LearningCurve Ch. 20: Collapse at the Center

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Which of the following statements best describes fascism?

Fascism was a political ideology that advocated intense nationalism and a sense of national destiny. → Part of fascism's enormous appeal was that it swept people up into patriotic fervor and encouraged them to work for the good of the nation.

Which of the following states was an ally of Germany in World War I?

Ottoman Empire → The Ottoman Empire entered the conflict on the side of Germany.

What was the New Deal?

A collection of reforms intended to restart economic growth in the Depression-era United States → The New Deal, President Franklin D. Roosevelt's great plan to shake America free of the Depression, included works programs as well as social reforms.

Which of the following reflected the balance of power in Europe between 1815 and 1870?

A fragile and fluctuating balance of power had generally maintained peace among Europe's major powers. → In general, a fragile and fluctuating balance of power was maintained during the period, but as World War I showed the possibility of war remained.

Which of the following was a distinctive social development that occurred in the aftermath of World War I?

A new consumerism based on consumption of new types of goods took root in Western countries. → A new consumerism did take root, encouraging those who could to acquire cars, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, electric irons, gas ovens, and other newly available products.

Which of the following was a factor that contributed to the Great Depression?

American farms and factories were producing more goods than could be sold. → American farms and factories were overproducing because a highly unequal distribution of wealth meant that many Americans could not afford to buy the products that American factories were churning out.

Which of the following was a factor that motivated the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor?

An American oil embargo was imposed on Japan in July 1941. → The American oil embargo threatened Japan's access to this essential fuel, forcing in Japan's eyes decisive action.

Suspecting that they were aiding their enemies, Ottoman authorities during World War I massacred or deported an estimated 1 million

Armenians. → The Ottomans deported or massacred an estimated 1 million Armenians who they believed were collaborating with their enemy the Russians.

Which of the following was an effect of the Great Depression in Latin America?

Authoritarian populist governments took power across the region. → Authoritarian, populist, and interventionist governments experienced success during the period.

Which of the following was an effect of the Great Depression in the United States?

Bank closures and loss of life savings → Banks did close and many people lost their life savings when the stock market collapsed in 1929.

What was an important difference between World War I and World War II?

During World War I the western front in France became bogged down in trench warfare that emphasized defense, whereas during World War II offense proved decisive on this front as Germany subdued France in a quick campaign. → The German tactic of blitzkrieg proved effective in overwhelming allied forces in France.

Which of the following was a critical feature of the twentieth century in Western Europe?

Europe ceded leadership in the West to the United States by the 1950s. → Europe did cede leadership in the West to the United States during the twentieth century as the United States after World War II became both the dominant economic power in the West and Western Europe became dependent on the United States for its security.

How did the political divisions in Europe change in the aftermath of World War II?

Europe was effectively divided into two opposed groupings, one under the influence of the United States, the other under Soviet control. → Europe's western half operated under an American security umbrella, while its eastern half was subject to Soviet control.

In what region did Japan launch a series of new military operations in 1940-1941 to secure natural resources?

European colonial possessions in Southeast Asia → Japan launched a series of attacks on European and American colonial possessions in Southeast Asia including Indochina, Indonesia, Burma, and the Philippines.

Which of the following was a motivation for the United States to invest $12 billion dollars in the Marshall Plan?

Genuine humanitarian concern → Genuine humanitarian concern for war-ravaged Europe played a role, as did a desire to prevent a new depression by creating overseas customers for American industrial goods and an interest in undermining the growing appeal of European communist parties.

Which of the following is a true statement concerning the role played by women in World War II?

German and Japanese women were less likely to work in war factories than Soviet and American women. → A much smaller percentage of women in Germany and Japan worked in war factories, in part because of these nations' conservative views on women's roles outside the family.

Which region was most successful in recovering from the Great Depression?

Germany → The most successful efforts to cope with the Depression occurred in Nazi Germany and Japan. The Soviet Union largely avoided the Great Depression and so did not require a successful recovery.

What two new major states disrupted the balance of European power in the late nineteenth century?

Germany and Italy → Both Germany and Italy became unified states in 1870 and rapidly became significant international players.

Which of the following was a policy of Getulio Vargas when he served as dictator of Brazil between 1930 and 1945?

