Integrated Business Apps FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE

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Numbers that extend beyond a cell's width appear as _____ in the cell.


You can use wildcard characters in the Find what box to search for data that matches a particular pattern. Use _____ for two or more characters.


Templates have a _____ file extension.


A zoom percentage of _____ shows the document at its normal size.


Which document percentage below would make Amanda's document the largest?


Caitlyn would put the word "red" in the box labeled with the number _____.


Christina is listing ten beliefs in her paper, and wants to put a double strike-through for the beliefs she does not support. Which of the font effects above illustrate a double strike-through?


The Office Clipboard is a special clipboard on which you can collect up to _____ selections.


Christina now needs to add a superscript to an entry in her bibliography. Which example illustrates a superscript?


If Caitlyn wants to replace every instance of "red" with the word "crimson," she would select the option labeled with the number _____.


To check only spelling in the document, click the _____ in the Spelling and Grammar dialog box to deselect it.

Check grammar check box

You can use the _____ command to clear manual formatting and styles.

Clear Formatting

To close the document without exiting Word, click the Office Button, and then click _____.


You can close a workbook by clicking the Office Button to display the Office menu and clicking _____.


Unlike other Microsoft Office 2007 programs, the Publisher program does not have a _____ button in the top-right corner.

Close Window Button

Peter wants to his biography, which is in the front of the book, to the last page, too. He has highlighted his biography in the front of the book, and now needs to add it to the last page. He should use the _____ command(s).

Copy and Paste

Using the Find command, you can quickly search a document for every occurrence of a specific word or phrase you type in the _____ box.

Find what

Leah's boss thinks the word "new" is overused and asked Leah not to use it in her presentation. She will search for it in her presentation by filling in the word "new" in the _____.

Find what text box

Some font effects are available in the _____ group on the Home tab, and others are available only in the Font dialog box.


To change fonts and sizes, you must first select the cells you want to change. Then, on the Home tab of the Ribbon, in the _____ group, click the arrow next to the Font box to display a gallery of available fonts.


To change the font, locate the _____ group on the Home tab on the Ribbon.


The colored bar on the Font Color button changes to reflect the last color selected. If the colored bar is the font color you want to apply, you can simply click the _____ button to apply that color.

Font Color

If you want to copy the format to more than one block of text, double-click the _____ button.

Format Printer

The _____ task pane allows you to change the color scheme, font scheme and page size of a publication.

Format Publication

Josh wants to get to the Cell Style gallery. How does he navigate to the Cell Style gallery?

In the Styles group on the Home tab of the Ribbon, click the Cell Styles button

To insert a symbol, on the Ribbon, click the _____ tab. Then, in the Symbols group, click the Symbol button. Commonly used symbols appear on the menu.


When you find the Design Gallery Object you would like to use, click _____ in the Design Gallery.

Insert Object

The _____ shows where text will appear when you begin typing.

Insertion point

Lacy has dragged her pointer over text while holding down the left mouse button. The Mini Toolbar appears transparent. What does this mean?

Lacey needs to move the pointer over the Mini toolbar for it to come into full view

As you format cells, _____ shows the results of the different formatting options you can choose.

Live Preview

When you hover over a theme, the name of the theme appears, and the selected slide will show a _____ of the effect of the theme on the slide.

Live Preview

_____ lets you see how a gallery option affects your file without making the change.

Live Preview

You can also look up a word in the Thesaurus or dictionary by right-clicking a selected word and choosing _____ on the shortcut menu.

Look Up

You can also center cell contents across several columns. Select the cells, and then click the _____ button in the Alignment group on the Home tab of the Ribbon.

Merge & Center

To start Word, click the Start button on the taskbar. Click All Programs on the Start menu, click _____ on the submenu, and then click Microsoft Office Word 2007.

Microsoft Office

_____ is a collection of software programs.

Microsoft Office 2007

To open the Help window, click the _____ button located near the upper-right corner of the program window.

Microsoft Office Help

If you drag and select text, then move the mouse back over the select text, the _____ appears.

Mini toolbar

_____ allow you to use the predefined paths for the movement of an object.

Motion Paths

To name your style and add it to the Quick Styles gallery, open the Quick Styles gallery, and then click _____ on the menu at the bottom of the gallery.

Save Selection as a New Quick Style

The Sales Managers also wanted to be able to switch the Microsoft Internet Explorer, which would be another open program on their computer, during the presentation. Nathan directed them to use the _____ command.


The colors in the palettes all have names. You can see the names by pointed to each color to see its _____.

Screen Tip

A _____ is a box that appears with descriptive information when you point to a button.


