Indiana Driving Permit Test

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Approaching a red or stop sign

Must stop at the solid white line

Supplemental plaques

Or sometimes added to the bottom of stop signs that indicate directions in which the intersection must stop

Approaching an intersection with a non-operational signal

Stop before entering the intersection after stopping you may proceed with caution only after you have you did the right of way to cross traffic and pedestrians

ignition locking

When operating a vehicle with a steering wheel interlock system, never turn the ignition to the lock position while the vehicle is in motion. -The steering will lock as the steering wheel is turned, causing a loss of control of the vehicle.

General Guidelines if you get stuck at a railroad crossing

You have about 20 seconds to escape when lights begin to flash and gate lowers. If you and others are stuck on the railroad tracks evacuate the area and run in a 45-degree angle and call 911

Flashing yellow arrow

You may proceed with the turn only after you have your to the right of way to pedestrians and oncoming traffic, your right of way is also ending

Green light without an arrow

You may turn through an intersection as long as the intersection is clear, only one vehicle at a time is allowed to enter the intersection to turn left

Signaling to turn

You must signal 200 ft in advanced before turning or changing lanes, but if posted speed limit is 50 miles per hour of more signal 300 ft in advanced.

Steady yellow light

Your right of way is ending

U-turn is

a 180 degree turn in the car

a roundabout is

a circular intersection in which traffic enters or exists only through right turns and proceeds in a counter-clockwise direction

Flashing arrow boards are often used to indicate:

a detour or "crossover". In these cases lane markings on the road, traffic cones, barrels or barricades will outline the path the vehicle must follow

a tractor-trailer will take longer to stop than a car traveling at the same speed so avoid

a sudden lane change or stop in front of a tractor-trailer

if your vehicle stalls on the track

all occupants should immediately leave the vehicle and look for emergency notification sign to call the railroad and contact 911

U-turn rules -

always yield to pedestrians & to oncoming traffic, never make u-turns on a curve or when approaching the crest of a hill or grade, and never make a u-turn on a highway

primary factors in determining an individual's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) are

amount of alcohol consumed, how quickly the alcohol is consumed, and the individual's body weight

distracted driving is

any activity that takes your eyes off the road, hands off the steering wheel, or your mind off of driving. ex: eating, texting, and cell phone

sharrow markings

are pavement markings of a bike with 2 arrows above it and are to help bicyclists position themselves away from parked cars & to alert other road users to execpt bicyclist to occupy travel lanes

When cross bucks are displayed alone, you should treat it as what?

as a yield sign and the decision to stop or cross the track is yours. you must stop if there is a train approaching

the place where u-turns are permitted and necessary is

at an intersection where left-turn is prohibited in the intersection itself, and the left-turn is made after the driver goes thru the intersection. Also, know as "median u-turns"

to reduce risk of a rollover while driving -

avoid panicked steering, know proper maneuvering, maintain your tires, load vehicles properlu, and use caustion on rural roads

driving at posted speed limit during the following roadway conditions is even more dangerous in -

bad weather and poor visibilty, slick or icy roads, driving with worn tires, unsafe vehicle conditions, impaired physical conditions, and hazardous conditions on road surface

to turn left

be in the far left lane

why is driving on rural roads more hazourdous than on paved interstate or city street?

because rural roads may be narrower in width and consist of paved asphalt, dirt, or gravel surfaces

steep hills or crest

before approaching the crest of a steep hill, slow down, move to the right side of the road, and watch for oncoming vehicles. Never attempt to pass a vehicle when approchins a steep hill or crest.

to reduce the chance of an accident with a tractor-trailer be familiar with their,

braking ability, blind spots, and maneuverability

if fog reduces visibility nearly to zero

carefully pull of the road as far as possible and stop

Tractor-trailers are designed to

carry products long distances and are not designed to be sd maneuverable as cars. Since they weigh more, they have longer stopping and accelerating distances, and have a wider turning radius.

