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According to Theodore Levitt, everybody is in service; it is simply a matter of which industries service components are greater or less


An evangelist is created by exceeding expectations.


An example of a single-channel, multi-phase queue is a drive-thru at a limited-menu fast-service facility.


An important step in managing guests as quasi-employees is to carefully and completely define the roles you want guests to play.


An organization changing from full-service to co-production would probably have to make changes in its delivery system.


Body language often serves as a method to detect guest satisfaction with a service experience. If the employee can read the dissatisfaction, they can put into place a service recovery plan before the guest finishes the experience and leaves unhappy.


Cross-functional structures allow organizations to focus all employees' functional skills on solving a guest's problem or meeting their expectation in that moment.


Culture helps the organization's members know how to relate to the world outside the organization as well as the world inside the organization.


Customer transactions, psychographics, and demographics are all examples of useful types of information that can be analyzed through data analytics.


Customer-provided information is another source of information guests can utilize to enhance their experience.


Data analytics and decision support systems (DSS) can help casinos make decisions about which customers to give incentives and comps to, what type of incentives and comps should be offered, and at what time.


Employee empowerment can have unintended consequences.


Employee empowerment to fix service failures at the point of failure reduces the need for tracking information up through management for decisions to be made later.


Empowerment is the assignment of decision-making responsibility to an individual.


Fixing a service failure before the guest leaves is the best way to diminish the negative impact and prevent the loss of the customer forever.


Folkways and mores can be the basis of an organization's code of ethics and accepted behaviors.


Good plans attempt to bring rationality and stability to the organization's operations and efforts.


Guest and employee feedback can contribute to the effectiveness of training programs.


Guest participation can help waits feel shorter.


Guest-focused organizations should trace information and authority from the bottom up.


In excellent organizations, servers solicit complaints about their own performance.


In recent years, there has been an increased use of relationship marketing, which emphasizes the market-segment-of-one concept.


In the critical incident technique, the moments in the guest experience are classified as dissatisfiers, neutral, or satisfiers.


It is harder to promote internal candidates when specialized skills are required.


Managerial performance plans and marketing plans should be considered individually and as part of the entire strategic plan.


Managers should reinforce the positive and coach away the negative.


Managers typically find the simplest and quickest solution to problems which is usually based on the assumption that a subordinate lacks the training, supervision, or information needed.


Most hospitality employees, no matter what their educational level, start at the same entry-level point, then try to prove their commitment to service excellence.


Most hospitality organizations prefer to recruit from inside.


Neither restaurant managers nor guests like to see a great deal of excess capacity.


Simplicity and low cost are two advantages of the MBWA assessment technique.


Some POS systems can be accessed from anywhere around the world.


Some employees seek hospitality jobs partly for the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity and originality, which is fun for them.


The "wow" word of mouth can be just as valuable or even more valuable than negative word of mouth because it can be used as testimonials on the company's website.


The Juran Trilogy was published by Joseph Juran in 1986 after almost fifty years of research.


The Rainforest Cafe calls itself "a wild place to shop and eat." This expression suggests that it manages the line by diverting its guests rather than doing nothing or closing the doors.


The attire of the hospitality organization's employees is part of the environment.


The best failure is one that is discovered before it happens.


The best queue type to use is the one guests prefer, even if service is slower in that type of queue.


The constant monitoring by guests of the service being provided is a positive influence on service quality.


The most highly developed technical applications of guestology can be found in the systems area.


The organization can't know what factors are the key drivers of guest satisfaction until they study all the drivers.


The purpose of an information system in a hospitality organization is to assist in creating the service experience that the customer expects.


The purpose of blueprinting is not only to satisfy the guest but also to enable the organization to achieve its profit goal.


The quality of the entire guest experience is the difference between the quality the guest expects and the quality the guest gets.


The service environment directly influences the customer's perception of the quality and value of a service organization.


The service setting should be designed to assure guests they are safe and secure within it.


The zone of tolerance is the allowable minor service failures that still result in a guest's experience being a positive one.


There are five steps in the PERT/CPM process, the last of which is finding the critical path of the project.


Today's "wow" is tomorrow's standard expectation for the guest who has been there and done that.


While a strong brand name is important to a business, it can be a disadvantage if it has negative associations in certain markets.


the moment of truth can also be referred to as the critical incident


One example of the high cost of failure is

trusting parents to supervise children in trampoline parks

Using the design day concept, if demand is more than the capacity, guests will be ______ (but/and) the facility will be ______

unhappy; over utilized

A velvet rope separating the line for VIP members from the regular line is an example of a(n)

use of space

Guests are co-producers in which of the following examples?

using the self check in kiosk at a hotel

The more ______ the customer receives or expects to receive from the service, the more patiently the customer will wait.


Which statement best describes a typical guest's perception of wait?

wait of uncertain length feel longer than waits of certain length

Which of these would not be a typical question asked during a structured interview?

what can you tell us about yourself?

A core competency is

what gives the company an important difference in providing customer benefits and perceived value

According to equity theory, which factor is not considered in determining whether an employee is being treated fairly?

whether an employee has enough self-efficacy

Leaders establish a culture of guest-service excellence and reinforce it by

word, deed, and celebration

Are there any downsides to a great training program?

yes, some companies find that hiring trained employees away from competitors is cheaper than developing their own training programs

In the United Sates alone, roughly how much is spent annually on organizational training?

$100 billion

One of Len Berry's key principles is to focus on critical skills. How can an organization identify these critical skills for training?

Asking guests which employee skills impact guest satisfaction

Which management expert created the X and Y Theory?

Douglas McGregor

An excellent way to provide a "wow" experience for guests is to give them more than they say they want.


Regardless of the size of the innovation, the skill of the leader to implement change successfully will make the difference between success and failure.


Seeing other guests enjoying their meals enhances a guest's dining experience since happiness and satisfaction are contagious.


Services tend to be both produced and consumed simultaneously.


The "wow" word of mouth can be just as valuable or even more valuable than negative word of mouth because it can be used as testimonials on the company's website.


The architecture creates the ability of the guest to move through a narrative story and become immersed in fantasy.


The human brain can only process around seven pieces of random information at a given time.


The logical placement of restrooms in a hotel lobby or amusement park is part of functional congruence.


