Malcolm X additional notes, Gettysburg Address Analysis - MLK- Stride toward Freedom; Malcolm X - Necessary to Protect Ourselves, Media literacy; Chavez

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Facts about Gettysburg battle

3 days in July 1863 (July 1st- 3rd) 51,000 deaths / wounded soldiers (23,000 Union and 28,000 Confederate)

King regards violence as impractical because it

A. results in destruction for all

Who wrote the Gettysburg Address

Abraham Lincoln

Line 8 - Stride Towards Freedom- "bear those ills... know not

Allusion to a line in Act 3, Scene 5 of Hamlet (by William Shakespeare

What did Malcolm X think of Martin Luther King?

At first he did not respect him because he believed in non violence but then he states that they both were fighting for the same thing.

King was essential in spurring the passage of two Acts (laws) in our nation? What were they and what was their purpose?

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - legally abolished racial segregation Voting Rights Act of 1965- legally abolished voting discrimination

What analogy does he use

Compared African Americans to the colonist under King George

In the interview, what does Malcolm X compare the fight for racial injustice with? (analogy) Compares Negroes to pilgrims

Compares racial injustice with the American revolution. Says the people who first came here did so because they were tired of the oppression and brutality that was inflicted upon them by their government. Says the black man has the same right to demand fair treatment from his government.

A militant person is

D. aggressively active

What author did Lincoln like

Edgar Allan Poe

e. Explain the effect of Lincoln's use of juxtapositions and antitheses.

Effect is to unify the people

When was Malcolm X assassinated? When was Malcolm X born?

February 21, 1965; Malcolm X was born on May 19, 1925.

in Necessary to Protect Ourselves- lines 47-50p what historical even is Malcolm X alluding to? What point does he make by invoking this event

Freedom Summer- Voter registration movement -- where 3 people were kidnapped and murdered by the KKK to stop the voter rights movement

What was the main idea of the Emancipation Proclomation

Giving slaves in states that have seceded from their nation their freedom

How did Lincoln feel about slavery?

He opposed slaver as "injustice and bad policy" he was not an abolitionist he preferred to free slaves gradually

What did Malcolm X oppose?

He opposed the mainstream civil rights movement and the idea of nonviolence.

What were some of Lincon's strengths

He was a master orator (speech giver) and an expert lawyer He was openly aware that the form of a piece of writing affects what the writer can say to his or her audience

How was King killed? What did he help achieve in the 12 years between the boycott and his death?

He was assassinated in Memphis in 1968 where he had gone to support a sanitation workers strike. In the 12 years between the boycott and his death he had helped achieve the greatest advance in racial justice since the abolition of slavery

Malcolm X's separatist views challenged what other public figure? What specifically was challenged?

His views challenged Martin Luther King Jr. integrationist vision

What Malcolm X feels is necessary for Negroes to do to protect themselves and his belief about fighting back against racists

If a Negro is attacked by a white group, the Negro should use arms (force) by any means necessary to defend and protect himself.

Why was Malcolm X assassinated?

Leaders of the Nation of Islam considered him a traitor.

f. Note the rhetorical shift Lincoln indicates with "But..." in paragraph 3. Explain its purpose and effect.

Lincoln is pointing to the greater struggle and that the importance of that day and the nations fight for freedom is forever

How he felt about people

Loved all people, black and white, but did NOT love white racists

What are the main differences between MLK Jr and Malcolm X?

MLK believed in nonviolent, peaceful protests; Malcolm X believed in gaining rights through fighting back - and standing up even if that meant violence. Malcolm X also saw issues in America as a racial inequaity issue that the government would not fix.. wanted to unify blacks across the globe- MLK Jr saw it as a justice vs injustice issue and a need to fight for justice equality for all people

Malcolm X not only spoke for African-Americans but he also for all races

Malcolm X wanted to make america equal and not just equality for African Americans

King had "one shining moment" in 1963. What was it, and what happened? When did King emerge as a "civil rights leader to be reckoned with?" What was the cause of this emergence? during that moment?

March on Washington - 1963 - delivered his "I have a Dream Speech" on the step of the Lincoln Memorial - considered one of the greatest speeches in US History

The tone of this writing (Malcolm X)

More conversational and spontaneous.. Less formal than mlk

Does Malcolm X believe that Negroes should break the law to get respect?

No, but he thinks that his people "will never be respected as human beings until they react as other normal, intelligent human beings do."

From "Necessary to Protect Ourselves"

Says he respects government and law, but wonders "does the government and the law respect us?"