flash flooding

causes more deaths than any other roadway weather event each year, so be especially alert at nigh or when driving on unfamiliar roads

a flashing arrow board not indicating a direction is a signal to use

caution, but does not require a driver to move to another lane

when approaching parked vehicles with amber flashing lights are requiered to

change lanes way from the authorized vehicles. But if you can't move over you shall reduce your speed to 10 mph under the posted speed limit and proceed with caution.

flaggers are posted at each end of the work zone to

control traffic flow

reduced sightlines

cultivated crops (like corn) may reduce your ability to see vehicles approaching intersections and oncoming vehicles on curvy roads

Tips for sharing the road with Tractor-Trailers

do not cut off a tractor-trailer to reach an exit or turn, do not linger laongside a tractor-trailer when passing, do not follow too closely or tailgate, and never underestimate the size and speed of an approachinf truck

if caught in a storm or come upon a hazardours situation, follow these rules:

do not drive around traffic barricades or past road closed signs; watch for bridges, culverts, and roadbeds that may be washed away or undermined by floodwaters, do not drive where water is over the road, and if your car stalls in a flooded area abandon it as soon as possible

except in the event of an emergency or a disabled vehicle

do not stop or park a vehicle on the shoulder of an interstate highway

Flashing turn signal on a motorcycle or motor driven cycle

doesn't always mean a turn is coming because these vehicle signals are usually not self-canceling and sometimes riders forget to turn them off. So always make sure the rider is going to take the action before you proceed.

plunging into water

don't open the doors, instead take off your seat belt, open a window, get children out of rear to the front, exit the vehicle and move to the roof, call 911, swim to shore as last resort, and never re-enter the car for possessions

fog reduces your visibility of other vehicles, pedtrains, and traffic signs so,

drive cautiously and reduce speed, do not use highlight beams, low headlights better illuminate the road & objects ahead.

Guidelines when sharing the road with a bicyclists -

drivers may pass a bicyclist when with the minimum of 3 ft of space, drivers must yield to bicyclist, a bicylist is not required to ride in a designated lane, avoid crossing thier path, wait for a bicyclist to make the turn and let them go through and intersection, and stay behind them if sharing the same lane

Driving on dirt roads

driving during dry periods may make the road dusty and it can reduce your visibility, so use your low beams to make yourself more visible.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning

drowsiness, dizziness, bluish tinge to your skin or lips, a headache, and increase sensitivity to light

if your vehicles begins to lose traction or the rear wheels begin sliding sideways,

ease off the gas pedal. Don't make a fast turn away from the direction of the skid and don't steer too far, cause it causes a spin

be prepare to stop driving if you have any of the following signs of drowsiness -

falling asleep at stoplights; yawning, rubbing eyes, watery eyes, or heavy eyelids; difficulty remembering the last few miles or minutes driving; missing road signs or exits; changing lanes unexpectedly; head nodding or dropping; driving off the road or hitting the rumble strips; and failing to maintain constant speed

You must stop when approaching a school bus with

flashing red lights activated and stop arm extended

a person is aggressive driving if they do or commoys at least 3 of the following:

following a vehicle to closely, unsafe operation of a vehicle, overtaking another vehicke on the right by driving off the roadway, unsafe stopping or slowing a vehicle. unnecessary sounding of the horn, failure to yield, failure to obey a traffic control device. driving at an unsafe speed, and repeatedly flashing the vehicle's headlights

best way to reduce drowsiness is to

get more sleep. also pull over to safe area as soon as you can and take a short nap

high winds

have a significant effect on high-profile vehiles, so be ware of such conditions and take appropriate action for your safety

How to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning

have your vehicle's exhaust regularly check, be alert for any unusual roar from under the car, never let your vehicle's engine run in a closed garage, close the fresh-air vent in congested traffic, and open the fresh-air vent on highways in cold weather

head restraints should be positioned so they are

higher than the top and as close as possible to the back of an indivifual's head

Illegal parking areas

highways, within intersections or on a pedestrian crosswalks, on sidewalks or in front of any drivway, within 15 ft of a fire hydrant or in fire lanes, bridges or other elevated structures like highway or tunnel, adjacent to yellow curbs, and beside another parked vehicle

tire blowout

hold steering wheel firmly and keep the car going straight; slow down gradually; and let the car slow down, pull off the road and then apply the brakes when the car is akmost stopped

