lectures 1-20 - eas 1600 gatech

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Gaia Hypothesis

"Earth is a self-regulating system in which biota play an integral role"

north/south direction



"Planetary differentiation is the separation of different constituents of planetary materials resulting in the formation of distinct compositional layers. Denser material tends to sink into the center and less dense material rises toward the surface."

Equinox means

"equal night"

Air parcel =

"package" of air

albedo is between what #range


sunspots are associated with

*extremely strong magnetic activity *solar flares *hot gaseous emissions

Common Metamorphic Rocks:

-Schist -Gneiss -Marble

1 Dobson Unit =

0.01 mm thickness of ozone


1.Increase water vapor concentration in air (increases vapor pressure until RH = 100%) 2.Decrease temperature of air (decreases saturation vapor pressure until RH = 100%) 3.Combination of both above

three kinds of drought

1.Meteorological 2.Agricultural 3.Hydrological

kendeda accomplished materials petal by what?

1.Sourcing materials that are Red List free 2.Tracking embodied carbon from construction 3.Using salvaged materials and responsibly sourced wood and stone 4.Striving to eliminate waste during construction 5.Sourcing materials from local industries

_______ of ozone exists in ____________ - "______" ozone that is pollutant to humans, plants (though does play role in reducing carbon monoxide (CO) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) from atmosphere)

10%, troposphere, "bad"

Wien's Law constant


Ekman spiral

A theoretical model of the effect on water of wind blowing over the ocean. Because of the Coriolis effect, the surface layer is expected to drift at an angle of 45° to the right of the wind in the Northern Hemisphere and 45° to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. Water at successively lower layers drifts progressively to the right (N) or left (S), though not as swiftly as the surface flow.

ENSO affects what

Affects both the ocean as well as the atmosphere around the entire globe!

Positive Feedback Loop:

Amplifies effect of disturbances

Ozone "hole" located in


______________ and _______________ contain most of the worlds ice

Antarctica and Greenland

____________ ___________ associated with water mass convergence at gyre center

Anticyclonic gyres

How to calculate average albedo if a surface is composed of multiple materials

Area-weighted albedo

4 parts of the climate system?

Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, Biosphere

Ozone hole maximum (minimum) during _________ ___________ (Summer)

Austral Winter

_____________- undergo photosynthesis to produce biomass (utilized by other organisms)


____________- activity in some European countries declined more than 90%.


Citizens getting involved within their local communities with development and revitalization projects driven by science

Citizen science

_________ ___________ plays key role in environmental justice and sustainability efforts locally

Citizen science

While Cl2not destructive, can react with incoming UV radiation to form ____ atoms (those are bad for O3!)


The rest is primarily dissolved salts, with the most abundance being _____


Crust is destroyed Produces deep oceanic trenches

Convergent Subduction Boundary Collision of oceanic and continental crust or Collision of two oceanic plates

Ocean Acidification and Effects on Organisms -

Coral Reefs

Apparent tendency for a fluid (air or water) moving across the Earth's surface to be deflected from its straight path

Coriolis Effect

_____________ _______________ drives atmospheric circulation

Differential heating

Negative Feedback Loop:

Diminishes effect of disturbances

the ekman spiral causes ... ______________ of water occurs at equator


why did drilling stop @Kola Borehole

Drilling stopped around 1994 when temperatures reached ~350*F instead of expected ~200*F

THC is driven by what

Driven by density differences

Atmosphere vs. Ocean Temperature profiles

Earth's surface warming leads to troposphere convection (unstable) Ocean's surface warming leads to stratification (stable)

During an El Nino year: Pressure lower than usual at the surface in ________ Pacific ----> _____________ convective activity

East enhanced

ENSO = Dramatic warming or cooling of ocean water in the

East Pacific


East to west

In general, higher MSLP values in the

Eastern Pacific

SST Region of largest variability in SST is in the

Eastern Pacific

ellipticity of a planet's orbit


Formation of the Earth Nucleosynthesis forms

He from H

THC Tour 1. Warm, salty water in North Atlantic Ocean moves poleward (via Western Boundary Current) towards Greenland, Labrador Sea region

Huge transport of heat from the equator to higher latitudes occurs here! Explains milder winters in this region

-Hydrologic cycle -Latent and sensible heat -Ocean circulation (surface & deep) -Ekman & gyres -Groundwater contamination


Atmosphere governed by what law

Ideal Gas Law

Impacts on Human Health

Increased number of heat-related illnesses and deaths

CE: ______________ in magnitude with ___________ wind speed

Increases increasing

Explain the relationship between CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere and ocean acidity...in other words, why are they related to each other?

Increases in atmospheric CO2concentrations are associated with increased rates of the production of carbonic acid, which can form within the oceans and then dissociate into bicarbonate and carbonate ions. The H+ions that are left within the oceans as a result increase ocean acidity by lowering the pH.

Climate Model Inputs 1. ___________ ______________ -use observations of atmosphere and ocean from present day 2. Utilize set of ________________ and dynamics equations to calculate climate variables and integrate forward in time 3. Calculate ______________, and then use those conditions to continue to run model forward in time

Initial conditions thermodynamics forecast

•Carbon Dioxide, Calcium Carbonate, Carbonic Acid

Inorganic Molecules

name 4 ways one can collect observational data

Instrumentation Ice Core Data Tree Ring Data Sediment Core Data

Stefan-Boltzmann Law

Integrating the area under a blackbody curve provides total radiative flux by object for all wavelengths

coal cons •Air pollution (SO2& CO2) •Acid mine drainage •__________ pollution •Acid rain •Severe Land Disturbance •High Land Use •____________ Dangers and Health Risks

Mercury Mining

how is uneven heating solved?

Meridional Heat Transport

Altered while in the solid-state from exposure to high temperatures and/or pressures


These are movements of the Earth that affect the amount of solar radiation the Earth receives.

Milankovitch Cycles

Carbonic acid plays a role in the following:

Ocean Acidification Rock Weathering

CO2 dissolves in oceans to make carbonic acid. This process is temperature-dependent. CO2 is more soluble in cold water. So when cold water saturated with CO2comes to the surface it will often warm up and outgas (emit) CO2.

Ocean Emission

What happens to the water at center of gyres when it converges?

Ocean Gyres associated with mass convergence -> downwelling results

2015 consensus that calls for limiting greenhouse emissions to levels that keep temperatures from rising more than 2°C (or even 1.5°C) above pre-industrial levels; opened for countries to sign on starting on Earth Day, Friday April 22, 2016

Paris agreement

formation of coal

Peat is the raw material from which coal is formed. Over time and under increasing pressure, various types of coal are formed layers formed like sedimentary socks (peat, then lignite, then bituminous coal); anthracite (hard) coal may have formed with metamorphic pressure

A forcing or _________ change occurs when

Persistent, Occurs in one direction through time

ocean layer with enough sunlight to allow photosynthesis to occur

Photic Zone

wobble of axis


1960's -problem raised to Atlanta mayor Ivan Allen Jr., and 1967 Water Quality Study of _________ __________ showed changes needed to be made

Proctor Creek

Early 1900's -Furnace company sued by local residents for dumping trash in creek

Proctor Creek

Significant mitigation strategies applied such that CO2 emissions decline rapidly starting around the year 2020


range of solar declination

Ranges from 23.5°N on June 21 to 23.5°S on December 21

Volcanic eruptions can eject ash and gases into the atmosphere that cause ___________ TERM cooling (few years).


Nuclear Energy disadvantages 1. Cost - not cost-effective yet (need to factor in social, environmental costs of CO2) 2.Operational ___________- 3.Waste Storage -have to store in secure location 4.____________ Proliferation

Safety Weapons

The United States accounts for ~18% of the worlds production of crude oil (next is _____________ ____________)

Saudi Arabia

Solutions by Rank in Project Drawdown

Scenario 1 stops climate change close to 2 ̊C of global warming Scenario 2 stops climate change close to 1.5 ̊C of global warming.

Common Metamorphic Rocks:

Schist, Gneiss, Marble

How to Fix Ozone Hole:

Societal Action!

𝜎= Stefan-Boltzmann constant = 5.67 x 10-8W m-2K-4 T = _________________ (__) F = ___________ _________(___ ______) 𝐹∝T^4 -> doubling of an object's temperature results in a _____x increase in F!

Temperature = K Radiative Flux = (W m^-2) 16

Western Boundary Current Example:

The Gulf Stream


The amount of energy needed to heat one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit

How much radiation does Earth receive from the Sun?

The average flux (So) received by the Earth from the Sun is 1372 W m^-2


The breaking down of rocks and other materials on the Earth's surface.

blackbody curve

The characteristic way in which the intensity of radiation emitted by a hot object depends on frequency. The frequency at which the emitted intensity is highest is an indication of the temperature of the radiating object. Also referred to as the Planck curve.

hydrologic cycle

The cycle through which water in the hydrosphere moves

wavelength[ m ]

The distance between two adjacent wave crests


The maximum height of wave from equilibrium


The number of wave crests that pass by point per second

The carbon cycle

The organic circulation of carbon from the atmosphere into organisms and back again

chemical weathering

The process that breaks down rock through chemical changes

CO2concentration highest around mid-late Spring and lowest around early/mid Fall...why?

The rate of photosynthesis is greater than the rate of respiration during Summer months --> plants are growing, undergoing photosynthesis The rate of respiration is greater than the rate of photosynthesis during Fall, Winter (and early Spring) months --> plants are dying, losing leaves, reduced photosynthesis rates

Northeast/southeast trade winds (easterlies)


Challenge to simulating future climate:

We don't know how greenhouse gas concentrations and other anthropogenic forcing will exactly evolve

•________________ counteracts volcanism on long timescale (i.e., millions of years)



West to east

Formation of petroleum

Where microorganisms are covered with sediment underwater (lake or ocean) Petroleum is formed from the remains of ocean-dwelling phytoplankton (microscopic algae) Deposits of phytoplankton are found in locations where porous sedimentary rocks, such as sandstone, are capped by nonporous rocks. Petroleum forms over millions of years and fills the pore spaces in the rock. The petroleum is less dense than the rock, so over time, it migrates upward toward the highest point in the porous rock, where it is trapped by the nonporous rock. In certain locations, petroleum flows out under pressure the way water flows from an artesian well.

consume phytoplankton; do not undergo photosynthesis


Possible causes of Medieval Warm Period

a decrease in volcanic activity, an increase in solar activity, and changes to ocean circulation.

warm front

a front where warm air moves over cold air

ransfer of heat or matter by the flow of a fluid


Climate change is projected to decrease water availability in many _________ and __________-________- regions

arid semi-arid

the best place for the temperature to be in daisyworld is

at the optimum

Air outside feels "_______" when dew points are low


Human Scale and Humane Places -encourage interaction and discourage single-driving vehicles Universal Access to Nature and Place -Kendeda building should be accessible to all people (e.g., ADA compliance, gender-neutral restrooms) Equitable Investment -invest in local community JUST Organizations -evaluation of equity in transparent manner

equity goals

Most sedimentary rocks are formed through a series of processes:

erosion, deposition, compaction, and cementation


exceptionally unlikely

1961-2003: the observed sea level rise due to thermal expansion was 0.42 millimeters per year and 0.69 millimeters per year due to total ___________ _____________

glacial melt

Continental crust primarily made up of


ex of intrusive igneous


Project Drawdown Solutions are ranked based on the amount of ____________ ____________ that can be removed from or avoid being added to the atmosphere between 2020-2050 by avoiding emissions or sequestering carbon dioxide that is already in the atmosphere.

greenhouse gases

variable gasses =

greenhouse gasses

water that has penetrated the earth's surface

ground water

on blackbody curve...higher up on y axis =

higher up on y axis = higher radiation intensity

___________ albedo, more sunlight reflected, _______ sunlight absorbed, ________ surface temperature

higher, less, cooler

Horizontal wind is a result of

horizontal forces acting on air

Are sunspots hotter or cooler than the rest of the Sun's surface?


