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What is the new chant?

"Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in!"

Upon returning back from the jungle, what do the boys chant? What do they return with?

"Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood" after returning with a dead pig.

Characterization: Ralph

12-year-old, athletic physique of a boxer, blonde (fair-haired), charismatic

How do the boys show that they are still children as they climb the mountain?

As they climb the mountain, Ralph began to play-fight with Simon by knocking him down.

Symbolism: Samneric

Followers/bystanders of a society

What happens to the boy with the birthmark?

He died in the fire once the trees exploded.

As Roger and Maurice are on their way to go swimming, they kick over some of the littluns' castles. Why does Maurice hurry away afterwards?

He feels guilty for kicking some sand in Percival's eye. He knows he would get in trouble for doing so in his past life.

In what ways is Piggy the voice of reason on the island?

He follows the rules, he's organized, cooperative and is the first to know what to do.

What does Simon do in chapter 4 that seems "odd" or important?

He helped Piggy find his glasses and gave Piggy food

Instead of formally introducing himself by his first name, how does Jack, the choir leader, introduce himself? What does this suggest about his character?

He introduces himself with his last name. This suggests that he's a cocky, arrogant & authoritative boy.

Describe Jack's appearance. What is he wearing? How does he look different now from when he first arrived on the island?

He is only wearing worn-out shorts and his hair is much longer and he is tanner. Jack used to be pale and polished

What does the boy with the birthmark, one of the littluns, think he has seen?

He says he's seen a giant beast that might have been a snake-thing

What does Jack say about the conch on top of the mountain? Why is this important?

He says the conch speaking rules man nothing on the mountain. This is important because it shows how quickly Jack/they are foregoing rules/law.

Why do you think Jack stabs his knife into the tree? What does he promise will happen the next time he meets a pig?

He stabs his knife because he is frustrated and next he promises to kill the pig without remorse

Who is the leader of these three boys? What reason is given for him being leader?

Henry is the leader because he's the biggest

Who are the three boys building sand castles?

Henry, Percival and Johnny

Which other two boys ascend the mountain with Ralph?

Jack and Roger

What does Jack announce that the group will need?

Jack announces that an army for hunting pigs is needed

Why does Jack hesitate to kill the pig, at the end of the chapter?

Jack couldn't bring himself to take another living thing's life. Knowing that the pig would die and bleed out because of him is too much to handle.

Why do Jack and Ralph decide to go find the beast? Who is left in charge of the littluns? Why?

Jack goes for the thrill of the hunt; Ralph goes for the safety of the group. Piggy is in charge because his glasses are missing a lens.

Why do Ralph and Jack get into an argument? What do you think might happen to the group?

Jack is focused on hunting and Ralph wants to get rescued (the fire). The rest of the group will focus on hunting like Jack

Jack states, "If you're hunting sometimes you catch yourself feeling as if...But you can feel as if you're not hunting, but - being hunted, as if something's behind you all the time in the jungle" (Golding 53). What does he mean by this, and why do you think he feels this way?

Jack means that something is waiting for him and it will strike soon. He feels like something (literal and figurative) is hunting him

Why does Jack paint his face? How does the paint transform him?

Jack painted his face to disguise the emotion that internally stops him from being savage. The paint transforms him into a monster

What happens to Piggy after he yells at Jack for letting the fire go out?

Jack violently punches Piggy, smacking his head and breaks one lens of the glasses

What clues do we have that time has passed on the island?

Jack's hair has grown longer compared to how it was when we last seen him

What two things does Ralph say that insult Jack? Who then calls the meeting?

Jack's hunters are useless against the beast & Jack would be scared against the beast too. Jack calls the meeting

Jack tells Ralph he had to keep hunting when the others quit. The narrator says that Jack "felt a compulsion to track down and kill that was swallowing him up" (Golding 51). Golding also indicates to readers that whenever Jack hunts or discusses hunting a "mad look" comes into his eyes (51). What do you think is happening to Jack?

Jack's incapability to kill will quickly avert to him being in a murderous rage later in the text

What is Jack's priority? What is Ralph's priority? How does this show a difference in their personalities?

Jack's priority is to kill (the pig) hence him being evil. Ralph's priority is to survive hence him being civilized.

Which three characters go on an exploration to determine if they are indeed on an island?

Jack, Ralph and Simon

Who are the first to follow Jack? Why?

