Juvenile Justice - Chapter 11

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Two types of offenders targeted for ISP programs

1. Chronic offenders - committed multiple offenses, both status offenses and delinquent offenses; they have probably been through and failed a variety of correctional programs prior to being eligible for ISP; they are at risk for continued problems and committing future crimes 2. Those who have committed serious but nonviolent offenses. (property crimes or drug offenses). This group of offenders would typically be sent to secure placement on the 1st offense or soon thereafter because of the seriousness of the crime. Ensuring the appropriate selection of the target population for ISP is the single most important element in the prototype implementation.

Three main governmental agencies encompassing the JJ System

1. Police 2. Juvenile Courts 3. Juvenile Corrections - this one is the most diverse and unique A detailed description of all the types of correctional services for juveniles is impossible; each county in the US can have a separate juvenile correctional system and the diversity of these institutions is immense.

3 Reasons most juveniles are placed on probation

1. Probation is limitless; unlike training schools or private providers, probation departments cannot limit or control their intake 2. It is inexpensive and cost efficient, relative to other sanctions 3. It is reasonably satisfactory: most juvenile offenders never recidivate.

Common things found in effective juvenile programs

1. They concentrate on changing behavior and improving social skills 2. They focus on teaching problem-solving skills in their correctional programs. 3. The programs do not have one particular method of programming; the treatment plans are tailored to the individual 4. The programs are highly structured and intensive Research shows that early detection and intervention works far better than post-serious delinquency correctional rehabilitation.

Intensive Supervision Probation (ISP)

A form of probation characterized by increased supervision and treatment. The caseload of officers is typically reduced so they can spend greater amounts of time with smaller numbers of riskier juveniles ISP programs are characterized by high levels of caseloads, and strict conditions of compliance. Juvenile ISP is designed as an alternative to secure institutionalization Some programs include treatment/services components, while others emphasize surveillance and controls A common definition of ISP is a post-adjudication, nonresidential program for serious juvenile offenders used as an alternative to secure institutional placement.

School-based probation

A model where the probation officer works and is housed within the walls of the school; blends the supervisory capacity of juvenile probation and the school system. ' ' This model allows probation officers more frequent and immediate contact with their clients. School-based probating adopts a different case management style compared to regular probation; the probation officer can adopt a dual role of both supervisor and educator; he can monitor the juvenile's progress in school and other extracurricular activities School based probation is administered on one of two ways: 1. school based probation officer is responsible for all aspects of a juvenile's case, including intake and court appearances 2. school based probation officer is responsible only for supervision and related paperwork with other probation personnel handling the remaining administrative duties Research on Pennsylvania system revealed: 1. school based probation offices averaged 27 juveniles on their caseload and spent 70% of their time on school property 2. school based probationers were similar to regular juvenile probationers in terms of demographics 3. school based group had more time in the community without additional charges being filed; if they did get new charges it was likely to be a status offense or probation violation rather than a new serious crime. 4. school based probation saved more than $6,000 per client more than other placements

Alternative Sanctions

A range of correctional sanctions that are designed to take the place of traditional ones such as probation or incarceration Most often these sanctions are not used as an alternative but in addition to probation and incarceration. When used appropriately and judiciously, alternative sanctions have the promise of restoring the wrongs done by juveniles who commit delinquent acts These sanctions are receiving additional attention under the Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ) Philosophy BARJ focuses on three interrelated components: 1. Community Safety 2. Competency Development 3. Accountability (implies accountability to the individual victims of crime, not society in general) - this model and other accountability-based laws focus on such sanctions as victim/offender mediation, restitution, and community service.

Shock Probation

A relatively unique correctional strategy that involves shocking juveniles with a brief commitment to an institutional facility and then releasing them on probation. Sometimes juveniles are not informed they will be released after a short stay. The incarceration can be at a detention facility, group home, temporary placement, boot camp, or secure long-term institution. In some jurisdictions, this is a formal program option judges can use as a regular disposition; in others it can be an informal arrangement between a judge or probation department and selected institutions. Shock incarceration usually occurs at the beginning of a juvenile's disposition following adjudication; but it can also be used when juveniles are not following their dispositional plan or rules of probation The ultimate hope is that the brief experience in secure custody will have a shock effect on the juvenile such that they change their behavior and conform with the dispositional plan.