The advantage of benchmarking against your own best employees as you hire new people is

You can use you best as a template for hiring new people

A good illustration of a single-channel, multi-phase queue would be

a cafeteria line

Which space layout did Walt Disney recommend to give guests a sense of orientation at all times and reduce the amount of walking?

a single entrance leading to a central hub

The key component of a flawless service experience is

all elements of the delivery system are integrated

The benchmark hospitality organizations believe that

all jobs and people have value

A lean environment works best in situations when guests

are unfamiliar with the environment

What are the three characteristics that all waiting lines have?

arrival patterns, queue discipline, and time for service

The company's worst-case scenario is called a/an


In creating the market-niche-of-one, yesterday's wow becomes today's ______.

basic level of service

______ define the relationships between causes and effects for the members of an organization.


What is the most commonly discussed type of service diagramming?


The Delphi technique is best used for


One guest always stays at the same hotel when she is in town because the employees greet her by name, and they always set up her room according to her indicated preferences in her loyalty club profile. This is an example of how co-production

builds commitment

Which example below is the most appropriate use of co-production?

children choosing a toy for their happy meal

"Whn readng sentences, what we expct to read infuences what we thnk the wrds say." Our ability to read the previous sentence despite the missing letters demonstrates

cognitive response informed by past experience

As a low-cost carrier known for outstanding service, Southwest Airlines uses which strategy?

combined low cost and high value

A dissatisfied guest can do any of the following. From the organization's perspective, which is BEST?


Of the five dimensions of personality, the one that is the most valid predictor of job performance is


Which of the following best describes when co-production is used as a differentiation strategy?

cook it yourself restaurants

Building physical capacity based on selecting a lower percentile day will NOT have a negative impact on


Which structure or method is used to organize people and groups to enable them to focus on guest needs, wants, and expectations over all the organizational units?

cross-functional structure

Joanna makes a reservation with the front desk of the 5-star Elizabethan Hotel. The Front desk then informs her that the steak house owned by the hotel is also 5-star and has limited reservations left for tonight. She asks Joanna if she would like to make a reservation. This is an example of?


Guest history and ______ are used together to enhance the guest experience by using past experiences to customize future experiences for a guest.

data warehousing applications

______ efforts can identify training needs that might go undetected or misdirected.


What are systems that go beyond gathering or delivering information, but also help make and improve business decisions in real time?

decision support systems (DSS)

Thinking of a job as a role and using scripted behaviors can

decrease the emotional labor expended

A guest's emotional responses have which two elements of interest to hospitality organizations?

degree of arousal; degree of pleasure

Vision + Skills + Incentives + Resources + Delivery System + Measurement = Unsurpassed Employees = Wow Service = ?

delighted guests

When capacity is the best trade-off for both the guest and the facility, this is called a

design day

A company using a ______ strategy looks for ways to distinguish itself from its competitors.


Fast-food companies shifting to more ethically sourced ingredients such as cage-free eggs are an example of what strategy?


Which of the following issues is LEAST important in managing labor?


______ is the fairness of the decision or outcome.

distributive justice

What operating model helps determine the optimum number of units to be reordered based on inventory levels, projected demand, and various associated costs?

economic order quantity (EOQ)

______ motivates employees to focus their efforts on achieving the organization's goals.

effective leadership

Who can be considered "internal customers" of service organizations?


Employees should be given the chance to advance because

employees appreciate the fact that their organization makes the opportunity avaliable

Empowerment may be less appropriate if

employees have low growth needs

What is an example of employee empowerment in a restaurant?

empowering a server to decide on the best way to resolve a guest issue

If the Hyatt Corporation were to take a stand on terrorism and institute a corporate-wide policy implementing security bag check-in at all hotels and deactivation of all side door key entry after hours; they would be responding based on

environmental assessment

Wall-to-wall training refers to the idea that

everybody throughout the organization receives training.

In a design day capacity for an amusement park, when the capacity is ______, the quality of the experience is ______.

exceeded; diluted

Successfully determining and providing for the key drivers comes about through

extensive planning based on guest feedback

A transformational leader makes jobs fun, fair, interesting, and important.


According to equity theory, we compare what we get out of an endeavor to what we put into it and draw a conclusion as to the fairness of the ratio independent of external standards of comparison.


Career paths should be visible only to upper management who will make decisions about which employees to encourage.


Competency measures are the only tool needed in the selection process.


Computer simulations are often too expensive and therefore not available to smaller hospitality organizations.


Control poka-yokes occur before an error is made.


Core values are not part of the mission statement.


Data analytics guarantees helping and organization both find and improve business success and guest experiences.


Eco-Innovations reduce the impact on the environment but often lead to less customer satisfaction because the inconvenience and difficulty in implementation.


Effective hospitality organizations anticipate the report of a problem to assess their service product.


Employers should improvise questions when asking guests about their experience because guests are always motivated to tell the whole truth.


Empowerment is especially advisable if the business environment is highly predictable.


Functional congruence refers to how well something with an environmental purpose fits into the service setting.


Guests have less contact with service personnel than the organization's own supervisors do.


Hospitality organizations should adopt the newest technologies as quickly as possible.


Hospitality service providers should only be trained in the skills necessary to deliver the service expected.


Hotels and restaurants consistently make up much of the Top 100 Best Companies to Work for List.


If any change is forecast, an organization should reinvent itself and learn new core competencies.


In waiting line discussions, phase means average length of time spent in line.


Information embedded in the service environment does not enhance or detract from the customer's service experience.


Measuring what guests think about a guest experience is easy for an experienced organization.


Past performance is always a great measure of future performance.


Promoting good customer service employees is smart because they make the best supervisors and finding their replacement is easier.


Proper training of employees is not one of the ways in which an organization can prevent service failures before they occur.


Putting money and effort into service recovery is good public relations, even if it is not good business.


Regardless of whether or not the data is good or bad, all information is important to use in making managerial decisions.


Service naturals make up 25% of the population of available workforce.


Service standards should be established at the end of the planning process.


Since "service naturals" are rare in the labor pool, effective hospitality organizations place candidates who are outstanding technically but have no service skills into support positions.


Student recruiting is a major strategy in hospitality because the industry tends to want mature employees who have "been around the block a time or two."


The activities below the line of guest interaction is where customer's decide the value of the service experience.


The amount of control over the quality, value, risk, or efficiency of the experience that guests think they acquire by participating is more important than the actual degree of control in determining the value of guest participation.


The average company spends an average of $8,000 on training per employee.


The benefit of having guests participate in the service experience always outweighs the costs.


The best time for a telephone survey is dinner time on Friday night because families are most apt to be home.


The best way to measure the effectiveness of training is also the cheapest: participant feedback.