The Spelling and Grammar dialog box gave Sela the suggested spelling of "Employs. What should Sela do next?

Scroll down to the word "Employees"

_____ when you right-click something in the program window.

Shortcut menus appear

To determine the reading level of the document, which option would Gabriel choose?

Show readibility statistics

The best view to use when you work on the transition is _____ since you can see all the slides at one time.

Slide Sorter

To set up the animation, Cindy should use PowerPoint's _____ view.

Slide Sorter

You use _____ view to set slide timings, transitions, and animations.

Slide Sorter

_____ view gives you can overview of all the slides in a presentation.

Slide Sorter

In addition to checking your spelling and grammar as you type, you can use the _____ dialog box to check a document's spelling and grammar after you finish typing.

Spelling and Grammar

_____ refers to the way each new slide appears on the screen.


The _____ command is useful because it reverses recent actions.


If Sam wants to move to the previous line, he should press the _____ key(s).

Up arrow

In Normal view, PowerPoint places the new slide _____, using the same layout as the selected slide.

after the selected slide

The easiest way to create your own Quick style is to format text with _____, and then make changes until you are satisfied with the final look.

an existing Quick Style

Because Office is _____, the programs can be used together.

an integrated program

Once you create a publication by clicking the Create button, the publication will _____.

appear in the document window

Pressing the Enter key creates a new paragraph with _____.

blank space between it and the paragraph above it

Text _____ can be as small as one character or as large as an entire document.


With Automatic spell checking, a _____, wavy underline indicates that a word might be misused.


Horizontal alignments do NOT include


Unless you specify otherwise, numbers you enter in a cell are lines up along the _____ side of the cell.


A _____ is a collection of information about an individual, such as name, company name and address.

business information set

Gavin is in the Preview group of the Print Preview tab. He wants to preview the next page of the worksheet. What should he do?

click the Next Page button

PowerPoint will allow Cindy the option of having the animation pause until she starts it manually by _____.

clicking her mouse, pressing the spacebar, pressing the right arrow key

The range is identified by its range reference, which is the cell in its upper-left corner and the cell in its lower-right corner, separated by a _____.


_____ of the worksheet appear vertically and are identified by letters at the top of the worksheet window.


By clicking a button to choose a(n) _____, you give the program instructions about what you want to do.


Since Kyle is having the newsletter professionally printed, when he is faced with the four check types available in Design Checker, he should choose _____.

commercial printing

The _____ always appear in the Formula Bar.

contents of the active cell

When you _____ selected text, it remains in its original location and a copy of it is placed on the Clipboard.


When you _____ selected text, it is removed from the document and placed on the Clipboard.


When you select text in a placeholder, the border of the placeholder is a _____.

dashed line

The Design Gallery provides a collection of _____ that can be used to further enhance a publication's appearance and functionality.

designs and text placeholders

Design Checker has four different check types that do not include _____.

desktop printing

If you want to specify a precise column width, use the Column Width _____.

dialog box

Brad wants to copy the formatting to more than one block of text. He should _____ the Format Painter button.


The easiest way to change the zoom percentage is to _____.

drag the slider

To select text with the mouse, position the I-beam pointer to the left of the first character of the text you want to select. Hold down the left button on the mouse, drag the pointer to the end of the text you want to select, and release the button. This is called _____.


To replace cell contents, type the new data, and then enter the data by clicking the Enter button on the Formula Bar or by pressing the _____.

enter key or tab key

In Slide Show view, each slide _____.

fills the entire screen

Examples of text _____ are adding bold, italics, or underlining to words to emphasize them.


The appearance of text is called _____.


A _____ shows you thumbnails of a theme or effect that will be applied.


Templates may fall into one or more _____, such as Classic Designs or Newer Designs.


The commands on each tab are organized into _____.


The Show/Hide paragraph command allows you to see _____.

hidden formatting marks

The Show Advanced Timeline feature displays the time of the animation as a _____.

horizontal line graph

There is a slide master and associated _____ for each theme in the presentation.

layout masters

If you want to see more cells in the work area, click the Zoom Out button or drag the Zoom slider to the _____ to decrease the zoom percentage.


A(n) _____ is text (often colored and underlined) or a graphic that you click to "jump" to another location or Web page.


A(n) _____ is a symbol that is designed to help customers remember a business and its products.


When you are highlighting text, if no text is selected, the pointer changes to the Highlighter pointer, an I-beam pointer with a _____ on it, when you position it on top of text in the document.


A _____ is a list of other command related to the button.