Deep waters exist as water masses with specific characteristics that reflect

how they formed


human induced

Measure of how much water vapor is in the atmosphere.


Formation of the Earth Formation of

hydrogen (H)

Produces electricity by harnessing ocean tides or falling water (e.g. from a dam)


The majority of U.S. renewable energy generation comes from ____________________- (~7.0 percent) and wind power (~6.6 percent). -C2ES


Choose one of the following and briefly explain how it has been changing with global climate change and how it is expected to change with future 21st century climate change: i) temperature, ii) sea level, iii) Arctic sea ice coverage, iv) number of cold days/nights vs. warm days/nights, v) precipitation throughout different regions on Earth, vi) number of landfalling hurricanes or hurricanes in general

i)Warming of temperature almost everywhere on the globe, ii) rising sea levels, iii) melting Arctic sea ice, iv) less cold days/nights and more warm days/nights, v) wet (dry) regions have been and are expected to get wetter (drier), vi) no trend in landfalling hurricanes; future climate scenarios suggest less frequent but more intense hurricanes

Possible "Snowball Earth" -Earth was fully or partially covered in _______


For a given pressure warm air is _____ _________ than cold air.

less dense

Moist air is _____ _______ than dry air

less dense

Warm air is _____ _________ than cold air

less dense

fresh water is _________ ____________ than salty water

less dense

water is __________ __________ than the atmosphere

less dense

warm water is __________ ____________ than cold water and thus it ...

less dense goes to the top

Flow around Northern Hemisphere _____ pressure system is ______________________

low counterclockwise

Flow around the Southern Hemisphere _____ pressure system is _______________

low clockwise

normal pacific pressure

low pressure in the west and high pressure in the east

Incoming solar radiation strongest at _____ latitudes, weakest at _________.

low, poles

Outgoing longwave radiation strongest at _____ latitudes, weakest at _________.

low; poles

Colder atmosphere has ________ es and e, however nearly "full" of water --> ___________ ______________ -->

lower more saturated higher RH than larger glass

RCP's simulate different future climates based on how much society ______________ greenhouse gas increases -use as guide for forecasting future climate over the next century


A strategy for dealing with climate change that attempts to decrease the risk associated with the threat rather than decreasing the threat itself.


Carbon sequestration Improved efficiency Geoengineering

mitigation strategies

Pick one example of a climate change mitigation strategy and one example of an adaptation strategy.

mitigation: carbon sequestration, improved efficiency, geoengineering (including solar radiation management)

timescale for climate

mnths - yrs - decades - centuries - millennia

projected data based on climate model simulations

model data

Rocks: Igneous Solidified from

molten rock or melt

Colder waters have ___________ nutrients relative to warmer waters and thus higher biologic Productivity


salty =

more dense (lighter colors on SSS Map)

The Lithosphere: Continental Crust ~35-40 km thick but can exceed 70 km in The upper crust composed of ________ rocks (enriched in Si, Na, K, Al) Lower crust is more akin to The average density is about ______ billion years old

mountainous regions granitic basalt 2.7 g cm-3 ~3.8

nm =


Western boundary currents are more ________ and ________ than eastern boundary currents

narrow faster

An increase in temperature can result in the formation of ___________ ______

natural gas

Aerosols can be _______________ or _________________-

natural or anthropogenic

changes to earth's climate system due to _______ and or _________ forcing

natural, anthropogenic

Formation of the Earth Pre-solar _________ forms as H & He collect in center


The closer the temperature and dew point are to each other, the higher the

relative humidity

Walker Circulation Air that has radiatively cooled becomes dry in the upper troposphere over the eastern Pacific, ______ Divergence of air at the surface where ______ ___________ resides "________ ________" via easterly trade winds across the Pacific Ocean

sinks high pressure "Return flow"

climate model resolution Higher (lower) resolution models have ____________ (_________) grid boxes and are thus _________ (not able) to simulate smaller scale, shorter timescale phenomena

smaller(larger) able

The ___________ the glass, the ____________ the temperature of the atmosphere

smaller, colder

How did we work towards "fixing" the ozone hole?

societal action with ex. - limits on production of freons and halons

a combination of mineral matter, water, and air


q =

solar zenith angle

a perturbation or sudden change refers to

temporary events / sudden change Short-lived phenomenon in sudden departure from the normal or mean, followed by return of system to new mean state

How the IPCC Report Expresses Confidence in Results

term and likelihood

Carbon is _____________ i.e. it forms four bonds.


Igneous rocks are classified based on the rocks ____________ (whether they are __________ or _________) and ________________

texture intrusive or extrusive composition


the "Average" weather conditions and how they evolve on timescales longer than whether events

solar zenith angle

the angle measured from directly overhead to the geometric center of the sun's disc

the darker the color,

the higher the confidence

physical weathering

the mechanical breakdown of rocks and minerals

The buoyant force equals the force of gravity.

the object floats

What is a Hurricane?

tropical cyclone

El Nino - warmer in East pacific = increased

tropical cyclones

which layer ... Temperature decreases with increasing altitude Lowest atmospheric layer All relevant weather events occur in this layer


If a feedback loop contains only positive couplings, it is a positive feedback loop?


True or False: The Earth's axis points in the same direction all four seasons (with an obliquity of 23.5°).


solstices occur how many times a year

twice a year

feedback loop

two or more linked couplings

Average ozone concentration

typically ~300 Dobson units

Potential U.S. shale gas resources....Shale gas in an _________________ reservoir


Tar Sands: Alberta Canada *_______________- reservoir*



very unlikely

l Warm air advances in direction of cooler air

warm front

El Niño -SST's warm in ________ Pacific; trade winds weaken; shift in Walker Circulation

warm in the East Pacific

TC: Develop over _________ __________

warm water

La Nina conditions

warm water is further west than usual

Hadley Cell accomplishes heat transport within lower latitudes by transporting excess ________ (______) air to higher (lower) latitudes

warm, cold

Improving a buildings energy usage... A lot of heat is lost from a building through:

-The attic, basement, windows, and doors

Rising sea level is primarily the result of:

-addition of water from melting glaciers -thermal expansion

Range shifts particularly threaten species that:

-cannot move fast enough -depend on conditions that are becoming more rare(like sea ice)

At the equinoxes, solar declination =

0° and the sun is directly overhead at the equator

What branch of the Hadley cell? Warm, moist air rises at the equator to upper troposphereRising air cools, condenses out water vapor to form, clouds and precipitation


What branch of the Hadley cell? Colder, drier air sinks from the upper troposphere down to surface at ~30°latitude


On average, seawater is ___________ (salinity)

34-35 ‰

What branch of the Hadley cell? Colder, drier air flows from subtropical latitudes toward equatorExcess cold air transported equatorward to mitigate radiative energy surplus


Hadley cell has ___ branches, and cell extends from equator to ______ latitude in both hemispheres

4 30 degrees

Frequency of category ___ and ___ hurricanes will increase

4 and 5

The Lithosphere: Oceanic Crust Roughly _____ thick ___________ composition (enriched in Fe and Mg) Density is about ____________ than the continental crust Oldest is

7 km Basaltic 2.9 g cm-3 younger ~175 Ma

_______ of ozone exists in ____________ - "_______" ozone that absorbs, prevents incoming _______ radiation from reaching surface

90%, stratosphere, "good", UV

Coriolis Force acts at a _____________ (____________-) to the wind

90° angle perpendicular

Net movement of water within the entire water column is

90°from wind direction

_______ of seawater is H2O by weight


What is a Carbon Tax? What is one advantage and one disadvantage to this type of policy?

A Carbon Tax is a government incentive to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by taxing businesses and organizations based on their carbon output. One advantage is that this provides a monetary incentive to cut back on emissions. One disadvantage is that it can be difficult to get countries to "buy in" to such a policy (e.g., difficult to convince people to pay more taxes; viewed as too much government intervention).

negative coupling

A change (increase or decrease) in one component leads to a change in the opposite direction in the linked component

positive coupling

A change (increase or decrease) in one component leads to a change in the same direction in the linked component

5 factors of a mineral

(1)Minerals are naturally occurring. Formed in nature not in factories. (2)Minerals are inorganic (ex. formed by geologic processes) (3)Minerals are solids (4)Minerals have a crystalline structure (5)Minerals have a definable chemical compositions.

1997 international conference that called for a treaty to roll back CO2 emissions from developed countries to 5% below 1990 levels, never ratified by USA

(Climate Policy Agreements) Kyoto Protocol:

How much of a temperature change can exist due to UHI?

***Difference often 2-3°C greater in urban area vs. suburb, rural area!***

coffee weathering example coffee beans = coffee grinder = ground coffee =

- rocks/minerals - physical weathering - physically weathered rocks/minerals (more surface area!)

Solar Energy

-Blackbody Radiation -Effective temperature, surface temperature, and the greenhouse effect -Earth energy budget


-Net radiation -Coriolis Effect -Atmospheric layers & properties -Ozone -Greenhouse gases

Earth as a planet: Dynamic of the earth

-Plate tectonics -Hydrologic cycle -Atmosphere (~20% O2) -Cryosphere

Focus is on improving metro Atlanta quality of life

Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC)

Inorganic carbon:

C-containing compounds that lack C-H or C-C bonds (typically contain C-O bonds instead)

nuclear energy Advantages: 1. No _____ generation from electricity 2. Already used to fuel a significant portion of world energy •e.g., France (~75% of power from nuclear) 3. Enough _________ to utilize nuclear power for a few centuries

CO2 Uranium

Net reaction from anthropogenic CO2emissions affecting diffusion and ocean acidification:


Why is stratospheric ozone "good," but tropospheric ozone is "bad?"

Called stratospheric ozone, good ozone occurs naturally in the upper atmosphere, where it forms a protective layer that shields us from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. Ozone at ground level is a harmful air pollutant, because of its effects on people and the environment, and it is the main ingredient in "smog."

How do we know earth's age?

Can date meteorites: left-overs from accretion

Trapping and burying CO2

Carbon sequestration

•Store CO2into lithosphere or deep ocean

Carbon sequestration

Ozone Production vs. Destruction - _____________ ________________

Chapman Mechanism

Also represent early solar system matter with same chemical composition as the bulk Earth (average of crust, mantle, core)

Chondritic meteorites

Saffir-Simpson Scale

Classifies hurricanes according to wind speed, air pressure in the center, and potential for property damage.

Proctor Creek Greenway -Pros

Clean up pollution and water quality of Proctor Creek Create more greenspace Safe, accessible path for Atlanta citizens

There are a number of factors that have affected our climate in the past and continue to do so today

Climate Forcings

___________ is an _____________ planet used by ___________ _____________ to illustrate how living organisms could ______________ _____________ a planet's climate.

Daisyworld, imaginary, James Lovelock, unintentionally stabilize

Dead plant material (e.g. leaves, twigs, etc.) that is broken down to CO2


In the northern hemisphere it is also known as the winter solstice.

December Solstice

How is TC frequency expected to change? __________ in tropical cyclone frequency in general __________ in category 4-5 hurricanes

Decrease Increase

How does (inorganic) carbon get out of deep ocean floor/lithosphere and back to atmosphere?

Deep pressure, heat of Earth breaks down carbonate, forms CO2 that percolates out of crust back to atmosphere Volcanic eruptions

How does (inorganic) carbon get out of deep ocean floor/lithosphere and back to atmosphere?

