MAN Final Exam

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Weaknesses of Maslow's Theory

-all levels of need are not always present -ordering or importance of needs is not always the same -cultural differences can impact the ordering and salience of needs

impression management

A direct and intentional effort by someone to enhance his or her image in the eyes of others

path-goal theory

A theory of leadership suggesting that the primary functions of a leader are to make valued or desired rewards available in the workplace and to clarify for the subordinate the kinds of behavior that will lead to those rewards

LPC theory

A theory of leadership that suggests that the appropriate style of leadership varies with situational favorableness

management by wandering around

An approach to communication that involves the manager's literally wandering around and having spontaneous conversations with others


An index of how much an individual values a particular outcome; the attractiveness of the outcome to the individual


An informal communication network among people in an organization

charismatic leadership

Assumes that charisma is an individual characteristic of the leader

horizontal communication

Communication that flows laterally within the organization; involves colleagues and peers at the same level of the organization and may involve individuals from several different organizational units

vertical communication

Communication that flows up and down the organization, usually along formal reporting lines; takes place between managers and their superiors and subordinates and may involve several different levels of the organization

informal or interest group

Created by its members for purposes that may or may not be relevant to those of the organization

Gainsharing programs

Designed to share the cost savings from productivity improvements with employees

Which of the following enables workers to set their own work goals, make decisions, and solve problems within their sphere of responsibility and authority? a.Equity b.Reinforcement c.Behavior modification d.Empowerment


oral communication

Face-to-face conversation, group discussions, telephone calls, and other circumstances in which the spoken word is used to transmit meaning

written communication

Memos, letters, reports, notes, and other circumstances in which the written word is used to transmit meaning

Two Factor Theory assumes...

Motivational factors (work content) range from satisfaction to no satisfaction. Hygiene factors (work environment) range from dissatisfaction to no dissatisfaction.

Individual Human Needs (McClelland)

Need for Achievement The desire to accomplish a goal or task more effectively than in the past. Need for Affiliation The desire for human companionship and acceptance. Need for Power The desire to be influential in a group and to be in control of one's environment.

Vroom's decision tree approach

Predicts what kinds of situations call for different degrees of group participation

fixed-ratio schedule

Provides reinforcement after a fixed number of behaviors regardless of the time interval involved, such as a bonus for every fifth sale

variable-ratio schedule

Provides reinforcement after varying numbers of behaviors are performed, such as the use of complements by a supervisor on an irregular basis

piece-rate incentive plan

Reward system wherein the organization pays an employee a certain amount of money for every unit he or she produces

Scanlon Plan

Similar to gainsharing, but the distribution of gains is tilted much more heavily toward employees

Leader-member exchange (LMX) model

Stresses that leaders have different kinds of relationships with different subordinates

Two Factor Theory (Herzberg)

Suggests that people's satisfaction and dissatisfaction are influenced by: motivation factors and hygiene factors.


The ability to affect the behavior of others

strategic leadership

The ability to understand the complexities of both the organization and its environment and to lead change in the organization in order to achieve and maintain a superior alignment between the organization and its environment

effort-to-performance expectancy

The individual's perception of the probability that effort will lead to high performance


Used to strengthen behavior by avoiding unpleasant consequences that would result if the behavior were not performed


Used to weaken undesired behaviors by simply ignoring not reinforcing them

Compressed work schedule

Working a full 40-hour week in fewer than the traditional five days

nine-eighty schedule

Working one full week (five days) and one compressed week (four days), yielding one off-work day every other week.

substitutes for leadership

a concept that identifies situations in which leader behavior is neutralized or replaced by characteristics of subordinates, the task, and the organization


allowing employees to spend part of their time working offsite, usually at home

job sharing

an arrangement whereby two part-time employees share one full-time job

nonverbal communication

any communications exchange that does not use words or uses words to carry more meaning than the strict definition of the words themselves

What is the basis of effective communication? a.Transmitting a message from sender to receiver b.Consistency of meaning c.Support of basic management functions d.The interpretation of meaning

b.Consistency of meaning

Which of the following best describes flextime? a.Employees work jobs in different departments. b.Employees select the hours they work. c.Two part-time employees share one full-time job. d.Employees can spend part of their time working offsite.

b.Employees select the hours they work.