What form was the Gettysburg Address


Facts about Gettysburg Address

Speech delivered on November 19, 1863 Total of 268 words Only 10 sentences Words not used: Gettysburg, slavery, confederate, south, battle, cemetery, Union

What event did Lincoln make a national holiday


h. In such a short speech (268 words), the final sentence is notable for its length (82 words) and complexity. Explain the effect of concluding the speech with such a sentence

The final sentence appeals to peoples patriotism and turn that into action by uniting the American people

beliefs or premises does King embrace

The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.

What does the main agreement between King and Malcolm X in the two passages concern?

The problem that needs to be addressed

Many commentators criticized MLK Jr for radical and provocative tactics. In what way might perceptions of King's philosophy have changed after Malcolm X gained public prominence?

When Malcolm X gained prominence and known for violent tactics as a means to racial rights- MLK Jr was cast in a light of more peaceful in his methods through mobilizing protests but not retaliating with violence

Think about the role of leaders like King in the history of social justice. Are charismatic leaders an essential element of social change? Why?

Yes. To get people to support you and your cause you need them to like you and identify with you


a change or movement in a piece of literature resulting from a realization or insight gained by the speaker, a character, or the reader

extended metaphor

a comparison of two things that is developed at length and involves several points of comparison


a reference within a work to historical, literary, or cultural details from outside the work

rhetorical device

a technique that an author or speaker uses to convey to the listener or reader a meaning with the goal of persuading him or her towards considering a topic from a different perspective

What are the three characteristic ways oppressed people deal with their oppression according to MLK Jr

acquiescense- resign themselves to their doom resort to physical violence and corroding hatred nonviolent resistance

connotative language

an association that comes along with a particular word (i.e gold connotates wealth and luxury)

How does the history of racial injustice in the United States affect Americans' varied understandings of national symbols and what they mean?

because of racial injustice throughout history- national symbols represent the same thing to everyone but may fall short it reaching those ideals because of racial injustice. National symbols are supposed to represent freedom, justice and equality for all. Racial injustice unfortunately highlights that the symbols and what they mean - the ideals of this country has not been extended to everyone.

a. What does Lincoln refer to in his opening sentence? Explain the effect of this reference.

beginning of the nation being founded not long ago and references the Declaration of Independence. The effect is to remind the audience of their history, and the founding laws that were set to make our country the best it could be.

What did Lincoln suffer from

bouts of depression

.King mobilized African Americans to boycott. What was this boycott? How long did it last? What was the end result?

boycotted city buses- Montgomery, Alabama lasted 381 days End result was the Supreme Court struck down Montgomery, Alabama's city bus segregation laws

. Look on page 1219 at the section, "Reading Skill: Synthesizing Sources." What does it mean to synthesize?

bring together the main ideas and supporting details from each work find the main idea in each work look for details to support the main ideas compare and contrast the information in the sources to find similarities and differences put it all together by recording your findings

Read the elements of an argument to remind yourself of our previous discussions over argument and deductive reasoning. What is deductive reasoning?

deductive reasoning- when a writer arrives at a conclusion by applying a general principal to a specific situation King uses deductive reasoning to respond to public criticism defending his activism

What did he discover in the prison library?

discovered the teachings of a small religious sect called the Nation of Islam (or the Black Muslims)

What three words are used to describe MLK at the beginning of the "Meet the Author" section?

eloquent orator, shrewd tactician, visionary leader


emphasizes equal value of two or more ideas by using the same grammatical structure

Stride Towards Freedom- what is the best way to confront racism? How does he support this view?

enlist all men of god will - not a racial problem - blacks vs whites- it is a tension between justice and injustice aimed against oppression- not oppressors. Movement for equality and justice to be successful must have nonviolent mass movement but militant to overcome the barriers and achieve community

To succumb is to

give in

How does Malcom X justify his criticism of other civil rights leaders

he thinks that nobody should be above criticism and that they should all be critics of each other or you can never grow.

what are some fun facts about Lincoln

he was a talented mimic and enjoyed practical jokes

. How was Malcom X killed, and by who? Why did this happen (you will have to infer)?

he was gunned down by 3 assassins- two of whom were Black Muslims This happened likely because his leaving the Nation of Islam angered many Black Muslims who labeled him a traitor

What happened to his father?

he was murdered by white supremacists

Where did Malcolm X go in 1946?

he was sent to prison

what was focus of Gettysburg Address

healing divisions working toward ideals set forth in Declaration of Independence

What was Lincolns childhood like

his parents were illiterate (could not read) he rarely went to school mostly taught himself

Why might some abolotionists and African Americans have felt betrayed by the procolomation

it wasn't a law, but more of a suggestion

According to King, oppressed people must

keep the oppressor's conscience awake

What is the difference between Malcom X and MLK?

king believed that violence should be avoided. Malcom X believed violence could be used in self defense

logical fallacy- line 16-22

line 16-22 MLK Jr urges African Americans to stop being passive but uses an oversimplification when he says that to passively accept the current system is to become as "evil as the oppressor"