Deep pressure, heat of Earth breaks down carbonate, forms CO2that percolates out of crust back to atmosphere Volcanic eruptions

The ______________ ________________ is now the world's second-largest spill of all time, right after the oil that Saddam Hussein intentionally dumped in 1991.

Deepwater Horizon

density of the lithosphere

Density ~2.7 -3 g cm-3

if stimulation is accurate,

If accurate --> model should predict accurate future climate

if the stimulation is not accurate,

If not accurate --> model needs to be improved before used to simulate future climate

What are the effects of aerosols on climate?

In addition to scattering or absorbing radiation, aerosols can alter the reflectivity, or albedo, of the planet. Bright surfaces reflect radiation and cool the climate, whereas darker surfaces absorb radiation and produce a warming effect.

Transport of stratospheric ozone from tropics to higher latitudes

In the stratosphere, the Brewer-Dobson circulation carries air from the equator to the poles.

lithosphere includes what

Includes the crust and uppermost mantle

Energy In:

Incoming solar (shortwave) radiation

THC Tour 5. Warm water from Pacific flows back towards Indian Ocean and around world via

Indian Ocean Southern Ocean

How do scientists "validate" accuracy of climate models?

Simulate past and present climate and then compare with observational data

How does (organic) carbon get out of deep ocean floor/lithosphere and back to atmosphere?

Photosynthesis + burial of dead plant matter

____________- Weathering 1. jointing 2. frost wedging 3. root wedging 4. salt wedging


plankton that are green plants (i.e., undergo photosynthesis)

Phytoplankton (algae)

how does kededa accomplish the health and happiness petal?

Place occupied spaces of building next to windows Maximize outdoor light and air usage Clean indoor air Biophilic environment - connect people to nature

describes shape of blackbody spectrum

Planck function

Solutions for the UHI Problem

Planting more trees, vegetation -can reduce temperatures by as much as 4-6°F Utilize lighter pavement and other surfaces to increase albedo Reducing automobiles, industrial pollution More greenspaces in urban areas to reduce effects of urban morphology

Controls on Soil Formation

Plants and animals, climate, parent material, time, slope angle, aspect influences

Made up of microscopic ice particles that provide surface for Cl2 to form

Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC's)

What directly affects ozone hole size in the Antarctic?

Polar Stratospheric Clouds (PSC's)

negative or positive feedback loop? Cattle running and fear


negative or positive feedback loop? Ice-Albedo Feedback


Salinity is reduced by

Precipitation River runoff

Tropical Cyclones: Force balance between what three forces Gradient Wind Balance

Pressure Gradient Force (PF) Coriolis Force and Centrifugal Force

_______________ would be identifying the actions that, if taken, would reduce CO2 emissions.


"____________ _____________ is a nonprofit organization and coalition of scholars, scientists, entrepreneurs, and advocates from across the globe that is mapping, measuring, modeling, and communicating about a collective array of substantive solutions to global warming, with the goal of reaching drawdown."

Project Drawdown

What are RCP's, and why do climate scientists use multiple RCP's when simulating 21st century future climate? Which RCP is the best (worst) case scenario?

RCP = Representative Concentration Pathway -represents amount of radiative forcing (relative to 1750) that either a natural or anthropogenic climate forcing contributes to imbalancing Earth's energy budget (positive values = warming effect; negative values = cooling effect) Multiple scenarios are used because it is difficult to know what type of climate change adaptation and/or mitigation strategies will be adopted by society -best (worst) case scenario is the RCP2.6 (RCP8.5) scenario

***Oceans expected to become more acidic, with greatest increase in "acidity" within the ___________ scenario***


Essentially no mitigation strategies applied such that CO2 emissions increase even more rapidly than present day starting around the year 2020


"the change, relative to the year 1750, in incoming energy minus outgoing energy in response to a factor that changes energy balance"

Radiative Forcing


Rate of energy emitted by the Sun

Between now and the end of winter, what do you expect will happen to CO2 concentrations in the Northern Hemisphere, and why?

Rates of photosynthesis are decreasing as leaves fall off trees, plants die --> increase in CO2concentrations

Goal of Georgia Commute Options

Reduce the number of single-occupancy vehicles on roads within metro Atlanta to help reduce air pollution (which ties into reducing atmospheric CO2emissions)


Representative Concentration Pathway

a pool of material at a particular time, expressed in terms of mass


the result or change from the forcing.


Oceans have limit to how much CO2 increase from atmosphere it can handle

Result: oceans become more acidic!

__________ __________ brings nutrients into the ocean to replace the nutrients that had been buried at the ocean bottom

River runoff

Salinity is enhanced by

Sea ice formation Evaporation

major carbon reservoir

Sedimentary rocks

Non-Atmospheric Effects of El Niño

Shift in regions of biological productivity

What is the ozone hole? What is responsible for affecting this hole over Antarctica?

a region of marked thinning of the ozone layer in high latitudes, chiefly in winter, attributed to the chemical action of chlorofluorocarbons and other atmospheric pollutants. the primary cause of ozone depletion is the presence of chlorine-containing source gases (primarily CFCs and related halocarbons)

Coriolis Force acts to deflect air .....

already in motion!

Paris agreement

an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) dealing with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, adaptation, and finance starting in the year 2020.


an entity composed of diverse but interrelated parts (components) that function as a complex whole


an object that emits or adsorbs electromagnetic radiation with 100% efficiency at all wavelengths.

***Models cannot simulate past and present climate accurately unless _____________ forcings are included!***


Runaway Greenhouse Effect triggered by __________________ CO2 increases and warming, and Earth system cannot adjust fast enough on short timescales...so how to do we fix this?


Atmosphere is (____________-) an Ideal Gas


ENSO affects _______________ and ______________ features around the globe, including weather patterns, local climate and biological productivity

atmosphere ocean

ENSO Events involve interaction between ___________ and ____________ in tropical Pacific

atmosphere and ocean

Daisyworld has no ______________. It is a simplified planet that does not ________ or have ____________. It is partly covered in barren _______ soil, and the remaining area is covered in ________ daisies, which are responsive only to ______________.

atmosphere, rotate, seasons, grey, white, temperature

Walker circulation is an _____________ - __________ ___________ phenomenon -the ocean responds to the atmosphere and vice versa

atmosphere-ocean coupled

Vertical temperature profile determines

atmospheric layers

The _____________ ( ________ for north) equinox occurs ~September 22 or 23.

autumnal (fall)

Coastal upwelling along eastern boundary currents -_____________ Hemisphere


Ex. Range Shifts

Species are relocating to areas with more tolerable climate conditions.

amount of heat needed to raise 1 kg of ice 1°C (or 1K)

Specific heat of ice (c_ice)

amount of heat needed to raise 1 kg of liquid water 1°C (or 1K)

Specific heat of liquid water (c_liquid)

amount of heat needed to raise 1 kg of water vapor 1°C (or 1K)

Specific heat of water vapor (c_gas)

__________ snow cover in Northern Hemisphere decreasing



State of Matter Density Changes Other Properties

Why is Thermohaline Circulation Important to Ocean Mixing?

Stirs the ocean from top to bottom (~1500 years) Mixes in CO2, heat, other stuff from surface

_______________ has increasing temperature with height due to absorption of UV radiation by ozone


warm front creates

Stratus clouds, light precipitation, dreary days

Clouds, precipitation (clearer skies) exist within rising (sinking) air branches of three meridional cells

Subtropics ITCZ Subtropics

The Younger Dryas =

Sudden Cooling

storms on the surface of the sun and are associated with


Why do we have ocean currents?

Surface circulation Deep ocean circulation

Reducing the amount of emission emitting vehicles

Transportation Conservation

During the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere, which latitude would receive the strongest radiative flux at solar noon?

Tropic of Capricorn (23.5º S)

low-pressure systems that form within tropical latitudes (23.5°S - 23.5°N)

Tropical cyclones

_________ is most relevant for weather events, most climate events of interest


Luminosity units

Unit: Watts (W = J^s-1)

Mass Divergence =


Why are chlorophyll concentrations higher at the equator vs. the centers of subtropical gyres?

Upwelling occurs at the equator, providing an ample supply of nutrients for phytoplankton. Downwelling occurs at the centers of subtropical gyres, thus suppressing the rising of nutrients.

Increased trapping of heat due to shapes of buildings, skyscrapers, urban layout

Urban Morphology

Disadvantages to wind power 1.Need wind! Must be built where annually averaged wind speed is ~6 m/s (~13 mph) 2._______________ source of energy (wind is not constant!) 3.Hazard to some _____________ (e.g., birds) 4.Aesthetically not pleasing

Variable wildlife

example of an Aerosol - Caused by natural processes

Volcanic Eruptions Particles (dust, ash), gases (SO2, CO2)

List one natural and one anthropogenic process that leads to the transfer of carbon from the solid Earth into the atmosphere (can be either organic or inorganic carbon cycle).

Volcanism (long term; inorganic); fossil fuel usage (short term; organic)

a relationship stating that atmospheric pressure decreases by about a factor of 10 for each 16-km increase in altitude; more technically, atmospheric pressure decreases exponentially with altitude

barometric law

World Oil Consumption measures the number of ____________ that are consumed worldwide on an annual basis.


Large portion of oceanic crust is


example of extrusive rock


which is more dense - granite or basalt


why can we say that gas is compressible

because density of a gas is directly proportional to pressure

El Nino affect on East Pacific waters

become anomalously warm during late fall/early winter

chemistry of ocean acidification 3. H2CO3 dissociates within ocean water and releases an H+ion, yielding a _____________ _______(HCO3-)

bicarbonate ion

formation of the earth

big bang ~13.7 billion years ago

Carbon plays key role within important

biological molecules

Transport of organic carbon and nutrients from the surface ocean to the deep ocean

biological pump

Liquid fuels, such as ethanol, from fast-growing plants, such as corn and sugarcane, which take up CO2emitted by burning


Nutrients in the tropical ecosystem are stored in the ____________ and not in the soil.


Previously, wood ("___________") was used and did not have enough energy released to power steam engines and other machines.


A ________- is an area of the planet that can be classified according to the plants and animals that live in it.


wavelength of the most intense radiation in units of microns

Wien's law

What is the "runaway greenhouse effect?"

With rapid rates of carbon removal from the solid Earth via fossil fuel usage, natural processes (e.g., weathering) that add carbon back into the solid Earth reservoir are unable to keep up with this anthropogenic process, leading to rapid atmospheric CO2concentration increases and thus significant global warming.