The _____, or cell reference area located below the Ribbon, displays the cell reference of the active cell.

name box

The Header and Footer dialog box has two tabs, one for slides and one for _____.

notes and handouts

On the _____, include any text or formatting that you want to appear on all your speaker notes.

notes master

In a new paragraph, for example, if you type the number 1 followed by a period, and then press the Tab key, Word assumes that you are trying to create a _____.

numbered list

The area _____ of the status bar shows which slide is displayed in the Slide pane and the total number of slides on the presentation.

on the left side

The Slide pane shows _____ at a time.

one slide

If you are changing the format of a single paragraph, the insertion point must be located somewhere in that _____.


Once you have placed text on the Clipboard, you can then _____ into the document whatever is stored on the Clipboard.


Most documents are printed in _____ orientation.


If you select a plural noun or a verb in a form other than its base form (the infinitive form), a list of _____ appears in the list in the task pane.

related words

Leah found the word "new" in two places in her presentation and wants to replace it with word "innovative." She will fill in the word "innovative" in the _____.

replace with text box

You can resize a graphic by selecting it then dragging a _____.

resizing handle

To clear the active cell, use the _____.

ribbon, mouse, or keyboard

You can change the width of several columns at one time. Select the columns you want to resize. Then, use the pointer to click and drag the _____ edge of one of the selected column headings.


Excel _____ all numbers.


Mark found a word with a waxy red line and wants to check the spelling. The first thing he does is _____ on the word to display the shortcut menu with other spelling options.


To correct an error that has been identified with a wavy underline, _____ the flagged word or phrase to open a shortcut menu with a list of suggestions to replace the possible error.


You can rename a folder by _____ the folder, and then clicking Rename on the shortcut menu.


One way to see all the text stored in a cell is to wrap text. The _____ adjusts automatically to include additional lines until all the text is visible.

row height

Each cell is identified by a unique cell reference, which is formed by combining the cell's column letter and _____.

row number

_____ appear horizontally and are identified by numbers on the left side of the worksheet window.


If a word appears twice in a row, the _____ will be underlined with a red, wavy underline.

second word

The name of each worksheet appears in the _____ at the bottom of the worksheet window.

sheet tab

Data can be indented (or _____) within cells to help distinguish categories or set data apart.

shifted to the right

When a sound is on a slide, you will see the sound icon on the _____.


The _____ is how objects are placed on a slide.

slide layout

Changing the _____ affects the appearance of all of the slides in a presentation associated with that master slide or master layout.

slide master

To change the appearance of the bullets throughout a presentation, make the changes on the _____.

slide master

The _____ at the bottom of the document window displays that object size and position of the selected object.

status bar

If you apply a style and then apply manual formatting, when you change to a new theme, the manual formatting will _____.

still be applied

A(n) _____ is a set of formatting options that have been named and saved.


A _____ is a word with a similar meaning for a word in your document.


The Clipboard is available to all the programs on your computer, and it is sometimes called the _____.

system Clipboard

If a content placeholder appears on a slide, you can choose from _____.

table, clip art, movie

Modifications to a Publisher publication are made using the _____.

task panes and toolbars

Unless you have a particular reason for creating a presentation from a blank document, it is easier and less time consuming to use a _____ already containing placeholders.


Business information sets are stored in Publisher and are associated with _____.


You can add, delete, move, rotate, and scale _____.

text boxes and graphics

Objects are _____.

text, graphics and illustrations, tables and charts

A _____ is a preset collection of deign elements, including fonts, colors, and other effects.


The _____ determines the default font, the color of headings formatted in the Heading Quick styles, and other features of the document.


You can use a(n) _____ to change the appearance of your slides without changing the content.


When Excel starts, the program window displays a blank workbook titled Book1, which includes _____ blank worksheets.


The _____ slide introduces your presentation to your audience.


The _____, at the top of the window, identifies the window as a PowerPoint window and lists the name of the open presentation.

title bar

A command that you use by turning a feature on or off is sometimes known as a _____ command.


Some buttons are like light switches: one click turns on the feature and the next click turns it off. This is often referred to as a _____.


A _____ contains buttons that you can click to perform common tasks.


When Jane chooses a template by clicking on it in the middle pane, she will see a thumbnail image of it in the _____ of the window.

top-right corner

Using the Handouts option you can print handouts with _____ slides per page.

two or three, nine, four or six

When you select the Merge & Center button, on the the contents from the cell in the _____ corner of the range are kept. All other content is deleted from the worksheet.


To exit Word, click the Close button in the _____ corner of the document window.


To switch between views, you can click on of the _____ buttons at the bottom-right of the document window, to the left of the Zoom slider.


