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Mustafa Kemal

"Father Turk", attempted to transform Turkey into a modern secular republic, a democratic system was put in place, centered on an elected Grand National Assembly, but the president was relatively intolerant of opposition and harshly suppressed critics of his rule, turkish nationalism was emphasized, and the Turkish language, now written in the Roman alphabet, was shorn of many of its Arabic elements. Popular education was emphasized, old aristocratic titles like pasha and bey were abolished, and all Turkish citizens were given family names in the European style, took steps to modernize the economy, overseeing the establishment of a light industrial sector producing textiles, glass, paper, and cement and instituting a five-year plan on the Soviet model to provide for state direction over the economy

British reforms/changes to Indian culture

- brought end to inhumane Indian practices - education - technological/health advancements

Competing visions for Pakistan's government and culture

12 percent of students are in college, one of the lowest ratios in the world more serious in Pakistan and Bangladesh majority of Pakistan's citizens poor, at least half illiterate Prospects for future not bright; Pakistan lacks technological sector to serve as magnet for emergence of middle class


1st European whose crew sailed around the world


275,000 Africans were shipped out of Africa as slaves Over ⅔ of them went to the Americas Diseases, maltreatment hurt African population Mortality rates were higher in immigrants than in native-born children High infant mortality Could have led to depopulation Occurred in some areas: Angola, parts of East Africa Tragic loss for millions of Africans 20% of slaves were children Corrosive impact on social structure Introduction of firearms to Africa

Goals/motives of exploration

3 G's: God, glory, gold

Population impacts of the bubonic plague

50%-60% of population died/mortality rate, of 75 million, 38 million died, even worse in certain areas such as Beijing

Source of Renaissance values and ideals

A secular spirit emerged as increasing wealth created new opportunities. The Renaissance was also an age of recovery from the disasters of the 1300s. In pursuing recovery, Italian intellectuals became interested in the glories of their past. A new view of humans emerged as people emphasized individual ability. This high regard for human worth and for potential gave rise to a new social idea of the well-rounded personality who was capable of many achievements.

Gopal Gokhale

An Indian who believed in trying to convince the British of Reform as opposed to revolution

Key people of the hundred years war

As duke of Gascony, the English King Edward III pledged loyalty as a vassal to the French King Philip VI, but when of France seized Gascony in 1337, King Edward III declared war. The English king, Henry V was especially eager to win. At the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the heavily armored French knights attempted to attack but were defeated. The English conquered northern France. Joan of Arc was a religious woman who believed that saints commanded her to free France. In 1429, Joan persuaded Charles to let her to accompany the army to Orléans. The French armies found a new confidence and liberated the city.

Role of religion in nationalism

Burma: students at the University of Rangoon protested persecution of Buddhism, failure to observe customs in temples students adopted the name Thakin—"lord," "master" to emphasize their demand for the right to rule themselves

Impacts of trade on Southeast Asian economics, politics

Cash crops replaced rice, other cereals regional/interregional trade had been expanding before arrival of Europeans Focal point was on widespread trade network Copper, gold, tropical fruits, agricultural products, cloth, tin, gems, luxury items exported in exchange for manufactured goods, ceramic, high quality textiles Duarte Barbosa

Tensions between nationalism and modernism

Caste? No caste? Home rule? Full independence? Modernization implied a critique of parts of the culture which they wanted to save

Deng Xiaoping

Chinese leader after Mao; ends Cultural Revolution; preached "Four Modernizations"


City that became the largest economic power due to its strategic location that allowed it to dominate the Spice Trade

Rise of the Republic of Turkey

Colonel Mustafa Kemal defended Dardanelles against British invasion during WWI convoked a national congress elected government preservation of remaining territories of empire in republic of Turkey drove Greeks from Anatolian peninsula; persuaded British to agree to new treaty 1923: last of Ottoman sultans fled Turkish republic

Problems in the Catholic Church in the late 1400s and early 1500s

Corruption in the Catholic Church was another factor that led to want of reform. Between 1450 and 1520, a series of popes (Renaissance popes) failed to meet the church's spiritual needs. They were supposed to be leaders of the Catholic Church but were too involved in worldly concerns. Many high church officials were concerned with accumulating wealth and used their church offices as opportunities to advance their careers and fortunes. Ordinary people were demanding for meaningful religious expression and certainty of salvation. As a result, collections of relics grew. Indulgence - a remission, after death, of all or part of the punishment due to sin. Some sought certainty of salvation in spiritual terms by participating in Modern Devotion, which downplayed religious dogma and stressed teachings of Jesus.

