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Baltes and Smith research identified cognition loss is most prevalent among the:

"oldest old".

Place the steps of the scientific method in order.

1. Conceptualize a problem or process that needs to be solved. 2. Collect data. 3. Analyze data. 4. Draw conclusions.

In 2014, about ___ of US children were living in families with incomes below the poverty line.


According to a UNICEF study, in developing countries, ___ of women over the age of 25 have never been to school.


Life-span expert Bernice Neugarten (1988) argues that in the United States, chronological age is becoming irrelevant. Which of the following examples support her thinking? (select all)

A 65-year-old father of a preschooler. A 28-year-old mayor. A 70-year-old student.

The "nature" part of the nature-nurture issue in development can be described as ___.

A biological and genetic perspective.

Dr. Phillips, a clinical psychologist, has a client who exhibits some very unusual behaviors. She writes a report on the patient so that her colleagues can benefit from her observations. What is the type of research Dr. Phillips is conducting?

A case study.

What is functional magnetic resonance imaging?

A physiological measure.

What is a method of data collection that has uniform procedures for administrations and scoring?

A standardized test.

Which of the following are major concerns for older adults in regard to social policy issues?

Access to adequate health care. Need for alternative networks of supports for those without spouses or children. Escalating health care costs.

The ___ period of development is the period of transition from childhood to early adulthood. It begins approximately 10-12 years of age and ends at 18-21 years of age.


According to data from 2014, a child from which of the following ethnic groups would be MOST LIKELY to live in poverty in the United States?

African American. Latino.

Increasingly, many developmentalists refer to the four ___ of life-span development.


Descriptive (research design)

Aims to observe and record behavior

Correlational (research design)

Aims to provide information that helps to predict how people will behave.

Experimental (research design)

Aims to understand causality

During Erikson's stage of autonomy vs. shame and doubt, what do infants begin to do?

Assert their independence.

The largest generation to enter late adulthood in the United States are called ___.

Baby boomers.

Drawing conclusions about the abilities or behaviors of ethnic minority groups from a study in which all the participants came form the ethnic majority group is an example of cultural and ethnic ___.


Research results from studies done with participants who are not from diverse cultures or ethnic groups have sometimes been applied to people who are from diverse cultures and ethnic groups. This is clearly a case of cultural and ethnic ___.


The ___ process refer to the changes in the physical nature of an individual.


When does the first Piagetian stage occur?

Birth to 2 years of age.

John ___ was an attachment theorist who stressed that attachment to a caregiver over the first year of life has important consequences through the life span.


Which of the following was a theorist who believed that development reflects the influence of five environmental systems?


Which of the following best describes the results of the Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP)?

Children's achievement in school improved. Children's behavior problems decreased.

In a good survey the questions are ___.

Clear. Unbiased.

Which of the following are key factors of Bandura's social cognitive theory?

Cognition. Environment. Behavior.

People who were teenagers during the Great Depression are bound to differ from people who were teenagers in the 1990's; what could this fact produce in a research study?

Cohort effects

Which of the following are physiological measures used to collect data?

Collecting blood levels of hormones. Functional magnetic resonance imaging.

The prenatal period is the time from ___.

Conception to birth.

Marco can reason logically about real or specific examples, but he cannot yet reason logically about hypothetical or abstract ideas. Which Piagetian stage is he in?

Concrete operational.

What is the third stage of Piaget's cognitive development called?

Concrete operational.

All development occurs within a ___ or environmental setting, such as families, schools, peer groups, cities and neighborhoods.


The three main issues that influence how we look at development are nature and nurture, ___ and ___, and stability and change.

Continuity and discontinuity.

Both the behavioral and the social cognitive theories emphasize ___.

Continuity in development.

In a research study, what is a group whose experience is not manipulated called?

Control group.

The goal of ___ research is to measure the strength of the relationship between or among variables without making a determination about cause-and-effect.


Dr. Xiong is comparing aspects of Uganda and Denmark. Her research is best described as ___.


Dr. Brandon has to decide what form of research would work best with his research study. Since he hopes to complete his research within six months and is planning to assess his participants only once, he chooses the ___ research approach.


