Human Resources 460_Midterm

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True or False: Core Self-Evaluation is compromised of extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness.


True or False: Creative problem solving works best for routine problems at work.

False (A analytical problem solving process works best for routine problems.)

True or False: Managers use counseling techniques to help employees improve their performance.

False (Managers typically use coaching techniques to help employees improve performance.)

True or False: Planning is an activity that is typically considered high in Importance and high in Urgency.

False (Planning is considered high in Importance, but low in Urgency.)

True or False: Type A personalities are less likely to experience stress because they tend to be highly resilient.

False (See description of Type A personality on pages 139 -141.)

True or False: Disconfirmation is when an individual feels threatened or attacked as a result of the communication.

False (This is the definition of defensiveness.)

True or False: If you implement a solution to a problem successfully, you do not need to monitor and follow-up on the implementation.

False (Without monitoring and follow-up, you will not know if your implementation has been successful.)

True or False: Terminal values are the desirable standards of conduct for attaining an end or goal.

False (instrumental values=attaining end goal)

True or False: When a listener "mirrors back" to the communicator the message that was heard, this is called probing.

False. (This is the definition of reflecting.)

True or False: A high IQ alone can guarantee success in life and work.

False. (A high IQ alone does not guarantee success in life and work.)

True or False: Culture differences can create different needs for supportive communication

False. The principles of supportive communication are universal.

True or False: Work redesign is considered to be a temporary stress reduction technique.

False. (Work Redesign: Work redesign is an enactive stress management technique.)

How frequently should personal management interviews occur?

Frequency: Once every two-weeks or a month

Possible Reactions to Stress and Life Challenges

Good: Flourishing Under Stress Adequate: Being able to Tolerate Stress Bad: Breaking Under Stress

According to research, having a sense of purpose in life has important consequences such as

Greater (true) happiness More engagement and motivation in life Having more friends and higher quality relationships Health benefits (ie. Better sleep quality, Lower risk of depression, Lower risk of heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer, Increase resistance to cancer and other illnesses, living longer)


(Honesty): say what you think and feel

Principles of Supportive Communication

1) Congruent (honesty) 2) Descriptive (instead of evaluative) 3) Problem-Oriented (instead of person-oriented) 4) Validating 5) Specific 6) Conjunctive 7) Owned 8) Supportive Listening

Conceptual Blocks that inhibit Creative Problem Solving

1) Constancy: defining a problem in one way without considering alternative solutions 2) Commitment: present problems are wrongly downplayed as variations of past problems or ignoring commonalities 3) Compression: Not filtering out unnecessary information or defining boundaries of problem too narrowly. 4) Complacency: unwillingness to ask questions.

Owned vs. Disowned Communication

1) Disowned: "People say you ..." 2) Owned: "I think you ..."

The five core aspects of self-awareness are:

1) Emotional Intelligence - the ability to manage yourself and to build interpersonal relationships 2) Attitudes Toward Change - your orientation or feelings about changes in your life 3) Cognitive Style - the ways you perceive, interpret and respond to information 4) Values - stable, enduring characteristics that help you define your morality and perceptions of what is "good" 5) Core Self-Evaluation - the extent to which you value yourself and your strengths and see yourself as a capable, successful and worthy.

Indicators of congruence

1) Facial expression and body language 2) Tone of voice 3) History of relationship 4) Reputation of the communicator

What are the four dimensions of positive core self-evaluation?

1) High Self-Esteem 2) High Self-Regard 3) Emotional Stability 4) Internal Locus of Control

What are some possible limitations and liabilities to the cognitive "Planning Style"?

1) Intolerant of ambiguity (ie. not open-minded) 2) Frustrated by status quo 3) Stressed by complex problems 4) Difficulty handling illogical issues

What are the Three Types of Cognitive Styles?

1) Knowing Style: types of people who emphasize facts, details, data; focus on logic 2) Planning Style: people who have an action-oriented approach that emphasizes structure, preparation, planning and focuses on rules and procedures 3) Creating Style: emphasize experimentation, non-rational thinking, creativity; focus on brainstorming and spontaneity

Reasons for Complacency:

1) Non-inquisitiveness: Unwillingness to ask questions ´Fear of offending others ´Fear of appearing ignorant ´Fear of making mistake ´Assuming there is a reason for the way everybody is acting 2) Bias against thinking ´Left vs. Right Brain Hemisphere

What are some of the Challenges of Communication in Today's Workplaces?

