Human Anatomy Exam 4

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29) Identify the letter that indicates an expanded portion of the ureter.


3) Identify the letter that indicates the curvature where the greater omentum attaches.


30) Identify the letter that indicates the afferent arteriole.


8) Identify the letter that indicates the duct that directs both digestive enzymes and bile to the duodenum.


In what movie did Dr. Frisch see the power (that is low pH) of the gastric juices ? a) Master and Commander b) Sound of Music c) Charlie's Angels d) Mad Max e) Alien


28) Identify the letter that indicates the blood vessels that delineate the cortex from the medulla.


32) Identify the letter that indicates the glomerulus.


4) Identify the letter that indicates the fundus of the stomach.


9) Identify the letter that indicates the duct formed by the union of the right and left hepatic ducts.


27) Identify the letter that indicates the blood vessel that branches from the abdominal aorta carrying oxygenated blood to the kidney.


34) Identify the letter that indicates the region of the nephron with receptors sensitive to antidiuretic hormone (ADH).


39) Identify the letter that indicates blood vessels covered by podocytes


5) Identify the letter that indicates the cystic duct.


23) In mastication, the relative roles of an incisor versus a molar are a) piercing versus tearing. b) chewing versus holding food in the mouth. c) biting off pieces of food versus grinding. d) only incisors function in mastication.

biting off pieces of food versus grinding.

14) Which of the following choices correctly pairs a type of cell in the stomach with its secretion? a) parietal cell; pepsinogen b) chief cell; pepsinogen c) parietal cell; mucus d) enteroendocrine; hydrochloric acid

chief cell; pepsinogen

11) The union of the cystic and common hepatic ducts. a) accessory pancreatic duct b) main pancreatic duct c) hepatopancreatic ampulla d) common bile duct e) bile canaliculi

common bile duct

47) The most superficial layer of the kidney is the a) cortex. b) medulla. c) renal pyramids. d) renal papilla.


59) The most superficial layer of the kidney is the a) cortex. b) medulla. c) renal pyramids. d) renal papilla.


43) Contraction of this muscle forces urine from the bladder. a) cremaster b) detrusor c) diaphragm d) vesicular e) dartos


50) Which of the following processes does not participate in the production of urine in the kidney? a) filtration b) secretion c) evaporation d) resorption


12) Attaches the liver to the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm. a) greater omentum b) lesser omentum c) falciform ligament d) ligamentum teres e) porta hepatis

falciform ligament

40) Knot of capillaries. a) arcuate arteries b) cortical radiate arteries c) glomerulus d) afferent arterioles e) peritubular capillaries


45) Which of the following is not normally found in urine? a) urea b) glucose c) uric acid d) creatinine


63) The most common CT scan is in the ____________. a) head b) neck c) Thorax d) Abdomen e) Uterus


16) To say someone is "tongue-tied" means that the a) lips are exceptionally immobile. b) tongue muscles are weak. c) salivary glands produce little lubricant. d) lingual frenulum is short.

lingual frenulum is short.

41) Region that secretes Renin: a) vasa recta b) collecting duct c) macula densa d) mesangial e) extraglomerular

macula densa

46) Vessels and nerves enter and leave the kidney through the a) fibrous capsule. b) lateral convex surface. c) inferior surface. d) medial hilum.

medial hilum.

58) Vessels and nerves enter and leave the kidney through the a) fibrous capsule. b) lateral convex surface. c) inferior surface. d) medial hilum.

medial hilum.

21) All of the following structures have all four tissue layers in their walls except the a) esophagus. b) mouth. c) stomach. d) sigmoid colon.


13) Layer of the GI tract responsible for peristalsis and segmentation. a) muscularis mucosae b) muscularis externa c) lamina propria d) submucosa e) serosa

muscularis externa

54) In the micturition reflex, the detrusor muscle is stimulated to contract by a) sphincter neurons from the brain. b) sympathetic fibers. c) parasympathetic fibers. d) visceral sensory fibers from the vagus.

parasympathetic fibers.

24) Disease of which structure is the most common cause of tooth loss in adults? a) periodontal ligament b) crown c) enamel d) dentin

periodontal ligament

60) The parts of the nephron whose epithelial cells contain the most mitochondria are the a) renal corpuscle and distal tubule. b) proximal and distal tubules. c) thin segment and glomerular capsule. d) vasa recta and collecting tubules.

proximal and distal tubules.