The design day and the capacity day are both concepts used by organizations to predict guest demand.


The five key areas in which action plans should be established are Management, Sales, Capacity Utilization, Finance, and Marketing.


The front and back of the house operations do not need to communicate that much in hospitality and service organizations because they are independent of one another.


The good organizations pick one primary method for measuring quality.


The guest experience usually has only one moment of truth


The internal assessment allows the organization to identify its opportunities and threats as part of a long-term planning process.


The management performance plan includes the idea that what gets managed gets measured and what gets measured gets done.


The more tangible the service product, the stronger the cultural values, beliefs, and norms must be to ensure that the guest service employee provides the quality and value of guest experience that the guest expects and the organization wants to deliver.


The most common training method is computerized presentations.


The most effective measure of assessing training effectiveness is participant feedback.


The most highly developed applications of guestology can be found in the service-environment area.


The organization draws conclusions about the future, uses the conclusions to make assumptions called strategic plans, and then bases its strategic premises on the strategic plans.


The organization's mission statement will include, at a minimum, the following three elements: what the company does, who they do it for, and how they benefit society.


The outstanding hospitality managers get the data, and then combine it with hunches and their own personal preferences to arrive at a decision.


The outstanding organizations are experienced enough to anticipate all the many different things guests will do, ask for, and expect from them.


The principles of guestology work better for serving guests than they do for serving customers of other kinds.


The sense of belonging or not belonging has little effect on a well-trained, professional hospitality employee.


Theming expands the limits of what the organization can offer in terms of service, setting, and delivery system.


Theming is a way to add variety to the service environment.


There are clear distinctions between the different phases of service delivery.


Today's forecasting tools are powerful enough to sufficiently replace managerial judgment.


Turnover is always a bad thing.


When there is short-term high demand, an organization should add capacity to fix the waits.


A rich environment is best for guests who are ______ with the environment and need to make ______ decisions.


What are the four basic and most commonly used ways to develop a detailed plan for a service delivery system?

fishbone analysis, universal service map, PERT/CPM chart, simulation

Which of the following best exemplifies a folkway?

front desk clerks always referring to guests by their last name

Involving guests in service delivery usually has little if any impact on

front of house cleanliness

GMA stands for

general mental ability

How can co-production improve the guest's perception of the service quality?

guests can tailor the service to their personal tastes and preferences

An organization knows it has met guest expectations when ______.

guests report that their expectations have been met

A cross-functional organization is characterized by

having multiple lines of authority

If an airline determines that food quality is not one of its core competencies, it should

improve the quality until it becomes a core competency

Which of the following is an advantage of a guarantee for the organization?

it pinpoints exactly where the service failed

An advantage of the mail survey is

it provides evidence of the organization's interest in guest opinions.

The ______ the guest interaction is, the more likely you are to ______ the guest, and the job will be ______


A company using a ______ strategy seeks to be the first to move into a market segment to meet an unfulfilled customer need.

market niche

Vegan restaurants are a good example of which strategy?


Which department in an organization creates the expectations guests need to be delivered?


Responsibility for bringing first-time or infrequent guests to the organization usually lies with the ______.

marketing department for making promises about what expectations will be met

The Universal Service Map is typically ______ and built from the ______ perspective.

more complex; guests

The ______ guests served and ______ the service is required, the more likely the service delivery system is less customized for each guest

more, simpler

______ are folkways that go beyond being polite.


Promoting internal employees costs ______ hiring external candidates.

much less than

Security check-ins at airports typically use ______ channel, ______ phase queues

multi; multi

______ are standards of behavior that define how people are expected to act while part of the organization.


Apprenticeships combine coaching with

on the job training

Which of the following is the most common internal training method?

on the job training

The process of integrating a new employee into an organization and its culture is called


Which of the following is the most typical on-the-job training technique?

one on one supervised experiences

When training waitstaff on upselling drinks and desserts, the best measure of training effectiveness is

organizational performance

The assessment of the need for a training program takes place at which three levels?

organizational, task, and individual

Theory X managers assume

people are motivated solely by extrinsic rewards

Dominique Astor, a wealthy widow, visits the Inn at Chelmsford a few times each year. When she arrived this past time, she noticed in her room there was a free complimentary box of her favorite Italian chocolates, and a copy of the paper she reads every morning she stays with them. In addition, she was greeted by name and was given her preferred suite. This is an example of the

personalize driver

What are the three factors of a guest's response to a service setting?

physiological, cognitive, emotional

a guestologist ?

plans for the expectations of a company's targeted customers.

Rewarding desired behaviors is called

positive reinforcement

Organizations can also use guest participation as part of a ______ strategy.

product differentiation

According to Leonard Berry, the most important component of an excellent service strategy is a commitment to


Service standards in hospitality are equivalent to

quality control standards in manufacturing

According to Valoir Borland of the Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center, two important things you can say to an employee are "Thank you" and "That means a lot." These words can help fulfill employees'

recognition needs

A strong culture allows employees to

respond better to the variability in guest expectations

Which of the following would not be considered a ritual?

review of standards of behavior

During training, Disney cast members are taught the four parts of the Disney Mission. In order of importance they are:

safety, courtesy, show, efficiency

An example of a low-cost forecasting technique is

scenario development

A plaque at a hotel front desk that reads "This line is for VIP members only" is an example of a(n)


In general, people generally prefer ______ serpentine, ______ channel queue

single; multi

Jessica goes into an interview for a waitress job. She gets asked a series of questions about being in certain situations. This type of interview would best be described as

situational interview

Which statement best describes another typical guest's perception of waits?

solo waits feel longer than group waits

What are the SMART criteria for goals?

specific, measurable, attainable, result-oriented and time bound

A dissatisfied guest can do any of the following. From the organization's perspective, which is WORSE?

spread negative word of mouth

Which of the followingenvironmental features does not contribute to the guest's feeling of safety?

tall hedges

What is information overload?

tendency of an information system to produce and transmit too much data

The process of capturing large bodies of information gathered through textual sources for use in business intelligence and research is

text analytics

The text talks about key drivers of two kinds

the basics and the wows

Employee empowerment is more effective or appropriate if

the company offers personalized service

Interactional justice refers to

the customer's feeling of being treated with respect and courtesy and given the opportunity to express the complaint fully

Forecasting techniques are based on the idea that

the future is related somehow to the past.

