IT ESSENTIALS CHAPTER 5 (Operating Systems)

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List some of the network resources to a computer system A NOS provides including:

- Server applications, such as shared databases - Centralized data storage - Centralized repository of user accounts and resources on the network - Network print queue - Redundant storage systems, such as RAID and backups

Which 4 functions must an OS perform regardless of the size and complexity of the computer and the operating system, all operating systems perform the same four basic functions:

1) Control hardware access 2) Manage files and folders 3) Provide a user interface 4) Manage applications

List 3 instances you might perform a clean installation as a technician?

1) When a computer is passed from one employee to another 2) When the OS is corrupt 3) When the primary hard drive is replaced in a computer

What is a Dynamic Link Library file?

A DLL file can be located by the operating system or a program, it must be registered. It is usually registered automatically during the instalation a User may need to manually register a DLL file when a problem is encoutered

What does a NOS (Network Operating System) do?

A NOS contains additional features to increase functionality and manageability in a networked environment. A NOS has the following characteristics: - Supports multiple users - Runs multi-user applications - Provides increased security compared to desktop operating systems

Describe a PXE Installation?

A PXE installation uses a method similar to a network installation. The only difference is that a PXE installation uses a PXE boot file instead of a boot disk. The PXE boot file allows the network interface card (NIC) to communicate with the server and obtain setup files. After a client has access to the setup files, it boots to a command window, were the user is prompted for the network username and password.

What is Hard Drive Fromating

A clean installation of an OS proceeds as if the disk were brand new. No information that is currently on the hard drive is preserved. The first phase of the installation process partitions and formats the hard drive. This process prepares the disk to accept the new file system. The file system provides the directory structure that organizes the user's operating system, application, configuration, and data files.

List some of the characteristics of a Desktop Operating System:

A desktop OS has the following characteristics: Supports a single user Runs single-user applications Shares files and folders on a small network with limited security In the current software market, the most commonly used desktop operating systems fall into three groups: Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS, and Linux. This chapter focuses on Microsoft operating systems.

What is a Desktop Operating System?

A desktop operating system is intended for use in a small office, home office (SOHO) environment with a limited number of users. A network operating system (NOS) is designed for a corporate environment serving multiple users with a wide range of needs

What is partitioning?

A hard drive is divided into specific areas called partitions. Each partition is a logical storage unit that can be formatted to store information, such as data files and applications. During the installation process, most operating systems automatically partition and format available hard drive space

What is a HCL?

A hardware compatibility list (HCL) is a list of computer hardware (typically including many types of peripheral devices) that is compatible with a particular operating system or device management software. In today's world, there is a vast amount of computer hardware in circulation, and many operating systems too. A hardware compatibility list is a database of hardware models and their compatibility with a certain operating system. HCLs can be centrally controlled (one person or team keeps the list of hardware maintained) or user-driven (users submit reviews on hardware they have used). There are many HCLs. Usually, each operating system will have an official HCL on its website. NOTE: An HCL specified for an OS might not be continuously maintained and therefore may not contain all compatible hardware.

What is Active Partition?

Active partition - The OS uses the active partition to boot the computer. Only one primary partition per disk can be marked active. In most cases, the C: drive is the active partition and contains the boot and system files. Some users create additional partitions to organize files or to be able to dual-boot the computer.

What are the 3 account types for users of Windows 7 and Windows vista?

Administrator, Standard, Guest

Why might you need to upgrade your operating system?

An OS must be upgraded periodically to remain compatible with the latest hardware and software. It is also necessary to upgrade an OS when a manufacturer stops supporting it. Upgrading an OS can increase performance. New hardware products often require that the latest OS version be installed to operate correctly. While upgrading an OS may be expensive, you can gain enhanced functionality through new features and support for newer hardware. NOTE: When newer versions of an OS are released, support for older versions is eventually withdrawn. Before upgrading the operating system, check the minimum hardware requirements of the new OS to ensure that it can be installed successfully on the computer. Also check the Windows Compatibility Center for Windows 7 and Vista, or the Windows XP HCL to ensure that the hardware is compatible with the new OS.

