History Note

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French Revolution

1789-1799. Period of political and social upheaval in France, during which the French government underwent structural changes, and adopted ideals based on Enlightenment principles of nationalism, citizenship, and inalienable rights. Changes were accompanied by violent turmoil and executions.

Chanqing Negotiations

1945. Negotiations between the CCP and GMD following the War of Resistance. During this the United States attempted to intermediate by sending George Marshall, however, the goal was impossible. The US could not expect to settle a conflict raging for the last 20 years.

The Korean War

1950-1953. War suddenly becomes hot when North Korea elects to invade South Korea in 1950. North is backed by Soviets, South is backed by United States. United States enters war under the guise of United Nations when defeat of South is impending. Douglas Macarthur (US commander) saves the day, forcing a N. Korean retreat. Policy change occurs from protecting south to liberating the north after this. Unhappy about the imperial actions of the US/UN, China enters the war on the side of N. Korea in mass numbers, led by Peng Duhai. Consequences of the war included souring of relationships with United States and other Western nations. China demonstrates power and its commitment to the Soviet Union.

Five Antis

1951-1952. Bribery, tax evasion, fraud, the stealing of state property, and the theft of economic secrets

Three Antis

1951-1952. Party utilizes massive National Campaigns to attack non-Communist values. Gave rise to the sense of an enemy presence and distrust, encouraging class struggle. The goal of this specific one was to eliminate waste, corruption and bureaucratism.

Four Pests

1951-1952. Rats, sparrows, flies and mosquitos. Massive National campaigns: like 3 antis, 5 antis, 4 pests said to fix agriculture and econ, public health and hygiene

First Five Year Plan

1953-1957. Economic plan to be based on the Soviet model of state-controlled economic development. Thousands of Soviets come to China to teach their methods during these years. The advances in industry during this time were remarkable. Manchuria serves as hub. Built on the back of increased agricultural production.

The Great Leap Forward

1958-1960. Establishment of communes, massive collectivization. Backyard Steel Furnace and Mess Halls. Complete and utter economic disaster. Life in the people's communes also saw the culmination of the militarization Chinese society. Largest famine in history because of inflated grain estimates and therefore inflated grain taxes, no food left for people because production didn't even come close to meeting stated production levels. Started out of Mao's frustration with intellectuals and power hungry tendencies.

Lushan Conference

1959. Mao invites leaders to express opinions of Great Leap Forward and China's economic future. Major clash comes between Mao and Peng Duhai, when he criticizes the Great Leap Forward. Mao doesn't respond to criticism by compromise, but by forcing his views. Peng is ousted from his positions,

Legislative Assembly

A French congress with the power to create laws and approve declarations of war

Industrial Revolution

A period of rapid growth in the use of machines in manufacturing and production that began in the mid-1700s *coal steam replaced wind and water *people moved from suburbs to cities *Began in Britain *had natural resources


A political policy in South Africa where black South Africans could only live in certain areas, were required to use separate trains, beaches, restaurants, and schools, and could not enter into an interracial marriage.


A popular philosophical movement of the 1700s that focused on human reasoning, natural science, political and ethical philosophy.

Great Leap Forward

A program launched by Mao Zedong to increase farm and industrial output

Cultural Revolution

A program launched by Mao Zedong to renew loyalty to communism and purge China of those disloyal to Mao

scientific method

A series of steps followed to solve problems including collecting data, formulating a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, and stating conclusions.


A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country

coup d'état

A sudden overthrow of the government by a small group

enlightened absolutism

A system in which rulers tried to govern by Enlightenment principles while maintaining their full royal powers.


A system in which society, usually in the form of the government, owns and controls the means of production.

Ho Chi Minh Trail

A system of supply routes from the North, which ran through southern North Vietnam, through Cambodia, and into southern South Vietnam.

Berlin Wall

A wall built by the communist East German government in 1961 to seal off East Berlin from West Berlin.

Articles of Confederation

A weak plan of government that created a loose confederation of independent states that gave limited powers to a central government.

Which of the following industries best represents the development of mass culture in the US after World War I

Advertising industry


After World War I, a territory that was administered by a Western power.

Cold War

After World War II, the long period of intense rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States.

During the 1920s, producers of which type of product saw their economic circumstances worsen?



Agricultural Producers Collective. Part of Mao's land reform policy.

What did the Bay of Pigs Invasion cause the Soviet Union to do?

Aid Cuba in more weapons

Extreme levels of ___ distinguished Nazism from other forms of right-wing authoritarian rule


Mustafa Kemal

As head of Turkish nationalist movement, he organized a national army, pushed out occupation forces, abolished the sultanate and replaced it with the Republic of Turkey. Kemal became the president of the Republic. He instituted a program of modernization that emphasized economic development and secularism.


As the Party and State had bureaucratic rank, so did the PLA. It was outside the jurisdiction of the state and answered to the party. Highest priority is protecting the party, not the state. Party uses state and military to achieve its goals.

Schlieffen Plan

Attack plan by Germans, proposed by Schliffen, lightning quick attack against France. Proposed to go through Belgium then attack France, Belgium resisted, other countries took up their aid, long fight, used trench warfare. (thought it would be quick)

Prince Klemens von Metternich

Austrian foreign minister; most influential leader at the Congress of Vienna. he claimed that principles of legitimacy guided him.

Paul von Hindenburg

Became German president; was military hero for Germany. Led troops in the Battle of Verdun. He won the Battle of Tannenburg for Germany.

Why did the Soviets break their promise?

Because they feared that by allowing European nations to elect their own type of leadership, the new governments would be anti-Soviet and would oppose them (causing challenges for the Soviet Union)

What did Truman do about helping out West Berlin?

Berlin Airlift (would not trigger war but would provide aid and supplies to West Berliners)

Major Events

Bloody Sunday 1905 Tsar's troops open fire on a peaceful demonstration -results of Bloody Suday 1905 October General Strike sweeps Russia which ends when the Tsar promises a constitution and parliament 1917 Feb. Revolution Demonstrations in Petrograd; army joins in Czar abdicates in favor of new provisional gov: headed by Alexander Kerensky The Duma has no experience in ruling, faces soviets, who rival for authority GER returns Lenin to cause unrest Soldiers begin to desert in mass

The Starry Messenger

Book written by Galileo about astronomy

Wilfred Owen

British poet and soldier. Leading poet of WWI.

Balfour Declaration

British support for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine

How did Latin American governments respond to the decline of their export economies and access to foreign capital during the 1920s and 1930s

By working to make domestic industry their main engine of economic growth


CCP's new base area in Northern China. A very important place for the development of the CCP, as it first experienced a truly centralized place. CCP membership grows large amounts. Establishes armies and puts land reform into practice. Celebrated as the birth place of the CCP's revolution.

What happened in Cambodia thanks to Nixon's efforts?

Cambodia plunged into a civil war of communism vs. noncommunism

The Four Olds

Campaign utilized by Mao during the Cultural Revolution. Destroying old ideas.

Shaanxi, Xian

Central China and home base of communist party

Which countries made up the Central Powers; the Allied Powers?

Central Powers - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Italy (in the beginning) Allied Powers - Britain, France, Russia, Belgium, Serbia, Japan, Italy (changed sides)

3rd plenum of the 11th central committee of the CCP 1978

Change to market economy. Socialism with Chinese characteristics. Stat manipulates market economy and political authoritarianism. With the 4 modernizations.

Why were MacArthur's troops pushed back into South Korea after they tried to invade North Korea?

China entered the war and their troops overwhelmed the troops of the UN and U.S.

Yellow River Flood (1938)

Chinese government broke dams on Yellow River trying to flood the valley and stop Japanese advance. Failed to slow Japanese and killed 500,000 people in the process, displacing 3 million more. Biggest event of environmental warfare ever.

Jiang Jieshi

Chinese nationalist and leader of the Guomindang in the early 1900's; formally known as Chiang Kai-shek.

Sun Yixian (Yat-sen)

Chinese nationalist. Founded the Guomindang Party and established his "Three Principles of the People"; nationalism, democracy, and economic security.

Minimata Disease

Chisso Company dumped fertalizer into a water source leading to a methyl mercury outbreak that affected 3k people, killing 100. Heavily protested by people who criticized the close relationship between the government and the industry to promote industry profit at the expense of the environment.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Citizens of the United States who were sentenced to death because they passed atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets.

The First Estate

Clergy owned 10 percent of land in France.

What did Khrushchev's incident symbolize?

Cold War was turning global (U.S. and Soviet Union were now competing for support and influence upon different nations and also upon the UN)


Collapse of colonial empires and creating of new countries freed from colonial rule. The reversal of Europe's overseas expansion caused by the rising demand of Asian and African peoples for national self-determination, racial equality, and personal dignity.

During the early 1920s, Guomindang sought to rejuvenate itself by allowing followers of which political movement to join its ranks ?


New Forth Army

Communist army during the Japanese War of Resistance.

Hundred Regiments Campaign

Conducted during the War of Resistance by Peng Duhai.

Marshall Plan

Congress' plan to spend lots of money to rebuild Europe to reduce the treat of communist revolutions in Western Europe

Liberal Democratic Party

Conservative Party in Postwar Japan, created in 1955 by Kishi Nobusuke. Supported heavily by the Americans who feared leftist party influences of socialism and communism. By supporting the LDP, the US created a conservative government and a conservative Japan in the postwar era.

separation of powers

Constitutional division of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, with the legislative branch making law, the executive applying and enforcing the law, and the judiciary interpreting the law

What was Truman's policy known as?


Eight Route Army

Created from the Red Army during the War of Resistance. Would eventually become the PLA. Commanded by Lin Biao.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

An alliance formed in 1949 by the United States and Western European nations to fight Soviet aggression.

Free Trade

An economic idea where the people of a country are allowed to buy and sell where they please, without restrictions (tariffs)

Amritsar Massacre

An incident in which British troops killed hundreds of innocent Indian civilians for ignoring a British law that banned public meetings.

United Nations

An international organization established after World War II, which deals with issues of global concern

Kokutai no hongi

"Fundamentals of Our National Polity" a textbook written by the education department on Japanese tradition. Propaganda pretty much that celebrated the Emperor and the Japanese flag. Highlighted the Japanese Way of loyalty, filial piety, a national family, of the emperor, and of selflessness while trashing the individualistic American society and both socialism and capitalism. Taught students that they were subjects of the Emperor but superior to any non Japanese.

Gojira (1954)

"Godzilla" Manifestation of Japanese nuclear anxieties. A monster mutated by radiation tears apart Tokyo. Received negatively in Japan because it played on a touchy subject.

naisen ittai

"Japan and Korea as one body" Promotion of unity between Korea and Japan that forced assimilation and conscription in an attempt to unite Korea ideologically with Japan. Made Korean imperial subjects.


"Japaneseness" The idea that Japan was equal to any western power, but distinct in a quintessentially Japanese way. Used race as a differing factor in addition to cultural differences. Became a symbol for increased nationalism surrounding industry and development.

