Hour of the Bees Test Review

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What is Serge's diagnosis?


What does each villager want so that they can remain safe while traveling?

Something made from the tree

Describe the conditions at the ranch.

The ranch is large, there is a small house, a couple of sheep, a barn, and it is dry and hot.

What is the real mission of the summer and why is it important?

The real mission was to send Serge to the Seville. It is important because he needed help.

What else does Carolina take from the closet?

The seed

What does Serge's story center around, and why is that important?

The tree. That is important because it shows the importance of the tree.

What starts to happen to the villagers that traveled and why is that important?

The villagers that traveled started dying and it is important because it meant that the magic of the tree wasn't working anymore.

What is the relationship like between Carolina and Alta?

Their relationship was bad at the beginning and good at the end.

Why does Raul burn the barn down?

There were termites in the barn

Why do the villagers take more and more of the tree?

They become greedy of its power and want to use it so they can see more of the world.

When Rosa traveled, what did Serge do?

He slept outside waiting for her

What is Raul's version of the end of the story, and what does it explain?

In Raul's version, Serge refused to take Rosa to the hospital and she died. It explains why Raul and Serge don't have a good relationship.

Where did Carolina and Serge land after the car wreck?

In the lake

What is the description of Raul?

Raul is the father of Caroline and son of Serge. Not much is said about him other than that he and Serge had a horrible relationship. He thought that Serge refused to let Rosa to a hospital and left the ranch for 30 years because of it. He looks like Carolina and hated the ranch like Rosa.

What is important about the sun cakes?

Raul was acknowledging his heritage

Based on Serge's story, describe Rosa's personality.

Rebellious and adventurous and feisty

When Carolina returns to school, what is different about her?

She has a different perception of what is important and herself

What does Carolina pick from the closet to keep, and why does Raul approve of it?

She takes the bracelet and Raul approves of it because she looks so much like Rosa

When Rosa returns from her travels, she captures the imagination of the village by doing what?

She tells them that the bracelet saved her

What is the real reason that Patricia is upset when Alta arrives at the ranch with a new car?

She thinks Gael is spoiling her and that Alta will go places without permission.

Why is Carolina so disappointed with her school clothes?

She thought she looked ugly in them.

Why has Alta been so awful all summer?

She was jealous that Serge always talked to Carol and not her

Why is Carolina uneasy when they arrive at the ranch?

She was uneasy becuase didn't want to go and she was nervous about meeting Serge.

Why is Carolina surprised when her father saves Luis from the rattlesnake?

She's never seen her father like that

What did Serge give to Rosa to protect her during her travels?

A bracelet made from the bark of the tree

What is the description of Alta?

Alta is the half-sister of Carolina and daughter of Patricia, not Raul. She has 2 moods: Moody Alta and Nice Alta. There is another Alta that is later discovered after the car crash. She doesn't feel like she belongs in the family because Carol, Lu, Raul and Patricia seem to have a better relationship without her. She changes later on in the novel when Serge passes away.

Which character calls a sheep a "dramatic bleeder?"


On the mission to find the missing sheep, what does Carolina learn?

Carol learned about Rosa

On moving day, what change is the most obvious in Carolina?

Carolina has grown to love the ranch and wants to know the rest of the story

What is the description of Carolina?

Carolina is the main character of the novel. She is going to 7th grade so is about 12 years of age. The novel is told from her point of view. Her character changes after she changes from the impact of the ranch and how much she grew to love it and Serge. She realizes to not spit on her roots and to love family and that changes her perception of everything greatly.

What is the imagery in Serge's story similar to?

Garden of Eden

Why is measuring time so important to Serge?

He lived in a place where time didn't really exist

What does Serge mean when he asks both Carolina and Raul, "why do you spit on your roots?"

He means why do they turn on their heritage.

What happened to Ines the night before they left for the city?

Ines died

What has the rain at the ranch brought forth in Serge?

It brought forth all the past memories of life at the village

In both the novel and Serge's story, describe Serge's perception of time.

It goes by very slowly

Why is it so important to Carolina that Serge sees the rain?

It is so important because he was always talking about the drought and how the bees would bring back the rain and she wanted him to see the end of the drought.

Why is the process of cleaning out Rosa's closet important?

It shows how they are moving out of the house and letting go of Rosa.

What is the description of Patricia?

Not much is said about Patricia. She is the mother of Carol and Lu and the wife of Raul. Her and Alta do not have the healthiest relationship because Alta lives with her ex, Gael, and always brings it up.

What is the real ending to Serge's story?

Rosa refused to go to the hospital and died at the ranch.

What is the biggest difference between Rosa and Serge in the story?

Serge always wanted to stay in and Rosa always wanted to go.

Describe the relationship between Serge and Raul.

Serge and Raul do not have a good relationship.

What does Serge give Alta, and why is this important?

Serge gives a bracelet that looks like Carol's to Alta. It is important because it shows that even though they aren't related by blood, Serge still cared about Alta.

What is Serge's reaction to the real estate agent and why is that important?

Serge had a tantrum and accused the agent of trespassing. It is important because it show how much he cared about the ranch

What is the description of Serge?

Serge is the grandpa of Carolina and father of Raul. He is the one who tells the story of the tree and the main character in that story other than Rosa. He loves the ranch and basically only talks to Carolina. He has dementia and does not want to move to Seville. He passed away at the end of the novel. He also lived for hundreds of years.

What does Serge associate with both Rosa and Carolina?

The bees

What happened to the lake in Serge's story?

The bees took away the lake

How does the story "begin again?"

The family is going to move onto the land where the village was.

Why is the family going to the ranch?

The family is going to the ranch because Serge's dementia is getting worse and they are trying to move him to Seville and sell the ranch.

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