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1. Each GT unit operation begins with a combined cycle process right away upon start-up. True or False?

C. ST start to Generator synchro duration is dependent on metal temperature

10. Which of the following conditions applies during ST start-up? A. ST speed stays at 400rpm while rub check is being done B. Valve Transfer can be done after generator synchronization C. ST start to Generator synchro duration is dependent on metal temperature D. Close All Valves "CAV" is initiated after Heatsoak time is complete before speeding up

AO Card

100. This card is used to send 4-20mA signal going to control valves:


101. It is designed for configuration, maintenance and diagnostics of the control system applications and other control system equipment: .A. HMI B. RMS C.EWS D. PLC


102. Each of the GT/ST Main transformers is provided with a single stage of cooling. /True or False?


103. What is the transformer winding temperature trip setting?

Buchholz relay

104. It detects oil loss, accumulation of air, violent vibration, fault tripping, and gas generation due to minor trouble in the transformer tank.


105. If the color of silica gel has turned more than one third pink, dry it out or exchange it. True or False?

Differential Protection Relay

106. Main protective relay for detecting an electrical fault in a transformer.

Overcurrent and ground fault relay

107. Detect faults such as short circuits and ground faults in the electrical system including transformers. A. Differential protection relay


108. EDG units are installed at Ilijan Plant capable of immediate start and accept load during ___


109. Aux. Transformers secondary side undervoltage relays send start signal to all 6 EDGs. True or False?


11.Block operation is declared available once the 2nd HRSG steam supply bypass is closed. True or False?

D. If EDG 3 43SS manual & 4 auto; Both will automatically start, then synchronized in sequence

110 Which of the following conditions will happen during blackout w/ EDG 1, 2, 5 & 6 on E-stop condition? A. If both EDG 3&4 43SS auto; Both will automatically start, then synchronized at the same time B. If both EDG 3&4 43SS manual; Only EDG 3 will automatically start and synchronized C. If EDG 3 43SS auto & 4 manual; Only EDG 3 will automatically start and synchronized D. If EDG 3 43SS manual & 4 auto; Both will automatically start, then synchronized in sequence

1200 kw 2000 kw

111. Specify our EDG design output & capability to sustain continuous normal operation?


112. Ilijan LNG-1 CCPP battery bank is designed to support the Plant critical loads for 2 hrs. True or False?


113. ___ charge will begin automatically at completion of equalizing charge cycle, when toggle switch is left in AUTO position.

Manual Transfer Switch

114. It Is provided to allow the Regulating Transformer power the UPS loads directly, should the Inverter and the Static Switch become unavailable; it may also be used for maintenance purposes.

False 3phase

115. UPS automatic transfer from battery to 10 480VAC happen once AC power is restored. True of False?

80 MW - 105 MW

12. At what load range can the GT fuel changeover from FG to FO be carried out?

C. WIP starts 80sec after changeover and Pilot water injection cuts-in

13. Which of the following conditions applies during GT fuel changeover sequence? A. Flow divider motor runs continuously to ensure proper distribution of fuel for each nozzle B. Pre-Heater is placed in service while FWH turns offline about 5mins after "Oil In" C. WIP starts 80sec after changeover and Pilot water injection cuts-in D. Pilot fuel line change-over first followed by the Main line

15 MW - 20 MW

14. Specify the target load range for ST before off-loading its generator:

Extra High Voltage

15. In what voltage class does Ilijan 500kV SWYD belong?


16. The hydraulic oil pump is used pressurize the GCB only during closing. True or False?


17. If the GCB is still close, you can open the adjacent DSW anytime. True or False?

Generation Transmission Distribution

18-20. On the typical power flow diagram, give the 3 processes involved from the power plant to consumer:

Backfeed power Fuel Demineralized water Instrument air

2-5. Enumerate four (4) utility supply / requirement for Ilijan CCPP prior to initial unit start-up:

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

21. SCADA stands for:


22. The revenue metering can record the receive and delivered power at the same time. True or False?


23. In closing the GCB, the two adjacent DSW should be closed first. True of False?


24. The arc quenching medium for 500kV switchyard GCB in Ilijan LNG-1 Plant?


25. 500kV switchyard DSW, GSW, GCB control cabinets are using 125VAC power source. True or False?