Treaty of Tordesillas

Divided the New World between the Spanish and the Portuguese

Nature of Spanish rule in New World

Divided world into Portuguese/Spanish areas East went to Portugal West went to Spain created system of colonial administration that made the New World an extension of the Old World

Marco Polo

European Explorer who wrote the "Travels" which inspired sailors such as Christopher Colombus

Fall of the Manchus

European imperialism, Opium Wars, began to lose power over peripheral regions, foreign powers including Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Japan had established "spheres of influence" along China's coast, Empress Dowager Cixi clamped down hard on reformers, Boxer Rebellion,

Questions from the film Gandhi

Explain two ways Mohandas Gandhi transformed himself. And explain two messages or goals of the Indian independence movement.


Explorer who believed he landed in India, but actually landed in America

Economics of Exploration

Finding precious metals Expanding areas of trade, especially for spices Spices outrageously expensive Religious zeal Secondary to economic reasons but still prevalent

Amerigo Vespucci

Florentine who accompanied several voyages; wrote+published letters documenting geography of new lands; led to use of name "America" for the new lands

British rule of Egypt

French troops landed in Egypt in 1798 and toppled the unstable Mamluk regime in Cairo. The British counterattacked, destroying the French fleet and forcing the French to evacuate. They restored the Mamluks to power.

The Opium Wars—causes and consequences

High demand, highly addictive. China negotiated with Queen Victoria and threatened to cut off rhubarb trade if Britain continued to sell them opium, but profit was more important than morals and they continued to to sell it to the Chinese. Aristocracy used opium which affected their ability to lead properly Opium War resulted which exposed the superiority of Western technology


I got them from the book, Anshul, and my notes

Direct rule versus indirect rule

Indirect rule: Colonizers paid local rulers to run the colony; British used this strategy Direct rule: Colonizers would physically rule their colonies

Creation of Islamic Republic of Iran

Iranian Revolution saw the deposition of the Shah; brought about Sharia law; new leader was Ayatollah Khomeini

Six-Day War

Israel launches airstrikes on its neighbors, takes Sinai

Economics of the Middle East—problems/inequalities

Koran is vague on status of economy-only talks about not charging interest and welfare of umma (zakat); Egypt+Syria were socialist but switched to free enterprise to encourage foreign investment which makes up for the lack of capital/technology; agriculture is difficult b/c drought, political+territorial conflicts, and ineptitude of gov't; oil is generally located in the least populated areas (Iran is the exception)

Jawaharlal Nehru

Leader of India who believed in Modernization; opposite to Mohandas Gandhi; believed in Socialism

Letters between King Louis XIV of France and Vietnamese King

Louis tries to flatter him and push his religion secretly and deceptively, condescending; Vietnamese King politely declines b/c Christian missionaries anger him, and he is keen on defending his customs

Competing visions for India's economic future

Nehru influenced by British socialism, state took over ownership of major industries, resources, transportation, utilities private enterprise permitted at local/retail levels Farmland remained in private hands convinced that to succeed, India must industrialize Indira Gandhi: embraced democratic socialism, neutrality in foreign affairs; activist in promoting her objectives nationalized banks provided loans to peasants on easy terms built low-cost housing distributed land to the landless

US territories in Asia

Philippines, Guam, Samoa


Portuguese explorer who rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1488 and established a sea route from Atlantic to Asia


