History of Interior Design Final Exam 19'

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- color - nature - gardens - inspo. Von Doesberg and color - Cuadro (horse stables) - Mexican pink

Presentations: Luis Barragan

- Frank Lloyd Wright's draftsperson - stained glass windows - WB Griffin (husband) design Canberra, Australia - very talented artist

Presentations: Marion Mahony Griffin

- So Cal Modernism - clean white - Lovell Health House

Presentations: Richard Neutra

- quality of light - Japanese architecture - context around a building

Presentations: Tando Ando

- industrial designer - professor - design for the real world: participatory design: transistor radio for Africa 60s

Presentations: Victor Papanek

- sustainable design - cradle to cradle: materials that don't create waste

Presentations: William McDonough

- landscape and quality of light - master craftsman - bent wood - wedged bricks in facades

Presentations: aalto

- biomimicry - not just aesthetic like nature, works like nature - sustainability - velcro

Presentations: benyus

- erogonomics in chairs - define ergonomics

Presentations: harry bertoia

- brutalist - studies of light (direct and indirect lighting) - unique ethereal

Presentations: louis kahn

- colorful - fun shapes - panton chair

Presentations: panton

- textile - cutrains - used for nontraditional purpose - space dividers - inside out

Presentations: petra blaisse

- Notre Dame du Haut - different than his earlier works - amazing quality of light

What Le Corbusier building is this?

- Crown Hall at IIT

What Mies van der Rohe building is this?

- Farnsworth House

What Mies van der Rohe building is this?

- Seagram Building

What Mies van der Rohe building is this?

- Viipuri Library Alvar Aalto

What Scandinavian style building is this?

- clean lines - lots of wood - sinuous forms (having many curves and turns) - bent wood - light wood - playful proportions

What are the elements of Scandinavian Modernism?

- chinese dougong bracket - the way they are laped together and their intricate connections help so in case of an earthquake it wont be as likely to fall down

What are these called and what is their purpose?

- Barcelona Pavilion - Mies van der Rohe - built for the World's Fair to symbolize Germany

What building is this, who designed it, and for what?

- TWA Terminal at JFK Airport - Gateway Arch in St Louis

What building's did Eero Saarinen build?

- Wassily Chair - designed by Marcel Bruer - cantilever effect

What chair is this and who designed it?

Chippendale Chair

What chair is this?

Windsor Chair

What chair is this?

- Red and Blue Armchair by Gerrit Rietveld 1918 - designed for the Schroder House

What chair was inspired by the De Stijl Movement?

- George Nelsen Associates - picture is the Marshmallow Sofa - Herman Miller - lots of wire frame

What company designed this furniture and who was behind it?

Queen Anne furniture

What furniture is a cabriole leg most commonly on?

- LC Series Furniture - Le Corbusier and Charlotte Perriand

What furniture series is this and who designed it?

- Rietveld's Schroder House, Netherlands 1924 - had moving walls so that the house could be completely opened

What house was inspired by the De Stijl Movement?

- Robert Venturi

Match the couples together: Denise Scott Brown and......

- Charlotte Perriand

Match the couples together: Le Corbusier and......

- Lily Reich

Match the couples together: Mies van der Rohe and.......

Doric, Ionic, Corinthian

Column Orders

- post modernism - Musee D' Orsay - furniture design - rocking chair

Presentations: Gae Aulenti

- Japanese American sculptor - designer - playgrounds - Nooguchi table

Presentations: Isogi Noguchi

- wood linearity - recessed fireplace

Elements of Frank Lloyd Wright's architecture

- steal structures - thin - grid organization - no ornamental detail - clean and refined

Elements of Mies van der Rohe's architecture?

- industrial designer - interior architect - bold colors while focused on function - organic shapes - PLASTIC

Presentations: Karim Rashid

- Elsie de Wolfe

Who was the first professional interior decorator?

- Villa Stein-de Monzie is a direct connection to Palladio's Villa Malcontenta with an almost identical 9 square grid

- What does Le Corbusier's Villa Stein-de Monzie connect to?

- Annie Aalto

Match the couples together: Alvar Aalto and........

- L'cole des Beaux Arts was more of a typical American Architecture school. It looked at history, had studios set up more like ours, professor give them a project - Bauhaus put function first. minimalist, looks like a factory promoting the German aesthetic and functionalism

How was Bauhaus different from L'cole des Beaux Arts?

1st: playful and overly designed space 2nd: brutalist, Paul Rudolph 3rd: less playful, more serious, Louis Kahn 4th: the riots in Paris happened, turned more angry 5th: post modernism happened, Piazza d' Italia, more sarcasm and irony 6th: destructiveness

Kathy's lecture: what's the timeline of the themes

- A: narthex (entrance) - B: ambulatory (area around the central area where you can walk) - C: nave (long middle area) term-1 - D: apse (back area of church) - E: alter (usually under middle of dome)

Labeling Different Parts of a Church

- Ray Eames

Match the couples together: Charles Eames and.........

