Biology II Exam #3 Review

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What is a chain of round bacteria called?


___________ is the scientific study of the diversity of organisms and their evolutionary relationships.


Protists have various means of locomotion; they move by all of the following means EXCEPT:

by mycelium.

Phylogenetic systematics produce branching diagrams called:


Some protists consist of a single cell with multiple nuclei. This condition is known as:


Sea snakes, which are reptiles, are similar in body form to eels, which are fish. Sea snakes and eels therefore demonstrate:

convergent evolution

Due to our increasing ability to analyze DNA sequences and other molecular data of organisms, scientists are more often classifying organisms by their:

evolutionary history.

In vertical gene transfer, genes move from one species to another species in the same generation (T or F)


Which of the following is a vascular plant?


Small hairlike structures made up of protein on the surface of bacteria are called:


The evolutionary history of a group of organisms from a common ancestor is known as:


The gametophyte generation of ferns is the:


Coralline forms of which group of protists are ecologically important in the formation of coral reefs?

red algae

What do ferns lack?


The novel traits that evolve and remain present in a descendant organism are referred to as ___________________.

shared derived characters

What does ssDNA stand for?

single-stranded DNA

At what stage of a lytic infection are phage components put together to make new viruses?


Which of the following are rod-shaped bacteria?


The haploid portion of the life cycle is called the _______________ because it gives rise to haploid gametes by mitosis.

Gametophyte generation

Which of the following taxa would be the least inclusive?


Refer to the accompanying figure. Whuch statement about about label 1 is FALSE?

It is part of the sporophyte generation

What is a prophage?

It is phage DNA that is integrated into bacterial DNA

Scientific names are typically derived from the root of which language?


When two Gametes fuse, the diploid portion of the life cycle is called

sporophyte generation

Viroids cause a variety of plant diseases and are composed only of:

strands of RNA

Peptidoglycan consists of:

sugars crosslinked with proteins.

The science of naming, describing and classifying organisms


Based on the accompanying table, which of the following characteristics are used to establish the family level of classification for corn? Plantae Terrestrial, multicellular, photosynthetic organisms Anthophyta Vascular plants with flowers, fruits, and seeds Monocotyledones Monocots. Flowering plants with one seed leaf (cotyledon) and f Flower parts in threes Commelinales Monocots with reduced flower parts, elongated leaves, and dry one-seeded fruits Poaceae Grasses with hollow stems; fruit, a grain; and abundant endosperm in seed Zea Tall annual grass with separate female and male flowers mays Only one species in genus—corn

A grass with hollow stems

Which statement describes a temperate virus?

A temperate virus does not always destroy its host

Which statement describes a virulent phage?

A virulent phage destroys bacteria.

What is the male sexual structure that produces sperm in plants?


Which type of protist is responsible for malaria in humans, parasitic to both humans and mosquitoes?


Which type of protist is responsible for malaria in humans, parasitic to both humans and mosquitos?


Most protists are:


Prokaryotes divide using a process called________.

Binary fission

__________ are divided into three distinct phyla: mosses, liverworts, and hornworts.


_______________ are the only living nonvascular plants.


How do bacteria move?

By means of a rotating flagella

How are viruses classified?

By their host range and other characteristics

What is the protein coat of a virus called?


What commercial product is derived from the processing of red algae?


Which of the following is a characteristic shared between green algae and plants?

Chlorophylls a and b plastids

____________ are collared flagellates in the unikont clade, which also includes fungi and animals.


_____________ are collared flagellates in the unikont clade, which also includes fungi and animals.


Which protist group is characterized by having a micronucleus and a macronucleus?


A group of organisms with a common ancestor


Which of the following taxa would be the most inclusive?


The arrangement of organisms based on similarities that show evolutionary relationships


Which algal group contains individuals that are typically unicellular and form siliceous shells?


Members of which group are known to form blooms known as red tides?


Which classification level contains the greatest number of species?