Zainichi Kankokujin

"Koreans staying in Japan" Two million total Koreans in Japan with increasing immigration. Koreans relegated to factory jobs because most others were saved for Japanese. Still today there is a large population of Zainichi. Debates over "Japaneseness" still there too

Gavrilo Princip

"The man who sparked the world war." A member of the Black hand terrorist group of Serbs. When Archduke Ferdinand came to Sarajevo, Bosnia to try and work with the Serbs, there was a parade where Gavrilo Princip shot the archduke and his wife, causing the Austrian Hungarians to impose the ultimatum starting WWI.

uman libu

"Women's liberation" Feminist movement of the 1970s led by Tanaka Mitsu. Abortion and birth control highly inaccessible in Japan. 8.4% of the Diet was female, highest it has ever been (before or after).


"bullet train" New train that can get from Tokyo to Osaka in 4 hours (at the time of the Olympics), now like 2.5 hours. Symbol of Japan's industrial and economic recovery and transition.


"cute" Japanese Cute Culture dramatically popular worldwide. A multimillion dollar industry that survived the bubble burst in 1991. Hello Kitty, for example, took over kawaii culture. Critics see it as infantile and too innocent a stereotype to apply to Japan for international perspectives.


"repatriots" People who spent time on the continent during the war who struggled to regain social status in Japan upon their return. seen as impure and almost un-Japanese. Shows a wish to forget colonial past for many Japanese.

Treaty of Shimonoseki

Ended the First Sino-Japanese War. granted Japan Taiwan and the Liaodong Peninsula, but European moderators convinced Japan to give the peninsula back to China (Russia took it over a few years later). Japan continued to influence Korea heavily. Gave Japan international relevance and negotiating power. Renegotiated the Unequal Treaties.

The San Francisco Treaty (1952)

Ended the occupation, brought the US military into Japan permanently. Allowed Soviets and Americans to maintain control of Japanese land for decades to follow.

Marriage Law of 1950

Ends arranged marriage (old China), eradicate feudal thinking, monogamy. Women have more rights/power, divorce. Women now have right to hold land. Designed to present equal rights for both sexes. Women are encouraged to work, have solid foundation for marriage equality.

Charles Dickens

English writer whose novels depicted and criticized social injustice (1812-1870)

The tension in Europe that led to World War I was initially caused by a growing rivalry between

Great Britain and Germany

Fukuzawa Yukichi

Great intellectual who supported a blend of Western and Japanese values as true civilization. Thought other Asiatic countries like China and Korea held Japan back, and that Japan ought to go out of its way to pursue more Western values. Saw imperialism as inevitable, wanted to use it to pull away from the other Asian countries.

Antoine Watteau

Greatest Rococo painter

François-Marie Arouet

Greatest figure of the Enlightenment, know as Voltaire. Known for criticizing Christianity and his strong belief in religious toleration

Which two specific countries were helped by the Truman Doctrine?

Greece and Turkey


Greek philosopher; teacher of Alexander the Great; knowledge based on observation of phenomena in material world

Amur Society

Group that voiced Pan-Asianism and pushed for mainland expansion and imperialist ideology. Society members involved in political unrest abroad. Didn't represent the Japanese governments, but shows the widespread cultural militarism in the early 20th century. Like 1901 early

Red Guard

Groups of radical students formed in China during the Cultural Revolution

Open Sourcing

Having the ability to use certain websites freely and publicly (Free, few restrictions, world wide, improve mass production)

What did Kennedy do about the Cuban Missile crisis?

He got American warships to stop all Soviet ships carrying missiles

Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)

Incredibly powerful government agency during Japan's economic recovery that limited imports w/ tariffs and subsidized research and technology. promoted a lot of economic growth w/ their policies

Mohandas Gandhi

Indian protest leader in the early to mid 1900's who used passive resistance and nonviolence overthrow British rule

Deng Xiaoping

Initially comes to light during Cultural Revolution when Mao fears his reformist policies.most important person in China after Mao, survives Cultural Revolution. Went to France: joins French branch of CCP. Better understanding (than Mao) about comparativeness around world. Third Plenum of the Eleventh Central Committee in December 1978, Deng's triumph becomes a reality.

Tosaka Jun

Intellectual elite who coined Japanism (which was really just fascism). his radical beliefs landed him in prison because they critiqued some aspects of Japanese society. Japanism coalesced around four pillars: militarism of all citizens, emperorism (critiqued the unfettered power of the Emperor and was jailed), capitalism (thought it was intruding Western influence), agrarianism (representing a return to traditional Japan). Against fascism but really everything he said/did worked toward fascism. Even with capitalism, he kind of encouraged it as a catalyst for Japanism, despite his critiques.


Intermediate Nuclear Force; both superpowers agreed to get rid of their stockpiles of missiles and allowed each other to inspect the other side to prevent cheating

During the 1920s and 1930s, diverse ideas about "being modern" acknowledged that modernity implied

Involvement of the masses

Civil Disobedience

Is the active refusal to obey certain laws, demands, and commands of a government, especially by people who believe the law or the government to not be legitimate or moral.


Island kept under American control until 1972, which made their repatriation very difficult. Seen as a lesser prefecture. Still, its return to Japan symbolizes the first time Japan had full sovereignty since the war. Still covered in American military bases.

Golda Meir

Israeli prime minister, (1898-1978) Israeli politician; she was the prime minister of Israel during the Yom Kippur War and sought assistance and supplies from the United States.

Christmas Day Truce

It was an unofficial cease fire. Soldiers went into "no man's land" and mingled and exchanged gifts to opposing forces. It showed a moment of peace and humanity even amidst on the of the most violent times in modern history.

Bay of Pigs Invasion

Kennedy's plan to round up Cuban exiles to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro at the Bay of Pigs

Louis XVI

King of France (r.1774-1792 CE). In 1789 he summoned the Estates-General, but he did not grant the reforms that were demanded and revolution followed. Louis and his queen, Marie Antoinette, were executed in 1793.

An Jung-geun

Korean nationalist who assassinated Ito Hirobumi. Pan-Asianist who opposed the annexation. Posthumously awarded Korea's highest civilian honor in 1962.


Koreans working in partnership with the Japanese during the colonial rule. Given cushy lifestyle by Japanese, but threatened and killed by Korean nationalists.

CCP Land Reform

Land Reform that begins around 1940. Essentially Mao encourages collectivization of land, violence ensues due to Mao's beliefs that peasants should rise up against their land lords. Based on class struggle to destroy the previous feudal system in favor of collective rural production.

Alliance for Progress

Latin American countries did more reforms to improve the lives of their people; in return the U.S. helped by contributing aid to building schools, hospitals, improve farming and sanitation services

Mao Zedong

Leader of the Chinese Communists; gained massive support from peasants; ruled China from 1949 until his death in 1976


Led by Vladimir Lenin it was the Russian communist party that took over the Russian goverment during WWI

Henri Petain

Led the French army at Verdun and eventually became Commander of the French Armies. He served as Prime Minister in 1940. When German forces defeated France, he took control of the Vichy area in 1942. Because of his cooperation with the Nazis, he was arrested and imprisoned until his death in 1951.

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

On March 3,1918 Russia and Germany signed this treaty stating that Russia would withdraw from the war.This treaty gave Germany some of Russia's territory(the Baltic States,Caucasus,Finland ,Poland,and the Ukraine which was 25% of the population.) Even though the treaty was harsh on Russia it gave them the opportunity to resolve internal issues.

Who started reforms in the Soviet Union?

Mikhail Gorbachev

Warsaw Pact

Military alliance established in 1955 of the Soviet Union and other communist states in Europe.

What happened with the Vietnam War during Johnson's term?

More troops were sent in and the fighting in Vietnam increased


Movement devoted to rebuilding a Jewish state in Palestine


NEP success; Lenin dies

what new deal legislation helped to strengthen unions and their right to organize


Did the Soviet Union and the U.S. clash directly in battle?


Do Guerillas fight in large battles?

NO (don't wear uniforms either)

How far was Cuba from the U.S.?

NOT FAR (90 miles from Florida)

which program created nation wide controls on production and prices?


Continental system

Napoleon's policy of preventing trade between Great Britain and continental Europe, intended to destroy Great Britain's economy.

Shah Reza Khan

Nationalist leader of Iran who modernized and westernized


Nationalistic movement that emphasizes the unity of Africans around the world

Who became Soviet leader after Stalin died?

Nikita Khrushchev

Who became President after Johnson?


Did the Korea war change much?

No- Korea remained divided even after the war and communism remained in North Korea

Bay of Pigs Invasion successful or not?

No-- Castro quickly captured all the exiles and jailed up the invaders

Who were the Vietcong supported by?

North Korea (became communist too)

What happened in Korea after Eisenhower became president?

North Korea and South Korea formed an armistice to redrew the border near the 38th parallel and have a demilitarized zone along that border

What happened in Korea in June 1950?

North Korea invaded South Korea in a surprise attack and took over Seoul (the capital)

What happened at the Gulf of Tonkin?

North Vietnamese attacked an American ship

Three Represents

Put forth by Deng. Defined as the advanced forces of production, advanced culture and interests of people. HISTORIC BREAK FROM MARXIST PAST, opens up place for capitalists and intellectuals within the party. Face of the party begins to change dramatically. FDI: Foreign direct investment

Marie Antoinette

Queen of France (as wife of Louis XVI) who was unpopular her extravagance and opposition to reform contributed to the overthrow of the monarchy; she was guillotined along with her husband (1755-1793)

Catherine II the Great

Queen of Russia. Wife of Peter III, she was an autocrat in Russia. Corresponded with some philosophes. Could not afford to alienate Russian nobility. Instruction written as a guide to deliberations, she questioned serfdom, torture, and capital punishment, also advocated principle of everyone equal in eyes of law, but this produced little change. Strengthened landholding class at expense of all others. Gentry formed corporate groups with special legal privileges, with Charter of the Nobility formalizing these rights. Successful at expanding Russia's land area by defeating the Turks.

Mau Mau

Radical revolutionaries in Kenya who took up arms to fight British imperialism.

__ was a form of media that encouraged the development of mass national audiences in the 1920s


Reds and Whites

Reds are Russians favored for Communism while Whites are against it (included some of the sailors see notes)

Gang of Four

Refers to a group created by Mao at the beginning of the cultural revolution. Run by Mao's wife, Jiang Qing. It was charged with the country's cultural affairs. Allies of Mao, part of the cult of Mao.

Japanese Surrender 1945

Refers to the surrender of the Japanese to China during the War of Resistance. Defeated to over extension due to WW2 and a lack of coordination.

Civil Disobedience

Refusal to obey unjust laws

The Russo-Japanese War (1904-5)

Response to Russia's increased pressure in Manchuria, China, and Korea. Roosevelt mediated the Treaty of Portsmouth. Not huge victories technically speaking, but Japan exaggerated its winnings to emphasize a victory over a Western power.

In the United States during the 1920s, the dominant political trend was:

Retreat from earlier government activism

Chinese People Have Stood Up

Rhetoric used by Mao when discussing the creation of the PRC. Implies that China is finally unified under one regime and has stood up to Western nations and imperialism.

The Second Estate

Rich nobles. 2 percent of the population, the nobles owned 20 percent of the land and paid almost no taxes.

Who was President during the end of the Cold War?

Ronald Reagan

Treaty of Portsmouth

Roosevelt mediated the end of the Russo-Japanese War, granting the Japanese parts of Manchuria and Sakhalin and all of Korea. Not huge territorial or influential gains, but exaggerated by Japan to emphasize its victory over a Western Power.

