Kin 123 Study Guide Exam 2

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Define physical activity

any body movement carried out by the skeletal muscles that requires energy

People are significantly less likely to engage in violence because of all of the following factors EXCEPT

being under age 25.

Moderate endurance exercise ________, whereas excessive training ________.

boosts immune function; depresses it

Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese, and soy are examples of which type of protein?


Which type of carbohydrate includes starches and most types of dietary fiber?


To prevent injuries, people should do all of the following EXCEPT

continue to exercise when sick.

One of the most important principles to follow when exercising is to

drink enough fluids.

Which of the following is an environmental factor that can lead to injury?

faulty home wiring

Which form of contraception offers potentially better protection against genital warts and herpes?

female condom

MyPlate suggestions on approximate daily energy needs are based on all of the following EXCEPT


Exemplify what exercise will lead to an increase in flexibility

An exercise that will lead to an increase in flexibility is stretching exercises

Identify characteristics of the intrauterine device

An intrauterine device is a small plastic object inserted into the uterus. It primarily works by preventing fertilization and must be inserted and removed by a trained professional. Copper T-380 protects for up to 12 years and hormonal IUDs Mirena, Liletta, Kyeleena, and Skyla protect for 3-5 years. It releases small amounts of progestin

Describe an obesogenic environment

An obesogenic environment is an environment that promotes overconsumption of calories while discouraging physical activity, thereby promoting weight gain rather than weight loss.

Describe unequal or premature commitment.

An unequal or premature commitment makes it difficult to maintain a relationship. It is when one person in an intimate partnership becomes more serious about than the other, feelings are bound to be hurt.

Define the different kinds of obesity. Where is it most dangerous to store fat in the body?

Apple shape or android obesity is in the upper regions of the bidy (abdomen). Another type is a pear shape or gynoid obesity which is fat storage in the hips, buttocks, and thighs. It is most dangerous to store fat in the upper regions because it is an increased risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, early on-set heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

Recognize the importance of communication in a relationship.

Good communication is key to developing and maintaining any type of intimate relationship.

Identify groups that are at risk for foodborne illnesses complications.

Groups that are at risk for foodborne illnesses complications are children, pregnant women, immune deficits, and older adults.

Recognize fertility awareness-based methods of birth contro

It prevents conception based on avoiding intercourse during the fertile phase of a woman's cycle. The methods are calendar, temperature, and mucus-based methods

Illustrate how people can determine their right weight.

Let healthy lifestyles determine your weight.

Differentiate between macronutrients and micronutrients.

Macronutrients are protein, fat carbohydrate, and water. These are important nutrients so they require large amounts. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals. Important nutrients are required in minute nutrients.

Describe characteristics of male condoms. What type of method is this an example of?

Male condoms are a thin sheath designed to cover the oenis during secual inercourse. It is a barrier method of contraception

What is the definition of a mineral? Give examples.

Minerals help regulate body functions and release energy, aid growth, and maintain body tissues. Examples are calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, and etc.

Recall strategies to prevent injury when bicycle riding

Safety strategies are to wear proper safety equipment, wear light-colored, ride with the flow of traffic, ride defensively, and stop at all traffic lights and stops signs

Explain the effect of sedentary time on health

Sedentary time is detrimental to health

Recall the definition of sexual assault and about what percentage of sexual assaults of women are committed by someone the woman knows

Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual contact. The percent is 90% when the woman knows who assaulted her.

Define sexual violence

Sexual violence is the use of force and coercion in sexual interaction, it is one of the most serious problems in human relationships

Which of the following statements about inactivity is true?

Short breaks from sedentary time every 20-30 minutes protect against some negative impacts.

Give examples of simple carbohydrates

Some simple carbohydrates are monosaccharides such as glucose, fructose and disaccharides such as sucrose and lactose.

Recognize unhealthy relationships

Unhealthy relationships are those that are physically or emotionally abusive or that involve codependency

Explain work injuries

Unintentional injuries and death that arise out of and in the course of gainful work, such as falls, electrical shocks, exposure to radiation and toxic chemicals, burns, cuts, back sprains, and loss of fingers or other body parts in machines

Define intentional injury and unintentional injury.