Maurice, Bill & Roger because they're his hunters

Why is Piggy unable to run or swim?

Piggy has asthma.

What part of society does Piggy symbolically represent?

Piggy represents the intellectual and scientific part of society.

What does Piggy say about the concept of fear and the beast?

Piggy says there is no prey that can feed the beast-- it's illogical

What are the two reasons that Ralph believes that it is important that they have shelters?

Protection from weather and they have a home

In Chapter 2, who reminds the boys of the importance of rules while they were on the mountain?


What does Ralph allow Jack to do? What does Jack want his group to be?

Ralph allows Jack to still be in charge of the choirboys. Jack wants his group to be hunters.

What announcement does Ralph make about their situation?

Ralph announces that the boys are on an uninhabited island

What roles do Ralph and Piggy take on, during the blowing of the conch shell? What is their relationship developing into?

Ralph attracts the boys to their location while Piggy asks them their names and tries to remember them.

What does Ralph's father do for a living, and why does this provide hope for Ralph?

Ralph believes that his father, who works in the Royal Navy, will come and save them.

How does Ralph call the first meeting? Whose idea is this originally?

Ralph calls the meeting by blowing the conch. It is originally Piggy's idea

Describe the first interactions between Ralph and Piggy. In what is Ralph most interested in? How does this contrast with what Piggy desires to do?

Ralph cares more about playing. This contrasts Piggy's desires because he wants to find people.

List two reasons that Jack offers as to why Ralph is not a proper chief.

Ralph is a coward and that he's not a hunter (he just gives orders)

Ralph becomes annoyed with Jack because he constantly references the existence of the "beastie." Why do you think he becomes annoyed with Jack?

Ralph is actually afraid that the beast might be real and repeats "there isn't a beastie" as a way to convince himself. He gets annoyed with Jack because Jack making plans to hunt the beast makes it more realistic

What is Ralph busy doing? Who is helping him? What are all of the other boys doing?

Ralph is building a shelter with Simon's assistance. The other boys are bathing, eating or playing

What is Ralph upset by? What are his feelings regarding meetings?

Ralph is upset by how Simon is the only one who actually helps while the other boys play. Ralph feels that the meetings have lost their significance

What does Ralph say about Simon? How does the narrator describe Simon? What does Simon do for the littluns?

Ralph says Simon is strange. The narrator describes Simon to have bright eyes. Simon helps the littluns get fruit and gives it to all of them.

What is one of the first rules that Ralph establishes as leader of the island? Who is the only one who can interrupt someone speaking?

Ralph says that the person with the conch shell is only allowed to speak and only he can interrupt

Why does Ralph insist that they must have a fire? How do the boys create the fire?

Ralph wants to create a fire so that passing ships will know people are on the island. They piled dead wood and use Piggy's glasses to light the flame


Repetition of initial consonant sounds

Chapter 6: Who are the first boys to see the beast? What do they tell the other boys they have seen?

Samneric and they tell the boys they saw the beast

Which boy agrees to return back to the shelters and inform Piggy of their whereabouts?


What happened to the smoke on the mountain? How does Ralph react?

Smoke burned out and Ralph is mad the hunters didn't do their jobs

Who volunteers to take on the responsibility of keeping the fire going?

Te choirboys are in charge of taking care of the fire

What does Jack say about the concept of fear and the beast?

The beast isn't real because he's hunted all over the island and seen none

Why are the boys on the island? What is happening in the outside world?

The boys are on the island because their plane crashed. In the outside world, there is a World War happening.

What happens when Ralph tells the other boys about Piggy's name? How does Ralph feel about this later? What does this suggest about Ralph?

The boys laughed Piggy's name after Ralph told them. Ralph is understanding as to why Piggy is upset. Ralph is a fair character who can admit when he's wrong.

What problem do they boys encounter once they have the fire pile built?

The fire began to spread and was quickly getting out of hand

What game do the boys play with Robert? Why is this game significant? In other words, what does this game reveal about the boys and their characterization?

The game: predator/prey Important: shows how desensitized to death Reveals how inhumane/sadistic the boys are

William Golding describes the island as "roughly boat-shaped" (Golding 29). What image does this evoke to readers? Consider why Golding would delineate his setting in such a manner.

The image is that the main island is shaped like a boat with scattered regions. This symbolizes how the boys will be saved and how scattered the boys are from society and that boys are all in the boat to be mentally isolated from civilization

Piggy's job is to get a list of names of all the boys on the island. Why does he not do that?