___ encompasses the behavior patterns and beliefs that are passes from generation to generation.


Which of the following are variables found in experimental research?

Dependent. Independent.

Which of the following types of research cannot provide causal reasons for the relationship between variables?

Descriptive. Correlational.

Which of the following types of research cannot provide causal reasons for the relationships between variables?

Descriptive. Correlational.

Which of the following statements best reflects the position of most developmentalists?

Development is influenced by nature, nurture, stability, change, continuity, and discontinuity.

Sharon is becoming more self-sufficient and can follow instructions. She is even learning to identify letters. She is in the ___ ___ period of development.

Early childhood.

David is establishing economic independence, pursuing a career, and is considering getting married in the near future. David is most likely in the ___ adulthood stage of life.


The perspective that does not rigidly believe in any one theoretical perspective but considers the multiple theories and selects the best features from each is known as ___ theoretical orientation.


marina is interested in researching the effects of teacher-to-child ratio on academic achievement. This exemplifies the contemporary focus of life-span development on ___.


Which psychoanalytic theorist said humans develop in psychosocial stages, rather than in psychosexual stages?

Erik Erikson.

The ___ theory states that behavior is tied to evolution, is strongly affected by biological influence, and is characterized by critical or sensitive periods.


True or False: Life-span development focuses mostly on the rapid growth and development that occurs during childhood.



For study purposes, participants are not told everything in advance, because it would change their behavior and alter data. This is allowed so long as participants are not harmed.

According to Piaget's theory, the ___ operational stage of cognitive development occurs between the ages of 11-15 and continues through adulthood.


A researcher draws conclusions about females' attitudes and behaviors from research conducted with males as the only participants. This is an example of ___ bias.


The characteristics of masculinity and femininity that form a central part of a person's identity and social relationships is called ___.


Erikson's seventh developmental stage is ___, which involves middle adulthood people exhibiting a concern with helping the next generation lead useful lives, or feeling as if they have not done anything to help the younger generation.

Generativity vs. stagnation.

What can happen when researchers overgeneralize ethnic groups?

Groups are portrayed as being more homogeneous. Researchers obtain samples that are not representative of the group's diversity.

A specific assertion and prediction that an be tested is referred to as a(n) ___.


Which of the following best describes Erik Erikson's developmental stage that involves adolescents finding out who they are and what they want to do in their lives?

Identity vs. Identity confusion.

The term ___ was coined by Lorenz to describe the rapid, innate learning that involves attachment to the first moving object seen when a young goose hatches.


Ducklings will follow the first moving object that they see, usually their mother. This process is called ___.


A recent study revealed that happiness ___ as adults aged.


Which of the following are variables that are part of an experimental research design?

Independent. Dependent.

___ is the developmental period from birth to 18 or 24 months.


___ is the developmental period from birth to 18-24 months.


In conducting research on historical variations of adolescents, what does the term cohort effects refer to?

Influences attributed to a person's generation. Influences attributed to a person's era. Influences attributed to a person's year of birth.


Information on participants must not be published or revealed; ideally, participants' information will remain anonymous.

What theory of development emphasizes individuals manipulating, monitoring, and strategizing about information?

Information-processing theory.

Which theoretical approach believes that individuals develop a gradually increasing capacity for sensing, storing, and remembering information that allows them to acquire increasingly complex knowledge and skills?


According to Erikson at what stage do children encounter a wider social world and face new challenges that require active, purposeful behavior?

Initiative vs. guilt.

Madeline is in her early nineties and lives in a nursing home. She has been reflecting on her life and reviewing it as a life well spent. According to Erikson's developmental theory, she is in which stage of development.

Integrity vs. despair.

Cognitive processes refer to changes in the following areas:

Intelligence. Thought. Language.

What is Erikson's sixth developmental stage, in which individuals form intimate relationships?

Intimacy vs. isolation.

Stacey is 20 years old and has begun dating her roommate's brother. They are talking about making a serious commitment and possibly getting engaged. According to Erikson, Stacey is most likely in the ___.

Intimacy-versus-isolation stage.

Which of the following correctly describe life span in the study of human development (select all).

It involves growth and change. It occurs throughout life.

