Human Nutrition Final Exam

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At what age should a lower-fat diet be introduced to an infant?

2 years old

How many additional calories per day does a lactating women require?

200 calories

Approximately how many calories from snacking make up an average teen's diet? (percent)


How much weight should a woman gain during a normal pregnancy?

25-35 pounds

What are the calorie needs of a pregnant woman?

300 additional in the second and third trimesters

What are the nutritional needs of an infant?

700 cal/day

How does exercise lower a person's risk for CVD and hypertension?

Exercise strengthens your heart, which makes it easier to pump blood to your body

What is the "good" cholesterol?

HDL, helps keep cholesterol from building up in the arteries

Why would a heavier weight increase your risk for CVD?

It increases the stress put on your heart as your heart has to work harder to pump enough blood to your body.

What is the so-called "bad" cholesterol?

LDL, main source of cholesterol buildup and blockage in the arteries

What is happening during a heart attack and stroke?

a blood clot is blocking the flow of blood through a coronary artery

What type of container should this milk be served in?

a cup

What is the number one dietary contributor to developing high blood cholesterol?

a diet high in saturated fat/cholesterol

What is Celiac's disease?

an immune reaction to eating gluten, which causes inflammation that damages the small intestine's lining and prevents nutrient absorption

How do antioxidant and the free radical theory fir into cancer?

antioxidants protect cells from the damage of free radicals and free radicals have been known to cause cancer as they damage cells

Name five diet and lifestyle factors that influence HDL levels in blood.

avoid smoking, physical activity, healthy weight, consume healthy fats, moderate alcohol consumption

List three advantages to using formula rather than breast milk?

eat less, allows for exact measurement, more people can feed the baby

List three disadvantages to using formula rather than breast milk.

expense, lack infection fighting antibodies, cannot duplicate breast milk composition

What physiological factors are taken into consideration in deciding to introduce solids?

extrusion reflex disappears, head and neck control, ability to sit up with support

What is heart burn (GERD)?

gastroesophageal reflux disease; when stomach acid or bile flows back into your food pipe, the back wash of acid irritates the lining of the esophagus

Name three good sources of iron for infants . Name one bad source.

good: breastmilk, cereal, crackers bad: fruit juice

What dietary/lifestyle factors reduce risk for type 2 diabetes?

healthy weight, eat healthy, physical activity, avoid tobacco use, moderate alcohol consumption

What is the leading cause of death for adults in the United States?

heart disease

Name the top ten leading cause of death in the United States

heart disease, cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, stroke, accidents, alzheimer's disease, diabetes, nephritis, influenza/pneumonia, self-harm

Which of the top ten leading causes of death are diet/lifestyle related?

heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes

How does homocysteine influence CVD risk?

high levels are linked to damaged arteries and the formation of blood clots

Why do infant's need higher fat diets prior to this age?

higher fat diets ensure proper growth and development

Should an infant be fed low-iron formula to reduce colic or constipation?

if they are prescribed by a doctor yes

Describe what happens cognitively and physiologically to a young child suffering from iron deficient anemia.

impaired cognition, motor development, and behavioral problems

What is the number one cause of iron deficiency in children?

insufficient iron intake

What mineral is of greatest concern during early childhood?


Name three common factors that increase deficiency of iron in infants

iron deficient mother, low birth weight, blood disorders

Why is it risky to have a low-birth weight baby?

it can cause implication for the baby later on life, such as increase risk for diseases

What happens to BMR during the aging process and why?

it decreases, the body is no longer growing and does not burn calories as quickly

Does breast milk contain adequate iron to support infant growth? Explain.

it does until the baby begins to eat solid foods

What dietary/lifestyle factors increase risk for osteoporosis?

low calcium intake, eating disorders, excessive alcohol consumption, tobacco use, lack of exercise

Name the top three leading causes of cancer death for men, which ones are diet/lifestyle related?

lung cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer; lung cancer

Does the infant need additional vitamins and minerals during breast feeding? if so, which ones?