He gave the state considerable power over both unions and employers. → As part of his efforts to modernize the urban industrial sector, he gave the state considerable power over both unions and employers.

How did Hitler become chancellor of Germany?

Hitler became chancellor by lawful election: his Nazi Party won the largest number of delegates to the German parliament, and he was invited to form a government. → Although the Nazis only won a minority of the vote at the end of 1932, they were still the single dominant power; following the parliamentary procedure of the day, Hitler was invited to create a coalition government.

In what respect were World War I and World War II similar?

In both wars, large numbers of colonial subjects were recruited into the war effort. → In both World War I and World War II extensive use was made of colonial troops and laborers, especially by the British.

Which of the following factors helped lead to the outbreak of World War I?

Intense nationalism in Europe → The early twentieth century saw unprecedented levels of national enthusiasm in Europe, accompanied by great longing for military glory.

Which institution was established after World War II to regulate the global economy in order to prevent another depression?

International Monetary Fund

Which of the following is true of President Roosevelt's New Deal program?

It created a number of government agencies that regulated and supervised the economy to an unprecedented degree. → The mounting number of government agencies marked a new degree of federal regulation and supervision of the economy.

Since its foundation in 1957, which of the following has the European Economic Community (EEC) (after 1994 known as the European Union) accomplished?

It has expanded its membership to include almost all of Europe. → Its membership has increased to include almost all of Europe, including many former communist states.

Which of the following is true of President Roosevelt's New Deal program?

It sought to create a social safety net for the poor. → It created the Social Security system, the minimum wage, and various relief and welfare programs designed to sustain the unemployed, poor, and elderly.

What was the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), established in 1951?

It sought to jointly manage the production of these critical items. → The ECSC sought to jointly manage the production of these products, both to improve efficiency and to make a new arms race more difficult.

Since its foundation in 1957, which of the following has the European Economic Community (EEC) (after 1994 known as the European Union) accomplished?

It succeeded in creating common trade policies and a common currency used by many of its member nations. → It has succeeded in reducing trade tariffs levied on members, creating common trade policies, and launching a common currency known as the euro, which is used by a majority of the member nations.

What was the Marshall Plan implemented by the United States after World War II?

It was a plan to rebuild and reshape the shattered European economies in Western Europe. → The United States funneled some $12 billion together with numerous advisers and technicians in the Marshall Plan as they sought to rebuild and reshape European economies.

What is import substitution industrialization as promoted by governments in Latin America during the Great Depression?

It was a policy designed to achieve greater economic independence by manufacturing goods for the domestic market that used to be imported. → Such policies aimed to end dependence on exports of raw materials toward a policy of generating their own industries.

Which of these statements is true of fascism in Germany but not Italy?

Its members claimed racial superiority and made a policy of persecuting minorities. → German racists were very fond of declaring themselves the "master race" and launched racist policies that led to the death of 6 million Jews; in Italy, though, minorities were much more deeply integrated into society and racism was not a central issue.

How were the origins of World War II in Asia and Europe different?

Japan and Germany were driven by very different motivations in their seizure of new territories during the lead-up to war. → Japan's initial conquests were driven primarily by a desire to acquire raw materials and other resources, whereas Germany's were driven primarily by strategic rivalries with neighboring powers.

What distinguished Japanese authoritarian government in the 1930s from that of Mussolini's Italy and Nazi Germany?

Japan created a less repressive and more pluralistic society than either Germany or Italy.

Which of the following was a condition of the Treaty of Versailles?

Jews were promised a national homeland in Palestine. → In the Balfour Declaration of 1917, the government of Great Britain promised to support the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

Which of the following steps did the Nazis take against Jews in the 1930s?

Jews were stripped of their German citizenship. → Jews were deprived of their citizenship under the Nuremberg Laws of 1935.

Who was the prominent British economist in the first half of the twentieth century who argued that government actions and spending programs could moderate the recessions and depressions to which capitalist economies were prone?

John Maynard Keynes → Keynes's arguments represented a departure from standard economic thinking.

Who was the Mexican leader during the Great Depression who nationalized the Mexican oil industry that had been dominated by American capital?