Treaty of Paris

Russia was forced to give up Bessarabia at the mouth of the Danube and accept the neutrality of the Black Sea. In addition, the Danubian principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia were placed under the protection of all the great powers.


Russian Revolutionist who used Karl Marx writings to develop a Communist Party in Russia. Led the Bolshevik party to a successful revolution against the Provisional Government. Organized Russia into several self-governing republics under the control of the central government renamed Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)


Russians who believed that Russian ways were superior to Western ways


Russians who believed that Western ways were the key to solving Russian problems

What happened in Nicaragua?

Sadinistas overthrew a dictatorship gov't and set up socialism; U.S. supported contras to oppose the Sadinistas to prevent Nicaragua from becoming another Cuba

James Watt

Scottish engineer and inventor whose improvements in the steam engine led to its wide use in industry (1736-1819).

Adam Smith

Scottish moral philosopher and a pioneer of political economics. Seen today as the father of Capitalism. Wrote On the Wealth of Nations (1776) One of the key figures of the Scottish Enlightenment.

Agricultural Collectivization

Sets up cooperatives, collective pooling of land and resources. At its lower stage, land and labor share matter, people are compensated for what they provide. But once this moved into higher stages, personal property/private ownership was deacknowledged.

Nationalism in the Balkans

Several Serbian nationalist groups had formed in the early 1900's. Their primary aim was to free Serbia from foreign control and influence. Their most telling act was the killing of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in June 1914. This was the final straw causing WWI.

Tokyo Olympics (1964)

Signaled normalization of Japan's international standing and sparked social reform as well. Fueled a national pride in culture and industry different than what fed fascism in the early 20th century. Unveiled the bullet train in anticipation.

Did Industrialization Bring an Improved Standard of Living?

Some historians have argued that industrialization increased employment and lowered the price of consumer goods, thereby improving the way people lived. Other historians argue that wage labor made life worse for many families during the first half of the nineteenth century. Factories were volitale Most historians agreed middle class gained the most during this time period

Who supported Cuba?

Soviet Union

Nikita Khrushchev

Soviet Union leader in 1959 who had gained power a few years after Stalin died in 1953.

Why did Korea stay divided?

Soviet Union supported a communist government in the North; the U.S. supported a democratic government in the South

Reagan's Stand

Soviet Union was the focus of evil in the modern world; U.S. must oppose with all their might

Kennedy's Compromise with Khrushchev

Soviet missiles will be removed from Cuba if the US does not invade Cuba.

Why did detente end?

Soviet troops decided to sweep into Afghanistan and support a pro-Soviet government that was taking over (went against all of U.S. beliefs)

What did Kennedy learn in 1962?

Soviets were secretly building missile bases on Cuba

SOEs, State Owned Enterprises

State owned companies in charge of industrial production. Privatized under Deng, led to increased production and financial stability but massive job loss.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

Statement of fundamental political rights adopted by the French National Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution.

Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen

Statement of fundamental political rights adopted by the French National Assembly at the beginning of the French Revolution.

Ito Hirobumi

Statesman who was first Japanese governor general of Korea. Proposed keeping the Korean government intact and Japan performing as a protectorate, but was forced to resign by the Imperial Army, which favored full annexation. Assassinated by a Korean nationalist

Which locations did the Iron Curtain start and end at?

Stettin (Baltic) to Trieste (Adriatic)

Shanghai communique

Taiwan is no longer its own country in US's eyes (1 china), so US forces with draw from important missal/military base in Taiwan. Taiwan out and CCP into UN


Tech company started by Ibuka Masao and Morita Akio. Struggled to get raw materials and market them. Advertising became really important. Became leading electronics producer in the world, producing their own raw materials and final products. Established electronics as a status symbol.

In the Soviet Union under Stalin l, governance relied heavily on the use of


What was a turning point of the Vietnam war?

Tet Offensive


The "Compromise" of 1867 that created the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary. Austria and Hungary each had its own capital, constitution, and legislative assembly, but were united under one monarch.

Kita Ikki

Ultra-nationalist with radical view of Japan's political state. Originally leftist, but transitioned dramatically to the right. Proposed full suspension of the constitution with supreme and sole sovereignty granted to the Emperor. His ideologies reached many Japanese including many in the military.

What was the reasoning behind the Truman Doctrine?

nations looked up towards the U.S. for support in fighting for freedom and if the U.S. failed to provide help and democratic encouragement, the nations would continue with communism and endanger the world


nations with enough military, political, and economic strength to influence events worldwide

name the platform roosevelt pledged to help the common man?

new deal

what did the social security act do?

old age pensions, aid to families

joint-stock investment bank

on the continent Such banks pooled the savings of thousands of small and large investors A significant difference between British and Continental industrialization. Such banks pooled the savings of thousands of small and large investors, creating a supply of capital that could then be plowed back into industry.

Rousseau's novel Émile

one of the Enlightenment's most important works on education. Rousseau's fundamental concern was that education should foster, rather than restrict, children's natural instincts. Rousseau's own experiences had shown him the importance of the emotions. What he sought was a balance between heart and mind, between emotion and reason. But Rousseau did not necessarily practice what he preached. His own children were put in an orphanage


one of the causes was the defeat by the Japanese - there was lack of food in cities...Russia produced a lot of wheat but they were exporting it and keeping nothing for themselves. - there were also poor working conditions - WWI - lack of supplies... The generals would send out the armies with no guns and expect them to win

Passive Resistance

opposition to a government or to specific governmental laws by the use of non-cooperation and other nonviolent methods, as economic boycotts and protest marches, resisting the law in a nonviolent way, nonviolent resistance in order to make something change, like Gandhi's Salt March

Lawrence of Arabia

originally a british soldier. * he lead the arabic revolt against the turks. he represented britain's honesty because britain kept to their word by protecting the arabs.

Fourteen Points

peace settlement drafted by Woodrow Wilson. idealistic version of treaty. wanted to open agreements of peace, freedom of navigation on seas, removal of economic barriers, equality of trade contributions, reduction in national armaments, equal weight of interests to colonial population as to controlling government. called for "general association of all nations. wanted to prevent war from happening again


people who are forced to leave their own country


people who oppose organized government

George Stephenson

perfected a steam locomotive that ran on rails

Briton Joseph Swan

permitted homes and cities to be illuminated by electric lights.

Government by Assassination

political violence driving political change in Japan and its colonial reaches. A time of growing fascism and militancy and ultra-nationalism.


realistic politics based on the needs of the state


reestablishing peace in Europe

mass politics

reforms encouraged expansion of political democracy through voting rights formed and creation of mass political parties

describe the job of the SEC

regulates stock market


relating to land; relating to the management or farming of land


religious festival observed by Roman Catholics

who was the brain trust

roosevelts cabinet

why did the president refuse to give direct aid to those who needed it?

rugged individualism

Lean Trotsky

russian communist revolutionary, he noegotiated the peace between russia and the central powers to end russian involvement in world war 1; Leader Bolshevick army; super strategist

Kotoku Shusui

socialist turned anarchist questioned how civilized imperialism was, arguing that imperialism and civilization do not go together. Believed capitalism was the cause of imperialism. Saw imperialism as inevitable and lamented it.

James Hargreaves

spinning jenny Early innovation in textile manufacturing, sped up process

What was the U.S.'s fear after the launching of Sputnik?

that if the Soviet Union had enough technology to launch a satellite far enough, then they'd be able to launch atomic weapons at the U.S.


the 8 model works created by Jiang Qing that all operas and ballets should be based on


the Cold War Policy of keeping communism within its already existing borders and not allowing communism to spread further

Thomas Jefferson

the Declaration of Independence affirmed the Enlightenment's natural rights of"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"and declared the colonies to be"free and independent states absolved from all allegiance to the British crown."The war for American independence had formally begun.

What happened to Korea after WWII?

the U.S. and the Soviet Union split Korea between themselves after they defeated Japan (because it was a Japanese colony)


the ability of a government to determine their own course of their own free will

Domino Theory

the belief that once a certain region was infected by communism, communism would spread to regions around that area

Total War

the channeling of a nation's entire resources into a war effort


the effort to reduce tensions between the superpowers

heliocentric theory

the idea that the earth and the other planets revolve around the sun.

old order

the political and social system in place in France before the Revolution

What promise did the Soviet Union break following WWII?

the promise to hold free elections in Eastern European nations

cottage industry

the spinners and weavers worked at spinning wheels and looms in the cottages where they lived.

What was the crisis in Berlin?

three of four zones in Berlin (American, British, and French) wanted to reunite their zones but the Soviet zone opposed this because Germany would then be strong and might pose a threat towards the Soviet Union

why was the second new deal needed

to continue help for working class

What was NATO's goal?

to defend Western Europe against any Soviet threat

What did Castro's government do?

took over private companies (including many American companies); many higher and middle class citizens fled to the U.S.

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

treaty in which Russia lost substantial territory to the Germans. This ended Russian participation in the war. Lost the Ukraine, Eastern Poland, and the Baltic Provinces.

what was the campaign slogan of the candidate

two cars in every garage

Civic Code

under Napoleon, forbade privileges on both freedom of religion, government jobs to most qualified

What did Reagan do about Poland?

urged Soviets to allow Poland to end martial law and restore basic human rights

White-haired Girl

was a model opera and ballet


was a model opera with much propaganda

Gallipoli Campaign

was fought over control of the ottoman empire. allied powers wanted to gain way from sea (Dardenalles) straight into Russia. major failure for allies, first major battle for the australian/ new zealander troops.

What did the new political parties do in each nation?

went against communist leaders and voted for their independence

Scientific Revolution

which exposed Europeans to a new way of viewing the universe and their place in it.

Queen Victoria

whose sense of duty and moral respectability reflected the attitudes of her age, which has ever since been known as the Victorian Age.

Thomas Babington Macaulay

wrote "On Empire and Education"; thinks it's beneficial for Britain to rule India believed democratic reform was desirable as long as it didn't limit economic freedom and progress, liberal whiggism


a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible

Zimmerman Note

a spring telegram from germany to Mexico urging them to join them in the war. It promised to regain US land that Mexico had previously owned. The telegram was intercepted by british spies and shown to President Wilson, pushing him more to war against the Germans

Concert of Europe

a system in which Austria, Russia, Prussia, and Great Britain met periodically to discuss any problems affecting the peace in Europe; resulted from the post-Napoleon era Quadruple Alliance

Provisional Government

a temporary government; disliked by Russian; people got hungry revolted, then Lenin took over

What did Kennan compare the Soviet Union to?

a wound up toy car (couldn't be stopped until it hit an unstoppable force)


act of assembling and putting into readiness for war: "mobilization of the troops"

how did FDR try to get around several unfavorable supreme court decisions?

adding new justices

King Frederick William IV (1840-1861) .

agreed to establish a new constitution and work for a united Germany 18th century, King of Prussia after King Frederick I (Frederick III), major issue of serfdom during his reign, resettled East Prussia and gave more reforms to the middle class such as taking away their mandatory military service and establishing primary schools to further development in Prussia

Four Modernizations

agriculture, tech, industry, national defense

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

allowed the U.S. to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack or prevent further aggression

Demilitarized zone

an area with no military forces

The Dawes Plan

an attempt following World War I for the Allies to collect war reparations debt from Germany. The Dawes Plan provided short term economic benefits to the German economy. It softened the burdens of war reparations, stabilized the currency, and brought increased foreign investments and loans to the German market.

