Macbeth and Lord of the Flies

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sheen Macduff first confronts Malcolm in England, what kind of person does Malcolm originally claim to be

A man who loves women, property, and power

After Simon is killed, his body being washed to sea symbolically means that

All goodness had been washed from the island

Who is reflected on the mirror of the last king who appears i. the witches procession


Who is Macbeth plotting to kill in the beginning of Act 3

Banquo and Fleance

who is Macbeth plotting to kill in the beginning of Act 3

Banquo and Fleance


Banquos son

Lady Macbeth

a ruthless woman. More openly ambitious than her husband, she does not shy from murder, and pushes Macbeth towards it

What is a "harbinger"

a sign of future events

What does a littlun think he has seen in the forest

a snake-thing which he calls the beastie

What is a soliloquy

a speech heard by the speaker and the audience

What does Malcolm report Cawdor did at his execution

admitted his crimes and was passive going to death

In responding to the news of his family massacre, Macduff expresses all of the following EXCEPT

an intention of suicide (he DOES: have a desire for revenges, guilty, and grief.)

whom do the witches call upon to assist Macbeth


Jacks mask is

black charcoal rubbed all over his face (Golding's racism like through)

the Beast

boys could not agree on what he looked looked like (terror created out of irrational fear

Ralph's 3 meeting points made

cant use the bathroom wherever they want, they need to start helping them build shelters, they need to keep the fire going and it's on the mountain

what roles are on uou sly missing i this new society in chapter 4

care takers/ babysitter

authority, rules, order, democracy



cut the pigs throat


didn't do much to help out

Name two animal Jack is compared to while he's hunting

dog and ape

T or F: Macbeth has a living son


What causes the hunters, who had promised to keep the fire burning, to neglect it and allow it to go out

They are becoming more savage, and can only think about hunting

Lady Macbeth wanted the banquet guests to think that Macbeth's odd behavior is the result of

a recurring illness

Lady Macbeth wants the banquet guests to think that Macbeth's odd behavior is the result of

a recurring illness


fascinated by the tiny tidal creature


goddess of witches


got extremely drunk during that feast for Duncan

color of Ralph's shirt at the beginning of the chapter


Macbeth's vision at the dinner table is an example of a


Piggy compares seeing Jack to a

having asthma and you can't breathe

why did Percival cry on the beach

he got sand in his eye

why is Jack so excited

he has finally killed the pig

Why is Jack angry and embarrassed

he is blamed for fire being out when a ship passes

what happened to the boy with the mulberry colored birthmark at the end of chapter 2

he is lost in the fire

What excuse does Lady Macbeth give for not killing Duncan herself

he looks like her father

When Malcolm says he is greedy, lusty, evil, jealous, malicious, and deceitful, what is his motive

he's testing Macduff's loyalty

at what event does the ghost of Banquo appear to Macbeth

his coronation banquet

What news does Ross bring Macduff

his family has been brutally murdered


humiliated about being "taken short" at night

what is Jack doing at the start of the chapter

hunting a pig

What causes the hunters, who had promised to keep the fire burning, to neglect it and allow it to go out?

they get distracted by hunting and getting meat

during the meeting Percival started crying. why did the littluns start crying

they wanted to go home or they were afraid of the beast

"Then, amid the roar of bees in the afternoon sunlight, Simon found for then the grout they could not reach, pulled off the choicest from up in the foliage, passed them back down to the endless, outstretched hands." what does this quote tell about simon

this shows that he cares for the littluns and is not selfish

the novel Lord of the Flies illustrates all of the following except

those than use loving or common sense to solve problems will be protected from evil

in ch.5 "beast from water" why does Ralph call a meeting after they remake the fire

to set things straight. purely business

why do Jack and his robe raid a Ralph's cam the first time

to steal fire

what literary device is it when piggy says, "Just like a bunch of kids," to the other characters

verbal irony

What does the littluns with the birthmark want to know at the assembly

what they are going to do about the beastie

Ralphs important meeting derailed by a long conversation about

whether there is a beast on the island

What rule does Ralph establish

you need the shell to talk

Hope for rescue, comfort in the dark; but also capacity for destruction


Banquo has a son named


Who escapes that murders


Who escapes when the murders try to kill him


intelligence, ability to see and understand clearly, mans use of technology to improve life


Why does Jack paint his face

He uses the paint as a mask to blot out his real self and become a savage

What does Duncan announce about Malcolm

He's the Prince of Cumberland

who is the goddess of witchcraft who scolds the other witches


Lady MacDuff

Horrified at her abandonment by her husband, she castigates him in his absence for a lack of wisdom and normal human feeling. cheated on him

Beelzebub, the devil, capacity for evil

Lord of the Flies

Lennox suspects that who has been murdering everyone


Witch 2 says, "By the pricking of my thumb, Something wicked this way comes." Who comes?


why does Macbeth want Banquo and Fleance dead

Macbeth wanted to be safe in his kingship

The royal feast ends abruptly as a result of

Macbeth's emotional state

Which lord chooses to not attend Macbeth's feast


Who discovered Duncan's body


Who else was missing from the banquet tables besides Banquo


Mac diff has fled Scotland to join who


Macduff had fled Scotland to join who


Logic and reason, civilized society


Who gets punched in the belly


concerned they will be on the island until they die


who says "you have doctors for everything g even the inside of your mind..."