A sanction where the court releases a youth to a parent or other guardian to live in the community with certain rules and conditions.

Day Treatment Program

A type of community correctional facility where juvenile offenders report during the day for school, vocational, and other treatment programs. The environment is highly structured and focused on keeping stricter supervision on a juvenile than just through probation alone Day treatment is used as both a front end and back end correctional sanction If a youth is sentenced to day treatment, he is most likely supervised under an ISP program. A juvenile must be ordered into the program by a juvenile court judge; they key benefit of the system is providing a stricter form of supervision with cost savings versus secure placement. Youths have a greater opportunity for skill development in day/night reporting centers than if they were in a secure setting. Activities conducted during the day include educational programs such as remedial education and vocational training. Time is also spent on activities such as community service, job skill preparation, group counseling, and life/survival skills counseling. Common strategies include efforts to link juveniles with appropriate role models and community organizations, intensive staff interactions with parents to shore up parenting authority and skills, and recreational programming.

Counseling and Specialized Treatment Programs

A variety of programs are based locally and serve the juvenile courts in their jurisdictions as well as social service agencies, children's agencies, and the general public The common theme in these programs is a short-term, focused treatment that attempts to intervene with the juvenile before he becomes further involved in the system. In some of these instances, referral to these programs is an alternative to secure incarceration and if the juvenile fails the program he will bee sent to a secure placement VisionQuest has a unique treatment philosophy that embraces Native American ideals and rituals. It is typical for programs of this type to have some sort of slant that distinguishes it from other similar programs. Counseling and specialized treatment programs can be located in rural or urban areas; rural areas tend to adopt a work ethic style; urban settings the youths tend to work more outside the facility What is common is that the duration of these types of programs typically ranges from 1-3 months. In some programs, the juvenile is broken down and then built back up; in others, the juvenile progresses through a series of levels or steps sometimes culminating in a level where the juvenile helps other juveniles just starting the program Besides individual treatment goals, there is usually a common goal the whole group is striving for.

Community Service

As part of their disposition, youths are required to work a set number of hours doing community improvement work Restitution is used to compensate individual victims; community service sentences are used to compensate society. Community service means that as part of his disposition a youth is required to work a set number of hours doing community improvement work Governmental agencies can apply to the juvenile court for community service work; juveniles under court sanction are then provided to the agency free of charge for the number of hours they are sentenced to by the court. Some jurisdictions have formal community service agencies that coordinate the work efforts for the juvenile court; the juvenile will show up at the community service agency and then be assigned to a work detail In many cases, juvenile judges attempt to fit the community service work to the offense the juvenile committed. The goal is to teach the juvenile a lesson and in the process gain some restoration for society in the form of public service.

House Arrest

Confining juveniles to their homes when they are not at school or undergoing treatment Typically ordered by a judge when a juvenile commits a serious offense or is considered a security or flight risk This order can be given while the juvenile is awaiting adjudication or as part of the juvenile's probation plan. The juvenile is not permitted to leave the home for any reason other than school, work, court, or treatment programming. The juvenile is monitored by home visits by the probation officer and random phone calls from the probation department; juvenile is placed on a schedule they must follow Juvenile on house arrest must be monitored by a parent or guardian at all times; parents must report any deviation from the treatment plan or unauthorized absence from the home. If parents fail to supervise or report the juvenile missing they can be subject to contempt of court citation and arrest House arrest is frequently for a given amount of time at the beginning of the juvenile's probation or in response to a juvenile's failing to follow the rules of probation.

Community Corrections

Correctional programs and facilities located in the community where the delinquent youth lives. The youth is released back to the community and is most typically allowed to remain at home.