The "REAL BOSS" in the service delivery experience is

the guest

The best evaluators are

the guests

A poor illustration of a single-channel, single-phase queue would be

the security gate line at the airport

the term servicescape refers to?

the service setting or environment

An acceptable reason for seeking external candidates for a job is

the skill set required by the position is not available internally

To determine how to accommodate the inevitable lines, planners should consider

the way the time spent waiting feels to the guest

How does training relate to employee development?

training focuses on overcoming deficiencies they have in performing their current job

The five keys to implementing an effective empowerment program are

training, willingness, measurement, incentives and managerial buy in

A "wow" can be built into any part of the guest experience.


A child being left unsupervised and pulling all the levers of the frozen yogurt on purpose spilling it all over the floor is probably a need for an abrupt firing.


A fishbone diagram is a form of a cause-and-effect analysis often used to make major changes to a delivery system.


A fishbone diagram is used to concentrate on problem areas to make significant changes to the delivery system.


A function of the service environment is to set and maintain the mood.


A guest's body language can indicate a service failure.


A guest's emotional state can have great impact on how long the wait feels to that guest.


A hospitality organization's norms of appearance and standards of personal grooming are influenced by guest expectations.


A large challenge of line employees assessing guest experiences is that all employees must feel safe in reporting the errors they caused.


A modeling decision might be appropriate at a hotel in a high crime area to ensure that side doors automatically lock at a specific time.


A process strategy is a means of comparing what is happening against what is supposed to happen.


A service failure is a great opportunity for the organization.


A symbol is a physical object that communicates an unspoken message about an organization's culture.


A universal service map is a variant or a more elaborate version of a blueprint.


When training waitstaff on memorizing the menu and specials, the best measure of training effectiveness is

content mastery

How can service organizations help guests cope with information overload?

create sensory cues that prime subconscious memory

Imitation by competitors is a downside of which strategy?


The PERT/CPM planning technique is most useful for visualizing and illustrating everyday operations of an organization, but not for one-time projects.


The actual waiting time is more important to guests than their perception of waiting time.


The advantage of process strategies is that they can catch the service error right after it occurs and can immediately take action so it does not affect the next guest.


The comment cards returned to a restaurant are particularly valuable because they represent a true random sample.


The selection decision will come down to which to factors?

how choosy the company can be and how well employees performance can be predicted

Culture helps an organization's members deal with which issue that all organizations must resolve?

how the organization's members should relate to one another

Functional congruence in the environment refers to

how well something with a functional purpose fits in the environment in which it serves that purpose

Which is a great way for organizations to minimize the negatives for employees in high pressure positions?

increase their responsibilities

What helps communicate the quality and value of the service experience as well as guide the guest's perception of their experience?

informational cues

What helps employees serve guests more efficiently and effectively by assisting in the communication?

integrated information systems

Types of psychological tests that can be used during selection process are

integrity tests

The lock on a hotel door is fixed by John the Facilities Engineer at the request of Mary the Front Desk Manager prior to a guest arriving. In the system design process this would belong to which part of the flowchart?

support process

The most efficient signs in tourist destinations are in


A particular challenge of the hospitality industry is

teaching people how to perform repetitive jobs with consistent quality and enthusiasm

On which of the following levels does needs assessment not take place?


"Rich and lean" pertains to which aspect of the environment?

the amount of information

The "gaps" in the statement "Culture fills the gaps" refer to gaps in

the company manual or rulebook

The quality of the guest-service is defined as?

the difference between what the guest expected and what the guest actually got

Guests are NOT motivated to participate in co-producing their own experience when

the experience is not worth more than the cost

In the hospitality field, quality and value can only be defined by ______.

the guest

What is the service-profit chain?

the impact of managerial and organizational practices on employee attitudes, customer satisfaction and profitability

Training is important to hospitality organizations because

the individual hospitality employee can make or break the organizations relationship with its guest

The first screen typically used in deciding who to hire is

the information on the application form

The likelihood of employees doing whatever they can to create and sustain service excellence is increased by

the more members believe in it

Management by walking around and a commitment to cleanliness by managers not afraid to clean is a great example to employees about their willingness to ensure quality service, thus setting the example for a strong organizational culture.


Because they are often lonely, bored, and looking for contact with others, older retired people often make excellent hospitality employees.


Calling guests after the service experience and asking their opinion actually adds to the service experience itself.


Combining POS and CRM systems can act as a strong support for strategic decision making within service and hospitality organizations.


Many hotels require general managers to have a full range of experience throughout many departments before being eligible for promotion.


Mathematically determining the relationship between the service provider's capacity and the average waiting time for the guest can allow the organization to find the ideal balance between the two.


Most guests are willing to give feedback to servers about the quality of the service being provided.


New technologies aim to give guests more of what they want, need, and expect from a service organization.


Not giving employees opportunities to grow means that the hospitality organization itself may not grow either.


Comment cards the easiest and cheapest form of data collection and allow for managers to analyze the data and fix service delivery service problems.


Employees make the difference between providing a service product and co-creating one with the emotional connection necessary to create the "wow" experience. Otherwise, more pieces of the experience would be co-created using AI or other technology.


Employees should be encouraged and even rewarded for soliciting and reporting service failures even if they are their own failure.


Ethical Leadership is driven by a respect for ethical beliefs, dignity, and rights of others.


Every guest responds differently to the servicescape.


Every hospitality manager should understand this basic principle: Rewarded behavior tends to be repeated; unrewarded behavior tends not to be repeated.


Folkways are the habitual ways in which organizational members act or think, without reflecting on them.


For senior positions, one way to ensure diverse thinking in your organization is to hire away your competitor's top performing talent.


Forecasting demand for businesses both in the short- and long-term future can used to implement proactive strategies to respond to that demand.


Generally speaking, the parts of the guest experience that are not measured are typically unmanaged.


Guests can be allowed or encouraged to co-produce their own experiences if they have the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities.


Hiring college students who will accept line positions is difficult because of the large debt incurred while being educated, but those who are committed to the industry will stand out.


Hiring people who have the same attitude, knowledge, abilities, skills, and personality as your top performers is actually a type of benchmarking.


Hospitality organizations should not admit liability for unfortunate, unavoidable occurrences that are not its fault, but they should do everything in their power to rectify such situations.


If a customer has just had a comfortable and predictable wait, followed by a subsequent wait that is unpredictable and stressful, the second wait will seem longer than if a well-managed wait had not just occurred.


If a guest is incapable of co-production, it is best to quietly help them so they can keep their dignity.


