Jurassic Park Dinosaurs
A.K.A Brontosaurus Fully grown it weighs about 30 tons! Spends a great deal of time in water Could live to be 200 years old
Carnivore 10 ft. tall spotted yellow and black like a leopard Distinctive hooting call Poison spit over 50 feet Beautiful but deadly
Carnivorous The greatest predator the world has ever known. The most fearsome attack in human history. Weak jaw muscles Poor vision attacks moving objects
Fan shape crest behind made of solid bone very strong, Size and color of an elephant Horns above each eye, beaky snout and stance of a rhino Horn located near the nose, charge like rhinos, Near sighted, Surprised by moving objects - Docile, Weigh about 7 tons, females killed each other in fights for dominance
Herbavore - constant foragers 20 ft. long Armor plates along his back Tail - dangerous looking with 3 ft. spikes
Large flying dinosaur Fish eater Fiercely territorial Walks on wings
Means: Bulky Reptile Lived: Late Cretaceous Size: 35 feet long It had a long low skull with a typical 'duck billed' shape. There was a rounded hump in front of the eyes and above the nostrils.
Most rapacious dinosaur that ever lived Hunted in packs 200 lbs Intelligent - predatory intelligence of birds Quick - Mongoose speed Nocturnal Cage breakers Great Jumping ability Kill for the pleasure of killing Leathal claws on all 4 limbs
Procompsognathids (Compy)
Scavengers Dispose of carcasses Waste management The size of a chicken
The gazelles of the dinosaur world Small quick animals Better jaws and teeth for chewing plants The name hypsilophodontid means high ridge tooth Self sharpening teeth