Group Homes

Homes for groups of juveniles who have been adjudicated delinquent similar to their institutional counterparts Most are these facilities are nonsecure and operate in the community Group homes also care for juveniles sentenced directly from the juvenile courts, transitioning juveniles coming out of secure placements prior to parole, and juveniles who have been referred for placement by other agencies of juvenile justice. Some group homes house only one of these groups, some house all three. The facilities are designed to relieve the demands on the regional secure detention facilities; to reduce the time and expense of transporting juveniles to and from those facilities; and to lower the training school commitment rate in the target judicial districts by providing the courts with a realistic option involving families. Juveniles in a group home are expected to follow a structured lifestyle - school, work, and household chores; there is also group and individual therapy designed to rehabilitate the juvenile

Five Common Key Elements to ISP Programs

Identified by the National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) 1. ISP is based on a philosophy of risk control, which incorporates incapacitation and rehabilitative goals while stressing accountability and supervision 2. Proper identification of juveniles who need ISP or who will be eligible for ISP is essential; decisions on who receives ISP should be based on research of the target population of juvenile offenders in a jurisdiction The target population for ISP is postadjudication delinquents who would otherwise be in a secure juvenile correctional institution because of the seriousness of their offenses or their risk of continued delinquent activity. 3. ISP requires a comprehensive effort encompassing highly structured supervision and a broad array of treatment alternatives. ISP includes a phased system of controls, case planning, continuous case management, core service requirements, and a system of rewards and graduated sanctions 4. It is assumed that ISP will be most effective when it has a broad base of ongoing community support and is used in conjunction with other community resources. The comprehensive program of supervision and services requires the coordinated efforts of multiple agencies as well 5. There must be a financial commitment to ISP in the jurisdiction. Because of the comprehensive nature of the ISP design, the cost of this program will be considerably more than traditional probation

Classification Instruments

Instruments that are used to determine which placements are most appropriate for an adjudicated juvenile. The National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD) developed a model scale for classifying placement needs. Individual jurisdictions can adopt any classification scale they wish, and the juvenile court judge is typically not under any obligation to follow the scale in all cases. The scale is an attempt to provide more consistency to the placement process; the scale takes into account the severity of the present offense, and prior criminal history, as well as prior placements and adjudications Certain offenses listed in the scale merit automatic secure placement. The availability of a multitude of correctional alternatives for juveniles helps individualize juvenile corrections to a large extent The juvenile court seeks to match the needs of the juvenile with the type of placement and takes a prominent role in determining what is in the best interest of the child.

Aftercare for Juveniles

Juvenile aftercare is managed in several ways, both indeterminately and determinately There is substantial variation across the US in aftercare laws, policies, procedures, and administration.

Probation Caseload

Juvenile probation caseloads vary by region as well as by demographics of who is on probation; probation caseloads increased dramatically in the 1980's/90s There was not an actual increase in the use of probation by the juvenile court system, but there was simply a substantial increase in the number of cases going to juvenile court Informal probation caseloads rose only 12% which is indicative of the trend toward more formal processing of delinquency cases. A national survey of juvenile probation officers revealed that they thought their optimal caseload was 30 juvenile, while their actual caseload was 41 juveniles. A number of variables can affect the caseload of probation departments and individual officers. The number of referrals from the juvenile court is the prime determinant of the size of the caseloads Other factors include resources, turnover, and management within the probation department itself Some probation departments, especially those in rural areas, may handle both juvenile and adult caseloads Other variables include the range of functions performed by juvenile probation, the range of juvenile behaviors prohibited by law, and the number of crimes excluded from juvenile court jurisdiction. Additional factors include the extent to which laws are enforced in an area, the clearance rate of juvenile crimes, and the use of diversion or informal handling

Community Correctional Alternatives to Incarceration

Often times a sentence to a community correctional program or facility is part of the probation plan One of the most well-known examples of a facility designed for wayward children is Boys Town Since the creation of Boys Town in the early part of the 20th century, a host of programs and facilities have been established and designed to be a last chance for delinquent children before they are sentenced to a secure institution