What characteristics help you understand - Stride Towards Freedom is an Autobiography

lines 58-63 - he talks about non-violent actions as the way to fix race relations to be treated equally. Passion and unrelenting- but no malice, hate or destruction (I have a dream) - montogmery bus boycott)

According to MLK Jr, what three qualities must a movement have in order to achieve the goal of integration

militant, non-violent mass movement

. Malcom X became the Nation of Islam's first ________________________.

national minister

g. Note, especially, the word "perish" in the final sentence of the speech. How does its connotation differ from, for example, "die," "pass away," or "fade"? Refer to a dictionary, if needed.

perish in this sentence meaning that the government of the people, by the people for the people will stay as our guiding principles as a nation. That it is strong enough to survive conflict

What did Malcom X believe that criticism should lead toward?

personal growth

What was Malcolm X's childhood scarred by?

poverty and racial violence

According to Lincoln, for what cause or idea was the Battle of Gettysburg fought?

preserve the Union, freedom, and democracy

Malcom X broke with the Nation of Islam and founded the Organization of Afro-American Unity, which focused on _____________________________________.

promoting unity among black people all over the world

The detail that helps you discern the historical context of King's essay is his

reference to Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt reference to Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt

To repudiate something is to

reject it


repetition of initial consonant sounds that is pleasing to the ear; makes particular ideas stand out

What kind of support does King provide for his statement that violent resistance is unprofitable

seeks to annihilate rather than convert destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible creates new and more complicated problems eye for an eye leaves everyone blind leads to destruction for all thrives on hatred rather than love never brings permanent peace

What was the tone of the Gettysburg Address

serious and educated, and showed the importance of the fight for freedom

What happened to his mother?

she suffered a mental breakdown

What is the tone of the Gettysburg address

solemn yet hopeful - formal

Unlike MLK what does Malcom X believe about self defense

that it was imperative to protect individuals and communities, especially when the police wouldn't

When asked about MLK and other civil rights leader, what did Malcom X suggest?

that they should work together

WWhat effects of the Emancipation Proclomation are apparent in the Gettysburg Address

the idea of freedom

denotative language

the literal meaning of words

Lines 1-10 - Stride towards Freedom- what does this paragraph tell you about the main idea

the main idea that oppressed people often resign themselves to their condition and fear change. Prefer the known to the unknown


the use of two strongly contrasting ideas (opposites); calls attention to important ideas through contrast

What beliefs if any do MLK Jr and Malcom X have in common?

they both believed in mobilizing and mass protests

d. Considering the importance of this speech, note how ironic it is that Lincoln said "The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here..." (par. 3). Why do you think this speech endured?

this speech endured because it hopeful that the fight for freedom is not a one time even on the battlefield. The fight for freedom and our values is constant IT is our task as a living

For what occasion did Lincoln deliver the Gettysburg Address?

to consecrate the battlefield - dedication of the Soldiers National Cemetery at Gettysburg

Why did Malcolm Little change his name to Malcom X

to symbolize his lost African name did not want to hold onto his slave name


using the same words or phrases over and over; ties the major theme together and creates clarity for the reader (clarity= makes the ideas more clear and understandable)

b. Indicate examples of repeated diction. Explain the effect and probable purpose of these repetitions.

we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow ( we cannot- repetition) government of the people, by the people, for the people (people) Those that gave their lives so that the nation might live (live) Remember what we say here, ... forget what they did here (here) Words repeated often - We (10) here (8) dedicated (6) nation (5) effect and purpose was to emphasize the points he wanted to make so the audience would focus on that we creates a bond with the audience. Here- casts Gettysburg as the springboard to move forward dedicate - powerful and nation gives higher purpose

What did the group (your answer from #6) say about white people, and what did they promote? What was their solution to the race problem

white people were "a race of devils" promoted a vision of black pride solution to the race problem was the establishment of a separate, self-reliant black nation


writer's attitude toward his or her subject matter revealed through diction, figurative language, and organization of the sentence and global levels

How do writers choose allusions? Did King use this thought process?

writers choose allusions that are familiar to their target audience King used allusions familiar to his audience. They helped connect current events with respected historical and religious figures Example- writing to fellow clergymen- references the bible and religious scholars to make his points: I would agree with St. Augustine that "an unjust law is no law at all"

.As part of King's effort to make equality a reality he wrote, gave speeches, and traveled. How many books did King write? How many speeches did King give? How far did he travel for his cause?

wrote 5 books gave about 2500 speeches traveled over 6 million miles

Can protests involving national symbols be construed as acts of patriotism?

yes- example is the American Flag. The American Flag and the National Anthem represent patriotism to the majority of the people in the US

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