Which of the following is the set of forces that cause people to behave in certain ways? a.Ability b.Motivation c.Esteem d.Self-actualization


20As part of his group, Montazar tends to focus on getting the work done. What is his role within the group? a.Informal leader b.Task specialist c.Socioemotional d.Intrarole conflict resolution

b.Task specialist

Montazar learned some interesting news about Dezmon, a colleague in another department. Montazar shared the information with his work team at their morning break, and with other work friends at lunch. Some of these people shared the information with others, while some did not. This is an example of which type of grapevine? a.Vertical chain b.Horizontal chain c.Gossip chain d.Cluster chain

c.Gossip chain

Merit Pay plan

compensation plan that formally bases at least some meaningful portion of compensation on merit


consists of two or more individuals who interact regularly to accomplish a common purpose or goal

Apoorva has sent her team a message on the new customer specifications. When her staff reads and interprets her message, which part of the communication process is occurring? a.Encoding b.Transmission c.Noise d.Decoding


Stacy has been involved with the group since it was formed. Although she is not the group leader, she is the most knowledgeable member of the team. A high level of competitiveness exists among the team members, and Stacy is the one who most team members go to for social or emotional support. When the group leader is unavailable, group members often go to Stacy for questions and advice. What is Stacy's role in this group? a.Negotiator b.Task specialist c.Socioemotional d.Informal leadership

d.Informal leadership

Which of the following is a factor that increases cohesiveness? a.Intragroup competition b.Large group size c.Domination d.Interaction


stock option plan

established to give senior managers the option to buy company stock in the future at a predetermined fixed price

transformational leadeship

leadership that goes beyond ordinary expectations by transmitting a sense of mission, stimulating learning experiences, and inspiring new ways of thinking.

Merit Pay

pay awarded to employees on the basis of the relative value of their contributions to the organization


people who can influence the behaviors of others without having to rely on force; those accepted by others as leaders

Legitimate power

power granted through the organizational hierarchy; the power defined by the organization to be accorded to people occupying particular positions

fixed-interval schedule

provides reinforcement at fixed intervals of time, such as regular weekly paychecks

variable-interval schedule

provides reinforcement at varying intervals of time, such as occasional visits by the supervisor

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

self actualization, esteem needs, belongingness and love needs, safety needs, physiological needs

Expectancy Theory

suggests that motivation depends on two things- how much we want something and how likely we think we are to get it. Assumes behavior determined by personal and environmental forces; people make decisions about their own behavior; different people have different types of needs, desires, and goals; people choose among alternatives of behaviors in selecting one that that leads to a desired outcome

Hygiene Factors

supervisors, working conditions, interpersonal relations, pay and security, company policies and administration

Flexible work schedule

that allow employees to select, within broad parameters, the hours they work

political behavior

the activities carried out for the specific purpose of acquiring, developing, and using power and other resources to obtain one's preferred outcomes

job-centered leader behavior

the behavior of leaders who pay close attention to the job and work procedures involved with that job

LPC measure

the measuring scale that asks leaders to describe the person with whom he or she is able to work least well

referent power

the personal power that accrues to someone based on identification, imitation, loyalty, or charisma

Coercive power

the power to force compliance by means of psychological, emotional, or physical threat


the process of giving employees a voice in making decisions about their own work


the process of transmitting information from one person or place to another

performance-to-outcome expectancy

The individual's perception that performance will lead to a specific outcome

funcitonal groups

a permanent group created by the organization to accomplish a number of organizational purposes within an unspecified time horizon

