Indian Food
What temple is the shape of a pyramid?
South Indian Temple
What is the order of food on the banana leaf?
Sweet, vegetable curry, rice.
What is India famous for around the world?
Tea Industry, native coffees
What do West Indians prefer?
Wheat, vegetables.
What is shudra?
Working class
Are meals mostly vegetarian?
Is curry spicy?
Is fish eaten a lot?
Do Brahamana fast?
Yes once or twice a week.
Does the shape of the leaf matter?
Yes--unless its casual.
What is milk considered?
What is the official language of India?
What isn't allowed for Brahamana?
Meat, eggs, , onion, garlic, mushrooms, stimulants, alcohol.
What is Diwali?
The Festival of Lights, celebration of the victory of good over evil.
How long do Indian weddings last?
2-7 days
How many states in India?
How many union territories?
What is Seviyan?
A muslim dish of sweet vermicelli cooked in milk that's served during Eid.
What are some popular seeds used in Eastern food?
Aniseed, mustard, fenugreek, cumin, and black cumin
How are cows treated?
As family
What is a traditional Indian meal served on?
Banana leaf
What shape is the North Indian Temple?
Beehive shape
What is eaten after lunch?
Beetel leaves with Chunna and Areca nuts & shredded coconut
What is Chunna?
Edible calcium
How do Brahamana fast?
Either by having nothing or by only having water and juice.
Who is served first?
When do Jains fast?
Every fortnight, and every few days after lunar season.
T/F Indian food is very mild smelling
Behind English, what is the most popular language?
What are the two most popular Indian religions?
Hindu and Muslim
How is love and affection shown during celebration?
Huge amount of sweets that everyone makes.
Why do people remove slippers before entering house?
It's dusty
How populated is India?
It's the second most populated behind China.
What do traditional Hindus say after a meal?
What is Tamasic food?
Meat and alcohol. Heavy, promotes dullness and inertia, produces negative feelings. Low class diet.
What is not allowed to Jains?
Meat, overindulgence, violence, plants that grow underground.
What is the famous bread in the north?
What region has the most variety in vegetarian food?
Northern India
What is the Indian version of saying grace
Om Ganesha
How are meals eaten?
On an arab style large platter called a thaali.
What is Rajasic food?
Onions, garlic, salt, spices, seafood. To excite intellect and passion, thought to interfere with meditation, strong emotional qualities. Middle class diet.
Who brought the potato?
What do South Indians prefer?
What is Idly?
Rice flour batter cooked by steam
What is Dosa?
Rice flour batter cooked on pan
What is Chitranna?
Rice seasoned with mango or lime
What is the Western diet based on?
Why do Hindus not eat beef?
Sacred animal
What does closing the leaf back to front indicate?
What are Sarees mostly made of?
Silk or Chiffon
What should be left on the plate if you are full?
Small amount of rice or food
Regions where it is extremely hot causes sweat, what do Indians use to make up for the salt they lose?
Spicy food
What is Vada?
Spicy, flat, round, crispies with batter fried in oil.
What is Western food known for?
Sweetness in their dishes
What do guests of honor get as far as their banana leaf goes?
The perfect shape, tapers to one side and a straight blunt cut on the other.
What is Brahamana?
The priestly class, prestigious with many advantages.
What is Kshatriya?
The warrior class (political power)
What does the origin from the Aryan tribe of the Northern Indians mean?
They have influence from Afghanistan, Iran, and the Middle East.
What countries influence Eastern India?
Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, and China.
What is Henna for?
To lower the stress of bride and groom
What is Paratha?
Vegetables stuffed in Roti and spiced
What kind of food are celebrations marked with?
Is rice pulao uncommonin the north?
What are some wheat based foods Northern Indians like?
roti (pita bread), Samosa (wheat with vegetables inside), veg puffs, naan (with bleached wheat).
What is dance?
A story
What is Obbattu?
A sweet flat bread made of refined flour and stuffed with a mix of jaggery, coconut, cardamom, and cooked tur dhal.
When are people allowed to disperse?
After everyone is done eating
What four classes are there in Hindu society?
Brahamana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra.
What do Northern Indians prefer?
How do people eat?
By hand, always right hand.
Popular flavors?
Chili pepper
What is prepared on Krishna Jayanti (Krishna's birthday)?
food and weets prepared predominantly with milk because that was said to be her favorite.
How big is India?
1/3 the size of US
What pots are common in villages?
Mud pots
What dish is an example of Europe's impact during colonization?
Chicken Tikka Masala
What are popular dishes in Southern India based on?
Chicken with rice
What are portion sizes like?
Guests are encouraged to eat as much as they --second servings are a must.
What is one other thing some Sikhs avoid?
Outside food-only homecooked.
What is Kerala famous for?
Coconut, banana, and jackfruit chips. Tourist country.
What do I need to know for test?
Cow, Food for Hindus, food based on caste system,
What is Vaishya?
Cultivators (merchant class)
When are bonfires lit?
Day before Holi
What is had in Southern India for breakfast?
Dosa, Idly, and Vada
What heritage does the Southern food come from?
Dravidian heritage
What is Holi?
Festival of colors, celebrated at the end of the winter season (on the last full moon day of the lunar month Phalguna--February)
What shape for the floor art is thought to bring good luck?
What do vegan Sikhs avoid?
Food cooked or served by the same utensils or dishes as meat
What is Sattvic food?
Fruits, vegetables, grains. Promote orderliness, isn't irritating and has purifying effect on mind, for spiritual development. High Class diet.
When should the leaf be closed front to back?
Funeral service meals
What four things have an effect on Indian food?
Geographical region, Religions, Caste System, and Festivals
Who is first offered the food for Hindis
What does one not say when leaving?
When fasting what do Jains eat?
What is Mehandi?
What are some traditional Southern foods?
Pongal, Lemon Rice, Chitranna, and Obbattu