In fact, the Earth is ____________ to the sun around January 3 and ____________ _______ from the sun around July 4.

closest, farthest away

what happens if the atmosphere becomes more saturated?

clouds and fog form can form precipitation can form dew, frost on surface

Sensible weather consequences of extratropical cyclones:

clouds, precipitation, severe thunderstorms, winter weather conditions

terrestrial organic carbon after burial and exposure to high pressure/temperature


-Darker in color -More dense -Common Elements include (Fe, Mg, and Ca)

coarse grained - intrusive

example of a feedback loop

cold - shiver - heat up hot - sweat - cool down

examples of couplings

cold = shiver = heat up (coupling = shiver) hot = sweat = cool down (coupling = sweat)

Low Pressure Systems often associated with _________ and _________ __________ ____________ - air is lifted along fronts, forming clouds and precipitation

cold and warm fronts

Associated with most vigorous rising air, precipitation, thunderstorms

cold front

Cold air advances in direction of warm air

cold front

W/in Wien's law : 𝜆!"#and T are indirectly proportional - hotter (_______) objects emit their maximum radiative flux at shorter (___________) wavelengths

colder, longer

Nuclear energy is the most ______________ form of energy


phase change of water from gas to liquid -creates cloud droplets, rain


Where on Earth would you expect the most temperature variability?

consider oceans vs. continents and northern vs. southern latitudes

disadvantages to hydropower 1.High ____________ cost 2.Large flood risk with failure 3.Uproots people 4.Negative impacts on _________ ecology 5.For some, variable output depending on rain and snowfall

construction aquatic

vertical redistribution of heat


Differential Heating drives ____________ in Earth's atmosphere and ultimately ____________!

convection; weather

Ekman transport results in _________________ of water mass at the center of an oceanic gyre


Key to high pressure at the surface: ___________ aloft


Plates move towards each other

convergent boundary

La Niña -SST's _______ more than average in ________ Pacific; _______________ of trade winds, Walker Circulation

cool East strengthen trade winds

The Lithosphere: _____ and ______ rocky outer layer of the Earth

cool and rigid

El Niño -SST's cool in _______ Pacific; trade winds weaken; shift in Walker Circulation

cool in the west Pacific

Sunspots appear as ________ spots on the outermost layer of the Sun (the photosphere)


Once they sink out of photic zone, they die and


***Arctic sea ice coverage expected to ________________ in all RCP scenarios. RCP8.5 is most extreme, however rate of decrease "levels off" in RCP2.6 scenario by 2050.***


In daisyworld, for temperatures above the optimum..... if climate average surface temperature increases ...... average daisy coverage will


In daisyworld, for temperatures above the optimum..... if daisy average coverage increases....climate average surface temperature will


In daisyworld, for temperatures below the optimum...if climate average temperature decreases..... daisy area coverage will __________


In general, does temperature increase or decrease when more of the incoming solar radiation is reflected by the white daisies?


Observed _____________ in snow and Arctic sea ice coverage


Tropical cyclones are destructive storms that are expected to ______________ in frequency and ___________ in intensity with global climate change

decrease increase

While the frequency of tropical cyclones is expected to __________ overall, intensity of tropical cyclones will ___________

decrease increase

Density of air ___________ with height


In daisyworld, for temperatures below the optimum... if daisy coverage increases..... climate average temperature ________


Temperature ______________ with increasing depth


Pressure _____________ exponentially with height

decreases (Barometric Law)

Divergence aloft removes air mass from the air column --

decreases surface pressure

Frequency of cold nights and cold days has been ____________ over the past several decades


Easier for ________ water to rise in cold surface water regions --> more nutrients!


P-and S-waves change speed based on ____________ changes within the Earth


What if T_parcel > T_environment?

density_parcel < density_environment and the air rises

What if T_parcel < T_environment?

density_parcel > density_environment sinks

Photosynthesis causes a _____________ of nutrients in surface ocean


goal of IPCC

describe, for public and policy use, most up-to-date information about Earth's past, present and future climate, impacts from climate change and adaptation and mitigation strategies

Temperature value that if you cooled to reach it, RH would be 100% (saturated)

dew point temperature

uneven heating of the Earth by the Sun due to shape of Earth (approximately spherical)

differential heating

con of reductionism

difficult to understand how constituents interact, exchange energy with each other

aerosols can either scatter or absorb incoming solar radiation -- net cooling effect at surface

direct aerosol effect

Summer is warmer than winter (in each hemisphere) because the Sun's rays hit the Earth at a more ___________ __________-

direct angle

The density of a gas is __________ __________ to pressure.

directly proportional

Flux will depends on __________ from object and ___________ of __________

distance, angle of incidence

External forces create ________________ in systems


Systems like the Earth are subject to varying inputs and conditions (called _____________), which cause their components to change.


Eastern boundary currents associated with water mass ____________ and thus upwelling


Key to low pressure at the surface:

divergence aloft

Crust is created at ____________ and destroyed at _______________(subduction) boundaries

divergent convergent

Plates move apart

divergent boundary

Igneous: very common at:

divergent, convergent subduction, and hot spots

The population facing water scarcity will more than __________- over the next 30 years


High pressure associated with divergence of air at the surface, ______________ vertical motion and _______________ aloft

downward; convergence

Height of sea surface rises, but water transported downward


sinking of water due to accumulation of converging water


What are (and will be) some of the impacts of global climate change?


a celestial body that -orbits the sun, has enough mass to assume a nearly round shape, has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit and is not a moon.

dwarf planet

Kendeda building expected to harvest about 460,000 gallons of water ________ ___________!!!

each year

example of a perturbation

earthquake, Ash plume from volcanic eruption, Tsunami, Meteorite impact

SST distribution coolest SST values are in the _________ Pacific


pros to geothermal energy 1. highly _____________ 2. low cost to run 3. doesn't depend on the temp outside air 4. runs _________ 5. lasts longer than most other heat pump systems 6. low ________________

efficient quietly maintenance

Using energy more ________________ is like stopping a leaky faucet.


Light =

electromagnetic radiation

Clean coal does not actually do anything to the coal itself but deals with the by-products or


All objects with a non-zero absolute temperature (i.e., T > 0 K) ________ ________________

emit radiation

Where does Earth exhibit a net "surplus" of radiative energy?

energy surplus at low latitudes - tropics

chemistry of ocean acidification 1. CO2 from atmosphere diffuses into surface ocean --> key is CO2 source regions, where CO2 has net diffusion into oceans from atmosphere A warming climate ___________ rate of CO2 diffusion into oceans


CHALLENGES TO CO2SEQUESTRATION IN THE DEEP OCEAN 1.________________ consequences 2.No one has tried this out on a _________-_________ yet

environmental large-scale

The fair treatment and involvement of people of all color, race, ethnicity, income, and national origin with respect to addressing environmental issues (Ch. 17.1 -Sherman and Montgomery 2021)

environmental justice

Paleoclimate research uses ____________ and ___________ evidence

geologic biological

What do you think accounts for most of Iceland's renewable energy?


utilizes temperature gradients within the solid Earth to generate electricity

geothermal energy

Place - Living buildings must be built on "____________" or "___________" -the goal is to build on land that has had pre-existing use and encourage the preservation of natural land that has not been built on

greyfield borwnfield

Tropical cyclones also accomplish

heat transport

Global warming potential is a measure of how much _______ a greenhouse gas traps in the _____________ up to a specific time horizon, relative to carbon dioxide.

heat, atmosphere

Ocean also responsible for transport of excess ________ from __________ toward poles (just like atmosphere)

heat, equator

Basalt is dark colored, fine grained rock enriched in __________- elements (Fe and Mg)


Do white daisies have a high albedo or low albedo?


high or low albedo... ice/snow?


Flow around Northern Hemisphere _______ pressure system is _____________

high clockwise

Flow around Southern Hemisphere ______ pressure system is ______________________

high counterclockwise

Where does Earth exhibit a net "deficit" of radiative energy?

high latitudes

Ozone concentrations highest at ________ ___________ and lowest in _______

high latitudes; tropics

During glacial periods, shells that formed in the ocean will have ____________ concentrations of 18 O.


Model results often more trustworthy with ____________ _____________ -can better simulate past and present climate

higher resolution

natural gas cons - nonrenewable - does release some CO2 - lots of _____________ of the gas required - leaks can potentially cause

transportation fires or explosions

The density of a gas is _____________ _______________ to temperature.

inversely proportional

Earth's mantle and crust are depleted in


Currently Atmospheric CO2 is or isnt in a Steady State?

is not

Transition regions between layers exhibit an ______________ ___________ - (nearly) zero change in temperature with height

isothermal profile

Energy use of _______________ is 72% more efficient than a building of similar size and occupancy


cons to biomass - not enough _________ space to grow crops for biofuel - producing them actually requires more energy than they ________ - still ____________ when compared to wind and solar

land generate polluting

No observed trend in frequency of

landfalling tropical cyclones

The ____________ the glass, the ____________ the temperature of the atmosphere

larger warmer

The amounts of energy released when coal is burned gave inventors the ability to operate

larger and more productive steam engines.

water -> phase change =

latent heat

TC: sustained by ________ __________ via ___________ feedback loop

latent heat positive

CE: Increases with ____________


CE: Southern Hemisphere: Flow deflected to the _______


low salinity =

less dense (darker colors on SSS Map)

During an El Nino year: Thermocline is

less sloped; "flattens out"

"Hole" present if ozone concentration is

less than or equal to 100 Dobson units

Temperature, soil, and the amount of light and water help determine what ________ exists in a biome.


SSS Map higher salinity = lower salinity =

lighter colors darker colors

SST Map less dense = more dense =

lighter colors darker colors



Carbonate shells accumulate on ocean floor, form ________________(CaCO3), rock


Challenges to CO2 Sequestration 1.Difficult task 2.Need to ___________ CO2 (more dense, will sink) 3.Need right rock to store it in (must be ___________) 4.Need cap to prevent CO2 from coming back up into ___________ 5.Can _________ handle this much injected CO2? 6._______-

liquefy permeable atmosphere rocks Cost

S-waves cannot travel through the outer core because it is _________ and s-waves (transverse) waves cannot travel through fluids


Rocks: Sedimentary Formed from ____________, or ______________ of sediments to form sedimentary layers

lithification compaction

geoengineering is a ___________-____________ mitigation strategy

longer term

1. physical and chemical weathering produces _______ __________ 2. leaching: rainwater carries dissolved ions and clays ___________ 3. accumulation: new minerals ____________-- 4. interaction with ____________ (microbes, fungi, plants, animals); humus production

loose debris downward precipitate organisms

THC + Climate change expecting ice to melt will cause what

lowered albedo and more sunlight absorbed by the ocean

RH: Size of glass represents ____________ amount of water vapor atmosphere has room for at its ____________ (es)

maximum temperature


mechanisms that link the components of a system

Water absorbs heat from the surrounding environment when changing from solid to liquid to gas, thus cooling the environmental air, during the following:

melting, evaporation and sublimation

Extratropical Cyclone is Responsible for _________ ___________ _____________

meridional heat transport

transport excess heat (excess "cold" air) poleward (equatorward)

meridional heat transport

3 transition areas of the vertical profile of atmospheric temperature

mesopause stratopause tropopause

Altered while in the solid state from exposure to high temperatures and/or pressures


Simplest carbon example is

methane = CH4

Carbon storage, exchange processes between lithosphere and atmosphere/ocean on time scale of ________ ___ _________ If carbon was released to oceans and atmosphere too rapidly, would get "____________ ____________ _____________"

millions of years runaway greenhouse effect

a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence


Due to plate tectonics, winds, water, glaciers, and many other processes on Earth we are able to create many different

minerals and rocks

Arctic summer sea ice extent, which represents ___________ _____ ________ during calendar year, decreasing in areal extent --> why use minimum value?

minimum ice coverage

normal thermocline in the east

much shallower

humidityAir outside feels "_________-" when dew points are high


Silicate weathering rate and atmospheric CO2is _____________ coupling


in daisyworld: what is the relationship between planetary albedo and Climate Average Surface Temperature?


negative or positive feedback loop? Blanket and body temperature for one person


negative or positive feedback loop? Thermoregulation of the human body


Designated by circular arrowhead

negative coupling

Planetary energy balance systems diagram with greenhouse gases

negative feedback loop?