Which of the following correctly describe life span in the study of human development?

It involves growth and change. It occurs throughout life.

Which of the following characterized the middle adulthood period of development?

It is a period of expanding personal and social involvement, career achievement, and responsibility.

Which of the following is NOT an advantage of the longitudinal study approach?

It is efficient and can usually be accomplished in a short time.

Which of the following statements most accurately reflects what is important in the study of life-span development?

It is important to study growth as well as decline when studying the life span.

Which of the following are aspects of the life-span perspective of development?

It is multidirectional. It is multidimensional. It is lifelong.

Which of the following are criticisms of research performed in the laboratory?

It is not a natural setting. Participants usually know they are being studied.

A cross-sectional approach to life-span research studies individuals of various ages at the same time. What are some of the advantages of this design?

It is not necessary to wait for people to grow older. It is efficient and can be completed in a period of several months.

Which of the following are criticisms of Freud's psychoanalytic theory? (select all)

It lacks scientific support. Its image of people is too negative. It overemphasizes sexuality.

Which of the following are true of the correlation coefficient?

It ranges from -1.00 to +1.00. Whether a correlation is simply positive or negative does not indicate strength. A correlation of 0 means there is no relationship.

Which of the following is true of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

It states that adolescents organize their experiences. It consists of four stages.

A(n) ___ environment is a controlled setting for scientific observation, in which many of the complex factors of the "real world" are absent.


According to a UNICEF study, which of he following are the main global concerns facing women worldwide?

Lack of education. Violence. Mental health issues.

Madeline is a fifty year old woman who has become very active in a number of political and social organizations. She is very passionate about mentoring younger people. Madeline is probably in the development period of ___ adulthood.


Which of the following developmental periods is typically the longest, based on today's population trends?

Late adulthood.

Edgar has recently retired and is struggling to come to terms with his new life style. He is in good health, but has experienced a decrease in strength, which bothers him. This information identifies Edgar as a man in the ___ adulthood stage of life.


Which of the following are the five stages of psychosexual development, according to Freud?

Latency. Genital. Oral. Anal. Phallic.

The average number of years that a person born in a particular year can expect to live is called ___ expectancy.


In the life-span perspective, no age period dominates development. That highlights the view that development is considered to be ___.


Tamara is one of 30 participants in a study of language development. She was tested when she was two, again when she was five, and will be tested every 3 years until she is 14. Tamara is participating in a ___ study.


Konrad _____, a European zoologist, helped bring ethology to prominence


Konrad _____, a European zoologist, helped bring ethology to prominence.


In Brofenbrenner's theory, relations between contexts, such as the relation of family experiences to school experiences, is known as the ___.


Which of the following are components of Brofenbrenner's ecological theory?

Microsystem. Exosystem. Chronosystem. Mesosystem. Macrosystem.

Julie mastered the basic skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic. She has recently developed more self-control and is very motivated to do well in school. Julie is most likely in the developmental period of ___.

Middle childhood.

Austin is a twenty year old college student who falls asleep nightly with his cell phone laying on his night stand. Austin is identified as a member of the ___ generation.


Examples of chonosystem include ___.

Moving to a new state. Parents getting divorced.

Development is ___, which refers to the fact that is has biological, cognitive, and socioemotional aspects.


As adolescents develop romantic relationships, their time spent with friends may decrease. This is an example of the ___ of development.


Development is ___, which means that researchers in many different fields have an interest in understanding the many aspects of development.


In order to study how nutrition and genetics might affect intelligence, experts from various fields of study form a team. This is an example of how developmental science is a ___ approach.


Observing behavior in a real-world situation is a research method called ___ ___.

Naturalistic observation.

In what form of observation do researchers observe behavior in real-world settings while making no effort to manipulate or control the situation?


A scientist who supports the ___ perspective would stress the importance of genetically programmed growth tendencies common among humans.


___ life events are unusual occurrences that have a major impact on an individual's life, but do not occur to every individual and do not always influence people in the same way.


___ age-graded influences include biological processes such as puberty and menopause.


A researcher who supports the ___ perspective of human development would point to influences such as family, schools, nutrition, accidents, and pollution, among other things.