1) Reliance on technology (email, zoom, website) 2) Less face-to-face communication 3) Electronic communication: Too much information, perhaps with low quality 4) Much more open to interpretation: The Interpretation of information depends on relationships with sender (positive vs. negative) 5) Most individuals don't feel a strong need to improve their communication skills.

What are some possible limitations and liabilities to the cognitive "Creating Style"?

1) Resistant to structure 2) Tend to break rules (want to create their own) 3) May make many mistakes (due to constant exploration of new ideas) 4) Tend to ignore data and facts (even if readily available)

Factors that Contribute to Psychological Resiliency

1) Self-awareness 2) Developing Inner strengths (ie. Calmness and serenity, Hope and optimism, Courage and determination, Spirituality and faith, Forgivenes and remaining Character strengths that we saw in Chapter 1) 3) Meaningful goals and a strong sense of purpose 4) Gratitude 5) Loving and supportive relationships

What are some possible limitations and liabilities to the cognitive "Knowing Style"?

1) Slow to Make Decisions 2) Lack Creativity 3) Resistant to Innovation 4) Intolerant of multiple views

What are the sources of stress?

1) Time Stressors (ie. Deadlines, Work overload) 2) Encounter Stressors (ie. interpersonal conflicts, task conflicts) 3) Situational Stressors (ie. Unfavorable working conditions, Rapid change, Negative life event, Crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic) 4) Anticipatory Stressors (ie. Worrying about future, fear of failure, job insecurity)

Trompenaar's Cultural Value Dimensions include:

1) Universalism vs. Particularism 2) Individualism vs. Collectivism 3) Affective vs. Neutral 4) Specific vs. Diffuse 5) Achievement vs. Ascription 6) Past and Present vs. Future 7) Internal vs. External

Enablers of Meaningfulness in Work

1) Work has important positive impact on other people 2) Work is associated with an important virtue or personal value 3) Work has impact that extends beyond the immediate time frame or creates a ripple effect 4) Work aligns with/reinforces individuals values, strengths and passions 5) Work builds supportive relationships and foster generalized reciprocity

A lack of congruence results in:

1) creating suspicion 2) destroying trust

People who have psychological resiliency are able to:

1. Ability to bounce back from trauma (tensility) or even flourish under stress (post-traumatic growth) 2. Tendency to maintain a determination and motivation over a long period despite experiences with failure and adversity (grit and hardiness).

Possible Outcomes of Unsupportive Criticism:

1. Defensiveness: Energy is spent on defense rather than on listening 2) Disconfirmation: Feeling incompetent, unworthy, or insignificant (These result in Broken relationships and Low performance)

If I make a hiring decision based on what I have learned about a prospective candidate's friend, I am using

An inference

Why is help from others beneficial to achieve self-awareness?

Another (perhaps less biased) perspective allows a different way of seeing things.

What are wise givers?

Are givers who help others but do not forget to help themselves.

When someone is unaware of their weaknesses, they:

Are overly-confident (ie. Hubris) and that can result in failure

When someone is aware of their strengths, they:

Can get Maximum benefit from the strength

What type of creativity capitalizes on teamwork?



The capacity to withstand or manage the negative effects of stress, to bounce back from adversity, and endure difficult situations.

The five key areas of self-awareness include:

core self-evaluation cognitive (learning) style personal values orientation toward change emotional intelligence

Creative Problem Solving

finding novel and effective solutions. Magnitude of creativity 1.Radical (Imagination) 2.Incremental (Improvement)

Mentors can be an effective way to A) increase social resiliency. B) find an advocate to help you redesign your job. C) reduce physiological effects of stress. D) All of the above are true.

increase social resiliency. (See page 143.)

If you have the attitude that you have control over your own destiny, you have a dominant

internal locus of control

Challenges in Step 2 of Analytical Problem Solving "Generating Alternative Solutions"

it is impossible to identify all potential alternatives

Challenges in Step 3 of Analytical Problem Solving "Evaluating Alternatives"

it may be costly and time consuming to do a systematic and comprehensive evaluation

The "Pyramid" of Self Awareness: The Foundation for a happy/worthwhile life

Tier 1 (Foundation): Self-Awareness Tier 2: Purposeful Living Tier 3: Values/Virtues Tier 4 (Tip of Pyramid): Life Happiness

The four key sources of stress are:

Time stressors, encounter stressors, situational stressors, and anticipatory stressors. (See Table 2.1 on page 117.)