Automatic spell checking identifies misspellings and words that are not in PowerPoint's dictionary by underlining them with a _____ immediately after you type them.

wavy red line

When using _____ software such as Word, you can easily create and edit documents, such as letters an reports.

word processing

In Excel, a computerized spreadsheet is called a _____


When using Design Checker, Publisher creates a list of errors that _____.

you can fix or you can leave as is

If Sela wants to change this instance of the spelling of the word only, she would highlight the correct spelling she wants, and then press _____.


To use the Replace command, in the _____ group on the Home tab of the Ribbon, click the Find & Select button, and then click Replace.


The Slide Show menu item called Screen _____.

Either can display a black to white screen or can switch to another open program

Click the Home Page button to load your _____ page, which is the first page that opens when you start your browser.

Either home or start

Gavin wants to magnify the view of the worksheet to double-check some of the figures. What would he do to magnify the view?

Either in the Zoom group, click the Zoom button or click the pointer which becomes a magnifying glass

Neil is connected to the Internet. He clicks the Address Bar, types in the URL, and then needs to press the _____ to go to the Web page.

Either the GO button or enter key

If you want to use a font size that is not on the drop-down menu of the Font Size box, type the point size directly in the Font Size box, and then press the _____ key.


If you are writing a paper that includes mathematical equations, you can insert mathematical symbols and equations using the _____ button in the Symbols group.


To edit the data directly in a cell, make the cell active and then press the _____ key or double-click the cell.


You can select a different theme for you workbook. Click the _____ tab on the Ribbon. In the Themes group, click the Themes button to display a gallery of themes.

Page Layout

The _____ includes tools for formatting pictures, such as setting transparency and adjusting brightness and contrast.

Picture Toolbar

The _____ tab includes buttons that allow you to adjust the picture's contract, color and brightness, set a transparent color, or compress the picture.

Picture Tools Format

The Sales Managers wanted to have the ability to make notes on the actual slide as they were giving a presentation. Nathan directed them to use the _____ command.

Pointer Options

Lacey wants to display a shortcut menu after she has selected some text. What steps does she take to get the menu to appear?

Right-click the selected text

The _____ command lets you save a file with a new name or a new location.

Save As

The first time you save a publication, the _____ dialog box appears in which you name the publication.

Save As

To start an Office program, click the Start button on the taskbar, click _____, and then click Microsoft Office.

All Programs

_____ is text, objects, graphics, or pictures that have motion.


With _____, after you type the first four letters, AutoComplete suggests the complete word.


_____ determines the best width for a column or the best height for a row, based on its contents.


AutoCorrect corrects common capitalization, spelling, grammar, and typing errors as you type.


Pressing the _____ key deletes the character to the left of the insertion point.


You can reorder slides by dragging the thumbnail in the _____ tab.

Both Slides and Outline

_____ are document parts that you can create, store, and reuse.

Building blocks

You can create business information sets using the _____ command on the Edit menu or the Business Information task pane.

Business Information

To select blocks of text that are not next to each other, select the first block of text, press and hold down the Ctrl key, and then use the mouse to select additional blocks of text.


To open the Format Cells dialog box, you can click the Dialog Box Launcher in the Font, Alignment, or Number group on the Home tab of the Ribbon, or you can press the _____ keys.


To change text to italic, press the _____ keys.


Press the _____ keys to apply underlining.


Press the Keyboard shortcut _____ to go to the beginning of the next word.

Ctrl+right arrow

Peter realizes he can improve his book if he deletes one chapter. He highlights the text in the chapter, and chooses the _____ command.


To insert the current date into a document, on the Ribbon, click the Insert tab. Then, in the Text group, click the _____ button.

Date & Time

You can change font size by using the Font Size box on the _____ toolbar or on the Mini toolbar.


_____ view replaces the Ribbon by a small bar called a toolbar that contains only a few relevant commands.

Full Screen Reading

_____ allows you to jump to a specific part of a document.

Go To

To increase or decrease the font size by small amounts, click the _____ Font or Shrink Font button in the Font group on the Home tab or on the Mini toolbar.


Neil is ready to get his computer hooked up to the Internet. How can he do this?

High-speed connection through a cable company

Press the Keyboard shortcut _____ to got to the beginning of the line.


To change the alignment of a cell, select the cell, and then click an argument button in the Alignment group on the _____ tab of the Ribbon.


To move to the beginning of the document, Sam should select the _____ keyboard shortcut.


Brad, first selects the text with the format he wants to copy, and then clicks the Format Painter Command. The pointer changes to a(n) _____.

I-beam pointer with a paintbrush to its right

The Spelling and Grammar dialog box for spelling errors option called _____ leaves all instances of the word untouched in the document and jumps to the next flagged error.