What condition is potentically dangerous that can cause a vecihle to lose traction?

ice on the roadway

driving off the pavement

if your wheels drift off the pavement onto the shoulder of the road, don't try to turn back into the pavement right away. Because it might throw your vehicle off balance, instead drive along the shoulder and ease up on the gas pedal and after slowing down, turn back onto the road gradually

when approcching a roudabout

incoming traffic always yields to the circulating traffic

always watch for icy conditions, too, when there is snowfall on the ground, particularly at

intersections, and use your headlights to be seen by other drivers

always signal your intentions before changing lanes or merging with traffic because

is allows other operators to anticipate traffic flow and find a safe lane position

biggest threat to children who ride a bus

is approaching or leaving the bus. So always be cautious for children near bus, arriving late, and be prepared to stop when the lights appear to warns other drivers.

first rule of safe legal turning

is to move to the right lane well before turning

prohibited passing

it is dangerous and illegal

missing a highway exit

it is unsafe to backup, so if you miss an exit you must drive to the next exit. It is illegal for any vehicle except emergency vehicles and highway maintenance vehicles to make a u-turn by crosiing the median or crossover of an interstae highway

accidents are often caused by the driver's

lack of attention, a driver's failure to observe the rules of the road, or both

carbon monoxide mist likely to

leak into a vehicle when a heater is running, when the exhaust system is not working properly, or in heavy traffic where exhaust are breathed in from other vehicles

Rules for changing lanes

make sure there is no traffic ahead of you, check your mirrors for any vehicles that are preparing to pass you, briefly turn your head toward the lane you are entering to make sure there is no vechile in your blind spot and taht there is enought room to move into the adjacent lane, use your turn signal, and smoothly move into the nre driving lane

a driver may be imparied if the vehicle:

makes wide turns; straddles the center line or weaves back and forth; exceeds the speed limit or drives unusally slowly; comes close to hitting another vehicle or object; swerves, drifts, or follows too closely; stops for no reason or turns abruptly or illegally; or signals inconsistently or drives at night withour headlight

Red light

means stop

Seat Belt Extensions

medical reasons, mail person who makes frequent stops & delivers or picksup, driving examiner, vehicle participatinging in a parade

a fully loaded tractor-trailer with hot brakes may take

more than 400 ft to come to a complete stop or over half a football field.

it is important to consider that motorcycles and motor driven cycles may

need the full use of the lane to maneuver safely and avoid potential hazards that are unseen by other motor vehicle operations

dangerous driving is any collision stemming from

one or more of the following actions: aggressive driving, disregarding a signal, or speeding

Don't ever use a center turning lane for

passing other vehicles

National Safety Council recommends

putting children younger than 12 in the back seat or someone who is under 5 ft

motorcyclist and riders of motor driven cycles must be provided the

same considerations as other drivers

vehicles that must stop at railroad crossing include:

school buses, vehicles carrying passengers for hire, and vehicles carrying explosives or flammable liquids

White line markings

separate multiple lanes of traffic going in the same direction. You may cross a broken white line, but must not cross a solid white line

brake failure

shift to a lower gear and pump the brake pedal fast and hard several times

With any turning vehicle, the rear wheels follow a _________ than the front wheels.


if the traffic stop result in a ticket or arrest, you:

should not debate about the reason for the stop, don't refuse the ticket, don't be uncooperative, don't argue about the ticket at the time give and should not resist arrest

U-turn is dangerous and

should only be undertaken when not prohibited by law

school zone speed limit

slow down and check for posted speed limit

entering an interstate on-ramp

stay to the right and increase your speed in the acceleration lane to allow your vehicle to merge with traffic when your path is clear. drivers on an interstate already should make allowance for those entering. but drivers entering must yield to vehicles on the interstate.