Odd number of negative couplings = Even number of negative couplings = Only positive couplings =

negative, positive, positive

Advantages to hydropower 1.Moderate to high ______ energy 2.______ cost after initial set up 3.No ______ emissions 4.Reservoir for irrigation 5.Long life span

net low CO2

which permanent gases make up 99.9% of Earth's atmosphere?

nitrogen and oxygen

example of permanent gasses

nitrogen, oxygen, argon

What happens if the Walker Circulation is neutral

no el nino or la nina

no tilt =

no seasons

In recent years, the ___________ industry has struggled due to safety concerns, rising competition from natural gas, and renewables


Produced from nuclear fission (splitting of atomic nucleus) of uranium atoms (most common)

nuclear energy

Slash and Burn and clearing of tropical rainforests disrupts the

nutrient cycle

Light can be described both as a __________ __________and as a __________

traveling wave, particle


understanding a system by breaking system down into its constituent parts



positive feedbacks =


Coastal ___________- along eastern boundary currents -Northern Hemisphere


Height of sea surface decreases at surface due to divergence, but water transported upward


Ocean circulation upwells carbon, nutrients back to the surface, but on very slow timescales (____________ is not part of the biological pump)


rising of colder water to replace warm, diverging water


which of the two downwelling or upwelling is able to bring bacteria to animals(plankton)


An increase in depth and decrease in temperature leads to

upwelling of cold water downwelling of warmer water

Soil influence _____________- and further influence _______ ______________ from the atmosphere

vegetation CO2 removal

Soils will influence ____________, which will then influence what types of _________ live there and the resulting biomes

vegetation animals

The __________ ( ________ for north) equinox occurs ~March 20.

vernal (spring)

igneous rocks commonly formed where

very common at divergent, convergent subduction and hot spots


virtually certain

short chains= low ____________ (fluidic) ---> high volatility (easy to evaporate)


Extrusive(or ____________) igneous rock


Extrusive(or __________) igneous rock formed by rapid cooling at the Earth's ___________

volcanic surface

formed by rapid cooling at the Earth's surface (ex.

volcanic igneous ex. basalt

Weathering counteracts ____________ on long timescale (i.e., millions of years)


La Niña -SST's _______ more than average in _______ Pacific; strengthening of trade winds, _______________ __________________

warm West Walker Circulation

More "gentle" rising of warm air over cold air

warm front

Loss of Vegetation -Less shade and evapotranspiration -leads to _____________, ___________ conditions

warmer, drier Temperature increases Relative humidity decreases

After the Little Ice Age, enter a trend of


advantages to wind power 1.Nonpolluting 2.Requires almost no __________- usage (except to clean blades) 3.Could theoretically produce energy _____________

water forever

What are the largest anthropogenic environmental issues we face on Earth today?

water pollution, deforestation and soil loss, and air pollution

The liquid water in the glass represents the vapor pressure --> how much __________ ____________ is actually in atmosphere

water vapor

What are some examples of variable gases? Why do we care about these?

water vapor and CO2 Although these are found in small amounts, they can have significant effects on weather and climate. Water vapor is the source of all clouds and precipitation, and often that is the most common reason people think of for water. water vapor and carbon dioxide--do absorb a portion of the infrared heat radiated by the earth's surface, thereby preventing it from reaching space. ... creating the GHG effect

the most abundant greenhouse gasses are

water vapor and co2

example of condensational warming

water vapor molecule in air strikes a cold soda can it releases heat water vapor condenses your drink warms

Light waves are characterized by what 4 categories

wave speed, wavelength, frequency, and amplitude

During El Niño year: Trade winds are

weaker(anomalous westerly flow)

EarthThe initial glaciation was likely caused by a combination of: •Rapid _______________ of Earth's continents, which sucked carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and caused temperatures to plummet •Continental _______________-(large landmass), which allowed ice to grow quickly •Changes in solar ____________ ______________, which could reduce global temperatures •Eruption of a _______________, which could have increased Earth's albedo

weathering distribution energy output supervolcano

Atmospheric pressure is due to the _________ of the column of air above the surface of the Earth


The buoyant force is equal to the ......

weight of the displaced fluid

thermocline for el nino:

west = rises closer to surface east = sinks

sinking motion now over what in an el nino

west pacific

SST distribution Warmest SST values are in the ___________ Pacific


***"Wet" regions expected to get ___________, while "dry" regions expected to get _________ -most extreme changes in RCP8.5 scenario***

wetter drier

Observed changes in precipitation over land show equatorial and mid-latitudes getting ___________, subtropics getting _________

wetter drier

When do solstices occur? (in terms of the axis tilt)

when the tilt of the Earth's axis is oriented at its extremes. Tilted the farthest or closest

Use of air flow through wind turbines to mechanically power generators for electricity

wind power

Ocean Surface Circulation driven by atmospheric surface wind, which is driven by solar heating --> we call this the

wind-driven circulation within ocean system

The December Solstice marks the beginning of ________/ (________) for the ___________/ (__________) hemisphere.

winter (summer) northern (southern)

Can a disturbance include all three types?


Convergent Subduction Boundary...Volcanism?


(in blackbody curve) Sun's curve has greater area underneath than Earth...does this make sense, and why/why not?

yes - sun is larger than earth

(in blackbody curve) Sun's peak of radiative flux occurs at shorter wavelength relative to Earth...does this make sense, and why/why not?

yes- sun has more nrg than earth/emits a greater level of radiation

Coriolis Force is ________ at the equator!!!


ENSO change in atmosphere/ocean circulation (time)

~2-7 years

Earth Age

~4.5 billion years old

Solar System Age

~4.567 billion years old

Ferrel Cell Air rises _________ and sinks ________________

~60°latitude ~30°latitude

Polar Cell Air rises _____________ and sinks ___________

~60°latitude ~90°latitude

number of tectonic plates

~7 major plates and many smaller ones

how does kendeda accomplish the water petal

•50,000 gallon cistern •Rainwater capture •Water purification

Regions of highest productivity:

•High latitudes --> ocean surface layer very thin or nonexistent. •Upwelling regions (including equator) •Near major river deltas

climate forcings

•Milanokovitch Cycles •Sun Spots •Plate Tectonics •Major Volcanic Eruptions •Forest Fires

Effect of Silicate Mineral Chemical Weathering on Atmospheric CO2

•This negative feedback loop is reason Earth's long term climate has remained stable •Weathering counteracts volcanism on long timescale (i.e., millions of years)

Ecosystems are affected by changes in:

•temperature •rainfall/moisture •pH •salinity (saltiness) •activities & distribution of other species •ranges

What makes climate change?

●Changes in the sun ●Changes in the Earth's orbit ●Changes in the clouds ●Volcanic eruptions ●Changes in the gases in the atmosphere (Greenhouse effect) ●Internal Wiggles (for example El Niño) ●Plate tectonics & ocean circulation

Seasons controlled by:

obliquity (tilt)

How do we know the climate is changing?

observational data

actual measurements of past and present --> these events have already happened or are happening!


Mid-latitude Westerlies

occur between 30o and 60o latitude and travel from west to east.

OIL Pros - inexpensive (with huge subsidies) but this is changing - infrastructure in place (___________- etc) - high net energy yield - ample supply for immediate ________- - versatile - low ________ use * generates less CO2 than _______

pipelines future land coal


plankton nutrient rich water burial

Impact climate by: •changing land mass and ice caps (size & location) •changing ocean circulation patterns, which transport heat around the Earth and in turn influences atmospheric circulation processes.

plate tectonics

Intrusive(or ___________) igneous rocks cooled slowly under Earth's surface


Igneous Intrusive(or ____________) igneous rocks cooled slowly under Earth's surface (ex. ___________)

plutonic granite

pros to solar power - no ____________ - easy installation - access to energy in ________ locations - long term benefits

pollution remote

anthropogenic examples

pollution and greenhouse gas emissions

ENSO Events involve interaction between atmosphere and ocean in tropical Pacific - feedback loop =


There is a _____________ correlation between increasing sunspots and increasing temperature on Earth


in daisyworld: what is the relationship between daisies area coverage and planetary albedo?


negative or positive feedback loop? # Births and population


total radiative forcing is _____________ , and has led to an uptake of energy by the ____________ ___________. The largest contribution to total radiative forcing is caused by the increase in the atmospheric concentration of CO2 since 1750

positive climate system

Planetary energy balance systems diagram without greenhouse gases

positive feedback loop ?

Latent heat absorbed (___________) or released (____________) during phase change

positive, negative

Designated by normal arrowhead

postive coupling

transfer of water from the atmosphere back to the earth -can be liquid or solid


the weight of air within a column above a unit area


air parcel - "package" of air that has the same ____________ as the surrounding environment, but all other properties _______ from the environment

pressure; vary

A strategy for dealing with climate change that implements tactics designed to reduce the threat.


Respiration leads to a ______________ of energy


the kinePc energy (KE)of gas molecules is _______________ to their temperature.


Parent or __________- rock is limestone which metamorphoses into marble


Georgia Commute Options incentives

providing participants cash for logging miles using alternative transportation

An RCP is a projected change to anthropogenic forcing expressed as

radiative forcing

___________ of increase of global annual average temperature has also increased


list of banned substances from the building -these are materials that are harmful to the environment and/or human health

red list

what is the difference between Systems and Reductionist thinking

reductionist focuses on the parts and systems focuses on the connections between the parts

Amount of water vapor in air relative to the maximum amount that can be present given the temperature of the air (0-100%)

relative humidity

Water ____________ ___________ to the surrounding environment when changing from ________ to _________ to __________, thus warming the environmental air

releases heat gas to liquid to solid


removes CO2 from atmosphere

pros to biomass - inherently ___________- - emit less pollution than traditional based gasoline and diesel fuels - easier to transition to without special _______________ needs

renewable infrastructure

US has seen 15% decline in coal consumption from 2018 while _______________ ______________- consumption is growing

renewable energy

periodic disturbances are described as what?

repeats at regular intervals and amplitudes

average length of time that a substance (e.g., CO2) spends within a given reservoir -assume steady state for calculation below

residence time

CE: Northern Hemisphere: Flow deflected to the ______


Column water mass is transported at a 90°angle to the _______ of the surface wind direction in the _________ Hemisphere ________ of the surface wind direction in the ________________ hemisphere

right, northern left, southern

Walker Circulation Warm, moist air over the West Pacific Ocean _______ due to convergence of air in the region of low pressure As air rises, reaches the _______________ Air diverges at tropopause --> Why??

rises tropopause the stratosphere is too stable for vertical motions!