What is the Goal of Supportive Communication?

To communicate accurately, honestly, and effectively without jeopardizing interpersonal relationships.

The Significance of Self-Awareness for Managers

To manage others effectively, first you need to be able to master and manage yourself. Self-awareness gives you the ability to master yourself.

Use specific statements instead of general

Too general (bad): "Your communication skills need improvement." Specific (good): "You need to explain the technical terms in your presentation."

True or False: "An estimated 60 to 65 percent of interpersonal communication is conveyed via nonverbal behaviors."


True or False: An example of complacency is an unwillingness to ask questions.


True or False: Appreciating differences helps eliminate social barriers and increase trust


True or False: Management skills can be improved with the proper balance of conceptual learning and behavioral practice.


True or False: One of the goals of a personal management interview is to clarify job expectations of the manager and the employee.


True or False: Organizations in which employees have better relationships with one another will perform better


True or False: Organizations need skilled managers and leaders


True or False: Resiliency is the capacity to withstand or manage the negative effects of stress, to bounce back from adversity and endure difficult situations.


True or False: According to Ashford et al., 2003: Managers who seek critical feedback are judged to be more Effective


True or False: According to the authors of the textbook, the most important skill for effective managers is the ability to communicate supportively.


True or False: Core Self-Evaluations subconsciously influence people's appraisal of themselves, the world, and others


True or False: Research shows that competent management (in particular effective people management) is the key determinant to organizational success.


True or False: We sometimes incorrectly assume everybody shares our value priorities.


True or False: When a company's executives are focused on rapid goal achievement, such as being first with an innovative product, they are uses an Investment creative problem solving approach.


True or False: According to a study of 3,000 US managers conducted by the American Management Association, most individual managers have encountered pressure to compromise their personal standards to meet business goals.


True or False: The Tolerance of ambiguity scale has three sub-scales: a novelty score, a complexity score and a insolubility score.


True or False: Two ways to eliminate anticipatory stress are through goal setting and small wins.


True or False: Values are among the most stable and enduring characteristics of individuals.


True or False: The four stages in creative thinking include preparation, incubation, illumination and verification.

True (see page 195)

True or False: are our communication skills worse with people who are closest to us?


True or False: Emotional Intelligence is much more important compared to IQ for business students, scientists, managers and consultants

True. (According to Whetten & Cameron, Emotional Intelligence is related to success of business students, employees, scientists, managers, and consultants - much more so than IQ.)

True or False: In a study of 3000 managers: most reported under pressure to violate personal standards to meet goals

True. (As a manager, you will likely observe ethical violations and/or be pressured to violate ethical principles.)

True or False: Disowned communication creates confusion and suspicion

True. Do not isolate the other party by using phrases such as "We think ..." or "The group thinks ..."

When someone is unaware about their strengths, they:

Under-utilized their own capability and lack confidence

Consequences of work-life balance

Up to 33% increase productivity and well-being (when employees have incentive to balance) Lower likelihood of burnout Higher level of learning and creativity

Helping others feel recognized, understood and accepted is the result of A) active listening B) conjunctive statements C) validating statements D) All of the above are correct.

Validating Statements

Why are values important?

Values define our priorities (e.g., knowledge vs. wealth) Values shape our attitudes, decisions, and behaviors. Values define morality and ethics

When someone is aware of their weaknesses, they:

are able to improve or manage the weakness

Enactive strategies:

are strategies to eliminate stressors.

Work Redesign eliminates _____________ stressors

situational (Eliminate stress and increase productivity by changing aspects of work)

If a person focuses on a solution in the first step in a problem process, that person is:

stating the problem as a preferred solution.

The Goals of Step 3 of Analytical Problem Solving "Evaluating Alternatives"

the goal is to choose the best (optimal) solution ´Evaluate relative to an optimal standard ´Evaluate systematically ´Evaluate main effects and side effects ´State the selected alternative explicitly

The Goals of Step 2 of Analytical Problem Solving "Generating Alternative Solutions"

the goal is to generate all possible solutions to the problem. ´Be sure all involved individuals generate alternatives ´Postpone evaluating alternatives ´Specify short- and long-term solutions ´Specify alternatives that solve the problem

When a manager engages is a "role-negotiation" session,

the manager is clarifying job expectations of the employee and the manager.