Unintentional injury is an injury that occurs when no harm is intended. Intentional injury is one that us purposely inflicted, by yourself or by another person

Recall the definition of violence and examples of violence

Violence is the use of physical force with the intent to inflict harm, unjury, or death upon yourself or another. Examples of violence are assault, homicide, gang-related violence, hate crimes, school violence, workplace, and terrorism

Explain the need for developing intimate relationships

We need intimate relationships because it means that you have secure and trusting relationships.

Identify strategies to help prevent motor vehicle injuries

Wear light-colored and drive with headlights on, develop the necessary skills, wear a helmet with the symbol DOT, wear eye protection, drive defensively

What is the legal limit for blood alcohol concentration (BAC)?


What is the maximum amount of weight in pounds that a person should lose per week on a weight loss plan?


Under normal driving conditions, how much time should a driver allow for following distance with another car?

3 seconds

Recommended daily fiber intake is ________ grams for men and ________ grams for women.

38; 25

Estimates are that ________ of cases of type 2 diabetes could be prevented if people adopted healthy lifestyle behaviors.


Recall how alcohol and other substances contribute to motor vehicle injuries

Alcohol and other substances contribute to motor vehicle injuries by affecting reason and judgement as well as the ability to make fast, accurate, and coordinated movements. Alcohol is involved in about one-third of fatal crashes

Recall the recommended time and frequency a person should participate in vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise, according to the ACSM

At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity

Illustrate the relationship characteristics that appear to be the best predictors of a happy marriage

Best predictors of a happy marriage are realistic expectations, acceptance of the others's personality, development of friendships with other couples, good communication, effective ways of resolving conflict, agreement on religious/ethical values, egalitarian roles, good balance of individual and joint interests

Recall methods for assessing body composition.

Body composition, body mass index, and body fat distribution.

Compare and contrast complete and incomplete proteins.

Complete proteins provide all essential amino acids. Most animal proteins are complete proteins such as meats, fish, eggs, etc. If proteins do not supply all the essential amino acids in adequate amounts they are incomplete proteins. Examples are from plants such as nuts and legumes.

Identify the mechanisms of conception and its prevention

Conception is the function of an ovum and sperm that creates a fertilized and the prevention of conception is through a contraceptive which is a device, substance, or method

Differentiate issues surrounding contraception use between genders

Consequences of inadequate protection and of an unintended pregnancy are different for men and women. Condom use and protection of STIs is the responsibility of both men and women. Women are apt to be more profoundly affected by an unwanted pregnancy

Define diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance.

Diabetes mellitus causes a disruption of normal metabolism, it has two types. Insulin resistance is when someone has type 2 diabetes where the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin or the body cells are resistant to insulin.

What is dietary fiber and what are sources?

Dietary fiber is a nondigestible carbohydrate that is present naturally in plants such as whole grains, fruits, legumes, and vegetables.

Describe the impact of social media on communication and interpersonal relationships

Digital communication and our social networks enable more rapid communication but can undermine relationships

Explain distracted driving

Distracted driving is when factors like visual-manual fatal activity and cognitive tasks distract you from driving which causes car crashes

Define eating disorders

Eating disorders are psychological disorders, characterized by severe disturbances in body image, eating patterns, and eating-related behaviors.

Explain the importance of energy balance

Energy balance is important because it is key to maintaining a healthy body weight and keeping a healthy ratio of fat to fat-free mass.

________ is planned, structured, repetitive movement of the body intended to improve or maintain physical fitness.


Recall the connection between exercise and immune function.

Exercise can have either positive or negative effects on the immune system. Moderate endurance exercise boosts immune function, but excess training depresses it.

Explain how exercise can improve body composition.

Exercise can improve body composition in several ways. Endurance exercise increases daily calorie expenditure and slightly raises metabolic rate. Strength training increases muscle mass, tipping fat-free mass and fat ratio.

Recall the definitions of family violence and intimate-partner violence

Family violence generally refers to any illegitimate use of physical force, aggression, or verbal abuse by one family member toward another. Intimate partner violence is a physical, social, or psychological harm imposed by a current or former partner or spouse

Identify the nature and structure of essential fat.