What would happen if missile bases were completed?

atomic missiles could reach the U.S. in minutes

what happened on october 29th 1929

black tuesday

what group marched to washington to demand money owed to them be paid immediately

bonus army

what is deficit spending

borrowed money from other countries

what was the purpose of the TVA

brought electricity to south

how was the WPA different than all other job programs

built government buildings, parks and airports

How'd Gorbachev get on better relations with the U.S.?

by attending summit meetings


came to be applied to people involved in commerce, industry, and banking as well as professionals such as teachers, physicians, and government officials, regardless of where they lived. Middle class

Challenges of Scientific Revolution

challenged conceptions and beliefs about the nature of the external world that had become dominant by the Late Middle Ages.

What did the Korean War increase worry about in the U.S.?

communism in the U.S.

How did communism fall in Eastern Europe?

communist governments could no longer control the democratic wants of the people because their was too much opposition and the Soviet union had too many of their own problems to suppress the problems of the satellite nations

class struggle

conflict between social or economic classes (especially between the capitalist and proletariat classes) Karl Marx

What did the fight at Afghanistan do for the Soviet Union?

contributed to the Soviet's downfall because the war was so costly

what were the purposes of the CWA and PWA

create jobs

Newton's world-machine

created a new cosmology in which the world was seen largely in mechanistic terms

how did the ccc help solve some peoples problems

created job to clean

baron de Montesquieu

(1689-1755) Enlightenment thinker from France who wrote a book called, The Spirit of the Laws in 1748. In his book, Montesquieu describes what he considers to be the best government. He states that government should divide itself according to its powers, creating a Judicial, Legislative, and Executive branch. Montesquieu explained that under this system each branch would Check and Balance the others, which would help protect the people's liberty.

Frederick the Great

(1712-1786), King of Prussia from 1740 to 1786. Enlightened despot who enlarged Prussia by gaining land from Austria when Maria Theresa became Empress.

Seven Years War

(1756-1763 CE) Known also as the French and Indian war. It was the war between the French and their Indian allies and the English that proved the English to be the more dominant force of what was to be the United States both commercially and in terms of controlled regions.

Napoleon Bonaparte

(1769-1821) Emperor of the French. Responsible for many French Revolution reforms as well as conquering most of Europe. He was defeated at Waterloo, and died several years later on the island of Saint Helena.

Reign of Terror

(1793-94) during the French Revolution when thousands were executed for "disloyalty"

Florence Nightingale

(1820-1910). Her insistence on strict sanitary conditions saved many lives and helped make nursing a profession of trained, middle-class women.

Manfred Albrecht Freiherr von Richthofen

(1892-1918) nicknamed The Red Baron; He was one of the Best German fighter pilot in WWI. Joined Imperial German Army Air Service. Credited with over 80 air combat victories.

Joseph II

(r. 1765 - 1790) son of Maria Theresa, granted religious freedom and abolished serfdom

Potato Famine

*Ireland was struck by blight due to a fungus that turned the potatoes black. More than a million people died of starvation and disease, and almost 2 million immigrated to the United States and Britain.

Hundred Flowers (1956)

- Set in motion because of Hu Feng - Democracy wall at Peking university, criticism becomes brutally frank -flowers all over China meaning everyone, movement of ideological education (criticism, self-criticism). Intellectuals enthusiastically respond→ protest CCP control, harshness of Mao's campaigns. Mao couldn't have it⇒ counter-revolutionize.

How did Reagan deal with the Soviets?

1) Asked Congress to increase military spending by 100 billion; 2) developed a new weapons system that could destroy Soviet missiles from space (Star Wars)

Why did the U.S distrust the Soviet Union?

1) Disliked communism and its rejection of religion and private property ownership; 2) Angered by Soviet efforts to overthrow noncommunist governments; 3) Soviets boasted of destroying free enterprise systems throughout the world

End of Cold War (reasons)

1) Gorbachev's reforms; 2) people no longer liked communism in eastern europe and fought their gov'ts

What were shocks faced in 1949?

1) Soviet Union also developed and successfully tested an atomic bomb (U.S. lost its advantage); 2) China turned communist once Mao Zedong took over (communism spread in 1/4 of the world)

Effects of Vietnam on the American People?

1) Split country in half; 2) huge cost; 3) thousands died

Why did the Soviets distrust the U.S. (rest of the West)?

1) The U.S., being the most powerful nation, would try to attack the Soviet Union; 2) They would rebuild Germany to challenge the Soviet Union

What happened after Nixon withdrew American troops?

1) The two sides reached a cease-fire agreement and all American troops left Vietnam the next year 2) U.S. still sent aid yet the North Vietnamese still were able to advance; 3)Vietnam soon turned all into communism; 4) Khmer Rouge communist took over in Cambodia

Gorbachev's Actions

1) allowed glasnost; 2) cut military spending; 3)attended summit meetings; 4)got rid of Soviet stockpiles of missiles; 5) pulled troops out of afghanistan; 6) allowed other parties to form

How did Nixon move to ease world tensions?

1) improved relations with China; 2) used a policy of detente with the Soviet Union

What did Nixon do with the Soviet Union

1) visited the Soviet Union; 2) established more trade and contact with the Soviet Union; 3) SALT Agreement

Ichigo Offensive

1944. Japan attack Chinese/ US airbases in China

Vindication of the Rights of Woman

1790. Political pamphlet by British feminist Mary Wollstonecraft. A response to Edmund Burke's "Reflections on the Revolution in France" (1790). Burke defended constitutional monarchy, the Church of England, and the aristocracy. Wollstonecraft countered with a pamphlet that advocated republicanism and attacked the monarchy. Challenged Burke's definitions of "beautiful" and "sublime".

René Descartes

17th century French philosopher; wrote Discourse on Method; 1st principle "i think therefore i am"; believed mind and matter were completly seperate; known as father of modern rationalism

Karl Marx

1818-1883. 19th century philosopher, political economist, sociologist, humanist, political theorist, and revolutionary. Often recognized as the father of communism. Analysis of history led to his belief that communism would replace capitalism as it replaced feudalism. Believed in a classless society.

Peng Duhai

1898-1974. Leads hundred regiments campaign and China's entry into the Korean War. Plays a large role during Mao's Great Leap Forward. Refuses to retract criticism of Mao's policy, suffers for it. Relieved of all positions, tortured and killed during the Cultural Revolution. Open confrontation with Mao at Lushan Conference.

Zhang Xueliang

1901-2001. Nicknamed the "Young Marshal of Manchuria." Warlord of Manchuria leading up to and during the War of Resistance. Son of Zhang Zoulin. Reverses father's actions by supporting China and not cooperating with Japan. Due to massive losses during war, he organized the Xi'an incident in order to achieve a United Front against the Japanese.

Lin Biao

1907-1971. Famous military commander charged with campaigns in Manchuria, often credited for the military defeat of the GMD by the CCP. One of the Ten Marshals. Commander of the PLA. Helps to build cult of Mao. Was eventually named Mao's successor, but then removed from the post. Attempted to assassinate Mao, by blowing up his train.

Siberian Intervention

1918-1922, Japan allied with the US, Britain, and France to support an anti-communist government in Siberia. Japan zealously sent 70,000 troops, hoping to show its strength to the West and maybe get some territorial gain in Russia to begin to impose on foreign governments diplomatically. Troops stayed way longer than any other nation's troops.

Mukden Incident

1931. Japanese stage a bombing in order to justify their invasion of Manchuria in 1932.


1932. The name for the puppet state established by the Japanese in Manchuria during the War of Resistance.

Eight Military Aggressions

1933-1937. Japan had 8 military aggressions against China that enraged many Chinese and they wanted unification to fight the Japanese but Chaing: appeasement, suppression, 'first internal pacification, then external resistance'

Xi'an Incident

1936. The negotiation of Zhou Enlai and Zhang Xueliang to capture Chiang Kai-Shek and create a united front against Japan.

The War of Resistance

1937-1945. A war fought between China and Japan. Precursors include Japan's views of China as a nation and their influence over the warlord's in Manchuria, the main one being Zhang Zoulin, who always cooperated with them. However, in 1928 Manchuria would pledge allegiance to the Nanjing government. This prompted a Japanese invasion. Full scale war begins in 1937, with major events being the Nanjing Massacre and fall of Wuhan. Despite Japan's initial dominance, China would prevail after the entrance of Western allies. Japan had overextended itself, and after Pearl Harbor and the US nuclear response at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it found itself unable to fend off China.

Marco Polo Bridge Incident

1937. A Japanese soldier went missing in Manchuria, and Japan took advantage of the opportunity to escalate the conflict and attack an important bridge. The first act of war on civilians and Chinese.

Nanjing Massacre

1937. Promise it will never fall so many people go from Shanghai to Nanjing. There the military pretends to be citizens to Japs just kill all."kill all, loot all, burn all" Mass murder and rape of Chinese citizens. One of the biggest war crimes in all of history.

Tripartite Act

1940. Japan signs it with Germany and Italy, essentially a military defense pact.

Cultural Revolution

1966-1967. Deep split in party lines. Mao vs. Liu Shaqui and Deng Xiaoping. Redness vs. Expertise. To prepare, Mao forms coalition, cult of Mao. Most important is PLA under Lin Biao. Also had radical intellectuals obtained by Mao's wife and disadvantaged people from the cities. Beginning of cultural revolution marked by critique of play. Big Character posters. Mao announces successor as Lin Biao. Revolutionary factions as Red Guards. Deng Xiaoping and Liu Shaqui eventually put under house arrest. The situation teeters on complete anarchy when the PLA becomes involved, as mass organizations formed factional ties with military commanders. PLA unable to intervene in conflicts after indoctrination of the army. Consequences are the further militarization of China and the weakening of the party-state.

Ping Pong Diplomacy

1971. US Ping-Pong team is invited to go visit China. First time there in years that US is welcomed.

Nixon meets Mao

1972. Low key and few details released. First relations in a while between China and the US.

Zhu Rongli

1990s. "Grasp the big, let go the small" wanted to privatize smaller companies and maintain state control of larger companies

George Washington

1st President of the United States; commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution (1732-1799)

February 26th Incident

400 radical Japanese soldiers staged a coup. They were anti-capitalist and ultra-nationalist. All were executed along with Kita Ikki. Led to a militaristic takeover of civilian life and government, elevating the control factions to the extreme (the opposite of what the rebels wanted)

How long did the Cold War last?

50 years

The Third Estate

97 percent of the people belonged to the Third Estate. workers of France's cities formed the second, and poorest, group within the Third Estate. These urban workers included tradespeople, apprentices, laborers, and domestic servants. Paid low wages and frequently out of work

Long March

A 6000-mile, year-long trek of Mao and his followers to escape the non-Communist Guomindang; symbol of Communist heroism

Benjamin Disraeli

A British politician who extended the vote to the rich middle class in order to broaden the political base of the conservative party The number of voters increased from 1 million to slightly over 2 million. the extension of the right to vote had an important by-product as it forced the Liberals and Conservatives to organize carefully in order to manipulate the electorate. Party discipline intensified, and the rivalry between the Liberals and Conservatives became a regular feature of parliamentary life.


