HY 103 Inquizitive Ch 10

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Whigs believed that liberty and power were incompatible and that an activist government was to be avoided at all costs as a grave threat to liberty.


Identify the statements that describe the economic impact of the Panic of 1837.

By 1842, nine states defaulted on the debts, mostly incurred to finance ambitious infrastructure projects. After 1837, many farmers, due to declining income from decreased demand, could not pay their mortgages and lost their land.

Identify the causes of the economic Panic of 1819.

Demand for western lands plummeted, bankrupting many speculators. European demand for American farm goods returned to pre-War of 1812 levels.

Identify the core values and beliefs, as well as interest groups, of the following political parties.

Democrats: -believed the government should adopt a hands-off approach to the economy and not award special favors to entrenched economic interests. -rural farmers and many slaveholders. Whigs: -united behind the American System and believed that a protective tariff, a national bank, and aid to internal improvements could guide economic development. -Buissnessmen and farmers on the Great Lakes, rivers, canals, and large plantation owners.

Identify the statements that describe William Henry Harrison, the 1840 Whig candidate for president.

Harrison's running mate was John Tyler, former Democrat from Virginia. Harrison did not have an actual political platform. Harrison's key accomplishment, like Jackson's, was his military success against the British in the War of 1812.

Identify the statements that describe the life and career of Andrew Jackson.

Jackson was suspicious of banks and paper money and feared that the market revolution was a source of moral decay.

Identify the contributions or options of the following individuals.

John Adams: persuaded many northerners that the south had too much influence in Washington; the only non-virginian among the first five presidents of the United States. Thomas Jefferson: viewed the entire Missouri controversy as an attempt by federalists to revive their party by settling Northern and Southern republicans against each other. John Quincy Adams: thought that the Missouri controversy had revealed how the issue of slavery could eventually result in civil war.

Identify the statements that describe responses to the Panic of 1819.

Kentucky established a state bank that flooded the state with paper money. Many states suspended the collection of debts.

The market revolution and political democracy produced a large expansion of the public sphere and an explosion in printing called the "information revolution". Identify the outcomes of the following developments and innovations.

Low postal rates: enabled many newspapers to expand their circulation far beyond their places of publication. Steam power: allowed for greater output and the rise of the mass-circulation "penny-press". 'New York Sun' and 'New York Herald': introduced a new style of journalism that appealed to mass audience by emphasizing sensationalism, crime stories, and exposes of official misconduct.

Analyze the image below. Based on your understanding of the Bank War, what does this political cartoon reveal about the conflict?

Nicholas Biddle, the president of the Second Bank of the United States, is represented with the head of a demon and shown running from an all-powerful Andrew Jackson holding the order to remove federal funds from the bank.

Identify the statements that illustrate the complex relationship between race and voting.

North Carolina did not disenfranchise its free black community until 1835. New York removed property qualifications for white voters but raised the requirements for blacks to $250.

Identify the following individuals and key terms.

Nullification Crisis: Represented a conflict between the federal government and South Carolina that eventually led to well-developed political philosophy. Force Act: passed by congress to enforce the federal tariff of 1832. Tariff of Abominations: raised taxes on imported manufactured goods made of wool, as well as raw materials such as iron. Exposition and Protest: Justified South Carolina's arguments for nullification by drawing on the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798.

Identify the contributions of the following people in the Missouri Compromise of 1820.

Senator Jesse Thomas: proposed a three-part compromise to end the Missouri Crises. Congressman James Tallmadge: proposed that the introduction of more slaves be prohibited. Senator Henry Clay: engineered the Second Missouri Compromise.

Analyze the map below. What does this map reveal about the Missouri Compromise and slavery in the United States in 1820?

The Northeastern coast of the country, from Maine to New Jersey, was compromised entirely of free states and territories. Present-day North and South Dakota, which were part of the unorganized territory, were both closed to slavery.

In 'McCulloch v. Mayland', Marashall declared the Second Bank of the United States a legitimate exercise of congressional authority. What was his argument to legitimize the bank?

The bank was legitimate due to the constitution's clause that allowed congress to pass "necessary and proper" laws. Because of the legislation in this case promoted "the general welfare", it was legitimate as "all means which are...not prohibited..are constitutional".

Identify the statements that describe Tocqueville's observations in 'Democracy in America'.

The idea that sovereignty belongs to the mass of ordinary citizens was a new departure in western thought. Freedom in the young democracy was connected to belief in equality, an active public sphere, and as a shared goal to improve society.

Immediately upon assuming the office of presidency, William Henry Harrison contracted pneumonia. He died a month later, and John Tyler succeeded him.


Even though John Tyler was a Whig, Whig newspapers quickly started referring to him as "His Accidency" and "The Executive Ass". Why was Tyler so disliked by members of his own party?

Tyler vetoed the creation of a new national bank. Tyler vetoed a higher tariff.

Identify the statements that describe John Quincy Adams's positions prior to becoming president.

United States ambassador to Prussia, Russia, the Netherlands, and Britain. Senator from Massachusetts.

Identify the statements that were given to justify the disenfranchisement of women.

Women were too prone to be swayed by passion. Women were too "pure" to be "contaminated" by politics.

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