Julius is looking at various motivational tools for his department. Before he decides on one, he decides to try and determine which factor or factors really motivate people. Which view of motivation is Julius using? a.Content perspective b.Human resource approach c.ERG theory d.Two-factor

a.Content perspective

Which of the following is a method of controlling conflict? a.Expanding the resource base b.Increasing competition among teams c.Changing established procedures d.Convincing conflicting parties to compromise

a.Expanding the resource base

Lionel has had difficulty establishing credibility in his investigative role at Crane Cyber Security. His background is in finance, so the engineers at the firm do not perceive him to have enough knowledge about the technological systems needed to investigate malware protection issues. Which type of barrier to communication is Lionel's lack of credibility? a.Individual b.Semantic c.Perception d.Organizational


Which stage of team development involves each person recognizing and accepting his or her role and the team beginning to develop a sense of unity? a.Norming b.Storming c.Performing d.Forming


A number of employees at Sweetie Pies bakery have been coming in to work late, which disrupts scheduling and overall productivity. The managers introduced a reward schedule based upon punctuality, providing rewards for individuals and to the staff each month without tardiness. What technique is Sweetie Pies bakery using? a.Organizational behavior modification b.Two-factor theory c.Extinction d.Equity theory

a.Organizational behavior modification

For which reason might employees engage in political behaviors? a.To protect themselves from others b.To diminish the power of others c.To advance the goals of others d.To influence salary and hiring decisions

a.To protect themselves from others

Eli is spearheading an important project for his firm. He was waiting on an email with critical information from a co-worker, but he never received it. The firm's intranet went down, and there has been no email transmission today. Eli is experiencing the organizational communication barrier of _____. a.noise b.predispositions c.overload d.reluctance


Motivation Factors

achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility, advancement, growth

Process Perspectives

approaches to motivation that focus on why people choose certain behavioral options to satisfy their needs and how they evaluate their satisfaction after they have attained those goals

Andrew has been working a lot of hours at work in order to be caught up before leaving for vacation. Just before leaving for vacation, his boss texted him and asked him to review a report once more before sending it to a client. Andrew reviewed the report while on the airplane, but his spouse was annoyed. Which type of conflict is Andrew experiencing? a.Intrasender b.Interrole c.Intrarole d.Person-role


Which of the following is a function of management, but not leadership? a.Establishing direction b.Planning and budgeting c.Aligning people d.Motivating and inspiring

b.Planning and budgeting

As a manager, Dajhia has created a culture in which her employees participate in making decisions about their work, and she gives them an opportunity to learn new things. Which type of need is Dajhia hoping to help her employees fulfill? a.Belongingness b.Self-actualization c.Esteem d.Security


Which type of communication network can permeate an entire organization and follow a variety of communication patterns? a.Horizontal b.Wheel c.Grapevine d.Chain


Ugar, Kaia, and Atmir meet once a week to identify ways to improve sustainability practices at their company. Their team was created by the organization to accomplish a relatively narrow purpose within a specific time horizon. Which type of group are Ugar, Kaia, and Atmir a part of? a.Informal b.Interest c.Functional d.Task


communication network

The pattern through which the members of a group communicate


The process of enabling workers to set their own work goals, make decisions, and solve problems within their sphere of responsibility and authority

effective communication

The process of sending a message in such a way that the message received is as close in meaning as possible to the message intended

Jolanta and several other colleagues have just been placed in a group to resolve quality issues on the plant floor. No one really knows each other, and Jolanta is trying to determine what is acceptable by reading cues from others. Which state of team development are Jolanta and her colleagues in? a.Forming b.Performing c.Norming d.Storming


Raul is preparing performance reviews and salary increase suggestions for his staff, which he will then submit to his manager for approval. When determining praise and recognition, which type of power will Raul need to use? a.Reward b.Coercive c.Referent d.Expert


Why have traditional approaches to leadership theories generally failed? a.They assume relationships are unpredictable. b.Social systems and individuals are complex. c.They are based on a dependable prescription for leadership. d.Only task-oriented jobs are considered.

b.Social systems and individuals are complex.