Renaissance architect, built the Church at San Lorenzo

Da Vinci

Renaissance artist who started Idealism

The Bhutto Family

Ruled Pakistan after the break of East and West (Zulfikar Ali) believed in government separate from religion; overthrown by military (Benazir)

Outside influences in Persia

Russia and GB exercise control over weak Qajar dynasty

De Gama

Sailor who was heading for Portugal but landed in India

Rajiv Gandhi

Son of Indira Gandhi; inexperienced in politics; more private enterprise; tried to settle dispute between Sri Lanka and Tamil

Impact of World War II on Imperialism

The introduction of new ways to look at human freedom, the relationship between the individual and society, and democratic principles laid the groundwork for the adoption of such ideas after the restoration of independence following World War II.

Reasons why African resistance to imperialism often failed

The lack of modern weapons, a central goal, and ethnic or tribal differences caused African resistance to eventually be defeated.

Chinese Communist Party

The leader of the CCP was Mao Zedong. The CCP had a goal to make everyone equal by redistributing land, providing education, abolishing traditions, individualism, and Western ideas. The supporters of the CCP were intellectuals and peasants who would benefit from a radical change of the government system. "Great wealth, great inequality"

Mohammad Ali Jinnah

The leader of the Muslim League and later Pakistan; wanted freedom of religion for his state; wanted to moderniz

Mohandas Gandhi—beliefs and actions in response to colonial rule

The peaceful protest of India who helped gain their independence; believed in traditionalism

US-Indian relations in the Cold Wa

The war that Nehru chose to stay neutral in; put them at odds with the USA

Jewish migrations to Europe

The worst pogroms (massacres) against the Jews were carried out in Germany, where more than sixty major Jewish communities had been killed by 1351. Many Jews fled eastward to Russia and Poland where the king offered them protection. Eastern Europe became home to large Jewish communities.

Boer War

War fought in South Africa; unusual because it was white Afrikaners vs. White Europeans

Ability of Southeast Asia to prevent European influences in 1500s/1600s

Western influence was limited in most areas SE Asian societies were changing: Trade patterns Means of livelihood Religious beliefs Underlying commonality of life Closer to each other than to foreigners Control of own destiny

David Ben-Gurion

a Zionist leader, announced the independence of the state of Israel. Later that same day, the new state was formally recognized by the United States


a country that is colonized in order to not be taken by someone else; indirect rule

Yasir Arafat

a dissident PLO figure, began to carry out terrorist attacks on Israeli territory through the guerrilla movement called al-Fatah, prompting the Israeli government to raid PLO bases in Jordan in 1966

The New Party

a group broken off of the Indian National Congress; used terrorism and violence

Council of Trent

a group of high church officials meets to reaffirm the traditions of Catholicism in opposition of Protestantism,


a group of islands Indonesia; came under control of Dutch VOC

Indian Nationalist Congress

a group who wanted reforms from the British; were very biased towards Hindus

Tiananmen Square Protests and results

a large student protest; caused by rising inflation and corruption/favoritism; demand science and democracy, end to corruption; military sent to crush protest


a major Islamic state that became a commercial center on the trade route through the Sahara

"three people's principles"

a political philosophy developed by Sun Yat-sen as part of a philosophy to make China a free, prosperous, and powerful nation nationalism, democracy, and the livelihood of the people

Boxer Rebellion

a rebellion of people harmed by Western influence, attacked foreign residents

Shah of Iran

a title of the former monarch of Iran

Yom Kippur War

an Egyptian attack on Israel on their Holy holiday; tried to take back the Sinai Peninsula

Sykes-Picot Agreement

an agreement between the British and the French that divided Arab land that was under Ottoman rule; didn't allow much influence from Arabs on agreement; causes many of the problems of today

The taille

an annual direct tax on land or property; strengthened by King Louis XI

Ayatollah Khomeini

an austere Shi'ite cleric who had been exiled to Iraq and then to France because of his outspoken opposition to the shah's regime, in 1979, the government collapsed and was replaced by him at the head of an Islamic republic, dominated by Shi'ite clergy, immediately began to introduce traditional Islamic law, a new reign of terror ensued as supporters of the shah were rounded up and executed.