A French general, political leader, and emperor of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Bonaparte rose swiftly through the ranks of army and government during and after the French Revolution and crowned himself emperor in 1804. He conquered much of Europe but lost two-thirds of his army in a disastrous invasion of Russia. After his final loss to Britain and Prussia at the Battle of Waterloo, he was exiled to the island of St. Helena in the south Atlantic Ocean.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

A French man who believed that Human beings are naturally good & free & can rely on their instincts. Government should exist to protect common good, and be a democracy


A French political leader of the 18th century. A Jacobin, a radical leader of the French Revolution. Headed the Committee of Public Safety, responsible for the Reign of Terror, was later executed.

Nicolaus Copernicus

A Polish astronomer who proved that the Ptolemaic system was inaccurate, he proposed the theory that the sun, not the earth, was the center of the solar system.

The Black Hand

A Serbian terrorist organization dedicated to the creation of a pan-Slavic kingdom. Responsible for the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand.


A belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response


A belief that government can and should achieve justice and equality of opportunity.


A belief that government can and should achieve justice and equality of opportunity.


A belief that limited government insures order competitive markets and personal opportunity.

Arms Race

A competition for supremacy in nuclear weapons (between United States and Soviet Union)


A concept of God during the Scientific Revolution; the role of divinity was limited to setting natural laws in motion.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

A document adopted by the United Nations in 1948 that sets out the basic human rights of all individuals.


A female movement for gender equality.

Douglas MacArthur

A general who Truman chose to command a force that was sent to Korea to attack after North Korea attacked Southern Korea.

Bloody Sunday

A group of Russian workers marched to the tsar's Winter Palace to peacefully protest their lack of bread, and they were also asking Nicholas to institute an elected assembly to represent the people. The government troops fired on the crowd and killed 130 people. This massacre lead to mutinies all around the empire

Why was a draft necessary?

A lot of troops were needed to fight the Vietcong and North Vietnamese because the war was such a stalemate and many troops were dying easily, so the U.S. needed to force Americans to enlist

Jomo Kenyatta

A nationalist leader who fought to end oppressive laws against Africans; later became the first Prime Minister of Kenya

Mikhail Gorbachev

A new Soviet leader who rose to power. He believed that only major reforms would let the Soviet system survive. He backed the glasnost, which would lead citizens to find solutions to pressing economic and social problems.

What did the Vietnam war cause at home?

A new era of rebellion against traditional ways and opposition groups protesting; "hawks" (supporters of war) "doves" (opposers of war)

Aum Shinrikyo

A new strain of Buddhism that stressed anti-western ideas. Inspired by the idea of "missing something" and "lack of progress" and just plain boredom. Led by Asahara Shoko and had 50k members by 1995.

Battle of Marne

Allied victory by the French & Britain against the German army. There was a gap between two German armies which the Allies exploited. This was important because it caused the war to become a stalemate. It also ended German hopes of a quick victory.

Mandate System

Allocation of former German colonies and Ottoman possessions to the victorious powers after World War I, to be administered under League of Nations supervision.

Mandate System

Allocation of former German colonies and Ottoman possessions to the victorious powers after World War I, to be administered under League of Nations supervision. Used especially in reference to the Western European possession of the Middle East after WWI.

Huo Guafeng

Ally of Mao and eventually chosen to be his successor. Chosen by Mao to replace Zhou Enlai as Premier in 1976. Succeeds Mao upon Mao's death. Arrests Gang of Four and ends the Cultural Revolution. Taken out of power by Deng Xiaoping. Represents "Whatever" faction after Mao's death.

George Marshall

Ambassador sent by the United States to China in order to help mediate the conflict between the CCP and GMD. 1945.

Tokyo Air Raids (1945)

American bombing of Tokyo during WWII. 16 square miles destroyed and over 100k people killed. Led to the use of Koreans as labor fillers, then POWs, students, and children.

Thomas Edison

American inventor best known for inventing the electric light bulb, acoustic recording on wax cylinders, and motion pictures.

Peace Corps

American volunteers worked in developing countries as teachers, engineers, and technical advisers

How was the Vietnam war different from others?

Americans attempted to destroy enemy positions rather than gaining ground

Reform Act of 1832

An Act of Parliament that introduced wide-ranging changes to the electoral system of the United Kingdom

Richard Trevithick

An English engineer who built the first railway locomotive, steam powered

Isaac Newton

Defined the laws of motion and gravity. Tried to explain motion of the universe.

Socialism with a Chinese Face

Deng's doctrine. Deng's policies primarily built on two wheels, economic reform and political authoritarianism. Deng wanted to open the door to market capitalism. Four modernizations in areas of agriculture, industry, defense and science/technology. Return to pre communist farming practices, were able to keep profits after paying grain tax. Per capita income doubles. Adopts market model to determine production and distribution of goods. The development of floating population, people immigrating to urban centers. Opens window to the world, doubles number of countries that develop political relationship with China. Fixes relationship with US on Taiwan, coorperations finally take hold in China. Massive expansion of foreign trade and tourism. Special Economic Zones. Explosion of wealth in China due to foreign investment, free market reforms, coorperations, household responsibility system. Important reform of Jiang Zemin is the privatization of SOEs. This helped the financial trouble of the SOEs, but millions of jobs were lost.

Cartesian dualism

Descartes's view that all of reality could ultimately be reduced to mind and matter.

Who was backed in satellite nations?

Dictators (citizens who protested were imprisoned or killed)

How did the Vietcong start?

Diem (leader of South Vietnam) didn't help the people and they believed he was corrupt, only favoring the wealthy landlords; an opposition group of peasants formed (Vietcong)

Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers (SCAP)

Douglas MacArthur's title during American Occupation. Labeled as a collective effort of allies was really just the Americans. Also referenced the officers involved in rewriting the Japanese constitution and drafting peace accords.

geocentric theory

Earth is the center of the Universe

What parts of the world fought against each other in the Cold War?

East (Soviet Union and allies) vs. West (U.S. and allies)

Post Korean War

Economic conditions awful. However, CCP does an excellent job of curbing inflation and reducing deficits. Reorganized taxation system, introduced a balanced budget and currency, price controls.

Gamal Abdul Nasser

Egypt's dictator, Abdul Gamal Nasser, a former army officer who had led the coup that overthrew King Farouk, nationalized the Suez Canal in 1956, and was attacked by British, French and Israeli forces. The U.S. intervened on behalf of Egypt. Damaged Britain and France's standing as world powers.

Who took over President after Truman?



Emerged as the most famous socialist belief system during the 19th century. Saw all of history as the story of class struggle.

Denis Diderot


Anti Rightest Campaign (1957)

Essentially in direct response to the criticism that came to light during the Hundred Flowers movement. Mao's attempt to eliminate all those who have rightist and different views. Ex. Ling Jow: young women at perking university and executed because too rightist... was a writer... gov made family pay for execution. Absurd amount of intellectuals killed, jailed, or sent to countryside to do labor. a political campaign July 1959 immediately after The Hundred Flowers movement to remove the rightists and not adequately supportive of the CCP.

After WWI , European countries granted independence to all of their colonies


Declining prices during the Great Depression led to a major expansion in global trade


Introduction of new weapons and new fronts broke the stalemate that has developed on World War I's Western Front


Japan's immense suffering during WWI pushed it toward an authoritarian political system


What happened in Cuba in 1959?

Fidel Castro set up a communist government in Cuba


Fighters who used hit and run attacks.

Trench Warfare

Fighting with trenches, mines, and barbed wire. Horrible living conditions, great slaughter, no gains, stalemate, used in WWI.

Sergei Witte

Finance minister under whom Russia industrialized and began a program of economic modernization, founder of the Transiberian Railroad (1849-1915)

Toussaint L'Ouverture

First leader of the Haitian Revolution, a former slave (1743-1803) who wrote the first constitution of Haiti and served as the first governor of the newly independent state.

Battle of Tannenberg

Fought between Russian and Germany in East Prussia. 1st major battle in WWI on eastern front. Remembered for strategic and decisive positions- crushing defeat for the Russians. Total annihilation of Russian forces. Germany victory allowed for the war to continue when Russian victory could have knocked Germany out of the war. It diverted the Germans from attack on France-allowed France to counter attack Mame.

Morita Akio

Founder of SONY. Made working there a family commitment. promoted family values and unity in the workplace and made SONY a great place to work.

The Crimean War

France & Great Britain vs. Russia, most of the fighting was in the Crimean region, utter military incompetence, destroyed the Concert of Europe costly to both sides. More than 250,000 soldiers died in the war, 60 percent of them from disease (primarily cholera).

Battle of Somme

France and Britain mounted a joint offensive against the Germans starting July 1st, 1916 and ending November 8, 1916. The purpose was to breach the German line. In the end the French and British win by penetrating past the line, 6 miles into German territory. This was one of the largest battles of World War I with over 1 millions casualities. It was the first battle to use the tank and taught the British operational and tactical lessons that were instrumental in their ability to defeat the Germans in 1918. Also fought to take some of the pressure off Verdun...


nationalist movement pressed for the political and cultural unity of all Slavs under Russian leadership

Battle of Verdun

France and Germany February 21- December 18 1916. At first the German's had the lead but their advance stopped towards the end of February near Mort Homme Hill. This point was held by the French until the German's re-captured it on May 29th and then Fort Vaux fell on June 7th after a long siege. Overtime, Germany's attacks were reduced due to the high demand for soldiers on the front line at the Battle of Somme. The French gained the lead and held onto it when the French General Charles Mangin re-captured the Forts at Douaumont and Vaux in November. This resulted in a French victory and it is considered the longest and one of the most devastating battles in all of WWI.Henri Petain protected the "Sacred Way"

French monarchy

France had gone to have an absolute monarchy with rules believing to have divine rights

President who oversees the enlargement of the U.S. Federal government during the Great Depression

Franklin D Roosevelt

Jacques Cartier

French explorer who explored the St. Lawrence river and laid claim to the region for France (1491-1557)


French king who overthrew the Bourbon dynasty in the 1830s and established a constitutional monarchy. He was overthrown on Feb 24, 1848

Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

French leader and later emperor who taught his conservative contemporaries how authoritarian governments could use liberal and nationalistic forces to bolster their own power: nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte


French middle class

The Lost Decades

From 1991-2011, when Japan struggled to climb out of a recession imposed from the bubble burst in '91, highlighted by a relegation of Japanese industry in the world market. Many industries began to restructure, ridding Japan of the cradle-to-grave stability that was so popular in the 80s. By 2009, 1/3 of Japan's workforce was made of temporary workers (not working full time, hired for a few weeks only, just not full time).

Why did the US enter the war?

Frustrations over Germany to Mexico bribing them to declare war on US What was the effect of World War I on the European colonies in Africa and Asia? Brought economic turmoil to the colonies Europeans used soldiers from their colonies, especially in Africa, which decimated populations

The Plaza Accords

G5 meeting of the top five economies in the world, attempted to depreciate the dollar against the Yen and Deutsche mark. Alleviated the trade deficit for the US and western Europe but not Japan. Increased the Bubble Economy severely, which didn't help Japan.

Salt March

Gandhi's attempt to end the British salt monopoly

Johannes Kepler

German astronomer who first stated laws of planetary motion (1571-1630)

Carl Schurz

German liberal who was against corruption Moved to Us and became a US Senator

Erich Ludendorff

German military leader; won many battles. Worked on the Shlieffen Plan; important to other strategic planning. Transformed Germany into a war nation; In charge of all political, military, and economic aspects, which turned the war into total war. Supported unrestricted submarine warfare; led to factors that encouraged the US to enter the war.