If a server recovers successfully from a system failure, the manager should be informed, even if the guest's problem was resolved.


If an organization's culture is strong, it becomes another core competency.


If the cost of failure to the guest is high, fixing the problem quickly is especially important.


If the people in a line are a more select clientele with identifiable features, variability in treatment of the waiting guests may be necessary to ensure that the quality of the entire experience meets the guest expectations.


Individual recognition is more effective in some cultures than others.


Information can also be considered part of the service product.


It is a good leader who ensures that all employees understand that each and every employee's job has value.


It is important to motivate employees to give the opportunity to perform "wow" moments in ways that do not jeopardize the quality and consistency of the service product.


It is much easier to listen to and connect to a story than sit in a formal classroom training on employee culture.


Just like guests having moments of truth where they decide to come back to an establishment, employees have moments of truth where they decide to continue working for managers.


Key drivers can be divided into two categories: basic things that the guests expect and the characteristics and qualities that make the experience memorable.


Knowing what errors are being made is a key to providing excellent service.


Leaders must care about what they do, say, and write to ensure the messages they send are what is intended and explicit.


Leadership makes the difference between success and failure in today's hospitality organizations.


Letting guests participate can build guest commitment and repeat business.


Maintaining the guest mood is best done by maintaining the consistency between what the guest expects to see and what they actually see.


All action plans in the strategic planning process require funds. Therefore, a plan needs to be put in place to strategically use those funds.


Benchmark organizations discover which of their competencies guests consider to be core, then focus on bringing their other areas up to that standard.


Co-production usually increases the time required for service.


Internal customers are customers who are patronizing the business.


Most hospitality organizations can maintain sufficient inventory of the service products they sell.


Predicting the economic impact of a new technology on the hospitality industry is a fairly simple challenge for qualified researchers.


Student recruiting is a major strategy in hospitality because the industry tends to want mature employees who have "been around the block a time or two."


The Internet has fully replaced traditional ways that companies and job seekers find each other.


The normal sequence would be for training to be soon followed by needs assessment follow-up.


The service experience is based on the total experiences with a service provider not each experience independently.


Yellow and black flags is a system designed for airlines to notice possible service failures and to assign them yellow for caution, possible failure, and black for eminent failure.


service quality is equal to the service value divided by all costs incurred by the guest


Which of the following best describes how the placement of facilities within a restaurant affects the character of the guest experience?

Guests at a fine dining restaurant need at least four feet of space between tables, while casual dining guests accept two or three feet of space

Hospitality organizationshave used the concept of theming to

add value to the guest experience and enhance it

Which of the following is a disadvantage of co-production for the organization?

additional cost to train customer contact employees

Event planners often keep the temperature cool in large meeting spaces so that guests remain more awake and alert. What environmental component does this best demonstrate?

ambient conditions

Which of the following is a training program that combines on-the-job training with related one-on-one instruction?


Research suggests that most of the guests who complain

are dissatisfied with the organization's efforts to resolve the complaint

McDonald's specially designed Happy Meal box is an example of a(n)


Which of the following is a drawback of creating a competency-based profile?

as competencies change so must the profile

The best time to find out about service failures is

as soon after happen as possible

When hiring employees, most hospitality organizations would say that

attitude is more important than skill

The zones of acceptance directives fall into are

clearly acceptable, clearly unacceptable, and questionable

An excellent service strategy has three characteristics: quality, value, and service.


An excellent service strategy will emphasize providing value to guests above all; not far behind will be an emphasis on providing quality.


An information-rich environment is preferable when guests need to make many decisions.


Artificial Intelligence is a relatively new and innovative technology, but is not something that can be utilized within service and hospitality organizations.


At Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide, during training they stress being "on point."


Authority is the quality that good managers have that causes employees to accept their orders.


Because decision makers have been out of school the longest, they are typically the ones who are most uncomfortable and unfamiliar with new technology.


Because you never know how many guests will show up or when they will show up, the wait can't really be "managed."


Beliefs, values, and norms are important even though they are not part of the organization's culture.


Businesses that pay attention to environmental details show employees that they care about guest's satisfaction and service quality, but not necessarily their own employee satisfaction.


Coaching is considered a form of external training.


Companies can maximize the value of tuition reimbursement by only reimbursing courses related to the employee's existing job.


Culture is dynamic and constantly changing, unless an organization is centuries old.


Employees are fairly homogenous, which makes leadership easier because they respond in similar ways.


Everything the organizational leadership says and does should be consistent with the organization's subcultures.


George Tilyou's idea of co-production at Steeplechase Park was never to embarrass any guests in front of other guests.


Guests are typically very curious about which part of the service system failed when they are not satisfied.


Hospitality organizations can rely on highly paid, experienced, and well-trained sales representatives to represent the company.


Hotel Roberto will be the highest guest rated, state-of-the-art, 5-star, boutique hotel in the Nashville area is an example of a mission statement.


If a hospitality organization's culture is strong enough, guests will not be able to affect its cultural norms.


If firing a guest becomes necessary, a subtle firing is always better than an abrupt firing.


If guests co-produce their own experiences, they take more ownership of service failures.


In a perfect world, the flow of guests meets the supply of service exactly causing only short waits.


Information embedded in the service environment should be hidden from customers.


Intangible costs, such as the time spent by a customer at a restaurant, are not part of the cost and value equation.


Interactional justice seems to be the most influential.


It is against the law to discriminate against someone based on their looks thus norms of appearance are not enforceable.


It is important to share as much information with employees and guests as possible, even if it is not particularly important to them.


It is the basic experiences like cooking a steak correctly every time you go to a particular restaurant that compel guests to return again and again.


Just as customers define the quality and value of the guest experience, so do managers define the quality and value of the employment relationship.


Knowing what has failed not what has gone right is what is needed to reassess service.


MBWA stands for Management Being Watchful Always.


Managers must ensure their organizational culture is not affected by the national culture in which their organization is embedded.


Managers often spend too much time over-emphasizing the qualitative data and not enough time on the quantitative data.


Most guests fill out a comment card before leaving the service location.


Mystery shoppers are always trained observers who sporadically sample the service and its delivery.


Mystery shoppers are inexpensive and a useful tool.


No matter how the recovery is handled, the original failure is always more important to the company.


On-the-job training generally works by having two new employees work together to learn the job.


Once employees have been trained, hospitality managers need not spend time and energy on reminding their existing employees of the cultural values.


One employee at one moment of truth cannot possibly destroy a guest's perception of an entire hospitality organization.