Fat that is incorporated into nerves, brain, heart, lungs, liver, mammary glands, and other body organs and tissues. It is a main source of regulating body temperature. It makes up 3-5% of total body weight in men and 8-12% in women.

Recall flexibility exercises

Flexibility exercises are exercises important for maintaining the normal range of motion in the major joints of the body.

Explain food allergies.

Food allergies are adverse reactions of the body's immune system to a food ingredient.

Explain free radicals.

Free radicals are an electoral-seeking compound that can react with fats, proteins, and DNA, damaging cell membranes and mutating genes. They have been implicated in aging, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other degenerative diseases.

Explain the functions of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the diet.

Function of fats are stored energy, provide insulation, and support. The protein's function is to form important parts of the body's main structural components: muscles and bones. Also, form important parts of blood, enzymes, some hormones, and cell membranes. The function of carbohydrates is to supply energy for body cells.

Define functional foods.

Functional foods are foods with added ingredients to improve health. Examples are enriched soy milk, margarine enriched with sterols and stanols, and calcium-fortified orange juice.

Analyze the genetic factors associated with body weight and composition

Genetics contribute to 25% to 40% of an individual's body fat, but one's environment is still important. Set point theory suggests our bodies are designed to maintain a stable "set point."It can change in activity and diet are maintained over a long time.

Recall information about hate crimes

Hate crimes are when a bias against another person's race or ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, or disability motivates a criminal act. MAy be extremely brutal; but may go unreported.

Describe how to manage a weight-loss program.

Have strategies that you can maintain over long term, both of food choices and for physical activity.

Explain the role hormones play in the accumulation of body fat.

Hormonal changes at puberty, during pregnancy, and at menopause contribute to the amount and location of fat accumulation. Two hormones that are linked to obesity are leptin(lets the brain know how big or small the body's fat stores are) and ghrelin(increases appetite).

Recall sources of trans fats and illustrate how a consumer can identify the trans fat content in a product.

Hydrogenation changes some unsaturated fatty acids in trans fatty acids. Trans fats are associated with increased low-density lipoprotien cholesterol (LDL, the "bad" cholesterol" and decreased high-density lipoprotiens cholesterol (HDL, the "good" cholesterol). Trans fats are in some frozen pizza, types of popcorn, deep-fried fast foods, and many more. Consumers can help identify and translate fat content by looking at the Nutrition Facts panel.

Identify factors in choosing appropriate contraceptive methods.

Implications of unplanned pregnancy and the efficacy of the method, health risks, STI risk, convenience and comfort level, type of relationship, ease and cost of obtaining and maintaining each method, religious beliefs, and potential noncontraceptive benefits.

Compare the strategies used in nonverbal communication.

Important nonverbal communication is touch, eye contact, and proximity. The ability to interpret these is important to the success of relationships

Describe what is shown on food labels.

In food labels it provides information about the ingredients and nutrients in foods. For example it has the types of fats, sodium content level, sugar, etc.

Explain how increased muscle strength and endurance helps reduce back pain.

Increased muscle strength and endurance helps reduce back pain because they help people maintain spinal stability, good posture, and appropriate body mechanics when performing everyday activities such as walking, lifting, and carrying.

______ refers to feelings of attachment, closeness, connectedness, and bondedness.


Identify considerations when choosing permanent contraception

It cannot be reversed.

Describe characteristics of the diaphragm

It is a dome-shaped cup of thin rubber stretch over a collapsible ring. It is a custom fit and available by prescriptions, used with a spermicide. It must be left in place for 6 hours following intercourse to give the spermicide enough time to kill all the sperm.

Recall the importance of honesty and openness in successful relationships.

It is important to have honesty and openness in successful relationships because it is necessary to achieve the freedom for the next step of the relationship.

Recall the importance of maintaining a healthy weight.

It is important to maintain a healthy weight because obesity doubles mortality rates and can reduce life expectancy by 10-20 years.

Explain how oral contraceptives work to prevent pregnancy.

Oral contraceptives work by preventing ovulation. They give a steady level of estrogen and progestin

Define overweight and obesity.