Global Impact

Germany which gave up eastern Poland, the Ukraine, and the Baltic Provinces. Lenin did not think it made a difference because the spread of socialist revolution would make up for the lost land.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Government agency that directs the American space program.

Ronald Reagan

He took office in 1981 with the belief that the Soviet Union was the focus of evil in the world. He had a tough anticommunist stand, and he wanted to deal with the Soviets from a position of strength, so he persuaded the Congress to increase military spending by more than $100 billion during his first five years in office.

Tsar Alexander II

He was a Russian Tsar who attempted reform ("Emancipator") but his appeasement (emancipation of serfs and the establishment of Zemstvos) led to his assassination by the People's Will

Alexander Kerensky

He was assigned as the prime minister of Russia during the occupancy of the Provisional Government. The military leader did not obey him, embarrassing the party and caused more uprisings.

What was acheived at the summit meetings?


Kaiser Wilhelm II

In 1888 launched "New Course" for German's foreign affairs and made choices without his ministers. Encouraged Austrians to adopt a line against Serbia by writing a "blank check" for German support in event of war. New Course support of AH in 1914 crisis, his lack of consult with ministers loose power, scaled back on mobilization, excluded by mil decsions, eliminated chances of helping form a compromise of peace.

The Annexation of Korea

In 1910, Japan brought Korea into its empire when the Imperial Army took over control in Korea.

Korean Land Survey (1911)

In 1911, Japan assessed the best way for Korea to produce more, allowing Japan to further industrialize. Transferred a lot of land to Japanese settlers. Incredibly exploitative. Japan taking advantage of annexation to increase Korea's exports to Japan, improving domestic life and productivity as well.

Twenty-One Demands

In 1915, Japan tried to increase its influence over China by imposing the twenty-one demands, which was pretty much the first step in fully taking over China. The West shut it down, Japan settled with the U.S. and shared China's resources and trade instead.

May Fourth Movement

In 1919, Chinese marched to oppose Japanese incursion on the continent. Mirrored Korea's March First Movement. The unrest in China actually pushed Japan to more severe militancy.

March First Movement

In 1919, over two million Korean gathered to protest (unarmed) the annexation. A declaration of independence in a sense calling "mansei" meaning Korea for ten thousand years. Japanese forces cracked down on nationalist movement, arresting and executing many protestors.

Goto Shinpei

In colonial Taiwan, he industrialized and modernized Japan's colonial holdings. Had influence in the daily lives of Taiwanese. Worked for the sanitation department in Taiwan before being moved to Manchuria and implementing the same changes there (developing railroads and infrastructure that built the colonial foundations)

How was glasnost a reform?

In the past, citizens were silenced for criticism of the gov't but now they could share their opinions

Bubble Economy

Japan's economy took off, with massive surpluses, minimal unemployment, huge stock market growth. Increased Japanese nationalism rooted in the belief that Japan was equal to but distinct from the West. Highlights race stereotypes as well (ethnonationalism) "We Japanese" Burst in 1991

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

Japanese answer to ABCD (American, British, Chinese, Dutch) alliance. Promoted cultural and economic success in Asia, modeled off Japan. Pan-Asianism with Japan at the center (use of Yen as currency and Japanese as language). An illusion of sovereignty for the Japanese.

Nanjing Massacre (1937)

Japanese attack on Chinese citizens in Nanjing. Brutal killing of thousands of citizens. Japanese government acknowledges 30K deaths, Chinese 300K.

Lucky Dragon Incident (1954)

Japanese fishing boat exposed to extreme radiation during nuclear test by the US at the Bikini atoll. All 23 sailors experienced acute radiation syndrome. Reawakened Japanese fears of nuclear age and especially radiation in food (tuna).

Ishihara Shintaro

Japanese writer who served in Diet in LDP. Tried to reach urban youth. Nationalist who saw American imports as poorly made and inferior and thought that the US was trying to take advantage of Japan with inferior imports. Thought Americans were racist against Japanese and that Japan needed to stand up for itself diplomatically.

Who was President during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

John F. Kennedy

___ was an African leader who invoked precolonial traditions as a basis for resisting British colonialism in Kenya

Jomo Kenyatta

McCarthy Era

Joseph McCarthy (a senator) started a scare that there were 205 State Department employees who were communist members; got a lot of people in businesses questioned and fired

The idea that capitalism needed to be saved from itself posed a challenge to which tradition of political thought


Household Responsibility System

Liberalization of farming methods, a return to pre communist farming practices. Farmers could keep profits after grain tax was collected. Household's could lease and sell land.

natural rights

Life, Liberty, and Property

People's Liberation Army

Lin Biao. Established in 1927 as "Red Army", it became the official name of China's military forces during the Chinese Civil War. It was portrayed as a true "people's army" From the people, of the people, and for the people. Official army of CCP.

Nelson Mandela

Long-imprisoned leader of the African National Congress party; worked with the ANC leadership and F.W. De Klerk's supporters to dismantle the apartheid system from the mid 1980s onward; in 1994, became the first black prime minister of South Africa after the ANC won the first genuinely democratic elections in the country';s history. (p 855)

Treaties and Aftermath:

Loss of millions of lives -Genocide of Armenians in Ottoman empire -Economic depression throughout Europe -Communist Revolution in Russia -US is becoming world power WWI: What are the causes of World War I? - Alliances formed from tensions over neo-colonialism movement -Extreme nationalism, Imperialism, Militarism -severe rivalry between countries for power -assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand (sparked the war)

Defeat of the GMD

Loss of the North. Chiang Kai-Shek wanted Manchuria where CCP was established. Very stubborn, sent troops to Manchuria that were defeated by CCP which began Civil War. CCP moves S conquers land. 65 day battle, yansin river, separates N/S. CCP gets support from local farmers, GMD support= airborn from US mainly, CCP= on ground. 1949 CCP occupy Beijing. Chian Kai-Shek resigns & escapes to Taiwan. Provisional People's Government, popularity of CCP= genuine. On October 1st, 1949, Mao declares the PRC.

bourgeois monarch

Louis Philippe's government. Characterized by stubborn inaction and complacency. There was a glaring lack of social legislation and politics were dominated by corruption and selfish special interests. Only the rich voted for deputies, many of which were docile bureaucrats. Refused to consider electoral reform heightened a sense of class injustice among middle-class shopkeepers, skilled artisans and unskilled working people. Eventually touched off a popular revolt in Paris

Who became President after Kennedy?

Lyndon B. Johnson

What did MacArthur want to do that Truman fired him for?

MacArthur wanted to invade China and attack them too but Truman felt that attacking China would lead to another world war which he did not want

After first starting off at a bad start, what finally pushed North Koreans out of South Korea?

MacArthur's troops landed at Inchon (right behind the 38th parallel) and North Korean troops were caught by surprise and forced to retreat back to their territory

Cuban Missile Crisis

Major Cold War confrontation in 1962 --> Soviets building missile bases on Cuba, atomic missiles could reach US within minutes.

What happened with jobs during the communist scare during the Korean War period?

Many employees (especially gov't employees) were questioned and forced to resign if suspected

revolutionary socialism

Marxists that believed in violent revolution to bring the collapse of capitalism.

ANPO Protests

Massive protests and strikes opposing the Security Treaty. 16 million Japanese involved in demonstrations. Protesting ended when the treaty passed and Kishi's government pushed it through.

Battle of Jutland

Only real naval battle of the war. May 1916. German Baltic fleet met Brits of coast of Denmark. Germans inflicted heavy Brit losses but failed to break Brit blockade. German fleet retreated to Baltic and stayed there. Brit naval supremacy confirmed but Brits unable to defeat German fleet completely in order to service Russia through the Baltic.

"New Order in East Asia"

Propaganda by Japan during the War of Resistance that encouraged the extension of Japan's spheres of influence into various parts of China.


Provisional capital for China during the war of resistance, GMD.

Count Otto von Bismarck

Prussian prime minister who determined the course of modern German history; guided Prussia's unification of Germany. Practitioner of "Realpolitik", largely ignored Parliament; engaged in an active foreign policy, waging war against Denmark, Austria, and France in order to create a unified German empire; used nationalism to win support his objectives.


Organization of American States; promoted economic progress in the Americas by investing in transportation and industry

Yoshida Shigeru

PM in late 1940s, was the face of postwar conservative government. Was involved in the war effort and convicted of war crimes, but was supported by the US as PM because he wanted to ally Japan with the US economically and militarily. Introduced the Yoshida Doctrine, which put economic development as the priority in postwar reconstruction and let the American defend the islands. Agreed to San Francisco Treaty and Security Treaty but shut down American efforts to decentralize Japanese education and policing.

Nakasone Yasuhiro

Part of the world-conservative movement during the 80s, served as PM. Privatized the railroads and healthcare system. Promoted ethnic homogeneity in Japan. Had a close relationship with Reagan, despite economic tensions. Especially when Reagan devalued the dollar in an attempt to outstrip Japan (but this backfired)

High-speed growth

Period during the 1960s when the GDP expanded by >10% annually. By 1977, Japan's economy was the third largest in the world. Electronic exports increased, as did disposable income, leading to commercialization and consumerism. Enjoyed a statist model for the economy.

The Income Doubling Plan

Plan to double the GDP through modernization and increased efficiency of industry. A product of the Statist Model and big government Focuses on industry, research, raw import stability. Kind of alienated agriculture.

Who was the first country in Eastern Europe to hold free elections?

Poland and they rejected a communist leader


Policy in the Soviet Union of speaking openly about problems.


Policy that government should interfere as little as possible in the nation's economy.

Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution

Population growth (hunger), growth of cities, middle class and working class (child labor)

WWI Battles Details

Possibly the most important and influential battle from World War was the Second Battle of Ypres in April and May of 1915. The Germans unleashed poisonous gas on their enemies, marking the first time gas was used as a weapon in war. Gas would become a common tactic and be used throughout the rest of the war. Another significant battle was the Battle of Verdun the following year, which was the longest single battle of the entire war. Germany began the battle by attacking Verdun, and the battle continued for eleven months. The total death toll was over 300,000 with over 500,000 wounded.

Star Wars

President Reagan's proposed weapons system to destroy Soviet missiles from space.

Truman Doctrine

President Truman's policy of giving American aid to nations threatened by communist expansion.

Liu Shaqi

President of the PRC and initially groomed to be Mao's successor, but agitates Mao during the Cultural Revolution. After Great Leap Forward, begins to see Mao's policies as inadequate to supporting a modern socialist state. Eventually put on house arrest by Mao

Lyndon B. Johnson

President who had to decide whether to commit more forces to the struggle in Vietnam. He didn't think it was worth fighting for, and he didn't think they could get out. However, he sent more and more people into Vietnam causing the longest, most unpopular war in American history.

The Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917 was:

Proclaimed by socialists in order to overtake the earlier "bourgeois" revolution

Postwar Constitution

Progressive in some regards, like guaranteeing 1st amendment rights. Fully written by SCAP officers. Said that Japan will never enter a war again unless in self-defense. Redefined the education to promote freethinking not kokutai no hongi. put the Diet at the center of government, restricting Empirical power.