Organizations should not encourage complaints, but once they receive them treat them as opportunities to improve service.


Part-time and temporary employees are typically good candidates for empowerment because the decisions they make are not felt by the organization after they leave.


People in open-culture organizations need more time to adapt to changes in customer expectations.


Placing the quality assurance function in the hands of a line-level employee is more appropriate than management because they are on the front line of service.


Planning always starts with the employees.


Quality planning, monitoring, and management are the three processes included in the Juran Trilogy.


Quick-serve restaurants benefit from allowing co-production both in front of the counter and behind the counter.


Rewarding the wrong behavior is worse than not rewarding the right behavior.


Selecting the right person for a particular job should begin by first looking at the applicants, then looking at the job.


Servers should be given the comment cards that have negative comments about their performance.


Since a lot of time and money is spent hiring the employee, it is best to ask a top-performer to use on-the-job training as the method to introduce them to the culture.


Structured guest interviews are very detailed, offer excellent numerical data, and are relatively cheap.


Successful managers must have two skills or qualities: management ability and a service orientation.


Synthesizing large amounts of data to search for useful information through data analytics is often cheap or free with services offered today.


Alyssa was just promoted from being a front desk agent to being the front desk supervisor. She is nervous about the increased level of decision-making authority because she wants to make sure she lives up to the standards of the organization and position. Which key to implementing an empowerment program is this referring to?


What does poka-yoke mean in English?

mistake proofing

Which design-day decision would tend to create the longest lines?

10 percent

If a guest complaint is resolved on the spot, the probability of getting future business from that guest is said to be about

95 percent

A critical incident is either positive or negative, while a moment of truth refers to a positive memorable experience that wows the guest.


A higher GMA does not affect the employees' capability to perform better.


If time and money permit, which strategy for dealing with large crowds of guests is preferable?

add capacity

Which of the following is a group coupon site used by guests to save money, but also serves as a guest-generated marketing tool for organizations?


Miguel is working for the hotel. He normally works the front desk, but his job today is to simply walk around the hotel concentrating on the lobby asking hotel guests how their stay is. Another term for this persons job function on this day is?

Lobby Lizard

Which evaluation technique is more apt to reveal to organizational management in a timely manner that a server has given some guests permission to smoke in a no-smoking section?


Before offering incentives that can help satisfy needs such as achievement and growth, companies must ensure that employees' economic needs are met.


Changing a hotel to simulate the experience a guest would have had in the 1920s could be considered theming


Disney's DECS is a system that controls and times each float's lights and sounds with hidden amplifiers to ensure each guests enjoys the same light and sounds show as others along the parade route?


Even if people perceive a given servicescape similarly, they may have different reactions to it.


Every aspect of the service environment should be managed; nothing should be left to chance.


Excess random information will quickly overtax the capacity of the guest's mind to comprehend the environment, leading to frustration or confusion.


Giving the executive chef a big office can affect the overall organizational culture.


Guest experience= service setting + service delivery system + service product


Hospitality employees respond best to managerial strategies different from those to which manufacturing employees respond.


Hospitality organizations try to hire people who are able to handle the stress of providing service, especially when a service failure occurs.


In the hospitality industry, the people part of the delivery system is the more important component.


Many companies use themes to create a feeling that guests are in an alternate place and time.


Many young people avoid the hospitality industry because they think most jobs are suitable only for "burger flippers."


Older employees often bring an enthusiasm for helping and interacting with guests to hospitality organizations.


One element crucial to the success of structured interviews is prior training of the interviewers in how to conduct interviews and evaluate candidates.


One importance of the service environment is that it influences guest expectations even before the service is delivered.


One of the top ten guest complaints listed by Leonard Berry is inadequate communication after problems arise.


Self-service technology versus a service experience accompanied by a human requires more focus on spatial design clarity and layout.


The final step in the service strategy is to figure out how the service delivery system makes the service product available to the guest.


The most commonly used training technique in the hospitality industry is the one-on-one, learning-by-doing strategy.


The organization should try to maintain a good relationship with all job applicants—both the successful and the unsuccessful.


The organizational employees and units that serve each other and depend on each other can be accurately considered as internal customers.


The service delivery system frequently has a human part and an inanimate, physical part.


The very plans that make a company competitive under one set of circumstances can make it uncompetitive if the management does not pay attention and react to changes in the marketplace.


What may create a wow experience for guests on a first visit may be only as expected the next time


one of the top ten guest complaints listed by leonard berry is employees who text instead of paying attention to the customer or chat with each other while the customer waits


Disney's attention to detail regrading all aspects of the service environment can be considered

a competition advantage

Poka-yokes are

a proactive/preventive strategy for service mistakes

At a hotel, long lines pile up at check-in and check-out each day. What is the best strategy for handling those lines?

add capacity

Alberto's New York Sirloin, ordered medium, was brought out overcooked. Unfortunately, this meant he would have to wait for another steak to be cooked and they had tickets to a play. The staff promised they could get the steak out quickly, but when the new steak came out it was extremely rare. The service recovery plan was to simply not charge Alberto for his meal that he never ate. However, they still charged him for his 2 cocktails. This type of justice is


The employees who interact with dissatisfied guests must be

emotionally ready to deal with them

The challenge of hospitality is best explained as ______.

ensuring that employees always offer the high level of service the guest wants and expects every time, perfectly

The ______ assessment leads to the generation of strategic premises about the future environment, while the ______ assessment leads to a redefinition or reaffirmation of organizational core competencies.


Surface acting involves the changing of

facial expressions

What are the three most common critical incidents during service encounters, which cause customers to switch to other services?

failures in the service itself, negative employee actions, and unsatisfactory employee response to service failures

"Hire for attitude and values; train for skills" doesn't make much sense in the hospitality industry since it is service skills that lead to guest satisfaction.


"The wait" is difficult to model and study with computerized simulation techniques because of differing guest opinions about an appropriate wait length.


"Walking the front" means the servers watch the guest experience first-hand.


A Pareto analysis is often utilized in the PERT/CPM planning technique.


A guest who is more engaged creates a better quality product than if the organization created it for them.


A hotel with too little capacity is typically overbooked and has to bump guests to other hotels. This is why there is no such thing as a hotel with too much capacity.


A major advantage of mystery shoppers is the relatively large sample on which reports are based.


A properly designed and administered structured interview includes probing questions designed to encourage job candidates to tell something about themselves and why they are interested in the job and qualified for it.