responsible and democratic leadership


who claims responsibility when asked who's in charge


who says "rules are the only thing we got"


what is the irony of the fire

Ralph wanted a fire and now there is one meant to kill him, the entire island catches on fire, destroying all potential food sources, the fire which Jack made to kill, saves them (all of the above)

Torture, execution, senselessness, violence



Roger's accomplice

the "everyman" (normal people) followers



Scottish Thane, Macbeth's co-general in the wars

who defends Piggy from Jack for not helping with the fire


who says "maybe there is a beast... maybe it's only us."


who has been building shelters

Simon and Ralph

Ralph says of Simon, "He's queer. He's funny." What kind of a boy is Simon

Simon is a loyal and helpful worker. He likes to be alone to think and feel the beauty of the forest

The apparitions in scene 1 show or tell Macbeth all of the following EXCEPT that he

must kill Macduff (they DO tell him: should consider Macduff an enemy, will not be defeated until a forest marches on his castle, cannot be harmed by one who is "woman born")

Boy with mulberry birthmark

mysteriously missing

the Prince of a Cumberland is

next in line to be king

Macbeth says that the Prince of Cumberland is "a step I must fall down, or else ______"


What does Lady Macbeth do with Duncan's guards

slips then sleeping potions

What does Simon look like

small, skinny, pointy chin, bright eyes, course black hair, dark tan

what does Ralph see on the horizon (ch 3)

smoke from a ship

what two labels do they give to the imaginary monster

snake-thing and beastie

how do the boys start the fire

the boys start it with Piggy's glasses

How does the fire become uncontrollable

the fire quickly spread when sparks from the fire ignite the surrounding jungle

a microcosm of the world; at first like Paradise, but by the end it's more like hell

the island

Duncan, Kind if Scotland

the king of Scotland, an old, gracious, pious and gentle man, who resembles Lady Macbeth's father in his sleep

what is the theme of the Lord of the Flies

the theme of the lord of the flies is that we are all capable of evil and doing bad things but society, consequences, and punishment is what holds us back

Who does Macbeth declare that he will visit once again after the banquet

the witches

why do Ralph and Piggy join in on the dance with Jacks tribe

they are scared in the storm and are caught up in the frenzy

Why does the boys plan for rescue fail

they didn't have a well-thought out plan to control the fire

What do Ralph and Jack embarrassingly realize

they don't know how to start a fire

Golding describes the "beast from the air" as

"something like a great ape.. sitting asleep with its head between its knees"

What are Macbeth's arguments to himself against killing Duncan

Duncan is a good king


Duncan's eldest son. almost captured in the battle that raged at the beginning of the play, he is rescued by the captain


Duncan's second son. after his father's murder, he suggest to Malcolm that they quickly leave

Desire for power, gluttony, savagery


who's says "we're frighten sometimes but we put up with being frightened..... cry-babies and sissies... there's no animal"


how has jacks personality developed during his stay on the island

Jack is degenerating from a civilized boy to a primitive, near animal level

the boys play a game where a robert pretends to be a pig. what is suggested about this game that is rather evil

Jack says they should play with a littlun and kill him

the pig

Jack's quest

Duncan is the

King of Scotland

At the end of act 5, who is dead

Lady Macduff, Lady Macbeth, Banquo, Macbeth, Young Siward

who is the "most disloyal traitor" in a act 1 scene 1

Thane of Cawdor


Thane of Fife, commanded by Dencan to visit him early in the morning at Macbeth's castle, he discovers the body


Thane of Glamis. A superb general, he is a physically powerful man, able in a fight to eviscerate a man with and upward stroke


Thane who brings Duncan news of the Norwegian invasion and and of Cawdors complicity in it. Visits Lady Macduff. Double agent. Third murderer

After Maurice and Roger destroy the littluns' sand castles, Roger stalks the young boy named Henry. When he begins to throw stones, why does Roger just throw near Henry instead of directly at him

The old laws of school, church, and family still hold him back

Why do the murders agree to help Macbeth kill Banquo

They are desperate enough that they will try to act to find good fortune, the world has been cruel to them, Macbeth tells them that they must kill Banquo in order to call themselves men (all of the above)

Jacks is initially supportive of Ralph when he becomes chief


what is a thane

a Scottish lord

What does Lady Macbeth compare Macbeth's face to

a book

which is not a strategy that Ralph and Piggy use to bring organization to the group

implementing the buddy system

Where is Macduff

in England helping Malcolm raise an army.

What does Macbeth a demand the witches give him

information about the future

What does Macbeth demand the witches give him

information about the future


intelligent, but an outcast


kicked over some of the littluns' sand castles

the witches greet Macbeth with 3 titles: Glamis, Cawdor, and

king hereafter

What are the 2 ways that Duncan trusts Macbeth

kinsmen and subject

which character is described as a "numerous small children of the group"


what two groups have the boys divided into

littluns and bigguns

what does Piggy say they should have done before starting a fire

made more shelters

What does Ralph suggest they do to help themselves get rescued

make a fire and signal passing ships

A means of hiding form self, others, and consequences


thing that bowed

pilots corpse

What are the witches doing as the scene opens

preparing a charm and chanting

who let the fire go out in the beginning



saw a ship on the horizon

Childlike innocence, instinctive goodness, spirituality


who helped Ralph the most in building the shelters


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