To have the best chance of encouraging employees to work harder or better, rewards need to be tied specifically to _____. a.motivation b.performance c.ability d.experience


BelTech and SouthernCell are considering a merger. Before they even entered into negotiations, both companies had teams of professionals analyze every alternative and outcome with probabilities and numerical outcomes reflecting the preferences of negotiating parties for each outcome. Which negotiating approach are they using? a.Individual differences b.Situational characteristics c.Game theory d.Cognitive approaches

c.Game theory

Eli has found that organizational rewards do not inspire him, and he would rather do freelance work because of the independence it offers him. For Eli, what does independence act as? a.Leadership substitute b.Charisma c.Leadership neutralizer d.Organizational characteristics

c.Leadership neutralizer

Why are piece-rate incentive plans prone to fail? a.Workers prefer commission-based plans b.They are considered to be one-time rewards c.Performance is not always under the worker's control d.Lack of objective measurements of performance

c.Performance is not always under the worker's control

Which of the following can make an informal leader a desirable asset in a group? a.Ability to counter goals and norms of the organization b.The appointment to the role by the organization c.Referent or expert power d.Ability to carry out either the task role or the socioemotional role, but not both

c.Referent or expert power

Paramita does all her work from her home office, and she submits everything electronically. Which of the following describes Paramita's work activities? a.Encoding b.Effective communication c.Telecommuting d.Teleconferencing


Kelsey thinks all sales presentations should use a standard format to promote consistency across brands and build the corporate image. Julio strongly disagrees. He feels creativity and customization are necessary to make each brand stand out in the marketplace. Which of the following is true of the conflict between Kelsey and Julio? a.The source of their conflict is a personality clash. b.They are experiencing an intergroup conflict. c.This interpersonal conflict is based upon different beliefs about work. d.This conflict has arisen between the organization and its environment.

c.This interpersonal conflict is based upon different beliefs about work.

Jordan Automotive is required to use a highly integrated system that links MRP, production, inventory, and sales is warranted with its client. The costs of such a system are high, and the conversion process is extensive. Because it involves dramatic changes to job and process designs, management anticipates resistance throughout the company. Facing the decision for a major computer upgrade, which situational leadership model is best suited to prescribe appropriate leadership behavior at Jordan Automotive? a.The LPC theory b.The path-goal theory c.Vroom's decision tree approach d.The LMX approach

c.Vroom's decision tree approach

When would oral communication be the most effective form of communication? a.When a permanent record is needed b.When the message is routine c.When media richness is most important d.When the message is personal

c.When media richness is most important

When are individual incentive pay plans most effective? a.When sophisticated methodologies are required b.When performance can be subjectively assessed c.When rewards occur on a real-time basis d.When quality is more important than quantity

c.When rewards occur on a real-time basis

The emerging pressures for stronger corporate governance models are likely to mean that leaders will _____. expected to have cross-cultural experience b.need to have charisma held more accountable for the consequences of their actions d.have to consider environmental trends and issues held more accountable for the consequences of their actions

The Porter-Lawler extension of expectancy theory states that _____. a.high motivation leads to high performance b.high satisfaction leads to high performance c.high performance leads to high satisfaction d.high performance leads to high motivation

c.high performance leads to high satisfaction

Duane is the department head of the production unit at Lelov Technology. He is considered a great leader. Duane is particularly noted for his ability to execute plans by energizing people to overcome problems. He does this by fulfilling the basic needs of his employees, such as respect and the need for fulfillment. Which of the following leadership functions describes Duane's actions? a.Planning budgets b.Aligning people c.Staffing d.Inspiring


Darian's team works well together and received a lot of good feedback on its last project. The group supports and trusts one another, and the team members are effective in achieving their goals. This group has a high level of _____. a.socialization b.domination c.intrarole conflict d.cohesiveness


Julius and his coworkers have been anxious for the past week. Senior managers at their firm have been holding many meetings behind closed doors. The content of the meetings has not been revealed to the employees, but the mood is grim. Yesterday, as the top management team left the conference room, Julius's manager glanced his way. Even though he gave Julius a friendly nod, Julius's concerns rose. The managers' looks of defeat and exhaustion have only elevated the anxiety being experienced by Julius and his coworkers. Julius's anxiety is being fueled by _____ communication. a.interpersonal b.horizontal c.chain d.informal


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