A service guarantee is an internal goal of service set for employees and not communicated to the guest.


According to the authority-acceptance theory, whether a directive has authority or not is determined by the person in authority.


All five levels of needs are equally fundamental.


An example of finding a special niche would be to target a market by lowering the cost of the service product.


The complaint process should be complex and possibly a little difficult to use because there are different types of justice people seek and even more types of service failures that could occur, and each is perceived differently by guests.


The employee who provides the guest experience need only be well trained to meet the guest's quality and value expectations and to do so consistently.


The line of visibility is best described as the difference between what the guest does and what the employee does as part of the service experience.


The most important influence on a successful hospitality organization's culture is the front-line employees.


The organization can influence the guest's reaction to the wait before service begins and during service, but not after service.


The second step in staffing is finding the right people for the right job.


Training can be worthwhile even if it does not contribute to overall organizational effectiveness in some tangible way.


Understanding and appreciating that guests, their expectations, and their capabilities are varied means that truly guest-focused organizations must hone in on their specific target markets.


Waits of certain length feel longer than waits of uncertain length.


What matters to guests is to receive a fair settlement for a service failure, even if the organization makes the settlement reluctantly.


When any manager ignores an employee action that impacts the "show" or guest experience, this does not affect other employees.


When guests make mistakes themselves like trip over their own feet and fall, it is best to make light of the incident and have a good laugh with them to diffuse the situation.


While waiting in line at a busy pizza restaurant it is a bad idea to offer free mini-slices beause it will make the wait feel longer since you have now whet their appetite.


Working in teams can satisfy growth and achievement needs, but not economic needs.


You can anticipate, train, and prepare for every possible problem, outcome, or customer request.


You can figure out what factors in the service product, the environment, and the delivery system are the key drivers to guest satisfaction and intent to return by putting yourself in the guests' shoes and determining what you think is most important.


Younger employees and baby boomers have the same recognition needs.


guests usually accept the organizations definition of its service product


service quality is most reliably defined by managers, auditors, and rating organizations.


the tangible part of a service experience is called the service package


true service interactions must be face to face


On-boarding is

getting the new employee started in a new company.

What is the biggest challenge when attempting to implement and utilize information systems to enhance the customer service experience?

getting the right information to the right person in an appropriate format and at the appropriate time

How can co-production reduce a customer's perceived or actual wait time?

giving the guest something to do while waiting makes the wait feel shorter

who defines the quality and value of the hospitality experience?


The design-day concept is based on the idea that

guest demand is uncertain

The purpose of all the various selection devices is to

help companies hire the kind of employees who can make the company's service experience truly stand out

Chelsea was at the front desk of the Royal Palms Hotel, where she was asked at the end of her stay if her experience was enjoyable. She then complained about the bathroom not being quite up to standard as she walked in. However, when she complained the agent just dismissed her complaint and said, I'm sorry, we will look into that. This is an example of a poor response using ______ justice.


Hospitality organizations like to promote from within for all but which of the following reasons?

internal candidates tend to be service naturals

Hospitality employees are different from manufacturing employees; in addition to task skills, they must have

interpersonal and problem-solving skills

How the recovery is handled

is more important to the guest than the original failure.

Which of the following summarizes the factors involving hiring the best applicant?

is there a good fit between the person and the work environment?

guestology is different than traditional management thinking because

it focuses on looking at the guest experience systematically from the guests point of view

Training people in "the big picture" accomplishes which goal?

it helps employees see how their jobs relate to overall organizational goals

Training people in "the big picture" accomplishes which goal?

it helps employees see how their jobs related to overall organizational goals

Which of the following is the most serious disadvantage of guest co-production for the organization?

it increases legal risk

A primary advantage of management observation for measuring service quality is

it is simple and inexpensive

An organization's culture can serve as a competitive advantage if

it is unique, it has value to its members, and it cannot be easily copied by others

The process of identifying the required competencies for a job is called the

job analysis

A properly designed and administered structured interview ensures that the questions are

job related

An unhappy customer can do any one or a combination of which four things?

leave never to return, complaint, retaliate, and bad-mouth the organization

What is one of the major concerns regarding the increasing use of technology in service and hospitality organizations, especially regarding customer information?

maintaining proper security and protection of collected data

Guests who ______ become potent assistants to the managers in monitoring, reinforcing, and shaping employee behavior.

make their expectations plain

The goal setting process MBO stands for

management by objectives

Elizabeth is at an amusement park with her eight grandchildren ages 1 1/2 to 13. She rented a specific cabana by their favorite water park ride and the locker rooms for ease of access to the changing station. Unfortunately, an employee rented out that cabana to another guest who showed up that day. The only other cabana was away from the locker rooms, but offered more shade. Elizabeth was not happy. Later that day, as the children were eating lunch in the cabana a squirrel aggravated a bee's nest right next to the cabana, and Elizabeth and all her grandchildren were stung multiple times. Which of the following would be an equitable recovery strategy for this service failure?

no charge and a refund for that day, no cabana charge that day, free ice cream for the kids on the way out, free VIP tickets with fast passes for another day at the park, free cabana rental, 5 free games per child and passes to see the characters, and more

Which of the following statements is inaccurate in defining culture?

no culture can be easily copied by others

Folkways and mores are examples of


Job performance standards are

performance expectations for each major duty associated with employees jobs

One problem that occurs after successful training is the stealing of employees by competitors called


What type of technological systems assist in the communication and proper sequencing between front and back of the house service employees?

point of sale (POS)

Which of the following financial incentives or rewards are customer determined?

pooled tips

Theme parks allow guests to choose which rides to go on for the day. In determining the selection of rides, theme parks ensure each ride is up to safety standards so as not to put the guest at risk. This type of co-production enhances _____ for the guest.

preceived control

Which type of statistics is used by guestologists to identify how organizations can respond to guests needs, wants, capabilities, and expectations?


If an employee believes the HR department did not act impartial in handling her harassment claim, this a failure of ______.

procedural justice

_____ is the fairness of how the decision making was handled or administered.

procedural justice

Which of the following are the four dimensions of justice?

procedural, interactional, distributive and informational

The two desirable organizational outcomes of the goal setting process are

producing a logical and complete plan and adding value to the organizations ability to achieve its mission

The purpose of employee empowerment is to

provide a mechanism by which responsibility for job related decisions is vested in either individuals or in work teams

Regardless of strategy, the best way to maintain success is

provide better quality and value than your competitors

Focus groups are very helpful in

providing qualitative information that might otherwise be unavailable.