Reza Khan

an officer in the Persian army, led a mutiny that seized power in Tehran in 1921, established Pahlavi dynasty, introduced a number of reforms to strengthen the central government, modernize the civilian and military bureaucracy, and establish a modern economic infrastructure. In 1935, he officially changed the name of the nation to Iran, encouraged the establishment of a Western-style educational system and forbade women to wear the veil in public

Social Darwinism

application of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution to society; Jules Ferry; Karl Pearson; Henry Curzon; Cecil Rhodes


as a model for prose and those of Virgil for poetry Humanists used his works

Assimilation versus Association

assimilation (French): the idea that colonies should adapt to the culture of their colonizers; linked to direct rule association (British): the idea that local traditions should be left alone; linked to indirect rule

Oslo Accords

b/w Israel+PLO; Israel received recognition; PLO gets self-rule in Gaza (Hamas) and West Bank (Palestinian authority)

Independence of Bangladesh

before- East Pakistan now- Bangladesh since 1971


believed in "Ends Justify the Means," wrote "The Prince"

V.S. Naipaul

believed that Mahatma Gandhi was the reason India couldn't get out of poverty

Ram Mohan Roy

brahmin from Bengal; founded Brahmo Samaj (Society of Brahma) in 1828; no intention of promoting Indian independence when he created the new organization to help fellow religionists defend the Hindu faith against verbal attacks from the British; not a traditionalist, opposed sati, liked some parts of European culture; led to future nationalist movements

Source of the bubonic plague

came from the Yersinia pestis in the fleas on rats which accompanied Mongol troops and traders (mostly Muslim merchants) along the Silk Road;

Iraqi invasion of Kuwait-causes and results

caused b/c Iraq alleged that Kuwait was stealing Iraqi oil, Iraq was angry over demands of loan repayment, and b/c Iraq believed it was historically theirs; resulted in Operation Desert Storm which liberated Kuwait, destroyed much of the Iraqi army, but the Baghdad wasn't occupied for the fear it would break up the country and help Iran, so future presidents only hoped that an internal revolt would oust Saddam, placed economic sanctions as leverage for peace, yet Saddam kept evading ceasefires and being problematic for many more years

Iran-Iraq War

caused by religious differences, territorial disputes over key oil exporting areas in the Persian Gulf, and b/c Iran supported Kurdish rebellion (eventually suppressed after 5 years); results were Iraq invading Iran, neither side winning, and a bloody war with chemical weapons used and kids hired to disarm minefields

Impacts of World War I on both imperialist countries and colonies

caused colonial protest

John Cabot

claimed the Northeast coast of USA (New England) for England

Ba Jin

considered to be one of the most important and widely read Chinese writers of the 20th century

Indira Gandhi

daughter of Nehru; focused on helping the rural areas; had unpopular ideas such as sterilization; attacked the Sikhs


destroys the Incas in South America


developed the first moveable printer, helped spread reformation,

Dowager Empress Cixi

emperor's aunt (held the real power); against the Western Reforms

Chiang Kai-shek—policies and attitudes

faked support for the alliance with the Communists but actually planned to destroy them. In 1927, he struck against the Communists and their supporters in Shanghai, killing thousands. After the massacre, most of the Communist leaders went into hiding in the city, where they attempted to revive the movement in its traditional base among the urban working class. Some party members, led by the young Communist organizer Mao Zedong, fled to the hilly areas south of the Yangtze River.

Competing visions of Pakistan's future

first years: conflicts over religious, linguistic, regional issues West and East Pakistan split- East became Bangladesh in 1971

Muslim Brotherhood

founded by Muslim cleric Hasan al-Bana in 1928, demanded strict adherence to the traditional teachings of the Prophet, as set forth in the Qur'an, rejected Western ways, sought to create a new Egypt based firmly on the precepts of the Shari'a. By the 1930s, the organization had as many as a million members.