Remember that warm air _______ in the atmosphere and cold air ______ in the atmosphere.

rises, sinks

Atmospheric CO2not in steady state, as concentrations are


Low pressure where the air is ________, __________ _________ in Hadley Cell

rising diverging aloft

impacts of future climate change •_________ global temperatures •Melting ______ •_______ _________ rise •Increase in coastal ____________ events •Increase in ___________ and ____________ of heat waves

rising ice sea level flooding intensity and number

Hadley Cell Regions where air is _________ associated with _____ pressure

rising low

transfer of water from land to the oceans

river runoff

Transporting Atmospheric CO2 into Solid Earth -Precipitation takes carbon dioxide out of atmosphere and puts carbon into _________, __________ -Long-term __________ __________ cycle sink for atmosphere

rivers, ocean inorganic carbon

99.9% of carbon on Earth is sequestered in ________(limestone, carbon-rich shales, coal and oil deposits)


coherent aggregate of multiple minerals


What are the two largest carbon reservoirs on Earth's Surface?

rock reservoir and organic carbon sedimentary rocks ??

carbonic acid (H2CO3) in rainwater breaks down ___________


Expressed in units of "per mil" ‰


Common Sedimentary Rocks:

sandstone, shale, limestone

Meltwater from small glaciers and ice caps have so far contributed most to

sea level rise

Higher _______ ____________ and warmer __________ ____________ can intensify the hurricane impacts

sea levels ocean temperatures

the timescale for weather

sec - hrs -days - wks - mnths

Formed from lithification, or compaction of sediments to form sedimentary layers


types of rocks

sedimentary, igneous, metamorphic

El Nino Persists for

several months (into May/June)

examples of sedimentary

shale, sandstone, limestone, flint

___________ not ____________ the Curve -Number of Cold vs. Hot Extreme Days

shifting flattening

natural variability examples

short term: El Nino/La Nina, volcanism long term: Milankovitch cycles, rock weathering

________-________ (< 10,000 yrs) vs. ________-________ (> 10,000 yrs) Timescales

short-term long term

THC: If water at surface becomes denser than water below, it will


high pressure where the air is ____________, __________ ___________ in Hadley Cell

sinking converging aloft

Hadley Cell Regions where air is __________ associated with ______ pressure

sinking high


sinking motion

the latitude where the sun is directly overhead at solar noon

solar declination

Conversion of sunlight into electricity using photo-voltaic cells, typically made of silicon

solar power

energy petal: 917 panel photovoltaic cells will absorb incoming __________ _______________

solar radiation

Phases of Water on Earth

solid (ice) liquid (liquid water) gas (water vapor)

Unit is kJ/(kg°C)

specific heat

water -> temperature change =

specific heat

Earth has several "___________" that are all connected through ____________-______________ ________________

spheres, planetary-scale processes

equinox dates

spring: March 21 or 22 fall: September 21 or 22

negative feedbacks =


Rock Cycle: Certain rocks will form at specific plate boundaries due to the nature of how the form. For example a rock that forms from volcanoes will not naturally form at a _____________- boundary.


Plates slide past each other

transform boundary

What elements or compounds destroy ozone?

NO (nitric oxide) and Cl (chlorine)

Weathering: "___________ _____________" for Earth

Natural thermostat

Definition of a Planet

1) orbits a star (sun) 2) large enough for its own gravity to make it round 3) "cleared its neighborhood" of smaller objects

Sustainability Case Studies -Atlanta, GA

1. Atlanta Regional Commission - Georgia Commute Options and Livable Centers Initiative 2. Kendeda Building 3. Proctor Creek 4. Urban Heat Island effect

Other Fluxes out of the atmosphere

1. Ocean uptake

Environmental scientists often classify disturbances in terms of:

1. Perturbations 2. Forcing 3. Periodic

name two ozone problems from : Humans create products that create destructive ozone elements

1. Photochemical Smog -Nitrous Oxide (NO2) is a component of this, which helps to create NO, which destroys ozone! 2. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's)

7 petals required for Living Building Challenge Certification

1. Place: Restoring a healthy interrelationship with nature 2. Beauty: Uplifting the human spirit 3. Equity: Supporting a just and equitable world 4. Materials: Safe for all species through time 5. Health and happiness: optimize well being 6. energy: net-positive energy use 7. water: net positive water use

4 different processes to form soil

1. physical and chemical weathering 2. leaching 3. accumulation 4. interaction with organisms; humus production

Most (~99%)of the Sun's radiation is in the form of... 1. 2. 3.

1. visible radiation 2. infrared radiation (IR) 3. ultraviolet (UV)

Best reservoir rocks for sequestration:

1.Abandoned oil and gas fields 2.Saline Formations -porous sedimentary rocks saturated with salty water 3.Coal seems too deep for economic mining

Other Fluxes into Atmosphere

1.Decay 2. Combustion 3. Forest Fires 4. Ocean Emission

Earth's Energy Budget 100 (total incoming solar radiation)=

100 (outgoing)

solar cycles follow an ___ year cycle


What branch of the Hadley cell? Air is transported poleward in both hemispheres to higher latitudes (up to ~30°)Excess warm air transported poleward to mitigate radiative energy deficit


Humid conditions in the southeastern U.S. due to warm, moist air flowing onto land from the ocean

Bermuda High

Petroleum (36.72 quadrillion Btu) Natural gas (32.10 quadrillion Btu) Coal (11.32 quadrillion Btu)

2019 United States fuel consumption

On June 21stat solar noon, at which latitude is the sun directly overhead? What is the specific name of this latitude?

23.5°N, Tropic of Cancer

If the ice in Antarctica and Greenland completely melted, sea level would rise by ~_______ feet (70 m)


Plays role in steering Atlantic tropical cyclones during hurricane season

Bermuda High

cold front

A front where cold air moves in under a warm air mass. ( pushes the warm (less dense air up))

New StableEquilibrium State

A large disturbance from this state can carry the system into a new stable equilibrium state


A rigid layer made up of the uppermost part of the mantle and the crust.

Relates Pressure vs. Height

Barometric Law

•Supports life, including the oceans, atmosphere, land surface and soils •Plays role with transport of water, carbon, other key elements within atmosphere, land and ocean

Biosphere -Living Biomass

of gyres associated with excess heat transport to poles as well as transport of cold water towards equator


previously used industrial or commercial space that is contaminated


an upward force (i.e. w/ respect to __________) on an object immersed in a fluid.

Buoyancy; gravity

Formation of the Earth ________ takes over and an accretionary disk starts to form


Fossil Fuels (CO2emitting energy sources)

Coal, Oil, Gas

Polar Easterlies

Cold winds that come in from the poles and blow East to West.

two types of convergent boundaries

Collisional or Subduction

what kind of transport is the ekman transport ?

Column Water Mass Transport

of coal, gasoline, and natural gas to produce energy also produces CO2


If three cells are responsible for meridional (i.e., north/south) winds, then what drives zonal (i.e., west/east) winds?

Coriolis Effect

Chemical Layers

Crust (O, Al, Si, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, K) Mantle (Mg, O, & Si) Core (Fe & Ni)

what other part of the climate system is sometimes included and what does it include?

Cryosphere - ice aspect

What are the three Milankovitch Cycles and their effects on Earth's climate?

Eccentricity -affects shape of Earth's orbit around the Sun -can affect strength of Earth's season by altering distance between Sun and Earth (though tilt still primary control on Earth's seasons!!!) Obliquity -changes in angle of Earth's tilt -affects strength of seasonsPrecession -"wobbling" of Earth's tilt -affects strength of seasons

Improving coal plant efficiency will significantly reduce carbon emission. To do this requires alternative ways of using coal to produce electricity.

Efficient Electricity Production

results in convergence of water mass at center of an oceanic gyre

Ekman Spiral

"The Christ Child"

El Niño


El Niño Southern Oscillation

So how will anthropogenic forcing on climate possibly affect ENSO frequency and intensity over the next several decades and/or centuries?

El Niño events projected to be more extreme, however regional variability in whether El Niño temperature changes are warmer or colder than present-day El Niño events

coal pros •Very Plentiful •High Net _________ (why China continues to increase coal usage) •Low ________- (why China continues to increase coal usage) •America's ________________ is set up for it

Energy Cost Infrastructure

Earth's Energy Budget Energy absorbed=

Energy emitted

same resources for all


normal pacific pattern

Equatorial winds gather warm water pool toward west. Cold water upwells along South American coast

"The intent of the ___________ Petal is to transform developments to foster a true, inclusive sense of community that is just and equitable regardless of an individual's background, age, class, race, gender or sexual orientation."


redistributing resources to make situation fair for everyone


pro of reductionism

Excellent method for understanding a variety of natural phenomena

Goal: Hold global annual average temperature increase to under 2°C through aggressive climate change mitigation

Paris Agreement

prevention strategies for reducing co2 emissions

Find ways to reduce energy usage Switch to energy sources that emit less or no CO2 Transportation Conservation Efficient Electricity Production

rate of energy received from the Sun by an object per unit area


any event or thing that causes or leads to change.


Cutting or burning down of forests to make agricultural or urban areas leads to a net loss of organic carbon.

Forest Fires

runaway greenhouse concerns ____________ __________ __________, cement production take carbon out of rock and into the atmosphere much more rapidly than natural processes Natural processes do put carbon back into the lithosphere, but this process is much slower

Fossil fuel usage

Allowing greenhouse gases to accumulate while counteracting their effect by artificially cooling the climate (example: seeding stratosphere with sulfate aerosols)


24 HOBO sensors set up around campus to observe temperature changes and better understand micro-climate conditions

GT Urban Climate Network -Urban Climate Lab

What hypothesis did James Lovelock create?

Gaia Hypothesis

_____________ was the fuel with the largest absolute decline in demand related to Covid-19 containment measures with the global average falling ~50%.


_____________- is initial molecule produced in photosynthesis


Goal of the Kendeda Building

Goal: be the most sustainable building in the southeast - meet "Living Building Challenge 3.1 Certification" by year 2021

water petal goal

Goal: building should "absorb" water (i.e., produce more water than it wastes)

examples of persistent changes?

Gradual slowing of Earth's rotation and increase in length of each day due to lunar tidal attraction Annual mean atmospheric CO2due to anthropogenic activity

Earth's average surface temperature is warmer with an atmosphere =

Greenhouse Effect

underutilized land (e.g., parking lots, struggling retail malls)


THC Tour 3. NADW flows south towards the South Atlantic, Southern Ocean over Antarctic Bottom Water (ABW)

Heat from ocean water is also lost to the atmosphere in the Weddell Sea, increasing water density and promoting sinking motion Formation of ABW in Southern Ocean

Why do we care about buoyancy?

Helps us determine where air will be rising and sinking

________________- undergo respiration to convert energy from organic compounds into usable form


Regions of Highest Productivity:

High Latitudes, Equator and Eastern Boundary Currents (i.e., where upwelling occurs)

Destructive Elements of a Tropical Cyclone

High Wind Speeds Storm Surge Inland Flooding Tornadoes

light surface =

High albedo

195 countries participated in creation of this report, which was released in 2013-14 (Run by the UN)

IPPC 5th Assessment Report

What if T_parcel = T_environment?

Then density_parcel = density_environment. The air parcel neither moves up or down (i.e. it floats).

Incoming radiative flux (S) decreases with radius (r) from the source squared

Inverse Square Law

This law explains how effective temperature decreases with distance from Sun

Inverse Square Law

Who came up with the theoretical world - daisyworld?

James Lovelock

during which month would the surface area of the solar zenith angle be smaller - June or December


When do solstices occur? (dates)

June 21 and December 21 summer and winter

The ______ _________marks the beginning of summer (winter) for the northern (southern) hemisphere.

June Solstice

In the northern hemisphere it is also known as the summer solstice =

June solstice

Atlanta and the Urban Heat Island (UHI) Effect What is the Urban Heat Island Effect?

Local warming of air temperature due to one or more of the following factors: 1.Loss of vegetation 2.Significant concentration of impervious materials 3.Waste heat 4.Urban morphology

Extratropical Cyclone =

Low Pressure System

dark surface =

Low albedo

what must the temperature be converted to for the Stefan-Boltzmann law?


Funded by Kendeda Fund ($30 million commitment) •$25 million for 100% of building construction •$5 million for building-related program support

Kendeda Building

How has the frequency and intensity of ENSO events changed in the past with global climate change? How will the frequency and intensity of ENSO events change with global climate change?

Key Finding -number of ENSO events varies between centuries -function of natural and anthropogenic climate variability!

deepest drilling attempt

Kola Borehole

-20 million tons of sulfur was released into the atmosphere -Produced a volcanic winter (reducing worldwide temperatures by an average of 1.2°C (2.2°F) for five years)

Krakatoa Eruption (1883)

Climate Policy Agreements

Kyoto Protocol Paris Agreement

how long after the forcing that the response starts to occur


Large amounts of coal deposits were formed in the ________ _______________ after vast swampy areas started to decay

Late Carboniferous

heat absorbed (released) from (to) the environment due to melting (freezing) per unit mass of water

Latent heat of fusion (Lf)

heat absorbed (released) from (to) the environment due to evaporation (condensation) per unit mass of water

Latent heat of vaporization (Lv)

If a system at equilibrium is altered by a change of condition, then the system shifts the equilibrium composition to reduce the change of condition.