Character strengths emerge from:

your strongly held values and are the means by which your values manifest

How we must treat employee values (as managers):

´Appreciate differences in cultures and do not judge as inferior or evil. ´Do not stereotype and over-generalize. ´Do not expect people to change their values over night. ´Respect cultural values of target customers. ´Be sensitive to moral values.

Research shows that wise givers:

´Are happier ´Build a more expansive and supportive social network ´Are more successful

Showing superiority examples:

´Boasting ´Using jargon to show knowledge (some professionals do) ´Speaking a foreign language in front of those who don't know it.

Employees with Positive relationships

´Can better concentrate on their work ´Receive support from their social network ´Experience positive emotions which help breadth of information processing, intellectual capability (learning), lower error rate, creativity

Results of Personal Management Interviews:

´Clarity of expectations ´Individual and organizational performance improvement ´Accountability ´Two-sided communication flow

Principles of being Validating

´Criticize, but respect dignity. ´ Showing egalitarianism ´ Flexible ´ Two-way ´ Decision-making: Based on agreement

Principles of being Problem-Oriented

´Deal with the mistake rather than personality: "You were late today." ´Do not think/talk about motives: "... because you are self-interested".

What are the Determinants of Personality?

´biology and genetics (it is misleading to believe that human beings are influenced simply by biology/genetics, although they play a part) ´childhood experiences ´adulthood experiences

How to implement work redesign in order to help eliminate situational stressors

´combine tasks to increase variety ´form identifiable work units ´establish customer relationships (relational job design) ´increase decision-making authority (autonomy) ´clarify expectations and open feedback channels

What are Values?

one's enduring belief about what is important in life (e.g., justice, freedom, success, love)

Core Self-Evaluation

ones general view of oneself and the world around them.

When you use words like "I", "me" and "mine", you are

owning your statements

The 7 Best Practices for Leading a Remote Team

1. Frequent and Consistent Check-ins. Nearly half of respondents said the most successful managers checked in frequently and regularly with remote employees. The cadence of the check-ins varied from daily to bi-weekly to weekly but were always consistent and usually entailed a standing meeting or scheduled one-on-one. 2. Face-to-Face or Voice-to-Voice. One in four respondents said managers who insisted on some face time with remote employees were more successful. Make a visit to remote employees or schedule a mandatory in-office day once a week, month, quarter, or year. Use this time for team building. If in-person meetings are not possible, at a minimum use video conferencing technology or pick up the phone to ensure colleagues occasionally see one another's face or hear one another's voice. 3. Exemplify Stellar Communication Skills. Respondents emphasized the importance of general, stellar communication with co-located teams. The most successful managers are good listeners, communicate trust and respect, inquire about workload and progress without micromanaging, and err on the side of over-communicating. 4. Explicit Expectations. When it comes to managing remote teams, being clear about expectations was mandatory. Managers who are direct with their expectations of both remote and onsite employees have happier teams that can deliver to those expectations. People are never left in the dark about projects, roles, deadlines etc. 5. Always Available. Successful managers are available quickly and at all times of the day. They go above and beyond to maintain an open door policy for both remote and onsite employees—making themselves available across multiple time zones and through multiple means of technology (IM, Slack, Skype, Email, Phone, Text etc.). Remote employees can always count on their manager to respond to pressing concerns. 6. Technology Maven. Successful managers use multiple means of communication to connect with their remote workers. They don't just resort to phone or email, but are familiar with video conferencing technologies and a variety of services like Skype, Slack, Instant Message, Adobe Connect and more. They often tailor their communication style and medium to each employee. 7. Prioritize Relationships. Team building and camaraderie are important for any team and co-located teams are no exception. Good managers go out of their way to form personal bonds with remote employees. They use check-in time to ask about their personal life, families and hobbies. They allow team meeting time for "Water cooler" conversation so the whole team can create personal connections and strengthen relationships.

The Four Types of Creativity

1. Incubation 2. Imagination 3. Improvement 4. Investment

Impediments to Creative Problem Solving

1. Wrong assumptions about creativity: ´creativity = generating totally novel (radically new) ideas. ´creativity is innate: It is influenced neither by our effort nor by our approach to problem-solving.z 2. Wrong assumptions about the way to do things or solve problems (Conceptual Blocks): ´"The way we do things around here" ´"Success trap" ´Education and experience as obstacles ´We tend to put enormous value on what we have learned.

What are the top 10 least stressful jobs?