In avoiding a collision, drivers have three options:

stop quickly, turn quickly, or speed up

why is driving on gravel dangerous?

stopping and turning is more difficult on the loose gravel because TRACTION is reduced. skidding can occur, so slow down earlier to reduce tisk of skidding.

avoid ___ or _________ whhiel crossing railroad tracks

stopping or shifting gears

What causes a vehicle to skid

sudden turns, lane changes, or hard braking

drivers must use headlights between

sunset and sunrise as well as at any other time in which visibility is less than 500 ft

if your vehicle becomes disabled at or on a railroad crossing, or if you observe an obstruction on the railroad tracks or at the crossing

take immediate action that will help minimize the result of a collision.

most common collison in Indiana is

the failure to yield the right of way

cross vucks at a railroad crossing mark

the location of the tracks

if you cannot move over when there is an emergancy vehicle

the motorists shall reduce their speed to 10mph under the posted limit and procced with caution

who on buses require seat belts?

the operrators

to avoid glare focus on

the right side of the road

on most roadways bicyclists have

the same rights and responsibilities as other roadway users

Lights on a school bus

there are 2 different color lights on a school bus: the amber lights means the bus is slowing down and the red lights means the bus has stopped and the stop arm will be activated

It is difficult to judge motorcycles and motor driven cycles speed and distance because

these vehicles stop much more quickly than other motor vehicles because of their size. They can be hidden in a vehicle's blind spot or missed in a quick shoulder check, so always check your mirrors and blind spots before entering or leaving a lane of traffic at an intersection.

a paddle signal with a messaged diplayed used by a flagger means

to "STOP" or to "SLOW" down

if hydroplanning happens there is no friction

to brakw, speed up, or turn, and a gust of wind, a change of road level, or a slight turn can cause to loose control of your vehicle

Tractor-trailers on multi-laned highways

tractor-trailers stay in the center lane to help flow of local traffic on and off the highway.. Increases the tractor-trailer driver's options if they have to switch lanes in order to avoid a dangerous situation or an accident

park facing uphill

turn wheels away from the curb

if there is no curb when parking on a hill

turn wheels away from the street

park facing downhill

turn wheels towards curb

to reverse

turn your body to the right and look through back window, never just use the rearview mirror for reversing, go slowly, watch at directions, and never back into an intersection in order to turn around

Narrow bridges and roads

use caution when approaching or passing other vehicles on narrow roads or bridges. always watch for narrow bridge signs and be prepared to stop for other vehicles.

when head lights are on

use lower headlight beans within 500 ft of an oncoming vehicle or when following 200 ft of the rear of another vehicle

Seats required when

vehicle is in operation to all passengers

Be aware when using a center turning lane that

vehicles traveling in the opposite direction may be entering the center lane to tuen left of your vehicle

Factors that affect a vehicles ability to stop -

weight of vehicle, type and condition of tires and brakes, physical condition of pavement, slickness of pavement, and grade of road

cross a bicycle path or lane only

when turning or when entering or leaving an alley, driveway, or private road

what leads to hydroplaning

when you are driving on wet roads, your vehicle is actually traveling on a thin kayer of oil, dirt, and water

blind spots on a tractor-trailer

while they have a better forword view and bigger mirrors they have serious blind spots in which a car can completely disappear from view

visually imparied pedestrians often have

white canes or a trained guide dog, Drivers must always yield the right of way to persons who are visually impaired

weaving in and out of lanes

will greatly increase your risk of an accident

Air bags are designed to

work in tandem with seat belts to slow down the vehicle's occupants in the event of a collision. Failing to wear a seat belt could result in an injury from the air bag.

Indiana More Over Law requires motorists to

yeild the right of way; move over to the right and come to a complete stop or change lanes when approaching an emergancy vehicle

school bus on a roadway divided by a barrier or unproved median

you are only required to stop if you are traveling in the same direction as the school bus

Green arrow displayed with a red or green light

you have the right away and may turn through an intersection as long as the intersection is clear