Arrange the appropriate names for each Linnaean categories in hierarchical fashion from the most inclusive to the least inclusive

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

___________ are organisms that have nuclei and other membrane-enclosed organelles.


A paraphyletic group consists of several evolutionary lines that do not share a common ancestor (T or F)


After a moss spore germinates, it forms a prothallus (T or F)


Amoebozoans move by means of flagella (T or F)


An emerging virus is one that that is not new to a population or that is rapidly increasing in incidence (T or F)


Bacteria protect themselves from bacteriophage infections by producing restriction enzymes that cut up foreign RNA of the phage (T or F)


Bacterial chemoautotrophs use organic chemicals as an energy source (T or F)


Bacteriophages attach to the cell walls of bacteria by envelope proteins (T or F)


Club mosses belong to the phylum Bryophyta (T or F)


Gram-negative cell walls have an outer membrane that contains lipids and peptidoglycans (T or F)


In plants, sporogenous cells divid by mitosis to from spores (T or F)


In plants, sporogenous cells divide by mitosis to form spores. (T or F)


Land plants are thought to have arisen most directly from a red algal ancestor (T or F)


Mammalia is a class the contains many phyla (T or F)


Mosses have stems, roots, and leaves (T or F)


Red tides are caused by red algae (T or F)


The nucleic acid core of a virus is not surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid (T or F)


The nucleic acid core of the virus is not surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid (T or F)


Transformation, conjugation, and transduction are forms of vertical gene transfer for prokaryotes (T or F)


Xylem is a vascular tissue that conducts dissolved sugars (T or F)


What is the translation of "pseudopodia," a characteristic of the amoebas?

False feet

The sori of most ferns are found on which part of the plant?


Which group of protists are unicellular and form a significant portion of the nanoplankton?

Golden Algae

The structure in the accompanying figure labeled as 4 is:


At what stage of the lysogenic cycle would a prophage appear?


Which statement about an F factor is FALSE?

It is found in recipient cells, not donor cells

Meiosis occurs forming spores within which of the following?


Pseudopodia are used by Amoeba for ingesting food as well as for:


_________ occurs in the capsule and produces haploid spores.


Which eukaryotic organelles likely arose from symbiotic relationships between larger cells and bacteria?

Mitochondria and chloroplasts

When a virus penetrates the host plasma membrane and moves into the cytoplasm it is called:


Which of the following typically occurs all at once and results in rapid cell lysis?

Phage release

What are the viruses that attack bacteria?


The evolution of a group of organisms from a common ancestor


After kingdom, what is the next taxon by which organisms are grouped?


What are the small circles of DNA that exist within the bacterial cytoplasm in addition to the bacterial chromosome?


_______________ are those that have been almost eradicated and then suddenly recur, causing an epidemic.

Re-emerging viruses

Within ciliates, what do the micronuclei control?


_______________ are RNA viruses that have a DNA polymerase called reverse transcriptase, which transcribes the RNA genome into a DNA intermediate.


What are subviral agents that depend on co-infection of a host cell with a helper virus?


Choose the best match for the definition.

Taxonomy: The science of naming, describing and classifying organisms Classification: The arrangement of organisms into groups based on similarities that show evolutionary relationships Cladogram: A group of organisms with a common ancestor Systematics: The scientific study of the diversity of organisms and their evolutionary relationships Phylogeny: The evolution of a group of organisms from a common ancestor

Briefly describe the distinction between gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Describe a laboratory test that would show this difference.

The Gram-positive cell wall has a thick layer of peptidoglycan molecules that is held together by amino acids, and the Gram-positive bacteria absorb and retain crystal violet stain. The Gram-negative cell has a thin layer of peptidoglycan is covered by an outer membrane, and Gram-negative bacteria do not retain the stain. A labratory test that would show this difference would be the following: A scientist would inject the cell wall of an organism with crystal violet stain. If the crystal violet stain was retained in the cell wall when rinsed with alcohol the scientists would know it was Gram-positive. If the cell wall didn't retain the crystal violet stain, the scientist would know it was Gram-negative.

Describe the relationship of the genus and species taxa.

They are both rankings of the biological classification of organims. Species is a group of organisms that interbreed and produce offspring, while genus is several groups of closely related species.

What is the purpose of phage therapy?

To target specific bacteria in the body and destroy them

What is the purpose of sex pili?