Sun Yat-sen

founder of the Nationalist Party

The "liberal arts"

grammar, rhetoric, poetry, ethics, history all based on the writings of ancient Greek and Roman authors

Muslim League

group created to represent Muslims where the Indian National Congress was not; called for a separate state of Pakistan

KMT's economic policies

had a goal to become a Westernized, Modern, Industrial "Democracy" that unified China. The supporters of the KMT included Urban, Westernized, Middle Class businessmen who benefited from the way the government worked.

Characteristics of Renaissance art

idealism, more creative forms of expression; dominated by Da Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo


in 1964, was set up under Egyptian sponsorship to represent the interests of the Palestinians, only the Palestinian people (and hence not Jewish immigrants) had the right to form a state in the old British mandate,

Consequences of the hundred years war

inflicted untold misery on France. Farmlands were laid waste, the population was decimated by war, famine, and the Black Death (see plague), and marauders terrorized the countryside


introduced Western learning and maintained relations w/the major European powers to prevent imperialist attack; didn't become a colony; used as a buffer state by Britain and France;

Henry VIII

king of England who was unable to divorce his wife due to the Catholic church, so he founded his own church of England

Pu Yi—"The Last Emperor"

last emperor of the Manchu Dynasty, was a baby

Mao Zedong

leader of CCP, believed in helping peasants, leader of Long March

Zhenghe (Chinese explorer)

leader of China who visited Paramesvara in Malacca, led fleets across the Indian Ocean in the early 1400s; linked China to Middle East and East Africa; voyages were short in duration and had few lasting effects

Impacts of the creation of Israel

led to constant fighting in the Middle East between many ethnic groups; 5 countries bordering Israel have bad relations; divided Palestine; Jews have a safe place

Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

led to formation of Taliban

Role of Confucianism in modern China

making a comeback

"New Life Movement"

movement by Chiang; wanted to take Confucian ethics and Western ideals; made little progress


movement promoted by Egyptian president Gamal Abdul Nasser and other Middle Eastern leaders to unify all Arabs in a single supranational organization; after Nasser's death the movement languished

Origins of Persian nationalism

new leadership was greedy, obsessed w/women, and didn't follow religious tradition; conservatives angered that there was corruption, pretentious court, and that women had increased rights; SAVAK killed dissidents who targeted foreigners and the wealthy

The Mandate System

officer in the Persian army; led mutiny in Tehran; replaced Qajar dynasty w/Pahlavi dynasty; became the Shah of Iran

Role of oil in Middle East politics

oil motivated outside powers and gave them interest in the region; Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait b/c of this; the reason that the West tolerates dictatorships

Old Imperialism versus New Imperialism

old imperialism achieved mutualism through trade; now, there was no mutualism, and empires sought to expand their market and take control of raw resources

The bubonic plague

one of three types of bacterial infection that spread across Europe, known as the Black Death

Three Gorges Dam

originally envisioned by Sun Yat-sen

John Calvin

originally from France, fled to Switzerland for protestantism; established Calvinism

The Kuomintang

otherwise known as the KMT or Chinese Nationalist party The leader of the KMT was Sun Yat-sen and later Chiang Kai-shek. The KMT had a goal to become a Westernized, Modern, Industrial "Democracy" that unified China. The supporters of the KMT included Urban, Westernized, Middle Class businessmen who benefited from the way the government worked.