What is an API and give a few examples of popular API's?

An application-programming interface (API) is a set of programming instructions and standards for accessing a Web-based software application or Web tool. A software company releases its API to the public so that other software developers can design products that are powered by its service. - Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) - Cross-platform standard specification for multimedia graphics - DirectX - Collection of APIs related to multimedia tasks for Microsoft Windows - Windows API - Allows applications from older versions of Windows to operate on newer versions - Java APIs - Collection of APIs related to the development of Java programming

What is a Basic Disk?

Basic disk - A basic disk (the default) contains primary and extended partitions, as well as logical drives. A basic disk is limited to four partitions.

Describe two multimedia file systems most technicians should be awar of?

Before users can install Windows XP, they must create a new partition. When a user creates a new partition, they will be prompted to choose the size of the partition. After a partition has been created, Windows XP provides users with a choice of formatting it with the NTFS or FAT file systems. A technician should also be familiar with the following multimedia file systems: exFAT (FAT 64) - Created to address some of the limitations of FAT, FAT32, and NTFS when formatting USB flash drives, such as file size and directory size. Compact Disc File System (CDFS) - Created specifically for optical disk media.

What does the term cluster refer to?

Cluster - A cluster is also called a file allocation unit. It is the smallest unit of space used for storing data. It is made up of one or more sectors.

How can someone simplify an OS Deployment across an organization?

Consider using an OS deployment feature Pack using Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)

What does Cylinder refer to?

Cylinder - A cylinder is a stack of tracks lined up one on top of another to form a cylinder shape.

What is a remote installation?

Downloads the installation across the network. The installation can be requested by the user or forced on to a computer by an administrator.

What is a Dynamic Disk?

Dynamic disk - A dynamic disk has the ability to create volumes that span across more than one disk. The size of the partitions can be changed after they have been set. Free space can be added from the same disk or a different disk, allowing a user to efficiently store large files. After a partition has been extended, it cannot be shrunk without deleting the entire partition.

What is extended partition?

Extended partition - The extended partition normally uses the remaining free space on a hard drive or takes the place of a primary partition. There can be only one extended partition per hard drive, but it can be subdivided into smaller sections called logical drives.

List the 2 file systems that are used in most operating systems

File Allocation Table, 32 bit (FAT32) - Supports partition sizes up to 2 TB or 2,048 GB. The FAT32 file system is used by Windows XP and earlier OS versions. The preferred file system type for a clean installation of Windows is NTFS. Security is one of the most important differences between FAT32 and NTFS. NTFS can support more and larger files than FAT32 and also provides more flexible security features for files and folders. Figure 1 is a comparison of the Windows file systems. To use the extra security advantages of NTFS, you can convert partitions from FAT32 to NTFS using the CONVERT.EXE utility. To make an NTFS partition a FAT32 partition, back up the data, reformat the partition, and restore the data from a backup. CAUTION: Before converting a file system, remember to back up the data.

What is the Windows Registry?

Files that are an important part of the Windows boot process. These files are recognized by their distinctive names, which begin with HKEY_

What is Formating?

Formatting - This process prepares a file system in a partition for files to be stored.

What is a home Network?

If Home network is selected, you are prompted to enter the name of a workgroup, with the option of configuring a homegroup. A workgroup provides a network structure that permits file and printer sharing. All computers in a workgroup must have the same workgroup name. A homegroup allows computers on the same network to automatically share files, such as music and pictures, as well as printers.

What is a Work network

If Work network is selected, you can choose to enter the name of a domain or a workgroup. A computer on a domain is governed by a central administrator and must follow the rules and procedures set by the administrator. A domain, like a workgroup, provides users with the ability to share files and devices.

What is the Windows Easy Transfer (hint: Data Migration)?