Probation Agreement

Once a juvenile is placed on probation, the juvenile is then obligated to sign a probation agreement with the juvenile court Explains the probation process and outlines the general conditions of probation and any special conditions imposed Many times, the parents will also sign the probation agreement The probation agreement serves as a contract between the juvenile and the juvenile court that clearly documents what is expected and what is prohibited Any juvenile who fails to adhere to the contract violates his/her probation and is then subject to increase or additional conditions, or probation revocation resulting in incarceration

Five Phases of ISP

Once a juvenile is selected for ISP placement, the NCCD recommends that a phase system of five levels be followed: Phase 1: Residential or institutional placement 15-45 days Phase 2: Day treatment 4-6 months Phase 3: Outreach and tracking (Reintegration) 3-4 months Phase 4: Regular Supervision (Transition) 2-3 months Phase 5: Discharge and follow-up 1-2 months Evaluations of the effectiveness of ISP are mixed; the interpretation of the research on the effectiveness of ISP is unclear.

4 Parole Case Management Components

Once on parole, the Div. of Juv Justice assigns the juvenile to one of the four case mgmt. system components: 1. Electronically Enhanced Parole Release Program - an institutional release conditional release program designed to ease institution population while at the same time enhancing parole supervision. It reduces institutional length of stay by 60 days for selected wards who are released to a highly structured supervision program, augmented with electronic monitors, providing 24-hour surveillance 2. Intensive Re-Entry Supervision and Related Services - designed to increase public protection by early detection and prevention of parole violations and to provide maximum services during the most critical period of transition from institutional to community living. 3. Specialized Caseloads - provides concentrated, intensive services for parolees with special needs, severe substance abusers, sex offenders, those with mental problems, those needing specialized placement, and/or parolees heavily involved in gang activity. 4. Case Management Caseloads - Parolees are transferred to case management after intensive re-entry or upon transitioning from a specialized caseload to assist the parolee in maintaining acceptable levels of behavior and job placement stability.

Disposition plans

Plans that are imposed on juveniles adjudicated delinquent that outline their entire course of treatment The probation officer takes the lead in determining what is best for the juvenile and works to advise the juvenile judge on dispositional issues.

Probation Conditions

Probation conditions can vary substantially from jurisdiction to jurisdiction There are some common conditions to which most juveniles are required to adhere: Attend school regularly Attend work regularly Do not use drugs/alcohol Submit to random drug screenings Check in with probation officer regularly Attend special counseling or treatment Do not associate with known criminals Do not commit any crimes Maintain established curfew Do not possess a weapon of any type Pay restitution Perform community service Obey parents or other guardian Judges are free to add special conditions at their discretion Probation is NOT a right but a privilege; as such, the conditions can be creative rather than oppressive in some situations

Juvenile Probation Process Info

Probation is used for many 1st time, low-risk offenders Most of those 1st time offenders are facing status offense charges or property offense charges If the youth gets into more trouble, the conditions of probation and the supervision level are usually increased The level of supervision, the types of programs the youth will be required to attend, and the length of probation are direct functions of the offense the juvenile committed. The OFFENSE is the ultimate determinant of whether the youth will be granted probation and remain in the community or be sentenced to secure incarceration. In some instances, even serious or habitual offenders will receive probation because of overcrowding or other mitigating circumstances involved in the case The process of involvement by the probation department begins with intake screening to determine how the case should be processed and whether detention should be maintained. The probation department also prepares predisposition reports on most cases and provides some supervision of youths awaiting adjudication. During the adjudication phase, the probation department is frequently asked to testify or be present; once the juvenile is adjudicated delinquent, the probation department's role in the life of the juvenile increases substantially. The probation department often conducts review hearings to monitor the progress of youth on probation and may terminate the probation if all the conditions are met. Even after the probation is terminated, some probation departments maintain responsibility for aftercare service. Executive agencies administer juvenile probation services in 14 states; these agencies administer probation services mainly at the state level and include correctional agencies, child protection agencies, and social or human services agencies. In a few states, local government agencies, such as county commissioners, administer probation In 22 states, judicial agencies administer probation services In 14 states, a combination of executive and judicial agencies administer probation

Working in Juvenile Probation

Probation officers must walk a tenuous line between what is best for the juvenile and what is best for the community safety. In that pursuit, they perform a variety of duties and functions and are responsible for ensuring that the juvenile court's directives are followed. Probation officers are typically responsible for the following: 1. Making Intake Decisions 2. Preparing pre-sentence investigations 3. Functioning as a liaison for the juvenile court 4. Preparing dispositional plans 5. Supervising juveniles on probation 6. Making decisions about the progress of juveniles on probation 7. Overseeing aftercare for juveniles released from secure placement.