LeChatelier's Principle

Why is Thermohaline Circulation Important to climate?

Link to Gulf Stream in the poleward transport of heat Feedback in climate change (past and future)

Grant program encouraging sustainability projects within the greater Atlanta, GA region

Livable Centers Initiative

Proctor Creek Greenway -Cons

Major concern is gentrification - changing of neighborhood and housing to make more "middle-class" With gentrification comes increased rent and housing prices, which can make an area less equitable, especially for lower-income families

"The intent of the _______________ Petal is to help create a materials economy that is non-toxic, ecologically restorative, transparent, and socially equitable."


1._________________: absence of rain 2.Agricultural: absence of _____________ ____________ 3.Hydrological: absence of water in ________, ________ and _____________

Meteorological soil moisture rivers, lakes, and reservoirs

_____________ would be about actions, if taken, that would minimize the impact of the CO2 that is emitted.


stable equilibrium state

Modest disturbances from this state followed by return to this state

what is the ozone made of

Molecule consisting of three Oxygen atoms (O3)

THC Tour Water eventually travels back to ___________ ________ , repeating cycle!

North Atlantic

Anticyclonic: clockwise in _____________ Hemisphere counterclockwise in the __________________ hemisphere

Northern Southern

Cyclonic: counterclockwise in _________ Hemisphere clockwise in the ________________ Hemisphere

Northern Southern

Non-CO2emitting energy sources

Nuclear, Renewables

key "ingredient" of Biosphere


O reacts with O2plus third molecule M (e.g., N2, O2, Ar, other molecules in the atmosphere) to form ______


angle of Earth's spin axis relative to a line drawn perpendicular to the plane of the Earth's orbit around the Sun, currently 23.5 degrees


tilt of the spin axis


______ demand in March declined by more than 10mb/d relative to March 2019


example of an Anthropogenic Aerosol

Paper Mills Particulate matter, sulfur oxides Power Plants Coal: sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides Oil: sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, CO

__________ __________ of the world's population is now subject to water scarcity

One third of the world's population is now subject to water scarcity

Coal vs. Petroleum -Both are _________ Carbon


___________ carbon: C-containing compounds with one or more C-H or C-C bonds


•Atmospheric Fluxes - Short Term, ___________ •Biological Pump -________ _________, Organic •Rock Weathering -Long Term, _________ •Volcanism -Long Term, ____________

Organic Short Term Inorganic Inorganic

Sustainability "Doughnut"

Outer portion -if we exceed the safe "ecological ceiling," any of the outer consequences will harm humanity Inner portion -sustainability topics that need to be accounted for in order to make society equal and equitable

Energy Out:

Outgoing longwave IR radiation

Studying Past ENSO Events using

Oxygen Isotope Measurements

EXAMPLES OF WHAT Photolysis: O2reacts with a UV photon, O2breaks apart into two O atoms ("odd oxygen") O reacts with O2plus third molecule M (e.g., N2, O2, Ar, other molecules in the atmosphere) to form O3

Ozone production

We know that the Earth has different layers based on

P-and S-Wave Reflection and Refraction

three wind forces that control where wind is going?

PGF(Pressure Gradient Force) Coriolis Effect Friction

in terms of the ozone hole... More (less) _______ --- more (less) ice nuclei in stratosphere ---- more (less) _____ free to destroy O3

PSC's, Cl's

Plays role in steering tropical cyclones towards Hawaii, central Pacific

Pacific High

Semi-Permanent High Pressure System

Pacific High Bermuda High

How long would it take for carbon in atmosphere added by anthropogenic forcing to get put back into lithosphere?

Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) 55 Mya --> large flux of carbon to atmosphere --> significant warming How long did it take climate system to recover and cool from this? 40,000 - 60,000 years

the study of past climate


the study of Earth's climate during the entire history of the Earth.


example of CO2 sequestration project

Sleipner Project

Unstable Equilibrium State

Slightest disturbance from this state will carry it away from this state to a stable state

______________ ______________ Evidence -Glacial deposits in tropical locations -Cap carbonates or sharp transition to precipitated rocks on top of glacial deposits -Iridium layer? -Carbon isotopes -Banded Iron Formations

Snowball Earth

.What role do each of the following play with respect to changing Earth's climate? Solar Cycles, Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes,Wildfires

Solar Cycles -number of sunspots, sunspot activity plays role in 11-year solar cycle, however effects on climate are rather minimal compared to other natural and anthropogenic forcings Plate Tectonics -affects distribution and location of continental crust, which affects climate on land and ocean circulation Volcanoes -short term cooling effect due to aerosol direct and indirect effects, long term warming effect due to role in increasing atmospheric CO2concentrationsWildfires -similar to volcanoes but weaker in magnitude and shorter in timescale


Solar radiation that reaches the surface of the earth

Management of resources on Earth such that Earth is not degraded or does not play role in degrading Earth's natural resources in future (Sherman and Montgomery 2021)


All 'glasses' are same size "atmospheres" at same ___


The temperature of planet Geode is 500°F. What is max for planet Geode.

T (°C) = 500-32/1.8= 260°C T(K) = 260°C + 273.15 = 533.15 K l𝐦𝐚𝐱=𝟐𝟖𝟗𝟖/𝟓𝟑𝟑.𝟏𝟓=𝟓.𝟒𝛍𝐦

recycles cold water through the deep ocean

THC Tour

Can identify deep water types using a

TS (Temperature-Salinity) diagram

What variables affect Earth's effective temperature? What about Earth's surface temperature?

T_eff: Solar constant and albedo T_sfc: Solar constant, albedo, and greenhouse gases

Before its untimely demise by the Empire, the planet Alderaanhad a Tsof 75°F, 47% of incoming solar radiation is reflected, and a flux of 1576 W/m2and the same Stefan Boltzmanconstant as Earth. What is the greenhouse effect on planet Alderaan?

T_eff=15761−0.474(5.67x10−8W/m2/K4) 𝑻𝒆𝒇𝒇=246.35K ∆𝐓𝐠=𝐓𝐬−𝐓𝐞𝐟𝐟 ∆𝑻𝒈=𝟐𝟗𝟕.𝟎𝟑−𝟐𝟒𝟔.𝟑𝟓 ∆𝑻𝒈=𝟓𝟎.𝟔𝟖

in a hot air balloon, what is the relationship

T_parcel > T_environment density_parcel < density_environment

Average energyof the molecules within the substance of interest.


In July, how do the temperatures at the North Pole compare to temperatures at the South Pole? What causes such a large difference in temperatures?

Temperatures at the North Pole are much warmer than the temperatures at the South Pole. The large temperature difference occurs because the North Pole receives more radiation overall than the South Pole.

What is the Paris Agreement? What is one advantage and one disadvantage to this type of agreement?

The Paris Agreement is a 2015 international consensus calling for limiting greenhouse emissions to levels that keep temperatures from rising more than 2°C (or even 1.5°C) above pre-industrial levels. One advantage is that this helps align climate mitigation interests across all countries to encourage a global effort towards climate change mitigation. One disadvantage is that it does not address fossil fuel production (and there is no real policy for checking for compliance)

tectonic plate motion

Transform, Divergent, and Convergent (Collisional and Subduction)

THC Tour 4. Cold, salty, dense water from Southern Ocean travels across Southern Ocean to Pacific Ocean

The water warms up due to the mixing of cold, dense water with warmer, less dense water above it

How does the solar flux change as latitude increases? Why?

The solar flux decreases poleward due to increasing zenith angle

steep gradient in which temperature changes more rapidly resulting in layer above and below in which the water is at different temperatures.


How do phytoplankton gain access to nutrients at ocean floor?

Thermohaline Circulation

global "conveyor belt" deep water circulation, dependent on temperature and salinity

Thermohaline Circulation

So how do we form deep water? What forces water from the surface to sink, become "deep?"

Thermohaline Circulation is a buoyancy-driven circulation -the key is to make surface water dense enough to sink

THC Tour 2. In the North Atlantic Ocean region, this water cools due to radiative cooling and interaction with colder atmospheric air

This increases density of water, which is already salty too! Water sinks to deep ocean --> becomes North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW)

Effect of Silicate Mineral Chemical Weathering on Atmospheric CO2

This negative feedback loop is reason Earth's long term climate has remained stable

how does obliquity influence temperature

Tilt causes seasons on Earth as well as extended periods of light or dark for the poles. These differences result in an uneven heat distribution across the globe.

Flux unit

W m^-2

Polar Cell Warm (cold) air transported poleward in ___________ troposphere (near surface)

Warm (cold) air transported poleward in ___________ troposphere (near surface)

Ferrel Cell Warm (cold) air transported ____________ near-surface (in upper troposphere)

Warm (cold) air transported poleward near surface (in upper troposphere)

El Nino conditions

Warm water pool approaches South American coast. Absence of cold upwelling increases warming.

Leftover heat release from industry, cars, etc... ----> increases the temperature

Waste Heat

Carbonate-Silicate Geochemical Cycle

Weathering of minerals on land Ca-Si minerals do not reform under Earth surface conditions

During an El Nino year: Pressure higher than usual at the surface in _________ Pacific ----> _______________ convective activity

West reduced

In general, lower MSLP values in the

Western Pacific

Blackbodies emit blackbody radiation with characteristic wavelength distribution dependent on the body's ____________ ________________

absolute temperature

In reality, Atmosphere not a perfect blackbody, it _________ and ___________ only a fraction of outgoing longwave radiation

absorbs and emits

Water ___________ __________ from the surrounding environment when changing from __________ to _______ to _____, thus cooling the environmental air

absorbs heat solid to liquid to gas

Sinking and decay of phytoplankton causes an ____________ of nutrients in the deep ocean...where phytoplankton cannot use them


The acidity of solution based on the number of H+ ions within it pH is a measure of ________: pH < 7 ---> ________ pH > 7 ---> _________ pH = 7 ---> ___________(pH of pure water)

acidity acidic basic neutral

A strategy for dealing with climate change that refers to simply living with the threat and the consequences associated with the threat.