51) Which of the following would not inhibit micturition? a) stimulation of the somatic motor neurons to the external urethral sphincter b) activation of the sympathetic pathways c) relaxation of the internal urethal sphincter d) relaxation of the detrusor muscles

relaxation of the internal urethal sphincter

55) Urine passes through the a) kidney hilum to the bladder to the ureter. b) renal pelvis to the ureter to the bladder to the urethra. c) glomerulus to the ureter to the nephron. d) hilus to the urethra to the bladder.

renal pelvis to the ureter to the bladder to the urethra.

49) Before it enters the ureter, urine collects in the a) renal sinus. b) renal pelvis. c) renal cortex. d) renal pyramids.

renal pelvis.

42) The descriptive term for the location of the kidneys relative to the abdominal cavity. a) retroperitoneal b) intraperitoneal c) extraabdominal d) supraperitoneal e) subcapsular


20) What is the function of the gallbladder? a) secretion of bile b) production of cholesterol c) secretion of gastrin d) storage of bile

storage of bile

22) The parotid, submandibular and _______ salivary glands are in the oral cavity. a) parietal b) submaxillary c) submarine d) pancreatic e) sublingual


52) An important difference between the peritubular capillaries and the vasa recta in the kidney is that a) only the vasa recta are supplied by efferent arterioles. b) the vasa recta drain into arterioles, whereas the peritubular capillaries drain into venules. c) the vasa recta are involved in filtration, whereas the peritubular capillaries are involved in resorption. d) the vasa recta are in the medulla, whereas the peritubular capillaries are in the cortex.

the vasa recta are in the medulla, whereas the peritubular capillaries are in the cortex.

2) Identify the letter that indicates the region of the stomach that regulates the passage of chyme into the small intestine.


26) Identify the letter that indicates the major calyx.


31) Identify the letter that indicates the vasa recta


35) Just downstream to Bowman's capsule


36) Filtrate at the proximal tubule is:


7) Identify the letter that indicates the duct that carries digestive enzymes from acinar cells in the pancreas.


Media and Television in particular accurately portrays the practice and interpretations of radiology


53) Which of the following statements about the urinary bladder is false? a) In females, the bladder lies posterior to the uterus but anterior to the rectum. b) The ureters attach to the bladder through oblique posterolateral orifices. c) Two ureteral openings and the internal urethral orifice bound the trigone of the bladder. d) When empty, the bladder lies inferior to the abdominal cavity.

In females, the bladder lies posterior to the uterus but anterior to the rectum.

15) Which of the following is not a characteristic of the large intestine? a) It includes the ascending, transverse, and descending colon. b) It contains an abundant bacterial flora. c) It is the main site of nutrient absorption. d) It absorbs much of the water and salts remaining in the wastes.

It is the main site of nutrient absorption.

18) Why are bacteria abundant in the large intestines but not in the stomach? a) Food enters the stomach first and does not spend much time there. b) The intestine is much warmer and moister, encouraging bacterial growth. c) The stomach wall contains so much lymphoid tissue that it destroys all bacteria there. d) Secretions of parietal cells kill bacteria in the stomach.

Secretions of parietal cells kill bacteria in the stomach.

61) Identify three ways to reduce radiation in medical imaging: a) CAT, MRI, CT b) Time, Distance, BMI c) Distance, Shielding, CAT d) CT, Distance, Time e) Time, Distance, Shielding

Time, Distance, Shielding

There is no radiation acquired by the patient with MRI


57) Which gland sits atop each kidney? a) pancreas b) pituitary c) adrenal d) interlobar gland


10) Retroperitoneal organs have a serosa facing the peritoneal cavity and a(n) ________ on the posterior side embedded in the abdominal wall. a) mesothelium b) adventitia c) muscularis externa d) vasa vasorum e) caveolae


56) An increase in the permeability of collecting tubule cells to water is due to a) a decrease in the production of ADH. b) an increase in the production of ADH. c) a decrease in the concentration of solutes in the blood plasma. d) the presence of a salty urine in the bladder.

an increase in the production of ADH.

6) Identify the letter that indicates the hepatic ducts as they exits the porta hepatis.


37) The macula densa is between

A and B

48) How much of the fluid filtered by the kidney actually becomes urine? a) 99% b) 75% c) 10% d) 1%


25) It takes about ___________ for food to go down the esophagus. a) 3 seconds b) 11 seconds c) 22 seconds d) 30 seconds e) almost instantly

11 seconds

17) How many deciduous teeth are there? a) 18 b) 20 c) 32 d) It varies from person to person.


1) Identify the letter that indicates the cardiac region of the stomach.


33) Identify the letter that indicates blood vessels that absorb solutes from the convoluted tubules.


38) Identify the letter that indicates the efferent arteriole.


44) Ladderlike looping blood vessels within the medulla. a) vasa vasorum b) peritubular capillaries c) cortical radiate d) vasa recta e) interlobular

vasa recta

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