Juvenile Probation Info

Probation rules and conditions attempt to balance the need to protect society and what is in the best interest of the child. A juvenile probation officer's job is to assure that the juvenile delinquent under his supervision is following the disposition plan of the juvenile court. Juvenile probation officers often play the role of surrogate parent The juvenile probation department is typically responsible for maintaining juvenile records, monitoring juveniles throughout the system, and coordinating the treatment and supervision of juvenile offenders. Probation is the preferred alternative for most offenses; It costs fundamentally more to incarcerate or place a juvenile in a facility than it does to monitor him on probation

Issues in Juvenile Probation

Problematic issues affect the delivery of service and the effectiveness of the sanction. First, because juvenile probation is the "catch basin" of the JJ System, probation departments cannot control or limit their caseload. Issues of supervision, burgeoning caseloads, and more violent juveniles are prominent. Second, issues of safety on the job have led many jurisdictions to begin arming probating officers and requiring them to become certified law enforcement officers Third, the biggest issue facing probation concerns the ultimate goals of juvenile probation itself; new state laws have increase the punitive ability of the juvenile court as well as the accountability of juveniles accused of committing crimes. New laws regarding record keeping, fingerprinting, and photographing place new responsibilities on already overburdened probation departments. Probation has to balance the treatment goals for the juvenile with the accountability measures now in place. In the face of rising caseloads, fixed resources, public demand for more accountability, and serious safety concerns, the mission of probation will need to evolve even further to respond to both the needs of the juveniles and the needs of the community.

Job training programs and apprenticeship programs

Programs specifically designed to teach the juvenile a skill that is marketable in the real world. The assumption is that if a juvenile can learn a skill or apprentice a trade and subsequently get a good-paying job, he is much less likely to engage in delinquent behavior Common trades and skills taught are various construction professions, automotive service repair, machinery operation and maintenance, and a growing number are teaching computer-related skills Project CRAFT (Community, Restitution, and Apprenticeship-Focused training) is a popular program that operates as an alternative to incarceration

Wilderness and Adventure Programs

Programs that emphasize physical challenges, survival skills, and mental challenges through outdoor adventures and nature trips. Became popular in the 70s/80s Outward Bound is a popular program. Most programs are akin to summer camp for juvenile delinquents In some programs, the juveniles are challenged to used the skills they learn in a final survival-type test; in others the focus is on learning how to live in the wilderness while also developing life skills Some programs are lengthy, while others may be for a weekend, or a week or two. The goal is to intervene in the lives of delinquent youth and prevent further delinquency In some instances the excursions are used for community service; some programs teach skills in ranching or farming

Victim impact statements

Questionnaires distributed to victims of crime where they report their financial losses, mental and physical injuries, and impact of the crime on their lives These are fairly common place in most juvenile justice proceedings and allow the victim a voice in a formerly closed proceeding.

Pre-sentence investigations

Reports prepared by the probation department over viewing a juvenile's case, social history, criminal history, and treatment needs. Also called predisposition reports Involve psychological assessments, risk score evaluations, educational assessment, social history reports, criminal history reports, and documentation of the facts surrounding the current offense and reasons why the youth is delinquent

Electronic Monitoring

Restricting a juvenile through the use of an electronic tracking device Typically utilized when a juvenile is judged to be an increased security risk by a probation department or juvenile court judge. The juvenile is fitted with an electronic monitoring device, usually attached to the ankle; the device typically works in conjunction with a monitoring system that is located in the juvenile's home and connected to a phone line Once a juvenile who is wearing an electronic monitoring device gets outside the device's range, an alarm sounds and the probation department is called electronically Recent technological advances in GPS systems have eliminated the home monitoring device, and the juveniles are monitored via satellite The rationale of this system is to assure the probation department that the juvenile is where he/she is supposed to be without 24 hour monitoring with a probation officer The juvenile is often given the choice between electronic monitoring or secure detention; the juvenile/family are often required to pay for the costs of the system and the monitoring Electronic monitoring is not a right; it is a privilege and an option in lieu of detention so that allows the court to recoup the costs for the program