Ptolemy's model of the universe with the Earth at the center

The Transwar

The idea that the occupation period was a break in Japanese tradition, which existed before and after American influence. So the argument is that the occupation didn't really change much in Japan. zaibatsu still controlled the economy post 1952, political elites from before the Occupation were political elites after as well, and land reform continued to shape familial Japanese rural communities.

Utopian Society

The ideal society

Count Camillo di Cavour

named prime minister in 1852 by King Victor Emmanuel, he led the northern troops to victory and unification of Italy in 1861


The island of Kronstadt was a Russian naval base. The sailors on the island were an asset to the revolution due to their profound militant skill. The Sailors wanted democracy, but Lenin used them to get the Bolsheviks in and assert himself. He later killed them for fear they might turn on him.

October Revolution of 1917

The Bolshevick organized and lead revolt against the Provisional Government; successful

Kishi Nobusuke

The Democratic Party opposition to Yoshida Shigeru. Was far more nationalistic and despised the close relationship between Yoshida and the Americans. In 1955, he negotiated the merging of two parties into the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). Americans eventually invested in the LDP rigging elections and making Japan more and more conservative.

Woodrow Wilson

US president during WWI; Kept US neutral, tried to stay out of war but declared war on German after a telegram from Germany to Mexico asking for alliance against US. Fueled anti-German Sentiment, Issued 14 points. Created League of Nations and helped with the Treaty of Versailles

The political party founded by Sun Yat-sen in China was :

The Guomindang

King Victor Emmanuel II (1849-1878)

The King of Piedmont that appointed Cavour his Prime Minister and worked to unite Italy.

What did the Soviet Union do as colonies fought for independence?

The Soviet Union supported communist rebel groups

International Military Tribunal of the Far East

The Pacific Theatre's Nuremberg Trials, held in Tokyo. 28 Class A war criminals, and some were hanged, like Tojo Hideki, these were the minds behind the war. Difficult for the judges to find a line between criminals and victims of the war and zeitgeist. Many war criminals continued to serve in Japanese government after the war. Hirohito was not tried, so as to not rile up the Japanese people and ignite more tensions. Radhabinad Pal was one of the 12 judges who often dissented because he criticized the American run Tribunal. Thought that the US got off for its own war crimes.

Partition of India

The Partition of India is the process that led to the creation, on 14 August 1947 and 15 August 1947, respectively, of the sovereign states of Dominion of Pakistan (later Islamic Republic of Pakistan) and Union of India (later Republic of India) upon the granting of independence from the British Empire, marking the end of the British rule of India.


The Party aspect of the PRC. Theoretically, the regime's goal was to have the party create policy and the state execute it. The party was structured in the following manner: A party committee held power at each territorial level. At the Center, the committee was called the Politburo. When the Politburo wasn't meeting, the Standing Committee held power. Below this was the Central Committee and the Party congress. Also categorized by departments, such as propaganda.

old regime

The Political and Social system that existed in France before the French Revolution

William Pitt

The Prime Minister of England during the French and Indian War. He increased the British troops and military supplies in the colonies, and this is why England won the war.

Second Sino-Japanese War

The Second World War fought between Japan and the continent. The summation of decades of increasing nationalism and fascism and militarism.

Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security (1960)

The Security Treaty. Said that the US will defend Japan in return for the use of Japanese land and military bases to fight the Cold War. Socialists disliked the treaty because they feared the US would militarize Japan and drag it to war again. Far-right disliked the treaty as well, because they thought it gave the US too much power in Japan's sovereign land. Arguably imperialistic of the US because of land gains and near extra-territoriality.

What was the compromise between the Soviet Union and the U.S. after the Cuban missile crisis?

The Soviets would remove all missiles in Cuba as long as the U.S. agreed not to invade Cuba

Tianamen Square Protests of 1989

The Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989, commonly known as the June Fourth Incident (六四事件) or '89 Democracy Movement (八九民运) in Chinese,were student-led popular demonstrations in Beijing which took place in the spring of 1989 and received broad support from city residents, exposing deep splits within China's political leadership. The protests were forcibly suppressed by hardline leaders who ordered the military to enforce martial law in the country's capital.The crackdown that initiated on June 3-4 became known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre or the June 4 Massacre as troops with assault rifles and tanks inflicted casualties on unarmed civilians trying to block the military's advance towards Tiananmen Square in the heart of Beijing, which student and other demonstrators had occupied for seven weeks. The scale of military mobilization and the resulting bloodshed were unprecedented in the history of Beijing, a city with a rich tradition of popular protests in the 20th century. The Chinese government condemned the protests as a "counter-revolutionary riot", and has prohibited all forms of discussion or remembrance of the events since.Due to the lack of information from China, many aspects of the events remain unknown or unconfirmed. Estimates of the death toll range from a few hundred to a few thousand.

Treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty that ended WWI. The treaty was very much one sided and it put all war debts on Germany. It was put together by the 'Big Four" (USA, Great Britain, France and Italy) and most wanted to punish Germany (Article 231), but the U.S. wanted to create peace but the League did not use Wilson's 14 points so Germany was punished for the war and the treaty did not create peace amongst the European countries.

After WWI, variations of socialism became increasingly popular in all the countries below EXCEPT

The U.S.

What happened with many African nations who struggled with civil wars?

The U.S. backed one side and the Soviet Union backed another side (turning local conflicts into international crises)

How did the U.S. show their anger to the invasion of Afghanistan?

The U.S. withdrew their SALT II Agreement; forbade their athletes from participating in the 1980 summer Olympics game in Moscow; supplied aid to rebels who fought communists in Afghanistan

Why was it hard fighting the Vietcong?

The Vietcong would attack quickly, then retreat into the forests or hiding positions and the U.S. found it too tiresome to try and chase after them constantly going back and forth to certain areas; also, the Vietcong couldn't be distinguished from normal villagers and civilians

Reverse Course

The idea that the US didn't move Japan in a more progressive direction but maintained some sort of authoritarianism in the postwar era. SCAP served as pretty authoritarian and crushed any thought of leftist movements like socialism and communism. The labor movement in Japan became incredibly anti-American. Japan was no longer a progressive experiment of democracy in East Asia. The US had made it into a capitalist bulwark that could stand up against communism.

Imperial Rescript on Surrender

The address given by the Emperor to the people of Japan after the Japanese surrender. The first time many Japanese heard his voice. In a way, it was an attempt to rewrite history, portraying Japan as the victim who "suffered the insufferable." Proposed a lost war, but not a loss of Japanese tradition. Never actually said anything about surrendering, which left many Japanese confused.

In the U.S. During the 1920s, almost 10 percent of all jobs were directly or indirectly related to

The automobile industry


The city where the Russian revolution took place in 1917. The people protested against the Tsar demanding bread, peace, and a new government. Many protesters were killed, but the people overcame the Tsar and sparked the great revolution.

Summit Meeting

The conference between the highest-ranking officials of different nations.

38th Parallel

The dividing line between South and North Korea.

The soviet push to build infrastructure and expand industrial capacity in the 1920s and 1930s was known as

The five year plan


The government aspect of the PRC. Theoretically, the regime's goal was to have the party create policy and the state execute it. Most important body is the State Council. Other important bodies include the State Planning Commission and the State Economic Commission.

War of Attrition

When both sides suffer steady, heavy casualties. Neither side makes heavy gains in territory. They are trying to wear the other side down, before their own armies have to forfeit. Occured in trench warfare on the western front.

Tsar Nicholas II

The last czar of the Romanov Dynasty. He reluctantly entered the war and continued losses caused the Russian people to turn against him. He became so consumed with the war that he blatantly ignored the social strife occurring back in Russia. He was not politically savvy, and by the time he realized that something had to be done about widespread revolutionary sentiments within the population, revolutionaries had already taken a foothold. He was forced to abdicate and thus ended the era of absolute control by czars in Russia.

Italians fascists considered themselves to be the defenders of

The little guy


The management, planning, and shipping a product to be efficient

The dictatorship that emerged in Spain and Portugal during the 1930s were imposed by

The military

Maria Winkelmann

The most famous of the female astronomers in Germany. Discovered a comet.

The cause of Japan's turn toward authoritarian rule was

The onset of the Great Depression

The modern state of Turkey is successor to

The ottoman empire


The period after the War of Resistance in which the GMD struggled to combat staggering inflation. In the end, Chiang's inability to deal with economic problems is ultimately what crushed the GMD. Printed money in order to meet expenditures, massive inflation.

Fidel Castro

The person who led a revolution that set up a communist state in Cuba.


The police force in Russia that had the power to arrest, try and execute people. The predecessor to the KGB, implemented by Lenin, and later got even more brutal after an assasination attempt on him.

The overall impact of the new deal was

The preservation of the American system of capitalism


The process by which European colonies in Africa and Asia became independent states.

Supply Chain

The process of making a product from start to finish and shipping it where it goes

Radical Revolution

The revolution of French radicals during French Revolution that lead to total anarchy & the Reign of Terror (executions)

Joseph McCarthy

The senator of Wisconsin; he charged 205 State Department employees, and accused them of being communist party members, but they were never proven. Eventually he came across as a bully, and his popularity plunged.


The socialist idea that we should embrace socialism in a gradual advance, with no bloody war


The world's first artificial satellite launched by the Soviet Union.

Bill of Rights

These guaranteed freedom of religion, speech, press, petition, and assembly, as well as the right to bear arms, protection against unreasonable searches and arrests, trial by jury, due process of law, and protection of property rights.

What did the U.S. do in Vietnam while Johnson was president?

They actually got involved in fighting due to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Red Guards

They are the friends against the liberal bourgeoisies. Destroy the 4 olds: customs, habits, culture, and thinking. Very obedient to Mao. Often shame people in public

What did the Soviet Union do about the Berlin crisis?

They blockaded West Berlin from the rest of the world

What did the U.S. do in South Vietnam while Kennedy and Eisenhower were presidents?

They only gave military advise and financial aid; trained armies but DID NOT fight


They were Russian elected councils that originated as strike commitees during the 1905 St. Petersburg disorder made by workers part of the Soviet Union

How did the U.S. respond to the Tet Offensive

They were able to push back the enemy but still the Vietcong had a major advantage and more Americans wanted to end the war now

Second Battle of Ypres

This battle was fought for the control of the town of Ypres in Belgium. This great battle involved France and Great Britain soldiers all fighting against Germany. This battle is important because it was the first time Germany used poisonous gas in the Western Front.


This is the Cruise ship that got sunk by the German U-boats killing 128 american passengers. Making President Wilson seriously consider entering WWI. Even after this event President Wilson did not go to war, but he did start funding the allied powers

Henry Cort

This man developed the system of pudding, where coke was used to burn away impurities in pig iron to produce higher quality iron.

Robert Clive

This man was a British soldier who established the military and political supremacy of the East India Company in Southern India and Bengal. He is credited with securing India, and the wealth that followed, for the British crown.

Galileo Galilei

This scientist proved Copernicus' theory that the sun was the center of the solar system and developed the modern experimental method.

Yom Kippur War

This was a war fought by Israel and neighboring Arab nations where the Arabs launched a surprise attack during Yom Kippur. U.S. support for Israel during the war led to OPEC boycotting the U.S., creating an energy crisis.rustrated by their losses in the Six-Days War, Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on Israel during the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur on October 6, 1973. Israel counterattacked, won a decisive victory, and had even occupied portions of northern Egypt.