If a user is switching from an old computer to a new one, you can use Windows Easy Transfer to migrate personal files and settings, as shown in Figure 2. You can perform the file transfer using a USB cable, CD or DVD, a USB flash drive, an external drive, or a network connection. After running Windows Easy Transfer, you can view a log of the files transferred. To access Windows Easy Transfer in Windows 7 or Windows Vista, use the following path: Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Windows Easy Transfer On Windows XP, you must first download the Windows Easy Transfer program. After it has been downloaded, access it using the following path: Start > All Programs > Windows Easy Transfer Windows Easy Transfer replaced the Windows XP File and Settings Transfer Wizard. File and Settings Transfer Wizard for Windows XP The File and Settings Transfer Wizard for Windows XP, as shown in Figure 3, transfers files and settings from an old computer to a new computer. It allows the user to select which files and settings to transfer. You can transfer files using storage media, a cabled connection, or a network connection. To access the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard, use the following path: Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Files and Settings Transfer Wizard

If hardware upgrades are necessary to meet the minimum requirements for an OS, conduct a cost analysis to determine the best course of action. What are some of things you might upgrade to get your OS working properly?

In some cases, it might be less expensive for the customer to purchase a new computer than to upgrade the current system. In other cases, it might be cost effective to upgrade one or more of the following components: RAM Hard disk drive CPU Video adapter card Motherboard

What are Patches?

Individual updates to an Operating System

What is SSO authentication?

It allows users to log in once to access all features versus requiring them to log in each time they need to access a user account.

What is Disk cloning?

It creates an image of a hard drive in a computer.

What is a Network Installation?

It requires all setup files to be copied to a network server.

What is an Image-Based Installation?

It uses Sysprep and disk-imaging program, such as ImageX, that copies an image of the OS directly to the hard drive with no user intervention.

What is a preboot Execution Environment (PXE) Installation?

It uses a PXE boot program and a client's network card to access the setup files.

What is a logical drive?

Logical drive - A logical drive is a section of an extended partition. It can be used to separate information for administrative purposes.

Describe some of the features of popular Operating Systems:

Microsoft Windows Windows is one of the most popular operating systems today. The following versions of Windows are available: Windows 7 Starter - Used on netbook computers to make networking easy Windows 7 Home Premium - Used on home computers to easily share media Windows 7 Professional - Used on small business computers to secure critical information and to make routine tasks easier to complete Windows 7 Enterprise - Used on large business computers to provide more enhanced productivity, security, and management features Windows 7 Ultimate - Used on computers to combine the ease of use of Windows 7 Home Premium with the business capabilities of Windows 7 Professional and provide added data security Windows Vista Home Basic - Used on home computers for basic computing Windows Vista Home Premium - Used on home computers to expand personal productivity and digital entertainment beyond the basics Windows Vista Business - Used on small business computers for enhanced security and enhanced mobility technology Windows Vista Enterprise - Used on large business computers to provide more enhanced productivity, security, and management features Windows Vista Ultimate - Used on computers to combine all the needs of both home and business users Windows XP Professional - Used on most computers that connect to a Windows Server on a network Windows XP Home - Used on home computers and has limited security Windows XP Media Center - Used on entertainment computers for viewing movies and listening to music Windows XP 64-bit Professional - Used for computers with 64-bit processors Apple Mac OS Apple computers are Intel-based PCs and use an operating system called Mac OS. Mac OS is designed to be a user-friendly GUI operating system. Linux Unix was introduced in the late 1960s and is one of the oldest operating systems. Linux is an operating system based on Unix. Linus Torvalds designed Linux in 1991 as an open-source OS. Open-source programs allow the source code to be distributed and changed by anyone as a free download or by developers at a much lower cost than other operating systems.

What is Upgrade Advisor?