Deferred Adjudication

Situation in which a youth agrees to follow certain probation conditions without going to court. There is generally no direct supervision by the probation department and the probation is terminated within a short period of time, as long as the juvenile does not commit any new offenses Sometimes probation is used in lieu of adjudication in a sanction known as deferred adjudication or informal probation The advantage of this for the juvenile is that there is no formal adjudication and hence no record of a proceeding. The placement of youth on deferred adjudication probation can be made by the police, intake, prosecutor, or juvenile court.


Term used when a juvenile delinquent is placed on aftercare with either a maximum time allowed or based on treatment goals and objectives Juveniles are under supervision until such time that they have completed a treatment plan in the eyes of the aftercare authority


Term used when the juvenile delinquent is subject to aftercare supervision for a fixed period of time The amount of time is determined by the state aftercare agency or by the amount of time remaining on the juvenile's sentence

Juvenile Probation Department

The agency in charge of monitoring all youths on probation within a jurisdiction

Foster Care

The care and custody of children by families willing to take them into their homes. Typical foster care is short term, and the children hope to return to their parents in many instances Can be used for wards of the stated raised until adulthood by the foster family Sometimes used for juvenile delinquents Placement into foster care can occur while the child is awaiting adjudication from a juvenile court or while the child is on probation


The fundamental goal of juvenile correctional facilities remains _______________, whereas most adult facilities embrace a punitive and custodial orientation

John Augustus

The initiator of probation. He was a cobbler in Boston, Massachusetts, who posted bail for a few men charged with drunkenness. Later, he would vouch for both adult and juvenile offenders promising the court to personally monitor their behavior and treatment in the community. Although he began with adults, he extended his work to juvenile offenders; he monitored several youths age 7-15 in 1847; he reported to the court monthly and after a period of time, all of the boys were released from supervision 1869, Massachusetts formalized this process when the Board of State Charities commissioned agents to act for the board in juvenile criminal matters. 1878, Massachusetts established a state law that authorized full time, paid probation officers. The role of probation in the JJ System would be prominent and would evolve to be the centerpiece of the modern JJ System in America


The juvenile correctional system is as ______________ ad the rest of the JJ System. The primary difference is that many states have a CENTRAL Administrative body in charge of overseeing juvenile corrections. These are called: Department of Youth Services or Department of Juvenile Justice. The facilities for more serious youthful offenders are typically run by the state The primary difference between juvenile and adult corrections is that there are many more placements (and much greater diversity) available for juveniles than there are for adults.


The monitoring and support of juveniles who have been released from custody or supervision by the juvenile court.


The payment of money or the rendering of restorative service or work to the victim of a crime, whether a person or a business The victim will report the total amount of loss to the court and the juvenile offender is then sentenced by the court to repay the victim for the losses. Payment can be in cash or the juvenile can work off restitution for the person or business directly Some judges find a dual purpose of restitution can be both a restoration for the victim and an embarrassment for the juvenile Several problems exist with juvenile restitution. Chronic juvenile offenders can accumulate a large sum of owed restitution. In many instances, the victims will receive restitution in an amount sufficient to cover their insurance deductible with the remainder of the restitution being owed to an insurance company. In many cases, juveniles cannot afford the restitution they are sentenced to pay. Several jurisdictions have started programs where juveniles can work in community improvement projects or for private companies for money to pay restitution Many states operate victim compensation funds, which aid victims in recouping their losses.


The process of teaching the juvenile how to remain in the community. It is preferable to have at least some type of transition back into the community because of the need to deinstitutionalize the juvenile and to assess the juvenile's risk to the community in a less secure system.