Armistice of November 11, 1918

This was the agreement between the Allies and Central Powers that ended the fighting after WWI. This marked a victory for the Allies and stated that the Central Powers lost. The Germans responded to Woodrow Wilson's 14 points as a peace treaty.

Maria Theresa

This was the queen of Austria as a result of the Pragmatic Sanction. She limited the papacy's political influence in Austria, strengthened her central bureaucracy and cautiously reduced the power that nobles had over their serfs

The Shocks of the 1970s

Three actions that directly affected the Japanese economy. 1. Nixon normalized US-China relations, alienating Japan 2. Nixon announces abandonment of gold-standard, making Japanese imports very expensive in the US 3. Arab countries cut exports of oil to Israel-supporting countries like Japan. Stopped the period of double-digit growth and showing Japan's lack of self-sufficiency.


To divide the subcontinent of India to create a separate Muslim state called Pakistan


To obtain goods from or move jobs to a foreign country

Why did the Japanese enter World War?

To seize German colonial assets in China List the weapons that premiered in World War I: - Artillery cannons-Big Bertha (cannon)-barbwire-zeppelins (hydrogen filled balloons) -Tanks -Flame Throwers -Machine Guns -Chemical/Gas weapons (like chlorine and mustard gas) -airplanes used in war

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Agreement

Treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union to limit the number of nuclear warheads and missiles.

King William I

Tried to enlarge Prussian army, then appointed Otto von Bismarck as P.M.

Which Countries made up the Triple Alliance, the Triple Entente?

Triple Entente: France, England, Russia Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

After WWI, European countries experienced increasing amounts of class-based conflicts


Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Two cities the U.S. dropped nuclear weapons on. Killed 70k and 40k instantly, but more than 100k died later from radiation poisoning. Excuse for avoiding a blockade or a direct invasion which would have had extensive suffering on both sides. Also argued that it was the U.S. way of keeping the USSR out of peace talks by ending the war quickly.

How did Truman respond to the invasion of South Korea?

UN agreed with him to send troops to the South to fight the North Korean forces; would be led by Douglas MacArthur


When people and organizations around the world begin to connect through business, economics, and social issues

William I

Under the leadership of William and his Minister President Otto von Bismarck, Prussia achieved the unification of Germany and the establishment of the German Empire. William held strong reservations about some of Bismarck's anti-Catholicism and tough handling of subordinates. William was described as polite, gentlemanly, and while a staunch conservative, more open to certain classical liberal ideas than his grandson Wilhelm II.

Henry Ford,

United States manufacturer of automobiles who pioneered mass production; proponent of the Assembly Line and Standardization; invented the Model T


Very elaborate and ornate (in decorating or metaphorically, as in speech and writing); relating to a highly ornate style of art and architecture in 18th-century France

Effects of Cold War

Vietnam and Korean wars; America divided; large military spending; huge creation of weaponry; other nations used nuclear weapons; communist scare in america

What happened after the Khmer Rouge?

Vietnam took over and set up a new communist government that was less harsh but still didn't end the fighting

Why was there fighting in Vietnam?

Vietnam was divided with North Vietnam being supported by communist Soviet Union; South Vietnam was supported by the U.S. noncommunist policies


Vietnamese guerillas who opposed the noncommunist government of South Vietnam.

March Revolution of 1917

WWI had a negative effect on Russia and it led to everyone in Russia like rebelling because there were food shortages, strikes, and disintegrating armies. The Russians rebel and this persuades Tsar Nicholas II to abdicate (resign from throne)... this ended the long reign of the Romanov Dynasty

The First Sino-Japanese War (1894-5)

War in which Japan sought increased influence over Korea, but China served as an obstacle. To China's surprise, Japan destroyed them in all facets of the war. Ended with Treaty of Shimonoseki

Zhou Enlai

Was CCP member that arranged for the capture of Chiang Kai-Shek. Generally seen as a moderate, despite always taking Mao's side. Would mediate the cultural revolution, and eventually become Mao's successor, leading the "Whatever" faction.

Mei Lanfang

Was one of the most famous Peking opera artists

By the end of the 1930s, the liberal democratic model of governance was perceived as

Weak and vulnerable

What happened to West Germany that made many Eastern Germans want to escape their homes to flee to the west?

West Germany became prosperous thanks to the help of the U.S.; communism in the East was making many East Germans poor so they wanted to flee to the West to prosper too

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

Westernized and modernized Turkey in the early 1900's

George Stephenson Rocket

What was the first steam-powered locomotive?


When a company expands their workforce to do jobs for another company


a political orientation of a people or a government to maintain a strong military force and to be prepared to use it aggresively to defend or promote national interests

What effect did World War I have on the status of women?

While the men were off fighting in the war the women worked and took over jobs that were formerly male jobs. Middle class women felt that it was liberating to be able to work, but lower class women had been working before the war and did not share this feeling of freedom. During the war women's wages rose and became closer to the same as the wages men made doing the same jobs. Voting rights were granting to women all over the world after the war.

Which of the following is NOT an element common to the authoritarian systems of the mid-twentieth century

Willingness to allow private enterprises to manage themselves without state interference

Who coined the term Iron Curtain?

Winston Churchill

What started citizens complaining about the communist system?

With so much military spending, there was little spending for the production of consumer goods so many people starved and recieved poorly made products

The Fourteen Points

Woodrow Wilson's post-WWI peace plan; points included self-determination, establishment of league of Nations, and no indemnities. Each of the points were designed to prevent future wars. He compromised each point at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. The only point which remained was the 14th (League of Nations). Unfortunately, the Fourteen Points were not accepted as they should have been.

David Ben-Gurion

Worked for the creation of the state of Israel; became Israel's first Prime Minister in 1948

Kwame Nkrumah

Worked to remove British imperialists from Africa; became the first Prime Minister of Ghana


Working class

Maruyama Masao

Writer who distrusted the political elites in postwar Japan and promoted increased protest and demonstration. Thought protests could challenge the elites. Highly critical of the newly individualistic Japanese people. Wanted a return to the selfless population.


Writers during the Enlightenment and who popularized the new ideas of the time.

Did the U.S. get involved in Latin America during the Cold War?

YES (tried to contain communism)

Who took over Russia?

Yeltsin-- ran a free market system and U.S. helped Russia out

Was Kennedy's plan successful?

Yes, Soviet ships turned back and Soviet agreed to compromise

Which Eastern European country was not a satellite nation?


Jomo Kenyatta

a Kenyan nationalist who had a Ph.D. in anthropology. With Kwame Nkrumah, he founded an organization devoted to African freedom. He and other nationalists were imprisoned by the British when violence between settlers and anti-colonial fighters escalated in 1952. Released in 1961, he negotiated with the British to write a constitution for an independent Kenya, and was elected the first president 1964. He was an effective, although autocratic, ruler, and Kenya benefited from great stability and prosperity.

Khmer Rouge

a communist who took over in Cambodia and started a brutal reign of terror on their own people (millions starved to death or killed)

Giuseppe Garibaldi

a dedicated Italian patriot, raised an army of a thousand volunteers called the Red Shirts because of the color of their uniforms. Italian patriot whose conquest of Sicily and Naples led to the formation of the Italian state (1807-1882).

Nicholas Cummins

a magistrate from County Cork who wrote an account of his experience in Ireland during the potato famine

Iron Curtain

a metaphoric wall dividing the democratic nations of the West from the communist nations of the East

Satellite Nation

a nation that is dominated politically and economically by a more powerful nation

United Nations

a new world organization with 51 nations who were members from the start; they all agreed to bring disputes before the body for peaceful settlement

Colonial modernity

debate between historians as to where to put the focus in studying the Japanese Empire. Also fights the notion that imperialism is Western by showing the Japanese style of imperialism in the early 20th century

What happened to the Soviet Union after the attempted revolt?

each of the 15 republics declared their independence and the union broke apart

what proposals did huey long make to solve the depression

every man is king

in the 1932 inaugural address the new president said "the only thing we need to fear is..."?

fear itself

What has the UN been successful in?

fighting hunger, disease, and improving education; providing supplies to victims of famine, war, and other disasters

name the radio addresses the president gave to reassure the american public

fireside chats

what were several reasons for black tuesday

food surplus, high tariffs

who won the presidential election of 1932

franklin roosevelt

how did the AAA solve some peoples problems of depression

gave loans to farmers so the government could control what was being produced

what was the dust bowl

great drought hit the lower plains

trade unions

groups that tried to improve pay and working conditions

Tet Offensive

guerillas launched a surprise attack on South Vietnam and captured the capital (Saigon); took place during the New Years Holiday of Tet

What did Gorbachev do about political parties?

he allowed them to form

What is Khrushchev's famous incident?

he banged his shoe on the table at a UN conference

Why did Gorbachev support glasnost?

he believed that by talking about their problems, people would find solutions to economic problems and social problems too

What ended the McCarthy era?

he claimed that there were communist members in the U.S. Army; people viewed him as a bully

How did Nixon end the war?

he decided to intensify the U.S. and South Vietnamese fighting by hurting Cambodia because North Vietnam used Cambodia for escape and for supply routes


national assembly created under rule of Tsar Nicholas II. It was the parliament in Russia that Nicholas II disolved 10 weeks later in 1906. However the Duma created the provisional government once the Tsar was forced to abdicate by the protestors.

Edmund Cartwright

he invented the power loom in 1787; sped up weaving

What did Nixon do to improve relations with China?

he visited China and talked with the leaders

What did Gorbachev want to do but needed to consult with the U.S. first?

he wanted to cut military spending (had to get on better terms with the U.S.)

What did Gorbachev do about Afghanistan?

he withdrew Soviet troops

How did the U.S. help Latin Americans fight communism?

helped train their armies and pressed gov't to make reforms; supported military dictators over communism

who won the presidential election in 1928

herbert hoover

what were the shantytowns outside major cities called



hostility to or prejudice against Jews.

Berlin Airlift

hundreds of American and British planes carried tons of food, oil, and supplies to the 2 million West Berliners everyday (lasted for a year until Stalin decided to lift the blockade because it wasn't working)


ideas spread to influence public opinion for or against a cause

Boris Yeltsin

in Moscow, he led a protest that forced Soviet troops to pull back

War Guilt Clause

in treaty of Versailles; declared germany and austria responsible for WWI; ordered Germany to pay reparation to Allied powers

what solution did francis townsend suggest

income for elderly

what is the FDIC


Guglielmo Marconi

invented the radio

High culture

is the literary and artistic culture of the educated and wealthy ruling classes

popular culture

is the written and unwritten culture of the masses, most of which has traditionally been passed down orally.

describe americas foreign policy during the depression


Tanaka Mitsu

leader of the uman libu feminist movement. sought to restructure the role of gender in Japanese society and culture. Related authoritarianism with gender, critisizing the role of sex and ender and the patriarchal suppression of Japanese women. Highlights intersectionality. Mother-toilet dichotomy-> seen as maternal or seen as a sexual object

Working conditions during the Industrial Revolution

long hours low pay bad working conditions

what occurred in the 1st 100 days?

major economic acts

What did the Bay of Pigs Invasion cause for the U.S.?

major shame and embarrassment; strengthened Castro in Cuba

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