Should a woman lose weight rapidly during lactation? Explain.

no because it can cause contaminants to be released into the bloodstream which then contaminate the breast milk

At what age is cow's milk acceptable to introduce to a child's diet?

no earlier than 2 years old

Do vitamin and mineral needs change during aging?

no they stay about the same, special attention to viatmin D and vitamin B-12

What dietary/lifestyle factors increase risk for type 2 diabetes?

obesity, lack of exercise

What dietary/lifestyle factors increase risk for hypertension?

obesity, lack of exercise, tobacco use, high sodium diet, excessive alcohol use, stress

With BMI being affected, what disease risk are also increased?

obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease

How does the change in BMR during aging affect BMI?

one needs to balance calories and exercise to maintain a healthy weight and BMI

What dietary factors reduce risk for osteoporosis?

physical activity, adequate calcium intake, consumption of fruits and veggies

What dietary factors reduce risk for hypertension?

physical activity, consumption of fruits and veggies, normal weight

Name five lifestyle/diet risk factors associated with heart disease.

poor diet, high blood pressure, lack of exercise, obesity, and smoking

List five risk factors for having a low-birth weight baby.

preterm labor, low weight gain during pregnancy, smoking, drinking, young age or older age of mom

What are 3-4 vitamins and minerals of concern for pregnant women?

protein, calcium, folate, and iron

List three advantages to breast feeding.

reduces risk of allergies, reduce risk of chronic disease, quicker return to pre-pregnancy weight

At approximately what age should introduction of solid foods begin?

six months

What type of milk should be served to a child?

skim or fat-free

What is a hemorrhoid?

swollen veins in the anal canal

What makes tissues die?

that fact that the heart muscle isn't receiving oxygen kills the tissue

What is the recommended "ideal" time frame for breast feeding an infant?

the first 6 months

What the recommended time frame for supporting an infants nutritional needs for formula?

the first six months

How does tissue death influence mortality?

the longer that artery is blocked, the more tissue damage there is going to be, this means that the heart muscle will not recover fully and could possibly lead to death

How does "weight" influence risk for type 2 diabetes?

the more fatty tissue you have, the more resistant your cells become to insulin

Explain the basics behind cancer.

the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body, it can also occur when cells forget how to die.

What is osteoporosis?

the weakening of bones, occurs when creation of new bone doesn't keep up with the removal of old bone

If tissue death occurs during a heart attack or stroke, and the person survives, how will this affect their lifestyle?

they will need to rehabilitate their heart so that it can be strong again, also they will need to exercise more and eat healthier

Name five lifestyle factors which increase cancer risk.

tobacco use, poor diet, lack of exercise, excessive sun exposure, alcohol abuse

What is type 2 diabetes?

when blood glucose levels rise higher than normal; body doesn't use insulin properly

What is Diverticulosis?

when diverticular (pouches) form in the wall of the colon; can develop into diverticulitis

What is lactose intolerance?

when the body is unable to fully digest the milk sugar lactose in dairy products, generally caused by the lack of lactase

What is hypertension?

when the force of blood against your artery walls is high

Briefly explain gestational diabetes and list three risk factors for getting the condition.

women who have high blood glucose levels during pregnancy that have not had diabetes before hand; older than 25, excess weight, nonwhite race

Can the physical characteristics of a child be easily and safely altered by diet?

yes as long as you choose nutrient dense foods

Can a person have a high total cholesterol level but a lowered disease risk?

yes if the reason their cholesterol level is high is because they have a high level of good cholesterol, which would lower their risk for heart disease

Do calorie needs change during aging?

yes, they decrease

Name three good sources of the mineral lacking in elderly people.

yogurt, dark green leafy veggies, milk

Name the top three leading causes of cancer death for women, which ones are diet/lifestyle related?

breast cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer; lung cancer

What is the basic difference between breast feeding and feeding of formula?

breastfeeding uses human made milk whereas formula is processed cow's milk

What mineral is lacking in the diets of most elderly persons?


What vitamin is fast food particularly lacking?


What should the first solid foods be?

cereal, fruits, and veggies

What harmful substance can easily be passed to the infant during breast feeding?

certain medications and alcohol

Name five diet and lifestyle factors which influence LDL levels in blood.

consumption of trans fat and sat fat, obesity, lack of exercise, smoking

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