To transmit DNA between bacteria

A virus is a very small infective agent that consists of a core of nucleic acid and is dependent on a living host (T or F)


Bacterial plasmids often have genes that code for genetic exchange or antibiotic resistance (T or F)


Conjugation is the process by which one bacterium transfers genetic material to another through direct contact (T or F)


Dolphins share synapomorphies with mammals (T or F)


Horizontal gene transfer greatly contributes to the rapid evolution that takes place in prokaryotes (T or F)


In algae, gametangia are generally unicellular (T or F)


Lytic reproductive cycles destroy host cells (T or F)


Retroviruses have a DNA polymerase called reverse transcriptase, which transcribes the RNA genome into a DNA intermediate (T or F)


Some elongated fimbria are important in transferring DNA between bacteria (T or F)


Systematists use phylogenetic trees to graphically represent hypothesized evolutionary relationships among organisms (T or F)


The archaeplastids include the red algae and the green algae (T or F)


The dense cytoplasm of the prokaryote contains ribosomes and storage granules (T or F)


The immunodeficiency virus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is an enveloped virus (T or F)


The number of similarities in certain DNA or RNA nucleotide or amino acid sequences may be used as a molecular clock to indicate how much time has passed since the groups branched from a common ancestor (T or F)


The similarity between the bodies of sharks and dolphins is an example of convergent evolution (T or F)


What is a very small infective agent that consists of a core of nucleic acid and is dependent on a living host?


Which statement about viruses is FALSE?

Viruses can manufacture proteins

Which characteristic defines a virus?

Viruses cannot metabolize

A new species of beetle is discovered. Explain how you would classify this beetle (for example, what steps would you take to classify the new species).

When examining the new beetle discovered, It would need to be placed into particular taxa based on ancestry. I would gather all available information about this new species to see where the species evolved from. This would not necessarily be based on certain features, rather it would be based on recent ancestors. You can also identify organisms by molecular structure. All of the information could be placed into a phylogenetic tree/ cladogram to represent its classification.

Which vascular tissue is responsible for conducting water and disolved minerals in plants?


Which are the symbiotic dinoflagellates, which live in the bodies of marine invertebrates such as corals?


Scientists using evolutionary systematics to construct a phylogenetic tree would use:

a combination of ancestral and derived characters.

The term "clade" most closely refers to:

a group of organisms that share common characteristics inherited from a common ancestor

The term "clade" most closely refers to

a group of organisms that share common characteristics inherited from a common ancestor.

Humans, as well as all other mammals, have hair. Hair, then, would be considered to be a(n):

ancestral character

The haploid gametophytes produce male gametangia known as:


Plasmids of bacteria often have genes involved in:

antibiotic resistance

Red algae, green algae, and land plants are collectively called _______________.


Gametophyes also produce female gametangia known as:


An example of homologous structures is the wing of a bat and the:

arm of a human

Before an animal cell's membrane fuses with a virus, the virus must first:

attach to a specific receptor on the plasma membrane of the host cell

The most common mode of reproduction in bacteria is:

binary fission

Linnaeus simplified scientific classification by developing:

binomial system of nomenclature

Bacterial conjugation is related to____________.

horizontal gene transfer

In _________________, gene swapping takes place between one genome and another within one taxon or between genomes in different taxa.

horizontal gene transfer

Another name for horizontal gene transfer is____________.

lateral gene transfer

A key step in the evolution of vascular plants was the ability to produce _______, a strengthening polymer in cells that provide support and conduction


What type of conversion occurs when a bacterium carrying viral genes takes on new, atypical characteristics?


_________ are small leaves with a single vascular strand


Scientists may compare similarities between nucleotide sequences of organisms to determine their evolutionary history. This is known as:

molecular systematics

A taxon that includes all the descendants of an ancestor is called:


Shared homologous structures would indicate that two taxa are:


What is the correct unit of measurement for the size of most viruses?


Some bacteria avoid being phagocytized by a host's immune system by means of:

their capsule or slime layer

Why are mosses and liverworts limited in size?

they lack vascular tissues

Modern botanists think that all plants evolved from a common ancestor that was an ancient green algae. What is the best explanation for this hypothesis?

they share many biochemical and metabolic traits

How many domains form the three main branches of the tree of life?


Membership in a clade cannot be established by shared ancestral traits alone (T or F)


Cells that have a single flagellum or are amoebas with no flagella are _________.


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