Partition of India-results

partition: declared two independent nations: Hindu India/Muslim Pakistan results: Hyderabad: Muslim governor ruled Hindus Jammu; Kashmir: Hindu prince ruled Muslims flight of millions of Hindus/Muslims across borders led to violence, over a million deaths

Taiping Rebellion—causes and consequences

peasant revolt; caused by increase in population and increase in taxes; killed 25mil

King Leopold

person who claimed the Congo for Belgium, established plantations and treated the locals poorly

General Yuan Shikai

person who helped Sun Yat-Sen defeat Manchus; later became president of Chinese Republic

Uniqueness of Liberia and Sierra Leone

places made up of freed slave populations


priest in Zurich, Switzerland; disagreed with Luther on Christian Communion; founded Zwinglianism; fought Catholic states and died in battle

The question of Arab nationalism

problematic b/c disagreement on the definition of Arab (it's an idea, not a nation); Wahhabism, an ultra-strict interpretation of Islam, emerged in Arabia, Ibn Saud uses it to establish Saudi Arabia, inspires+funds terrorism

Great Leap Forward

program by Mao; organized people into large communes; tried to decrease family as basic family unit, angered peasants; caused decrease in food production and starvation

Cultural Revolution

program by Mao; tried to rid China of all tradition in order to create an egalitarian society; wanted "uninterrupted revolution"; brought about Little Red Book

"New Culture Movement"

protest launched by students at Beijing University; abolish old system, implement Western values; didn't appeal to peasants

The Four Modernizations

reforms preached by Deng Xiaoping; industry, agriculture, technology, national defense; encouraged to work hard to benefit themselves

Self-strengthening movement

reforms that came after Taiping Rebellion; they adopt Western technology while keeping Confucian principles

Sources of disunity in the Middle East

religious (sectarianism); no definition of Arab; bad borders; many ethnic groups

The Mahdi

rightly guided one; radical Muslim cleric who led religious revolt and gained control of upper Nile (Sudan); captured the British army and General Gordon died in battle; reflected dangers of imperial overreach and foreshadowed Christian-Muslim clashes today

Extraterritorial rights

rights of foreigners outside of their own country. These rights are negotiated by diplomats from more powerful countries

Weaknesses of the Manchu Dynasty

rising gov't corruption; decreasing effectiveness of sultans (focused on women and drugs); foreign influence of Russia+GB; loss of territory in Balkans+SW Russia to GB, France, independent states, etc; rebellion groups weakened gov't; rising nationalism among non-Turks (Serbs, Armenians, Europeans, Arabs-who had their anti-Ottoman sentiment stoked by T.E. Lawrence)

General Zia Ul Ha'q

ruled Pakistan and made it a truly Islamic state with Shari'a Law; killed in a plane crash

Encomienda system

similar to the Feudal System; used Indians for labor, but protected them

causes of the hundred years war

started because the English King was a vassal to French, and French tried to take over English territory; after large English lead, French comeback and win

The Balfour Declaration

stated that Palestine would be a National home for the Jews

Congress Party rule of India—successes, problems

support enabled it to retain position in politics for three decades avoided being identified as a party exclusively for the Hindu majority included prominent non-Hindus among its leaders favoring measures to protect minority groups: Sikhs, Muslims Divisiveness increased after Nehru's death; under successors, official corruption grew

US-Taliban relations

supported them vs. Soviets; turned on them and invaded them; enemy of my enemy doctrine backfired

Shanghai Massacre

surprise revolt led by Chiang Kai-Shek, kills many communist supporters/leaders, ends alliance between Nationalists and CCP

Arab League

sympathy for the idea of Arab unity led to its formation, but differing viewpoints among members prevented substantial achievements

New Technologies that fostered exploration

technological improvements that made it possible for Europeans to sail to the East; originated in China (Compass and Astrolabe) Ships mobile enough to sail against wind and used for naval warfare, carried cannons and many goods (caravels) detailed charts of landmasses and coastlines made by mathematicians and navigators (portolani)

Peace of Augsburg

the agreement between Charles V (Catholic) and Martin Luther; gave Lutherans equal rights, but they had to be the religion of the state; officially stated that Christian unity was lost forever

Great Schism

the confusion caused when there were two popes at once: a French pope and an Italian Pope

Relation of industrialism to imperialism

the demands of industrialization in Europe created a new set of dynamics. Europeans needed more control over territories to maintain access to materials. As competition for colonies increased, imperialist powers wanted to strengthen their hold over their territories to protect them from attacks.