Microsoft provides a free utility called the Upgrade Advisor, which scans the system for hardware and software incompatibility issues in hardware before upgrading to newer editions of the Windows OS. The Upgrade Advisor creates a report of any problems and then guides you through the steps to resolve them. You can download the Upgrade Advisor from the Microsoft Windows website.

Describe Multiprocessing?

Multiprocessing - The operating system can support two or more CPUs

Describe Multitasking as it relates to Operating Systems.

Multitasking - The computer is capable of operating multiple applications at the same time.

Describe Multithreading

Multithreading - A program can be broken into smaller parts that are loaded as needed by the operating system. Multithreading allows different parts of a program to be run at the same time.

Describe the Minimum Hardware Requirements and Compatibility with the OS Platform?

NOTE: If the application requirements exceed the hardware requirements of the OS, you must meet the additional requirements for the application to function properly. After you have determined the minimum hardware requirements, ensure that all hardware in the computer is compatible with the OS that you have selected for the customer.

What are some things you might do during an installation?

NOTE: Unless you perform a clean installation of Windows 7, the previous Windows folder is kept, along with the Documents and Settings and Program Files folders. During the Windows 7 installation, these folders are moved to a folder named Windows.old. You can copy files from the previous installation to the new installation if you need them. During an installation, you must provide the following information: Language to install Standards and formats that define currency and numerals Keyboard or input method Physical location of the installation Username and computer name Password for the administrative account Product key Time and date settings Network settings

List some of the different types of custom installations for Windows 7?

Network Installation, PreBoot Execution (PXE) Installation, Unattended Installation, Image-Based Installation, Remote Installation

What are Network Settings?

Network Settings When configuring initial network settings during installation, you are prompted to select one of the following current locations, as shown in Figure 3: Home network Work network Public network Depending on the current location of the computer and version of the OS, you are prompted to select a method for organizing computers and sharing resources on a network. The options are Homegroup, Workgroup, and Domain.

What is NFTS?

New Technology File System (NTFS) - Supports partition sizes up to 16 exabytes, in theory. NTFS incorporates more file system security features and extended attributes than the FAT file system. NTFS has several technical improvements over FAT and HPFS (High Performance File System), the file systems that it superseded, such as improved support for metadata, and the use of advanced data structures to improve performance, reliability, and disk space utilization, plus additional extensions, such as security access control lists (ACL) and file system journaling. Windows 7 and Windows Vista automatically create a partition using the entire hard drive. If a user does not create custom partitions using the New option, as shown in Figure 2, the system formats the partition and begins installing Windows. If users create a partition, they will be able to determine the size of the partition. In Windows 7 and Windows Vista, there is no option to select a file system. All partitions are formatted with NTFS.

What are some guidelines to help determine the best OS for a customer?

Off the shelf and Customization? Does the customer use off-the-shelf applications for this computer? Off-the-shelf applications specify a list of compatible operating systems on the application package. Does the customer use customized applications that were programmed specifically for the customer? If the customer is using a customized application, the programmer of that application specifies which OS to use.

What are Power Users?

Power Users were included in Windows XP and have privileges and features short of administrators.

What is a primary partition?

Primary partition - This primary partition containing the operating system files is usually the first partition. There can be up to four primary partitions per hard drive. A primary partition cannot be subdivided into smaller sections.

What does Sector refer to?

Sector - A sector contains 512 bytes. (e.g. disk sector)

What is a service pack?

Several patches grouped together

What does Windows use to authenticate User password and username?

Single-Sign On (SSO) authentication

What are the 5 steps in you employ when using the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor, follow these steps:

Step 1. Download and run the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor from the Microsoft website. Step 2. Click Start check. The program scans your computer hardware, devices, and installed software. A compatibility report is presented. Step 3. Click Save Report if you want to keep it or print it later. Step 4. Examine the report. Record any recommended fixes for the issues found. Step 5. Click Close. After making the changes to hardware, devices, or software, Microsoft recommends running the Upgrade Advisor again before installing the new OS.

What is Windows SIM?