Remote terminal unit

26. RTU stands for:


27. When RTU is selected at Ilijan DCS, System Operator can operate the GCB via SCADA True or False?

B. Stator Winding

28. Generator component that carries the rated current without exceeding the specified temperature and able to withstand the voltage induced in it. A Rotor Winding B. Stator Winding C. Field Flashing D. Field winding

Retaining Ring

29. Cylindrical in shape and set up at both rotor shaft ends in order to prevent generator coils from being separated by centrifugal force due to high-speed rotation.


30. Adjusting the generator power factor up also increases the terminal voltage True or False?

C. High Voltage Bushing

31. This serves to conduct the three-phase voltage and current flow from the generator stator to the external system: A. Field Winding B. Stator Core C. High Voltage Bushing D. None of the above


32. Mounted on generator rotating shaft both ends causing continuous circulation of cooling gas:


33. Replacement of exciter carbon brush can be done even when the generator is on load. (True or False?

C. Rotor Winding

34. It is the field coil that carries the field current to produce a magnetic field on the rotor shaft: A. Field Circuit Breaker B. Stator WInding C. Rotor Winding D. Field Winding


35. The generator exciter part/section is also cooled by hydrogen gas. True or False?

Armature core/ armature winding

36. Operating the generator at leading power factor could lead to heating of ___

D. Field winding

37. It is the part of the generating system where DC excitation happens? A. Excitation Transformer B. Stator winding C. Rotor Winding D. Field winding


38. Collector is used to provide connection & path for DC power into rotating field winding. True or False?

Field WInding

39. Operating the generator at lagging factor could lead to heating of ____


40. During normal loaded operation, the following equipment are part of excitation system except: A Excitation transformer B. Power Converter C. Field Current D. SFC

40 %

41. At what percent (%) of the generator rated voltage will the Field Flashing contactor open?


42. The excitation system supplies the field current on the stator windings of the generator. True or False?

B. From Generator terminal via Excitation Transformer

43. During self-excited operation of the generator/motor, the input power of the excitation system comes from _____ in order to supply the field current. A. From 4.16kV switchgear via Start-up excitation transformer B. From Generator terminal via Excitation Transformer C. From Static Frequency converter D. None of the above


44. In a normal operation, the excitation power is taken from the generator terminal. True or False?

2700 rpm

45. At what rpm does the SFC disengage completely during start-up?


46. In the case of self-excitation, residual voltage of the generator is insufficient to initiate build-up of generator voltage via the power converter that's why field flashing is necessary. True or False?

D. Start up exc. Tr. Secondary Breaker

47. Which of the equipment listed below cannot be found on the Excitation system of Generator? A. Field Circuit Breaker B. Excitation Transformer C. Excitation Transformer Secondary Breaker D. Start up exc. Tr. Secondary Breaker

125 VDC

48. What is the voltage supplied by the generator field flashing circuit?


49. Both ST&GT have excitation transformers connected to the generator output terminals. True or False


50. When the generator terminal voltage does not build up at full speed no load (FSNL), a manual operation can be done to initiate voltage build up.(True or False?

Field flashing

51. To generate voltage build-up, this one supplies the initial voltage to create excitation:


52. The start-up transformer reduces the auxiliary network voltage, to the input voltage level of the power converter. (True or False?