Lazaro Cardenas → President between 1934 and 1940, Cardenas pushed land reform, favored Mexican workers over foreign interests, and nationalized an oil industry dominated by American capital.

Which of the following was an important impact of World War I on Europe's overseas colonies?

Many colonial troops who served in World War I expected better treatment as a reward for their service.

What implication did World War II have for Europe's African and Asian colonial possessions?

Many colonies secured their independence in the two decades following the war. → World War II had weakened both the ability and will of European powers to hold on to their colonies.

Which of the following was a legacy of World War I?

Many people felt a widespread disillusionment with European values. → World War I caused a massive moral and spiritual crisis in which many questioned their assumptions about European superiority.

What ultimately pulled the United States out of the Great Depression?

Massive military spending upon entry into World War II → It was the massive government spending required by World War II that brought an end to the Great Depression.

Which of the following was an effect of the Great Depression in the United States?

Massive unemployment and economic distress → At its worst, the Great Depression in the United States was marked by 30% unemployment.

Which of the following was an effect of the Great Depression in Latin America?

Military dictators took control of several states. → Military leaders promising strong government action seized control of a number of Latin American states.

What role did nationalism play in the outbreak of World War I?

Millions of ordinary Europeans actively supported the decision to go to war in defense of their nations. → Schools, mass media, and military service convinced millions of ordinary Europeans that their national identities were profoundly and personally meaningful.

Which of the following statements best describes Benito Mussolini's rise to power in Italy?

Mussolini came to power in an election, but voters were intimidated by the considerable violence of his followers. → Mussolini's Black Shirts waged a campaign of political intimidation and threats that led many people to vote for him out of fear.

In what way was war central to the Nazi agenda?

Nazi Germany held up war as a means of ennobling humanity and enabling the rise of superior peoples. → Ideas that war ennobled humanity and strengthened races were at the core of Nazi ideology.

Which of the following was an important factor in the staggering number of casualties suffered by all sides in World War I?

New military technologies contributed to higher casualties. → Rapid industrialization had generated an array of novel weapons, including submarines, tanks, airplanes, poison gas, machine guns, and barbed wire which proved horrifically deadly on the battlefield.

In 1949 what political and military alliance was formed under the leadership of the United States to counter the distant threat of renewed German aggression and the more immediate communist threat from the Soviet Union?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization → The North Atlantic Treaty Organization committed the United States and its nuclear arsenal to the defense of Europe against the Soviet Union, and it firmly anchored West Germany within the Western alliance.

Which of the following supported the economic revival of Japan following World War II?

Reliance on the United States military for security allowed Japan to spend about 1 percent of its gross national product on defense each year.

Which of the following best characterizes Western Europe's twentieth-century experience?

Self-destruction followed by partial recovery → World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II represent a period of self-destruction for Western Europe and the economic revival and political peace established in the second half of the century constituted a partial recovery even if Europe never regained its position as the imperial center of a global network.

Which of the following was true of middle- and upper-class people in fascist Germany and Italy?

Some middle- and upper-class people found fascism attractive because they feared the rise of communism and socialism. → Some in the middle and upper classes viewed socialism and communism as a threat to their property and viewed the fascists as a more attractive alternative.

Which region was most successful in weathering the Great Depression?

Soviet Union → The Soviet Union's state-controlled economy generated impressive economic growth with almost no unemployment in the 1930s.

Which country saw the rise of a fascist movement that led to a bitter civil war in the late 1930s and the seizing of power by a right-wing regime?

Spain → Spain fought a bitter civil war in the late 1930s that resulted in a dictatorial right-wing regime that lasted into the 1970s.

Which of the following states was created from the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire at the end of World War I?

Syria → Syria was one of several states created from the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.

Which of the following best reflects Japan's experience of the Great Depression?

The Depression energized a growing movement in Japanese political life known as Radical Nationalism or the Revolutionary Right. → Expressed in dozens of small groups, it was especially appealing to younger army officers. The movement's many separate organizations shared an extreme nationalism, hostility to parliamentary democracy, a commitment to elite leadership, and dedication to foreign expansion.

Which of the following is an example of the global impact of World War I?