System Image Manager (SIM) It's part of the windows automated Installation Kit (AIK). You can download it from the Microsoft website.

List 3 recovery tools when a system failure occurs Users can employ?

System Recovery Options Automated System Recovery (Windows XP Professional Only) Factory Recovery Partition

Briefly describe File and Folder Management:

The OS creates a file structure on the hard disk drive to store data. A file is a block of related data that is given a single name and treated as a single unit. Program and data files are grouped together in a directory. The files and directories are organized for easy retrieval and use. Directories can be kept inside other directories. These nested directories are referred to as subdirectories. Directories are called folders in Windows operating systems, and subdirectories are called subfolders.

List the two types of User Interfaces Operating Systems employ:

The OS enables the user to interact with the software and hardware. Operating systems include two types of user interfaces: - Command-line interface (CLI) - The user types commands at a prompt - Graphical user interface (GUI) - The user interacts with menus and icons

Describe Application Management?

The OS locates an application and loads it into the RAM of the computer. Applications are software programs, such as word processors, databases, spreadsheets, and games. The OS allocates available system resources to running applications. To ensure that a new application is compatible with an OS, programmers follow a set of guidelines known as an Application Programming Interface (API). An API allows programs to access the resources managed by the operating system in a consistent and reliable manner.

With regards to the OS, describe Hardware Access:

The OS manages the interaction between applications and the hardware. To access and communicate with each hardware component, the OS uses a program called a device driver. When a hardware device is installed, the OS locates and installs the device driver for that component. Assigning system resources and installing drivers are performed with a plug-and-play (PnP) process. The OS then configures the device and updates the registry, which is a database that contains all the information about the computer. If the OS cannot locate a device driver, a technician must install the driver manually either by using the media that came with the device or downloading it from the manufacturer's website.

What is the User State Migration Tool?

The Windows User State Migration Tool (USMT) migrates all user files and settings to the new OS, as shown in Figure 1. Download and install USMT from Microsoft. You then use the software to create a store of user files and settings that are saved in a different location from the OS. After the new OS is installed, download and install USMT again to load the user files and settings on the new OS.

Who must turn on an Guest User account?

The administrator

Describe an operating system setup.

The installation and initial booting of the OS is called the operating system setup. Although it is possible to install an OS over a network from a server or from a local hard drive, the most common installation method for a home or small business is with CDs or DVDs. To install an OS from a CD or DVD, first configure the BIOS setup to boot the system from the CD or DVD. Important: If the hardware is not supported by the OS, you may need to install third party drivers when performing a clean installation.

Give a basic description of what an Operating Systerm (OS) does.

The operating system (OS) controls almost all functions on a computer. Note: All computers rely on an OS to provide the interface for the interaction between users, applications, and hardware. The OS boots the computer and manages the file system. Operating systems can support more than one user, task, or CPU.

Describe the two most common archtectures used to process data :

The way that a CPU handles information can affect the performance of the OS. Two common architectures used to process data are: x86 - A 32-bit architecture that processes multiple instructions using a 32-bit address space. An x86 processor uses fewer registers than an x64 processor. Registers are storage areas used by the CPU when performing calculations. An x86 processor can support a 32-bit operating system. x64 - This 64-bit architecture adds additional registers specifically for instructions that use a 64-bit address space. The additional registers allow the CPU to process instructions much faster than x86. The x64 processer is backward compatible with the x86 processor. An x64 processor can support 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. A 32-bit OS is capable of addressing only 4 GB of system memory, while a 64-bit OS can address more than 128 GB. Memory management differs between the two systems. A 64-bit system has better performance. A 64-bit OS also includes features that provide additional security.

List some concerns that a person might make have when choosing an OS?

To make an OS recommendation, a technician must review budget constraints, learn how the computer will be used, and determine which types of applications will be installed.

What does track refer to?

Track - A track is one complete circle that can contain data on one side of a hard drive platter. A track is broken into groups of sectors.