1.Audiologist: $69,729 2.Hair stylist: $22,700 3.Jeweler: $35,350 4.University professor (tenured): $64,290 5.Seamstress/tailor: $26,280 6.Dietitian: $55,240 7.Medical records technician: $34,160 8.Librarian: $55,370 9.Multimedia artist: $61,370 10.Drill-press operator: $35,580

Typical Steps of Analytical Problem Solving

1.Defining the problem 2.Generating alternative solutions 3.Evaluating the alternatives and choosing the best solution 4.Implementing the solution

How to eliminate time stressors through the use of time management?

1.Distinguishing between important tasks and urgent tasks 2.Spending time on important matters (Life is too short.) 3.Not feeling guilty when saying "no"

What are the top 10 most stressful jobs?

1.Enlisted military personnel: $28,840 2.Military general: $196,300 3.Firefighter: $45,250 4.Airline pilot: $114,200 5.Event coordinator: $45,810 6.Public relations executive: $54,170 7.Corporate executive (senior): $168,140 8.Newspaper reporter: $35,870 9.Police officer: $55,270 10.Taxi driver: $22,820

The Stages of Creative Thought

1.Preparation: Data collection, Problem definition, Generation of alternatives 2.Incubation: Searching for solution, Combining ideas 3.Illumination: Insight (breakthrough or identifying a solution) 4.Verification: Evaluation the quality of solution

Techniques for Fostering Creativity among Others

1.Pull people apart (time for creativity) 2.Put people together (various perspectives) 3.Monitor and prod (e.g., deadlines) 4.Reward multiple roles 5.Intellectual stimulation 6.Psychological safety

A balanced lifestyle: A) includes more than balancing your work life and your family life. B) includes social activities, physical activities, spiritual activities, work activities, family activities, cultural activities and intellectual activities. C) is a way to increase your resiliency. D) All of the above are true.

All of the above

Which of the following are probing techniques that listeners can use? A) Elaboration B) Clarification C) Repetition D) All of the above are correct.

All of the above

With electronic communication A) people receive too much information. B) information often lacks significance or meaning. C) the interpretation of the message depends on the relationship between the communicators. D) All of the above are true.

All of the above

Emotional intelligence is: A) not emotional competence B) the ability to diagnose, understand and manage emotional cues C) the ability to respond appropriately to emotional cues D) All of the above are correct.

All of the above.

What is cognitive style?

An individual's inclination to perceive, interpret, and respond to information in a certain way (ie. Style of thinking and problem solving)

Physiological effects of stress include all of the following EXCEPT: A) Burnout B) Heart disease C) Tendency to get viral infections D) Poor immune response

Burnout (Burnout is a psychological response to stress.)

How to eliminate encounter stressors?

Community Selflessness vs. competition -Social bonds and mutual trust vs. loneliness and fear of one another -High quality vs. toxic relationships at work, home, and in the community -Contribution to others (giving) vs. personal achievement

Ways to apply problem-solving techniques include all of the following EXCEPT: A) Conduct a cost/benefit analysis. B) Give yourself some relaxation time. C) Talk to other people about ideas. D) Read a lot.

Conduct a cost/benefit analysis

An external consultant who recommends the same solution or a very similar solution in most organizations when defining problems, the consultant is using which conceptual block?


What are the core aspects of self-awareness and their managerial implications (outcomes)?

Core Self-Evluation: Manager identifies underlying personality attributes Values: Manager identifies personal standards and moral judgment Cognitive Learning Style: Manager information acquisition and evaluation Attitudes towards change (ambiguity): Manager identifies adaptability and responsibility Emotional Intelligence: manager identifies emotional awareness and control

What are the Negative Outcomes of being Tolerant to Ambiguity?

Difficulty in focus (People with tolerance of ambiguity do not have a high need for structure, therefore they do not feel the need to focus and figure out all the sides of the issue)

Analytical Problem Solving

Is a comprehensive, logical, and systematic approach in solving complex problems.

Which is the most important principle of supportive communication?


Which of the three cognitive styles is the best?

None of them/All of them. (Each style has it's own unique strengths and limitations. One style may be more effective in one type of situation, while in another situation that can style can be inappropriate and ineffective.)

External Locus of Control

People who do not have proper agency over themselves and do not take the responsibility for their success or failures. (Ex: I did not study much for my test and got a bad grade... it is the teachers fault for making the questions too hard.)