- Marcel Breuer - Walter Gropius - The Albers; Josef and Annie

People that worked at Bauhaus

- influence: Catalan Modernism: nature inspired organic shapes and color - Sagrada Familia - early parametricism - catenary curve models

Presentations: Antoni Gaudi

- bad designer - good people organizer - integrated design delivery process influenced others like AIA

Presentations: Art Gensler

- American Horror Story - forms and typography in TV show were inspired - vertical lines - thinness simplicity interior materials

Presentations: Charles Rennie Mackintosh

- St. Louis - Knoll - TWA Terminal - formal playful sinuous concrete

Presentations: Eero Saarinen

- first pro interior decorator - light airy - simple spaces - in contrast to American Victorian vs. French Aesthetic

Presentations: Elsie De Wolfe

- Danish - Scandinavian furniture design - chairs - clean lines wood - natural colors textiles

Presentations: Finn Juhl

- cranbrook - saarinen's eames - took Knoll furn from small to international

Presentations: Florence Knoll

- organic architecture - relationship of building to site

Presentations: Frank Lloyd Wright

- product designer: founder of dem design - nihilist - desired to design objects that are cheaper and more available to everyone - overcoming branding in his design hist of his own work

Presentations: philippe starck

- Malevich - deconstructing forms - painting as design process - founder parametricism

Presentations: zaha hadid

-Roman temples have engaged columns on the sides (PILASTERS) -Greek temples have colonnades (PERISTYLE COLUMNS)

Roman vs Greek Temples

- it was a dutch art movement that embraced abstract aesthetic centered in basic visual elements such as geometries and ESPECIALLY PRIMARY COLORS - also incorporated a lot of black and white lines - the artist most recognized for this movement was Theo van Doesburg - also based on the artwork "Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow" Piet Mondrian 1937

What is the De Stijl Movement?

- Laurentian Library - Michelangelo - Florence Italy - late renaissance style - massive scale objects

What is the name of this building and who designed it?

- Charles and Ray Eames's Case Study House

What is this building called and who designed it?

- Toguna hut - in Mali Africa - used to hold meetings and was made shorter so people cant stand up and lead to fighting

What is this, where is it located, and what's its purpose?

Biedermeier Style Furniture

What style furniture is this?

- Brutalist - massive, geometrically organized structure, often made from site-cast concrete with a rough texture: called beton brut

What style is Le Corbusier known for?


What style is this?

- Villa Savoye

What was the best example of his five points of architecture?

San Vitale Church in Ravenna Italy (looks byzantine)

What was the name of the church and what city is it located in?

- Roof Garden - Free Facade - Horizontal Windows (ribbon windows) - Free Plan - Supports (pilotis)

What were Le Corbusier's Five Points of Architecture?

- LCW Chair - Charles and Ray Eames - they were able to bend the wood in two different directions which no one had ever done before

What's the name of this chair, who made this bent plywood chair popular, and why was the process to develop them revolutionary?

- China - roofs curve upward

Where is this mosque located?

- Egypt - made out of sandstone - more crisp than a mosque in Mali

Where is this mosque located?

- India - made of redstone - interesting shaped domes

Where is this mosque located?

- Iran (Persia) - colorful tiles and mosaics - people in the mosaics - palace not a mosque

Where is this mosque located?

- Mali - made of rammed earth - looks like termite towers

Where is this mosque located?

- Spain - horse shoe shaped arches - lots of arches - striped tile

Where is this mosque located?

- Syria - lots of colorful tiles

Where is this mosque located?

- Turkey - apse on apse - tall minarets - colorful tile

Where is this mosque located?

- Falling Water - directly on waterfall - brings nature in - original boulders in the house

Which Frank Lloyd House is this?

- Robie House - hidden entrance - cantilever - horizontal element - stained glass

Which Frank Lloyd House is this?

- Unity Temple

Which Frank Lloyd House is this?

- Taliesin

Which Frank Loyd House is this?

- designed by Greene & Greene - located in Pasadena California - american version of arts & crafts - a lot of wood on the inside

Who designed the Gamble House and where is it located?

- Antoni Gaudi - Barcelona

Who designed the Sagrada Familia and where is it located?

- Paladio - Vincenza Italy - most influential architect who's ever lived - showed connectivity b/w renaissance and modernism - Villa Malcontenta is similar to it - uses a nine square grid

Who designed the Villa Rotonda and where is it?

- Adolf Loos

Who designed these houses?

- Thonet chair by Thonet

Who designed this chair?

- Eero Saarinen for Knoll - picture is the womb chair

Who designed this furniture series?

- Knoll Furniture - picture is the diamond chair

Who designed this type of furniture?

- William Morris - dad of arts & crafts

Who designed this wall covering?

- Alvar Aalto

Who was most known for the Scandinavian style?

- Emperor Justinian - Empress Theodora - because he funded the church and was respected as a saint which is why they had golden halo's

Who's depicted in the mosaics of the San Vitale Church?

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