History test

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Chicago fire


Worlds fair



A referendum has to do with referring a proposed law directly to the voters


Admitted to the union in 1890 became the first state to grant women full political privileges

Thomas Edison

American inventor best known for inventing the first successful incandescent lightbulb, electric generators, the storage battery and the phonograph, etc.

Explain why Thomas Edison believed about hard work. How did this affect his success?

Answers may vary

Wealth of nations

Book published by Adam Smith in 1776 which he is spells the philosophy. The individual freedom in economics lead to the greatest good not only for the individual, but also for society as a whole.

Wainwright Building

Building in St. Louis designed by Louis Sullivan the first building to use an all steel frame successfully

John, Philip Sousa

By the turn of the 20th century, the most popular marching band was led by conductor in composer, John Philip Sousa, march king

Grover Cleveland

Call the Cleveland won the election, becoming the only president to serve two consecutive terms; after a close race score of the Cleven, one become the first democratic to win presidency after the Civil War Cleveland's first time with Marc by the dedication of Washington monument in the nations capital and dedication of the Statue of Liberty in New York

Crazy horse, sitting bull

Ciox chief, who led a war party of 2000 Ciox warriors that killed Colonel George Armstrong, Custer, and his men at the battle of little bighorn; Ciox, medicine, man, who heavily influenced chief Crazyhorse, to lead a war party against Colonel George Armstrong, Custer, and his men

Sherman antitrust act

Criticism of big businesses led to the passage of the Sherman, antitrust act in 1890, which broke up large companies, that restraint interstate or international trade

Populist party

Encouraged by this success, they joined with several labor groups to organize the peoples party more commonly called the populist party. The centerpiece of the populist program was the free silver movement.

So Henry Bessemer

Englishman who developed an inexpensive method of turning iron ore into steel

John D Rockefeller

Entrepreneur who founded the standard oil company became the wealthiest man in America.

Andrew Carnegie

Entrepreneur who revolutionized the steel industry, founded Carnegie steel company, became one of the wealthiest man in the world and became the worlds greatest builder of free public libraries


Frontier city they became the first center of skyscraper architecture after it was destroyed by fire in 1871

Louis Wallace

General Luis Suarez wrote Benhur

John Roebling

German born engineer who pioneered the designer suspension bridge in the United States in began the Brooklyn bridge project

Bellevue hospital

Hospital in New York that open the first school of nursing

Homestead act

In 1860 to the homestead act open the great plains for settlement by granting 160 acres of land to anyone willing to pay a $10 recording feet into live on inform the land

Oliver Hudson Keeley

In 1867 and a employee of the department of agriculture, founded a national organization known as the grange

Dawes act

In 1887 congress pass, the Dawes act which broke up tribal lands in two separate plates, and offered land in US citizenship to any head of any indigenous family, who would take up farming or ranching

Jane Addams

In 1889 Jane Adams founded a settlement, House known as the whole house in a rundown part of Chicago

Gold, standard act

In 1900, Congress finally passed the gold standard act, which made gold, the only standard for monetary value

Exodus of 1879

Included in the migration were the several thousand Friedman, the move the west in movement, called the exodus of 1879

Joseph, farewell Glidden

Innovator, who came up with the idea of spinning, still stands into barbed wire

Elisha, Otis

Inventor of the safety elevator

Alexander Graham Bell

Inventor of the telephone in 1876

New immigrants, old immigrants

Many of these new immigrants came to America to escape political and religious persecution and economic hardship; before the 1880s, most immigrants came from north western Europe, especially the British Isles, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries. These immigrants became known as the old immigrants.

Completion of the transcontinental railroad

May 10, 1869

Local color writing

Much of the early release literature was local color writing which told a story using the scenery, customs, and dialect of a particular region of the country

Christopher Sholes

Newspaper editor, who helped produce the first practical commercial typewriter

Sheldon Jackson

One of the most active home missionaries in the west Sheldon Jackson took the Cosport to the newest in largest American acquisition, Alaska

Samuel Gompers

Organizer of the first successful national labor union the American Federation of labor FBL

George Washington Carver

Professor at Tuskegee institute, who gained a reputation as a genius in the field of horticulture, and who is best remembered for his efforts to improve southern agriculture by persuading farmers, to use crop rotation and by developing many uses for peanuts and sweet potatoes

Charles Monroe Sheldon

Published in 1897 in his steps by Charles Monroe Sheldon

Nikolai Tesla

Serbian immigrant, who promoted the use of alternating current, and invented the Tesla coil

Oklahoma territory

The Oklahoma territory which had previously been reserved is Indian territory, opened for settlement in 1889

Black Hills

The Seahawks live on a reservation in the Black Hills of South Dakota, and Wyoming many native Americans headset in the Black Hills, sacred ground for generations in several tribes, were promised permanent position of this land

Dwight L Moody

The best known of these was evangelist, Dwight L Moody, Hustead, heart in America in Great Britain for 40 years

James Garfield

The presidential election of 1880 proved to be a very close race. The Republicans nominated James Garfield, and the Democrats nominated General Winsfield as Hancock of Pennsylvania Garfield won


The rapid increases of prices is called inflation. The inflation the pharmacy thought they wanted actually made it more difficult for them to buy the goods they needed.

Wounded knee massacre

The wounded knee massacre is remembered by many as a symbol of miss treatment of Native Americans by the US government


These laws and 40 policy called Segregation the program of separating people based on the skin color

Mel Trotter

This man, Mel Trotter developed a birdie to help others who have lost hope in life. During his lifetime he found a 67 rescue missions in the United States.

Chester Arthur

With Garfield's death, Vice President just as became president, Arthur found little support in Congress and had a few political friends in Washington DC most important legislation of Arthur's administration. The Pendleton civil service act provided for competitive examinations for civil service workers.

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