Internal Locus of Control

People who have high agency of over themselves and take responsibility for both their success and failures. (Ex: I did not study much for my test and got a bad grade... it is my fault, I should study harder next time to get the grade I desire.)

Personal Management Interview

Regular one-on-one meetings between managers and employees First Meeting: A role-negotiation session which sets the expectations' for both. Subsequent Meetings: On-going one on one meetings for evaluating progress and suggesting improvements.

What is The Significance of Self-Awareness?

Self awareness is the key to thriving and unleashing undiscovered talents which leads to a foundation for a happy and worthwhile life

Tolerance of Ambiguity

The extent to which individuals are comfortable coping with unclear situations.

What is the goal of personal management interviews?

The goal is continuous performance improvement and two-way supportive communication

The Goal of Step 4 of Analytical Problem Solving "Implementing the Solution"

The goal is to effectively implement the solution. ´Carefully plan for needed resources, time, and the sequence of activities ´Engender acceptance ´Provide opportunities for feedback and revision as you implement ´Ongoing monitoring ´Evaluate based on problem definition

The Goals in Step 1 of Analytical problem Solving "Defining The Problem"

The goal is to thoroughly understand the problem: ´Collect data on the problem ´Tap everyone involved for information ´Differentiate facts from opinions ´Specify underlying causes ´State the problem explicitly and specify solution criteria ´Avoid stating the problem as a disguised solution

What is personality?

The relatively enduring traits that create consistency in an individual's behaviors. (ex: introverted, organized, conscientious, responsible/punctual, dishonest)

How can you foster positive working relationships?

With supportive communication

Can human-beings can make changes to their personality if they are determined?

Yes, our values can influence our personality in a different direction. (for example: a person values success and actively tries to work on their organization and responsibility skills in order to achieve end goal success)

Discovering your life's purpose gives you:

a sense of direction

If you have a planning cognitive style,

you emphasize structure and preparation and you also focus on rules and procedures.

What is a giver?

those who care for others and act generously

When individuals respond defensively when they receive information that has serious implications for their self-concept, this is called:

threat-rigidity response

How can you utilize (the three) cognitive styles in managing?

´Develop your cognitive dimensions ´Be capable of putting on different hats (ie. be able to use the three style interchangeably in appropriate situations) ´Utilize diversity of your employees in cognitive style (example: give creative employees problems that require different/new solutions to achieve best results by matching employees to the types of problems they can handle) ´Diagnose problems in performance that are related to task-cognitive style mismatch.

Principles of being Descriptive

´Do not label: "You are incompetent." ´Don't be judgmental: "This is your fault." ´Objectively describe the problematic event ´Give the reason (why is the behavior bad?) ´If the problem persists, you can describe your emotional reaction. But, make it short: "I am not satisfied with your performance." ´Suggest a solution (an alternative behavior).

Conjunctive Communication

´Don't dominate the conversation ´Don't unilaterally change topic ´Provide equal opportunity for speaking (ie. Don't go on and on without giving others a change to speak.) ´Don't finish sentences of others ´Don't interrupt others

What are the components of Emotional Intelligence?

´Emotional Awareness: The ability to diagnose and recognize your own emotions. ´Emotional Control: The ability to control your own emotions. ´Emotional Diagnosis: The ability to recognize and diagnose the emotions of others. ´Emotional Response: The ability to respond appropriately to emotional cues from others.

Effects on people who have positive relationships:

´Experience fewer minor illnesses (cold, flu, headache) ´Recover from surgery twice as fast ´Have lower chance of cancer ´Have lower chance of heart-attack ´Cope with stress more effectively ´Have fewer accidents ´Have higher life expectancy

Research on students show character strengths to be associated with:

´Experiencing more positive emotions ´Fewer depressive symptoms ´More perseverance ´Greater enjoyment ´Greater classroom engagement ´Better interpersonal relationships

How to become a more creative individual?

´Give yourself relaxation time ´Find a place where you can think ´Talk to other people about ideas ´Ask other people for their suggestions about your problems ´Read a lot ´Protect yourself from idea-killers

Research on employees show character strengths to be associated with:

´Higher job performance ´More citizenship behaviors ´Personal satisfaction ´Flourishing

Examples of Invalidating and Disrespectful Communication

´Ignoring the other person (not responding) ´Avoiding eye contact or facial expression ´Doing something irrelevant while in conversation

When observing the weaknesses of others, we should ask ourselves:

´Is this because I have a negative view? ´Do I have the same problem?

What are the consequences of stress?