Overweight is the total body weight abuse recommended range for good health. Obesity is a more serious degree of overweight that carries multiple health risks.

Recall how people sustain leisure injuries

People sustain leisure injuries by in water, use personal flotation devices, make sure facilities are safe, use safety equipment and avoid excessive speeds, use proper precaution when exercising in hot and humid, do not use alcohol or drugs during recreational activities

Explain the importance of physical activity in weight maintenance

Physical activity is important in weight maintenance because it provides disease prevention benefits, helps us sleep and feel and better, burn calories, positive effects on metabolism, enhances mood, and many more.

Recall some strategies for ending a relationship

Some strategies for ending a relationship include give the relationship a fair chance before ending it, be fair and honest, be tactful and compassionate, if you are the rejected person, and give yourself time to resolve your anger pain, recognize the value in the experience.

Recognize factors associated with sex education for teenagers

Studies have shown that sexuality education and contraception availability do not lead to more sexual activity. Abstinence only in school programs do not reduce the number of teens having sex and have led to decreased rates of contraceptive use.

Identify strategies for successful weight loss.

Successful strategies for weight loss are using MyPlate, DASH, etc. Also pay attention to the total calories and portion sizes, replace energy-dense foods with nutrient-dense foods, adn eatregular and balanced meals.

Define terrorism

Terrorism is the use of violence to intimidate or coerce in furtherance of a plotical or social objective

What do the Daily Values represent?

The Daily Values represent the U.S. Food and Drug Administrations use food labels. It is based on a 2000-calories diet. It is based on several different sets of guidelines and includes standards for fat, cholesterol, carbohydrate, dietary fiber, and selected for minerals and vitamins.

Recall the FITT-VP principle

The FITT-VP is the amount of overload needed to maintain or improve a particular level of fitness determined in six dimensions. It stands for frequency, intensity, time, type, volume, and progression

Identify social factors contributing to violence

The social factors are rates of violence wary by geographic region, neighborhood, and socioeconomic level and college campuses contribute because they are transitory communitie

What are the benefits of limiting refined grains and replacing with whole grains?

The benefits of limiting refined grains and replacing them with whole grains are that they will be higher in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds.

Identify the biggest problems single mothers face

The biggest problems single mothers face are economic difficulties.

Explain characteristics of gangs

The characteristics of gangs are that they control a particular territory and oppose other gangs as well as police. The average age for joining is 14 and 40% pg gang members are younger than 18 years old. They may be involved in illegal drug trade, extortion, and protection schemes. They are more likely than non-gang members to possess weapons

Describe the characteristics of organic foods.

The characteristics of organic food are foods that must meet strict production, processing, handling, and labeling criteria. They must meet limits on pesticide residues. It is not necessarily healthier but organic food is better for the environment.

Describe the characteristics of stepfamilies

The characteristics of stepfamilies are that they fail to duplicate the emotions and relationships of the primary family. They gradually gain more sense of being a family as they build a history of shared daily experiences and major life events

Identify the psychosocial aspects of obesity

The factors are food as a means of coping with stress and negative emotions, obesity is strongly associated with socioeconomic status, and foods within your family and culture.

Explain the factors involved in emotional intelligence.

The factors involved in emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-discipline, and empathy.

Recall how the female condom is properly used

The female condom is inserted up to eight hours before intercourse. It is a stretch, clear, disposable pouch with two rings that can be inserted into a woman's vagina

Describe the functions of water.

The functions of water are to digest and absorb food and it is the medium where chemical reactions take place. Also to maintain hydration.

Recall the health benefits of physical activity

The health benefits of physical activity are reduced risk of premature death, improved cardiorespiratory functioning, more efficient metabolism and improved cell health, improved body composition, disease prevention and management, improved psychological and emotional wellness, improved immune function, prevention of injuries and low-back pain, and improved wellness for life

Recall the ideal frequency cardiorespiratory endurance exercise

The ideal frequency cardiorespiratory endurance exercise is at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week or combination

Recognize statistics regarding injuries in the United States

The number one injury type is suicide, unintentional poisoning, motor vehicle crash, fall, homicide, etc

Recall outcomes of low physical activity.