Ignore All

Dori also needs to find an entry she made that was labeled witht the name of the president of the company, Kim Stearns. She cannot remember if she capitalized the president's first and last name and she may have even misspelled "Stearns" as "Stearn." Which search option should Dori choose?

Neither check match case or check match entire cell contents

A new folder appears in the list with the temporary name "_____" highlighted in blue.

New Folder

You can remove the borders from a selected cell by clicking _____ in the border style menu.

No Border

When you use the _____ Quick Style, you change a paragraph format so there is no space after it.

No Spacing

Josh previews some of the styles and clicks one to apply it to the cell. He now wants to remove it. To remove a style from the selected cell, she should simply click _____ in the Good, Bad, and Neutral section of the Cell Styles gallery.


The default style for text is the _____ Style.

Normal Quick

When you remove a style, the _____ Style is automatically applied.

Normal Quick

You can view a presentation four different ways that does NOT include _____.

Notes Page

To add speaker notes, click in the Notes pane below the slide and begin typing, or switch to _____.

Notes Page view

By default, the _____ theme is applied to each workbook.


Tessa wants to find and replace italic text with bold text. Where can she find the dialog box to do this?

On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the Find & Select button, and then click Replace.

Once the Find and Replace dialog box appears, with the Replace tab displayed, what buttons should Tessa click to expand the dialog box so that she can enter in the formatting styles she wants to find and replace?


The Spelling and Grammar dialog box option for grammar errors option called _____ opens the Proofing section in the Word Options dialog box to allow you to change default spelling and grammar check settings.


To change text orientation, select the cells whose contents you want to rotate. Click the _____ button in the Alignment group on the Home tab of the Ribbon.


To run Design Checker, Kyle should click the _____, and then click Design Checker.

Other Task Panes list arrow

_____ is the program used to send and receive e-mail messages and to organize information about people, appointments, and to-do lists.


The presentation program is _____, and is used to create electronic slides that usually accompany a verbal presentation.


To switch to Print Preview, click _____ in the Print dialog box.


The _____ allows you to see how your publication will print before you click the print button.

Preview window

The _____ dialog box enables you to select a printer, the number of copies to print, the parts of the worksheet to print, and the way the printed worksheet will look.


In Print Preview, the Ribbon changes to show only the _____ tab.

Print Preview

The _____ command enables you to look at a document as it will appear when printed.

Print Preview

Mark wants to turn Automatic Spell Checking on. He does this by clicking the Office Button, clicking the PowerPoint Options button, then clicking _____.


A first step for Jane would be to click the Award Certificates category in the _____ list.

Publication Types

_____, the desktop publishing program, helps you design professional-looking documents such as newsletters and brochures.


_____ a presentation to a Web server gives other access to your presentation through a Web browser.


The _____ contains buttons (icons) for three common commands, and you can add traditional Toolbar buttons to it.

Quick Access Toolbar

_____ are settings that affect the way text looks in the document and that you can apply by clicking a button on the Ribbon.

Quick Styles

When you want to open as existing presentation that you have recently viewed, you can choose the presentation from the _____ list.

Recent Documents

The list of _____ Templates contains the template files that were last opened.

Recently Used

Gabriel wants to run through his document one last time, and wants to reset the spelling and grammar check so that words he chose to ignore will be flagged again. Which option should he choose?

Recheck document

The _____ command reverses an Undo action.


The _____ command repeats the most recent action.


The _____ command allows you to replace a word or phrase with another word or phrase you key in the Replace with box.


To start Microsoft Publisher 2007, click the _____ button, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Office, and then click Microsoft Publisher 2007.


To highlight text, click the arrow next to the _____ button in the Font group on the Home tab.

Text Highlight Color

To save a presentation as an HTML file that can be views in a browser, choose the _____ type of file in the Save As dialog box.

Web Page

To view Web pages, you need special software called a _____.

Web browser

_____ view stimulates the way a document will look when it is viewed as a Web page.

Web layout

Dori knows that she has entered an incorrect value of 4,231 in one of the cells and wants to find it. She would choose "cell contents" as her place to search in the _____ search option section.


Find out the number of characters, paragraphs, and lines in a document by opening the _____ dialog box.

Word Count

The _____ is a system of computer that share information by means of links on Web pages.

World Wide Web

The key elements of the screen in Print Layout view are the Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar, insertion point, status bar, view buttons, and _____.

Zoom slider

If you try to close a workbook that contains changes you haven't saved, _____.

a dialog box asks you whether or not you want to save the file

At any time, you can print _____ from a document on the screen.

a full document, a single page, multiple pages

The tilde over the n in some Spanish words is considered to be _____.

a symbol

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