´Job dissatisfaction, burnout, absenteeism and turnover ´Lower productivity ´Accidents ´Physical health of employees ´75-90% of all doctor visits are stress-related.

Challenges in Step 1 of Analytical problem Solving "Defining The Problem"

´Lack of consensus ´Confusing information ´Symptoms are often confused with the real problem ´Some organization members may not accept the problem formulation

What are the negatives of having an Internal Locus of Control?

´Less structure (in leadership positions setting deadlines, defining tasks and roles for employees is more difficult for them) ´Less compliant (due to their sense of agency)

What are the positives of having an Internal Locus of Control?

´Managerial success ´Less alienation from work environment ´More satisfaction at work ´Less stress ´Less coercive, more persuasive approach in influencing others

What are the Positive Outcomes of being Tolerant to Ambiguity?

´More adaptive ´More entrepreneurial ´Lower need for structure ´Better coping with stress ´More sensitive to deep characteristics when evaluating performance of others

Temporary Stress Reduction Techniques

´Muscle relaxation ´Deep breathing ´Imagery and fantasy ´Reframing ´Meditation and prayer ´Rehearsal ´Connection with nature (not in the textbook)

when observing the strengths of others, we should:

´Not show denial ´Not present jealousy ´Appreciate others and strive to have the same strengths

How to eliminate anticipatory Stressors?

´Planning and goal setting ´Small wins ´Training ´Supportive climate ´Character strength (See Chapter 1), spirituality, and faith

Self-awareness gives you the ability to master yourself through:

´Planning, prioritizing, and leading positive change ´Building positive relationships ´Being empowered and empowering others ´Problem solving and creativity ´Managing your stress and well-being

What Values do American managers desire in the workplace?

´Responsibility (85%) ´Honesty (85%) ´Capability (65%) ´Imaginativeness (55%) ´Being logical (49%) ´Obedience, cleanness, politeness, and forgiveness (less than 10%)

How to be creative as an individual?

´Sometimes question assumptions and old ways ´Sometimes rethink a solution ´Don't be afraid of exploration ´Take ideas from one context to another

How can we develop our morality?

´Studying, thinking, and discussing moral values ´Studying role models of morality in the US as well as other cultures ´Choosing a set of standards in advance ´Rehearsing what would you do when you are under pressure

Challenges in Step 4 of Analytical Problem Solving "Implementing the Solution"

´Uncertainty makes planning difficult ´Resistance to change and organizational politics

What are the Challenge of Learning about our own weaknesses

´We love ourselves. ´We create positive self-images. ´Negative info: inconsistent with positive self-image. ´Reaction: dismissal, anger, anxiety, disappointment ´Do you see any problem?

Physiological Resiliency Factors

´Work-Life Balance ´Sleeping well and enough ´Exercising and fitness ´Healthy eating ´Avoiding unhealthy practices

A survey that asked 110 Fortune 500 CEOs about their satisfaction with business school graduates, resulted in the following percentages of CEOs being satisfied with specific skills:

•87%: level of competence and analytical skills (ie. finance, accounting skills) •68%: conceptual skills (ie. creative solutions) •43%: management skills (ie. planning, communication, decision-making) •28%: interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence (ie. human skills) *This shows that a great amount of more interpersonal/personal skills are lacking amongst business school graduates and analytical classes may be over emphasized while classes that serve to elevate managerial/personal skills are lacking.

Characteristics of Management Skills:

•Behavioral (specific behavior/action) •Controllable (in the control of the actor) •Developable (can be learned/developed/practiced over time) •Inter-related and overlapping (depend on one another) •Sometimes may appear contradictory and paradoxical (different situations call for different behaviors)

Interpersonal Skills include:

•Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively •Gaining Power and Influence •Motivating Performance •Negotiating and Resolving Conflict

Effective people management leads to:

•Decreased turnover •Increased profits •Greater sales •Greater stock value

Personal Skills include:

•Developing Self-Awareness •Managing Stress and Well-Being •Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively

Group Skills include:

•Empowering and Engaging Others •Leading Positive Change

Other Important Key Management Skills include:

•Leading a Virtual Team •Project Management

The Top 10 Skills of Effective Managers are:

•Verbal communication (including listening) •Managing time and stress •Managing individual decisions •Recognizing, defining, and solving problems •Motivating and influencing others •Delegating •Setting Goals and articulating a vision •Self-awareness •Team building •Managing conflict

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