialization and urbanization caused many social problems (These people were part of the educated, urban middle class of both political parties.)

How did Taft's handling of U.S. Steel differ from the policies of Theodore Roosevelt's?

Roosevelt encouraged regulation of trusts; Taft sought to destroy them.

What were Roosevelt's domestic policy targets?

The square deal, The coal strike of 1902, Department of commerce, Bureau of corporations, Meat inspection- Puree food and drug act, Newlands reclamation act, US Forest Service ( plus the 200million+ acres to national forests, Est. 5 national forests.

The Jungle

Upton Sinclair's novel that inspired pro-consumer federal laws regulating meat, food, and drugs

Who was Roosevelt's desired successor to the presidency during the 1908 election?

William Howard Taft

How did Roosevelt and Wilson differ in their beliefs about how the government should handle monopolies?

Wilson believed monopolies should be destroyed while Roosevelt favored regulation.

17th Amendment

gave people the right to vote for their senators instead of the state legislature (also said that if a senate seat is not filled, the governor can pick a new senator)

Wilson believed that the result of Roosevelt's policies toward trusts _______.

gave the government too much power over the economy

Women's Christian Temperance Union

group of women fighting for the temperance movement (soon grew to a national movement with significant political influence. In addition to temperance, the WCTU supported women's suffrage and championed many social welfare causes, including prison reform, equal pay for women, protections for children, and the eight-hour day. By 1911, the WCTU had nearly a quarter of a million members.)

Interstate Commerce Commission

independent agency of the U.S. government, regulated the economics and services of specified carriers engaged in transportation between states

Federal Reserve Act

law that created the modern banking system (created an independent agency that began to use monetary policy to manage the nation's economy)


laws banning the manufacture, sale and consumption of alcohol

Pure Food and Drug Act

prohibited impure or falsely labeled food and drugs

Meat Inspection Act

required federal inspection of meat and meat processing plants

One principle of progressivism was its strong belief that _______.

scientific principles could alleviate social problems

Political Reform

social movement that aims to bring a social or political system closer to the community's ideal

What did muckrakers try to accomplish

some concentrated on exposing the unfair practices of large corporations, others targeted government and social problems

Antitrust Laws

statutes developed by governments to protect consumers from predatory business practices and ensure fair competition

Theodore Roosevelt's progressive policies became known as _______

the Square Deal

What three political reforms did progressives push for in state legislatures to make elected officials more responsive to voters?

the initiative, the referendum, and the recall

One important provision in the Underwood Tariff Act of 1913 that affected individuals directly was _______.

the institution of an income tax on individual earnings


the practice of letting voters accept or reject measures proposed by the legislature


the right of citizens to place a measure or issue before the voters or the legislature for approval


the right that enables voters to remove unsatisfactory elected officials from office

What two ideas did progressives propose to help properly manage municipal government?

to appoint commissions with expert leaders and hire a city manager to oversee the city's operations

What was the purpose of the Newlands Reclamation Act of 1902?

to irrigate and develop Western lands for business and habitation

Wilson supported the creation of the Federal Trade Commission, or FTC, in order to prevent companies from engaging in ________

unfair trade practices that limited competition

Direct Primary

vote held by all members of a political party to decide their candidate for public office

Upton Sinclair

was a muckraker who focused on the corruption/ treatment of workers and secrets within the meat industry

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