In Dr. Crawford's research study, he and his colleagues spend time in a sixth-grade classroom watching teacher-student interactions. The type of research that Dr. Crawford's team is doing is most likely ___.

Observational research.

A method that involves systematically gathering data in a laboratory or natural setting by watching and recording interactions or behaviors is known as ___ research.


Which of the following is NOT a possible reason for the finding that happiness increases as people age?

Older people are generally unable to be depressed or anxious.

Informed consent

Participants must have information on the costs and benefits of their participation. They must be told that they have the right to withdraw.


Participants will be advised of the purpose of the study and methods used once their participation has ended.

Which of the following are social cognitive theories of development?

Piaget's developmental theory. Vygotsky's sociocultural theory. Information-processing theory.

The term ___ in development refers to the capacity for change.


In Piaget's ___ stage of cognitive development, which lasts from about 2-7 years of age, children represent the world by words, images, and drawings.


Venita is extremely active and in great health; she likes to swim, go out with her friends, and attend concerts among other things. She adapts easily to new situations and can generally find something positive in any situation. Her grandchildren joke that she doesn't act like a grandmother and is more daring than they are. She embodies "young at heart." She is 70, but much younger in term of which conceptions of age?

Psychological age. Biological age. Social age.

What are the four ways of measuring age?

Psychological. Biological. Social. Chronological.

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, a child's cognition is ___ different in one stage compared with another.


Which of the following are factors in which ethnicity is rooted?

Race. Cultural heritage. Nationality.

Which of the following are factors in which ethnicity is rooted.

Race. Nationality. Cultural heritage.

Baltes believed that what three goals of human development (which correspond to the three broad stages of life) often conflict and compete with each other?

Regulation of loss. Growth. Maintenance.

What, according to Freud, is the primary motivation for human behavior?


Who is the behaviorist known for his theory of operant conditioning?


Which of the following are key characteristics of Vygotsky's theory?

Social interaction. Culture.

Which of the following are key characteristics of Vygotsky's theory?

Social interaction. Culture.

___ ___ is a governments course of action designed to promote the welfare of its citizens.

Social policy.

___ age refers to connectedness with others and the roles individuals adopt.


___ status refers to a person's position within society, based on occupational, educational, and economic characteristics.


The ___ processes of development refer to changes in an individual's emotions and personality.


Sylvia is a 29-year-old top professional tennis player. Sylvia is no longer winning as many games as she used to. Her body is no longer at its physical peak. It makes Sylvia sad and worried to imagine a future in which she is no longer a top tennis player. This example illustrates ___.

The interaction of biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes.

Which statement about the human life span is TRUE?

The maximum human life span has not changed since the beginning of recorded history.

A ___ is an interrelated, coherent set of ideas that helps to explain phenomena and make predictions.


Jessica has formed an interrelated set of ideas to explain the phenomena of social anxiety. Jessica has formed a(n) ___.


Which of the following statements are consistent with what happens at each developmental stage in Erickson's psychosocial theory? (select all)

There is a turning point marked by increased vulnerability and enhanced potential. There is a crisis that must be resolved.

Which of the following statements are consistent with what happens at each developmental stage in Erikson's psychosocial theory?

There is a turning point marked by increased vulnerability and enhanced potential. There is a crisis that must be resolved.

Which of the following is a criticism of cognitive theories of development?

There is too little attention to individual variations.

In deciding whether to do a cross-sectional research study or a longitudinal study, one of the most important factors the researcher must take into account is the ___.

Time available.

Which of the following studies involves random assignment?

Tom, a graduate assistant, tosses a coin to determine whether a participant will be in the control group or the experimental group.

True or false: In the study of the human life span, development from one stage to another is connected through biological, cognitive and socioemotional factors.


Which of Erikson's stages of development occurs during the first year of life?

Trust vs. mistrust

Setting the stage for a lifelong expectation about the world, Erikson's psychosocial stage or ___ versus ___ is the first in his theory and is experienced in the first year of life.

Trust; mistrust.

Life-span development is defined as the pattern of change that begins ___ and continues ___.

at conception; through the human life span.

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