What is a Mulch-User operating system:

Two or more users have individual accounts that allow them to work with programs and peripheral devices at the same time.

List some of the Hard Drive Setup Procedures?

Upgrade - Upgrades Windows but keeps your current files, settings, and programs. You can use this option to repair an installation. Custom (advanced) - Installs a clean copy of Windows in your choice of location and allows you to change disks and partitions. It is also known as a clean installation. Selecting a custom installation increases the likelihood of a successful installation. Quit - Exits Setup. If existing Windows installations are not found, the Upgrade option is disabled, as shown in Figure 2. NOTE: Unless you perform a clean installation of Windows 7, the previous Windows folder is kept, along with the Documents and Settings and Program Files folders. During the Windows 7 installation, these folders are moved to a folder named Windows.old. You can copy files from the previous installation to the new installation if you need them. During an installation, you must provide the following information: Language to install Standards and formats that define currency and numerals Keyboard or input method Physical location of the installation Username and computer name Password for the administrative account Product key Time and date settings Network settings

What are Hard Drive Setup Procedures for Windows 7?

When a computer boots with the Windows 7 installation disc (or USB flash drive), the installation wizard presents three options, as shown in Figure 1: Install now - Sets up and installs the Windows 7 OS. What to know before installing Windows - Opens a Help and Support window describing the Upgrade and Custom options for installing Windows 7. The window also describes how to prepare for and install Windows 7. Repair your computer - Opens the System Recovery Options utility to repair an installation. Select the Windows 7 installation that needs repair and click Next. You can then select from a number of recovery tools, such as Startup Repair. Startup Repair locates and repairs problems with the OS files. If Startup Repair does not solve the problem, additional options, such as System Restore or System Image Recovery, are available. NOTE: Before performing a repair installation, back up important files to a different physical location, such as a second hard drive, optical disc, or USB storage device.

What is Data Migration?

When a new installation is required, user data must be migrated from the old OS to the new one. There are three tools available to transfer data and settings. The tool you select depends on your level of experience and your requirements.

What is the difference between Quick Format versus Full Format?

When installing Windows XP, you can format a partition using a quick format or full format, as shown in Figure 3. The quick format removes files from the partition, but does not scan the disk for bad sectors. Scanning a disk for bad sectors can prevent data loss in the future. For this reason, do not use the quick format for disks that have been previously formatted. The quick format option is not available when installing Windows 7 or Windows Vista. The full format removes files from the partition while scanning the disk for bad sectors. It is required for all new hard drives. The full format option takes more time to complete.

How can you access WinRE?

When the computer is booting press the F* key and choose the advanced Boot Options. From there choose repair you computer and press enter.

What is Windows Error Reporting (WER)?

When windows detects a system error, a dialog box is displayed. If you choose to send the report, WER, collets information about the application involved in the error and sends the information to microsoft.

What is a Windows Recovery Enviornment (WinRE)

WinRe is a recovery platform based on the Windows Preinstallation Environment. Windows PE is a basic operating system created to prepare a computer for Windows installation is a basic operating system created to prepare a computer for Windows installation and help users troubleshoot operating system failures when no OS is available.

List 3 examples of network operating systems:

Windows Server Red Hat Linux Mac OS X Server

How can you create an answer file Windows XP?

With the application Setupmgr.exe, located in the file on the windows XP media

How can you install Windows OS's on multiple computers at the same time?

You can use the Microsoft System Preparation tool (SYSPREP). It allows you install and configure the same OS on multiple OS's with different hardware configurations. With SYSPREP and a disk-cloning app, technicians can quickly install the OS, complete the last configuration steps, and instal applications.

What are Preinstallation environments?

basic operating systems that enable a user to partition and format drives or to start an installation from a network

List the 2 distinct types of operation systems (OS)

desktop and network

How does Windows 7 use the term activated to authenticate the operating system is a legal copy?

the term Activated is used.

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