Open Door Notes

the efforts of the US to try to keep China from collapsing; conforted imperialists that take advantage of China's market

Emperor Guangxu

the eleventh emperor of the Qing dynasty, and the ninth Qing emperor to rule over China. His reign lasted from 1875 to 1908, but in practice he ruled under Empress Dowager Cixi's influence

The Long March

the escape of Mao Zedong and his followers from an encirclement by Chiang, many died on the journey, those who survived saved communism in China


the idea led by Ibn Saud to cleanse Islam by driving out the foreign influence

Hypocrisy of US policies in Middle East

the keep dictators/feudal rulers in power to keep getting oil and to preserve stability in the Middle East

Berlin Conference of 1884

the meeting made to avert war over competing for African colonies

Camp David Accords

the meeting of Sadat, Israel, and Carter in the US; Israel agrees to withdraw from Sinai if recognized as a country; promises not fulfilled

Sepoy Mutiny/Rebellion

the revolt of the Indians in the British Indian army; sparked to British insensitivity to Indian religions; failed due to inability to unite as a revolution

Gamal Abdul Nasser

the son of a minor government functionary, had been angered by the army's inadequate preparation for the war against Israel four years earlier, seized power in his own right and immediately instituted a land reform program, adopted a policy of neutrality in foreign affairs and expressed sympathy for the Arab cause, in 1956, Nasser suddenly nationalized the Suez Canal Company, turned to pan-Arabism,named president of the new United Arab Republic

Religious responses of the bubonic plague

the spread of pogroms (organized massacres of Jews because they were accused of poisoning water with disease, caused Jews to flee to Russia and Poland), the rise of flagellants ( people who resorted to extreme measures to gain God's forgiveness such as whipping and killing people),

Columbian Exchange

the transfer of diseases, animals, plants, people, and cultures b/w Old+New World

The Hundred Year's War

the war between the French and English; started because the English King was a vassal to French, and French tried to take over English territory; after large English lead, French comeback and win

Catholic Counter Reformation

theory that the Catholic Reformation began in response to Protestant Reformation; most likely theory

Economic effects of The bubonic plague

trade+industry suffered, peasants+nobles both affected, labor prices went up, and less demand for food made prices fall, peasants could now convert labor for rent-freeing them from serfdom, but they couldn't advance too far-they faced the same economic hurdles as the lords, the lords tried to reinstate old forms of labor+wage restrictions, but peasants rebelled, only resulted in short term gains as they were crushed easily, social unrest characterized European history

Government of India Act 1921

transformed the advisory Legislative Council into bicameral parliament, two-thirds of members would be elected; similar bodies created at provincial level; 5 million Indians could now vote; not enough for INC members, who pushed for full independence

Weaknesses of the Ottoman Empire

troubled by rising governmental corruption, a decline in the effectiveness of the sultans, and the loss of considerable territory in the Balkans and southwestern Russia, in the 1870s, a new generation of Ottoman reformers seized power in Istanbul and pushed through a constitution aimed at forming a legislative assembly that would represent all the peoples in the state, but the sultan they placed on the throne suspended the new charter and attempted to rule by traditional authoritarian means

Treatment of native population

use them as laborers Forced labor, starvation, disease took a toll on natives Smallpox, measles, typhus especially prominent About half of the native population died from European diseases


w/500 Spaniards, he conquered the Aztecs+Moctezuma; assisted by diseases like smallpox, guns, the Indians thought the Spanish were sent by the gods (Quetzalcoatl-feathered serpent, and they had horses), and b/c the Spanish made an alliance w/Tlaxcallan; destroyed w/i months; sanctioned by Castilian crown, but funded+outfitted privately

Martin Luther

was originally a monk; believed that Christians could never do enough work to merit salvation, believed in Justification by Faith

Edmund Morel's views of imperialism

wrote the Black Man's Burden; sarcastic and critical of imperialism

Red Guards

youth that enforced the Cultural Revolution; youth chosen for the task b/c they were easy to manipulate

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