The Japanese gained territories in the Pacific and China at the expense of the Germans. → The Japanese allied with Britain and took various German possessions in China and the Pacific.

Which of the following measures brought Germany out of the Great Depression?

The Nazi government's investment in infrastructure and rearmament → Hitler launched a bold and highly successful plan to rebuild and rearm Germany in the 1930s.

How did the Nazis justify the mass killings associated with the Holocaust?

The Nazi regime feared that the purity of the German race was threatened. → The Nazis murdered millions whom they deemed inferior, undesirable, or dangerous, including Jews; Russians, Poles and other Slavs; the Roma; mentally or physically handicapped people; homosexuals; communists; and Jehovah's Witnesses in order to maintain what they perceived as Germany's racial purity.

What was an outcome of the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949?

The United States committed itself to the defense of Europe against the Soviet Union. → The United States committed its armed forces and nuclear arms to the defense of Europe against the Soviet Union.

Which statement best describes the U.S. role in World War I?

The United States entered the war late but played an important role in the defeat of Germany. → The United States didn't enter the war until 1917, but the arrival of American troops played a key role in the Allied victory.

Which of the following was a reason for the failure of the League of Nations?

The United States refused to join the League, weakening it before it ever started. → Despite the fact that it was the brainchild of President Woodrow Wilson, the U.S. Senate refused to ratify the treaty that would have made the United States a member, weakening the League and calling its effectiveness into question.

What event was the spark that ignited World War I?

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian monarchy → The assassination of Franz Ferdinand (and his wife Sophie) by a Serbian nationalist triggered the First World War.

What motivated the United States to establish the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949?

The communist threat posed by the Soviet Union → The communist threat posed by the Soviet Union along with the more distant threat of renewed German aggression motivated the United States.

Which of the following factors helped lead to the outbreak of World War I?

The development of war plans that spelled out in great detail the movement of men and materials at the outbreak of war → These war plans created a hair-trigger mentality, since each country had an incentive to strike first so that its particular strategy could be implemented on schedule and without interruption or surprise.

What is the euro?

The euro is the name for the European common currency. → In 2002, the euro currency was introduced with twelve, later increasing to seventeen, member countries adopting it.

In the 1930s which group in particular came to exercise a more dominant role in Japanese political life?

The military

What happened to the pope when the fascists came to power in Italy?

The pope made a series of agreements with Mussolini that made the Vatican a sovereign state and protected Church property. → The Lateran Accords of 1929 between Pope Pius IX and Mussolini ensured and even expanded papal rights in Italy.

Which of the following was an important political legacy of World War I?

The war created the context in which the first communist country in the world emerged.

Which of the following was a policy typical of the authoritarian governments that secured power in Latin America during the Great Depression?

They created state-run industries and protected them through tariffs. → They created state-run industries protected by tariffs and also favored local businesses.

What did the United States require of Western European countries who wished to receive aid under the Marshall Plan?

They required that the European recipients of aid cooperate with one another. → The process began in 1951 when Italy, France, West Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg created the European Coal and Steel Community, the precursor to the European Economic Community.

Which of the following was a goal of "democratic socialism" in Britain, France, and Scandinavia during the Depression?

They sought a more equal distribution of wealth. → They sought a more equal distribution of wealth through peaceful means and electoral politics along with greater government regulation of the markets.

What was the name of the alliance between Germany, Italy, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the opening of the twentieth century?

Triple Alliance → The Triple Alliance was the name given to the alliance of Germany, Italy, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was opposed by the Triple Entente made up of Russia, France, and Great Britain.

Which of the following states enjoyed significant economic growth in the 1930s, while the rest of the world was sunk deep in the Great Depression?

USSR → The Soviet Union's government succeeded in creating almost full employment with a massive program of industrialization and rebuilding.

Which of the following were the Allies as opposed to the Axis powers in World War II?

United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union → These were the Allied powers once the United States was drawn into the war in 1941.

Published in Japan in 1937, The Cardinal Principles of Our National Polity was a[n]

textbook used in Japanese schools. → The department of education issued the text, which was required reading for Japanese students.

The government established in Germany immediately after World War I was known as

the Weimar Republic. → The republic that came to power at the end of World War I was known as the "Weimar Republic."

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