SERVQUAL measures the way customers perceive the quality of the service experiences in which five categories?

reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles

Which three supplier types should be examined in an environmental forecast?

resources, labor and capital

Juan owns one of the busiest restaurants in the city. He actually uses a food truck to test out all his new recipes prior to implementing them in the restaurant. He makes small portions and offers them at a significant lower price as long as they fill out a simple comment card about the quality of the menu item. This is an example of a

restaurant incubator

The hedonic treadmill is the tendency of people to

return to a relatively stable level of happiness despite positive or negative events or life change

A poor illustration of a multi-channel, single-phase queue would be

security screening at the airport

Which of the following is an example of how information about the services offered is part of the service environment?

seeing displayed awards and reviews a restaurant has received

What is a system in which either employees or the system itself can override the normal delivery system to fix guest problems when it fails?

self-healing system

Jon the Bartender couldn't get through to management about some of the service issues he was facing, so one morning before the restaurant opened he brought in a bunch of his acting friends to show management some of the problems he has noticed in the service delivery system. This exhibition is a type of ______.


Another way of transmitting cultural beliefs, values, and norms are

stories, legends, and heroes

Which statement best describes the typical guest's response to waiting?

the more value the guest expects to receive from the service, the more patiently the guest will wait

When assessing future hospitality work, which statement is the most likely or accurate?

the next generation of employees will be more diverse than the current generation

The major responsibility for fulfilling the expectations created by the marketing department and by the past experiences of repeat guests lies with?

the operations side of the organization

Capacity day is the maximum number of guests allowed in a service facility at any one time set by

the organization or law

The vision statement articulates

the organization's hopes for the future

the value of a guest experience is equal to

the quality of the experience divided by the costs of all kinds

Which of the following is a major advantage of mystery shoppers?

they observe and report on service delivery from up close.

What role do supervisors and mid-level managers generally take in shaping organizational culture?

they translate and uphold the top manager's cultural values and beliefs

A guest failure is a great opportunity for the organization.


A key advantage of non-cash awards is that they often create a lasting memory of the experience for the employee that is more cost effective than cash awards.


A nation's cultural beliefs affect company culture when the two are in conflict. For example, the American custom of working through lunch would not be tolerated in Europe.


According to Len Berry, guests judge the overall quality of service on these factors: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles.


Allowing hotel guests to make restaurant reservations by touch-screen television is an example of co-production.


An organization's strategy cannot succeed without a supporting culture.


Any waiting-line model must include the number of guests arriving and how long it takes to serve guests.


Architectural design choices have little impact on organizational culture.


Because of rapid changes in the finance field, positions in that area within hospitality organizations are apt to be filled from the outside.


Because people join groups to satisfy needs, they will support an organization that helps them satisfy those needs.


One example of an unintended consequence of empowerment is when the host of a restaurant seats four tables in the same section at the same time, overloading a specific server and not sharing the potential gratuities with other servers.


One of the easiest ways to assess how the environment influences the guest expectations is the rest room test, which shows how much cleanliness is made a priority.


One strategy to invite guests to participate is to let the organization's market segment know that everyone entering the service setting must provide some of the service themselves.


One way successfully utilized information systems can help service organizations make the delivery of the guest experience's more effective is by allowing organizations to customize their guest's experiences.


Only walking around allows hospitality managers to see whether the quality of guest experiences is up to standard.


Organizations can benefit from thinking of their customers as employees.


Ownership in company stock can help employees feel more invested in the company's success.


Poka-yokes were developed by the Japanese quality improvement expert, Shigeo Shingo.


Providing information to the guest is in itself a service that is often just as important as the primary service that the organization provides.


Quality as perceived by the guest will be affected by changes in either guest expectations or organizational performance.


Research has shown that setting specific and challenging goals leads to higher performance levels than expressing vague goals.


SERVQUAL assesses guest perceptions, not objective reality.


Satisfaction with service recovery efforts decreases as the amount of time it takes to provide a resolution increases.


Self-management through self-measurement is one way in which employees are able compare themselves to performance measures and therefore provide better service to guests.


Service failures can be turned into service wows due to a positive service recovery and eventually those guests could be turned into evangelists.


Service standards can be set by businesses, organizations, associations, or agencies within the industry.


Signs always convey their messages through the use of symbols.


Simply put, service failures are an opportunity for the organization to improve.


Simulation training can be used to prevent failures where the consequences are too great, like a new front desk employee checking in two guests in the same room.


Some guests resent having to co-produce any part of the experience for which they are paying.


Some hotels actually offer an unconditional 100 percent satisfaction guarantee.


The Juran Trilogy reminds us that knowing the needs, wants, expectations, capabilities, and behaviors of targeted guests are the starting point of a delivery system.


The example of the Hot Dog Stand blueprint is incomplete because it does not factor in what happens prior to the guests ordering the hot dog.


The feeling of how long something takes is as important to the guest as how long it actually takes.


The more a job deals with ambiguous and uncertain situations, the more information is needed to provide quality service product.


The single-channel, multi-phase queue is essentially two or more single-channel, single-phase queues in sequence.


The stronger the culture, the less reliant the organization needs to be on bureaucratic management controls found in traditional industrial organizations.


The usual determinant of whether to use in-house or external training is cost.


The way in which the leader designs the organizational systems and procedures tells people in the organization what is valued.


There are three types that warning or control poka-yokes can be: contact, fixed values, or motion step.


To try to encourage feedback, some companies offer coupons and prizes.


Training tends to look backward to identify and correct past deficiencies; development tends to look forward to get employees ready for the future.


Wall-to-wall training involves training every employee throughout the organization.


When guests serve themselves, they are usually helping the organization save on its labor costs.


When gusts are on vacation such as a cruise, waiting in line is normal. However, it is important to understand the length of wait times in relationship to each experience. Wait times should be fairly consistent or shorter than the prior wait times.


hospitality organizations try to estimate guest expectations accurately and then meet them


If "firing" a guest becomes necessary, the organization should

try to preserve the guest's dignity

Unhappy customers are ______ as likely to pass on negative comments than happy customers are to pass on positive comments.


When a hotel believes that an employee is happy and content in their current position, they often do not even think about them as promotable since finding their replacement would be difficult. This behavior is called


The first step in understanding how to manage the guest experience is ______.

understanding the guests in the target market

Co-production requires the service delivery system and the service environment to be


the study of guests is important because

your guest defines the value and quality of your service

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