Particulates in solid or liquid form that remain suspended within the atmosphere -originate at surface


Play key role in cloud droplet, precipitation formation


Differences in _____ ____________- drive convection, large-scale atmospheric circulation

air density

OIL Cons - reserves are limited and declining - produces ________ ___________ - drilling process impacts - ____ ________ - disruption to _________ habitats

air pollution oil spills wildlife

Sulfate aerosols from volcanic eruptions(small airborne particles) create stratospheric haze that increases _____________, resulting in global cooling


Methane is an ____________ or saturated hydrocarbon


The distribution of incoming solar energy varies with: season, latitude, or both?


how does kendeda accomplish the energy petal

building powered via solar panels on roof

Formation of Coal, Petroleum through ________ of carbon at extreme ___________, temperatures key mechanism for input of organic carbon into sedimentary organic carbon reservoir!

burial pressures

Increasing CO2 in atmosphere also makes choral skeleton, shells, etc. less stable as carbonic acid dissolves _______ _________ ___________ This is bad for coral reefs and organisms with carbonate shells!

calcium carbonate shells

Rapid decline in CO2 in Carboniferous was likely due to massive organic __________ ____________(creating many coal deposits)

carbon burial

(building efficiency) Reducing heating and energy use would reduce the amount of

carbon released into the atmosphere

tax imposed on any energy source that produces CO2 in order to reduce emissions via economic means

carbon tax

chemistry of ocean acidification 4. HCO3-ion dissociates within ocean water and releases an H+ion, yielding a _____________ ________(CO32-)

carbonate ion

chemistry of ocean acidification 2. CO2(gas) within the oceans reacts with water (liquid) to form __________ ___________ (H2CO3; aqueous)

carbonic acid

Carbon dioxide (CO2) in atmosphere reacts with liquid water (H2O), either from raindrops or ocean water, and forms

carbonic acid (H2CO3)


caused by non-human factors

5. Noting that the three reactions we showed all have "double arrows," LeChatlier's Principle demonstrates that, when the equation is out of balance, the chemical reaction can "_________ ___________" ---> when H+concentration too large, H+reacts with CO32-to form more bicarbonate

change directions

__________- Weathering 1. dissolution 2. oxidation 3. hydration 4."bio-weathering"


physical weathering accelerates __________ weathering chemical weathering accelerates ___________ weathering

chemical physical

Very common in hot and wet regions

chemical weathering

Natural gas pros - ___________ than comparative fossil fuels - emits less CO2 - doesn't pollute ____________ when burned - used for cooking, heating, homes, and running appliances

cleaner groundwater

Biomes move as the ___________ changes.


main difference between climate and whether

climate is what you expect and weather is what you get

Global _________ has been changing; _______________ show this

climate, observations

What happens in the east walker circulation and why?

cooler air is present over east pacific and thus sinks increased sea level pressure

solar radiation acts as a _____________ effect


Earth's iron is found in the


ENSO is a .... based on changes to trade winds and SST's in the central and eastern Pacific near the equator

coupled atmospheric-ocean phenomenon

Oil reserves represent ___________ oil that can be extracted with current technologies


Coriolis effect Arises because the Earth's rotation rate is greatest at the ____________ (464 m s-1) and decreases to _______ at the poles.

equator zero

Disturbances will often result in a system response that is meant to return the system to _____________


Sunlight strikes the earth most directly at the equator during what event


phase change of water from liquid to gas -adds water vapor to atmosphere


Climate change increases the odds of worsening drought "Warmer temperatures can amplify the impacts of drought. Increased temperatures enhance ______________ from soils, making periodic droughts worse than they would be under __________ conditions"

evaporation cooler

hydrologic cycle steps

evaporation, condensation, precipitation, advection, ground water, river runoff

Worldwide distribution (current vs. 2080) of the mosquito Aedes aegypti -which can spread dengue fever, Zika virus, and yellow fever-by duration of time in each region

ex of a range shift

cons to geothermal energy 1. ____________ installation 2. ____________ installation

expensive extensive

Pressure and density change _____________ with altitude


Ferrel, Polar cells accomplish the above at higher latitudes via __________ ________________- - these cyclones have _______, _______ fronts that generate clouds, precipitation

extratropical cyclones cold, warm

it is _____________ _____________ that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century

extremely likely

Any temperature values outside of the curve are _________ ___________ to occur at the location of interest

extremely unlikely

T/F Persistent changes can be noticed within a lifetime?


"Some range shifts even create _____________ (positive or negative) on the climate system, altering the __________ of climate change. "

feedbacks pace

-Lighter in color -Less dense -Common elements include (Si, Al, Na, and K)

fine grained - extrusive

-Produce little sulfur emissions and the ash typically remains at low altitudes, which is "washed out" quickly.


The buoyant force allows the object to "__________" or at least to appear to have less weight.


Rate of inflow or outflow (mass yr-1)


systems thinking

focus on connections between parts of a system

"Climate-driven changes in species distributions, or "range shifts," affect human well-being both directly (for example, through emerging diseases and changes in ________ ________) and indirectly, by degrading ecosystem health."

food supply

While ocean responds to anthropogenic CO2increases by creating more bicarbonate, ________ _________ ___________ greater than bicarbonate in oceans

fossil fuel burning

Most pledges made under the Paris Agreement address emissions and not

fossil fuel production

NRG More than 80% of energy generation is from

fossil fuels


fraction of incoming sunlight reflected back to space

Water releases heat to the surrounding environment when changing from gas to liquid to solid, thus warming the environmental air, during the following:

freezing, condensation and deposition

Due to a combination of ________ and ___________ , surface water currents deflected ~20-45°from surface wind direction

friction and Coriolis forces

Surface wind notations based on direction winds blow _______


Increasing the ___________ _______________ of cars will reduce the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere

fuel efficiency

A gas where the individual molecules do not interact with each other at all

ideal gas

the relationship PV=nRT

ideal gas law

Solidified from molten rock or melt.


three types of rock

igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic

Impervious Materials -Darker surfaces that decrease local albedo ------->____________ temperature


In all future climate scenarios (including RCP2.6) --> curve will "shift" to the right •The average temperature at nearly all locations on Earth will ____________ •The probability of extreme warm temperatures will _____________, but will ___________ for extreme cold temperatures

increase increase, decrease

Global annual average surface land and ocean temperature has ______________ at almost every location on Earth in the last century!


Global annual average temperature has ___________ since 1850's


increase in depth does what to salinity


Physical weathering breaks the rocks apart. Surface area ___________ which allows __________ chemical and physical weathering.

increases more

how does ice formation affect density

increases density

Dissolution of CO2into water results in a lower pH, because it produces H+ions =

increases ocean acidification

Convergence aloft adds air mass to the air column ---

increases surface pressure

White daisies reflect more light from the Sun than the non-daisy patches. Therefore, the average albedo of Daisyworld _____________, and aver age surface temperature __________, as the daisy coverage __________.

increases, decreases, increases

Frequency of warm nights and warm days has been _________ over the past several decades


Salinity increases with

increasing depth

wavelength on electromagnetic spectrum: R->L =

increasing energy

wavelength on electromagnetic spectrum: L->R =

increasing length

Aerosols act as cloud droplet nuclei -affects amount of incoming solar radiation that reaches surface

indirect aerosol effect

The rise in sulphate aerosols was largely due to the increase in ________________ _____________ at the end of the second world war

industrial activities

The _____________ _________________ occurred as a result of the discovery of the amount of energy in coal.

industrial revolution

Using the diagram below, determine which type of radiation corresponds to the wavelengths that you calculated in Question 1 and fill in the table below.


(building efficiency) ______________ buildings, using _______________ energy sources, and _________ _____________ _________ are ways to reduce emissions.

insulating alternative solar water heating

climate change will affect carbon cycle processes in a way that will exacerbate the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere (high confidence). Further uptake of carbon by the ocean will increase ___________ ________________

ocean acidification

Increase in atmospheric and oceanic CO2 concentrations associated with increased

ocean acidity

Increase in acidity of oceans ---> driven by increase in CO2 concentrations Negative consequences on _________ ____________

ocean life

The nutrient cycle and the role of nutrients in limiting photosynthesis is reflected in distribution of

ocean productivity

-CO2 dissolves in oceans to make carbonic acid. This process is temperature dependent. CO2is more soluble in cold water. So under-saturated water will take up CO2. Ocean photosynthesis helps drive this process by consuming the CO2dissolved in the water and making organic material.

ocean uptake

which is more dense oceanic crust or continental crust


Lithosphere varies in thickness: Smaller in ____________ regions(50-100 km) Thicker in _____________ regions (130-160km)

oceanic continental

Ocean: Less dense fluid ___________ , more dense fluid __________

on top, below

La Niña - _________- of El Niño An amplified version of the

opposite walker circulation

Most molecules made of mainly C,H,O are considered to be


photosynthesis: Carbon is reduced to ___________ carbon and energy is stored


EXAMPLES OF WHAT Photolysis: O3reacts with photon, O3breaks apart into two O2plus O -- remaining O can react with O2to form O3 O reacts with O3plus third molecule to form O3àO3is permanently destroyed

ozone destruction

As CO2increases in the atmosphere, this produces more carbonic acid in solution and will lower the ______ of rain.


Induces cooler, dry conditions along the west coast of the U.S.

pacific high

What are some examples of air pollutants?

particles, smoke, particulate matter, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides

Aerosols (i.e.,

particulate matter

Ice cores can provide a record of

past climate

The "________" of the curve is the average temperature value at the location of interest, and the "______" are the coldest and warmest temperatures possible (which occur rarely)

peak tails

Not all solar radiation makes it to surface ... why?

percentage absorbed, scattered, reflected by clouds, other atmospheric constituents

Forcing disturbances aka ?

persistent change

KendedaBuilding on track to achieve Living Building Challenge 3.1 certification in 2021 -must achieve seven "_________" below


marine organic carbon after burial and exposure to high pressure/temperature


Living things are intimately connected to their ___________ _______________

physical surroundings.

Very common in cold and dry conditions

physical weathering

Bottom of the ocean's food chain


Natural gas requires an extensive network of _____________


condition in which the state of a system component (e.g., CO2) is constant with time (inflow rate = outflow rate)

steady state

ong chains= high viscosity (___________) ---> low volatility


clean coal 1.Can capture carbon emissions and ______- them 2.Scrubbing or removing sulfur dioxide from ________- plants 3.Making a plant more __________ in burning coal for energy (ex. using higher temperatures)

store coal efficient

Abnormal rise in sea level associated with a tropical cyclone or strong extratropical cyclone

storm surge

which layer ... Temperature increases with increasing altitude Second-lowest atmospheric layer Ozone "layer" absorbs incoming UV radiation from Sun, creating local maximum in temperature in upper stratosphere


UV-A and UV-B rays can make their way to Earth's surface, while UV-C absorbed by

stratospheric O3

is acid rain an example of a success story or an environmental challenge?

success story

is the ozone hole an example of a success story or an environmental challenge?

success story

Earth gets its energy from _____


tilt is directed towards what during the summer solstice


Phytoplankton need ____________ to carry out photosynthesis



supplies CO2 to atmosphere

The amount of phytoplankton and the amount of photosynthesis that occur in the photic zone is limited by the

supply of nutrients to the photic zone

Low pressure associated with the convergence of air at the __________, __________ vertical motion, and __________ aloft

surface; upward; divergence

example of evaporation cooling

sweat absorbs heat it evaporates your body cools

THC Tour characteristics

takes 1,000 + years for THC to make the full cycle

Outer rigid layer of the Earth (lithosphere) is broken into _____________ _______________

tectonic plates

Where plates meet and interact are active margins

tectonic plates

e_s increases exponentially with increasing _________________-!


Ratio of 18O:16O in fossils is dependent on seawater _______________ and extent of ______________

temperature glaciers

The density of surface water is controlled by

temperature and salinity

Four layers of atmosphere determined by where _______________ ________ ___________ (i.e., rate of change of temperature) switches sign

temperature lapse rate

___________ decreases as __________ increases, due to decrease in solar flux.

temperature, latitude

-Forest fires can cause local ______________ cooling -but to a much smaller degree than Volcanic activity.


when ice freezes, what happens to salt

the salt is left behind

rock cycle

the series of processes that change one type of rock into another type of rock


the state of the atmosphere at any given time

What is Earth's primary source of energy?

the sun

Effective temperature (Teff):

the temperature a planet would have if it radiated as a true blackbody

Walker Circulation

the winds which travel west across the Pacific, rise in the west (eastern coast of Australia), travel east again, and sink in the east (Western coast of the Americas)

Prevailing theory is that Younger Dryas was caused by slowing of _______________ _____________ that reduced heat transport to Northern Hemisphere

thermohaline circulation

for layers of the vertical profile of atmospheric temperature

thermosphere mesosphere stratosphere troposphere

The Atmosphere is very _______


What is the best example of a periodic disturbance?


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