The outcomes of low physical activity are risk of premature death, less efficient metabolism and not improved cell health, no improvement of body composition, no improvement of immune function, and higher risk for injuries and low-back pain.

Describe divorce

The process of divorce is when a marriage has ended legally. It usually begins with an emotional separation

Recall the progress phase of an exercise program.

The rate depends on goals, fitness, health, age, and adaptation.

Explain the rest component of the R-I-C-E principle.

The rest component is to stop using the injured tissue as soon as you experience pain, protect it from further injury, and avoid activity that causes pain.

Recall the skills that are essential to good communication in relationships

The skills that are essential are self-disclosure, listening, and feedback. Listening involves trying to understand instead of judging, blaming, advising, or trying to control and feedback is a constructive response to another's self-disclosure that is usually reciprocal.

Recall the social, psychological, and emotional benefits associated with being physically active.

The social psychological, and emotional benefits are reduced anxiety, reduced depression and improved mood, improved sleep, reduced stress, enhanced self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-efficacy, enhanced creativity and intellectual functioning, increased work productivity, and increased opportunities for social interaction.

Identify the two groups of vitamins.

The two groups of vitamins are fat soluble and water soluble.

Describe types of reversible contraception and their efficacy

The types of reversible contraception are intrauterine devices and implants. These methods give very high satisfaction rates an have been shown ro decrease instances of unintended pregancy and abortion more than other methods

Identify factors that could cause injuries

There are two types of factors: human and environmental. Types of human factors are risk-taking behavior and use of alcohol or drugs, psychological and emotional factors, and beliefs about what is safe or unsafe. The environmental factors are natural, social, work-related, and home-related.

Recall the problems associated with very low levels of body fat.

They are a threat to wellness. It affects the reproductive, circulatory, and immune systems and causes disorders. Extremely lean people are more likely to suffer from dangerous eating disorders (female athlete triad).

What factors contribute to motor vehicle injuries?

They are distracted driving, speeding, aggressive driving, fatigue and sleepiness, alcohol and other drugs, and lack of seat belts, airbags, and child safety seats

Explain how to build healthy relationships.

To build a healthy relationship you need to have genuineness, empathy, and unconditional positive regard.

Describe workplace violence

Workplace violence has decreased 35% over that last decade; but still, nearly 2 million American workers are victims of workplace violence. Policing and correction are the most dangerous jobs

What do the healthiest relationships have?

a feeling of security even when the couple is apart

Food intolerance is often a result of

a problem with metabolism.

How is food energy is measured?

in kilocalories (kcal)

All of the following are key factors in leisure injuries EXCEPT

inexperienced drivers.

Domestic violence is now called

intimate-partner violence.

Which contraceptive has the advantages of requiring no attention, is safe for many people with complex medical problems, has low expense for long-term use, and has a failure rate of less than 1%?

intrauterine device (IUD)

Which contraception method prevents the sperm from reaching the egg through chemical or hormonal changes?

intrauterine method

Define skill-related fitness

involves the ability to perform a particular sport or activity

Recall resistance exercise

is to increase muscular strength and endurance.

Define body mass index (BMI).

is useful for classifying the health risks of body weight. Correlated with but does not directly measure body fat.

One of the most important benefits of first aid training is

learning what not to do in certain situations.

Genetic factors influence all of the following items EXCEPT

lifestyle choices.

An individual sharing ups and downs with his or her friends is known as


Which of the following types of injuries results in a person's highest odds of death?


Love is likely to be first characterized by


A person who takes in more calories than they burn is said to have

positive energy balance.

The training principle that placing increasing amounts of stress (in the form of exercise) on the body causes adaptations that improve fitness is referred to as

progressive overload.

When you stop exercising, you can lose up to 50% of your fitness improvements within two months. This is known as the principle of


Define physical fitness

set of physical attributes that allow the body to respond or adapt to the demands and stress of physical effort-to perform moderate to vigorous levels of physical activity without becoming overly tired

Define cardiorespiratory endurance.

the ability to perform prolonged, large-muscles, dynamic exercise at moderate to high intensity

Define muscular endurance

the ability to resist fatigue and sustain a given level of muscle tension

Describe muscular strength

the amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum effort

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