There are too many of them and they were behaving chaotically. He couldn't count all of them without any help.

What do the boys accidentally do to the island?

They accidentally burned down a little too much of the island (the woods).

Describe the boys' physical appearance at the beginning of the chapter. How might this be related to their mental state?

They are dirtier and darker. The boys who wore clothes completely scrapped them. This shows that the boys are mentally wilder and unruly

What do the boys discover as they reach the top of the mountain? How do they feel about this discovery?

They discovered that no one is on the island except for them and they are extremely happy.

What causes the hunters, who had promised to keep the fire burning, to neglect it and allow it to go out?

They were hunted and they finally killed a pig.

Readers observe Jack and his group of choirboys march out of the jungle to the platform. Considering the historical influences that impacted Golding when writing this text, of what does this image remind readers? Why

This reminds the readers of Hitler and his Nazis. The uniform, how intimidating Jack is and how obedient the choir is all similar to Hitler and his Nazis.

In this chapter, William Golding delineates a scene where the littluns are playing in the sand and by the pool. What do you think the purpose of this image is?

To show how innocent the children are

Verbal Irony

a person says or writes one thing and means another

On the way to the mountain, what does Roger spot?

a pig-run

Characterization: Simon

a skinny, vivid short boy, with straight hair that hung down, black and coarse, epileptic, introverted, good, loves nature & littleuns


a story, poem, or image that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one.

What does the narrator compare Jack to as he sits at his party?

an idol

What does Ralph decide to do, at the end of chapter 4?

calls a conch meeting

What does the conch symbolize?

civilization, law, order, authority

What are some of the signs that the boys are beginning to drift apart?

constant arguments, siding with Jack and defiance

In Chapter 3, when Jack is hunting, what animals does Jack represent?

dog, wolf, ape, bear, jaguar

Name several things that the littluns do on the island.

eat, play, stay close with each other while sleeping, come to conch meetings, build sandcastles

Although he is not able to get the boys to vote Ralph out of office as chief, Jack manages to overthrow Ralph's authority anyway. How?

he's instilled doubt into their heads

What is Jack wearing when he comes for the fire?

he's naked except for a belt and facepaint

What does Ralph suddenly realize about his physical appearance?

his hair is longer, he's dirty and his clothes are tattered

What does Jack say about the conch? Whose side do most the boys choose?

it means nothing on his end of the island / the boys side with Jack

Third-Person Omniscient Point of View

narrator knows everything in the story and reveals the thoughts of all the characters

Chap 5: Identify several important points that Ralph discusses at the assembly.

need for order, the need to uphold responsibility, lack of help with building shelter, sanitary issues, how important the fire is

Chapter 5 : What prevents Ralph from blowing the conch to bring the meeting back to order?

receiving zero response means there is no civilization within the boys

What do you think the mask or the face-paint symbolizes?


Characterization: Piggy

shorter than Ralph, very fat, wears glasses and has asthma, hair never grows, bald, button nose, outcast, insecure, zero stamina

Characterization : Samneric

slightly overweight, small & round heads and wavy, blonde hair, wet lips.

Situational Irony

something is different from what is expected

Characterization: Jack

tall, thin, boney, red-headed, face was crumpled and freckled, light blue eyes

What prediction does Simon make concerning Ralph?

that the boys will be rescued

Dramatic Irony

the audience knows what the character doesn't

Where does Jack say the beast might live?

the part where he never hunts

How is the view on this other side of the island different? What seems less likely? Why?

the view is infinite and it seems like they are never getting saved

Chapter 5: Why is Piggy afraid of Ralph giving up control?

then Jack will be in control

Why is Ralph so angry about the boys rolling rocks?

they are behaving barbarically instead of focusing on the task at hand

How does Ralph react when a boar comes charging down the path? What does this reveal about his characterization?

throws a spear at the boar's snout. shows how he is also savage

What does Jack ask the boys at the party? What does he offer them?

to join his tribe and offers meat, protection and fun

Deus Ex Machina

unexpected power saving a hopeless situation

How does Jack try to tempt the boys who have stayed with Ralph?

with fun and meat for a feast

Ralph says "we've got to make smoke up there- or die", what does he mean

without the fire, they will die. they will die before letting the fire go out


word choice

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