Probation Revocation

The termination of an unsuccessful probation. The youth is typically sent to a secure placement as a result.

Factors that influence disposition

There are a variety of factors that can potential influence whether a juvenile is committed to an out-of-home placement or sentenced to some form of community corrections: 1. The circumstances of the offense committed -violent or not -number and type of victims -weapon used 2. Prior history with the JJ System: -prior arrests -prior adjudications -previous probation sentences -prior secure commitments 3. Characteristics of the juvenile: -education, IQ, social skills -attitude during proceedings -admission of guilt -substance abuse 4. The juvenile's family situation 5. The juvenile's social situation 6. Availability of community resources and alternative placements 7. Availability and workload of staff and correctional personnel

Levels of Placement

There are several _______________ that serve juveniles and are fairly common across the US.

Overview of Juvenile Corrections

There are several different correctional sanctions that are available to the juvenile court; on average 27% of all juveniles adjudicated delinquent are placed in an out-of-home placement In dispositional hearings, juvenile court judges must determine the most appropriate sanction for the delinquent youth; often the court imposes some combination of sanctions The number of adjudicated delinquency cases resulting in residential placement increased 27% from 1985-2009 The number of adjudicated delinquency cases resulting in formal probation increased 51% from 1985-2009; formal probation was the most restrictive disposition ordered in 60% of all cases

Juvenile Community Corrections Info

There is no centralized community correctional system. There is a collection of both public and private placements and referral alternatives for youths who are adjudicated delinquent or who are at risk of becoming delinquent Once a youth is adjudicated delinquent, the youth is placed on a dispositional plan by the juvenile court; this disposition plan outlines education, training, counseling, and other goals for youth while they are on probation. It is usually up to the probation department to coordinate the treatment and correctional goals outlined in the dispositional plan and ensure that the youth is complying with the plan. Community corrections programs place importance on youths remaining in their communities as well as developing consistent relationships with positive adult role models These programs provide treatment interventions that reflect the expectations of the community and society and attempt to prevent the youth from becoming further involved with the court system.


These programs attempt to bring together juvenile delinquents and their victims, hoping to mediate the situation between the parties In some instances, this is used as a diversionary tactic to keep a juvenile offender out of juvenile court; other times it is don't in addition to probation proceedings or as part of a juveniles disposition plan In some jurisdictions, the mediation takes place under the guise of the juvenile court or through the juvenile probation department; it can also be done through a public or private mediator or mediation program that received direct referrals from the juvenile court Most often the cases referred involve property crimes, minor assaults, or other minor offenses. Both the juvenile and victim must agree to participate in the mediation, and the mediation session is typically run by a professional mediator or court representative trained in victim-offender mediation. Mediation typically involves two phases or two separate meetings: 1. the victim expresses his feelings directly to the juvenile about the crime and the juvenile can attempt to explain his actions and motives for the offense 2. the actual losses the victim incurred are discussed and documented and a plan is developed for compensation by the juvenile directly to the victim

History of Juvenile Corrections

Up until the reforms of the Victorian Era (mid 1800s to early 1900s), juvenile offenders were housed in the same facilities and subject to the same harsh treatment as adults The earlies facilities for the correction or housing of juveniles were developed in England and colonial America. Charles Dickens classic story of Oliver Twist painted this picture: Wayward juveniles were collectively housed at a variety of workhouses and orphanages. They were subjected to harsh treatment; the focus was on work and learning a trade rather than general education and development The advent of the JJ System was a direct result of the treatment juveniles were receiving in these facilities and adult prisons. The juvenile correctional system in the US grew in a bifurcated, two-pronged, manner. Originally developed as an alternative to adult prison, state reform and training schools formed one prong of juvenile corrections The other prong is the vast array of community based and private institutions and programs run by philanthropists and local communities. The range of available correctional alternatives serves as one of the primary strengths of the JJ System.

Variations in Juvenile Probation

While the probation sentence is common, there are a number of other community correctional alternatives that a judge may choose to impose There are a number of variants to standard juvenile probation that focus on increased supervision, increased security and control, and increased treatment and counseling.

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