Leadership Chapter 2: Leader Development
5 types of leadership
-> teacher-mentor: who cares about developing others and works beside them as a role model -> father-judge: provides oversight, control, moral guidance, and caring protectiveness ->warrior-knight: takes risks and action in a crisis -> revolutionary-crusader: challenges the status quo and guides adaptation -> visionary-alchemist: imagines possibilities that can benefit all members and brings them into reality
service learning
Doing community service as part of a classroom assignment.
after event reviews (AERs)
Formal structured debriefings held immediately following an experiential learning situation
Which part of the AOR model is considered the most important?
Spiral of Experience
The most productive way to develop as a leader.
perceptual set
a predisposition or readiness to perceive one thing and not another. Influence what we attend to and what we observe
self-fulfilling prophecy
an expectation that causes you to act in ways that make that expectation come true. Occurs when our expectations of predictions play a casual role in bringing about events we predict
single-loop learning
describes a kind of learning between the individual and the environment in which learners seek relatively little feedback that may significantly confront their fundamental ideas or actions
double-loop learning
involves a willingness to confront one's own views and an invitation to others to do so
is a personal relationship in which a more experienced mentor acts as a guide, role model, and sponsor of a less experienced protege
is the process of equipping people with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities they need to develop and become more successful Two types: informal: whenever a leader helps followers to change their behaviors formal: a specific program designed for a specific individual to help them reach their goals (think personal trainer)
training programs
leadership development activities that typically involve personnel attending class for several days to a week
in-basket exercises
participants are given a limited amount of time to prioritize and respond to a number of notes, letters, and phone messages from a fictitious manager's in-basket
Development planning
process that helps leaders to accelerate the development of their own leadership skills
Action-Observation-Reflection Model (AOR)
shows that leadership development is enhanced when the experience involves three different processes: Action, Observation, & Reflection
the explanations we develop for the behaviors of actions we attend to
actor-observer difference
the fact that people who are observing an action are much more likely than the actor to make the fundamental attribution error
fundamental attribution error
the tendency for observers, when analyzing another's behavior, to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate the impact of personal disposition
self-serving bias
the tendency for people to take personal credit for success but blame failure on external factors
action learning
training in which teams get an actual problem, work on solving it and commit to an action plan, and are accountable for carrying it out