Broken yellow light

you may cross a broken yellow line to pass another vehicle when it is safe

cross buck with a stop sign

you must come to a complete stop and proceed over the tracks only after making sure that a train is not coming

when there are active warning bells, flashing lights, or lights and gates at a cross buck

you must stop and not proceed until the active warning is canceled or directed

when a flagger extends a fluorescent organge/red flag in a horizontal position,

you must stop and only proceed at a reduced speed only when directed by the flagger

solid yellow line

you shouldn't cross unless to turn

Reversing is more diffivult because

your yeild of vision is blocked by the car itself, and is more difficult to control your speed and direction

passing other vehicles

*Make sure the passing lane is clear of traffic. You must return to the right side of the road no less than 100 feet before any oncoming traffic *Check behind and to the left of your vehicle to make sure that another vehicle is not attempting to pass you *Use your turn signals to alert other drivers of your intention to change lanes *Move into the passing lane, accelerate and continue to move forward until you can see the vehicle that you are passing in your rear view mirror *Before returning to the lane in which you were originally driving, use the appropriate turn signal

prohibited passing in the following

- a solid yellow line on the driver's side - a no passing zone sign, do not pass sign, when driving on or approaching a curve in the road - approcahing a curve on the road - approaching the crest if a hill or grade in the road - within 100 ft of an interesection, railroad crossing, bridge, viaduct, or tunnel

exceeding posted speed limits

- reduceds driver's ability to steer safely around curves or objects in the roadway - it extends the distance required to stop -crash severity increases with speed and effectiveness of contruction features and restraint devices declines

18 hours without sleep it equal to

.08 blood alcohol level which is the legal alcohol limit

work site speed limits are always at least

10 miles per hour lower than the established speed limit for the area

Do not pass another vehicle within____ feet of a raliroad crossing.


drivers should sit at least

12 inches away from the steering wheel

the avereage passenger car traveling 55 miles per hour can stop in approximately

130 to 140 feet or about half the length of a football field

in alleys, vehicles may not exceed

15 miles per hour or the posted speed limit

always stay at least

2 to 3 seconds behind the vehicle ahead of you

Following time when following a motorcycle

3 to 4 seconds so they have enough time to stop in case of emergancy

in most urban residential areas, vehicles may not exceed

30 miles per hour or posted speed limit

the maximum speed limit for a school bus is

40 miles per hours, but if it on a interstate or highway it is 60 miles per hour

on country roads vehicles may not exceed

55 miles per hour or posted speed limit

on non-divided state highways, vehicles may not exceed

55 miles per hour or posted speed limit

on urban interstate highways vehicles may not exceed

55 miles per hour or posted speed limit

On rural state divided highways, vecicles may not exceed

60 miles per hour or posted speed limit

trucks on rural interstate highways weighting 26,000 pounds pay not exceed

65 miles per hour or posted speed limit

Common hours for school zone speed limits are

7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday

Rural interstate highways vehicles may not exceed

70 miles per hour or posted speed limit

children are required to sit in a car seat or booster seat until the age of


Approaching a yield sign

A driver must slow down and be prepared to come to a complete stop

Traffic Stops by Law Enforcement

Acknowledge the officers presence by turning on your right turn signal, move your vehicle to the right side shoulder of the road, stopping in well lit area when possible, if you cannot find a safe place immediately slow down and turn on hazard lights, and your cell phone conversation turn off radio, remain inside your vehicle most otherwise directed by the officer, keep all hands clearly visible, comply with the officers request to see documentation, drivers to be treated with dignity and respect by law-enforcement officers

to turn right

Be in the far right lane

Approaching the intersection with no sign or signal

Before entering the street from an alley or driveway should stop and yeiled the right away to other vehicles

Slow moving vehicles

Cannot exceed 25 miles per hour

changing lanes

Change lanes one at a time signal your intention at least 200 ft prior to changing lanes or turning, and you must signal 300 ft in advanced in a speed zone of at least 50 miles per hour

Yellow flashing lights

Displayed without an arrow at an intersection means that you should slow down and use caution when traveling through the intersection

Red flashing lights

Equivalent to a stop sign, must come to a complete stop before entering

Turning through a solid red light

If you're in the middle of an intersection you may turn once oncoming traffic has stopped, Only one permissible you are allowed to turn right, you may turn left an intersection with a red light or arrow if you are turning from a one-way street onto a one-way street

Defensive driver

Looks out for the actions of other drivers and anticipates potential problems

Green light

Means go as long as The intersection is clear all the vehicles and pedestrians

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