Field Circuit Breaker

53. Component used to interrupt high current between the generator rotor winding and the excitation system:

Control Cubicile DC reactor inverter rectifier mv breaker

54-58. Enumerate 5 major components installed inside the SFC panels:


59. Opening any of the panel doors of the SFC will trip the operation. (True or False?

COLD Tm< 120C WARM 120C<Tm<120C HOT TM>=400C

6-8. Enumerate the three (3) start-up modes of ST with each corresponding metal temperatures:

4600 kw

60. Specify the Static Frequency Converter power rating (machine side):

D. Harmonic filter prevents large voltage and current distortions after disengaged completely

61. Which of the following is not true about SFC? A. Supplied with 4.16kVac as primary source of power B. The Generator acts as a motor at the start C. ST Generator don't have start-up excitation transformer D. Harmonic filter prevents large voltage and current distortions after disengaged completely


62. The SFC disconnect switches including the tie can be operated automatically. True or False?


63. At what speed does the SFC stop based on its start-up curve?

A. EDG Bus Bars

64. Which of the following does not belong to 19kV system in Ilijan LNG-1 Plant? A. EDG Bus Bars B. Isolated Phase Bus C. GT and ST Generator D. Auxiliary Transformer

Undervoltage Relay

65. This relay gives signal for the EDGS to start during Blackout:


66. The GT and ST Main Transformer can either be a step-up or a stepdown transformer True or False?

motor protection Relay

67. MPR stands for:

A. Emergency Seal Oil Pump

68. Which of the following does not belong to 480V MCC? A. Emergency Seal Oil Pump B. Lube Oil Vapor Extractor C. Control Oil Pump D. Lube Oil Pump


69. Air Circuit Breakers are controlled by 120V AC for closing and trip circuit. True of False?


70. How many 4.16kV metal clad SWGR are there inside Ilijan LNG-1 Plant SWGR room?


71. Auxiliary Transformers are supplied either from ST output or from the backfeed power. True or False?

Motor Control Center

72. MCC:

Lighting Distribution Panel

73. LDP:

Power Distribution Panel

74. PDP:

Dry type

75. Specify the type of transformer used to supply Low Voltage SWGR:


76. Instrument Air is used for cooling the conductor inside Isolated Phase Bus. (True or False?

Piezoelectric pressure transducer acceleration sensor

77-78. Two sensors installed in each GT combustor for Combustor Pressure Fluctuation Monitoring System:

Combustor bypass valve

79. Fuel-air ratio in combustion zone is controlled to be optimum value by ___


80. Control Signal Output (CSO) controls fuel flow so as not to exceed limitation of GT output, speed, Turbine inlet temperature and Exhaust temperature. (True or False?

D. 200MW

81. What is the load schedule for the start of combustion tuning? A 50MW B. 100MW C150MW D. 200MW


82. How many Blade Path Temperature sensors are installed in each Gas Turbines?


83. IGV and Bypass valve are corrected by ambient air temperature in order to keep combustion condition constant. True or False?

A. 3,7,11,15

84. Each Gas Turbine has four (4) acceleration sensors installed in combustor numbers: A. 3,7,11,15 B. 3,7,11,16

Bridge Controller

85. What does BRC stands for in DCS?


86. Communication between DDC and PLC is called MODBUS protocol. True of False?


89. A network in which Harmony controllers and Harmony 1/0 blocks communicate:


9. Specify the ST heatsoak speed where it stays at preset timer to achieve sufficient warming:

RMU - Repeater Mounting Unit

90. What is the hardware used to communicate two 1/0 H-net?

Analog input Analog Output Digital Input Output

91-93. What are the 3 types of DCS Harmony I/O modules in Ilijan LNG-1 Power Plant?

Modbus protocol

94. Communication between Gas Turbine controller, ST Turbine controller and DCS:


95. CPU Card, Power Supply Module and 1/0 bus are always ___ provide reliability to GT and ST Control System.

A. valve position demand

96. Digital Input (DI) Card is used in the following application except: A. valve position demand B. Pressure Transmitter C. Vibration monitor D. GT trip signal


97. This card is a speed input card which has an over speed trip function:

A Relay Contact

98. Digital Output (DO) Card is used for this application: A Relay Contact B. Pressure Transmitter C. Position Limit Switch D. Valve Position Feedback

24 VDC

99. Specify the output voltage of Power supply module for GT/ST Control system:

monitor control

DCS is composed of equipment that the operator uses to (87) and (88) process conditions.

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